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C-6 Senators
Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

UPDATE: What Is Your Win? Radical Extreme Feminist Lesbians Walk Into a Bar With a Young Trans Woman

Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent



The original Humourous blog on my attacks follows & it is funny! I hope you at least leave this blog post with a smile with a warrior's heart. Being the warrior who stands up is hard to do, and a solitary endeavour is challenging. You will find that people will find strength within your strength and stand beside you, which is how change is made. Change is made by people who are scared but - DO IT ANY WAY - SAY IT ANY WAY!

Be a warrior for change; kids need us to adult better,

In recent months I have dealt with death threats attacks and recently had my youtube account hacked. The problem is that even though I know who is doing this, authorities won't help. I decided to protect myself, my children and TReVoices with updated security that cost over one thousand dollars to secure a place where I felt safe enough to step back in the ring.

Because of this software, I can see when things are hacked and delete accounts immediately. Today I had to delete my youtube accounts and videos. These videos, everything it takes to help people understand the travesty, takes enormous energy. It's common sense to believe these attacks are from trans radicals, hateful evangelical christians, horrid men, but unfortunately, these nastiest attacks are from cackle of radical feminists.

A cackle of extreme feminists has threatened my family and me, hacked accounts and spread untruths about me and quite a few others who I consider my friends. Below is a blog post in that I tried to use humour to help people understand the severity. But, this passive-aggressive stance has not been successful.

I understand if you do not like me or agree with me on things, I get it. But, if you are standing behind these women who cause harm, you have to ask yourself where is the line in the sand you are unwilling to cross. Is it being hateful, attacking people's careers or death threats? When is enough? When is the point where you say,

"I'm out?"

Understand with no uncertainty that saying nothing to these women is the same as being in the gang attacking people. The escalation of human emotion is predictable. This will escalate to the point of bodily harm. Someone within this game will end up hurting someone, and they will only stop when they have criminal charges brought against them because they physically hurt someone. Are you OK if I get physically attacked, my family gets attacked? Are you OK with someone hurting others who you might not agree with 100%? Is that a line you are willing to cross because you don't like me or agree with me?

Where is your line?

These cackle of women are escalating, and it's time you ask yourself when is enough, enough?

The oddity of all this is that feminists are scared of this cackle and remain silent—scared silent. The irony is thick, my friends, very, very thick. I don't ask myself why other trans don't come out of the closet screaming and yelling to stop childhood medical transition; it's obvious why they do not. I don't ask myself why other trans don't step up and say,

"Yup, I feel like a total idiot that I medically transition, but what's done is done, and at least, I can help others not make such an idiotic decision."

Why would they? You have to be on a soul mission to ignite a fire inside to remain within this fight and endure these attacks. The good news is that I have that fire, but others are needed who have a slow, mild burn; we need those people to step up too.

Abuse is abuse at any level. Abuse from a woman to a woman is still abuse. If you stay silent when a woman abuses another woman, how is it any different than when a woman is scared speechless because of an abusive man? The circle is not stopped, the abuse just changes senery, it doesn't save anyone from abuse-only the view changes, the actors change the abuse remains.

If you need to cause harm to others to justify a society's wrong, it means you are not gifted, talented or persuasive. Still, you desperately want to be and are unwilling to do the work needed to motivate change. Work on these things if your cause burns a hole in your chest. Hurting others to garner a light you desperate want is pathetic. If you follow or promote this type of person, you are weak-minded and remain at the level of the hateful person, and in doing so, you are nasty and pathetic too.

Be a warrior for change, kids need us to adult better,

Original Blog Post Follows:

Four people on social media. One is a radical trans woman, and three are radical extreme lesbian feminists. Can anything good come from a social media conversation between this party of people?

I don't know, but what I do know is early this week? My heart broke a little more!

Today was the day....Whoop Whoop, I get to speak my mind again without the censorship of Twitter, Youtube and Facebook leering, correcting my thoughts and punishing me for my ideas. I opened my account on GETTR super excited, exhilarated to speak my mind once again. Being banned from every social media platform has been challenging, especially when you have a big mouth, as I do. It took me over two years to gain over 30,000 eyeballs on Twitter, Youtube & Facebook, but in one fell swoop… Gone...Twitter SILENCED, Youtube account flushed, and Facebook continuous 30 day bans that lift for a day a rebanned again...30 more days, without reason. It's like a totalitarian.

So, you probably think I am an evangelical Christian. "Homosexuals Should Be Thrown Into A Pit Of Fire, Killed, Dismembered & Fed To The Pigs"

Nope, not an evangelical, not even a Christian, agnostic, really. God? There's probably something out there, but no one knows what.

So, I must be some sexual pervert, a paedophile, right? "Ban this wart, rapist, paedophile from all social media sites to protect others from the sexual deviant!"

Nope, you could put me on The Price is Right; Bob Barker could scream my name, "Come on down, we have a special game for you today, Scott...You have two doors; the first is the most attractive person you have ever met; you will have amazing sex and fall in love more deeply than you ever have in your entire life, or door number two. Door number two is a treat as well, Scott; door two has piping hot McDonalds French Fries, Fried in lard (the good stuff) that was banned ten years ago for safety reasons, health reasons, with extra salt...Which door will it be, Scott?"

I'd look at Barker straight dead eyes and say without hesitation, "I'll take the fries, Bob!"

Bob would be confused, "Door Two?"

"Yup, Bob. Door two, oh Bob, do you have the old ketchup packets too? OMG I won." Then I take off in a sprint to the French Fries as a confused, attractive, sexy gorgeous woman exited door number one, "Bob, did he, she, it just pick the fries?" to the side that was emerging from door number one and I'd SCREAM, "don't' let that lady get my fries, Bob, I won those mother fuckers fair and square, I won those son bitches…." French Fries, here comes Daddy, Mommy ah fuck; medical transition makes everything confusing, "Here comes it, you beautiful french fries fried in lard."

So, I'm not a pervert or even interested in having sex ever again, nor do I care who is having sex with whom...I don't care!

So, I'm not a hate-filled evangelical? Nope

Not a paedophile? Nope.

Why would all social platforms kick me off? After all, I am a wholly transitioned trans man, a lesbian for 42 years before I decided to transition...I know, right? Why would I get kicked off all social media platforms? I bleed the rainbow, unicorns fly around me daily, and people jump out of nowhere, showering me with glitter grenades… I mean, it's my time right now in society...I am the cool cat, the LGBTQ.. Whoop Whoop!


Because I speak the truth, and the truth is not beneficial to the new "LGBTQ Community." I was banned because of hate and bigotry. I was banned because I told the truth:

  1. Transwomen are men who take estrogen to create an illusion of womanhood for comfort and vice versa.

  2. No one is born "trans"; you create "transgender" with synthetic hormones and surgery.

  3. Gender dysphoria is "state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction" with one's sex, which can be treated and 82% of the time with talk therapy. <---Conversion therapy "Hey, it doesn't work on homosexuality, but it kicks the shit out of gender dysphoria" That is a good thing and ok to say.

  4. Trans women have NO business in women's place, sports or anything else. It's cheating, cheating, and transwomen know this.

But the primary reason is that I roar, without reservation and to whomever I meet with such passion and knowledge that I leave every person I speak to believing the same thing that I do,

"Medical transition is NO place for a child. It is dangerous, experimental, and every "study" claiming it to be beneficial has been retracted, but society is not allowed to know."

But enough about that let's get to the reason for this post,

"What's Your Endgame? What Is Your Win?"

My computer flickers, then boom, it's up, and I am ready, let's debate GETTR!

"Ok, fill this sheet out, yup profile name, ScottNewgent, this little box ok ok and then I hit enter. Viola, back on social media and ready to tell everyone who needs to be told to, "FUCK OFF!"

"You have mail," I always say that when I am on social media and I get an alert. My kids try to tell me I'm not Tom Hanks, and they are called notices or, who knows, who cares for me, "I got mail."

Oh goodie, a thread, I rub my hands together fast and furious like I'm trying to start a fire, "what do we have here, kiddos? A thread, ok ok, oh a transwoman, young transwoman and three-oh lord three radical extremist feminists lesbians?" My hand hit my head, and I sighed with a, "oh no, let's hope no one gets knifed."

And? It begins…..I started reading over the thread and saw three radfems tearing one young transwoman to the line, making fun of the trans woman's tiny dick, calling her insane, wacko, ugly; I mean, it was terrible hurtful, and there was no need….child molester, on and on.

I felt terrible for this trans as a trans myself, but I understand why the radfems are pissed. I get it, but the name-calling was childish; it wasn't an actual exchange. It might have been funny had it been a skit on Saturday night live, but it was real.

I hopped in and immediately messaged the trans woman, asking if she was ok and telling her I was sorry and no one deserves the abuse she was getting. "I'm sorry people speak to you this way; no one deserves that."

Yes, I am passionate, and I'll tell anyone to fuck off that deserves it; I don't care if you are a famous senator (Did That FYI) or every day Ted, if I think you need it? I will deliver a fuck you to whomever I believe needs it. But, I try not to attack people's self. I have in the past, and even today, I have to delete many things I want to send; I'm human. I want the juggler too, sometimes. But, every time I have done that, it's left a hole on my heart tearing at me, "They don't deserve that, be creative Scott/Kellie, be funny, tell the truth but don't try to search and find the most effective way to hurt someone." It never goes well. It never accomplished anything, and it hurts people. If harming people is your soul mission, then your mission needs to change to find a soul….Mission

I typed out my concerns for this trans woman, and even though I agreed with what the feminist was saying, I could not allow myself to watch the slaughter or name-calling continue without telling this trans woman that I was sorry…….send

I thought, 'Oh lord, what did I do? Did I defend a trans woman spouting nonsense, 'trans women are real woman' and other bullshit like that from three extreme radical feminists? Oh lord, I said out loud as my kid walked by,

"Oh lord what," my son says…….

Ding ding, "oh look, I got mail, son!"

Justice shakes his head as he walks by, "Oh, my lord dad (yes they talk like me), you are a complete train wreck dork, it's a notification not 'you've got mail Tom Hank' I cannot be related to you, I can't be the travesty…..

I picked up a stress ball, fired his way, and shooed him with my hands, "bla bla go away, son, go kill some zombies on your XBOX I need to concentrate; I think I'm about to be killed by feminists here in a minute, I have to focus."

My son laughs, "Ok, captain idiot!"

Back to my 'you got mail.'

The trans woman replies, "Scott Newgent, you can go fuck yourself; I don't need help from a traitor."

"Son?" I yelled…" Yes, Captain idiot!"

"If I don't make it out of this exchange, tell your brother and sister I love them!"

"What about me?"

"Naw, you were adopted," as my stress ball returns to me from my son's arm, tagging me in the head. "Dammit, Son, that hit me right in the eye."

"Well, it's not nice teasing people with such wonder and delight."

My son's right; I should not tease him. I shake off the eye injury blinking fast and furious to get rid of the pain. What can I say? My son has a strong arm.

"Oh, fuck….Son, I have mail again this time; it's the extreme feminist radical lesbians."

My son doesn't waste time, "Well, serve you right Mr Hanks."

Ding-Ding Ding…..Here we go, I hit open.

"We are not being hateful; reality is not mean. It's not mean to tell someone they are a real piece of shit and not worthy of air if they are confused or wondering inside trying to figure out if all the medical professionals are right that transing would be a fix-all for all of them? They are just horrible human beings for believing what medical and mental health professionals tell them will fix everything? How dare those FUCKING bastards to listen to professionals telling them they can feel normal and fit in 100%? What horrible humans.

Of course, I interjected there the actual message read something like

"This trans is a piece of shit, and so are you, and we have every right to cause as much pain as possible. It's our right."

I thought about it for a second and let out a sigh….My son's voice hit at a tone of compassion,

"You ok? Are they attacking you badly?"

"No, son, it just hurts my heart."

I begin my reply;

"I'm sorry, Liz, I disagree. I realize disagreeing with you means that you have free range to attack me as you see fit and tell me what you think I deserve. In case you have run out of ways to dig in a knife, I'll give you some choices from the attacks I have gotten in the last two or three months, not to mention the "Scott Newgent & family will be killed in three days" website with a time clock. Pleasantries of this beautiful talent of debate.

That website, wow, that was so much fun seeing that. It does wonders for someone who already has PTSD… How kind. I especially loved having my ex throw shit at me when she found the site and wanted to KILL me for...for.....WORKING YOUR ASS OFF TRYING TO SAVE OTHER PEOPLE'S FUCKING KIDS, I HAVE TO PICK YOU UP FROM THESE ATTACKS AND NOW, NOW...I have to worry about someone shooting all of us? DEATH THREATS? Really? Now, this is all, all of it for other people's kids...The attacks and you keep running into the wall because you made a deal with God while people throw you under the bus, and you peel yourself off of the car that just emotionally hit you...Never question whether you should protect yourself, our kids!

Yeah, this happened, and as with anything in my family, if anyone gets mad at me, they always find something to throw at me. This was a doozy because oranges were in her realm one even clocked me in the head, and the yelling stopped for a minute.

"Oh, are you ok Scott," when I replied yes instantly, the orange throwing and yelling commenced,

"Scott Kellie, you don't even believe in GOD!

Yeah, fun stuff. Not to mention the $1000 I had to fork up to secure my site to save other people's kids, all while being told I am a scammer making tons of money! Yeah, right. I wrote a check meant for my son's car because this is that important to me, and he understood. My kids understand sacrificing for you, but you can't even be civil to each other? My 17-year-old is grown-up enough to understand

what I went through and what I'm trying to do, but you can't even have a civil conversation with each other?

Are you serious?

All of these images from the orange throwing the physical pain from medical transition, emotional pain the abuse from all side, the gates opened and my reply read:

"Ok, have at it, tell me I'm a piece of shit, make fun of my botched phalloplasty, my handicapped arm, tell me I'm delusional, make fun of my botched surgeries, my PTSD from the surgeries. Or how about this one - you can tell me to slice my neck open myself, so you don't get blood on you; that was a good one. Send a laughing emoji about my PTSD or a picture of a man curled up in a ball being yelled at by a toddler; that was good. Tell me that my handicapped arm is God's way of punishing me. Tell me that you wish you would have been one of the docs who treated me in the ER so you could laugh uncontrollably, refusing to help me and telling me, "your choice, you deal with it." I could go on and on. Do you need more, or are these sufficient to choose from?

My favourite was the comment about my religious righteous ex-wife. (not the orange thrower, that's 1st wife) who left me with zero dollars in my bank account, deathly ill to return to the wealthy ex-husband she left for me and then left me for his money because I got sick and she did not want to work; righteous x-wife. You hope that she gives speeches and seminars about breaking away from the homosexual lifestyle.

That one, wow, loved that, only made me cry for three days straight!

All y'all are mean, and no, I'm afraid I have to disagree that you are not mean, just speaking the truth. Just telling the truth is saying what you believe, why it's essential, and why you are passionate. Searching in your mind for the worst thing to say, analyzing in your head what one thing you could say to them that would hurt them most, is NOT "just speaking the truth."

So I ask, what is your endgame? What is your win? At the end of the day, what would make you say,

"I did it; I spoke my truth?"

Bravo, you three. You have done vital work today if your goal is to see who can get a vulnerable young confused person to shoot themselves in the head. If that's your goal...Bravo! Something tells me you have accomplished this goal and probably don't know who or when it was. Just someone you abused and then vanished from social media.

Bravo ladies.


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Jan 16, 2022

I am an adult human female. I have many dogs in this fight. I have immediate family members now taking hormones and two have pushed us all away--even though we never had arguments. Pushed away because that is what the cult tells them to do. My heart has broken one thousand times over.

But I had to post this, somewhere. I have had private talks with some of the people Scott is talking about--the radfems. These women who are being terrible are members of WOLF and the WHRC. The WHRC is no longer called WHRC, it changed names to--something. It is not all of them. This needs to be said. I do not think it is all of them,…

Scott Newgent
Scott Newgent
Jan 19, 2022
Replying to

Thank you for taking the time to write this ;)


Jan 14, 2022

Bottom line - nobody should be spouting hatred and vitriol. Speaking one's "truth" means stating what is in one's heart and gut and brain, and I feel sorry for anyone whose truth is hatred. For me, in relation to all this, what Scott says is the truth: "this is no place for kids." You've said it a million times, and you are so right. Nobody is born in the "wrong body." If an adult decides to chemically and surgically alter their body, even the adult should be warned of the dangers and should not be given false promises. "Transition" is plastic surgery to help someone "pass" as the opposite sex because, for whatever psychological reason, they feel they canno…

Scott Newgent
Scott Newgent
Jan 14, 2022
Replying to

Go go.go.go. whoop. Love this lady whoop whoop


Jan 13, 2022

Haha, I will not say a thing, not one word. I am a man, you know, born that way kind of man. But I will say this, "I wish men had half the balls Scott has!" very heartfelt as usually, and I don't have to say a thing; reread it, Scott says enough for most! Thank you once again, Scott..


Jan 13, 2022

I never realized it, I'm afraid of these woman. I almost didn't write a comment because I didn't want to make these feminist mad. I have seen these comment and I think I am going to start to tell them they are mean and nasty. Scott is right, once again! Scott is right, wow a tuff one to read because of how right he is with this.


Jan 13, 2022

Scott/Kelly?, thank you for this courageous stream of consciousness. You're a beautiful person, not in spite of the suffering you've endured but also because of it. Time is on your side. You'll see.

Jan 13, 2022
Replying to

Agree with this as well! Could others feel like me? Staying quiet out of fright with these feminists?


Scott Newgent

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