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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Transman 'HERO' from 'What is a Woman' Detransition? Time To Talk

Tranman Regretter Scott Newgent

There are various levels to experiencing regret. Embracing that regret and acknowledging your actions also involve multiple layers! However, the only form of regret that is warmly embraced is when one declares their detransition and aligns themselves with the evangelicals and feminists.

Regrettably, society remains unaware that the majority of these young adults who identify as DETRANS are still in search of acceptance while grappling with significant mental health challenges. They desperately grasp at any possible solution to alleviate the burden of depression, constantly swinging from one extreme to another.

If the DETRANS are not receiving sufficient attention to suppress depression? They take it a step further by announcing they are a "Born Again," and the evangelicals respond with both financial support and the necessary attention to keep the depression at bay. However, the depression never truly disappears; in fact, this constant swinging exacerbates the situation for these young adults.

Essentially, these individuals transitioned from a difficult situation to an even more challenging one, as trans activists hailed them as heroes and exploited their experiences to advance their agenda. Similarly, evangelicals and feminists do the exact opposite. The well-being of these young adults is not a priority; the primary focus is on winning the battle of activism.


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People must grasp the true nature of the leaders in the activism movement. Contrary to popular belief, their concern level differs from what they portray. Activism has become a lucrative business, with detrans being the latest cash cow. It reminds me of being in business sales, and all the salespeople are clawing at each other to unlock a $150,000 quarterly bonus. It's horrendous because we are dealing with wounded people already, lied to once, and then lied to again. Yet these activists are willing to go to any lengths to maintain their financial gains, even if it means scorning the well-being of others.

Upholding moral values necessitates engaging in authentic discussions, where the flaws in their agenda are highlighted and opposing viewpoints are welcomed. However, it seems that allowing such debates is not something these activists are willing to do. Their primary motivation is monetary gain, and they have undeniably achieved success in that aspect. Some individuals manage to earn millions of dollars annually simply by speaking at events, all the while claiming to have selflessly given up their careers. But let's not forget the hefty price tag of $15,000 they charge for a thirty-minute speech. Moreover, when they find themselves in the company of those who have supported them and helped them financially, they treat them with disdain, ordering expensive bottles of champagne worth $150 and expressing disgust at having to share a meal with those who have uplifted their words. It's genuinely repulsive, and honestly, these individuals are the ones leading this agenda!

It is clear that their intentions are anything but assisting children or safeguarding women's sports or rights. Be confident once the excitement dies down in approximately a decade and my book hits the shelves, the shocking truth will be unveiled, akin to the notorious saga of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. If you genuinely grasped the real essence of these advocates, you would be entirely repulsed by the type of people they are.

Let me reiterate: To succeed in activism, one must prioritize effectiveness over empathy, disregarding the harm caused to others. It is crucial to avoid engaging in genuine debates and focus on maintaining a social media presence. Although this approach may benefit the sole activist, witnessing our humanity's sickening and disturbing aspects is disheartening, leading me to question my desire to distance myself from it entirely. It's wholly DISTURBED and reveals a dark aspect of society that is revolting to the extent where I'm compelled to ask, "Where can I find a hideout far away from civilization because there is no goodness left!"

Regret encompasses various levels, but are only certain levels being acknowledged at present? The dichotomy of Black or White leads to success for a select few while causing devastation for those who conceal their anguish in silence. Speaking out about regret without adhering to the black/white narrative would subject these young adults to brutal attacks.

Considering all the points mentioned, I recently engaged in a thought-provoking discussion with a feminist who raised concerns about my failure to mention DETRANS during my Tuesday night "Ask Scott" session. This particular session aims to assist parents in comprehending and effectively parenting amidst the chaos caused by gender ideology.

The feminist I encountered questioned me, suggesting that I endorse transgenderism by continuing to use transman. I attempted to clarify my stance on why I don't exclude 'transman' and why I don't support detransitioners who are under 25 or those who detransitioned within three years after turning 25.

Medical transition is an irreversible process; I can never revert back to my previous self, and advocating against it is equivalent to endorsing medical transition as a universal solution! Medical transition is an action; it involves cosmetic surgeries that do not provide a cure and can lead to significant health complications. Moreover, it is highly likely that it will exacerbate mental health issues. Promoting the idea that these young individuals, who have transformed their identities, can somehow become who they would have been is equally harmful in the opposite direction.

Witness the undeniable truth that shatters the rhetoric employed by both feminists and evangelicals. It is truly astonishing to realize that these two seemingly opposing factions actually stand united. Although their objectives may vary, the battles they wage and the strategies they employ are remarkably similar. This revelation is nothing short of captivating!

My sole objective revolves around rescuing these children and shifting the focus away from the internal dynamics of subtribes. Instead of seeking power and prestige within these subtribes, we should prioritize raising awareness among those outside and garnering their attention. The current situation resembles an echo chamber, where the same celebrity status continuously circulates among subtribes, achieving nothing substantial and leaving no lasting impact on anyone.

The news stories highlighting these children who declare DETRANS may initially bring them glamour and importance, but unfortunately, society quickly forgets about them. From my personal experience, these children end up right back where they started, struggling with their mental well-being and unable to cope with life. Only a few overcome these challenges and succeed, which would surprise many. I know about these trials because I seem to be the only safe place for these young adults to fall, never judging!

These young adults deserve the freedom to make their own choices regarding detransitioning, based on what brings them inner peace. It's important to acknowledge that synthetic hormones have long-lasting effects, and it's unfair to expect these individuals to spend their entire lives correcting pronouns just to fit someone else's agenda. Love and support should be about understanding and accepting each person's unique journey. It's crucial to remember that life is not always black and white, especially when it comes to the experiences of DETRANS.

When the lights dim and their stories are shared, that's when the real work begins. It's at this point that individuals realize the confines of detransition or medical transition, and the fact that they have been relying on the exhilaration of hearing repeated and constant affirmations like, 'You are a HERO.' However, they come to understand that maintaining the HERO status may not be sustainable.

For instance, a young woman who has taken testosterone for four years may continue to appear masculine unless she undergoes the painful process of reversing the changes, resorting to plastic surgery in a desperate attempt to achieve a more feminine appearance. On the other hand, what about the young woman who doesn't wish to undergo plastic surgery? They understand that remaining where they are, without taking synthetic hormones for the rest of their lives, means they will continue to look like a seventeen-year-old boy indefinitely. In such situations, where can they turn to for support and guidance?

I have remained steadfast for over five years in my decision not to join the detrans train, even after ceasing testosterone for a long period. What if I were motivated by financial gain or fame? In that case, this would have been the path to pursue. However, I have chosen to stand my ground and stay true to my convictions.

I am feeling completely overwhelmed by the recent fracture in my wrist and the issues with my bones. It feels like I am trapped in a whirlwind of uncertainty. I am torn between two choices: should I stop taking testosterone and risk having weak bones at the age of 51, or should I follow my doctor's advice and continue with testosterone, even though they themselves are unsure of what else to do? It is frustrating to think that my medical transition is portrayed as safe, effective, and a miraculous solution, while I experience the harsh realities of these falsehoods every day! Each step towards better health only serves as a reminder of the challenges of medical transition, while society is fed unrealistic expectations.

It is imperative that we, as responsible adults, prioritize the well-being of these deceived youngsters over our own selfish desires to prove ourselves right or gain social recognition through exploiting their situation. Let us not turn a blind eye to the harsh reality that these young adults are merely pawns in a temporary game. They are continuously sacrificed for the benefit of a privileged few, solely for their financial gains. Is this truly the moral stance we should uphold?

Imagine the allure of a fleeting moment of fame, where you proudly proclaim, "Behold, the miracle of Christ! He has saved this young adult!" But let's delve deeper into the reality behind this facade. In truth, these individuals are struggling to overcome their pain, and the one who claims to bring them salvation is merely paving the way for future suffering. By exploiting these young adults, they are pushing them further into a dark abyss of insignificance, making them mere pawns in the game of activism. This is the harsh reality that cannot be ignored.

I do not oppose detransition, but I am concerned about the negative consequences it can have. It's important to remember that facts are impartial and do not consider our desires or emotions. While we may hope for detransitioners to have successful and fulfilling lives, the reality is that many of them face challenges.

I have consistently shown my support for detransitioners and have actively worked towards promoting a deeper understanding of the permanence of medical transition. However, my involvement with Detrans is kept private because, for me, their well-being is more important than seeking attention, fame, or fortune. I endure significant hardships for this cause. I strive to be a safe haven for those in need, even though there are times when I am tempted to pursue personal gain. But what would that make me?

I refuse to compromise my principles because I am not an ordinary activist who simply speaks within an echo chamber, achieving nothing and only benefiting myself! This is why I strive to go beyond these echo chambers and engage with individuals who may not share my perspectives. I am authentic in my intentions, and if you were to experience my life or be a part of it, you would comprehend the profound sincerity within me. I am indifferent to whom I converse with or if I offend anyone from a specific group or subculture. I genuinely do not care, and people can perceive that, which is why I am able to change hearts and minds. How? People believe in me and can sense my sincerity. I not only express rational truths, but I also convey these truths with a raw emotional intensity, making people truly understand the realities of these stances and ultimately winning their hearts and minds.

Changing hearts and minds should be the primary focus of every endeavor, a mission deeply rooted in significance, an injustice that demands rectification and can only be achieved through selflessness; these ought to be the principles upheld by activists; unfortunately, they are seldom witnessed.

Having expressed all these thoughts, the woman who confronted me appeared genuine and made me contemplate; she possessed an uncommon and authentic enthusiasm. The woman I encountered was sincerely overflowing with passion of her truth. Although she may have displayed some toughness, it is crucial to remember that nobody is perfect. Nonetheless, I could sense her genuine sincerity. Following an extensive introspective journey to ascertain what is genuinely righteousness, rather than merely convenient, I have ultimately arrived at a compromise that I trust will be satisfactory and that I pray can bring unity, allowing us to break barriers, shatter the limitations of echo chambers that ensure more children will be butchered because of the absurdity of gender ideology...Longer!

As I was searching, a friend called me and convinced me that feminists and others wanted to embrace me and help within this activism as a team, and I like that too; I do. After all, I may look male, but I am a woman, and I need emotional support as well as financial support to continue. I cannot continue the way I am, ALONE!

This has been a period of five years filled with introspection. What is the correct course of action? Not the simple, not the profitable, but the morally right thing to do?

I have made a choice to refrain from using 'Detransitioner' and instead opt for 'Regretter,' yet keep transman with regrettor following all from now on. 

I will continue to identify as a transman to emphasize the significance of undergoing medical transition, which is a permanent change. It serves as a means to educate others that I can never revert to who I once was, and being a transman is not a cause for celebration but rather a personal journey of penance. I strongly advocate for acknowledging the undeniable truth and labeling 'regretter' after transman, in order to raise awareness that being a transman is not something to be celebrated, but rather a genuine experience that some individuals may regret. By doing so, we can encourage others to step forward and openly express their regrets within a society that often overlooks the complexities of this issue. It is crucial to create a safe and inclusive space where individuals can find solace and share their stories, ultimately fostering understanding and empathy. Together, we can educate others, adapt to new perspectives, and drive meaningful change that goes beyond superficial engagement such as mere clicks or likes.

I have faced criticism for continueing to use "Scott," which happens to be a male name. However, what people fail to realize is that my family has affectionately referred to me as little Scott for most of my life. This name holds sentimental value as it was my father's name, and I share many similarities with him. Moreover, the name Scott Newgent has gained recognition within the activist community, making it unreasonable to abandon it after investing five years. Let's find a middle ground that satisfies everyone. With that said, feel free to use Kellie if you like.

I am announcing that I am a Transman Regretter!

by Transman Regretter Scott Newgent

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Jan 12

[I have faced criticism for continueing to use "Scott," which happens to be a male name. ]

Honestly, what does it matter if it's traditionaly a Male name? If there are females named George and Taylor and Jay, why not Scott? If there are atheists named Jesus or with some deeply religious name, what does it matter that you like that name better? names arent even biological. JFC people keep acting so stupid towards you and missing the bigger picture.

I think the approach you take is fine. In PoMo gender parlance the labels "transman" and "woman" are seen as inherently opposite or contradictory but to me they arent. In my eyes A transman is a subtype of woman (adul…


Dec 12, 2023

Yup, nailed it!


Dec 12, 2023

I'm a trans regretter too. We need to create a safe space for us to lean on each other and figure out how to stop what they are doing to kids. When I found out they are medically transitioning kids I was shocked and didn't believe it as first.

What can we do Scott? It's obvious you are a born leader how to I get involved?


Transwoman regretter


Maggie Bradley
Maggie Bradley
Dec 11, 2023

I believe your decisions are based on scientific sense. You cannot do your work if you are crippled so taking testosterone is a necessary evil. Moreover you have built up a 5 year following under the name Scott Newgent. Why throw it away? Much love fro London UK❤️👍


Dec 11, 2023

OMG, this makes perfect sense! Why isn't Scott everywhere?


Scott Newgent

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