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Writer's pictureTransman Harley

SHOCKING: Another Trans, Medically Transitioned Over 23 Years Reveals The Dangers of Medical Transition & Why it's NOT for kids! - MUST READ!

Updated: May 21

Intro by -Transman Regretter Scott Newgent

Emerging from the shadows with a fierce determination, risking everything to save innocent children:

After living in secrecy for 23 years, with nothing to gain but everything to lose, another courageous trans individual steps forward and boldly declares: "No! The medical transition of a child is not acceptable and I will not stand for it. Here are the reasons why."

I came across a tweet last night from a transwoman speaking out against childhood medical transition. It reminded me of a familiar pattern that I've witnessed for over five years now. The person was immediately attacked by everyone: Trans community members labeled them as a traitor and accused them of losing sight of their identity, while the gay community called them a homophobic asshole. An evangelical individual chimed in with judgments, saying they were a hypocrite for discussing trans kids while being a trans adult and wishing for them to burn in hell. Even liberals denounced the person for going against their own community and joining the extreme ideology of the far right.

It's not surprising to encounter many trans adults who have regrets or would never go through transition again, but simply can't handle the constant attacks and discrimination. However, it's these personal stories that have the power to change perspectives and inspire empathy. If we shut them out at the first sign of struggle, their voices will be lost.


Several days ago a pro football player stands on the stage, his voice booms with fervent conviction as he delivers a commencement speech. He proudly proclaims his devout evangelical beliefs and credits his wife's happiness to her role as mother, wife, and caregiver for their family. In the same breath, he condemns the LGBTQ+ community, declaring their existence to be a sin that will lead them straight to hell. His words drip with venom and intolerance, causing tension and discomfort in the audience, but praised by the Christian community.


Link To Speech


To stop the medical transition of children, we need individuals who can educate those in society who are misinformed, people who have the power to change hearts and minds. This task is by far the most challenging, as it requires precise wording and a strong emotional connection to truly awaken people's minds. Sadly, what I often witness are individuals who only preach to the choir, failing to reach a wider audience. We must utilize our talents and not become repetitive robots preaching to the same people. A group of Christians who appose childhood medical transition attend a speech from another Christian who agrees with them and cements they are all right accomplishing nothing.


I often criticize evangelicals because they have the power and resources to bring about change quickly, yet they are choosing leaders who only stir up their followers. This has resulted in 22 state bills being either blocked or met with sanctuaries to continue to medical transition children. In summary, these states are not enforcing laws against transgender kids transitioning, and every month, the number of children at the William Institute who believe they are transgender continues to rise.

The people that need to be educated are often found among the liberals or left-leaning groups within our communities. I urge you to click on the link above and read a portion of the commencement speech, as well as a transman's personal account below explaining why they believe medical transition is not suitable for children.

After reading, ask yourself this question:
If you had to choose between these two people to educate society about gender ideology, to change hearts and minds an the key is to CHANGE hearts and minds. Who would be the most successful?

As I recuperate from yet another infection, I try to control my emotions. But let's be honest, we are losing the battle against childhood medical transition. I know many may disagree with me, especially on social media platforms like Twitter, but the truth is that we are not reaching those who need education the most.

Despite all the money and resources being thrown towards Christian, feminists, activists, there seems to be a lack of progress in changing hearts and minds. In fact, it feels like we are moving backwards. It's frustrating because I can't seem to wake people up to the reality of the situation. We have an evangelical governor who has received over three million dollars in bribes from a queer gender clinic, yet publicly proclaims himself as a warrior against medical transitioning, labeling it as abuse. The sheer audacity and cruelty of such thinking is allowed to persist, and many fail to grasp the gravity of this horridness.

The fight may feel like it's being won, but in truth, we are losing. Behind closed doors, big pharmaceuticals continue to rake in unimaginable amounts of money while 257 bills have flown through state houses this year alone, undoing the hard-won protections for stopping childhood medical transition. And they don't stop there; they are already three steps ahead, devising new ways to keep harming these innocent kids legal. So I ask you, do you truly want to eradicate the twisted influence of the LGBTQ from our schools? Do you want to put an end to the cruel practice of childhood medical transition? Then, we must do differnt, adult better and promote people with the talent top change hearts and minds. Stop blindly following leaders who do more harm than good, and raise your voice together, reach your hand out further. Because right now, we are losing the battle against those who profit off of hurting our children.

In this current state of chaos and turmoil, it is evident that we are in desperate need of new leaders. It seems that the only noteworthy accomplishments being made are those who are becoming rich and famous, while innocent children continue to be senselessly butchered at alarming rates each day. Furthermore, we are witnessing a steady increase in the number of LGBTQ+ lessons being taught in schools across the US. Every day, these numbers tick higher and higher, until it becomes impossible to ignore the gravity of the situation. Perhaps it's time for us to take a step back and re-evaluate our approach before it's too late.

We can only succeed if we work together. Please take a moment to consider this important message.


This is Harley's Medical Transition Story


In 1986, I lived as a masculine lesbian who enjoyed driving trucks and motorcycles. One day at work, I met a transgender woman who suggested I consider sex reassignment surgery. It was a daunting thought, and I didn't know where to begin. A decade earlier, my co-worker had responded to an advertisement in the newspaper seeking volunteers for experimental sex reassignment surgery at Stanford University Medical Center. She met a transgender man who also applied, and they both underwent the procedure together. However, the transman faced numerous complications from phalloplasty surgery and ended up spending several months in the hospital due to infections and additional surgeries.


Help Scott Publish Ground Breaking Memoir

In the year 1987, I attended a gathering for gay women in Alcoholics Anonymous where I listened to another transgender man share his story. He had made the difficult decision to stop taking testosterone after a few years because of his son's illness; he wanted to be there for his child as a mother. Meanwhile, although I had been sober for seven years, I felt like my life was at a standstill. That's when it hit me - medical transition was my ticket out. I could no longer imagine living as a lesbian.


Back then, everything was spread by word of mouth; there was no internet or cell phones to access information. However, I managed to find someone who knew how to help me with my gender transition. For $150 per session, I began seeing a local psychiatrist for hormone therapy and surgery recommendations. On just my second visit, he wrote me a letter to begin hormone replacement therapy and undergo gender confirmation surgery as soon as possible. And so, in January of 1988, at the age of 32, I started injecting testosterone into my system. By April of that same year, I had undergone a double mastectomy - and let me tell you, it was such a relief to finally have them gone! But once the surgery was over and done with, I never went back to see that psychiatrist again.


At that time in history, insurance didn't cover any expenses related to hormone therapy or gender confirmation surgeries; those costs were expected to be paid upfront with cash. So, in order to afford all the treatments, hospital stays, surgeons' fees, and anesthesiologists' services, I worked long hours and pushed myself beyond my limits. The surgeon who performed my surgery only offered metoidioplasty procedures at that time but it seemed like my best option. Information about transgender issues and transitions was scarce without access to the internet or even cell phones - but the institution where I underwent surgery had a reputation for successfully performing sex reassignment procedures. There, I met another transgender man who had undergone gender confirmation surgery; while he was not completely satisfied with the results, he eventually learned to live with it after multiple revisions. But I didn't think the same would happen to me because I trusted that my surgeons were highly skilled and knowledgeable about these procedures. Unfortunately, I was naive to believe that my operation would turn out better than his.


I underwent metoidioplasty surgery between 1990 and 1991, but there were complications that required further treatment. The surgeon demanded payment before offering any additional help - but by then, I had run out of money and was physically and emotionally exhausted from working long hours and undergoing multiple surgeries. All I wanted at that point was to move on with my life. So, despite the complications, I chose to ignore them and focus instead on my job as a long-haul truck driver, putting in countless miles on the road.

After nine long years, in 2001, I finally received the necessary medical treatment for a fistula and the related complications from scar tissue. Scar tissue can gradually cause major issues over time and can continue to reoccur. As the years went by, I started experiencing difficulty with urination and other bodily systems began to fail me. It was a rollercoaster of panic attacks and high blood pressure, with no control over when they would strike or where. Despite seeking help from doctors who ran numerous tests and prescribed various medications, my condition persisted. It wasn't until 2012 that I learned about strictures in my urethra, which required surgery to fix five blockages and potential bladder damage. After the procedure, it was revealed that back in 1990, the surgeons had used improper materials to create a new pathway for my urethra, resulting in hairs growing inside it. The surgeon apologized and informed me that it would never work properly. However, by 2014, the pain became unbearable and I made the difficult decision to have the original urethra reopened so that I could urinate without pain.

Fixing my plumbing issues did not solve all of my problems. I still had to deal with bouts of anxiety, irregular heart rate, palpitations, and frequent and urgent urination. At night, I would suffer from hot flashes and excessive sweating. I went through multiple doctors and tried different medications, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, a health practitioner suggested that my problem was due to synthetic testosterone. Unfortunately, I ran out of funds and could no longer afford to see the doctor for further treatment.

After realizing the negative effects of taking testosterone on my own, I made the decision to stop. However, this brought about a wave of unpleasant symptoms: pains in my bones and muscles, stiffness, joint inflammation, digestive problems, mood swings, exhaustion, heart palpitations, memory and focus difficulties, and more. Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore and sought help from a doctor. My blood test showed extremely low hormone levels. The doctor told me that living like this was not sustainable and suggested trying bio-identical hormones through surgical implants. Desperate for relief, I underwent three procedures of having pellets implanted into my body. It wasn't a smooth experience as the release of hormones from the pellets was timed and caused fluctuations in my symptoms.

After the doctor implanted the final pellets in my buttocks, she miscalculated and inserted too many. This resulted in dangerously high levels of testosterone (over 1500) coursing through my body. The only advice she gave was to drink water and rest, but that wasn't enough. The time-released pellets caused my blood pressure to skyrocket at night when my endocrine system was most active, leading to episodes of tachycardia (a heart rate over 100 beats per minute). For two weeks, I was taken to the hospital by ambulance almost every night. I feared that these incidents would overwhelm my cardiovascular system and possibly lead to death. It's a constant experiment with hormones and surgeries to change a female body into a more masculine one, and it has been a difficult journey confronting health professionals about the reality of medical transition. Hormones and scar tissue are now ongoing issues that I will have to manage for the rest of my life.


In 1987, someone warned me that my journey would amplify everything in my life by a factor of 10, for better or for worse. The beginning was fantastic - everything felt fresh and thrilling. I finally had the freedom to be myself and chase after my dreams. But then, bottom surgery came along and everything changed. My life became consumed with medical challenges and a future full of uncertainty.

In 1987, someone warned me that my journey would amplify everything in my life by a factor of 10, for better or for worse. The beginning was fantastic - everything felt fresh and thrilling. I finally had the freedom to be myself and chase after my dreams. But then, bottom surgery came along and everything changed. My life became consumed with medical challenges and a future full of uncertainty.

by transman Harley

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Aún no hay calificaciones

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24 may
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I can see how with all the gender ideology being legitimized by medical associations psychiatric and endocrinology associations world wide why adults who had difficult traumas in life , may have g d or even autism experienced discriminations or shamed for being gay in small and large communities have reached a personal crisis can be persuaded by experts in the field how easy it is to just switch body and feel like a new person. Happens a fair bit I believe; people in 30s 40’s are also detransitioning due to changes of their minds or medical complications. The lure of the pseudoscience fantasy of gender ideology is emotional not rational; why so powerful for youth and so dangerous.should be banne…

Me gusta

24 may

“A decade earlier (in the 1970s), my co-worker had responded to an advertisement in the newspaper seeking volunteers for experimental sex reassignment surgery at Stanford University Medical Center”

They asked for VOLUNTEERS to medically transition back in the 70s??? And now they just indoctrinate people, especially children to have MASS volunteers for experimentation and life-long $income$. Absolutely crazy!

Further, “Despite all the money and resources being thrown towards Christian, feminists, activists, there seems to be a lack of progress in changing hearts and minds. In fact, it feels like we are moving backwards.”

I myself am fed up with “charities” and organisations that accumulate money and we see no changes. One of many examples, in London UK we have countless…

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18 may
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Can I confess something to you, Scott? I'm consumed by an overwhelming desire for you that defies all logic. I've never questioned my sexuality before, but the way you lead and inspire others makes me feel like anything is possible. This secret crush leaves me both confused and intrigued, Scott!

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That's sweet.

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18 may
Obtuvo 5 de 5 estrellas.

I am eagerly anticipating the release of your book, Kellie! Will it be available in stores or just as an electronic format? Your explanations always seem to perfectly capture my thoughts and make sense of them when I struggle to do so on my own. I can't wait to read it.

UK Mom

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16 may
Obtuvo 5 de 5 estrellas.

Oh wow Skellie! This is a story so like your own it is truly frightening. These doctors should be in jail with their assets going to patients such as you and Harley. Bless you both for your courage and stamina in speaking out to save kids this sort of pain! There needs to be a survey done of those who have had such complications from surgery and hormones. There must be thousands going through this. It is not medicine it is ruining adults lives at 32 42 etc What chance do kids have against this profit driven industry? None at all their logical brains are not yet fully developed and intelligent adults get harmed by their lies. Thank you both…

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Skellie...I love it. .

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Scott Newgent

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