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C-6 Senators
Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

How Can I Help Stop Childhood Med-Transing? Glad You Asked. Templates With Instructions

In a short week, TReVoices has caught on fire. Each day I believe it is subsiding..... It gets bigger. The emails have been beyond what I ever thought would be possible. The question we are receiving one after another?

How can I help?

  1. SCREAM Yourself

  2. Help Someone SCREAM - Donate

  3. Brand SCREAMING

SCREAM Yourself:

Pick one of pick all there. Below will help you scream with ready made templates. Pick one, pull up senators' emails, paste and send it! BOOM. These templates are full of studies, facts and analogies that our team here at TReVoices put together for you.

Template -Overview Style

Template - Designed For A Medical Professional

Template - For Parents With A Gender Confused Child

Template - For Transgender people against transing kids

Here is a sight for US senator emails, but they can be used for any politicians worldwide and should be used, encouraged to use: US Senators

See below to copy template's. Stocked with studies, facts while winding in powerful analogies.

I have had requests to speak worldwide, but I still work full time and do not have the luxury of supporting this passion. Please do so if you believe it would be beneficial to fund my 100%. Reach out.

Donate For Advertising Campaign. Currently, if you google trans kids all you will see is unicorn farts and glitter bombs. The entire page is full of paid advertising—the only way to get sanity there. Buy ads too. I did this in the UK $5000 during the Kira Bell case, and I believe it helped.

Sponsor a speaker tour - Expenses.

This does cost money.

Brand Our SCREAM Together:

How many of you remember "Make America Great Again?

Now stop, I don't care if you love Trump or hate him, but I bring this up because this was brilliant advertising. A short phrase that sticks in your head is advertising genius.

Do the same thing. Get a SCREAMING shirt, put the cat on your Twitter and Facebook, and use it...It works. Every time a parent of a gender-confused child sees that? They get a little more confidence. See, you might think of it as a silly cat? Nope...It's saving kids' lives...Jump on board....SCREAM

The famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, who lived through the nightmarish destruction and horror of both World Wars, wrote that “psychic epidemics” which he famously termed “mass psychoses” were the main threat facing humanity. “The gods have become disease,” Jung wrote, and produce “...curious specimens for the doctor's consulting room, or disorders the brains of politicians and journalists who unwittingly let loose psychic epidemics on the world.

We are living through a grave psychic epidemic manifesting as youth believing that they are the opposite sex, demanding take drastic measures to change their bodies, and society allowing them to do so–to destroy their healthy bodies–and deluding itself that this travesty is about human rights and loving acceptance.

The medicalization–the butchering–of children’s bodies must stop! Yes, we trans deserve to be treated with dignity and respect but not at the cost of others. We must coexist respectfully and peacefully with all of our differences.

According to Jung the spontaneous manifestation of an “archetype within collective life is indicative of a critical time during which there is a serious risk of a destructive psychic epidemic… Catastrophe can be avoided only if the effect…can be intercepted and assimilated by a sufficiently large majority of individuals.

Only if we join together and SCREAM will humanity come to understand that medically transitioning gender-confused children is not about evolving into love for other humans! It's about a disease that has been a part of the human condition since the beginning of time: Greed! Greed and love of money!

Your voice could be the one to make that “large majority of individuals” needed to prevent catastrophe sufficient, the one that tips the scales. We must STOP this greatest health and ethical scandal that is happening while the world says not a word: the medical experiments and commodification of an entire generation of gender-confused children!

I ask… No, I beg each of you to put aside whatever political or philosophical differences you may have, and please, please, copy one of these email templates and SCREAM with us.

SCREAM so loud we’ll shake the walls of the Missouri State Capitol! SCREAM so loud it will reverberate to the local news stations! SCREAM so loud that other states will hear the SCREAMING; then SCREAM louder still and let the winds carry our SCREAM across the ocean to the loughs of Ireland, to Stella OMalley! Let our SCREAM be carried even louder, over the white cliffs of Dover, and its echo will sing to Keira Bell that her sacrifice was seen, heard, and forever changed the world! Together we must SCREAM to avoid the catastrophe that is threatening to destroy our children and families – to ruin civilization as we know it! SCREAM! It’s now or NEVER!

In honor of my Granddad, I’m giving one of his favorite “granddadisms” new life behind this mission, extending the Newgent SCREAM, in the Name of my GRANDDAD, Bill Newgent:

Ya'll, its Time To FU&*ING* SCREAM!" To which I reply, "Grandad, I agree, it is most defiantly time to FU&*ING SCREAM.

Scott Newgent


Contact your legislator! We did the work!

Tell your legislators that you want them to pass HOUSE BILL 2649–Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act to protect minors from harmful physiological gender transition procedures. Tell them that they must keep our kids safe from a dangerous cult that is out to destroy their lives.

We wrote the letters for you. All you have to do is go _____________ if you are a medical professional. If you have a child who identifies as transgender, go __________. If you simply are a concerned, responsible citizen who cares about reality, children, women’s rights and everyone’s rights to free speech, go ___________.

Red, please email, white if you have more time and green to thank the braze Senators who are with us. If you have more time, please CC one of the Missouri News Stations below. Doesn't matter what part of the world you are from, join is SCREAMING.


Copy email addresses, pick the template that feels comfortable for you and drop your sand speck.

  1. Template -Overview Style

  2. Template - Designed For A Medical Professional

  3. Template - For Parents With A Gender Confused Child

  4. Template - For Trans Gender People

1 - Overview Template

April __, 2022

Dear Politician. _________

I am urging you to support H.B. 2649, the Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which would protect minor children from harmful physiological gender transition procedures. Introduced by Missouri State Rep. Suzie Pollock, SAFE is designed to prevent minors from being subjected to life-altering procedures with nightmarish side effects and devastating consequences before they even reach the age of consent. It would “make illegal the practice of giving children cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, or any kind of surgery that alter their young bodies for life.

The evidence underlying pediatric gender transition is of “very low quality and certainty, and no reliable studies exist showing their benefits. Several negative effects are certain however: Puberty blockers followed by cross-sex hormones lead 100% to infertility and sterility. Surgeries to remove breasts or sex organs are irreversible. The emerging evidence regarding side effects (sepsis, infections, necrosis, incontinence) and (sometimes lethal) health risks–e.g, to bone, cardiovascular health and cancer risks–is alarming.

Over 90% of gender dysphoric children work their way out of the condition if they receive love and support from their parents, family, and environment and are allowed to go through puberty, probably the single most effective treatment for youth gender dysphoria.

“When populations en masse can be made to believe that biological sex isn’t real, we’ve become untethered from reality and become agents of chaos.”

Colin Wright, Evolutionary Biologist

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”


Please, vote “yes” and pass this important measure to ensure the safety of our children.



Print your name


2 - Medical Professional Template

Dear Politician,

My name is (first and last name) and I am a (medical professional)

I am urging you to support H.B. 2649, the Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which would protect minors from harmful physiological gender transition procedures. Introduced by Missouri State Rep. Suzie Pollock, SAFE is designed to prevent minors from being subjected to life-altering procedures before they even reach the age of consent. It would “make illegal the practice of giving children cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, or any kind of surgery that alter their young bodies for life.

The evidence underlying the practice of pediatric gender transition is of “very low quality and certainty,” according to the most comprehensive review to date, commissioned by the UK National Health System (NHS). This designation signals that the body of evidence asserting the benefits of these interventions is highly unreliable. In contrast, several negative effects are certain: Puberty blockers followed by cross-sex hormones lead 100% to infertility and sterility. Surgeries to remove breasts or sex organs are irreversible. The emerging evidence regarding side effects (sepsis, infections, necrosis, incontinence) and (sometimes lethal) health risks–e.g, to bone, cardiovascular health and cancer risks–is alarming.

Over 90% of gender dysphoric children work their way out of the condition if they receive love and support from their parents, family, and environment. “Gender-affirmative” interventions and “support”, however, are the equivalent of telling anorexic patients and their families that the best therapy available for anorexia is starvation.

SAFE includes several key provisions:

  • prohibits puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and gender reassignment surgeries for minors.

  • defines crucial terms like "sex" and "gender

  • prohibits the public funding, insurance coverage, and referral of such procedures

  • includes exceptions for those diagnosed with a physiological "intersex" disorder to receive medically necessary treatments

  • includes a professional penalty for noncompliance

  • creates a cause of action for an individual harmed by a violation to receive damages.

The time for politeness on this issue has passed. Medical professionals must stand up for the empirical reality of biological sex. When authoritative scientific institutions ignore or deny empirical fact in the name of social accommodation, it is an egregious betrayal to the scientific community they represent. It undermines public trust in science, and it is dangerously harmful to those most vulnerable.

Please, vote “yes” and pass this important measure to ensure the safety of our children.



Print your name


3 - Parents Of A Gender Confused Child Template

Dear Politician. _________

My name is (first and last name) and I am the parent of a transgender identifying child.

I am urging you to support H.B. 2649, the Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which would protect minors from harmful physiological gender transition procedures. Introduced by Missouri State Rep. Suzie Pollock, SAFE is designed to prevent minors from being subjected to life-altering procedures before they even reach the age of consent. It would “make illegal the practice of giving children cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, or any kind of surgery that alter their young bodies for life.

I am terrified that the future of “Leo” is the one awaiting my child.

Leo has terrible pain and has trouble standing for longer than a few minutes. He walks like a geriatric patient because he has osteoporosis (his spinal vertebrae are deformed). He is experiencing symptoms of early menopause. When Leo was 11, her parents consented for her to receive puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which she was on for four years.

Leo, who is now 15, is much, much shorter than her peers, because the hormones prevented her skeleton from mineralizing–side effects well known to every medical school graduate. She will never grow more. She will never have children. She will never regain the 100% perfectly good physical health she had before doctors, licensed by the state to do no harm, put her on hormones and puberty blockers.

Leo’s story was featured in the National Swedish Television documentary, Trans Children, which revealed other children had presented with serious side effects–e.g., liver and bone/skeletal damage–as a result of hormone treatments. Following its broadcast last year, Sweden banned the use of “gender affirmative” treatments for children.

Please, please, vote “yes” and pass this important measure to ensure the safety of our children.



Print your name


4 - A Trans Gender Template

April __, 2022

The Honorable State Rep.

Room Number

State Capitol,

Missouri, Zip Code

RE: HOUSE BILL 2649–Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act to protect minors from harmful physiological gender transition procedures

Dear Rep.

My name is (your first and last name) and I am a transgender identifying person who resides in your district.

(State why you support or oppose the bill or other issue here. Choose up to three of the strongest points that support your position and state them clearly.)

(Include a personal story. Tell your representative why the issue is important to you and how it affects you, your family member and your community.)

(Tell your representative how you want her or him to vote on this issue and ask for a response. Be sure to include your name and address on both your letter and envelope.)



Print your name


If you would like to help further, please consider a donation.

Thank you,

Scott Newgent

Founder - TReVoices

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Meg P
Meg P
17 apr 2022

One sent, and I'm aiming to do 5 more today. Nice work Scott and the templates will be a useful letter writing resource for other States as well.

Mi piace

Scott Newgent

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