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C-6 Senators
Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Texas Gov Gregg Abbott - You Got Some SPLANIN TO DO! Dr. Bowers 'Cover Your Ass' Now TX Gov Abbott

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate

The recent declaration from Texas Governor Gregg Abbott regarding medical transition as child abuse? The energy that has gone into, well, I'm not politically correct...The energy from devoted moms and dads? Let's face it, we had to scare the shit out of Abbott, and that we did given the fact that in just one year:

Abbott and his team have accepted over 2.4 million from gender clinics through our great state of Texas

I don't have time to write a whole post, but I thought a timeline would be due. We have to hold these people in charge accountable.

  • Abbott & Team Takes 2.4 Million From Gender Clinics - Within a year

  • We Started Scaring The Shit Out Of Abbott Eight Months Ago

  • Six Months Ago Abbott Launched A 'Cover Your Own Tuckers <---ASS' Inquiry Into Medically Transitioning Children

  • Allen West, Who Is Believed Will Tip His Hat Soon Into Running For Governor Called Abbott Out Last Week On 'War Room' - Calls Out Abbott For The Bribes From Gender Clinics Four Days Before The Great Ephifany.

Watch war room below Listen around 1:50 and then again at 4:20ish.


Delaration 'Medically Transiting Kids Is Child Abuse'

Ok, great, Abbott - Give back the 2.4 million and donate it to an organization that will look after all the kids already have been mutilated.

From where do I stand? Doesn't look good for Abbott.

What are your thoughts?


Scott Newgent

Child gender clinics in Texas are funding the competing governor’s campaign. Allen West is a former military guy and is running too for gov and bringing awareness to this.

Listen around 1:50 and then again at 4:20ish.

One says: My opponent Stephanie Klick was chair of the Public Health Committee and killed every bill that would have banned child gender modification. Gov. Abbott endorsed he


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Feb 28, 2022

You have got to be kidding me? Scott, no way this is true and the media is not covering this. This isn't true right?

Scott Newgent
Scott Newgent
Feb 28, 2022
Replying to

It's true. Abbott made 2.4 million off of transing kids in one year and the next calls it child abuse. You can't make this shit up!


Feb 26, 2022

Oh my. Is this true? Why isn't this in the news, this is terrible stuff? My governor takes money from gender clinics that medically transition children and then says it's abuse? This is newsworthy don't you think? What is happening in the world?

On top of all that a lesbian that medically transitioned as a trans man is calling out an evenagelical Chistain. An LGBTQ is calling out an evenagelical for promoting LGBTQ issues?

Praise Jesus for this trans man and shame on you Gov Abbott.

Carol N.

Mom & Disgusted With My Governor

College Station Texas

Scott Newgent
Scott Newgent
Feb 28, 2022
Replying to

I'm disgusted as well Carol


Feb 25, 2022

Holy Crap!! Thanks for calling this stuff out.

Scott Newgent
Scott Newgent
Feb 28, 2022
Replying to

Yes, you do the same and call him out as well.


Feb 25, 2022

Scott, that is an excellent idea you have - Abbott should donate that money for health care for all the gender confused kids (and the current detransitioners in Texas) to have gender exploratory therapy and other medical treatment that might actually help them.

Scott Newgent
Scott Newgent
Feb 25, 2022
Replying to

I know right?


Feb 25, 2022

What a hypocrite Abbott is. Did that candidate say that there are 16 new pediatric gender clinics in Texas opened just last year?!

Scott Newgent
Scott Newgent
Feb 25, 2022
Replying to

yes yes he fucking did...we need people so SCREAM!~!!!!!!!!!!!


Scott Newgent

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