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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Updates - #1MillionMarch Round 2 WW - Plea to Other Rainbow Adults & Tweets


Million March Canada - Round 2 Leaders within the movement to STOP childhood medical transition are planning Round 2 - #1MillionMarch - Widen reach Worldwide! @gaysagainstgroomers @ourduty @momsforliberty @OurDutyCanada & many others! Mark your calendars - October 21st I was banned & hassled in Canada, so it's only fitting to return & fight. I will be leading the Toronto March.




​Please consider a donation. I am not paid to speak, and my events are successful because I attack them with all I have. Please help me continue to do so and consider a donation today. Donate #SCREAMLouder


The largest march in canadian history. It was incredible. See for yourself!


A Plea to Fellow Rainbow Adults!

Thread to my fellow rainbow adults. Gay, lesbian, and trans adults? We are heading to a time in history where we will suffer genuine hate beyond anything we have endured. Yet, a small window is still open to save us from the carnage that will come.

When parents and society worldwide comprehend the truth about medically transitioning children, the rightful vengeance they seek will not only rip us back into archaic hate but surpass all we have already endured.

We have no excuses; we let medically transitioning children become a financial Prospere for donations to LGBTQ+ organizations worldwide.

We have no excuses; we let pedophiles, pharmaceutical corporations, and medical professionals go uninterrupted or oppugned. We are no better than the pedophiles who twist and eradicate children's innocence. Silence with the knowledge of these monsters and doing nothing equalizes us as horrid humans. We become kin without reasoning to justify us better than the disgusting pedophiles who rip innocence that will reverberate for these children until there is no destination other than until they no longer roam the earth, forever damaged and no unable to be within their bodies with love or respect and remaining forever damaged.

Do NOT allow yourself to feel you are any better if silence is all you risk.

So, by all means, continue to be offended by others who do not promote homosexuality. However, the truth is that homosexuality is NOTHING to encourage, nor should massive cannons of glitter erupt in celebration when someone comes out of the closet. Acceptance, love, and tolerance? Yes! Recruiting? No!

How does recruiting and indoctrination of children make us any different than a cult?

I beg adults within the rainbow to STAND UP today because tomorrow is coming, and tomorrow is what we deserve unless we emerge quickly as the catalyst to end this madness. We owe it to children to take it on the chin, biting our tongues, reaching out to everyone, and going through the uncomfortable when someone believes differently.

I beg adults within the rainbow to STAND UP today because tomorrow is coming, and tomorrow is what we deserve unless we emerge quickly as the catalyst to end this madness.

We owe it to children to take it on the chin, biting our tongues, reaching out to everyone, and going through the uncomfortable when someone believes differently. Recently, at the One Million March in Canada, I sat through several speakers who believed differently than I did about homosexuality. To think this feels good on one's soul or is easy to endure reveals a fool within you. I sit in this pain and have done so for nearly five years because it's what must be done to educate an ignorant society being spoon-fed lies about the realities of childhood medical transition. In doing so, it has been revealed that our perceived differences are not as vast as I once believed. But this revelation is terrible for the business of activism. Activism thrives on strict societal subscribes and blind obedience. This obedience reveals a lack of strength and character. It displays weakness. Grace must be lifted immediately because our window to redirect the coming hate is closing.

by Scott Newgent

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Sep 29, 2023

Go to in Australia to learn to write legally binding non consent documents in a three step process with affidavit that can be sent to parliamentary leaders, doctors and anyone else that may damage or harm your offspring in any country.


Sep 29, 2023

Refuse to hate anyone but particularly LGB or Trans adults; many have been fooled by Gender Ideology as have many straight liberal lef

Sep 29, 2023
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Left and some softer conservative types.and feminists like myself who think live let live until the ideology activists went after women by calling us cervix havers ova producers when we have fought for generations for equality based on our abilities not our bodies. This is the most anti gay anti woman anti youth ideology based entirely on stereotypes of both sexes. Trans ing often gay or vulnerable kids is wrong ; adults getting snared in gender ideology also but at least they are not kids. Live to see the day this stops world wide!


Scott Newgent

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