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C-6 Senators
Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Why are we losing the battle to STOP childhood medically transitioned & what you can do about it?

Updated: Nov 11, 2023

Dr. Martin Luther King
"I dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."
SCREAMING Louder 'STOP Transing Kids!'
Scott Newgent - Canada 1 Million March

Transman Scott Newgent made you cry in Matt Walsh’s groundbreaking documentary, “What is a Woman”, now he’s going to make you THINK. Come hear the world premiere of his powerful

“Why Speech”

Do you want to know why a generation of children believe they are born in the wrong body and need a medical treatment called 'Medical Transing' that is dangerous, experimental, causes massive health issues and worsens mental health? Hear the speech that will flip gender ideology on its ear and trigger a worldwide ban on childhood medical transition.

-The WHY Speech -by Transman Scott Newgent

1 Million March Winsor, Ontario Canada

See you are the streets SCREAMING Louder

Donate to Scott's Travel - No payments for speeches or travel expenses are covered. All made possible with donations. Thank you for allowing me to continue to SCREAM Louder to STOP childhood medical transition!



"I dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

-Dr. Martin Luther King

Transman Scott Newgent
LGBTQ+ Gender Ideology & Queer Theory - Evolution

Shut up! We

have are own dreams about four little kids!


Fighting to STOP childhood medical transition!

Martin Luther King delivered a message that now seems simple, yet it was history-changing. The philosophy that each person has a core value they place on everything they believe in within their life & should be judged for what they stand for needs to be infiltrated into modern life. Martin Luther King was instrumental in changing how people thought about race, and we need a leader to do the exact thing with the subtribes we have formed within our society: shatter these subtribes of human existence. The left, the right, the Christian, the gays. What about the people? Take the same philosophy of character and evaluate it regardless of whether a person belongs to your subtribe! Every human deserves this respect, yet today, you are regarded repellent by whatever subtribe you don't belong and a saint by any subtribe to which you belong.

This modern subtribal segregation has led us to a spot where we are butchering an entire generation of children with an experimental, dangerous medical process that causes massive health issues & makes mental health worse. We are destroying a generation of children, and not only are we letting it happen, but society is also ignorantly cheering! This is a fact, regardless of how you feel about medically transitioning kids! (See Proof)

The Experimental procedure: The medicalization of gender-confused children, autistic kids, same-sex attracted kids, mentally gifted kids, mentally ill kids, and abused kids; let's call it what it is. The odd kids who would likely grow up to be the movers and shakers? These kids are told they can fit in, robbing them of what comes with being different; I call it a superpower, at least now I do. It took me fifty years to get there, but we are robbing these kids of learning to dig being different and all that comes with the magnificence of being different. Let's face it, normal people rarely accomplishes anything different in life; it's always the odd people who discover the new because they are different. Do a little homework; it won't take you long to realize that we are medically transitioning the weird away and me being an off-duck adult? I fell for it, hook, line, and sinker at forty two; your kids? They, my friend, don't have a chance.



Yesterday I uploaded a lengthy thread on TWITTER about the inception of gender ideology and queer theory, stating facts. Immediately I started receiving abhorrence messages from feminists, queers, gays, and lesbians. It didn't take many emails to read before I recognized that they did not read the thread or take five minutes to scrutinize for themselves. Instantly, people from the subtribes of the people I outed as either podophiles, promoting pedophilia or wanting to soften the laws by allowing children to have sexually consented sex with adults at immature ages blasted me.

Everyone I listed was intricate in the foundation of gender theory and queer theory. They were defending the father & mothers of 'Queer/Gender theory' and not taking a second to research anything. (All the proof is below) In essence, they were promoting pedophilia without comprehending what they were doing. These people were more concerned with the reputation of the subtribe they belonged to instead of having a formidable reality comprehended to be enlightened about a problem that children desperately need to be rescued from. Instead, they defend the virtue of the rotten people in our society who have damaged many, but because they belonged to esteemed subtribes, they were and are not seen for what they are. These people floated to God-like status, doing no wrong; evil is evil.

"I don't care who you are and if you are OK with pedophilias. I don't like you, respect you and think you need to be extracted from access to all children worldwide; no ifs ands or buts about it! I don't care what subtribe you belong to."
-Transman Scott Newgent

Watch the video


I also know that these people who wrote to me? 99% would agree with me and what I was saying if they removed their rose-colored glasses from their subtribes and approached the conversation to find the truth to protect and save children if they need saving. Nope, kids tossed to the wind and oblivion harangues on, leaving our children to pay our weighty emotional bill when they become adults.

Transman Scott Newgent 'What is a woman?"

The significance of these subtribes peaked again today on a phone call with a podcaster from Europe. He started the conversation like most people: "I am not homophobic. I have four children, and two are gay; one is the pride organizer, and she knows medically transitioning children is wrong...." He continued asking me to peel my chest open as I have done hundreds of times to educate people on the reality and travesty of medical transition. I don't listen often; I usually shut people down and cut to the chase, rudely, at times shocking people. I think people think I am an emotional sap after seeing me in the interview 'What is a woman.' Imagine their surprise when I stop them midsentence, "I don't have time for all the adjectives, get to the point; bullet point or I am hanging up!"

-Told you I'm different!

I made a conscious effort to listen and wanted to learn what his daughter was doing with the knowledge, knowing transing kids is terrible and running pride in a significant city. Turns out, she keeps hush hush because the money is good! I shut down the conversation immediately and said, "You know what? I'll do your podcast, but only if your daughter is there. What a cowardly stance your daughter is taking as a leader in the gay/lesbian community and remaining mute. Your daughter either needs to be educated further or shamed, and I am willing to do both if needed on your show live!"

I can assure you I wasn't surprised with his response, "Well, I don't think that is possible...." I interjected sharply, redirecting the conversation, "OK, it's a no from me. Have a good day. Sir, you have decided that swimming in quicksand is an excellent strategy to save gender-confused children when your daughter can save hundreds with her position today. Instead, you want me to open myself up to your viewers who agree with you and me because why? Because it's more accessible or beneficial for you. Who are we saving here? Sir, you can't even give your daughter the passion needed to fight for children she knows are being abused? Call me back when you're willing to put some skin in the game. We are butchering children, and you are NOT acting accordingly or adulting better; shame on you...CLICK!"

I have said this for five years and will continue to say it and live it! Until we throw down our subtribe swords for battle, and we grab each other's hands and say,


"We are all here, so you can't call us all BIGOTS; we got the gays, lesbians, the straights, the conservative, the liberal, Christians, Muslims, all the subtribes accounted for, so now we can talk about the facts. The facts tell us that medical transition is no place for a child!"

I said this in 2020 National Review article I did years ago and I stand by this statement. Until this happens, we will NOT save children. The travesty of childhood medical transition will STOP, when the carnage flows over, it will be stopped. I am just trying to save more kids, faster!


If or until this happens or Martin Luther King comes down from heaven to do a new version of I Have a Dream, "I have a dream that all people will one day live on earth where they will not be judged by anything other than the content of their character!' character."

Right now? I'd bet on Martin Luther King floating down from heaven than the leaders of these subtribes giving up the status, money, money and fame that comes with the carnage they create by dividing and prospering!

Below is proof of the pedophilia statements I made in the video and on the thread, as well as the original video and thread...I'm outta here for the day; I am irritated...No no, that's not accurate. The reality is my heart aches today because I know what's coming for these kids, and I spend most of my time begging the adults to 'ADULT Better!"

-Transman Scott Newgent


Sept -10th 2023

If you are a parent? You MUST read this post!

A teacher was fired for refusing to sing the 'Rainbow Land' song by Miley Cyrus to her 1st grade class. I made a post saying as a lesbian that med-transitioned to a transman, I 100% agreed with the teacher. I received comments saying that "The song isn't bad, just about unity & the 'RAINBOW.'

Here is why it's BAD:

Mathew, I understand how you would develop a logical comment like this. At first, I felt the same way. What's the big deal about singing the Miley Cyrus song called Rainbow Land with 1st graders? Why would this teacher refuse?

Truthfully as a lesbian who medically transitioned to a transman, I would have NOT only refused, but I would also have called my local news station to protest.

The LGBTQ+ has taken over guardianship of the Rainbow; it no longer symbolizes childhood innocence as it once did. But the NEW LGBTQ+ uses the rainbow to captivate children who, with childhood innocence, still believe in all the unicorns, fairies and glitter dust while sliding down the Rainbow of goodness into sexual fetishes & highlighting gender issues that were never there in the first place, just cattle on the farm to feed pharma and the activism of the flourishing LGBTQ+ organizations worldwide. That virtue is no longer there, my friend!

Queer Theory examines the nature of sexuality- and gender-based normativity and how society defines and polices the concepts of heterosexuality, homosexuality, and gender and sexual identities.

Queer Theory is about everything but straight sex. It broadened the scope to be more inclusive to attract more followers to the LGBTQ+ activism camp right at the time we won all of our rights as gays and lesbians, we had nothing else to fight for, and LGBT orgs were going bankrupt worldwide, so in came 'QUEER Theory' 'Gender Theory' with all of the pharmaceutical money, powerhouse and bought politicians worldwide to save the day!

I may be a lesbian and have been engulfed in the unicorn farts of gender ideology, but I am a MOM first; I carried life, and we in the gay community better start finding our voices because hate is coming when society realizes the truth! The truth? We, the LGBTQ+, are now a recruiting agency, and WE need to be stopped. I am not an evangelical saying this; I am a lesbian/transman SCREAMING my head off to wake parents up! Significant Contributors to Queer Theory & Gender Theory - ALL Documented Pedophiles!

Name a queer theorist & gender theorist who denounced pedophilia? That's right, none. Every parent of gender ideology and queer theory either PROMOTE pedophilia as normal or did not or does not condemn pedophilia and defines it as normal human sexuality! Every parent of gender ideology and queer Theory either PROMOTE pedophilia as normal or did not or does not condemn pedophilia and describes it as normal human sexuality!

Do I need to say that again, or did you get it? EVERY father/mother of queer/gender theory was either a child molester, promoted pedophilia or did not or does NOT denounce it! <--- Let that sink in!


John Money, the Father of Gender Theory, was a pedophile.

Gayle Rubin significantly contributes to 'Queer Theory' and is a documented pedophile!

Simone de Beauvoir Was a pedophilia supporter who laid the foundations of gender ideology. Queer Theory!

QUEER is a giant ballroom of kink! The Rainbow is now affiliated with the LGBTQ+

Pick a KINK with QUEER THEORY that you think is appropriate for children? Pick one. What is ok for a child to dabble in with an adult? Because the innocence of singing about the RAINBOW is no longer callow; it's depraved and despicable, and now the RAINBOW is tarnished, and it needs to get away from kids!

Kink and Fetish -S&M (also written as S/M) -Latex - Rope Play - Knife Play - BDSM - Dom/Dominant -Sub/Submissive - Switch - Scene - Safe Word - Leather - Bondage - Cock & Ball Torture - Fisting/fist fucking - Electrical Play - Puppy Play - Slave/Master - Piss Play - Candle Play - Flogging - Edging - Nipple Torture

Which one of these fetish's is OK for children...Don't Worry, I'll wait.......

Your comments prove my point. People have no clue what the new LGBTQ+ has become!



Simone de Beauvoir Was a pedophilia supporter who laid the foundations of gender ideology. Queer Theory!

Feminist: Simone Lucie Ernestine Marie Bertrand de Beauvoir, a French existentialist philosopher, writer, social theorist, and feminist activist.

Ms. Beauvoir was a paedophilia supporter who laid the foundations of gender ideology. Queer Theory! These are facts regardless of wants!

Ms. Beauvoir published a series of petitions demanding the decriminalization of pedophilias, claiming that this would abolish the artificial and oppressive culturally constructed frontier separating children from adults and extend to children the right to dispose of one's body freely.

Some causes championed in the Paris revolt are now seen as very troubling.

Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and the current French health and education ministers Bernard Kouchner and Jack Lang were among the signatories of petitions in the 1970s calling for paedophilia to be decriminalised, it emerged yesterday.


Six months ago, the UN report advocated for decriminalizing sex with minors. The '8 March principles', as they are called, lay out a human rights-based approach to laws criminalizing conduct about sex, drug use, HIV, sexual and reproductive health, homelessness and poverty. As one can imagine, the UN backtracked and removed the initial 8 March Principles that concluded the rights based on sex, expressly that children can consent to sexual behavior's with children.

Try it. Try and fight the principals? They are deleted from the site. But this deletion has resulted in the press stating that these pedophilias rights were not being sought after within this advocation, not only desired but favored by the UN.


John Money, the Father of Gender Theory, was a pedophile.

Gayle Rubin significantly contributes to 'Queer Theory' and is a documented pedophile!

Gayle Rubin Is The First In This Series Exposing The Founders of The Gay Rights Movement - The Hard Evidence Included

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Sep 12, 2023

Oh my Scott. I read all the links, this is 100% true. Wow, what do we do. This is not right I am speechless. Thank you


Sep 12, 2023

Skelly, I'm an introvert who has about 1000 words to spend in a month. And reading? I dunno. Your posts are the only ones I read and am exhausted when I'm done, even though they are spot on. This month, while I'm still standing with you, I had to just skim your post. With everything going on in the world, the end of time literally just around the corner, my answer to your leading question is this: All the evils cannot be set right, even the precious transing of children, without people submitting to GOD. He provided the only way through the unspeakable sacrifice of his only Son, Jesus, yes, the "foolishness of the cross." It is past the time…


Scott Newgent

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