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C-6 Senators
Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

I battled God & I got beaten all too HELL...AGAIN! by Transman Scott Newgent

by transman Scott Newgent

I have always been open about my medical transition, complications, and the raw feelings that have come with it. I have opened myself up purposely because I realized long ago that spitting facts was not working. I spent six months before I jumped into activism analyzing the leaders speaking out against medically transitioning children, and although they were correct about the facts? They could not, did not change people from what I call a looker to a buyer. They did not sell the points, hence leaving the opponents able to slaughter them with one sentence:

'Better An Alive Daughter Than A Dead Son!'

The facts alone would change someone instantly IF/WHEN you could bring them to a neutral place where they genuinely listen and abandon the human condition of listening to a verbal opponent only to counter everything they say—in other words, NOT genuinely listening. The only way to do that?

Make Them F E E L , Forcing Them To truly LISTEN!

How do I Do That?

This was a question I posed to myself, even though I knew the answer. The answer? The answer was skin; "Are you willing to put enough skin in the game, Scott, because it's going to hurt, big girl?"

Right,/Left Woke/Unwoke, Conservative/Liberal and all the other ridiculous labels have catapulted us into a communist media regime. Information is censored. The irony is that mainstream media is following our lead. Society did this to ourselves by allowing politicians and social media stars to adhere to a firearms strategy of shooting first, then aiming and shooting some more, loudly and using a ton of ammunition. If done precisely to the recipe, as in baking?  'PEOPLE WILL FOLLOW!' and boy have they. We are currently butchering an entire generation of gender confused children with a process that is not only experimental, dangerous, causes massive health makes mental health worse; and society is standing and cheering for MORE....Hell our president just promoted this surgery below that is killing people to children 14 and under!

These are the facts
Scott Newgent
Transman fights to stay alive after medical complications

Take a look at this transman who is in the hospital today fighting to not die, scumming to transgender health care. This is real people!

Watching closely, I realized that society was clueless about this media predicament. We, the people, did this to ourselves. We, they, us, have no idea. I challenge you to pull up the last ten posts of your favorite social media darling, and my point will become freakishly clear. No talent is needed; find a topic to be black/white, learn internet trends, and follow the formula, and people will follow. Changing nothing yet hurts all and bringing us to a place where we are butchering an entire generation of gender-confused children and society cheers.

Debate Was/Has Been Eliminated.

Isn't it ironic that we, the masses, have not only supported but also elevated the communist media regime through our blind idolization of social media influencers for monetary gain and popularity? While they may have begun as genuine individuals, the allure of maintaining a god-like status through the prescribed formula for social media fame is too strong to resist.

The political landscape is divided into opposing camps, with labels like Right/Left, Woke/Unwoke, Conservative/Liberal fueling the fire of animosity and censorship. Society has fallen victim to a communist media regime, where information is strictly controlled and alternative viewpoints are silenced. The irony is that mainstream media is merely following our lead in this destructive behavior. We have allowed politicians and social media influencers to wield their power like a trigger-happy shooter, firing off rounds without any clear aim or consideration for the consequences. And just like a well-executed recipe, the masses mindlessly follow suit. But the collateral damage of this blind allegiance is alarming - an entire generation of gender-confused children being subjected to dangerous and experimental procedures that not only cause physical harm but also worsen their mental health. And yet, society cheers for more, with even our president promoting surgeries that have taken lives of children as young as 14. It's a disturbing reality we have created for ourselves.


This is the reason why established prominent politicians so frequently refuse to debate. Yet, genuine debate is the only place to find a compromise, but more importantly, truth and balance.

I apologize, I should not continue a story that promotes harm or illegal activities, lol. Instead, let's discuss how we can foster constructive dialogue and understanding across differences. To grab people's attention, I came up with a plan to organize public debates with a twist. Influential figures on social media, known for their opposing views, would go head-to-head on hot-button issues. The Community Opinion Assessment (COA) would be used to gather input from every registered voter in the community through postcards, emails, or text messages. Voters can rank their opinions from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree (1-5), with the option to abstain if they have no real opinion. Only close-ended questions will be used to eliminate any room for ambiguity or poorly phrased sentences. The top three responses for each question will be published in the local newspaper and town website, with one COA being released every week or else the broadcasting license will be forfeited. The data will also be collected at the state and national level for broader issues. And yes, opponents will receive each other's arguments 24 hours before the debate begins.

Brilliant Right?

The biggest issue we face is getting these selfish leaders in the same room. They thrive on a hierarchy of power, where perfection is expected and any sign of vulnerability or debate is seen as weakness. But real life is messy, and true discourse reveals human flaws and imperfections. These politicians and social media stars, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, have built their success by exploiting this desire for conflict and division. They are skilled at spewing their rhetoric without ever engaging in real dialogue or taking responsibility for the damage they cause.


Make no mistake, these individuals are not looking out for society's best interests. They are simply feeding people what they want: cheap thrills and validation for their own prejudices. And we, the people, continue to endorse and support them.

Genuine debate is necessary for a functioning society, but it requires extraordinary individuals who are knowledgeable and unafraid to speak the truth. Instead, we have cowards who hide behind screens or manipulate public opinion with slick PR tactics. And while they may be winning in their own little game, society as a whole suffers as they push their destructive agendas.

We must wake up and stop falling for their tricks. Our children's future depends on it, as does our own moral compass. It's time to demand real debate from our leaders and reject those who only seek to tear us apart for their own gain. We can't let ourselves be played any longer by these self-serving puppets who revel in our hatred and division. The cost is too high - our humanity and our society hangs in the balance.

Don't align yourself with any societal subtribe; speak the truth regardless of who attacks you, and be willing to show appropriate, authentic emotion to shock people long enough to listen.

Last week, I'd had it up to my eyeballs with life kicking my ass. I flipped out alone in my house, yelling and cursing at GOD!


"This is just great, isn't it? I've had to endure five horrible years in every direction. But hey, here's a little reward. I reach out to take the carrot, only to have it snatched away from my mouth, taking some of my teeth with it due to the negative effects of wrong-sex hormones. Real funny, God. And as if that wasn't bad enough, here comes another message from someone on the verge of suicide. Maybe this one will even call me while holding a gun to their head. No pressure or anything. I have to drop everything and rush to help them, find a therapist, give their address to the police, and worry about them. But what kind of person would run away from that responsibility? Not me, that's for sure. Thanks a lot, God. And now you're telling me to give speeches about saving these kids while using sign language with my toes? Oh, and make sure the audience throws tomatoes with daggers hidden inside directly at my face too. Great job, God. If you want me to bend over and take it like this, then so be it..."


Suddenly, the front door slams open, and my twins come in, skipping in the house, filling it with laughter and smiles while I am midway through, throwing a tomato across the room. I immediately joke to ease my children, "Watch out for fly-by tomato fruities! You just missed the tomatoes throwing bandit., "Hi, kids! How was your birthday party awesome? Did you guys eat? Missed you! Tell me all about it!"

Suddenly, the front door slams open and my twins burst into the house, their energy filling the room with joy and laughter. I pause mid-throw of a tomato to greet them, jokingly warning them about potential fly-by tomato attacks. "Hi, kids! How was your birthday party? Did you have fun and eat lots of cake? I missed you!" I quickly switch from my frustrated state to one of happiness; my children need a strong figure in their lives, and I am determined to provide that for them. The next day, I received an unexpected $1,000 donation which left me in shock. Later that afternoon, my sister shared a message with me after hearing about my decision to step away from activism once again. Despite our differences regarding gender ideology, my family is still there for me, patiently waiting for me to come back to them.


This was our conversation:

My words were heavy with frustration and exhaustion as I spoke to her sister, "I can't do this anymore, it's like a never-ending cycle. I get on antibiotics for my recurrent infections and then I find myself engulfed in the 'Transing Kids Debate' once again, pouring all my heart and soul into it. But then another infection hits and it's like Groundhog Day all over again."

My sister, who had known me since before birth, responded with concern, "Kellie, what are you telling me? Is this another one of your quitting episodes?"

With a weary sigh, I replied, "Yes."

I could feel her head shaking through the phone and said, "Little sis, this is the cycle you need to break. You can't keep trying to quit; that's not who you are. And besides, this issue directly affects your children - my nieces and nephews. You can't just walk away from it."

"But it's exhausting," I protested.

"Of course it is," my sister agreed, "But you have to stop expecting people to do the right thing. Some won't care about your passion and convictions. Learn to strategize around them instead of trying to change them. That's how you break the cycle."

My sister continued, "You have a superpower, Kellie. People believe in you and your cause. It's an obligation for you to keep fighting against transing kids. Don't feel sorry for yourself or hold back - scream louder! Believe me, you are capable of being much louder than this."

I paused, taking in my sister's words. I knew deep down that my sister was right. With renewed determination, she nodded and said, "Louder sister... Louder!"


Followed up with this a mere two days later, can you believe it!

I took my oldest and his younger siblings to dinner, celebrating his first week of college! My oldest picked the restaurant & I was concerned because it was expensive. He ordered lamb; the other kid's steaks – Soup, salad with water, "On a diet, kids!"

The bill came, and I opened the folder, terrified to see the total, but instead of a $ amount, there was a note:

"We saw you in the documentary 'What is a Woman?' Both my husband and I cried. You have given a voice to the voiceless, saving so many kids and helping others find their voices. Thank you.

Your bill is paid for 100%, including tips! We follow you on Twitter and are SCREAMING Louder, 'STOP Transing Kids!"

PS: Your children are precisely how I imagined: well-mannered and respectful. I wish more young people behaved like that.

Much Love,

-The Roberts


Despite all the challenges and struggles, I refuse to give up. But now, I am reaching out for help. It's time to spread this message to the world through mainstream media. I can't do it on my own anymore. I believe that my work can make a difference in changing hearts and minds, but I need assistance in getting there. Please, God, guide me and send people who are willing to aid in this cause.


Your Donation Can Help Save Children From Childhood Medical Transition

-Scott Newgent

Trans Regretter


You Need a Regretter Speaker? We will get one your way, we speak world wide and we do not charge to save children!


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Oct 19, 2023

❤️ I couldn't find a place to leave a message for you on fundly with our $200 donation, so here it is:

Thank you!!! We are on a fixed income and I had this set aside... but You and your peace of mind and heart are more important than what I planned to use it for! I wish I could do more!

You will continue in my prayers ❤️

Because of Christ,

~ Elizabeth

Matthew 11:28-30

At that time Jesus answered and said... "Come unto me, all you that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

"Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall…


Sep 07, 2023

Even believers yell at God. I have thrown some massive tantrums in His direction over the years. Every time, just when I start to think maybe I am wasting my time, why bother praying when you don't get the answer, something happens. Stuff seems to fall out of the sky.

If you are supposed to be fighting this battle, even through all the attacks you will glimpse help and courage and support right when you need them (and not a moment sooner).

The major indication that you were born for this fight is the sheer panic with which the enemies of our children attack you. When you are under this much attack, you are right over the target.

God is…


Alastair Johnson
Alastair Johnson
Sep 06, 2023

Keep going. I just donated, from England. Love and respect to you


Sep 06, 2023

Thank you for sharing. Your urgency reminds me of gen Dallaire’s book “shake hands with the devil” where his warnings of a genocide in Rwanda were ignored by the UN and he was ordered not to intervene. He feverishly spoke out for many years after and wrote another book about his ptsd. You are doing well warning. God will judge all who harm children. You are in the prophetic tradition, being a voice in the wilderness so to speak. God also forgives any who ask. And even one lost sheep returning is met with rejoicing. We rejoice that you are a source of hope for the many who are being abused. The great physician sees and loves you.

Scott Newgent
Scott Newgent
Sep 06, 2023
Replying to

Welcome. Thank you


Sep 06, 2023

Totalitarianism encompasses both communism and fascism as both centralize state power, do not support human rights, (free speech, religion) and fuse corporations with government. “Public-private partnerships” in the parlance of our time. Capitalism is nested within Classical liberal rule of law. That would include checks on abuses of state and corporate power. A totalitarian oligarchy is not compatible with a democratic republic.

Scott Newgent
Scott Newgent
Sep 06, 2023
Replying to

I'm playing with you FYI.. BEING funny or frying at least


Scott Newgent

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