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C-6 Senators
Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Evangelical, right-wing, who doesn't back down from his beliefs, a trans/lesbian who feels the same

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I did a podcast months ago with Eddy Bryce at 'Liberty Station,' and I was depleted! I had just finished the Anaheim 'Do no harm rally'. I had another infection caused by trans health, my bottom surgery (FYI....experimental, dangerous as all-trans health is, including cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, all bottom surgery... exploratory). I was in a bad place, wasted emotionally and physically, and with most people when the deraining of all reservoirs collide, it's a place that becomes unbearable both spiritually, emotionally and physically.


The day started with a church service at Eddy's place of worship. The sermon was about the virtues of submitting to the godly roles of 'Men' and 'Women.' Wowza, if I would have been in my twenties, I would have snatched the mic from the preacher, bitch slapped him and started giving my own kind of sermon. Drained from not feeling well, as well as age, allowed me to take in the message without agreeing 100%, but understanding the message, understanding that for some, that message was strengthening for them and some needed that message to be ok that day. Regardless of my opinion of the sermon, it resonated with many in the service. That day I was at a place where I could find joy for others who found comfort in a message I did not fully agree with.


Almost two years ago, I wrote an article in Newsweek, "We Need Balance When It Comes to Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know | Opinion Link I ended the article with a plea: We now have the obligation to work together to slow trans medicalization of minors until they are adults and have the capacity to truly understand the lifelong consequences of transitioning. As a former lesbian and current trans man, I maintain this is not transphobic. It is actually sensitive and caring to recognize that not just one treatment or pathway is right for all kids. Therefore, I am currently building a bipartisan army to protect our children, hold the medical industry accountable and educate our president and the rest of society about the dangers of transgender extremism. We must throw our differences aside for a moment; I promise you, once children are safe, we can resume fighting. But until children are safe, nothing else matters. So, endocrinologists and pediatricians, moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans, radical feminists and evangelicals, lawyers and psychologists, parents and teachers: My hand is out. I will grab yours and turn down no one. Together, we can build a circle around our most precious resource: our children. Help me fulfil the promise I made on the night I almost gave up, to be here for my children—and now yours. Who's with me?


The first person to reach out to me who didn't align with my beliefs most drastically was Michael Brown, an evangelical writer, preacher and motivational speaker for the way of life that has thumped me on the head with their bible my entire life. A way of life that reminded me that I never fit as a lesbian, as an alpha female. Micheal represented the community with the most significant share of the pie, explaining why I jumped at the idea when the therapist told me I was born in the wrong body. His email was quickly returned with my signature, "Fu$& You!" I mean, my plea in the Newsweek article was meant for EVERYONE but the Michaels of the world! I washed my hands of that a**hole who dared to reach out when I asked him to, and he got what he deserved. Or did he? Days went by, and my reply haunted me. I spent days watching the Twitter wars of the left/right, the war mentality that encourages social media stars to lift news organizations with the brilliant business model of:

"You Are in Danger....I can save you; just come over here. We have a gang that can protect you from the evildoers!"


This business model of left/right has been sold to our society so well that we refuse to talk to each other, we refuse to compromise, and we refuse to find any human side, compassion or value to the people with which we disagree. Social media has capitalized on the 'DANGERS' of people who disagree so much that now 'cancel culture' is so alive that we have an entire generation of gender-confused children who are being butchered, and society cheers. I called Michael back, and we have a great relationship, and something came within my grasp of understanding in the time we have been talking. As much as you think we don't need people who categorically disagree with our core beliefs? As much as we think we don't need these people? That's how much we actually NEED them. Why? Because balance only comes with one person on each side of the teeter-totter. If a classmate jumps off? We slam to the ground. Balance is only achieved when difference is present. The absence of differences leads us to a dangerous place, a place we are currently at. This podcast with Bryce is one of my favourites, and Bryce? What a fantastic man, and guess what? We disagree a lot, but I love him anyway for his soul, like how we allow ourselves to love our family members who don't agree with us on core issues. 2023 will be the year we STOP the medicalization of gender-confused kids...Or shall I say, it can be the year. For us to accomplish this? We need to grab hands to help society see the truth. One community cannot do it; we need all of us. Pretend the whole world is your family, because if we break it down, that's what we all are to each other, family! We need to start acting like it. In 2023, grab my hand and let SCREAM Louder save gender-confused children. Scott

This episode is one you will not want to miss! We are glad to have our co-belligerent, Scott Newgent , on with our Host, Bryce Eddy. Scott is an activist and voice for those who are being manipulated into transitioning & against the evil and vile movement to sexualize and sterilize our children!

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26 déc. 2022

Morning from the UK.....great to read this "sense and sensibility" today.

Scotland has just passed a gender recognition act which allows children as young as 16 to self ID as trans (they wanted it to start much, much younger)....the start of the slippery slope for medicalisation of youth and a guarantee of the destruction of hard won women's rights. Waiting to see if the government in Westminster reacts! So true that Left and Right wings of the population are set against each other to empower government. TRUTH is what matters, science, truth and compassion.. Wishing all truth seekers who fight for children a peaceful Christmas time. Whatever your views on the meaning of life, one thing is certain, w…


26 déc. 2022

Wow!!! This is great!


Scott Newgent

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