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Physician Pushing Childhood Medical Transition-Proof He Takes Money From Pharma-A Mother SCREAMING

Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent

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By, Concerned Mom

Physician Pushing Childhood Medical Transition-Proof He Takes Money From Pharma-A Mother SCREAMING

I have no idea if you read the things I am sending you from the scientific, professional community or not. I don’t know if your mind is closed and made up or willing to see things from all sides. There is much conflict in the community especially from those that have been dealing with gender dysphoria for awhile and have seen how the clients with this has morphed over the years. Used to be middle age men as the most presenting…not teenage girls. That should make one curious what is going on and why the shift. You have a podcast and a responsibility to your audience to get it right. Affirmation of distress of a person trans identified is absolutely the way to go, that doesn’t mean you should affirm they should be put on a medical path as the only way to help. Also calling kids “trans kids” is problematic as suggests a permanent state vs. “kids with gender dysphoria”, a condition may or not be permanent. You tout the 41 percent suicide rate. It is really accurate?

There is no high quality evidence to suggest that the overall attempted suicide rate of transgender youth is 41%.

There is no high quality evidence to suggest that the overall attempted suicide rate of transgender youth is 41%.

However, a 2021 paper [3] notes that the participants were recruited through transgender advocacy organizations and subjects were asked to “pledge” to promote the survey among friends and family. This recruiting method yielded a large but highly skewed sample. By targeting transgender advocacy groups, the survey underrepresented the experiences of transgender individuals who are not politically engaged. Also, a very high number of the survey participants (nearly 40%) had not transitioned medically or socially at the time of the survey, and a significant number reported no intention to transition in the future. A 2016 article [4] analyzes the power of this 41% statistic, investigating how it has affected conversations about the injustices transgender people face and the importance of family and societal acceptance.

1] Turban, J. L., Beckwith, N., Reisner, S. L., & Keuroghlian, A. S. (2020). Association between recalled exposure to gender identity conversion efforts and psychological distress and suicide attempts among transgender adults. JAMA Psychiatry 77 (1): 68-76.

[2] Grant, J. M., Mottet, L. A., Tanis, J., Harrison, J., Herman, J. L., & Keisling, M. (2011). Injustice at every turn: A report of the national transgender discrimination survey. National Gay and Lesbian Task Force; National Center for Transgender Equality.

[3] D’Angelo, R., Syrulnik, E., Ayad, S., Marchiano, L., Kenny, D.T. & Clarke, P. (2021). One Size Does Not Fit All: In Support of Psychotherapy for Gender Dysphoria. Arch Sex Behav 50: 7-16

[4] Tanis, J. (2016). The power of 41%: A glimpse into the life of a statistic. Am J Orthopsychiatry, 86 (4): 373-7.

You gave me an article from Jack Turban, says a lot. His interpretation of what he wants to find and the direction he takes. I thought medical professionals were supposed to “first do no harm”. He seems to reject that and thinks the only way to address this is with medical interventions and at such a young age going through puberty, with co-morbid conditions. This is astounding. Please read the letter below from a detransitioned woman and quoting him.

The below is a critique of Jack’s article. I am sure more are to come.

Here is a response from my personal friend, Scott Newgent (transman). He has been through the ringer with his own story and analyzed things in his own colorful way.

Why Jack Turban Doesn't Know What He Is Talking About. As Well As A Perspective From A Trans.

Gender a Wider Lens podcast with Stephen Levin a professional with decades experience really touches on what we don’t know. Jack Turban with his limited experience doesn’t seem to me have any questioning...why? He is very young with not much experience.

Jack receives money from a pharmaceutical company that makes puberty blockers A Physicians Bought Means Children Will Suffer Check out r/detrans subreddit. With affirm only policy..this subreddit has exploded. Should these people be getting therapy instead of thinking that a transition will solve their issues? What mental health issue do we let the client diagnose themselves and prescribe the treatment? I implore you to get input from all sides. We even have Dr. Laura Edward Leeper speaking out and transgender Dr. Erica Anderson. I know your heart is to get it right for people. I’m concerned with the long term mental health of everyone as an individual with their own story. What is causing the dysphoria, can it be resolved with neutral therapy? Can the client explore and find out more about themselves. Why do they feel this way, what is going on? Check out r/detrans subreddit. With affirm only policy..this subreddit has exploded. Should these people be getting therapy instead of thinking that a transition will solve their issues? What mental health issue do we let the client diagnose themselves and prescribe the treatment?

I implore you to get input from all sides. We even have Dr. Laura Edward Leeper speaking out and transgender Dr. Erica Anderson. I know your heart is to get it right for people. I’m concerned with the long term mental health of everyone as an individual with their own story. What is causing the dysphoria, can it be resolved with neutral therapy? Can the client explore and find out more about themselves. Why do they feel this way, what is going on?




Scott Newgent

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