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  • Kids What Club Do You Want To Join? The Straight Boring Gray Club or The Rainbow LGBTQ Club? Really?

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. 2-08-2022 By, Scott Newgent Kids What Club Do You Want To Join? The Straight Boring Gray Club or The Rainbow LGBTQ Club? Really? Are you surprised about all the kids struggling with or believing they are trans/homosexual? Really? Really? I am not! When are gay/lesbian & trans adults going to stand up and be good leaders cemented in doing the right thing and not what feels good? In my grocery order, today was my skittles. Yum, taste the rainbow! I separate the colors as my OCD takes over and enjoy the rainbow as a treat from time to time. Nope. Not Today. Today I enjoy GREY skittles. Why? Because 'Only One Rainbow Matters' the LGBTQ rainbow! The rainbow where men like to have sex with men and women like to have sex with woman....A club we are selling to kids...yippie go get the umbrellas kids! As disgusted as I have been with Christian Evangelicals over my 50 as a lesbian and now a trans man, they haven't come CLOSE to the atrocities of what we are allowingwithin our LGBTQ community. Quite frankly, what evangelicals SCREAMED about, 'The gays will try and recruit; they will bring filth, disgust and go after kids.' ??? We are proving them, right people! If that offends you, who fucking cares? It's the truth! Deal with it. We are allowing the LGBTQ leaders to bring filth disgust and enable them to go after kids; we stay silent, something we promised we would never do! SHAME ON US! SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME SHAME ON US! Being homosexual is nothing to celebrate. Accept? Yes. Promote as a lifestyle? No. We have noting to sell to kids...We are a soft place to fall for adults'! Reality needs to come back; we have to stand up and say the hard things: Being homosexual means you can't produce children with your life partners - that sucks Being homosexual means you are judged before you ever open your mouth - that sucks Being homosexual means, you will be the butt of jokes - that sucks I could go on and on. As a parent, I am not ashamed to say that I DON'T want my kids to be homosexual; if they are, then, of course, I will embrace, guide and lead with reality, 'Being homosexual, kiddo? It doesn't mean you respect your body less; offer it more without commitment or dishonoring yourself. Your search for a life partner holds in solace, what you are, and you embrace the goodness and kindness and love I have for you as a parent internally as a guide on how to love yourself. Being homosexual is nothing to celebrate or promote; it's an internal structure of you, it's about you, not others, and it's not a club you join.' This skittle bag of grey skittles? This grey color? It represents all the others who are not homosexual, meaning they are grey, dull and have nothing to celebrate. We are allowing a massive PR campaign to recruit kids to medically transition celebrate what genitals they will prefer to play with...SERIOUSLY? We are talking about kids, people? We wonder why a generation of girls is running from being female...We wonder why our children our announcing their struggles with understanding their sexuality at 6, 'Mom/Dad I'm bisexual...Can you read me a gay book tonight before bed?" We have CROSSED the line, people, crossed crossed crossed the line and society is scared to death to say anything. The silence of the 'grey' part of society, the straight part, the BORING part, is scared straight...Pun intended. So what does that mean? It means gay/lesbian & trans adults have to adult better.....We have to be the ones that say, The LGBTQ should be nowhere in school systems...religion kicked out & we should be as well for the same fucking reasons...Sexuality/Religion is none of the schools business. The internet doors should be locked within the internet regarding the LGBTQ - We, the LGBTQ adults, should be standing up in political meetings SCREAMING to protect kids. We talking about sex after all? Don't talk about sex with kids; it is pedophilic. Should kids be having sex at six? NO then why are we allowing schools to talk about it. Did I miss a meeting where it's ok for six-year-olds to have sex? NO, so why are we making them worry who they are attracted too? The LGBTQ needs to be SCREAMING these things, not the religious right! No one listens to them; they are afraid of the LGBTQ, and they should be! We, the LGBTQ, have become the bullies. The nature of a community, a person's soul, and character only shows its true colors when they are winning, and right now, the LGBTQ is winning, and we don't look good. We need to be a community that pickets the Skittles manufacturers and shame them for their message about the grey part of society, targeting kids and falling victim to the power of the LGBTQ rainbow. The grey part of society? They are not grey. They are just as colorful as us in the LGBTQ...Let's celebrate the rainbow of humanity, all of us, circle our children, and raise them right. Use your voice, people...SCREAM Louder! Scott Newgent

  • TReVoices Exclusive - Another Trans Adult Steps Up "Med-Transing Kids?" This Email Floored Me!

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. 2-07-2022 Anonymous Trans Man "A" TReVoices Exclusive - Another Trans Adult Steps Up "Med-Transing Kids?" This Email Floored Me! I opened my email to check my TReVoices messages. I get a message a day from a trans and I've heard it all. Each one does infuse me with conviction, but this one...This one...I opened this and I never dreamed to received an email that jolted me regarding the 'Medicalization Of Children." I don't know why but this hit me and hit me hard. The way this trans man pealed his chest was persuasive...Just read it! Dear Scott, I'm a FTM who tried to detransition. But it wasn't believable, mostly because of religious pressure and the testosterone exacerbating a mental illness (multiple studies have been done where testosterone causes mania in women and estrogen prevents psychosis - I'd love to see doctors looking at those studies rather than the political trans agenda). I wholeheartedly agree with Scott that transitioning is not for kids. Due to our appearance and voices, most of us FTMs can't believably detransition, so in short, the life we had, especially socially, is no longer available to us, no matter how much we may try to become comfortable with it. Making the other gender's hormone dominant in someone seems to make most act like they're going through puberty while doing drugs, especially in FTMs, because testosterone is a stimulant that causes mania, bad impulse control, memory issues, etc. Relentless Focus To Stop The Medicalization Of Gender Confused Children! Help Us Continue The Fight & Donate Now. Watching the radical trans agenda unfold, I just know something isn't right. People don't know they have gone down the wrong path and damaged their body and relationships until the love bombing of those encouraging them to change subsides. And if detransitioning doesn't work, they can't gain any of that back. I only knew I made a mistake when my doctors finally found me an effective mental drug that helped me see what the testosterone did as well as helped me figure out my inner life. I'll probably always feel more male and I don't know if I fully regret transitioning, but I was pretty much ruined, both bodily and socially and maybe even spiritually because your whole being goes through the change. The only silver lining is that the experience has taught me a lot about who my true friends are. Thus I am joining Scott's army to continue the good fight against the medical transitioning of gender-questioning kids. Anonymous Trans Man "A"

  • Physician Pushing Childhood Medical Transition-Proof He Takes Money From Pharma-A Mother SCREAMING

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. By, Concerned Mom Physician Pushing Childhood Medical Transition-Proof He Takes Money From Pharma-A Mother SCREAMING I have no idea if you read the things I am sending you from the scientific, professional community or not. I don’t know if your mind is closed and made up or willing to see things from all sides. There is much conflict in the community especially from those that have been dealing with gender dysphoria for awhile and have seen how the clients with this has morphed over the years. Used to be middle age men as the most presenting…not teenage girls. That should make one curious what is going on and why the shift. You have a podcast and a responsibility to your audience to get it right. Affirmation of distress of a person trans identified is absolutely the way to go, that doesn’t mean you should affirm they should be put on a medical path as the only way to help. Also calling kids “trans kids” is problematic as suggests a permanent state vs. “kids with gender dysphoria”, a condition may or not be permanent. You tout the 41 percent suicide rate. It is really accurate? From: There is no high quality evidence to suggest that the overall attempted suicide rate of transgender youth is 41%. There is no high quality evidence to suggest that the overall attempted suicide rate of transgender youth is 41%. However, a 2021 paper [3] notes that the participants were recruited through transgender advocacy organizations and subjects were asked to “pledge” to promote the survey among friends and family. This recruiting method yielded a large but highly skewed sample. By targeting transgender advocacy groups, the survey underrepresented the experiences of transgender individuals who are not politically engaged. Also, a very high number of the survey participants (nearly 40%) had not transitioned medically or socially at the time of the survey, and a significant number reported no intention to transition in the future. A 2016 article [4] analyzes the power of this 41% statistic, investigating how it has affected conversations about the injustices transgender people face and the importance of family and societal acceptance. You gave me an article from Jack Turban, says a lot. His interpretation of what he wants to find and the direction he takes. I thought medical professionals were supposed to “first do no harm”. He seems to reject that and thinks the only way to address this is with medical interventions and at such a young age going through puberty, with co-morbid conditions. This is astounding. Please read the letter below from a detransitioned woman and quoting him. Link To Letter The below is a critique of Jack’s article. I am sure more are to come. Link To Article Here is a response from my personal friend, Scott Newgent (transman). He has been through the ringer with his own story and analyzed things in his own colorful way. Why Jack Turban Doesn't Know What He Is Talking About. As Well As A Perspective From A Trans. "Awww Hi, I'm Dr. Jack Turban and I'm number 27....Aww shit I meant 72" Gender a Wider Lens podcast with Stephen Levin a professional with decades experience really touches on what we don’t know. Jack Turban with his limited experience doesn’t seem to me have any questioning...why? He is very young with not much experience. Jack receives money from a pharmaceutical company that makes puberty blockers A Physicians Bought Means Children Will Suffer Check out r/detrans subreddit. With affirm only policy..this subreddit has exploded. Should these people be getting therapy instead of thinking that a transition will solve their issues? What mental health issue do we let the client diagnose themselves and prescribe the treatment? I implore you to get input from all sides. We even have Dr. Laura Edward Leeper speaking out and transgender Dr. Erica Anderson. I know your heart is to get it right for people. I’m concerned with the long term mental health of everyone as an individual with their own story. What is causing the dysphoria, can it be resolved with neutral therapy? Can the client explore and find out more about themselves. Why do they feel this way, what is going on? Check out r/detrans subreddit. With affirm only policy..this subreddit has exploded. Should these people be getting therapy instead of thinking that a transition will solve their issues? What mental health issue do we let the client diagnose themselves and prescribe the treatment? I implore you to get input from all sides. We even have Dr. Laura Edward Leeper speaking out and transgender Dr. Erica Anderson. I know your heart is to get it right for people. I’m concerned with the long term mental health of everyone as an individual with their own story. What is causing the dysphoria, can it be resolved with neutral therapy? Can the client explore and find out more about themselves. Why do they feel this way, what is going on? A Mom SCREAMING

  • A Trans Man Explains the Yin/Yang Of Chinese Medicine & How It Play Havoc On A Biological Woman

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. By, Harley Stofiel A Trans Man Explains the Yin/Yang Of Chinese Medicine & How It Play Havoc On A Biological Woman "Yin deficient" in Chinese Tradition medicine, is somewhat similar to adrenal fatigue or adrenal "burnout" in western/allopathic medicine. Chinese Traditional medicine is a different approach to understanding symptoms that trans men experience at one time or another on testosterone. "T" is associated with puberty and menopause concurrently. Think, females need moist vaginas, brains, joints and eyes. Females on "T" have deficient moisture, hence Yang dominates and flares up. When Yin is not able to hold down powerful yang energy, it dries out trans men bodies and unbearable symptoms occur. Trans people negatively compromise their bodies at the cellular level on cross-gender hormones. Synthetic "T" weakens female bodies and their immune system. Yin deficiency signals a lack of nourishment in the body which affects your ability to cool down, calm down and establish harmony in your body. Yin deficiency is caused by long lasting muscular tension/stress or following long-term illness/surgery. And, excessive work (Yang) without rest leads to deficiency of Yin energy. When Yin in the body is deficient, Yang dominates the body which affects your body's ability to cool down. This is also known as too much "heat" in your body. When there's too much heat in your body it produces insomnia, night sweats, dry mouth, dry joints, dry eyes, dry lips, dry stools (constipation), hot hand and feet. Yin deficiency's properties refer to a deficiency of fluids such as blood and various body fluids. Fluid depletion, Yin deficiency may cause stagnation of the thick fluids. Yin deficiency and dryness can also affect the blood and fluids by making it very thick and therefore difficult to flow. The goal is to remove the heat to re-establish balance back to your body. "Excess heat" is when Yin is deficient and dominant Yang is unrestrained. Yin moistens and nourishes organs and tissues. When the body's Yin is depleted, excess of Yang results. Yang excess leads to feelings of "empty heat" and to heart palpations, night sweats, anxiety, hot flashes, pain in the legs, sore eyes. Like pressing down hard on the gas pedal for a continuous amount of time will create more heat within the engine, burns gas more rapidly, and use up other fluids faster as well. When Yin is deficient it cannot hold down Yang. Yin is a cooling and moistening substance to balance out Yang. Yin deficiency affects a person's ability to cool down, calm down and establish harmony in the body. When Yin does not cool and nourish Yang, Yang rises like a balloon. Trans men can experience anxiety, irritability, manic behavior, change in hunger, heart palpitations, night sweats, hot flashes, headaches, dizziness, sore eyes, sore throat, tinnitus, pain in the legs and acne. Blood is Yin and blood moves Qi (energy). Blood nourishes the physical body and anchors Shen (mind), housed in the Heart. Quality of blood circulating throughout your systems help give vitality. As a Yin substance, blood is dense, fluid, and lubricating. It prevents tissues/joints from drying out. Low blood volume. When blood is abundant, one feels alive. Blood deficiency = chronic fatigue, headaches, dizziness, anxiety, brain fog, always cold, bruise easily. "T" reduces blood flow in the lower abdomen, "blood stagnation". Blood stagnation can manifest as tissue changes, like polyps, or tumors but most often shows up as pain from impaired microcirculation. Abdominal fat, edema, insulin sensitivity, elevated triglycerides, elevated homocysteine, increased C-reactive protein, virilization. Anxiety and depression. Vitality is diminished, which shows in one's appearance, emotional affect, how one carries themselves, and in health. Qi is Yang and Qi is vital, active and energetic. Are You in Regeneration or Degeneration? Disease Triangle Power Source Triangle When deficient yin kidney fluid fails to nourish the brain and ears, there is dizziness, tinnitus and forgetfulness. When deficient kidney yin fails to nourish the lumbar region and knees, there is a manifestation of soreness and weakness in the lumbar region and knees. Kidney yin moistens and nourishes, while kidney yang provides warmth and promotes organs and tissue. Yang is considered to be the physical body and Yin is considered to be the internal energy. When Yin does not cool down and nourish, then Yang rises. Yang energy is hot, fast moving, expanding upward and outward. Above the waist, exterior, back and head. Yang tends to move towards the center and Yin moves to the periphery. Yang is fire, restless, seeking. Yang is over stimulated with work, sex, and exercise. Yang deficiency is low libido, lower back pain, knee, and leg pain. Yang is the hallow organs, a long tube starting at the mouth, esophagus, stomach (separate impure substances from food), small/large intestines, down to your butt that eliminates waste. Urinary bladder and gall bladder channels are also affected. Think of energy meridians as highways that run through your body, scars are roadblocks along that route. Scars create barriers for moving energies. Energy hits the wall that the scar tissue creates, and begin backups in that location and produce sickness. Women and trans people who've had breast surgery, either for augmentation, reduction, or a mastectomy can later experience an erratic heartbeat or arrhythmia with no history of heart problems. Trans bottom surgeries are known for high complication rates and its negative effects on trans sexual well-being. Studies show that women who've had C-sections or men who've had appendectomy, faulty circumcision. hernia or gallbladder surgery that develop scar tissue often suffer from loss of sexual pleasure. Trans surgeries in the short-term may bring relief, but in the long-term can only bring negative results. The ranks of gender detransitioners are growing and up to 20% trans people regret their "trans" surgeries. When the body is cut on or injured, fibrous tissues form over the wound. In Traditional Chinese, scar tissues are considered Qi and blood stagnation which can lead to blocked blood flow and sickness. Surgery leaves residual trauma from surgical cuts that produce scar tissue that holds negative energic memory of that surgery. Scar tissues also act as a barrier that prevents natural flow of your body's energies from going beyond or through the scar tissue. The effects are an accumulation or stagnation of energy that results in new problems. How We Get Sick v Poor Food Choices v Nutritional Deficiencies v Organs and Glans Yang is considered to be the physical body, and Yin is considered to be the internal energy; together they work to make a whole. All disease is cell disease, but all cell disease is proceeded by sticky blood. Blood feeds and oxygenates cells. It's circulation through the body generates an electrical charge. Yang energy controls activity within the body, Yin energy controls inactivity and together they balance each other. The mind, body, spirit and emotions are a seamless whole, disharmony in one affects the other. There is no separation because of the connection. Yin Deficiency V Blood V Chi V Empty Chest V High Blood Pressure In Chinese medicine, there are 12 meridian channels in the body with energy flowing through them. Blood moves Qi (energy). Testosterone thickens trans men's blood. Between sluggish blood and scar tissues, nutrients and oxygen cannot supply a healthy environment to the organs. All disease is cell disease, but all cell disease is proceeded by sticky blood. Blood feeds and oxygenates cells. Its circulation through the body generates an electrical charge. The higher the charge potential, the more fluid the blood is and the healthier and better nutrient-oxygenated your cells will be. Conversely, a decreased electrical charge is associated with aging and health challenges. Traditional Chinese medicine sees psoriasis as predominately caused by an excess of heat, that can manifest as blood heat, blood dryness, and blood stagnation. Blood heat from toxins, blood dryness from Qi deficiencies in the stomach channel and blood stagnation from liver problem. Stress, also plays a big part in your health. By, Harley Stofiel - Trans Man

  • Australia. Gender-Confused Child Removed From Home - Parents Lose Custody. Ready To SCREAM Yet?

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. By Daniel Khmelev Australia. Gender-Confused Child Removed From Home - Parents Lose Custody. Ready To SCREAM Yet? Parents Challenge State to Return Transgender Child September 13, 2021 Updated: October 12, 2021 A mother and father in Australia are battling for custody of their child after a court ruled them to be “abusive” for refusing to allow their child gender reassignment treatment after the child was taken from their home by police. The parents, who are appealing to overturn the decision, claim that their 15-year-old child had not expressed any doubts about their gender or showed signs of dysphoria prior to their removal from the family home. Meanwhile, they said they were only alerted to the issue when staff from a gender dysphoria ward at a children’s hospital told them the child had gender identity issues. “We were so shocked. We didn’t even know about these things,” Albert and Helen told The Epoch Times on Sep. 3. The Epoch Times has agreed to give the parents pseudonyms for the protection of themselves, their child and those involved in the case. From the facts of the case, it is understood that this is the first time in Australia where the state has taken a minor away from their parents, despite them both disagreeing with the child’s self-defined gender identity. Albert and Helen have not seen or spoken to their child for close to two years. They stated that they thought it was absurd that the child “needed protection” from the hypothetical harm they could pose and described how the police removed their child from their home without the parents’ explicit permission. Recalling the night, Helen said the whole family were together for a get-together, and their child was in their bedroom when they heard a knock on the door. “I was just amazed to see police in front of my door,” Helen said. The parents, who had no previous criminal record, said they were completely surprised and that they first thought their child had gotten into trouble when the police asked to speak with them. Albert said that shortly afterwards, two male police officers entered the family’s home and said they needed to talk to the child outside. But, instead, they proceeded to escort the child into a police vehicle with tinted windows. Albert said he pleaded with the police to explain what was happening, at which point the officers did not provide any details, only saying they were going to a local children’s hospital. “I tried to look through the dark window to see my child, and I tried to talk to them, but they didn’t open. So they just drove away.” “They drove away with my child,” he said. “At that stage, I thought it was an abduction. I thought, ‘Wow, this can’t be. Did these people just abduct my child? Is it really policemen?’ I thought they were men dressed up as policemen.” Albert said he and his wife tried to follow the vehicle, but they were unable to keep up with them. “So we just went to the hospital, and luckily they were there,” he said. Helen explained that, despite begging to see their child at the hospital, the staff refused and did not offer an explanation as to why the child had been taken there. The next day, Albert was told his child was taken to the gender ward at the children’s hospital. Albert said that nurses and the psychologist at the ward told him that their child would now be identifying as a boy and that the mention of suicide required immediate gender transitioning action. The staff at the mental health ward also refused to allow the child to see an independent psychologist to confirm their diagnosis. He said that later on, when the hospital had approached the child’s previous psychologist, the psychologist said that gender diversity was not brought up in conversation. To this day, Albert and Helen said that they still were not given the opportunity to provide their child with an independent assessment. Further, the father said he was immediately pushed by a psychiatrist at the hospital to give consent to allow for hormone treatment and gender reassignment surgery. “They wanted us, then and there, to approve and start treatment—testosterone, cutting [their] breasts off … that’s what they wanted us to give approval for,” he said. Albert and Helen also alleged they were “coerced” into signing off on the treatment due to the mention of suicide, and were asked if they would “rather have a dead daughter or alive son.” Holding back tears, they explained they were no longer allowed to speak with their child, even on the child’s birthday, while the child remained in hospital. They said that they had only wished to provide their child with love and support. “We absolutely want to do the best for our children. We love her. We want to tell her we love her—but even that’s considered abuse.” Albert and Helen also believe they were targeted for their religious beliefs, which they said was used against them. They also noted they constantly felt bullied. “One of the hardest things for me is that they tell you ‘you’re this bad parent,'” Helen said. “That ‘you’re abusive,’ ‘you’re not a good parent for your child.’ Even though you know you’ve done everything for that child.” The Epoch Times reached out to the relevant authorities to confirm the parents’ allegations, and whether or not the actions taken in this case were according to their protocols but did not receive a reply at the time of publication. Taken By Surprise Albert and Helen claim that their teenage child had never brought up gender identity issues previously and that they only found out after police took their child to the hospital. Albert and Helen, both highly qualified professionals, said their child was an ordinary, rebellious teenager who was both academically bright and very skilled in art. Helen explained that, to them, their child felt like an only child after becoming the centre of attention when their older siblings went on to university. “We spent lots of time together,” Helen said. “[They] would just come and hug me, we would talk, and we were very open.” Helen explained that her child had felt depressed after they moved from the country at a young age, leaving them without many friends. The parents also said they had taken their child to see a private psychologist to provide them with additional support. Allegations of Online Grooming Albert and Helen believe that it all began when their child uploaded drawings to websites, which attracted attention and messages from strangers online who they allege used grooming techniques to encourage their child to explore a new gender identity. According to the parents, their child began drawing a Japanese style of cartoon, and later progressed to drawings of human-like animals, which they now know to be “furry art.” However, the family alleges that the online messages from strangers gradually evolved into conversations that estranged the child from their parents. “First, it was planting seeds very subtly, using language like, ‘Do you feel different from your family, because they don’t get you?'” the parents said. The parents then noted it progressed to comments such as, “your parents are oppressing you,” “you’re safe to talk with us,” “you’re mature for your age,” and that they frequently used what they termed “safe talk.” The online strangers used phrases like: ”You’re not safe there. This is always a safe place to talk to us. Your parents don’t get you, your siblings don’t get you, but this is a safe place, you can talk to us about anything. We’re safe.'” The parents alleged that these individuals suggested that the child was a “victim of society,” and that “society boxed women in.” They explained that the messages encouraged and affirmed the child when they began to express doubt in their gender identity. The family also said that it was shocking to find that her client’s child was taught ways to get “T’s”— hormonal testosterone therapy—without their parents’ knowledge. But of most concern was that the child was told how they could transition even without their parents’ approval. This allegedly included being directly told that if they felt suicidal and mentioned “suicide” to a teacher or friend online, that the “police would rescue you from your abusive family.” Not Alone in the Experience Albert and Helen are not alone in their experience. A spokesperson for the Australian branch of the group Parents for Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) told The Epoch Times on Sep. 12 they have been contacted by close to 100 families experiencing a similar situation. The group’s spokesperson said that Albert and Helen’s situation had been almost identical to numerous families across Australia. “When you start talking to them, it’s scary how similar they are,” the spokesperson said. The spokesperson explained that every single parent that reached out to the organisation, including internationally, said that they were at some point presented with a coercive ultimatum: “would you rather have a dead son or a live daughter,” or vice-versa—unless they immediately affirmed their child’s new chosen gender identity. “They’re all talented artists; most of them have been bullied at school. Most of them have had some sort of personal trauma. They’re the ones who have trouble fitting in.” The spokesperson said that almost all of the children drew “Anime”—Japanese-style cartoon characters—and became involved in online discussions with strangers on websites such as DeviantArt, Reddit, Instagram, Tumblr, Discord, TikTok, and others. Many children were also influenced by online media, including watching adult YouTube video makers who provided updates on their gender transition progress, they said. But it was not just the online environment that was an issue. The spokesperson also said that the influence of teaching and encouraging children to explore their gender identity existed beyond the internet and was prevalent in Australia’s education system. In particular, they said that “Minus18” was one of several online organisations whose resources are regularly used as part of sexuality education in both public and private schools and in teaching and promoting gender diversity issues in high schools. According to their website, Minus18 is a national not-for-profit charity whose mission is to create an Australia free from discrimination for all LGBTQIA+ youth. They believe their work provides young people in the LGBTQIA+ community a sense of belonging and inclusion which they say assists with integration into society and benefits mental wellbeing. “Minus18 offer a range of support services to LGBTQIA+ young people across Australia, employing youth workers to ensure our programs are age appropriate. We work hard to build strong relationships between young people and their families, and provide advice for parents to have open conversations with their children about sexuality and gender,” Micah Scott, Minus18’s CEO, told The Epoch Times via email. However, the spokesperson for ROGD said that some of the organisation’s material taught to children was troubling. They noted that Minus18’s lesson on “Ways to play with your gender expression” included teaching young teenage boys how to “tuck” their genitals to appear more feminine and ways for girls to “bind” their breasts to appear more masculine. The ROGD spokesperson was also concerned that Minus18 was teaching children how to hide their browser history from parents, such as when trying to meet up with other LGBTQIA+ members without their parents’ knowledge could alienate children from their parents. This was explained to children in an article titled “Cover Your Tracks,” which has since been deleted from their website but which The Epoch Times was able to access using an internet archive. “Making sure no one sees what you’re searching for online is kind of an important thing when you’re not out. Nothing worse than having someone see that your last google search was for “Gay teens Melbourne” Am I right?” the Minus18 article stated.

  • Doc Says "15 Studies Tells Us Med Transing Kids Cures Mental Illness - Older Trans Call BULLSHIT!

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. By Scott Newgent Doc Says "15 Studies Tells Us Med Transing Kids Cures Mental Illness - Older Trans Call BULLSHIT! These articles and studies leave me convinced handcuffs are coming for these medical professionals. Original Article Below. Let me break down the article. A child is suicidal and believes they were born in the wrong body. That child starts medical transition, an immediate improvement to mental health follows. Case Closed! Now bring me your kids. Translation from older transgender adults followed up with the only long term study done in Sweden following 274 transgender adults for 30 years: 1973-2003. Here is the conclusion: Jack, you are a right big guy, and all the 15 studies are right! When you give a child what they want, they get excited! It's the Christmas Present Syndrome. Of course, their mood changes; you told them they were born in the wrong body and why they don't fit? You told them why they didn't get invited to "Jan's Birthday Party" or why no one sits with them at lunch; they are in the wrong body. They are sick; they have an illness, and medical transition will fix them. They don't fit because they are sick. Now mix in the high fives in the school hallways, So proud of you being your true authentic self you are a hero! All the glitter grenades, the instant friends and support online, add the unicorns that jump out with constant praises and NO SHIT, they feel better! Mix in the excitement of all the expected changes, and one change leads to another to another, and another step until the transition is complete ...............7-10 years later! What happens then, Jack? That's right; you don't know because not a single study on your list of fifteen is over five years. Why is that? Is that because you are a total orangutan, or is it more sinister? "I'm Dr Jack Turban Number 72....Awwwww, Shit 27!" Or are you Evil MUUUUWWWAAAA, I'm making a shit ton of money! Who cares if these loser autistic, homosexual, gifted, abused, mental ill kids kill themselves at 25! I'm RICH! You see, you don't have a lot of career-saving places to go when all the truth comes out. This is where the handcuffs will start to come out. Why? Because you know and I know being trans and other older trans know as well as what the only long term study tells us which is the most suicidal time for us trans? 7-10 years after the process is complete. That's when these kids will follow through with killing themselves. Do you know what we call it in the trans community? Seven to 10 Year Trans Suicide Itch You see, at this time is when you start to deal with the health complications, you realize you still don't fit, you fit less, and you realize... I am an idiot to have believed professionals like you, that I was born in the wrong body. So not only did you lie to these kids, you told them everything was going to be ok, that they did fit, were going to fit, and it's heartbreaking when you realize you don't and never will. The difference between us trans that medically transitioned as adults? We had the time in childhood to develop thick skin. When being different, the crucial time in adolescents sucked, but it made us dig deep and work hard to create a fondness for ourselves. We searched for others that didn't fit to look up to and slowly started to understand that history is made not by the head nodders but by the difference of the ones that see things differently. The girly boys who got teased as a kid? At 28 he laughs his ass off as a top-notch designer everyone chases to work with. The autistic girl who never felt inside or part of anything? She developed a harness for animals that lowered anxiety and transferred to making a SHIT ton of money with weighted blankets. Why? Because she felt the difference harder and dug deep. You are robbing them of this. These kids? The crucial time to work through that being different? Not that bad; in fact, being different...Well, show me one person, Joe quarterback or Susie Barbie, who made a massive difference in the world. You are robbing these kids of this time; the time needed to learn to say an mean internally, "Hey, I'm going to be ok. I'm different, but I'm going to rock being different." Instead Jack? These kids, robbed of that crucial time, lied to about everything being ok and not knowing how to deal with any of it, not having the tools needed to deal with life as they are...Different. You see I fell for this shit at 41 and it almost killed me, truly in many more ways than one. But the reason why I am here SCREAMING at you? I developed that backbone and strength as God is my witness or universe of anything greater that us...SHAME ON YOU JACK! SHAME ON YOU! The rate of suicides at 7-10 years will catapult to an epidemic, and I want you to hear me here Jack, to all the Dr Jacks of the world? You did it. When it happens, you need to own it...You did it, Dr. Jack. A suicide epidemic is coming and Dr. Jack' of the world? Parents Say It With Me SHAME ON YOU! KEY POINTS Fifteen studies to date have examined the impact of gender-affirming medical care for transgender youth. Existing evidence suggests that gender-affirming medical care results in favorable mental health outcomes. All major medical organizations oppose legislation that would ban gender-affirming medical care for transgender adolescents. I'm a physician-scientist who studies the mental health of transgender and gender diverse youth. I also spend a lot of time on Twitter. And yes I know, that's my first mistake. I've noticed there seem to be hundreds if not thousands of Twitter accounts that will repeatedly post that there is no evidence that gender-affirming medical care results in good mental health outcomes for transgender youth. Since several U.S. states are introducing legislation to outlaw gender-affirming medical care this year (despite opposition from just about every major medical organization including The American Medical Association, The American Academy of Pediatrics, and The American Psychiatric Association), I thought this was a good time to review the relevant research for you all. So buckle up — here we go. The studies are in chronological order. I'll provide a brief summary of each and provide the citation for people who want to read more. I'll plan on updating this post as new studies become available. As you read, please keep in mind that all studies have methodological strengths and weaknesses and conclusions must be drawn from all of these studies together. The Studies Study 1: De Vries, A. L., Steensma, T. D., Doreleijers, T. A., & Cohen‐Kettenis, P. T. (2011). Puberty suppression in adolescents with gender identity disorder: A prospective follow‐up study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 8(8), 2276-2283. This study from the Netherlands followed 70 transgender adolescents and measured their mental health before and after pubertal suppression. Study participants had improvements in depression and global functioning following treatment. However, feelings of anxiety and anger, gender dysphoria, and body satisfaction did not change. Study 2: De Vries, A. L., McGuire, J. K., Steensma, T. D., Wagenaar, E. C., Doreleijers, T. A., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (2014). Young adult psychological outcome after puberty suppression and gender reassignment. Pediatrics, 134(4), 696-704. Another study from the Netherlands. This one followed 55 transgender adolescents through pubertal suppression, gender-affirming hormone treatment (estrogen or testosterone), and gender-affirming genital surgery (as adults). Of note, many of these participants were also participants in study 1 (this study followed them for longer). The researchers found that psychological functioning steadily improved over the course of the study and by adulthood these now young adults had global functioning scores similar to or better than age-matched peers in the general population. Of note, one patient in this study died from a surgical complication of vaginoplasty (necrotizing fasciitis), but little additional information is provided. Study 3: Costa, R., Dunsford, M., Skagerberg, E., Holt, V., Carmichael, P., & Colizzi, M. (2015). Psychological support, puberty suppression, and psychosocial functioning in adolescents with gender dysphoria. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 12(11), 2206-2214. This study is from the United Kingdom. They followed 101 adolescents who received pubertal suppression at the beginning of the study and 100 adolescents who, for a range of reasons, were deemed by the team not ready to start pubertal suppression and thus did not receive it over the course of the study. Both groups received supportive psychotherapy. Both groups saw improvement in mental health. While the pubertal suppression group had a 5-point higher mean score on the study's psychological functioning scale at the end of the study, the difference was not statistically significant. This could have been due to the small sample size by the end of the study (the researchers only had data from 36 participants in the therapy-only group and 35 participants in the pubertal suppression group at the final time point of the study). We will see that later studies were able to obtain larger sample sizes so that statistically significant differences between those who did and did not receive pubertal suppression could be detected. Study 4: Allen, L. R., Watson, L. B., Egan, A. M., & Moser, C. N. (2019). Well-being and suicidality among transgender youth after gender-affirming hormones. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 7(3), 302. This study was from researchers at Children's Mercy Hospital Gender Pathway Services Clinic in Missouri. They followed 47 transgender adolescents who received gender-affirming hormones (estrogen or testosterone) to a mean 349 days after starting treatment. They found statistically significant increases in general well-being and a statistically significant decrease in suicidality. Study 5: Kaltiala, R., Heino, E., Työläjärvi, M., & Suomalainen, L. (2020). Adolescent development and psychosocial functioning after starting cross-sex hormones for gender dysphoria. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry, 74(3), 213-219. This study is from Finland. Researchers conducted a retrospective chart review of 52 adolescents who received gender-affirming hormones (estrogen or testosterone) and found statistically significant decreases in need for specialist level psychiatric treatment for depression (decreased from 54% to 15%), anxiety (decreased from 48% to 15%), and suicidality or self-harm (decreased from 35% to 4%) following treatment. Study 6: de Lara, D. L., Rodríguez, O. P., Flores, I. C., Masa, J. L. P., Campos-Muñoz, L., Hernández, M. C., & Amador, J. T. R. (2020). Psychosocial assessment in transgender adolescents. Anales de Pediatría (English Edition), 93(1), 41-48. This study is from Spain. It followed 23 transgender adolescents who received gender-affirming hormones (estrogen or testosterone) and 30 cisgender controls for approximately one year. They found the transgender adolescents at baseline had worse measures of mental health than the cisgender control adolescents but that this difference equalized by the end of the study. The transgender adolescents in the study who received gender-affirming hormones had statistically significant improvements in several mental health measures, including anxiety and depression. Study 7: van der Miesen, A. I., Steensma, T. D., de Vries, A. L., Bos, H., & Popma, A. (2020). Psychological functioning in transgender adolescents before and after gender-affirmative care compared with cisgender general population peers. Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), 699-704. This was another Dutch study, with an impressive sample size. Researchers compared 272 transgender adolescents referred to the gender clinic who had not yet received pubertal suppression with 178 transgender adolescents who had received pubertal suppression. They found those who received pubertal suppression had better mental health outcomes than those who did not receive pubertal suppression. Awww fuck I've copied and pasted enough of this crap... Click Here

  • Politicians & Activists-How To Shut Down 'Better Alive Daughter Than A Dead Son'

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. By Scott Newgent Politicians & Activists-How To Shut Down 'Better Alive Daughter Than A Dead Son' I am currently overloaded with politicians/lawyers asking me for word tracks on overcoming "Better An Alive Daughter Than A Dead Son." Brilliant idea I had today! Why don't I create a response and share it with all? Stop people in their tracks with this response. With confidence say, Do you have an y other reason you believe children should medically transition besides holding parents emotionally hostage with something that is not true? Deciding to transition a child because they are suicidal is like telling a child that is anorexic to stand in front of the mirror and recite, " I am fat and ugly" 50 times a day and follow that up with daily classes on the 'benefits of starvation to the body." That sounds ridiculous, right? Because it is. That is what medically transitioning a suicidal child is; it's absurd. If a child exhibits suicidal ideation, they need help immediately and should be taken to appropriate centers to receive support. Shooting these suicidal kids with synthetic hormones is like taking a group of pedophiles to a children's camp unsupervised because the offenders said, "I'm cured, I am no longer a pedophile, and I like helping kids,' followed up with accolades from the camp leaders welcoming them to help children unsupervised. This may offend you, but I'm trying to shake you awake; we are talking about your child, and I hope you want the hard cold truth, I would! The calm a child experiences in the beginning of medical transition is not permanent; older, wiser trans call it the 'Santa Claus Present Phase." If you have a child, you understand the present phase where a child wants something so bad, with all their heart and becomes obsolete quickly as the phase ends; unfortunately, this phase that you are acquiescing too? This phase leads to massive suicides, but I'm afraid to tell you that this phase peaks 7-10 years after completing the medical transition. Better said, "A Child That Is Medically Transition Is More Likely To Commit Suicide After Medical Transition Than Before." 12 Leading Complications Of Medically Transitioning A Child Decreased life expectancy Premature death from heart attacks Premature death from pulmonary embolisms Bone damage Possible liver damage Increased mental-health complications Increases chances of mood-syndrome symptoms Increased suicide rates than the non-trans population 12% higher chance than no trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis Brain development stunted during hormone blockers Reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure Probably does not even improve mental health outcomes The only long term study was done in Sweden from 1973-2003, followed 274 medically transitioned adults. This study shows that suicides peak for medically transition 7-10 years after the completion. Scott Newgent, a transgender man, has helped us understand from the inside and informs us along with other older trans within the trans community naming it "The 7-10 Year Suicide Itch." Medical Transition is plastic surgery and every person who creates an illusion of the opposite sex deserves respect, protection within the law and a life without hostile attacks. With that said, telling the truth that medical Transition is a choice is not hate; it's a fact not being exposed to parents. For this, I am very sorry, and I am trying to remedy it as a politician. Another fact is that 82% of children who enter into talk therapy recover from gender dysphoria, and that's a good thing. Medical transition has enormous amounts of physical and mental health complications, and once again, they are not being told to parents. Below are some resources that I hope you invest some time into reading and educating yourself. Medical Transition is not the same as homosexuality; homosexuality is ingrained, trans is something created. I am sorry that evangelical Christians tried to turn homosexuality into a choice, but it is not. It leaves us here today trying to help people understand that medical Transition is absolutely a choice. This choice guarantees pharmaceutical companies 1.3 million for a lifetime of synthetic hormone needs and hundreds of thousands of dollars in surgeries and complications. Trans Adult Organizations Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition: TRevoices - USA GDAC - Canada Transperancy PodCast SCREAMING PodCast Sweden Study Following 274 Medically Transitioned Adults 82% Recovery From Gender Dysphoria With talk Therapy. No or little psychological benefit With Medical Transition Transgender Adults Against Childhood Medical Transition: Scott Newgent Aaron Kimberly Buck Angel Dr. Debbie Hayton Miranda Yardley Edan Walker Claudia McClean Aaron Terrell Todd Whitworth Fionne Orlander Scott Newgent - Texas Trans Man

  • Indiana - Today - Trans Woman Calls BULLSHIT On Trans Women In Sports, "It's Cheating"

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. By, Scott Newgent Indiana - Today - Trans Woman Calls BULLSHIT On Trans Women In Sports, "It's Cheating" How Many Trans have to come out into the public eye to get torn to shreds before people start to SCREAM without reservation, without guilt? Come on Parents. Society? It's OK To Get Fucking Pissed Off Your Not Transphobic! We have dozens of parents that SCREAM already but we need thousands and thousands, imagine the sea of people at MLK Speech "I Had A Dream. " We need a, "I Had A Dream That My Child Is Perfect Just The Way They Are -SPEECH." A biological male who identifies as transsexual tore into opponents of a bill protecting women’s sports, telling Indiana state lawmakers Monday that “it is unfair to expect girls to cede their hard-won rights.” Following the testimony, 46-year-old Corinna Cohn expressed frustration to The Daily Signal on Monday afternoon that “trans activism has become a zero-sum game.” “I am privileged to be able to live my life peacefully and enjoy a wide range of civil rights as a trans person,” Cohn said in a Twitter direct message, adding that “trans people enjoy privileges to live as we do, but if we continue to cannibalize women’s rights, the backlash will be severe.” “I wish that we could all break out of the tribal mentality,” Cohn said, before criticizing women’s advocacy groups for failing to support legislation protecting women’s sports. “I feel distressed that organizations like Planned Parenthood have sold out women.” “The trans rights movement has captured organizations which had traditionally supported women’s rights,” Cohn added. “These groups are now effectively men’s rights organizations.” Cohn addressed members of the Indiana House of Representatives on Monday regarding HB 1041, a bill prohibiting biological males from participating in girls sports. “I am an independent and have voted for principled members of each party,” Cohn told lawmakers Monday. “I’m here to speak in support of HB 1041, which aims to strengthen the rights for girls and young women competing in sport.” WATCH: “My testimony today is based on my personal opinion as a transsexual,” Cohn continued. “That is, a person who was born male and used pharmaceutical hormones and plastic surgery to feminize my body so that I appear to be a woman. Despite having these procedures, my sex is male and neither science nor medicine can change that.” Cohn described transitioning as a teenager, saying: I began this process as a teenager, and although my testosterone levels have been in the female range for nearly 30 years, male puberty has endowed me with physical advantages such as height, bone structure, and increased lung capacity. For example, I stand 5’10”, which puts me in the 99th percentile for women’s height. I am just an inch shorter than the elite women athletes in the WNBA. The average male is 5 inches taller than the average female. Banning males from participating in women’s and girls sport would be justified on this basis alone. Cohn told lawmakers that “everyone can use their own eyes to observe how these advantages play out in the real world,” pointing to the example of biologically male transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, who broke a slew of school and national records set by women. T homas’ new records are “records women will be unlikely to ever match,” Cohn said. “If more males like Lia are permitted to compete against women, it will become common to see women marginalized in their own sport category,” Cohn continued. “I have school-aged girls in my family. I know they often need support and encouragement to stick to competitive activities. When boys are allowed to compete with girls in their own sport, that is one more reason a girl has to talk herself out of participating.” Cohn pointed out that opponents of HB 1041 use “confusing” language in their discussions of girls sports, such as referring to biological boys “who are being socially and medically treated to mimic members of the opposite sex” as “transgender girls.” “Just like these youth who are being characterized as ‘trans kids,’ I also suffered gender identity disorder as a teenager,” Cohn said. “We should all have sympathy for these children and ensure they have appropriate treatment. But it is unfair to expect girls to cede their hard-won rights to make room for male students suffering from gender identity issues.” Cohn also criticized women’s rights groups for failing to support the Indiana legislation, calling their lack of support “astonishing.” “In particular, the American Civil Liberties Union is strongly against HB 1041,” Cohn said. “The ACLU is supposed to protect women’s rights, not undermine them. Instead, women and girls must rely on the American Family Association to support their interests. It is absurd and unreal that liberal organizations are turning their backs on women’s rights.” “Somebody needs to stand up for women and girls, and I feel compelled to do so since so few members of the transgender community have come forward to support them,” Cohn said. “It’s ironic that people who identify as women will not risk defending women against attacks on their rights.” Planned Parenthood did not immediately respond to requests for comment from The Daily Signal. Good Resource, 'Unsporting' 'By Coach Linda Blade & Barbara Kay two of my favorite people in this debate" - Scott Newgent This is a full time job, if I have inspired you or educated to consider a donation! Scott Newgent

  • Detrans-Gender Confused Kids-One Mother SCEAMING Can Change...Everything "Butler & Hutchinson #6"

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. By, womangendercritical Detrans-Gender Confused Kids-One Mother SCEAMING Can Change...Everything "Butler & Hutchinson #6" Series #1 Littman and Detransition Series #2 Cambridge Study Series #3 4th Wave Now Series #4 Detransition Survey Series #5 Detransition Series #6 Butler & Hutchinson This paper was referenced in part 5 of this series. You can read part 5 here: Detransition 5 PDF of the paper below: butler2020 The paper was published, in November 2020, in the Journal for Child and Adolescent Mental Health. This paper is jointly authored by Anna Hutchinson and Catherine Butler. Dr Butler is an academic, based in the psychology department, at Bath University. Dr Hutchinson has impeccable academic credentials and has held senior, clinical, posts including a stint at the Tavistock centre. LACK OF DATA: The common theme in all the pieces I have done, on the topic of detransitioners / desisters, is a lack of current data. Desistance rates have, historically, been found to be as high as 98% for children who present at Gender Clinics. Even a desistance rate of 85% should call into question the practice of giving Puberty Blockers to children. Which, let me remind you, in the United Kingdom, are given to children as young as 10. We also know that over 98%, of children, given puberty blockers, progress to cross-sex hormones (CSH). This suggests we lock these kids into a medical trajectory. Trans-activists argue the near ubiquity of progression to cross sex hormones is evidence of solid diagnostic criteria; which I find implausible. Here a Clinician, from the Tavistock, admits uncertainty adding that this is why it is important to get the parents to take responsibility for putting a child on puberty blockers. ”Because we dont have the evidence base” . {Dr Aiden Kelly}. The near certainty these kids will progress to CSH also undermines the argument that blocking puberty allows a ”pause” for the child/family to weigh up their options. Detransition Denial. Rising rates of referrals to gender clinics is a worldwide phenomenon. There is also a concomitant rise in detransitioners. At the same time there is a widespread reluctance to acknowledge desisters/ detransitioners. The authors speculate, correctly in my view, that the dismissal of detransitioners’ testimony is driven by fear; a fear their stories delegitimise medical responses to Gender Dysphoria. This, I would add, threatens the profits of the Gender Industrial Complex. Suppressing information about post-transition regret, in this cohort, distorts the evidence available to judge the success rates of medical transition. It also doesn’t allow for any, evidence led, improvement in diagnostic criteria by identifying commonalities in the detrans community. Furthermore disregarding detransitioners means medical professionals are poorly equipped to deal with regret. There is currently no guidance to address the consequences of post ”transition” regret; whether psychological or medical. GENDER JOURNEY: Despite the reluctance to acknowledge this community it has become increasingly difficult to deny post-transition regret. Some transgender activists now, implicitly, acknowledge the phenomenon but claim this is all part of a “Gender Journey” . This paper uses similar language, below, calling it a “development trajectory”. I am extremely wary of this framing which smacks of spinning regret for public relations purposes. It is, nevertheless, the case that some detransitioners say they may have been left with doubts had they not tried medical transition. However, we shouldn’t discount the possibility these responses are driven by a, subconscious, desire to salvage something positive from the experience. Either way I think we need to be cautious about this language which may serve to mask bad diagnostic techniques and normalise regret as an acceptable outcome. HOMOPHOBIC BULLYING: As with the other studies I have reviewed, the experience of homophobic bullying is identified as a factor leading to adoption of a trans-identity. We could see this as a mal-adaptive coping mechanism. The other recurrent themes are isolation; poor peer relations and family difficulties. Factors which appear related to desistance also recur. Understanding commonalties in desisters could also assist with better screening of those who present at gender clinics. This cautious approach has been cast aside with the current ”affirmation only” policy; which is being rolled out in new pilot clinics under this government. The authors are keen to highlight research that stresses the importance of family support for “transitioning” . They also suggest the corollary can be feelings of shame, if the outcome is regret and re-identification with birth sex. In fairness parents, like me, who think our teenagers are making a mistake, may find our children are similarly inhibited from expressing regret. There is a natural reluctance to confirm your parent’s were right and admit you made a mistake. The authors point out the development of diagnostic criteria, for children, is a relatively recent development. This allows trans-activist to argue earlier cohorts may have swept up children who were merely ”gender non-conforming”. This argument is used to dismiss earlier research, showing high rates of desistance, as historic failures in diagnosis. Trans-activists argue that diagnostic techniques have improved and earlier data is not relevant to the current cohort. I am cynical about this argument. LOSS TO FOLLOW UP: Some key themes about difficulties with research on detransition are covered below. Those who regret the treatment they received are less likely to return to the clinic who they may feel harmed them. Loss to follow up is a major stumbling block to getting accurate data. Worryingly the length of follow up times is quite short. If, as Dhejne says, we are looking at an average of eight years, before regret emerges, we are only at the beginning of this wave of detransitioners. Given there are already over 23,000 in the detrans reddit forum that is horrific to contemplate. CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICS: This section is critical in understanding the changing demographic referred to Gender Clinics. The scale of referrals; increase in females; emergence of different types of identities; the impact of socially transitioning children as well as the phenomenon of teenage onset gender dysphoria are all salient factors. Our understanding of the above phenomena is limited and yet clinical practice has embraced an affirmation model with seemingly little reflection. AUTISM & HOMOSEXUALITY Autism and same sex attraction are features of the current, young cohort and we should all be heartbroken so many don’t feel comfortable with their homosexuality. It is for this reason that I describe what we are doing as a from of Eugenics/Gay Eugenics. Clinicians will need to develop a whole range of different skills to deal with the emerging cohort of detransitioners. Some may have undertaken medical treatment which means they can no longer produce the appropriate hormones for their sex. Young women who can no longer have children may need counselling. As covered in my previous piece many detransitioners were very critical of the inability of psychologists and doctors to address their needs. I doubt a young man who emerges with no testicles/penis or a female with no breasts/womb would regard this as a period of creative exploration. The advice below is likely appropriate for therapeutic approaches to working with clients. I also argue, we should be extremely wary of introducing permanent, medical intervention whilst, simultaneously, paying lip service to the idea of ”gender fluidity”. I also object to the idea that we accord the description of ”acceptance” to the families going along with the idea our children should become medical patients for life. The parents who are supportive of our gay offspring, and their variant expressions of masculinity /femininity, are the ”accepting” parents. The paper presents some practical advice for clinicians who are increasingly likely to encounter detransitioners. I would add that doctors who have prescribed treatments, which have resulted in regret, will need guidance and support. They may be defensive in their response to detransitioners who could be very angry. Detransitioners have identified peer support as invaluable and clinicians need to be aware of the networks available. The themes emerging from the growing body of research on detransitioners make it clear we need to start looking critically at medical responses to a psychological phenomena. We should stop normalising permanent dependence on synthetic hormones/ surgery on healthy bodies. We need to face up to the real regret we are seeing and stop cloaking a medical scandal in the language of ”Gender Journey” or using phrases like ”creative exploration”. If gender is fluid why are we accepting permanent interventions for children and teens? Guilting families into going along with this by applying the term ”acceptance“ to “affirming” parents is emotional blackmail. How is agreeing your son /daughter needs hormones and surgery, to be authentic, acceptance? Surely it is the exact opposite? CONCLUSION: We need more research to better predict outcomes and develop guidance so clinicians know how to deal with the needs of detransitioners. Work to understand this new demographic is still in its infancy. Once doctors have to face the consequences of post transition regret maybe this will re-engage their critical faculties. Right now I see only reckless endangerment. Pubished by womangendercritical I do this research full-time and unpaid. If you can afford to donate here is how. Please Support This Mom If You Are Able-Scott Newgent Researching the impact of Gender Identity Ideology on women & girls as well as the consequences for Lesbians, Gay males and autistic kids. I do this full time and have no income. All my content is open access and donations help keep me going. Only give IF you can afford. Thank you to my generous donors. A Mother On Fire!

  • Detransition-Gender Confused Kids-One Mother SCEAMING Can Change...Everything "Detransition #5"

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. By, womangendercritical Detransition-Gender Confused Kids-One Mother SCEAMING Can Change...Everything "Detransition #5" Series #1 Littman and Detransition Scott Newgent Introduction I felt a need to write an intro to this post. Whenever I read Claudia McClean's name, my heart falls. Claudia suffers from the same thing I do, and I understand how the body is ravaged from infection after infection. I deal with the same and will until the day I die or when an infection takes my life; that's just the facts. (Bottom Surgery Causes Have Major Complications 67% Major Complication Rates - Bacteria Infections For Life Is One Of Them) For three years, I have watched the horrific attacks (all sides) she gets, and she handles them with such grace; she helps anyone who asks and doesn't want her life and suffering to be for nothing; I get that because I feel the same. I remember when she wrote the post on our site about trans women in sports. She sent it to me, and I fixed it reorganized it put a couple, "Fuck You" here and "Fuck You There", and I thought, ok, now it's perfect and send it back for Claudia's approval. She wrote me back, "Darlin, that is perfect, for yo u, so in your face, so Scott and I love it, but darling, that's not me. It needs to be from me, my approach is a bit softer, and both are needed. How about we use my way for mine? Deal?" I think about that response a lot because Claudia's attitude is so feminine, so cautious, powerful but differently, in a feminine way. My way is very masculine, and 'shut the fuck up, you idiot." both ways are successful. But, these are not characteristics of sex; they are characteristics of how human being s come, and each personality detail is ok. If Claudia was born a girl instead of a boy and if I was born a male instead of a female, who we are? Safe to say, Claudia and I would have been the King and Claudia the Queen of homecoming! Instead, we were the outcasts.....Maybe that's the problem? In fact, that is the problem. This is what needs to be fixed....Males and Females come all different ways, and we don't fit into boxes; trying to make us fit into boxes makes kids believe they were born in the wrong body. The truth is that society has to reshape the boxes into reality. All females are not feminine, and all males are not masculine. I got caught up in this at 41; I was told something was wrong with me, Claudia was told the same. We listened to the professionals, and here we sit, trying to save children of the same bad decision because the truth is? The hundreds and hundreds of trans I have spoken to I have met only two after five years medically transitioned that still believe it was worth the journey. Currently, thousands and thousands and thousands of kids will realize medical transition made things worse. The diffe rence is that Claudia and I transitioned as adults; we had the time to grow naturally, develop a thick skin, and learn to deal with emotional battles... But these kids? They will still be different, will always be different; they will never fit into society, and on top of that, we are robbing them of the time needed to develop how to deal with that. We are robing these kids, letting them think that "I was born in the wrong body when I finish transitioning, then I w ill fit." No, they won't fit...On top of that, they won't know how to deal will not fitting. The time to develop that core strength....GONE, pissed away with trans ideology. Man, I wish ya'll could listen to these youngins that were transitioned as children; I'm scared SHITLESS for them, truly! BACK TO DETRANS #5 Contrary to my usual practice I cannot link a PDF here. Below is the on-line link to the paper. It is open access but download and print are disabled. Paper on detransition Some of you may be familiar with The author, Kirsty Entwhistle. She is one of the Tavistock whistleblowers and was, previously, based at their Leeds branch. You can read Kirsty’s open letter raising her concerns here: Open letter to GIDS My son was referred, aged 19, to the Leeds branch of the Tavist ock, last year, by my own GP. I have no way of ascertaining who prescribed the cross sex hormones he obtained, just six weeks later. Yet another clinician raising the issue of detransitioners while the government seems committed to legalising the Woke Gay Conversion Therapy under the guise of banning it. . The abstract references another paper which called for empirical research on desistance and detransition. The new demographic, referred to Gender Clinics, have been documenting their experience in support forums for those who know this was a mistake. It is now urgent that we record the detrans experience, from anecdotal, to clinical research. Thankfully this is now starting to happen. Here is the abstract to Kirsty’s research. I will see if I can get access to the Butler Hutchinson paper, in full, to add to this series. For those of you with access, to the Journal for Children’s and Adolescent Mental Health, here is the link: Butler and Hutchinson As with the other pieces in this series the call is for some formal academic papers to capture the experience of this cohort and commence systematic follow up of outcomes. Gender Clinics seem to have determined that their role does not require formal tracking of *all* their referrals. They need to be compelled to do so they can evidence that this ”treatment” relieves Gender Dysphoria and that medical responses are the only way to alleviate the distress. The decision making process of teenagers and young people also requires more consideration; given how many detranstioners state they did not feel fully informed. We need a shift in clinical practice to address the root causes of this bodily disassociation rather than funneling sufferers down a medical pathway. Those of you on twitter may be aware of Claudia Maclean. This is Claudia’s story as covered by Julie Bindel, in 2007. Claudia continues to speak up for our gay youth, for which I will be eternally grateful. I want a world of true diversity where a gay boy, like my son, with all his variant presentation of masculinity is free to be himself. I do not want a world where he is coaxed into a faux-straight, medicalised closet before he can enjoy a fulfilling, sexual, relationship with the sex to which he is attracted. You can read Claudia’s story in the Guardian, of all places: Claudia’s Story Modern routes to inculcate Gender Dysphoria in our kids are linked to the rise of the internet and confessional content by transgender influencers. Binge watching this content is something many detransitioners say fostered a desire to transition. In the U.K prominent children’s organisations , such as Childline (run by the NSPCC: National Society For the Protection of Children) promote these transgender influencers in, from my perspective, a reckless fashion. This played a role for my son, in addition to the relentless homophobic bullying that goes on in our schools. Fifteen years after Claudia’s experience no lessons have been learned. The same inadequate assessments are happening to our troubled youth, from within a captured NHS. The role of inducement and coercion is driving our kids and vulnerable adults down a tragic path. NY Times: Product Placement You are the product. Exhibit A. Who among us does not think this woman seemed in dire need of therapeutic help and not the surgeons knife. Yet here the New York Times are publishing this as a tale of redemption and authenticity. How Mac McClelland went from staging her own violent rape to address sexual trauma to more self-harm. What message does this send to vulnerable young women in flight from the dangers of living as a woman? This story, coincidentally, came to my attention as I was writing this piece. We learn that the subject is an asexual with a boyfriend. They have already had a double mastectomy and their uterus has been removed. They refer to their ”native penis” sometimes called the ”clitoris”. This is not science It’s a belief system. They talk about how they want to retain their vagina but also it’s a case of ”penis or death” . The quasi-religious language is common in the phallioplasty files, as covered by the YouTuber Exulansic. The Gender surgeons are the priest class, administering the trans rites required by Gender Jesus, to their willing disciples. It’s a new religion fuelled by the techno-barbarism of the Gender Industrial Complex. Mining profits from our bodies as if there are endless spare parts grown on a human meat farm. Back to the article: In a strange way the more extreme proponents of body modification, in the name of the Gender religion, seem to convince the clinicians it’s the right path for their patient. Nobody would do this to themselves unless it was right for them, would they? Here a detransitioner speaks out, at a meeting I attended. Only when she joined a support forum for women, who had also gone through hysterectomy, did it dawn on her this was a uniquely female experience. Some of the people at the detransitioners meeting were themselves involved in the Gender Industrial Complex. If I had sat in a room with young Lesbians who, between them, regretted testosterone, double mastectomies, hysterectomies and ovary removal, I would have left the Industry immediately. Yes, I mean you, Stuart Lorimer: Seen below with Susie Green accompanied by an excerpt from an interview he gave. Our mutilated kids are to fund Stuart’s pension plan. Excellent question below. Do the NHS and Gender Clinics think about detransitioners when they dish out drugs to our teenagers? Or the Puberty Blockers they are giving to 10 year olds? Personally I would not sleep at night. Here Bernadette Wren acknowledges the political pressure from third sector organisations (Lobby Groups) on services like GIDS. Mermaids is a pernicious influence on the Gender Industrial Complex. Mermaids CEO, Susie Green, arranged to have her 16 year old son undergo sexual reassignment surgery, in Thailand. Her career seems driven by a desire to justify this decision. Bernadette may also wish to divert attention from the role the Tavistock Gender Identity Service played. She worked there when they introduced the Dutch Protocol and began putting children, as young as 10, on Puberty Blockers. Here is a reminder of what Bernadette told the Parliamentary Inquiry on Transgender Equality. This does not sound like a reluctant, cautious clinician. It sounds like a statement from a social justice warrior . “It is a social revolution that many of us really fought for and wanted around sex and gender”. The admission that they were heading in an unknown direction! The breathtaking hypocrisy of blaming the appearance of so many natal females, at the Tavistock, on the failures of feminism! Whilst, simultaneously, facilitating this body hatred with mutilating surgeries! The paucity of research into psychological underpinnings for the presence of Gender Dysphoria is an international scandal. This is compounded by the failure to follow up those patients who accessed surgical intervention. For me, the moment you advocate for surgery, to resolve a mental health issue, you have failed as a Clinical Psychologist and betrayed your client at their most vulnerable. This on breast binding. Its the same old bodily hatred that used to be manifested as anorexia. In this country we have official advice to watch out for girls whose families may encourage breast ironing. At the same time corporate enterprise Lush can offer free breast binders as a marketing campaign! No, Bernadette, you most definitely are not supporting creative expressions of masculinity or femininity. You are telling our gender non-conforming kids they may be born wrong and normalising making yourself a medical patient for life! If you really believe this is what your life’s work was about you are deluded. I would say get some help but where would you go? This is a self-serving justification that reframes the perpetration of extreme harm as necessary and virtuous. {The Destroy Your Binder video has been removed from YouTube but you can read a transcript on Kat’s Tumbler.} Destroy Your Binder Next up Kirsty addresses a response which extols the virtue of a mastectomy for one patient who reports positive feelings about their surgery. This article is not open access but is here: There are many positive accounts on YouTube celebrating getting your, healthy, breasts removed. To which I say “come back in ten years”. I don’t doubt there may be some who never regret this surgery but there are many detransitioners, as related below, who do and others who find it triggers them on to the next set of surgeries; which suggests it was not the panacea they were sold. Here Ken Zucker uses the word “iatrogenic” for which . The social transition of children and its impact on future medicalisation needs researching. Does it foreclose any reconciliation with birth sex? He also rightly comments on the escalating desire for mastectomy which often follows painful breast-binding. He also reports that bodily rejection migrates to the genitals, post mastectomy. The article ends with The victims of this modern, mass delusion, are the most vulnerable in our society. Bullied gay youth, girls with eating disorders, autistic kids and kids in local authority care. All groups over-represented at Gender Clinics. Why has it taken so long to investigate the harms perpetrated primarily on young females in the past decad? The featured image on this post is of a 13 year old girl posing with her surgeon who advertises on TikTok, populated by malleable kids/teens. She calls herself Dr Teetus Deletus to market her services to the youth market. I do this full-time and have no income. If you want to support my work, and can afford to do so, here is one way. Published by womangendercritical View all posts by womangendercritical I do this research full-time and unpaid. If you can afford to donate here is how. Please Support This Mom If You Are Able-Scott Newgent Researching the impact of Gender Identity Ideology on women & girls as well as the consequences for Lesbians, Gay males and autistic kids. I do this full time and have no income. All my content is open access and donations help keep me going. Only give IF you can afford. Thank you to my generous donors. A Mother On Fire!

  • Detransition-Gender Confused Kids-One Mother SCEAMING Can Change...Everything "Detransition Survey"

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. By, womangendercritical Detransition-Gender Confused Kids-One Mother SCEAMING Can Change...Everything "Detransition Survey" Series #1 Littman and Series #2 Cambridge Study Series #3 4th Wave Now Series #4 Detransition Survey You can read the full paper below. . This is an excellent piece of work and echoes many of the themes found in the earlier studies I looked at for this series. Detransition Related Needs and Support A Cross Sectional Online Survey This paper is focussed on the support needs of detransitioners but also covers their motivations to both transition and detransition. It also offers a distinction between those who medically detransition and re-identify with their birth sex and those who end any medical treatment but maintain, or perhaps cling, to a trans-identity. The first point to make is the paper is published in the Journal of Homosexuality! The location of the publication may, or may not, be a significant development but it gave me significant satisfaction. Below is the abstract for the paper: First of all it is crucial to determine the definition of a detransitioner. Not all transition medically so first of all the study defines ”social” and ”medical” transition. It is not always the case that people cease to identify as transgender after they stop medical transition. I am also, personally, aware of a post-operative, de-medicalized male who still uses the term ”transsexual” as he feels it best describes his experience. In this case it serves as shorthand to signal the surgery they underwent and also may be a label maintain community links with fellow travelers. There is some methodological discussion about how a detransitioner is defined. Some data is based on only those who underwent medical interventions. This paper looks at social as well as medical transition but provides research on which medical steps were undertaken by the survey respondents. For the purposes of this study the author has chosen to focus on those who claimed the label ”detransitioner”. However, they did include 8 people who rejected the label but whose experience was deemed to be sufficiently analogous to include as a ”detransitioner”. It is also important to note that there are some trans-identified people who feel they have followed an irreversible path. They believe to re-identify with their birth sex is simply not socially, or medically, achievable. I know both males and females, who find themselves in this sort of limbo or no wo/man’s land, if you will. The author is aware of this complexity but it is outside of the scope of this study. Survey participants were identified by targetting people in on-line forums, where detransitioners were known to seek suport. They were asked a simple question about whether they had ever socially/medically transitioned and stopped. Details of the survey sample are below . As you can see females are over-represented. I suspect this not only a function of the new demographic being predominantly female. It may also be indicative of female openness to seeking community. Perhaps, it also suggests males are less likely to, publicly, admit they made a mistake. Note that males also seem to take longer to find their way back, to their sex, so this pattern may change in the future. The survey had global reach with majority representation from the United States followed by Europe. The majority transitioned socially and medically. As this comment reveals there is further complexity in that someone asked about a category for ”Med-trans” only. I assume this is people who didn’t disown their birth sex but did have medical interventions. This may be a niche issue but note that the current WPATH (World Professional Association for Transgender Health ) guidelines have a section on Eunuchs. No I am not kidding! Below the author delineates the reported experiences revealed by the survey: 51% started socially transitioning under the age of 18. Average age of Medical transition was 20 for females and 26 for males. Brain maturation estimated to occur around age 25. Detransitioners emerging from cohorts who did this at the age of legal majority, the majority, are in danger of being left unprotected in any future which restricts irreversible treatments, in under 18’s. The sample of males was not large but the age of onset of medical transition mirrors what I have seen on other de-trans surveys. Girls tend to start earlier and spend less time transitioning. Not for the first time, I am struck by how sex matters even in communities which furiously deny the significance of biological sex. Next up the profile of the respondents. The high % of co-morbidities is also a familiar finding. The rates of surgical interventions is also staggeringly high (46%), especially given the length of time the respondents, particularly, the females, identifed as ”trans”. The table showing co-morbid conditions lays it out rather starkly. I would have preferred to see sex recorded against these conditions but as the number of males was small it may not have revealed any, statistically, significant differences. Sorry, not sorry, I am wedded to the sex binary. Now we come to look at reasons for detransition, that are also, inevitably, reveal the reasons for transition. I notice that, in marked contrast to studies funded by Trans Lobby groups, lack of social acceptance/ discrimination scores quite low. A staggering 70% realised their Gender Dysphoria was rooted in other issues. The kind of support needs the detransitioners identify reflects further on reasons for their initial decision to transition. Many were wrestling with internalised homophobia. See also the comment about a shift in Gender Identity. It is logically incoherent for Trans Activists to argue for the recognition of “Gender Fluidity” whilst defending irreversible interventions for children and adolescents. I am also pleased to see the discovery of radical feminism makes an appearance. It has also appeared in earlier surveys of detransitioners. The survey also allowed for open comments which I have reproduced in full in part (4 a) to this blog. Well worth giving voice to all the detransitioners who opened up about their experience: You can read their comments here. Open Comments Detrans Survey 4 The open comments reveal the ostracism, from the LGBT community, experienced by those desisting from the trans-narrative. They also speak of the betrayal and mistrust they now feel towards Medical professionals. The difficulties of finding therapists able to deal with detransition also features in the open comments. The survey The survey also provides a helpful table which compares and contrasts the sources of support respondents enjoyed while transitioning and detransitioning. As you can see the LGBT community and trans specific organisations largely leave the scene of the crime; once people realize they made a mistake. The survey continues to identify the kind of support the respondents would like to be available. These cover psychological, medical, legal and social categories. Counselling to deal with issues such as internalised homophobia, sexism and feelings of regret. Medical support to deal with stopping/changing cross sex hormones or complications from surgeries. Social support covered the need to hear other stories of their fellow travellers and the need to meet up, on-line and in real life. The legal support mainly related to the need to re-establish their legal identity as their correct sex but a small percentage wished to take legal action for the injuries caused by the medical interventions. Those of us waiting for legal action, to put an end to this cannot, in my view, expect detransitioners to shoulder this burden. But, if those 13% do take up the legal fight there will be an army provided to support and fundraise for them. Politicians need to do their jobs and start legislating. They also, in the United States, need to close loopholes relating to Statute limitation. Many live in states where the average length time before detransition means they are already out of time to get any legal redress. Published by womangendercritical View all posts by womangendercritical I do this research full-time and unpaid. If you can afford to donate here is how. Please Support This Mom If You Are Able-Scott Newgent Researching the impact of Gender Identity Ideology on women & girls as well as the consequences for Lesbians, Gay males and autistic kids. I do this full time and have no income. All my content is open access and donations help keep me going. Only give IF you can afford. Thank you to my generous donors. A Mother On Fire!

  • Detransition-Gender Confused Kids-One Mother SCEAMING Can Change...Everything "4th Wave Now"

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. By, womangendercritical Detransition-Gender Confused Kids-One Mother SCEAMING Can Change...Everything "4th Wave Now" Examing Gender Identity ideology and its impact on Women's Sex based rights and Gay Rights. d protections. Exploring how this has taken such firm root in Western societies (Cognitive & Regulatory Capture). Series #1 Littman and Detransition Series #2 Cambridge Study Series #3 4th Wave Now This post is based on work done by a detranistioner. It was linked to the paper I covered in this post: Detransition: Cambridge Study (2) As stated in my earlier pieces getting access to detransitioners requires seeking them out on the social media apps they use. The research was published on Tumblr: The work provoked a furious reaction from within the Trans Industrial complex, which you can read about here: Dan Karasdic likens the work to previous research done by Evangelical Christians and then follows up with a claim the detransitioners were “never really trans” Judge for yourself. Methodology: Cari, the author reached out to people who had desisted from a trans-identity with a survey opened for only two weeks, in 2016, which attracted over 200 responses. The resulting data garnered some real insight into motivations for a medical transition and subsequent detransition. The survey allowed for the inclusion of people who had ended a medical transition but remained ”trans-identified”. The vast majority identified as female with quite a few rejecting the prefix ”identified” ,as female, to state they simply ”are female”. This is what the graphic representation illustrates: For those who did not claim a female identity the breakdown was as follows together with a graph of how they had identified while transitioning. As you can see the majority identified as “trans men” closely followed by “non-binary/gender queer” The survey also tracked the ages of both embarking on a “transition” and detransitioning: The average age for coming out/starting transition was 17 years old and beginning detransition was aged 21. The research also looks at what kind of dysphoria the women experienced. The majority reported they had both social and physical (Sex) dysphoria. That is they desired to have, facsimile, male sex characteristics and a desire to be treated as male or, at least, as other than female. This group constituted 74% of the surveyed. The report goes on to detail that 88% experienced ”sex dysphoria” ; something often denied by those who do not want the topic to be discussed. A claim also rejected by those who argue that detransitioners were never really ”trans” and didn’t have dysphoric feelings. The research also questioned the particpants about their experience of detransitioning and its impact on their well-being. Of those undergoing a medical transition the figures for those who had zero counselling was a whopping 65%. These women had no therapy whatsoever before embarking on medical transitions. Next up the participants were asked what led them to detransition. The top answer was due to political/ideological concerns. The next popular answer was finding an alternative coping strategy. 30% had concerns about their mental health and over one in five reported medical concerns. 60% were more or less negative about their own experience with a slightly lower percentage more or less negative about transition for other people. The open comments were revealing. Discovery of radical feminism is mentioned, as a positive, by a few of the participants. Support from Lesbian communities, or lack of such a community is referenced. Some felt they had been pushed into transition. Lack of alternatives presented by therapists also cropped up. Here are some comments on their own transition: Here reports of pressure, feeling duped, crops up. Also one woman feels she has so altered her body with hormones, mastectomy and hysterectomy she feels as if she is no longer allowed to identify as a woman, or a man. More comments about the lack of exploratory therapy, inaccurate information from trans-activists, no effort made to consider non-medical responses to Gender Dysphoria recurred. The therapeutic community has a lot to answer for, in respect of this unfolding medical scandal. More comments reference the need for a stronger community for Lesbian and bisexual women. Even among the detransitioners there is still a belief in Gender Identity Ideology /Queer Theory and one also remains in a relationship with a ”Trans man” who remains on a medical pathway. Only some are critical of medical pathways more generally, but the majority express the need for careful consideration and more therapy. One respondent succinctly states :”Burn every gender clinic down”. Many also express concern about children and teenagers put on a medicalized pathway. Lack of attention to trauma, underlying a flight from being female, is also a recurrent theme, as is the lack of accurate information from the trans community and medical professionals. I firmly believe the poster who calls this “medical recklessness” will be vindicated. Dan may rue the day he dismissed these findings. Published by womangendercritical View all posts by womangendercritical I do this research full-time and unpaid. If you can afford to donate here is how. Please Support This Mom If You Are Able-Scott Newgent Researching the impact of Gender Identity Ideology on women & girls as well as the consequences for Lesbians, Gay males and autistic kids. I do this full time and have no income. All my content is open access and donations help keep me going. Only give IF you can afford. Thank you to my generous donors. A Mother On Fire!

  • Detransition-Gender Confused Kids-One Mother SCEAMING Can Change...Everything "Cambridge Study"

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. By, womangendercritical Detransition-Gender Confused Kids-One Mother SCEAMING Can Change...Everything "Cambridge Study" Series #1 Littman and Detransition Series #2 Cambridge Study Finally there seems to be some recognition of the phenomenon of people who detransition. I come to different conclusions than the authors and I have some questions but this study is worth looking at. You can read the full paper here: Access to care and frequency of detransition among a cohort discharged by a UK national adult gender identity clinic- retrospective case-note review | BJPsych Open | Cambridge Cor The researchers looked at rates of detransition in patients treated at a UK Gender Clinic. The method they chose was to look at all the patients discharged from the clinic over a specified period, via the patient case notes. Here is the abstract: Pay attention to this. We are about to introduce a more ”streamlined” service for Gender Identity Clinics (GICs) but we do not know how many people detransition. What struck me, over and over again, was how much this report laments the lack of data in this field. This was the methodology. They looked at all patients discharged in a period of a year. They then looked at a number of variables to see if there were any common factors in those who they determined were ”detransitioners”. This is important because they aimed for a consensus view about who met the criteria to be counted as a detransitioner. The criteria was forged, I would argue, by those who believe in “Gender Identity Ideology”. As you can see they use a definition which is about “living in a gender role”. I flag this because a Butch Lesbian may discontinue medical intervention but may still be deemed to be living in a ”masculine” role. She may not see it this way but see herself as a woman who is not confined by sex stereotypes. Similarly a gay male may detransition and still have atypical interests for his sex. Are these two, potentially, discounted because of their ”Gender role” ? Leaving aside this question we turn now to how many of these, discharged, patients were originally flagged as potential detransitioners. The figure they agreed on was 12 people who, it was agreed by consensus, met the criteria: The numbers were whittled down to 12 from an original sample of 21. If the criteria they used is erroneous the figure would be 12%. This does not include the three suicides. Even excluding the suicides the percentage is nearly double the % calculated by the studies authors. In one scenario a person may not wish to abandon their identity as a ”Transman” which may be the source of their community. Given the negative responses to those openly expressing regret and coming out as a ”detransitioner”, from the LGBTQ+ community, some may remain in the closet. All of which is to emphasise the point that the definition of regret /detransition is significant in determining who counts and, crucially, who doesn’t. Other detransition studies: The paper highlights that other studies have set the rate of detransition from anywhere between 1% and 8%. They reference the source for both those figures. The 8% figure is from a United States, Trans Equality Survey, from 2015. That survey was funded, in part by the Arcus Foundation. Arcus Foundation are huge funders of organizations dissemination Gender Identity Ideology as are the other foundations listed, above, as supporters. I wrote about Arcus Foundation here: ARCUS FOUNDATION GRANTS The survey explained the phenomenon of detransition thus: The common rationale for the phenomenon of post transition regret, or detransition, is to locate the reasons in a lack of social acceptance. An alternative framing is the realization that it is impossible to change sex it is possible that living with the psychological, and medical, consequences may create an intolerable burden. The other study referenced, by the authors, is this one from 2019. The methodology was to access a random sample of patient notes to examine whether the patients expressed any regret. The authors are keen to point out detransition can be seen as part of an exploration of their identity. This is a frequent rationale and sometimes described as part of a ”Gender Journey”. This sits oddly with the push to irreversible medicalization and injunctions to listen to the patient when they demand access to treatment. Note the conclusion, if so few detransition there should be no reason to slow down the treatment pathway. Richards, the co-author, works at a Gender Clinic. Another source (not quoted) also found only 1% detransitioned. The methodology appears similar. A years worth of clinical notes were scanned for words indicating regret or detransition. This study has similar limitations to the one I am looking at here. It’s only a snapshot, the authors define what they regard as ”detransition” and there is also a lack of recognition that dissatisfied patients would, potentially, be unlikely to notify the Gender Clinic. Their findings are listed below: Back to the Cambridge Study. Here is a table giving an overview of the kind of co-morbidities the patient group are also wrestling with . As you can see there are high rates of mental health issues; over 80% in the under 25, male group. Looking at the pattern for accessing mental health services many of these co-morbidities appear to be going untreated. Rates of self-harm are notable in the female, under 25’s. Nearly 90% of the younger females also had at least one adverse childhood experience. In the table above it is the females over 25 who have the highest percentage of suicide attempts. Buried in the report is a reference to three, completed, suicides. There is no further information about the sex of the people who committed suicide and no intelligence as to whether this was attributed to the medical treatment they accessed. If these were linked to post-transition regret that would be another three to consider. Below, more information is supplied about those who met the threshold to be defined as detransitioners. One, a male, had completed Genital Reassignement Surgery, which, I presume means removal of the testicles/penis. Again, I would imagine re-identifying as your natal sex would be especially challenging in this circumstance. All the females had accessed double mastectomies. The authors of the study do recognise the limitations of their research, as well as the dearth of studies in the field. They do recognise that there is much loss to follow up and no consistent way of tracking those who detransition. They also recognise that GICs are dealing with a 40% increase in referrals and they are treating a new, adolescent female, demographic specifically designed to meet the needs of older, males. However, like the earlier studies they are reluctant to let go of a more streamlined service, for which read lower levels of gatekeeping and faster progress through the system. The authors also question the use of notions of regret in this community; using the kind of language associated with those who talk of ”Gender Journeys”. Such language masks the fact that there is no way to reverse surgeries like double mastectomy or GRS, or even Testosterone usage. This sophistry seems designed to obscure rather than illuminate. Note also that they recommend including “trans” people in research and service development but not detransitioners. So, in summary, more research is needed, loss to follow-up remains a problem, GICs need to be compelled to evaluate all those who have accessed medical interventions. The definition of detransition remains contested. For those who choose not to return to the GICs there has to be a mechanism to track their outcomes. Sadly, there is also now a need for a service for detransitioners; some of whom may need to rely on synthetic hormones, for life, having no means to produce these naturally. Another important acknowledgement of the studies limitations points out that research shows regret can take years following treatment. Even the authors acknowledge they may have underestimated rates of regret/detransition. Published by womangendercritical View all posts by womangendercritical I do this research full-time and unpaid. If you can afford to donate here is how. Please Support This Mom If You Are Able-Scott Newgent Researching the impact of Gender Identity Ideology on women & girls as well as the consequences for Lesbians, Gay males and autistic kids. I do this full time and have no income. All my content is open access and donations help keep me going. Only give IF you can afford. Thank you to my generous donors. A Mother On Fire!

  • Detransition - Gender Confused Kids - One Mother SCEAMING Can Change...Everything

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. By, womangendercritical Detransition - Gender Confused Kids - One Mother SCEAMING Can Change...Everything Series #1 Littman and Detransition I have followed this mother for years, and she is the epidemy of a caged mother fighting to get out while she watches her son on the outside of the cage being demolished by transgender ideology. People believe tying mothers hands will make them stop screaming. But in reality, a mother caged? A caged mother's SCREAMS can change...Everything In this piece I will cover Lisa Littman’s research into detransitioners. A person who detransitions is someone who embarked on medical intervention to deal with a discomfort with their natal sex. This is a bodily disassociative disorder labelled ”Gender Dysphoria”. A person who re-identifies with their natal sex, without any medical intervention is labelled as a “desister”. Both these groups are important to understand what is going on. Lisa’s paper is below: Well worth reading it in full and sharing! Littman2021_Article_IndividualsTreatedForGenderDys Here is the abstract from the study: Details of the sample are contained above. As you can see natal females are a significant majority at 69%. This is what we are seeing in the United Kingdom where, over the last decade, the sex of referrals to the main Gender Identity Clinic has inverted the sex ratios to be 70% female. The majority, in Littman’s sample, (55%) did not feel they were given an adequate evaluation by the doctor /medical professional who assessed them. Significantly 23% located their discomfort with difficulty accepting a non-hetereosexual orientation. Its worth referring to this article that evaluated what happens to children labelled as ”transgender” when they grow up. Do trans kids stay trans Here are the conclusions from that study: This data somewhat predates the explosion in ”trans-kids” sweeping, mostly, the western world. The conclusions were remarkably similar. Most did not wish to transition when they reached adulthood and generally turn out to be, simply, gay. This was in the days of ”watchful waiting” before the days of early medical intervention. In the U.K we now put children as young as 10 on puberty blockers and, increasingly, socially transition them at even younger ages. Are we foreclosing the path to an unmedicalised future and homo/bi-sexuality for a generation of kids? As Littman points out the visibility of detransitioners is growing with more YouTube accounts, blogs, DeTrans advocacy groups and a growing community on Reddit. Recently these stories have started to break into the national media, especially in the UK but also, more recently in the U.S media. R/detrans There are now 23,000 contributors on the de-trans sub-reddit which you can access here: When I first started to track the numbers on this forum there were around 15,000. This was about four months ago. Here one poster is trying to gain accurate data on de-transitioners. This is a major stumbling block in garnering the attention of politicians. Typically those who regret their medical interventions do not wish to go back to the people they feel hurt them, feel embarassed or are traumatised. These clinics should be forced to follow up every patient. Loss to follow up has distorted the data for decades. Here is a post in the detrans forum on reddit. Another poster explains how hard it is to escape media saturation on Gender Identity. We have been pushing the trans-narrative to kids, even in primary school, for at least a decade. Even Children’s BBC showed ”Becoming Leo” , about a female in flifht from her sex. Complete with the promotion of a medical pathway. This to impressionable kids without parental knowledge. I certainly didn’t know what my son was exposed to; though ChildLine (run by the National Society For the Protection of Children), was the most egregious pusher in my experience. Another two comment get to the heart of the issue: Social contagion and late stage capitalism . Its an industry. Mining profit from healthy bodies. FYI CAGR is Compound Annual Growth Rate and anything above 15% is considered good Back to Littman’s paper More clinicians are starting to raise the alarm and ask for more research. There are extensive linked papers in the study and a wealth of references. Here are some of the reasons given, for medical transition, by those who re-identified with their birth sex: A mal-adaptive response to trauma, difficulty reconciling to sexuality, internalized misogyny and peer pressure. An incredible 20% also cited pressure from a person/people to transition: What might have helped was the presence of good role models. The absence of Butch Lesbians in the media is notable: In conclusion the author asks for much better research on the phenomenon of detransition. Gender clinics have no incentive to do long term follow-up and their ex patients may have no wish to return to the people who colluded with their mistake. Crucially they will likely disappear from LGBT+ networks enabling a denial of the scale of the issue: Next time you see papers on low rates of regret remember to look for loss to follow-up. Bear in mind the length of time patients are followed up is also significant. Medical complications can take time to appear. The current cohort is also a vastly different demographic than the older, males, which typically formed the main clientele for Gender clinics. Also look out for conflicts of interest. Much (most?) of the research is emerging from people who are making their living from the Gender Industrial complex. Published by womangendercritical View all posts by womangendercritical I do this research full-time and unpaid. If you can afford to donate here is how. Please Support This Mom If You Are Able-Scott Newgent Researching the impact of Gender Identity Ideology on women & girls as well as the consequences for Lesbians, Gay males and autistic kids. I do this full time and have no income. All my content is open access and donations help keep me going. Only give IF you can afford. Thank you to my generous donors.

  • Could Girard Sharp Be The Law Firm To Stop The Travesty Of Puberty Blockers.

    Link Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. Well, Well, what do we have here? Has a law firm stepped up to take on puberty blockers given to children who sufferer with gender dysphoria? Why is this significant? Because to file a medical malpractice case, you have to have something to compare the results; if a procedure is experimental, it's up to the attorneys to hire doctors, scientists pharmacologists to create the baseline for the case to determine if the health professionals were malice. This is a costly endeavor, millions and millions of dollars. When you medically transition your child, all the forms you sign mean something and one of the forms states, "Experimental", thus releasing medical professionals from future medical malpractice. The only way around this is to prove that the consequences were known yet ignored and prescribed anyway. Again, this law firm has to do all of that as well as take on a category of medical malpractice where the LGBTQ protects people with the knee jerk reaction of the media crying "Bigot." I'm excited and energized and hope this law firm has the backbone to see this through. Girard Sharp attorneys are investigating reported adverse effects of puberty blocking medication on transgender minors who have taken the drugs. Has your child taken puberty blockers? Speak to a lawyer. If you are a parent or legal guardian of a minor that takes or has taken puberty blockers and may have been harmed, you may have a claim. Contact Girard Sharp attorneys today for a free and confidential consultation at (866) 981-4800 or submit your information below: More Details on Puberty Blockers Children who experience gender dysphoria may turn to medical intervention such as puberty-suppressing drugs to assist in delaying the physical changes of puberty, often as a first step in fully transitioning down the line. The top puberty blocking drugs on the market include: Lupron Supprelin Zoladex Zytiga Eligard Emerging research has raised potential red flags regarding the safety and efficacy of puberty blockers. According to recent reports, the ramifications of using these drugs at a young age are unknown at this time, but some of the potential health consequences presented by puberty blockers may include low bone density and adverse psychological effects. Our Commitment to Excellence Girard Sharp has earned national Tier 1 rankings for Mass Tort and Class Action Litigation and has been named to the U.S. News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” list each year since 2013. Read about some of our results. We have recovered hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients in cases concerning false advertising, unfair business practices, and defective products against some of the nation’s largest companies, including LG, Google, and Apple For a free consultation about your potential claims, contact one of our consumer protection lawyers at (866) 981-4800 or fill out the form at the top of this page.

  • UK - Was Your Child Hurt Because Of Medical Transition - UK Law Firm Jumps In Too!

    Click Here Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. The decision to have gender affirmation surgery or hormone therapy is never taken lightly. It can be frightening, but also very exciting. For many Trans people these steps towards changing their outward appearance are the culmination of years of identity struggle. Unfortunately, as with all medical practices, treatment can go wrong and the effects can be far-reaching, cause a lot of emotional trauma, physical discomfort and pain. People electing to have these surgeries must be fully informed of the risks of undergoing gender affirmation surgery before making the decision. There is a lot of terminology surrounding gender affirmation procedures; gender reassignment, sex change surgery, and sex reassignment surgery to name a few. We know how powerful language is, and we want to make our clients feel as comfortable with the language that we use as possible. Gender affirmation surgery covers a range of procedures a Trans person might elect to have in order to change their appearance: • Chest reconstruction • Mastectomy • Breast augmentation • Hysterectomy • Bottom surgery • Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy • Facial surgery • Hormone therapy errors Our solicitors are highly experienced in advising on surgical error claims, and have worked on many gender affirmation cases in the past. You can be absolutely satisfied that you are going to meet with professionalism and kindness. If you have suffered as a result of affirmation surgery or hormone therapy errors then contact our specialist solicitors today.

  • The Church of Trans at Hazelden By, Iris E. Lee

    When I’d spent a few days at the gorgeous Hazelden treatment center in Center City, Minnesota in early 2000s, the team of counselors called me on the carpet, and told me I was to be sent home. My crime and punishment: While walking with my “sisters” to the dining room, I ran into a guy from my home country, and we said “Hi, how are you, how nice to see you!" (We were both in our late 30s). Hazelden policy STRICTLY forbade patients to even utter a single word to a patient of the opposite sex. They ended up allowing me to stay (I guess my insurance benefits were too good). Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. But things have changed! A young woman in my family needs Hazelden’s services, and given the insanity in the medical community, I decided to find out if Hazelden had been captured by the Church of Trans. I wanted to make sure this 19 year old woman wouldn’t have to share living and sleeping quarters at Hazelden’s Plymouth, Minnesota’s rehab for “young people ages 12-25” with a man identifying as a woman and in possession of his male genitalia (not to mention the mental problems that come along with being a man but “identifying as a woman.”) Well, duh. Why would I expect anything but dumb and dumber from the medical establishment?: “Once stabilized, a client moves into one of the gender-specific [not SEX-specific [reality-based], nota bene, but blablablablah gender bs] residential dormitory style halls. Each gender specific suite has a full bath and a separate sleeping and living area for four clients including a twin bed, desk, chair, wardrobe and locked safe for valuables. Each sleeping area is separated by a privacy wall.” Oh, what a relief. Hazelden was ready to kick my 38-year-old self off campus for saying “hi” to a male compadre in public, but they see no problem with allowing extremely vulnerable young women to share sleeping and living quarters with men who identify as women. I guess Hazelden docs figured out that there would be no way that men who “identify as women” could use their “female penises” or “lady sticks” to rape these young women. I don’t know what Hazelden was trying to do back when I was there, by protecting me from a “hello” from a man I knew, but what the heck are they thinking now? I’m not by any means saying that everyone who identifies as a “trans” kid or a “trans” person is a bad apple - of course they’re not - but there’s a reason we have safe-guarding: “The psychosexual evaluation of a teenage boy convicted of two separate sexual attacks in Loudoun County Public Schools "scares" the judge who on Wednesday sentenced him to undergo treatment at a residential facility and ordered him to register as a sex offender. Loudoun Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court Judge Pamela Brooks ordered the teen to receive treatment, counseling and full rehabilitation at a locked residential facility until he turns 18...Before the sentencing, the teen had to undergo a psychosexual evaluation, which evaluates a person's sexual interests to see if there is a deviation from generally accepted behavior and the risk of sexual reoffending in the future. Brooks said she had read countless psychosexual evaluations, but found the teen's results particularly disturbing. "This one scares me.” What an absolute disgrace. But in any case, I wouldn’t want “medical professionals” who worship at the altar of the Church of Trans and its BS cult “gender ideology” to touch me or my family members with a ten-foot pole. My beloved young relative managed to graduate from high school without being infected by the T-RATs parasites, and with her breasts intact (unlike the woman below - your taxdollars at work), so until you come to your senses, Hazelden (and American Medical Establishment), say goodbye to our $50,000! "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression...through any media regardless of frontiers.” ― UN, Universal Declaration of Human Rights By Iris E. Lee

  • Wrong Kind Of Trans Banned By Twitter-A Must Read Appeal By Transman Scott Newgent

    This post is the exact response Scott Newgent sent to Twitter to appeal the lifetime ban for hate and bigotry and the cancellation of a rational trans voice/the other side of the trans debate. We ask that you send this to news organizations, posts it on all social media platforms and SCREAM to stop the madness of silencing people… "I might be the wrong kind of trans, but I'm the right kind of parent!" -Newgent To date, a response has not been received from TWITTER! Appeal Below. What if I told you that we are heading for the most consequential suicide epidemic modern history has ever seen? What if one of the main reasons for this coming epidemic falls on the guilty laps of twitter for not being strong enough to cover complicated issues - the truth? What if I went further and said it was you? Yeah, you, the one reading this right now. What if you knew that 30 years from now, you were responsible in small part for this suicide epidemic, just a tiny swell but part of the ocean of suicides coming? What if you knew that? Would you be strong today?? I am a transman and I am writing to appeal my twitter suspension to show you the other side of the debate over gender-questioning children - trans people like myself who believe that medical transition is not for children I have heard from hundreds of trans people who think just like me about the need to safeguard and slow down when it comes to gender-questioning kids. These kids are vulnerable, frequently have other mental health issues, are often gay, and deserve the best, most thoughtful, and most evidence-based care. I have published essays about medicalizing gender-questioning kids in Newsweek and Quillette, have been interviewed for the National Review and Catholic Weekly, and have been a guest on the following podcasts: Dan Crenshaw’s Hold These Truths, Theology in the Raw, Benjamin Boyce, and Sasha White’s Plebity, among others. In the spirit of opening debate and dialogue as well as balanced society, I hope you will consider reinstating my account. A true story on experience and the lack of critical thinking and knee jerk reactions to all who oppose anyone’s ideology. A Transman Talks Honestly about Gender-Questioning Kids By Scott Newgent When my son was two, I was engrossed as a telecom account executive, my mind always obsessed with the following presentation, the next meeting, the best chess move to further my career. My baby son knew if he wanted my attention, he had to be different. One day when I was running out the door, he ran up and said, "Stop, Ma, stop right now." He commanded such strength and presence that I did just that. He said in his toddler language, "Sit down, couch, there." To my surprise, I sat. He proceeded to crawl onto my lap and place each little hand on my cheeks. Then he pressed his nose to mine. "Don't listen to them, just to me, k Ma?" He knew he had the attention he was after. "Ma, waterslide, 'member?" The week prior, we’d been racing through a store, he'd spotted a huge, blow-up waterslide, and I said I would buy it in between my calls and texts. Well, later had come for him. I immediately took the day off, and before night fell, he was having a ball on his huge backyard waterslide. To this day, in my family, if you have something important to discuss, you say, "Don't listen to them, just me," and immediately I plugin. This true story is exactly what needs to happen within the trans debate. People are terrified of being called a bigot - even trans people like myself are accused of it. The truth is that medical transition is brutal on the mind, body, and soul, and the media refuses to cover it. Anyone who voices concern for medically transitioning children is immediately labeled a transphobe, even the many trans people who think like me. We are silenced like communists during the Cold War for wanting to slow down the medicalization of gender-questioning kids. But as family members of the LGBTQ community, many with our own children, we’re starting to speak up, grab society's face, and say, "Listen to me, don't listen to them, just me." Many people might label me the #wrongkindoftrans because I want to talk openly and honestly about our gender-questioning kids. Unlike some very vocal trans activists, I fully support and promote the fact that medical transition is experimental and is no place for a child. In the past year, much important information and peer-reviewed research has come to light about just how shaky the foundations are of so-called affirmative care. Several prominent Swedish hospitals have restricted the use of puberty blockers for under 18 except in clinical trials, while one Australian gender clinic will require a court order for their usage. Finland has banned all surgeries for under 18 and prioritized psychotherapy, recognizing adolescence as a time of rapid identity development. The UK conducted comprehensive reviews of both puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and found the evidence “very low” (their words) as to efficacy. The researchers who created the Dutch protocol are alarmed at how it’s being misused on teenagers. A massive study into the mental health outcomes of transition was retracted because upon further analysis it came to the exact opposite conclusion. I wish we didn’t need this debate, but unfortunately, we do. But since they show no signs of doing so, I believe we need debate like this and shutting me down is shutting down a portion of society that is right on the medicalization of children. Where are the brave trans people like me? We are banned and that suicidal epidemic has started. My nights are spent trying to convince the kids you allowed to be convinced by the onesidedness of twitter that medical transition would save them and realize it did not just add to the list of woes...physical illness leaves me trying to convince them it all gets better and to remove the gun from their mouths. Who will stand up and speak the truth, for the sake of a generation of gender-confused kids who are becoming guinea pigs? Quite frankley we know it’s not twitter...But, I want you to understand the person reading this right now...You, when history is written you need to know where you are going to lie...A contributor to shutting down fair debate and responsible is some part for the suicide epidemic that has started that the media wont cover and what you...Twitter stops from immersing to save these kids. We need to put the care back into the hands of adults willing to take the time to listen to these gender-questioning kids, untangle their complex mental health issues, and explore their possible homosexuality. We need to adult better. These include unbiased research-oriented groups, such as SEGM, loving parents such as those at Genspect, and rational trans people like at TReVoices. So when the trans activists or shall I say TWITTER who don’t care about your particular child attack you for contradicting them - and trust me, they will - "Don't listen to them, just to me, k parents?" Scott Newgent

  • Trans Scott Newgent of SCREAMING to STOP Childhood Med-Transing Resonates Internationally To Brazil

    G7 in Brazil, a tiny news network, is causing a stir with more than 10,000 views on YouTube within two hours detailing a special covering the Scottish guidelines to "Gender Dysphoric Children." Scott Newgent, our founder, was interviewed and caused a stir with his SCREAMING… YouTube Video Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. "School systems have no business with my child's sexuality or gender dysphoria... It's none of their business, and UNTIL other parents start to freak out in unison, we will continue to see our children engulfed in unicorn farts and glitter bombs. If I can do one thing as a trans man and a parent, that would be to give parents around the world the RIGHT to scream free of bigotry, because bigotry has nothing to do with medically transitioning children..Money does...SCREAM LOUDER! We trans are right behind you, not just encouraging...Pushing you!" The SNP (Scottish National Party) has decided that schools should have autonomy over kids changing names and pronouns and parents' views are secondary This is in line with previous policies. For instance, the SNP had a policy which ended up being withdrawn a few years ago where the state would nominate a state employee "responsible" for each child in Scotland (a social worker, teacher, etc.). This person would effectively have operated as a "third parent," who would have had certain decision-making rights over the child in question. That policy was junked as it turned out to be very unpopular. However, Scottish Nationalists seem to have a very distinct view of the role of the parent versus the role of the state. They seem to believe that parental responsibility gives too much authority to parents and too little authority to the state. Join TReVoices Army Today = Volunteer 0r Donate Today

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