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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Dear Friend, I Need Help! - Transman Regretter Scott Newgent

Transman Regretter Scott Newgent

I am Scott, a face you may recognize but a voice that needs to be heard by many more. Perhaps you caught my interview on 'What is a Woman' with Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire. My story, while powerful and important, is one that formidable people

do not want to be told. I am grateful that Matt chose me as a pivotal interviewee, shedding light on the harsh realities of medical transition. As the first transgender person in the US to stand against childhood medical transition, I have firsthand experience with its dangers

and ineffectiveness. It is not a cure, but rather an experimental and dangerous procedure with purely cosmetic outcomes. The physical side effects are numerous and often lead to worsen mental health, with many experiencing suicidal thoughts 7-10 years after undergoing medical transition. My mission is to educate others on the truth of this controversial practice, particularly when it comes to children.

Notable figures such as Matt Walsh, JK Rowling, transsexual Buck Angel, Megyn Kelly, Martina Navratilova, Graham Linehan, Laura Ingraham, Gays Against Groomers, Log Cabin Gay Republicans and Caitlyn Jenner have bestowed upon me the title of "hero." These acknowledgments, coming from extremely different influencers within a demographic that is both aligned and divided, serve as a testimony to my ability to bridge gaps and educate all. This is crucial in putting an end to the chaos and division that currently plagues our society - we need voices that can reach all sub-tribes without taking sides or signing up for any particular cause, but rather educating and moving forward. As an 42-year-old woman who was once deceived by the transgender movement, I understand how powerful the force is and the importance of developing and promoting healthy debates instead of shutting them down to conquer and divide.


Here I am before the transgender movement took hold of me a once powerful sales executive and now an activist trying to save other people's children.

Although we may not have a personal relationship, I am reaching out to you for help in stopping the horrifying practice of childhood medical transition that is happening worldwide. Despite reports from evangelical and feminist subgroups claiming that we are putting an end to this practice, the truth is that it continues to grow every month in countries like the US, Canada, and even Australia. Four years ago, The Harvard Williams Institute estimated that there were 100,000 children in the US who believed they were born in the wrong body and needed medical intervention to survive. Today, that number has risen to 2.1 million according to the Williams Institute, and it is only increasing.

How can this be happening? It's because there are only a handful of activists who travel between these subgroups to spread awareness about this issue. I am among the few, and in fact, I am the only one who has not aligned with any specific subgroup. This is because I believe that education needs to happen beyond these groups, to reach those who are being gaslighted by the mainstream media.

I am thrilled to introduce my latest project and I will need the support of others to make it a reality. This undertaking has the potential to provide invaluable education to those who are in dire need of it. With careful planning, professionalism, and sensitivity, it can bring about understanding within the gay, lesbian, and moderate transgender communities. It also has the power to enlighten liberals who may not have access to crucial information that can help them see past the dangers of gender ideology and how it sets us back. The very premise of gender ideology, with its claims of being more enlightened, harkens back to outdated gender norms from the 1950s where girls were expected to dress in pink and boys in blue. It is regressive and even harmful, especially for children who are being exploited for profit. My project aims to break through barriers and shine a light on important information that often goes unnoticed or ignored.

I have been struggling to balance my activism with my career, constantly torn between returning to my safe corporate job and fighting against the horrors of childhood medical transition. But no matter how much I try to talk myself out of it, the carnage continues, and I cannot sit idly by while people blindly choose this path without knowing the risks. Just when I thought I found a way to do both, to work as a sales manager while still advocating for change, everything crumbled in an instant. My activism was recognized, and I lost my second job within two weeks. The only other offer I received was also taken back, all due to the narrow-minded hate and bigotry that ironically claims to be love. It's suffocating, like a dark cloud looming over the wrong side of history.

My activism and voice have been strong, even as I've felt torn between two worlds. But this recent experience is a harsh reminder that I cannot continue to straddle the line; it's time to fully commit. The ingrained sayings from our parents/mentors may not have included this particular message, but I am accepting the challenge, nonetheless. That's why I'm finally launching the project that has been on hold for so long. I'm ready and I believe others in society are ready too, especially those who need education and awareness.

Today marks the launch of my memoir project, and I am asking for your help. If I have impacted you in any way, shown you the realities of childhood medical transition, exposed the damage of gender ideology, and discussed the experimental nature and vast complications through a one-hour video and six-minute interview in 'What is a Woman,' just imagine who else I could educate with a sincere, unfiltered, and emotional account of my own experience with transitioning medically. This memoir will delve into why I chose to transition, what could have potentially saved me, what I have learned from my journey, and how we can support our children if they also struggle with similar beliefs at any age.

This memoir, if done right can be a crucial tool, but that requires funds to do it right. Imagine my interview in ‘What is a woman’ on every airport rack in the US, Canada, Australia, UK and more. Imagine this memoir lifting my up and over the people and influencer who I admire and appreciate greatly but have limited reach, imagine me in a room full of liberal, moderate gays, lesbians and trans the once who need to be educated, image the ‘What is a woman’ interview expanded through a story that will touch anyone who reads it.

Imagine a conversations, at a dinner party, speaking to friends you could say, “I helped Scott, wrote, publish, advertise and survive while it was written,’ imaging the hero status transcending to you, because I give you my word, this memoir?

If done right will by a ‘New York’ best seller and a memoir that will be a go to as one the greatest for decades to come. Will you help me save these kids, save society from gender ideology?

Remember, I don’t have a subtribe, I am not paid 20k to speak at events several times a month, I am not paid for interviews, documentaries, I do not charge people for any speeches I give or trans regretters. All of this comes from people like you.


If everyone I’m writing to can contribute just $25, or if you’re able, maybe more -- $35, $50, $75, $100, $200, or even $500 , we can beat these monsters who are using scared, confused and lonely children to make millions!

Please help me save more kids faster!

-Scott/Kellie Newgent


As much as I hate to admit this...I need you!

Professional Editor: $6500

Printing: $1800

Graphics: $800

Advertising: $6500

Month Expenses X4 Months: $7500


Goal $23,500


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Apr 27
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I'd love to support your work, Scott/Kellie. I shared your post on facebook but I can't seem to donate in euros (I'm in France). It would be a very small donation anyway so you're not losing much but .... In any case I wanted you to know I'll be following the issue, for sure and wishing you all the best for your project.


Apr 27
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I gave a little and will share. Wish it could be more.


Apr 26

Hey Scott! I found you through your interview with Buck Angel. I'm a moderate trans man and am grateful that you educated me about the dangers of phalloplasty, an experimental and ideological procedure that has ruined lives. I often do not have much money but I will try to donate whenever possible to spread your message. Later when I advance in my career and have more to donate I will come back to this page. I am against children medically transitioning as they are too young to consent and I believe so many people are on the wrong side of history. Thank you!!

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Let me know if you want to start speaking ouy, I can get you connected.


Apr 26

Scott, I started to make a payment but I literally cannot pay my own bills and I just can't but if in the future, when my situation improves (moving to a more affordable place), I am all on board with assisting you in your valiant goal. You have responded to an email I sent you and your compassion and empathy is clear and genuine. I'm rooting for all children and adults to be clearly educated about what medical transition can and cannot do for themselves. No matter what you look like or feel like, you are still you. Drena

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OMG, I get it. Your comment is worth one million dollars to me. The energy is priceless. Thank you for the comment.


Scott Newgent

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