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C-6 Senators
Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Want to help STOP childhood medical transition? Planning Meeting November 4th A 7pm EST - AUSTRALIA

Dear friends and allies, I hope this post finds you well. I am reaching out to you today to discuss an urgent matter that needs our attention and collective action.
Australia #MillionsMarchRound3

For the past five years, I have been tirelessly advocating to put an end to the sexualization and indoctrination of children, as well as the medical transitioning of kids. The harm being done to our young ones is severe, and it is our duty to stand up and #SCREAMLouder for their protection. During my journey, I have come to realize that simply raising our voices within our own subtribes is not enough to bring about the necessary change. We must extend our reach beyond the echo chambers and engage with those who may not yet understand the urgency of this issue. It is only through genuine dialogue and education that we can bring about real transformation. It is disheartening to witness the perpetuation of misinformation and the misrepresentation of this cause. This battle has been strategically placed in the hands of the LGBTQ+ community, as a means to divert attention from the truth. Those responsible for exploiting children and promoting harmful practices have created a vast PR campaign to silence anyone who dares to question their agenda. They label us as bigots to protect themselves from scrutiny. But we will not be silenced. We will continue to shine a light on the truth and fight for the rights and well-being of our children. I ask you to reflect on this question: Will change be created if we only talk amongst ourselves? The answer is clear – we need to bridge the gaps and engage with diverse perspectives to effect real change. Creating a society driven by polarization only widens the divide and stifles progress. Let us seek common ground, foster understanding, and embrace the grey areas. This is where true balance and peace are found within communities. I understand the challenges we face as activists. I have been banned from numerous platforms, and my voice has been suppressed in an attempt to hinder our progress. But I will not waver in my commitment to this cause. I refuse to be confined to a single subtribe and will continue to work with individuals from all backgrounds and beliefs to highlight the urgency of this issue and protect our children.

To make this event a success, donations are crucial. Currently, we have received less than $200 in contributions, and we need your support to ensure that children's lives are saved. With the cost of transportation alone amounting to thousands of dollars, every contribution counts.

Your support can be provided in various ways:

1. Donate directly, every dollar makes a difference and is greatly appreciated.

2. Consider providing financial support by covering the cost of a plane ticket directly. Your generosity will enable someone to attend the event and amplify our collective voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.

Let's unite for a noble cause and work towards saving children worldwide. Although Australia serves as the hub for this year's event, its impact will extend far beyond its borders.

Together, we can shed light on the truth and protect children from the injustices they face. Please join us in our pursuit of justice by making a contribution and sharing this message with your network. Together, we can be the change that our children desperately need.

Let's unite for a noble cause and work towards saving children worldwide. Although Australia serves as the hub for this year's event, its impact will extend far beyond its borders. Together, we can shed light on the truth and protect children from the injustices they face. Please join us in our pursuit of justice by making a contribution and sharing this message with your network. Together, we can be the change that our children desperately need. I am aware that my approach may make it difficult to find support within specific subtribes, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make in order to make a difference. I am not here for personal gain or recognition. My only aim is to fulfill a promise I made to myself and God that circles my own children – to stop this carnage and protect future generations. Today, I call upon each and every one of you to join me in this fight. We must unite, rise above the divisions, and amplify our voices together. Let us organize and plan for the upcoming Planning meeting for the 'It's Our Duty To #SCREAMLouder March on December 9th, 2023. This will be a crucial opportunity to raise awareness and demand immediate action for the protection of our children.

I invite all to attend the Zoom Planning Meeting - November 4th A 7pm Eastern Standard Time: Please Email:

Allow me to share an experience that deeply affected me and reinforced the urgency of our mission. Over a year ago, I had the opportunity to speak at a religious gathering where preceding speakers expressed discriminatory views towards homosexuality, blaming transgender children and highlighting concerns about LGBTQ+ individuals becoming recruiters. The words spoken deeply hurt me, and I even shed tears in private, contemplating leaving the event altogether. However, it was at that moment of pain that I reaffirmed my commitment to my children and our cause. Rather than demonize those who hold differing beliefs, I made a conscious decision to regard those who caused me emotional distress as family. Applying empathetic reasoning, I contemplated how I would address the situation if they were my own kin. Agreeing to disagree, I resolved to continue advocating for what I believe in while aiming to bridge gaps, foster understanding, and promote unity. I recognize that our upcoming call will involve individuals from various subtribes, representing diverse opinions on topics such as homosexuality, transgenderism, conservatism, religion, and liberalism. I want to stress the importance of recognizing and appreciating this diversity, as it will contribute to a rich and fruitful discussion. It is vital for everyone on this call to approach our conversation with respect, love, and an unwavering commitment to the safety of children. I firmly believe that we have the power to educate and inform those who need it the most. By presenting a united front, where every subtribe has a voice, we can challenge misconceptions, foster understanding, and effect meaningful change. I welcome anyone who shares our vision to join us on this planning meeting for the next march towards progress. However, I kindly ask that we adhere to a few guidelines:

1. Refrain from speaking negatively about any other organization. If you have concerns or issues that you believe need attention, please bring them to me or another designated individual, ensuring you also propose potential solutions.

2. Be open to working alongside people from different subtribes and temporarily set aside differences on other debates. Our primary focus is the safety of children, which takes precedence over all else.

3. Lastly, let's approach this collaboration with a sense of humor. Laughter can create a positive atmosphere and strengthen our bond, helping us navigate challenging discussions with grace and understanding.


I genuinely believe that our collaboration will spark profound change, even shifting the media landscape in Australia as well as worldwide. By promoting respectful dialogue, we can neutralize the ammunition of bigotry and create an environment where truth can prevail. Together, we will amplify the awareness that medical transition is not suitable for children. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to our upcoming call and the potential for transformative conversations that lie ahead.

Transman Scott Newgent

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