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Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

Why Your 'Why' Matters in the Battle Against Medical Transition

Updated: Mar 14

by Transman Regretter Scott Newgent
Transman Regretter Scott Newgent
If your 'WHY' doesn't bring tears to your eyes, if it doesn't halt you in your tracks, compelling you to fight for what you believe in, ready to sacrifice everything, then your 'WHY' is not powerful enough to join the battle against the medical transition of children!

In the realm of activism, I have come to understand that there is a constant ebb and flow. The flow follows the immense wealth that can be attained by those whose motivation is money, propelling them towards their goals of financial success.

Conversely, there are those who seek fame, and often these two desires go hand in hand. Unfortunately, these motivations are self-centered and do not bring about any change in hearts or minds!


When it comes to most political agendas, commitment levels vary, and society strives to strike a balance between the negatives and positives. The political debates we witness or read about? They are merely political games. For most agendas, this game levels the playing field. In fact, 99% of political agendas have a gray area of compromise that allows each member of society to benefit to the greatest extent possible. It is within this gray area that most solutions lie, in most circumstances.

However, the debate surrounding the medical transition of children is an exceptional case. There is no gray area for success; it is a matter of black and white. Medically transitioning children brings no good, no room for compromise. It is a rarity indeed, a black-and-white issue with no shades of gray.

As a 51-year-old transman who has undergone the journey of transitioning and has three children of my own, I possess a unique perspective within the realm of activism aimed at halting childhood medical transition. If you ever doubted that I was aware of being used and discarded for the sake of social media fame and fortune, you would be mistaken. Not only was I aware, but I also encou are whipraged them to use me because I knew that I understood the situation on a level that 99% of people could not comprehend. Thxe medicalization of gender-confused children is a deeply rooted problem within society.



Knowing what I know has always given me a competitive edge, but ironically, it has also been my downfall. Understanding the extent of the harm we are causing to children has burdened me with a promise to speak out for the last 5.5 years of my life, even if it meant sacrificing my own well-being, finances, and the lives of my children. It reached a point where I had to resort to sneaking in to get a friend to help me with a medical issue because I couldn't afford a proper doctor. I had to rely on online research to heal my own stress fracture. This was a new low, especially when coupled with the fact that I had to return to a moldy basement room as my only semblance of a home. It was then that I humbly admitted,

"I'm sorry God, I have nothing else to give."

You may think that Matt Walsh used me in his piece, "What is a Woman?" But what you don't know is that I also used Matt. I tested him that day, both on and off camera, to see if he would do the right thing. I confronted him with intense truth, challenging him to shed light on the wrongs of childhood medical transition instead of making a mockery of it. And you know what? Matt rose to the occasion. He did what was right when nobody was watching. His personal beliefs about homosexuality or any religion are not my concern. Everyone has the right to their own opinions, and judging others based on their actions alone is futile and unjust.

I possess the ability to introduce you to numerous influential political figures who can astound you with their beliefs, their passion, and their unwavering commitment to their cause. Riley Gaines, I am specifically addressing you and your team, who represent the darkest aspects of humanity disguised under the facade of Christianity. While you may have your opinions about me, one thing you cannot deny is that my intentions are driven by an overwhelming concern for the safety and well-being of children.

For the past 5.5 years, I have dedicated myself to activism with an intensity that few can comprehend. My motivation has always been rooted in genuine empathy, which has brought me to tears and will continue to do so. However, today marks a new chapter in my life as I embark on a new role as a sales manager. In this position, I am expected to adhere to a different set of standards, one that does not allow for the candid expression of my beliefs. I knew this day would come, as I could not sustain the emotional toll of fighting against the wolves at such a relentless pace.

Today, after I hit send on this post, I am deleting all my social media applications and embrace a more subdued existence. It has become clear to me that I can no longer solely focus on mending my own broken heart, repairing my own car, or carrying the weight of my cause so prominently. The intensity of it all threatens to consume not only me but also my family. With a mere 36 cents in my bank account, I carefully wrap my injured hand, a consequence of the challenging journey of medical transition. As I leave the door to my musty basement wide open, I realize that my purpose now resides solely within me. If I do not walk away at this very moment, the activism surrounding childhood medical transition will be the death of me, and my own children will be left with nothing.

Throughout my own suffering, I have witnessed my own children endure pain as well. Some may question why I have chosen this path. The answer lies in the depths of my soul, where the why not only makes me cry, but it makes me weep with a profound understanding that most will never comprehend. As a mother, a line has been crossed, and I refuse to let my children bear the burden of suffering to save other people's children. This is a resounding NO that no mother would ever allow, and I will not allow it either.

The only thing that could force me to walk away is the well-being of my own children. If you believe that I have a raw right to fight for children, then you have no idea the battles I have fought for the children that came from my own body. It is safe to say that you would not want to come up against me. Perhaps that is why so many people have been moved by me, as my sincerity has always revolved around the well-being of my own children. Without being a mother, my transition would have resulted in a completely different person.

I am absolutely certain that there is no doubt that a mother, a fighter, someone who knows the truth and always seems to be in the right place at the right time - a perfect warrior, one might say! Or at the very least, a convincing one. Many leaders are skilled at conveying a message, using words that stir up emotions and tap into passion. But to navigate the treacherous waters of politics, surrounded by the notion of human rights, while constantly being challenged by those who dismiss it as mere fantasy, as HATE? Well, this requires not only skill but also substantial financial resources. It requires a truly exceptional individual to transform perspectives and influence others, and I firmly believe that I possess that unique talent. It seems as though my life has been guided towards a path that only a select few can tread upon. However, realizing that I am unable to continue on this path is an indescribable agony. It goes beyond mere pain; it is a sensation that has yet to be defined but should be coined to capture the immense anguish I feel from walking away, knowing that I had the power to effect change. I understand the children whose lives I could have saved, and the frustration of failing to make people comprehend the urgency of the situation. The need to bridge the gap between different communities, to hold individuals accountable regardless of their affiliations, and to uphold the standards of human decency above partisan interests is paramount. I had the capability to achieve all of this, but I made a misstep, I faltered, and I am burdened by the weight of that failure.

My friends, that is what my life has been built for. I cannot express the tears that flow from within me, unseen by others, as I have to hide them and rise up to fight for my own children. It tears me apart. I know that this debate will not truly begin until the devastation reaches such unimaginable heights that the media can no longer conceal it. Until the pharmaceutical industry can no longer spin their PR campaigns, and politicians like Greg Abbott are held accountable and face the consequences of their actions. These may seem like distant dreams, but I know, deep down, that if given the opportunity, I could engage in this debate and make a difference. I am the one who understands, in great detail, why I have faced the most censorship on social media. It is a testament to the power of my message. However, amidst all of this, laughter seems to be absent. I find it hard to believe that joyous laughter will ever be experienced again knowing what is coming for these kids, yet I am unable to help stop, for me no laughing is coming!


Because the WHY in this situation is monumental. Knowing that I could have altered the course of this debate, but instead chose not to support it, brings me back to the beginning of this post and fills me with sorrow and brings tears, true tears for these kids, all of them, I cry endlessly for.

With that gush of emotion, I stop here and ask, I implore you to support, as they can still reach out to me if necessary. However, they too require support. I am adamant about collaborating only with individuals who share the same passion as I do, and Kenneth/Kellie Anderson and their team embody that shared purpose.


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Wishing you the best of luck, and always remember, "Medical Transition is NO Place for a Child!" If you are unable to voice your support loudly, then lend your support silently. If you cannot support, then align yourself with those who genuinely care. Unfortunately, there are not many such individuals out there. However, Matt Walsh, whom I have vehemently disagreed with on numerous occasions, is one person who truly cares and comprehends the truth behind childhood medical transition.


Don't worry about me! Give me two months, and things will be 100% better for me and my children. I am a pretty good salesperson and a fantastic sales motivator. I will be fine; my children will be fine. I weep for yours because the new activism, 'cash cow,' is swerving away from 'Women's Sport' and swinging to 'Gender Confused Children'. I am not a Christian, but I seem to play a better one than the ones that profess they are, and I leave you with this!

God, save us all! This is a fight you don't want to casually go into; this is bloody, wrong, and deserves leaders who care from their soul and everything in between.

If you are a true Christian, do more than pray. Praying isn't doing anything; it just makes you feel better when you say it!

You want to be a good Christian? DO SOMETHING! Then, pray that what you did to change something works...Merely saying, 'I will pray for you', means nothing other than soothing you!

We are butchering kids! Act accordingly. Do something beyond words that have no meaning and come at no price or cost to you!


It is evident that we are currently losing the battle against childhood medical transition. Those who argue otherwise are simply turning a blind eye, promoting wins to ring the donation dinner bell. It is high time we reevaluate our approach because when it concerns the well-being of our children, we cannot afford to take any chances. If we fail to safeguard our society's youngest members, we will undoubtedly face grave consequences, exemplified by the unfortunates like Riley Gaines and Texas Governor Greg Abbott. This is an urgent matter that demands our immediate attention. There is nothing more alarming than individuals who claim to be devout Christians but are swayed by the forces of evil themselves. It is crucial that Christians strive for better leadership within the Christian community. At least have some moral code, something! For the love of God, pun intended!

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Jan 29
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Scott has been on my mind. My daughter, grappling with her trans identity, is beginning to find clarity. She's 19 now. Scott responded to a message I sent to his website over 3 years ago. He never demanded anything in return, but remained consistently present.

The advice and love I received from Scott or Kellie (call them what you will) are invaluable because all I observe is genuine heart.

These posts shatter my heart as I watch the world collapse around Scott. Scott created 'What is a Woman,' and it is saddening that he should experience a broken hand and bladder infections without proper medical care.

What on earth is wrong with this world?


Jan 25
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.


I am a Christian, 👍 but I agree with you, and I will go further. 🚀 If I have the choice to go to an Abbott Sunday service, a Riley Sunday service, or your Sunday service, the Christian? Would choose you 💯 and most others would too. Nothing against Riley 🌺 she seems lovely 😊 but fake. I live in Texas and Abbott is not a good man 👎, but you? You circle what Christianity is for most 😇 it's something to elevate and not the point at all.

Jesus ☺️, even though you don't believe 🤷‍♀️, I believe 🙏 smiles when he thinks of what you are doing. 😉


Jan 25
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

i have been waiting for dear family member to open the door for a conversation regarding his statement that he’s trans. I saved and wanted to share your videos - your interview and news conference etc. He is now 18 and got pulled into the trans ideology by a girlfriend at age 16. I don’t want to lose contact so I’ve waiting for an opportunity. Ive have seen you fight so hard for kids at your own financial, physical and emotional expense. You stepped out bravely and boldly to be an advocate for children sharing your own heartbreaking story. I wish you and your children all the best And thank you for all that you have done. God bl…


Jan 25

Oh, no... Scott, you were the person I heard first speaking against medical transition and your 'scream louder' got my attention and I was very grateful you accepted this ole-lady's friend request. Your advocacy to protect children has been very much appreciated. I know it exhausted all your resources... emotionally, physically and financially. You had/have many friends and family who stuck by you and championed your cause. I messaged you a few times in support. I am sorry to see you go, as a Facebook friend while at the same time it is heartening to see you focus on yourself and your family. Keep doing that and let other's carry on this fight to protect the children of this world.…


Jan 24
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you for everything youve done for the children. Thank you for screaming louder. Thank you for opening the eyes of so many people to this medical scandal. My daughter will by 18 soon and is still aboard the trans train. I cry everyday and hope that she'll wake up and realize she's been brainwashed. YOU took the time to talk to me personally and I am forever grateful. I hope

youll write a book book some day. I understand your need to step aside for your family and I wish you peace, love and good health. Take care of yourself. xo


Scott Newgent

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