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  • Susie Green - I Said 3 Years Ago 'Prision Is Coming' Seems Like I Might Be Right

    Whether you realize it or not, TReVoices is EVERYWHERE! These articles don't pop up on their own; they materialize after they receive obsessive calls, emails, and the sincerity of a mission with someone kicking and screaming! Donate Help Us What we do here at TReVoices is done because it's the right thing to do. The progress you see at is not because we have signed a lucrative contract, been paid for interviews or received massive donations. We do not. I was not paid for my interview with 'What is a Woman?" or any other. I have not charged for interviews, podcasts or speaking engagements. Every speaking or travel engagement I accept? I lose money, my own money, to cover miscellaneous expenses and unpaid time off of work. Yes, I work full-time - 10 hours a day, plus TReVoices. I do it for the nineteen-year-old I spoke to most of last night, begging her not to kill herself, promising her that it would get better, staying there for hours listening to her cry and finally? Getting her address to send the police to her, to find her a mental institution and left the conversation promising I would not abandon her. I will not abandon her or any of these kids or young adults because the truth is that I am these kids and these young adults with a little more life experience. This is an article in the Daily Mail. This is mainstream media, baby! MAINSTREAM. Start SCREAMING...Louder....Louder....Louder....until all of these people are in prison where they belong! Why critics say trans charity Mermaids is a scandal Unfolding before our eyes: A scheme to send 'harmful' breast binders to children behind parents' backs, and staff pushing puberty-blocking drugs. Is it time to withdraw its status as a charity? Charity Mermaids offered to send a controversial 'binder' to a trans 13 year old The device, which flattens and constricts the breasts, can cause health issues A Mail investigation reveals a stream of questionable material by the charity Mermaids has received £500,000 in lottery funding and £20,000 in grants Like many troubled adolescents, the 13-year-old who logged on to an online forum was looking for guidance and support. Calling themselves a 'female to male trans' person, they spoke of their physical self-loathing. They were desperate, they said, to wear both a 'packer' — used to create the impression of male genitalia — and a 'binder', an item of clothing designed to flatten and constrict the breasts, and which can cause serious health issues. 'The thing is, my mum won't let me,' they wrote of the binder in 2019. 'She says it's neglect to do it for under-18s.' No binder? No problem. The chatroom moderator offered to send the item to the troubled teenager — behind their mother's back. Many would feel that such an intervention was questionable from any source. But this wasn't just an anonymous nobody — the offer came from Mermaids, a registered UK charity for 'gender variant' and transgender children. It's an organisation that has received some £500,000 in National Lottery funding and more than £20,000 in government grants over the years, including being hired by the Department for Education to provide training on 'gender identity' in schools. This chatroom intervention is far from the only concerning activity at an organisation that has, in recent years, shot to national prominence, thanks to support from leading corporations and celebrities — including Prince Harry. An extensive investigation by the Mail can now reveal a consistent stream of questionable — if not dangerous — material being circulated by the charity and those working for it. In the past month alone, its online help centre has told users (who say they are young as 13) that controversial hormone-blocking drugs are safe and 'totally reversible'. Mermaids repeated such claims when approached by the Mail, saying the drugs are 'an internationally recognised safe [and] reversible healthcare option', yet current NHS guidelines say 'little is known about the long-term side effects'. Elsewhere on its chatrooms, a Mermaids moderator publicly congratulated a 13-year-old who had written on the website that they were transgender and wanted drugs and 'all the surgeries'. Evidence also suggests Mermaids has been running a free 'binder scheme' since at least 2019, sending the items to adolescents who say their parents oppose the practice. Mermaids told the Mail it takes 'a harm reduction position… with the understanding that providing a young person with a binder alongside comprehensive safety guidelines from an experienced member of staff is preferable to the likely alternative of unsafe practices… or increasing dysphoria'. In an instance where a Mermaids chatroom operator believed they were speaking with a 14-year-old, the charity asked that safety guidelines be agreed before the binder was sent. Yet all this comes despite the fact that Dr Hilary Cass, the former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics who is leading a review of trans children's services for the NHS, has described the restrictive garments as 'painful and potentially harmful'. The Metropolitan Police has also confirmed that if instances of minors using binders are reported, they will be treated as potential cases of child abuse. (Binders have been shown to cause instances of breathing difficulties, chronic back pain, and even changes to the spine and broken ribs.) Amid mounting criticism — including from author and women's rights campaigner JK Rowling who tweeted on Monday that those who have 'been cheering Mermaids on without doing the slightest bit of due diligence' should feel ashamed — the Charity Commission said this week it would be taking a closer look at Mermaids. These revelations then will undoubtedly cast doubts over the influence and reach of the charity, whose close-knit relationship with London's discredited Tavistock Gender Identity Clinic has been repeatedly highlighted by former clinicians turned whistle-blowers over the years. Tavistock is set to close its doors next year, following a review in July by Dr Cass, that found the centre's treatment to be unsafe. Some critics are now calling for Mermaids to be shut down, too. 'It has always claimed not to give advice for medical issues and yet its chatrooms consistently show people giving advice, often behind parents' backs. It has not been fit for purpose for a long time,' says Stephanie Davies-Arai of Transgender Trend, an organisation of parents, professionals and academics concerned about the current trend to diagnose children as transgender. Set up in 1995 with the stated intention of supporting 'transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse children, young people, and their families', Mermaids has undoubtedly provided vital help over the years to children in need of support on gender-related issues. Yet it has also long proved controversial, not least for what is seen as its largely unquestioning approach towards young children who are confused about their gender and its promotion of the idea — cited on its website — that children can be 'given' the wrong gender at birth. Concerns about the charity were magnified in 2016, following the appointment as CEO of Susie Green, a former IT consultant with no medical training who had first contacted Mermaids for advice in 1999. In a story told with almost evangelical fervour by Green — including in a 2018 TED talk — she relates how she helped her son Jack become her daughter Jackie, now 29, by taking her to the U.S. aged 12 for puberty-blocking drugs. When Jackie was 16, Green took her to Thailand for gender reassignment surgery. Green's appointment caused huge disquiet in many quarters — but this did not stop Mermaid's public influence and prominence from increasing exponentially, rubber-stamped by a lottery grant in 2019 to the tune of half a million pounds. That same year, the charity received the endorsement of Prince Harry, who met with Green and invited the charity to join his Royal Foundation's work on mental health. Soon after, the coffee giant Starbucks announced a fundraising partnership with Mermaids. In the background, however, concerns were mounting among clinicians at Tavistock about the influence of Mermaids on NHS practice. Among them was former consultant psychotherapist Marcus Evans, who had worked at Tavistock for decades but, in 2018, broke cover to emphasise the 'unusually close' relationship between the two organisations, saying that it 'interfered with the ordinary clinical environment'. The same year, another anonymous clinician said that Mermaids' influence was 'everywhere', with Tavistock staff being encouraged to prioritise a diagnosis of gender dysphoria at the expense of any other mental health condition. Two years later, it emerged that Mermaids staff had carried out training in 40 schools across the UK, in which they used a graph to explain the 'gender spectrum' showing a Barbie on one side and a GI Joe on the other, and various options in between. When transcripts of the training sessions were released online, there was strong criticism of the approach, as it appeared to teach children that simply playing with toys associated with the opposite sex somehow rendered them 'transgender', potentially even leading them down a medical pathway. Mermaids' infiltration of public life was further highlighted earlier this summer with the suspension of Dr Helen Webberley, a self-styled 'passionate transgender advocate' who founded a private online service for transgender care in 2015 called GenderGP. Screenshots taken from Mermaids' adult chatrooms had shown that anxious parents reaching out to the charity for support were being consistently referred to GenderGP. Dr Webberley was then suspended from practice for two months in June after a tribunal panel found she had put three patients aged 11, 12 and 17 transitioning from female to male at 'unwarranted risk of harm' by failing to provide good clinical care. In transcripts of the hearing seen by the Mail, Dr Webberley confirms that her criteria for her competence to supply puberty blockers came from what she calls 'self-assessment' and 'consultation' with Mermaids CEO Susie Green. At the time of writing, Dr Webberley had still not had her licence restored. She also refused to attend a further General Medical Council hearing earlier this month to explain her failure to discuss the potential impacts on fertility posed by the hormones she had prescribed one of her patients. She has now launched a High Court appeal, declaring on Twitter in August her 'firm belief' that she did not fail the patient in any way. Father Ted writer Graham Linehan, who has raised several concerns about Mermaids and transgender issues, calls all this 'extraordinary'. Linehan believes his planned stage show was recently pulled by producers Hat Trick because of his opposition to progressive gender ideologies. 'You now have a situation where a doctor has put on record that she is prescribing hormones to children on the recommendation of a former IT worker with no medical background,' he says of Webberley. 'That would be bad enough, but underpinning it all is that Mermaids appears to be giving children the impression that they will feel happier if they brutalise themselves with medication that might leave them sterile or with other long-lasting effects. These kids don't know what they're doing and we'll be picking up the pieces for years,' he says. For its part, Mermaids claims on its website that its approach to physical intervention has always been based on a staged model of care, and highlights that 'not all' adolescents they see consider physical interventions. Nevertheless, Linehan is not alone in his concerns. Barrister James Esses — the co-founder of Thoughtful Therapists who was last year ejected from a Masters' degree in psychotherapy for openly discussing fears that gender-questioning young people were being automatically encouraged to transition — says he has been inundated with messages from parents concerned at what their children had been exposed to in Mermaids chatrooms. 'In one screenshot shared by a parent, a Mermaids moderator in discussion with a young person referred to basic biology as 'blah blah blah',' he says. 'It's a sentiment you see frequently — that the 'science' is wrong.' Meanwhile, the charity's podcast She Said They Said — said to be designed for primary school children upwards — also contains a number of misleading or factually inaccurate statements alongside content that few would consider suitable for children. In one instance, a trans model talks of wearing their 'femme pants' (a term used in the trans community to describe the act of wearing feminine clothing) and embracing their 'inner sex siren'. Elsewhere, one presenter suggests that 'men have ovaries and women have prostates — it's just science' and that puberty-blockers are 'fully reversible' but 'natural puberty isn't'. In another episode, a guest described as a 'non-binary doctor' complained about the fact that biological sex is taught in medical school in a 'matter-of-fact way', while another speaker refers to the 'growing sisterhood' of young people (meaning trans men) who have gone through breast removal and were 'all fine' after surgery. 'One of the most chilling things I came across was a suggestion on their podcast that if parents are not fully supportive of a decision to transition that 'family isn't blood' and that children should create a 'misgendering jar' at home so that they can 'monetise pain',' says Esses. 'Alongside their frequent promotion of the idea that the world is at war with trans people, this is little short of brainwashing.' Nor is Mermaids averse to waging its own war: the charity has recently mounted a legal challenge to the Charity Commission's decision to award charitable status to the LGB Alliance, an organisation centred on advocating for the rights of people who are attracted to the same sex, and who believe that medicalising children who question their gender can amount to a form of gay conversion therapy (i.e. just because a young boy might be effeminate doesn't mean he is 'trapped in the wrong body', he might simply be discovering the fact he is gay). The five-day hearing started earlier this month and has featured several fraught exchanges, including one in which LGB Alliance co-founder Kate Harris was reduced to tears during cross-examination by a barrister acting for Mermaids. Harris was being questioned on whether the word 'lesbian' could apply to someone who was a woman as a result of gender reassignment. She asked if that meant 'a lesbian can be a man with a penis?'. The hearing has now been adjourned to November but, whatever the outcome, there are many who now believe it is Mermaids that should be stripped of its charitable status — and who welcome scrutiny from the Charity Commission. 'It styles itself as a support group, but it is actually a political group — it wants to change society and legislation according to its ideology,' says Stephanie Davies-Arai. 'It has no authority to advise parents on what to do with their children.' 'Mermaids joins a long line of British scandals happening in plain sight,' Graham Linehan adds. 'It is promoting damaging concepts and interventions for children, and it is doing it publicly time and again. How much more of this do we have to see before it is stopped?'

  • TReVoices Scott Newgent June Recap "Opening EyeBalls & Scaring The Sh%& Out Of People!" Join Us!

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate SCREAMING "Medical Transition Is No Place For A Child!" Sincerely, EVERYBODY! Now understand this month has been monumental in getting people to open their eyes to the realities of what transgender ideology is doing to our children & the money tied to the "Why" Why We Are butchering mind, body and soul & the evils involved! But as you read this, I want you to remember that this month we had some monumental things, but some heart-crushing stuff as well." Trans kids' treatment can start younger, new guidelines say. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health said hormones could be started at age 14, and some surgeries are done at age 15 or 17, a year or so earlier than previous guidance. US Health Department & President Biden announced that puberty blockers are safe and recommended medical professionals to instantly affirm socially and medically with children as young as 14 countrywide. Nutshell: Younger, faster and now add all SURGERIES - Read More Here <----Links For All Here California This Senator Senator Scott Wiener @Scott_Wiener Nutshell - Your State Doesn’t Approve Of Medically Transitioning Children? Come To California & Parents In California - Refuse Trans Health “Risk Having Your Kids Removed! Already happening in Australia - Gagged Court Cases TReVoices Is Helping With! Oh and Biden? Yup getting ready to land bills that will make a federal law that ALL STATES? Refuse to trans your kids? Risk Losing Parental rights Here Is The US TOO! This is serious stuff and I’ll keep saying it until people get it. Calm. Rational. Debate. Is Not Working. It’s Time To Flip Some Desks & SCREAM LOUDER! TReVoices - June Accomplishments Follow - Thank you all for your support! I can guarantee one thing! You won't find anyone more passionate to take on this fight! Fox News Watch Scott Newgent "Ingraham Angle" Host Laura Ingraham & Jay Greene PH/D New Study Released Nutshell: Puberty Blockers? Dangerous. Experimental & Evidence It Helps Suicidal Child? "Oopsie Daisey - Got That One Wrong" "What Is A Woman" TReVoices EXCLUSIVES Podcast With Laura Dodsworth - Scott Newgent's first interview after the release of the documentary "What is a Woman" by, Laura Dodsworth, writer and photographer who captured both by pen and lens the realities of detransing Gotta Say, "I dig this lady, so so so talented! Gotta huge crush and who wouldn't after spendig an afternoon talking with Laura!" - SN Link Trans Man, Angry Hero Of ‘What Is A Woman?’ Says Film Is Helping Healing Process by, Greg Wilson - Link Courage & ‘What Is A Woman?’ by, Rod Dreher - Link 'I will never be a man, ever': Transgender man tells author MATT WALSH that America is selling our 'most vulnerable kids' a medical 'illusion' when we tell them they can change their gender by, Matt Walsh - Link Honored to Be Called 'The Original Screamer' by a Trans Activist Against Transitioning Children This One Tug On My Heart Strings - Scott Newgent by, Michael Brown -Link Trans Man Says Transitioning Children is Harmful and Experimental Not to Mention Dangerous by, Scott Newgent - Link TReVoices Mentions ‘What is a woman?’ exposes the lunacy of pro-trans extremism by Karol Markowicz - Link ‘What Is A Woman?’ – Matt Walsh Uses Humor, Pathos and Truth to Expose Lies and Harms of Gender Ideology by, Jeff Johnston - Link What Is a Woman? Shows Why We Must Protect Kids by, J.Stonestreet & K. Leaner - Link

  • Newgent's Plea - Please be strong, Canadian Senators. Do your homework protect ALL Kids-Edit Bill C6

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate Dear Senator, I know that Bill C6, the so-called “conversion therapy” bill, is soon to come to a vote before the Senate. I urge you as a Senator to very carefully consider the bill from every angle, do your full homework on it, and not be swayed by activists. Because what if Bill C6 passes, and it has it wrong? What are the consequences? What if Bill C6 moves into completion with no revisions or amendments? What are the repercussions of this? It’s critical Canada gets this right, for the sake of all Canadian children. I ask that you do not throw my email aside but read and consider it thoroughly. I have a lot of experience on this subject. In essence, I embody the transgender debate. I grew up a lesbian. I understand what it is like to come out and not always be accepted. As an adult, I also transitioned medically to completion, which is rare; most transgender people do not fully medically transition from top to bottom. I have. I am not a detransitioner; I am a happily transitioned 48-year-old transman who would transition again if given a choice. I am also a parent to three adolescents, an age when many children start to wonder about their sexuality and identity. One might think I have an obvious agenda as a transman. But my only agenda is that I want to do right by our children. And I believe to my core that the affirmation-only treatment for ALL children experiencing gender dysphoria that Bill C6 essentially enshrines is a mistake. That does not mean we should not address their issues and help these minors. It does mean we as a society should not assume that a one-size-fits-all approach is the way to go, essentially criminalizing any other method. Conversion therapy for homosexuality does not work, it never has, and there is enough evidence to prove this. The drafters of Bill C6 got this part right. Homosexuality does not and has never corrected itself. Sure, some people have learned how to choose not to partake in homosexual relationships because of their beliefs, and these people have every right to do so. The difference is that the feeling never goes away; you are always homosexual; there is no cure regardless of the plethora of trial and errors throughout history to convert someone away from being homosexual. Someone can choose not to partake, but it never leaves, it is ingrained in the fibre of someone. I know many gay people who have had to endure conversion therapy, including my wife. So round up the ‘Royal Canadian Mounted Police’ and protect these gay children because they have the right to choose whether they want to endure conversion therapy and should be able to decide as an adult with a fully developed brain (that is, in their mid-20s). Protect these children, Canada. However, the same cannot be said about transgenderism. Gender Dysphoria has a dissipating rate of 80% . Yes, 80% of children work their way out of gender dysphoria, not 10% or 20%, not even half, but 80%, the majority work through GD to become content with the gender they were born as. Kids who believed they were transgender and in need of transition who who were given the time they needed to reflect and work with a loving therapist who understood that medical transition might be the way to go but allowed that child to swim through the decision process through a process of reflection were able to cope with their Gender Dysphoria and grow up happy and healthy without medical transition. The detransition rate that is ignored by Canada and the world and swept under the rug like a dirty, unwanted stepchild and blown off as nonexistent the same way AIDS was in the 1980s is a travesty. The reality of transgenderism is embarrassing. It is much easier to fill prescriptions of synthetic hormones to begin the transition process than to admit this secret: “We want to be the opposite sex, it’s a desire, but we know cannot really BE the opposite sex.” Even I at first screamed like the rest of the young transgender radicals, “I WAS BORN IN THE WRONG BODY, I am a victim, I am righting a wrong!” At heart, I knew it was a desire and reality I was only creating through plastic surgery. And now more than ever I know that to be true (again, recall I have medically transitioned from top to bottom, not many have; yet!). These gender dysphoric children deserve the chance to remedy the debilitating mental illness of gender dysphoria and make no mistake, that’s what it is: a mental illness that is defined by the American Psychiatric Association. Now, some will grow up and decide as adults to transition medically and it certainly may help them as it has me, but removing the opportunity to remedy GD in children in a loving, safe therapeutic way, guiding them to either A) realize it was a childhood phase they grew out of OR B) enter adulthood with an understanding of what medical transition can and cannot do - the good, the bad, and the ugly - and allowing them to decide with the clarity of an adult brain. Imagine a child who at age fourteen declares she is a lesbian and then fast forward to when this child is twenty-five and she is walking down the aisle to marry a man she has madly fallen in love with. What are the consequences of her realizing she was bisexual or straight all along Not much. Truly, I can’t think of anything other than dealing with the feeling of what marginalization feels like without needing to and perhaps feeling a little sheepish. That’s it - these are the consequences. Now, imagine that same child declaring she is not a girl, but a boy, and is in need of medical transition. Imagine her parents are forced to affirm her, without allowing the child time for reflection and exploring the possibility of becoming comfortable in her own body because their daughter’s school got wind of this and used a different name and pronouns while the social worker encouraged her to visit a gender clinic that administered after just two visits hormone blockers (that were considered 100% reversible but have just been ruled by the UK High Court that they are not and that children under 16 and many 16 and 17-year-olds cannot consent to) and soon after gives her a referral for top surgery (that is, a double mastectomy of healthy breast tissue). Now, her parents can’t send her to a therapist for reflection. They consider doing so on the sly but can’t find any therapist willing to lose their license to help their child reflect and give her time to figure out what would be best for her when she reaches adulthood. So the child medically transitions. Then what happens to this child if he realizes at twenty-five that he is a she and is now in the wrong body yet again? At twenty-five, he realizes at fourteen that she was confused and he was a she all along while he looks at a body that looks like a he but is supposed to be what he was born, which is a she? What are the mental and physical ramifications of that? I’m glad you asked. That same straight little girl who has medically transitioning because she was confused into believing she was a he is now walking down the aisle to get married to a man in what appears to be a gay couple. She is no longer able to have children with the man she fell in love with and has to live with more marginalization than the little girl had to. All because of a childish mistake, a mistake that had an 80% chance of resolving that you took away from her. Links included within to verify facts. Please check them because if it shocks you to read them, guess what it will do when you take the time to verify the truth? Here is what we do know about medical transition Decreased life expectancy Premature death from heart attacks Premature death from pulmonary embolisms Bone damage Liver failure Increased mental-health complications Increases chances of mood-syndrome symptoms Increased suicide rates than the non-trans population 12% higher chance than no trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis Brain development stunted during hormone blockers Reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure Here is what really gets my goat: What will happen to a biological boy who takes sex hormones associated with the opposite sex (or vice versa) and grows up without the benefit of natural puberty? What happens to a male body on estrogen over the long term? No one knows. What are the psychological effects on detransitioners? How many detransitioners are there even? Again no one knows. During my own transition, I had seven surgeries (and am in need of an eighth). I also had a massive pulmonary embolism, a helicopter life-flight ride, several emergency ambulance ride, a stress-induced heart attack, sepsis, a 17-month recurring infection due to using the wrong skin during a (failed) phalloplasty, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, the loss of all my hair, (only partially successful) arm reconstructive surgery, permanent lung and heart damage, a cut bladder, insomnia-induced hallucinations—oh and frequent loss of consciousness due to pain from the hair on the inside of my urethra. All this led to a form of PTSD that made me a prisoner in my apartment for a year. Between me and my insurance company, medical expenses exceeded $900,000. The kicker? I was told due to medical transition and complications I have cut at least 15 years off my lifespan. My consequences? I will probably never meet my grandkids. That kills me and fills me with tears for my grandchildren I may never know. So in conclusion, do you really want to be responsible for the trauma I went through above and the possibilities of what hasn’t happened to me yet on a disorder that has an 80% rate of dissolving within children on its own, with the loving help of parents with big ears and open hearts along with professional therapists trained to help them sort through and cope with their feelings? I am telling you that this is not an area you want to just give a stamp of approval without serious consideration. This is not about acceptance of the LGBTQ community or even human rights. The period of life - known as identity development - when you can try out another personality consequence-free is fading away. The time to innocently sift through the bucket of choice about what one's life and future can become is disappearing. This guarded period usually watched over by parents and governments to ensure children don't make decisions that cement a particular future is evaporating due to radical transgender activism and not plain old balanced common sense. Please be strong, Canadian Senators. Do your homework and do your part to protect a generation of vulnerable children and to do right by ALL of them, both those who will eventually benefit from medical transition as adults and the vast majority of those whom if given the opportunity will grow comfortable in their given bodies. If you require any other information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and the attached brief, Scott Newgent

  • Profiting From Pain #1

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent. If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. Research companies regularly provide the pharmaceutical industry with reports containing projected growth forecasts for specific markets. Forecasts are based on such factors as government regulation (more regulation means a less-friendly market), number of market competitors (e.g., companies offering similar drugs), and other “market drivers [and] market barriers.” According to the “Research and Markets” website: "The market size of Gender Dysphoria is expected to increase at a significant CAGR annual growth rate] during the study period (2017-2030). Among all the seven major markets, the United States accounted for the largest market size...With the consideration [of] technical, scientific, socio-economic, and regulatory advances, it can be safely assumed that the market is destined to undergo a noticeable boost in the coming days [2020-2030]” Research companies charge thousands for the full report, so I do not know the exact growth forecast for the United States. However, the report summary also contains the following as reasons to purchase the full report: Organize sales and marketing efforts by identifying the best opportunities for gender dysphoria in the US, Europe (Germany, Spain, Italy, France, and the United Kingdom), and Japan Identification of strong upcoming players in the market will help in devising strategies that will help in getting ahead of competitors Relentless Focus To Stop The Medicalization Of Gender Confused Children! Help Us Continue The Fight & Donate Now. We cannot infer much about gender-dysphoric youth from the above report. However, on a general level, it is safe to say that the pharmaceutical industry does not expect the painful and widespread condition of gender dysphoria to abate in the US or Europe anytime soon, resulting in industry benefits in the millions of dollars. We also can reasonably assume that companies will aggressively market their products where they see “the best opportunities for gender dysphoria” in order to “get[ ] ahead of competitors.” Some pharmaceutical companies have already had legal action taken against them for such aggressive tactics in their marketing of testosterone products, a subject I will explore in a future installment. Within the US economic system, such companies are incentivized toward profit and against non-invasive solutions to gender dysphoria, despite the fact that there are known harmful side effects to their products for adults. There are no longitudinal studies on the side effects of these treatments on minors, but we can safely assume that if the treatments are risky for a fully grown patient, it is also likely they carry risks for those who are not fully mature. Gender Dysphoria - Market Insight, Epidemiology and Market Forecast - 2030. October 2020. Accessed 29 May, 2021. FUTURE ARTICLES: Future parts will explore 1) pharma defense strategies against litigation; 2) the medical industry growth forecast; 3) how "sex" and "gender" are being taught in some high-profile medical schools; 4) how data is used to perpetuate the trans-activist narrative; 5) detransitioners; 6) and how media is shaping the trans debate through unchallenging reporting.

  • Before Miranda Yardley, Debbie Hayton, Scott Newgent; The 1st Trans To SCREAM Against Transing-Kids?

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate Claudia is a beautiful Irish soul, a singer, full of grace and charm. Claudia was the first trans to come out publicly in a BBC News story; in 2007, she regretted the decision to transition medically. I can say with understanding that this was one hell of an accomplishment. It's terrifying coming out and stating, 'Yeah, that was stupid; I should have never transitioned." Read Initial Article - Are sex change operations justified? But Claudia did and paved the way for more trans to stand up and say the same thing. Claudia has become a mentor to me, and I try and honour her every day, letting her know that her strength didn't go unnoticed. Claudia is a twin to my experience medically transitioning; we both transitioned due to homophobia. Pushed by our partners, we both suffer from reoccurring bacterial infections due to our bottom surgeries and suffer daily living each day, knowing that the following infection might be the one that takes our life. It's a real fear and something people need to know. Claudia and I are not the anomalies; unfortunately, we are normality with trans who undergo bottom surgeries. ia is also unable to walk and wheelchair-bound due to bone deterioration and prolonged use of synthetic estrogen. Claudia is also unable to have sexual relations and has had to forgo this bonding experience due to a failed bottom surgery. I know right...Wait What? Prolonged use of estrogen on male bodies cause bone deterioration, and it's common and trans bottom surgery risks the ability to have sex and orgasm. Yes, it is, now you SCREAM! "I should never have had sex-change surgery," Claudia MacLean, a transsexual woman, told the audience at a recent debate organized by the BBC Radio 4 programme Hecklers and the Royal Society of Medicine in London. "As a result of the surgery, I am incapable of sex, and I have lived a life apart." List Of Complications: Loss of the ability to have sex - Claudia Makes mental health worse - Claudia & Scott Decreased life expectancy - Claudia & Scott Premature death from heart attacks <---Had One Premature death from pulmonary embolisms <---Had Two Bone damage - Claudia Possible liver damage - Scott Increased mental-health complications - Claudia & Scott Increases chances of mood-syndrome symptoms - "Fuck You I don't have mood swings' LMAO Increased suicide rates than the non-trans population 12% higher chance than no trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis - Yup I hallucinated when I was saverly sick from my bacteria infection Brain development stunted during hormone blockers Reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure - Claudia Probably does not even improve mental health outcomes - Claudia & Scott Remember this the next time someone calls you a bigot for speaking out against childhood medical transition. We have a huge hill to climb. We need many voices to roar over ignorance and politicians like Texas Gov Gregg Abbott. Gov Abbot is currently taking bribes from gender clinics throughout Texas, specializing in childhood medical transition. Because of Abbott, Texas is the leading city "WORLD-WIDE" for transitioning children. Abbott takes bribes, and his reelection campaign is 90% funded by transitioning kids surgeons and clinics. The atrocity alone should make you vomit, and when you finish, grab a phone and call that son of a bitch SCREAMING, "What ARE YOU DOING ABBOTT...Medical Transitioning Children?" Here is Greg Abbotts Personal Number - (512) 463-1782 Scott Newgent Now SCREAM Louder

  • Texas Gov Gregg Abbott - You Got Some SPLANIN TO DO! Dr. Bowers 'Cover Your Ass' Now TX Gov Abbott

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate The recent declaration from Texas Governor Gregg Abbott regarding medical transition as child abuse? The energy that has gone into, well, I'm not politically correct...The energy from devoted moms and dads? Let's face it, we had to scare the shit out of Abbott, and that we did given the fact that in just one year: Abbott and his team have accepted over 2.4 million from gender clinics through our great state of Texas I don't have time to write a whole post, but I thought a timeline would be due. We have to hold these people in charge accountable. Abbott & Team Takes 2.4 Million From Gender Clinics - Within a year We Started Scaring The Shit Out Of Abbott Eight Months Ago Six Months Ago Abbott Launched A 'Cover Your Own Tuckers <---ASS' Inquiry Into Medically Transitioning Children Allen West, Who Is Believed Will Tip His Hat Soon Into Running For Governor Called Abbott Out Last Week On 'War Room' - Calls Out Abbott For The Bribes From Gender Clinics Four Days Before The Great Ephifany. Watch war room below Listen around 1:50 and then again at 4:20ish. Boom Delaration 'Medically Transiting Kids Is Child Abuse' Ok, great, Abbott - Give back the 2.4 million and donate it to an organization that will look after all the kids already have been mutilated. From where do I stand? Doesn't look good for Abbott. What are your thoughts? SCREAM, Scott Newgent Child gender clinics in Texas are funding the competing governor’s campaign. Allen West is a former military guy and is running too for gov and bringing awareness to this. Listen around 1:50 and then again at 4:20ish. One says: My opponent Stephanie Klick was chair of the Public Health Committee and killed every bill that would have banned child gender modification. Gov. Abbott endorsed he

  • Another Trans-This Time A Mental Health Expert&&&&&Trans - The Gingerbread Person! Isn't The Way

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate Parents here is another transgender adult warning you about transgender ideology! Zander is an award-winning mental health expert in the UK coming out to warn parents. This is hard to do, don't make it for NOT! Take a huge breath in knowing you are doing the right thing, SCREAMING: "Medical TRansition is No Place For A Child!" Sincerely, Me & EVERYONE ELSE! SCREAM Louder! LOUDER STILL! -Scott Newgent Zander Keig is an award-winning licensed clinical social worker, educator, and author who served in the US Coast Guard and serves as Director of the Transgender American Veterans Association Community and Healing Committee. Support TReVoices - We Are Scarring The Hell Out Of People With OUR SCREAM! Donate New Merchandise - Be Fearless Is Scares The Doo Doo Out Of The Fearful! Zander hosts the UK Health Radio Network Exploring Transgender Health Radio Show and serves as both an Advisory Board member and Senior Fellow for the Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism (FAIR). Additionally, he develops and delivers corporate diversity training, emotional wellness, and interpersonal growth courses. As a trans man and first-generation American of Mexican heritage (Latino) with subject matter expertise in transgender care, social care, and mental wellness, Zander brings a unique perspective to all aspects of his work. His educational training includes a BA in Speech/Interpersonal Communication, MS in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, MTS in Theological Systems, and an MSW in Clinical Social Work. Zander has been recognized and awarded for his many efforts: 2020 Social Worker of the Year 2020 WPATH Harry Benjamin Distinguished Educator 2018 CA Social Worker of the Year 2016 SF CARES Outstanding Social Worker Top 50 Successful Transgender Americans You Should Know These 48 Trans Women and Men Changed the World NASW 1000 Experts Campaign Trans 100 Contact Zander: Click Here Zanders Website: Click Here Zander Keig, MSW, LCSW

  • I Was In ‘What Is A Woman’: It Was The Hardest Thing I Ever Did, But I’d Do It Again

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate I dedicate this essay to my Grandfather Bill Newgent & my baby daughter – the most incredible Grandad & daughter anyone could be blessed with! I learned the meaning of the word “Until” from my Grandad. He taught me to fight for justice and etched the lesson so profoundly into my soul that I named my child Justice. I watched my Grandad bring down the cult that murdered his daughter. Nothing could have stopped him; and he didn’t stop until his daughter was honoured with the truth about her murder. I see my daughter and her convictions mirror my grandfather’s, touching a generation that was never blessed with knowing him. It’s a testament to how we inspire generations as parents and grandparents. Our actions, convictions, and passions build a foundation for ages, and my Granddad is alive today in me and now in my children. Link - Bill Newgent I miss you, Granddad. Your heart and strength that you gave to me I have gratefully and joyfully passed on to my children. What you don't know about my interview in New York, by Scott Newgent - DailyWire Second Article Throughout my life, I’ve held many titles: sales executive, parent, and spouse. But the one I’m now known for above all others – the one I’m most proud of – is Fighter. As someone who fell for the lies of the LGBTQ movement – that all my problems would vanish if I underwent gender transition – I’ve dedicated my life to fighting for the protection of vulnerable children falling into the gender ideology trap. Part of that fight included a recent appearance in Matt Walsh’s documentary, What Is A Woman? Though I may have seemed confident and strong on camera, taking part in the documentary was the most challenging thing I have ever had to do in my life, and I’m serious. Calm. Rational. Debate. Is not working...Time To Flip Some Desks Over Shop Today On the day of the shoot, I even walked up the stairs at the hotel in New York, trying to avoid my children, so that I could call and cancel the interview. My daughter was on the fourth floor in the stairway, apparently realizing what I would do. Knowing that I would try to back out. Arms folded, she looked like a 48 year old and at me as if I were 14! Eyes rolling, she grabbed my hand and rattled off one of my now old, irritating sayings. “You always tell me that anxiety is about being alive, and here you are; congrats, you are alive, Dad. Now turn around; you can do this. You made a promise. What is that going to say to me if you quit?” “Aw…” I waved my hands and repeated the infamous phrase I used to tell myself all the time: “That’s too far; I get the point, Gooia Gelf, I was just getting my coat, I wasn’t going to cancel, geez Julia,” “Oh, so now you have started to lie to your kids now, huh?” We laughed, and this time she waited with me for the uber – and off I went. I'm stuck now, I thought! That day included much more than just another peeling of my chest. The only thing that could make me go through with it was my children. During those three days, they parented me, lifting me with catchphrases and holding me accountable with love. As the cameras rolled, I felt it inside; I knew I was about to lose it. Since all of this has happened, I have not lost it, shedding very few tears - very unlike me. Before all of this, I used to cry watching Hallmark commercials. On this day, though, I felt the emotion welling up and the connection I had with overcoming objections. As the interview concluded and I finished telling my story, I looked around the room, and a sense of victory came over me. As a business salesperson and presenter, my whole life I have learned how to inflect my voice - to throw out the tone and passion mixed with invulnerability and smooth logic - to help people understand my message. Conveying a feeling is an art form, and I have studied it my entire life, watching faces as they change with each word and delivery given - whether it be a success or failure. Emotion is not a gray area; it’s black or white. Did you convey what you meant to convey? “…. Did you move people to change their position? Did you make them feel, Kellie?” That’s what I asked myself. One of the hardest things to do is to change an established viewpoint on a product. Changing one’s opinion on religious, cultish, or illiberal propaganda that’s threatening our democracy, our children’s health, and women, all deviously packaged as a civil right issue, is even harder. It’s dangerous work, but someone has got to do it. The LGBTQ movement has too much power, and no one questions them. How have we allowed a generation of children to be mutilated because of it? They’re embraced as the white horse right now, doing no wrong, but the truth will come out. Parents are slowly waking up to the madness with which the media handles the subject, taking notice, for example, of New York Times writers discussing breast binders and the irreversible damage done to young women’s bodies with the divine righteousness of a Chinese footbinder. On that day in New York, it all came together for me. The pain I had endured suddenly meant something remarkable; it gave me a weapon I have honed my entire life. It all brought me to that moment where I could help people understand that what we are doing to children is very wrong. The pain and loss gave me the perfect emotional ball to change people that day who needed to be changed. As the cameras began to wind down, a sudden rush came over me, and I knew I had done it right; I had conveyed the emotions that were so deeply within me. As the camera lights turned off, I could no longer control it or hide from it, and I lost it. I burst into tears without warning. My hands covered my face like I was trying to push the tears back inside. I had just delivered a speech of the most potent kind. A lesson that you not only believe in, but one you would die for. That was how I felt, and I hadn’t realized how important it was to me. At that moment, though, I realized. I knew I could change people, but I didn’t know if I had the heart. I proved to myself on that day, however, that, indeed, I did have the heart. My three hearts were waiting for me back at the hotel room, unable to leave the room, knowing that I needed to see all three of them - and I did need the three that meant everything to me, in the same way your children mean everything to you. What I learned from this experience is that human beings can be convinced of anything if rendered at the right time, the right way, and by the right people, and I am no exception. Don't believe me? Currently, society believes that a child confused about their gender and expressing suicidal ideation is a prime candidate for medical transition - that’s proof enough. Scott Newgent is an author, activist and founder of, which advocates for the end of childhood gender transitioning. Dr Curtis Crane - Trans Surgeon - Scott Newgent's Surgeon Doe v. Crane, CGC-16-550630 was dismissed April 5, 2017. Carter v. Crane, CGC-16-554254 was dismissed December 10, 2018. Raynor v. Crane, CGC-17-556713 was dismissed November 8, 2018. Carson v. Crane, CGC-17-556743 was dismissed October 10, 2018. Doe v. Crane, CGC-17-557327 was dismissed November 8, 2018. Davis v. Crane, CGC-17-557363 was dismissed December 10, 2018. Shepherd v. Crane, CGC-17-559294, dismissed October 3, 2018. Doe v. Crane, CGC-17-560690 was dismissed March 15, 2019 Hansen v. Crane (CGC-18-571442) This is the level of medical professionals that are working on your children. You need to educate yourself.

  • Time To Take It To The STREETS - Join Us - Common Sense Caravan!

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate GRASSROOTS GROUPS PLAN CARAVAN TO SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, LLINOIS — AWAKE ILLINOIS announced a nonpartisan grassroots coalition event titled “Common Sense Caravan to Springfield” which will meet at the Lincoln Statue of the Capitol on Tuesday, August 16, 2022. The caravan coincides with the Illinois State Fair events. Families, parent groups, and advocates from throughout the state are invited to meet at the Lincoln Statue in support of parental rights, healthy child development, safe communities, and several other issues. The coalition which includes We Stand For Our Students and Illinois chapters of Moms For Liberty aims to unite regular people across Illinois ahead of the school year and general election. AWAKE ILLINOIS President and mother of three Shannon Adcock announced, “We are excited to gather joyfully with hope for the future. Moms, Dads, and communities are working tirelessly in the on-going battle for liberty. This will be a rally call to keep up the ‘respectful ruckus’ for the sake of our children and to vote for common sense on November 8th.” Former candidate for Lt. Governor Kathleen Murphy who will speak as Vice Chair of Moms For Liberty DuPage County commented, “Parents have proven themselves a force to be reckoned with in Illinois politics. They took on Governor Pritzker over their rights to make decisions for their own children and they won. The heart and soul of the small government movement isn't quibbling over marginal tax rates; they are protecting their children. There is a whole new energy. And it's only just started to build." Get Your Shirts Here - Link - On Sale $19.00 Confirmed speakers and special guests includes “Billboard Chris” Elston, Scott Newgent of TreVoices, and Attorney General Candidate Thom DATE Tuesday, August 16, 2022 TIME 2:00 pm Meet at Lincoln Statue 2:15 pm Caravan Walk-About from Lincoln Statue 3pm Remarks at Lincoln Statue 4:45pm Departure (The IL State Fair is hosting various events throughout the week! Several groups plan to check out the fun and make a full day or overnight trip). LOCATION Link The LINCOLN STATUE (reserved) at the Springfield, Illinois Capitol FREE REGISTRATION - Link Submit the registration form to get the latest event updates/announcements. Click here to add your group to the coalition list. FYI American flags, group banners, and messaging posters are encouraged. All materials should be family-friendly and respectful. All items are to be held in hand; NO affixing to any structure or to capitol property . Bring water and check the weather for temp/conditions. Civil conduct only; no unlawful or disorderly conduct will be tolerated. Communities can meet up as a caravan at your closest on-ramp or set point to start the journey to Springfield. Take pics and video and post with #ILcaravan22

  • Parent's It's Been A Hell Of A Day! Handcuffs Are Coming - Scott Newgent

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate ‘Affirming’ or Harming? Hospitals’ Promotion of Hysterectomies for Girls Elicits Public Outrage By Children's Health Defense Team Two leadihildren’s hospitals — Harvard-affiliated Boston Children’s Hospital and Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C. — have generated a massive brouhaha surrounding their marketing of “gender-affirming” hysterectomies for young women caught up in the swirl of gender confusion. A few years ago, U.S. hospital systems reported a “downward trend in traditional hysterectomy,” noting a growing preference — especially among younger women — for less radical measures, but now it would appear that children’s hospitals are trumpeting less “traditional” rationales for invasive hysterectomies to keep surgical revenues flowing. Hysterectomy involves the inpatient or outpatient surgical removal of the uterus — and sometimes also “the cervix, ovaries, Fallopian tubes, and other surrounding structures” — either vaginally, abdominally or laparoscopically (with or without robotic help). Although an estimated half a million U.S. women undergo hysterectomies annually, some in the medical community — and many women’s health advocates — condemn the surgery’s overuse and its disproportionate targeting of minority populations. A 2021 study noted a decades-long pattern of disproportionately higher rates of hysterectomy in Black compared to white women “in multiple settings and geographies,” citing a 39% higher rate in North Carolina (2011–2013) as one example. One health expert estimates 9 out of 10 hysterectomies are medically unnecessary, with a variety of less drastic alternatives available for the procedure’s heretofore most common indications, including abnormal uterine bleeding and noncancerous growths called uterine fibroids. The head of the National Women’s Health Network “advise[s] any woman who is not in a life-threatening situation to see someone else besides a surgeon to explore nonsurgical options first.” Support TReVoices - Donate Today The published literature documents many downsides to hysterectomy — including anatomical complications, urinary incontinence, depression and anxiety in the shorter term, and increased long-term risks for conditions ranging from heart disease, stroke and metabolic disease to cancer, bone loss and cognitive decline. Hysterectomy’s risks are especially pronounced for women who have their reproductive organ(s) removed at younger ages. In one study, women who had their uterus removed before age 35 had risks of coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure that were 2.5-fold and 4.6-fold higher, respectively, than for age-matched women who had not gone under the knife, and another study found that women who had the surgery before age 50 were more likely to develop hypertension. For girls taking “masculinizing” testosterone before they head into surgery, Cleveland Clinic doctors admit that the “cross-sex” hormone treatment can affect surgical outcomes, including delaying tissue healing and contributing to blood or heart problems. Disturbingly, they also acknowledge that research on trans hysterectomy has focused “more on feasibility than on outcomes.” Weaponized surgery One reason the promotion of hysterectomy in very young women should give pause has to do with the United States’ “long and sordid” track record with eugenics and involuntary sterilization. In 1927, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Buck v. Bell, upheld a Virginia law authorizing mandatory sterilization of institutionalized women who were epileptic or arbitrarily deemed “feeble minded,” a decision that Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes — an avowed eugenicist — infamously justified in his statement, “The principle that sustains compulsory vaccination is broad enough to cover cutting the Fallopian tubes. … Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” That legal precedent enabled tens of thousands of forced sterilizations throughout the 20th century — either via hysterectomy or tubal ligation (the cutting, tying or blocking of the Fallopian tubes) — especially among women who were poor, disabled, non-white or incarcerated. Contrary to popular belief, forced surgical sterilization is not a thing of the past — 31 states and Washington, D.C., still have laws on the books allowing it, including 17 states that okay it for children with disabilities; two states, Iowa and Nevada, passed laws in 2019. In 2020, a whistleblower came forward describing mass hysterectomies “without full consent or for uncertain medical reasons” among immigrants at a Georgia detention center, and there is evidence that the criminal justice system weaponizes sterilization for both female and male prisoners, with “no way to know how many ‘off the record’ sterilization [courtroom] deals happen every year.” The medical-industrial complex In 2018, investigative reporter Jennifer Bilek documented a chilling reason for the “explosion in transgender medical infrastructure,” which, she argued, has little to do with civil rights and a lot to do with “moneyed interests.” Describing the massive funding channeled from billionaires, “governments … technology and pharmaceutical corporations to institutionalize and normalize transgenderism as a lifestyle choice” — conveniently landing transgenderism and its lifelong customers “square in the middle of the medical industrial complex” — Bilek concluded, “can hardly be a coincidence when the very thing absolutely essential to those transitioning are pharmaceuticals and technology.” Among the corporate players that are “all-in” are COVID-19 vaccine makers Janssen/Johnson & Johnson and Pfizer as well as kid-brainwashing and surveillance giants like Google, which is also in the healthcare business. Bilek noted that Boston Children’s Hospital — rated by U.S. News & World Report as one of the nation’s “best children’s hospitals” — opened its “gender clinic” in 2007, bragging about having been “the first pediatric and adolescent health program in the United States” to do so. Fifteen years later, there are almost 50 such clinics across the nation. Bilek wrote, “With the medical infrastructure being built, doctors being trained for various surgeries, clinics opening at warp speed, and the media celebrating it, transgenderism is poised for growth.” As a 2019 editorial in Obstetrics and Gynecology enthused, another factor facilitating the surgical gold rush has been steadily increasing insurance company willingness to cover “gender-affirming surgical care,” despite “knowledge gaps” and the lack of any “evidence-based guidelines to define optimal care surrounding many aspects of these surgeries.” The recent media hoopla focused on the Boston hospital’s website promotion of “gender-affirming hysterectomies” — with or without removal of the ovaries, and with the additional option of surgically constructing a penis — for girls who, as some discreetly put it, are lacking “a gynecologic disease that would traditionally indicate hysterectomy.” In fact, Boston Children’s Hospital’s website signals it has a “full suite of options for transgender teens and young adults.” After the media maelstrom drew attention to Boston Children’s Hospital’s willingness to cut off the breasts of 15-year-old girls and carry out “feminizing” vaginoplasty on 17-year-old boys (the first step being the removal of the scrotum and testes), the hospital hastened to declare that for hysterectomies, at least, girls have to be 18 or older. At Children’s National, meanwhile, the Pediatric Gynecology Program listed “gender-affirming hysterectomy” as a service “available for patients between the ages of 0-21” — until fierce public scrutiny prompted it to scrub its website — see the archived webpage here and cleansed webpage here. When the author of TikTok and Substack posts decided to call the Washington, D.C., hospital and clarify its policies — describing her efforts as “a mini-Project Veritas” — Children’s National staff stated in a recorded conversation that gender-affirming hysterectomies were available for “16-year-olds and ‘much younger’ children.” The hospital says the recording is “not accurate” and that patients must be at least 18 years old. Download for Free: Robert F. Kennedy's New Book — ‘A Letter to Liberals’ Take it all out? In one of the widely-publicized Boston Children’s Hospital videos, pediatric gynecologist and transgender specialist Dr. Frances Grimstad explained, “Some gender-affirming hysterectomies will also include the removal of the ovaries,” a procedure called a bilateral oophorectomy. Due to the sudden loss of estrogen, removal of the ovaries triggers immediate “surgical menopause,” with effects “more acute” than natural menopause “because the hormonal changes will happen suddenly rather than over several years.” Keeping the ovaries is not necessarily protective; however, women who forego ovary removal at the time of hysterectomy are twice as likely to experience ovarian failure compared to women who keep their uterus, and are likely to go through menopause within five years. As for the cervix, a concerned hospital researcher was already pointing out in the early 1990s that the cervix “is not a useless organ” and cautioning against its removal during total hysterectomy. Risks associated with cervical removal, the researcher noted, include the potential for bladder and bowel dysfunction (due to “loss of nerve ganglia closely associated with the cervix”), increased morbidity during and after the operation, vaginal shortening, scar tissue that prevents healing and organs sagging or no longer staying in place (prolapse). The sudden menopause brought on by removal of both ovaries, says Healthline, increases the likelihood of cognitive impairment, “including dementia and Parkinsonism,” with various studies suggesting that surgical menopause before the age of natural menopause makes women “vulnerable to changes in the brain that may alter cognitive function over the long term.” Studies in rats indicate that the removal of the uterus and ovaries causes changes in the brain’s memory center (the hippocampus), inducing cell damage and cell death, and affecting the animals’ “ability to learn, remember and function.” This type of study has prompted medical experts to question the dogma that “the non-pregnant uterus is dormant” and serves no purpose, with one physician stating, “The antiquated concept that the uterus is a disposable organ needs to be put to bed.” Some years ago, a woman who had her uterus, ovaries and Fallopian tubes removed blogged about her experience with cognitive decline side effects: “I describe these as losing my train of thought, basic forgetfulness and confusion, lower attention span, and most problematic — word finding. … And I know that I didn’t get DUMBER until after I had that surgery. … But if someone told me I might become a blithering idiot who no longer felt like she could function with her colleagues and peers … well, that definitely would’ve made me think twice, at least back then when I could think straight.” No turning back Wall Street Journal writer Abigail Shrier, in her 2020 book “Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters,” dissected the phenomena of “social contagion,” social media “influencers” and “online shaming” and also described the explosion of “detransitioners” — girls who medically transition, “only to regret it and attempt to reverse course.” As Shrier summarized, the detransitioners “now believed that their own mental health struggles had made them vulnerable to social media and peer pressure,” which had encouraged them to “equate cross-sex hormones and gender surgery with salvation” — but with “far too few safeguards.” The informants described in her chapter titled “The Regret” came to question “a medical system that fast-tracks [trans-identified teens’] demands without regard for their actual welfare.” A transgender specialist at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles has a flippant solution for girls who undergo “chest surgery” (breast removal), stating, “if you want breasts at a later point in your life, you can go and get them.” However, fake breasts (and more surgery) are not meaningful solutions, nor is any comparable back-pedaling possible for girls who get their uterus removed. One of Shrier’s informants found this out the hard way. Acceding to a doctor’s recommendation to get a hysterectomy after uterine atrophy caused by accumulated testosterone left her “doubled over in pain … she awakened without a uterus [and] she realized her entire gender journey had been a terrible mistake.” What about informed consent? As the stories gathered by Shrier and numerous other testimonials indicate, for some, medical transition can have negative mental and physical consequences that were unforeseen. Is the medical establishment providing young women — and, when involved, their parents — with fully informed consent about problems such as testosterone addiction and, in the case of hysterectomy, the increased risks of heart disease, cognitive decline and other long-term impacts? Neuroscientists agree that the human brain takes about 25 years to develop, with “risk management and long-term planning abilities” not “kick[ing] into high gear” until then, but in many cases, young women are making medical transition decisions much earlier and without parental oversight. At the close of “Irreversible Damage,” Shrier — whose book admittedly made waves — wryly observed that “expressing concern about teens suddenly identifying as trans has become politically unwise and socially verboten.” For those able to set aside the intense politicization for a good-faith consideration of young women’s welfare, the fact that some of the nation’s top children’s hospitals are, like pied pipers, enticing credulous girls into surgery — with the risk of permanently damaging their health and eliminating the possibility of bearing children — bears close scrutiny.

  • UNITY RALLY-American Academy of Pediatrics Convention-Scott Newgent Speech Live - Join Us

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate Can you imagine standing with me in a group of hundreds of like-minded, brave, emboldened, and passionate people — with One Voice and One Message: “Medical Transition Is No Place for a Child?" Can you see yourself standing up and speaking out for these kids and teenagers who do not realize the harm that is being done to them by the “adults” and “doctors” in their lives? We are all aware that puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, double mastectomies, breast augmentations, hysterectomies, are BEING DISGUISED AS MEDICAL CARE FOR KIDS AND YOUTH all across the USA. But what can we do about it? Some of Scott Newgent's Travel Expenses Are Covered But Not All - All Of This? Can Only Come To Fruition If The Funds Necessary To Do So Are Available - Donate To Scott's Trip Trip Donation Mark your calendars! This is going to be an historical event. On October 8th, 2022 - Our founder Scott Newgent will be a highlighted speaker for the first:" "FIRST DO NO HARM” RALLY This is going to be HUGE. I believe this is going to be the first of many large rallies where people whose eyes have been opened to the danger and damage of gender ideology and medical transition will come together and raise their voices in UNITY. We are expecting ten thousand+ pediatricians to be at the American Association of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition in Anaheim, CA. This is the perfect place and time for our voices to be heard! We will be an undeniable resistance gathering to stand firm in our mission to END the medical transition of kids and young adults. Shop At TReVoices Members of TReVoices, Our Duty, Partners for Ethical Care, Advocates Protecting Children, Gays Against Groomers, Lesbians United, Million Outraged Moms and other groups trying to raise awareness about the medicalization of gender non conforming kids will be staging a peaceful, non-partisan education rally for the ten thousand pediatricians attending the convention this year in Anaheim. PLEASE: Spread the word! Join us in person! Share on social media! Let's make this Unforgettable! WHO? You!? Me! Members of TReVoices, Our Duty, Partners for Ethical Care, Advocates Protecting Children, Gays Against Groomers, Lesbians United, Million Outraged Moms and other groups! WHAT? I am speaking at this peaceful, non-partisan education rally to be seen and heard by the 10,000 pediatricians attending the AAP convention! T-shirts, banners, sandwich boards, signs — Link WHEN? October 8, 2022 -- only 5 weeks away from tomorrow! WHERE? Anaheim, CA — details Link HOW? This doesn’t happen without your help. I still need donations for my travel expenses to and from California. ASAP! Even if it is just $5 or $20 that you can spare — Everyone pitching in a little bit would make an enormous difference! WHY? "First do no harm" is a popular saying that derives from the Latin phrase, "primum non nocere" or "primum nil nocere." The term is particularly popular amongst those involved in the field of healthcare, medicine, or bioethics, and among popular accounts of the medical field, since it is a basic principle taught in healthcare-providing classes. The takeaway point of "first do no harm" is that, in certain cases, it is better to do nothing rather than intervening and potentially causing more harm than good. Medical gender transition is no doubt one of those cases. So we are calling on the doctors at this convention to do no more harm to gender confused youth!

  • 'My Child, You're Not Trans, You Are Different & Different Is A SUPERPOWER!'-Speech by Scott Newgent

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate Thank you to everyone that sent me recommendations for a standard speech. This came out of your effort. Of course, speeches can't be word for word; the format is set. Thank you to all, Scott Newgent My name is Scott Newgent, and I am a 49-year-old transgender man. A woman who took synthetic hormones and had surgery to create an illusion of a male for comfort = Transman. It seems to be the go-to of fascination, right? Oh, how interesting, a trans person. But, the most important thing to me? My three children. At 42, I became engulfed in the enormous Unicorn Fart Glitter Bomb that the LGBTQ community is selling to the world. The idea that you can change your sex, that it's easy to do, that it cures all the ailments of people who do not fit within the structure of what society tells us is normal; entices children at a time in their childhood when even the kids that "fit" perfectly – the attractive, intelligent, athletic, dominant, alpha charming, comes-from-a-beauty-family boy and a gorgeous, intelligent, adorable, submissive, always-sweet, ultra-feminine girls feel awkward, ostracized, and alone. And then there are the children that genuinely don't fit– the autistic kids, the same-sex attracted kids, the abused kids, mentally ill kids, gifted kids, musically talented, artistically talented. You know, the weird kids. Suppose you have one of these children, you know, as a parent. In that case, you wear your heart on your sleeve every day, helicopter-parenting your child, reassuring them, telling them over and over and over that WEIRD..." is great, my child, weird is a blessing, odd is hard during childhood, but my child, find me one person who ever did anything significant who wasn't just like you. You, my child, have a gift…." Yet, the middle school hormones and environment tell them, repeatedly, that they 'don't fit at a time when fitting in is the only thing we want. I was one of those kids. Now, their friends, our schools, the internet, and social media strategically target them with a narrative: "Look, there is a cure! I'm trans!" Instantly, the cool kids, the internet, parents, the media, doctors, and mental health professionals bring them a solution with a shining light: You can fit; you need to transition medically!" And so the hook is set.....At 42, I came to a place of vulnerability in my life; I was in love with a fantastic woman who refused to be who she was: a lesbian and soothed herself with the idea that she was in love with me because of my male energy, the strength that had characterized me my entire life, the "alpha female" we say we appreciate, but we do not, and of which I was painfully aware from my earliest memories, and still there at 42, as a success defined by our society. In my first therapy session, after I began to wonder if I too was born in the wrong body, during our first session, within four minutes, the transwoman therapist asked – "how long had I dressed like a man?" Which I had not; I was a business sales executive. If you can believe it, I was wearing heels, makeup, and earrings. This one sentence, said to me at the age of 42, shattered my world and instantly reduced me to a child. I was not just embarrassed; I was mortified that I had been going through life "passing"; people, unbeknownst to me, were whispering to each other, "That's Kellie; yeah, he doesn't know he's a man. Idiot!" Mortified. I followed up this session with a gynaecologist to look into hormones, and the second medical professional said, "Your jaw, it's......hmmmm.... have you ever been tested for intersex?" What the?..............OMG....OMG, this point, I was high on unicorn farts and glitter bombs, and no one was going to take that from me. At 42, I had found the key, and nobody was going to tell me differently. At 42, I was told I could change my sex; I was told it was easy, I was told it was a cure, I was told what all these kids are being told at an age when we are most susceptible to all if this. But I was 42, a successful, ball-busting business sales executive, and everything I touched at that time in my life became gold...any man who entered into the sales arena...I whooped them all over the office for everyone to see.......I was a winner, I had everything...but I could not fight what the medical and mental health industry told me: "You were born in the wrong body!" Your kids don't have a chance, my friends. Thus I began to medically transition, which has included seven surgeries, a massive pulmonary embolism that induced a stress heart attack, a 17-month recurring infection that almost killed me; 27 rounds of antibiotics, months-long IV antibiotics, sleep-deprived hallucinations, six inches of hair on the inside of my urethra, which induced so much pain from the infection and the hair digging into the urethral walls that I suffered PTSD, bound in my home and rarely able to leave, and left me with a handicapped arm. I was dying. In the process, I lost my house, home, career, savings, car, everything. I spent 17 months researching, trying to save my own life, and in the process, I found out what most people don't know. Medical transitioning is experimental at best, and we have no clue what my future or your children's future will be. But I did find out what we do know about that medical transition. Decreased life expectancy Premature death from heart attacks Premature death from pulmonary embolisms Bone damage Possible liver damage Increased mental-health complications Increases chances of mood-syndrome symptoms Increased suicide rates than the non-trans population 12% higher chance than no trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis Brain development stunted during hormone blockers Reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure Probably does not even improve mental health outcomes After 17 months of living with a chronic infection, I had a sic tube in my arm rendering IV antibiotics daily for over a month, unsuccessfully treating the infection. I will never forget this morning. I passed out in my bathroom from pain while urinating, and I woke up covered with my blood and urine. At that point I gave up. I not only accepted that I would die; I felt relief. I yearned for it. I had lost my little job, my car was being repossessed, evicted, and I had nothing left. At this point, I knew there was not just a chance I would die; I knew I was going to die, and it wasn't going to be a long wait....I took a deep breath in and out and felt RELIEF... I felt relieved! Until I thought about my children, the three babies I had brought into this world, the three babies with whose lives I had been entrusted. My babies needed me. A movie reel played inside my head, showing me my children's lives after I was gone. In an instant, what was relief turned into a guttural wail, a howl to God, begging for my life. I begged, I cried, I pleaded, and I offered my life in exchange for my children's. I made a promise out loud to God, to the Universe, to whatever or whomever we call the force we all know is there yet no one understands – although many think they do. In exchange, my life was spared to save my children, and at that instant, doors opened that had been closed earlier that morning. My recovery was almost immediate with the help of a surgeon I found soon after. What we should be doing is talking to our children: "Son, just because you are attracted to boys doesn't make you a girl." "Daughter, just because you are attracted to girls doesn't make you a boy." My child, just because you have autism doesn't mean you need to cure or change anything; you have the power to think differently. Look at all the autistic people who created/invented and changed the world. If they didn't have autism, they would have never achieved that greatness. My child, just because you were abused as a child doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you.Yes, your abusers were terrible, but you are precisely who you are supposed to be, and you are still perfect. Your abuser needs to change, not you, son. Let me help you heal and show you how to do that. My child, you are bipolar/depressed or have anxiety, and the first place you will go to in your head is the last place you should. First, show me one human that is mentally 100% well. Just because a person has not been diagnosed with a mental illness doesn't mean they are not "crazy" too, it means it hasn't yet been diagnosed; we are all crazy in our own way… But look look look look at all the most extraordinary people in history who have suffered from mental disorders. All these kids who are being medically transitioned are suffering from being "different," have a comorbidity, and you as a society should be terrified that we are allowing the medical industry to not only lie to the most vulnerable persons in our society for profit, but to rip their health away from them, shackling them to be forever medical prisoners in need of hormones for a process that has had every study EVER study that said it was beneficial retracted…. Think about that. Only seven studies said transing kids was a medical cure miracle Every study…..Helped…..Retracted….yet these studies are the studies that remain in brochures in every gender clinic in the country used to soothe parents if they show concern. Think about: WPATH, the so-called "transgender baseline for care, has never held up in a court of law anywhere in the world because it's experimental, except for top surgery and none of you listening today? None of you would be able to sue if your child develops issues because of reckless doctors. Think about: The only long-term study done from 1973-2003 following 324 medically transitioned people became the most suicidal, not before the "Better an alive daughter than a dead son?" Hogwash, that's not the highest point of suicidal ideations? Not before medical transition; it's seven to ten years after. Think about: We are seeing boys who took puberty blockers as children develop a convert rate developing early onset osteoporosis. We are finding that girls' spines are not fusing together, which was the main reason a huge gender clinic was shut down in Sweden. The fact that we are seeing hearts and lungs the size of 12-year-olds at 19 stunting their physical capacity for life, 12% higher psychosis rate, transmen in early '20s developing heart disease we see in men in their 50s, reproduction gone, even if they detrans Medical transition doesn't fix anything, but it's a great business model for pharmaceutical, plastic surgeons, and business people erecting gender clinics at such a rapid pace you wouldn't believe me if I told you the numbers. Medical transition trashes your health from what we do know, but what we don't know is the frightening thing because it's experimental. I wish I had more time to bullet point all of these. If I did, you would feel a rage grow inside of you that would overtake your ability to control your reaction, and I guarantee if you read them in detail, you would stand up and flip the desk over shouting, "NO….." But medical transition creates a 1.3 million dollar recurring revenue channel for pharma, a guaranteed need even if these kids decide to detrans because 100% complete medical Transition? These kids will need synthetic hormones for life. This doesn't include surgery, and one surgery, just one without complications, cost me $257,000. I have the proof, and we total 1.1 million dollars in my medical expenses. What if we change our word tracks to the truth and tell these kids..... Being different? It's fantastic; it's a superpower, an opportunity, a gift, light, an honour; it's what every great person who ever lived was, and they embraced it. Let me help you learn to embrace it too because, my child, you are not are different and being different is a SUPERPOWER…… ...................You, me, and everyone here today from every community has an obligation to step outside your comfort zones and do what I call SCREAM, and SCREAM loud, because medical transition is not about love or human rights; it's about the oldest greed of man since the beginning of time…Money. We have to work together on this one because it's that critical, we must adult better for our children. The love that we have for our children crosses into every part of every society world-wide. So all walks of life, conservative, liberal, straight, homosexual, women, men, feminists, republicans, democrats, Christians, atheists, grab hands because this right belongs to not one part of society or one party of idealism it does not. To stop this, we have to grab all hands, adult better and SCREAM louder, in unison with a parental SCREAM that shakes the earth taking a massive breath in together as one and SCREAMING as loud as we can without reservations that, "Medical Transition is no place for a child!" Sincerely, EVERYONE & Scott Newgent

  • TReVoices - September? Hold On ButterCup S%*& About To Get Real

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate UNITY RALLY-American Academy of Pediatrics Convention Scott Newgent Speech Live - Join Us Read More Help Cover Some Of Scott's Travel - Donate Today Follow TReVoices On Tik Tok - We Are Getting The Hang Of It & Scott Is Cracking People Up With His Video Replies Dr. Norman Spack, you all know who he is. He's the pediatric endocrinologist at Boston's Children's Hospital (where minors are butchered and sterilized for profit). BCH has been in the news the last couple of weeks - as they have been exposed on social media (via Libs of TikTok and Matt Walsh) to be performing "top" and "bottom" surgeries on 15-year-olds. 16-year-olds. 17-year-olds & now with US President's signature, the new age? The president's words, "Earlier, the better!" So. Dr. Spack was challenged to a live debate with me on television. He ACCEPTED - Then - Pulled Out - To Save The Debate? Read Below! This man was offered so many special conditions that it is almost comical. He was offered the option of the debate NOT being live. He was offered the option of his portion, his answers and rebuttals being edited by him afterwards. So essentially, he was offered the option that anything he said and later did not want to air would not be aired! He was offered the chance to entirely back out — given the opportunity to have his entire presence in the debate replaced by a black screen and a random voice reading his questions to me. He was offered to be paid double, as I offered to relinquish my compensation — to be given to him instead! Dr Spack agreed and then folded in terror. The idea of being eyeball to eyeball to me? Scared the DOO DOO out of him! Rightly so, it would have been the worst career move in the history of medicine. But, it would have ended the childhood medical transition or ignoted rioting in the streets if the medical industry tried to continue to medically transition children. As a career more Dr Spack - Good Career Move As a human being - SLIMY! Disgusting - How Does This Man Sleep At Night - That's Right? He Sleeps Like A Baby On A $150,000 Mattress, I suppose? What's the takeaway here? He has no confidence. He has no spine. When it comes to debating the morality and ethics and supposed "benefits" of the medical transition of children? This man cannot do it. Dr. Spack cannot defend himself. Dr. Spack cannot defend his position. Erica Anderson and Susie Green are negotiating with him now. We are not giving up that easily. We are not taking "no" for an answer! Bring it - Anyone - Anytime - Anywhere - I Will Debate - Debate - Debate The President Of The United States - ANYONE! -Scott Newgent BulletProof Equipment Donated To Scott Anything that reflects poorly on the Traliban TechMedical Complex is tightly kept out of U.S. Mass media and social media. That’s why TikTok (Not All - Just Some) has banned Scott’s videos, preventing his ability to reach out to his thousands of followers and to solicit money for the cause. TikTok, like Twitler, Facebook, and Instagram, is part of the TRAliban TechMed Complex. This is bad news, but there’s a silver lining. They are getting afraid. They know that the end is coming. And it won’t be pretty. For those who still believe that the TRAliban Alphabet Mafia are “kind”, this should disabuse you of that belief: A security company has donated bullet proof vests to Scott. This should tell you the kind of “kind” people we are dealing with. I am asking you on Scott’s behalf to please help support the CA trip rally. A $75 donation and TREvoices will send you a t-shirt. -Iris Mom SCREAMING Read More About Speech Much more than merchandise, it's a head nod to all the parents who are told to transition their child that their apprehensions are accurate; they are not bigots and give them the confidence to push back. Our merchandise says nothing about transgender; we did this on purpose so you can wear them to school functions, church, doctor appointments and political rallies. Any parent dealing with a gender-confused kid will be jolted by the fact that they are not alone with their concerns. You could wear a shirt to one of these functions and be responsible for saving a child. Again, much more than a shirt. Join in and SCREAMING with TReVoices merchandise. Any concern they have beyond instant affirmation is bigotry. You give these parents more power to save their child than a shirt. ​ "Medical Transition Is No Place For A Child!" Sincerely, Scott Newgent & Everyone Else Who Gets Educated I Was In ‘What Is A Woman’: It Was The Hardest Thing I Ever Did, But I’d Do It Again! Read The Daily Wire Article - Free Here On TReVoices Read For Free on TReVoices I Underwent Gender Transition Surgery: Here’s What The Media Doesn’t Tell You Read The Top Article Read At The Daily Wire - July Read For Free on TReVoices We Work So Hard - Help Make Sure We Can Continue The Fight - Donate Today

  • Live -'My child you're not trans, you are different & different is a SUPERPOWER' Speech

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate Here you go, the "You're Not Trans My Child, You Are Different & Different Is A SuperPower Speech! I didn't do very well; it was hard for me to get in front of people; my health confidence is incredibly low from all the trauma from the last years. However, I did it, fat, bald and ugly...still did it because 'different kids' deserve us to adult better and save them from the jaws of the greedy health industry butchering them, mind, body and soul. I also received some threats and have decided to partner with a company for protection; this is nuts how crazy people are. But, never question, all of us are witnessing the most significant medical scandal in modern history! It was great to meet everyone working so hard for these kids, people from all walks of life. Guess what? I listened to all the speeches and some people I disagreed with on essential topics, but I stayed; I spoke regardless of our beliefs, not aligning 100%. I do that because the only way to STOP the medicalization of gender-confused kids is to join forces we 'believe' is the enemy. All of that is so childish anyhow. I have never been in politics, and one of the first things I realize is how incredible immature everyone is! Right/Left BS Listen, I have said this for three years, and I mean it. As long as we act like two-year-olds refusing hands, the longer society will believe transing kids is about human rights, the longer children will be butchered. The only way to STOP society from thinking this is a human rights issue is when we all come together, releasing the bigot word, and facts can come out. The facts tell us that medical transition is no place for a child. Frank McCormick of Chalkboard Heresy former Gubernatorial candidate and father of five Jesse Sullivan Waukesha Wisconsin Moms for Liberty Chair Scarlett Johnson Attorney General Candidate Thomas DeVore Republican Candidate for Governor of Illinois Darren Bailey Billboard Chris Elston Scott Newgent -Scott Newgent Donate Contact Website: TReVoices Merchandise Written Speech Below My name is Scott Newgent, and I am a 49yearold transgender man. A woman who took synthetic hormones and had surgery to create an illusion of a male for comfort = Transman. It seems to be the go-to of fascination, right? Oh, how interesting, a trans person. But, the most important thing to me? My three children. At 42, I became engulfed in the enormous Unicorn Fart Glitter Bomb that the LGBTQ (Alphabet Mafia) community is selling to the world. The idea that you can change your sex, that it's easy to do, that it cures all theills of people who do not fit into the structure of what society tells us is “normal”; that entices children at a time in their childhood when even the kids that “fit” perfectly – the attractive, intelligent, athletic, dominant, alpha charming, comes-from-a-beauty-family boy and a gorgeous, intelligent, adorable submissive, always-sweet, ultra feminine girls feel awkward, ostracized, and alone. And then there are the children that genuinely don't fit – the autistic kids, the same-sex attracted kids, the abused kids, mentally ill kids, gifted kids, musically talented, artistically talented. You know, the…different kids. If you have one of these children, you know, as a parent, you wear your heart on your sleeve every day, helicopter-parenting your child, reassuring them, telling them over and over and over that WEIRD, that “differrent”..."is great, my child, it is a blessing, weird and different are hard during childhood, but my child, find me one person who ever did anything significant who wasn't just like you. You, my child, have a gift…”Yet, the middle school hormones and environment tell them, repeatedly, that they 'don't fit’ at a time when fitting in is the only thing we want. I was one of those kids. Now, their friends, our schools, the internet, and social media strategically target them with a narrative: "Look, there is a cure! I'm trans!" Instantly, the cool kids, the internet, parents, the media, doctors, and mental health professionals bring them a solution with a shining light: You can fit; you just need to transition medically!” And so the hook is set.....At 42, I came to a place of vulnerability in my life; I was in love with a fantastic woman who refused to be who she was: a lesbian and soothed herself with the idea that she was in love with me because of my male energy, the strength that had characterized me my entire life, the “alpha female” we say we appreciate, but we really do not, and of which I was painfully aware from my earliest memories, and still there at 42, a success defined by our society. After my first therapy session, I began to wonder if I too was born in the wrong body., Within four minutes of our first session, the transwoman therapist asked me – how long had I dressed like a man, which I had not; I was a business sales executive. If you can believe it, I was wearing heels, makeup, and earrings. This one sentence, said to me at the age of 42, shattered my world and instantly reduced me to a child. I was not just embarrassed, I was mortified. Apparently I had been going through life “passing”; people, unbeknownst to me, were whispering to each other, "That's Kellie; yeah, he doesn't know he's a man. Idiot!" Mortified. I followed up this session with a gynecologist to look into hormones, and the second medical professional said, "Your jaw, it's......hmmmm.... have you ever been tested for intersex?" Whatthe?..............OMG....OMG, this point, I was high on unicorn farts and glitter bombs, and no one was going to take that from me. At 42, I had found the key, and nobody was going to tell me differently. At 42, I was told I could change my sex; I was told it was easy, I was told it was a cure, I was told what all these kids are being told at an age when we are most susceptible to all if this. But I was 42, a successful, ball-busting business sales executive, and everything I touched at that time in my life became gold...any man who entered into the sales arena...I whooped them all over the office for everyone to see.......I was a winner, I had everything...but I could not fight what the medical and mental health industry told me: "You were born in the wrong body!" Your kids don't have a chance, my friends. Thus I began to medically transition, which has included seven surgeries, a massive pulmonary embolism that induced a stress heart attack, a 17-month recurring infection that almost killed me; 27 rounds of antibiotics, months-long IV antibiotics, sleep-deprived hallucinations, six inches of hair on the inside of my urethra, which induced so much pain from the infection and the hair digging into the urethral walls that I suffered PTSD, bound in my home and rarely able to leave, and left me with a handicapped arm. I was dying. In the process, I lost my house, my home, my career, savings, car, everything. I spent 17 months researching, trying to save my own life, and in the process, I found out what most people don't know. Medical transitioning is experimental at best, and we have no clue what my future is or what your children's future will be. But I did find out what we do know about that medical transition. Decreased life expectancy Premature death from heart attacks Premature death from pulmonary embolisms Bone damage Possible liver damage Increased mental-health complications Increases chances of mood-syndrome symptoms Increased suicide rates than the non-trans population 12% higher chance than no trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis Brain development stunted during hormone blockers Reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure Probably does not even improve mental health outcomes After 17 months of living with a chronic infection, I had a sic tube in my arm rendering IV antibiotics daily for over a month, unsuccessfully treating the infection. I will never forget this morning. I passed out in my bathroom from pain while urinating, and I woke up covered with my blood and urine. At that point I gave up. I not only accepted that I would die; I felt relief. I yearned for it. I had lost my little job, my car was being repossessed, I was being evicted, and I had nothing left. At this point, I knew there was not just a chance I would die; I knew I was going to die, and it wasn't going to be a long wait....I took a deep breath in and out and felt RELIEF... I felt relieved! Until I thought about my children, the three babies I had brought into this world, the three babies with whose lives I had been entrusted. My babies needed me. A movie reel played inside my head, showing me my children's lives after I was gone. In an instant, what was relief turned into a guttural wail, a howl to God, begging for my life. I begged, I cried, I pleaded, and offered my life in exchange for my children’s. I made a promise out loud to God, to the Universe, to whatever or whomever we call the force we all know is there yet no one understands – although many think they do. In exchange, my life was spared, to save my children, and at that instant doors opened that had been closed earlier that morning. My recovery was almost immediate with the help of a surgeon I found soon after. What we should be doing is talking to our children: "Son, just because you are attracted to boys doesn't make you a girl." "Daughter, just because you are attracted to girls doesn't make you a boy." My child, just because you have autism doesn't mean you need to cure or change anything; you have the power to think differently. Look at all the autistic people who created/invented and changed the world. If they didn't have autism, they would have never achieved that greatness. My child, just because you were abused as a child doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you.Yes, your abusers were terrible, but you are precisely who you are supposed to be, and you are still perfect. Your abuser needs to change, not you, son. Let me help you heal and show you how to do that. My child, you are bipolar/depressed or have anxiety, and the first place you will go to in your head is the last place you should. First, show me one human that is mentally 100% well. Just because a person has not been diagnosed with a mental illness doesn't mean they are not “crazy” too, it means it hasn’t yet been diagnosed ; we are all crazy in our own way… But look look look look at all the most extraordinary people in history who have suffered from mental disorders. All these kids who are being medically transitioned are suffering from being “different,” have a comorbidity, and you as society should be terrified that we are allowing the medical industry to not only lie to the most vulnerable persons in our society for profit, but to rip their health away from them, shackling them to be forever medical prisoners in need of hormones for a process that has had every study EVER study that said it was beneficial retracted…. Think about that. Only seven studies that said transing kids was a medical cure miracle Every study…..Helped…..Retracted….yet these studies are the studies that remain in brochures in every gender clinic in the country used to soothe parents' if they show concern. Think about: The fact that WPATH the so called “transgender baseline for care has never held up in a court of law anywhere in the world because it’s experimental, all of it, except for top surgery and none of you listening today? None of you would be able to sue if your child develops issues because of reckless doctors. Think about: The fact that the only long term study done from 1973-2003 following 324 medically transitioned people became the most suicidal, not before the “Better an alive daughter than a dead son?” Hogwash, that’s not the highest point of suicidal ideations? Not before medical transition it’s seven to ten years after. Think about: The fact that we are seeing boys who took puberty blockers as children are developing early onset osteoporosis. We are finding girls' spines are not fusing together, and that was the main reason thatSweden’s largest gender clinic – at one of the world’s most preeminent teaching hospitals, the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm – was shut down . The fact that we are seeing hearts and lungs the size of 12 year olds at 19 stunting their physical capacity for life, 12% higher psychosis rate, transmen in early 20’s developing heart disease we see in men in their 50’s, reproduction gone, even if they detrans. Donate Today Medical transition doesn’t fix anything, but it’s a great business model for the pharmaceutical industry, plastic surgeons, and business people buildindg gender clinics at such a rapid pace you wouldn’t believe me if I told you the numbers. Medical transition trashes your health from what we do know, but what we don’t know is the frightening thing because it’s experimental. I wish I had more time to bullet point all of these. If I did you would feel a rage grow inside of you that would over take your ability to control your reaction, and I guarantee if you read them in detail you would stand up and flip the desk over shouting, “NO…..” But medical transition creates a $1.3 million dollar recurring revenue channel for pharma, a guaranteed need even if these kids decide to detrans because 100% complete medical ranstiong? These kids will need synthetic hormones for life. This doesn’t include surgery and one surgery, just one without complications cost me $257,000. I have the proof and in total we are tipping at 1.1 million dollars in my medical expenses. What if we change our word tracks to the truth and tell these kids..... Being different? It's fantastic; it's a superpower, an opportunity, a gift, light, an honor; it's what every great person who ever lived was, and they embraced it. Let me help you learn to embrace it too because, my child, you are not are different and being different is a SUPER POWER…… ...................You, me, everyone here today from every community, has an obligation to step outside your comfort zones and do what I call SCREAM, and SCREAM loud, because medical transition is not about love, or human rights it’s about the oldest greed of man since the beginning of time…Money! So all walks of life, concervative, liberal, straight, homosexual, women, men, feminists, republican, democrates, chiristans, atheiests grab hands becais this right belongs to not one part of society or one party of idealism it does not. To stop this we have to grab all hands, adult better and SCREAM louder, in unison with a parental SCREAM that shakes the earth taking a huge breath in together as one and SCREAMING as loud as we can without reservations that, “Medical Transition is no place for a child!” Sincerely, EVERYONE

  • We Only Have 12 Days & But You Can Save Gender Confused Kiddos In Two Minutes. Please Help! - Scott

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate The Biden Dept of Ed has declared its intent to go around Congress and change the rules concerning Title IX to now cover sexual orientation and gender identity. This will endorse gender identity ideology in all public schools as a federal mandate, with devastating effects on parental rights, children’s health, and girl’s privacy and sports opportunities. We have only until September 12 to get people to submit public comments about the nega tive impacts these proposed rules will have in order to help stop them from ultimately being adopted. Here is an overview of what the proposed changes to Title IX’s regulations will do: Create a new category of “sex discrimination” based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The new rules will dramatically expand the scope of Title IX to include “discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.” They declare that preventing a student from participating in any school activity “consistent with their gender identity” subjects a student to harm on the basis of sex. Make Upholding Biological Reality a Form of “Sex-based Harassment.” The new regulations create a new form of “sex-based harassment.” Actions like using a child’s given name and biologically accurate pronouns instead of a preferred name and pronouns may be regarded as sex-based harassment. Normalize Gender Identity Ideology and Harm Children’s Health. The new regulations will promote gender identity ideology in our schools as mandated policy, encouraging students to believe that they can be “born in the wrong body.” Studies show that if not socially transitioned, 61% to 98% of children will come to terms with their biological sex. But if transitioned, children will be less likely to reconnect with their sex. Many children will then pursue chemical and surgical alterations that have irreversible life-altering consequences like sterility and life-long sexual dysfunction, interrupting healthy growth and development, and other serious risks, like loss of bone density, cognitive problems, blood clots, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Create a Head-On Collision With Parental Rights The new regulations would require K-12 schools to support socially transitioning children to a different gender without requiring notice to parents, the involvement of medical professionals, or legal documentation. These are life-altering decisions they are not qualified to make. These rules will increase calls to child protective services for parents who uphold biological reality. Children are harmed when parents are disempowered to make the best decisions to protect their mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Require Schools to Open Up Their Privacy Facilities Based on Gender Identity. Schools would be required to permit males who identify as females to use privacy facilities set aside for females, and vice versa. Girls/women will have to surrender their right to privacy and be placed at increased risk for harassment or assault by males who claim a female identity. Jeopardize Girls’ and Women’s Athletic and Educational Opportunities. These rules will require sports teams to be based on gender identity, instead of biological sex, forcing girls and women to compete on an unfair basis for athletic opportunities and scholarships against males and creating significant risks of injury for girls and women. Threaten Religious Freedom and Free Speech in favor of Gender Indoctrination. School districts will be forced to adopt policies that compel students and staff to refer to others as something other than their sex. This will violate students’ and teachers’ First Amendment rights to speak freely and treat others in a manner that is biologically accurate and consistent with their faith. Turn Title IX Coordinators into federal law enforcement officials. The new regulations give Title IX Coordinators sweeping new authority to enforce the new mandates. They empower Title IX Coordinators to decide whether to make a complaint against a school official or another student even if a child does not want to. TAKE ACTION Parents, educators, and community leaders must take action against the devastating impacts of the USDOE’s proposed Title IX regulations through the Public Comment process on or before September 12, 2022. What you should know about Public Comments on Federal Agency Rulemaking: • What is a public comment? A public comment is a written public input on proposed agency regulations that gives reasons or evidence why a proposed it should or should not be adopted. The Federal Register has a public portal for the public to submit their comments. • What is the goal? The USDOE is required to consider and respond to the public comments they receive. If they fail to address comments about negative impacts, a court may strike them down as "arbitrary and capricious." The goal is a high volume of comments that may cause the USDOE to reconsider or delay, or may assist other branches of government to block their implementation. • What sorts of information should be in a public comment? Name of the proposed rule and RIN (Regulation Identifier Number) For each area of concern explain how they would specifically impact or pose specific threats to you, your family or children, your organization or its members. Personal stories and/or citations or links to relevant studies, articles, reports, examples, or other evidence. Pose questions the USDOE needs to answer – such as the economic impact of the proposed regulations. Money is allocated to schools based on the number of students registered each year. When schools lose students, they lose funding. The threat of lost funding by parents removing their children can be a powerful weapon. HERE’S WHAT TO DO: Parents, educators, and community leaders should submit comments regarding the proposed Title IX regulations. Explain who you are, why you are commenting, and the types of specific impacts, threats, information, and/or personal stories described above. Consider stating that the proposed regulations are so harmful that if adopted you may consider removing your children from public school and/or encouraging others to do so. Comments should be submitted to the Federal Register electronically at: SUBMIT YOUR COMMENTS TO THE FEDERAL REGISTER HERE Be sure to put the Docket ID: ED-2021-OCR-0166 at the top of your comment. Comments can be uploaded in Microsoft Word or “print to PDF” format by clicking the Green “+ Add a File” button. Educate your family, friends, and members on the threats posed by these regulations and encourage them to submit comments to the USDOE by September 12. TOOLS FOR ADVOCACY: Child & Parental Rights Campaign has developed resources to help you or your community make your voices be heard: Call to Action that includes a brief summary of the proposed regulations and what to do. Detailed Legal Analysis of the key provisions of the proposed regulations. Sample comment starters for parents, educators, and community leaders for the following concerns: Parental rights Harms to children Freedom of speech Freedom of religion Protecting girls’ sports and privacy spaces Harms to minority community Economic impact

  • Candice Owens, Nashville, Tik Tok, CA Speech:I'm A Transman Too:Kids Shouldn't Transition & More

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate Nashville - Finish work at midnight on the 8th, pack, fly to Nashville, record Candice Owen's show 'Live'....Sleep, and go back home to work on Saturday! My travel is almost all paid for, the work I miss and the incidentals are not. I am not paid to do this. If you believe my voice is essential? Consider a donation so I can continue with - Donate As true to fashion for me, I have no clue who Candice Owens is; I know she's part of DW, and people seem to like her...I go with an internal yes/no, and I felt an INSTANT yes when Candice's team reached out to me the same way I felt when the 'What is a woman' team reached out to me.....We shall see! Lights...Camera...Action... Fu*^& Bleep Bleep Bleep Bleep Bleep Bleeping Bleep...' Unicorn Farts' Bleep Bleep ...and that's a wrap! I'm A Transman, Too & Children Shouldn't Transition - One of the most frustrating things I have dealt with in this fight is knowing that off camera; no recording, trans adults talking??? 99.99% of us agree that "Medical transition is no place for a child." So when I get an email, and the author says it's ok to publish, I flip out of my chair and turn into a tumbling gymnast...Well, I feel like that! I can't flip anything other than a pancake right now, but you get the point. -Scott Newgent I'm a transman. I've had top and I'm going through lower. Phalloplasty has nearly taken my life more times than I care to think about. I had sepsis 3 times hospitalised emergency antibiotics. I've currently had 22 surgerys since 2016 and still ongoing. I had surgery 5 weeks ago and it's not gone well again. Expectations are always raised by the surgeon but never seem to for filled after surgery. I write complaints but because post op recovery is subjective and people's opinions are different then I can not prove anything and have to live with the consequences of my actions. I'm a 50 year old man now I was 38 when I started and I find it hard to come with it all let alone a child. The pain. The disfigurement of my body. The disabilities I've been left with from surgery. My life is traumatized from surgery and the out come of complications from post op care. I am left with a deformed worthless phallus that's to small for use. I'm incontinent from the catheters as they damaged my bladder. I'm finding it hard for anyone to see my phallus as real and not just a lump of skin. I have no feeling down there. Sex is just a memory. My graft arm is disabled from sevear nerve damage and my graft died had to have it regrafted 3 times so far. Was it worth it and my answer is no. Now I feel I shouldn't of transed. It's way to easy in the Uk. No one talks about the failings in phalloplasty. It's just glazed over and only the lies are forced upon us. We are used a guinea pigs. Get told after failings in surgery that it happens. Don't worry it can be fixed. One more scar, one more surgery. One more lie. The truth needs to be put out there so people can truly make their own minds up. Doctors lie and make it seem so easy. 3 ops and your done. I've not known anyone who just had 3 ops. Many I know have needed multiple ops over many years. Gained many physical and mental health problems. It angers me to think children are lied to. I know how I feel isn't agreeable with the trans community but I've never gone with the masses. I've always done my own thing. Hope you get the truth out there. Ben. Thank You Ben Got a questions for Ben - Send Ben A Message - Comment Below Join Us 10,000 Pediatricians I put Dr Phil & Joe Rodan in the header image because I firmly believe that what you envision becomes a reality...I will be on both shows within six months. They might not know if yet, but they will! ...' Hello, this is Dr. Phil calling." ....SHOCKER ........Not ;) Only imagine what you want your reality to be! We are much more potent than we give ourselves credit for! Be careful what you tell yourself because you are listening! Tikery Tok - Who Knew How Fun & Most Important How POWERFUL It Is! Yup I beleive we found a niche! - Follow TReVoices On Tik Tok

  • Planned Parenthood now a top provider of transgender hormones after Roe

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate By Edie Heipel Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 9, 2022 / 15:19 pm The curtains have been pulled back on America’s top abortion provider: Planned Parenthood’s business model now offers “gender-affirming health care,” including prescribing life-altering hormone injections to children as young as 16. According to Planned Parenthood itself, the abortion company has inched its way to becoming the second-largest provider of hormonal injections in America. Experts across the political spectrum — including both religious and non-religious perspectives — warn this development is dangerous, as the number of transgender-identifying youth continues to rise nationally. Planned Parenthood prescribes ‘masculinizing’ and ‘feminizing’ injections Planned Parenthood providing transgender services isn’t necessarily anything new, as pro-life groups and independent journalists such as Abigail Shrier have reported in the past. In a piece published this week, Students for Life of America president Kristan Hawkins highlighted Planned Parenthood’s escalated focus on transitioning children with gender dysphoria. The record reveals some shocking statistics, according to Planned Parenthood’s own materials. Currently, over 200 Planned Parenthoods around the country offer transgender services, mostly in the form of self-injectable “feminizing” or “masculinizing” hormones, and puberty blockers at some locations. Youth as young as 16 can receive hormone prescriptions at some locations with parental consent; those 15 and younger can get birth control “to stop periods” without the knowledge of their parents. Teens 18 and older who want to medically transition can typically do so without any barriers. Planned Parenthood states that “in most cases your clinician will be able to prescribe hormones the same day as your first visit” and does not require a letter from a mental health doctor to start a patient’s transition. Devastating side effects of hormonal injections Patients typically self-inject hormones like testosterone or estrogen under the skin to increase characteristics that make them appear more feminine or masculine. For example, a boy seeking to transition into a girl might be prescribed estrogen or spironolactone injections that will “feminize” his appearance. A girl who wants to transition into a boy would be prescribed testosterone injections. Dr. Meg Meeker, a Catholic pediatrician and author, told CNA that “there is no solid evidence found through solid medical research that [hormones and other gender-affirming procedures] actually help children.” “We do know, however, that many times it harms children — by causing infertility, psychological distress and confusion,” she said. Planned Parenthood itself admits that these hormones can cause severe and sometimes permanent side effects in patients. In literature explaining the risks of estrogen injections, for example, Planned Parenthood says expected side effects include thinning hair, decreased sex drive, loss in muscle mass and strength, and possibly permanent infertility. The side effects of testosterone include similar impacts: changes to sex drive, loss of fertility, increased body hair, redistribution of body fat, and stopped periods, according to Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood major player in transgender services More than 35,000 patients received gender-affirming hormones from Planned Parenthood in 2021 alone, according to an NPR report. That number doesn’t include other transgender services the abortion chain promises patients. Planned Parenthood also connects patients with surgery referrals and helps patients change their names, find hair-removal options, get free breast binders, and change their voices. A full list of Planned Parenthood clinics that provide these services can be found here. Ashley Coffield, the chief executive officer of the Planned Parenthood of Tennessee and North Mississippi, said in an interview with NPR this summer that abortion clinics are particularly well-suited to providing transgender services. Support TReVoices - Contribute Today “Both are stigmatized services,” she said in the interview. “The same values we use in abortion care — like self-determination, respect, and a nonjudgmental approach to health care — translate really easily into serving our gender-affirming hormone care patients.” Planned Parenthood did not respond to CNA’s repeated requests for comment. Ringing the alarm bell on Planned Parenthood’s new ‘business model’ Top pro-life leaders and activists against transitioning kids say that Planned Parenthood’s pivot to gender services in the wake of Roe being overturned is “no surprise.” “It’s no surprise that, as its abortion business declines, Planned Parenthood is seeking new ways to pump its profits and further its ideological goals,” Mary Rice Hasson, director of the Ethics and Public Policy Center’s (EPPC) Person & Identity Project, told CNA. “They are exploiting the very same young people as before, but with a different product.” Hasson says that Planned Parenthood may position their new gender services as a way to serve patients’ needs, “but they are not fooling anyone.” “Their business is death and destruction, and their business model thrives on the exploitation of vulnerable young people for profit,” she said. Activist Scott Newgent transitioned at the age of 42 and is the founder of TReVoices, an organization of activists from all backgrounds who advocate against “trans-ing” children. “It’s a business model, all business,” Newgent told CNA. “It has nothing to do with human rights. It is just 100%, year-over-year profit. ‘How can we make money?’” “[Transitioning] doesn’t fix anything,” Newgent emphasized. “But if you say it does and doctor all these studies, what happens? Well, it’s a new trillion-dollar industry.” Newgent says that TReVoices, de-transitioners, and others have been banned from Twitter and social media for speaking out about the harmful effects of hormone injections and other transition procedures. TReVoices, for example, points to studies showing that people who take synthetic hormones experience bone density issues, severe heart problems, stunted brain development, and display higher rates of suicide, among other complications. “All the people trying to tell people this are being silenced,” Newgent added. Samantha Stephenson, host of the bioethics podcast Brave New Us and author of “Reclaiming Motherhood from a Culture Gone Mad,” says that Planned Parenthood’s move to supply transgender hormones is an “attack on the family.” “Why is it that the only thing Planned Parenthood helps people to do is avoid becoming parents?” she asked, adding that offering hormone injections “ultimately exposes this propaganda and rhetoric for what it is.” “Instead of enabling people to build families, these treatments rob patients of their natural abilities to do so,” she said. Stephenson urged Catholics to remember to arm themselves with prayer, fasting, and the rosary in response. “We need to be praying for the conversion of the souls who work at Planned Parenthood,” she said, “for their intellectual enlightenment about what it actually is that they are contributing to, for the formation of their consciences to recognize their work as moral evil, and that they have the freedom and courage to denounce this organization and expose the evils its perpetrating as many already have.”

  • Most Trans Adults Are Against Transing Kids. Don't believe me? Press Play & See For Yourself

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate

  • It's Here. Watch Perez Hilton & Scott Newgent Debate on Candace Owens Show

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate Watch

Scott Newgent

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