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C-6 Senators
Writer's pictureTransman Scott Newgent

You VOTED#MillionMarchRound3? I thought Canada was the worst country for transing kids, I was wrong!

A bit about the history of the country that won the poll to be the next the poll to be the next hub from #MillionMarchRound3


You voted.

Australia it is!

After research, I have realized that Australia is WORSE than Canada with gender ideology!

In Australia, the government is physically removing gender-confused children from their homes and taking away custody of parents who push back against medically transitioning their children and medically transitioning children without either parent's consent, sending them to foster care. A bit about the history of the country that won the poll to be the next


This Country's You voted

Australia it is!

After research, I have realized that Australia is WORSE than Canada with gender ideology!

<---Looks like Ireland is next!

In Australia, the government is physically removing gender-confused children from their homes and taking away custody of parents who push back against medically transitioning their children and medically transitioning children without either parent's consent, sending them to foster care.


Follow me here....Medically transitioning children is:

An experimental procedure <---Medical transition is experimental, all except breast augmentations and mastectomies!

WPATH, the leading medical baseline for transgender care, has never held up in a court of law as any baseline for anything, rendering medical transition not only experimental. Future issues are unknown, as studies have never been done in the long-term.

A dangerous procedure with massive health risks <---The known complications are:

& More . . .

Diminished bone density, Cognitive impairment <---Brain impairment, Infertility, cholelithiasis, gallstones, coronary artery disease, including heart attacks, macroprolactinoma tumor of the pituitary gland, cerebrovascular disease, including strokes, hypertriglyceridemia, elevated level of triglycerides in the blood, breast cancer, and irreversible Infertility, erythrocytosis, increase in red blood cells, severe liver dysfunction, coronary artery disease, heart attacks, depression, hypertension, Infertility, increased risk of breast, cervical, uterine cancers

Also in this link is the latest study that has been retracted, finding that two children committed suicide that was hidden from the study results as family and doctors were affirming them, and they were currently under medical care and being medically transitioned!

It doesn't cure anything <---The seven studies saying that medically transitioning children helps mental health have all been 100% retracted with, "Opps we were wrong it doesn't help anything." or modified to, "Not enough time or participants to report mental health increase safely."

Makes mental health worse<---Only a long-term study that was done in --Sweden from 1973-2003 following 324 medically transitioned people found that mental health gets worse and the peak for transgender people to commit suicide is seven to ten years AFTER medical transition has been completed.

What does medically transitioning children do? What's the benefit?

Pharmaceutical companies, "gender" surgeons, and others stand to gain over 500 billion dollars — and that's just for this round of kids. The medicalization of gender-confused children takes advantage of our collective concern for children's well-being and our culture's commitment to civil rights — specifically, what I'll now call "LGBTQ+" rights. In a time of clickbait, an addiction to outrage, and the dissemination of misinformation on social media, the incantation, "Would you rather have a trans son or a dead daughter?" has cast a spell on the country of Australia and the world!

I will lead the Australian march #SCREAMLouder. will be responsible for my travel and all the costs of planning and organizing this march.

If you believe in stopping medically transitioning children and removing sexualization from the school systems, please consider donating today!

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Oct 27, 2023

I think that the Netherlands is the winner. Seriously. The Dutch invented transgender treatment.


Scott Newgent

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