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Exposed: The Dangerous Link Between Evangelical Leaders and LGBTQ+ Bribery Scandal in Gender Clinics

by Tranman Regretter Scott Newgent


Added note: What grinds my gears? I read today that a pastor hired a murderer to kill his wife, and I guarantee Christians won't mention it or say, 'He's asked the Lord for forgiveness'. 

I'm a lesbian who has medically transitioned, and I hold my rainbow people accountable daily for what is happening to gender confused kids! Yet, Christians don't utter a word about the Texas governor who has taken millions in bribes from a queer kid gender clinic while labeling transgender kids as child abuse. I don't understand it, CHRISTIANS... I DON'T. Article Link

Has the fact that I am a community homeless, I have a party of one community ever crossed your mind? Everyone is trying to get me, and I have no support. Used by Christians to say things like "LOOK at SCOTT, I told you I was right" and I understand their motivations, I understand my motivations...We are BUTCHERING kids and I know about it first hand I will call anyone and everyone out to STOP this! My goal is to protect YOUR children!

A LITTLE HELP! Christians....Call your people out! All the information is here, black and white and it's WRONG!


Scott Newgent - Gov Greg Abbott

Texas has become a global hub for trans children, and two days ago I released this piece on Gov. Abbott accepting over $3 million in bribes from the LGBTQ community. Since then, numerous religious individuals have commented on my posts, claiming that I was untruthful....

To make it easier for people who don't read to understand, I've included images in the post. I beg you to read this from the perspective of a scared mother, not a lesbian undergoing medical transition. Right now? We need to discuss, listen to each other, and have sensible debates in order to stop Abbott from doing what he has done and is doing.

Religious conservatives? Imagine a politician who claims to be opposed to homosexual marriage and who labels medical transition programs for children as abusive, all the while amassing millions of dollars and passing legislation to make it appear as though he is fighting against these issues. Just because we don't believe the same way about religion doesn't mean we are enemies. I am "TROY" battling for your children in this argument.

Evangelical News QUIET/liberal QUIET on Hue's worst crisis yet exposed by TRANSING KIDS! Are evangelical leaders collecting over $3 million in bribes from LGBTQ+ gender clinics?




In the evolving political landscape, certain inconsistencies reveal a disconnect between declared intentions and the discreet actions of public figures. A shining example of this paradox can be found in the actions of Governor Abbott of Texas. Despite his public opposition to gay marriage and the medical transitioning of children, he has received considerable financial contributions from entities associated with the LGBTQ community, including a gender clinic, and indirectly promoting the radicalization of kids, all while playing up to his evangelical Christian side.

The mind-boggling revelation behind the colossal medical scandal is genuinely unsettling. It momentarily tempted me to compromise my principles by adopting a softer tone, refraining from using offensive language, and conforming to the mainstream narrative. There was a fleeting glimmer of hope that something positive could emerge from this ordeal, which almost swayed me to change my approach. Strangely enough, I find solace in the fact that this incident occurred, as it allows me to persistently expose the truth, irrespective of the wrongdoings committed by any particular faction. Undeniably, they are all guilty, left, right, up, down and around. Shatter the subtribes; this is the only place we find a balanced society is by forcing the truth, REGARDLESS!

I ask for forgiveness for my near transgressions, as succumbing to them would have undoubtedly made my life easier. However, having an unwavering voice of truth within this ongoing debate is crucial, regardless of the consequences. Such a voice is desperately needed, as it serves as a beacon of honesty amidst the chaos and confusion.

Are you ready to confront the shocking reality behind the most colossal medical scandal in recent history? Brace yourself; the revelation undoubtedly rattles the ground beneath our feet.
Let's Do It

Society's talking heads - politicians, social media celebrities, and the media – are dancing around the reality, unwilling or unable to report the truth. On the one hand, loud cries of bigotry drown out rational debate while the other side triumphantly celebrates their efforts to put an end to the insanity of pediatric medical transition, all while the number of childhood victims increases!




Plunge into the horrifying statistics that children faced last year. A staggering Est less than 4 years ago, 200,000 innocents were led to believe that they were entrapped in the wrong bodies, precipitating the belief in the necessity for medical transition. This year, prepare to be petrified as the numbers explode, dwarfing previous figures, with over an estimated 2 million children in the United States alone believing they are transgender and in need of medical transition.

Now, I understand that not every child will medically transition, but what if that were a target market for a pharmaceutical corporation? Can't you hear the boardroom meetings? As a former sales executive, I certainly can: Ladies and Gentlemen, a mere two years ago 200,000 children believed they were transgender and in need of medicalization here in the USA, and we all know it starts with puberty blockers. 8% of the population

Fantastic news, people: 0.06% of the 13-17 population in the US would have generated ten billion eight hundred million if we sold to every target customer. Hold on to your hats, pharmaceutical reps, because this year, the percentage of children who believe they are transgender and are in our target market jumped from 0.06% to numbers as high as 8.0%, bringing the potential tally up to 2.4 million potential patients, Kiddos to consume the black, non-FDA approved drug we like to call 'Puberty Blockers!' 


What does that mean for your sales team?

You were looking at ten billion eight hundred million per year of potential sales with our target market!


You're looking at one hundred twenty-nine billion six hundred million per year on the table!

Did you hear me, team?

Say it with me:

"New BMW"

"New Diamond Ring"

"New whatever the hell you want, sell, sell, sell!"


And should pharmaceutical corporations care that this drug causes massive health issues and doesn't have one long-term study to tell us if it improves anything?


No, Lupron, the company that makes puberty blockers, was sued in 2023 by the US government and deemed a 'Criminal Enterprise' and was forced to pay the most significant financial compensation to date, 874 million for false advertising and bribery. Why would they worry? They know they don't have to because they have politicians like Texas Governor Gregg Abbott!

Trans Man Blasts Trans Inc: Says It Was Declared A "Criminal Enterprise" in 2001 After Lawsuits, Lupron Fined $874 Million For False Advertising and Bribery

Yes, I did! 


Are the Abbotts of the world the only winners in this debacle? LGBTQ+ organizations who rake in donations, and your favorite social media celebs and politicians who are exploiting society, doing two parts of sweet nothing to end this travesty, all the while filling their pockets.



“Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and Republican Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan did [object missing!] when they collectively accepted over $250,000 from Friends of UT Southwestern Center, also known as FOMCPAC. Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and Republican Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan did when they collectively accepted over $250,000 from Friends of UT Southwestern Center, also known as FOMCPAC.


Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick led the pack by receiving over $120,000 from FOMCPAC, followed by Governor Abbott collecting more than $85,000, and Texas Republican House Speaker Dade Phelan netting $50,000 from the same PAC just in 2020 alone.”


Here's how the money came in so you, the public, wouldn't know that Abbott is on the take in the LGBTQ. Proof that the money came via UT and then into Abbott's office.

Some of these stories have vanished, and the sole remaining one is with the Katy News Christian News group. But I captured screenshots before they were erased. The video below also goes over the articles to verify them.


Abbott is well-known for his controversial stance on the legalization of homosexual marriage, which garnered him both admirers and detractors.

I don't mind that Governor Abbott was so outspoken in her opposition to homosexual marriage. Our views on homosexuality vary since no one person's viewpoint can include all aspects of a woman's character. Being wildly inconsistent in your beliefs about things like popularity and donations is an unavoidable reality. Mr. Abbott

Sitting on the edge of this juxtaposition, one has to wonder whether his aggressive stand hides a more complicated truth than just political positioning.

Allegations indicate that Abbott has accepted millions from a gender clinic suspected of promoting the medical transition of children ([1]). This situation raises concern over the line between financial contributions and influence over policy decisions. It is essential to consider that the gender clinic and Abbott's stand share divergent ideological positions. This dissonance leaves room for speculation regarding the motives behind these donations and the extent of their influence on policy decisions.



In February 2022, Abbott declared that "medically transitioning children is child abuse," triggering heated debates about transgender rights and central government intervention ([3] Ramirez, N. 2022,

You see, Governor Greg Abbott believes you're a fool, and these tight subtribes of the community ensure he won't be booted, and if he is, his Christian faith will shield him and blame it on us LGBTQ people. That community makes it simple to discuss if the new LGBTQ initiative that has been implemented is the same one that Abbott is pursuing, and no one knows.

Why? Revert to the halt; they believe you are sluggish and that their subtribe will save them.

But what does this mean for society? Total pandemonium, with no responsibility!

It's THEM, not ME, when in reality it's all of us.


While the ethics and implications of medical transitioning on children are subjects of extensive debates, Abbott's hardcore stand against it puts into question his alleged acceptance of contributions from centers associated with such practices.

Furthermore, it divulges an underlying paradox within Abbott's politics. While he is publicly against LGBTQ-related practices, his tacit acceptance of funding from such sources implies a covert endorsement of their agendas. Such a contradiction leads to speculations regarding the governor's legitimate intent his publicly stated policies.


Riley Gaines, Paula Scanlan join Texas Gov Greg Abbott in ceremonial signing of Save Women’s Sports Act

Oh, how times haven't changed, right? Remember those glorious 80's? Picture this: Overzealous Baptist ministers fervently preaching their heart out about the 'sin' of homosexuality, only to be the very ones, caught with their trousers down in seedy motels with young boys. The very epitome of hypocrisy. 

And then the plot thickens. They'd pull out the 'redemption' card, utter those magic words, "I'm sorry, I have been saved," and voila! All is right in the world again, apparently. The Christian community would welcome these charlatans with open arms, ready for another round, and then another... Endless, isn't it?



What a sacrifice this paster makes: WATCH: Pastor Had Sex with Teens to Make Them Straight

Do I need to keep talking, or have you absorbed the gist of what I'm saying? Look, I've got no issues with folks being against homosexuality due to their religious beliefs, okay? It might not sit well with popular opinions, but I respect their right to hold it. It's a part of being an adult that the world needs more of – acceptance and maturity.

What actually grinds my gears is when hypocrites like Governor Abbott have their cake and eat it too. Not only does this guy oppose homosexuality, but he also actively tries to rob gay people of their rights. But it's cool for him to pocket cash from the LGBTQ+ community in the shadows. Oh yeah, I said it. Money right up his ass, no less. He holds a far bigger nerve with me than any pastor under the Sunday morning spotlight. At least they had a genuine struggle. Abbott, on the other hand, is nothing but a two-faced, self-serving bigot who smiles for the cameras. He has the audacity to claim that medically transitioning children is child abuse! Well, Abbott, if you truly believed that why'd you start filling your pockets in 2015?



 Yeah, I remember – you made millions. Shocking twist of hypocrisy there, don't you agree?



UT Southwestern Medical Center hosts the Gender Education and Care Interdisciplinary Support (GENECIS) program, which is the “first and largest program in the southwest that provides multidisciplinary care to transgender children and adolescents.” While the program does not offer surgery to children, it does offer a number of so-called “treatments” that may amount to chemical castration, including hormone therapy, menstruation suppression, and puberty suppression…

Campaign finance records show that the Friends of UT Southwestern Center, also known as

FOMCPAC, handed out well over $250,000 in total to a number of top Texas politicians who were recently involved in shutting down multiple pieces of legislation that would have prevented hormone treatment and surgery from being provided to supposed transgender children in the state.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who National File has been told led the charges against the bills designed to protect children, received $85,000 from the transgender clinic PAC since 2015. His Lieutenant Governor, Dan Patrick, received the lion’s share from FOMCPAC however, taking over $120,000 since 2015. Newly elected House Speaker Dade Phelan was given $50,000 in the 2020 cycle by the clinic’s PAC. Similarly, Rep. Stephanie Klick, who was in a position to block these bills in her role as the Chair of the House Health Committee, received $4,000 from FOMCPAC since 2015.


 Now, guess what? The new Christian activists join together like Riley Gaines and Abbott, hand in hand, simply mirroring these very antics in our shiny new 2020s! It's the same story, just a different act, wouldn't you agree?

Riley Gaines praises Texas Governor Greg Abbott for banning trans athletes' participation in collegiate sports. I believe it is important to highlight that Riley may not have been aware of the situation with Abbott. As with many others, this information may have been overlooked or unknown to her. However, I took the initiative to personally inform her about it, ensuring that she is now aware of the matter. Moving forward, Riley's response and actions will undoubtedly shed light on her character. It is my sincere hope that she takes this newfound knowledge as an opportunity for growth and demonstrates her integrity through her future actions.

Cutting to the quick, Candace Owens brought up a contentious point on 'The Daily Wire' when I last took the stage: "My family knows Abbott, I have to see proof!" she asserted. To this, I delivered accordingly, sending her the requested proof a month ago. So far, all I've heard in return is radio silence. CRICKETS. Yet, I can't shake off the question that this situation spins - what exactly matters here? Is it the petty clan-based politics that seem to thrive in our societal sub-tribes, or is it about standing up and doing the right thing?

 One probable explanation for this paradox lies in Abbott's alleged participation in the so-called "radicalization of kids." By accepting funding from organizations with arguably extreme views on gender transitioning, Abbott may be indirectly endorsing these ideologies, casting a foggy veil over his real intentions,

Furthermore, the ethical implications of these accusations resonate beyond partisanship, and link Abbott to pharmaceutical corporations allegedly financing him. This fact adds another layer to the issue, potentially exposing a larger political corruption network involving questionable alliances and compromising fiscal ties.

The information is out there. This website allows you to conduct financial investigations on any politician with razor-sharp accuracy. Money is now being funneled from a southern gender clinic to the University of Texas and finally to Gov. Greg Abbott's office. That's a trick. But that job has already been done for you.

It is clear that the circumstances surrounding his political orientation towards LGBTQ rights and practices and his alleged fiscal dependencies bear a closer look. It underlines the importance of political transparency and the need to further scrutinize politicians and entities funding them.

Given these inconsistencies and the lack of clarity, it becomes crucial to hold public figures like Governor Abbott accountable for their actions. It is equally important to investigate the sources and motives behind their funding. Establishing these elements will not only shape a more honest narrative but also ensure a more transparent political landscape.

In conclusion, Governor Abbott's alleged involvement in receiving funds from entities, whose ideologies he publicly denounces, draws attention to the questionable ethics of some politicians. Transparency, trust, and pluralistic liberalism are the bedrock on which the American political system rests. It is paramount to scrutinize discrepancies between public and private actions to uphold these democratic values.

Transman Regretter Scott Newgent

If you will raw, real, true people need to be heard in this debate?



Texas Tribune, URL:

OpenSecrets, URL: 

Bryant, J. (2019). Puberty Blockers Can Be ‘Lifesaving’ Drugs For Trans Teens. The American Journal of Managed Care. []

De Vries, A.L.C., et al. (2014). Puberty Suppression in Adolescents with Gender Identity Disorder: A Prospective Follow-Up Study. Journal of Sexual Medicine. []

Holm, S., et al. (2018). Ethical Issues in Paediatric Gender Assignment. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. []

Meester, S. (2020). The Ethics of Puberty Blockers. Journal of Medical Ethics. [

Texas Children’s Hospital Ceases Child Gender Transition Treatments After DFPS Directive

Texas Tort Reform


Move evidence Below

Genesis, a gender clinic in Texas in 2015, handled around two dozen children.

Today: 400 - Link

Keep in mind that puberty blockers earn 8 times more money, and this figure has just increased even further. $37,000 to $45,000 - Link Hormone Blocker Shock: Drug Costs 8 Times More When Used for Children

Adult per year: $4,400.

Child per year: $45,000.

In 2015, around two dozen or twenty-four children were medically transitioning and using blockers: two years later, over 400.

Let us look at the numbers.

2015 - 24 kids produced = over $2 million.

2017 - 400 kids produced = $18 million.

Let us now consider the adult costs: What if these were adults?

2015 - 24 Adults Would Have Produced: $100,000

2017 - 400 adults would have produced $1.7 million.

THIS IS WHY WE ARE TRANSPORTING KIDS - Keep in mind that this is only the beginning, since we have yet to discuss surgery or cross-sex hormones.

According to typical research, 90% or more of children who take hormone blockers later use cross-sex hormones.

Genesis, a gender clinic in Texas in 2015, handled around two dozen children.

Today: 400 - Link

Keep in mind that puberty blockers earn 8 times more money, and this figure has just increased even further. $37,000 to $45,000 - Link Hormone Blocker Shock: Drug Costs 8 Times More When Used For Children

Adult per year: $4,400.

Child per year: $45,000.

In 2015, around two dozen or twenty-four children were medically transitioning and using blockers: two years later, over 400.

Let us look at the numbers.

2015 - 24 kids produced = over $2 million.

2017 - 400 kids produced = $18 million.

Let us now consider the adult costs: What if these were adults?

2015 - 24 Adults Would Have Produced: $100,000

2017 - 400 adults would have produced $1.7 million.

THIS IS WHY WE ARE TRANSPORTING KIDS - Keep in mind that this is only the beginning, since we have yet to discuss surgery or cross-sex hormones.

According to typical research, 90% or more of children who take hormone blockers later use cross-sex hormones.

Puberty Blockers for Children: Can They Give Consent? - 90%

Puberty blockers are more than just a 'pause button'; around 98% of youngsters who use them go on to utilize cross-sex hormones.Medscape - Nearly 100% continue to use cross-sex hormones.

Puberty Blockers for Children: Can They Give Consent? - 90%

Puberty blockers are more than just a 'pause button'; around 98% of youngsters who use them go on to utilize cross-sex hormones. Medscape - Nearly 100% continue to use cross-sex hormones.

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Mar 05
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Ok I get it now. Thank you for the update, Scott. Now I am angry!


Mar 01
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

It angers me when Christian leaders do things like this. We have to call these leaders out and ensure people understand that this is not right. I just read an article about Scott, and we need to emulate what Scott is doing in his community, calling people out within his group!

Abbott needs to be investigated and we evangelicals need to lead by ushering him right into the 'Tell the truth - you say you're a Christian? Act like one or don't let the door hit you where the good lord split you! '

Bravo Scott & God Bless. I hope this doesn't offend you, but God is using you and you are emulating how a Christian is suppose to…


Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Scott, as always excellent post. Very informative and thoroughly documented.

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Feb 28
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Gov. Abbott (well-named, ironically!) has his feet in both camps and is essentially taking political bribes from pro-medical Transition of kids groups then coming out pretending to state the opposite, yet doing nothing to stop the medical transition of children. Follow the money, it always speaks louder than any words! Excellent documentation! Well done!


Feb 28
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

You mentioned Abbott before and I was suspicious, but not convinced. This documented research and evidence seems irrefutable and absolutely…disgusting. You have given me a clearer understanding of your mistrust/disdain of evangelicals and makes me embarrassed that I fit in that category, by definition. I’m disgusted, embarrassed and deeply, deeply saddened, though not deterred from my trust in Almighty GOD who hears my prayers.

Replying to

Thank you for saying this. The highest rate, by far, of positions or work people do?

Religious leader. Highest number of sociopaths, fascinating. Religion is an ideology too, so it can be dangerous.


Scott Newgent

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