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Are You A Trans Regretter


Help STOP Childhood Medical Transition - Follow us on Social Media
Studies - Trends - Bills - Law Suits - Complications  & More

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A trans regretter is someone who has undergone the process of medical transitioning but has since experienced deep regret. This feeling can range from complete remorse to just being a part of their overall journey. Unfortunately, society tends to only focus on stories of individuals who are either fully satisfied with their transition or filled with complete regret.


However, the reality is that most people experience some level of regret after medical transitioning, yet this truth is often ignored by the mental health and medical industries. The untold stories of those who struggle with decision after transitioning are not being given a platform, leading to a limited and misleading perspective on this complex issue.


Do you feel a deep pull to speak about your medical transition process? I can help!


Speak at rallies, school meetings, podcasts, documentaries, legal hearings, and international events about this topic. It is currently believed that medical transition is a safe solution for all problems, but the truth is that many individuals suffer through this process. If you have personally experienced any level of regret after undergoing medical transitioning and want to share your story, I can help you do so with confidence and support.

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Speak at rallies

at school meetings



legal testimony

speak internationally

give speeches
and much more

Membership Questionnaire

Trans Regretters is a division of #SCREAMINGlouder and TREVoices on a mission to amplify the voices of individuals who regret medical transition and are committed to warning others about its harms, its permanence and the fact that some scars don’t heal. 

Your answers will be assessed, and you’ll receive an email with your approval to Trans Regretters if you are a good fit. 

Upon approval, you'll gain access to the Trans Regretters subReddit, which we anticipate will grow quickly.

Please complete the questionnaire below.


Thank you!

Scott Newgent

Follow Scott @NotScottNewgent

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