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C-6 Senators
Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Austin, Texas claims sanctuary for medically transitioning children! What does that mean?

Updated: May 11

By Trans man Regretter Scott Newgent

Today's society stands at the intersection of complicated socio-cultural issues, with the conversation around childhood gender transition and its effects being a particularly contentious subject and Texas is a crucial state in the medically transitioning debate.

There is a significant incidence of childhood gender transitions in Austin, Texas, highlighting the urgent need for a thoughtful societal comprehension to guarantee the emotional well-being of gender-confused children.

Despite the recent enactment of a bill prohibiting childhood medical transitions, Austin, Texas, has emerged as a sanctuary city where such transitions are still allowed within its borders.

Often referred to as the worldwide hub for gender transitioning, Austin serves as a benchmark for communities globally dealing with these socio-cultural dilemmas (1).

Interestingly, 95% of all childhood medical gender clinics and 95% of childhood queer surgical centers in Texas are situated in Austin.

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The statewide prohibition on childhood medical transition in Texas, with an exception for Austin, is similar to a hard-drinker switching from vodka to beer. All it achieves is portraying Texas Governor Abbott as a harsh adversary of childhood medical transition while concealing the fact that he and his associates have received over $3 million in bribes, thus paving the way for Austin to become a worldwide center for transgender children.

This seems to be a political game, and Abbott is duping all the citizens, without them realizing or understanding that they are being conned. In my investigation of numerous politicians concerning the children's medical transition debate, I have yet to find another politician who has accepted as much money/bribes as Texas Governor Abbott. Not only has Abbott taken millions, he has tactically established himself as a hardcore evangelical opponent of childhood medical transition while refusing to disclose that he and his team have received over 3 million in bribes. This has allowed Austin to become a global epicenter for transiting children. In my opinion, Abbott is evil, hiding behind his evangelical supporters while going against everything that evangelicals believe. Time to call him out evanfelicals.

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Austin recently surpassed Stockholm, the previous hotspot for this phenomenon (Website, 2021). Nonetheless, this stark reality often encounters public ignorance and misunderstanding, indicating a pressing requirement for enlightened discussion (2).

People should not be surprised with shady Governor Greg Abbott actions, and bribes he has taken from queer gender clinics; because past behavior predicts future behavior.

A deeper dive in Texas Governor Greg Abbott

Shady Greggy Abbott, the 48th incumbent governor of Texas, has been embroiled in several controversies throughout his political career. One of the foremost allegations that have continually marred his reputation centers on his purported acceptance of bribes. It is an allegation that raises questions of accountability, transparency, and integrity, all of which are fundamental pillars of good leadership. (Macleans, 2021)[1].

Allegations of political bribery are no frivolous matter. They carry with them the potential to cast a dangerous shadow over Governor Abbott's political legacy.

At the heart of smother controversy is the multi-billion dollar Austin energy company, Vistra Energy (Bloomberg, 2021)[2]. When such substantial sums of money exchange hands in political corridors, it tends to cultivate suspicion, especially when these transactions do not align with ethical and legal standards.

Critics argue that the governor's acceptance of a sizeable donation from the energy giant, together with other enterprises, amounts to a tactful bride. More so, these transactions happened when Governor Abbott's political campaign was in motion, creating a troubling connection (The Texas Tribune, 2021)[3].

These businesses are legally allowed to donate to political campaigns; however, such large sums raise eyebrows, especially when these businesses have vested interests in the matter. Plausible inquiries into whether these are camouflaged bribes given in anticipation of political favoritism are therefore justifiable.

It's essential to shed light on the increasing allegations and lawsuits across the nation concerning political bribery. High-profile cases such as that of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich illustrate the pervasive issue within American politics (The Washington Post, 2020)[4].

The bribery allegations against Abbott place a significant strain on the public's confidence and trust in political leaders. As a leader, his first duty is to be accountable to his constituents and this raises alarming questions about his integrity.

The onus is on the citizens and the justice system to delve into these controversial allegations. Society must deter corrupt activities by voting out corrupt leaders. Public figures must be held to the highest standards of integrity and honesty to ensure justice is upheld, and the prevalence of such scandals diminishes in the future. (The Atlantic, 2020)[5].

The bribery allegations against Governor Greg Abbott are a cause for concern, casting a dark shadow over his tenure and the image of Texas.

In Texas, citizens are prideful, honorable, honest, hard working people who demand leaders to be the same.

Governor Abbott needs to be investigated and I believe if that ever happens Abbott will go to prison.

Shadu Greggy got some SPLANIN to do!

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06 may
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Thank you for exposing Abbott's sketchy behavior.

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05 may
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05 may
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Thank you

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05 may
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Every person who had their life and their body destroyed by The Trans Doctors needs to sue them into bankruptcy. Include the corrupt mental health " professionals" that didn't do their jobs. That will eventually stop these evil practices.

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Scott Newgent

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