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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Memoir Update - Revealing The Secret Sauce - "How to educate the people who need to be educated about the reality of childhood medical transition?'

Lesbian Devil to Straight Man Saint - To Trans Hell & Back Again

by, Scott Newgent -Transman Regretter August 2024
Lesbian Devil to a Straight Man Saint

Updates: The conclusion of this article addresses the important topic of educating society about medically transitioning children. It is worth reading as it uncovers what I strongly believe is the "secret sauce" to successfully approaching this issue.

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A significant number of individuals, both young and old, who identify as transgender and undergo medical transition often struggle with severe mental health issues. They are enticed by the idea and told by medical and mental health professionals that they were born in the wrong body and can only find happiness through a series of surgeries and artificial hormones.

In this dark era, those in medicine and the pharmaceutical industry prey upon vulnerable individuals, manipulating the mentally ill into believing they were born in the wrong body. These professionals, cloaked in white coats like parental figures, hold immense power over their patients - for a physician or psychologist is no longer an equal, but a superior with absolute authority. And in their hands lies the fate of these fragile souls.

Go To & Find The Largest Database of Studies, Facts & Explanations by Trans Regretters

These experts convey with authority and rigid sturdiness, immovable that being born with a mismatched body is a result of a misalignment or error during the developmental process or caused by faulty DNA. The end objective is to encourage individuals to recognize that this problem can be resolved, freeing them from any guilt or the struggle of self-discovery. It denounces the idea that the problem might be the person starring back in the mirror. It is viewed as a physical condition, much like the need for insulin in diabetes treatment. These authoritative figures assert this as fact and anyone who questions it is labeled as sick, mentally unstable, intolerant, unenlightened, and compared to the "Hill Billy Haters" of our time.

The so-called experts, authority figures, teachers, doctors, mental health professionals, and the Jeffery Marsh groomers of the world wield their power like puppet masters, pulling the strings of public opinion and manipulating the masses with their divisive words and unyielding beliefs. Their towering walls of ignorance and fear cannot be breached, trapping anyone who dares to challenge their version of reality. And when their control is threatened, they unleash their ultimate weapon: the word "bigot." It cuts through rational discourse like a sword, silencing all who dare question or seek the truth. These manipulators thrive on division, building impenetrable barriers that isolate and ostracize those who challenge their beliefs or seek true understanding.

Education is the key to breaking down barriers and misconceptions surrounding the idea that anyone is born in the wrong body. By providing ample support, my memoir has the power to tear down these invisible walls and bring awareness to the reasons why individuals feel this way. It can also reveal the dangers of promoting transition as a quick fix for all problems, potentially saving countless lives.

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This message weighs heavily on my shoulders, and I am fully committed to addressing it with determination and unwavering seriousness. As someone who has undergone medical transition, I am intimately familiar with its complexities; as a matter of my own personal survival. I have faced emotional trauma and constantly challenged myself to sit with discomfort without giving in to it. Raising children at the age where children are faced with pressure to transition only adds to my understanding, and even though I have lost almost everything, I still have what truly matters: my children and a strong sense of right and wrong. But only individuals who have gone through similar experiences can fully comprehend the gravity of this issue in a way that others cannot without experiencing it.

How do we effectively educate those who are in need of it?

Hold tight, its coming . . .

Your contributions hold immeasurable value and has a profound impact, even if it may seem like it go unnoticed. The belief people have in me is the source of my strength and determination to keep going. As I continue to battle infections and receive vital IV antibiotic treatment today, it has brought me to where I am, feeling healthier than ever, it all comes back to you - those who believe in me. Every dollar is like a surge of pride pulsing through my soul, a supportive pat on the back and footprints in the sand left by you, whom I may not see but definitely feel and I thank you.

Participating in "What is a woman" was both the second worst and greatest decision I have ever made - at least, I hope it will turn out to be. Despite being both my best and worst choice, this has nothing to do with Matt Walsh and his team; they have always treated me with kindness. In fact, one of the reasons I fully support Matt is because he consistently does what's right, even when no one is watching with regard to me and my children. You may not agree with his beliefs, but it's important to separate the person from their opinions, and Matt is a genuinely good human being - that's what truly matters to me. This documentary solidified that I can never return to sales in the business world, and I have finally accepted this truth, grieved for what could have been, and am ready to move forward. Think of it like this: I have nothing left to lose and can be completely honest, vulnerable, and authentic in order to convey the crucial message our society needs to hear.

Gender ideology is a contentious topic that often breeds ignorance and discord. It can easily devolve into a clash between "us" and "them," with even the slightest disagreement resulting in the vilification of those who hold opposing views. Those who dare to challenge this ideology are frequently met with hostility and demonization.

If you knew me in person and followed my advocacy, you would see a persistent and unwavering attitude. To put it plainly, you would see a mother who is committed to keeping a promise made for her children through her activism. Unfortunately the reality is that many use activism as a way to gain fame, attention, and wealth if executed correctly and with the current business model. However, this approach to activism is the root cause of our society's obsession with material possessions, power and fame. Sitting in the midst of this, constantly questioning, challenging, and enduring criticism without a supportive community has been incredibly difficult. But now, with you here, we are part of a community where we don't have to agree on everything; in fact, having differing opinions helps us achieve balance.

Establishing a sub-tribe that fosters compassion and acceptance among its members, where individuals who were once constrained by strict guidelines and social ostracization now have the freedom to express themselves openly. This genuine acceptance is driven by moral values and a genuine respect for others, creating an environment where healthy debates can take place without judgment and people are allowed to agree to disagree.

My involvement in activism began over five years ago when I helped draft the initial bill to ban childhood medical transition in South Dakota. This bill serves as the blueprint for current legislative efforts, but that's a story for another time. Since then, I have been working with others to educate about the only long-term study on transgender individuals, conducted in Sweden from 1973-2003 and involving 324 participants. Contrary to popular belief, this study found that suicidal thoughts do not peak before someone begins medical transition or during the first few years of it. In fact, they are at their highest 5-7 years after completing the transition process. This is because individuals often look back and assess whether the procedures and hormones truly brought them happiness or not. Unfortunately, for many, this results in even worse mental health and physical health issues caused by medical transition. As a result, reality hits and suicidal ideation peaks to the highest levels with transgender people.



LGBTQ+ organizations are receiving record-breaking donations. The Trevor Project, for example, received one million dollars in yearly donations until two years ago. However, they documented a staggering 67 million dollars in donations in 2023. These organizations also have significant influence, with 287 bills currently in the US House and almost 300 employees who travel to elementary schools teaching about gender ideology and queer theory.

Remember that queer theory was coined by a proud pedophile, another man who was completely comfortable with pedophilia, and a lesbian who was accepting of pedophilia as long as the child enjoyed it.


Ethics & Money: The Dark Triad Terror, ACLU, Trevor, Planned Parenthood Transing Kids!

Link by Scott Newgent


As the earliest generation of transgender youth reaches adulthood, known as the "transgender red zone," my inbox is flooded with cries for help. My days are consumed with searching for mental health services, housing options, and other forms of support for these young adults who were medically transitioned during their childhoods. Sadly, they not only face the typical challenges of entering adulthood, but also the distressingly high rates of suicidal thoughts among transgender individuals.

The promises made to them in their youth have become a harsh reality as they navigate a tumultuous battlefield. Each day brings a new struggle, another hurdle to overcome. It was inevitable, and I predicted it five years ago: as the first group of individuals who were medically transitioned into adulthood now face the realities of adult life, we are seeing a tragic increase in suicides - the highest among any group within the transgender community and 14X more likely to committ suicide than any other demographic today

Yet, the media remains silent and the current activists are unable to get the message to the people that need to hear it in a way they change their hearts and minds.

As I struggle to finish my memoir, I am struck by the weight of its impact and the opportunity to educate and inspire others. You are an integral part of this movement, during a significant moment in history where you have the chance to take a stand and be proud of standing up for what is morally right. Your support goes beyond just your own community; it shows belief in someone and helps break down long-standing barriers. To challenge the idea that certain beliefs are considered "normal" or acceptable, while those who speak out against them are labeled as intolerant zealots or overly emotional feminists...We must break through these barriers in order to progress as a society and this my friends, I believe can only be accomplished one way.



How can we bring an end to this insanity and change the way people think? We need a different type of spokesperson - no matter how compassionate, enlightened, or open-minded someone from the evangelical or feminist communities may be, they are immediately dismissed without a chance to speak by the ones in society that need to be educated the most. Influential voice is often the one that holds power over the corrupt subtribe to which they belong. That's why I've continued to call myself a transman, even though I had not taken testosterone for more than two years when I did the 'What is a woman' interview. I remained silent, on purpose because its part of the secret sauce how we educate society.

Being a transman gives me an essential tool in the battle for equality. It's a powerful weapon that allows me access to places and opportunities that an evangelical may not have. It is truly key in this fight.


If I had chosen to follow the conventional path of success in activism - chasing wealth and recognition - I would have relinquished my weapon and announced my detransition, thus eliminating the current struggles I face. I could have proclaimed born again and cured of transgenderism and risen even higher in status. Being authentic is not a necessary requirement to be a victorious activist. I have always known how to be succeed in activism, but the current business model fails to change hearts and minds. Without the title of transmen, it would be extremely difficult to make any weighty impact on changing hearts and minds who desperatly need it.


These children need adults in their lives who, embrace who they are not a delusion of something they will never become.


Think about it for a moment: changing someone's heart and their perspective on a matter that is deeply intertwined with basic human rights. We're talking about the rights of African Americans, who have faced injustice in their struggles. We're talking about individuals who have suffered for being attracted to the same sex, who have been physically harmed or lost their jobs and even been banned from saying goodbye to their partners of half a century as they lay dying, surrounded by the family that shunned them for their sexual orientation. These are real human rights that should not be affected by your personal opinions of the person in question. Every single human being deserves to be treated with kindness, respect, and the ability to live without fear. These are fundamental human rights that should never be taken away.

How can we persuade a portion of society that firmly believes supporting medical transitioning for children is an act of compassion and acceptance, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary? How can we effectively communicate that medical transition is merely cosmetic, and while it may bring temporary relief, it should only be pursued after thorough consideration of mental health and potential consequences? And most importantly, how do we reach those who have the power to protect these vulnerable children from being exploited for profit?


What steps can we take to sway those in positions of power, who have the ability to save these innocent children? How can we tip the scales in favor of the truth and reality?

The person delivering the message needs to change, and this person must justify the reasons behind it in a specific way.

The KEY: Why do individuals believe they were born in the wrong body? Why would someone choose to take cross-sex hormones and drastically alter their identity for a delusion?

The answer lies in answering the WHY.

This memoir is a powerful mixture of precise ingredients - the perfect location, timing, and messenger - all combined with an unfiltered and emotional retelling. From the first page, I will grab hold of the reader's heart and pull them along through every moment until they finally understand everything and the 'why' is revealed. It will be a moment where someone reads something so profound that they sit back, close the book, and exclaim, "Wow, now I get it!" How this all came about is a testament to the unchanging 'why' that resonates with others, regardless of changing characters or circumstances. It transcends time, place, and situation, leaving a lasting impact on anyone brave enough to read it. And when you discover the 'why' as well, you too can become a warrior and help save these children. Revealing this 'why' is not easy; it would be much simpler for me to have a conversation with a ghostwriter and sign with a publisher who promises something in return. But that's not how it should be done when exposing a shameful secret with vulnerability and honesty. As I tell my children, just because something is difficult doesn't mean we don’t do it!

This memoir serves as a lifeline for our most innocent - our children. It holds the key to the 'WHY'. With your support, we can craft a compelling piece of writing that explains the "why" in a comprehensible yet emotional manner. This memoir possesses the capacity to challenge society's belief in the concept of being born in the wrong body. Every donation matters. A seemingly small $5 donation symbolizes five instances of faith in me, and that is tremendously powerful. It's not merely $5; it's the catalyst that brings this memoir to life, providing support and potentially saving other people's children. That $5 holds life-changing power.

Lesbian Devil to Straight Man Saint

$25 isn't merely $25; it funds three strategically-placed Google ads targeted at those who need education on this matter.

$100 isn't just $100; it covers the printing cost for several copies of the memoir, for distribution in libraries, giveaways, or to a mother who thought she was out of strength.

$1000 is more than just $1000; it purchases a way around censorship by placing ads in front of the exact people who need to see them on social media. It also gives us professional cover art to draw more attention.

$25,000 isn't merely $25,000; it allows merchandise production for placement in bookstores, crafting powerful messages and conversational topics that counter current societal narratives, such as 'Better an alive daughter than a dead son’. Through merchandise, we can disseminate potent messages and potentially spare future generations from suffering like these innocent children. Your contribution signifies more than just dollars - it embodies hope for a brighter future for all those who have fallen victim to societal ignorance.

Sure, pharmaceutical corporations, the ACLU, Stonewall - they all have billions of dollars at their disposal, and they use them. However, they lack the one element that trumps what their money can buy - the truth.

Thank you for you belief is me!

Kellie King / Scott Newgent

For My Children!

Donate Today



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May 29
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Please a suggestion for your memoire get in touch with all those who have interviewed you many of whom gave excess cash with a personally addressed invitation to each person by email telling them about your memoire and asking for any support they can give to help get this published. (You may have already done so??) The various interviews you have done have helped many including the interviewers yet have harmed you financially. Seems like they may be capable of assisting you to get the memoire out now!

May 29
Replying to

Should read HAVE excess cash. Oops !


May 22
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Wonderful as always Skellie! Thank you for sharing your personal story and for helping to stop transing ANY kids but especially gay kids since many seeking to transition will turn out to be gay adults. Have many fantastic gay friends/colleagues and the only real differences between us all are our sexual orientations and those differences do not matter between hetero and gay people. Love is the universal language whether friendship or romance. 🥰


May 22

The message of BODY being the crucial determinant of someones happiness and worth is SO IGNORANT!!! Why don't parents tell their kids that IT IS THE BRAIN THAT MAKES THE INDIVIDUAL!!! What difference does it make to change the body when THE BRAIN STAYS THE WAME??? Who decides what to do, what to think? The body? NO!! THE BRAIN! AND THAT CCANNOT BE TRANSGENDERED!!!!!!! That is why after surgeris an pain the actual peron stays the same!!!! Why parents don't have that tiny amount of brain to tell their kids the truth!

May 22
Replying to

Many do try to tell the kids this truth but they are fully indoctrinated in school by peers on line. It is like a drug this gender ideology. It needs treating like an actual addiction until kids “peak” on “being Trans”. As dangerous to health as heroine. Reason doesn’t work against the ideology due to its emotional sway; must be an emotional way to trigger “peaking” on the ideology. Only wish I knew what that could be.


Scott Newgent

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