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Doc Says "15 Studies Tells Us Med Transing Kids Cures Mental Illness - Older Trans Call BULLSHIT!

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By Scott Newgent

Doc Says "15 Studies Tells Us Med Transing Kids Cures Mental Illness - Older Trans Call BULLSHIT!

These articles and studies leave me convinced handcuffs are coming for these medical professionals.

Original Article Below.

Let me break down the article.

  • A child is suicidal and believes they were born in the wrong body.

  • That child starts medical transition, an immediate improvement to mental health follows.

  • Case Closed!

  • Now bring me your kids.

Translation from older transgender adults followed up with the only long term study done in Sweden following 274 transgender adults for 30 years: 1973-2003.

Here is the conclusion:

Jack, you are a right big guy, and all the 15 studies are right!

When you give a child what they want, they get excited! It's the Christmas Present Syndrome. Of course, their mood changes; you told them they were born in the wrong body and why they don't fit? You told them why they didn't get invited to "Jan's Birthday Party" or why no one sits with them at lunch; they are in the wrong body. They are sick; they have an illness, and medical transition will fix them. They don't fit because they are sick.

Now mix in the high fives in the school hallways,

So proud of you being your true authentic self you are a hero!

All the glitter grenades, the instant friends and support online, add the unicorns that jump out with constant praises and NO SHIT, they feel better!

Mix in the excitement of all the expected changes, and one change leads to another to another, and another step until the transition is complete

...............7-10 years later!

What happens then, Jack?

That's right; you don't know because not a single study on your list of fifteen is over five years.

Why is that?

Is that because you are a total orangutan, or is it more sinister?

"I'm Dr Jack Turban Number 72....Awwwww, Shit 27!"

Or are you Evil

MUUUUWWWAAAA, I'm making a shit ton of money! Who cares if these loser autistic, homosexual, gifted, abused, mental ill kids kill themselves at 25! I'm RICH!

You see, you don't have a lot of career-saving places to go when all the truth comes out. This is where the handcuffs will start to come out.


Because you know and I know being trans and other older trans know as well as what the only long term study tells us which is the most suicidal time for us trans? 7-10 years after the process is complete. That's when these kids will follow through with killing themselves.

Do you know what we call it in the trans community?

Seven to 10 Year Trans Suicide Itch

You see, at this time is when you start to deal with the health complications, you realize you still don't fit, you fit less, and you realize...

I am an idiot to have believed professionals like you, that I was born in the wrong body.

So not only did you lie to these kids, you told them everything was going to be ok, that they did fit, were going to fit, and it's heartbreaking when you realize you don't and never will.

The difference between us trans that medically transitioned as adults? We had the time in childhood to develop thick skin. When being different, the crucial time in adolescents sucked, but it made us dig deep and work hard to create a fondness for ourselves. We searched for others that didn't fit to look up to and slowly started to understand that history is made not by the head nodders but by the difference of the ones that see things differently.

The girly boys who got teased as a kid? At 28 he laughs his ass off as a top-notch designer everyone chases to work with.

The autistic girl who never felt inside or part of anything? She developed a harness for animals that lowered anxiety and transferred to making a SHIT ton of money with weighted blankets. Why? Because she felt the difference harder and dug deep.

You are robbing them of this.

These kids? The crucial time to work through that being different? Not that bad; in fact, being different...Well, show me one person, Joe quarterback or Susie Barbie, who made a massive difference in the world. You are robbing these kids of this time; the time needed to learn to say an mean internally,

"Hey, I'm going to be ok. I'm different, but I'm going to rock being different."

Instead Jack? These kids, robbed of that crucial time, lied to about everything being ok and not knowing how to deal with any of it, not having the tools needed to deal with life as they are...Different.

You see I fell for this shit at 41 and it almost killed me, truly in many more ways than one. But the reason why I am here SCREAMING at you?

I developed that backbone and strength as God is my witness or universe of anything greater that us...SHAME ON YOU JACK!


The rate of suicides at 7-10 years will catapult to an epidemic, and I want you to hear me here Jack, to all the Dr Jacks of the world? You did it. When it happens, you need to own it...You did it, Dr. Jack. A suicide epidemic is coming and Dr. Jack' of the world?

Parents Say It With Me




  • Fifteen studies to date have examined the impact of gender-affirming medical care for transgender youth.

  • Existing evidence suggests that gender-affirming medical care results in favorable mental health outcomes.

  • All major medical organizations oppose legislation that would ban gender-affirming medical care for transgender adolescents.

I'm a physician-scientist who studies the mental health of transgender and gender diverse youth. I also spend a lot of time on Twitter. And yes I know, that's my first mistake. I've noticed there seem to be hundreds if not thousands of Twitter accounts that will repeatedly post that there is no evidence that gender-affirming medical care results in good mental health outcomes for transgender youth.

Since several U.S. states are introducing legislation to outlaw gender-affirming medical care this year (despite opposition from just about every major medical organization including The American Medical Association, The American Academy of Pediatrics, and The American Psychiatric Association), I thought this was a good time to review the relevant research for you all. So buckle up — here we go. The studies are in chronological order. I'll provide a brief summary of each and provide the citation for people who want to read more. I'll plan on updating this post as new studies become available. As you read, please keep in mind that all studies have methodological strengths and weaknesses and conclusions must be drawn from all of these studies together.

The Studies

Study 1: De Vries, A. L., Steensma, T. D., Doreleijers, T. A., & Cohen‐Kettenis, P. T. (2011). Puberty suppression in adolescents with gender identity disorder: A prospective follow‐up study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8(8), 2276-2283.

This study from the Netherlands followed 70 transgender adolescents and measured their mental health before and after pubertal suppression. Study participants had improvements in depression and global functioning following treatment. However, feelings of anxiety and anger, gender dysphoria, and body satisfaction did not change.

Study 2: De Vries, A. L., McGuire, J. K., Steensma, T. D., Wagenaar, E. C., Doreleijers, T. A., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (2014). Young adult psychological outcome after puberty suppression and gender reassignment. Pediatrics, 134(4), 696-704.

Another study from the Netherlands. This one followed 55 transgender adolescents through pubertal suppression, gender-affirming hormone treatment (estrogen or testosterone), and gender-affirming genital surgery (as adults). Of note, many of these participants were also participants in study 1 (this study followed them for longer). The researchers found that psychological functioning steadily improved over the course of the study and by adulthood these now young adults had global functioning scores similar to or better than age-matched peers in the general population. Of note, one patient in this study died from a surgical complication of vaginoplasty (necrotizing fasciitis), but little additional information is provided.

Study 3: Costa, R., Dunsford, M., Skagerberg, E., Holt, V., Carmichael, P., & Colizzi, M. (2015). Psychological support, puberty suppression, and psychosocial functioning in adolescents with gender dysphoria. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12(11), 2206-2214.

This study is from the United Kingdom. They followed 101 adolescents who received pubertal suppression at the beginning of the study and 100 adolescents who, for a range of reasons, were deemed by the team not ready to start pubertal suppression and thus did not receive it over the course of the study. Both groups received supportive psychotherapy. Both groups saw improvement in mental health. While the pubertal suppression group had a 5-point higher mean score on the study's psychological functioning scale at the end of the study, the difference was not statistically significant. This could have been due to the small sample size by the end of the study (the researchers only had data from 36 participants in the therapy-only group and 35 participants in the pubertal suppression group at the final time point of the study). We will see that later studies were able to obtain larger sample sizes so that statistically significant differences between those who did and did not receive pubertal suppression could be detected.

Study 4: Allen, L. R., Watson, L. B., Egan, A. M., & Moser, C. N. (2019). Well-being and suicidality among transgender youth after gender-affirming hormones. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 7(3), 302.

This study was from researchers at Children's Mercy Hospital Gender Pathway Services Clinic in Missouri. They followed 47 transgender adolescents who received gender-affirming hormones (estrogen or testosterone) to a mean 349 days after starting treatment. They found statistically significant increases in general well-being and a statistically significant decrease in suicidality.

Study 5: Kaltiala, R., Heino, E., Työläjärvi, M., & Suomalainen, L. (2020). Adolescent development and psychosocial functioning after starting cross-sex hormones for gender dysphoria. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 74(3), 213-219.
This study is from Finland. Researchers conducted a retrospective chart review of 52 adolescents who received gender-affirming hormones (estrogen or testosterone) and found statistically significant decreases in need for specialist level psychiatric treatment for depression (decreased from 54% to 15%), anxiety (decreased from 48% to 15%), and suicidality or self-harm (decreased from 35% to 4%) following treatment.

Study 6: de Lara, D. L., Rodríguez, O. P., Flores, I. C., Masa, J. L. P., Campos-Muñoz, L., Hernández, M. C., & Amador, J. T. R. (2020). Psychosocial assessment in transgender adolescents. Anales de Pediatría (English Edition), 93(1), 41-48.

This study is from Spain. It followed 23 transgender adolescents who received gender-affirming hormones (estrogen or testosterone) and 30 cisgender controls for approximately one year. They found the transgender adolescents at baseline had worse measures of mental health than the cisgender control adolescents but that this difference equalized by the end of the study. The transgender adolescents in the study who received gender-affirming hormones had statistically significant improvements in several mental health measures, including anxiety and depression.

Study 7: van der Miesen, A. I., Steensma, T. D., de Vries, A. L., Bos, H., & Popma, A. (2020). Psychological functioning in transgender adolescents before and after gender-affirmative care compared with cisgender general population peers. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), 699-704.

This was another Dutch study, with an impressive sample size. Researchers compared 272 transgender adolescents referred to the gender clinic who had not yet received pubertal suppression with 178 transgender adolescents who had received pubertal suppression. They found those who received pubertal suppression had better mental health outcomes than those who did not receive pubertal suppression.

Awww fuck I've copied and pasted enough of this crap...


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