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Detransition - Gender Confused Kids - One Mother SCEAMING Can Change...Everything

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By, womangendercritical

Detransition - Gender Confused Kids - One Mother SCEAMING Can Change...Everything

Series #1 Littman and Detransition

I have followed this mother for years, and she is the epidemy of a caged mother fighting to get out while she watches her son on the outside of the cage being demolished by transgender ideology.

People believe tying mothers hands will make them stop screaming. But in reality, a mother caged? A caged mother's SCREAMS can change...Everything

In this piece I will cover Lisa Littman’s research into detransitioners. A person who detransitions is someone who embarked on medical intervention to deal with a discomfort with their natal sex. This is a bodily disassociative disorder labelled ”Gender Dysphoria”. A person who re-identifies with their natal sex, without any medical intervention is labelled as a “desister”. Both these groups are important to understand what is going on. Lisa’s paper is below: Well worth reading it in full and sharing!

Here is the abstract from the study:

Details of the sample are contained above. As you can see natal females are a significant majority at 69%. This is what we are seeing in the United Kingdom where, over the last decade, the sex of referrals to the main Gender Identity Clinic has inverted the sex ratios to be 70% female. The majority, in Littman’s sample, (55%) did not feel they were given an adequate evaluation by the doctor /medical professional who assessed them. Significantly 23% located their discomfort with difficulty accepting a non-hetereosexual orientation.

Its worth referring to this article that evaluated what happens to children labelled as ”transgender” when they grow up.

Here are the conclusions from that study:

This data somewhat predates the explosion in ”trans-kids” sweeping, mostly, the western world. The conclusions were remarkably similar. Most did not wish to transition when they reached adulthood and generally turn out to be, simply, gay. This was in the days of ”watchful waiting” before the days of early medical intervention. In the U.K we now put children as young as 10 on puberty blockers and, increasingly, socially transition them at even younger ages. Are we foreclosing the path to an unmedicalised future and homo/bi-sexuality for a generation of kids?

As Littman points out the visibility of detransitioners is growing with more YouTube accounts, blogs, DeTrans advocacy groups and a growing community on Reddit. Recently these stories have started to break into the national media, especially in the UK but also, more recently in the U.S media.


There are now 23,000 contributors on the de-trans sub-reddit which you can access here:

When I first started to track the numbers on this forum there were around 15,000. This was about four months ago. Here one poster is trying to gain accurate data on de-transitioners. This is a major stumbling block in garnering the attention of politicians. Typically those who regret their medical interventions do not wish to go back to the people they feel hurt them, feel embarassed or are traumatised. These clinics should be forced to follow up every patient. Loss to follow up has distorted the data for decades. Here is a post in the detrans forum on reddit.

Another poster explains how hard it is to escape media saturation on Gender Identity. We have been pushing the trans-narrative to kids, even in primary school, for at least a decade. Even Children’s BBC showed ”Becoming Leo” , about a female in flifht from her sex. Complete with the promotion of a medical pathway. This to impressionable kids without parental knowledge. I certainly didn’t know what my son was exposed to; though ChildLine (run by the National Society For the Protection of Children), was the most egregious pusher in my experience.

Another two comment get to the heart of the issue: Social contagion and late stage capitalism .

Its an industry. Mining profit from healthy bodies. FYI CAGR is Compound Annual Growth Rate and anything above 15% is considered good

Back to Littman’s paper

More clinicians are starting to raise the alarm and ask for more research. There are extensive linked papers in the study and a wealth of references.

Here are some of the reasons given, for medical transition, by those who re-identified with their birth sex:

A mal-adaptive response to trauma, difficulty reconciling to sexuality, internalized misogyny and peer pressure. An incredible 20% also cited pressure from a person/people to transition:

What might have helped was the presence of good role models. The absence of Butch Lesbians in the media is notable:

In conclusion the author asks for much better research on the phenomenon of detransition. Gender clinics have no incentive to do long term follow-up and their ex patients may have no wish to return to the people who colluded with their mistake. Crucially they will likely disappear from LGBT+ networks enabling a denial of the scale of the issue:

Next time you see papers on low rates of regret remember to look for loss to follow-up. Bear in mind the length of time patients are followed up is also significant. Medical complications can take time to appear. The current cohort is also a vastly different demographic than the older, males, which typically formed the main clientele for Gender clinics. Also look out for conflicts of interest. Much (most?) of the research is emerging from people who are making their living from the Gender Industrial complex.

Published by womangendercritical

I do this research full-time and unpaid. If you can afford to donate here is how.

Please Support This Mom If You Are Able-Scott Newgent

Researching the impact of Gender Identity Ideology on women & girls as well as the consequences for Lesbians, Gay males and autistic kids. I do this full time and have no income. All my content is open access and donations help keep me going. Only give IF you can afford. Thank you to my generous donors.

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Amina Rodriguez
Amina Rodriguez
Jan 24, 2022

In my experience gender dysphoria isn’t necessarily related to sexual orientation. Those of us on the spectrum have great discomfort with gender norms and as a child I experienced gender dysphoria and great distress at the idea of growing up as a woman despite being attracted to the opposite sex. My 29 yr old son who shows signs of Aspergers according to earlier evaluations, is gender fluid/pansexual and like me agrees that the hormones should be an option for adults not children. I’m horrified by the transitioning of children because as a child I would claim I wanted to be a male until I hit puberty, but I am not gay. So if I had been growing up in these…


Scott Newgent

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