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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Retreating from Activism, Sharpening Strategic Thinking

Updated: Mar 20

As I slowly retreat from activism, my perception of the complex issues and solutions within this debate continues to inhabit a significant part of my subconscious thought, while my strategic thinking sharpens to a razor-sharp edge. It saddens me. Embarking on and embracing a new chapter is challenging, but necessary. What most people fail to comprehend is that I sacrificed my career, among other things, due to what's perceived as a radical agenda. Corporate and business sales demand a neutral stance on personal issues, a canvas that should remain unpainted. Activism leads to ostracization?

Career ruined. I was aware of this, yet I also know what's happening to these children. Now, taking on a sales job with which I launched my career, essentially starting from scratch, feels daunting. It seems unfair for one to sacrifice so much without a steadfast belief that the sacrifice achieved something. I'm not convinced it did. Door-to-door, from one young adult to another, mentoring a profession that has been beneficial to me can sometimes feel embarrassing.

However, it's not embarrassing when I see a young man, a new father, who had abusive parents, and was never taught how to navigate life. I get the opportunity to let him know the truth: life is not about your origins, but about your destination. To see this young father's eyes light up, realizing that I have faith in him, guiding, nurturing, and fortifying his self-worth? That's priceless. To display genuine, naked interest in someone, topped off with sacrifice, can be life-saving for some. A simple act of giving clothes to a young man can lift his spirit, allow him to take pride in himself, and show him that he matters.

You can alter the trajectory of someone's life and perhaps create a ripple effect extending into future generations. This? This is life, a life dedicated to giving to others & this phone call? It lets me know that I just might be on the right path.


Frantic voice, breathing heavy, the anxiety is felt before a word is spoken.

"The the baby won't stop crying. What's the medicine you told me about 'grip water' the numbing stuff?" We don't know what to do, are you sure it's normal for a baby to cry teething? I need to take him to the hospital right Scott?"

"Sam, calm down, it's okay. Where's the jacket I gave you this morning to keep you warm while knocking on doors?"

I try to hold in my chuckle as having three babies I know the young man won't sleep for about four years.

"It's in my car." "Go get it. I bought them for you and put it in the jacket pocket. Sam, babies cry, you're not going to be a bad dad. On the contrary, son, you'll be amazing!"

The next morning a smile as he enters "It worked, Scott!"

"Well done, you're doing great, Dad!"

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Feb 06
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

AWESOME new chapter! You never hold back in any challenge you take on. Your activism HAS made a big difference in many lives. It is clear to me that GOD never lets anything go to waste. HIS economy can bring life out of death (hint: the Cross?). Golly, I look forward to meeting you one day, if not here on earth, certainly on the other glorious side. Much love, Skelly, and many prayers in the mighty name of Jesus (that guy on the Cross . . . and his empty tomb?)


Feb 04
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I miss you already Scott! Watched you from a far for years hiding a little crush, never had the guts to say anything. Wish I had, but I revealed this to a friend and I guess I'm not the only one. Thank you for shining bright in a dark room.

Replying to

Oh bald. Don't forget bald. LMAO


Feb 03
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Back skin of a dysphoric female teen destroying her skin with taping so desperate to escape g.d. and appear male! WTF!! (But this is supposed to be accepted by society as 'just another diverse expression of gender".) Right...DO NO HARM!!! This is a mental illness, not a "gender expression", not a "sexual orientation", not diversity, not even treating the self with caring as one would any human being. It is a sickness, caused by g.d. caused by a society embracing this as "being kind". HOW is THIS "being kind" to the self?


Feb 03
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I’d no idea you had to take such a low paying job. Door knocking? I did that at 18 and then became a doctor. Surely someone can get you back to where you need to be? Ask JK Rowling for help. I live near her and I know she helps behind the scenes. She helped Graham Linehan who is a friend of mine. Look him up on line. JK just paid for a rape crisis centre for women only. REACH OUT for Hod sake - the can’t help if they don’t know!!!!!

Drew Hermore London UK

Feb 04
Replying to

Follow your words and help Kellie; assist spreading TRUTH to-protect-our-tomorrow leader’s; Evolution; not suppression.

🙏🏻🙏🏿🙏🏽🙏🙏🏾 Taste buds on the tongue amalgamating majority and minority together in unity JK Rowling write a book about that


Feb 03
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I read what that journalist said about you. She was dead on, Scott. You might not receive it while you are alive, but no doubt you will be considered a hero.

You speak about trans kids who don't fit into society. You also write about not fitting in, believing being trans would fix you. I have to say, thank the Lord above, you didn't or perhaps still don't fit.

You are an awe-inspiring person.


Scott Newgent

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