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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

47% of imprisoned transwomen are categorized as violent sexual offenders. The question we should be asking is: WHY?

By trans Scott Newgent


The swift changes in sociocultural landscapes of the 21st century have sparked an intriguing shift in the study of criminal activity, revealing a recent and somewhat troubling pattern – a noticeable surge in crimes allegedly committed by transgender individuals. Let's sift through the facts and deceit, scrutinizing the supposed link between transgender individuals and criminal actions, with particular focus on transgender women and violent sexual offenses (Jauk, 2013).

Before embarking on my journey of medical transition, I frequented transgender support groups which shed light on the grim reality of mental health struggles. My identity as a woman was never in question for me, but society's relentless resistance suggested that my assertive character, athletic prowess, and attraction to the same sex somehow made me defective. This oddity cast a shadow over my spirit; I never yearned for such distinction.


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During my involvement in these therapeutic circles, I crossed paths with souls adrift, desperately seeking a safe harbor of understanding. But an unexpected aspect struck me like a thunderbolt — the ubiquitous presence of mental health struggles. It's not that I'm untouched by such afflictions; anxiety has been a shadow trailing me throughout my journey. Yet the specter of hallucinations or thoughts veering into the surreal has never haunted my psyche. The feeling of wanting to claw out from beneath my own skin during moments of heightened unease? Undeniably! Succumbing to delusions or subscribing to perceptions beyond reality? Most definitely not!

If you want to stop the madness of childhood medical transition you have to life the orgs who can make change. 

It's a fundamental truth that nourishing a delusion only leads to its growth and expansion. Imagine an individual who insists the sky is crimson, and every passerby nods in agreement. What ensues? The delusion thrives, and then what? Does it remain confined to this single false belief about the sky's color, or does it spiral out of control?

Consider a mother accompanying her young child on a shopping trip. Each time, the child gets precisely what they desire, be it one sweet treat or several. This paints a picture of an environment devoid of opposition. Such instances we encounter as parents during shopping trips with our children are pivotal moments shaping their approach to life. Labeling behavior as either indulging their every whim or denying them all treats is indicative of indifferent parenting because real life unfolds in shades of gray. Parents who fail to introduce these nuances risk preparing their children for future hardship and fostering a perpetual victim mentality.

Now, visualize someone molded by these circumstances but add severe mental illness characterized by psychosis and delusional disorders into the mix. There's no challenging or enlightening within a nurturing setting to dismantle delusions, just incessant validation. Does this foster healthy cognitive function? Could there be potential implications for other boundary issues?

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Should the confines of reality be stretched in a manner that amplifies mental instability, it's not entirely surprising to comprehend the reason behind the shocking statistic that 47% of imprisoned transgender women are categorized as violent sexual criminals.

These studies are just coming out and if Dr. Phil is right, we all better "buckle up, buttercup."


Donate to ensure every parent in the world knows about the reality of childhood medical transition and the moronic reasoning behind gender ideology!


Could this result in a person sustaining robust mental wellness and physical vitality, or would they perpetually strive for additional illusions? The crimson sky fantasy, would that suffice, or could it provoke further hallucinations? This phase of a toddler's growth presents an immense hurdle for parents. Many of us have occasionally desired to react in an absolute yes-or-no fashion since it simplifies things for us, but not necessarily for the child.

Gender diverse prisoners and sex-based patterns of offending

Upon entering these gatherings of transgender allies, I found myself rendered speechless. Those who know me would understand the magnitude of this, as it takes something quite profound to still my tongue. One such moment is etched in my memory. It was during my inaugural visit when, while reaching for a cup of coffee, I heard a resonating voice echoing from the corridor about 'his tribe'. The man's words were steeped in raw emotion. 'I am a woman,' he announced with conviction to everyone present. My gaze lifted and there before me stood the embodiment of narratives I had often relayed on podcasts: him, a towering figure standing at 6'2", sporting a thick beard contrasted by bright red lipstick, clad in rustic overalls paired with stilettos. For an instant, I thought it must be some sort of jest.

Instantly, the room circled him, affirming him,
"OMG, you are totally a woman, I can see it, feel it, all woman, baby!"

I sat in the corner with my coffee, stunned. As soon as I found a chance, I bolted out the door and called my wife, 'Lynette, these people are nuts, I am not going back there, don't ask me!"


Why trans women scare the hell out of me and should as well. A must watch!


From the outset, I recognized I was a biological woman and acknowledged that transitioning medically was akin to cosmetic surgery, a choice many in my situation make. The torment of feeling out of place escalated until it was suggested that I might find solace in conforming. It's disheartening to admit that post-transition, I did feel more integrated into society. For the first time in four decades, I felt a sense of happiness; however, this joy was underpinned by deceit. Building an existence on untruths is destined to crumble - as mine did - it's an inevitable consequence for all.

Our society is nurturing a subset of people who are at an increased risk of severe mental health disorders. The media's representation of this issue, often framing it as a human rights concern, exacerbates the situation. We are witnessing an alarming surge in violent incidents involving transgender individuals, unpredictable actions from adolescents claiming to be victims, and boys attacking girls amidst public endorsement. Any form of dissent is quickly labeled as bias.Simultaneously, powerful organizations capable of initiating significant change are aligning themselves with business approaches that prioritize financial gain over enlightenment. It's impractical to anticipate evangelicals enlightening liberals or uninformed members of the LGBTQ+ community about the complexities of transgenderism—it simply won't happen.Consequently, when I come across news stories detailing violent acts committed by transgender individuals or increasing cases of sexual crimes committed by this group, my frustration intensifies. We're not engaged in a debate on 'gay marriage,' an issue whose resolution has limited societal repercussions. Instead, we're wrestling with this rising trend of transitioning and for many people involved in various capacities, this conversation could be a matter of life or death.

So, pay attention – prepare yourself for what lies ahead. If you're only advocating for your own subgroup against this wave without contemplating wider implications, then you too are part of the problem. Evangelicals often face the harshest criticism because they constitute the largest social group resisting these changes – and their resistance is commendable.

However, if you genuinely find this trend disturbing, I implore you to venture beyond your comfort zone and support those driving change because the evangelical echo chambers are aggravating the situation.

Doing different is the only way for real change. Are you doing different?

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Cited Sources:1. Jauk, D. (2013). Gender violence revisited: Lessons from violent victimization of transgender identified individuals. Allegart, A et al. (2017). Transgender Women in the Prison Industrial Complex. Retrieved from Spade, D. (2015). Normal Life: Administrative Violence, Critical Trans Politics, and the Limits of Law. Retrieved from Davis, G. (2018). 'Transgender people are...' Politics of Science Article Retraction. Retrieved from Johnson, J. T. (2017). Offending and imprisonment in transgender populations. Retrieved from West, D. (2019). When It Comes to Criminal Justice, Not All Identities are Treated Equally. Retrieved from

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