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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

I Suck @ It! But, I Do It Anyway! Help Needed #MillionMarchRound2 - Transman Scott Newgent

#MillionMarchRound2 Updates - Help Needed
#MillionMarchRound2 Toronto Oct 21st

If you knew me, you would know that I should not be in charge of organizing anything! I hate to manage; I'm not good at it, and the slight word DETAIL strangles me. I am a big-picture philosopher who should never be given the ropes to detail the big vision into fruition.

But, I always say to ADULT Better...Do more, and I mean it.

I tell my kids,

"Kids, we do hard things anyway! Embrace what's hard because it's at the core of every success. Everything good, everything right and all morality start with 'HARD!'

My daughter came home from school yesterday disgusted with a student who refused to give a speech in front of the class and had her parents get a note from her doctor excusing her from delivering the presentation in front of her peers due to anxiety.

"I couldn't believe it; this teacher had to forfeit her lunch to hear this kid's presentation in an empty class. How selfish and weak this is. You do hard anyway. Oh my God!" My daughter said in total contempt!

That teacher didn't know that my daughter is beyond frightened of public speaking; why, I don't know, she's a natural and a God-given communicator. But, this speech has taunted her, keeping her restless, unable to sleep and anxious. We spent days pulling apart the whys of the fright, Benjamin Franklin closing the outcomes of whether she quit or did HARD ANYWAY, and she did it.
#MillionMarchRound2 Toronto Oct 21st

These are things we do and learn as we get through these initial phases of becoming who we are to become an adult. Everything we are is because of experiences of the box built around our personality, which starts and ends with childhood. Childhood is everything to everything; it's essential to who, what we

are, what we do and what we become as adults. Getting through childhood trials means you get through it as adults. Giving up in childhood means you give up in adulthood. What that mother did for her daughter was NOT love; it was lazy parenting and the epitome of why we are in the "IDENTIFY" era of human beings. We allow our children to become weak, not because they are soft, but because we are soft, the parents.

SHAME on this, MOM!

In the middle of my career, I was asked to be a manager, to manage day-to-day salespeople. I thought, what the hell? Let's do this; I can motivate myself, and inspiring others should be a piece of cake! Boy, was I wrong?


Within two months, I was called into HR about a complaint. I had no idea what to expect, HR? It has never been an issue; I went to work never got caught up in gossip, there was no time, and I was busy making sales. I entered the room, believing this would be a breeze. I left the office, relinquishing my manager status as the PR heads chuckled, delighted at my unusual reaction, as they put it, "VERY Kellie!"

"Kellie, it has come to our attention that you told a salesperson in there one one-on-one that they," looking down as to ensure what he was about to say was correct, pushing his glasses back up to his face as if the closer the lenses were they would refocus on something he couldn't comprehend like I had done the undoable, the infrequent, the undone....What would he read?

The truth!

I have a knack for truth, and I missed out on the classes as a child where I was to be explained what inside thoughts were and what to do with them. Inside thoughts have never been my forte; brutal honesty with the beauty of nativity was my claim to fame!
#MillionMarchRound2 Toronto Oct 21st

"Kellie, did you tell this salesperson that they....sucked as a salesperson and should think about a career that would entail less thinking and more fact-finding like being a biologist or..." Clearing his throat, "Some shit like that?"


I threw my hands up, bewildered they would ask me this, and I said one word in response,


I then had to listen to all I was not able to say to my salespeople, and I interrupted frequently for clarification,

"Is there any point I can tell a salesperson they suck?"

HR Head, "No Mam!"

I continued, "What if there was a notable scale of suckiness, and once they passed the major sucker level of suck, can I tell them they suck then?"

I looked around the room, shocked at the laughter, because I was dead serious; if people suck, they deserve to know, I thought!

The meeting ended with me throwing my hands up and saying, "OK, I can't manage people. I'll go back into sales. If a leadership position comes available where people can take what needs to be taken to be successful, sign me up!"

The meeting ended!

Well, well, well, here I am planning the #MillionMarchRound2 In Toronto on the 21st of October, and it's me and one other person planning the event and I suck at it.

God, help us all, but I am doing hard anyway!

I also am trying to do hard, anyway....BETTER by asking for help!

Need help with these things:

  • Planning a BBQ at the event - Burgers, Hot Dogs & such

  • Planning a kid's station

  • Sound person

  • Security
#MillionMarchRound2 Toronto Oct 21st


Donations are essential and again, we have to do more than a tweet. Volunteer or Donate if you are unable to donate but require more of yourself. We are butchering a generation of gender confused children with a process that is: Experimental. Dangerous. Does not Cure Anything. Causes Massive Health Issues. &.....Makes Mental Health Worse. These are the facts.

I bit more off than I can chew, but I refuse to fail, and we need help!

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Mike Greszler
Mike Greszler
Oct 12, 2023

I don't have a lot, but I'll donate again and again as much as I can spare. I believe in what you're doing, Scott. Thank you for your passion!


Scott Newgent

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