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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Stop Mutilating Children! - Liberty Station Podcast

Bryce Eddy from the Liberty Station podcast interviews Scott Newgent about transgender ideology, those being manipulated into transitioning, and how to fight back against this evil movement to sexualize and sterilize children.


I am a 49 year-old lesbian - at 42 I found myself in a vulnerable place and circumstances led me to question if I was born into the wrong body. I began the process of transition and after the last surgery I had, a phalloplasty, which has a 67% complication rate by the way, I've experienced complication after complication finding myself with reoccurring infections.

All of transgender health is experimental except for breast augmentation and mastectomies.

I've lost my job, my house, my car, my marriage, my everything. I've woken up in my own urine, in my own blood. I realized I was dying. In that moment, I thought about my kids. I went from, "thank god this is almost over," to, "I can't go anywhere."

I made a bargain that day... now I'm not a Christian but I believe there is a god. I had a serious conversation that day and I promised if we could figure out a way to make me better, for me to be there for my kids, then I would speak out about this.

The intensity that people see, is me, a mom, fighting for my kids.

Agree to Disagree

I just spent the morning in a church service. Now, there's a lot we probably don't agree on, but there is also probably lots that we do agree on. When we've come to a place in society where you believe one way and I believe another way about one subject, but we can't come together to talk about other subjects, well we've lost our way.

We've gotten to a place where we are so left or right, one way or the other where we've left a huge blind spot. We've left a huge open space that allows for an entire generation of children to be butchered.

I'll listen to people that I don't fully agree with and I'll find the things that we do agree on.

Unfortunately, in today's society, we don't listen to people who are supposedly bigots. Right now, you need to lead from behind. You're not going to win this fight without the rainbow people. You have to push us out up front until we get over that mountain.

Reality is Not Bigotry

Transgenderism is cosmetic surgery. It doesn't cure anything. It's the same as getting your breasts done or getting a face-lift. You do you. It's great if it makes you feel better, but don't make society live in your delusion and stop going after our kids to make yourself feel better about something you've done.

I am a biological woman and that will never, ever change, but I took testosterone, which is a cross-sex hormone, and I will never, ever look like a traditional woman again.

First Do No Harm Rally

We've gotten to a place where some of the craziest people are out front. I mean, they make absolutely no sense. I was just at the rally in Anaheim, listening to their rhetoric and I'm thinking to myself, these are the people running our country. What in the hell is wrong with us?

Something amazing happened though, and the rainbow came out. We had lesbians, gay men, transgender people and detransitioned people. We were walking around to everybody, and no one wanted us to be part of their "groups," but that's the people that need to be promoted right now. We are the people that will change things.

The Big Lies

The biggest lie is that if we don't medically transition children then they will kill themselves.

"That's the most manipulatively evil thing I've ever heard. " - Bryce Eddy

It's criminal. Where do you go as a parent? If you don't know about transgenderism or about homosexuality and you go to these so-called professionals, and they go, well here's your options: you can either transition your child or they will kill themselves.

What parent is going to choose death? It's manipulative, dishonest and wrong.

The reality is that the odds are these kids WILL kill themselves... AFTER transitioning. In fact, 7-10 years after transition. The only long-term study was done in Sweden from 1973-2003, and it followed 324 medically transitioned adults. It found, when you first start medical transition there is an elation - a honey-moon period.

Many of these people don't feel that they belong, possibly same-sex attracted, maybe awkward or autistic. We are telling them that, "hey there is something wrong with you, but don't worry we have a magic cure-all solution." It prevents young people from growing a thick skin and prevents them from embracing their differences.

People sell this lie that once you start hormone blockers you'll feel better, then once people stop mis-pronouning you, you'll feel better, once you get surgery, then you'll feel better. Once you medically transition, you'll feel better. The problem is, these children and young people get to the end of the process and realize nothing has changed except for the permanent damage they've done to their bodies.

It's All About the Money

I like to say that being different is a superpower, but every child who is different that they convince is transgender is 1.3 million dollars just in cross-sex hormones. That doesn't include surgery and that doesn't include complications.

When you prescribe Lupron (hormone-blocking drug) to a child compared to an adult, it's 8x more profitable when given to children. In 2017, 98,000 children identified as "transgender." If those 98,000 children were all on Lupron, it would equate to four billion dollars. Fast forward four years, more than 300,000 children identify as "transgender," which equates to 14 billion dollars just in hormones blockers.

About TReVoices

I have dedicated my life to stopping the medical transitioning of children worldwide and making trans health safe. My work unites fronts, joining hands with those who have never worked together before.

If you are interested in supporting Scott and ending the medicalization of children donate here, or check out our merch shop.

About Liberty Station

Each episode of Liberty Station with Rob McCoy and Bryce Eddy includes commentary, analysis, and guest interviews on topics such as the Biblical foundations of American history, equipping pastors to become leaders in the culture, and understanding current events from a Christian worldview.

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Oct 25, 2022



Scott Newgent

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