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Get to know trans people, the real trans living day to day, what they believe, and how they feel. You will find that most older trans people believe what is happening to kids, and transgender ideology is hurtful. The media leaders you currently see do not represent most trans people.

Reality Is Not Bigotry

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Trans Woman

Miranda Yardley - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic.

Miranda Yardley (born 1967) is a British accountant, publisher, and activist. Yardley is a prominent transgender voice in the “gender critical” movement and an “autogynephilia” activist.

Yardley earned a degree in accounting from Bangor University in 1990. Yardley started an accounting firm in 2000 and took over publishing music magazine Terrorizer in 2002 under the auspices of Dark Arts, Ltd. Yardley later added the titles Dominion and Sick Sounds.

In 2008, Yardley made a gender transition. In 2014, Yardley became heavily involved in online fights about transgender politics, specifically rejecting the idea that trans women are women.

In 2018, Yardley was suspended from Twitter for saying Green Party spokesperson

Aimee Challenor is a man. In April 2018 cisgender woman Helen Islan brought a “transgender hate crime” complaint against Yardley that led to police involvement and a drawn out investigation. The case was dropped in Yardley’s favor in March 2019.

Since that time, Yardley has been embraced by gender critical people, appearing on their platforms and writing about trans community controversies.





TReVoices Contributions:

What Makes A Transgender Child? Cliches, it seems…Brave Trans Steps Up To Protect Kids!

Miranda Yardley

Scott Newgent

Follow Scott @NotScottNewgent

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