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  • This Sunday 4pm Eastern Zoom Meeting - Looking For 5 Leaders & Volunteers To SCREAM - Register Today

    Register Now Dear friends! I am looking for 5 LEADERS & Volunteers To Help Transing Kids Autistic Leader Transing Kids Political Leader Transing Kids Parental Leader Transing Kids FundRaising Leader Transing Kids Media Leader I am asking for a commitment of eight months. Eight months of obsession and relentless pounding to STOP the medicalization of gender confused kids! One thing about me? I am upfront. I do not beat around the bush, and I will not start now! I have one goal, and that is to protect children worldwide from medical transition. I have no clue how I will get there, but one thing is clear: I will not stop until all children worldwide are safe from this nightmare. I am terrible at organizing things; I have ADHD, I get irritated, I cuss, I am emotional and often too quick to puff out my chest , and I have a lot of other flaws that do not look good in the light of day. I am far, far, far from perfect! I know, I know, you all thought I was perfect, right? But! But! I can motivate and help people see the bigger picture....I can use words as weapons to sting and use words to inspire! TReVoices needs to move onto the next step, and I have been scared to move to this step, but today? Today? Today, following the declaration of The President of The United States? I cannot tell myself, "When and how do we get enough funding? When do we get this exposure...When....When....When....It is no longer an excuse! The world, society? Maybe they need the reality of someone like me and an organization like us. A leader that calls "BULLSHIT" without changing who I am, whether I am helping the Catholic Diocese in Australia or a drag queen working to STOP the LGBTQ from recruiting kids… Always the same...Bullshit is bullshit, and we call bullshit when we see bullshit ! The one thing you can always count on with TReVoices and me? A sincere heart! Today, my heart broke into yet another piece…....I know what's coming for these kids, people, I know. I can no longer say, "WHEN?”...”When” is it right now!" It's time to open TReVoices to the power of others; I have to trust myself enough to lead with the best intentions, believe in myself when needed, that I will choose what is right, and take criticism from others no matter how hard that is to do. Sunday 4 pm Eastern TReVoices 1st Call.....Volunteers....United....In The Form Of Saving kids! Outline Coming…When I figure out what it should be! Keep Sunday 4pm Eastern Standard Time Open! Time to SCREAM Louder

  • Biden Administration Announces Sweeping Executive Order to Facilitate 'Gender Transition' Procedures

    Last week I asked for help, and I am thankful that received $1856.22 in donations in June! We have yearly URL dues and monthly apps to keep TReVoices up and $356.23 will go into savings. But not enough to do anything of significance. So thankful, but not enough for me to take a couple of months off to travel and speak at political rallies and not enough to do what needs to be done. Please, by all means, if you believe in another org more, if you think another organization has more passion or fire, help them. But I ask that you do something. We are up against a billion-dollar industry and $1856.22 in one month after all the exposure, quite frankly? Is pathetic! I'm not one to mix words; if you are looking for soft and cuddly, you will not find it here. Currently, we are butchering a generation of children, and today? Biden has announced? Your kids? Gender confused kids? Yup, rip them from your arms. This is not funny; this is not political, this is nothing to give a casual gander`. If you are a parent? WAKE UP! It's time to do this right: Needed: Contact Manager PR Rep - Media Manager Legal Counsel Fund Raising Director Apparel Manager Travel Cordinator Contact by, Jack Davis President Joe Biden on Wednesday issued an executive order promoting transgender procedures for children, calling them “gender-affirming care.” In a White House background call to the news media, an unnamed senior administration official said the order was designed to “fight back against the onslaught of hateful anti-LGBTQI+ legislation that we’re seeing in the states.” “President Biden always stands up to bullies,” the senior administration official said. “And that’s what these extreme MAGA laws and policies do — they bully kids. Hateful, discriminatory laws that target children are out of line with where the American people are. And President Biden is going to use his executive authority to protect kids and families.” The official accused states of passing “un-American policies.” The order gives the Department of Health and Human Services the lead role in ensuring that minors can undergo “gender transition” surgeries, according to Fox News. The order puts Biden and the federal government squarely against Republicans such as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. DeSantis is seeking to ban Medicaid — funded jointly by the state and federal governments — from funding transgender treatments, including puberty blockers, hormone therapies and “gender-reassignment” surgery, according to Newsweek. “I would ban the sex-change … operations,” DeSantis said last month. “You can’t get a tattoo if you’re 12 years old. When they say gender-affirming care, what they mean a lot of times is you are really — you’re castrating a young boy, you’re sterilizing a young girl, you’re doing mastectomies for these very young girls.” “For these young kids, 80 percent of the cases resolve themselves as they grow up. And so you’re doing things that are permanently altering them, and then they’re not gonna be able to reverse that,” DeSantis said. According to a White House fact sheet, Biden will seek to prevent federal programs from funding conversion therapy. “President Biden is also encouraging the Federal Trade Commission to consider whether the practice constitutes an unfair or deceptive act or practice,” the fact sheet said. The fact sheet claimed that “over 300 anti-LGBTQI+ laws have been introduced in state legislatures over the past year, and many of them specifically target transgender children and their parents by banning access to medical care and support at school.” The fact sheet said Biden has charged the Department of Education “with releasing a sample school policy for achieving full inclusion for LGBTQI+ students.” Related: Majority of Americans Now Believe Same-Sex Marriage Is Doomed Biden also wants to review how “current eligibility standards for federal programs impact LGBTQI+ and other households, and issue recommendations for more inclusive standards,” according to the fact sheet.

  • I interviewed , the true ‘star’ of controversial new film What is a woman? Scott Newgent

    Scott Newgent's first interview after the release of the documentary "What is a Woman" by, Laura Dodsworth, writer and photographer who captured both by pen and lens the realities of detransing - Podcast Interview Below Scott and Laura Podcast I interviewed , the true ‘star’ of controversial new film What is a woman? Scott is a female who has medically transitioned to be a trans man. We talked about: The terrible experiences Scott had after undergoing phalloplasty, including severe side effects and depression Scott’s passion for preventing children and young people going through the same experiences ‘Starring’ in What is a Woman? and the reaction to the film Why we need to celebrate and champion outliers and protect them from being channelled into the wrong pathway Scott’s advice for gender dysphoric youth and their parents, including his positive view that the people who feel like they don’t belong as children can move mountains when they are adults. I hope you enjoy listening to this conversation, and that it adds more texture to Scott’s moving and authentic interview in What is a Woman? Visit Scott’s website

  • Hi, I'm Transsexual. It Was The Right Choice For Me, But It's NOT For Kids! So, STOP Transing Kids!

    Hi, my name is Toni, and I'm a transsexual. It's not the biggest part of my life. But it is a part of who I am. I'm now 57 years old and am working on my diploma in psychology. I think I was about 21 when I first saw a doctor – my general practitioner (GP) about becoming a transsexual. This was in the 80s. In those days, seeing a medical doctor was the exception rather than the rule, about gender dysphoria. What I experienced wasn't very nice at all. My doctor began asking very personal questions! Very personal. Very probing. I won't go into the details of his questions . But I ran for the hills! A couple of years later, I had a new doctor, and she was wonderful. She herself said that I was “trans” (no one had used the term "gender dysphoria" yet). She was a wonderful physician, but unfortunately she moved out of the area (and became a consultant for women with breast problems). So, I was in limbo for a couple of years. I was buying hormone pills on the black market, which is not a good idea at all. Little did I know that I should have had liver and kidney function tests every few months! The person I was buying the pills from told me that when I moved to another area, I could tell my new GP that I was on hormones, and I would get them prescribed...... Explaining Black Market Hormones & How Children Are Allowed To Order Them - Toni's Story Continues Below. In The US Last Week, President Biden Approved Children At the Age Of 14 To Start Cross-Sex Hormones', Full Mastectomies' & Now? Now? Bottom Surgeries, You Know The Phone That Has A 67% Complication Rate That Has Given Death Sentences To Many Because Of Re0ccuring Infection. - Approved Trans Kids Can Start Younger - Link Chemist sells hormones for trans children online Link Oct 6, 2020 — Puberty blockers and sex hormones can be dispatched via a “quick, discreet delivery” once they pay for prescriptions from a private clinic ... THIS IS A SITE SHOWING HOW TO GET HORMONES ON THE BLACK MARKET: How To Order Hormones Online: Some people in our community choose to take hormones they buy online. Some people get them online without going to a doctor to save money <---Not To Save Money FYI (For Kids you don't even have to be an adult - Scott Newgent to save time to keep it out of their medical record to keep others from knowing ......This was before the internet, and my medical records were sent to the new surgery via courier! I know! How archaic! It took upwards of six weeks for the records to arrive at the new surgery. And in the meantime the new GP would have started new medical records for me! Anyway, after a few months of buying hormones from a friend, I met my first ever boyfriend! I was 26! He said he didn't want to date me if I carried on with the hormones. So I stopped. We were together for four years. I was single for two years until I met my next boyfriend. That was very abusive. . .Drugs and alcohol were involved. We stayed together off and on for four years. Toni Is A Blast - Check Out Toni's YouTube Then I met my last boyfriend. We were together for ten years. We got married and split up three years later. At this time I was having serious mental health issues all the time. Through all this I had three mental breakdowns. The last one really scared me. After my last relationship, I decided to finally see my GP about my dysphoria. I had to have numerous rounds of therapy before I was put on estrogen patches. But they stopped working after a few months. And that wasn't a good thing, I can tell you! It took the clinic another six months to decide that, yes, I was telling the truth when I told them the patches had stopped working! They finally sorted all that out, and I had no more issues with hormones. Then on 4th February 2013, I traveled by train very early in the morning from the southwest coast to the southeast coast of England. I was on my way to the hospital to get my gender reassignment surgery. The next morning I went down to the surgery suite to have my surgery. No nerves. No tears. No emotion at all. Had my surgery and went home a week later. I won't go into detail about the surgery itself. Nine years later I'm still kicking! I'm finally living my life. I'm happily single and share my life with two wolfdogs. They are my joy. I'm sharing this with you to tell you that even as an adult I changed my mind about transitioning. But I finally got there. Would I have done it sooner? No, I don't think I would. Because I know myself. And I am happy with how I did it. I don't think I would have been as happy had I done it earlier or younger. But this is me. This is why I'm against transing children. Because it is a life-changing decision.. Children cannot deal with or fully comprehend events in the future. They're limited to thinking no further than tomorrow or next week. They cannot plan things way into the future. We all know children use emotion when they want something. And mostly, when they do get what they wanted, they're no longer interested! This is how children are. So, should we allow children to choose to change their bodies via chemicals and surgery because they don't feel comfortable in their own bodies? Don't you think therapy should be the main priority here? To find out why they're feeling the way they do? Just because I'm happy with the choice I made regarding surgery to deal with my gender dysphoria doesn't mean it's the right thing for everyone. There's no cure for gender dysphoria. For me, surgery was the end result of dealing with it. It's not an end goal. It's a last resort. This is not an experience I would wish on my worst enemy. It's not fun. It's not all white picket fence and skipping through the long grass. It's painful, both emotionally and physically. It takes its toll on you. So, please stop transing children. They might be LGB. And that's okay. Let them explore who they really are. If need be, through therapy. But stop transing children. Thank you xx, Toni Roche-Simmons Follow Toni On Youtube Follow Toni On Twitter

  • California trying to trans kids from other states via pending bill - action needed!

    On Tuesday, June 28, at 9am PST, Who wants to step up & lead to stop this? I would love to, but I do not have the time. Be more than happy to use TReVoices as a platform to get the word out, but I cannot lead! Scott Newgent Ca lifornia will hold its next hearing on California SB107, the California pediatric transgender medical sanctuary state bill. If passed it will usurp parental rights in the 49 other states, encourage runaways to flee to California to transition, and shield culpable enablers and profiting parties from accountability and consequences. Below please find two pieces of essential reading in opposition to SB107, that demonstrate why the rest of the country should not trust California. Please take the time to read these statements and learn about the bill that California is currently considering—you will see that this bill will have devastating implications far beyond California. Then please take the time to call the members of the Assembly’s Public Safety Committee TODAY, Monday, June 27, 2022, to oppose the bill—and let them know why. You can find contact information at You can also attend the hearing in person on June 28th (tomorrow, Tuesday) at 9:00am (PDT) at the Capitol in Sacramento, Room 126, or call in to the hearing. The call-in number to the hearing will not be posted until Tuesday morning. Please check for updates. There will be other opportunities, as this has not gone to a full floor vote in either the Assembly or the Senate—however it is important that we send the message loud and clear, as early in the process as possible. The sad fact is that this bill really doesn't change anything for minors, parents or families in California. Transgender ideology and activism has already achieved a powerful hold on the Californian court system—and parents and children are paying the price. Just read the cases of Ted Hudacko and Abigail Martinez and you will see how broken the California Family Courts, and Child and Family Services are. If passed, SB107 will impacts the rest of the country. Your opposition to SB 107 will help prevent California’s radical anti-child policies from having a ripple effect across the nation. Wherever you are in the US, please light up the phone lines and inboxes of the legislators in Sacramento and let them know that the people of the 49 other States and territories do not want California doing this to our children or families. Opposition & Legal Analysis, by Erin Friday, Esq. INTRODUCTION The purpose of enacting SB107 is to create a sanctuary state for parents and minors from other state’s absolute bans and criminalization of gender treatments for minors.  However, the bill is significantly more expansive. SB107 is creating is a safe haven in California for all legitimate disputes for the care being provided. Body modification will be available in California, cafeteria-style.  Gender Identity under the WPATH includes eunuchs/nullification.  Only recently is nullification being offered in the marketplace. There are absolutely no safe guards in place or requirements that any child obtain a comprehensive mental health assessment that includes an exploration of causality before embarking on any gender treatments. Doctors in California are required to ignore their training and provide the patient with what the patient requests without question, so long as they consent and have the minimal capacity to perform any necessary post-procedure care.  There is no other medical treatment in which that occurs outside of plastic surgery. The gender interventions have a heavy medical burden, in that most are irreversible and will have a profound effect on the most basic human desires – procreation and sexual function. Currently, there is zero research into the efficacy, safety and medical necessity of gender transition in minors, let alone those claiming identities such as non-binary, eunuch, two-spirit and gender queer. Even the alleged leaders in the field, Johanna Olson-Kennedy, Stephen Rosenthal and Madeline Deutch state that more research is needed.  A four-site study is currently occurring on children, however, that study will be worthless in that there are no controls, which is the basis of all evidentiary studies. SB107 will make it possible for parents/minors to avoid even the most minimal of safeguards in place for life-altering medical procedures for children. Parents and third parties can avoid any scrutiny about what they are subjecting a child to. Simple and necessary guardrails can be avoided if the child can reach California, with or without parents or their consent. Age limitations, parental consent requirements, psychological status, diagnostic requirements, etc. can all be circumvented provided that child sets foot in California. California courts must take jurisdiction over any child who arrives in California for any type of so-called gender affirming care. SB107 violates the Full Faith and Credit, Article 4 of the US Constitution.  SB107 will dismantle the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act.  It violates parental rights under the holding of Troxel v. Granville (2000) 530 U.S 57 (parents have a fundamental right under the Fourteenth Amendment to oversee the care, custody and control of a child.) No one, inclusive of parents, has the right to consent to the sterilization of a minor. Minors, regardless of how seemingly insistent or persistent they are, do not have the psychological acumen, developmental maturity or capacity to fully understand to what they are agreeing. Part of adolescence is to try on different identities, with consolidation only occurring on average at age 25. The number of those who regret gender treatments continues to climb, and will surely continue in that direction as obtaining gender interventions now requires only a simple request. Reddit/Detrans has grown by 60 new members a day for the last two months. Membership is now at almost 35,000, a doubling in a year. The Definition of Gender Affirming Health Care and Gender Affirming Mental Health Care The definitions of “gender affirming health care and “gender affirming mental health” must be fully understood to comprehend the breadth of SB107, the harms and unintended consequences. Pursuant to Section 16010.2 of the CA Welfare and Institutions Code, “Gender affirming health care” means medically necessary health care that respects the gender identity of the patient, as experienced and defined by the patient, and may include, but is not limited to, the following: (i) Interventions to suppress the development of endogenous secondary sex characteristics. (ii) Interventions to align the patient's appearance or physical body with the patient's gender identity. (iii) Interventions to alleviate symptoms of clinically significant distress resulting from gender dysphoria, as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition. (B) “Gender affirming mental health care” means mental health care or behavioral health care that respects the gender identity of the patient, as experienced and defined by the patient, and may include, but is not limited to, developmentally appropriate exploration and integration of identity, reduction of distress, adaptive coping, and strategies to increase family acceptance.” (Emphasis added.) The language of the statute permits the patient –a child– to determine interventions that she believes are medically necessary for herself as well as those which align with her desired appearance. Medical interventions could include nullification surgeries, which are surgeries designed to remove secondary sex characteristics - for example, the removal of breasts and nipples, the closing up of the vaginal opening or the removal of the gonads and surgical shortening of the penis. For examples of these surgeries, please visit San Francisco’s Align Surgical Center, run by a WPATH doctor. (WARNING the photographs of the success stories are graphic.) Gender interventions could also include comparatively benign laser-hair removal. The gender affirming mental health care could encompass the use of the child/patient’s chosen name and pronouns. Historically, gender treatments for minors required a diagnosis of gender dysphoria as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5). At a minimum, the child needs to meet certain criteria, i.e., gender distress must be experienced consistently, persistently and insistently for a minimum of six months. The California “gender-affirming care” definitions and related laws have no threshold requirement that the child suffer from gender dysphoria before embarking on the path which will have life-long consequences. The child, even on a whim, can decide she does not like her breasts, and the removal of them would be covered under the definition of “gender affirming health care,” whether or not her distress rises to the level of a gender dysphoria diagnosis. The “may include, but is not limited to” and “as defined by the patient” phraseology in the statute places the child in the driver’s seat of what she believes she needs. There is no requirement of a mental health assessment to determine that the child has gender dysphoria before he or she can start on irreversible cross-sex hormones. This eradicates any gate-keeping or even guard rails for a child, or even a minimum mental health diagnosis, which is difficult to obtain given the inclusion of gender identity in the conversion therapy laws. The only gate-keeper for the minor are the parents and other state’s applicable laws. SB107 removes parents’ authority to obtain therapeutic intervention and psychometric assessments and also removes the ability of governing bodies, inclusive of medical boards, to determine what is in the best interests of the child. The Effect of the SB107 Proposed Amendment on Civil Code Section 56.109 The proposed amendment to Civil Code §56.109 states in relevant part: “[A] provider of health care, health care service plan, or contractor shall not release medical information related to a person or entity allowing a child to receive gender-affirming health care in response to any civil action, including a foreign subpoena, based upon another state’s law that authorizes a person to bring a civil action against a person or entity that allows a child to receive gender-affirming health care. (Civil Code §56.109(a))(Emphasis added.) Notwithstanding subdivision (c) of Section 56.103, a provider of healthcare . . . shall not release medical information to persons or entities who have requested that information and who are authorized by law to receive that information, pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 56.10, if the information is related to a person or entity allowing a child to receive gender affirming health care, and the information is being requested pursuant to another state’s law that authorizes a person to bring a civil action against a person or entity who allows a child to receive gender-affirming health care.” (Civil Code §56.109(b)) (Emphasis added.) The amendment to Civil Code §56.019 goes well beyond the stated purpose of the authors of this bill. This bill does not merely provide refuge for families with “trans kids” from laws criminalizing gender care for minors. The breadth of the statute is not even limited to criminal actions based upon a state’s prohibition of gender affirming health or mental care of a minor, but it affects civil action involving someone’s or some entities’ allowance of gender care. The foreign state does not need to have a ban on gender care to be precluded from obtaining records about gender treatment of a minor under this amendment. All 49 states are affected by this proposed amendment. Moreover, the term “person” relative to this statute is defined expansively and ambiguously to include an individual, governmental subdivision, agency or instrumentality. What is meant by “instrumentality” is unclear. The expansive definition of “person” will protect government entities, including foster care, shielding them from civil action should they improperly subject a child to trans medicine. Example 1: In New York, there is no ban on gender treatments for minors, provided there is consent by parents. Suppose a New York doctor performs a surgery on a minor without obtaining the requisite parental consent. The parents wish to sue the doctor for the damages to their child. SB107 changes to Civil Code §56.109 will have the following effect: the New York doctor can flee to California and avoid the negligence and malpractice lawsuit. Any civil subpoena served upon the New York doctor while he is in California must be ignored. Civil actions are authorized by New York against the doctor who allowed the gender treatment. Example 2: Assume that a child in New York, becomes friendly with an on-line trans advocacy group. An adult in that group entices her to come to California to get away from her parents who want her to wait for any irreversible interventions. With help from the CA trans advocacy group, she gets testosterone. Parents, who have a right to file a civil action against the trans advocacy group that allowed their daughter to get gender-affirming care, cannot receive the medical records detailing what happened to their daughter. Example 3: A non-Californian school teacher recommends to one of her students that she run off to California to get away from her non-affirming New York parents. The teacher is interfering with the parental rights and subject to a civil action. The parents in their civil suit would not be able to reach the teacher if she flees to California via the subpoena process. Nor could the parents pursue the teacher criminally based upon the proposed amendments to the Penal Code. In sum, SB107 eviscerates parental authority and parents’ rights to pursue legal remedies against any and all wrongdoing, provided it included transgender interventions. The Effect of the SB107 Proposed Amendments to Code of Civil Procedure Section 2029.300 Code of Civil Procedure §2029.300 is designed to permit litigants in other states to obtain records and discovery from persons in the state of California for evidentiary purposes of litigation in the parties’ home state. SB107 blocks the receipt of certain records from California for use in other states’ actions. Again, these amendments are significantly more wide-reaching than the purported purpose of the bill, which is to provide refuge for out-of-state actors that violate their own state’s law in performing or consenting to gender interventions on children. Section 2029.300 states in relevant part: “Notwithstanding subdivision (a) no subpoena shall be issued pursuant to this section if the foreign subpoenas would require disclosure of medical information related to sensitive services OR is based on a violation of another state’s laws that interfere with a person’s right to allow a child to receive gender affirming health care.” (CA Civ. Code of Proc. §2019.300(e).) The result of Ca. Civil Proc. Code of Proc. §2019.300 is two-fold. First, if the foreign subpoena requests for records relates to “sensitive services,” the potential respondent cannot comply regardless of any agreement or court order to the contrary. The egregious and overreach of this statute can best be explained by way of examples. Example 4: The guardian of an adult under a conservatorship in another state cannot get the records if that adult received sensitive services without the requisite consent from the guardian. Example 5: A parent in a foreign state, who has total medical decision-making power over her child, cannot discover what sensitive medical treatments her child may have had while visiting Dad in California. Under SB107 changes to Code of Civil Procedure §2029.300, she will not have access to evidence that could be used to alter the foreign custody agreement as a result of his violations of said agreement, regardless of whether Mother’s state bans the experimental gender treatments. It is noteworthy that Family Code Section 69255 bars a minor from seeking sterilization without parental consent. Since 99% of all children who start puberty blockers continue to cross-sex hormones, which guarantees sterility, no child can consent to any of these types of gender affirming treatments in California without parental consent. Yet, California is permitting out of state children who get to California to have sterility causing treatments. Foreign states will not be able to obtain records that would show children are given sterility causing treatments in this state, even if those treatments are violative of California’s own laws, as shown in Example 6. Secondarily, Civil Code of Proc. §2019.300 forbids a potential respondent from providing documents and records if the foreign subpoena is “based upon another state’s laws that interfere with a person’s right to allow a child to receive gender-affirming health care.” Recall that expansiveness of the term “person”. A person could be a school teacher, a court-appointed counsel, a trans advocate, a neighbor or anyone. All states have laws that can be interpreted as “interfering” with a person’s rights to allow a child to receive medical care, because all persons do not have a right to allow a child to receive care, and all states have limitations on what care is permitted, even California. For example, one parent cannot approve sterility-causing treatment when the other parent with equal custody does not approve. The term “interfere” is nebulous and will lead to absurd results. What laws interfere with a person’s right to allow a child – not their child – just “a” child to receive gender treatments? Would laws sets forth: (1) age limits; (2) consent limits or requirements; (3) mental health assessments; (4) minimal mental health diagnosis: (5) waiting periods; (6) letters from mental health professionals; (7) physical health criteria; (8) Medicaid limitations; (9) insurance limitations etc. that “interfere” with a person’s right to allow a child to get trans medicine? Example 6: Suppose New York has a similar law to California; namely, one that prevents a doctor from performing gonad removal on a child without parental consent. Suppose a New York doctor does the surgery without the requisite consent, having only obtained the non-custodial parent’s approval. In applying the amended statute, New York clearly has a state law that interferes with the non-custodial parent’s right to allow gender care for the child. Can that non-custodial parent flee to California and avoid liability? Can the negligent New York doctor? Per the statute, the answer is yes to both inquiries. PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE FAMILY CODE VIOLATE THE UCCJEA California follows the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (“UCCJEA”), as do 49 other states and several American territories. The purpose underlying the UCCJEA is to prevent parents from crossing state lines to avoid custody orders and visitations orders from their home state. It was developed in 1997 to create a uniform set of laws and reconcile differences with federal laws on Parental Kidnapping and Violence Against Women Act. A disruption of this multi-state law will be catastrophic for parents and children and will render all non-Californian custody agreements illusory. SB107 is carving out changes to the standardized Act that has served to protect parents and the best interests of children for close to two decades. Any exceptions to this well-established Act will open the flood-gates to states pitting each other custody laws against each other for political gain. The victims will be the children. SB107 proposes to amend Section 3421 of the Family Code that grants California courts jurisdiction to make the initial child custody agreements in certain circumstances. Generally, there needs to a sufficient nexus between the state of California and the parents or the child for California courts to have control. SB107 turns the UCCJEA on its head, as no nexus is needed for California to take jurisdiction6. The proposed amended language states in relevant part: “The presence of a child in this state for the purpose of obtaining gender-affirming health care or gender affirming mental health care as, defined by paragraph (3) subdivision (b) of Section 106010.2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, is sufficient to meet the requirements of paragraph (2) if subdivision (a).” (Fam. Code 3421(d). (Emphasis added.) This amendment gives California court’s jurisdiction over the child irrespective any lack connection of that child – or the parents - with California. Most alarming is that this bill only requires that the child – not the child and parents – be present in California for the purpose of obtaining gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care. This, of course, will open a flood of children, regardless of their parents’ or guardians’ approval, entering the state. Since, pursuant to Section 16010.2 of the CA Welfare and Institutions Code, the patient – the child – has the autonomy to decide how she is defining the mental health care she needs, she can decide that she needs to be in a place that uses her male name and male pronouns and affirms that identity. Her parents may disagree, but that child will find sanctuary in California and the California courts with its jurisdiction can grant custody to someone other than the out-of-state parents. A male child could simply come to California seeking removal of his facial hair and that would suffice to grant California court’s jurisdiction over that child. SB107 is not just granting jurisdiction over children in states that ban gender affirming medicine, but it is obtaining jurisdiction over children, who come to California for any type of gender treatment regardless of its availability in their home state. The law will permit California entities, Child and Family Services (formerly Child Protective Services), foster care, and other non-parents to obtain custody of a child so that child can avoid parents who refuse to consent to gender interventions or are fearful that puberty blockers will result in the known irreversible osteoporosis, loss of sexual function in boys, and a myriad of yet to be discovered long term affects because—in the words of Stephen Rosenthal of UCSF, Johanna Olson-Kennedy of CHLA, the largest pediatric gender clinic in the US, and Maddie Deutsch the current president of USPATH—more studies are needed. SB107’s changes to Section 3424 of the Family Code, propose to redefine emergency circumstances to include the inability of an out-of-child to obtain gender affirming care, similar to situations where there are child abuse claims, so that the California courts can take jurisdiction over that child. California is codifying that it is child abuse not to submit your gender confused child to experimental gender treatments. There is no evidence that gender care is an exigent need - those on waiting list for gender care in the UK had no higher suicide rates than the regular population of teens; and no evidence that kids not getting hormones when they want them leads to suicide. Pursuant to the proposed amendments to Family Code Section 3424, which again changes the nationally accepted UCCJEA, the California courts has jurisdiction of a child who, with or without parents, is present in the state of California regardless of whether the child’s state permitted gender affirming care. The only necessary factor is that the child is present in the state to get some gender-affirming health care or gender affirming mental health care that he himself believes that he should have. He can be in California just because his parents refuse to use his female name. The child can avoid any limitations of his home state that might require him, as a minor to get parental permission, be a certain age for certain interventions, or have gone through a mental health assessment by getting himself to California. He can get emancipated or enter the foster care system in California and his out-of-state parents will have to litigate their claim in a court system that has a track record of finding abuse if a parent will not accept their child’s transgender identity. (See Abby Martinez and Ted Hudacko’s stories.) SB107 will entice minors whose parents will not consent to treatments to run away to California. This is tantamount to California holding that any parent that refuses to capitulate to their child’s desired gender treatments as abusive. This is the exact foil to the Texas edict that finds parents who permit their child to submit to gender care as abusive. Parents are placed in an untenable position. All children, regardless of comorbid mental health issues, can receive gender care in California with no impediments to the parents to prevent the harm, as California courts have to take jurisdiction. As discussed above, SB107 completely obliterates parents’ rights in contravention of the California constitution and US Constitution. (See Troxel.) SB107’s changes to the Family Code takes it one step further and preclude a judge from denying jurisdiction as an “inconvenient forum where the law or policy of the other state may take jurisdiction limits the ability of a parent to obtain gender affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care for their child.” (Family Code section 3427(f).)(Emphasis added.) The inclusion of the term “policy” is overbroad. California courts will need to determine the policies of all 49 states in determining if it must take jurisdiction - a lofty and difficult endeavor given that surgeon generals, medical boards, etc. may have policies that limit treatments by age, mental capacity to consent, parental approval etc. Moreover, the phrase “other state … [which] limits the ability of a parent to obtain gender affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care for their child” is over reaching. All states have “limits” on gender affirming care on children – age limits, consent limits, insurance limits, diagnostic limits, and mental health limits. SB107 is clearly designed to be make California the prime state where all children can come to be sterilized and have their bodies irreversibility altered. Girls as young as 13 are getting double mastectomies as CHLA reports in her study. Y axis is the girls’ ages. SB107’s proposed amendments to Family Code section 3428, which again changes a provision of the universal UCCJEA accepted by 49 states and the territories, forces California courts to ignore any violations of an extant custody agreement if the petitioner who took custody of the child and came to California did so for the purposes of obtaining gender-affirming health or mental care for the child. See Example 11 for the effect of this horrific amendment. SB107 proposes a new section to the Family Code that does not appear in the UCCJEA that states “[a] law in another state that authorizes a state agency to remove a child from their parents or guardian based on the parent or guardian allowing their child to receive gender-affirming health case shall not be enforced or applied in a case pending in a court in this state.” (Family Code section 3453.5.) This law is best understood by way of example. Example 7: Suppose Mom believes that her 2-year child is really a girl because he likes to unsnap his onesie and turn it into a dress, which as UCSF’s Diane Ehrensaft states, is a sign that he is a girl. Mom consistently treats her son as a girl, and when he is age 5, she decides it’s time for his penis to be removed. Mom finds a doctor willing to perform the surgery. Most states would consider this to be child abuse given the age of the child. But if Mom can run to California, the CA court cannot consider whether her actions are abusive, because her home state has a law that would define the surgery as abuse. Example 8: Maryland permits gender affirming care for minors. Maryland is Mom’s home state and its law requires that both Mom and Dad must agree to the surgery their 14-year-old wants. But Mom lies, and says she is the sole parent and consents to the surgery. Mom can run to California and petition the California courts for sole custody of the child because, under Family Code Section 3453.5, the court cannot consider her actions related to the surgery since the court in Maryland could rule that she loses custody because the surgery violated the custody agreement. Below are some additional examples of the possible resulting unconscionable rulings stemming from the SB107 should it pass. Example 9: Taking SB107 out of the context of gender, suppose divorced Dad and Mom live in New York. They share custody of their daughter. Mom takes their 15-year-old daughter on three separate occasions for abortions. Mom and daughter are using abortion as essentially birth control. Dad prefers that daughter use oral birth control since the medical risks with abortion are much more profound. Mom moves to California and Dad wants to petition for a change in the custody agreement and prove that Mom is not looking out for the best interest of the child because she is using abortion as a method of birth control. Dad cannot get the CA records to show that daughter had an additional abortion in California. Dad will have evidentiary difficulties to demonstrating that Mom’s parenting is not in the best interest of the child. He will also be stymied in proving that Mom is not protecting their child from engaging in sexual behavior before the age of consent. Example 10: Aunt brings her nephew in for estrogen through Planned Parenthood in CA when he comes for a visit, unbeknownst to the parents who are living with their son in New York, a state that does not ban gender medicine. Nephew is on estrogen for 2 years, due to his Aunt’s assistance, and is rendered sterile. Parents cannot force the CA Planned Parenthood to provide the records showing what the Aunt did. The Aunt can avoid culpability for sterilizing their son and Planned Parenthood will also avoid liability for its failure to obtain the requisite parental consent. Parents have no way to prove a case against the Aunt who violated a California law banning sterilization of children without parental consent. (See Family Code Section 6925.) Example 11: Take a divorced Mom and Dad, where Dad has zero custody of the child and zero medical control. Assume Mom and child live in a state where gender interventions are unlawful. Dad can snatch the child and flee to California, where he will be given safe-haven, provided he gets his child on puberty blockers/hormones and/or surgeries, even if the child does not want that. Perhaps Dad’s desire to have his child will compel him to subject his child to gender treatment for the sake of gaining custody of his child. Mom cannot prove that Dad permitted transgender medicine on their minor because she will have no access to any records showing what Dad has done. Even if Mom files a suit in California, she cannot get access to the medical records because the ban on subpoenas is not just foreign subpoenas but ANY subpoena in ANY civil action. Example 12: Divorced Mom and Dad have a written, contractual custody agreement in which Dad and Mom share 50-50 custody of the child and medical control. The non-Californian court finds it is in the best interest of the child to have a relationship with both parents. Child wants puberty blockers/hormones/surgeries. Dad can flee to CA and Child can get hormones and surgeries in contravention of the court order giving mother 50% custody and control. If Mom lives in a state that prohibits gender affirming care and she will not have the ability to know what treatments Dad has consented to for their daughter. The court in Mom’s state may not be able to adjust custody or penalize Dad for violating the court’s order or custody agreement. California courts will gain jurisdiction over the custody of the child now and Mom can lose all rights to see her child even though she did not violate the custody agreement and despite her home state’s finding that it was in the best interest of the child to have a relationship with the mother. Example 13: Divorced Mom and Dad have a custody agreement in which Dad and Mom share 50-50 custody of the child and medical control. Child wants puberty blockers/hormones/surgeries. Mom and Dad do NOT live in a state in which there is a ban on puberty blockers/hormones/surgeries. Dad takes daughter in for a double mastectomy and gets cross-sex hormones without consent from Mom. Dad flees to California. Dad is given refuge from prosecution for violating the home state’s order that gave the parents both a say in the child’s medical health. Mom cannot even get the providers’ records because her state’s law authorizes her to file a civil action – contempt action against her ex-husband for breach of their custody agreement when Dad did not get her permission to get her daughter a double mastectomy or cross-sex hormones if that occurred in California. It matters not that Mom’s home state has no ban on gender medicine on minors. If Dad stays in California and child returns to home state, Dad can send child hormones via on-line services to his minor child and Mom will have no recourse. (This is done by sending the drugs to a friend and that friend delivers to the child – a workaround known to kids and parents of gender confused minors.) Example 14: Mom and Dad are married, and have a teenage daughter, who believes that she is a boy after spending the pandemic on line. They live in a state with a ban on gender care for minors. Aunt Martha lives in California and sends daughter a plane ticket to visit her, with Mom and Dad’s permission. Unbeknownst to Mom and Dad, Martha set up a double mastectomy for their daughter while she is in California. Martha could have no liability. Example 15: Mom and Dad are married, and have a teenage daughter, who believes that she is a boy after spending the pandemic on line. They live in a state with or without a ban on gender care for minors. Mom and Dad are against their child doing any gender interventions. Child runs away to California. Mom and Dad could lose custody of their child from a California court’s ability to have jurisdiction over that child. SB107 Amendments to Penal Code Section 819 Harms Minors SB107 will change aspects of the Section 819 of the Penal Code that removes safeguards for children and can shield bad actors from criminal behavior towards children. First, Penal Code Section 819 is changed to state that “an out-of-state warrant for any individual who violates another state’s law against receiving or permitting their child to receive gender-affirming health care is the lowest … priority.” Again, examples provide the clearest way to see how harmful this amendment is. Example 16: State A has laws and policies that have some limitations on age, mental capacity, consent on gender affirming care procedures but does not ban it. Dad, who is not a doctor, has 30% custody of child, but he obtains estrogen through the internet or another venue claiming it’s for him. He gives the estrogen to his 12-year-old son. State A has laws against Dad’s actions. Dad flees to California. He will likely never be found or prosecuted for illegal drug use, fraud or child endangerment since finding him is the lowest priority. Section 819(c) states in relevant part: “No state of local law enforcement will cooperate with or provide information to any individual or out-of-state agency regarding lawful gender-affirming health care performed in California.” This begs the question, does this protect an out-of-state non-custodial parent who gets gender care in CA from prosecution? The answer is yes. The treatment is lawful even though it violates the out-of-state custody agreement. Subsection (d) of Penal Code Section 819, states “Nothing in this section shall prohibit the investigation of any criminal activity in this state which may involve the performance of gender-affirming health care provided that no information related to any medical procedure performed may be shared.” If the medical procedure is part of the facts needed to prove a crime, law enforcement has no way of obtaining those records. Example 17: Dad absconds with child and pumps her with testosterone. He will only be charged with kidnapping because no medical records will be provided as what was done to the child because it would fall within the definition of sensitive services. Subsection C(1) of the Penal Code section 1326 as proposed to be amended bars medical providers from providing any information about the medical treatment that the child received. CONCLUSION SB107 is wildly overbroad and goes beyond the stated objective to usurp other state’s ban on gender medicine for minors. It can be used to obviate all states’ custody agreements if one parent decides to agree to gender care without the other parent. It can be used to safeguard non-parental interlopers. It completely tramples on the California Constitution and the US Constitution with regards to Parental Rights. Any and all changes to the UCCJEA erodes its efficacy and opens up other states to their own changes to their codes following the UCCJEA. This gamesmanship will result in harming children and families, and as stated above, render custody agreements worthless if it addresses one of growing number of kids claiming a gender identity different from their birth sex. Respectfully, Erin Friday, Esq. Experience of Ted Hudacko, a California parent I am Ted Hudacko. I am the father of two teenage boys. I live in Richmond. My older son, without any prior signs of gender incongruence, at 15, decided with his mother’s support that he was no longer a boy. My wife told me our son was “trans” the same day that she separated from our marriage of 19 years. I tried to tried to slow this train down by encouraging our family which included my wife, my son and me to do further research to really understand the medical and psychological impact of such a profound decision. I was robbed of this opportunity to partner with my son and wife on such a significant matter. To my devastation, they walked out on me the same day after a marriage of 19 years. My wife took the opposing tact and stream lined his transition. My wife prevented me from seeing, speaking to, or having any contact with our older son. Meanwhile our younger (13 y.o.) son returned home to live with me. Four months later, my wife filed for divorce in the Contra Costa Family Court. The Hon. Joni T. Hiramoto was assigned as our judge. Judge Hiramoto presided over multiple hearings and issued custody orders granting shared equal custody of our younger son but sole physical and legal custody of our older son to Mother. There was no finding nor any accusation that I was an unfit parent, otherwise why would I have been allowed equal shared custody of our younger one? Judge Hiramoto denied me regular visitation with my older son. No one, including Judge Hiramoto, could explain why my parental rights had been terminated with respect to only one of my sons. The inconsistency made no sense other than possibly Judge Hiramoto disagreed with my wanting to explore the causality our my older son’s sudden trans identity. Until I learned many months later that Judge Hiramoto has an adult son of her own who publicly transitioned from male to female on social media at a time just prior to and concurrent with Judge Hiramoto’s presiding over our custody matter. According to legal ethics experts, this was a serious violation of judicial canons by Judge Hiramoto failing to disclose her personal conflict of interest or to self-recuse. On social media, Judge Hiramoto publicly cheered her child’s transition repeatedly. Judge Hiramoto appointed a Minor’s Counsel, Daniel Severin Harkins, to represent my son. Harkins consulted with Dr. Diane Ehrensaft, Director of Mental Health for UCSF Child and Adolescent Gender Center to produce a sloppy report rife with factual errors and outright slander of Dr. Ehrensaft’s professional rivals in psychology who advocate a more cautious “watchful waiting” psychotherapy approach instead of rushing children into puberty blockers and wrong-sex hormones. UCSF staff conspired with officers of the family court to strip my parental rights in order to implement a pre-planned transition of my son for their own selfish financial interests. Mr. Harkins has taken about $20k in attorneys fees since his appointment in 2019. The custody orders preserved one single parental right to me. The order specifically forbade that my son be allowed to undergo “any gender identity-related surgery” before age 18 without the explicit written consent of BOTH parents. In October 2021, I discovered a $210k charge on my heath insurance statement for a surgery at the UCSF gender clinic in August 2021, shortly after my son turned 17. Following initial denials, Mother and her attorney admitted and produced further documentation of the surgery for a puberty blocker, Supprelin LA. Subsequent review of my son’s medical progress notes show conversations between UCSF, Minor’s Counsel Harkins, Mother, her attorney, Nathaniel Bigger, and Asaf Orr, Senior Counsel for the Transgender Youth Project to procure this prohibited gender transition surgery in secret. All knew the custody orders’ prohibition on “any gender identity-related surgery” without my consent but proceeded without even notifying me. The UCSF progress notes indicate my son recently had been suicidal, something that normally negates an individual’s competency for consent. The “consent” form that my son and the Mother signed fails to mention sterilization as an outcome from the puberty blocker and wrong-sex hormone. UCSF and Mother also started our son on estrogen. According to two medical experts I consulted, including Dr. Erica Anderson, former President of US PATH, the US chapter of WPATH (World Professional Assn. for Transgender Health), recently retired staff psychologist from UCSF’s gender clinic, and a trans woman—permanent sterility can result in as little as 4 months under the combination of estrogen and this puberty blocker. The same puberty blocker given my son is used to castrate sex offenders. I contacted Minor’s Counsel Harkins to share this information, my concern for my son’s health, reproductive viability, to ask why Harkins had allowed this to happen, why I had not been informed or my consent solicited, and why Harkins was sterilizing my son? Harkins gave no answers, hung up on me, stopped answering my emails but continued billing me for his “services.” My attorney and I filed an emergency ex-parte motion with the Family Court seeking removal of the puberty blocker implant. If we acted fast to remove the implant, there was a chance we could save my son’s sexual viability and fertility. This is a young person who, to my knowledge, has never had a romantic relationship. Despite explaining this urgency, the presiding judge did not grant an expedited hearing but instead scheduled one six months later when removal likely could not save our son’s fertility. My family’s story has been the subject of multiple investigative journalism pieces and garnered international attention: Prior to my wife separating from me, she was familiar from media accounts of the custody case involving Mr. Jeff Younger in Texas. In that case, Mr. Younger’s ex-wife is seeking to gender transition one of their two twin sons, James, from a boy to a girl. Prior to separating, my wife’s ideology seemed to become more aligned with Jeff Younger’s ex’s strategy and approach. It is my belief that my wife saw this as an extremely effective tactic to use in her subsequent divorce from me. Judge Hiramoto appears to have sided with my wife in the custody dispute not on basis of law or my unfitness as a parent, but instead based on Judge Hiramoto’s personal identification with the similar dynamic within Hiramoto’s own family, a transfeminine son and acrimonious divorce. There are numerous entities that make money from these protocols (gender clinics, hospitals, pharma companies, therapists). The family and dependency courts make money encouraging and exacerbating family disputes and in my own experience there is conspiracy among these entities for self aggrandizement at the mortal cost to kids. Kids are not fully developed nor mature enough to make these permanent life-altering decisions as minors. We don’t allow 15 year olds to go off to war, to consume alcohol or get tattoos but we are going to allow them to alter their bodies by cutting off their breasts, removing their uteruses, castrating themselves?

  • Website Advises Teens in How To Get Hormones Without Parent's Knowledge

    A Website For Teens As Young As 13-Years-Old Provides Detailed Instructions On How To Get Hormones As A Transgender Minor, Without Help Of A Parent Or Guardian Original Article Link by, Kelly S. Follow Kelly on Twitter A website is providing detailed instructions for, “How to get hormones as a transgender minor,” even including how to do so, “Without help of a parent or guardian.” Transgender Map, intended, “for young people ages 13 and above,” opens to a welcome page that says, “This free website shows how to make a gender transition.” Students questioning their gender might be able to find this content beginning with resources provided by their own school. Resources from schools may then, in turn, refer to other resources. This may make information more accessible, especially if a curious teen is following a rabbit-hole, of sorts. The Salinas Union High School District in California provides multiple options in their LGBTQ+ Library Resources, including the Salinas High School’s library resources where the Trans Teen Project – Santa Cruz County Trans Resources website is given. At the Trans Teen Project’s website, a student is able to receive multiple results after a search query of the word: hormone. The second queried result is a hyperlink titled, “Obtaining Hormones and Anti-Androgens as a Minor: Overview (from Transgender Road Map).” Once on this website, a teen with gender dysphoria seeking information could find the following message: “Even if you do not think you can start hormones yet, you should think about taking a hormone blocker to make your puberty stop. This is one of the most important things you can do at your age. Try to find a way if you can.” Yes, you read that correctly, “…one of the most important things you can do at your age.” Then going further to say, “Try to find a way if you can.” This webpage then poses the question, “What are hormones?” before stating, “These drugs help your body develop to match your gender identity.” The two bullet points that follow claim, “These drugs have been safely used for decades by transgender adults,” and, “They are used for the same purpose in gender diverse youth.” The website did not appear to provide medical evidence to support these claims. They did, however, provide a disclaimer and a note that says, “Disclaimer: This is medical talk, not medical advice. Some of this may not apply to you. It is presented without warranty. It may contain errors or omissions. You must do your own research. Note: This page is for young people ages 13 and above.” Shop Today - Support TReVoices The following video from is an additional resource on this website. The video’s narrator says, “If you feel you want more time to explore how you feel about your gender before your body starts to change, it’s important to talk with a parent, counselor, therapist, or doctor about the feelings you have regarding your gender. After some discussion and counseling, you may be referred to an Endocrinologist.” Less than a minute into this, “Puberty and Transgender Youth,” video for children and teens, we see the main character already referred to an Endocrinologist then injected with puberty blockers. Transgender Map’s website then expresses, “I hope you will get hormones with help from loved ones and healthcare workers. You may have a hard time finding a healthcare worker who will help you without a parent or guardian who says it is OK.” But their website goes even further to say: “If you do not think your parent or guardian will help you, there are other ways.” This is where the website’s advice goes in another direction. On the portion of their site titled, “How to get hormones as a transgender minor,” they begin by advising, “For young people who are sure they want to make a gender change, getting on hormone blockers and maybe hormones can help a lot. You need to be sure, though. Hormone blockers will stop your puberty. If you stop taking them, your puberty will start again. Hormones may change your body so you can not make children. If you are not an adult yet, these are the ways you can get them.” Remember, this website is intended for children as young as 13. The first recommendation is to get hormones as a transgender minor, “With help of a parent or legal guardian,” and continues, “This is the easy and safe way. I really hope you will come out to your family and have them help you with medical transition.” The site then states, “The only reasons to get these drugs without their help is if you might get hurt or killed, kicked out of the house, sent away to: a place run by your faith; a private school; a residential treatment facility; another family member who won’t help you, hurt in terms of money: no more money for education; no money if they die (inheritance); no more allowance or spending money; no more money for activities, forced into non-affirming or religious “therapy”, forced to stop activities (hobbies, sports, etc.), cut off from seeing people who support you.” Incredibly, termination of allowance or spending money is included in the list as part of the only reasons to get these drugs without a parent or guardian. Before warning that, “These other options are not as safe,” the site instructs: “How to get hormones as a transgender minor…Without help of a parent or guardian.” The first suggestion offered is to contact a family planning clinic, i.e. Planned Parenthood. Advice recommended states, “At this time, only some Planned Parenthood health centers have hormones for trans people. Even fewer can help young trans people. The best way to find out is to call your nearest Planned Parenthood health center. If you cannot get hormones, you may be able to get blood tests done. This can help if you are taking drugs without medical supervision.” Importantly, there are not only very serious risks involved in obtaining and taking drugs without medical supervision, especially as a minor, but this action is against the law, which the website seemingly recognizes. The advice continues, “Some young transfeminine people have been able to get birth control pills or other drugs with hormones through a clinic. Birth control pills are not what you need. They have low doses of feminizing hormones. You would need to take a lot. They also do not have much androgen blocker, which is important for stopping you from going through puberty.” In one of the more alarming pieces of advice, the website suggests getting hormones, “From adult friends and peers,” before explaining, “You might ask a trusted friend or family member who is over 18 to help you. You will need to come out to them. There is a chance they might tell your family, so think hard before talking to someone. If you know trusted adults in your area who are making a gender change, you may be able to get one of them to help you. Do not ask people you meet online, even other people who say they are like you. Only ask people you have already met in person and trust.” Astonishingly, the website advises: “You can ask them to order what you want from an online pharmacy. Then you can pay them. They need to know this is probably against the law.” Obtaining and dispensing medication for those the medication is not prescribed to is not just probably against the law. This is indeed a violation of the law and a serious crime, especially if injury or death occurs as a result. Wanting to get a medical opinion, I spoke with Pharmacist Ariel Davis who says, "The medications, even though they are hormones, are not benign. They have side-effects. They have consequences. They can cause cancer. They can cause hormone disruptions that lead to an emotional imbalance, that lead to suicide or aggression. The role of the Pharmacist dispensing these medications is to ensure they are appropriate for the patient they are prescribed for. If the adult patient turns around and hands them to a minor, there's no way of knowing if that medication is appropriate for that minor.” Donate Today Do you beleive in what TReVoices Is Doing? The website further suggests to obtain hormones, “From your doctor,” by explaining that, “Though this is rare, some young people have been able to get this just by asking. Tell them you have a problem that you do not want to discuss with your family. If your doctor agrees not to tell, then ask about what you want. This may not work, but if you trust your doctor, you can try. Another way is to start hormones from another source, and then tell your doctor that you do not want to take them without a doctor. Some doctors may help you to lower the chances of hurting yourself.” Multiple options are provided to obtain hormones without a parent or guardian. The next piece of advice is to pursue this, “Through legal options,” by explaining how, “Some minors go to court to get legal emancipation from their parents. This is not easy to do, but an emancipated minor can make medical decisions without permission from their parents or guardians.” Next, the website states that, “Some minors are able to demonstrate that they are mature enough to give informed consent for medical decisions. This mature minor doctrine can in some cases be used to get medical care without parental consent.” Two more suggestions follow. Next is for, “Traveling outside your country.” While this does not describe the cost or means of transportation or all of the risks involved, this explains that, “Minors can not do this without permission from your family.” The website offers an alternative: “You could have an adult friend do this for you, but it is against the law to bring prescription drugs back into the country. Many people in towns near the US border used to go to Canada or Mexico for prescription drugs. This is harder to do now. Parents may be shocked to realize that this content is being promoted to minors as young as 13, especially when the advice appears to trivialize legality. The detailed advice concludes with the option of, “Ordering online or by mail.” This segment states, “Some people order hormones from online pharmacies. This can be an option for those who do not want others to know about their hormone use. Buying and importing prescription drugs without a prescription is probably against the law where you live. Because it is against the law, you might lose the money you paid: No drugs sent; Fake drugs sent; Drugs taken by police at the border.” After stating that this is against the law, the website states, “If you wish to take that risk, go here: How to order hormones online.” After much additional advice provided on dosing and options for mail-delivery, detailed advice is provided for, “Getting a US post office box as a minor.” What we are witnessing in society is a serious lack of public concern and care for the overall long-term health and well-being of minors. Approaching these serious and even life-altering decisions in a laissez-faire way is more than risky, not to mention, serious legal repercussions could occur as a result. Ironically, the advice of this website for teens to obtain hormones with the help of an adult friend or peer is provided with a warning which states: “Do not ask people you meet online, even other people who say they are like you.” The website builders might take their own advice by recognizing that they, too, are unknown to those they are advising. They might consider how this web-content could be acted upon by a young teen under emotional distress. If acted upon, this advice could place the minor in a very serious and even dangerous situation. We cannot avoid the question, “How is it ethical for anyone to be providing this advice, online, to a minor child whom they have not met?” This generation of young people deserve greater value, dignity, and compassion.

  • More! When is more going to be enough? Another Trans/Detrans "DON'T Trans Kid Are You Fu%^ing Nuts?"

    I came upon this thread after @TheBaconProject David Bacon reached you to me asking how he can help get the word out about the realities of medical transition, why it's experimental and why it more defiantly is not for kids. I came upon this thread after @TheBaconProject David Bacon reached you to me asking how he can help get the word out about the realities of medical transition, why it's experimental and why it more defiantly is not for kids. I say to every trans/detrans, "Write Something, be venerable and tell a story about your experience. Understand that if you do this for any ot her purpose than to help people, it will end badly, but if you want to help? Peal your chest open and be real!": Here is David's Story; he expressed his story through Twitter. You can follow David's Twitter Website David Wrote: I watched the doc from Matt Walsh. A real eye opener. What can I do to help? I took the HRT and Puberty blockers at 20 and this is what it did to my legs after 7yrs. If you look closely you see the oxygen sucked out of my skin. That's what the spots are. It damn near killed me too cuz it caused massive blood clots in my body. Original Tweet ...I've been afraid to show my true side for along time. I've finally come to terms with what has happened to my body and realized THE PARENTS need to see this the most. So below this comment will be a pic of my legs. Here's my short story.... ...I was 20 when I started Puberty blockers and 2 weeks later I was taking Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) pills. I hate needles bc I've had 9 open heart surgeries. Born with a heart defect. So I never did the injections. About 2yrs in I was turning into a the image of a woman... ...I mentioned to the Planned Parenthood doc that I was having some trouble with having energy for a full days work. But she shrugged if off and didn't request any tests. I went to my cardiologists and they told me to just be alert. Nothing to worry about. All this done in S.F... ...Let's jump to my 7th yr in transition. I was feeling fatigued more and more every yr. By the 7th, I developed massive blood clots and was oxygen deprived. I was rushed to the S.F. hospital and had to go under for my 9th open heart surgery. The doc said... ..."We can save you but you'll need to atop taking your transition medicine for the rest of your life. You will be male again. Or you have 2 weeks to live. We'd prefer you to live as it's our code but you need to make that choice."... ...So, under pressure, life or death situation, I've died before. Many times actually; on the operating table. I then realized the difference in life and death. Death is the easy way, life is the hard way. So I chose LIFE... SCREAMING Louder T-Shirt - Shop ...Now, I understand and know first hand want this can do to someone's mental health. I went through a "stay shaved" phase for about a yr after just to figure out what to do with my life. It's my life, my responsibility. Well, as you can see after 3yrs going on 4yrs. I found myself... ...Not everyone is like me. I'm the only one who can be me, like you're the only one who can be you. Idc what you identify as. I just known the mental gymnastics I had to go through and now looking back, how stupid it was for me to force someone to do something they don't believe in... ...So why am I sharing this now? Bc the internet is fooling you like it fooled me. If they can get me at 20 with this BS sterilization drugs meant for castrating pedophiles. Do you really think your kids are safe at school? There's reports of children as young as 12 taking this stuff.. ...WARNING The pic might be graphic for some. This is what it did to me. Those spots are oxygen deprivation. Skin that has lost oxygen. Meaning, it's hard for me to walk long distances and my feet begin to hurt. I'll be 31 in July this yr. This isn't reversible Help us stop childhood medical transition - Donate Today

  • Transing Kids, US Gov "Trans Kids Younger & Bottom Surgeries Too"-NYP Detrans, Another Heart Break

    Original NYP below or Click Here By Rikki Schlott An explanation with links to studies followed up with the original Today's New York Post Article Support TReVoices - Donate Today Historical week for the medicalization of gender-confused children. Trans kids' treatment can start younger, new guidelines say. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health said hormones could be started at age 14, and some surgeries are done at age 15 or 17, a year or so earlier than previous guidance. US Health Department & President Biden announced that puberty blockers are safe and recommending medical professionals to instantly affirm socially and medically with children as young as 14 countrywide. The leading hubs for medical transing? Florida and Texas have been conducting surgery on gender-confused kids as young as 11. The frightening part of this declaration is the surgery side of transitioning children. Some doctors have been conducting surgery on children but until last week? It was a grey area, now is a green Go Go Go! To recap the facts (studies and explanations to follow) Medically transitioning children does not cure anything; the US gov says it does. Medical transition causes significant health issues; the US Gov says it's safe and reversible. Medical transition causes kids' to be more mentally ill after the completion of medical transition than before medical transition, the US GOV says it's a miracle cure What is it going to take for people to get angry, really angry because Calm. Rational. Debate. Is Not Working. We Need To Flip Some Desks 12 Leading Complications-Medical Transing Kids-USA Estimate Of Money Generated-312 Million A Year! - Links To Verify Decreased life expectancy Premature death from heart attacks Premature death from pulmonary embolisms Bone damage Possible liver damage Increased mental-health complications Increases chances of mood-syndrome symptoms Increased suicide rates than the non-trans population 12% higher chance than no trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis Brain development stunted during hormone blockers Reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure Probably does not even improve mental health outcomes -The Heritage Report by Jay Greene corroborates what the international evidence is also saying --> which is that the evidence base shows the benefits of affirmative care DO NOT outweigh the risks. 1) Based on Swedish data: Branstrom major correction issued in 2020 (which was not publicized, although the original study published in 2019 which was wrong was widely trumpeted): the results actually demonstrated NO advantage of surgery in relation to subsequent mood or anxiety disorder-related health care visits or prescriptions or hospitalizations following suicide attempts in that comparison. Swedish study data Link 2) Sweden - based on a systematic review of the evidence, this spring has banned all medicalization of youth under 18 except in research settings AND prioritizes neutral therapy. In light of above limitations in the evidence base, the ongoing identity formation in youth, and in view of the fact that gender transition has pervasive and lifelong consequences, [SWEDEN] has concluded that, at present, the risks of hormonal interventions for gender dysphoric youth outweigh the potential benefits. Study 3) Also in Sweden, the main children's hospital there (Karolinska) is investigating itself for harm caused to children put on puberty blockers due to at least several young teens developing osteopenia, which is basically early-onset osteoporosis. This investigation is due to a major documentary called Trans Train put out by an independent journalist who recently won the equivalent of the Swedish Pulitzer Prize. Karolinski Investigation 4) Finland - based on a systematic review, since 2020 has discouraged medicalization of youth under age 25 AND has rejected all surgeries under age 18 AND encourages neutral therapy The 2020 Finnish guidelines represent a strong signal that the pioneers of pediatric medical transition are concerned about unintended harm to the growing number of gender dysphoric adolescents presenting for care. 5) Because of detransitioner Keira Bell, the UK has commissioned an unbiased independent review by Hillary Cass, called the Cass Report - the interim report recently was released. Of note, the Report says: "There is lack of consensus and open discussion about the nature of gender dysphoria and therefore about the appropriate clinical response. " The Report also notes there are many ways into and out of gender dysphoria. For instance, causes of GD include questioning sexual orientation, trauma, and autism, and ways out include accepting one's homosexuality and neutral therapy. Case Facts 6) UK - the Cass Report also had the UK do systematic reviews of both puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. Support TReVoices With a $75 Donation & Recieve a Calm. Rational. Debate T-Shirt As a Gift For PBs: The reviewers cautioned that all the studies evaluated had results of “very low” certainty, and were subject to bias and confounding. For CSH: potential benefits are of very low certainty and “must be weighed against the largely unknown long-term safety profile of these treatments.” Study 7) Also in the UK, Dr. Michael Biggs used Tavistock (the UK"s main youth gender clinic) data to research suicide rates of gender dysphoric youth. The suicide rate is indeed higher than in the general population BUT much lower than implied by surveys However, this greater risk is not necessarily attributable to transgender identity. Adolescents referred to the GIDS differ in many other ways from their peers of the same age: they are more likely to suffer from depression and to be on the autism spectrum, for example. These conditions increase the risk of suicide. Another recent study revealed that while trans-identifying adolescents' suicidality (including thoughts and behaviors, but excluding completed suicides) is markedly higher than that found in the general population of youth, it is only somewhat higher than in youth referred to mental health services for non-gender-related concerns. Study Study. Transgender individuals are more likely to commit suicide after completion of medical transition- seven to ten years after Study Thank you to Maria our Canadian powerhouse of studies for putting this together. The medical study's I have on the tip of my tongue instantly? It's because of Maria, 2.3 years of Maria! Another Detrans Store It's Money Honey ‘I literally lost organs:’ Why detransitioned teens regret changing genders “I was failed by the system. I literally lost organs.” When Chloe was 12 years old, she decided she was transgender. At 13, she came out to her parents. That same year, she was put on puberty blockers and prescribed testosterone. At 15, she underwent a double mastectomy. Less than a year later, she realized she’d made a mistake — all by the time she was 16 years old. Now 17, Chloe is one of a growing cohort called “detransitioners” — those who seek to reverse a gender transition, often after realizing they actually do identify with their biological sex. Tragically, many will struggle for the rest of their lives with the irreversible medical consequences of a decision they made as minors. “I can’t stay quiet,” said Chloe. “I need to do something about this and to share my own cautionary tale.” • • • In recent years, the number of children experiencing gender dysphoria in the West has skyrocketed. Exact figures are difficult to come by, but, between 2009 and 2019, children being referred for transitioning treatment in the United Kingdom increased 1,000% among biological males and 4,400% among biological females. Meanwhile, the number of young people identifying as transgender in the US has almost doubled since 2017, according to a new Centers for Disease Control & Prevention report. Historically, transitioning from male to female was vastly more common, with this cohort typically experiencing persistent gender dysphoria from a very young age. Recently, however, the status quo has reversed, and female-to-male transitions have become the overwhelming majority. Dr. Lisa Littman, a former professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences at Brown University, coined the term “rapid onset gender dysphoria” to describe this subset of transgender youth, typically biological females who become suddenly dysphoric during or shortly after puberty. Littman believes this may be due to adolescent girls’ susceptibility to peer influence on social media. Helena Kerschner, a 23-year-old detransitioner from Cincinnati, Ohio, who was born a biological female, first felt gender dysphoric at age 14. She says Tumblr sites filled with transgender activist content spurred her transition. “I can’t stay quiet,” said Cole, as a boy and today as a girl. “I need to do something about this and to share my own cautionary tale.” Helena Kerschner, a 23-year-old detransitioner from Cincinnati, Ohio, who was born a biological female, first felt gender dysphoric at age 14. She says Tumblr sites filled with transgender activist content spurred her transition. “I was going through a period where I was just really isolated at school, so I turned to the Internet,” she recalled. In her real life, Kerschner had a falling out with friends at school; online however, she found a community that welcomed her. “My dysphoria was definitely triggered by this online community. I never thought about my gender or had a problem with being a girl before going on Tumblr.” “There was a lot of negativity around being a cis, heterosexual, white girl, and I took those messages really, really personally.” Helena Kerschner, on how the online trans community made her feel pressured to change gender She said she felt political pressure to transition, too. “The community was very social justice-y. There was a lot of negativity around being a cis, heterosexual, white girl, and I took those messages really, really personally.” Chloe Cole, a 17-year-old student in California, had a similar experience when she joined Instagram at 11. “I started being exposed to a lot of LGBT content and activism,” she said. “I saw how trans people online got an overwhelming amount of support, and the amount of praise they were getting really spoke to me because, at the time, I didn’t really have a lot of friends of my own.” Experts worry that many young people seeking to transition are doing so without a proper mental-health evaluation. Among them is Dr. Erica Anderson, a clinical psychologist specializing in gender, sexuality and identity. A transgender woman herself, Anderson has helped hundreds of young people navigate the transition journey over the past 30 years. Anderson supports the methodical, milestone-filled process lasting anywhere from a few months to several years to undergo transition. Today, however, she’s worried that some young people are being medicalized without the proper restraint or oversight. “I’m concerned that the rise of detransitioners is reflective of some young people who have progressed through their gender journey very, very quickly,” she said. She worries that some doctors may be defaulting to medicalization as a remedy for other personal or mental-health factors. “When other issues important to a child are not fully addressed [before transition], then medical professionals are failing children.” “I’m concerned that the rise of detransitioners is reflective of some young people who have progressed through their gender journey very, very quickly.” Dr. Erica Anderson, a clinical psychologist specializing in gender, sexuality and identity, who is herself transgender. According to an online survey of detransitioners conducted by Dr. Lisa Littman last year, 40% said their gender dysphoria was caused by a mental-health condition and 62% felt medical professionals did not investigate whether trauma was a factor in their transition decisions. SCREAMING Shirts Staring at $16 Support TReVoices - Shop Today “My dysphoria collided with my general depression issues and body image issues,” Helena recalled. “I just came to the conclusion that I was born in the wrong body and that all my problems in life would be solved if I transitioned.” Chloe had a similar experience. “Because my body didn’t match beauty ideals, I started to wonder if there was something wrong with me. I thought I wasn’t pretty enough to be a girl, so I’d be better off as a boy. Deep inside, I wanted to be pretty all along, but that’s something I kept suppressed.” She agrees with Dr. Anderson that more psychological evaluation is needed to determine whether underlying mental health issues might be influencing the desire to transition. “More attention needs to be paid to psychotherapy,” Chloe said. “We’re immediately jumping into irreversible medical treatments when we could be focusing on empowering these children to not hate their bodies.” • • • Until 2019, Marcus Evans was the Clinical Director of Adult and Adolescent Services at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, a publicly funded mental-health center in the UK where many youth seek treatment for gender dysphoria. But he resigned three years ago over what he viewed as the unnecessary medicalization of dysphoric adolescents. “I saw children being fast-tracked onto medical solutions for psychological problems, and when kids get on the medical conveyor belt, they don’t get off,” Evans said. “But the politicization of the issue was shutting down proper clinical rigor. That meant quite vulnerable kids were in danger of being put on a medical path for treatment that they may well regret.” SCREAMING Shirts & Hat - Shop Today Indeed, transitions are getting younger and hastier. Puberty blockers are commonly administered at the first sign of development to children as young as 9, according to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. Testosterone and estrogen injections are frequently prescribed at age 13 or 14, despite the Endocrine Society’s recommendation of 16. And serious surgeries like mastectomies are sometimes performed on children as young as 13. “Quite vulnerable kids were in danger of being put on a medical path for treatment that they may well regret.” Marcus Evans, former Clinical Director of Adult and Adolescent Services at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust Although medical intervention for minors requires parental consent, many mothers and fathers approve surgery and hormone therapy at the recommendation of affirming medical professionals or even out of fear their child might self-harm if denied treatment. “It’s very hard for parents to know exactly how to evaluate their own kids, and they rely quite heavily on experts to tell them,” said Jane Wheeler, a former regulatory health-care attorney who founded Rethink Identity Medicine Ethics, a non-profit that promotes ethical, evidence-based care and treatment for dysphoric children. “There’s obviously a lot of concern about the capacity for the adolescent or minor to fully appreciate what medicalization really means.” Medical professionals typically follow the affirmative-care model, which is supported by the American Psychological Association, validating a patient’s expressed gender identity regardless of their age. As a result, detransitioners frequently report that getting prescriptions is a breeze. A total of 55% said their medical evaluations felt inadequate, according to Dr. Littman’s survey. In Helena’s case, all it took to get a testosterone prescription was one trip to Planned Parenthood when she was 18. She said she was given four times the typical starting dose by a nurse practitioner in less than an hour, without ever seeing a doctor. Chloe said she was fast-tracked through her entire transition — from blockers to a mastectomy — in just two years, with parental consent. The only pushback she said she encountered came from the first endocrinologist she saw, who agreed to prescribe her puberty blockers but not testosterone when she was 13. But she said she went to another doctor who gave her the prescription with no trouble. ‘I saw how trans people online got an overwhelming amount of support . . . at the time, I didn’t really have a lot of friends.’ Detransitioner Chloe Cole, 17 “Because all the therapists and specialists followed the affirmative care model, there wasn’t a lot of gate-keeping throughout the whole transition process,” she recalled. “The professionals all seemed to push medical transition, so I thought it was the only path for me to be happy.” TReVoices SCRAEMING Cat Collection - Shop Today Evans, the author of “Gender Dysphoria: A Therapeutic Model for Working with Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults,” now runs his own private practice with his wife in Beckenham, England, where he helps parents struggling with how to address their children’s dysphoria. A variety of studies suggest that as many as 80% of dysphoric children could ultimately experience “desistance”— or coming to terms with their biological gender without resorting to transition. Which is why many professionals like Evans think it’s wise to hold off on potentially irreversible medical intervention for as long as possible. “I’m not against transition. I just don’t think kids can give informed consent.” All these treatments run the risk of side effects that critics argue are too serious for children to fully understand. In the short term, puberty blockers can stunt growth and effect bone density, while the long-term effects are still unknown since they were only approved by the FDA in 1993. Side effects of testosterone include high cholesterol, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, blood clots and even infertility. Currently just three states — Arkansas, Arizona and Texas — have policies limiting gender-affirming treatments for minors, including surgery, hormones and speech therapy. For those who ultimately end up regretting their transition, the consequences of hormone therapy and surgery can be devastating. For Helena, testosterone caused emotional instability that culminated with two hospitalizations for self-harm. While in the hospital she came to the realization that her transition was a mistake. “I saw a montage of photos of me, and when I saw how much my face changed and how unhappy I looked, I realized this was all f****d up and I shouldn’t have done it. It was a really dark time.” Chloe said testosterone altered her bone structure, permanently sharpening her jawline and broadening her shoulders. She said she also struggles with increased body and facial hair. She has a large scar across her chest from her mastectomy, which disturbed her about surgery. “The recovery was a very graphic process, and it was definitely something I wasn’t prepared for,” she said. “I couldn’t even bear to look at myself sometimes. It would make me nauseous.” Gravest of all concerns is her fertility. Although she’d like to have children one day, Chloe doesn’t know whether the viability of her eggs was compromised by years of testosterone injections. She’s working with doctors to find out, and her medical future is uncertain. “I’m still in the dark about the overall picture of my health right now,” she said. • • • The subject of detransitioning is often met with vitriol from the transgender activist community, which claims that stories like Chloe’s and Helena’s will be used to discredit the trans movement as a whole. This is understandable, although unlikely, as research reveals that up to 86% of trans adults feel that transitioning was the right long-term decision for them. But, as more and more children are entrusted to make serious medical decisions with permanent implications, the numbers of disaffected detransitioners is almost certain to grow. That’s why Dr. Anderson feels compelled to speak out on their behalf, as a transgender woman herself. “Some of my colleagues are worried that conversation about detransitioners is going to be more cannon fodder in the culture wars, but my concern is that if we don’t address these problems, there will be even more ammunition to criticize the appropriate work that I and other colleagues are doing.” And, like Anderson, these young people — who will forever live with the consequences of hasty transition — refuse to be silenced. “I want my voice to be heard,” said Chloe. “I don’t want history to repeat itself. I can’t let this happen to other kids.”

  • Thousands of emails World-Wide asking how they can help stop childhood medical transition? Answer?

    Our brain is a computer. Yes, the brain is a computer....…No, it's not a metaphor. People who believe they are worth something attain their worth. We only believe what we hear in repetition consistently and with confidence. What we hear and say to ourselves? Our subconscious makes decisions that we are unaware of on a conscious level, moving the chess pieces to create the destiny we told our brain was to become a reality. If one slogan was removed from Trump's first election race, "Make America Great Again!" Regardless of your opinion, Trump would have lost the election without this! I'd bet my life! The branding done on gender-confused kids is nothing short of branding genius: "Better an alive daughter than a dead son?" This tiny sentence hogties parents, removes logic and replaces it with delusional emotion, and injects shame for resisting stealing the opportunity to ask questions. This sentence? The sentence creates a parent's worst nightmare, both visual and audible. After hearing this a parents child flashes before their eyes, imagining their child brains being spattered on the wall by a gunshot to the head; instantly hearing their blood-curdling scream on the inside of their mind as they are imagining finding their child........dead. As a parent, you can't go anywhere after that; you are toast, helpless willing to do anything to keep your child safe. After this, sanity and logic evaporate, and all common sense is gone, gone...It's brilliant marketing. These two triggers: Visual and Audio? This alone is why we are butchering an entire generation of gender-confused kids. To be successful in saving these kids, we have to brand and run like a business. If you have followed me for any period, all the things I say align with a strategic plan. I am trying to remove that audible SCREAM within every parent's imagination, the nightmare induced with "Better an alive daughter than a dead son." Branding? Every time someone connects logic with the medical transitioning of children, it's uncoiling parents who have been recoiled with fright. Branding replaces a bit of sanity each time someone sees or hears the branding; a piece of sanity is rebuilt. Over time, with repetition, the audible and emotional terror parents experience lowers, and with repetition, parents recover from the emotional bondage of a genuinely sinister marketing plan. Each time branding is seen, heard or read; emotional sanity is slowly regained. With repetition, parents will begin to uncoil, breathing deeply and exhaling with a SCREAM that can shake the earth's core. These shirts I have created. I removed trans from it and replaced it with a signal for all parents when they see the SCREAMING Cat at school functions, doctors' offices, or political rallies? You are removing a piece of the emotional and audio hostage. Uncoiling them to see truth. You are saving gender confused lives, don't under play marketing you are saving children's lives. When I say we must shake the earth's core to wake society up? I mean it. We are fighting every parent's worst nightmare. The two most basic emotions of terror are targeting these parents. We must release this hold giving them the ability to take a huge breath in and SCREAM......... "BULLSHIT! Bullshit, my gender-confused child will be more suicidal after medical transition, the only long term study tells us that. Screw you, doctor, shame on you and fuck you! My child is not going to be medically transition." Branding... Say it with me; say it often and say it loud. Be relentless! Branding saves gender-confused children's lives. Below: Branding Slogans Create your own. Use The SCREAMING Cat, create your own shirt, but understand the more frequent/consistent branding message the faster we save gender-confused children from the jaws of pharma. "Start Branding Today!" "Medical Transition Is No Place For A Child!" Sincerely, Everyone Calm. Rational. Debate. Not Working. Time To Flip Some Desks. It's Time To SCREAM...Louder....LOUDER #IStandWithScott

  • Matt Walsh, from the "What Is A Woman" documentary, writes about Scott Newgent's interview.

    This is a tear jerker for me. This is an incredible piece written by Matt Walsh about our "What is a Woman," interview. Wow, this one actually made me cry felt like I was reading about someone else. Click on link below.

  • Transman Scott Newgent - Asking For Help - Oh & On Fox News

    In Case You Missed TReVoices On Fox News - Scott Newgent On "The Ingraham Angle" Please Comment - More Buzz The More Media - Click It Open And Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment...Comment.. "That was the best segment I've done on this subject, since? We will be inviting you back." -Laura Ingraham The "What is a Woman?" documentary has shown that the whole world is longing for an answer to a question we all – except the media, the medical and political community – know we could answer correctly in grade school biology class. I have therefore been flooded with requests to give interviews and speeches; to educate and coach politicians in the U.S. and worldwide. In fact, in the next couple of weeks, body guards will be immanent? Let's say, keep watching! One day at at a time! I have agreed to participate in government meetings in Australia, Washington D.C., to meeting requests from the U.S. Public School System; I'm currently working with one U.S. Governor, two Congressmen, four state senators, and trying to manage a U.K. Media Blitz as well. Oh, and meeting a request from the Catholic Church. I guess I'll add "Dear God" right here. If you know anything about why I do this work, you will understand that this is a soul mission for me. Everything else pales in comparison. I promised God/Universe that if I was allowed to see another day, to live and take care of my wonderful children, I would do everything in my power to stop childhood medical transition. I would do whatever would be asked of me stop this horrific abuse of children and help their families. I would do whatever God/Universe told me to do. But I never expected God to SCREAM so relentlessly, so loudly! "I Got It! Stop Yelling At Me!" Read More On My Journey To A Soul Mission - A Lesbian Prescribed Testosterone. A Body Destroyed But A Mind Awoken To Save Kids, by Scott Newgent UNTIL - For Grandad - UNTIL - For Auntie Gail - UNTIL For My Kids - UNTIL For Yours - "Come On Kellie, Grab My Hand. It's Time To Shake Some SH%^ Up & SCREAM Newgent Style. You Ready Sis?" "Yes, Sir I'm Ready Grandad!" I am at a crossroads, and I've decided to take a leap of faith and to take a leave of absence from my fulltime position. To date, I have managed all the above and TReVoices along with a full-time job, but there is only one of me, and I cannot do this by myself. I am accepting the challenge to come on faith, but I will need financial support. Travel? Is paid for, but the rest is up to me, to us and I do have a family to support. Here is the ultimate test of faith right! "OK, yes I will do it!" Then running off, "What in the hell did I just say yes to holly...I'll stop right there %^& %#$F &%R$% ...Faith %$^ What in the Hell %^# Those of you who know me, know that I don't like to ask for help – in any form. My friend, who has not a religious bone in her body said that it is at times like this that we must remember that pride is one of the deadly sins! In order to avail ourselves of this amazing opportunity to speak truth to the world about what is being done to our children, we must work together, or all will be lost, and that would truly be a sin worse than the one we now must fight. I cannot do this without your help. I am therefore humbly asking for your support. Every smallest amount, every donation to TReVoices makes a difference. You won't find a more determined, dedicated, passionate advocate to STOP childhood medical transition. I will speak truth – I will SCREAM the truth to power – wherever I go without reservation, without a stutter; Clear and Precise! The floodgates have opened, and they will not be shut closed. Trust me I have tried! "Truth will out," Shakespeare wrote. "Truth will out, " WE SCREAM. NOW!" Scott Newgent/ Kellie King - Daughter of Scott & Cindy King and granddaughter to my superhero Bill Newgent - Until

  • Trans Scott Newgent "What is a Woman" Interview? The Whole Story -"Igniting A Fire

    A promise kept! - A Speech Given In France - Translated to a blog post! When I was asked to speak to parents and gender-confused kids today, I was so excited! I immediately began jotting down all the reasons why medical transition is not for kiddos, but I quickly put my pen down. I realized - that repeating facts doesn't help people understand the truth. What does help people understand is life explained within a story riddled with experience. Now, I've enjoyed a good life, a powerful job with all the usual trappings. But I'm not here to share a success story with you. I'm going to tell you my true to life story ...… I'm going to tell you a horror story. My name is Scott Newgent, and I am a 49-year-old trans man. In 2016, I underwent medical transition during which I endured seven surgeries; a stress-induced heart attack, a massive Pulmonary Embolism, 17 months of recurring bacterial infection; fourteen rounds of oral antibiotics, one month of daily IV antibiotics; a handicapped arm, several hospitals stays, two ambulance rides and one helicopter life flight, when I was wheeled past my children, who were screaming to the paramedics, pleading with them, pulling on their shirts and begging them not to let me die, imploring with me not die and me not able to catch my breath to tell them I heard them, and I was not going anywhere! I lost my wife, home, car, and everything I had ever worked for, bouncing from Emergency room to Emergency Room, without meeting with a single medical professional who had the slightest understanding of how to treat me, much less cure me. After spending long sleepless nights, a tenacious young female surgeon found the problem. I had six inches of hair erroneously on the inside of my urethra and had to endure another surgery. I was in such excruciating pain during this time that sleep only came in two-hour increments, induced by a few shots of vodka, which filled my existence with hallucinations and frequent loss of consciousness. I couldn't tolerate it anymore. My body refused to take any more pain, only to awake awash in my urine and blood. Now, those are the facts, but here is a story: Dr Marci Bowers the infamous trans surgeon of Jazz Jennings that has just come out about the shoddiness of trans health.....What so many have been SCREAMING about for years. Trans health is experimental, it's not for kids, so on! #ISreamWithScottNewgent Shop For Apparel & SCREAM or Donate So Do you think she experienced empathy or conscience for what she has been doing for more than a decade or was it because she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar? Recently I taped an upcoming documentary in New York about medically transitioning children. Well, well, guess who also interviewed for the same feature. You guessed it, Dr Marci Bowers. Dr Bowers is an "innovator in gender confirmation/affirmation surgery" who works out of California's San Mateo Surgery Center. That interview took place about three weeks before Dr Bowes revelation of, "Yeah, trans health is shoddy, and it's not for kids." When asked whether children in the early stages of puberty should be put on blockers, Bowers said: "I'm not a fan." But weeks prior? Dr Bowers had been igniting unicorn farts filming the same documentary I was in, countering her unicorn farts, initiating transgender ideology and mauling the idea that somehow medical transition is suitable for kids. "Kids will commit suicide; we have to affirm immediately" —glitter bombs—"puberty blockers are safe," followed by more glitter grenades and unicorns gallivanting from one cloud to another. Yet a mere three weeks later, when she was asked if she still thought puberty blockers were a good idea, from a surgical perspective, she said: "This is typical of medicine. We zig, and then we zag, and I think maybe we zigged a little too far to the left in some cases." She added, "I think there was naivete on the part of pediatric endocrinologists who were proponents of early [puberty] blockade thinking that just this magic can happen, that surgeons can do anything." Dr Bowers was asked whether she believed WPATH had welcomed a wide variety of doctors' viewpoints — including those concerned about risks, sceptical of puberty blockers, and maybe even critical of some of the surgical procedures? "There are definitely people who are trying to keep out anyone who doesn't absolutely buy the party line that everything should be affirming and that there's no room for dissent," Bowers said. "I think that's a mistake. Why the sudden change of heart doctor and why now? What people don't know is that the documentary that was shot in New York? It was explosive, life-changing for everyone in the room. Shortly after the interview in I received this note from the producer, "Scott, your story, experience and advice have so much power behind it. You've changed my world and perspective, and I'm continuing to share it further with those I meet." Every question the interviewer asked of me, and every answer and objection I gave, I threw so far out of the field that it was impossible to recover from whatever opinion or phase directed at me. I picked up every objection, wrestled it to the ground, hogtied it, and it was embarrassing to watch the glass walls of the transgender ideology mansion shatter to the ground, along with each pathetic attempt to put me in my place. Have you ever seen a child with their hand in the cookie jar, and they know they have nowhere to go, no way to explain it. What happens? Apologies right? Bingo! I was on fire; I had never experienced anything like it before. It was as if my mind had lined up the most compelling arguments like they were placed in precisely the most effective way to say, "That is not true; this is, and here's why." I've always had a way with words, but this was a completely different experience. I am very open about my own transition experience because it's the only way to get someone to listen. I am told that my vulnerability gives me 10. If I have 10 minutes of neutral time to speak sense to someone without the interruption of unicorn farts and glitter bombs, no one walks away believing medically transitioning children is a good idea. But this vulnerability—this place I have to go to get people to listen? It's hard on me, and I will not lie; it knocks me for a loop. But something else happened that day in the studio. I lost it. You see, I have not shared with many people that in three years, because of the constant vulnerability I feel, I have left my home less than ten times, and only for emergencies or to ride my motorcycle, for which my kids buy gasoline. Why? The happy, lighthearted salesmanship of "medical transition" and its blunt reality do most certainly not match up. Doctors and medical transition proponents don't prepare you for transition-related post-traumatic stress disorders; they don't mention Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or any of the multiple hardships such as the ones I experienced because it is considered transphobic! You should know that the number of patients who experience PTSD following transitions is disturbingly high. I bet you didn't know that! But it is a fact that you must be aware of. The experience that I wrote about in Newsweek - about the promise I made to the universe, god, and whomever - was real. It happened, and my children are tied to that promise. I wanted to be here for my kids, and I knew my life would be over if I didn't find my heart. All those years ago, lying on my bathroom floor in excruciating pain, that's when I found my heart. I cannot turn down any request that will save kids from this. Ask any parent who's ever reached out to me to help someone in trouble, and I'm there faster than a genie in a transported bottle. "You rang." When the phone call came regarding the offer to go to New York? My kids heard me talking about it, and they know me; they know about my promise and know my personality. "Fake it till you make it, kids," "That's awesome. You failed means you are that much closer to winning if you keep going." Up until medical transitioning? All these sayings were ingrained in me. I had earned them; I was a winner; I earned the title. These sayings are now irritating reminders of who I used to be and who I'm fighting to get back. Long story short, this was the most challenging thing I have ever had to do in my life, and I'm serious. I even walked up the stairs at the hotel in New York trying to avoid my kids, so I could call and cancel the interview. My daughter was on the 4th floor in the stairway, knowing what I didn't realize I would do. Arms folded, she looked 48 years old, and I was 14! She grabbed my hand and rattled off one of my now old irritating sayings; her? Eyes rolling as she said, "You always tell me that anxiety is about being alive, and here you are; congrats, you are alive, Dad. Now turn around; you can do this. You made a promise. What is that going to say to me if you quit?"......" Aw..." I waved my hands and repeated the infamous phrase I used to tell myself all the time, "That's too far; I get the point, Gooia Gelf, I was just getting my coat, I wasn't going to cancel, geez Julia," "Oh, so now you have started to lie to your kids now, huh?" We laughed, and this time she waited with me for the uber, and off I went! So that day had much more than just another pealing of my chest. It was, as I said, the one thing I have wanted to run from so severely, and the only thing that could make me go through with it were my kids. During those three days, my kids parented me, lifting me with catchphrases and holding me accountable with love. As the cameras rolled, I felt it inside; I knew I was about to lose it. Since all of this happened, I had not lost it with very few tears - very unlike me. Before all of this, I cried watching Hallmark commercials, but on this day, I felt it welling up, and the connection I had with overcoming objections; the technique was effortless, but as the interview concluded, I looked around the room, and a sense of victory came over me. Each complaint won effortlessly. As a business salesperson, a presenter, my whole life, I have learned how to inflect my voice the tone, passion, mix invulnerability and logic smooth, softball to throw out to help people understand my message. Conveying a feeling is an art form, and I have studied it my entire life, watching faces as they change with each word and delivery is given success or failure. Emotion is not a grey area; it's black or white. Did you convey what you meant to convey? …. Did you move people to change their position? Did you make THEM FEEL, Kellie? The hardest thing to do is to change a viewpoint on a product. A product to go from this service to the exact same service with a different logo is tough, but you do not have to overcome decades of social injustice to do so. Changing a viewpoint on a religious, cultish, illiberal propaganda dangerous to our democracy, our children's health, and women, and erroneously and deviously packaged as a civil right issue is not easy. It's dangerous work, but someone has got to do it. This is wrapped up in societal issues tied to the one channel leading donations worldwide. The LGBTQ has too much power, and no one questions them, and we have allowed a generation of children to be mutilated because of it? The LGBTQ is embraced as the white horse right now, doing no wrong. But the truth will come out. Parents are slowly waking up the madness with which the media handles the subject, to New York Times writers discussing breast binders and irreversible damage to young women's bodies with the divine righteousness of a Chinese footbinder. But on that day in New York, it all came together; the pain I had endured suddenly meant something remarkable; it gave me a weapon I have honed my entire life, not understanding that all of it, all of everything endured was to be there at that moment to help people understand what we are doing to children is very wrong. The pain and loss gave me the perfect emotional ball to change people that day who needed to be changed. As the cameras began to wind down, a sudden rush came over me, and I knew I had done it right; I had sold the emotion. As the camera lights turned red, I could no longer control it or hide from it and lost it. I burst into tears without warning. My hands covered my face like I was trying to push the tears back inside. I had just delivered a speech of the most potent kind. A lesson that you not only believe in but one you would die for. That was how I felt, and I didn't realize how important it was to me. All of it. The tears streaming down my cheeks were not how I felt; I felt relief at knowing I succeeded on that day. I didn't realize I had taken this on my shoulders, these kids, all these kids, the parents, the nights of consolation, the shame, the embarrassment, the part I played in the disaster of trans ideology. At that moment, I realized I knew I could change people, but I didn't know if I had the heart. But I proved to myself on that day that indeed I did have the heart. My three hearts were waiting for me back at the hotel room, unable to leave the room knowing that I needed to see all three of them, and I did, the three that meant everything to me in the same way your children mean everything to you. I left no room for anyone to go anywhere on that day but to understand what we are doing to kids is very wrong and how every one of us must make it right. As I lifted my head, I met all the eyes on me, and they all looked ashamed, almost embarrassed for the lighthearted take on medically transitioning kids. Even though they thought they knew the entirety of what happened to these gender-confused kids on that day? The understanding they thought they had was shattered. Taking the easy way out and not to disturb the all-mighty LGBTQ. Everyone in the room looked ashamed, embarrassed for not being brave enough for others, for children. They knew they were floating their lazy noncommittal ways through life. They knew that not stirring the pot was wrong, and they all realized that it was wrong. But they knew I had shaken the inevitable pot, thereby making their waters treacherous, but also left with a burden themselves. They all looked ashamed, and I thought, "You should be ashamed." Even though they were planning on fighting a transgender ideology, on that day, I believe I helped them focus a shift on including the severity of what is happening to gender-confused kids. I could be wrong, but somehow I dont think I am. Still sobbing, I looked at each person, I said their name and I pointed my finger at each one, shaming them for allowing the travesty of medical transitioning to continue because it was hard to get involved, Each SCREAM, conversation, or pushback you have given within the medical transitioning debate is a speck of sand, sand needed to fill an entire beach too many for few, but nothing for an army. I implore each and every one of you to go to my site and see why my emotion and dedication to stop the medicalization of children is a desperate passion that will only release its grasp on me when each and every child in the world is safe because right now children are in grave danger, my kids, your kids, my niece and nephews, cousins, friends children, children in the US, Canada, Ireland, children everywhere are in danger from the unicorn farts that we are a; allowing to linger safe. Right now,? Kids right now are not safe. Go to the site and take the ten minutes needed to understand what this dangerous ideology is doing to children.... Non-acceptance of their perfect, healthy bodies. After all, we are talking about children. Once you get it, once you read my site? Do the right thing, SCREAM to stop childhood medicalization too and stand in the "Bigot" line for today, but I assure you within a short period, that line will change from the "Bigot Line" to the "Hero Line." ....Medical Transitioning Is No Place For A Child....Now your turn to SCREAM Louder and Adult Better! Scott Newgent/Kellie King Daughter of Scott & Cindy Kind and granddaughter to my superhero Bill Newgent Side note: The footage that was taped on that day? The breakdown about not leaving my house? This would have gone further with gaining attention, and guess what? They edited out the most explosive part of the "What is a woman crew" Because? It was the right thing to do. To all the people who are attacking Matt Walsch/Justin Folk? as bigots? Shame on you, and know this: They did the right thing when no one was looking; they chose compassion for me as a human being, a lesbian/transman.

  • An Apology Deserved For The Original SCREAMER - From Dr. Marci Bowers & Tyra Banks!

    Dr Michael Brown, Christian Evangelical Leader, opposes homosexuality and believes God can cure it. I think he's full of shit as he thinks I am with this subject. It's OK for people not to agree; it doesn't taint the worth of a human being. Dr Brown & I disagree, but I love him as a man; he's been there for me as a fatherly figure without judgement! I have not waivered on my beliefs as he has not with his. I say, "You are fucked on that, Michael," and he says, "Well, Kellie, I think you are wrong!" Then we move on as adults and work through ways to save kids from pharma. We need to adult better for kids! Our kids deserve us to adult better; this invisible line we do not cross to work together damages more than it helps! Here's a transgender person. Here's a straight person. Here is a homosexual person. Here is a religious person. Here's a conservative person. Here's a feminist. Here's a liberal person. We got the whole circle around so you can call us bigots! Now let's talk about facts, and the facts tell us that: "Medical transition is no place for a child!" Sincerely, EVERYONE Get Your SCREAMING Shirt Today Over ten years ago, he was pounded by Trans Surgeon Dr Marci Bowers and others humiliated like a wounded animal ganged up on like a pack of wolves. He was thoughtful, cautious, and delicate with his words. But people thought it was OK to attack Dr Brown on this infamous Tara Banks show; it was devastating to watch for several reasons. The most discernible reason? Because he was right. He did not back down and encountered cruel attacks for years because of his belief that medical transition was wrong to do to children. Children, children? What someone chooses as an adult was never discussed on this show. In truth, when he first reached out? I told him to fuck off too, but I pondered, apologized, and it has been a friendship I have come to care for deeply. Dr Brown doesn't know a thing about this post, but I have sent him an official Dog SCREAMING Shirt and made him the honorary "Religious Director" at TReVoices, an organization fighting to stop childhood medical transition and make trans health safe. Dr Brown is not only a member, he's an influencer within a up and coming powerhouse trans organization. Who's the bigot now? So I ask? Dr Maci Bowers, Tara Banks? You owe this man an apology. See our podcast. The first guest he had was a homosexual that dies not believe what he believed, and we seemed to do just fine on the issue. Transman Scott Newgent -Founder TReVoices

  • Attorney -Ashton Cohen - ELECTile Dysfunction Podcast - The Legal Side Of Transing

    Transgender Man/Educator on Trans Movement & Medical Transitioning of Children. Guest: Scott Newgent Ashton is joined by Scott Newent - Scott is a transgender man and the founder of TReVoices, a group of trans educators who oppose radical gender activism and seek to educate politicians and families about the reality of gender dysphoria and stop the medical transitioning of children worldwide. Ashton and Scott have a fascinating conversation about the issue of transgenderism, specifically its portrayal in the media and culture and its impact on children. To learn more about Scott and support his mission visit: Subscribe to Ashton Cohen: ELECTile Dysfunction Podcast on Apple Podcasts: Subscribe to Ashton Cohen: ELECTile Dysfunction Podcast on Spotify: Subscribe to Ashton's channel on Youtube: Follow on Twitter: Follow on TikTok: Follow on Instagram: Follow on Facebook: #politics

  • I Became A Believer By, Transman Scott Newgent - Most Powerful Post W/Video

    I want you to imagine the one thing that you have done in your life that no one knows about, the one thing that would burn you to the ground in embarrassment if people found out, the one thing you keep safely hidden from everyone, including your partner, the one thing you could NEVER tell anyone? Take that one thing and sit in front of a camera and tell millions, not just tell but peel your chest, the pain, raw and real, knowing that the only way people will get it, understand it? You have to not just talk about it...You have to bring people along with you, and to do that is the most intimate thing you have ever done. Now imagine the camera, again...millions. When you are good and freaked out, think about losing everything you have ever worked for, your career, your wife, your status, your everything monetarily and imaging paying your own money to be there in front of that camera, the secret, the embarrassment you not only lost everything you paid money to be in that chair? Imagine sitting in that chair; you knew your career in business sales...Gone, your chance to gain any of that back...Gone, knowing you have thrown any little sliver of your past life...POOF...Gone...But you still sit there in front of that camera. Now take the attacks from dozens of people in the 2.7 years and know what you received was just the icing, knowing the worst is coming. But you do it anyway! Why? Because it's the right thing to do! This is me....Next Wednesday. I have always known what it will take to stop the travesty of children's medicalization; I've always been gifted with the knowledge of getting people to open their eyes to see things differently. I spent 20 years wasting this gift, making money for what? Helping build corporations profit, assisting others to learn the skill of making things clear, helping people to a different understanding...For what...Money? I have learned that death? Death is imminent, but life? What I, you make of life? When I pass, will I say I did UNTIL as my grandad taught me? Will I be able to say, "I passed the test Grandad," will he await me with a successful smile? This has become my new quest with my gift. Please don't make this not NOT! Start SCREAMING too...Join in the fight to stop childhood medical transition. Get your SCREAMING shirt and aaaaa start to ROAR. ...We have some kids to save, can I get an, "AMEN!" I'm not religious but that felt like a right close....Here we go Ya'll Scott Newgent/Kellie Ellen King - Daughter Of Scott & Cindy King & Granddaughter To My Superman Bill Newgent - "Until" Support TReVoices - Donate Today

  • A Promise Kept Through a Broken Heart- Trans Scott Newgent

    I In the last three years, I have done everything in my power to save gender-confused kids from surgeons like Dr. Marci Bowers, Dr. Curtis Crane, the Trans Medical Complex, and corporations like AbbVie, which produces the puberty blocker Lupron. I have weathered several death threats; videos ridiculing and making fun of me have been made and sent to me more times than I care to admit. My children Q a Q weekhave gone without, and I have funded to save other people's children with my own money. I have done this because I promised God, the universe, whatever your belief. I promised. Unbeknownst to most, I am not well. I have not recovered from the transgender bottom surgery I underwent four years ago, known as phalloplasty. I work a forty-hour workweek, and in addition to those eight daily hours, I spend hours every day replying to parents and journalists, helping with word tracks for politicians, meetings with senators and lawyers—all without compensation. For the last three years, every month has ended in the red for this cause Two months ago, I made another promise. That promise was to not put another dime into saving other people's children. Today I watched my eighteen year old son getting ready for his graduation ceremony. He left home for the mile-long walk to school in the sweltering heat, dressed in his finest and a cap and gown for his high school pictures. My son had to walk to the graduation photo ceremony because while I've been saving other parents' children from the greedy fangs of the medical industry, I haven't been able to save for a car, When I returned to my computer, I was greeted with a notice that my bank account was in the red for the upkeep of my website. This was the last straw. Everything seems to be turning a corner, and people are stepping up and capitalizing on the financial aspect of politically stopping transition. I have absolutely not a smidge of a doubt; everything tells me that I had EVERYTHING to do with this. Say what you want; it's a fact. I have done what I promised I would do; I have SHAKEN the earth's core. So much so that I am even more broken than before I started trying to save children. An ending with white doves being released is opposite to where I feel I am today. I have taken on all the parental cries inside me, each parent I still hear; it was the only way to be as relentless as was needed to awaken people to the reality, the travesty and the lifelong detriment of medical transition. The travesty of the medicalization of gender-confused kids deviously dressed up as human rights, as gay and lesbian rights was never going to be jerked loose with a half-as_ed attempt. Only someone whose eyes had seen the truth, whose voice had cried out in pain would have the sincerity necessary to SCREAM in such a way that it would stop people in their tracks and get them to listen. I knew I had the pain, the experience, and the cost it would take for me to combine all of these into a tornado of clinching truth. Journalist and talk show hosts talk for a living, and are good at it, but this – this had to come from guttural pain that people could feel – from a mother. I knew I could do it, but I never wanted to. I knew it would take a total exposure of my bare chest; this was the only way. I've always known that and I've understood the consequences and what that meant, and it has done what I expected it would do-it has broken me further. What are we as human beings when political parties polarize to a point where we are taking the vulnerable parts of society's children and then dive deeper into that travesty and take the children that do not fit, do not belong. We allow them to undergo dangerous medical procedures that have proved not to help anything. We can't stop for one minute and allow children to rise above the importance of who we think God wants us to be or not be attracted to? That's the point for you at which we hold children up to the altat sacrificing them; this is your line? This is the mountain you wish to die on? ​ Shame on us for not working with others because of the difference of opinions. Shame on us for financially profiting from these separations, and shame on all of us for being so concerned with how we look, what we gain and whom we know, setting the safety of children so low that we are butchering an entire generation of children because people want to say, "I told you so, I was right, and you were wrong." But I did what I set out to do! I shook the core of the earth; please continue with the person on your left, the one you said you would never work with, tell them now you will, grab the person on the right and tell them you will work with all to keep kids safe. ​ The villains are not within one particular group of society; they are the Dr Curtis Cranes butchering people, it's Gov Abbott's of the world protecting the Cranes, and it's surgeons like Dr Marci Bowers, who only admit the carnage of medical transition when it's an appropriate career move for them to do so. Shame on these people, hate and attack these people, not the person to your left or right because of something that doesn't matter. ​ I did what I set out to do, and I have no more to give. I thank you for your willing ears and to all who have SCREAMED with me. Please continue to SCREAM, ​ "Medical Transition Is No Place For A Child!" Sincerely, Kellie Ellen King/Scott Newgent Daughter Of Scott & Cindy King & Granddaughter of Bill Newgent My Superman I Did "Until" Grandad Just As You Said, I was always listening to you and am who I am because of it.

  • Trans Men Fight Back

    Transgender politics have taken a troubling turn in recent years, which most people, including many transgender people themselves, are completely oblivious to. Gender Identity Disorder, now called Gender Dysphoria, used to be talked about quite openly in the LGB community and, whether or not we as lay people knew about Dr Blanchard’s Typology, clinicians understood that there were at least two different kinds of GD: Homosexual type (which many lesbian and gay people experience and integrate into a gay/lesbian identity) Autogynephilia, which only inflicts heterosexual men. It is a paraphilia in which a heterosexual orientation is inverted in such a way that the object of sexual desire is oneself as female. Additional types of Gender Dysphoria have emerged since the 1980s when Dr Blanchard first studied and articulated these two primary types. What’s important to understand: These types are completely different conditions altogether, not related in any way, except somewhat when it comes to sexual orientation. Despite that these are distinctly different experiences, the current narrative presents it all to us as “trans”. As many clinicians and community members such as ourselves have observed, most of the people at the forefront of trans activism are those heterosexual males with AGP - Which they don’t want anyone to know. As trans men, we wish to step forward and expose this, because those AGP males (Trans women) have abused and silenced us for years in order to control the narrative. They are behind the “gender identity” narrative. Because that hides AGP. They are behind the conversion therapy bans. Because AGP is a sexual fetish that most likely cannot be changed through talk therapy, unlike the homosexual subtype, which is best understood as a developmental stage for many LGB people. Most children with this type of GD resolve it as they become adult gay/lesbians. Only a tiny percentage don’t, complicated by things such as homophobia. Developmental psychotherapy can help resolve that. When AGP males control the narrative, banning all psychotherapy for “gender identity”, they are denying those of us with the other types of GD options for appropriate treatment – leaving medicalization as the only legal option. They are also behind the erasure of women’s spaces, and women’s language. Most of us with the homosexual type GD are fully aware of our biological reality, though some of us have chosen to live *as* the opposite sex for our comfort. They are behind the transhumanist agenda. (See Martine Rothblatt) By controlling the narrative to hide their own condition – because their sexual fantasy only works if uninterrupted – they’ve also hidden evidence-based information from everyone with the other types of GD. By branding it all as “trans”, young people with homosexual GD aren’t being told anything about the specific condition they have. That is information we are entitled to, and which makes a difference in our identity formation, our mental health, and our choices about what treatment options we want. Children are being fed a false narrative by the media and in public schools, which is confusing them… in order to protect the egos, fantasies and capitalist desires of AGP males. As transgender people with homosexual Gender Dysphoria, we are finally taking a stand. We are speaking our truth. Which also happens to be THE truth. The condition we have is not the same as AGP. Our needs and wants are different than those of AGP males. Evidence about the different types of GD need to be brought back into the system of care and into public discussion. The abuse we have experienced in the community by those with AGP or by those who are simply uninformed about what’s going on so colluding with the AGP narrative, needs to be addressed. Policymakers and lawmakers must be informed. Clinicians who have cooperated with this political maneuver, who are knowingly withholding information from us, must be held accountable. They have failed in their professional and ethical obligation to provide their patients with evidence-based information. Trans men with homosexual GD want the narrative corrected. We have a different kind of Gender Dysphoria, and our needs are not those of AGP males. We want our voices heard. We hope that trans women with homosexual GD will join us. We hope AGP transsexuals who are ethical will also join us. TReVoices & Gender Dysphoria Alliance Canada Scott Newgent Aaron Kimberly Buck Angel Aaron Terrell Ken Pirie ...along with those who don't wish to be named

  • UPDATE: What Is Your Win? Radical Extreme Feminist Lesbians Walk Into a Bar With a Young Trans Woman

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent Update: The original Humourous blog on my attacks follows & it is funny! I hope you at least leave this blog post with a smile with a warrior's heart. Being the warrior who stands up is hard to do, and a solitary endeavour is challenging. You will find that people will find strength within your strength and stand beside you, which is how change is made. Change is made by people who are scared but - DO IT ANY WAY - SAY IT ANY WAY! Be a warrior for change; kids need us to adult better, In recent months I have dealt with death threats attacks and recently had my youtube account hacked. The problem is that even though I know who is doing this, authorities won't help. I decided to protect myself, my children and TReVoices with updated security that cost over one thousand dollars to secure a place where I felt safe enough to step back in the ring. Because of this software, I can see when things are hacked and delete accounts immediately. Today I had to delete my youtube accounts and videos. These videos, everything it takes to help people understand the travesty, takes enormous energy. It's common sense to believe these attacks are from trans radicals, hateful evangelical christians, horrid men, but unfortunately, these nastiest attacks are from cackle of radical feminists. A cackle of extreme feminists has threatened my family and me, hacked accounts and spread untruths about me and quite a few others who I consider my friends. Below is a blog post in that I tried to use humour to help people understand the severity. But, this passive-aggressive stance has not been successful. I understand if you do not like me or agree with me on things, I get it. But, if you are standing behind these women who cause harm, you have to ask yourself where is the line in the sand you are unwilling to cross. Is it being hateful, attacking people's careers or death threats? When is enough? When is the point where you say, "I'm out?" Understand with no uncertainty that saying nothing to these women is the same as being in the gang attacking people. The escalation of human emotion is predictable. This will escalate to the point of bodily harm. Someone within this game will end up hurting someone, and they will only stop when they have criminal charges brought against them because they physically hurt someone. Are you OK if I get physically attacked, my family gets attacked? Are you OK with someone hurting others who you might not agree with 100%? Is that a line you are willing to cross because you don't like me or agree with me? Where is your line? These cackle of women are escalating, and it's time you ask yourself when is enough, enough? The oddity of all this is that feminists are scared of this cackle and remain silent—scared silent. The irony is thick, my friends, very, very thick. I don't ask myself why other trans don't come out of the closet screaming and yelling to stop childhood medical transition; it's obvious why they do not. I don't ask myself why other trans don't step up and say, "Yup, I feel like a total idiot that I medically transition, but what's done is done, and at least, I can help others not make such an idiotic decision." Why would they? You have to be on a soul mission to ignite a fire inside to remain within this fight and endure these attacks. The good news is that I have that fire, but others are needed who have a slow, mild burn; we need those people to step up too. Abuse is abuse at any level. Abuse from a woman to a woman is still abuse. If you stay silent when a woman abuses another woman, how is it any different than when a woman is scared speechless because of an abusive man? The circle is not stopped, the abuse just changes senery, it doesn't save anyone from abuse-only the view changes, the actors change the abuse remains. If you need to cause harm to others to justify a society's wrong, it means you are not gifted, talented or persuasive. Still, you desperately want to be and are unwilling to do the work needed to motivate change. Work on these things if your cause burns a hole in your chest. Hurting others to garner a light you desperate want is pathetic. If you follow or promote this type of person, you are weak-minded and remain at the level of the hateful person, and in doing so, you are nasty and pathetic too. Be a warrior for change, kids need us to adult better, Original Blog Post Follows: Four people on social media. One is a radical trans woman, and three are radical extreme lesbian feminists. Can anything good come from a social media conversation between this party of people? I don't know, but what I do know is early this week? My heart broke a little more! Today was the day....Whoop Whoop, I get to speak my mind again without the censorship of Twitter, Youtube and Facebook leering, correcting my thoughts and punishing me for my ideas. I opened my account on GETTR super excited, exhilarated to speak my mind once again. Being banned from every social media platform has been challenging, especially when you have a big mouth, as I do. It took me over two years to gain over 30,000 eyeballs on Twitter, Youtube & Facebook, but in one fell swoop… Gone...Twitter SILENCED, Youtube account flushed, and Facebook continuous 30 day bans that lift for a day a rebanned again...30 more days, without reason. It's like a totalitarian. So, you probably think I am an evangelical Christian. "Homosexuals Should Be Thrown Into A Pit Of Fire, Killed, Dismembered & Fed To The Pigs" Nope, not an evangelical, not even a Christian, agnostic, really. God? There's probably something out there, but no one knows what. So, I must be some sexual pervert, a paedophile, right? "Ban this wart, rapist, paedophile from all social media sites to protect others from the sexual deviant!" Nope, you could put me on The Price is Right; Bob Barker could scream my name, "Come on down, we have a special game for you today, Scott...You have two doors; the first is the most attractive person you have ever met; you will have amazing sex and fall in love more deeply than you ever have in your entire life, or door number two. Door number two is a treat as well, Scott; door two has piping hot McDonalds French Fries, Fried in lard (the good stuff) that was banned ten years ago for safety reasons, health reasons, with extra salt...Which door will it be, Scott?" I'd look at Barker straight dead eyes and say without hesitation, "I'll take the fries, Bob!" Bob would be confused, "Door Two?" "Yup, Bob. Door two, oh Bob, do you have the old ketchup packets too? OMG I won." Then I take off in a sprint to the French Fries as a confused, attractive, sexy gorgeous woman exited door number one, "Bob, did he, she, it just pick the fries?" to the side that was emerging from door number one and I'd SCREAM, "don't' let that lady get my fries, Bob, I won those mother fuckers fair and square, I won those son bitches…." French Fries, here comes Daddy, Mommy ah fuck; medical transition makes everything confusing, "Here comes it, you beautiful french fries fried in lard." So, I'm not a pervert or even interested in having sex ever again, nor do I care who is having sex with whom...I don't care! So, I'm not a hate-filled evangelical? Nope Not a paedophile? Nope. Why would all social platforms kick me off? After all, I am a wholly transitioned trans man, a lesbian for 42 years before I decided to transition...I know, right? Why would I get kicked off all social media platforms? I bleed the rainbow, unicorns fly around me daily, and people jump out of nowhere, showering me with glitter grenades… I mean, it's my time right now in society...I am the cool cat, the LGBTQ.. Whoop Whoop! Why? Because I speak the truth, and the truth is not beneficial to the new "LGBTQ Community." I was banned because of hate and bigotry. I was banned because I told the truth: Transwomen are men who take estrogen to create an illusion of womanhood for comfort and vice versa. No one is born "trans"; you create "transgender" with synthetic hormones and surgery. Gender dysphoria is "state of unease or generalized dissatisfaction" with one's sex, which can be treated and 82% of the time with talk therapy. <---Conversion therapy "Hey, it doesn't work on homosexuality, but it kicks the shit out of gender dysphoria" That is a good thing and ok to say. Trans women have NO business in women's place, sports or anything else. It's cheating, cheating, and transwomen know this. But the primary reason is that I roar, without reservation and to whomever I meet with such passion and knowledge that I leave every person I speak to believing the same thing that I do, "Medical transition is NO place for a child. It is dangerous, experimental, and every "study" claiming it to be beneficial has been retracted, but society is not allowed to know." But enough about that let's get to the reason for this post, "What's Your Endgame? What Is Your Win?" My computer flickers, then boom, it's up, and I am ready, let's debate GETTR! "Ok, fill this sheet out, yup profile name, ScottNewgent, this little box ok ok and then I hit enter. Viola, back on social media and ready to tell everyone who needs to be told to, "FUCK OFF!" "You have mail," I always say that when I am on social media and I get an alert. My kids try to tell me I'm not Tom Hanks, and they are called notices or, who knows, who cares for me, "I got mail." Oh goodie, a thread, I rub my hands together fast and furious like I'm trying to start a fire, "what do we have here, kiddos? A thread, ok ok, oh a transwoman, young transwoman and three-oh lord three radical extremist feminists lesbians?" My hand hit my head, and I sighed with a, "oh no, let's hope no one gets knifed." And? It begins…..I started reading over the thread and saw three radfems tearing one young transwoman to the line, making fun of the trans woman's tiny dick, calling her insane, wacko, ugly; I mean, it was terrible hurtful, and there was no need….child molester, on and on. I felt terrible for this trans as a trans myself, but I understand why the radfems are pissed. I get it, but the name-calling was childish; it wasn't an actual exchange. It might have been funny had it been a skit on Saturday night live, but it was real. I hopped in and immediately messaged the trans woman, asking if she was ok and telling her I was sorry and no one deserves the abuse she was getting. "I'm sorry people speak to you this way; no one deserves that." Yes, I am passionate, and I'll tell anyone to fuck off that deserves it; I don't care if you are a famous senator (Did That FYI) or every day Ted, if I think you need it? I will deliver a fuck you to whomever I believe needs it. But, I try not to attack people's self. I have in the past, and even today, I have to delete many things I want to send; I'm human. I want the juggler too, sometimes. But, every time I have done that, it's left a hole on my heart tearing at me, "They don't deserve that, be creative Scott/Kellie, be funny, tell the truth but don't try to search and find the most effective way to hurt someone." It never goes well. It never accomplished anything, and it hurts people. If harming people is your soul mission, then your mission needs to change to find a soul….Mission I typed out my concerns for this trans woman, and even though I agreed with what the feminist was saying, I could not allow myself to watch the slaughter or name-calling continue without telling this trans woman that I was sorry…….send I thought, 'Oh lord, what did I do? Did I defend a trans woman spouting nonsense, 'trans women are real woman' and other bullshit like that from three extreme radical feminists? Oh lord, I said out loud as my kid walked by, "Oh lord what," my son says……. Ding ding, "oh look, I got mail, son!" Justice shakes his head as he walks by, "Oh, my lord dad (yes they talk like me), you are a complete train wreck dork, it's a notification not 'you've got mail Tom Hank' I cannot be related to you, I can't be the travesty….. I picked up a stress ball, fired his way, and shooed him with my hands, "bla bla go away, son, go kill some zombies on your XBOX I need to concentrate; I think I'm about to be killed by feminists here in a minute, I have to focus." My son laughs, "Ok, captain idiot!" Back to my 'you got mail.' The trans woman replies, "Scott Newgent, you can go fuck yourself; I don't need help from a traitor." "Son?" I yelled…" Yes, Captain idiot!" "If I don't make it out of this exchange, tell your brother and sister I love them!" "What about me?" "Naw, you were adopted," as my stress ball returns to me from my son's arm, tagging me in the head. "Dammit, Son, that hit me right in the eye." "Well, it's not nice teasing people with such wonder and delight." My son's right; I should not tease him. I shake off the eye injury blinking fast and furious to get rid of the pain. What can I say? My son has a strong arm. "Oh, fuck….Son, I have mail again this time; it's the extreme feminist radical lesbians." My son doesn't waste time, "Well, serve you right Mr Hanks." Ding-Ding Ding…..Here we go, I hit open. "We are not being hateful; reality is not mean. It's not mean to tell someone they are a real piece of shit and not worthy of air if they are confused or wondering inside trying to figure out if all the medical professionals are right that transing would be a fix-all for all of them? They are just horrible human beings for believing what medical and mental health professionals tell them will fix everything? How dare those FUCKING bastards to listen to professionals telling them they can feel normal and fit in 100%? What horrible humans. Of course, I interjected there the actual message read something like "This trans is a piece of shit, and so are you, and we have every right to cause as much pain as possible. It's our right." I thought about it for a second and let out a sigh….My son's voice hit at a tone of compassion, "You ok? Are they attacking you badly?" "No, son, it just hurts my heart." I begin my reply; "I'm sorry, Liz, I disagree. I realize disagreeing with you means that you have free range to attack me as you see fit and tell me what you think I deserve. In case you have run out of ways to dig in a knife, I'll give you some choices from the attacks I have gotten in the last two or three months, not to mention the "Scott Newgent & family will be killed in three days" website with a time clock. Pleasantries of this beautiful talent of debate. That website, wow, that was so much fun seeing that. It does wonders for someone who already has PTSD… How kind. I especially loved having my ex throw shit at me when she found the site and wanted to KILL me for...for.....WORKING YOUR ASS OFF TRYING TO SAVE OTHER PEOPLE'S FUCKING KIDS, I HAVE TO PICK YOU UP FROM THESE ATTACKS AND NOW, NOW...I have to worry about someone shooting all of us? DEATH THREATS? Really? Now, this is all, all of it for other people's kids...The attacks and you keep running into the wall because you made a deal with God while people throw you under the bus, and you peel yourself off of the car that just emotionally hit you...Never question whether you should protect yourself, our kids! Yeah, this happened, and as with anything in my family, if anyone gets mad at me, they always find something to throw at me. This was a doozy because oranges were in her realm one even clocked me in the head, and the yelling stopped for a minute. "Oh, are you ok Scott," when I replied yes instantly, the orange throwing and yelling commenced, "Scott Kellie, you don't even believe in GOD! Yeah, fun stuff. Not to mention the $1000 I had to fork up to secure my site to save other people's kids, all while being told I am a scammer making tons of money! Yeah, right. I wrote a check meant for my son's car because this is that important to me, and he understood. My kids understand sacrificing for you, but you can't even be civil to each other? My 17-year-old is grown-up enough to understand what I went through and what I'm trying to do, but you can't even have a civil conversation with each other? Are you serious? All of these images from the orange throwing the physical pain from medical transition, emotional pain the abuse from all side, the gates opened and my reply read: "Ok, have at it, tell me I'm a piece of shit, make fun of my botched phalloplasty, my handicapped arm, tell me I'm delusional, make fun of my botched surgeries, my PTSD from the surgeries. Or how about this one - you can tell me to slice my neck open myself, so you don't get blood on you; that was a good one. Send a laughing emoji about my PTSD or a picture of a man curled up in a ball being yelled at by a toddler; that was good. Tell me that my handicapped arm is God's way of punishing me. Tell me that you wish you would have been one of the docs who treated me in the ER so you could laugh uncontrollably, refusing to help me and telling me, "your choice, you deal with it." I could go on and on. Do you need more, or are these sufficient to choose from? My favourite was the comment about my religious righteous ex-wife. (not the orange thrower, that's 1st wife) who left me with zero dollars in my bank account, deathly ill to return to the wealthy ex-husband she left for me and then left me for his money because I got sick and she did not want to work; righteous x-wife. You hope that she gives speeches and seminars about breaking away from the homosexual lifestyle. That one, wow, loved that, only made me cry for three days straight! All y'all are mean, and no, I'm afraid I have to disagree that you are not mean, just speaking the truth. Just telling the truth is saying what you believe, why it's essential, and why you are passionate. Searching in your mind for the worst thing to say, analyzing in your head what one thing you could say to them that would hurt them most, is NOT "just speaking the truth." So I ask, what is your endgame? What is your win? At the end of the day, what would make you say, "I did it; I spoke my truth?" Bravo, you three. You have done vital work today if your goal is to see who can get a vulnerable young confused person to shoot themselves in the head. If that's your goal...Bravo! Something tells me you have accomplished this goal and probably don't know who or when it was. Just someone you abused and then vanished from social media. Bravo ladies.

  • Don't say "woman"!

    Íris Erlingsdóttir for TReVoices No, don't say "woman" or you will be banished indefinitely from the Marketplace of Ideas – which, unfortunately, is the cesspit of misogyny called Twitter. Tranadian triple serial killer and sorry excuse for a human being Karla Homolka was considered rehabilitated enough to rejoin (more like, was sicced on) society after 12 years in prison for murdering three women, including her own little sister, for kicks with her swine husband. But say women are adult human females; state your belief in the dimorphic sexuality of humans; or god forbid, "misgender" a Traliban – whose privilege, one of many, it is to rudely "cisgender" women – and your evil justifies depriving you forever of your rights to free speech and to exchange words with your fellow citizens in the Marketplace of Ideas. Irish activist, writer, comedian, producer, and one of the Western world's most cancelled individuals Graham Linehan posted this essay on his blog, The Glinner Update. The author 'Caractacus Potts', originally posted it on Twitler, from where he has now vanished. Banished, for sharing common sense – which has become very uncommon. GL: A few days ago I happened to see the first post in this thread, and when I clicked through, it had already gone, its author already suspended from Twitter. You can see why she had to go. This is one of the best guides yet on how to make politicians squirm for indulging in fashionable misogyny. I have now spoken to the LP twice and the WEP once on the doorstep about the definition of a woman. Just had the Labour candidate in front of me not 20 mins ago. They cannot claim this doesn’t come up on the doorstep. Each time I ask them for the definition of a woman. It’s not a gotcha. It’s just an important truth that all elected representatives should be able to be clear on. I live in a close marginal. Labour has a very good chance of capturing this ward. I am still a registered Labour member - that’s why they are knocking on my door. I make it clear that I will have to spoil my ballot if this issue is not resolved. I will be writing WOMAN = ADULT HUMAN FEMALE on my ballot in large block capitals. I am a bi man with small kids in an opposite-sex relationship. I tell each candidate that this issue affects me in a number of ways. #RespectMySex #SexMatters 1: as a parent - children need to be protected from being funnelled into thinking they are in the wrong body, from mutilation, hormones, life long medicalisation. 2: As a man who cares about women, their safety, dignity, privacy, rights in law and policy, spaces, services, definitions, stats, awards and sports. As a person with a mother, 5 sisters, most of my colleagues, many many friends (shoutout to GC women - you know who you are🥰) 3: As a bi person - the importance of same sex attraction, spaces for my lesbian and gay sisters and brothers. Our ability to define our sexual orientations without reference to the destructive boundary-blurring moveable feast that is gender. Sex matters in same-SEX attraction… … and we did not fight for decades for LGB acceptance and liberation only to have the TQ cuckoo destroy that in front of our eyes. And gay and lesbian teens will not be told they are straight but in the wrong body. No gay conversion-by-transy on my watch. 4: As a thinking human who cares about truth and the power to speak it - to name it. I will not have my language and debate policed so that we can no longer use plain words any longer. I regard this as a deliberate tactic to tie our hands in making our case. I won’t have it. I will not expend energy to humour the delusions of others. I will not accede to compelled speech. I will not parrot the mantras of a cult I will not wilfully state in words the opposite of what my senses perceive. I will not repeat biological or scientific illiteracy. I will not let an inflexible ideology colour my logic or the insistent and irrepressible facts. I refuse to ignore my intuitive sense that something is wrong, ignore red flags, ignore the hairs rising on the back of my neck. I will not excuse bad behaviour because ‘identity’. I will not ignore the stories of detransitioners, or transwidows, or parents of kids caught up in this pernicious ideology. I will not ignore the legitimate concerns from women who want dignity, fairness, safety, from lesbians and gays coerced into questioning their dating choices. All these positions are sacrificed if we concede the power to name the truth or refuse to exercise it. No. I have said all this in my 2min elevator pitch to every politician that comes to my door. I will continue to say it. Until it changes. #RespectMySex #SexMatters Thank you, Caractacus Potts.

Scott Newgent

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