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  • "Preferred pronouns" are dangerous

    If you think “respecting people’s pronouns” is an innocent gesture of courtesy you are mistaken. Enforcing one’s identity crises and associated delusions on one’s fellow citizens has nothing to do with civility, niceties, or “kindness.” It would be nice if it were only kind or silly, but it’s not. It’s disrespectful and obnoxious, and compliance with such impertinence is dangerous. Writer Helen Joyce explains why and how: “Of course it’s better to make good arguments in your head and then take care about the way they are worded than to make bad arguments in the first place because you’re trying not to even think the truth. For an example of the latter, consider this editorial from the LA Times about the Wi Spa affair, in which a ‘transwoman’ (a man, in other words) stripped naked and went into the women’s section of a Korean spa, where many women and young girls were also entirely naked. According to eyewitness accounts, his penis was semi-erect as he lounged on the edge of a hot tub (he’s since been charged with indecent exposure). A woman complained to the reception staff, calling the man a man—which, incredibly, was regarded as a serious infraction. This editorial doesn’t make a sensible argument, albeit couched in confusing language; it simply makes no sense. That’s clear when you edit it to replace gender-based pronouns by sex-based ones, and have the guts to state the consequences of what you’re advocating for. For example, “The rights of transgender people to act in accordance with their gender identity is fortunately gaining acceptance in many corners—including at the U.S. Supreme Court, which just last week handed a major victory to transgender students seeking to use the schools bathrooms of their choice,” becomes: “The rights of trans-identified people to force everyone else to pretend they are the sex they are not are being imposed by many authorities—including the U.S. Supreme Court, which just last week enabled students of one sex to force themselves into school bathrooms supposedly reserved for students of the other.” Similarly, “There is no doubt that Wi Spa did the right thing in defending the right of a transgender customer to be nude in the women’s area, even though the sight of male-appearing genitalia discomfited at least one female customer, who complained at the front desk,” becomes: “This paper applauds Wi Spa for siding with a man who committed indecent exposure in front of naked women and girls in a space supposedly reserved for women and girls, even though the sight of a man’s genitalia discomfited at least one of the women who had just been victimised by him.” I rest my case. I couldn’t have made anything near such an eloquent argument for it. Thank you, Helen. Íris Erlingsdóttir for TRevoices

  • Hazelden, Rehabs & AA On Bended Knee at the Church of Trans Altar

    Íris Erlingsdóttir, TRevoices journalist In 2006, I had the privilege of undergoing treatment at the beautiful Hazelden drug and alcohol addiction center in Center City, Minnesota, USA. A few days into my stay, my team of counselors called me on the carpet and told me to go and pack my bags. I had broken their rules: While walking with my “sisters” to the dining room, a guy from my country of birth was returning with his “brothers” from lunch, and we spotted each other. “Hey! Good to see you," we mouthed and waved over our groups heading in opposite directions. My punishment for this crime: We’re sending you home. Hazelden policy strictly forbade patients to have any contact whatsoever with patients of the opposite sex, and that apparently extended to saying “hi” in public, broad daylight (Hazelden did relent, however, and allowed me to complete my stay). A young woman close to my family needs the services of Hazelden Plymouth (for young patients, ages 12–25). Being concerned for her welfare, I visited Hazelden’s website to make sure that their once impeccable safeguarding standards were still in full force. Hazelden-Plymouth website states: “Once stabilized, a client moves into one of the gender-specific [not sex-specific; i.e. not reality-based] residential...halls. Each gender specific suite has a full bath…separate sleeping and living area…separated by a privacy wall.” I reread the sentence to make sure I hadn’t misread or misunderstood it. “Gender-specific” suite? A “privacy wall”? Hazelden, which had been ready to kick me–and I was no 12-25 year old spring chicken at the time–off their campus for saying “hi” to a male compatriot in public, in broad daylight, has decided that there is nothing wrong with allowing vulnerable young women and girls to share sleeping and living quarters with male drug/alcohol addicts who’ve decided to “declare a female gender identity.” This shouldn’t come as a surprise. Last year, the Church of Trans managed to manipulate Alcoholics Anonymous General Service Conference into violating AA’s own 10th Tradition, no small feat–“Alcoholics Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the A.A. name ought never be drawn into public controversy”–when it changed the wording of its 1947 Preamble from “Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women…” to “Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people...”, thus giving a nod to an ideology that demands we celebrate an entirely made up “trans” identity and eradicate biological sexual female and male identities from our language and society. The “trans" ideology has a stranglehold on the rehab/addiction industry. All the Minnesota rehabs I contacted have discarded basic safeguarding principles and divide its patient population according to “gender identity” (I wonder if they parade the “genderfluid” individuals back and forth between units). My family would like our young family member to receive treatment for her substance abuse problem, but we cannot–we will not–send her into the “care” of people who allow adult male drug/alcohol addicts who “identify as females” to share living and sleeping quarters with an autistic, addicted girl not yet out of her teens. I wouldn’t without reason suspect that a male, whether or not “identifying” as a female, a cat, or a helicopter (according to Facebook’s wisdom, there are sixty “gender identities”), had nefarious intent. But it doesn’t matter. We cannot know people’s intent, which is why principles of safeguarding were held inviolable by all institutions and schools until only a few years ago. To guard and protect the vulnerable women in their care, Hazelden professionally and appropriately followed to the letter the most important preventative rule of safeguarding–maintaining strict separation of the sexes–which they now have unprofessionally and irresponsibly dismissed. Dismissing this cardinal rule is dangerous, irresponsible, and unprofessional. It will inevitably result in harm and already has. Most boys are good–most people are good–but there will always be a few bad apples. The most notable recent example is the Loudoun County School District case. The judge in the case said of the teenager (who had identified as “gender fluid”) found guilty of sexual assaults in a school girls’ bathroom that she had “read countless psychosexual evaluations, but…this one scares me.” Gender ideology has no base in reality. It is a neo-religious doctrine to which women are losing their sex-based rights and which has unconstitutionally been enshrined into federal and state laws. If you criticize or question this creed–The Church of Trans–you, the heretic, will be accused of hate and bigotry–heresy and blasphemy–and the TransInquisition will mete out punishment, that can include the loss of your livelihood. Hazelden is a private institution. It is under no obligation to pay heed to federal directives that order public schools and institutions to violate women and girls’ sex-based rights in favor of ideological poppycock. Yet Hazelden–like most of our cowardly institutions on bended knee before the Trans Church altar–has decided that the rights of vulnerable addicted women and girls to safety, privacy, and dignity must take a back seat to the rights of addicted males who “identify as females”. It’s simple: Hazelden believes the rights (and “rites”) of Trans Church members–who are mostly white, straight men–to share living and sleeping quarters with vulnerable women and girls are more important than the safety of women and girls. “When people can be made to believe en masse that biological sex isn’t real, we have lost our collective tether to reality and become agents of chaos.” – Colin Wright, evolutionary biologist Íris Erlingsdóttir Lee is an Icelandic journalist. She lives in Northfield, Minnesota.

  • Trans News20 States To Sue Biden Administration

    Original Link US — . Federal agencies lacked the authority to resolve such sensitive questions as “whether employers and schools may maintain sex-separated showers and locker rooms, whether schools must allow biological males to compete on female athletic teams, and whether individuals may be compelled to use another person’s preferred pronouns,” particularly “by executive fiat without providing any opportunity for public participation,” a complaint filed by 20 states in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Tennessee Knoxville Division is arguing. Continue reading 20 US States Sue Biden Admin Over Transgender Directives for Sports, Showers, Locker Rooms, Living Facilities, Restrooms | Women Are Human. Read more at: The August 30 complaint was filed by Tennessee. Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia joined on. The states say they are suing “to prevent the agencies from usurping authority that properly belongs to Congress, the States, and the people.” Continue reading 20 US States Sue Biden Admin Over Transgender Directives for Sports, Showers, Locker Rooms, Living Facilities, Restrooms | Women Are Human. Read more at: On January 20, the day Joseph Biden was inaugurated President, his administration passed “Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation.” The states’ complaint alleges that the President’s executive order “directed federal agencies to rewrite federal law” that was intended to protect against sex-based discrimination to implement the administration’s gender identity anti-discrimination policy. Continue reading 20 US States Sue Biden Admin Over Transgender Directives for Sports, Showers, Locker Rooms, Living Facilities, Restrooms | Women Are Human. Read more at: Responding to the executive order, “the Department of Education (‘Department’) and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (‘EEOC’), each flouting procedural requirements in their rush to overreach, issued ‘interpretations’ of federal antidiscrimination law far beyond what the statutory text, regulatory requirements, judicial precedent, and the Constitution permit,” the states’ complaint continues. Continue reading 20 US States Sue Biden Admin Over Transgender Directives for Sports, Showers, Locker Rooms, Living Facilities, Restrooms | Women Are Human. Read more at: President Biden’s directive rose from faulty understanding of the Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which held that terminating an employee “simply for being homosexual or transgender” constitutes discrimination “because of . . . sex” under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Department misinterpreted the Court’s Bostock ruling as interpreting that “discrimination based on gender identity” was included in the “prohibition on discrimination ‘on the basis of sex’,” although the written decision in Bostock “expressly disclaimed any intent to interpret other federal or state laws that prohibit sex discrimination” and “Title IX expressly permits sex separation on the basis of biological sex,” the states’ complaint explained. Continue reading 20 US States Sue Biden Admin Over Transgender Directives for Sports, Showers, Locker Rooms, Living Facilities, Restrooms | Women Are Human. Read more at: “The Department compounded that erroneous interpretation by issuing further guidance in a ‘Fact Sheet’ that similarly disregards Title IX’s plain text,” including allowing the Department to “launch an investigation if a school prevents a student from joining an athletic team or using the restroom that corresponds to the student’s gender identity, or if a student’s peers decline to use the student’s preferred pronouns.” Continue reading 20 US States Sue Biden Admin Over Transgender Directives for Sports, Showers, Locker Rooms, Living Facilities, Restrooms | Women Are Human. Read more at: Donate or Volunteer Today The EEOC Chair “unilaterally issued a ‘technical assistance document’ declaring, among other things, that requiring transgender employees to use the shower, locker room, or restroom that corresponds to their biological sex, or to adhere to the dress code that corresponds to their biological sex, constitutes discrimination under Title VII […] notwithstanding that the Supreme Court expressly declined to ‘prejudge’ those issues” in rendering its Bostock decision. Continue reading 20 US States Sue Biden Admin Over Transgender Directives for Sports, Showers, Locker Rooms, Living Facilities, Restrooms | Women Are Human. Read more at: The 20 states say the Department’s and EEOC’s Documents run afoul of the Tenth Amendment of the US Constitution, which declares: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” The states are asking the court to declare the Department’s and EEOC’s documents unlawful, affirm that Title IX recipients and employers are not prohibited from providing “showers, locker rooms, bathrooms, residential facilities, and other living facilities separated by biological sex” nor compelled to “preferred pronouns,” and to block enforcement of the agencies’ documents. Continue reading 20 US States Sue Biden Admin Over Transgender Directives for Sports, Showers, Locker Rooms, Living Facilities, Restrooms | Women Are Human. Read more at:

  • World Wide Update-Big Legal Changes In Med-Transing Kids World Wide. Here is the USA Crickets

    Briefs - Studies - Law Changes - Protecting Children Everywhere In The World Except The USA - TOO MUCH MONEY TO BE MADE PEOPLE - More More More More - Transphobia - Children Will Commit Suicide. USA Parents? Do you Want To Stop Childhood Medical Transition? Get off your asses and SCREAM HB 2649 SAFE Act: Save Adolescents from Experimentation Act Follow-Up Report to my Testimony in House General Laws Laura Haynes, Ph.D., Psychologist General Board Member, USA Country Representative, International Federation for Therapeutic and Counselling Choice Breaking News on Saturday, April 23: The Health Secretary of the United Kingdom, Sajid Javid, “believes vulnerable children are wrongly being given gender hormone treatment”. They should have therapy for psychological causes. [1] He is joining Sweden and Finland. [2,3] Sweden changed from hormones to psychotherapy for minors because: (1) The risks of puberty blockers and hormones outweigh the benefits. (2) Research for sterilizing minors is of poor quality. (3) Growing numbers of adolescents especially girls, are lining up to get sterilized and it is unclear why. (4) There are regretters. [2,5] Gender incongruence is not inborn. It’s psychological and social according to a Global Consensus Statement of endocrine societies around the world. [6] Planned Parent’s website says adolescents in Missouri can get cross sex hormones on their first visit. Some gender clinic doctors testified to the House General Laws Committee that this never happens. [7] Mastectomy surgeries are being done on teenage girls in the US, even if not yet in Missouri, as documented by articles in peer reviewed journals. [8,9,10] The so-called “standards of care” gender doctors use on minors are based on very poor research. [2,11,12] Sweden and Finland are leaving them far behind [2,3], and more governments are following. [1,4]. References [1] United Kingdom: Osborne, S. (April 23, 2022). Inquiry into gender treatment for children to be launched by Health Secretary Sajid Javid. Sky News. Link [2] Sweden: National Board of Health and Welfare (2022). Care of children and adolescents with gender dysphoria: Summary. Link [3] Finland: Council for Choices in Health Care in Finland (PALKO/ COHERE Finland) (2020). Recommendation of the Council for Choices in Health Care in Finland (PALKO/COHERE Finland): Medical Treatment Methods for Dysphoria Related to Gender Variance in Minors. . UNOFFICIAL English translation: Link Finnish_Guidelines_2020_Minors_Unofficial%20Translation.pdf - Link [4] France: National Academy of Medicine, France (Feb. 25, 2022). Medical Care of Children and Adolescents with Transgender Identity. https:// PCRA-19-Medecine-et-transidentite-genre.pdf[12] National Board of Health and Welfare (2022). Care of children and adolescents with gender dysphoria: Summary. Link [5] Detransitioners (regretters): Littman, L. (2021). Individuals treated for gender dysphoria with medical and/or surgical transition who subsequently detransitioned: A survey of 100 detransitioners. Archives of Sexual Behavior. Link Calling All Parents - Calling All Parents - SCREAM - Support or Donate Today - Get Your SCREAMING Hat Moms & Dads [6] Endocrine Societies: Lee, P.A., et al. & the Global DSD Update Consortium (2016). Consensus Statement: Global disorders of sex development update since 2006: Perceptions, approach and care. Hormone Research in Pediatrics, 85, 158–180. Link [7] Planned Parenthood. Adolescents can get hormones on the first visit. Take a screen shot before Planned Parenthood hides the page: Link [8] Adolescent Mastectomies: Handler, T., et al. (2019). Trends in referrals to a pediatric transgender clinic. Pediatrics, 144(5), e20191368. Link [9] Adolescent Mastectomies: Quinn, V., Nash, R., Hunkeler, E., et al. Cohort profile: Study of Transition, Outcomes and Gender (STRONG) to assess health status of transgender people. BMJ Open 2017;7:e018121. Link [10] Adolescent Mastectomies: Olson-Kennedy, J., Warus, J., Okonta,V., Belzer, M. & Clark, L. (2018). Chest Reconstruction and Chest Dysphoria in Transmasculine Minors and Young Adults: Comparisons of Nonsurgical and Postsurgical Cohorts. JAMA Pediatrics, 172(5), 431-436. Link [11] Standards of Care: Cantor, J. (2019). Transgender and gender diverse children and adolescents: Fact-Checking of AAP Policy. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy (online). Link [12] Standards of Care: Levine, S. (Feb. 23, 2022). Expert Report of Stephen B. Levine, M.D. in the Case of B.P.J. vs. West Virginia State Board of Education. Case No. 2:21-cv-00316. Link

  • Transition your body, Destroy your mind

    Sometimes posts are so good that they need a bigger audience as big as possible. We wanted to share with a few more people who follow TReVoices. Original Article : Gender Dissent by, Magpe “Gender affirming care” is a profitable and growing area of medicine (USD 131.4 million in 2019) but because of the patients’ often undiagnosed mental health co-morbidities, gender ideology's domination of society and culture, and the dubious ethics of the treatments, much is still either unknown or obfuscated. There is a diverse body of information about the benefits and detriments of these treatments but little has been said of the studies which show that induced menopause, inevitable after the surgical removal of the estrogen-producing ovaries (oophorectomy) can lead to young-onset dementia, a devastating condition for the sufferer and a huge burden on society. It’s doubtful that when a girl or woman first gets the idea that she’d like to become man, she’s thinking about the long term effects on her health. She more likely has the “gender goals” presented in the WPATH Standards of Care masculinization package: "In FtM patients, the following physical changes are expected to occur: deepened voice, clitoral enlargement (variable), growth in facial and body hair, cessation of menses, atrophy of breast tissue, and decreased percentage of body fat compared to muscle mass.” The medical interventions (”gender affirming care”) needed to achieve these effects require taking exogenous testosterone in amounts which are dangerous to the female body. (For an interesting examination of the effects, this ‘trans’-directed website is worth checking: Although she may not have begun her “transition” thinking she’d like to be rid her ovaries, at some point in her metamorphosis the “female to male transitioner” (FtM) will probably have an oophorectomy. Some oophorectomies are for elective or preventative reasons including: to stop gender-invalidating menstruation and unpleasant Pap tests, to lower the need for a dangerous dosage of testosterone, to eliminate the risk of ovarian, uterine and cervical cancer, and to eliminate the possibility of pregnancy. Whatever the reason, an oophorectomy is not a walk in the park; there are real consequences to removing the estrogen producing female gonads, like an increased risk of cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality. This message is often deliberately obscured for the FtM community, though. Although there may be different side effects after ovary removal in females taking testosterone vs those who are not, all will go through induced menopause. The changes that happen in the female body after natural menopause (average age 51) are known: osteoporosis, increased risk of cardiovascular disease, memory loss and other joys of aging. What happens when menopause is induced in a comparatively young woman? After an oophorectomy, hormones levels drop sharply within 24 hours. These women report more severe symptoms than experienced by women who’ve had natural menopause, including depression and anxiety. Alarmingly, many studies have also shown “significant linear trends of increasing risk” that the younger the woman is when menopause is induced, the greater her chances of developing cognitive and motor impairment. According to this 2019 study from researchers at the Universities of Toronto and Northern British Columbia : Stop By Our Shop For SCREAMING Merchandise “… significant cognitive decline is seen when comparing cognition before and after surgery in younger women with induced menopause, particularly in the areas of verbal memory and global cognition. Risk of cognitive impairment is increased for women who undergo induced menopause before age 49 compared with referent women, with risk increasing with younger age at surgery. The earlier the age of induced menopause, the steeper the cognitive decline, particularly in episodic and semantic memory. As well, higher levels of Alzheimer's disease (AD) biomarkers are associated with younger age at surgery. Women undergoing menopause before age 40, regardless of type (induced or POI), have poorer verbal and visual memory compared with women with spontaneous menopause.” A recent study from Shandong University confirms that menopause before age 40 brings a 35% greater chance of dementia. The implications for the FtM community, who often get menopause-inducing surgeries at a young age (23.9±13.8 years in this 2018 study of 159,736 hysterectomies performed on FtMs between 2013-2016) are serious. A study from 2012 which compared 2 cohort studies showed that the more gynecologic surgeries women had, the greater the risk of cognitive impairment, and they hypothesized the cause as estrogen deficiency. in fact, from the Danish study: "Hysterectomy with unilateral oophorectomy increased the risk by 110%, and hysterectomy with bilateral oophorectomy increased the risk by 133%". Even without the other complications, cognitive impairment should be enough to give a person second thoughts. Studies show that women can be treated with estrogen to counter the negative effects of an oophorectomy; however this is probably not an option for women trying to pass as men and planning to continue testosterone for the rest of their lives. So, what happens to the relatively young women who are facing rapid cognitive decline? When dementia afflicts those younger that 65, it’s called young onset dementia. Harder for doctors to catch, it can be mistaken for depression or other conditions, and diagnosis is often delayed. Young onset dementia sufferers lose so much. They might have a young family of dependents they can no longer provide for when they stop working or driving. They have poor overall health. There might be financial responsibilities that can’t be met, like a mortgage or college fund. They may need assistance to perform the basic necessities of life, such as eating, grooming, and understanding their surroundings. TReVoices is looking for people to write for us. Our goal is just one: To Ban Medically Transitioning Children World Wide. If you would like to write about why medically transitioning children is wrong, why it's pushed and what it does? Reach out to with the subject line "I want to SCREAM"

  • Another Trans Adult Enters The Ring! "Bullshit!" Disney hath hit the wall!

    Opening by Scott Newgent, followed up by trans woman Randi Dennis. I am starting to lose count, but it seems as though the trans radicals have gone too far: AGAIN....Again...Again...Again....Again...Again...Again....Again...Again...Again....Again...Again...Again....Again...Again...Again....Again...Again...Again....Again...Again...Again....Again...Again...Again....Again...Again...Again....Again...Again...Again. “Stop transing kids, stop saying biology doesn't matter, stop saying trans women are real women, stop taking women's rights away, and stop saying medical transition is life-saving or cures anything!” I wish people understood how hard it is to come out and say this publicly. It’s hard, people! Yet here is another, a trans woman Randi Dennis. Whoop! Whoop! Disney pissed off the real trans! “Don’t include us in the absurdity of what you think we feel or believe, your crazy is not our crazy! Thank you very much!” Let a transwoman explain it to you better: Trans woman Randi Dennis Disney. No other name in the world is more synonymous with family entertainment and a welcoming atmosphere than Disney. Or has been, thanks to their movies, during the middle to late part of the last century, had a more positive influence on others. Heck, in our family's DVD case, the movie 'That Darn Cat' helped our parents to see that adopting a Siamese cat, [similar to the one our grandparents had] was a really cool thing. Support TReVoices - Stop By Our Shop ---- I hate Your Clothes But Believe In Your Cause. Donate For others, 'The Love Bug' helped to solidify the reputation of the Volkswagen Beetle, with the soon-to be hippie set. There was no agenda. Disney hadn’t bought VW or majority shares in a Siamese cat breeding business. just fun movies to watch for the whole family... at a theater or a drive-in. And this is on top of all the other projects they were involved in. 'The Wonderful World Of Disney', which was on NBC Sunday nights at 7:30pm, or 'It's A Small World', the exhibition at the 1964-65 World's Fair in NYC. The two major amusement parks, Disneyland in Anaheim and Disneyworld in Orlando. Not to mention the myriad animated programs and toys, even toys for grown up kids. Yes, they were that kind of company. That is, until the current era. When Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill prescribing that: “instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in K through grade 3 [ages 5–8] or in a manner not age- appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards." Disney way to embarrassed itself by claiming erroneously that the bill was an anti-gay [and by extension, anti-trans]. Interestingly, the bill/law in no way, shape, or form even mentions those words. Just that discussing “sexual orientation or gender identity” to kids ages 5-8 was not welcome. But Disney, thanks to a very small woke contingent in the firm, decided to fight the law, based on the fairy tale [pun intended] that the alphabet group had been blatantly and unfairly targeted. Then Disney was again caught aiming a firearm at their feet, thanks to leaked conversations, in which Disney executives suggested and declared their devotion in multiple ways to indoctrinate children with toxic gender woo. . Two of their execs are openly pushing the trans agenda and openly saying the position of Disney is to fight the Florida Parental Rights law. Ah, but now they have come up against a wall the size of The Great Wall of…well, Florida. Florida stripped away Disney’s 'Vatican-like' status that the company has enjoyed in the middle of the state [around Orlando and environs] for decades. And this is just the opening salvo. The GOP has promised, should they take the House and Senate in the midterms, to take away the trademark protections that Disney has enjoyed, on multiple products. Yep...Mickey Mouse could end up being open source.[don’t understand?] There is another penalty that may end up being even worse. And that is stripping them of their broadcast operations,i.e., the ABC and Fox stations that Disney owns. If they think this cannot happen, they should educate themselves about WLBT, the first TV station to be stripped of its right to broadcast for failing to serve the public interest. WLBT, the NBC affiliate in Jackson Mississippi, went out of its way to air and promote an anti-Black agenda. The station was, in effect, the broadcasting arm of the Klan.. Yep....they were grooming folks in hate. And they paid for it [as did the ownership group and other stations that had similar policies. But WLBT was the only one whose license was pulled by the FCC. Disney is also risking losing the most important part of their business–families!–who are not buying into their agenda. Families–the people who will not go to their amusement parks, buy their merchandise, watch their movies...or even go to their sporting events. (Disney owns most of the college bowl games). All because Disney is fighting a law that protects children from being sexually groomed. That is really it Disney is fighting–with the TransSword, on which they are willing to die–for the right to groom children.“H-Hey, everybody! Say, you wanna come inside my clubhouse?” Nah…I don’t think so, Mickey. Disney is up against a wall that is being built taller and stronger each day. With the scaling of same, becoming more and more difficult, as people become wiser to the Mouse’s endgame “You’d never let the darkness get the best of you. I’m sure of that!" I’m afraid they have, Mickey. I’m afraid they have.” by Randi Dennis Follow Randi on Gettr

  • See 35 years into the future reality for the kids being transitioned today-TReVoices -Exclusive

    Short Note From Scott Newgent Our TReVoices Founder Being a fully transition transman running TReVoices, a trans organization, it never ceases to amaze me that medically transitioning children is seen as love. I guess I can't judge, right? Not long ago, at 42, the medical industry said I was born in the wrong body, and I believed them. I think of those first two years of medical transition; I was like so many of these kids, gitty with the idea that at the end of the process? I was going to fit something that all human beings desire. Does everyone believe they don't fit in some way? Sure, but being one that did not fit anywhere, throw in child abuse, homosexuality, childhood abandonment, and what they say now as "Gifted" mentally, I honestly never fit anywhere and had no one as a child to teach me how to do so. My chances were NONE! Watching my children grow into adolescence has shown me that I didn't have a chance to fit in. Every day my kids come to me with what seems to them significant catastrophes, and it always breaks down into "how do I handle this situation, this feeling", and what do I do with all of it. For some reason, I am razor-sharp with my kids; in business where I learned, I do not know, but for me? Reactions are processed without the knowledge of how to be. To take it to the positive side, it has made me a badass activist because someone doesn't like me or thinks I'm weird, "Join the club, asshole," and I move on. My absolute best friend in the world and the other parent of my children said something to me the other day when I told her that I don't play well with the other trans activist because of the transition of children? It's a serious thing, and hearing, "I don't have the bandwidth," infuriates me....Then I say something like, "Well, get the fuck out of activism if the only thing you want to do is things that will benefit you. Currently, children are being butchered, and bandwidth is all I hear." Needless to say, I can't hide my emotions well when it comes to SCREAMING to stop this insanity. A couple of days ago I was expressing to Melissa, and she said, "Scott, you don't need anyone that's your superpower," She's right. But when a trans is willing to put it down on paper, the actuality of medical transition over a 35 period of time means something yall. This is hard to do. Get ready, parents! Time to see your children's life in 35 years after medical transition. Let me introduce you to Harley a 64 year old transgender man. Harley is focused on clean living and health because of this it creates a picture of the reality that is coming for these kids. In 1986 I lived as a butch lesbian who loved driving trucks and motorcycles. At work, I met transwomen, who suggested I do sex reassignment surgery, but I didn't know where to start. Ten years before, my transwomen co-worker had answered an ad in the paper to volunteer at Stanford University Medical Center for sex reassignment surgery. There she met a transman who also answered the ad, and together they underwent experimental sex-reassignment surgery. However, the transman endured many complications from phalloplasty surgery and stayed in the hospital for months with infections and surgeries. In 1987, I attended a gay women's A.A. speakers meeting where I listened to another transman tell his story. He had decided to go off testosterone after a couple of years because his eleven-year-old son had an illness, and he felt his son needed a mother. I was seven years clean and sober but feeling at a dead end in life, so I decided medical transition was my answer. I couldn't see myself living as a lesbian anymore. Back in the 1980s, everything was by word of mouth, so I found a connection to the path of medical transition. I contacted a local psychiatrist for $150 a visit. He wrote a letter for me to start hormones and surgery on just my second visit. I started medically transitioning on January 26, 1988, injecting testosterone at 32. In April 1988, I had a double mastectomy and was relieved they were gone! But I never went back to the psychiatrist. Insurance didn't pay for hormones or surgeries at that time in history, and I was expected to pay cash upfront. I worked long hours to pay for hormones, hospital stays, surgeons, and anesthesiologists. The surgeon in my area only did metoidioplasty and agreed to that medical procedure. There was no internet, google, or cell phones back then to access information, and information was limited. The institution where the procedure was done had a history of doing "sex-reassignment" surgeries. There, I was able to meet a transman who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery. He wasn't completely happy with the result and had insisted on revisions. Still unsatisfied, he finally learned to live with it. I didn't believe that could happen to me though. With their knowledge and expertise, I trusted that the surgeons would do it right for me. But I was naive to think my operation would come out better. I thus began metoidioplasty surgery in 1990 and completed it by 1991. At the end, there were complications, and I needed further treatment. The doctor put out his hand and said, "Where's the money?" But I had run out of money and was exhausted from work and surgery. I was burned out and only wanted to get on with my life! So I chose to suffer from the complications and move on, working as a long-haul truck driver more interested in turning miles on the road. Finally, nine years later, in 2001, I was able to get medical treatment for a fistula and complications from scar tissue. Scar tissue can cause many problems, build up slowly over time for many years, and come back again and again to haunt you. Over the next decade, urination became a problem, and other systems started to back up on me. Panic attacks and high blood pressure increased with no control as to when and where they occurred. After going to many doctors who ran tests and prescribed medications to no avail, I finally revealed in 2012 that I had strictures in my urethra. After having surgery to deal with five strictures and possible bladder damage, I was told the surgeons back in 1990 had used the wrong material when making the new urethra pathway and hairs were growing in it. The surgeon said, "Sorry, it's not going to work." The hairs, the wrong material, and the way it was constructed would only cause more problems down the road. But by 2014, the pain was too much, and I found acceptance to go in and have the surgeons locate and open up the original urethra to pee without pain. My problems didn't stop at correcting my plumbing. I continued experiencing episodes of anxiety, heart rate irregularities, palpitations, urgent and frequent urination, hot flashes, night sweats, etc. Again, I tried an array of doctors and medications. After trying everything in his toolbox, one health practitioner finally said, "Your problem is 'synthetic testosterone.'" But again, I had run out of money and couldn't afford to continue seeing the doctor. I thus decided to stop testosterone on my own. Still, I soon began to feel miserable: bone and muscle tenderness, stiffness and aches, swelling in my joints, digestive issues, irritability, fatigue, palpitations, memory and concentration problems, and much more. Finally, I broke down and went to the doctor. I had a blood test that came back with near-zero hormone levels. The doctor said I couldn't live this way and suggested bio-human identical hormones (pellets). Desperate, I tried three applications of the surgical-implanted pellets. It was not a smooth ride, full of ups and downs because the pellets are timed-released. With the final application of pellets surgically implanted in my butt, the doctor calculated wrong and put in too many pellets. I ended up with 1500+ testosterone levels floating through my system, and all she recommended was to "drink plenty of water and rest." But that was not enough because the pellets are time-released. During the night, when the endocrine system is very active, my blood pressure would shoot up to super dangerous levels, and I also experienced tachycardia (a heart rate more than 100 times a minute). I was taken to the hospital by ambulance just about every night for two weeks. I feared that one of these episodes would overwhelm my cardio system, and I might die! Everything is experimental with hormones and surgeries to masculinize a female body. It's taken a lot of confrontations with health practitioners for me to admit the reality of medical transition. Hormones and scar tissue are my problems today and will be for the rest of my life. I was told back in 1987 that the journey I would be on would magnify everything in my life by ten times, good and bad. And at first, life was great, new, and exciting. I gained the freedom of expressing myself and to become all that I wished to be. However, bottom surgery changed everything, and my life became filled with medical hardship and unknowns. I believe there are other ways to deal with gender dysphoria without cutting the body or putting a massive amount of male hormones into your system. During childhood, I experienced sexual trauma, eating disorders, and drug abuse issues. Looking back, transition forced me to confront those past experiences and deal with them. Occasionally I ponder and ask myself: has it been worth it? I don't know how to answer that. Luckily, today there is more information and knowledge around gender dysphoria than when I transitioned. My advice? Please take advantage of it. by, Harley Stofiel Bio Additional Posts: - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic. TReVoices Posts: A Trans Man Explains the Yin/Yang Of Chinese Medicine & How It Play Havoc On A Biological Woman

  • 1st Open-Trans In The US Military Speaks Out Against Med-Transing Kids. Trans Justin Rodriguez

    TReVoices Exclusive My name is Justin Rodriguez. I am a 32yr old gay transsexual man from Chicago. In February of 2018 I became the first openly trans recruit in the United States to enlist into our military. I am making this video today to speak to you about why I do not believe children should be allowed to medically or surgically transition. In the military, not only did I suffer nerve damage from PT and rucking, but I also fractured my right hip. My civilian medical team believes my hip fracture was due in part to over a decade of testosterone use as hormone replacement therapy. I have also experienced vaginal atrophy, hemorrhagic cysts on both ovaries, decrease in eyesight, and more as a result of being on HRT. The changes caused by testosterone use in female to male trans youth/adults are clitoral lengthening, body hair growth, weight gain, acne, oily skin, receding hairline, mood changes/ emotional instability, and changes in body odor, Loss of bone density–osteopenia, even osteoporosis–are well known side effects, but not and are loss of bone density, possible sterility, possible inability to experience orgasm, and more. I came out as trans at the end of eighth grade. I began to attend a support group for lgbt youth and teens. It was at this support group where I learned the vocabulary I needed to express that I am trans and what I was going through at that time. At the same time I was allowed to socially transition. I was allowed to cut my hair, change my name, dress and present myself as a boy, and use male pronouns. My school administration decided that instead of taking PE class I could take art or music, instead. I was allowed to use whatever bathroom I wanted. I would either hold it as long as I could to avoid the bathroom or I would use the female bathroom because it felt safer. I attended three separate high schools. At my last high school I was forced to take a PE class. The administration would not allow me to take music or art in place of PE. I was not allowed to use female or male locker rooms. I was forced to use the referree’s locker room. I had to ask for a key to that locker room before and after class every day. Not only was it embarrassing but it made me stand out and put a target on my back. I was bullied, teased, made fun of, shoved into lockers, beat up, and more. As a trans teen what I was not allowed to do was start taking testosterone as HRT. Testosterone was something I demanded. I did not understand I was being selfish. I did not understand, nor was I able to comprehend, the long-term effects these hormones would have on my body. The effects of HRT (supplemental hormone therapy) have been known for a long time. However, there has been little to no research on the long-term consequences of giving puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children, because these drugs had never before been given to children. The little information we do have is anecdotal evidence, based on self-reported, individual experiences. This does not yield reliable, accurate, scientific data that can be quantified into statistics on trans youth and trans teens. I was too young to understand why my mom did not want me to medically transition. I was too young to understand that once I took that step I could not walk it back and undo it. My mom was worried I was going through a phase. My mom was worried I was making the wrong decisions. My mom was trying to look out for me and protect me - but I didn’t understand that. I held a lot of resentment and anger toward my mom over this for a long time. As I got older and began to truly understand the full \effect of these powerful hormones, I finally understood my mom. My mom was not trying to stop me from transitioning. My mom was not trying to hurt me or make things harder for me. She was trying to help me in any way she could think of. She had me in weekly therapy so I could go through puberty and figure myself out. “Wait and see” was the best possible route for my mom to go down. I went through female puberty. Not once did I cause myself harm because I wasn’t being allowed on hormones. When I caused myself harm it was because my brain and body were not aligned. It felt as though no one around me understood what I was going through and experiencing. It felt as though I was completely and totally alone. It wasn’t until I was 19 and in college that I started taking testosterone as HRT. That was Sept. 16th of 2008. I have now been on testosterone for approx. 13.5yrs. I have also had top surgery, a total hysterectomy, and Stage 1 & Stage 2 phalloplasty surgery. When we discuss medically transitioning a minor child and allowing them on puberty-blocking drugs, we are talking about permanently and irreversibly altering children's bodies. The mainstream media narrative that puberty blocking drugs and hormones are safe and reversible is a lie. These drugs have irreversible side-effects. When given to prepubescent youth, they cause 100% sterility, micro penis in males; inability to orgasm, and more. Girls, who subsequently receive cross-sex hormones (testosterone) will find themselves in early menopause at or in their 20s, with osteopenia or osteoporosis, incontinence, and increased risk of cancer, heart disease, and dementia. The media push the narratives they do because they are in bed with the “Trans-Medical Complex”. Medically transitioning children has become profitable. The health, safety, and welfare of children no longer matters. We are affirming and validating children as trans who may not actually be trans. Some of these children, who are now teens or adults, have started detransitioning. They are speaking out about how they were wrongfully pushed into medical transition and how much they regret it and how they wish that someone had prevented them from doing so. Some of these people have begun to take doctors to court for allowing them to medically transition and permanently alter their bodies. In the United Kingdom doctors and therapists are leaving their jobs for fear of being taken to court for not allowing a child to transition. The mainstream media want you to believe that medically transitioning children is the right thing to do and everything else is transphobia. It is not transphobic to protect the health, safety, and welfare of a minor child when they are incapable of comprehending, let alone consenting to the life-altering consequences of using powerful drugs, hormones, and irreversible surgeries with life-altering consequences. I strongly believe in “watchful waiting”. I believe in providing therapeutic support prior to medical intervention – hormones and surgeries – which cannot be undone. Once this line is crossed, there is no going back, and the child has been “medicalized” or turned into a patient who will need medical therapy for the rest of his or her life. The health, safety, and welfare of the child must come first. I believe it is absolutely essential for trans youth and teens to go through their birth sex puberty – during which, studies have shown, majority of kids outgrow their feelings of “gender confusion”. Puberty is not a disease, but a normal phase of life. Some of these youth will learn and come to understand they are not, in fact, trans. They will come to understand that being pushed or influenced into identifying as trans was a way for them to escape their troubles and problems. We are now calling this “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria”; this is believed to be a psychological response to trauma. Some of these children and teens are suffering from body dysmorphia – which is different from gender dysphoria – but the line between these two things has been so blurred it has become obsolete. A teen with body dysmorphia is a teen who struggles with their body image. A teen with an eating disorder would fall into this category. Body dysmorphia is how you see yourself when you look in the mirror. It is a delusional idea the patient holds about his or her physical appearance. Gender Dysphoria is a medical mental health condition that only occurs in 0.03% of the entire world's population. It is an extremely rare condition. In people who have gender dysphoria, we feel that our brains and bodies are not aligned. This causes us to be dysphoric about our gender – meaning we are not comfortable in our birth sex bodies, and we feel we need to transition to relieve ourselves of that dysphoria. We transition in order to pass and blend into society as the opposite sex to which we believe we belong and move on with our lives. We do not transition to stick out or be “visible.” If someone was not dysphoric there would be no point or purpose for them to transition. Yet, doctors are allowing people to “self-diagnose” into a medical condition of which they have no expertise. We are seeing surgeons performing radical mastectomies on minors – completely removing the nipples – and “doing “incomplete phalloplasty” surgeries (which allow the patient to keep both male and female external genitalia). These incomplete sex reassignment surgeries are not only careless and reckless but extremely unethical. I have large, permanent scars all over my body from transition surgeries. I will be permanently disfigured for the rest of my life (I have photos of my scars I can share outside of this video). I urge you to think critically, rationally, and logically about this matter. We are not protecting trans youth and trans teens by allowing them to permanently and irreversibly alter their bodies. We protect trans youth by using the “watchful waiting” approach. Children should not be medicalized. They need therapy, not “affirmation” and “transition”. Because of the pervasive bias and ignorance in the medical profession, parents are ill-informed about treatment options and the gravely serious side effects and consequences of hormonal drugs and surgeries. Even in the wake of emerging reports about the devastating consequences of “pediatric transgender medicine,” some clinicians continue to shut down legitimate debate. “These people must examine their consciences, because it is children whose care is compromised as a result of their ideology.” Thank you for your time and attention to this very important matter. Thank you for hearing us out and taking what we have to say to heart. I am available for one-on-one discussions if anyone would like to reach out to me outside of this video. Justin Rodriguez Trans Man SCREAMING "Stop Transing Kids!"

  • Opinion: What I wish I’d known when I was 19 and had sex reassignment surgery-Washington Post Today

    Corinna Cohn, a software developer in Indianapolis, is an officer in the Gender Care Consumer Advocacy Network. Original Link We are told that some people are not able to pull this up so we snapped images and placed it on our blog so it remains in circulation. When I was 19, I had surgery for sex reassignment, or what is now called gender affirmation surgery. The callow young man who was obsessed with transitioning to womanhood could not have imagined reaching middle age. But now I’m closer to 50, keeping a watchful eye on my 401(k), and dieting and exercising in the hope that I’ll have a healthy retirement. In terms of my priorities and interests today, that younger incarnation of myself might as well have been a different person — yet that was the person who committed me to a lifetime set apart from my peers. There is much debate today about transgender treatment, especially for young people. Others might feel differently about their choices, but I know now that I wasn’t old enough to make that decision. Given the strong cultural forces today casting a benign light on these matters, I thought it might be helpful for young people, and their parents, to hear what I wish I had known. I once believed that I would be more successful finding love as a woman than as a man, but in truth, few straight men are interested in having a physical relationship with a person who was born the same sex as them. In high school, when I experienced crushes on my male classmates, I believed that the only way those feelings could be requited was if I altered my body. It turned out that several of those crushes were also gay. If I had confessed my interest, what might have developed? Alas, the rampant homophobia in my school during the AIDS crisis smothered any such notions. Today, I have resigned myself to never finding a partner. That’s tough to admit, but it’s the healthiest thing I can do. As a teenager, I was repelled by the thought of having biological children, but in my vision of the adult future, I imagined marrying a man and adopting a child. It was easy to sacrifice my ability to reproduce in pursuit of fulfilling my dream. Years later, I was surprised by the pangs I felt as my friends and younger sister started families of their own. The sacrifices I made seemed irrelevant to the teenager I was: someone with gender dysphoria, yes, but also anxiety and depression. The most severe cause of dread came from my own body. I was not prepared for puberty, nor for the strong sexual drive typical for my age and sex. Surgery unshackled me from my body’s urges, but the destruction of my gonads introduced a different type of bondage. From the day of my surgery, I became a medical patient and will remain one for the rest of my life. I must choose between the risks of taking exogenous estrogen, which include venous thromboembolism and stroke, or the risks of taking nothing, which includes degeneration of bone health. In either case, my risk of dementia is higher, a side effect of eschewing testosterone. What was I seeking for my sacrifice? A feeling of wholeness and perfection. I was still a virgin when I went in for surgery. I mistakenly believed that this made my choice more serious and authentic. I chose an irreversible change before I’d even begun to understand my sexuality. The surgeon deemed my operation a good outcome, but intercourse never became pleasurable. When I tell friends, they’re saddened by the loss, but it’s abstract to me — I cannot grieve the absence of a thing I’ve never had. Where were my parents in all this? They were aware of what I was doing, but by that point, I had pushed them out of my life. I didn’t need parents questioning me or establishing realistic expectations — especially when I found all I needed online. In the early 1990s, something called Internet Relay Chat, a rudimentary online forum, allowed me to meet like-minded strangers who offered an inexhaustible source of validation and acceptance. I shudder to think of how distorting today’s social media is for confused teenagers. I’m also alarmed by how readily authority figures facilitate transition. I had to persuade two therapists, an endocrinologist and a surgeon to give me what I wanted. None of them were under crushing professional pressure, as they now would be, to “affirm” my choice. I may well have transitioned even after waiting a few years. If I hadn’t transitioned, I likely would have suffered from the world in other ways. In other words, I’m still working out how much regret to feel, but I’m comfortable with the ambiguity. What advice would I pass on to young people seeking transition? Learning to fit in your body is a common struggle. Fad diets, body-shaping clothing and cosmetic surgery are all signs that countless millions of people at some point have a hard time accepting their own reflection. The prospect of sex can be intimidating. But sex is essential in healthy relationships. Give it a chance before permanently altering your body. Most of all, slow down. You may yet decide to make the change. But if you explore the world by inhabiting your body as it is, perhaps you’ll find that you love it more than you thought possible.

  • Where Is The Most Frightening Place To Raise Children? Trans Agenda Win?

    Australia The Most Frightening Place To Raise Children. Free Binders To All. 1.7 Million In Donations In March/April Raised For Organizations With Soul Missions To Transition Your Children. Alabama "Yeah." Biden "OMG, What An Idiot." Missouri Senators? Tuned Out Or Don't Care You Be The Judge. Arkansas Robin Lunstrum "Atta Girl Get Um" An Evangelical & A Trans Man/Lesbian Grab Hands. May? Get Ready To SCREAM. Texas Governor Gregg Abbott Bribed By Gender Clinics Yeats Now Says "Medically Transition Is Child Abuse" Really Abbott? Then Donate The Almost 3 Million You Took From Gender Clinics Last Year Alone An Email Worth Sending To Politicians Australia The Most Frightening Place To Raise Children. Free Binders To All. (Please read through the typos, I have a handicapped arm from transition, and it hurts bad right now and swollen. I don't have the energy yo fix it today) Binding? What Is Is? Click Here The term "binding" refers to the process of flattening one's breast tissue to create a traditionally male-appearing chest. The type of materials and methods used for successful binding will vary depending on the size of one's chest and the overall build of one's body. Restrict breathing Irritate your skin Break skin around the edges of the binder Cause overheating Bruise or fracture your ribs Asthma Scoliosis Lupus Fibromyalgia Collapsed Lungs Life Long Back Problems ...& Many More Read More Here & Here & Here & Here & Here TransFolk An Org In Australia Giving Away Free Binders To Kids Who's Parents Can't Afford Them Or Refuse To Buy Them TransFolk - Our Binder Program provides free binders to those who would otherwise by unable to buy one.We know how hard it can be to afford a binder and so this program makes sure folks have access to a free or low cost binder. This program is only possible thanks to generous donations and a small grant from Lotterywest. For more info about binders and safe binding practices head to....Read More Here Parents Challenge State to Return Transgender Child Australia Supreme court case -Daughter Ripped From Her Parent's Arms Unfortunately, the judge has put a gag order on this case, thus why no one knows about it. A mother and father in Australia are battling for custody of their child after a court ruled them to be “abusive” for refusing to allow their child gender reassignment treatment after the child was taken from their home by police. The parents, who are appealing to overturn the decision, claim that their 15-year-old child had not expressed any doubts about their gender or showed signs of dysphoria prior to their removal from the family home. Meanwhile, they said they were only alerted to the issue when staff from a gender dysphoria ward at a children’s hospital told them the child had gender identity issues.....Read More Here Alabama Legislature votes to ban gender-affirming medical care for transgender youth Get Bill. But It Will Be Stopped. Unfortunately, it reeks with bigotry wording and gives too much room for LGBTQ to hang it from a noose in the media. Please don't get me wrong; it's an outstanding bill; the internal workings and logistics are dead on but not presented right once again. This bill will not stick. MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Alabama lawmakers approved sweeping legislation Thursday to outlaw gender-affirming medications for transgender kids and advanced a separate measure prohibiting early classroom instruction on sexual and gender identity, a bill critics have dubbed "Don't Say Gay." Read More Here Arkansas Robing Lundstrum Bill HB1570 - TReVoices Project To date, the only bill that I believe will stick is Robin Linstrums Arkansas Bill; the wording is brilliant. Everyone else? Robin is feisty, comes from the SCREAM of a mother and can beat the shit out of people verbally without anyone knowing they were just told they were total idiots and wrong. They smile and agree with her, not knowing what the fuck just happened, yet her point gets across. Bill to watch: Lunstrum HB1570 Last Month Reach Record Donations To Organizations That Have A Soul Function Of Promoting & Pushing Medical Transition On Children World-Wide Donations To Orgs Promoting Children To Medically Transitioning Children Just LAST Month Reached a Record 1.7 Million Dollars In Donations 2.6 Million Ariana Grande unveils 'Protect & Defend Trans Youth Fund' fundraiser\ Grande is responsible for 1.5 Million With her donations and Visibility - Read Here Consider A Donation To TReVoices - Last Month We received $142 dollars with more money going out that coming in. This is a serious issue if you do not like TReVoices please find an org to donate time or finances. Click On Image To Donate Today Transing kids. The Call Is Most Definitely From Within. Explained By A Trans Activist, Scott Newgent Proof Of Texas Gov Gregg Abbott Bribed Almost 3 Million Taken From Gender Clinics In 2021 & Now Says "It's Child Abuse" It was child abuse in 2021 - give The Money Back Abbott You Piece Of...Oh lord, people say I need to be politically correct. You Piece Of Doo Doo...That's as politically correct as I can muster... Links Here Best Documentary To Date On Transing Kids - With A Trans Perspective Watch Documentary "The Call Is Coming From Within The House" By, A brilliant SCREAMING Mama - This video was taken down on YouTube, but recently came back up. This is hands down the BEST documentary about transing kids correctly anywhere world-wide. Thirty Four Missouri Politicians Contacts - Zero Response - Kids? Butchered? Yeah, I don't give fuck. Names Below - Hold Politicians Accountable. Missouri Currenlty Running A Bill That Would Ban Medical Transition For Children - Safe Act Bill AS843 Thirty-three senators below were contacted two times. (See Email Below With Images) If a senator of the united states in any state does not reply, they need to be removed from off immediate, in my opinion. This is a serious matter, and our politicians are skipping through the unicorn farts and glitter bombs; and it's disgusting, and they need to be held accountable. ZERO senators even acknowledged these emails. Because of this, on our home page will be a revolving screen of all politicians that TReVoices has contacted without acknowledgement. When people find out about the reality of medical transition, they will want an answer. These politicians on this list were told the truth and refused to act. I'm absolutely and utterly disgusting and unacceptable. The names highlighted were emailed four times and received a personal call. Click on the name, copy and paste the original email below and ask why they have not acknowledged an email from an organization run by trans adults raising concern about the experimental nature and retracted studies claiming transition kids helped mental health. Demand answers. Four clicks could make one senator stand at attention. What if it's your email that would have saved children, but you didn't think four clicks were worth your time. Missouri Senators Below: Names in green are the Senators who have reached out to TReVoices, Moon, Bean & Williams have all showed concern about the transing kids debate. In May? I can't say yet but what I can say? TReVoices & Scott Newgent Will Be Blasted On TV Sets Around The World - Be Ready To SCREAM In May May? You'll see what real screaming looks like! An Evangelical & A Trans Man/Lesbian Walk Into A Political Rally Holding Hands - United Dr Michael Brown & Trans Man Scott Newgent - "In The Line Of Fire" The headline says enough! Statement by President Biden on Texas’ Attacks on Transgender Youth I saved the President of The United States For Last, Not Because Of Respect But Because He Is An Absolute Idiot! A Total Idiot Or Ignorant & Either One Should Scare The Shit Out Of You! In recent days, elected leaders in Texas have launched a cynical and dangerous campaign targeting transgender children (You Know The Gov Abbott? The One That Took Millions From Gender Clinics COA) and their parents. The Governor of Texas has directed state officials to open child abuse investigations into families simply because they have provided access to affirming care for their children. This is government overreach at its worst. Like so many anti-transgender attacks proliferating in states across the country, the Governor’s actions callously threaten to harm children and their families just to score political points. These actions are terrifying many families in Texas and beyond. And they must stop.... ....Read More On This Ignoramuses' Here Email Sent To Missouri Sentators Last Week - Zero Response - Resend Them - SCREAM Copy & Resend To These Politicians: Original Email Below My name is Scott Newgent. I am a fully transitioned transgender man and the founder of a transgender organization called The focus of our organization might surprise you; we are fighting to STOP the medicalization of children worldwide. In the last year alone, we have gone from 50 website visits to over 21,000 visits as we are edging up to the end of the month. is no joke. Today, I am writing to you about SB843 'Modifies provisions relating to gender reassignment for children. "A Courtesy Heads Up." I will be posting this to our site detailing all the politicians like yourself that we emailed. The medical transitioning of children will stop; it's just how long. When society realizes what they have done, butchered and ruined the health of innocent children for monetary purposes, people will want an answer. This post will remain for all to see because you cannot read this email from a trans man and others trans and come away still believing medically transitioning kids is about love; you cannot. I'd bet that stuns you and know that you are in good company, but you must ask yourself why an organization of older trans people would become involved in a heated debate when none of this touches them? We are older trans, blended into society with nothing to gain from becoming vocal. I cannot explain in this short email why we are against the medicalization of children in detail; you would never be able to read it all by Monday. But I can tell you the facts about why this process is not for kids and why the medical industry is pushing to medicalize children. Every point I utter is linked to a study; please double-check me; the more you check me, the lower your jaw will drop. I know your wife is a physician, and I recommend running this by her. Because what if one of the things I will state below is correct? Just one alone should shatter any doubt that transing kids is wrong, and soon? When will these truths come out? People will look to leaders like you shaking their heads, disgusted with the spine of the supposed leaders within our society, saying, "Why didn't you take the time to investigate an experimental procedure that resulted in butchering and maiming an entire generation of children with total disregard because you were too scared of the all-mighty new LGBTQ?" 1st - Medical transition is experimental There have been no long term studies on what happens to a body on opposite hormones for an extended period, let alone for children who jumped over puberty by taking synthetic hormones for 50, 60, and 70 years. The opposition will point to WPATH. WPATH is "The world association of transgender health care." They will use this to try and prove there is a standard of care. The Truth? WPATH has never been held up in a courtroom as a standard of care anywhere. "At Doctors discretion." I know this personally after having my arm handicapped for life, 17 months of a reoccurring bacterial infection and physicians throwing their hands up, "We have no clue what's wrong with you; can't you go back to the original surgeon?" Forcing trans to the original physicians and surgeons to hide the mistake and their butchering stays hidden. To fix their errors, staying invisible. Here is Aaron Kimberly, a Canadian Psychiatrist Nurse. He happens to be a transgender man and the founder of GDAC an organization made up of trans fighting to STOP childhood medical transition in Canada. Listen to Aaron detailing the scary reality of what is unknown about synthetic testosterone: Here is Aaron Kimberly, a Canadian Psychiatrist Nurse who happens to be a transgender man and the founder of GDAC an organization made up of trans fighting to STOP childhood medical transition in Canada. Listen to Aaron detailing the scary reality of what is unknown about synthetic testosterone: Trans Man Aaron Kimberly We are not seeing massive medical malpractice cases because medical transition is experimental and does not have a baseline for care. I learned this firsthand. States that have 'Tort Reform Acts' like Texas are becoming the hub for transitioning kids worldwide. These tort reform acts protect physicians from medical malpractice since they don't have a baseline to compare. Any attorney who takes one of these cases is responsible for creating a standard of care, hiring scientists, surgeons, doctors, paying for the studies, etc. This would cost millions. I heard it from 8 different attorneys when I tried to file a medical malpractice case for a deformed hand. This reoccurring bacterial infection will take my life sooner rather than later. "Scott, there is no basis for trans care; for us to take this care, we have to create a baseline, and that would cost our firm millions." Bias, not evidence, dominates WPATH transgender standard of care. 2nd - Puberty Blockers Are Safe: They are not, the truth? They have no clue what PB is doing to kids. The truth is that little is known about puberty blockers, but they are not FDA approved to treat kids with gender dysphoria; we are seeing young adults transitioned as kids who used puberty blockers developing early-onset osteoporosis, limited and sickly because of underdeveloped organs, lungs, hearts and so on. In 2001, the manufacturer of puberty blockers pleaded guilty to fraudulent sales practices with regard to its marketing as a prostate-cancer drug and was deemed a criminal enterprise and forced to pay $875 Million to settle a fraud case for marketing lies and suppressing side effects. This is the company saying it's safe. 2 Drug Makers to Pay $875 Million to Settle Fraud Case Three trans with one message, "Medical Transition Is Not Safe Experimental & No Place For A Child." Here is what we do know about medically transition & Medically Transitioning Children: All have links to studies that took years to find, hidden from the public and politicians like yourself. 1. Decreased life expectancy 2. Premature death from heart attacks 3. Premature death from pulmonary embolisms 4. Bone damage 5. Possible liver damage 6. Increased mental-health complications 7. Increases chances of mood-syndrome symptoms 8. Increased suicide rates than the non-trans population 9. 12% higher chance than no trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis 10.Brain development stunted during hormone blockers 11.Reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure 12.Probably does not even improve mental health outcomes While America is proceeding down its path of total affirmation just as other countries are restoring greater balance. This past December, the U.K. High Court of Justice ruled that puberty blockers for minors are both experimental and a one-way ticket to permanent transition. Finland in 2020 completely overhauled its approach to treating minors with gender dysphoria, prioritizing psychotherapeutic non-invasive interventions and recognizing adolescence as a time of major identity exploration. Sweden is conducting a systematic literature review of the scientific basis of the long-term effects on physical and mental health of puberty blockers and hormones. The researcher who championed the "Dutch protocol" recently called for a rethink,while other research is beginning to show that the current one-size-fits-all status quo is too limited. But please don't just take my word for it, read from other trans who are stepping up to save kids. What Makes A Transgender Child? Cliches, it seems…Brave Trans Steps Up To Protect Kids! by transgender woman Miranda Yardley Before Miranda Yardley, Debbie Hayton, Scott Newgent; The 1st Trans To SCREAM Against Transing-Kids? by Transwoman Claudia McClean Another Trans Adult Steps Up "Med-Transing Kids?" This Email Floored Me! Anonymous email 1988-Present: Another Brave Trans Telling The Truth About Medical Transition & Why "No Kids!" 1988-Present: Another Brave Trans Telling The Truth About Medical Transition & Why "No Kids!" by Trans man Scott Newgent Trans Youth Suicides: Do We Know the Truth? A Trans Woman Calls BS by, Texas Trans Lady A Butch Lesbian Transitioned Into A Transman -"Gender Ideology Hurts More Than It Helps" Trans Man by Aaron Kimberly Us trans, we are starting to gain ground. It took me two years to get a mainstream publication to publish the other side of the medically transitioning children debate, two years of hundreds of phone calls and hundreds of letters. I will not stop until kids are safe and they are not. Recently Dr Bower the 'Jazz Jennings' Trans woman surgeon admitted she doesn't agree with transing kids only doing so after me and my organizations tied her down with truths. "Dr. Marci Bowers & Erica Anderson's Cando Could Help Thousands Of Families" by Abigail Sheir In a nutshell? Trans medical professionals that have been pushing transing kids "Oops, ya it's not safe" only admitting it when careers are not on the line. Trans Rene Jax speaking against transing kids and puberty blockers in 2018 In 2010, trans woman Rene Jax Testifies AGAINST Puberty Blockers and medically transitioning children 3rd - If we don't medically transition children they will commit suicide at an alarming rate “This one pisses me off because it's beyond wrong, reckless, and bordering on criminal in my humble opinion as a trans man.” In regard to the emotional effects of transition, many activists will refer you to a 2018 Pediatrics journal article entitled "Transgender Adolescent Suicide Behavior." But the study reported therein was based on just three years of data—collected between 2012 and 2015. What matters in the long term. And in this regard, the gold standard is a study of 324 medically transitioned adults, based on 30-year longitudinal data. The authors found that completing sex-reassignment surgery was associated with "considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity" as compared to the general population. Kids who are suicidal before their transition will likely continue to be suicidal, and the most intense ideation often comes years after transitioning. (Transgender folks themselves sometimes speak anecdotally of a seven-to-10-year trans suicide "itch" observed within the community. Nutshell: The truth? Only long-term studies done in Sweden from 1973-2003 found that medically transitioning adults are the most suicidal and at risk of committing suicide is 7-10 years after the medical transition, not before. Suicide Facts & Myths Another Truth? The studies that said it helped these kiddos who were mentally ill? Retracted all of them, but it never made it to mainstream media. In fact, the most famous study protesting an instant cure for mental illness and a study that they still use today was retracted...Not a peep from the media. Reduction in Mental Health Treatment Utilization Among Transgender Individuals After Gender-Affirming Surgeries- RETRACTED To help you understand suicidal ideation and why it peaks at 7-10 years of what we refer to in the trans community "7-10-year suicide itch" is because the medical transition is a process, a long process. At each stage, we believe this is going to fix what ails us. When I start hormones, I'll feel better about gender dysphoria...Nope.. When I get my top surgery then I will feel better....Nope...When people stop misgendering........Nope Nope Nope Nope until you are finished, and you realize medical transition don't help anything and not, you have massive health complications that no one told you about. Here is the only long-term study over five years to date. This was conducted in Sweden from 1973-2003 and followed 324 medically transitioned adult. The study found what we already know the older transition: Highest point of suicide is not before medial transition it 7-10 years after. I have dealt with five families this year alone whose child committed suicide at 19, three at 20, and one at 22. I was given the privy to read one suicide note from a trans woman at 19 who shot himself in the head; the note read, "Mom and Dad, why did you let me transition? I was just a confused gay boy, now my dating pool is cut by 99%, I have early onset osteoporosis, I can have biological kids, I'm not male, yet I am not female, now I concluded that now I do want to kill myself. I don't want to live in this broken body." These parents found their trans woman 'son' on the coffee table, shattering the glass and his brains on the wall. A trans suicide epidemic is coming, we are edging up to 7-10 years since this madness started...Oh, it's coming but not how mainstream media have told you. You have to ask yourself, ‘When did I hear about a child committing suicide because they could not medically transition Bu?" YOU WON'T FIND ANY. But you will find trans suicides and they all seem to be in line with the study in Sweden 7-10 after medical transition. See for yourself Woman found dead along Evanston lakefront identified as missing trans rights advocate Elise Malary Daphne Dorman death: Comedian and transgender activist dies from apparent suicide, aged 44 A transsexual has been helped to die by doctors in Belgium, after a series of failed sex-change operations. Days after transgender activist Anannyah's suicide, her partner found dead... Kerala to probe trans activist’s suicide after sex reassignment surgery Transgender Activist Mentioned In Dave Chappelle’s ‘Sticks & Stones’ Netflix Special Dies Young transgender activist Blake Brockington suicide mourned Trans Activist Commits Suicide Suicide of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi exposes the ‘freedom and violence’ of LGBTQ Muslims in exile Transwoman activist, first from her community to file nomination for Assembly polls in Kerala, found dead after suicide What is shocking is these trans who committed suicide are nowhere in the news, yet if you google, all you will see is children who are suicidal and the travesty of angst we deal with as trans. This is simply not the truth.The truth is that some people find comfort through medical transition creating an illusion of the opposite sex, and we deserve to be protected and have rights within are governed body, but nothing about medical transition is life-saving. But, can we be honest?Medical transition is cosmetic surgery through operations and the use of synthetic hormones. Gender Dysphoria has an 82% chance of relieving a patient into comfort through talk therapy. So the last question is WHY? Why the push? The massive tornado of force behind transing kids is twofold. First in our society, we are tired of bigotry, hate and, not accepting people, judging people. At the hint of the rainbow, the LGBTQ uttered from someone's lips ignites complete compliance instantly. Puberty Blockers generate $4400 worth of profit when prescribed to adults and $55,000 a year when that same prescription is written for a child generating 8 times the profit when prescribed to an adult. Each child convinced they are trans and in need of medical transition is 1.3 million dollars to pharmaceuticals; this does not include surgeries or complications.My surgeries cost me $234,000 dollars, and that didn't include the complications making my bill over 1 million dollars right now. My life will be short from my difficulties, and I will not live long enough to see my grandkids born. But while I am here, I will use every breath to save these kids who suffer from comorbidities being told that medical transition will make them fit, it won't. We are being complicit when the most vulnerable part of society and throwing them under the bus for money, to save a political career or lose friends who don't understand. Transgenderism Is Just Big Business Dressed Up In Pretend Civil Rights Clothes In closing, the truth we are searching for is usually quite simple. We overlook the obvious at times and what is happening? The trans craze? In the UK they had 4000% increase with kids transiting. If we took that same ratio and fast forwarded 20 years into the future and used it for the world. In 20 years 18-22% of the population would be trans. A part of society that was a mere 10 years ago .06% The plastic surgeons and pharmaceutical corporations found a way to conger a treatment finagling insurance and governments to flip the bill for the fastest, most significant growth spurt in medical history—a purely cosmetic process sold under the guise of human rights. But, don't take my word for it; here are more trans, and if this doesn't suffice, I can supply more. But, understand one thing? I have dedicated my life to stopping this, the medicalization of children. I am organizing rounding up hundreds of trans like the list below, and I guarantee we will be there soon. How do you talk to the media then, turn away when trans adults are SCREAMING that, "Medical Transition Is No Place For A Child," Sincerely, Trans Man Scott Newgent Founder SCREAMING to stop childhood medical transition.

  • Transing kids. The Call Is Most Definitely From Within. Explained By A Trans Activist, Scott Newgent

    (All statements regarding complications/financial or other wise are underlined with articles/studies and verifies statements. Please open them up and read them, I want you to. Arm yourself with the truth.) Are adolescents trends that much different? The craziness? No! But this trend doesn't fade away. The new trend? It's butchering an entire generation of children. Currently, we are witnessing the single biggest medical scandal in modern history. But who I am I. I'm just a fully transition trans man that studied trans health for 17 months, trying to save my own life. Synopsis: "The Call Is From Inside The House." A documentary that is, to date, the absolute hands-down best documentary on transing kids I have ever seen! "The Call is Coming From Inside the House" was posted on YouTube on 1-16-2022 and had over 45,000 views. YouTube has removed the film, but you can watch it here on TReVoices. I reached out to the Mom who made the film, and we exchanged a few emails. Her need to stay anonymous is understandable; many parents are hiding behind in the shadows throwing grenades at gender ideology while at the same time trying to duck out of sight of their children. Adolescence is a time when us parents tread lightly, trying to curb the crazy from afar. Warning Explicit Content: (This is no Joke! Consider Yourself Warned) Adolescence is filled with hormone surges that completely throw our systems out of whack and at lightning speed. Most human growth phases happen gradually and slowly, but puberty is: "Boom, Here I Am & I Am Going To Fuck You Up Good For About 3-4; At least. Mix in minor mental disorders or problems that nag at us in adulthood, "mild anxiety, depression" is x 10 in adolescence; everything is magnified and then blows up. Crazy idea, right........It is exaggerated, and then it blows up; in essence, things you didn't understand a couple of years prior are understood, but you are still not capable of filing the emotions properly; dealing with the situations. As someone who has medically transitioned, I understand why these children feel out of whack. The vast hormone surges we all experience in puberty–I lived through them again at 42. This experience helps me understand why these kids feel the way they do. The way you think and feel changes so much, or at least it did for me, and no less at 42! Sure, I was the same person on the inside, but the mega-doses of cross-sex hormones change everything (and not in a way these kids believe). What I liked before, maybe I didn't like it any longer. How I wanted to be intimate changed; when I used to cry, I got angry; my need to talk about everything before testosterone–let's just say two lesbians are talking about issues....TALK...TALK...TALK, but after testosterone, that was the first time in my Life I ever thought, "I don't want to talk about this anymore. Please!" I changed. Adolescence is the only time in our lives when we can go from liking Barbies and Disney movies and loving to cuddle with Mom to being a black-haired/nailpolished/dressed goth metal-head, to an all-around athlete, and then to a preppy college girl and from there off into adulthood, and then we all laugh and reminisce about how nuts she was just a couple years earlier. Adolescence creates Cra Cra Crazy. Having gone through a modified version of puberty at 42, I consider myself as having a unique understanding. I am saying that I understand teenagers under the influence of puberty…and all the changes driving them mad for a couple of years. I have three teenagers, and one day they love wrestling with me; the other, they tell me they hate me. Is it part of it, right? This documentary, I believe, shows this in detail and at different times in different areas of the world. Generations express the Cra Cra Crazy in different ways. But, the Cra Cra now? Nothing these kids will be laughing with their mother about at 25. The Cra Cra Crazy teenage years? This expression of Cra Car doesn't go away; a lifetime of Cra Cra following behind, never disappearing, forever living in the Cra Cra that teenagers could grow out of before. This Cra Cra? Hormones and puberty blockers change the chemistry of who you are FOREVER.... It's a forever walk. For example, take that girl who would have ended up as a preppy college kid, then married a handsome man and had three kids after her Cra Cra Crazy period? That same girl now could very easily believe she was trans and wake up with a colostomy bag for Life, like at 25, to realize she can't have kids; she has heart disease, a heart, lungs, liver or all three the size of a 12-year-old because of jumping over puberty; that 99% off her dating pool has been slashed. She's not a boy...yet still not a girl either–a hybrid version of boy/girl and will have major complications with her for Life. Her Life was cut short by 10-15 years for no reason other than we didn't protect her from adolescent self. Ryan James - Colostomy bag for Life Scott Newgent - Having six teeth pulled due to deteriorating bone; I'm getting this done next week, no clue why. The dentist believes it has to do with massive doses of testosterone. Trans Girls - Have early-onset osteoporosis; again no clue why but it happens a lot with children that take puberty blockers (see images below) Atrophy ←– Very Painful & Chronic. Like for Life Blood Thinners For Life - Trans Men Super High Chance Physician Explaining About Medical Transition - Validates The Above Be In The Highest Bracket To Commit Suicide ←–FYI, better and live daughter than a dead son? - Bullshit. The highest suicidal ideation for people with gender dysphoria is after. Trans makes it worse. and Google trans suicides you worse. More On The Truth About Suicide Within The Trans Community...Psst Most Likely To Commit Suicides 7-10 years after the start of medical transition. Suicide Facts More Suicide Facts More Suicide Facts Suicide Facts and Myths UK parents? This is from Transgender Trend, an org that is...WOW, they are no joke. Join this org UK parents Google trans suicides, you will find all the suicides are after medical transition Instead of me blabbering on? Have a look for yourself. They say pictures are worth a thousand words, right. Keep in mind these surgeries are being promoted by all the five primary children's hospitals in the US (see images for google ads), puberty blockers(not approved by the FDA)and synthetic hormones without any studies that tell us anything about the long-term consequences. Again, remember the studies that said medically transitioning kids? RETRACTED. All of this damage to a generation of children for the profit of pharm, plastic surgeons and politicians. (The surgery promoted by these children's hospital? See photos below it's for this surgery called a phalloplasty) Remember! Currently, we are sitting on a 4444% increase in children referred to gender clinics and started on medical transition. Another Link 4444% & Another 4444% & Another 4444% & Another 4444% & Another 4444% & Another 4444% Shall I continue, or do you get the point? If nothing changes from today, the percentage of kids are still being referred and started on medical transitioning? I'll repeat it - 18-21% of the population worldwide wild be trans. If that doesn't scare the shit out of you, I don't know what would. The rate at which we are medically transitioning kids will result in the entire population worldwide in 20 years sitting at 18-21%. 18-21% of the whole population would be guaranteed monthly revenue feeding a new trillion dollar yearly transing industry. Wow, that's some dough for pharma right there. To give better ideas. Texas, still the capital and hub for transing kids, doesn't matter what Gov Abbott said, stating that medical transition children is child abused; he knows it won't hold up. The truth is that Gov Abbott took 2.4 Million the prior year from the gender clinics. Days before the bill to STOP childhood transition went on the floor in Texas that would have banned medical transitioning nine months ago? Days prior, Gov Abbott took $250,000 from a gender clinic and let it be known to push the bill off the floor. The exact thing he said was child abuse a month ago. All of this is very sinister. $250,000 - Texas Gov Greg Abbott Bribe Click Here 2.4 Million - Texas Gov Greg Abbott Bribe Click Here Let's look at The Texas Numbers: Six years ago, 22 children were medically transitioned in Texas. These 22 children generated gross revenue of $1,100,000, one million one hundred thousand dollars. (Just Puberty Blocker) Fast forward to 2021.....over 400 kids started on medical transition; this doesn't include the kids who started a year prior or another year adding to the total. No! Just the new kids that began medical transition in 2021? The 1.1 Million Generated in 2015 went to over 20 Million Dollars. People? This is just Texas! These numbers only reflected one year six years ago compared to just 2021, two different years, and I didn't include what was made in total for all six years combined. 1,100,000 1 Million 2015 - 22 Kids Began Transition In Texas 20 Million 2021 - Over 400 Began Transition In Texas All Six years combined? If the numbers play out if we combined all six years just in Texas, an estimate would be that 1885 children began medical transition from 2015-to 2021. The estimate of gross fiscal revenue for all six years combined? Almost 100,000,000 - One Hundred Million Dollars Again, not surgery, not cross-sex hormones, just puberty blockers. Recently the Governor of Texas announced that "Medically Transitioning Children is Child Abuse." Gov Abbott left out that in 2021 he took 2.4 million dollars from gender clinics to support his reelection campaign. Gov Abbott took $250,000 days prior to a vote that would have made transing kids in Texas illegal, the exact thing a month ago. If that bill had passed, it could have already been illegal. Kicker Kicker and the ultimate Kicker? Gov Abbott's statement about transitioning kids is child abuse? It does nothing to protect kids; it still has to pass to become law, but the mere acknowledgement of it does what we call in Texas: "A Major Cover Your Ass Cowboy!" Texas remains the international hub for transing kids. (Seems like Texas Governor Greg Abbott Is Not A Good Negotiator, Should Have Held Out For More.) There he is, isn't he cute? Texas Governor Greg Abbott - Takes 2.4 million from gender clinics, Texas is now the biggest hub worldwide for transing kids, and a month ago, he says, "Transing kids is child abuse? "All the years you took money from the gender clinics were child abuse. This is what we call in Texas This is the money Abbott Took. Those funds came from doing this to children and yes they are all children. Gov Greg Abbott Has Been Taking Money From Gender Clinics For Years. Idea? Why don't he donate the money he took to help stop medically transitioning kids. Give it to TReVoices to fight against transing kids world wide? All of this because we didn't protect her from herself as a teenager. This documentary brilliantly shows you through a time warp how the same phenomenon repeats itself, again and again. Each era has Cra Cra Crazy adolescent phenomena. But the trans generation of kids doesn't get to laugh about when they wore all black, had a nose ring and listened to metal. These kids' Cra Cra Crazy for Life. And the Cra Cra Crazy thing teens are into…? I've done it, I studied it to save my own Life, and I can promise you, they will not be laughing with Mom about how crazy there were because that 25-year-old will be experiencing the 7-10 years "suicide itch" and wondering what the fuck did she, realizing it helped not one bit. That teenage girl that would have been married girl to the handsome man and kids and great career, but instead thought she was "born in the wrong body." She's 25, and she will be in the category most likely of all human beings to commit suicide. That's the fucking truth! It's nuts what we are allowing kids to do! This is a Mom trying to save her child. Her effort might save yours too. Truly. Oh one last thing: Did you google suicide? No? I did it for you…..All suicides were after medical transition. Now try and find one child who committed suicide that wasn't allowed to transition in 2021? YOU WON'T find any. (did it for you) All Suicides Were After Medical transition. Medical Transition Makes People More Suicidal. - Sorry, Parents, You Have lied Too. Woman found dead along Evanston lakefront identified as missing trans rights advocate Elise Malary Daphne Dorman death: Comedian and transgender activist dies from apparent suicide, aged 44 A transsexual has been helped to die by doctors in Belgium, after a series of failed sex-change operations. Days after transgender activist Anannyah's suicide, her partner found dead... Kerala to probe trans activist's suicide after sex reassignment surgery Transgender Activist Mentioned In Dave Chappelle's 'Sticks & Stones' Netflix Special Dies Young transgender activist Blake Brockington suicide mourned Trans Activist Commits Suicide Suicide of Egyptian activist Sarah Hegazi exposes the 'freedom and violence' of LGBTQ Muslims in exile South Dakota Man to Governor: Don't Make Transgender Kids Endure What I Did Growing UpTranswoman activist, first from her community to file nomination for Assembly polls in Kerala, found dead after suicide Scott Newgent Trans Man Who Is A Parents First

  • An Evangelical Christian & Lesbian/Trans Man - "I realized I was Michael"

    Today, it hit me how rare it is for an Evangelical Christian & a lesbian/transitioned to a trans man who is not claiming their sexuality was miraculously cured by Jesus Christ to come together, appreciate and develop a camaraderie friendship outside this belief becoming a team. Let's be candid Dr Brown considers homosexuality as wrong, curable, and me a lesbian now, a trans man who thinks on this topic Dr Brown is full of shit. It's rare that two people who draw a line in the sand that deep can say, "We agree to disagree," let's move on. Over a year ago, my Newsweek article came out asking for bipartisanship, for all communities to build an army to stop childhood transition. I believed then and now even more as I keep studying, encountering more draw-dropping validities about what is happening to kids. Dr Brown was the first person to call out, not only contact but wrote a genuine article about accepting my plea. Dr Brown was eager to begin and disclosed unfiltered heartstrings vulnerability without judging what he believed was wrong with his Christain faith. Dr Brown opened himself up and how the Newsweek article brought him tears, inspring the article below Michael wrote for the Christian Post. Newsweek courageously warns that sex-change surgery might just destroy your life. by, Dr Michael Brown Click Image To Read Article When I initially received an email from Michael, I was receptive and agreed to speak with him. That night I began to research Michael, and what the media said about him was harsh, that didn't bother me. What did bother me was Michael's belief regarding homosexuality and me realizing that I transition due to my own internalized homophobia; that quite honestly struck too close to home and a nerve that had me slam my laptop and say aloud for no one to hear: "Fuck that guy, what an asshole! No way I am talking to this shithead." An hour later, I came back to the same laptop to make sure I didn't break it slamming it shut, still angered, I sent Michael an email with a piece of my mind and conveyed I would never work with a bigot. Essentially I said, "Fuck Off Dr. Brown." Not essentially, I think I used those exact words; if I didn't, that was in my head. I hit send, and immediately Michael sent me an email of understanding and thanked me for bringing attention to what is happening to kids. A Podcast with Dr. Michael Brown and Trans Man Scott Newgent A FTM Transgender Shouts a Warning About Transitioning Children Three days passed, and I could not get Michael out of my head, or my article and my own words haunted me. So, endocrinologists and pediatricians, moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans, radical feminists and evangelicals, lawyers and psychologists, parents and teachers: My hand is out. I will grab yours and turn down no one. Together, we can build a circle around our most precious resource: our children. Help me fulfill the promise I made on the night I almost gave up, to be here for my children—and now yours. Who's with me? Scott Newgent is active with Trans Rational Educational Voices ( Twitter: @ScottNewgent. Newsweek courageously warns that sex-change surgery might just destroy your life. by, Dr Michael Brown Click Image To Read Article Three days, "Fuck that asshole! Who does he think he is!" Three days, "Dr Brown my ass, I would have never transitioned I I had accepted who I was, and it's that fuckers fault!" Three days On the third day, a shift happened; I opened my laptop and googled Dr Brown once again, and a video popped up, it was Michael on the Tyra Banks Show in 2010. A Podcast with Dr. Michael Brown and Trans Man Scott Newgent I watched the whole thing; Michael was attacked, accosted, verbally spit on for being troubled with kids' transitioning. This was in 2010. No one was listening to his words; no one was even trying to comprehend what he was saying and why he was saying it. But I heard Michael, and guess what? He was right. Something else I noticed about Michael, his eyes showed sincerity; he believed what he was saying about transing kids regardless of whether he was correct. In my view, he was dead on. I allowed my hurt, my opinion, and my perceived societal wrongs to taint the fact that we are all diverse human beings. Who are we as people? Who we are is the result of a series of circumstances, childhood, our parents, where we were born, what gender we were, the atrocities of people mixed in the wonder of a human soul and the kindness we can bestow. All of this together is who we are, but who someone is, on the inside, never changes; our sincerity and the heart of someone is contaminated with bad or good mixed in with life's experiences. No one knows where their lives would be and who they would come if all their experiences were rearranged. A strange reality came to me as I was processing within those three days. Who Michael was, the type of man he had become, his convictions, what he clutched to regardless of the aggression? Rearrange my life events, change my gender to male as a baby, remove specific realities about the chronology of my life, pull some trauma out, a different core belief system within my family? I was Michael. I would have been Michael if the chess game realities in my life and experienced were rearranged. I was Michael, but with different life experiences & a different sexuality. Michael's core reflects sincerity and a kind man. Suddenly I was embarrassed and felt horrible. I was the one judging Michael. On the third day, I sent an email apologizing and would like to work with him if he still agreed. I am an opinionated person & I 100% believe people hit the floor with sexuality, and it does not change. If you think Michael and I haven't had verbal sparring about this issue, you are wrong! The difference is after I tell Michael he's "fucked up, wrong about sexuality", he tells me that I'm fucked up (of course he doesn't curse) & we both listen, and then we say, "ok, not going to agree on that. Now lets find out what we do agree on. aija Petersdóttir - Being strong enough to say, "this matters more than polarization, more than tribalism." Is a well of beautiful spring water to me. Stopping the medicalization of children unites us in a common goal. I have been saying for 3 yrs now this needs to happen to save kids from medical transition faster, and I still say it & I still believe it. Society does not know the magnitude, consequences, studies, and so on about transing kids because of our segregated institutions. When one community steps up, it is unbalanced because the 'bigot' word is thrown. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. When you leave holes in this debate, you will not win. When communities come together, it closes the gap; the more communities that come together, the smaller the opening, the smaller the gap, the more people we touch with the truth who have never listened or heard or know the truth about childhood transition. For me? This is not a game, I have nothing to gain, and if you knew me personally, you would know how desperately I want to close this chapter in my life. I have no desire to remain an activist once kids are safe? I'm gone. So, before you send me a nasty email about me joining hands with Michael, understand this...Michael listens to me; he doesn't demean me or spend hours and hours sending me literature I will never read or hound me with his beliefs. We drew a line in the sand and moved past it. I do the same for Michael. I do not try to change his mind; it's agreed to disagree. But, I'll tell you what. Michael and I talk a lot, and if I was ever in trouble or a pickle? Michael is on my shortlist of people I know who would be there for me. We don't have to agree on all to find common ground, be decent and work together for a change we agree on. Read More On Dr Michael Brown Ask Dr Brown Follow Dr Michael Brown On Twitter Podcast - In The Line Of Fire - Dr Michael Brown Scott Newgent Founder SCREAMING to STOP childhood medical transition.

  • Autogynephilia-A Trans Woman Sexual Fetish-Why It's Important In Women's Sports & Med Transing Kids

    Some Trans Women Suffer From Autogynephilia, Not All. Correction: The post that follows is an added opinion by me, Scott Newgent. The three other trans, Aaron Terrell, Ken Pirie & Aaron Kimberly, have their own added thoughts on Autogynephilia. I respect all three of these trans immensely; my added thoughts as always; pretty in your face. I get that. The post includes a video for added explanation on different perspectives of trans. It's telling how sensitive trans are about pronouns, sexual fetishes that do exist & how unreasonable some trans are, fighting tooth and nail to debunk this fetish. I wonder if these trans radicals realize their childish fits directly links to why we are butchering a generation of kids' gender-confused kids & ripping women's rights away. It seems to be that the priority to ensure appease trans with sexual fetishes, use pronouns we don't see and hear, permitting trans women who are biological men to participate in sports because it's more important to not embarrass trans by using the pronouns we see/hear than protecting women's rights and kids. So forgive me if I am in your face; women and children take the priority with me. For me, and once again, it does not reflect the feelings of the other trans on this video, I say: FUCK your feelings until kids are protected, and women's rights are back intact. -Scott Newgent What if I told you a male sexual fetish is responsible for a considerable portion of the 'Trans Craze'? Would you believe it? The sexual fetish is called Autogynephilia. Ray Blanchard is an American-Canadian sexologist, best known for his research on transsexualism, paedophilia and sexual orientation. In the 80's and 90's, Mr Blanchard connected a phenomenon commonly found in trans woman and titled it, Autogynephilia. Autogynephilia (derived from Greek for 'love of oneself as a woman) is the term Blanchard coined for "a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female "Intending for the term to refer to "the full gamut of erotically arousing cross-gender behaviours and fantasies". Let me nutshell it for you: Autogynephilia is a man who is immensely sexually aroused by a delusion that they are biological females attracted to women. What? Yes, so think of it this way. These trans women who have this sexual fetish believe they are lesbians—biological women attracted to women. Not that they would like to be female and create an illusion for their comfort using manufactured hormones and surgery, No. They have to believe this to be sexually aroused. If someone breaks the fantasy by using male pronouns or refusing to play along, thus induces an aggressive, passionate response. Hence the "Trans Women Are Women." Why is this vital to understand? The foundation of this sexual fetish is only fulfilled if the fantasy is kept intact. What is happening in society regarding the trans craze is centred around a sexual obsession, pharmaceutical corporations, and plastic surgeon greed for finances and fulfilling a male sexual fetish. All of this is hidden behind the idea that 'medically transitioning kids' trans women taking over 'women's rights is about human rights. In 2022 biological women's rights are being stolen from women; women's sports are handing men trophies for beating women in sporting competitions. Men are being tiled 'Woman Of The Year" Sexual deviants are being housed in women's jails because they are announcing 'I'm Trans I Am A Biological Woman." The years of women fighting for rights ripped from their hands and shamed for not allowing men to keep their sexual fetish fantasy is tack. Pretty ironic, huh? The problem is getting this message to the majority of society. With the current cancellation, culture society is hammered with pharma's marketing dollar money. Men with sexual fetishes in powerful positions are throwing gobs and gobs of cash, funnelling the funds to the world's best marketing/PR firms, ensuring this trans craze continues. I've stated before the facts detailed in my "12 Complications Of Medically Transitioning Children Post." If this trans craze continues in 20 years, where will we be with this trans craze? In 20 years, 18-24% of the earth's population will be medically transitioned, trans. That's frightening. Seven years ago, .06% of the population was medically transitioned, trans people. Recently TReVoices Twitter account was flagged and activated with the stipulations that the TReVoies Twitter account cannot reference gender dysphoria as a mental illness or trans women as male. Seven months ago, my personal Twitter account was banned for warning about 'Queer Plastic Surgery Centers'. Queer surgery centres are popping up like popcorn worldwide. These surgical centres accept new patients with gender dysphoria and cut men penises off who are profoundly sick and deeply mentally ill, forcing insurance and governments to pay. was turned down by google to ad advertising helping us fund this activism, claiming TReVoices is a hate organization. Youtube cancelled our account and videos; I have had serious death threats. Around every corner, I am met with contention and bleeding for every person I get to so our society understands what's happening. Every ear I gain, I lose two. This video by Transparency highlights Autogynelia from the perspective of trans. Little by little, we are inching into people's homes worldwide with trans like the ones in this video. We are speaking up without a benefit for ourselves; we take on a huge burden and are tormented around every corner, but we are doing it because it's the right thing to do. Watch and send it to friends and SCREAM Louder. Scott Newgent Original Video By GDAC's Podcast Series 'Transparency' This is an important video: Aaron, Ken, Aaron and myself break down a sexual fetish within the trans community that many believe is a 'Key Factor' to why trans women are so dead set on being seen as biological women.

  • Evangelical Leader Dr. Brown & Trans Leader Scott Newgent Join Hands- STOP Med-Transing Kids!

    Exclusive - Click On Image Kaija Petersdóttir Being strong enough to say "this matters more than polarization, more than tribalism." Is a well of beautiful spring water to me. Kaija Petersdóttir Being strong enough to say, "this matters more than polarization, more than tribalism." Is a well of beautiful spring water to me. Today, it hit me how rare it is for an Evangelical Christian & a lesbian/transitioned to a trans man who is not claiming their sexuality was miraculously cured by Jesus Christ to come together, appreciate and develop a camaraderie friendship outside this belief to become a team. Let's be candid Dr Brown considers homosexuality as wrong, curable, and me a lesbian now, a trans man who thinks on this topic Dr Brown is full of shit. It's rare that two people who draw a line in the sand that deep can say, "We agree to disagree", let's move on. Over a year ago, my Newsweek article came out asking for bipartisanship, for all communities to build an army to stop childhood transition. I believed then and now even more as I keep studying, encountering more draw-dropping validities about what is happening to kids. Dr Brown was the first person to call out, not only contact but wrote a genuine article about accepting my plea. Dr Brown was enthusiastic to begin and revealed unfiltered heartstrings vulnerability without judging what he believed was wrong with other beliefs. Dr Brown opened himself up and how the Newsweek article brought him to tears. Christian Post: Newsweek courageously warns that sex-change surgery might just destroy your life I am an opinionated person & I 100% believe people hit the floor with sexuality, and it does not change. If you think Michael and I haven't had verbal sparring about this issue, you are wrong! The difference is after I tell Michael he's "fucked up, wrong about sexuality", he tells me that I'm fucked up (of course he doesn't curse) & we both listen, and then we say, "ok, not going to fix that, but what do we agree on? Stopping the medicalization of children unites us in a common goal. I have been saying for 3 yrs now this needs to happen to save kids from medical transition faster, and I still say it & I still believe it. Society does not know the magnitude, consequences, studies, and so on about transing kids because of our segregated societies. When one community steps up, it is unbalanced because the 'bigot' word is thrown. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. When you leave holes in this debate, you will not win. When communities come together, it closes the gap; the more communities that come together, the smaller the opening, the smaller the gap, the more people we touch with the truth who have never listened or heard or know the truth about childhood transition. For me? This is not a game, I have nothing to gain, and if you knew me personally, you would know how desperately I want to close this chapter in my life. I have no desire to remain an activist once kids are safe? I'm gone. So, before you send me a nasty email about me joining hands with Michael, understand this...Michael listens to me; he doesn't demean me or spend hours and hours sending me literature I will never read or hound me with his beliefs. We drew a line in the sand and moved last it. I do the same for Michael. I do not try to change his mind; it's agreed to disagree. But, I'll tell you what. Michael and I talk a lot, and if I was ever in trouble or a pickle? Michael is on my shortlist of people I know who would be there for me. We don't have to agree on all to find common ground, be decent and work together for a change we agree on.

  • Today is a bad day; Today I am in pain.

    Someone asked me how I feel today; through the mask. I wondered if she genuinely wanted to know, she said she did and I replied with truth: Today is a bad day; I am in pain. A mere five years ago, things were different; so different, my new reality would have never been contemplated or believed to be nothing more than a myth. Today I sit with my hand over my jaw as if my hand has some healing powers that will suck the pain from my jaw. My teeth slowly crumble from the constantly clinching and infection my body goes in and out of. Today I feel the fever coming, and I'm getting weaker; all the way around, emotionally physically, in every sense; another infection is coming, I can smell infections before I feel them now; my body honed, tuned into the coming battle. Will this be the infection that takes my fire, not my life, my fire to fight, or will my fighting be limited to survival alone. My wick is getting shorter; my hand twitches wanting to knock shit over; mere SCREAMING is becoming not enough. My life has been a constant acknowledgement of witnessing society's depravity, family, friends, and loved ones who sell out others. At what point do you say, "Today, I've had enough, and the idea of the hermit seems like a safer bet than the mines of life." My ears are filling with fluid, my eyes feel the heat rise, the energy sucked from my body, another bladder infection on the horizon and the loneliness of pain waiting patiently to accept me once again, to break me, and it's getting closer. But, not allowing my fall; in doing so would shatter the net of safety I hear in my home as I listen to my children laugh; I sit up high continue to work, never releasing what I am feeling to my children; only acknowledging with a high five, "You Son Are Fucking Delight My Child; Bitchen," as my body slumps as he walks by..So I go on, as all parents do. To rise today is more challenging than it was yesterday, and as I watch the casually verbal battles of laughter toward the trans craze, the furious rage increases rising with the pain I know is coming. My face is starting to glow with fever, and breathing will become hard; my mind foggy as the infection increases and its days like today that I would like nothing more than to grab all the people making light, jokes, puns at the expense of others and SCREAM at the top of my lungs to STOP! Please, stop. Stop the evildoers who are making money on transing kids, the people like Governor Gregg Abbott, Dr Curtis Crane, the people who know what they are doing; strip them of every dignity and cast your humous light on the jokes that matter; taking down what we are doing to children, illuminate the evil, fill the room with the light of love, understanding of uncommon and sit with it for a bit; sit with it for our children. Mine, yours, ours, because the future for these children, I feel today, and I don't want anyone to feel the pain that I endure throughout my life. My laughter, my fearce fire, is an internal flame that I want to light in others to give people what they need to STOP the evil people of society casting this pain on children for mere profit, for year over year growth. Today is a bad day; I am in pain. This is the truth to your question, SCREAMING as I can today; to STOP childhood medical transitioning. Scott

  • Gov Abbott-Give The 2.4M You Took From Pediatric Gender Clinics In 2021-It's Alway Been Child Abuse - Scott Newgent Sign The Petition Here - Give Back the 2.4 Million Abbott #AbbottGiveTheMoneyBack It was abuse in 2021 to medically transition children just as it is now in 2022; it's always been child abuse! Give the money back that you aceepted fro,m pediatric gender clinics to the tune of 2.4 million Real simple stuff. 1. Texas Governor Gregg Abbott & Team Accepted 2.4 Million in donations from pediatric gender clinics all over the state of Texas 2. Abbott spoke about a bill and helped push the bill off of the Texas House Floor that would have made medically transitioning children illegal in 2021. Instead, he accepted $250,000 2 days before kicking off a bill that would have made gender transition for children illegal in 2021. Instead, he cashed the check and spoke about 'Accepting All" as a newfound love was found for LGBTQ. The love and acceptance he found was worth 2.4 million. 3. In 2021, 16 new pediatric gender clinics were erected within Texas, making Texas the world's leading worldwide hub for pediatric medical gender transition. Texas has a tort reform act that makes filing a medical malpractice case against experimental procedures almost impossible and thus the reason why Texas was chosen to be the new 'HUB' for pediatric gender transformation worldwide. By signing this petition, you are holding Abbott and his team liable, placing them in the order in which they deserve, which is the place where it's ok to be bribed; it's ok to throw kids under the bus as long as you can play politics well and jump out the right time. By signing this, you are saying, 'We see you, Abbott! Give the 2.4 million back to start an organization that can look after all the medically transitioning kids who endured this child abuse because you couldn't say no to taking a bribe. Give the money back, ABBOTT! Hold politicians RESPONSIBLE. War Room Video TReVoices - Abbott You Have Some SPLANNIN To Do Abbott, Patrick and Phelan Shut Down Child Protection Bills After Taking $2.47 Million from PACS Affiliated with Pediatric Gender Modification Clinics Investigation Started

  • One Christian...One Trans Man Grab Hands & Say Together "No To Transing Kids!" We Stand United!

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift.

  • Profiting From Pain #2

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. By Concerned Parent Profiting from Pain The first blog post in this series covered marketing within the pharmaceutical industry, showing how drug companies are jockeying for dominance in the lucrative puberty blocker and cross-sex hormone markets. Worldwide, the US is already the most profitable market for those drugs and is on track for dramatic growth over the next decade. This alarming trend is fueled by lavish pharma lobbying budgets, a combined $92 million in the first quarter of 2021 alone (for all drug types)—that’s a staggering $30 million per month. This obscene sum is used to purchase outsized government influence and lax regulation. Drug companies also pour many millions into direct advertising and aggressive marketing, aimed at doctors and patients alike. These are some of the same companies that have devastated families all over the United States by flooding communities with highly addictive opioids. As our nation struggles to recover from the ongoing damage of that deadly crisis, companies are “organiz[ing] sales and marketing efforts by identifying the best opportunities for gender dysphoria.” (1) (Italics mine.) Drug Pushing and Legal Loopholes Like the opioid crisis, the dysphoria drug boom is poised to generate much more pain and tragedy than it relieves. Drug companies are regularly caught misrepresenting and downplaying the dangerous side effects of their drugs. In July 2017, a jury found that AbbVie, Inc., maker of AndroGel testosterone gel, had engaged in “fraudulent misrepresentation” of the drug. (2) The decision was set to cost AbbVie $150 million in damages. The suit was one of over 6,000 filed at the time against AbbVie and other testosterone manufacturers for “push[ing] testosterone drugs off-label and put[ting] patients at unnecessary risk.” (3) Many other people damaged by the drugs have come forward since then. But remember the pharma industry’s lobbying budget? The $150 million in damages represents just five months of lobbying costs at the current rate of approximately $30 million per month. That’s a slap on the wrist for these drug giants—a slap on the wrist that, in the end, was reduced to the equivalent of a disapproving glance. Six months after the jury found for the plaintiff, Illinois Judge Matthew Kennelly “overturned the $150 million verdicts in the case of Jesse Mitchell because the jury only issued punitive damages and no compensatory damages.” (4) In other words, the judge decided that, because the jury only fined the company (punitive) and did not award funds for the harm caused to the plaintiff by the drug (compensatory), the plaintiff’s legal team had not convinced the jury that he had “been damaged.” (5) Common sense tells us that the original high-dollar verdict against AbbVie meant the jury absolutely was convinced that the plaintiff had been harmed. The judge’s decision was based on a dubious interpretation of legal precedent that favoured the drug makers, an outcome that is all too common. In the end, the judge reduced the punitive damages to just $3.2 million. These drugs are so profitable—AndroGel hit “blockbuster” earnings status—that even judgments in the hundreds of millions are considered a reasonable cost of doing business. Though the amount of money spent on lobbying is staggering, it clearly pays off. Young People Pay the Highest Price Most of the people who sued AbbVie and the other companies were adult males, a population for whom at least some AndroGel drug trials had been conducted. For the young females prescribed AndroGel, the dangers could be even greater, and the risks are certainly less well understood. Young women pursuing transition have reported serious and even life-threatening side effects from AndroGel and other products, including adrenal gland failure/critically low cortisol, fatty liver, high blood pressure, type-1 diabetes onset, and others, necessitating treatment and even hospitalization. And yet, the “Transgender Teen Survival Guide” website has an “AndroGel Q and A” page that includes the following exchange: Q: How do you get Androgel or testosterone gel from your doctor? A: ...I have heard of some doctors being uncomfortable with putting patients right on the gel; one of the reasons behind this is that they don’t have a lot of experience with the gel and are unsure about the dosing. Most doctors, in my experience, don’t really have a strong preference either way and will listen to the patient’s requests. At the end of this Q and A, a young commenter who has reposted the conversation on their own blog writes: Someday my T will come…*Disney tune montage plays in the background* Clearly, the gravity of the decision to risk cross-sex hormone changes and side effects is lost on lots of young people and not emphasized strongly enough by many entrusted with their care. Experimentation on Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults MUST Stop! What does this mean for the futures of gender-questioning and gender-non-conforming young people? Unfortunately, without effective organizing and fierce pushback against gender profiteers—and the trans activists who enable them—it means that our young people will continue to be fodder for an unprecedented and reckless experiment. Under the so-called “affirmative care” model, pharmaceuticals are the first line of treatment for gender-questioning youth. But for the majority of youngsters, dysphoria typically resolves without drug interventions, so in most cases, drug interventions should come last, only after all less-invasive, less-harmful treatments have been tried. (6) Alarmingly, puberty blockers and hormones are used even on patients with comorbidities. For those unfamiliar with the term, “comorbidities” are simply coexisting conditions presenting simultaneously in a patient. So, for example, a young person may come in having self-identified as gender-dysphoric or transgender, but they also have a history of anxiety/depression, ADHD or autism, an eating disorder, abuse or trauma, etc. Treat the Whole Person and Do No Harm From anecdotal evidence, it appears that the vast majority of detransitioners were grappling with comorbidities when they self-identified as trans. But for many, the physical and mental health issues they had in addition to gender confusion were either glossed over or completely ignored by the doctors, mental health practitioners, and gender clinics from whom they sought help. In the worst cases of fast-tracking pharmaceuticals, patients got prescriptions for hormones on their first or second visit with no counselling whatsoever. Detransitioner social media posts, subreddit comments, interviews, and YouTube videos are full of these stories. To make matters worse, there are numerous pieces of legislation meant to ban mental health professionals from using talk therapy to explore gender identity with young people, arguing that doing so amounts to “conversion therapy.” Yet even the staunchest advocates of child and adolescent “affirmative care,” when pressed, admit that they have no way to accurately determine who will persist and who will desist in transition. Nonetheless, they continue to prescribe as though they do, committing serial violations of the Hippocratic oath in the process. The Trans Radical Activist (TRA) Narrative About Detransition Unravels Under Scrutiny It is important to acknowledge that detransitioners’ very existence is often denied by TRAs. On occasions when they are acknowledged, detransitioners’ numbers are minimized and their experiences dismissed by TRAs, often using threatening and/or misogynist language. Young people learn online and elsewhere that people mostly detransition due to societal/familial pressure, financial reasons, or discrimination. But a 2021 study published in the Journal of Homosexuality turns that narrative on its head: in it, those three were the lowest-ranked reasons for detransitioning (listed by 13%, 12%, and 10% of respondents respectively). The top three were 1) “Realized that my gender dysphoria was related to other issues” (70%); 2) Health concerns (62%); 3) Transition did not help with my dysphoria (50%). (7) All of the real top-three reasons argue persuasively for counseling and watchful waiting rather than hormones. Young people need time to sort through their other issues and explore the root causes of their dysphoria, to see if they can resolve the antagonistic crisis among parts of their whole self. After that process, a (likely small) percentage will still decide that transition is the best path, and for them, the drugs will be there. Next Steps: Turning Things Around The next instalment of this series will focus on the medical industry. I will explore not only its role in the dysfunctional approach to gender-non-conforming youth, but the way trans ideology has affected teaching in medical schools, and the long-term risks for all humans’ health when sex-based differences are erased from clinical research. But right now, I want to take a moment to honour the time and energy that everyone working on this issue has given. I do believe that together we are making a difference. Please continue to do whatever you can, whether it is talking to others, contacting legislators, or donating to folks like Scott and the TREVoices gang. And when you feel like it’s all too much, take care of yourself and know that others are in this fight with you. They will be there to take up the work, and when you feel restored, rejoin and reinspire them in return! In the meantime, here is a step you can take today: Call or write your legislators! You can easily find your federal, state, and local government representatives here. Tell them your concerns about the medicalization of minors. Request that they go to and listen to the diverse coalition of people who also have genuine (non-transphobic) concerns. Ask them what they are prepared to do to protect our gender-questioning young people from irreversible harm. Notes: Gender Dysphoria - Market Insight, Epidemiology and Market Forecast - 2030. October 2020. Accessed 12 July, 2021. Sagonowsky, Eric. Jury Smacks AbbVie with $150 verdict in AndroGel’s Bellwether Low-T Trial. Fierce Pharma. 25 July 2017, Accessed 06 July, 2021. Ibid. Sagonowsky, Eric. Judge Overturns $150 Million AndroGel Verdict Against Abbvie. Fierce Pharma. 29 December 2017, Accessed 14 July 2021. Ibid. Kaltiala-Heino R, Bergman H, Työläjärvi M, Frisén L. Gender dysphoria in adolescence: current perspectives. Adolesc Health Med Ther. 2018;9:31-41. Published 2018 Mar 2. doi:10.2147/AHMT.S135432. Accessed 28 June 2021. Vanderbussche, Elie. Detransition-Related Needs and Support: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey. Journal of Homosexuality. 30 April 2021. DOI: 10.1080/00918369.2021.1919479. Accessed 16 May 2021.

  • Mental Health Professionals Are Pushing Your Kids To Med-Transition. Take A Listen & SCREAM

    The road to medical transition had plenty of warning signs. Each time the doubt arose, I reached out to professionals to help me figure out what would be best for my life. As I look back, I realize their influence over my journey, and I recognize the power these two therapists not just held but still hold over my life because medical transition? It's not reversible; the decision to transition medically cannot be undone. When I think of these conversations now, my blood boils because I recognize that if these conversations went differently? I might have made the right decision, the decision not to medically transition. I realize now that not transitioning was the right choice, yet I live the wrong decision. The bad decision and the responsibility of these therapists? It feels criminal like they need to be held accountable for what they pushed. I realize that will never happen. But what I can do? I can walk you through how to make a different decision if you are in the quandary I was. I listen with an open heart, piercing tongue, and take my words and SCREAM Louder with all my love. Scott Video Is Best To Watch. Talk Track Below So, I've been reading about Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD) and post-traumatic stress syndrome. It's common for people who suffer from these conditions to have fantasies about confronting the people most involved in engendering (pun-intended) them, who lead them to an experience so traumatic that it triggers us to duck and hide. And let's face it. PTSD is ducking and hiding intermittently, coming out of our caves to either tell someone to "Fuck Off" or crying uncontrollably in the produce section because the tomatoes are all green. It is an either-or. If you know me, you will know that my PTSD manifests in overripe tomatoes in produce and a feisty "Fuck Off." Children who believe they are transgender usually have comorbidity: homosexual; mental illness, mental gifts; or autism. They may feel odd fitting in society (alpha female; "sissy" boy), physically abused as children, sexually abused as children or adults, and experiencing traumatic events. Have you noticed that "skipping through the daisies" types of people are usually not included with these categories? Now, as an adult, knowing this information...Not just knowing this information but living all, the difference, the medical transition, everything. Well, throw out one or two of the comorbidities, and there I am as overachiever! Whoop Whoop, game set match "Newgent!" When you are classified in one or more of these oddities, you are more susceptible to accepting that something is wrong with you and needs fixing. When you tell someone like this, "All the things that never fit with you in your life? They can all be gone, gone, you will fit in, and you will be able to "skip with the daisies" like all the others, who not only skip with the daisies," but dance laughing on thorn free roses! Of course, no one laughs through life, but when you have a forehead sticker that says, "I'm different," it places you on the outside, and you spend your time trying to convince people that you are not different; you are the same, see; now look at me. "This is normal, right? No? Fucked up again! I'll keep trying...What about this? Did I do that right? No? Awww Fuck!" Most people come to grips with this and get on with life, and I bet I would too if I didn't see my children's faces every day and see what our society is throwing at them and how many parents don't understand what is happening. I return to the time when I was convinced that medical transition was the answer; I was born in the wrong body, I was meant to be a boy...that was the cure, and all the cheerleaders, and how easily I was convinced of this. A 40-year-old ballbusting business sales executive was reduced to a child, believing in this bullshit without the help of the internet or a cackle of friends roaring and cheering me on down the school halls. Seriously, you are nuts if you don't think I haven't looked into the mirror saying, "What a fucking idiot you are." Then one of my kids drops a plate in the other room, and I start hyperventilating and shaking <---another wonder or PTSD...That and jumping behind my couch when my dog suddenly barks and scares me...Haha, my kids laugh, and I join them..Making light and a joke but again returning to the mirror, "What is fucking wrong with you!" Did you ever lie curled up in a ball because a truck driving by didn't have a muffler, and it sounded like a helicopter; instantly you couldn't breathe, thinking you were having another pulmonary embolism, and you know deep down you can breathe; it's just the PTSD, and you're sitting there alone, refusing to scream curled up in a corner, because you don't want to scare your kids...Yeah, I'm a parent, and I know you would do the same for your kids. So understanding this from all aspects––and believe me, this has been a long road, and I hadn't read all the studies and talked to hundreds of people and if...IF the success rate superseded the carnage even by 51%, I would not scream so loud because if it helped 51% belong, we could figure out how to raise that to 90-95% with education...I would be on it, trust me. But knowing all of this and knowing that most and I mean most people who medically transition? Within seven to ten years, they realize that the devastating carnage has fixed nothing. All that's left is destroyed. All it means for the medical profession is numbers. Each child convinced they are trans equals 1.3 in a lifetime for pharmaceutical companies, not including puberty blockers, $54,555 per per per child, surgeries, top averaging $8,000; bottom $70,000-$267,000, with a 67 percent complication rate, and these numbers don't include nowhere near all the complications from what all these mutilations that pass for "medicine" do to these kids' health. The 19-year-olds with the size hearts and lungs of 12-year-olds, sterile, with early-onset osteoporosis. Well, I have a choice then, right? Tell the local mailman to fuck off daily or direct my anger at those who deserve it! So, allow me to redirect with a fascination I have recently begun. I've suddenly developed a fascination about what response I would give to the two therapists who not just encouraged but pushed me down the road to medical transition. Some days I catch myself daydreaming about how I would respond today. Some days I'll chuckle with the reaction bobbing around in my head. Some days I feel the fury smouldering inside, and I release it by knocking a piece of furniture over, cursing to no one listening. I've combined both types of responses into one and settled on exactly how I would respond. Lord knows I will never get the chance, but I wonder how these two therapists would take my new responses? If they knew that what they were pushing for would result in my life being cut short, knowing my kids would not have me for the period parents are supposed to be here. Knowing the health issues I still face and will face for life, would their response change? Their encouragement initiated a long line of suffering from generation to generation for many connected to me, not just me. I wish I were able to go back to each pivotal point and react differently. If I could, here is what I would say to the therapists pushing me to transition medically. The first therapist (A Trans Woman) asked me, "So, how long have you been dressing in male clothing?" My initial response was silence with the realization that she was right; I was born in the wrong body. I instantly became embarrassed for missing something that seemed so apparent to her. My response now, after the journey I have taken.....or shall I say...endured. Today, this is how I would respond: "How dare you say something like that to someone who is gender-confused, projecting the idea that clothing magically makes someone male or female. As a trans woman, how dare you use your position as a therapist to justify your decision to have plastic surgery to create an illusion of a woman. Your desire and the key here is your desire to keep your delusion close forces people at vulnerable times in their lives to deal with your issues. How dare you! I do not have male clothes on; I have heels, lipstick, earrings, eyeliner, and a silk blouse with female slacks to a female business suit. Yes, I am a female business sales executive. Does that make me even more male that I dominate every man that ever tried to sustain my numbers? So tell me what precisely out of all the female attire I described makes me a biological male and proves I was born in the wrong body? Because from where I'm sitting? We need to change seats because you, yes, you "Big Boy", you are the one that needs serious help." The second therapist responded to my concern and apprehension about going through the phalloplasty, the transman bottom surgery. "Scott, why wait? What's the difference in a month or two? You are correcting an error in your gender, and it's so brave you could be such an inspiration to younger trans." Today I would say, "An inspiration because I will be enduring an entirely cosmetic surgery that is experimental at best and has a 67% complications rate. I am an inspiration because I am brave enough to allow a surgeon who is banned from surgery in California to experiment on me with nine medical malpractice cases. It is an inspiration for not taking an extra year to understand this surgery and the absolute carnage it renders on every person who completes it. An inspiration? You out of line with that comment, and another thing? I don't give a rat's ass if I am an attractive man and someone you would be interested in if you met me on the street? That comment was out of line too, and someday soon? Therapists like you? The carnage will catch up with you. But you are right on one thing, lady, and that is...I will inspire someday, inspiring people to prevent therapists like you from being anywhere near vulnerable people! Send me your bill...Also, consider another line of work; you suck at this!" Drop the mic...Now, Parents, it's your turn to SCREAM for your children; they need you, we, us to adult better and SCREAM....Louder! Scott Scott Newgent

Scott Newgent

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