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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

It happened again & you will not believe it! You will be SHoCKED! Truly shocked!

Updated: Mar 1

by Trans Regr!etter Scott Newgent


Transman Regretter Scott Newgent


I attempted to distance myself from activism in some way. I started a new job as a sales manager approximately three weeks ago. I dedicated all of my social media accounts to 'Trans Regretters' before I began to withdraw because it was the only way I could cope with the reality of the abuse that children throughout the world were experiencing. Starting a new chapter after handing off my previous responsibilities brought a sense of tranquility. It has been, to put it mildly, challenging for me to be an activist; I dislike the spotlight, the podcast, and the whole thing.

Shorting into this new adventure, a man became irate with me for what I initially thought was because of 'no soliciting' the anger came on suddenly and he instantly became irate and demanded I leave his property at once, but once I turned away, he followed me, not allowing me to get to my car threatening to kick my butt and calling me a weirdo This was frightening, but I thought maybe it was an isolated incident. I believe this man recognized me and I tried to out that thought out of my head and move one.


Later on, that same day, I took my team to another area and started to help them with their sales pitch and how to approach, you know, sales stuff. The first door, the first, if you can believe it, on that same day, a woman opened the door and was shocked.

‘OMG, you are. I know you, right? OMG, are you selling door-to-door? You are Scott Newgent!"


The conversation was incredible, kind, and warm; the young mom was genuine and wonderful, but the cat was out of the bag, as they say.  I had hoped this would have been okay to overlook, but this topic, the transgender debate, is on fire, and it’s a debacle so many people don't understand on both sides. So, I got it when my young salespeople went to my boss with their discomfort working with me. I get it, and I have no hard feelings. But this reaction tells me that our society on both sides needs to be educated, and we need to get back to disagreeing and reintroducing old-fashioned debate.

"I don’t agree with you and let me explain why." followed up with a response, and a conversation ensued!


It's strange to even mention such nonsense! Why don't we have conversations anymore? This is absurd!

Anyway, I was managing young salespeople, and they said they were not comfortable working with me. I am a bigot, you know?


Fading into the background is something I never seem to accomplish.


I have never liked being in activism, and I have never liked podcasts or other stuff. Sitting in front of a camera and admonishing others to avoid behaving as foolishly as I did is a difficult task.

Having said that, it looks like I won't be able to provide for my family. This wasn't simply a blow to the gut; rather, it felt like a chainsaw had ripped through me. Demented. I wanted to leave Trans Regretters for all of you so that I wouldn't have to feel bad about knowing what's going on with children and not taking action. I finally found some peace in leaving The Refretters, as I had longed to do so so many times. Desiring to leave activism has been a constant for me because it's emotionally taxing; but I can handle that alone. But expecting someone to handle both the emotional strain and the burden of poverty is too much!



Trans Regretters is currently looking for an attorney to help us become a non-profit, email today:

Funds needed to become non-profit, expenses for the website & travel to state testimony, schools and more.


Donations do come in, but they aren’t enough to cover my family's expenses and keep me 100% focused on this. In my opinion, that must be changed. With the help of kind contributors, I aim to transform Trans Regretters into a non-profit organization that provides wages and a safe space for individuals to express themselves freely. 


Whoever has considered, gone through with, or regretted medicalization is considered a Trans Regretter. Regret can range from completely desiring to discontinuing hormones, or it might be of varied degrees. The purpose of Trans Regretters is to ensure that all social subtribes have a voice in medical transition, not just my own.


Anyone who has ever had any regret, no matter how minor, for accepting their transgender identity as a fact rather than a choice is said to be a Trans Regretter. Changing one's gender is a matter of personal choice. We must speak out against this without fear of reprisal from any group in our society. The type of tolerance that the new LGBTQ+ community complains about—the kind that makes you uncomfortable when you must admit defeat or feel uncomfortable with someone else's beliefs—is the genuine deal.

A Trans Regretter's level of regret should be proportional to their position on the subject. Whatever your level of religious commitment may be, it is none of anyone's concern. Whatever you think about homosexuality or religion, the same is true. But respect is always given and returned with Trans Regretters.


I was mentally battered after standing there for more than five years. Speaking up against medical transition and other bigotry at evangelical gatherings has not been easy, I can tell you that much. The need to end childhood medical transition outweighed my discomfort, so I sat through it to expose the largest medical debacle in history. Beyond that, grace has made it possible for me to hear their perspectives, and to be honest, I can't condemn the evangelicals for for their views on homosexuality. My community, the homosexuals, has turned into a child recruiting agency—exactly what we said we would not do.


We must apologize and look forward to saving children together; it’s the only way we can educate those who need to be educated!  



The mediatization of gender-confused children is a rarity in political discourse, and it's a rare black-and-white subject, as it should be for everyone, but education is the essential problem since nothing good comes from juvenile transition. Some Trans Regretters disagree with me, and in rare situations, they believe some children may benefit from this mediation. I do not agree! Shouldn't we discuss and debate that? What do you think? So, these Regretters are also accepted to discuss and balance our subtribe and our ultimate society as human beings. There's no debate, no grace, just black-and-white thinking at the time. It's true that social media has a cult-like effect on all subtribes, and that this lucrative business model is currently being used to create massive financial empires that mimic a pre-middle class civilization. It's easy to see how the middle class has changed and become more important, but it's difficult for people to understand why they experienced it. In retrospect, yes? What a jerk! Because of the lack of civility and open communication, society has grown more divisive and radical, and as a result, we are more blind than ever.


But by keeping others at bay, some individuals have—and still do—become incredibly wealthy and well-known! Together, we can make this stop. Some people benefit greatly from this kind of society, while others suffer greatly from it. Sadly, in the middle? If you go deeper than a fleeting glance, you'll find that the center bears the brunt of the control over everything from financial mergers, to what style of music and food is the hit of the decade, as well as the moral compass it resigns in. Because the middle class has power and control, they do not have the knowledge required to comprehend the reality of the pediatric medical transition. The solution is in the middle. The more important query is, however, how to reach the middle.

I know how to reach the middle, and I also resign from the right subtribe to deliver the education needed!



To promote harmony and understanding, people should critically assess the information they encounter and have civil conversations. Our communities are becoming increasingly fractured and polarized as a result of this lack of decorum and candid discussion. In order to bring society back into harmony, we must prioritize the promotion of understanding and empathy. A divided culture where opposing views are not accepted has resulted from the lack of diversity in thought and the ongoing reinforcement of echo chambers on social media platforms. To counter this extremist trend, it is imperative that people have courteous, candid conversations and actively seek out different points of view. The middle class of societal intellects, needed more than ever. Extremism and division have resulted from this culture's lack of decorum and candid discussion. To promote harmony and understanding, people should critically assess the information they encounter and have civil conversations.


This lack of civility and open communication is making our communities more politicized and divided. Cultivating empathy and understanding is essential if we are to restore peace and balance to society. Due to the continual reinforcement of echo chambers on social media platforms and the absence of diversity in thought, there is a divided culture where opposing viewpoints are not welcomed. It is crucial that individuals actively seek out opposing viewpoints and engage in polite, open conversations in order to combat this radical trend.

We lack grace as a society, which is why I think anarchy reigns. Diverse viewpoints and discourse are essential for maintaining equilibrium within a community. There is only black-and-white thinking, no dispute, and no grace at this moment. In actuality, social media has a cult-like influence on all subtribes, and this profitable business model is currently being utilized to build enormous financial empires, emulating a civilization that existed before.  We lack grace as a society, which is why, again, anarchy reigns. Diverse viewpoints and discourse are essential for maintaining equilibrium within a community.


I say this because it is real and because it builds on what is occurring right now: these cult-like social subtribes have become the last nail in the coffin of where we are. This relates to this. Currently, we are killing children's mind, body, and soul through a medical procedure that is risky, increases health risks, doesn't cure anything, and deteriorates mental health. This leads to an increase in suicidal behavior seven years after the medical transition starts, which is when suicidal ideation peaks, leaving people with an astounding 14X higher suicide rate than any other group. Did you understand that? After reading it again, visit the study/fact page at  What you just read is accurate in every way, and guess what?

Society is endorsing the medical transition of children without a full comprehension of the subject and debate is no longer permitted.



Attaining this viewpoint has led to much distress for both my family and me. Today, we frequently undervalue the importance of the concept of "family" and fail to recognize the power that comes from our roots and makeup. Where did I come from? This family consists of individuals who can perceive beyond surface-level appearances and understand the implications on society. Scott King, my great-grandfather and who my own father was named, recognized a fresh possibility and successfully capitalized on it to create a business opportunity.


Why would you study my great-grandfather if you were majoring in business? What was his initial observation? Studying my great grandfather would include investigating business philosophy, developing markets, and effective charging strategies.




"Recognizing this tremendous opportunity in these societal transformations, Scott King, a legendary entrepreneur, embarked on an endeavor to redefine the hospitality industry with the power of franchising. King’s foresight and courage to venture into this realm were unparalleled, demonstrating a keen understanding of the contemporary socio-economic environment. His franchise, Travelodge, tapped into this emerging market, envisioning a pivotal shift from luxury, aristocratic tourism to a more economical, accessible form of travel for the emerging middle class (Friedman, 1998: para 7,"

Does this ring a bell? The societal subtribe?

Nobody gets a say in how our genes and families shape us; it's all predetermined. Being a parent and witnessing my children grow into extraordinary adults has solidified that truth for me. Still, it's unnerving how similar they are, both mentally and physically, to the relatives from whom they were raised, as well as relatives they never had the pleasure of meeting, family knowledge, or unknown lives through DNA. I see that with my children. Maybe it was simply terrible luck, but "Societal Tribes" I understand in the same way my grandfather saw the emerging middle class. My great-grandfather used that expression to describe the middle class's economic structure. 'SubTribes"—I thought that was my word when, in fact, it is a family word! Who would have thought? I certainly didn't until I stumbled onto a thesis about my great-grandfather.


In business, there was a need for what is referred to as "the middle"—the middle class—and Scott King recognized this requirement. Then? It is not as easy to spot as it is now. Businesses didn't care about the middle class since everyone was either very wealthy or very poor. After World War II, the middle class emerged as a distinct social category. A subtribe was forming, as Mr. King referred to the emerging middle class. Scott King saw a way to capitalize on this change before others and understood that his hands only went so far, and 'Franchising' was needed.

King deftly adapted to the needs and wants of a new demographic of consumers, the middle class, and the results have been phenomenal for Travelodge. Thanks to his vision in seeing the growing middle class as a promising market, Travelodge was able to thrive by meeting the demands and tastes of this demographic. eds. With the growing middle class as a target market, Travelodge provided reasonably priced, yet pleasant, hotel options. The main goal was to make sure that people from this emerging socioeconomic group could afford to go (Bridges, 2008: para 3,


king's venture substantiated the influence of the burgeoning middle class, contributing to a radical rethinking of the hospitality industry. The wealth distributed among this economic class presented them as an attractive consumer base for businesses. Drawing from this insight, King’s ability to leverage on this observation through strategic innovations was highly successful in contributing to the success of Travelodge and a landmark in the evolution of franchising and the hospitality industry (McKibbin, 2005: para 5, emergence of the middle class presented an unprecedented economic opportunity. Scott King’s innovative Travelodge franchise not only acknowledged this but it also excelled in serving this rising consumer base, thus driving its popularity among middle-class families. Encompassing affordability and comfort, King's business strategies catered to the evolving travel habits of the middle class, exhibiting an astute understanding of this demographic’s needs. Put simply, the emergence of the middle class and the franchise of Travelodge are inherently intertwined histories, both constituting significant aspects of socio-economic evolution (Murray, 2012: para 8, 


Today I had a talk with Melissa; who is Melissa? Melissa is everything in our family; she is the one who has sacrificed, loved when it would have been simple to dislike, and has been my closest friend and other parent to my children. Melissa was the one who found me in my apartment when I was sickest, packed me up, and relocated me to her basement. She shielded our children, maintained normalcy, and did all of this as her ex. We stayed friends and always will be, but Melissa is family to me; she exemplifies what it means to do the right thing when no one is watching, and she is a constant source of comfort for our family. She's the parent who stays up late chatting to our kids when she can hardly stay awake, the mom that all my kids' friends adore, and the one who laughs so loudly that the entire house can hear her watching The Simpsons at 54. Regarding Melissa, I would willingly board a train to be in her company; who can say the same about their ex-spouse? I can and do. Melissa, in all we do as a family, serves as the foundation for what is good and holds us back from doing wrong. Melissa is everything to my family.

Today Melissa sat me down after the sales manager fiasco and said, you need to do this?”

 "Do what?" I said?


"Stop thinking you're going back to sales; that's over; at this time, it's not possible. You were fired following your speech with Matt Walsh, and you lost two job offers once they learned about your activism, and now it's done!

Help our family by aiding other families, but doing so while we drown is FUCKING OVER, five years of this shit! It's over; it isn't feasible right now. People recognize you everywhere we go, so get your ass and go downstairs to your office and make 'Trans Regretters' work by saving other people's children as well as ours. You have to go 100%; you don't have a choice, and I'm urging you to quit believing you can go back; you can't, so figure out another method to support our family. Help our family by helping others, but make sure it helps us too!"

I turned around, came down to my basement, and wrote this.


As I turned to go down the stairs, I said in a loud, stern voice,


“Yes, Mam!”

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Mar 05
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Fantastic! Hope this will take off and help to support your family at the same time! Only some in the gay community are accepting of Transwomen & AGP males and the transing of kids. Think most have more sense, really, at least the older friends I have in the gay community are largely so. The lesbians who continue to be told they are "transphobic" for wanting to be only with other women, not men trying to look like women, are taking the brunt of the AGP, and some other Transwomen, in their spaces.


Mar 05
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

stay strong


Mar 01
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Travelodge by Wyndham is a hospitality franchisor that was started in 1935 by building contractor Scott King. In 1940, Travelodge by Wyndham became one of the first hotels to operate under the brand name itself, opening and becoming the name of King's company six years later. It began franchising in 1966. Today, the franchise operates under the parent company Wyndham Hotels and Resorts.

Scott I had no idea you are the daughter of the legendary Scott King!! Can your family not help you?

Replying to

LMAO... I can walk in some heels if needed.


Mar 01
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

SKellie, I'm almost speechless, only because I'm catching just a pinch of your exhaustion and frustration and holy anger. One thing you never run out of is . . . WORDS; you amaze me, SKellie! And Melissa, is truly a wise angel; gotta love her! (If I were looking to work in sales, I would want you as my mentor.)

Here's the thing, you are TOO valuable in this battle, which is exactly why the evil powers of darkness keep throwing their worst at you and why I will not give up on supporting you before the Throne room of Heaven, where the true power and victory comes from. You have my deepest respect as we take the next step…


Mar 01
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Its dreadfully unlucky that 2 complete strangers recognised you and forced you out of yet another job. I fear however that any attempt to make activism (travelling and giving talks) a paid full time job is unlikely. Many have tried.

Can your ex partner get the mould out of your basement home? A simple dehumidifier will help enormously.

Let’s hope your bad luck changes soon.


Scott Newgent

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