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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Matt Walsh Smiled. All Were Shocked! But Not Me....Here's Why

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate

Last week I filmed a show with Candace Owens from the DailyWire.

As I entered the building, my heart started racing & I had this sensation I was in the enemy's bunker, tiptoeing around corners announcing who I was so I wouldn't be tackled to the ground by armed guards yelling, "intruder intruder, a lesbian/transman on the floor.....Get the unicorn fart air purifier ready, or our employees will be announcing they are bisexual or tri-trans and stripper poles will suddenly appear in the conference rooms like the burning bush.....Let's Go, people. RED Alert; this is not a drill; the rainbow has penetrated the DailyWire.

I even made jokes as I turned corners to announce myself, "hello, I'm a lesbian transman, but I'm not here to harm you, just to chitchat; please put your verbal harpoons down." Although I was joking and people chuckled, quite frankly, jokes & humour mirror truth!

What have I discovered through this tormented journey of recovering from the grips of death due to medical transition? My beliefs have been shattered. Who I was no longer remains. I have been replaced with who I am; my trials and tribulations have forced me to look at who I was. I didn't like who I was, and that pain? It has given me the grit to have the ability to change who I am. Many of us would like to change, but change needs motivation in the highest form. My pain has given me a unique gift that I am now turning into being grateful for the journey.

The enemies I HATED? They have become friends, but I had to put my hand out first and could not do so until I was forced. A curse turning into what I realize is one of the biggest blessings of my life. My misinterpretations about who other people are?...WRONG. My fallacies have been snipped, relieving so many remarkable people I would have never allowed myself to know unless I experienced this suffering.

As Matt Walsh walked toward me, he shined an electric smile, a smile you can feel as sincere. As we ended our conversation, I sat back down in the chair, and makeup people began, "Omg did you see that? Matt smiled!" A protest started with whom did not see the exchange,

"I don't believe you. He smiled? Matt Walsh?"

Apparently, Matt doesn't smile much; profound with a pondering expression was who they knew. But me? Who I knew Matt Walsh was?

Out of every high-profile person, I have met while I've been on this journey? Matt? Matt has done kind things when no one was watching, without anything in return. How many people do that today? How many people do that for their so-called enemies in activism?

Some of these things will remain secret, and some are even unknown to Matt and don't get me wrong...I had given his team hell when I thought they deserved it, sometimes when they didn't deserve the hell I was giving. The raw recovery of such an emotional rebirthing has knocked the wind out of me many times. It's been hard but rest assured, I have told the 'Matt Walsh' team to fuck off many times, realigned many times. I have this recurring imaging in my mind of the 'What is a woman' crew, envisioning them all sitting in their office as one of my emails pings,

"Oh lord, Newgent just emailed one of his massive studies emails again. Will someone send a quick email, so he doesn't blow up the entire server system? I don't have time for Newgent to start an examination session ensuring that we read the email sent?"

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Ping. Ping Ping, computers start to flicker with overload, "Ok, too late; he's blowing us up. Will someone call him? Ring Ring...."Yup, never mind, that's Newgent. "Hi, Scott, what a surprise???? Yes we got......

Even though Matt and I do not agree on some serious issues, I can now separate the idea that someone who believes differently than me is intrinsically evil. Because the truth is that what we are doing to gender-confused kids? Pushing experimental procedures where all studies that said it was a cure-all? Retracted. A procedure that causes more suicidal ideation 7-10 yrs after, taking odd children who do not fit in and telling them they can fit, there is a cure, telling them this lie at a time when nothing else matters but fitting in. At 42, this pull was too strong even for me. Our kids do not have a chance.

"Hey kid, come here; try this, it makes everything worse, but I will make a ton of money and really? You're a weird person, same-sex attracted, autistic, gifted, been abused, so quite frankly? You don't fucking matter."

Because that's what's happening and the reason it's happening? Because adults have been acting like children, right fighting, creating lines, armies and don't get me wrong...that is a great business model for media, but society? Acting like children creates an entire blind spot that people can't see, and the blind spot is so powerful they can't even fathom the idea of just maybe it's them that can't see it; butchering an entire generation of kids because people think medically transitioning kids is about love and human rights.

I often say that if we remove the idea that medically transitioning is about love, human rights, and the little guy fighting back against evil? If we look at the medicalization of children without emotion, just facts and only facts? It takes only a mere 10 minutes with someone on a neutral level to understand that we are butchering an entire generation of children because of the greed for money.

Army line activism and politics?

You vs Me?

Again a great business model to induce donations and fame, but terrible for society. It's time to adult better, require more of ourselves to sit in the uncomfortable zone and open up to the idea that maybe, just maybe, we need to grow and learn how to love beyond what current boundaries tell us we are to love. We all want, need, and yearn for love, but when it comes to us loving others? Too many stipulations for us to do so. Remove the walls when it comes to love; it doesn't hurt you to love bigger, stronger and more people, but the consequences of hate? Enormous. Stack the odds in your favour and go crazy with love; trust me you will be loved way more in return.

Scott Newgent-TReVoices Founder

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Dec 22, 2022

You must keep up the fight, keep the work to save the children.


Sep 22, 2022

Profound. "Because that's what's happening and the reason it's happening? Because adults have been acting like children, right fighting, creating lines, armies and don't get me wrong...that is a great business model for media, but society? Acting like children creates an entire blind spot that people can't see, and the blind spot is so powerful they can't even fathom the idea of just maybe it's them that can't see it; butchering an entire generation of kids because people think medically transitioning kids is about love and human rights."


Sep 22, 2022

So glad you've been able to use your pain and grow and learn and take something so terribly hurtful and use it for good! Bless you for that!!


Sep 21, 2022

great post!


Sep 21, 2022

I love you Scott, I do I do I do!


Scott Newgent

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