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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

SHOCKING CONFESSION: Why Me; A Lesbian Who Medically Transitioned & Detransed Is LEAVING the LGBTQ+ Community & Joining The Society Where We All Matter - Welcome Deanne Chance -

by Deanne Chance
Detransitioner - Deanne Chance -

Hello there, I go by Chance. For as long as I can recall, I have worn my lesbian flag with pride and have been a dedicated member of the LGBTQIA+ community. However, in recent times, something has shifted. The community that once felt like a safe haven now feels strange and unfamiliar. While I still support the fight for equal rights, I'm struggling with the increasing emphasis on transgender rights.

This internal conflict is causing me to doubt my place within this community and if I truly belong here. Where do I fit in?

Let me be clear, I do believe in rights for all individuals. However, I am curious, what specific rights are Transgender people advocating for?

One aspect of the current fight is for what is known as "gender-affirming healthcare." This can include surgeries and cross-sex hormones. Many individuals who believe they are transgender claim that these treatments are essential to their well-being and without them, they may consider suicide. Personally, I also struggled with thoughts of suicide in the past. However, my struggle was not due to a lack of gender-affirming healthcare, but rather because I had received it. It's something I don't often share with others, as I used to feel ashamed about this part of my past. At one point, I even took testosterone shots and identified as a transgender male. It has taken me years to come to terms with that experience and heal from it.

It's difficult for me to put into words the terror I experienced during my gender-affirming healthcare. For 14 months, I took a full dose of testosterone which caused significant changes in my physical appearance. My facial hair grew in, my voice deepened, and my body fat redistributed. During this time, I went by a different name and used masculine pronouns. As the effects of the hormones intensified, I no longer recognized myself physically or internally. My sense of self was slipping away.

My transition was nearly complete, with a plane ticket to Florida for my scheduled double mastectomy. But as the date drew closer, doubts and fears crept in. I made the difficult decision to cancel the surgery, but it hit me like a ton of bricks when reality set in. If I continued with hormones, there would be no turning back from living in the wrong body. In a sudden and drastic move, I quit taking hormones cold turkey. My emotions were all over the place, shifting by the hour. The toll it took on me was immense, and I ended up needing to be hospitalized for a week to cope with the aftermath.

It was like searching for a lost city in a vast and unforgiving desert, desperately digging through the sand for any sign of sustenance or salvation. But all I found were whispers of a journey I could have never anticipated, with no map to guide me and no one to hold my hand along the way. It was a lonely and treacherous path, but I clung tightly to the lifeline of those few resources that offered a glimmer of hope and kept me from sinking into the depths of despair.

We Never Charge To Speak About Childhood Medical Transition & Why It Shuld Be STOPPED Today! -
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The desperation to escape the body at times I don’t even recognize consumed me, driving me to seek refuge in a women's treatment center. But when I called, my voice betrayed me as a man and I was coldly reminded that this place was not for me. My own reflection in the mirror was a stranger, and now even my voice could not convey the woman I once was. The hopelessness of my situation crushed me like a vise, leaving me trapped in a body that no longer felt like mine.

The trauma of transition and detransition has left me shattered, a broken shell of who I used to be. It took years of agonizing pain and suffering to finally return to my birth sex, but even then, I am one of the lucky ones. Others are not so fortunate - trapped in distorted bodies with their hormones permanently altered or irreparable damage from surgeries. The scars of my journey will never fully heal, a constant reminder of the dangerous path I once embarked on.

I am speaking out today because the truth must be known, no matter how painful. Thousands of women have been misled into believing they were transgender males, only to end up with hearts shattered and bodies mutilated. It tears at my soul to read their stories of regret, for I know their pain all too well. Some women bear deep scars from years of hormone therapy and irreversible surgeries, while others are haunted by the constant thought of what they have lost. And as I stand with Buck Angel, Blaire White, Scott Newgent, Marcus Dibs, Tucker Kergiel, Becky Weiss, Arielle Scarcella, and countless others fighting against this travesty, I can feel the fire in my heart raging against the injustice that has been done to us all. We will not stay silent, we will not back down until change is made.

I share my story because I hope it will help others, but at the same time, it's a painful reminder of my own struggles. Maybe someone will find comfort in knowing they're not alone, but I also fear that it may give false hope to those considering cross-sex hormones and surgeries. The world needs to change so that young women don't feel pressured to conform to masculine standards. But I can't ignore the fact that the transition only brought me more pain and regret. If only I could save others from the same fate...



My heart shatters as I turn my back on the community I once fought for. This is not the same safe haven where I marched proudly in solidarity for Gay and Lesbian rights many years ago. It no longer reflects who I am. Instead, it betrays women and inflicts deep wounds upon young and old lesbians alike, causing irreparable damage.

Today commemorates the formation of my partnership with Scott Newgent, a leading pioneer, and Transman Regretter. Together, we unite with other fighters such as Transwoman Claudia McLean - the first to raise awareness about the harmful effects of medically transitioning children and regretting her own decision to transition so many years ago. We also stand in solidarity with Prisha Mosely, a detransitioner who bravely shares her story of reversing her transition and preparing for motherhood as she carries a baby boy into this world. Among us is also Corinna Cohn, who stands strong in the face of social persecution and hate, remaining steadfast in her convictions to do what is right simply because it is right. Camile Kafiel, whose raw and unfiltered truths have been shared with the world despite the personal sacrifices she has faced. Canadian detransitioner Kellie Andersen embarks on her own detransition journey, bearing the physical toll of years on testosterone without hesitation. Lastly, our fearless leader shatters the mold of traditional activism, selflessly dedicating herself to protecting other people's children and inspiring us all with unwavering passion, strength, and courage to become not only better but to ‘ADULT Better!’

This is a day of transformation, of breaking free from the confines of a singular identity and embracing a new subtribe, one that values open dialogue, truth-seeking, and societal impact above individual comfort. It marks a shift from personal struggles to a larger fight, a battle against the medical transition of children, and a commitment to supporting others in their detransition journeys. It

Today is a day of bravery and resilience, of uniting with fighters who reject the status quo and strive to build a brighter tomorrow for everyone, not just those who are gay, lesbian, or transgender.

Today I become a TransRegretter


Deanne Chance

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Scott Newgent
Scott Newgent
May 30
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Welcome Deanne!

May 31
Replying to

I am proud to join the fight! Thank you for your tireless fight to stop medical transition for all.


May 30
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Right on!


Scott Newgent

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