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Evaluating the Role of Pope Francis in the Evolution of the Catholic Church & the NEW LGBTQ+

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by, Transman Regretter

Not Scott Newgent

For hundreds, if not thousands of years, the Catholic Church has been an undeniable pillar of moral and spiritual guidance for those who held its tenants dear. This beacon of faith has sailed its ship unscathed through the tumultuous seas of societal evolution, never once bending to the changing winds ( Except, of course, in the case of 'Divorce Excuse,' wherein it circumvented its rigid stance for granting a divorce on the grounds of a 'defective church contract', masking near scurrilous practices.

Some would argue it is a manoeuvre motivated by the substantial financial gains such concessions brought (DeGirolami, 2020; I would have to agree with having been married to a devout evangelical Catholic. 

The Catholic Church, an institution with profound historical significance, holds onto various traditions and rules rooted deeply within its doctrine. However, these doctrines, particularly those concerning the prohibition of women from assuming the priesthood, have long been the epicentre of countless debates, with many viewing them as inherently misogynistic. Yet, the Catholic church stands firm. 

The evolution of the Catholic Church and Marriage is one of the few doctrine changes, and for some, this firm stance without a waiver is a draw. But recently? Pope Francis seems to believe he can throw thousands of years up in the air because of the pressure of the NEW LGBTQ+.

Parallelly, living in a world gradually marching towards acceptance and equality, we see the LGBTQ+ community, an embodiment of sexual diversity, claiming its rightful place amidst society. The group has persistently thrived on its stance of celebrating individuality, mandating the mind, not biology, as the determinant of gender as advocated by its postulates (Spade, 2015;

But, herein arises a problem. Just as one is entitled to religious freedom, with people freely cherishing the belief of an Old Man in the sky orchestrating the affairs of life, one should be equally entitled to exercise their beliefs related to sexuality. This is not a call for hostility but an appeal for the right to healthy disagreement (Boyle, 2019; Url: an both should live in peace with no need to taint the other. It's okay for subtribes to disagree. It's essential in a balanced society. The craziness of medically transitioning children is the result of ignorance and censorship. Without the censors, no human being ALIVE would be for medically transitioning children! 

Period.... MIC DROP!

Yet it is uncanny how the Catholic Church and the LGBTQ+ community, concurrent yet contrasting ideologies, reveal an unspoken similarity when placed under a focused dissection. Both advocate individual belief systems, reliant on faith with copious fervour; both serve as foundations upon which individuals build their identities. Moreover, both mirror each other in the manner they wield their dissent-proof shields. Questioning or challenging either institution has, more often than not, resulted in dire consequences.

Such dynamics reiterate that both the Catholic Church and LGBTQ+ are not simply systems grounded on verifiable facts but are ideologies spanning not just faith or orientation but culture, values and lifestyle. On one end, we have the church, a repository of age-old wisdom and traditional moral values, positing a Supreme Being as the explanation for life. On the other end stands the LGBTQ+ community, a beacon of change and acceptance, advocating the fluidity of gender based on the individual's psychological reality. The doctrines of the LGBTQ+ group seem as esoteric to the conventional thinker as the concept of changing genders seems to the LGBTQ+ community (Robinson, 2020; Url:

Thus, the Catholic Church and the LGBTQ+ community, as much as they seem to be on opposite spectrums, ironically defend their constituents' identities by drawing an impregnable boundary around their assets, safeguarding them from the harsh climates of societal scorn and discrimination. Further, this implies their ideologies, despite their distinctive beliefs, are structured on equivalent pillars- faith, identity, conviction, protection, and survival.

As an ideology, religion is social by nature, versatile in its interpretations and often entirely subjective in its application. Some ideologies are set in stone, while others are more malleable, allowing adaptations to flourish in line with prevailing societal norms. However, it is worth noting that the Catholic church has proven itself as the quintessential beacon of an unwavering set of beliefs and tenets (Taylor, B. (2018). “Catholicism: An unwavering set of beliefs”. The Observatory. [Online] Available at:

Throughout its time-swept chronicles, the institution has refused to buckle under contemporary pressures, rigidly embodying the platonic discipline, thereby ensuring its tenets remain an exemplar of timeless and unaltered philosophies. But that train of thought has now encountered a significant stumbling block, none other than Pope Francis himself.

Ever since Pope Francis took over as the spiritual leader of the Catholic church around a decade ago, the faith's hitherto untouchable modus operandi has been upended, shaking the very foundations of its business model that withstood the test of time (Delia Gallagher. (2013). “Francis, the Pope who is shaking up the Church”. CNN. [Online] Available at:

It is alarming but true, that Pope Francis has embarked on a journey to bring about a paradigm shift within the Catholic Church, raising numerous contentious questions about the long-held beliefs of the institution. As a lesbian woman who medically transitioned, my belief in the sanctity of the church's core values makes me question these changes. It seems to me that the heart and soul of the foundation of the Catholic Church are being tampered with – the very principles that defined its resilient character through centuries are suddenly being reshaped to keep pace with the changing times.

But is this truly a good thing?

Yet, it is not the first time when the church faced an ideological conundrum. Consider, for instance, the stance the church holds regarding divorce. The Catholic church doesn't approve divorce, aligning itself with the literal teaching of Jesus in the gospel of Matthew where he categorically states "What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder" (Matthew 19:6). But interestingly, the church does provide an 'escape hatch' for relationships claimed as ‘soured church contract’, justifying nullity in religious terms (Kelly, J. (2020). “Divorce and the Catholic Church”. Ignatius Press. [Online] Available at:

Pope Francis's gradual bending of beliefs towards the modern consensus has certainly unsettled many believers, both within and beyond the Catholic community (Pullella, P. (2020), “Pope Francis divides Catholic Church with liberal views”. Reuters. [Online] Available at: It felt that this very approach was what the church had avoided since its inception thousands of years ago, thus challenging the constancy of its doctrines.

While the conventional Pope with a conservative philosophy would not question the age-old beliefs, Pope Francis has shown an unorthodox initiative in bringing about reforms, be it event-related, culture-centric or theology-influenced (Austen, I. (2020). "Francis, The People’s Pope and a Voice of Change". The New York Times. [Online] Available at:

Despite disagreement from many quarters, this shift appears to increase inclusivity, aligning with liberal perspectives and embracing change. The question remains: Is this radical departure from tradition a curse or a blessing for the Catholic church? As the Pope continues to guide the church through tumultuous waters, only time will tell if his approach ends up corroding or reinforcing the edifice of the Catholic faith. 

As a lesbian who medically transitioned?

I diagree with Pope Francis!

Transman Regretter

Not Scott Newgent

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Dec 12, 2023

As a Roman Catholic, I couldn’t agree more with your assertions. All it takes it looking back at the history of Marxism leaking into the Church. Thank you for speaking up!


Norma R
Norma R
Dec 09, 2023

Dear Scott,

Your article is respectful and well thought. It is very interesting, though, how you oppose something that I would've expected to bring you happiness. I'm not familiar with the history of the Church, so I can't tell if a compromise at this level has happened before, but I am certain that it will create yet another division among its ranks. To me, this is way less impactful than allowing mass to be offered in languages other than Latin. Let's remember that love and approval are not the same thing. Bending the knees to ideologies that are contrary to the Church's traditional values will have expected and unexpected consequences. Everyone, just hold tight.

Scott Newgent
Scott Newgent
Dec 09, 2023
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What would should have brought me happiness? Curious.


Scott Newgent

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