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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

"The Shocking Truth About HOW Canada Transformed Into TRANADA"

Updated: Sep 29, 2023

The Leading Nation Butchering Kids Welcome To TRANADA!

by Transman Scott Newgent


The one million march

- what really happened video!

What really happened!
Transman Scott Newgent - 1 Million March

It didn't occur to me! Why didn't it hit me until now? Good question! I've been invited to speak in Canada several times in the almost five years I have spoken out about the travesty of childhood medical transition as a trans man. I always said NO! I always said no; why?

Here is where I can get stuck in the political battle in activism public relations, because I always say what I feel without regard for the consequences—silly me. One of my favorite journalists always says to me,

"Scott, you run into the fire without a second thought of self, career, or how it will affect you!"

I have always found that odd, because children are everything. If we have a society where kids are sacrificed? We might as well pack up and go home. If we can't ADULT BETTER for kids? I don't get it. I don't. So, Canada to me? I had no patience and blew Canadians off as a:


I never wanted to help Canada, because I thought Canada was filled with pansies who constantly reply with "I'm sorry" to everything and couldn't take on a grasshopper with a jackhammer! Canadians, to me, were a joke. Cowards to take on the British in the American Civil War, spineless and earned the TRANADA they created. Look at the transing kids fiasco; the self-ID? Canada is the donkey of the world!

Or so I believed! How wrong I was in Canada!

But, my thoughts at the time? Why squander my attention? Why waste my time?

Man, was I wrong about Canadians!

Recently, I had a project fall through the cracks, and I should have known; five years of the same, but somehow, I believe people who say they want to JOIN forces to stop this travesty. Sooner or later, the Christian orgs get pushback from donors and copy and paste to feminist orgs, evangelicals and so on...conservatives, and every community because I don't coward. The financially beneficial projects are met with the "Our donors don't want to support a lesbian, a trans, a trans who refuses to identify as a detrans. Because of this, I struggle profusely. . . But this last project took the wind out of me, and I decided to stop activism and get my life back.


Several weeks ago, I received a DM about the Canada One Million March to protest against the medicalization of gender-confused children. I went to the website, found out how many cities planned to march, and I was intrigued. What a brilliant idea. So, I decided to do a "Last curtain call!"

I got in touch with the organizers and did what I always do… Full stream ahead, all in and SCREAMED to get people to Windsor, Ontario, Canada, for this city's march! I picked up the phone, made cold calls to news organizations, created a video, called journalists and sent hundreds of emails with press releases I made, released, posted on social media, and the response was dismal.

I was not shocked!

Then, the day of the Rally came. We pulled in with the family that hosted me, started setting up the tables, shirts came out, food crafts for kids, and I thought, "Wow, much ado about a pathetic turnout!" Then more cars came at 8:45...more cars! Wow, I thought this may be a couple hundred, and I was pleasantly surprised. 9:15 came, and I received an email about a post that a liberal radio show posted as they were talking about all the hate rallies, asking people to vote if they "Agreed/Disagreed with the Anti-LGBTQ+ hate and rhetoric. I retweeted Watch Close....64% of Canadians were against transing kids, sexual content and grooming kids.

Did Canadians fight them?

More cars....More cars

The first speaker began; a Muslim religious man. He was passionate; I liked him. I did not agree with everything he said, but HECK, I consistently say to ADULT Better, and I do at these functions because we are butchering kids. I act accordingly through my discomfort!

More cars...More cars

Christian leader, a feminist, rainbow speakers...

More cars...More cars

People circled me, thanking me, telling me they came to see me and were appreciative. It was odd that people knew me, but they increasingly approached me similarly! I was shocked by what I heard from almost everyone. In Canada, I was one of the only voices to penetrate society. It seemed like I was “it” as far as a trans against medically transitioned children, which I found odd. Most trans adults are against medically transitioning children and are becoming more vocal! I also heard over and over how many were afraid of losing their jobs if they were seen at the Rally...AW HA! Weak Canadians, I was right!

But then more cars came....More cars…

Then it was my turn to speak; I was the last speaker and would lead people into the streets. As I was helped onto the stage, I saw a sea of children trying to see the enormous sea of people; it was incredible. People told them no, to which I corrected, "No, let them up; it's why we are here!"

Surrounded by an ocean of children, speaking to what looked like a sardine can full of humans that went on and on. I began my speech, and there was NO hate. I didn't back away from the rainbow; I represented it, and people listened. I was told the protests stopped the banter and listened too, one even contemplating speaking after me; she was offered but turned it down. I say, the more the merrier, I wish she would have!

As I finished, I saw more cars, more cars, more cars, more cars.

The march started, and it was quite a distance, and the crowd was respectful but intense, actual fighters, and my admiration rose. As we finished the parade, we still had an enormous line of people eagerly waiting to begin the Rally. It was breathtaking!

My ears filled with the chant, "Leave Our Kids Alone", resonating to the road and building, echoing in every direction. As we approached the protestors, it was apparent they were shocked—a mere group of fewer than one hundred anti-protestors. Our visual stance made them recoil and drop the usual threats and indignities they shout!

I was blown away when it was reported that our cities had just had the biggest march in Canadian history!

The poll the local radio station started rose from 68% of Canadians who were against the medicalization of children, sexual content in schools finished the day at 98%!

My mind was racing, knowing that this was the beginning of the end. On September 20th, a Wednesday in Windsor, Ontario, the end of medially transitioning children began, and kids would be saved at record speed! I went to bed that night, taking a deep breath. It was over; finally, I could go back to my life!


If able, please consider a donation! I am not paid to make these speeches, yet everyone wants me to continue to give them. If you believe I help, help us SCREAM Louder


I also went to bed that night wondering how Canada got so bad. I had heard rumors that the Canadian Prime Minister would not allow me into Canada because I was a “threat of violence.” Although, as an activist, I am one of the rare activists who has consistently defused physical violence. I was stopped at the border, my car, me and my bags searched. I protested when one border officer started trying to remove my door panel! I mumbled, "Go ahead, I'd love to write a post in Newsweek about how border patrol Anderson ripped a trans car apart at the border. It felt like they were trying to find something. They did not. I read the rules and removed everything from my car and person that would have caused me to be denied access to Canada!

Still, I thought people were being paranoid!

The day after the March, I didn't believe people were being paranoid. Imagine the biggest march in your country's history; imagine the love of tolerance for all coming together, all hands joining. You would believe it would be covered in the news. I have yet to receive one request from Canadian media. I thought that was odd, but surely the news would cover it. We scanned the “news” outlets: nothing. One of the house hosts stated that Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, censors the media, and most of the information about their country comes from Americans. Odd, I thought! But indeed, that's not true!

Then, I tried to post on social media...Click, send... erase....Click send....erased.

I was banned from posting on social media! I raced downstairs and showed my house guest, we videoed it happening, and I said,

"You do not live in a free country!"

They UN-passionately stated they knew this and went back to drinking coffee! I was astounded and stopped them, insisting on hearing what I said!

"You do not live in a free country! Your country is the worst, butchering the most children because NO one knows what's happening! This is like living in the old USSR, ladies! Why are you not pissed? Are you that desensitized about this? Has this become so normal that this doesn't shock you?"

I rattled them, but their calm mindset helped me comprehend in detail why Canada is where they are and the world, for that matter!

The following night, I had a dinner speech and again was blown away by the turnout; it was sold out! I stayed afterwards and talked with everyone. A woman with adorable Pippi Longstocking red hair and hat approached me from the audience and I said, "I love your look, so unique." She responded,

"This is a disguise; many of us have wigs on because we don't want to be fired!"


I returned to the US the following day, and my Twitter BLEW up! Thousands of visitors are on my site every hour. OMG, I was beyond shadow-banned!

I understand why Canada has become the scariest country in which I have ever spoken. TRANada! CANADA!

But, as I process more – it's every country; surely Canada is the worst, and people need to flip out, but the truth is censored worldwide! The spitting of hate, bigotry floods news world wide, yet I am attacked constantly. The only hate we see, the true hate is from trans activists attacking people, yet no one knows!

To point out a problem is easy. To come up with a solution is hard. What's the solution?

Calm. Rational. Debate? Is not working. I say to SCREAM Louder, because I believe that needs to be done.

I finished this post reassuring you that people feel the same as you; be afraid no more. Fill social media with the truth! People will have your back!

The dyke is about to break <---No pun intended. OK, a little!

SCREAM Louder!

-Transman - Lesbian - But Always A Mother First!

Scott/Kellie Newgent

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Lorelei Eddy
Lorelei Eddy
Oct 07, 2023

Thank you for going to my grandfather’s country and screaming louder. I feel awful that my immature brothers and sisters in Christ are creating pain for you. If we remember it is not our job to condemn or correct, remember that God has an individual plan and path for each of his children, then we would truely be able to change the world together as we grow closer to the goals God has for us.

Keep looking up, God loves us where we are, and doesn’t leave us there alone. You are a blessing.


Deb Harper
Deb Harper
Sep 29, 2023

PFPR keeps insisting that everyone is invited to the table. Everyone who draws a breath is welcomed at this table to bring new light and new life to this fight. We can and we must stop sexualizing elementary school age children in schools! Thank you Scott for your bravery and truth telling 🇨🇦


Sep 29, 2023

I have a unique perspective because while I have been against transing kids since 2010 (when I first heard of detransioners), I was still very pro rainbow and trans "rights" until 2020 when I thought it all the way through, and what it all meant for vulnerable women and girls. Any way, my point being I would tell everyone my opinion about transing kids and literally no body cared until last year. It is a Country of Sheeple. Of course there are free thinkers, and they are demonized by the masses with no critical thought.

And many people disagree, but are legitimately scared.

I am a mom now, and although I would love to have never even heard of trans…


Sep 29, 2023

Very true I suspect of many people too ! what was great was seeing so many ages cultures religions languages work places volunteers out to finally push back against this inhumane medical malpractice on kids ; support therapy absolutely clinical trials maybe if some need more always for real suicidal ideation/action all kinds of therapy ssri s all on provincial plans major mental health growth needed for all our kids now especially post pandemic . Just so relieved to see we are not alone!


Sep 28, 2023

Dear Scott thank you for all you do ! Just a small correction. This was the largest country wide demonstration of its kind on Gender Ideology to stop Transing kids! (We have a long history of fighting globalization too with a lot of even larger numbers for this and labour rights over many years!) BUT FOR SURE LARGEST TO STOP HURTING YOUTH WITH MEDICAL MALPRACTICE!

Scott Newgent
Scott Newgent
Sep 28, 2023
Replying to

I love you back. I bet we are closer politically than you think. For a decade we have drawn lines that don't allow us to talk. If we did! Bet our lack of differences of opinion would shock you


Scott Newgent

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