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C-6 Senators
Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Riley where is the sacrifice? We are losing the transgender battle & someone needs to tell the truth! 2023 you/we failed!

In this time of prevalent social activism, skepticism around its operation is on the rise. Ostensibly, activism pledges to bring about serious societal reform. Yet, a somewhat disturbing view insists that present day activists ensure no change occurs, thus amplifying their bargaining strength for heightened financial incentives. This raises questions about the efficacy of those who are campaigning for social justice, but seem more focused on personal financial gain (Strauss, 2014).

My exposure to activism was entirely inadvertent and driven by one solitary and staunch motive: Ending childhood medical transition worldwide. This transformation is being pawned off onto impressionable children under the guise of transgenderism and I've had enough. I've watched this unfold, I've lived through it, and now I stand against it.

The so-called "activism market" is a peculiar beast. Unlike conventional professions, the value of activism seems inversely proportional to its efficacy; those who fail to evoke change somehow find a way to financially flourish (Biddix, 2010). This counterintuitive dynamic can be attributed to two key factors.



First, the longer a social issue persists, the longer activists can exploit the situation for monetary gain, as proponents manipulate the issue to ensure the struggle and associated income, endures (Boggs, 2011). Second, when change is glacial, activists lay claim to the enormity and complexity of the issue to validate the need for additional resources, including financial compensation (McCarthy & Zald, 1977).

Take a look at Ethiopia, deemed the poster child for famine, the nation has been siphoning off donations for over 30 years with little change (Belachew & Jember, 2014). Similarly, stateside, groups like Black Lives Matter, with a crusade against racial prejudice, have witnessed a financial windfall yet have reached few milestones in terms of policy change (Brooks, 2016).

The respected activist, Riley Gaines, is another participant in this shameful enterprise. Gaines may be recognized as a competitive swimmer who was pit against a transwoman, leading to missed opportunities and a life that spiraled out of control. Her quick ascent to fame and the launch of her nonprofit have established her as a formidable opponent. Her team extended an invitation to me over a year ago to join forces in this endeavor. I was told I would be handsomely compensated for my speeches, however, a month before the tour, they ghosted me leaving me with more questions than answers.

Unlike Gaines, my activism is funded purely by donations. Last year, my campaign gathered $22,000 directly contributing to my living expenses and travels in efforts to raise awareness on this topic. The lack of communication from Gaines' team has left me in quite a tight financial spot and I am left to question her motives.

I firmly believe we deserve better activists, ones driven by justice and reform rather than personal gain. Let's strive for more authenticity, more dedication and more genuine change in the world of social activism and hold these activists to the fire to inspire change because from the way I see it? No one wants changes that you currently follow.

545% Increase of LGBTQ Characters On TV With over 50% being transgender

Riley talks about sacrifices. Open your books, and I guarantee her W2 for 2022is WELL over what a dentist would make & hitting the million mark, the career she walked away from, she's treated like a star, speeches are written for her, Charlie Kirk's people train her, she flies around the worlds hearing what a hero she is and...AND trans people hate her? Is that the sacrifice? Being wheeled away from the CRAZY people you hated anyway! Where's the sacrifice, Riley? Cause I don't see it!


Quote the studies, Riley, analyze the data, show us your pain. Did you stumble upon an opportunity, aligning with 'Turning Point'? You possess the ideal looks and beliefs to champion Christianity and conservatism, a leader to be celebrated, facilitating cash flow, because let's be honest! The fact is that conservatives already agree with Riley, Christians already align with Riley.

It's clear in 2023 that this kind of activism earns substantial revenue but changes nothing. Now, place Riley in a room full of liberals who instantly dismiss Riley, disregarding whatever she says. I said yes to Riley, as together, we alter the room dynamics; me and Riley, a medically transitioned lesbian, a non-Christian, and Riley... that would genuinely change hearts and minds. However, a nagging feeling tells me that resistance from her Christian base led us here. It's disheartening because if halting childhood medical transition is the aim, grant me 25% of the platform Riley has been given, and I assure you, although I may offend many, I would halt the irrationality of transitioning children medically. Therefore my question is, what is your actual desire...To safeguard children or to forge a potent tribe that alters NOTHING?"

Nineteen State Bills Passed in 2023 - Only 2 are currently being enforced - Kind of still allowing puberty blockers

But people will keep stealing from each other, treating people terrible to ensure a good public image, but for me? I don't CARE what people think, we are BUTCHERING a generation of children and sure make a living at it...Just don't suck at it and tell every one you are creating change. Riley is for Riley and that's the truth!

I firmly believe we deserve better activists, ones driven by justice and reform rather than personal gain. Let's strive for more authenticity, more dedication, and more genuine change in the world of social activism.

Open your books, Riley. Let's see how much sacrificing you have done.

Show us the pain, because I can show you mine! I may piss people off with truth but one thing you can guarantee I have one motive - 'STOP Transing Kids!'

We need to be told the truth as a society and the truth is that we are LOSING to fight to stop childhood medical transition

Losing in the Entertainment Field


2016 Numbers of LGBTQ Characters On Prime Time

2023 2016 Numbers of LGBTQ Characters On Prime Time


545% Increase of LGBTQ Characters On TV With over 50% being transgender


Losing in court & legal suits


Nineteen State Bills Passed in 2023 - Only 2 are currently being enforced - Kind of still allowing puberty blockers

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday let stand a federal appeals court ruling that found people with gender dysphoria should be protected against discrimination under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).

They have NOTHING to be scared of. Nineteen bills have been passed to BAN childhood medical transition, only two being enforced...KINDA they are allowing puberty blockers


YET the Conservative ACTIVISTs CHEER In Victory!

Transgender UW-Madison Employees Win Insurance Coverage Fight

Win health insurance coverage back

Transwomen to compete with biological women - Guess what? Conservatives push back, again and again and again, but LOSE!

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Jan 11

Wow. Scott I have followed you for 5 years and I have never seen you say anything about anyone with contempt. You have always been forward family. I can't help but wonder what Riley did because this is unlike you and I have no doubt warranted


Jan 03

Hey Scott, Wholeheartedly agreeing with your perspectives here. However, I wouldn't necessarily attribute the potential backlash from donors as a substantial factor. Instead, I think the dynamic would have fundamentally shifted by your exceptional knack for communication. The light would have shiftyour way in no time, man. I vividly remember watching you deliver that speech in Windsor. What a hell of a performance that was. Goddammit, your passion, your inspiration, the intensity of your words—it was something palpable, something that I haven't experienced since the era of radical upheavals back in the 60s. You don't just speak, Scott, you fucking ignite the air around you. I watched those wide-eyed, transfixed transfender radicals while you were onstage, and something miraculous happened. Their energy, —it…

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HERE HERE Back atcha


Jan 02

Thank you Skelly

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Welcome Speak Louder... I mean #SCREAMlouder


Jan 02

YES! God, I love Scott! I was thinking the same thing after reading her last article! Wow...YES!

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Well then.. ❤️ back


Scott Newgent

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