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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Recently I received an email from a pediatrician. Guess What? -Scott Newgent

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

Recently I received an email from a paediatrician. Being a transman, a parent of three children, and running an organization trying to bring sanity to this debate, I must say I was intrigued. How do paediatricians feel? When they start their day, turn on the coffee machine at 6 am...? What do they say to their spouses, who know all their secrets? The question is, how do medical professionals feel when no one is looking and when they are not concerned about their reputations or the Taliban howling, "BIGOT!"

It takes a lot to shock me within the medically transitioning children debate: each stone I uncover, my jaw drops. I have spent many a night alone desperately trying to pick up my jaw that has not only fallen but dislocated from my face, dangling on my knees; I'm unable to speak, waving my hands in the air, trying to articulate a point with audible moans.. These times I try to explain it to myself, and I am shocked when I discover things I should know as a transman yet was never informed. OK, parents do not understand the gravity of childhood medical transition may not be a giant leap, but medical professionals? Please! Come on! Did you pass middle school biology?

How have we come to a place where reality and caution are considered hate; curiosity about ideology, knowledge, science, and the truth is considered hate? The idiot that hates people because they are too stupid to understand life on an intellectual scale is given a pass to be an idiot because they cannot understand an enlightened idea and are instantly irrelevant; background noise of no consequence laughed at and waved off as someone who doesn't matter, not listened to and patronized with any ideas they come up with. Take this visual I have just painted and slap that canvass right on the ass of 99% of society regarding the medically transitioning children debate. They don't know, you don't know, but you think you do! That's the problem; you think you know and do not, and the people who do know? Re-read this paragraph; they have conveniently dubbed the "Idiot" even though they are the ones who know what is happening. Silenced, and it's a brilliant marketing scheme.

Anyone who speaks badly about our product (Medically Transitioning Children) will instantly be titled as a total fucking idiot and no one will listen to them...........

mmmmuuuuwwwwwwaaa, it's brilliant!

That is exactly what is happening right now within the medically transitioning children debate. Here are a couple of jaw-droppers to try and get in shape to handle the truth. Ready? Oh, one more thing. Remember, medicine is a business; act accordingly.

Seven studies found that medically transitioning children was beneficial and a miraculous cure for children with gender dysphoria and debilitating suicidal ideation. All seven studies have been retracted or modified, stating it "does not help kids and it causes more mental health issues or "insufficient evidence or studies to determine if it's beneficial or detrimental. Yet, these studies are plopped down on the desks of the gender clinics to soothe parents with the idea that it's a CURE and the emotional hostage takeover begins.

Link bottom of the page starting with -The Heritage Report

Remember, medicine is a business; act accordingly!

I say often, and I mean it, when you remove all the words like bigot, phobic, ignorant, hate and lie, the facts down on the table, you only need 10 minutes of neutral time to explain to people why medically transitioning children is the hands-down biggest medical scandal in modern history and one that will be studied for centuries the same way we look back on Nazi Germany, perplexed how someone so evil not only came into power but took an entire country and flipped it upside down where black was white and white was black. The majority of Germans in Germany at that time believed it. Ignorance. When facts and caution are removed, people are frightened to question something happening within society.

These parents that are sitting in the gender clinics reading about studies that have been retracted started on a road that began in a therapist's office with the infamous and deviously successful sentence that I believe is the entire reason why we are butchering a whole generation of gender-confused children, mind, body and soul. Ready for it?

"It's better to have an alive daughter than a dead son!"

Really? Tell me one parent that says, "Nope, I'd rather have a dead son; thanks for your time; you mental health professional that went to school for 24 million years, and I've been looking at all your degrees for the last hours as my son tells all of us he wants to slice his neck open and die. Nope, I'll take dead son. OK, send us your bill. Grab Sam babe, our son. Let's get him fit for a casket. Thanks for giving us a choice of a mental health professional; we've decided unanimously we will take "Dead Son."

That sounds ridiculous. Now swap that reality with the truth. What would you do? The people that tell you about the retractions who warn you? Yup, bigot, idiot, phobic, hate, uneducated, horrid human beings.

I often try and think about what I would do in situations, what I would do if I never medically transitioned if I didn't know that the only long-term study done on medically transitioned people from 1973-2003 found that the highest point of suicidal ideation is seven to ten years after medical transition. Nutshell? The seven retracted studies said it was a miracle; that's not the worst of it, your suicidal child? Just wait; it gets worse. In the trans community, we call it the "7-10 year suicidal itch", the time you realize the health consequences and that transition didn't help anything, made mental health worth, added health complications and made you fit even less. But what if I never transitioned and didn't know these truths? Would I be smart enough? Would I have the fortitude to look beyond what I call the "Unicorn Farts" & "Glitter Bombs" surrounding our children being thrown candy fantasies and the promises of all dreams come true...

"Come here, little child; I have a piece of candy for you?" Replace that with 'Unicorn farts," the same thing in a different century, and profit is the molester in today's world, both equally deviant and should be guarded against our children.

Would I be strong enough to resist the unicorn farts being fed to parents? If I never transitioned? Hell, no! I would be on Twitter telling anyone that says anything negative about transing kids, instantly,

"Get educated. Medical transition saves lives. Don't be a bigot." I would reduce the people telling me truths to the idiot I spoke of above. But the real question is, what would you do? To be honest, what would you do?

Oddly, you would be doing what parents worldwide are doing: medically transitioning their children. Rushing children to an experimental procedure that has never been studied long-term, and future complications are unknown, but we are seeing early onset osteoporosis in boys that are medically transitioned in childhood, girls suffering from heart issues at 22, blood thinners are rapid due to PE's, we do know lifespans are cut by 10-15 years, hearts and lungs not developing right due to puberty blockers, girls spines are not fusing right, in fact, this finding shut down a children's hospital in Sweden Karilinsis, causes a 12% increase in psychosis within girls who transition and here is the kicker.....and listen I could go on and on and on until your jaw was not only dangling, your who head blown to smithereens reduced to a crazed person sitting in a pshytriact hospital that never speaks just swings back and forth repeating words that don't seem to make any sense but to the crazy person,

"Osteoporosis" "doesn't help doesn't help makes worse." "Spine Fused...not? No Spine" "Hearts lungs, not mature no not mature" "Life short, cut." swinging back and forth all day,

"Experimental all of it except top surgery" "Can't sue, no no no no experiment" "Baseline for care? No no never held up in a court of law, no no experimental, WPATH, no no no never held up in a court of law." "No studies, no no not studied." "Lifespan cut" "82% of kids grown out of gender dysphoria"

But I'll spare you the trip to a psych ward in a catatonic state and leave you with this.

The email I got from the pediatric doctor that you can read on my blog? Link

Physicians know that what we are doing to kids is wrong, but the innately human side of all of us is powerful, just like many have been engulfed in unicorn farts; Doctors are no different, and the public relations, strategic placement, and millions of dollars spent to silence you, I and not immune to physicians. Physicians? They are scared to death of the unicorn farts too!

"It's experimental, we don't know the long-term consequences, it is unethical to experiment on a child who cannot fully consent to the procedure due to lack of understanding, and we have not sufficiently ruled out other psychological co-morbidities or even let the child's psyche fully develop before we present them with an absolute decision about their gender."

Doctors are silenced by fear as well. It's times in history we need people like you who are reading this article to do what I call "Adult Better." The ache we have inside to belong, not to question ideas or challenge narrative, to be innately human, to belong? This human reaction is solely responsible for people to shake their heads yes when they hear things they know are wrong,

"Transwomen are biological women!"

You need to be brave and say, "No, they aren't, they are biological males who take estrogen to create an illusion of a woman for comfort, but no, they are not biologically male!

"Medical transition saves children's lives and cures suicidal ideation!"

You need to be brave and say, "No, it doesn't cause more suicidal ideations, but it's on a timeline that is seven to ten years after these kids start to transition, and the studies said it does help. Retracted/Modified and deviously are never longer than the web. The only long-term study tells us it goes to hell in a handbasket."

We need you to say the truth, consistently repeated repeatedly, because that's the only way to get the current talk track removed. Consistent, constant, exact time after time...over and over and over again and you? Yeah, you, reading this? This is your job. You don't know what to do, but you want to help? Do this; repeat these over and over and over again on social media! There is a reason I show SCREAMING photos all the time, begging for people to SCREAM! Why? It's the only way to stop this... consistent messages delivered with passion, without reservation and total and complete confidnce=SCREAMING!

You might hate or love me, but one thing is always the same! I am right about approaching this, and I know how to stop this! EVERYTHING I have said for the last three years? I've been right...Hate me later, but listen to me NOW and save kids. Get behind me, I know how to lead this, and I know how to win! Period!

But most importantly, I know the emotional toll it takes to win this, and I am the only one willing to give the emotion needed to stop this without anything in return. I get NOTHING from doing this...Not a fucking thing! I do it because I am a parent and I would hope to GOD someone would do this for my kids, that's it!

Because the truth is, without the unicorn farts, medical transition generates approximately 1.3 million dollars in a lifetime to pharma for each child they convince is transgender and that['s even if they detrans, which the majority are doing. If you remove parts that produce the hormone to your biology you have to feed it a hormone to survive, either E or T.

The truth is medical transition is a considerable profit model. Now, since Biden's declarations, not only do insurance companies have to pay for it, they can't question, or the unicorn farts are released. So, the phalloplasty that I had causes recurring infections that will probably take my life? The surgery that caused all this? My insurance company has been charged close to one million dollars for an experimental procedure that almost killed me. It's a brilliant business model but a wretched, contentful wolf on wall street, horrid devilish medical treatment sold as a cure to nothing but a fat year-over-year profit model.

Remember, medicine is a business—act Accordingly.


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Scott Newgent

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