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C-6 Senators
Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Where Is The Most Frightening Place To Raise Children? Trans Agenda Win?

  • Australia The Most Frightening Place To Raise Children. Free Binders To All.

  • 1.7 Million In Donations In March/April Raised For Organizations With Soul Missions To Transition Your Children.

  • Alabama "Yeah."

  • Biden "OMG, What An Idiot."

  • Missouri Senators? Tuned Out Or Don't Care You Be The Judge.

  • Arkansas Robin Lunstrum "Atta Girl Get Um"

  • An Evangelical & A Trans Man/Lesbian Grab Hands.

  • May? Get Ready To SCREAM.

  • Texas Governor Gregg Abbott Bribed By Gender Clinics Yeats Now Says "Medically Transition Is Child Abuse" Really Abbott? Then Donate The Almost 3 Million You Took From Gender Clinics Last Year Alone

  • An Email Worth Sending To Politicians

Australia The Most Frightening Place To Raise Children. Free Binders To All.

(Please read through the typos, I have a handicapped arm from transition, and it hurts bad right now and swollen. I don't have the energy yo fix it today)


Binding? What Is Is? Click Here

The term "binding" refers to the process of flattening one's breast tissue to create a traditionally male-appearing chest. The type of materials and methods used for successful binding will vary depending on the size of one's chest and the overall build of one's body.

  1. Restrict breathing

  2. Irritate your skin

  3. Break skin around the edges of the binder

  4. Cause overheating

  5. Bruise or fracture your ribs

  6. Asthma

  7. Scoliosis

  8. Lupus

  9. Fibromyalgia

  10. Collapsed Lungs

  11. Life Long Back Problems

...& Many More Read More Here & Here & Here & Here & Here

An Org In Australia Giving Away Free Binders To Kids Who's Parents Can't Afford Them Or Refuse To Buy Them

TransFolk - Our Binder Program provides free binders to those who would otherwise by unable to buy one.We know how hard it can be to afford a binder and so this program makes sure folks have access to a free or low cost binder. This program is only possible thanks to generous donations and a small grant from Lotterywest. For more info about binders and safe binding practices head to....Read More Here

Parents Challenge State to Return Transgender Child
Australia Supreme court case -Daughter Ripped From Her Parent's Arms Unfortunately, the judge has put a gag order on this case, thus why no one knows about it.

A mother and father in Australia are battling for custody of their child after a court ruled them to be “abusive” for refusing to allow their child gender reassignment treatment after the child was taken from their home by police.

The parents, who are appealing to overturn the decision, claim that their 15-year-old child had not expressed any doubts about their gender or showed signs of dysphoria prior to their removal from the family home.

Meanwhile, they said they were only alerted to the issue when staff from a gender dysphoria ward at a children’s hospital told them the child had gender identity issues.....Read More Here

Alabama Legislature votes to ban gender-affirming medical care for transgender youth
Get Bill. But It Will Be Stopped.

Unfortunately, it reeks with bigotry wording and gives too much room for LGBTQ to hang it from a noose in the media. Please don't get me wrong; it's an outstanding bill; the internal workings and logistics are dead on but not presented right once again. This bill will not stick.

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Alabama lawmakers approved sweeping legislation Thursday to outlaw gender-affirming medications for transgender kids and advanced a separate measure prohibiting early classroom instruction on sexual and gender identity, a bill critics have dubbed "Don't Say Gay." Read More Here

Arkansas Robing Lundstrum Bill HB1570 - TReVoices Project

To date, the only bill that I believe will stick is Robin Linstrums Arkansas Bill; the wording is brilliant. Everyone else?

Robin is feisty, comes from the SCREAM of a mother and can beat the shit out of people verbally without anyone knowing they were just told they were total idiots and wrong. They smile and agree with her, not knowing what the fuck just happened, yet her point gets across.

Bill to watch: Lunstrum HB1570


Last Month Reach Record Donations To Organizations That Have A Soul Function Of Promoting & Pushing Medical Transition On Children World-Wide

Donations To Orgs Promoting Children To Medically Transitioning Children

Just LAST Month Reached a Record 1.7 Million Dollars In Donations

2.6 Million Ariana Grande unveils 'Protect & Defend Trans Youth Fund' fundraiser\

Grande is responsible for 1.5 Million With her donations and Visibility - Read Here


Consider A Donation To TReVoices - Last Month We received $142 dollars with more money going out that coming in. This is a serious issue if you do not like TReVoices please find an org to donate time or finances. Click On Image To Donate Today


Proof Of Texas Gov Gregg Abbott Bribed Almost 3 Million Taken From Gender Clinics In 2021 & Now Says "It's Child Abuse" It was child abuse in 2021 - give The Money Back Abbott You Piece Of...Oh lord, people say I need to be politically correct. You Piece Of Doo Doo...That's as politically correct as I can muster... Links Here

Best Documentary To Date On Transing Kids - With A Trans Perspective

Watch Documentary "The Call Is Coming From Within The House" By, A brilliant SCREAMING Mama - This video was taken down on YouTube, but recently came back up. This is hands down the BEST documentary about transing kids correctly anywhere world-wide.


Thirty Four Missouri Politicians Contacts - Zero Response - Kids? Butchered? Yeah, I don't give fuck. Names Below - Hold Politicians Accountable.

Missouri Currenlty Running A Bill That Would Ban Medical Transition For Children - Safe Act Bill AS843

Thirty-three senators below were contacted two times. (See Email Below With Images) If a senator of the united states in any state does not reply, they need to be removed from off immediate, in my opinion. This is a serious matter, and our politicians are skipping through the unicorn farts and glitter bombs; and it's disgusting, and they need to be held accountable.

ZERO senators even acknowledged these emails. Because of this, on our home page will be a revolving screen of all politicians that TReVoices has contacted without acknowledgement.

When people find out about the reality of medical transition, they will want an answer. These politicians on this list were told the truth and refused to act. I'm absolutely and utterly disgusting and unacceptable.

The names highlighted were emailed four times and received a personal call.

Click on the name, copy and paste the original email below and ask why they have not acknowledged an email from an organization run by trans adults raising concern about the experimental nature and retracted studies claiming transition kids helped mental health.

Demand answers. Four clicks could make one senator stand at attention. What if it's your email that would have saved children, but you didn't think four clicks were worth your time.

Missouri Senators Below: Names in green are the Senators who have reached out to TReVoices, Moon, Bean & Williams have all showed concern about the transing kids debate.
In May?

I can't say yet but what I can say? TReVoices & Scott Newgent Will Be Blasted On TV Sets Around The World - Be Ready To SCREAM In May

May? You'll see what real screaming looks like!


An Evangelical & A Trans Man/Lesbian Walk Into A Political Rally Holding Hands - United

Dr Michael Brown & Trans Man Scott Newgent - "In The Line Of Fire"

The headline says enough!

Statement by President Biden on Texas’ Attacks on Transgender Youth

I saved the President of The United States For Last, Not Because Of Respect But Because He Is An Absolute Idiot! A Total Idiot Or Ignorant & Either One Should Scare The Shit Out Of You!

In recent days, elected leaders in Texas have launched a cynical and dangerous campaign targeting transgender children (You Know The Gov Abbott? The One That Took Millions From Gender Clinics COA) and their parents. The Governor of Texas has directed state officials to open child abuse investigations into families simply because they have provided access to affirming care for their children. This is government overreach at its worst. Like so many anti-transgender attacks proliferating in states across the country, the Governor’s actions callously threaten to harm children and their families just to score political points. These actions are terrifying many families in Texas and beyond. And they must stop....


Email Sent To Missouri Sentators Last Week - Zero Response - Resend Them - SCREAM

Copy & Resend To These Politicians:

Original Email Below


My name is Scott Newgent. I am a fully transitioned transgender man and the founder of a transgender organization called The focus of our organization might surprise you; we are fighting to STOP the medicalization of children worldwide.

In the last year alone, we have gone from 50 website visits to over 21,000 visits as we are edging up to the end of the month. is no joke.

Today, I am writing to you about SB843 'Modifies provisions relating to gender reassignment for children.

"A Courtesy Heads Up."

 I will be posting this to our site detailing all the politicians like yourself that we emailed. The medical transitioning of children will stop; it's just how long. When society realizes what they have done, butchered and ruined the health of innocent children for monetary purposes, people will want an answer. This post will remain for all to see because you cannot read this email from a trans man and others trans and come away still believing medically transitioning kids is about love; you cannot.

I'd bet that stuns you and know that you are in good company, but you must ask yourself why an organization of older trans people would become involved in a heated debate when none of this touches them? We are older trans, blended into society with nothing to gain from becoming vocal.

I cannot explain in this short email why we are against the medicalization of children in detail; you would never be able to read it all by Monday. But I can tell you the facts about why this process is not for kids and why the medical industry is pushing to medicalize children. Every point I utter is linked to a study; please double-check me; the more you check me, the lower your jaw will drop. I know your wife is a physician, and I recommend running this by her. Because what if one of the things I will state below is correct? Just one alone should shatter any doubt that transing kids is wrong, and soon? When will these truths come out? People will look to leaders like you shaking their heads, disgusted with the spine of the supposed leaders within our society, saying,

"Why didn't you take the time to investigate an experimental procedure that resulted in butchering and maiming an entire generation of children with total disregard because you were too scared of the all-mighty new LGBTQ?"

1st - Medical transition is experimental

There have been no long term studies on what happens to a body on opposite hormones for an extended period, let alone for children who jumped over puberty by taking synthetic hormones for 50, 60, and 70 years.

The opposition will point to WPATH. WPATH is "The world association of transgender health care." They will use this to try and prove there is a standard of care.

The Truth? WPATH has never been held up in a courtroom as a standard of care anywhere.

"At Doctors discretion."

I know this personally after having my arm handicapped for life, 17 months of a reoccurring bacterial infection and physicians throwing their hands up, "We have no clue what's wrong with you; can't you go back to the original surgeon?" Forcing trans to the original physicians and surgeons to hide the mistake and their butchering stays hidden. To fix their errors, staying invisible.

Here is Aaron Kimberly, a Canadian Psychiatrist Nurse. He happens to be a transgender man and the founder of GDAC an organization made up of trans fighting to STOP childhood medical transition in Canada. Listen to Aaron detailing the scary reality of what is unknown about synthetic testosterone:

Here is Aaron Kimberly, a Canadian Psychiatrist Nurse who happens to be a transgender man and the founder of GDAC an organization made up of trans fighting to STOP childhood medical transition in Canada. Listen to Aaron detailing the scary reality of what is unknown about synthetic testosterone:

We are not seeing massive medical malpractice cases because medical transition is experimental and does not have a baseline for care. I learned this firsthand. States that have 'Tort Reform Acts' like Texas are becoming the hub for transitioning kids worldwide. These tort reform acts protect physicians from medical malpractice since they don't have a baseline to compare. Any attorney who takes one of these cases is responsible for creating a standard of care, hiring scientists, surgeons, doctors, paying for the studies, etc. This would cost millions.

I heard it from 8 different attorneys when I tried to file a medical malpractice case for a deformed hand. This reoccurring bacterial infection will take my life sooner rather than later. "Scott, there is no basis for trans care; for us to take this care, we have to create a baseline, and that would cost our firm millions."

2nd - Puberty Blockers Are Safe:

They are not, the truth? They have no clue what PB is doing to kids.

The truth is that little is known about puberty blockers, but they are not FDA approved to treat kids with gender dysphoria; we are seeing young adults transitioned as kids who used puberty blockers developing early-onset osteoporosis, limited and sickly because of underdeveloped organs, lungs, hearts and so on.

In 2001, the manufacturer of puberty blockers pleaded guilty to fraudulent sales practices with regard to its marketing as a prostate-cancer drug and was deemed a criminal enterprise and forced to pay $875 Million to settle a fraud case for marketing lies and suppressing side effects. This is the company saying it's safe.

Here is what we do know about medically transition & Medically Transitioning Children:

All have links to studies that took years to find, hidden from the public and politicians like yourself.

While America is proceeding down its path of total affirmation just as other countries are restoring greater balance. This past December, the U.K. High Court of Justice ruled that puberty blockers for minors are both experimental and a one-way ticket to permanent transition. Finland in 2020 completely overhauled its approach to treating minors with gender dysphoria, prioritizing psychotherapeutic non-invasive interventions and recognizing adolescence as a time of major identity exploration. Sweden is conducting a systematic literature review of the scientific basis of the long-term effects on physical and mental health of puberty blockers and hormones. The researcher who championed the "Dutch protocol" recently called for a rethink,while other research is beginning to show that the current one-size-fits-all status quo is too limited.

But please don't just take my word for it, read from other trans who are stepping up to save kids.

by transgender woman Miranda Yardley
by Transwoman Claudia McClean
Anonymous email

by Trans man Scott Newgent

by, Texas Trans Lady

Trans Man by Aaron Kimberly

Us trans, we are starting to gain ground. It took me two years to get a mainstream publication to publish the other side of the medically transitioning children debate, two years of hundreds of phone calls and hundreds of letters. I will not stop until kids are safe and they are not. Recently Dr Bower the 'Jazz Jennings' Trans woman surgeon admitted she doesn't agree with transing kids only doing so after me and my organizations tied her down with truths.

by Abigail Sheir

In a nutshell? Trans medical professionals that have been pushing transing kids "Oops, ya it's not safe" only admitting it when careers are not on the line.

Trans Rene Jax speaking against transing kids and puberty blockers in 2018

3rd - If we don't medically transition children they will commit suicide at an alarming rate

“This one pisses me off because it's beyond wrong, reckless, and bordering on criminal in my humble opinion as a trans man.”

In regard to the emotional effects of transition, many activists will refer you to a 2018 Pediatrics journal article entitled "Transgender Adolescent Suicide Behavior." But the study reported therein was based on just three years of data—collected between 2012 and 2015. What matters in the long term. And in this regard, the gold standard is a study of 324 medically transitioned adults, based on 30-year longitudinal data. The authors found that completing sex-reassignment surgery was associated with "considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity" as compared to the general population. Kids who are suicidal before their transition will likely continue to be suicidal, and the most intense ideation often comes years after transitioning. (Transgender folks themselves sometimes speak anecdotally of a seven-to-10-year trans suicide "itch" observed within the community.

Nutshell: The truth? Only long-term studies done in Sweden from 1973-2003 found that medically transitioning adults are the most suicidal and at risk of committing suicide is 7-10 years after the medical transition, not before.

Another Truth? The studies that said it helped these kiddos who were mentally ill? Retracted all of them, but it never made it to mainstream media. In fact, the most famous study protesting an instant cure for mental illness and a study that they still use today was retracted...Not a peep from the media.

To help you understand suicidal ideation and why it peaks at 7-10 years of what we refer to in the trans community "7-10-year suicide itch" is because the medical transition is a process, a long process. At each stage, we believe this is going to fix what ails us. When I start hormones, I'll feel better about gender dysphoria...Nope.. When I get my top surgery then I will feel better....Nope...When people stop misgendering........Nope Nope Nope Nope until you are finished, and you realize medical transition don't help anything and not, you have massive health complications that no one told you about.

Here is the only long-term study over five years to date. This was conducted in Sweden from 1973-2003 and followed 324 medically transitioned adult. The study found what we already know the older transition:

I have dealt with five families this year alone whose child committed suicide at 19, three at 20, and one at 22.

I was given the privy to read one suicide note from a trans woman at 19 who shot himself in the head; the note read,

"Mom and Dad, why did you let me transition? I was just a confused gay boy, now my dating pool is cut by 99%, I have early onset osteoporosis, I can have biological kids, I'm not male, yet I am not female, now I concluded that now I do want to kill myself. I don't want to live in this broken body."

These parents found their trans woman 'son' on the coffee table, shattering the glass and his brains on the wall. A trans suicide epidemic is coming, we are edging up to 7-10 years since this madness started...Oh, it's coming but not how mainstream media have told you.

You have to ask yourself, ‘When did I hear about a child committing suicide because they could not medically transition Bu?" YOU WON'T FIND ANY.

But you will find trans suicides and they all seem to be in line with the study in Sweden 7-10 after medical transition.

See for yourself

  1. Woman found dead along Evanston lakefront identified as missing trans rights advocate Elise Malary

  2. Daphne Dorman death: Comedian and transgender activist dies from apparent suicide, aged 44

  3. A transsexual has been helped to die by doctors in Belgium, after a series of failed sex-change operations.

  4. Days after transgender activist Anannyah's suicide, her partner found dead...

  5. Kerala to probe trans activist’s suicide after sex reassignment surgery

  6. Transgender Activist Mentioned In Dave Chappelle’s ‘Sticks & Stones’ Netflix Special Dies

  7. Young transgender activist Blake Brockington suicide mourned

  8. Trans Activist Commits Suicide

  9. Suicide of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi exposes the ‘freedom and violence’ of LGBTQ Muslims in exile

  10. Transwoman activist, first from her community to file nomination for Assembly polls in Kerala, found dead after suicide

What is shocking is these trans who committed suicide are nowhere in the news, yet if you google, all you will see is children who are suicidal and the travesty of angst we deal with as trans. This is simply not the truth.The truth is that some people find comfort through medical transition creating an illusion of the opposite sex, and we deserve to be protected and have rights within are governed body, but nothing about medical transition is life-saving. But, can we be honest?Medical transition is cosmetic surgery through operations and the use of synthetic hormones.

Gender Dysphoria has an 82% chance of relieving a patient into comfort through talk therapy. So the last question is WHY? Why the push? The massive tornado of force behind transing kids is twofold. First in our society, we are tired of bigotry, hate and, not accepting people, judging people. At the hint of the rainbow, the LGBTQ uttered from someone's lips ignites complete compliance instantly. Puberty Blockers generate $4400 worth of profit when prescribed to adults and $55,000 a year when that same prescription is written for a child generating 8 times the profit when prescribed to an adult. Each child convinced they are trans and in need of medical transition is 1.3 million dollars to pharmaceuticals; this does not include surgeries or complications.My surgeries cost me $234,000 dollars, and that didn't include the complications making my bill over 1 million dollars right now. My life will be short from my difficulties, and I will not live long enough to see my grandkids born.

But while I am here, I will use every breath to save these kids who suffer from comorbidities being told that medical transition will make them fit, it won't. We are being complicit when the most vulnerable part of society and throwing them under the bus for money, to save a political career or lose friends who don't understand.

Transgenderism Is Just Big Business Dressed Up In Pretend Civil Rights Clothes

In closing, the truth we are searching for is usually quite simple. We overlook the obvious at times and what is happening? The trans craze? In the UK they had 4000% increase with kids transiting. If we took that same ratio and fast forwarded 20 years into the future and used it for the world.

In 20 years 18-22% of the population would be trans. A part of society that was a mere 10 years ago .06%

The plastic surgeons and pharmaceutical corporations found a way to conger a treatment finagling insurance and governments to flip the bill for the fastest, most significant growth spurt in medical history—a purely cosmetic process sold under the guise of human rights. But, don't take my word for it; here are more trans, and if this doesn't suffice, I can supply more. But, understand one thing? I have dedicated my life to stopping this, the medicalization of children. I am organizing rounding up hundreds of trans like the list below, and I guarantee we will be there soon. How do you talk to the media then, turn away when trans adults are SCREAMING that,

"Medical Transition Is No Place For A Child,"


Trans Man Scott Newgent Founder SCREAMING to stop childhood medical transition.


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