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  • Disarm A Young Adult With The Idea They Are Trans In A Way They Understand - Priceless REAL Thread

    Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. Parents? It's old fashion doubt, fear of not fitting in! I get these messages a lot and thought it would be beneficial to read a real-life thread of what your kids 'young adults' are saying about being trans and why they believe they are. Read how I disarm the idea that you are born trans quickly and in a way they understand and soothing with the knowledge they are completely NORMAL to believe how they do. Trans ideology feeds on what females have felt since the beginning of time. The phrasing is sinister and provides what all of us females have deemed at one point in life, along with a unicorn fart solution wrapped in Disney magic as a cure-all. It's the reason why the 4000&% increase has been dumped on the majority of the female's side of medical transition or the FTM. Real Thread - I'm a trans man and I wondered if I can ask you some questions. Relentless Focus To Stop The Medicalization Of Gender Confused Children! Help Us Continue The Fight & Donate Now.

  • We Need Balance When It Comes To Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know By, Scott Newgent -Write Us Sen

    Original Newsweek Article Follows Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. I posted this on my blog today for a reason. Significant red/bold/underlined statements should alarm anyone reading this article. They are facts about medical transition along with studies attached to each. In the Newsweek article, I had to be politically correct. But here is the truth laid out in laymen's terms. Kids that medically transitioning lives are cut short, increased chance of blood clots (I've personally had two, one that was so large it induced a massive heart attack ), pretty much guaranteeing these kids will have to be on blood thinners for life, bone damage (we are now seeing trans girls in their 20s suffering from early-onset osteoporosis) liver damage (cirrhosis of the liver), girls who transition move from anxiety disorders to debilitating mood disorders in alarming numbers, anxiety turns into severe bipolar, suicide peaks at 7-10 years after medical transition resulting in the highest society rate of suicide in the ENTIRE population, mental illness manifests into psychosis for girls who are transitioning, taking them from anxiety to significant mood disorders and sprinkling in 12% chance of adding on psychosis (you know the people on the street talking to imaginary friends), stunted brain development, brains not growing up and out of the teen aura of life, losing the ability to orgasm, infertility, sterilized for life, does not improve the anxiety it's meant to cure and does an about face to make mental health worse. & is the kicker: All the studies that said medically transitioning children was beneficial? Retracted Yet, medically transitioning children here in the US full steam ahead. So you may think my voice is too stern or SCREAMING is not warranted, but I believe my voice is not SCREAMING enough, and neither is yours. Rioting would not be enough in my book. But, for political correctness, I've linked emails for every senator in the entire US. Email them, and you SCREAM today. Write US Senators Link ON 2/9/21 AT 7:30 AM EST I am a 48-year-old transgender man. I was thrilled when the medical community told me six years ago that I could change from a woman to a man. I was informed about all the wonderful things that would happen due to medical transition, but all the negatives were glossed over. Since then, I have suffered tremendously, including seven surgeries, a pulmonary embolism, an induced stress heart attack, sepsis, a 17-month recurring infection, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, arm reconstructive surgery, lung, heart and bladder damage, insomnia, hallucinations, PTSD, $1 million in medical expenses, and loss of home, car, career and marriage. All this, and yet I cannot sue the surgeon responsible—in part because there is no structured, tested or widely accepted baseline for transgender health care. Read that again: There is no structured, tested, or widely accepted baseline for transgender health care. Not for 42-year-olds, and not for the many minors embarking on medical transition in record numbers. It is not transphobic or discriminatory to discuss this—we as a society need to fully understand what we are encouraging our children to do to their bodies. Throughout transition, I second-guessed my decisions, but each counseling session and doctor's appointment amounted to one more push convincing me I could be cured of being born in the wrong body. The truth was that I didn't fit in as a dominant, aggressive, assertive lesbian. The dream of finally fitting in dangled like a carrot: The idea that I could fit in catapulted me to a time much like adolescence, with its drive for acceptance, inclusive peers and the fantasy of being normal. During my post-operation 17 months of sheer survival, I discovered that transgender health care is experimental and that large swaths of the medical industry encourage minors to transition due, at least in part, to fat profit margins. I was gobsmacked. Each day I researched more and became increasingly appalled. As I jumped from ER to ER desperately seeking help, I realized that nobody knew what to do. Each physician told me to return to the original surgeon. I was trapped like a child with an abusive parent. My recurring bladder infection not only demolished my body; it started to ravage my mind, too. I stopped being able to problem-solve, and then lost my health insurance when I couldn't work. I spent many nights in the bathroom in too much pain to even make it to the toilet, forced to urinate on the floor, screaming as what felt like razor blades left my body. Rest came only in 45-minute increments that I induced with four shots of vodka, six Benadryl pills and a handful of melatonin—with only sleep-deprived hallucinations for my trouble. One night I simply couldn't take it. I wanted to die. I crawled to bed and had another hallucination. My children's lives flashed before my eyes, and I saw the devastation my death would cause them. Right then, I made a deal with God, the universe, whatever you call it, that if my life were spared, if I were allowed to be here for my kids, I would help other kids by ensuring people knew what the experimentation of transgender health care really entails. I remember my whimpers: "God, an eye for an eye—in reverse. I will fight with a mother's passion for others if I can be here for my kids." So here I am, a trans man, sifting through my good and bad decisions, and for the first time embracing who I am—what I have created, and the life I now lead. It took me 48 years to realize I transitioned because I never wholeheartedly accepted being a lesbian. Our children don't have a prayer to embrace the reality of something it takes a lifetime to understand. That's our job, as parents: to protect them from foolish, lifelong mistakes. Here's what I could not comprehend before transitioning and what I honestly believe no child is capable of consenting to: Decreased life expectancy Increased risk of premature death from heart attacks and pulmonary embolisms Bone damage Possible liver damage Increased mental health complications Increased chances of mood-syndrome symptoms Higher suicide rates than non-trans population 12 percent higher chance than non-trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis Chance of stunted brain development Much reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure Higher chance of sterility and infertility No improved mental health outcomes Not completely reversible Trans activists tout studies that say medically transitioning gender-questioning children improves mental health. But those studies have often been retracted (and those retractions underreported by the media). Moreover, no long-term studies have been conducted on children who grow up without the benefit of natural puberty. No studies at all have been done on de-transitioners (people who return to identifying as their natal sex). What are the psychological effects? No one has a clue, and researchers are too often shut down by cancel culture for even raising the questions. Peer-reviewed studies show a shocking correlation between gender dysphoria and autism, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and other co-morbidities. Additionally, it seems that many of these children are simply gay. Could pushing people on a one-way path to medical transition be a different form of "conversion therapy?" We need to ask and study these hard questions—for the good of all children. But we're not—not in the mainstream media, and certainly not in President Joe Biden's new administration. America is proceeding down its path of total affirmation just as other countries are restoring greater balance. This past December, the U.K. High Court of Justice ruled that puberty blockers for minors are both experimental and a one-way ticket to permanent transition. Finland in 2020 completely overhauled its approach to treating minors with gender dysphoria, prioritizing psychotherapeutic non-invasive interventions and recognizing adolescence as a time of major identity exploration. Sweden is conducting a systematic literature review of the scientific basis of the long-term effects on physical and mental health of puberty blockers and hormones. The researcher who championed the "Dutch protocol" recently called for a rethink, while other research is beginning to show that the current one-size-fits-all status quo is too limited. So if we are now waking up to the fact that gender dysphoria is over-simplistically conflated with transgenderism, medical treatments have understudied long-term consequences, some are getting rich off transgender medicine and de-transitioners are speaking up in skyrocketing numbers, why are we only making it easier for children to unquestioningly transition? We now have the obligation to work together to slow trans medicalization of minors until they are adults and have the capacity to truly understand the lifelong consequences of transitioning. As a former lesbian and current trans man, I maintain this is not transphobic. It is actually sensitive and caring to recognize that not just one treatment or pathway is right for all kids. Therefore, I am currently building a bipartisan army to protect our children, hold the medical industry accountable and educate our president and the rest of society about the dangers of transgender extremism. We must throw our differences aside for a moment; I promise you, once children are safe, we can resume fighting. But until children are safe, nothing else matters. So, endocrinologists and pediatricians, moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans, radical feminists and evangelicals, lawyers and psychologists, parents and teachers: My hand is out. I will grab yours and turn down no one. Together, we can build a circle around our most precious resource: our children. Help me fulfill the promise I made on the night I almost gave up, to be here for my children—and now yours. Who's with me? Scott Newgent is active with Trans Rational Educational Voices ( Twitter: @ScottNewgent. <----Kicked off twitter The views expressed in this article are the writer's own <----That's right they are mine.

  • Transwoman testifies against puberty blockers for CA Foster Kids - STOP Transing Kids

    Transwoman testifies against puberty blockers for CA Foster Kids and only gets a measly 2916 views. Are you kidding me? Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. Rene Jax, a transwoman for 40 years, testifies in the California Senate Judiciary Committee against AB 2119, a bill to make sure foster kids have access to sex-change operations and puberty-blocking drugs to help them align their bodies to match the gender identity. I found this little treasure on YouTube, a transwoman in 2018 who testified against puberty blockers for children within the foster care system, and it got me thinking. How many verbal trans are there for medically transitioning children? How many are against the medicalization of children, like myself? Relentless Focus To Stop The Medicalization Of Gender Confused Children! Help Us Continue The Fight & Donate Now. I started tallying in my head, and I came up with over 50 vocal trans against the medicalization of children, and believe me, this takes guts to do publicly. And so, it got me thinking of the vocal trans pro medically transition children. Who are they? Because as a salesperson my whole life, this is the time within an unsuccessful sales deal where I would stand up and say: "Hey People! We are not doing this deal right; we are not negotiating right—something's missing, an angle. What is it?" It's time for a different take. My idea? Create a list of trans who are proponents of the medicalization of children and the huge list I have compiled against to challenge our thinking. Let the pro-trans tells us con trans why not allowing children to transition medically is the wrong position to take. Make them sell us...... We need to stop selling this; we need to require them to sell us. Why? Because as soon as they open their mouths with another trans in the room, do you know what happens? They look like total imbeciles! I've seen it up close and personal, and it's POWERFUL! So I ask. Who is the high profile trans you know pushing the medicalization of children as life-saving? Let's try something new. Ok let me have the names, Scott Newgent

  • Gender dysphoric patients suffer at the hands of unethical doctor-Trans Ideology Is Crumbing

    Only in the United States of America is there the tolerance within the medical community for "non-binary" surgical experiments on traumatized people. Original Article In The Post Millennial Donate Hot on the heels of detransitioner Keira Bell's lawsuit against the National Health Service's gender identity clinic, another victim of so-called "transgender healthcare" has stepped up to ask tough questions of this most under-regulated part of the medical industry. Scott Newgent is a trans activist who wants to see an end to pediatric "transitioning" and higher clinical standards for adults who wish to modify their bodies to resemble the other sex. Newgent wrote: " I wasn't 'born in the wrong body.' I was born female. But I didn't like it. So I changed my appearance, at significant monetary, psychological, and physical cost, with plastic surgery and hormones. My sex never changed, though. Only my appearance changed." At the age of 41, Newgent embarked on the process of spending $1 million on so-called "transgender healthcare" body modifications which caused irreversible damage. Newgent said "After my surgery with Dr. Crane I had a massive pulmonary embolism [and] endured a stress heart attack. I had to have reconstruction surgery to a ligament that was protruding from my arm and now I'm handicapped for life. I also had to have 6 inches of hair removed from my urethra…that caused a 17 month infection that almost took my life." Newgent said "During the process of medical transition, I have had seven surgeries, one massive pulmonary embolism, one helicopter life-flight ride, an emergency ambulance ride, induced stress heart attack, sepsis, 17-month recurring infection due to using the wrong skin during a phalloplasty, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, lost all my hair, arm reconstructive surgery, handicapped arm, permanent lung, and heart damage, my bladder was cut, I had insomnia induced hallucinations, frequently loss of consciousness due to pain from the 6 inches of hair on the inside of my urethra, significant PTSD that made me a prisoner in my apartment for a year not able, failed phalloplasty, billed $923,980 for medical expenses, I lost my home, car, job, career, wife, and I could no longer care for my kids due to medical complications." Concerned that children as young as three were being groomed to think of themselves as "trans," with a view to undergoing experimental body modifications, Newgent wants to warn parents about the hazards of bringing children who believe they should be the other sex to gender clinics. Six years down the line, Newgent deeply regrets the body modifications, saying: "I wish I'd known then what I know now. I can tell you that the information out there regarding transition is heavily weighted to one side, and people must have factual information to make decisions…" Dr. Curtis Crane MD, who performed multiple surgeries on Newgent from 2014 onwards, was the defendant in nine clinical malpractice claims in California during 2017-18. Each was the subject of a Non Disclosure Agreement with his former patients. Crane retains licenses to practice medicine in California and Texas. Newgent said "I went to eight different attorneys about that surgeon. Each wanted to take on my case, but after they investigated, they found out there is no baseline for care. We have nothing to compare outcomes for medical transition, so it's a free-for-all, and the medical industry knows this." Dr. Crane claims to be "one of the only people worldwide who is dually trained in both Urology and Plastic Surgery." He has been described as "acquiring penis-making skills." Of course, this is pure marketing. The only human capable of making a penis is a mother, according to nature's code. It is a matter of public record that the phalloplasty procedures inflicted on women who wish they were men result in a useless appendage without sensation, at best, gangrene and necrosis at worst. Despite the repeated failure of phalloplasty experiments, Dr. Crane seems to harbour a grandiose fantasy of himself as a great creator of new human beings, or at least the sexual organs of human beings. In interview, he said "the genitalia we build are my children." Of phalloplasty, he said that the pump which mimics an erection means "You become superhuman, you become part cyborg and your penis has superhuman capabilities… They want to be erect all of Burning Man, they can." In light of the dismal facts, this is an irresponsible sales message. Crane promises women that they can obtain a super-macho experience of male sexual pleasure. In reality, they can expect pain and humiliation. Crane laughed about a prospective patient who wanted him to make a tail which could be grafted onto the body. "I was like, 'Well, that's very interesting.' I guess I could drop down a pair of spineless flaps and then skin graft it and I'm like, 'Would you want it to move?'" The only obstacle Dr. Crane saw to such a procedure was not ethical, but technical. "I'm like, 'Let's think about innervation.' I was like, 'I don't know if we should do this.'" Dr. Crane performs a rare body modification procedure known as "genital nullification," which involves amputating reproductive organs for reasons of normalizing sexual trauma. In an interview, he said "I've done a few [full penectomies]. We get a few requests a year, and I think it's a good service to provide to the community." Crane now advertises these "nullo" procedures as a form of "non-binary" surgery on his website. Suddenly, young people declaring themselves "non-binary" doesn't seem like a harmless youth fad. Crane also considers creating a second set of pseudo-genitals while the subject retains their natural genitals as a form of "non-binary" surgery. It is notable that only in the United States of America is there the tolerance within the medical community for "non-binary" surgical experiments on traumatized people. Only in the US is there no duty to explore the underlying reasons why people seek to undergo these extreme body modifications. Crane believes that medical ethics begin and end with the concepts of bodily autonomy and informed consent. However, children are incapable of either, and it is doubtful whether adults who are either mentally unwell, or on the autism spectrum, are capable of consenting to experimental procedures with zero curative benefit. Crane is a devotee of queer theory, a strand of academia in which the only purpose of social norms is to dismantle and upend them. "The ethics in medicine comes down to 'Are you acting in the best interests of your patient?' If you are, then you are ethical…I use that belief system to ignore social and cultural norms. Yes, back in 2012 some people gave me sh*t for building a phallus for someone that wanted to keep his vagina." He hand waves away the fact that people who "identify as" trans suffer from co-morbid mental health conditions, saying that "depression, anxiety and other psychiatric diagnoses need to be in check to help with a successful transition and a successful surgery." This is putting the cart before the horse. If the patient's mental health struggles were alleviated by therapy which got to the root of their body dysmorphia, for example, or to find out whether a neurological diagnosis was relevant, they might not feel the desire to go under the knife. In that case, Crane would be out of a job performing body modifications on traumatized people. He would have to go back to performing urology procedures on people with physical health problems. I will leave it to the reader to decide whether or not that would be a good thing for society at large.

  • Supreme Court Judge Will Likely "GAG" Australian Case-Land Mark Transing Kids Case -SCREAMING In Aus

    Article W/ Links The state cannot remove a child and brand her parents as abusive and neglectful simply because they resist medicalized gender change with risks including sterilization, Western Australia’s chief justice will be told on Tuesday. Welcome To TReVoices Blog By, Scott Newgent. If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a gift. Justice Peter Quinlan is to rule on a legal challenge in Australia’s first known case of a minor taken into care after the parents expressed doubts about the safety of cross-sex hormone treatment for their daughter who identifies as a transgender male. There has been a shift towards greater caution internationally about treatment for the bodily distress of gender dysphoria since the child was taken into state care in 2019 on the eve of her 16th birthday after a reported plan to commit suicide. Relentless Focus To Stop The Medicalization Of Gender Confused Children! Help Us Continue The Fight & Donate Now. The latest developments overseas include agreement by most of Sweden’s youth gender clinics to restrict or better monitor puberty blocker drugs and synthetic hormones, pending new national treatment guidance from a government health agency. This appears consistent with the UK High Court’s ruling in the 2020 Tavistock clinic case that the evidence for puberty blocking is so meagre it is experimental medicine. Meanwhile, the Perth Children’s Hospital gender clinic, one of Australia’s three major centres that follow the “gender affirmative” medical model, is undergoing a secretive review, with judicial oversight of treatment decisions. In September 2016, the clinic had 100 young patients, rising to 432 on the same September day last year, when 63 were on cross-sex hormones. Video: Therapist Stella O’Malley on a new parents’ group concerned about gender clinics On Tuesday the lawyer for the parents is expected to argue before Justice Quinlan that a children’s court magistrate last year was wrong to find emotional abuse and neglect in their natural caution about “affirmative” medical interventions and their wish to explore less invasive psychological treatments and other possible reasons for their daughter’s distress. In the Supreme Court appeal, the lawyer will point out that even the psychiatric gender expert relied upon by the magistrate had conceded the area of gender dysphoria was highly controversial and different experts might come to different conclusions about diagnosis and treatment. The child, whose identity has been protected, will be free to begin testosterone later this year when she turns 18, but her parents told The Australian their appeal was still important to undo the abuse and neglect findings against them and to protect other parents from a similar misuse of state power. “We were found unjustly guilty of future potential mental health abuse, should the government let our daughter come back to us, because (the gender clinicians) think she would be emotionally damaged if we do not allow her to use hormones to destroy her health and fertility,” the father said. The parents’ case also argues that testosterone treatment – injected to masculinise the body of a biological female – poses known and unknown risks. The informed consent document for testosterone drugs, obtained from the Perth gender clinic under FOI law, warns young patients of “mood swings and aggressive behaviour” and other risks, including blood clots, heart attack, high blood pressure, stroke, liver disease and “manic/psychotic symptoms”. “It is not known whether testosterone increases the risk of breast/uterine cancer,” the 8-page document says. The WA Department of Communities will be represented in the appeal hearing by senior counsel Carolyn Thatcher, who will argue the magistrate was entitled to make a finding of emotional abuse because the parents had denied the child’s “stated feelings about his gender identity” and failed to accept the gender dysphoria diagnosis. A psychiatrist gave evidence the child would be at high risk of suicide if returned to parents who failed to “affirm” his male gender identity. Gender clinics assert their affirmative medical interventions are “lifesaving” but critics say there is no good quality, long-term evidence to back up this claim. Following reports in this newspaper, the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists in 2019 set up a working group to review gender dysphoria treatment for minors. The review is still going but The Australian understands the working group considers the lack of clear evidence would make it very difficult for the college to come up with formal clinical guidelines on how to respond to the surge in teenagers declaring a trans identity. Gender dysphoria is a condition classified by psychiatry’s diagnostic manual DSM-5. In July, Brisbane GP Fiona Bisshop, who is president of the gender clinicians’ lobby the Australian Professional Association for Trans Health, claimed gender-affirming treatment was “not controversial”. In Sweden, the Stockholm gender clinic which is part of the famous Karolinska Institute moved ahead of promised national guidance with its mid-year decision to limit under-18 hormonal treatments to strictly controlled clinical trials. A Karolinska manager Svante Norgren said it was unsustainable to wait for the new government guidance, given major shortcomings in the scientific basis for these treatments, according to a news report earlier this month in a journal of the Swedish Medical Association. Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare is expected to issue the new guidance later this year. Following the Karolinska’s lead, most of Sweden’s six university-based youth gender clinics have reportedly adopted a more cautious approach to under-18 medicalised gender change, pending the updated guidance. This new caution will limit hormonal treatment to exceptional cases, unless they are part of a clinical trial or tracked in a national register of gender dysphoria treatment. The Australian put questions to the WA government, the Perth Children’s Hospital gender clinic and the support group TransFolks of WA. BERNARD LANE, ROVING EDITOR, LEADER WRITER, DATA JOURNALIST Bernard Lane

Scott Newgent

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