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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Transman's Surprising Thank You to JK Rowling Sparks Outrage - Should EVERY Woman Be Grateful? I say YES!

Updated: Apr 25

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My second tweet to this man harassing JK

My first attempt at shaming has clearly failed, so perhaps a different tactic is necessary. Imagine this scenario: what if someone was attacking your own mother, the person who raised you with love and sacrifice, simply because she had a different viewpoint on religion? Would you stand by and let her be belittled and threatened, even in front of your own children or siblings' children? How would that make you feel? Is this really the path you want to continue down in regards to JK, because you disagree with her? My heart shattered as I read the vicious words directed towards

 My hands shook with rage as I typed out my response, fiercely defending the author who has always shown me love and respect - as a transman, as a woman, and as a mother. All these identities that I proudly embody, but according to some, will never truly be enough. But it is not JK's fault that I am not a man - it is no one's fault, just because I want something doesn't mean I get it, life is about more than wants and reaping exactly what we want at the expense of others.


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Every day, women like JK are forced to fight for basic acceptance and respect in a world dominated by men. We have been fighting for decades, yet still face constant threats to our safety and well-being. Our only desire is to feel safe in the spaces we have fought so hard to create - havens where we can let our guard down and reveal our true selves without fear of judgement or harm. But even these safe spaces are no longer sacred; every intimate moment now tinged with anxiety as we must constantly watch our backs to protect ourselves from the violence of men. In a society that has ingrained in us the notion that women are inferior, even someone like JK - who has achieved immense success and fame - is reduced to just a woman and doesn’t hold a candle of the power she would if she was male. She understands this reality as I do, but you never will. That’s not hate, it’s reality.

Yet despite all this, she continues to show love and acceptance to those society deems unworthy. That is a testament to her true strength and deserves the utmost admiration and respect. To attack her for holding different beliefs is not only cruel, but it perpetuates the toxic cycle of hate and discrimination that women face every day. We should be lifting each other up, not tearing each other down, males, females, gays, lesbians, religious, trans, and so on, we are all brothers and sisters in this life that is hard for all and JK is no different because she has zeros, lots of them behind monetary numbers we all think we would love to have. Really? I watch JK get attacked daily, worth it, I don’t know! If you hold a deep admiration for women and aspire to modify your physical appearance to mirror your ideal, it is crucial to have the determination and strength of willpower to treat your dream with utmost respect.

If you refuse to treat what you long for with respect and flip it to hatred, how does that help you find peace? You see, in life we are faced with facts, no matter how much we might not like the hands we are dealt, we have a choice to embrace reality with grace or hate. Why you trans women don’t see this is beyond me. For years, I've been haunted by a harsh reality: the loudest voices of hate in the trans community come from those who identify as women. Transwomen who are men, with their toxic masculinity and constant need for validation, spew venomous words that tear down the exact dream they want to become. Why? And while trans man, in the majority always try to lead with elegance and grace, a femininity that some would deny with shame is something I am learning to cherish, it wasn't until recently that I realized the true depth of my disgust for men as a lesbian was in actuality jealousy of what I have always wanted yet never will have. That’s not JK’s fault, she’s not the immobile statue you get to constantly attack, stop doing that!

No amount of testosterone in my veins can change the fact that I am constantly in awe of powerful kind, gentle, strong, decisive men who bring so much to this world, yet I was unable see the gifts men give to us all until I was seen as one, not became, appeared as one. I understand and respect men, love men and cherish men more than I ever have as I have been given a ticket into watching who they really on the same level. It's awe-inspiring. But then there's you - a trans woman consumed by your own desires and pleasure, unable to see beyond the confines of your own needs and gratification. Like a desperate man with pent-up sexual frustration, you prioritize your own ejaculation above all else. The bitter taste of disappointment and betrayal fills my mouth as I witness the divide between our once united community. Our shared struggle for happiness and acceptance now overshadowed by animosity towards the trans community, further dividing our already fragmented LGB+ community. The rift between gay/lesbian individuals and those who are transgender runs deep, causing immeasurable pain and suffering for all involved.

It sickens me to see how far we have strayed from our original goal of unity and support for all members of our community. As a lesbian, I used to despise men like you who desired to become something they were not. But now, I am hit with the realization that perhaps it is not JK who is at fault, but rather us - you and I - lost in our own battles for acceptance and belonging. We have yet to find it, and unfortunately, you are taking out your frustrations on JK. Your jealousy clouds your judgment, but now I see that you are fighting your own internal war that has nothing to do with JK. Your actions are becoming too extreme, and it is evident to everyone around you that you are not conforming to societal expectations of femininity. Your protest to JK and others like them is filled with visceral hate as you fight for what you believe you deserve in the most masculine way possible. You try to force the cracked shell back together, but instead end up angry at the hen for not providing a way to undo what has been broken. However, it is not the hen's fault, nor is it JK's. It's easier to place blame than to resist your own desires.

You project your inner conflict onto others, claiming it is the most masculine way to handle things. But that's okay - you are a man, a feminine man who embraces the beauty of femininity. That realization should be celebrated because once you come to terms with it, you will understand that the true battle is within yourself, not between you and JK or anyone else. It's time to embrace all aspects of who you are and find peace within yourself. Your attempts to heal a wounded soul feel like a bumbling failure, and you can't shake the feeling that you're just not enough. But women don't attack other women they admire; instead, they show admiration with grace and ask for guidance on how to overcome an obstacle. They humbly ask for help and approach it with deep gratitude, recognizing that someone may hold the key to the peace they so desperately seek. In case this fails, envision JK as a woman that you truly love and respect.

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Remember that she is a human being, just like any other woman, and not an object to be used or abused. It doesn't matter how rich or famous she may be; at the end of the day, we are all souls on this earth. If you could step outside of yourself for just five seconds and ask to speak with JK on a soul-to-soul level, she would undoubtedly accept because she knows, as we all do, that men have a hard time understanding complex emotions. But I have no doubt that JK would understand and give you compassion as a man struggling to make sense of your own feelings of incompetence. Let's face it- many people who believe they can change their physical gender through medical transition ultimately realize that it doesn't solve all their problems.

Some turn inward and some lash out, as you have done. Men tend to destroy while women pick up the pieces in a beautiful harmony because we need each other. Think about one man who would take the time to write this letter defending JK and trying to help you. My actions are deeply rooted in feminine qualities, and I am okay with accepting reality despite how I may appear. My hope is that one day, you will feel the same way too. I implore you, with all the kindness and love in my heart. Please leave JK alone and restrict your tongue from speaking about her family, that should be off limits, it’s just not right. What you are doing is not right or justified.

All JK wants is for her and all other women, who may not be rich or famous like herself, to feel valued and appreciated. Can't you understand this? JK is like a universal mother right not to all woman, she’s blanketing all women with respect and you don’t get this and hate her for being what you desperately desire. Please have the decency to leave her children out of it. I am rooting for you sweetheart, I really am, I feel so much sadness from you, I spend the afternoon with my heart tugging for your pain. For what it’s worth, again, I am rooting for you.


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Hi, where do I fill out the form for this Sunday zoom meeting so I can join?

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My apologies. What zoom meeting.


Apr 01
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

You've pegged this nut bar completely; and with far more compassion than anyone else would I think (including me)! These men in women's guise so often project their own self-hate and limitations onto women who stand up for women's rights. Excellent as always!

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Thank you.


Apr 01



Scott Newgent

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