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  • Meet our Leadership Team!

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate Time to meet the Trans Rational educational Voices TEAM! There are a few individuals now working with Scott to extend the reach and impact of TReVoices. We are helping Scott on a volunteer basis, and are thrilled to be supporting him. Would you like to support us? Our Team -- Daryan, Diane, & Jane -- is anxious to join Scott for the UNITY RALLY in Anaheim, CA on October 8th. But this is only a few weeks away and WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP! Our attendance to this event requires your financial support ASAP -- your donations are vital and will go toward buying us plane tickets to California, and lodging while we are there. This will be the first time we all meet each other and Scott in person!! This rally is going to be an historical, epic, and huge event for ending the medical transition of kids and youth! We cannot do this without you. Thank you so much for contributing whatever amount you can -- it means so much to us! [Donate Here] TReVoices Leadership Team: PRODUCER - Daryan graduated from Texas State University with a degree in Electronic Media and soon after began working as a TV news reporter, web producer and assignments editor. Then she moved into the nonprofit world working as an education and media specialist. Daryan is an award winning photographer with a passion for helping people. "This is probably the most important fight of my generation. I can't just stand by and watch thousands of children being mutilated." ( SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER - Diane is TReVoices' Social Media and Marketing Manager. Diane hails from Massachusetts and has an AA degree from Middlesex. She loves to travel and meet new people and being in nature. She has always been the person to stand up for what is right and when she saw Scott speak about the medical transition of children she knew she had to help Scott in his mission to stop the abuse of children and make trans health care safe. Fun Fact: Diane used to work as a background artist/actor, ask her about her scene in the 2012 movie Ted sometime. ( EVENTS PLANNER - Jane attended Regent University to study Government and Criminal Justice. She is enjoying life with her 1 year old Rottweiler puppy, Penny, and her boyfriend in Missouri. She works as a nanny and a part-time Uber/DoorDash driver. She has been tuned into discussions about the "T" in LGBT for over a decade, now. She believes that if everyone knew all of the facts about the complications and side effects of medical transition, no one would support it as an option for minors. Her goal is to educate and raise awareness and support Scott in getting his story and message to as many people as possible. (

  • Let's Flood His Desk! Send a Letter with us! Time is of the Essence!

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate California Governor Gavin Newsom needs his desk flooded with letters from us requesting he veto this bill. SB107 is a bill that creates a sanctuary state for minors to runaway and get gender treatments without parental consent. It eradicates out-of-state custody agreements. Any youth wishing to gender transition can travel to CA and be started down the path of medical transition with their parents consent. On Monday August 29th the California Assembly passed this bill. Two days later on August 31st, Bill SB107 was passed in the Senate. This bill now sits on CA Governor Gavin Newsom's desk. We must ask him to veto it. This bill is unconstitutional and dangerous for gender-confused youth! “This law codifies kidnapping and offers protections to a non-custodial parent who absconds with a child to California in order to get gender interventions,” said Erin Friday, with the group Our Duty. Send Gov. Newsom YOUR Opposition to SB107 Today! Erin Friday has given us a copy of the letter she has sent to Gov. Gavin Newsom demanding he see this bill is a step we do NOT want taken. WE NEED TO REACH HIM BEFORE HE SIGNS THIS BILL INTO LAW! 1) Please download the letter below, 2) sign your name. 3) Print it out and mail it to Gov. Newsom ASAP! Article with an overview of the bill. Details of the vote for Bill SB107 in the Senate last month. Link to the bill's abstract and a downloadable copy of the bill text. Soon it will be too late. This is something you can do today to fight the medical transition of children and youth. Do not delay!

  • Matt Walsh Smiled. All Were Shocked! But Not Me....Here's Why

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate Last week I filmed a show with Candace Owens from the DailyWire. As I entered the building, my heart started racing & I had this sensation I was in the enemy's bunker, tiptoeing around corners announcing who I was so I wouldn't be tackled to the ground by armed guards yelling, "intruder intruder, a lesbian/transman on the floor.....Get the unicorn fart air purifier ready, or our employees will be announcing they are bisexual or tri-trans and stripper poles will suddenly appear in the conference rooms like the burning bush.....Let's Go, people. RED Alert; this is not a drill; the rainbow has penetrated the DailyWire. I even made jokes as I turned corners to announce myself, "hello, I'm a lesbian transman, but I'm not here to harm you, just to chitchat; please put your verbal harpoons down." Although I was joking and people chuckled, quite frankly, jokes & humour mirror truth! What have I discovered through this tormented journey of recovering from the grips of death due to medical transition? My beliefs have been shattered. Who I was no longer remains. I have been replaced with who I am; my trials and tribulations have forced me to look at who I was. I didn't like who I was, and that pain? It has given me the grit to have the ability to change who I am. Many of us would like to change, but change needs motivation in the highest form. My pain has given me a unique gift that I am now turning into being grateful for the journey. The enemies I HATED? They have become friends, but I had to put my hand out first and could not do so until I was forced. A curse turning into what I realize is one of the biggest blessings of my life. My misinterpretations about who other people are?...WRONG. My fallacies have been snipped, relieving so many remarkable people I would have never allowed myself to know unless I experienced this suffering. As Matt Walsh walked toward me, he shined an electric smile, a smile you can feel as sincere. As we ended our conversation, I sat back down in the chair, and makeup people began, "Omg did you see that? Matt smiled!" A protest started with whom did not see the exchange, "I don't believe you. He smiled? Matt Walsh?" Apparently, Matt doesn't smile much; profound with a pondering expression was who they knew. But me? Who I knew Matt Walsh was? Out of every high-profile person, I have met while I've been on this journey? Matt? Matt has done kind things when no one was watching, without anything in return. How many people do that today? How many people do that for their so-called enemies in activism? Some of these things will remain secret, and some are even unknown to Matt and don't get me wrong...I had given his team hell when I thought they deserved it, sometimes when they didn't deserve the hell I was giving. The raw recovery of such an emotional rebirthing has knocked the wind out of me many times. It's been hard but rest assured, I have told the 'Matt Walsh' team to fuck off many times, realigned many times. I have this recurring imaging in my mind of the 'What is a woman' crew, envisioning them all sitting in their office as one of my emails pings, "Oh lord, Newgent just emailed one of his massive studies emails again. Will someone send a quick email, so he doesn't blow up the entire server system? I don't have time for Newgent to start an examination session ensuring that we read the email sent?" Support TReVoices - Contribute Today Ping. Ping Ping, computers start to flicker with overload, "Ok, too late; he's blowing us up. Will someone call him? Ring Ring...."Yup, never mind, that's Newgent. "Hi, Scott, what a surprise???? Yes we got...... Even though Matt and I do not agree on some serious issues, I can now separate the idea that someone who believes differently than me is intrinsically evil. Because the truth is that what we are doing to gender-confused kids? Pushing experimental procedures where all studies that said it was a cure-all? Retracted. A procedure that causes more suicidal ideation 7-10 yrs after, taking odd children who do not fit in and telling them they can fit, there is a cure, telling them this lie at a time when nothing else matters but fitting in. At 42, this pull was too strong even for me. Our kids do not have a chance. "Hey kid, come here; try this, it makes everything worse, but I will make a ton of money and really? You're a weird person, same-sex attracted, autistic, gifted, been abused, so quite frankly? You don't fucking matter." Because that's what's happening and the reason it's happening? Because adults have been acting like children, right fighting, creating lines, armies and don't get me wrong...that is a great business model for media, but society? Acting like children creates an entire blind spot that people can't see, and the blind spot is so powerful they can't even fathom the idea of just maybe it's them that can't see it; butchering an entire generation of kids because people think medically transitioning kids is about love and human rights. I often say that if we remove the idea that medically transitioning is about love, human rights, and the little guy fighting back against evil? If we look at the medicalization of children without emotion, just facts and only facts? It takes only a mere 10 minutes with someone on a neutral level to understand that we are butchering an entire generation of children because of the greed for money. Army line activism and politics? You vs Me? Again a great business model to induce donations and fame, but terrible for society. It's time to adult better, require more of ourselves to sit in the uncomfortable zone and open up to the idea that maybe, just maybe, we need to grow and learn how to love beyond what current boundaries tell us we are to love. We all want, need, and yearn for love, but when it comes to us loving others? Too many stipulations for us to do so. Remove the walls when it comes to love; it doesn't hurt you to love bigger, stronger and more people, but the consequences of hate? Enormous. Stack the odds in your favour and go crazy with love; trust me you will be loved way more in return. Scott Newgent-TReVoices Founder

  • Trans Debbie Hayton Speaks Out Against Childhood Medical Transition & Vanderbilt Scandal

    Original Link Follow Debbie TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate How many transgender adults have to come out SCREAMING to stop medically transitioning kids before anyone pays attention? How many of these kids have to KILL themselves after transition before anyone pays attention? What number of deaths need to happen before people remove their heads from their asses...How many lives need to be ruined? Ummmm Dr Hayton is one of the first transgender adults to speak out against the medicalization of gender-confused kids and is worth a follow. -Scott Newgent Healthcare in the United States is big business, and that includes gender clinics. For all their faults — I reported on them recently — NHS Gender identity Clinics are free at point of use. Not so in the US. The patient (or their insurance company) pays. The Clinic for Transgender Health at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Tennessee got on the gravy train in November 2018. Assistant Professor Dr. Shane Taylor explained that “these surgeries make a lot of money” and charged “female to male chest reconstruction” at $40,000, while a patient “just on routine hormone treatment that we’re only seeing a few times a year could bring in several thousand dollars”. According to Taylor, gender reassignment surgeries — “huge money makers” — could support an entire clinic. “These surgeries are labour intensive,” she said, requiring “a lot of follow up time and they make money for the hospital”. Up to $100,000 each was her estimate. What is the target market? According to an archive copy of Vanderbilt’s website, Taylor’s “areas of expertise” include Adolescent LGBT Health Pediatric General Practice. A cursory inspection of Vanderbilt’s website gives no indication of their services for under-18s. In fact the clinic’s web pages are currently unavailable following recent media scrutiny in the United States. Archived copies, however, provide a chilling insight into what might have been going on. The Pediatric Transgender Clinic at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital has been offering ‘gender affirming hormone therapy’ and pubertal blocking. A video clip that emerged this week appeared to suggest that Vanderbilt clinicians would perform “top surgery”, i.e., mastectomy, on teenage girls who had not reached the age of “majority”. The row in the US is intense and further developments are likely now that Republican politicians are on the case. Congressman John Rose could not be clearer as he called for an investigation: “Children are being permanently, physically altered for financial gain – it is inexcusable.” Shop TReVoices or Donate Today - Support Us But this is an issue that is split down political lines, and more so than in the UK. Randal Cooper, Democratic Party challenger for Rose’s district in Tennessee, retorted: “Here’s my opponent, playing to the extreme right wing by attacking children and healthcare workers.” I suspect that Cooper — like Rose — thinks that he is doing the right thing, but he is going to have to offer more than ad hominems if he is to help the children that he accuses Rose of attacking. What was once a niche psychiatric condition affecting a tiny number of adults, has become a major issue among young people. Never before have doctors administered cross-sex hormones to young people who were unhappy with their sexed bodies, nor have they removed healthy organs from them. Rose is right, and Cooper is wrong: this is not about Right-wing or the Left-wing issue; this is about children and Vanderbilt needs to be prepared to answer for their actions.

  • REVEALED: Rochester children's hospital offers gender transition services for 8-year-olds

    Original Article After Introduction TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate Every child convinced they are transgender is 1.3 million dollars in a lifetime for synthetic hormones; this does not include puberty blockers which are eight times more profitable when prescribed to children, as well as surgeries or complications, and they are vast. Here is what we do know about medical transition Decreased life expectancy Premature death from heart attacks Premature death from pulmonary embolisms Bone damage Possible liver damage Increased mental-health complications Increases chances of mood-syndrome symptoms Increased suicide rates than the non-trans population 12% higher chance than no trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis Brain development stunted during hormone blockers Reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure Probably does not even improve mental health outcomes But, we must remember that all seven studies that stated medically transitioning children have been RETRACTED/Modified with 'Opps doesn't help anything.'....The highest point of suicidal ideation for medically transitioned adults is 7-10 years after. Nutshell: Medical transition worsens mental health and leads to significant medical complications. So why are we doing it? Ask Texas Governor Gregg Abbott; he has under 3 million little reasons trained with the green colour! It's about money, honey...nothing more! ...& seriously, who is medically transitioning as children anyway? Same-sex attracted, autistic, mentally gifted, musically gifted, mentally ill, abused children! You know, the kids that don't fucking matter anyway! Now that's TRUTH! All this attacks all the odd people, telling them they can fit! In the end? You fit LESS! It's a travesty against the little, little, little, little odd people, and it's obvious they don't matter because you will read this and DO NOTHING unless it's about one of your kids. If not? Who cares about these odd kids...I DO! -Scott Newgent "If folks are at the very beginning of this process, if they're just starting to think about gender, if you have an 8-year-old who's sort of beginning to express these give us a call." Hospitals across the country have created gender clinics to facilitate gender transition for both minors and adults. While many have been exposed, many more are operating the same kinds of clinics, giving children puberty blockers to stunt their natural development, and pushing harmful cross-sex hormones and surgeries on minors. One of these is Golisano Children's Hospital in Rochester, New York, which offers a promotional video for gender transition, featuring a mother who transitioned her child, as well as providers who claim that trans children know they are in the wrong body for "their whole lives." The hospital notes that it "has services available to aid families, youth, and young adults who identify as transgender, gender fluid, or have other questions or concerns about their gender." The hospital site states that "Children are first aware of their own gender at around age 2, and transgender children may insist that they are of the opposite gender and desire toys and clothing that are typically assigned to the opposite gender." Golisano admits that normal life transitions, such as puberty, or leaving home for college, can trigger feelings of "dysphoria" and not belonging, but instead of noting that it is perfectly normal to feel anxious and confused around transitions, they say it's perfectly normal to feel suddenly like your body is not your own and you need drugs and surgeries to ease your anxiety at growing up. "It is not unusual for older adolescents and young adults to express these thoughts or feelings for the first time," the hospital notes. "The onset of puberty can be particularly difficult for those whose sense of self does not match their developing body, or they may have been grappling with these feelings for years without being able to express them. We often see young adults as they start college or undergo other transitions since this may be the first time they have had access to medical care for transition." The video encourgages parents to transition their children as early as 8-years-old, though the video has recently been made private on their site. "When he started female puberty, it just didn't fit who he was," said Brae Adams, identified as the mother and a pastor at Open Arms Metro Community Church, speaking in glowing terms about Golisano and her child's transition. "He didn't want to wear the things that girls wear, he didn't want to wear. The underwear that girls wear." Adams is no longer a lay pastor at Open Arms, but Facebook posts show that Adams was the pastor there in 2018, where she delivered sermons about her experiences with coming out. She is now at the United Congregational Church of Rochester, where her bio states that she has had a lifelong interest in LGBTQ+ issues. "While a sophomore at Mississippi State University," her bio reads, "and working as an intern for the Women and Gender Studies department, she helped design and implement the school’s first Gay Straight Alliance to combat the increased risk of vandalism of their dorm rooms, assaults and discrimination that LGBT folks were experiencing at the time on campus. This began her lifelong interest in issues of equality and non-discrimination." Dr. Katherine Greenberg jumps in on the promotional video to explain "gender dysphoria," saying that it "is the experience that people have where the sex they were assigned at birth, their sort of biological sex is different from their sense of self or their gender identity." She is also a professor who instructs medical students how to hide information on adolescent health from their parents. Greenberg has also spoken out against Florida's Parental Rights in Education bill. JOIN Us 10,000 pediatricians October 8th Scott Newgent Speaks - Fund Trip With A Gift Greenberg, who lists her pronouns as "she/her/hers" is listed in the video as the director of gender health services at Golisano. Her specialties are in "adolescent reproductive health" and she "directs the GCH program serving transgender and gender diverse youth." She is also the "Vice Chair for Inclusive Culture in the Department of Pediatrics, and interim Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusion in the School of Medicine and Dentistry." Her primary areas of research are "adolescent sexual and reproductive health, supporting transgender and gender diverse youth, and inclusive climate in academic medicine." "Gender is not a choice," says clinical psychologist Emma Forbes-Jones. "We know from years and years of research that your gender identity is set by the age of about five." Forbes-Jones has also conducted research into the behavioral problems of "inner-city children with asthma," which found that there is "a clear need for an early biopsychosocial approach to care for vulnerable children with asthma." Forbes-Jones has a practice with the goal of "help[ing] children, adolescents and adults utilize their strengths to become more competent and confident, and to support parents and family members as they, in turn, support their gender expansive loved one." She is a member of the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, which offers guidance that there should be no age limits on medical gender transition for youth, that "eunuch" is a gender identity, and that children as young as 2-years-old know their true gender. Adams affirms the doctors' assertions, saying "my son B is 18. He came to his true identity very early at first. I remember him telling me that he wasn't Supergirl, he was Superman— when he was two." This is offered as definitive proof that her child was always truly male on the inside. A provider jumps in to explain that trans children have know for "their whole life" that they were born in the wrong body, "they just may not have been able to express it." The mother confirms this, saying that "when B first was understanding that something was different about himself, and didn't have words for it and didn't have a way to explain it there. He was very anxious, he was very, he was very withdrawn, he was very upset with his life, he didn't really know what to do to feel better." It's then in the promotional video that the pitch is made to partake of the services Golisano has to offer, with the words "Help is available" flashing across the screen. "Gender Health Services is a program through the Division of Adolescent Medicine," said Greenberg. "I'm the chief adolescent medicine doctor who sees patients with any gender concerns. And we are linked with endocrinology, both adult and pediatric with mental health services in terms of psychology and therapy, with psychiatry, and we have a host of other medical treatments depending on what people need." Those "treatments" include cross-gender hormones, stopping natural puberty, mental health, surgeries, fertility services, and social work. Fertility services are necessary in a gender clinic, because the drugs and surgeries will likely result in sterility, meaning that a teen will have to freeze their eggs or sperm in order to eventually attempt IVF either in a partner or a surrogate before being able to have children of their own. "When I work with a child who's gender expansive," remarks Forbes-Jones, "it really depends where they are when they come to me. And the key here is using a gender affirmative type of therapy." "We follow what's called the WPATH model," says Greenberg, "which is the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. And it's an international standard of care that includes a mental health provider with a hormone prescribing physician." The video goes back to Adams talking about the personal experiences of their family, and how they socially facilitated the child's gender transition, with the help of Golisano. "The very first thing," Adams said, "that we did was talk to him about what do we do now." "We spent a lot of time getting a pretty thorough history of gendered behaviors and expression," said Forbes-Jones. "It took some conversations with my husband," Adams said, indicating that medically transitioning their child from one sex to another was not something both parents were initially in favor of, "it took some conversations with the rest of the family just to educate ourselves. We didn't know what was going on." "A supportive family is really important in the adjustment of children who are gender expansive," said Forbes-Jones. "We went away just to try out those new pronouns just what's it like to say 'he' instead of 'she', what's it like for him to be affirmed as male when we're in a restaurant? What's it like for him to order a Pepsi as a male," said Adams. Greenberg endorsed this approach, saying "kids whose families were accepting eight times less likely to try to try to commit suicide than kids whose families were highly rejecting." Greenberg doesn't give statistics for this assertion that if teens aren't "affirmed" as their new gender they will self-harm, and in fact the studies asserting that have been debunked. For Adams, seeing her child in "dude pants," strutting around in their new fashion hauls from a consignment store, made it all worth it. "We went to a consignment store," Adams said, "we bought a couple of pairs of dude pants, and he strutted around in them until they just about fell off of him. So just anything you can do that says to your kid, that I love you and who you are is okay with me, I think is life affirming for them. Without a doubt, the most important thing you should know as a parent is you are not alone." "We're here and we have a lot available," said Greenberg. "And if folks are at the very beginning of this process, if they're just starting to think about gender, if you have an 8-year-old who's sort of beginning to express these give us a call." "There's been a big change in my son since he has come to be himself," said Adams. Other members of the adolescent gender team include Dr. Susan Michelle Yussman, who "cares for 12-25 year olds with a range of adolescent health concerns including eating disorders, weight management, contraception, STD screening/prevention, gender health, anxiety, and depression." Dr. Erica A. Bostick is focused "specifically in the fields of transgender medicine, reproductive healthcare, and eating disorders. Given her adult medicine training, Dr. Bostick also provides the aforementioned care to those patients transitioning into adulthood." Dr. Cheryl M. Kodjo is focused on "Working to increase the number of minority pediatric residents pursuing careers in academia" and "developing and implementing curricular elements related to cultural competence that are integrated into all levels of medical education at the University of Rochester." Dr. Jamie E. Mehringer "co-founded Vermont's first clinic dedicated to providing gender affirming care for transgender youth" and "has worked for many years to advocate and improve health services for LGBTQ youth." He conducted research into "the impact of chest dysphoria and masculinizing reconstructive chest surgery in transmasculine youth" and states that he "is passionate about serving youth from marginalized communities, transgender health, sexual/reproductive health and justice, fighting to eliminate health inequities, and dismantling systemic oppression." Amy B. Realbuto is a nurse practitioner who is accepting new patients, and appears to work primarily on eating disorders, while being part of the gender clinic. Heather L. Wensley, also a nurse practitioner, looks to "psychological, spiritual, cultural, and emotional considerations that contextualize experiences of illness or injury" when treating adolescents. These are only some of those who are working in the gender health clinic at Golisano Children's Hospital. Golisano Children's Hospital lists these as people as members of the Board of Directors. None of them list an interest in the medicalized gender transition of minors in their bios on the site, though many speak about the importance of the children's hospital in caring for children that are ill with cancer or other diseases, and the heartbreak at having lost a child too soon. It is unclear if they are even aware of the harms to children being done in the name of "affirmative care" at the hospital to which they dedicate their time and fundraising efforts. Kim J. McCluski, Board Chair Daan Braveman, Former President of Nazareth College Michael F. Buckley, Partner, Boylan Code LLP Steve Carl Jeffrey A. DavisJeffrey A. Davis, President of Elmer W. Davis, Inc. Lauren Dixon Roger B. Friedlander, Former President of Staples Business Advantage Jay Gelb, Vice President, Rochester Home Equity Michael Goonan Deborah Haen John Halleran, President and CEO of Halleran Financial Group Jim Hammer, President and CEO, Hammer Packaging Howard R. Jacobson, Managing Partner, Red Rock 1886, llc Todd Levine, President, Digital Apparel Lab Scott Marshall, President of Marshall Farms Group Gary Mauro, President J.T. Mauro Co. Inc. Kathy Parrinello, RN, PhD, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester Medical Center Brian Pasley, Executive Vice President, Consumer Lending Manager and CRA Officer at Canandaigua National Bank & Trust Ann Pettinella, Director of Organizational Development and Training for Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.’s Rochester office Jennifer Ralph, Owner of Wisteria Flowers & Gifts, Chair of the Golisano Children's Hospital Gala, Executive Committee Molly Branch Shill Mark Siewert, Chair from 2010-2015, former owner of Siewert Equipment Company, Executive Committee Mike Smith, Executive committee Steve Terrigino, CPA of the Bonadio Group Truman Tolefree Don Tomeny, Area Vice President of the Great Lakes Region at SRS Distribution James G. Vazzana, Managing partner at Wiedman, Vazzana, Corcoran & Volta, P.C. Alan Wood, RE/MAX Plus partner, Ugly Disco co-founder Kathy York Bruce Zicari II, CPA and CVA of the Bonadio Group

  • Where Are My Christians? Hold Your People Accountable - Texas Gov Abbott? 2.5 M Gender Clinics

    TReVoices Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate Nutshell: Governor Greg Abbott is a staunch anti-LGBT until 2015, when he still is anti-LGB, but somehow the T has changed, becoming a supporter. In 2015 Abbott started taking money from UT Texas University Hospital that was funnelled from a colossal gender clinic in the southwest. As soon as he started taking money from this gender clinic? Texas boomed as the WW hub fro transing kids. Abbott took $250,000 four days before he made some statement about 'Accepting people' pushing the bills 1311 that would have made transing kids illegal in Texas. Three months later, he states, 'transing kids is child abuse leading to article after article about how Abbott stopped/halted transing kids in Texas. The truth? Support TReVoices - Donate Today NOT one clinic or one child was stopped from medical transition....full steam ahead. Evangelicals - Religious People? Hold your people accountable. Wrong is Wrong. Be strong and do what's right! \ Texas Tort Reform Act-Newgent referred to the Texas tort reform act and how states with these laws are hotbeds for transgender health due to the difficulty of filing medical malpractice cases on experimental procedures. Texas is the WW hub. Link Explaining Tort Reform Acts - This tort reform does two things: Limits compensation, Places harsh Restrictions On Medical Malpractice, incl. Forcing The Law Firm To come up with a Standard Of Care. If one doesn't exist, the law firm is responsible for researching and setting the standard., which entails hiring physicians, surgeons, scientists, finding reliable studies, and so forth. This costs $millions, and each little trans case which would result in $900,000, leaves the firm negative several million. Not good business. California Attorney Who Filed The Cases Against Dr Crane: Located in Opera Plaza Cinemas Address: 1388 Sutter St Suite 1210, San Francisco, CA 94109 Hours: Closed ⋅ Opens 9 AM Sun Phone: (415) 441-5544 Suggest an edit · Own this Tort Reform Attracts Surgeons like Scott Newgent's Surgeon Dr. Curtis Crane - Lawsuits are neary impossible, it's also why Florida is a hub, although that Gov is fighting a good fight! Crane - Doe v. Crane, CGC-16-550630 was dismissed April 5, 2017. Carter v. Crane, CGC-16-554254 was dismissed December 10, 2018. Raynor v. Crane, CGC-17-556713 was dismissed November 8, 2018. Carson v. Crane, CGC-17-556743 was dismissed October 10, 2018. Doe v. Crane, CGC-17-557327 was dismissed November 8, 2018. Davis v. Crane, CGC-17-557363 was dismissed December 10, 2018. Shepherd v. Crane, CGC-17-559294, dismissed October 3, 2018. Doe v. Crane, CGC-17-560690 was dismissed March 15, 2019. Hansen v. Crane CGC-18-571442 Patient files medical negligence suit against San Francisco County doctor over surgery complications Celeb trans kids: Will the Gender Fairy bring dreams—or genital surgery nightmares? Update: Top San Francisco phalloplasty surgeon now with 8 malpractice suits Another Trans warns people Reddit Trans Warn Other Trans Gender dysphoric patients suffer at the hands of unethical doctors $250,000 Bribe - Explained with links and dates Texas Bill 1311 - This bill would have passed a law making the medicalization of gender-confused children in Texas Four days before this bill was on the floor? Texas Governor Abbott took $250,000 from UT Texas Medical Center. This money was funnelled through a Southwestern gender clinic. But hold on, more money is coming! How these leaders blocked the bills that would have made medically transitioning children texas Katy Christian Magazine: Governor Abbott, Patrick and Phelan received over $250,000 from Group Tied to SB 1311 Texas Leadership Stalls Bill that Would Stop Boys from Competing in Girls' Athletics Why Prohibitions Against Sex Change Drugs, Hormones And Sex Change Surgery Will Not Pass Unless You Take Action 05-24-2021 Official Voting On SB 1311 - The bill did not pass Link Verifications First - Second - Third - Fourth In 2015-2017 Study on the increase of gender-confused children referred and starting medical Transition - Reference to the 4000% Increase In Children Medically Transitioning In Texas Newgent also referenced the UK 4000% increase. In 2015 around two dozen children were medically transitioning in Texas Two years later and after Abbot's team started taking money from the gender clinic links to donations Links to Genesis Clinic. Genesis Clinic, which was formerly Children's Health Dallas, is "the first and largest pediatric gender clinic in the Southwest." At the time of the article, they were expecting many more patients...that was six years ago Children's Transgender Clinic Experiences High Growth Pediatric Endocrinology - Children's Health Source/ Pediatric Endocrinology - Children's Health Source/ Link to investigate further UK 4000 % UK Investigates staggering increase to transing kids4,000% Explosion in Kids Identifying as Transgender, Docs Perform Double Mastectomies on Healthy Teen Girls - UK government to investigate as rates of children requesting transition skyrockets by 4,000% What's happening? Why are so many trans kids medically transitioning? What that means monetarily - Just puberty blockers, not cross-sex hormones, surge4ry, regular check-ups or complications - Remember this is all experiment except mastectomies and breast augmentations! Genesis, a gender clinic in texas 2015, treated about two dozen kids Today - 400 - Link Keep in mind puberty blockers generate 8x more revenue & it's gone up even higher recently. $37,000 to $45,000 - Link Hormone Blocker Shocker: Drug Costs 8 Times More When Used For Kids Adult per year $4,400 Child per year $45,000 In 2015 approx, two dozen or 24 kids were medically transitioning, taking blockers; two years later, over 400. Let's look at the numbers 2015 - 24 kids produced = Almost $2 Million 2017 - 400 Kids produced = $18 Million Let's flip this to the adult costs: If these were adults? 2015 - 24 Adults Would Have Produced = $100,000 2017 - 400 Adults Would Have Produced = $1.7 Million THIS IS WHY WE ARE TRANSING KIDS - Keep in mind it's just the start because we haven't eventalked about surgery or cross-sex hormones. The average studies estimate that 90% or more of the kids that take hormone blockers go on to take cross-sex hormones Puberty Blockers for Children: Can They Consent? - 90% Puberty blockers are more than a 'pause button: roughly 98% of children who take them go on to take cross-sex hormones. Medscape - Nearly 100% continue to cross-sex hormones. The $250,000 bribe? Just getting started. Now let's look at the 2.5 million Abbott and his team have taken since 2015-2022 from UT Texas, funnelled through a Southwest Gender Clinic - Real SNEAKY Shit! 5-24-2021 Texas Bill SB 1311 To Ban Medically transitioning children failed...did not pass & Abbott & his team has taken substantial amounts of money from links to major childhood medical facilities. Abbott's team was crucial in getting the bill thrown off the floor. Yet, In Feb 2022, a little over half a year later, Abbott declares: Abbott says parents; doctors should face 'abuse' investigations for transgender health care Abbott Official Letter Below To The Health Commission. This letter resulted in many articles saying, "Abbott Bans Childhood Medical Transition." Texas judge halts Abbott's transgender investigation order. That's a big fat NOPE Greg Abbott says he'll soon unveil plan to restrict transition-related medical care for transgender children. That's a big FAT NOPE Houston hospital pauses hormone therapy for transgender children as threats of child abuse investigations loom That's a big fat NOPE. The list goes on and on..the truth? Abbott hasn't done JACK Shit but has some great articles to point to when this goes bad! The truth? Not one clinic has been shut down, and full steam ahead.

  • Recently I received an email from a pediatrician. Guess What? -Scott Newgent

    Recently I received an email from a paediatrician. Being a transman, a parent of three children, and running an organization trying to bring sanity to this debate, I must say I was intrigued. How do paediatricians feel? When they start their day, turn on the coffee machine at 6 am...? What do they say to their spouses, who know all their secrets? The question is, how do medical professionals feel when no one is looking and when they are not concerned about their reputations or the Taliban howling, "BIGOT!" It takes a lot to shock me within the medically transitioning children debate: each stone I uncover, my jaw drops. I have spent many a night alone desperately trying to pick up my jaw that has not only fallen but dislocated from my face, dangling on my knees; I'm unable to speak, waving my hands in the air, trying to articulate a point with audible moans.. These times I try to explain it to myself, and I am shocked when I discover things I should know as a transman yet was never informed. OK, parents do not understand the gravity of childhood medical transition may not be a giant leap, but medical professionals? Please! Come on! Did you pass middle school biology? How have we come to a place where reality and caution are considered hate; curiosity about ideology, knowledge, science, and the truth is considered hate? The idiot that hates people because they are too stupid to understand life on an intellectual scale is given a pass to be an idiot because they cannot understand an enlightened idea and are instantly irrelevant; background noise of no consequence laughed at and waved off as someone who doesn't matter, not listened to and patronized with any ideas they come up with. Take this visual I have just painted and slap that canvass right on the ass of 99% of society regarding the medically transitioning children debate. They don't know, you don't know, but you think you do! That's the problem; you think you know and do not, and the people who do know? Re-read this paragraph; they have conveniently dubbed the "Idiot" even though they are the ones who know what is happening. Silenced, and it's a brilliant marketing scheme. Anyone who speaks badly about our product (Medically Transitioning Children) will instantly be titled as a total fucking idiot and no one will listen to them........... mmmmuuuuwwwwwwaaa, it's brilliant! That is exactly what is happening right now within the medically transitioning children debate. Here are a couple of jaw-droppers to try and get in shape to handle the truth. Ready? Oh, one more thing. Remember, medicine is a business; act accordingly. Seven studies found that medically transitioning children was beneficial and a miraculous cure for children with gender dysphoria and debilitating suicidal ideation. All seven studies have been retracted or modified, stating it "does not help kids and it causes more mental health issues or "insufficient evidence or studies to determine if it's beneficial or detrimental. Yet, these studies are plopped down on the desks of the gender clinics to soothe parents with the idea that it's a CURE and the emotional hostage takeover begins. Link bottom of the page starting with -The Heritage Report Remember, medicine is a business; act accordingly! I say often, and I mean it, when you remove all the words like bigot, phobic, ignorant, hate and lie, the facts down on the table, you only need 10 minutes of neutral time to explain to people why medically transitioning children is the hands-down biggest medical scandal in modern history and one that will be studied for centuries the same way we look back on Nazi Germany, perplexed how someone so evil not only came into power but took an entire country and flipped it upside down where black was white and white was black. The majority of Germans in Germany at that time believed it. Ignorance. When facts and caution are removed, people are frightened to question something happening within society. These parents that are sitting in the gender clinics reading about studies that have been retracted started on a road that began in a therapist's office with the infamous and deviously successful sentence that I believe is the entire reason why we are butchering a whole generation of gender-confused children, mind, body and soul. Ready for it? "It's better to have an alive daughter than a dead son!" Really? Tell me one parent that says, "Nope, I'd rather have a dead son; thanks for your time; you mental health professional that went to school for 24 million years, and I've been looking at all your degrees for the last hours as my son tells all of us he wants to slice his neck open and die. Nope, I'll take dead son. OK, send us your bill. Grab Sam babe, our son. Let's get him fit for a casket. Thanks for giving us a choice of a mental health professional; we've decided unanimously we will take "Dead Son." That sounds ridiculous. Now swap that reality with the truth. What would you do? The people that tell you about the retractions who warn you? Yup, bigot, idiot, phobic, hate, uneducated, horrid human beings. I often try and think about what I would do in situations, what I would do if I never medically transitioned if I didn't know that the only long-term study done on medically transitioned people from 1973-2003 found that the highest point of suicidal ideation is seven to ten years after medical transition. Nutshell? The seven retracted studies said it was a miracle; that's not the worst of it, your suicidal child? Just wait; it gets worse. In the trans community, we call it the "7-10 year suicidal itch", the time you realize the health consequences and that transition didn't help anything, made mental health worth, added health complications and made you fit even less. But what if I never transitioned and didn't know these truths? Would I be smart enough? Would I have the fortitude to look beyond what I call the "Unicorn Farts" & "Glitter Bombs" surrounding our children being thrown candy fantasies and the promises of all dreams come true... "Come here, little child; I have a piece of candy for you?" Replace that with 'Unicorn farts," the same thing in a different century, and profit is the molester in today's world, both equally deviant and should be guarded against our children. Would I be strong enough to resist the unicorn farts being fed to parents? If I never transitioned? Hell, no! I would be on Twitter telling anyone that says anything negative about transing kids, instantly, "Get educated. Medical transition saves lives. Don't be a bigot." I would reduce the people telling me truths to the idiot I spoke of above. But the real question is, what would you do? To be honest, what would you do? Oddly, you would be doing what parents worldwide are doing: medically transitioning their children. Rushing children to an experimental procedure that has never been studied long-term, and future complications are unknown, but we are seeing early onset osteoporosis in boys that are medically transitioned in childhood, girls suffering from heart issues at 22, blood thinners are rapid due to PE's, we do know lifespans are cut by 10-15 years, hearts and lungs not developing right due to puberty blockers, girls spines are not fusing right, in fact, this finding shut down a children's hospital in Sweden Karilinsis, causes a 12% increase in psychosis within girls who transition and here is the kicker.....and listen I could go on and on and on until your jaw was not only dangling, your who head blown to smithereens reduced to a crazed person sitting in a pshytriact hospital that never speaks just swings back and forth repeating words that don't seem to make any sense but to the crazy person, "Osteoporosis" "doesn't help doesn't help makes worse." "Spine Fused...not? No Spine" "Hearts lungs, not mature no not mature" "Life short, cut." swinging back and forth all day, "Experimental all of it except top surgery" "Can't sue, no no no no experiment" "Baseline for care? No no never held up in a court of law, no no experimental, WPATH, no no no never held up in a court of law." "No studies, no no not studied." "Lifespan cut" "82% of kids grown out of gender dysphoria" But I'll spare you the trip to a psych ward in a catatonic state and leave you with this. The email I got from the pediatric doctor that you can read on my blog? Link Physicians know that what we are doing to kids is wrong, but the innately human side of all of us is powerful, just like many have been engulfed in unicorn farts; Doctors are no different, and the public relations, strategic placement, and millions of dollars spent to silence you, I and not immune to physicians. Physicians? They are scared to death of the unicorn farts too! "It's experimental, we don't know the long-term consequences, it is unethical to experiment on a child who cannot fully consent to the procedure due to lack of understanding, and we have not sufficiently ruled out other psychological co-morbidities or even let the child's psyche fully develop before we present them with an absolute decision about their gender." Doctors are silenced by fear as well. It's times in history we need people like you who are reading this article to do what I call "Adult Better." The ache we have inside to belong, not to question ideas or challenge narrative, to be innately human, to belong? This human reaction is solely responsible for people to shake their heads yes when they hear things they know are wrong, "Transwomen are biological women!" You need to be brave and say, "No, they aren't, they are biological males who take estrogen to create an illusion of a woman for comfort, but no, they are not biologically male! "Medical transition saves children's lives and cures suicidal ideation!" You need to be brave and say, "No, it doesn't cause more suicidal ideations, but it's on a timeline that is seven to ten years after these kids start to transition, and the studies said it does help. Retracted/Modified and deviously are never longer than the web. The only long-term study tells us it goes to hell in a handbasket." We need you to say the truth, consistently repeated repeatedly, because that's the only way to get the current talk track removed. Consistent, constant, exact time after time...over and over and over again and you? Yeah, you, reading this? This is your job. You don't know what to do, but you want to help? Do this; repeat these over and over and over again on social media! There is a reason I show SCREAMING photos all the time, begging for people to SCREAM! Why? It's the only way to stop this... consistent messages delivered with passion, without reservation and total and complete confidnce=SCREAMING! You might hate or love me, but one thing is always the same! I am right about approaching this, and I know how to stop this! EVERYTHING I have said for the last three years? I've been right...Hate me later, but listen to me NOW and save kids. Get behind me, I know how to lead this, and I know how to win! Period! But most importantly, I know the emotional toll it takes to win this, and I am the only one willing to give the emotion needed to stop this without anything in return. I get NOTHING from doing this...Not a fucking thing! I do it because I am a parent and I would hope to GOD someone would do this for my kids, that's it! Because the truth is, without the unicorn farts, medical transition generates approximately 1.3 million dollars in a lifetime to pharma for each child they convince is transgender and that['s even if they detrans, which the majority are doing. If you remove parts that produce the hormone to your biology you have to feed it a hormone to survive, either E or T. The truth is medical transition is a considerable profit model. Now, since Biden's declarations, not only do insurance companies have to pay for it, they can't question, or the unicorn farts are released. So, the phalloplasty that I had causes recurring infections that will probably take my life? The surgery that caused all this? My insurance company has been charged close to one million dollars for an experimental procedure that almost killed me. It's a brilliant business model but a wretched, contentful wolf on wall street, horrid devilish medical treatment sold as a cure to nothing but a fat year-over-year profit model. Remember, medicine is a business—act Accordingly. Original Email From The Physician

  • Tracing Trans Surgery Through the Archives - These Kids Face A Lifetime Of Health Problems

    Below is an excellent article written by a trans man on the history of OHSU's 1970s, 80, and 90s surgeries. The report shows the ups and downs of doctors, hospitals, society, and some trans people view of surgeries. In 1999 Dr. Kirk spoke out against his colleagues of these surgeries. He was a part of the team involved in surgeries that I know about among trans men friend of mine who would like to remain nameless. I will take the hit of anonymity. Bone problems affect these transmens lives, yet lips are sealed within the medical arena. Osteopenia in hips, bone spurs on the lumbar spine and arthritis shoulders are common among my older transmen friends. Even those who have devoted their lives to healthy living. I know one transman a little over 60 years old, a vegetarian a big part of their life, but 35 years on testosterone. Every time this transman tries to reduce or cut out testosterone, his body deteriorates, and this time it's been almost unbearable to recover. So when I see the main focus on the nuances of pronouns, who lifts detrans without exploitation, who finically reaps the rewards, left right or centre up your ass or what Jesus would say and all the other SHIT......That does NOT matter....This is why? These kids? These kids don't have a CHANCE at a healthy life while you argue about pronouns or who is righter....Yes, I know that's not a's a point. THESE KIDS ARE BEING BUTCHERED for a procedure that doesn't cure anything, makes mental health worse, and their lives will be this...this is their lives. The odd kids who grow up to do great things...stolen...these different kids abused over and over and over and over and over again so you can argue PRONOUNS! I I beg ...grab my HAND! By Shir Bach, 2020 Original Link A quick note on language: For this paper, I have used ‘trans’ as a general term to refer to what we now consider to be a coherent group of people who do not identify with their assigned gender at birth. In discussing the history of trans care, I have used the terminology specific to that moment in history, including terms that are now outdated. In quoting from direct sources, I have opted not to alter any language used, including pronouns. For much of the period covered, convention was to refer to trans people as the name and pronouns associated with their birth sex until their transition. Today, we use a person’s current name and pronouns even when referring to the time before they transitioned I. Introduction: When computer scientist and transgender activist Lynn Conway started building her personal website in 2000, she decided to collect stories of successful post-operative trans women. Conway wanted to counterbalance the narratives of trans people told by outsiders and replace it with role models to inspire hope and encouragement[1]. One of the nearly 200 women whose stories are housed at this site is Debra, who writes with aching honesty about her sex-reassignment surgeries at a small hospital in Southeast Portland. From the first moments awaking from surgery to regaining her “she-legs” [2], Debra doesn’t censor or hold herself back, and the difference between her story and that of the Jerry Springer-typetabloid specials is precisely what makes Conway’s archive so compelling. When thinking historically about trans surgery, we should keep Debra in mind. This paper traces the history of transgender surgery in Portland, looking for stories like Debra’s wherever they are found, from institutional archives to decades-old websites. As local historians turn their gaze to the long and rich history of trans community in Portland, having a clear view of local medical history will be essential, but not exhaustive. The medicalization of trans identity is important and worthy of study, but in focusing our attention to surgery specifically, we risk re-inscribing the false image of trans people as white, well-off professional-class adults. So why study surgery? (Back to top) Limiting my research to the medical field allows me to focus deeply on the dis/advantages of medicalization, which will be essential to understand as we move simultaneously towards a social model of trans identity and away from a gatekeeping approach towards medical transition. Additionally, limiting my research to surgery allows me to more carefully consider the diffusion of specific approaches to gender transition. Surgery is unique in medical practice in the prestige it gives to individuals. Surgeons specialize in specific surgeries, often performing the same few operations for the entirety of their career. For highly specialized operations, there may be only a handful of surgeons capable of performing the procedure in the United States at a given time. Because of these factors, the history of surgeries is almost universally framed by focusing on individual surgeons. Little agency is given to the recipients of surgery, who are merely passive objects to be acted upon. Surgeries related to gender transition challenge this framing, because it is the patients themselves who advocate for the procedure. Any history of transgender surgery must move beyond the “great men of history” model that prioritizes surgeons at the expense of patients. It must fully consider the autonomy of transgender individuals, as well as the broader social trends that transcend any individual actor. The need to investigate both individual autonomy and institutional mechanisms leads directly to my specific research methodology, which moved from institutional archives to personal narratives. I began my research at the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) Historical Collections and Archives, where I found only traces of evidence of trans care, and began to understand that these stories were left out of the historical record on purpose. In recent years the OHSU archive has compiled subject files on transsexuality, but it is far from comprehensive. GLAPN’s archive benefits from being established and curated specifically by and for LGBT individuals, but sources from before the late 1980s were nonexistent. After I had the opportunity to speak with someone who underwent sex-reassignment surgery in Portland in the early 1970s, I realized how important personal testimonies would be to this research, both ideologically and practically. In personal testimonies like conversations, interviews, memoirs, and essays, the trans individuals themselves have the power of storytelling, rather than doctors or institutions. Besides this advantage, there simply wasn’t enough institutional memory to not rely on personal accounts. For these reasons, the history I present here is divergent and many-voiced. (Back to top) This paper covers just over a century of events, from 1917 to 2019. Its major focus, however, is on the years between roughly 1965 and 2003. 1965 marks the first concerted effort to treat trans patients in Portland, by psychiatrist Dr. Ira B. Pauly. The first major section of this paper covers Dr. Pauly’s arrival in Portland, and the network of surgeons who became involved in trans surgery through association with him. The second half of this paper covers from 1989 to 2003, corresponding with the arrival and departure of Dr. Toby Meltzer to Portland. The decision to end my project here comes from the desire to keep a historical gaze, as well as an acknowledgement of the relative abundance of information on trans life in Portland in the 21st century. Finally, a short epilogue details my own surgery in the summer of 2019, and offers some reflections on the future of trans medical history. II. Prologue: 1917 Among all types of oppressed people, stories of historical figures who share one’s position in society are highly revered. Leslie Feinberg’s Transgender Warriors makes this point explicitly: hir goal in seeking out trans stories across time and space was “to fashion history, politics, and theory into a steely weapon with which to defend a very oppressed segment of the population”. This is a noble goal, but it comes with its own risks. Perhaps no figure in Oregonian LGBT+ history has been weaponized to the degree of the physician Alan L. Hart. Depending on who you talk to, Hart can be read as a transgender pioneer, bravely asserting himself and living his truth before his time. Alternatively, Hart may be a symbol for strong women, and lesbians specifically, who adopted a male persona to do the things women were forbidden to do: become doctors and marry women. Based on Hart’s writings, it is unlikely that he lived as a man purely for those reasons. But in canonizing Hart as a ‘Transgender Warrior’, we risk essentializing a historical figure based on modern classifications, and we forfeit the opportunity to consider the fullness and complexity of Hart’s story—a life that was mutually constituted by the individual and the world they inhabited. For these reasons, I’ve been hesitant to include Hart in this work. Ultimately, however, it would be negligent to write about trans surgery in Portland without writing about Alan Hart, one of the first individuals to ever undergo surgery for the express purpose of gender transition. Alan L. Hart was born Alberta Lucille Hart in 1890. Hart was born in Kansas but relocated to Oregon at a young age, and graduated from the University of Oregon Medical School (now OHSU) in 1917. Later that year, Hart began seeing Dr. Joshua Allen Gilbert, a psychiatrist and one of Hart’s professors. Information about Hart’s care by Gilbert come from a case report published in 1920 by Gilbert, entitled “Homosexuality and Its Treatment”. (It is important to note that at this time, same-sex attraction and different-sex identification were conflated under the theory of inversion, which explains Gilbert’s choice of language in referring to Hart as a homosexual.[3] ) Although Hart initially consulted Dr. Gilbert for an unnamed phobia, the topic of sexual identity quickly surfaced. Hart confessed to Gilbert a history of romantic and sexual relationships with women, as well as a life-long association with masculinity. After six months of psychotherapy and limited hypnosis “aimed at the pathological condition”, Hart requested that the doctor “help her prepare definitely and permanently for the role of the male in conformity with her real nature all these years”.[4] (Back to top) For Hart, medical transition meant a hysterectomy. Sex hormones such as testosterone and estrogen would not be isolated for another decade[5], and genital reconstruction wasn’t even on the radar for surgeons of the time. Hart justified a hysterectomy for the purposes of ceasing menstruation and sterilization—Gilbert writes that Hart “realized and urged the advisability of sterilization of herself as well as of any individual, afflicted as she was”. Hart used the eugenicist medical framework of the time, with its fixation on controlling reproduction to breed out unwanted populations, to convince doctors to aid in his transition. Gilbert agreed with Hart, and in 1918, Hart received a hysterectomy and began to live as a male. By the time Gilbert published the case study in 1920, Hart had already been forced out of his first job by a former classmate who recognized him from before his transition. This would prove a common theme in Hart’s career—he moved across the Pacific Northwest frequently over the course of his life. Even so, Hart managed to become an acclaimed radiologist, and pioneered the use of x-ray machines to detect tuberculosis. He also published several novels which dealt explicitly with prejudice and greed in the medical profession. Hart died in 1962, leaving behind his wife of 37 years, Edna Ruddick Hart. Until relatively recently in the historical record, Hart was not considered in the history of transgender identity. In fact, initial scholarship by historian Jonathan Katz in 1967 identified Hart as a lesbian. This association endured, and in 1981, the Portland-based Right to Privacy PAC began using Hart’s birth name in association with their annual fundraising event. This created a controversy between Portland’s gay and lesbian activists and the burgeoning trans movement. After this fight was brought to the public in a 1996 edition of The Oregonian, the “The Lucille Hart Memorial Dinner” became the “Right to Pride Dinner.”[6] Since then, Hart has become a figure of trans history, referred to reverently as a “trans pioneer”. Because Hart’s transition in 1917 was an exceptional case, I have placed it as a prelude to the larger history of transgender surgery in Portland, which begins in earnest nearly 50 years later, in 1965. III. 1965-1989 In 1972, the Oregon Journal published a profile of Stephani, a transsexual woman who planned to petition the State Welfare Department to cover the cost of her genital reconstruction surgeries. The article takes a sympathetic view towards Stephani, describing her as a "smart-dressing blonde who looks, walks, and talks like a woman". Though some contemporary sources claim that dozens of patients received sex-reassignment surgery in Portland during the 1970s, Stephani is the only person who chose to tell her story publicly and literally put a face on this issue: a portrait of her smiling face and stylish outfit accompany the 1972 article. In the same article, The Journal also interviewed psychiatrist Dr. Ira Pauly and gynecological surgeon Dr. Raphael Durfee, who are credited as key members of a Portland based team of medical professionals working with transsexual patients. This team left precious few traces in the historical record, making it difficult to ascertain even basic facts such as who was involved and for how long. According to the 1972 article, transsexual operations were "officially banned" at the University of Oregon Medical School (UOMS), so operations took place in private hospitals. Though Drs. Pauly and Durfee were both employed by UOMS, their work with transsexual patients almost certainly occurred in a private capacity. In the 1972 article, Dr. Pauly asserts that 12-15 people have undergone "gender identity operations" under the care of this team. Presumably, the team evaluated far more people than that number, as the gatekeeping model of the time treated surgery as a last resort. In the absence of any way to diagnose gender dysphoria beyond the word of the patient, psychiatrists judged patients based on predicted post-operative success. In his 1965 meta-study of transsexual surgery outcomes, Dr. Pauly cautions against relying on a patient's happiness with the procedure to judge the success of surgery, advocating instead to focus on post-operative adjustment into mainstream society.[7] A transsexual woman's marriage to a man would indicate success, whereas her career as a "female entertainer" indicated failure—regardless of her own feelings on the matter. It is within this environment that Stephani was recommended for surgery. (Back to top) After the 1972 article in the Oregon Journal, Stephani disappears from the historical record. In her place, however, came Parish: a transsexual woman whose story was published in her own words under the same newspaper in 1974. Pictures accompanying the four-part series appear to depict the same woman as from the 1972 article, and details regarding the woman's upbringing in Southeast Portland remain consistent.[8] Whether the names were changed for anonymity (the previously named Drs. Pauly and Durfee are unnamed in the 1974 articles) or the author changed her name in the intervening years is impossible to say. Either way, Parish wrote with the intention to "increase the understanding of the public of those with problems similar" to her own. Parish’s recollection of her childhood closely follows what was then the standard patient profile of transsexual women: she writes that she has “always felt like a girl”, began crossdressing in secret as a young child, and was evaluated by a child psychiatrist for ‘effeminate’ behaviors. Despite having infrequent sexual encounters with men, she doesn’t consider herself to be homosexual, and makes a clear distinction between herself and gay men. These key features are used almost unfailingly to identify the transsexual women described by medical professionals, journalists, and trans women themselves from the 1950s onwards. Rather than an indication of a highly homogenous population, however, the tendency to stay “on script” when talking about transgender identity reflects the power given to the medical label ‘transsexual’, and the doctors who wielded that label. Transsexual, as opposed to other terms like ‘transvestite’ and ‘crossdresser’ and, later, ‘transgender’, is a uniquely medicalized term: it describes individuals who seek to transition completely (i.e., socially, legally, and medically) to a gender other than the one assigned at birth. Dr. Ira Pauly’s mentor Harry Benjamin is largely responsible for the proliferation of the term transsexual through his work with Christine Jorgensen, a transsexual woman whose sex-reassignment surgery was the focus of intense public attention in the 1950s. It is not surprising that Parish’s story sounds so similar to the typical ‘true transsexual’ described by Benjamin—after all, it is this presentation of her narrative that afforded her access to surgery. In Portland, Ira Pauly stood as the ultimate psychiatric gatekeeper, holding veto power over the medical transition of prospective patients. Surgeons feared opening oneself or one’s institution to liability in performing sex-reassignment surgery—they often cited mayhem statutes that criminalize the removal of healthy flesh or organs, though no surgeon in the United States has ever been prosecuted for performing sex-reassignment surgery.[9] For this reason, a key function of early gender identity clinics was to filter out the vast majority of individuals seeking surgery, referring only the candidates with the smallest probability of adverse outcomes. And because the criteria by which prospective patients were judged was available through published material in academic journals, they were quickly disseminated among people who sought surgery. These individuals learned what psychiatrists wanted to hear and presented their histories according to this script. In turn, doctors took note of the ‘unreliability’ of trans patients to tell their own stories, and mistrust begat more mistrust.[10] (Back to top) The ultimate goal for these patients, the thing that psychiatrists had begun to gatekeep, was sex-reassignment surgery. The fourth and final article written by Parish in 1974 recounts her experience undergoing a two-stage vaginoplasty at an unnamed Portland hospital.[11] Parish paid $1,024 out of pocket for the procedure, the result of years of working and saving money with her boyfriend John. Parish writes that the staff at the hospital had been well-briefed about her surgery, and she was treated as a woman and referred to as ‘she’ throughout the process. At the same time Parish had surgery, another trans woman was also undergoing the same procedure, and the two women bonded during their weeklong stay at the hospital. Parish writes that the nurses were ‘really agog at what was happening’, making every excuse to come into the room and ask questions, which Parish answered to sate their curiosity. Sex-reassignment surgery clearly was not an everyday occurrence at the hospital, and its likely that the two women were scheduled at the same time out of convenience for the surgeon, not coincidentally. Parish describes herself post-operatively as having “attained my goal of having a body to match my sex” and devotes the rest of the article to theorizing about the possible biological, social, and spiritual causes of her transsexuality. I have been unable to find Parish’s full name or anyone else who knew her, so her own words and the photographs included are all that remains of her transition. This is common for those who transitioned medically in the 1970s, as they were often encouraged to move to a new location and start a new, private life once they had transitioned. In my research for this paper, I’ve only had the opportunity to speak with one individual who was a former patient of Dr. Pauly’s, a Portland resident named Lois.[12] This speaks to the treatment model at the time, where the ideal outcome of sex-reassignment surgery would be the patient’s complete assimilation into mainstream life, where they would not be recognized as transsexuals. Based on the case reports of Ira Pauly, this is the course many of his patients took. (Back to top) Lois, who was raised as a girl in rural Oregon in the 1950s, began living as a man after being expelled from university for a relationship with another woman. After some time living as a man[13], Lois sought out Dr. Pauly, who she knew treated transsexual patients. Lois was evaluated by Dr. Pauly and became his patient. In 1969, Dr. Pauly included Lois’ case in an article on what he called female transsexualism for the book Transsexualism and Sex Reassignment,[14] which cast Lois as an ideal candidate for sex-reassignment surgery: she presented no psychosis and placed in the 95th percentile on an IQ test, she was able to pass as a man even before hormone therapy, and she planned on marrying and starting a family in Lake Oswego. After having taken testosterone for a period of time, Lois began experiencing medical issues related to her uterus. At the advice of Dr. Durfee, she had surgery to remove both breasts and uterus at Good Samaritan Hospital in the early 1970s. In Dr. Pauly’s case report he indicated that Lois was seriously considering undergoing phalloplasty to create a male sex organ. The first surgery was traumatic for Lois, however, who recounted in an interview: "So I went to Good Samaritan Hospital and had the original surgery. On my own, with nobody at my side, riding my Vespa motorcycle over to Good Sam. And I had both breasts removed and my ovaries and my uterus in one surgery. And when when I woke up, I thought, "Is there anything of me left?" I mean, I just felt like I'd been carved up, which was pretty apt way of thinking about it." Lois lived in Wallowa as a man for the next two years, until a house fire and the end of a relationship forced her to take stock of her situation, at which point she discontinued medical transition and went back to school to become a physical therapist. (Back to top) Lois’ story serves in stark contrast to Parish’s, who wrote in her articles at the Oregon Journal that her sex-reassignment surgeries had brought her closer to her true self. That Lois and Parish were both judged by psychiatrists and surgeons to be ideal candidates for sex-reassignment surgery underscores the uncomfortable truth that the gate-keeping model of medical transition didn’t lead to ideal outcomes, even by their own standards. Focusing on external indicators like an individual’s ability to ‘pass’ as another gender rather than the patient’s own testimony created a system where individuals like Lois, who made society uncomfortable by refusing to capitulate to stereotypes of their assigned sex, could be led by psychiatrists and doctors down a path that treated society’s discomfort with an individual rather than that individual’s own discomfort. And yet, people like Parish were able to work within the limitations of the time and use the language of medicalization to advocate for their own desires and wrest some measure of self-determination back from a society built by essentializing individuals based on their sex. Personal narratives must be considered within context, so documents such as academic publications and newspaper reports must also be considered. Parish and Lois’ story both mention Drs. Pauly and Durfee, and hint at other unnamed clinicians involved in aiding medical transition. It is from institutional archives and print journalism that we can get a clearer picture as to the scope of this work in the 1970s. In 1975, Dr. Durfee was interviewed by the Dallas Morning News for his work with transsexual patients. Dr. Durfee, who was in Dallas to address the Association of Operating Room Nurses, presented an unequivocally positive record of Portland’s gender identity clinic. He reported that the clinic had seen 25 patients, 14 of whom had undergone sex-reassignment surgery. The article then elaborates on the distinctions between homosexuals, transvestites, hermaphrodites, and transsexuals— differences that psychiatrists were working hard to try and catalog for the purposes of aiding differential diagnosis. According to Dr. Durfee, once a transsexual is appropriately diagnosed by the clinic, they begin a trial period of one to two years where they present as their preferred gender full time before obtaining surgery. This ‘real life test’ would later be codified by the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association Standards of Care in 1979, which persists to this day in the Oregon Health Plan’s coverage of sex-reassignment surgery.[15] The article ends with Dr. Durfee commenting on the clinic’s perceived excellent results. As evidence towards that claim, he mentions that his patients who are post-operative transsexual men are working in gendered jobs like manufacturing, and that two patients have gone on to start families with a heterosexual partner using artificial insemination. (Back to top) In 1976, the Oregon Department of Human Resources appealed an order from the circuit court directing it to issue a new birth certificate for a transsexual man. As part of the appeal, the initial affidavit supplied by the petitioner’s attorney in 1975 was made public record. In the affidavit, attorney John Arenz wrote that his client, known as ‘K’ for the purposes of the case, received sex reassignment surgery at the University of Oregon Health Sciences Center (OHSC) in February of 1974. The surgery was performed by pediatric urologist Dr. Edward S. Tank, who served as Associate Professor of Urological Surgery at OHSC at the time of the surgery. A letter from Dr. Tank was also included in the affidavit, reading: This letter is to certify that [K] has at this point completed sex reassignment so that he should be considered a male rather than a female. Mr. [K] underwent a complete psychiatric evaluation by Dr. Ira Pauly, internationally known expert on transsexualism, and after that evaluation was considered by the transsexual surgical team at the University of Oregon Medical Center. That team unanimously decided to proceed with the surgical aspect of his sex reassignment. He subsequently had removal of all his internal female organs. Then had genitoplastic surgery to complete the surgical reconstruction. There is no question in the minds in any of the members of the transsexual team or Dr. Pauly that this patient is anything but a male. This information contradicts the 1972 article, where Dr. Pauly asserts that sex-reassignment surgeries were performed at private hospitals rather than at OHSC/UOMS, and that the Portland-based team operated as private practitioners separate from their affiliation to the university. Across the handful of sources that mention this Portland team of medical professionals, there are more contradictions than continuities. This presents a historical challenge: how do we account for such widely varying reports, and how does that affect the conclusions we might draw? Based on the evidence covered in this paper, I argue that conflicting facts have their basis in the diffuse nature of the network of people involved. Because the “Portland transsexual team” did not have institutional backing, there was no centralization of information or authority. There is no evidence that the clinicians came together to discuss patients as a group. Instead, the experiences of Parish and Lois suggest that doctors saw patients individually and referred them to other clinicians when appropriate, and that there was no communication between patients. As such, no one would be keeping track of how many individuals were seen by the clinicians as a whole, and the numbers would thus vary based on which clinician was consulted. Because Dr. Pauly is the only member who published research pertaining to transsexuality under his own name, we can conclude that Dr. Pauly was at the center of this network, and the other doctors lent their expertise as necessary. After Dr. Pauly left Oregon for Nevada in 1978, there are no further mentions of a gender-identity focused team in Portland. IV. 1990-2003 Because gender-affirming healthcare for trans individuals was so controversial, it could not be sustained without a prominent clinician whose primary clinical focus was trans individuals. When Dr. Pauly left Oregon, it’s likely that the other clinicians he worked with saw trans individuals less and less because Dr. Pauly was no longer referring new patients to them. Combined with the public closure of the first and most prominent gender identity clinic, at Johns Hopkins University in 1979, it seemed that the world of academic medicine had lost its interest in transsexualism. Across the country, trans healthcare moved out of research institutions and into private practices—a shift well-documented by historian Joanne Meyerowitz in her definitive account of the medicalization of trans identity.[16] But this shift was neither universal nor linear, as the stories of trans Portlanders in the 1990s shows. (Back to top) Aaron Raz Link is an educator, creator, and long-time Portland resident, whose 2007 novel What Becomes You offers a multi-generational perspective on his transition. In describing the process he went through to gain access to medical transition, Link critically examines the medical protocols that guided his doctors’ decisions. At the time of Link’s transition, the fifth edition of the Harry Benjamin International Gender Dysphoria Association's (HBIGDA) Standards of Care was used by most medical practitioners as a guideline for treating gender identity disorder (GID). These standards of care still retained most of the features outlined in the first edition, which was published in 1979, when Dr. Ira Pauly was the president of HBIGDA. According to the standards of care, the correct order of operations for treating GID would be: 1) psychiatric evaluation, 2) “real life test”, 3) hormone therapy, 4) secondary psychiatric evaluation, 5) referral to a surgeon for genital surgery. This prescribed order resulted in a process where the patient had neither sufficient information to make informed decisions on their health, nor the authority to make those decisions. Link writes: The moment at which I decided to take responsibility for my own health and to cooperate fully and truthfully with my physicians in dealing responsibly with my treatment, my diagnosis became mental illness. Diagnosed as mentally ill, I became legally incompetent to decide on treatment options for myself. I went through this process voluntarily, more or less; like all transsexuals, I had to be declared mentally incompetent to make surgical decisions for myself before a competent and experienced surgeon was willing to perform surgery on me. [17] The defining feature of Link’s transition was the absence of even the most basic information about what transition might entail. In 1996, Loren Cameron published Body Alchemy: Transsexual Portraits. It was the first time Link had seen the bodies of post-op transsexual men—before then, photos of surgical results were only available through the surgeons who performed them. And according to the standards of care, a patient could only speak to those surgeons after a mental health professional had referred them for sex-reassignment surgery—the culmination of years of psychiatric evaluation and real life experience. The same year that Body Alchemy was published, Link underwent surgery with Dr. Toby Meltzer at OHSU. Initially scheduled for just chest surgery, Link was able to obtain the second letter necessary for genital surgery before the scheduled date, so the surgeon performed chest and genital reconstruction on the same day. (Back to top) Dr. Meltzer, a Louisiana-born plastic surgeon, is one of the few medical figures in Link’s memoir who come across favorably. In the decade between Dr. Meltzer’s arrival to Oregon as a a clinical professor of plastic surgery in 1990 and his departure in 2002, he rose to prominence as one of a new generation of reconstructive plastic surgeons who specialized in various trans surgeries. This shift was largely brought about by the rise of the internet. Websites and forums solved the problem of information that plagued Link’s transition: they offered a space outside of the medical establishment that trans people could share photos and stories about their transitions. And because it was the trans patients themselves sharing this information, they could speak candidly about the beside manner and technical skills of the surgeons. In this climate, Dr. Meltzer and other surgeons like Dr. Stanley Biber quickly gained a favorable reputation among prospective and former trans patients. Because Meltzer was such a prominent and prolific surgeon, we can use his career to chart the changes in trans surgery from the 1990s to the early 2000s. Recognizing this potential, OHSU recently conducted an oral history interview with Dr. Meltzer. Much of the following information about Meltzer’s early career comes from this interview, which will be made publicly available in the coming months. [18] Soon after Dr. Meltzer started at the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Division at OHSU in 1990, he was approached by Drs. Robert Demuth and Ed Tank. The two surgeons were both getting ready to retire and wanted to train a successor in sex-reassignment surgeries. This training consisted of observing a metoidioplasty under Dr. Tank and a vaginoplasty under Dr. Demuth, after which the older surgeons began to refer patients to Dr. Meltzer. From this anecdote, it would seem that Demuth and Tank represented the vestige of the network of clinicians initially gathered by Dr. Pauly, who continued to see trans patients infrequently over the course of a decade. In his interview for the OHSU oral history project, Dr. Meltzer remarks that “doing [sex-reassignment surgeries] sporadically, you’ll never be good at them, and you’ll never get consistent results, so I don’t think it’s a practice to dabble in.” With this in mind, Dr. Meltzer traveled to Trinidad to train under someone who dedicated his entire practice to working with trans patients: Dr. Stanley Biber. At the time, Dr. Biber was the most prominent American surgeon in the field. Meltzer noticed that Biber performed a perineal prostatectomy to remove the prostate gland during a vaginoplasty. This approach was considered outdated by urological surgeons, who preferred retropubic approaches when performing prostatectomies to remove tumors. When he returned, Dr. Meltzer consulted pediatric urological surgeon Dr. Steven Skoog to train him in this unfamiliar approach. Meltzer and Skoog collaborated on the first 50 or so surgeries that Meltzer performed, with Dr. Skoog providing expertise on the urological aspects of the surgery. (Back to top) When Drs. Demuth and Tank set out to train Dr. Meltzer, they most likely were envisioning that sex-reassignment surgeries would be one of many surgeries that Meltzer would perform through his practice at OHSU, just as they had been for Demuth and Tank themselves. But in 1993, Dr. Meltzer suddenly gained a high profile when he pioneered a new technique in vaginoplasty to create a sensate clitoris from the glans of the penis. The surgery went well, and the patient shared her experience online for other trans women to read. Suddenly, Dr. Meltzer was receiving calls from people across the country who were looking to have the same surgery. In 1994, for example, the website “The Transgender Support Site” published Dr. Meltzer’s response to an inquiry about sex-reassignment surgery. In this letter, Meltzer identifies himself, Dr. Skoog, and gynecologist Dr. Paul Kirk as the members of OHSU’s “gender dysphoria team” and provides information on the surgeries performed on male-to-female patients.[19] The rise of the internet, combined with the fact that transition-related healthcare was specifically excluded from insurance coverage, created an environment where those seeking surgery were incentivized to “shop around” for surgeons outside of their geographic area. In this environment, Dr. Meltzer’s reputation rose dramatically. By 1996, half of his practice was devoted to sex-reassignment surgeries. In his interview with OHSU, Dr. Meltzer characterizes the institution as misunderstanding of his practice, suggesting that they saw the relatively long hospital stay required from some sex-reassignment surgeries as a drain on resources. Link’s experience suggests that some at OHSU might have been initially co-operative with Meltzer, only to later grow actively hostile to his practice. In his memoir, Link recalls his experience with Dr. Kirk, who Meltzer had referred Link to in preparation for surgery. After a terse consultation in which Kirk was unwilling to discuss the anatomical details of the procedure, he dropped out of the surgical team. Kirk later served on a medical advisory committee that in 1999 argued against the coverage of sex-reassignment surgery by public insurance. The committee found that “medical evidence on sex reassignment surgery was plagued by a number of important failings”, including the reliance on self-reporting to gauge post-operative success.[20] Over the course of five years, Kirk had gone from being one of three members of OHSUs “gender dysphoria team”, to publicly arguing against the efficacy of sex-reassignment surgery. This change marks an important shift in the treatment of trans patients: as medical transition moved from research clinics to private practice, medical practitioners lost the complete monopoly they previously held on information and judgement making on behalf of their trans patients. Dr. Kirk’s patronizing attitude towards Link during his consultation reflects a paternalistic mindset that contrasts heavily with how trans patients described Meltzer himself. Meltzer’s willingness to discuss matters openly with patients and treat them as competent individuals put him at odds with other doctors at OHSU, and in high demand from trans patients. (Back to top) In 1996, Meltzer obtained operating privileges at Eastmoreland Hospital in Southeast Portland, at the time the smallest hospital in the state. Moving to Eastmoreland would have allowed Meltzer to guarantee overnight beds for patients, and give him more control over his surgical team. When Link had surgery in 1996, he was originally scheduled at Eastmoreland Hospital, but was rescheduled to OHSU. Though it was intended to be an out-patient surgery, Link had complications that necessitated an overnight stay, and experienced hostility from nurses there who withheld painkillers. Experiences like this highlighted that Meltzer and his patients were not welcome at OHSU, and probably contributed to Meltzer’s decision that year to leave OHSU and operate exclusively from Eastmoreland. For the next six years, Meltzer steadily grew his practice, seeing more patients and offering more surgeries. Though he made a point of declining media interviews, Meltzer nonetheless advertised his practice among the newly forming trans community through appearances at the Esprit Gala. First held in 1990, the Esprit Gala, a week-long convention in Port Angeles, Washington, has been a staple of the trans community in the Pacific Northwest since its founding. Esprit catered to a larger demographic than just those pursuing medical transition—it was largely attended by part-time crossdressers, who lived professionally as men but found joy in presenting as women, and especially in forming friendships with other crossdressers. The attempts of psychologists like Ira Pauly to describe and differentiate between different forms of transsexuality had failed, and support and social groups increasingly turned towards the usage of transgender as an umbrella term to cover a wide spectrum of cross-gender identity and presentation. Meltzer was a staple at Esprit while his practice was active in Portland; in a 1997 article of the Northwest Gender Alliance’s monthly newsletter, contributor Elaine Lerner mentions Meltzer’s appearance at that year’s Esprit Gala. She writes that Meltzer and most of his surgical team had driven up to Port Angeles to give a presentation on the different surgeries that Meltzer offered, and that “several of Dr. Meltzers girls – pre- and post-op – were in attendance”.[21] This outreach to the trans community was still relatively rare for medical practitioners, and marked a significant departure from the previous generation of surgeons. Accounts written by patients of Dr. Meltzer’s about their surgeries can still be found on the internet today, though many are linked to abandoned domains. Christine Beatty’s website is somewhat of a time-capsule, offering a view into the internet before social media, where people collected information and personal writings on their own websites. Pages upon pages of Beatty’s ‘transition diary’ offer reflections and photos from every step along the way in her social and medical transition, and a ‘links’ page directs readers to similar websites curated by other trans women. Much of the content on her website was reformatted into a memoir that Beatty self-published in 2011, entitled Not Your Average American Girl. In it, Beatty shares intimate details of her sex-reassignment surgery at Eastmoreland Hospital in 2002. (Back to top) Beatty writes that she initially became aware of Meltzer’s practice after reading online about surgeons who accepted HIV+ patients for sex-reassignment surgery. Meltzer was an outlier in this regard—surgeons at the time largely refused to operative on HIV+ patients, fearing increased complications or transmission of the disease from the patient to surgical staff.[22] The prevalence of HIV/AIDS among trans people also further stigmatized their bodies and cast them as unreliable narrators of their own histories, adding yet another excuse to deny bodily autonomy. Meltzer’s willingness to operate on HIV+ patients so long as they maintained T-cell counts above 200 is another reason why trans people outside of Portland traveled into the city to receive surgery. In the years between Link and Beatty’s surgeries, post-operative care for patients had improved by leaps and bounds. Beatty writes about the nurses who cared for her in the weeks following her vaginoplasty as being knowledgeable and attentive, guiding Beatty in the delicate and intimate post-op care of vaginoplasty, such as vaginal dilation. After four days in Eastmoreland Hospital, Beatty was sent to TLC, the Temporary Living Center at Meridian Park Hospital in Tualatin. The TLC offered a place for patients to recover in a hospital-like environment with on-duty nurses, and Meltzer often sent patients there rather than keep them at Eastmoreland or send them home. An account by David Schreier, a trans man who underwent metoidioplasty with Dr. Meltzer in 1996, also mentions the TLC as a positive place where he was treated well by nurses.[23] Beatty’s vaginoplasty was performed by Meltzer at Eastmoreland hospital in October of 2002. By January of the following year, Dr. Meltzer was seeing patients out of Scottsdale, Arizona. What changed? In March of 2002, Eastmoreland hospital was bought by Symphony Healthcare, a private corporation based in Nashville, Tennessee. Soon after, Meltzer learned from hospital administrators that his operating privileges had been revoked. According to Meltzer, he was told by administrators that they could not attract new physicians as long as Meltzer’s patients took up such a large percentage of the hospital’s business. Knowledgeable about the city’s antidiscrimination clauses, Meltzer attempted to contact then-Mayor Vera Katz, but did not receive a response. An attorney fought for Meltzer to retain his privileges at Eastmoreland until the end of 2002, so that already-scheduled surgeries would not have to be cancelled. During this period, Meltzer says that he contacted nearly every hospital in the state of Oregon, none of which were willing to grant him operating privileges. As a result, Meltzer moved to Arizona and began operating out of The Greenbaum Specialty Surgical Hospital in Scottsdale. (Back to top) Eastmoreland Hospital struggled without the revenue provided by Meltzer’s patients—just two years later, the hospital only filled an average of 12-17 of their 100 beds at a time.[24] In 2004, Symphony Healthcare announced the closing of Eastmoreland, along with Woodland Park Hospital, another institution purchased by Symphony in 2002. Symphony’s CEO Ken Perry blamed the closures on the fact that the two major insurance providers in the region excluded the hospitals from their network, though it’s unclear whether Eastmoreland had been included previously. The building itself was sold to Reed College and demolished shortly after. [25] Meltzer’s departure from Portland in 2003 was not the end of trans surgery in Portland, but it was certainly an inflection point. According to Meltzer, hospitals in Portland at the time were unwilling to associate themselves with a polarizing practice like sex-reassignment surgery, and the lack of institutional support from OHSU made the gender clinic model of the 1970s infeasible. In response, trans people in Portland sought surgery elsewhere—in centers across the country and overseas. When surgeons saw trans patients, it was to address complications from previous surgeries they had traveled to access. Meltzer’s tenure in Portland represents a distinct moment in local trans medical history: one marked by the markedly unequal flow of information between trans patients and practitioners, as well as the predominance of a few surgeons operating out of private clinics and drawing patients from across the country. In contrast, the system of trans healthcare that exists in Portland today is the result of a confluence of factors in the 2010s: the increased visibility of transgender experiences in media, the transformation of the Oregon Health Plan, and the national rise of a multidisciplinary clinic model of trans health. Because these changes are so recent, and because they are being implemented in institutions that have reason to record them, I have chosen not to cover these more contemporary events in this project. V. Epilogue: 2019 In 2015, after years of organizing from trans Portlanders and their allies, the Oregon Health Plan extended coverage for transition-related healthcare, including some surgeries. In the following year, the three major healthcare providers in the city: OHSU, Kaiser, and Legacy Health, each established their own clinic/program focused on transgender healthcare. OHP’s extension of coverage (which came after many private insurance providers had already extended coverage, thanks to the tireless work of LGBT community activists) incorporated trans surgery into the mainstream, institutional healthcare world—for better and for worse. One of the effects this had was to draw transgender people from around the country to Oregon in search of medical transition. Neola Young, who works with Legacy Health on transgender healthcare, says they often field questions from people who plan to move to Portland for access to medical care, legal protections, and community. I can personally vouch for this phenomenon—in 2017, I moved from North Carolina to Portland for college, and a significant factor in my decision was the promise of surgery. (Back to top) I am a transgender man, and I have been binding every day since the age of 14. By the time I was 17, I knew I wanted top surgery. When I arrived on campus in the fall on 2017, I hit the ground running, aiming to have surgery the following summer. I hit an immediate roadblock: OHSU wouldn’t even schedule a consultation until I had a letter from a therapist. After the three months it took to establish care with a therapist in Portland to write me a letter of referral, I was able to schedule a consultation for June of 2018. After my consultation, I could finally begin the process of scheduling the actual surgery. In a cruel twist of bureaucratic fate, the referral letter I had received in the fall was already out of date, and I had to get an updated version before insurance would agree to cover the procedure. One consequence of adding insurance to the equation, it seems, was that the waiting time to schedule surgery now outpaced the expiration of the letter needed at both ends of the process. At the end of that summer, I finally received my surgery date: June 20th, 2019. It seemed like an eternity away, and I filled the time reading countless accounts of people’s top surgeries in Portland and elsewhere, available through the forums and servers that trans people have used to share information since the early days of the internet. When I learned about the opportunity to work with GLAPN on a project about LGBT history here in Portland over the summer, my immediate first thought was of Alan Hart, a figure I learned about from the 2018 Pride edition of PDX Monthly.[26] There would be just over 100 years between Hart’s surgery at UOMS in 2017 and my own surgery at that same institution in 2019. It seemed only fitting: I would be physically restricted to Portland for the summer because of my surgery, and I could spend that time investigating surgeries like it in Portland. (Back to top) By the date of my operation, I had already been working on this project for about six months. In all of the surprising and interesting information I had been able to turn up, by far the most impactful were the testimonies from other trans people about their surgeries. I read and listened to these stories as primary documents, but also as instruction manuals. It was the first time I had truly connected to trans people across generations, and it helped me feel more grounded and secure in my medical transition. I walked into this experience expecting as much, and I did indeed find comfort in my research. But I also found stories that pushed and prodded me into discomfort, creating dissonance between my identity as a trans person and the figure of a transsexual that emerged from case reports, court documents, and oral histories. My conversations with Lois forced me to engage with the trauma that trans identity can bring, and its use by medical professionals to rationalize deviation and make non-conformity intelligible. Reading the medical literature, I found that the surgeries performed on transsexual adults were made possible from the experience those surgeons gained by operating on intersex infants and children. Amid all of the connections I felt to the trans people I learned from, there were disruptions that broke the lazy line I had drawn from Alan Hart to myself. As I write this, I think to Sandy Stone’s refutation of the standard transsexual discourse: “"Making" history, whether autobiographic, academic, or clinical, is partly a struggle to ground an account in some natural inevitability.” [27] This project indeed has engaged with history making through the personal, academic, and medical. But in blending these forms, I risk making the argument that there is some essential, unchanging trans identity, and that the purpose of trans history is to study how that fixed point changes under the variable of chronology. The reality is far more complicated, something I hope has come across in this account. Even the first words of this paper speak to this, through the ‘quick note on language’. The first task of telling trans history is to invent trans history. (Back to top) In spite of (or perhaps because of) these difficulties, I believe that the history covered here is useful on two major levels. The first, and most shallow level, is the representational: studying trans history, ideally, lifts up the voices of trans individuals, and helps this generation of trans people recognize themselves in the annals of history. But the second level, more difficult and more rewarding, is the analytical. Understanding the history of medical transition provides us with a deeper understanding of medicine’s role in reifying social categories. As an example: medical transition occupies a contested space in between Ian Hacking’s examples of multiple personality disorder and high functioning autism—he distinguishes the two by his response to the question: did this type of person exist before the diagnosis was created?[28] In this paper, we have seen the ways in which transsexuality as a type of person was consciously co-created by doctors and their patients. And yet, Alan Hart reminds us that medical transition predates the diagnosis of transsexuality by decades. Where along Hacking’s continuum might transsexuality fit? Would transgender identity occupy a different space? I cannot resolve this issue, but it makes clear that grappling with the full history of trans healthcare is worthwhile beyond its representational role. It is my sincerest hope that this work lays a strong foundation for future analytical forays into this area, and wherever else it might be useful. Bibliography: Portland Monthly. “Born in 1891, This Transgender Oregonian Was a Man Ahead of His Time.” Accessed August 19, 2019., Claudia. “Feminine Masculinities: Scientific and Literary Representations of‘Female Inversion’ at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.” Journal of the History of Sexuality 14, no. 1/2 (2005): 76–106. David Schreier. “Lower Surgery: An F.T.M. Success Story.”Polare: The Gender Centre INC, June 1996. Debra. “Debra’s Story.”Lynn Conway, March 9, 2007.'s%20story.htm.Elaine Lerner. “An Esprit Journal.”Northwest Passages XII, no. 7 (July 1997).Hacking, Ian. “Making Up People.”London Review of Books, August 17, 2006. Jeff Manning, and Dylan Rivera.“Second Hospital Shuts Door.” The Oregonian. January 17, 2004.Jonathan Ned Katz. “J. Allen Gilbert: ‘Homosexuality and Its Treatment,’ October 1920:Gender-Crossing Women, 1782-1920.” Accessed December 3, 2018. Link, Aaron Raz, and Hilda Raz. What Becomes You.Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2007. Lynn Conway. “Transsexual Women’s Successes.”Lynn Conway, 2012. “Male Psychosexual Inversion: Transsexualism: A Review of 100 Cases |JAMA Psychiatry | JAMA Network.” Accessed August 9, 2019. Meyerowitz, Joanne. How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States.Cambridge, UNITED STATES: Harvard University Press, 2004. Nelson, L., and K. J. Stewart. “HIV and the Surgeon.”Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery 61, no. 4 (April 1, 2008): 355–58. “New Opportunities Arise as the Campus Grows.”Reed Magazine: News of the College, May 2004. opportunities.html. “Oregon Health Plan Coverage of Gender Dysphoria:LGBTQ Community Partners Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).” Basic Rights Oregon, March 2016. Parish. “Surgery Is ‘Rebirth’ For Parish, Starts Her New Life.”The Oregon Journal. March 21, 1974. Pauly, Ira B. “Adult Manifestations of Female Transsexualism.” In Transsexualism andSex Reassignment, edited by Professor Richard Green, 59–67. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1969. Robin Will. “Dr. Alan Hart, Unwitting Queer Pioneer.” PQ Monthly, July 2015., Jamshed R. “One Hundred Years of Hormones.”EMBO Reports 6, no. 6 (June 2005): 490–96. Toby Meltzer. Interview by Morgen Young. Video Recording, May 7, 2019.OHSU Oral History Project. Historical Collections & Archives, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, OR. “Transgender Support Site Home Page.”Accessed August 24, 2019. ENDNOTES: 1. Lynn Conway, “Transsexual Women’s Successes.” 2. Debra, “Debra’s Story.” 3. Breger, “Feminine Masculinities.” 4. Jonathan Ned Katz, “J. Allen Gilbert: ‘Homosexuality and Its Treatment,’ October 1920: Gender-Crossing Women, 1782-1920.” 5. Tata, “One Hundred Years of Hormones.” 6. Robin Will, “Dr. Alan Hart, Unwitting Queer Pioneer.” 7. “Male Psychosexual Inversion: Transsexualism: A Review of 100 Cases | JAMA Psychiatry | JAMA Network.” 8. Thanks to Steven Duckworth at OHSU for first pointing out that Stephani and Parish were the same person. 9. Meyerowitz, How Sex Changed, 121. 10. Meyerowitz, 162. 11. Parish, “Surgery Is ‘Rebirth’ For Parish, Starts Her New Life.” 12. Names changed for anonymity’s sake. 13. Dates and timeframes come from the recollection of events fifty years past, and as such are uncertain. 14. Pauly, Ira B., “Adult Manifestations of Female Transsexualism.” Lois’ history is discussed under case report number one, using the pseudonym “E.R.”. 15. “Oregon Health Plan Coverage of Gender Dysphoria: LGBTQ Community Partners Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ),” 3. 16. Meyerowitz, How Sex Changed. 17. Link and Raz, What Becomes You, 141. 18. Toby Meltzer, interview. 19. “Transgender Support Site Home Page.” 20. Link and Raz, What Becomes You, 149. 21. Elaine Lerner, “An Esprit Journal.” 22. Nelson and Stewart, “HIV and the Surgeon.” 23. David Schreier, “Lower Surgery: An F.T.M. Success Story.” 24. Jeff Manning and Dylan Rivera, “Second Hospital Shuts Door.” 25. “New Opportunities Arise as the Campus Grows.” 26. “Born in 1891, This Transgender Oregonian Was a Man Ahead of His Time.” 27. Stone, “The Empire Strikes Back.” 28. Hacking, “Making Up People.”

  • Debate - December 3rd Signed Agreed - Scott Newgent - Let's Do This! - No JOKE PEOPLE!

    Debate December 3rd - Speak About It - Rules Given & Accepted - If Dr Speck Refuses, I am told they will keep searching until they find a worthy opponent. -Please Tweet - Post On Social Media - Currently TReVoices Is Banned On Almost All Media Sources - This is major, and I plan to prepare accordingly....we can save so many children; I will study the entire time, day/night and do EVERYTHING to ensure at the end of this debate, people will understand what is happening; to gender-confused kids worldwide...I promise I will not let these KIDS down! I will make people cry and laugh, give everything I have emotionally but most importantly.....I will make people FEEL the truth, feel what is happening to all these kids worldwide, all the youtube videos, the pure pain, anger and absolute disregard for these different kids. They will NOT stand alone on this stage because I am one of them, just at 50 years old. I will SPEAK for all of them, and I will NOT let them down...I refuse! I am doing if for all of these kids who have grown into adulthood thinking they don't matter...They do, they do matter, and I see all these videos, and I reach out to EVERYONE. Yes, this is a heavy burden, but it's an honour to have a voice that people listen to. I will not waste it. I'm doing it for this person! - All these people that had dollar signs on their heads now have tears in their eyes...SOLD down the river...Different doesn't matter - IT DOES MATTER - You Do Matter! Stop Transing Kids? Putting a team together - Reach out Debate Coach PR Leader Media Coordinator Study Leader Wordsmith - Taken 'Newgent' Prayer Leader "Kidding, but not pressure here, right...WOW!" Email: Debate Team Subject Line This is NO joke, 'Act Accordingly. As always, I will work with every part of society except - feminist orgs or leaders - Probably great people, but I constantly get brutally attacked, and no one stops these women and don't have the time to PLAY! Sorry if that offends - TO BAD! - If you can stand up to your bullies, I'd love to work with feminists too! -Scott Newgent Support TReVoices - Please

  • TReVoices Team Needs Your Help --- Can you help send us to the: UNITY RALLY?

    Scott Newgent and his Leadership Team want to meet in CA for this historical event!! Can Only Do This With YOUR Generous Assistance: Donate To Scott & his Team's Trip....Every little bit helps...Your donation doesn't have to be huge --- WE NEED TO BUY PLANE TICKETS ASAP Trip Donation Can you imagine standing with me in a group of hundreds of like-minded, brave, emboldened, and passionate people — with One Voice and One Message: “Medical Transition Is No Place for a Child?" Can you see yourself standing up and speaking out for these kids and teenagers who do not realize the harm that is being done to them by the “adults” and “doctors” in their lives? We are all aware that puberty blockers, cross sex hormones, double mastectomies, breast augmentations, hysterectomies, are BEING DISGUISED AS MEDICAL CARE FOR KIDS AND YOUTH all across the USA. But what can we do about it? Mark your calendars! This is going to be an historical event. On October 8th, 2022 - Our founder Scott Newgent will be a highlighted speaker for the first:" "FIRST DO NO HARM” RALLY This is going to be HUGE. I believe this is going to be the first of many large rallies where people whose eyes have been opened to the danger and damage of gender ideology and medical transition will come together and raise their voices in UNITY. We are expecting ten thousand+ pediatricians to be at the American Association of Pediatrics National Conference & Exhibition in Anaheim, CA. This is the perfect place and time for our voices to be heard! We will be an undeniable resistance gathering to stand firm in our mission to END the medical transition of kids and young adults. Shop At TReVoices Members of TReVoices, Our Duty, Partners for Ethical Care, Advocates Protecting Children, Gays Against Groomers, Lesbians United, Million Outraged Moms and other groups trying to raise awareness about the medicalization of gender non conforming kids will be staging a peaceful, non-partisan education rally for the ten thousand pediatricians attending the convention this year in Anaheim. PLEASE: Spread the word! Join us in person! Share on social media! Let's make this Unforgettable! WHO? You!? Me! Members of TReVoices, Our Duty, Partners for Ethical Care, Advocates Protecting Children, Gays Against Groomers, Lesbians United, Million Outraged Moms and other groups! WHAT? I am speaking at this peaceful, non-partisan education rally to be seen and heard by the 10,000 pediatricians attending the AAP convention! T-shirts, banners, sandwich boards, signs — Link WHEN? October 8, 2022 -- less than 4 weeks away! WHERE? Anaheim, CA — details Link HOW? This doesn’t happen without your help. We still need donations for travel expenses for my 3 person Leadership team to and from California. ASAP! Even if it is just $5 or $20 that you can spare — Everyone pitching in a little bit would make an enormous difference! And/Or buy from our STORE. WHY? We can't allow these thousands of pediatricians to show up in Anaheim at this convention and not. let. our. voices. scream! As one! "MEDICAL TRANSITION IS NO PLACE FOR A CHILD! CHILDREN CANNOT CONSENT TO PUBERTY BLOCKERS!"

  • California Senators? Light Um Up Parents! Calm. Rational. Debate. Is not Working - SCREAM-Here's How

    We only have a couple of days to make a difference. Grab a template and send it to all these California senators. Light Ummmm Up Parents - Tweet No More. Calm. Rational. Debate > Is not working. Time To Flip Some California Desks! Tell them transman Scott Newgent sends regards, and I'll see them real real real real real real soon! <---Act Accordingly! Grab a template and throw the LGBTQ Glitter Bomb Back To Which It Came From....."No MORE GLITTER BOMBS & UNICORN FARTS!" Califoria Senators Emails 1st Template: Dear Senators “A Medical Procedure We Will Look Back on With Horror” “One of the Medical World’s Gravest Errors” Future medical historians will describe the sexual mutilation of children in these words describing lobotomy – a monstrous operation that involved hammering an ice pick transorbitally up into the patient’s brain. Unfortunately, thanks to misguided politcians and a greedy medical profession, before that happens, thousands of children will have been made life-long patients and invalids after suffering the butchery called “transgender medicine” at the hands of Drs. Transenstein, Frankenstein & Mengele. As the “trans generation” comes of age – emotionally, sexually, and physically mutilated and infertile – they will demand to know the villains responsible for the atrocities done to them, who peddled the “childhood sex lobotomy". Medicine, 1930-1960: Icepick & hammer. Stir, rinse & repeat. You will be asked, “what did you do during the sex lobotomy craze”? You should begin to think about how you are going to answer that question. Are you going to offer the Nuremberg defense: "I was just following orders.” Or will you be able to say, “No, when they demanded we sacrifice the kids on AMA and Big Pharma’s altar of greed, I said NO, and I voted NO on SB 923. 2nd Template: Dear California Senators, I urge you to say NO to SB 923 The evidence underlying pediatric gender transition is of “very low quality and certainty, and no reliable studies exist showing their benefits. Several negative effects are certain however: Puberty blockers followed by cross-sex hormones lead 100% to infertility and sterility. Surgeries to remove breasts or sex organs are irreversible. The emerging evidence regarding side effects (sepsis, infections, necrosis, incontinence) and (sometimes lethal) health risks–e.g, to bone, cardiovascular health and cancer risks–is alarming. Over 90% of gender dysphoric children work their way out of the condition if they receive love and support from their parents, family, and environment and are allowed to go through puberty, probably the single most effective treatment for youth gender dysphoria. “When populations en masse can be made to believe that biological sex isn’t real, we’ve become untethered from reality and become agents of chaos.” Colin Wright, Evolutionary Biologist “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire Please, vote “yes” and pass this important measure to ensure the safety of our children. Sincerely, SIGN YOUR NAME Print your name 3rd Template: Dear Senator, I urge you to say NO to SB 923 The evidence underlying the practice of pediatric gender transition is of “very low quality and certainty,” according to the most comprehensive review to date, commissioned by the UK National Health System (NHS). This designation signals that the body of evidence asserting the benefits of these interventions is highly unreliable. In contrast, several negative effects are certain: Puberty blockers followed by cross-sex hormones lead 100% to infertility and sterility. Surgeries to remove breasts or sex organs are irreversible. The emerging evidence regarding side effects (sepsis, infections, necrosis, incontinence) and (sometimes lethal) health risks–e.g, to bone, cardiovascular health and cancer risks–is alarming. Over 90% of gender dysphoric children work their way out of the condition if they receive love and support from their parents, family, and environment. “Gender-affirmative” interventions and “support”, however, are the equivalent of telling anorexic patients and their families that the best therapy available for anorexia is starvation. prohibits puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and gender reassignment surgeries for minors. defines crucial terms like "sex" and "gender” prohibits the public funding, insurance coverage, and referral of such procedures includes exceptions for those diagnosed with a physiological "intersex" disorder to receive medically necessary treatments includes a professional penalty for noncompliance creates a cause of action for an individual harmed by a violation to receive damages. The time for politeness on this issue has passed. Medical professionals must stand up for the empirical reality of biological sex. When authoritative scientific institutions ignore or deny empirical fact in the name of social accommodation, it is an egregious betrayal to the scientific community they represent. It undermines public trust in science, and it is dangerously harmful to those most vulnerable. I urge you to say NO to SB 923. This important measure to ensure the safety of our children. Sincerely, SIGN YOUR NAME Print your name

  • CA Dad SCREAMING & TReVoices Is Bringing An Army To Stand Behind Him! GROOMING Kids! Not Here!

    I have repeatedly said that parents need to SCREAM Louder, fight harder and start to flip over some desks. A California Dad has accepted my challenge. This Dad has already walked into the hornets' nest, undeterred at the shouts of hate. He is walking back again on August 16th. I'll be damned if I don't find an army to walk behind him this time! I have offered to come, stand behind Steve, and speak if needed and I will keep my word. If a donor wants to pay for this, I will be there SCREAMING Louder with this Dad. But, we have already started supporting Steve. TReVoices has sent $300 worth of TReVoices Shirts to unify the people who will be attending to help Steve. The goal is 1500 people and 1500 shirts! We have created a link for other parents attending to purchase T-Shirts at cost. Link We are also asking for donations to cover others who will be attending, uniting all to assemble, hand in hand with Steve in support of Steve and in support of parents worldwide to STOP grooming kids into believing they are trans; handing them all T-Shirts! Trust me! This will get us exposure in mainstream media. For those who have followed me since the beginning? You have seen this whole thing grow, trust me here, trust me now; this could be huge; trust my gut on this! -Scott Newgent See Steve's Story below! Order Shirts At Cost Here Third-grade Teacher Promotes Gender Confusion in Classroom Grooming, and we all know California is not only doing this, but they are also promoting themselves as a haven for all parents who receive any guff from their state about the medical process regarding children. Below is a timeline of a fight Steve Schneider has accepted with a California school board. In January of 2022, my youngest daughter Jamie returned to her third-grade classroom at Maple Elementary School. Over winter break, two children transitioned from a girl to a boy. [or: two girls “transitioned” to boys. The teacher wanted to promote “inclusion” in the school and sought permission from the principal to play a video. . The teacher asked if parental consent was needed to show the video, and she was told not to include the parents or inform them about the video showing. A few days after the video was shown, my daughter's friends said they wanted to be boys. They pressured my daughter to shave her head and dress like a boy. They were introduced with an idea and thought of it as play. My daughter did not give in to the pressure, but we had to pull her away from her friends. She was 8yearsold at the time, and to this day, she still believes in Santa Claus. To introduce something like this is unconscionable, especially without notifying parents. CBS Newbury Park Elementary Graffiti Transgender Controversy In a video shown to the class, a woman reads the book Call Me Max. It's a story about a six-year-old transgender child, another cross-dressing child and his very misinformed parents. Here's a quote: "When a baby grows up to be transgender, it means that the grown-up who said they were a boy or a girl made a mistake." The illustration shows a baby shouting and pointing angrily at his parents. It teaches transgenderism to children in a way that flippantly encourages changing genders, and cross-dressing and gives the reader the impression that if you like climbing trees and bugs you might be trapped trans. The school did not attempt to inform us about what was happening with my daughter's classmate; we learned about this from our child. The following day my wife met with the teacher and asked her to send us a video copy, which she did. We asked the school to contact us, and they never did. I then walked my daughter to school and confronted the principal. She denied everything and ran away into her office, refusing to speak with me. My frustration with the lack of communication led me to attend my first school board meeting, where I shared what had happened to my child. There was no follow-up and the matter was brushed away like they didn't care. I then reached out to a local paper. The Conejo Guardian reported on what had happened to our family. The Charlie Kirk Show A few days after the article was published , the school was vandalized. Someone wrote "Pervs Wk Here" in big letters on the exterior of the building. I was then contacted by the Ventura County Sheriffs and told that I was a suspect, as they received a "substantial" amount of calls identifying me as the suspect. My home was searched, and some community members came out against me. It was challenging, but I was cleared of all charges. The Superintendent wrote a scathing, shaming response to every parent in the district criticizing me and the newspaper for not being inclusive and stating that if you don't agree with any LGBTQ books being read to your child, you are anti-LGBTQ. He also inferred that we were the vandals. The Conejo Guardian responded to the Superintendent by reminding him that nothing in his statement challenged the facts of what happened in the classroom. The community is divided and confused about this issue. Parents, district back Newbury Park elementary school After controversial graffiti erased Since then, we have attended many school board meetings, but starting on June 14th of this year, the crowd of upset parents who supported me started growing. At the last meeting, we had approximately 450 people with us and 150 against us. We are ramping up for the election to replace three of the five school board members with community members who will honour parents' concerns regarding what sensitive sexual topics their kids are allowed to see at school. This board has not backed off one bit. The Superintendent even went so far as to call everyone who respectfully disagrees with these radical lessons in primary school “kids haters”. He said the classes would continue however he and the teachers wanted to, and they will not be informing the parents when these controversial “lessons” take place. I chose to stand for my kids and all the kids in this district. At the school board meeting, I've been called a Nazi, which is twisted as my father is from Israel and I'm Jewish. Antifa is a constant problem, and plenty of operatives go after us. The beauty in this is that I’ve gotten to know fantastic people willing to join in the fight to protect our kids. The people who support me mean the world to me. There's plenty more going on, and I'd be happy to speak with you further. - Steve Schneider Added Info On The California Legislator - August 3rd! California’s Democratic legislators – the same group that has been consistently incapable of voting to approve single payer universal healthcare for all its residents – are poised to approve an Orwellian piece of legislation, that requires, on the taxpayers’ dime, the repeated indoctrination of everyone in the medical or mental health profession through “cultural competency training” for the stated purpose of providing “trans-inclusive healthcare.” This bill, California Senate Bill 923, introduced by Senator Scott Wiener, SD 11, must be defeated. While “trans-inclusive healthcare” sounds benign, what it means is indoctrination in sex denialism – the conflation of sex and gender, and the idea that sex doesn’t exist or has no significance and must be overridden by subjective “gender identity.” It also means promoting “gender affirming services” -the medicalization of gender non-conformity or the idea that the body is “wrong” and must be modified through the ingestion of hormones and multiple surgeries if the personality fails to “match” sex stereotypes of how men and women, boys and girls, are supposed to act and behave, and who they are supposed to love. The new acronym of groups for whose benefit this training is supposed to be conducted is “TGI” – “individuals who identify as transgender, gender non-conforming, or intersex.” The “LGB” is gone from this acronym, subsumed no doubt in “transgender” and “gender non-conforming”, as indeed, medicalization often means “transing away the gay.” The promoted “gender affirming services” include “feminizing mammoplasty, male chest reconstruction, mastectomy, facial feminization surgery, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, penectomy, orchiectomy, feminizing genitoplasty, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, scrotoplasty, voice masculinization or feminization” as well as hormone therapy. Somehow, stopping children’s puberty, giving “wrong sex” hormones, removing healthy body parts of minors and adults alike, and rendering sterile those who do not conform to sex stereotypes is promoted as “progressive” rather than recognized as the 1950’s style sexism and homophobia that it truly is. And the medical and mental health profession is to be indoctrinated into this “treatment” with no dissenters or alternative non-invasive approaches to gender-role non-compliance and bodily unhappiness allowed. The curriculum for this training is not being established by a representative group of gender non-conforming people, as many lesbians and feminists are gender non-conforming without denying their sex, but their perspective is uniformly disregarded. Rather, it is a state recognized group of gender identity ideologues called the California Transgender Advisory Council made up of such organizations as Transgender Law Center, California TRANScends, and Equality California, the last the result of the forced marriage between the “LGB” and the “TQ”, in which gender identity ideology overrides everything else. Also unheard are the growing ranks of de-transitioners, mostly females and mostly lesbians, who are rejecting their “transition” and the medicalization of their non-compliance with sex stereotypes and have come to accept their bodies, their gender non-conformity, and/or their homosexuality. Health practitioners in California will instead be “trained” in using “TGI-inclusive” terminology including “correct names and pronouns,” and instructed to avoid “making assumptions about gender identity by using gender neutral language.” And the consequences for not complying can be dire. If a complaint or grievance is filed and a decision made in favor of the complainant, the practitioner may not only be subjected to submitting to another “training” but may have her or his name publicly posted by regulatory boards. The bill provides that a willful violation of these requirements by a health care plan would be a crime. We can just imagine how long health practitioners would be able to remain in business and on referral lists for non-compliance. Biological sex is highly relevant to health care. Our patriarchal medical system has long ignored the specific bodily needs of women and the important physical differences between the sexes beyond obvious differences in reproductive organs. According to Sarah L. Berga, MD, Wake Forest Baptist Health’s chair of obstetrics and gynecology and Vice President for Women’s Health Service, in an article entitled, Medicine Looking Deeper into Vital Differences Between Women and Men, “We’re beginning to truly understand how men and women differ in very fundamental ways and how these differences affect disease risk, symptoms, diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, and responses to therapy.” Women have traditionally been excluded from clinical trials and treated as merely smaller men, to our detriment. Should SB 923 become law, will medical practitioners be penalized for recognizing the sex of their patients? It is ironic that when other countries such as liberal Sweden and the UK are beginning to question and limit the “affirmative care” medical model for addressing gender non-conformity and especially questioning and restricting the gender transitioning of children as in “Swedish U-Turn on Gender Transitioning for Children”, that California is trying to silence all dissenters. The solution to gender unhappiness is not engaging in extreme body modification, that only profits the pharmaceutical industry and cosmetic surgeons. There is nothing wrong with being female or being gender non-conforming or lesbian or gay that requires “fixing the body.” Rather it is our society, not our bodies, that is in need of repair. As one female detransitioner put it: “For eight years I thought I was transgender…the only way I had known to process the frightening, uncomfortable or disempowering aspects of being a woman had been to escape womanhood and see myself as something else…It’s been four years since I re-identified as a woman. My gender dysphoria was real and often painful, but the way for me to resolve it wasn’t by becoming a man. It was by questioning and rejecting the stories society had told me about what it means to be a woman.” A number of professional organizations oppose this bill, among them the American College of Pediatricians, the California Chapter American College of Cardiology, the California Rheumatology Alliance, and the International Federation for Therapeutic and Counseling Choice. Please help defeat SB 923 and join FIST in the struggle for women’s liberation from the tyranny of gender ideology and medical malpractice masquerading as “affirmative care” by contacting the members of the Appropriations Committee and demanding they vote NO.

  • Scott Newgent -Underwent Gender Trans Surgery: Here’s What The Media Doesn’t Tell You - DailyWire - I Underwent Gender Transition Surgery: Here’s What The Media Doesn’t Tell You I awoke confused. Where was I? What happened, and why was I lying on the bathroom floor soaked in urine mixed with blood? As I wiped the urine from the inside of my legs, I reached for something to help me to my feet, still unaware of where I was. Too weak to stand alone, I leaned forward onto the countertop for stability and looked into the mirror. Who was this middle-aged man staring back at me? Where was Kellie? Where did I go? What had I become? I felt Kellie on the inside, but within a matter of months, who I was was gone. Shaking my head to alleviate the pain and disorientation I was experiencing, it all flashed back. I turned to the toilet. I was there. I had passed out again from the pain of having six inches of bacteria infected hair on the inside of my urethra. This time, the infection was so severe that I had a silicon tube placed in my arm to deliver IV antibiotics. Every morning I awoke to the pain. It took everything I had to get dressed for work, hobble to my car, enter the hospital, and receive my IV antibiotics. Survival itself became a struggle. Just 15 months prior, I had undergone a phalloplasty, a female-to-male bottom surgery in which doctors created a phallo using skin harvested from the arms and legs. This marked the sixth surgery I’d undergone within two years. It was the most traumatic of them all, and I’d begun to endure the crippling pain associated with the side effects of a surgery I was told would be routine. If you beleive in what I am going please consider a donation Yet, despite the dangers of such serious medical procedures, surgeons who enter the field of transgender surgery need little to no specialized training. Doctors looking to expand their horizons can essentially make a trip to the local OfficeMax and have a sign made saying, “Transgender Surgeon,” hang it on the door, and - poof! - the transgender craze will supply them with a line of patients begging for surgery. Instantly, they have insurance companies approving $50,000 procedures with profit margins mirroring brain surgery - no questions asked. These surgeons have the LGBTQ Force Shield to protect them from any criticism as well as an army of activists to rationalize any negative publicity as “transphobia.” These unqualified surgeons hide behind LGBTQ ideology to dodge medical malpractice cases because transgender surgery is considered experimental; and without a set baseline to compare results, lawsuits are almost impossible. Many top-rated surgeons in the world refuse to conduct transgender bottom surgeries, not because of bigotry, but because they know the risks associated with an elective surgery marred by an incredibly high complication rate. However, for surgeons accustomed to making $300,000 a year for appendectomies and other less complicated procedures, the allure of increasing their salary instantly by performing ‘gender affirmation’ surgeries can often be impossible to resist. And as I experienced, many of the doctors taking part in these surgeries are content to ignore the complications associated with them as long as the money keeps coming in. The complications associated with my surgery have re-written the date on my tombstone. I have shortened my life with this decision, and I think about my future grandchildren every day, knowing I may never meet them. I ache for them, and in my head I’m constantly saying, “I’m sorry my babies and future grandbabies. I’m so, so sorry.” I remember the indoctrination and the unease as I began the surgery roller coaster, and when looking back, embarrassment falls upon me. How could I have been so stupid at 42 years old? As I deal with and try to recover from PTSD, I can still vividly recall the start of it all. My eyes felt heavy, but the bright white walls of the surgery clinic kept me alert as the IV drugs started to take the edge off. “You’ll be fine,” my fiance Lynette said, but something inside me told me differently. Something inside me screamed at me to leap off the gurney as the nurse began to unlock my hospital bed to wheel me into the operating room. Lynette could see I was anxious and squeezed my hand harder. The gesture comforted me, but deep down, I felt troubled that she was so eager to see me wheeled into the surgery room. I wished I had more time to talk to her, but instead it was all a whirlwind. I wanted to tell her my fears, but instead, I smiled at her, hoping that at any moment she would say, “Baby, I know you are doing this for me, and you don’t have to, because I will love you anyway, just the way you are.” Minutes seemed like hours as the terror grew inside me. Until all at once it hit me, and I tried to lift my body to protest and say, “Stop, this is wrong!” But it was too late. Neither Lynette nor I said anything. By the time I came to my senses, the drugs had taken over. The last thing I felt was the piercing cold of the metal operating table as the anesthesiologist said, “Count down from 100, sir.” I attempted to muster enough strength to say, “Wait, I’m not a sir. This is wrong.” But all I emitted was the inaudible flicker of my eyelids fighting to stay awake, as my mind raced. I wanted them to stop, then it all faded to black. At the time of the surgery, it had been only two-and-a-half months since I started taking testosterone shots, but a transformation had already begun taking place. Almost instantly, my usual self-assurance — one of the critical components that made me an ultra-successful business sales executive — was slipping from me. I wondered why. My confidence and cocky air made people look up when I spoke at a sales presentation; I commanded attention. It was my sincerity, though, that made me different. My decline in confidence started almost immediately after my first injection of testosterone, and it took several months to realize that I had stepped back in conversations. In sales meetings, I stopped raising my hand, inquiring about strategies, and fighting for accounts; I wanted to get in and out without too much noise. That was not who I was, and it confused me. The reality was that, even though I had dreamed of having been born a male, thinking of how much easier my life would have been, I was not a male. Throughout my life, I dug deep, trying to develop a fondness for who I was, and it took a long time to begin the process of accepting myself. I dreamt of being the “ultra” boy my father wanted, the “King” in our family who would have had it all. I would have been the alpha male placed upon a pedestal decorated with footballs, motorcycles, money, attention, dirt, and everything else I loved. Instead, who I really was became accepted, not celebrated, and I was painfully aware of that. I worked hard over the years, though, but despite finally starting to embrace my uniqueness, I was unable to resist the fantasy of what I was told medical transition could accomplish. The complications and hurdles were skimmed over, and my embrace of what I thought was self acceptance was not established enough to fight the dream I had played in my mind constantly as a child. The idea of fitting into a puzzle that I felt was always denied to me was something I couldn’t shake. At 42, when the medical industry told me I could be born again, male, I believed them. Within two-and-a-half months of testosterone treatment, pronouns were changing, people at work started to stare, and I was painfully aware. I began doubting myself and felt held back. I wanted to talk to Lynette, but she wrapped herself up in what my transition did for us as a couple, which supposedly fixed everything on paper. There was also nothing available to help me - on the internet, in books, or in Youtube videos - that detailed the emotional side of transitioning. Only joyful transgender people who’d been magically transformed could be found. I was surprised at how quickly I was able to push the transition process along, considering the fact that I had only been on testosterone for a short period of time. It didn’t seem to matter to the medical professionals; they were all too eager to continue with the procedures and swipe the credit card. The happy, lighthearted salesmanship of “medical transition” and its blunt reality don't match up. Doctors and medical transition proponents don’t prepare you for transition-related post-traumatic stress disorders; they don't mention post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or any of the multiple hardships because it is considered transphobic. I want to tell my story so that others can hear what the medical industry is too afraid to say out loud: That gender transition surgery is not the magical solution that doctors, the media, and culture describe. I learned from this experience that human beings can be convinced of anything if rendered at the right time, the right way, and by the right people, and I am no exception. Now, I want to protect others from the same lies that I fell for. Because the truth is worth it.

  • New HHS Rule Would Force Insurers to Pay for Children’s Sex Changes

    Original Link Nutshell? Insurance companies were already paying for this due to the back lash from the unicorn farts and glitter bombs within the LGBTQ, but now? Now it's illegal NOT to cover children's medical transition. Guys, listen I don't know how many times I have to say: WAKE UP. CALM. RATIONAL. DEBATE. Is Not Working Time to Flip Some Desks! Join me, help me! I need investors. What do I guarantee? You will not find a more committed person! Pharma is investing millions a month to buy up all the google slots...We have to compete...Donate...Invest...Help Brand, Get A Shirt & SCREAM Louder. Scott Newgent #SCREAMLouder by Douglas Blair July 25, 2022 The Department of Health and Human Services announced a new rule Monday that would force insurance providers to pay for breast removal and other transgender surgeries, including for minors. The proposed rule change by the federal agency concerns Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, popularly known as Obamacare, a section of the law that prohibits discrimination in health programs based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. In a conference call with reporters, Melanie Fontes Rainer, acting director of the Office for Civil Rights at the Department of Health and Human Services, said that under the proposed changes, the definition of discrimination based on “sex” would be expanded to include gender identity, sexual orientation, and abortion. Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, added that the new rules would “promote health equity” and contain provisions for “medically necessary care.” “This work will help eliminate avoidable differences in health outcomes experienced by those who are underserved and provide the care and support that people need to thrive,” Brooks-LaSure said. Transgender activists often describe procedures for minors, including cross-sex hormones and so-called gender-affirming surgery, as medically necessary. The HHS rule change also would prohibit discrimination based on the revised definition of sex discrimination, as well as require organizations receiving federal funding to implement “civil rights procedures and processes.” Notably, Rainer said that “discrimination on the basis of sex includes discrimination on the basis of pregnancy or related conditions, including ‘pregnancy termination.’” The agency’s description of the proposed rule change is available here on the HHS website. Roger Severino, vice president for domestic policy at The Heritage Foundation, sees the rule change as dangerous for children. (The Daily Signal is Heritage’s multimedia news organization.) “This rule will mandate that insurance companies cover the full menu of gender identity interventions such as mastectomies, hysterectomies, breast augmentation, hair removal, and a lifetime of cross-sex hormones, including for minor children,” said Severino, who headed HHS’ Office for Civil Rights during the Trump administration. “It would also force doctors to perform cross-sex surgeries and to administer puberty blockers to children if they believe such interventions ‘can never be beneficial,’” he said. Severino referred to Section 92.206 of the rule, in which the Department of Health and Human Services explicitly says that doctors who view such treatments as harmful in all cases must perform them anyway or risk losing federal funding. This change of the rules “flips medicine on its head,” he argued. Severino also said medical providers will lose federal funding even if they follow state law prohibiting medical gender interventions for minors. During the phone call with reporters, Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra said repeatedly that his goal in instituting the rule change was to prevent perceived discrimination in health care. “We want to make sure that Americans are free from discrimination when getting the health care that they need,” Becerra said, before adding that the rule change would “promote gender and health equity.” When asked by reporters if the proposed rule changes were in response to an increase in complaints surrounding abortion, Becerra declined to answer. Becerra noted that the proposed rule change is still subject to public comment before it is finalized. “We’ll move as quickly as we can,” Becerra said in response to a question on when he hoped the rule change would be put into place. The HHS secretary added that the process would be done “hopefully by next year, if not sooner.” The Daily Signal sought clarification and additional comment from the Department of Health and Human Services, but did not receive a response in time for publication. Anyone who wishes to submit comments on the proposed rule change may do so here. Have an opinion about this article? To sound off, please email and we’ll consider publishing your edited remarks in our regular “We Hear You” feature. Remember to include the url or headline of the article plus your name and town and/or state.

  • 12 Leading Complications-Medical Transing Kids-USA Estimate Of Money Generated-312 Million A Year!

    Start Screaming Louder Parents Links included within to verify facts. Please check them because if it shocks you to read them, guess what it will do when you take the time to verify the truth? Here is what we do know about medical transition Decreased life expectancy Premature death from heart attacks Premature death from pulmonary embolisms Bone damage Possible liver damage Increased mental-health complications Increases chances of mood-syndrome symptoms Increased suicide rates than the non-trans population 12% higher chance than no trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis Brain development stunted during hormone blockers Reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure Probably does not even improve mental health outcomes Here is what really gets my goat: What will happen to a biological boy who takes sex hormones associated with the opposite sex (or vice versa) and grows up without the benefit of natural puberty? What happens to a male body on estrogen over the long term? No one knows. What are the psychological effects on detransitioners? How many detransitioners are there even? No one knows. Homosexuality: Born, your child has blonde hair, blue eyes, and an IQ of 121 & homosexual. Things born that do not change...EVER! Transgenderism: You create by using synthetic hormones and surgery; it a choice. I know I know they say it's not; of course not! Do you know how much money is made off of transitioning children? In the UK in ten years hormone blockers generated approximately: Two million yearly to 50 million yearly: This 4000% spike happened in less than 10 years. Do I need to say anything else? Once you see that you can't play dumb anymore! (oh, and the UK banned them, thank God) Hormone blockers are 8X more expensive when they are prescribed to children than adults. The average cost for kids to be on hormone blockers in the USA = $19,999 per year, per child In the UK the number of kids medically transitioning from 2009-2018 went from 96 kids to 2515-4515% increase UK Population/Children = 11,759,000 - .00021421889 ratio (estimate mirroring the UK) of the population of kids transitioning Let's use that same ratio here in the USA USA Population = 73,000,000 Take that ratio compare in the USA - 15,638 kids transitioning Fiscal numbers for the UK $19,999 X 96 kids transitioning = $1,919,904 - 2 million to 50 million per year! 4515% increase $19,999 X 2519 kids transitioning = $50,377,481 If we use that same ration it would equal the break down to a rough estimate of 3,371 kids in Indiana medically transitioning or 15,638 kids in the USA medically transitioning Money Generated: Fiscal numbers for the USA USA Kids = 15,638 on hormone blockers = $312,744,362 Average Yearly Cost For Hormone Blockers: $19,999 In 2006 96 kids on HB in the UK - $1,919,904 In 2018 2515 kids on HB in the UK - $50,377,481 50 ---------------------------------------------------------- Homosexuality: Conversion therapy doesn't work. Conversion therapy to change people's sexuality works about as good as yelling at a person for a month that they do not have blue eyes and if they had faith they would be brown- It's ridiculous! Transgenderism: Is promoted to kids that have gender dysphoria, which is a severe mental illness. What do we know about mental illness? Metal illness distorts reality and throws onto the fire of a brain that has not matured enough to see around corners. Sprinkle in the greed of pharmaceutical corporations, and you have a catastrophe. 80% of children work their way out of gender dysphoria with talk therapy and anxiety medications, and this is a good thing! This is not bad or a transphobic thing, remember I am trans, and I have fully medically transitioned from top to bottom. We want to give our kids time to grow out of gender dysphoria because here is something people don't talk about, and trans don't speak about. The only people that do are the detrasitioners and thank God for them telling the truth. Here is the truth: Medical transition makes gender dysphoria worse! Think I'm kidding? Talk to a therapist that specializes in anorexic children. I guarantee you will not find one that says, "The best therapy I prescribe to my anorexia patients is a daily class on the benefits of starvation. This works wonders helping with the mental illness of anorexia." Said no therapist in the world ANYWHERE! It's nuts! Currently Canada has a bill - Bill C-6 criminalizing any mental health professionals, anyone schools, parents, everyone from having the ability to say, "What makes you feel gender dysphoric? Where do you believe this is coming from and why? Let's work this through and figure out what is best." The only option is straight to medical transition, no questions asked. The ONLY people that benefit from that is; pharma. FYI, these companies are in my country the USA; Canada is feeding the US economy by being so ignorant and without the ability to have some balls and stand up and say, "Aww wait for a second, this doesn't seem right, and I don't care who's feelings I hurt." Why is this a bad thing to go straight to medical transition without healing GD with talk therapy? You know that study that came out in 2019, the one the trans activist parade saying "Medical Transition Cures Gender. Dysphoria," Reduction in Mental Health Treatment Utilization Among Transgender Individuals After Gender-Affirming Surgeries? It was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, which purported to show the transition benefits, do you remember? I do! It was retracted with the truth "Medical Transition" does not help anything, cure anything, but it comes with life long medical complications! Every mental health study that has backed, promoted and agreed with medically transitioning children as the first line of defense due to the high success rate has been retracted. EVERYONE! Parents Scream Louder

  • How Can I Help Stop Childhood Med-Transing? Glad You Asked. Templates With Instructions

    In a short week, TReVoices has caught on fire. Each day I believe it is subsiding..... It gets bigger. The emails have been beyond what I ever thought would be possible. The question we are receiving one after another? How can I help? SCREAM Yourself Help Someone SCREAM - Donate Brand SCREAMING SCREAM Yourself: Pick one of pick all there. Below will help you scream with ready made templates. Pick one, pull up senators' emails, paste and send it! BOOM. These templates are full of studies, facts and analogies that our team here at TReVoices put together for you. Template -Overview Style Template - Designed For A Medical Professional Template - For Parents With A Gender Confused Child Template - For Transgender people against transing kids Here is a sight for US senator emails, but they can be used for any politicians worldwide and should be used, encouraged to use: US Senators See below to copy template's. Stocked with studies, facts while winding in powerful analogies. DONATE So Someone Can SCREAM For You: I have had requests to speak worldwide, but I still work full time and do not have the luxury of supporting this passion. Please do so if you believe it would be beneficial to fund my 100%. Reach out. Donate For Advertising Campaign. Currently, if you google trans kids all you will see is unicorn farts and glitter bombs. The entire page is full of paid advertising—the only way to get sanity there. Buy ads too. I did this in the UK $5000 during the Kira Bell case, and I believe it helped. Sponsor a speaker tour - Expenses. This does cost money. Brand Our SCREAM Together: How many of you remember "Make America Great Again? Now stop, I don't care if you love Trump or hate him, but I bring this up because this was brilliant advertising. A short phrase that sticks in your head is advertising genius. Do the same thing. Get a SCREAMING shirt, put the cat on your Twitter and Facebook, and use it...It works. Every time a parent of a gender-confused child sees that? They get a little more confidence. See, you might think of it as a silly cat? Nope...It's saving kids' lives...Jump on board....SCREAM The famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, who lived through the nightmarish destruction and horror of both World Wars, wrote that “psychic epidemics” which he famously termed “mass psychoses” were the main threat facing humanity. “The gods have become disease,” Jung wrote, and produce “...curious specimens for the doctor's consulting room, or disorders the brains of politicians and journalists who unwittingly let loose psychic epidemics on the world.” We are living through a grave psychic epidemic manifesting as youth believing that they are the opposite sex, demanding take drastic measures to change their bodies, and society allowing them to do so–to destroy their healthy bodies–and deluding itself that this travesty is about human rights and loving acceptance. The medicalization–the butchering–of children’s bodies must stop! Yes, we trans deserve to be treated with dignity and respect but not at the cost of others. We must coexist respectfully and peacefully with all of our differences. According to Jung the spontaneous manifestation of an “archetype within collective life is indicative of a critical time during which there is a serious risk of a destructive psychic epidemic… Catastrophe can be avoided only if the effect…can be intercepted and assimilated by a sufficiently large majority of individuals.” Only if we join together and SCREAM will humanity come to understand that medically transitioning gender-confused children is not about evolving into love for other humans! It's about a disease that has been a part of the human condition since the beginning of time: Greed! Greed and love of money! Your voice could be the one to make that “large majority of individuals” needed to prevent catastrophe sufficient, the one that tips the scales. We must STOP this greatest health and ethical scandal that is happening while the world says not a word: the medical experiments and commodification of an entire generation of gender-confused children! I ask… No, I beg each of you to put aside whatever political or philosophical differences you may have, and please, please, copy one of these email templates and SCREAM with us. SCREAM so loud we’ll shake the walls of the Missouri State Capitol! SCREAM so loud it will reverberate to the local news stations! SCREAM so loud that other states will hear the SCREAMING; then SCREAM louder still and let the winds carry our SCREAM across the ocean to the loughs of Ireland, to Stella OMalley! Let our SCREAM be carried even louder, over the white cliffs of Dover, and its echo will sing to Keira Bell that her sacrifice was seen, heard, and forever changed the world! Together we must SCREAM to avoid the catastrophe that is threatening to destroy our children and families – to ruin civilization as we know it! SCREAM! It’s now or NEVER! In honor of my Granddad, I’m giving one of his favorite “granddadisms” new life behind this mission, extending the Newgent SCREAM, in the Name of my GRANDDAD, Bill Newgent: “Ya'll, its Time To FU&*ING* SCREAM!" To which I reply, "Grandad, I agree, it is most defiantly time to FU&*ING SCREAM. Scott Newgent Contact your legislator! We did the work! Tell your legislators that you want them to pass HOUSE BILL 2649–Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act to protect minors from harmful physiological gender transition procedures. Tell them that they must keep our kids safe from a dangerous cult that is out to destroy their lives. We wrote the letters for you. All you have to do is go _____________ if you are a medical professional. If you have a child who identifies as transgender, go __________. If you simply are a concerned, responsible citizen who cares about reality, children, women’s rights and everyone’s rights to free speech, go ___________. Red, please email, white if you have more time and green to thank the braze Senators who are with us. If you have more time, please CC one of the Missouri News Stations below. Doesn't matter what part of the world you are from, join is SCREAMING. Copy email addresses, pick the template that feels comfortable for you and drop your sand speck. Template -Overview Style Template - Designed For A Medical Professional Template - For Parents With A Gender Confused Child Template - For Trans Gender People 1 - Overview Template April __, 2022 Dear Politician. _________ I am urging you to support H.B. 2649, the Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which would protect minor children from harmful physiological gender transition procedures. Introduced by Missouri State Rep. Suzie Pollock, SAFE is designed to prevent minors from being subjected to life-altering procedures with nightmarish side effects and devastating consequences before they even reach the age of consent. It would “make illegal the practice of giving children cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, or any kind of surgery that alter their young bodies for life.” The evidence underlying pediatric gender transition is of “very low quality and certainty, and no reliable studies exist showing their benefits. Several negative effects are certain however: Puberty blockers followed by cross-sex hormones lead 100% to infertility and sterility. Surgeries to remove breasts or sex organs are irreversible. The emerging evidence regarding side effects (sepsis, infections, necrosis, incontinence) and (sometimes lethal) health risks–e.g, to bone, cardiovascular health and cancer risks–is alarming. Over 90% of gender dysphoric children work their way out of the condition if they receive love and support from their parents, family, and environment and are allowed to go through puberty, probably the single most effective treatment for youth gender dysphoria. “When populations en masse can be made to believe that biological sex isn’t real, we’ve become untethered from reality and become agents of chaos.” Colin Wright, Evolutionary Biologist “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire Please, vote “yes” and pass this important measure to ensure the safety of our children. Sincerely, SIGN YOUR NAME Print your name 2 - Medical Professional Template Dear Politician, My name is (first and last name) and I am a (medical professional) I am urging you to support H.B. 2649, the Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which would protect minors from harmful physiological gender transition procedures. Introduced by Missouri State Rep. Suzie Pollock, SAFE is designed to prevent minors from being subjected to life-altering procedures before they even reach the age of consent. It would “make illegal the practice of giving children cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, or any kind of surgery that alter their young bodies for life.” The evidence underlying the practice of pediatric gender transition is of “very low quality and certainty,” according to the most comprehensive review to date, commissioned by the UK National Health System (NHS). This designation signals that the body of evidence asserting the benefits of these interventions is highly unreliable. In contrast, several negative effects are certain: Puberty blockers followed by cross-sex hormones lead 100% to infertility and sterility. Surgeries to remove breasts or sex organs are irreversible. The emerging evidence regarding side effects (sepsis, infections, necrosis, incontinence) and (sometimes lethal) health risks–e.g, to bone, cardiovascular health and cancer risks–is alarming. Over 90% of gender dysphoric children work their way out of the condition if they receive love and support from their parents, family, and environment. “Gender-affirmative” interventions and “support”, however, are the equivalent of telling anorexic patients and their families that the best therapy available for anorexia is starvation. SAFE includes several key provisions: prohibits puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and gender reassignment surgeries for minors. defines crucial terms like "sex" and "gender” prohibits the public funding, insurance coverage, and referral of such procedures includes exceptions for those diagnosed with a physiological "intersex" disorder to receive medically necessary treatments includes a professional penalty for noncompliance creates a cause of action for an individual harmed by a violation to receive damages. The time for politeness on this issue has passed. Medical professionals must stand up for the empirical reality of biological sex. When authoritative scientific institutions ignore or deny empirical fact in the name of social accommodation, it is an egregious betrayal to the scientific community they represent. It undermines public trust in science, and it is dangerously harmful to those most vulnerable. Please, vote “yes” and pass this important measure to ensure the safety of our children. Sincerely, SIGN YOUR NAME Print your name 3 - Parents Of A Gender Confused Child Template Dear Politician. _________ My name is (first and last name) and I am the parent of a transgender identifying child. I am urging you to support H.B. 2649, the Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which would protect minors from harmful physiological gender transition procedures. Introduced by Missouri State Rep. Suzie Pollock, SAFE is designed to prevent minors from being subjected to life-altering procedures before they even reach the age of consent. It would “make illegal the practice of giving children cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, or any kind of surgery that alter their young bodies for life.” I am terrified that the future of “Leo” is the one awaiting my child. Leo has terrible pain and has trouble standing for longer than a few minutes. He walks like a geriatric patient because he has osteoporosis (his spinal vertebrae are deformed). He is experiencing symptoms of early menopause. When Leo was 11, her parents consented for her to receive puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which she was on for four years. Leo, who is now 15, is much, much shorter than her peers, because the hormones prevented her skeleton from mineralizing–side effects well known to every medical school graduate. She will never grow more. She will never have children. She will never regain the 100% perfectly good physical health she had before doctors, licensed by the state to do no harm, put her on hormones and puberty blockers. Leo’s story was featured in the National Swedish Television documentary, Trans Children, which revealed other children had presented with serious side effects–e.g., liver and bone/skeletal damage–as a result of hormone treatments. Following its broadcast last year, Sweden banned the use of “gender affirmative” treatments for children. Please, please, vote “yes” and pass this important measure to ensure the safety of our children. Sincerely, SIGN YOUR NAME Print your name 4 - A Trans Gender Template April __, 2022 The Honorable State Rep. Room Number State Capitol, Missouri, Zip Code RE: HOUSE BILL 2649–Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act to protect minors from harmful physiological gender transition procedures Dear Rep. My name is (your first and last name) and I am a transgender identifying person who resides in your district. (State why you support or oppose the bill or other issue here. Choose up to three of the strongest points that support your position and state them clearly.) (Include a personal story. Tell your representative why the issue is important to you and how it affects you, your family member and your community.) (Tell your representative how you want her or him to vote on this issue and ask for a response. Be sure to include your name and address on both your letter and envelope.) Sincerely, SIGN YOUR NAME Print your name If you would like to help further, please consider a donation. Thank you, Scott Newgent Founder - TReVoices

  • “In darkness of activism and ignorance” - The Glitter Faires & Unicorn Farts Alive & Well In Iceland

    Iceland “In darkness of activism and ignorance” Íris Erlingsdóttir “Having experienced the horrors of two world wars, the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung was aware of the dangers of what he called “psychic epidemics” – the most dangerous of these being "'mass psychosis' - when a large part of society loses touch with reality and becomes delusional…” such mass insanity “distorts the minds of politicians and journalists [and doctors] who let loose psychic epidemics on the world, which are the greatest threat to mankind." The transpsychic epidemic that is now sweeping the world, manifests in young people claiming or wanting to be of the opposite sex and the medical profession’s belief that the "cure" for these illusions is to lie to children and say that, yes, they are in fact the opposite sex; give them puberty blockers and hormones – drugs that cause infertility, osteoporosis, heart disease – and to surgically remove their genitals. After one of Iceland’s largest newspaper The Morning Paper (Morgunblaðið) published my article The Trans-Ethical Riddle last March, I received numerous emails from Icelandic parents and physicians, who said they were concerned about "activism and lack of professionalism" in Iceland’s health system. I asked an Icelandic friend if he would refer me to a few compatriots who might possess sufficient interest and bravery to tackle the denialism and the government and media’s war on free speech (unless it’s speech of the “right” variety). Among a few others, he contacted Björn Hjálmarsson, M.D. at The National University Hospital of Iceland and sent an email to everyone explaining my request. Björn's answer, which he sent me himself ("reply to all"). I was overjoyed to receive an answer (“reply to all”) from Dr. Hjálmarsson, – to see that a prominent child psychiatrist had grown a backbone to tell the truth! “I’ve taken on this huge task by becoming the Chief Physician of the Psychiatric Pediatrics Department of The National University Hospital of Iceland. We are desperately waiting for evidence-based research results on this vulnerable group. Today we are all in the darkness of activism and ignorance. Björn.” Words spoken with such devastation that I shed tears. When I heard that a journalist at the news magazine Stundin (Time) was writing an article on “transgender pediatric medicine”, I decided to send him Dr. Hjálmarsson’s comment from but without his name (which the journalist soon discovered). I believed the doctor’s opinion about what was being done to children at the hospital where he worked was so important that the nation had to be told. The article provoked great anger among TRAlibans (trans activists don’t have a monopoly on insults) – who accused Stundin of "lies and slander". Dr. Hjálmarsson denied having made the comments (even though he’d sent them to five other people); and they’d been misunderstood. Neither did the editor have the spine to support her reporter and said that no more articles would be published on this issue. What she meant, as readers soon discovered, was that no more articles would be published on this subject unless they praised the wonders of the hallowed gender ideology. Which Icelanders already know; according to the angry “trans parents” who wrote to me to describe the "terrible situation [in Iceland] regarding this important national issue, Icelandic media simply do not allow any discussion about trans issues." No discussion. Only praise and lies. “This is reminiscent of the national economic collapse [in 2008, which bankrupted the nation], when the media, bankers, and politicians all shared the same silk sheets, but then only money was at stake," one angry father wrote to me. "Now it's the life and health of our children." In 2007 and '08, Iceland was #1 on the Reporters Without Borders Freedom of Speech list. The Left Green Party dragged us down to 10th place in 2017, and the goal seems to be the bottom – down to #13 in 2018; #14 in 2019, #15 2020 and #16 2021. After all, LG’s definition of freedom of speech is no secret: the government's freedom to punish the public for speech LG politicians dislike and call "hate speech" – a favorite tool of all dictators, because they get to define the word themselves. Freedom of expression is (still) constitutionally protected in Iceland. Citizens should have the right to express themselves without being harassed, threatened and silenced into surrealistic hell. The truth is not "transphobic." We know that SEX is not "assigned at birth" but observed and recorded and that puberty is not a disease. Individuals who characterize themselves as "trans" are, just like all other human beings, either male or female, and homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual. Vanilla, chocolate and strawberry, like the rest of us. Except, they feel that they are or want to be of the opposite sex. There is nothing wrong with that, but there is a significant difference between wanting and being. The feeling of wanting to be the opposite sex can be satisfied with the help of hormones and cosmetic surgery, but there is no human being born in the "wrong body". We are our bodies. Forcing these lies, delusions and "medical treatments" on children and young people is abusive, and it is absurd to create a deluxe class of citizens whose cosmetic surgeries are paid by taxpayers. "Transgender pediatric medicine" has been compared to the “barbaric” lobotomy craze that spread like wildfire around the world in the 1930s-60s in the blackest “darkness of activism and ignorance" in the history of medicine. Lobotomy was a fashionable treatment for insanity and consisted of pushing an ice pick up through the eye socket into the patient's brain and "stirring a bit”. News articles and descriptions of what medical historians have called "the most horrible savagery in the history of medicine" may be recycled these days; The New York Times, which in 1937 called lobotomy “surgery of the soul,” now writes about the "transgender soul". Dr. Walter Freeman performs a lobotomy using a device like an ice pick that he invented for the operation. By placing the device under the patient's upper eyelid, hammering it into the patient’s brain Dr. Freeman severed nerve connections in the anterior part of the brain. (Getty Images) The Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson recently wrote: “I’m increasingly ashamed to be a clinical psychologist given the utter cowardice, spinelessness and apathy that characterises many colleagues and even more so my professional associations. At least in 20 years, when we all come to regret this terrible social experiment I will be able to say ‘I said no’ when they all came to insist that we participate in the sacrifice of our children. Heaven help us. Truly.” As the transgeneration comes of age – mentally, sexually and physically mutilated and infertile – and demands an explanation for these atrocities, the villains who are responsible for selling the "childhood sex lobotomy" will no doubt use the Nuremberg defense: "I was just following orders…" Íris Erlingsdóttir is an Icelandic writer. She lives in Minnesota.

  • It's Experimental Ya'll - Yeehaw. Trans Surgery VS Reality by, Scott Newgent

    "The Wild, Wild West of Surgery" by Scott Newgent GRAB Your Vomit Bucket Before Your Read This! It's Experimental, Ya'll - Yeehaw. Trans Surgery VS Reality by Scott Newgent Deciding to get a Phalloplasty is a personal journey. The surgery itself is a hot-button issue in the transgender community and I believe it will continue to be for quite some time. These explanations, experiences, and opinions are from my personal knowledge from a clinical perspective. Some incidents are mine, some I have read in medical malpractice cases, and others are ones I listened to over coffee with friends. Warning, the following accounts are going to be explicit but necessarily so in order to put the complexities and expectations into a realistic viewpoint—it would have benefited me when I started this journey. Let's start with a quick synopsis of the most popular FTM (female-to-male) bottom surgeries and then finish with the "Flagship"—Phalloplasty. Metoidioplasty: This is a lower body surgery that creates a penis by cutting ligaments around the clitoris to release it from the pubis. (As though it’s somehow being held down by forces unknown to us; quite comical because medically it just about mirrors how women have been treated since the beginning of time.) Once the clitoris is released, the surgeon then wraps around the labia minora skin to create a little penis. A scrotoplasty (just what it sounds like - a constructed scrotum) can be designed to give an even more realistic appearance, and a urethra lengthening can be added to provide the patient with the ability to pee while standing. Metoidioplasty was developed in the 1970s and is a far less invasive surgery than phalloplasty. You get a realistic-looking little penis and can stand to pee. But, let's face it, penetration is most likely out of the question. With testosterone treatment, the trans man does grow a more extended and bigger clitoris, but having one grow big enough to penetrate is a rumor that I have not been able to clear up. I have had a couple of FTM patients tell me they can penetrate, but I always have questioned that in my mind. Pros: Cheaper than the other options at $5,000-$20,000 depending on what you choose to do, and if you add on a urethra lengthening and a scrotum. There is less downtime in terms of recovery and fewer chances of complications. The surgery is not incredibly long, 2-5 hours, depending on what doctor or website you read. Cons: Just one—penetration…NOPE. Centurion: The Centurion procedure which releases the round ligaments that run up the labia and uses them to surround the new penis was invented and performed by Dr. Peter Raphael in Dallas, Texas. I had my top surgery and a couple of other procedures done by Dr. Raphael. This guy is an artist. He has an impressive background; his father was a surgeon and his mother a talented artist, and he kind of blends those disciplines into his skills in plastic surgery. If you walk by his office, sometimes you can catch him sculpting implants trying to figure out better ways to create the most realistic scrotum—great guy, sincere with helping people in the transgender community, careful and adept. Dr. Raphel is a little more costly but worth the investment. This procedure can also add urethra lengthening, giving the patient the ability to pee and have a scrotum. Pros: It's a Metoidioplasty on steroids, more prominent and more realistic. Cheaper than a Phalloplasty $8,000-$20,000 Cons: Again, sorry guys, penetration is not really an option. Ok, so now let us get to the "Flagship," of female-to-male bottom surgery……drum roll please. Phalloplasty: If you research this bad boy online, you will think you hit the jackpot. Realistic penis, penetration, pee while standing—an all-around winner-winner-chicken-dinner. But things are not always what they seem to be especially with marketing experts and the capricious powers of the internet creating smoke and mirrors. In the 1940s, Sir Harold Gillies of New Zealand was the first surgeon to take skin from another part of the body to create a penis. But the first surgeons to try and tackle this colossal surgery didn't do so here in the USA until the 1970s. With this surgery the surgeon takes skin from two different sites on the body; one harvesting area is cut into deeper and full recovery to the skin's initial appearance is never regained. The surgeon then creates a urethra lengthening procedure and takes the skin from the site where it is harvested then molds and stitches a penis. Once completed, the skin is re-attached and put back onto the body. Pros: Awwww, penetration, maybe? Cons: Wow, where do I begin? Well, first the surgery can take anywhere from 10-20 hours to complete, and you can have anywhere from 2-22 operations, depending on complications—and complications are vast, numerous, and frequent. Since the skin is not able to become erect, the actual penis is long and cumbersome all the time. Recovery is brutal, not a, "Hey boss, I need a couple of weeks off to have surgery." NOPE! You can expect this recovery to take months and months if not years, depending on what type of complications you have. This is an expensive surgery—$50,000 on the super low end up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. If your insurance does cover this surgery, make sure they will cover the additional operations to complete the surgery and all the complications that may arise. So, you still want to get a Phalloplasty. The idea of “penetration” is just something you have to have? Sure, I get it, and that's the reason I did it too, as well as my ex-wife wanting the elusive, "Penetration." The allure is appealing, but the drawbacks have the potential to change many things in your life that you need to be aware of. This takes work, alot of it. If you believe in what we are doing ehre at TReVoices, please consider a donation so we may continue. Donate Today. This surgery is no joke. When I first was looking into Phalloplasty, I obsessively searched the internet, and the plethora of information that pops up is like Disneyland for the FTM. Oh my God, it's too good to be true—like Cinderella married the FTM with a Huge Penis and they lived happily ever after enjoying penetration after penetration. As you open different sites, a handful of surgeons become the most relevant, and they look so esteemed with awards, dual residencies, and success after success. If fact, if you dive deep into investigations, you can find fictitious accolades and awards that boast the potential surgeon's competencies. If you base your decision to have a Phalloplasty on what is on the internet, you are making an ignorant decision with lots of moving parts. Imagine yourself skipping down the yellow brick road just like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz. Do you recall who was behind the curtain? Do you? Now imagine deciding something as drastic as a Phalloplasty with a couple of clicks of a mouse. It's dangerous and downright insane. Be sure your surgeon behind the curtain doesn't resemble the all Powerful Oz from The Wizard of Oz. If you research some of these doctors you will find medical malpractice cases, but you must do your homework, merely checking a doctor's state board license is not enough. Malpractice cases can be hidden by settling or leaving the state and starting anew. If you investigate, you will find that the decision to get a Phalloplasty obliterated quite a few people's lives. The complication rate is enormous. Prior patients have been shattered physically, spiritually, and left in financial ruin. Having a big penis that you can use to penetrate is not a fair trade for having to wear a colostomy bag for years or even the rest of your life, not in my estimation. Again, I'm not revealing anything about my experience; this was something I read in a malpractice case. First, let us take the skin that needs to be removed to create the penis. You have three choices, the forearm, the thigh, and the upper back. To be able to use the leg for harvesting the patient needs to have a specific body-to-fat ratio for the procedure to work, this skin also must have a certain elasticity. Depending on the age and body fat of the patient, this might or might not be an option. The benefit to the thigh is the harvesting site on the leg can be covered; this part of your body is never going to look the same—you need to understand this. You will look like a burn victim in the area where the skin was harvested. The con is that it's not the best site for sensation, but that’s not the worst part. You may or may not be able to orgasm. I'm not bullshitting you—this is your life; you need to understand this stuff. Get Your SCREAM Louder Gear & Starting Helping To Save Gender Confused Kids! The second place for harvesting skin is from the upper back. Again, this area can be covered, but the sensation is less. Your odds of orgasming goes down even further. Who wants to go through all this pain, money, and suffering to have a penis that doesn't allow you to orgasm? The last area is the forearm and the pros to this area is that the sensation great—the bad news is that your arm will never look or work the same. For some reason, this information is almost nonexistent when you search the internet. The surgeons’ websites quickly skim through this as if it's no big deal. You can useGoogle images though and these images are realistic. Look at them. Don't ignore these pictures of what you will be putting your arm through. My surgeon downplayed using the forearm site to the point where I allowed myself to feel silly for being troubled about questioning whether or not I should use the forearm. In fact, as I look back, my surgeon was the pivotal point in my entire decision to get the Phalloplasty. Sure, my wife wanted it, but if I knew what I know now, I would have never made the decision to have a Phalloplasty. My surgeon had this arrogance and gave me so little time to consider it pushed me into believing him, and so I did. It reminds me of a cult where the followers start to question things, but they look around, and everyone else is so obedient and faithful that they figure it's just them. Little do they know in the background the leader is shuffling people and rumors around, so they don't eventually meet up and figure out the leader is full of shit. The authenticity, for me, is that my arm is handicapped for the rest of my life. It hurts to type on the computer, I can't play sports, and my hand remains swollen years after the surgery and it...well, it hurts all the time. Not the pulsing pain that ravages you, but the, "Damn my hand hurts and I'm having a hard time holding a fork to eat," type of pain. Pain that gives you a glimpse into what your body might feel like as a 100-year-old man, but just in your arm. It's depressing, I can't lie. Another predicament is nerve damage; the surgeon cuts so deep that nerve endings are exposed, and they may never close for the rest of your life. For me, I must wear a brace because a graze on my forearm skin sends me through the roof with shock. Another delightful feature of this method is that the skin from the forearm (or other places) is not all the skin that needs harvesting. Another area is used to gather more skin, usually the thigh, but it's not as deep, so the scar is quite unnoticeable. But, wow, talk about a road rash gone wild!! Hurts, hurts and hurts some more. The good news with this harvest site’s pain recedes in six weeks. Donor site information seemed to be glossed over and lessened by the websites for the surgeons and the surgeons themselves when you have the consultations. I encourage you to Google pictures of the body parts and how they harvest the skin. Look at those images with both eyes open. If you are speaking with a surgeon and he or she minimizes the harvesting of skin, I would be worried because this is not a walk in the park and can leave you damaged in many ways if you make the wrong decision for yourself. Are you prepared for the never-ending question you will get if you leave your arm exposed, "What happened to your arm?" You can come up with your own explanation. But I like to say, "Oh, I used the skin to create a penis. It doesn't work right because I was born with a vagina. But my wife wanted me to be able to penetrate her and pee standing up. She didn't want me to embarrass her if I was ever in a gym locker with any of her friends or family. One always has to look after their reputation!” Don't you agree? Recovery from the harvest area on the forearm is years. From my experience, you never get the full use of your arm again so be prepared to look like a burn victim and be ready to have a disabled forearm for life. You want to pee standing up? Who wouldn't really? What a convenience to pee standing up and if I had the choice, I would choose to pee standing up too. But think about this: It is not easy to go from a female urethra to a male urethra. The urethra has to lengthen and run through the skin that is being used to create a penis. Creating something in surgery is much harder than cutting something off. When you create, you invite the opportunity for complications and the Phalloplasty is generating a ton of different things simultaneously. The complication rate ranges from 39% - 95%. The complications vary depending on the length of the desired penis and urethra length. My “on the street” poll for complication rates with Phalloplasty is 100%. 100% of the people I have talked to and read about have had complications. If you Google surgeons that have the Phalloplasty in their wheelhouse you will be pleasantly surprised by websites bolstering 100% success rates with limited explanations of complications and risks. Do not be fooled. My inquisition question would be to ask, "At what cost?" If I told you, "Hey bud, ride your bike 10 miles to the next town but the probability you are going to get hit by a car and maimed for life is between 39%-95%.” But if you hang in there and endure having surgery up to 22 times, we guarantee 100% you are going to pee standing up. Are you ducking nuts man? The most frequent complication of Phalloplasty urethra lengthening is fistulas. Aw, fistulas, those little inconveniences, inconsiderate small holes that develop between where the vagina was and the new path up to the bottom of the penis. These tiny holes cause significant problems and pain, my God the pain can be horrendous and cause serious infections as well as a detectable stench of urine that drains out of the holes throughout the day. Fistulas cause pain, swelling, incontinence, and the embarrassment of smelling like an infant or 100-year-old-man that needs to have their diaper changed. The problem is the stench will be coming from you, and you will have to learn how to carry diapers so that you can change them several times a day. Take that as a confidence boost and an excellent intimacy motivator between you are your lover. Sexual spontaneity will most likely be nonexistent. Good news though—you might be able to pee standing up, but your fistula will dribble urine on the floor. Lastly, fistula correction has a high probability of not being successful in surgery. If you do need additional operations, be prepared to continue the process several times to get the issue resolved. But, in the end, you may still have to get rid of the urethra lengthening altogether and re-route it back to the same place it was when you started. Peeing will again require that you sit down. Yup, that's right peeing sitting down. I hope you can still reach orgasm because that would be a real bummer! For weeks you will have what is called a “super pubic tube.”This is a tube that comes out of the side of your body and travels inside you, inserted into the bladder to allow your Phalloplasty to heal. Some surgeons are okay with removing it after 4-6 weeks, and some won't remove it for months and months. It's uncomfortable but in my opinion the least evasive part of the surgery. Enjoy! No middle-of-the-night bathroom breaks. Infection—hell, yes! Sepsis. Ever heard of this medical delight? I like to gauge the bench of a Phalloplasty as inhuman and grotesque. With the invasiveness of this surgery, the odds of infection are high. If you add a sepsis infection, it can knock a patient back light years in recovery. Sepsis feels like you went ten rounds with Mike Tyson during the day and then spar with Bruce Lee jumping in the ring adding a roundhouse kick that catapults you back into your bed that is made up of steel nails. The tiniest amount of movement feels like you are moving a house with your bare hands. Psychologically, you feel defeated even by the idea of having to change the channel on TV with a remote. It's bad, guys. Sleeping is something you can forget about with the restless leg symptoms. You can look forward to the haze of insomnia as it leaves you feeling hopeless and lost. Imagine having your skin ripped and burned from your body and placed on tables where a doctor creates a male organ and re-attached to your opened body carcass. The area where this exposed organ is being held together by stitches and gauze will be exposed to the outside elements for weeks and weeks. The wounds that need to heal are located inches from where you defecate. If you do develop a fistula, urine will meet the wound as well. You're afraid of touching a bathroom doorknob? Hell, honey—hold your breath, be strong, and if it gets to you— too bad. Break out the Xanax and don't think about it. Better yet, THINK ABOUT IT NOW and consider the risks. Surgeons? So what's with the surgeons that get into this field? Don't live in the “Fantasy Phalloplasty” land. Let yourself be in denial about the kind of person you are married to or pick up the size 30 waist jeans and convince yourself these would fit you great. But not with Phalloplasty and not with the surgeon you choose. We know that people in a marginalized part of society are less protected. Why do you think serial killers with the longest careers target and kill indigents and prostitutes? Because most people don't give a shit about them. I say most because there are good people in the world, but far fewer than you think. It’s human nature to act like Pirana's feasting on a wounded fish in the water. That is why racism will never leave our world, it will always be there. Face it guys—we are low-hanging fruit to be mistreated. Know that and understand you have to protect yourself because no one else will. That includes picking a competent surgeon. You must ask yourself; Why would surgeons choose this type of surgery to perform? A general surgeon averages a $220,000 salary a year. A specialized cardiologist almost doubles that at $512,000. A standard appendectomy in the USA costs $21,000. A Phalloplasty with a scrotum, urethra lengthening, and pump averages $85,000-$200,000 and insurance is covering it now. Think of the complication revenues from Phalloplasty alone. Hell, it might even be worth it to skimp here or there in surgery because who's going to care? It's just a transgender person and the additional revenue could be a plus. I believe you can figure out the reason why this field is selected. A surgeon who is not good at anything else can jump into this area of practice and make a fortune, be sought after, have articles written about them, and have a narcissistic personality fed like royalty. To perform this surgery, you don't have to have any specialized education other than being a general surgeon. I can't find any medical guidelines or regulations or checks and balances. It's like the wild, wild west of surgery. In my opinion and experience with going through this surgery, I believe Phalloplasty surgery should be illegal until regulations are in place to assure the surgeons that are administering the operations adhere to a strict set of guidelines. Since it is still legal and I do believe there are incredible and genuine surgeons like Dr. Peter Rapheal. You need to ask your potential surgeons questions. If he or she is arrogant, doesn't allow you to see additional pictures of the past patients, or denies a request to speak to a previous patient—move on to another who will. Ask questions like, "How many medical malpractice cases have you had filed against you? Not ones that you have settled, so they are not on your record. How many have been filed?” Check the medical boards on your potential surgeon’s license, and review the superior courts where your doctor is practicing. Look up medical malpractice cases on the surgeon you are working with; read them. Ask your potential surgeon if they are creating the male organ themselves or if they pay another surgeon to do it. In business, we call that subcontracting and the responsibility for issues that arise tend to be ping-ponged back and forth between the surgeons. Who is going to be in the room during the operation, and who are the doctors? Ask if a specialized arm surgeon will be doing the work that is needed to harvest the skin. How much medical malpractice insurance do you have? Do you know that surgeons don't have to carry medical malpractice insurance? Crazy huh? What part of society do we represent to people other than our friends and family? If we think about facts and not how we wished our culture was, what would that say to you? As transgender people, we are exposed to mockery, bigotry, loathing, judgment, and treated with the lowest form of virtue at times. How many times can you count where you have been out and overheard a joke about the transgender community only to watch the wine glasses click together with hilarity and approval. Hell, up until just recently we were the red-headed stepchild of the LGBT community. The last letter in the acronym of the least accepting society in the world. Even our kind, the LGBT community, rejected us, derided us, and only left a crack in the door for acceptance. It has only been since Jenner that we have been revered as even a species of the human race, and that was only 5 or 6 years ago. In the end, if you do choose surgery, be smart about it; you are worth it. At least I think you are. A person who endures the most obstacles in life can offer the most to society. Being different affords tremendous obstacles and you have a lot to offer the world because of it. You are worth a great surgeon, you are worth a great life, YOU are worth all your hopes and dreams. Unfortunately, the vast amount of our society is not going to feel the same way, it’s just the facts. Protect yourself and love yourself and count on yourself, because in the end, it’s all that you have. by Scott Newgent

  • You Can Always Save Kids! Until You Can't! Looking For 5 Leaders & 50 Volunteers To Support

    Thank you, to a fellow Texan Cody Johnson, for a fantastic piece of footage and lyrics to tear at one's soul. Follow Cody Here - @codyjohnson Autism Leader Media Leader Parental Leader Political Leader Fundraising Leader LGBT Leader - Scott Newgent Each leader - Visible - Public - Media - Face & Name Front - Vocal - Passionate - Relentless - Unwavering - One Page On TReVoices Owned By Each Leader - Each Leader Runs Like Their Own Business - Each Leader A Leader Of Their Own Merit! In the last three years, I have built a little empire, gained the eyeballs of influential people within the activism segment, spending 20 hours every day obsessed with stopping the medicalization of children. I have begun to shake the earth and am excited to lay this work down at each turn, activism. But, each time, I believe I have done enough? ….Each attempt smashed only to bring me back to the vexatious work my grandad hammered into my head as a child, "UNTIL!" "When you find the one thing you were put here on this earth Kellie? You never stop, never hesitate, a relentless force of Newgent, frightening all, and you do that thing….UNTIL it's done, or you die…Period! Do you understand me, Kellie?" Only to nod with, "Yes, sir Grandad!" I'm looking for the same; for five leaders for eight months to STOP the insanity of medically transitioning children—5 Leaders to shake the earth's core hard enough to STOP the absurdity. I want you to get on my back, on TReVoices, take the momentum created and become another force within your sector: Autism/Comorbititiy Media Parental Political Fundraising I want you to create your empire, understanding that I am just a platform for you! I want to transfer the momentum to your "Why" you want to be a leader. We all have reasons; no reasons are solely selfish. …But the vigour has to go beyond fame and money and have a basis based on rescuing children. I do not want to be here in activism forever; I want to mentor and set you free to achieve your goals and dreams. Whatever they may be. Please use me, TReVoices. …Use to get what you want....but you must do this in the open, freely and without shame. Use the platform I have created. Who are we? TReVoices? TReVoices is a single note organization, one irritating ping of the same auditory tone over and over and over and over again….Just one mission. "To STOP the medicalization of children worldwide! Period, no stopping UNTIL this mission is complete!" We are not political, although our mission is drowning within the political stadium; it's only a guise, the actual arena we are in? The financial gain of pharmaceutical corporations? Profit margins of politicians. Year over year profit for businesses, medical clinics and sloppy plastic surgeons. Every channel, political, pharmaceutical corporations, companies, gender clinics, and plastic surgeons reach an orgasmic climax when another child claims, "I was born in the wrong body." No leader within TReVoices shall grab on to any political party, not republican, not democratic, not liberal, not conservative, not religious, not void of religion, not a male-driven party, female-driven party, we are not feminists, we are not gay/lesbian or trans, we are not pro-choice, or pro-birth, we are not anything political, and none of these issues is cause for concern or to be promoted, ….EVER. All media sources are a "Yes, we will talk to you!" In the same breath, all of the above areas are accepted within TReVoices with open arms, all beliefs. All beliefs. If you are religious and you do not believe homosexuality is right? You are accepted. What you are not allowed to do is PROMOTE your belief; whether it's the idea you believe homosexuality is wrong or born, keep it to yourself! You never lie if asked, but you never promote anything other than one note: "To STOP the medicalization of children worldwide! Period, no stopping UNTIL this mission is complete!" What is not accepted? True hate…..What is hate? "Straight people, homosexual people, Republican people and so on…….. believing they have no intrinsic value, undeserving of respect, care, or caution. A mission to destroy who you hate. Spitting on metaphorically or physically without reservation or shame. A mission to destroy another human because you believe they are intrinsically evil and provide no value to our society!" This is HATE, this will not be tolerated! Differences are always accepted and respected! This will not be a grey area....This is black or white! What political beliefs you have are your own, respected, tolerated, but none are lifted because we are a what? TReVoices is a single note organization, one irritating ping of the same auditory tone over and over and over and over again….Just one relentless annoying ping on a piano key: "To STOP the medicalization of children worldwide! Period, no stopping UNTIL this mission is complete!" Obsessed....Relentless... STOP The Medical Industry From Medically Transitioning Gender Confused Kids. -Scott Newgent

Scott Newgent

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