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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Catholic Apology Sparks Controversy

Updated: Mar 14


Every time I see this story, smoke comes out of my ears. This was so wrong on so many levels & I can't help but continue to apologize to the Catholic community. I am deeply sorry! I think of Matt Walsh & his wife Alissa, the beliefs they have every right to hold, the kindness of his wife & family magnified a million times over to all Catholics & the same thing always comes to my mind:

"I am sorry!"

I am a lesbian who medically transition to a transman, I am the rainbow. I am also NOT a Catholic or Christian.

With that said: What an utter horrible thing for my community to do.

To trample on the beliefs of others parading like sexual animals celebrating the life of everything Catholicism is NOT!

This was either a total egg in the face or total ignorance and neither one is acceptable.

My people the gay, lesbian and trans community are an embarrassment and everything we said we would NOT become when we were fighting for human rights, to love who we loved, live where we desire and work without physical or monitisarional threats to us.

These rights?

These rights are human rights and should be afforded to all!

But now, we are everything that the evangelicals warned society about.


This truth may offend you but the LGBTQ+ is a pedophilia circle of total human garbage now and if YOU are gay/lesbian or trans and agree but stay quiet?


To take a sacred place to Catholics and smear feces all over it sinks lower than what I have seen my community do in a long time.

We are allowing a generation of children to endure a medical process that is experimental, dangerous, causes massive health issues, makes mental health worse and causes life long health issues regardless of if someone continues desists or complete the process.

We are ripping the rights away from women that took us since the beginning of time to aquire. Those rights? Decency, simple decency to woman now SHATTERED by straight men with the fetish autogyneohila.

We have activist like Caitlyn Jenner, and thank God he says something, but dips his toe in as to ensure he keeps his LGBTQ+ supporters but reveals enough to be controversial and moisy over from news show spot to news show spot. Prove me wrong Jenner you know what is happening is wrong, attack it or get the F&$K out of the way, you are backup noise but could be the one thing that stops this madness.

Up to you!

Guess what? Could be totally wrong about Jenner's intentions and he really could care, if that's the case, come on Jenner, let's save these kids and women!

Here's the deal. To adult better, we must act like adults, apologize when necessary, and provide restitution for wrongdoings. I discussed two incredibly different individuals in this thread, Matt Walsh and Caitlyn Jenner, and called them out whenever I felt they needed it.

I gave them credit where it was due as well. Neither of them received a free pass to act poorly, regardless of whichever subtribe they belong to - it's called better adulting, and we as a society seem to have lost this attribute.

The truth is, very few people are entirely bad; most are just trying to survive. However, refusing to communicate with individuals due to one of their held beliefs leads us to our current situation. What is happening, with harm coming to children and the inappropriate behavior that has become associated with the LGBTQ+ community, is tarnishing what millions consider sacred.

This is incorrect, regardless of whom you are attracted to - wrong is always wrong.

Last, I encourage everyone and anyone to call me out if I need alignment from time to time. We all need to have reality checks from time to time. Today the reality checks goes to the LGBTQ+ and the apology goes to the Catholics.

By, Transman Regretters

Scott Newgent

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After the TQ+ crowd co-opted the LGB rights movement, the focus shifted ever slowly towards (and remains fixated on) the erasure of woman and the exploitation of children

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Agreed Kellie 100%. Write about it.


Feb 21
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

SKellie, I always appreciate your perspective and reading your posts--always a clarion call! My thoughts and prayers continue on your behalf, always in the mighty name of Christ Jesus. LOVE YOU bunches.

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You do you. Thank you for not pushing your beliefs on people. It's a two way road.


Feb 20
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Dead right as usual Kellie.


Feb 20
Rated 1 out of 5 stars.

The Catholic Church covered for paedophilic priests for decades. It also told followers not to use contraceptives. My aunt was a strict catholic and had 11 children. 2 died. She lived in abject poverty. The Catholic Church did nothing during the holocaust. I ceased to be a catholic years ago. God doesn’t need a bunch of rich white men to act as a gatekeeper between us and God. I couldn’t care less about priests or any other man holding a position of power in the Catholic Church. I don’t know why you are getting involved. You stood down months ago to go back into the corporate world. Yet you are here more than ever. Don’t pick defending the Catholic Church…

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Feb 20

The glorification of prostitution (“mother of all whores”) wasn’t very respectful, especially to the mostly female victims of the sex trade. But seems to me like the Catholic Church has some apologizing to do itself - to all the children molested by its priests which was tolerated by the hierarchy for decades,, and to lgb people for the Church leading the charge against lesbian/gay civil rights, including opposition to protections against discrimination in jobs, housing and child custody, and its work against same sex CIVIL marriage. This trend to “trans” kids wouldn’t be quite so popular without the homophobia perpetrated by the Catholic Church and Christian fundamentalist institutions.

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Isn’t okay


Scott Newgent

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