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  • A Butch Lesbian Transitioned Into A Transman -"Gender Ideology Hurts More Than It Helps"

    Between 1995-2006 I was a part of the lesbian community. During those years, despite my life-long and sometimes intense gender dysphoria, I hadn’t given any serious thought to medically transitioning. It wasn’t even on my radar as a possibility until after 2000. The idea of medically transitioning seemed fringe, far-fetched, and risky. Most of the butches I knew also had gender dysphoria (GD) or rather, Gender Identity Disorder (GID), as it was called then. Many butches I knew in Winnipeg, Halifax, Toronto, and later Vancouver, were strong, stoic people. I admired many of them. I know that their lives weren’t always easy, but they carried themselves with dignity. They had butch “brotherhood” and femmes who adored them. Many were “stone” which meant that their GID made it difficult for them to relate to their female anatomy so didn’t allow themselves to be touched by anyone, or rarely. They were often harassed and abused for being masculine women, as I was. It was often stressful using female public washrooms, because our gender ambiguity made people so uncomfortable. There was a term “butch bladder” to reference the ways we’d avoid using bathrooms in public. In the early-mid 2000s, more and more FTMs were appearing in the community, alongside the butches. Many lesbian spaces welcomed them, some didn’t. It seemed to me at the time that butches were presented with two options: we could choose to be butches, or we could choose to be FTM “trans guys”. Why people chose one or the other...that was very individual and personal. It really came down to which option solved a problem and made life easier. The problem could be homophobic parents, fatigue from being harassed, differing degrees of dysphoria and bodily discomfort, not understanding what GID is, poor social or occupational functioning, trauma, other mental health challenges like depression or the anxiety that seemed inevitable for us. Some transitioned but still identified as butch women. They chose medical interventions to look more masculine, not to identify as men. Some trans guys said they never had GID at all. I don’t know what their motivations for transitioning were. Some said “political reasons”. There were some who were big fans of Queer Theory icons like Judith Butler and Judith Halberstam. Those women adopted male personas - intentional “female masculinity” - as an expression of Queer Theory, not to be men/male. I chose to transition soon after a gay man was beaten to death in a nearby park. If kids with gender dysphoria today are anything like who we were 20 years ago, I feel saddened by their trajectory. Others see benefits: Access to medical interventions has been made easier. They no longer have to do a “real-life test” (live their life as the opposite sex for 2 years without medical assistance). They don’t have to go through months or years of therapy and assessment. More is now known about the effects and risks of hormones. The surgeries have improved, are easier to access and now paid for by insurance. (I paid for my own mastectomy out of pocket, and was on the SRS surgery waitlist for 10 years.) But, what have we done? Have we eliminated all of the conditions for why a butch girl would find their innate masculinity hard to live with? Have we made the lives of butch women better and safer? Have we eliminated homophobic families, communities, employers, clinicians and policies? Are we educating young people what gender dysphoria is, in evidence-based terms, supporting them to integrate that into a healthy identity and self-image? Do we tell masculine girls how attractive they are? Do they have an abundance of healthy role models? Are they fully embraced and integrated into their workforces, educational settings, faith communities… or, are butches still getting weird looks from strangers? Are they still getting yelled at in public bathrooms? Are young, obnoxious young men still yelling slurs out their car windows as they drive by a butch woman? Do gender non-conforming women still fear for their lives in some places? Can they get Brandon Teena out of their heads? Can they travel the world freely? Can they find clothing they like that fits their bodies well? I’m not convinced we’ve made any real progress at all. I think we’ve just made it easier for people to jump ship, younger and faster and gave it a different spin. We now call that “self-actualization”. We’ve facilitated a better illusion. We’ve convinced more and more people that the illusion is real. We continue to push for better surgeries. Penile and uterine transplants are on the horizon. Young people are flooding into clinics. They can’t keep up with the demand. Activists have pushed Queer Theory as an explanation for our difference, displacing evidence-based clinical definitions of GID/GD. It’s no longer talked about as a condition that requires treatment but a natural human variation that requires affirmation in whatever form we demand (often life-long medicalization). I’ve travelled that road to its end, and its hurt just as much as it’s helped. The surgeries available to FTMs right now are awful. A double mastectomy and phalloplasty or metoidioplasty are gruesome procedures to go through. The US surgeon I went to for metoidioplasty boasts low complication rates, but the anecdotal evidence I’ve witnessed (myself and everyone I know who had the procedure there and elsewhere) is close to a 100% complication rate. One guy at the surgical recovery centre I stayed at started to hemorrhage and was laying on the floor unable to reach the call bell when another FTM patient found him and advocated for him to be rushed to hospital. Fistulas and strictures are the most common problem. I chose metoidioplasty because it’s thought to be the less risky of the two options. I immediately developed two large fistulas (meaning that my urethra burst open in two places) that needed additional surgery to repair. I couldn’t bathe or go swimming for a year until those openings were repaired. I have chronic perineum pain, altered bowel function due to changes in my pelvic muscles, and no sensation in most of my chest. When we have complications, local physicians and surgeons don’t know what to do. So we have to wait, and travel to whoever can help. Listen, I don’t doubt that sometimes medical transition is helpful for people. It’s not my place to say they can’t or shouldn’t. But let’s not sell this like it’s a Disney park ride. The marketing of everything trans is ridiculously misleading. Don’t put sparkles and rainbows over real pain as though that helps at all. It’s insulting. If we really want to help these kids, we need to make it easier for lesbian kids. Butch kids. All gender non-conforming kids. The quirky and awkward kids. Kids who feel they don’t fit it. Let’s get better at working with parents and preserving families. Be honest about what medical transition is really about. No one really changes biological sex and these procedures are really hard to go through. Why are we putting all of our resources into escaping brutality rather than eliminating brutality? We’re cutting up our bodies because our lived reality is worse. Why do we celebrate that? Medical transition is but one option for those with GD. We need to reclaim our understanding of GD as a condition so that we can have reality based-conversations and solve real personal and social problems. “Trans” as a concept, masks many underlying issues. A queer theory-based understanding of myself worsened my GD. Medical transition became an addiction. The illusion only works if we’re lucky enough to pass and everyone else plays along perfectly. It’s an exhausting game of whack-a-mole to dodge the reminders of my female past and female biology. How is that kind of dissociation desirable? Some people may benefit from medically transitioning, but we still need a reality-based understanding of ourselves, to keep our feet on the ground. Our children deserve better. If this sounds transphobic to you, you’re a part of the problem. Owning our reality for what it is isn’t self-hatred. It’s self-acceptance. Having different ideas and a different vision of how to move forward isn't hatred. Hatred was the skinheads who circled around us at the small 1992 Winnipeg gay and lesbian march, long before Pride was a parade. Hatred was the men who drove from the suburbs into Vancouver with the intent to "kill a fag" and murdered Aaron Webster in Stanley Park. I’m well acquainted with phobia. This isn't phobia. This is love. Aaron Kimberly Gender Dysphoria Alliance Canada

  • Turn The Mirror Around by Transman Scott Newgent

    I do not have to detrans to save kids from medical transition. I do not have to detrans to out the travesties of transgender health. If you bully me to detrans how are you any different than what the radical trans have done to the children of the world? Turn The Mirror Around My rainbow is a human rainbow. I learned from a young age to see past differences in beliefs, sexuality, and social and financial status because behind someone different from you or someone you hate are fears of not being worthwhile. If we look past our infantile differences, the world turns from a scary place to one of grace with boundless potential for human growth and enlightenment. Words of wisdom came to me once when my ears were susceptible to mentors, a whispered moment as I sat at a lesbian dinner party at the tender age of 20. The giver of wisdom, who, I think of often, was a 70-year-old lesbian. I had just made a an impassioned speech about hating straight people, how every lesbian and gay man should band together to create a superior community where straight and bisexual people could live without the unique gifts and talents homosexual people have given to society since the beginning of time without recognition and with the oppression that had never lifted and never would. The old dyke turned her head towards me and snapped her fingers crisply and with authority, piquing my curiosity instantly. I leaned in, eager to hear what I thought would be a song of praise, but this is what I heard instead: “Kellie, if I stayed within lines of safety because I wanted complete acceptance of who I am before I allowed people to know me, I would have never had a single conversation with any human on the face of the earth. I am a 70-year-old African-American, Jewish, Republican, bull-dyke lesbian who listens to country music. If you stay within the lines you believe are safe because of not wanting to be challenged by the differences of others, your challenge will become learning how to not wither away and die because, let’s face it, you wouldn’t be invited to dinner parties like this and you would have no one to talk to because you're an asshole, a passionately cute asshole, but one nevertheless. Simmer on that a bit and do shut up. You learn by listening, and it doesn't make you look like an idiot as much as you do look right now.” When my son was two and a half, he knew how to get my attention. At that time, I was at the dead center of my career as a business account executive, leading the USA with record numbers for Verizon Wireless. I was fierce. But my mind was always obsessed with the next presentation, the next business meeting, the next chess move to further my career. My baby son knew if he wanted my attention, he had to be different. One day when I was running out the door, he ran up to me and said, "stop Ma, stop right now." He commanded such strength and presence that I did just that, I stopped. He said, "sit down, couch, there," in his toddler language. To my surprise, I listened and sat on the couch. He proceeded to crawl onto my lap, straddled me, and placed each little hand on one side of my face, cradling it. Then he leaned in and pressed his nose to mine and said, "don't listen to them, just to me, just me, not them, k Ma?" He had my total attention, he knew he had to slow me down to get the proper attention he was after, or he would get the inevitable, "yeah ok sugar, sure sugar, lunch, candy, you bet, just go ask your nanny." His face couldn't hold in the excitement; he knew he had the attention he was after and blurted out, "Ma, waterslide, ‘member? You said waterslide; it's not there outside, I need waterslide, please, k Ma?" The week prior I had been running through a store, and he’d spotted a huge, blow-up water slide for parties, and I said I would buy it in between my calls and texts. Well, later had come for him, and he was determined to let me know. I immediately called in, got the day off of work, picked him up, and before night fell he was having a ball on his vast, commercial $600 waterslide in our backyard. To this day in my family, if you have something important to discuss, you say, “don’t listen to them, just me,” and immediately no matter what I am doing is dropped and I plug in. That’s what we need to do. We have to grab society's face and say, "give me a minute, just listen to us for a minute, don't listen to them, just us," with the same heartstrings that a child holds within his mother's heart. The most effective way to do this is for the message to come from family, a familiar place, a place that is and has been a soft place to fall. My son got my attention because of the way he did it but most importantly because of who he was to me. I believe this approach would work to stop the dangerous trans radical craze that we are currently experiencing. Don’t get me wrong; the LGBTQ community is family to me. I was a lesbian for twenty-five years, and I have been a transman for five years. I am a familiar, I am family. I am not a transitioner, and although it’s complicated, transitioning definitely has helped me in some ways. I am also a parent to three adolescents, an age when children are professing their transgenderism in record numbers. If it's done in the right way, with the right people, with hearts in the correct place, we could save children who don't even know they need to be saved. We need courageous people to say what needs to be said, be guided in the most appropriate and best way to say it, and to take criticism to ensure what is written is done in the most powerful manner possible. We need to be willing to work within a team to save kids because make no mistake; as a transman I am telling you that these kids need to be saved a million times more than you already believe. Lets march hand in hand to the forefront, representing children, to keep children safe and criminalize any medical professionals who medically transition a child. Speak in unison saying; “Here’s a transgender person. Here’s a gay person. Here’s the evangelical person. Here’s the Republican person. Here’s a Democrat. We have everybody covered. Okay. So, you can’t call us a bigot. Cause we got the whole circle around. We’re all here. Now let’s talk about facts. Medical Transitioning Is No Place For A Child & here is why!”

  • Bill C-6 needs more nuance: Conversion therapy is wrong but pushing kids to trans-medically is worse

    When I was in my early 20s, I dated an older lesbian named Bee. Bee was the life of the party; she was the person everyone wanted to be around. As fun-loving as she was, everyone who knew her realized that her parents and childhood should never be brought up. I tried in the year we were dating, but I never got far until one day as we were driving home from a Christmas party. Bee had a little too much to drink and started screaming about how the house had mild porn everywhere. I tried to calm her down, but each attempt only made her scream louder. After an hour, I decided to go home; I left her in the bedroom as I gathered my things. When I returned to say goodbye, she was in a ball in the corner, wailing with cries that sent a chill up my spine. She told me a story that is seared into my conscience, something I think about at least every week of my life. In Bee's early teens, her mother found a love note from a girl in her backpack. Her parents were evangelical Christians and were not going to have a lesbian as a daughter, so they shipped her off to a mental institution that would show her images of soft porn. Every time a woman appeared naked, she received such an intense shock that a mouthguard was placed in her mouth to ensure she didn't bite her tongue in half. She remained in this facility for over a year, until her 15th birthday. The treatment didn't work; there she was, 44, and still dating women. But the experience left her broken. I lived as a lesbian for 25 years, and this is just one story of several I have heard. Each account is heartbreaking. My experience was different, and I am thankful that when I came out, my father said to me: "Kellie, are you telling me you’re a lesbian?" "Being a lesbian means nothing to me, and it shouldn't matter to you either other than one thing: you are attracted to women. Guess what, my child, me too, women are awesome. Don't allow yourself to believe that being a lesbian means anything more than that. You hold your head up and find a life partner and do the right thing with your wife's heart." That was it for me, and I didn't realize how lucky I was. Each woman I introduced to my father was one more woman he fell in love with, one more devastation whenever I moved on. My father's heart broke many times until I found my life partner. I always made a joke about this, and I wish now I could look him in his eyes and tell him what a gift he gave me. Conversion therapy for homosexuality is wrong, it doesn't work, and it breaks the soul of a human. The studies tell us there is no benefit, just a detriment. We think this barbaric therapy is no longer around, and that's not true; my ex-wife attended one not long ago, and again it didn't take. Being gay is something you are; it cannot be changed through medical treatment. It can also not be induced by medical treatment. Did you understand what I just said? You cannot medically turn a human being homosexual; there is no drug out there that can make a homosexual straight or turn a straight person homosexual. No drugs can be taken or injected to make us homosexual or make us straight. No corporations benefit financially from people claiming to be homosexual or straight. No one benefits economically. Because of that, the playing field can't be tainted by greed, and acceptance can't be falsely avowed for the sake of a dollar. Click Here To Purchase - Time for Actual Trans To Speak - 0.0 Profit - For Saving Kids - Marketing Works Just Look At Mermaids UK - Convincing a generation of kids they are transgender However, that's not the case with transgenderism. Six years ago, I began to transition to a transman, and within that timeframe, my insurance and me personally have been billed just under $1 million USD. I realize that medical care is a human right in Canada, and I have the utmost respect for this; I also believe that medical care is a human right, not an opportunity for profit. But, unless every vial of testosterone/estrogen/puberty blockers is free to the provincial governments, I ask that you take my words of experience into consideration. What I am going to say is controversial in Canada, but not when cameras are off and people aren't afraid of losing their jobs: Having gender dysphoria is not a choice, but being transgender is; it's a feeling, a desire, a want. Amazingly, we now have the medical technology that allows biological women to create an illusion of looking like males through testosterone therapy and surgery. This modern technology has brought me peace. But at a high cost: the process is brutal on the mind, body, and soul. Being transgender is now a want that you can turn into reality. It can be created through medical intervention, but the treatments are NOT reversible and have significant risks; many people with gender dysphoria believe hormones are reversible, but they are not. Many parents put their kids on puberty blockers, thinking they are reversible, but they are not. In the UK, the NHS recently realized this and is changing its stance; but it's something Canada has refused to look at. Why? We forget the massive amount of revenue generated by pushing our kids to believe they are transgender. Moreover, the doctors, social workers, and gender clinics are not being transparent about the myriad risks of medical transition. During my own transition, I had seven surgeries to change my appearance to male. As side effects, I also had a massive pulmonary embolism, a helicopter life-flight ride, an emergency ambulance ride, a stress-induced heart attack, sepsis, a 17-month recurring infection due to using the wrong skin during a (failed) phalloplasty, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, the loss of all my hair, (only partially successful) arm reconstructive surgery, permanent lung and heart damage, a cut bladder, insomnia-induced hallucinations—oh and frequent loss of consciousness due to pain from the hair on the inside of my urethra. All this led to a form of PTSD that made me a prisoner in my apartment for a year. Medical transition comes with significant risks and long-term effects that have yet to be adequately studied. What we do know is that the long-term use of synthetic hormone therapy shortens lives. Specifically, these medications are associated with an increased risk of heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, bone damage, liver and kidney failure, mental-health complications, and more. Almost a quarter of hormone-therapy patients on high-dose anabolic steroids (such as the testosterone taken by female-to-male transitioners) exhibit major mood-syndrome symptoms. Between three and 12 percent go on to develop symptoms of psychosis. Children who claim to be trans typically are receiving such drugs at a pivotal time in the development of brains and bones. They've become a generation of guinea pigs. The only long-term study on transgenderism was done in Sweden in 1973; it followed 324 medically transitioned adults for 30 years and tells us that medical transition reduces suicidal ideation for a short time, like the 2019 study “Reduction in Mental Health Treatment Utilization Among Transgender Individuals After Gender-Affirming Surgeries.” But then it returns each year, gaining traction until it is often higher after the medical transition than before. This 2019 study had the authors come back in 2020 admitting that even their data of the surge in significant benefit from medical transition was false, but the media didn’t publicize the update (Correction -whoopsie Daisy we were wrong). The problem is that most studies published nowadays are short-term. They all say that suicidal ideation is reduced, and that is true – at the start. What these too-short studies don't tell you is what I as a transman with many adult trans friends will: Later in life doubt and suicidal thoughts creep back in. As a transperson, you have to deal with what you have done to your body, you have to learn how to move within this world differently, you have to face the reality of biology. It is not all glitter bombs and rainbow lollipops. It's extremely hard. Conversion therapy is wrong but pushing kids to transition medically is worse. Challenging children and adolescents to understand why they want to medically transition and how they can grapple with their gender dysphoria is healthy. Homosexuality can be decided, then redecided, and then decided again. I don't truly believe that, but the harm of claiming to be a lesbian at 14 and then marrying a man at 25 does not have lasting repercussions. Medical transition does. Medical transition for gender identity is different than homosexuality; we have to look at them separately. Homosexuality is an attraction to the same gender. Transgenderism is wanting to be the opposite gender. One is something you are, and the other is something you want, and this is a significant difference. One can never be denied while the other can be created. If you allow yourself to bunch them into one giant glitter bomb, you will not see the forest for the trees. Questioning a child about why they feel like the opposite gender, why they want to medically transition, is not bigotry. It's called good parenting. We seem to have lost the meaning of the word parenting; it's a verb for a reason. It's something you must actively do. Having children speak to their parents and a professional who understands all sides of the issue of desiring to medically alter their bodies is mature. Lord knows, it's not the easy thing to do. The easy thing to do in Canada right now is to succumb to the glitter bombs and resist having to challenge a group that has become disproportionately politically influential. But we have to ask the hard questions, regardless of the feelings we hurt. Gender dysphoria is a feeling of disconnection of one's born gender; it's a mental illness that can and has shown to improve with therapy. Transgenderism is acting on this feeling by undergoing a medical transition, and this, my friends, no matter how much you don't want it to be, is a choice akin to plastic surgery. I know that is bothersome to hear, but reality is not transphobia. Reality is healthy; delusions are not. We owe it to Canadian children to really think about and study medical transition, fully understanding what they are getting into. Allow these kiddos to ease their gender dysphoria with the least invasive actions possible first. No matter how much our toddlers want to eat Jolly Ranchers all day every day, we do not allow that because we know the consequences while the toddlers do not. Time to step up to the parenting plate, Canada. I know it's scary, but we are talking about your children. As a transman, I am often asked why I care so much about what happens to kids who are being pushed to transition medically, and I wish I could say it's for all selfless reasons, but it's not. You see, most transgender people like myself are in the closet without a need to come out, and we live our lives without knowing what is happening within transgender politics. I just happened to get deathly ill from my transition, and it forced me to see what was happening. In one afternoon I read the Swedish study and learned about a transwoman who shot herself in the head at nineteen, leaving a note that she could not have children and now realized she was gay man who no longer wanted to live with her broken body. I wailed the same way Bee did that night she told me about her conversion therapy. I felt a burden land on my shoulders that has given me a recurring nightmare. The nightmare starts with a transman in his 20s dialing his parents through sobs: "Mom, I can't have kids, I wear diapers, no one wants to date me, and my choices for a life partner are slashed by 90%. The doctor just told me I have early-onset osteoporosis, and I will be dependent on drugs for the rest of my life. Mom, I was a lesbian and a kid; why did you let me do this to my body? I am now trapped in the wrong body." The child's mom tries to comfort her daughter through the phone but hears a boom as the 357 magnum sends a bullet through her child's brain. Have you ever heard a mother screaming, knowing her child just died? I hear it every night as I jump out of bed; the sound will NEVER leave me. What's the alternative to my dream? A loving home with a caring therapeutic process that challenges and protects children, nurturing them to either: a. transition as an adult with a fully developed brain (after the age of 25) and full and complete knowledge of the process and side effects; b. grow up and out of wanting to be the opposite gender and embrace themselves as either gay or gender-nonconforming or possibly autistic. ‘For decades, follow-up studies of transgender kids have shown that a substantial majority -- anywhere from 65 to 94 percent -- eventually ceased to identify as transgender.’ You are being hornswoggled if you believe that medical transition is something a child should decide or be allowed to endure. That is why I urge Canada's politicians to remove "gender identity" from Bill C-6. We have to start allowing transgender people to have a say with what is happening to kids. These are some of the twitter trans I follow. I don't agree with all of them on all things, but what I will say is that these adults are the ones I would nominate as transgender community leadership. Follow Them On Twitter: @FionneOrlander @QuillTamer @acidburn2k20 @TamaraZRoberson @RedFemWay @Boogeytran @iamtranssexual @FtMdetransed @DebbieHayton @Boogeytran @BuckAngel @BtTreacle @claudiamclean22 @IamCassieCurtis @Rose_Of_Dawn @_Mars_F @HoraNoona @iamtranssexual @NPutzo @KristofferPhilp @BtTreacle @Mladydik @BtTreacle Scott Newgent, a 47-year-old transgender man and trans-father living in Texas, is the founder of TReVoices, a group of trans educators who oppose radical gender activism and seek to educate politicians and families about the reality of gender dysphoria. He tweets at @ScottNewgent. Please note that none of these links that were provided were from Reddit, they are actual studies and not written by glitter faries. Also, no glitter faries were hurt while gathering information about this bill. Thank you for listening - Scott Newgent

  • A Transwoman Writes A Letter To Politicians About Transwomen In Sports

    Dear Sir or Madam, I know that you are faced with trans women wishing to compete against born women in sport, & I know that you have to make a difficult decision related to this question. May I say that I do not envy your task. Transwomen who wish to compete in this way is understandable, but these trans athletes have an unfair advantage over their female competitors. The reason is that they are stronger, by far than women, rendering such competitions, whatever the sport unfair. I learned to swim in my early 30s & loved being in the water so much that for three years, I swam every day for my pleasure, never competing against any other person. I'm the least competitive person you could ever meet. At my local pool, I saw a poster for water aerobics, again not for competition, only for the joy of exercise. My life had changed in my mid-20s, fully transitioned years before this event & I had noticed that I was stronger in the water than the women around me, to my surprise. At the aerobics class at my local pool, I was in the rear of the class, therefore able to see all the women participating in front of me. I was very surprised indeed that the ladies were struggling while I was enjoying the exercise, free from any physical strain at all, & at that moment, I realized just how much stronger I was compared to all the others. Please don't think that I'm all sporty & full of fitness; indeed, my spine was damaged at school, resulting in surgery on my spine when I was 18 years old in 1976. The surgery left me in chronic pain & with significant limitations for the rest of my life: that moment in the pool, therefore, was a revelation! Damaged as I was, still, I was much stronger than the women around me. Because of this strange advantage, I never returned to the aqua aerobics class again. Why? In case it made me conspicuous in that group: I did not belong there. This personal experience is related to you, to underline that trans women are much stronger than women. Our transformative procedures do not impact at all on our core strength. Please believe this. I have not heard of trans men wishing to compete with born men; this is because they have no such unfair advantage over their fellow competitors & emphasizes that the male to female knows for a fact, no less, that they do, indeed, hold an unfair advantage over women. This is nefarious. Sport is known to bring people together, all over the world, to compete in one place, one nation against another, one athlete against another. If you allow trans-women to compete with natural-born women, I believe that you will irrevocably interfere with the natural balance of sports; this could cause a breakdown in this coming together that sport provides. I am not an athlete; I have nothing to gain from writing to you as I have done, but I do have a strong sense of fair play, and this is my only reason for addressing you in this manner, from far away. I beg your indulgence to consider what I have written, for many athletes' lives could be negatively impacted by allowing such a travesty to happen. I am yours & with your respect, Claudia McLean London, UK Follow Claudia On Twitter @claudiamclean22

  • The Hybrid Athlete - A Transwoman Athlete Breaks It Down, by Eden Walker

    TransRegretters Is the Leading The World Wide Charge To STOP The Travesty Of 'Medically Transitioning' Gender Confused Kids! Support Us Today - Donate Late 2015 I began writing to the IOC and IAAF following a rule change around transwomen in female sports. After careful analysis of the new rules, I understood how flawed they were in many places. These new rules would give many a chance to abuse and align them to benefit them and essentially allow for the legalization of cheating. My letters and emails ignored, but I was not surprised due to the fact it was the run-up to the Rio Olympics. Welcome Blog By, Scott Newgent. If you believe in what we are doing, consider helping us with a During this time, it allowed me to contacted labs and scientists about sports testing, and I tried to get some answers to my questions. I was met with the same challenges and received replies like this, "Sorry, we're gearing up for Rio." Although I have never been a professional athlete, I have always been an active cyclist and spent time in the army reserve and mountain rescue groups. Both these organizations require above average performance, and it ignited a passion for athletic percentage training regarding the body and performance. My perspective is unique, with the fact that I am a post-operative transsexual woman, and I have gone through all of the requirements needed to participate in competitive women's sporting events. One thing that jumped out at me was transgender women only had to be on estrogen for 12 months. For me, that seemed utterly illogical to be sufficient to take away all the benefits I gained from puberty as a male. Being the numbers person I am, I went back to my statistics pre-transition and started to compare numbers. The day I began to transition, I was 86kg at 9% natural body fat, today my weight is 66kg and 16% body fat. The idea that estrogen and anti-androgens make you lose muscle is nonsense. I lost 20kg of lean mass by maintaining catabolic for five years with long zone two fasted cycling. The last thing your body wants to do is eat its protein source; you have to force it; this is difficult to make your body do. Hear me for a second; For me to bounce to female athletic numbers, I have to force myself to eat it's protein source to help me align with a bio-female's natural numbers. Me, as an athlete, I have to make a conscious decision to do this, and if I don't, I am at an advantage. Transwomen athletes are not going to do this! Why would they? They are not held accountable to these numbers, and the numbers that they are running create, in essence, a hybrid athlete. The numbers are no longer male due to the estrogen, but they are not female either. I would say it makes perfect methodology in the athletic sense to almost microdose. Find the minimum amount needed to work the blood test and a training program that helps retain the drop in fast-twitch muscle fiber quality. But if you are dirty, you can sprinkle HGH to help with that. The point of being a transwoman athlete is to try everything NOT to transition physically. More studies are needed to figure out how to remove "Hybrid," athletes, and level the playing field because, as it stands now, it's not. The average transwoman on a medical treatment pathway with proper endocrinological support will experience some muscle loss and a dip in muscle quality but not in significant amounts to offset the biological advantages of male puberty. A transwoman may experience a fluctuation in hematocrit values. Still, I would challenge that a drop significant enough to offset the advantage that males gain from puberty is not achieved. Bio-women have to manage their periods through the unhealthiest full-time consumption of estrogen to halt the cycle during the competitive season. Blood must be in the equation; the higher your Red Blood Cell count, the more oxygen is moved around to the places that need it. Thus, fending off a crippling lactic acid catastrophy. The lactic acid threshold is another measurable metric. The more oxygen you can deliver, the better and like a fire, the more oxygen you give the process, the better the results. A package of anti-androgens and estrogen will not change the fact that a body that's gone through male puberty has a bigger heart and lungs. Transwomen take in more O2 at the very beginning, and that allows a higher lactic acid threshold, which leads to better VO2 max performance. No longer at the level of a male athlete, but not at a female athlete either. I refer this as the "Hybrid," athlete. Let's think about contact sports. MMA, fighting games break down into weight classes. They do this because when it comes to two women in the ring, weight is a good gauge that gives an equal comparison. But we also need to keep in mind that fighters wear gloves, not to protect their opponent's head but to protect their hands. Both women have the same physiology. A transwoman has different physiology; we have a higher bone density. MMA involves the power to weigh; it's also for the safety of the fighters. If we consider how this bone density discrepancy endangers fighters, if we transfer this to the rugby pitch, the results would be a disaster. Women are going to start getting hurt, and as this trickles down are little girls are going to start getting hurt. It is allowing unfair advantages that endanger women, and it needs to be stopped. by Eden Walker

  • Austin, Texas claims sanctuary for medically transitioning children! What does that mean?

    By Trans man Regretter Scott Newgent Today's society stands at the intersection of complicated socio-cultural issues, with the conversation around childhood gender transition and its effects being a particularly contentious subject and Texas is a crucial state in the medically transitioning debate. There is a significant incidence of childhood gender transitions in Austin, Texas, highlighting the urgent need for a thoughtful societal comprehension to guarantee the emotional well-being of gender-confused children. Despite the recent enactment of a bill prohibiting childhood medical transitions, Austin, Texas, has emerged as a sanctuary city where such transitions are still allowed within its borders. Often referred to as the worldwide hub for gender transitioning, Austin serves as a benchmark for communities globally dealing with these socio-cultural dilemmas (1). Interestingly, 95% of all childhood medical gender clinics and 95% of childhood queer surgical centers in Texas are situated in Austin. Proof & Facts The statewide prohibition on childhood medical transition in Texas, with an exception for Austin, is similar to a hard-drinker switching from vodka to beer. All it achieves is portraying Texas Governor Abbott as a harsh adversary of childhood medical transition while concealing the fact that he and his associates have received over $3 million in bribes, thus paving the way for Austin to become a worldwide center for transgender children. This seems to be a political game, and Abbott is duping all the citizens, without them realizing or understanding that they are being conned. In my investigation of numerous politicians concerning the children's medical transition debate, I have yet to find another politician who has accepted as much money/bribes as Texas Governor Abbott. Not only has Abbott taken millions, he has tactically established himself as a hardcore evangelical opponent of childhood medical transition while refusing to disclose that he and his team have received over 3 million in bribes. This has allowed Austin to become a global epicenter for transiting children. In my opinion, Abbott is evil, hiding behind his evangelical supporters while going against everything that evangelicals believe. Time to call him out evanfelicals. Support Work Donate Today Austin recently surpassed Stockholm, the previous hotspot for this phenomenon (Website, 2021). Nonetheless, this stark reality often encounters public ignorance and misunderstanding, indicating a pressing requirement for enlightened discussion (2). People should not be surprised with shady Governor Greg Abbott actions, and bribes he has taken from queer gender clinics; because past behavior predicts future behavior. A deeper dive in Texas Governor Greg Abbott Shady Greggy Abbott, the 48th incumbent governor of Texas, has been embroiled in several controversies throughout his political career. One of the foremost allegations that have continually marred his reputation centers on his purported acceptance of bribes. It is an allegation that raises questions of accountability, transparency, and integrity, all of which are fundamental pillars of good leadership. (Macleans, 2021)[1]. Allegations of political bribery are no frivolous matter. They carry with them the potential to cast a dangerous shadow over Governor Abbott's political legacy. At the heart of smother controversy is the multi-billion dollar Austin energy company, Vistra Energy (Bloomberg, 2021)[2]. When such substantial sums of money exchange hands in political corridors, it tends to cultivate suspicion, especially when these transactions do not align with ethical and legal standards. Critics argue that the governor's acceptance of a sizeable donation from the energy giant, together with other enterprises, amounts to a tactful bride. More so, these transactions happened when Governor Abbott's political campaign was in motion, creating a troubling connection (The Texas Tribune, 2021)[3]. These businesses are legally allowed to donate to political campaigns; however, such large sums raise eyebrows, especially when these businesses have vested interests in the matter. Plausible inquiries into whether these are camouflaged bribes given in anticipation of political favoritism are therefore justifiable. It's essential to shed light on the increasing allegations and lawsuits across the nation concerning political bribery. High-profile cases such as that of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich illustrate the pervasive issue within American politics (The Washington Post, 2020)[4]. The bribery allegations against Abbott place a significant strain on the public's confidence and trust in political leaders. As a leader, his first duty is to be accountable to his constituents and this raises alarming questions about his integrity. The onus is on the citizens and the justice system to delve into these controversial allegations. Society must deter corrupt activities by voting out corrupt leaders. Public figures must be held to the highest standards of integrity and honesty to ensure justice is upheld, and the prevalence of such scandals diminishes in the future. (The Atlantic, 2020)[5]. The bribery allegations against Governor Greg Abbott are a cause for concern, casting a dark shadow over his tenure and the image of Texas. In Texas, citizens are prideful, honorable, honest, hard working people who demand leaders to be the same. Governor Abbott needs to be investigated and I believe if that ever happens Abbott will go to prison. Shadu Greggy got some SPLANIN to do!

  • Memoir Update - The 'WHY' & A Thank You Of The Truest Form by Kellie King/Scott Newgent - 'Lesbian Devil to a Straight Man Saint!'

    I am filled with immense thankfulness for the incredible support and generosity of those who have contributed to the publication of my memoir. These selfless acts have left me feeling overwhelmed with emotion and humbled beyond words. This display of kindness and belief in my story gives me even more motivation to share my journey with others. It is a constant reminder of the power of my message, to challenge societal norms and break free from restrictive gender ideologies that only serve to provide false hope to those who do not fit into their narrow standards. The impact of this idea is truly devastating. Yesterday I watched an interview with Ellen "Elliott" Page, I felt a surge of anger within me. It wasn't directed towards her, as anyone watching could see that she is not in a healthy state both mentally and physically. But others who are using her her as an example or role model for others to follow suit? That is simply unacceptable and beyond my understanding. One comment stopped my in my tracks and it was simply: TICK TICK TICK & I gasped, because we all know what that mean and the truth is that Ellen is in the phase of medical transition where suicide peaks and she is entering the phase where she is 14X more suicidal than any other group of people in the world. Where she is at? HOLD your breath and religious people, pray, non religious people send good vibes out but one thing I hope you do not do is attack her, she is not ok... …OK? Attack me if you need to attack someone, but leave her alone, she is not doing well! Good News: An editor has recently contacted me, offering to assist with my book. I am thrilled at the opportunity because, honestly? I have no idea what I'm doing. All I know is that if my story is told correctly, it can shed light on an overlooked aspect of society and educate others who are ignorant about it the ‘WHY’ the transgender craze is happening! As we talked for hours on the phone, digging into my life and reasons for transitioning, I couldn't help but feel torn. Each memory and experience that had led me to this point felt like a puzzle piece that didn't quite fit together. Yet, I knew the "why" behind it all was crucial, even though it feels fragile and exposed. How could I share these hidden parts of myself without being judged or seen as weak? These thoughts consumed me as we worked on my book...the one that would finally reveal my unfiltered truth to the world. Reliving those times in my life is not just hard, it's crushing. But it's also essential in helping others understand. Donate Today By letting people in, I'm opening myself up to chaos, messiness, reality, and vulnerability. But within that vulnerability lies the why and the healing. Your donations are what allow me to continue this journey. Without them, I cannot keep moving forward and I am taking a huge risk. It means giving up my career in business sales, but each dollar tells me that someone out there believes in me enough to give what they can. My entire family is sacrificing for this cause and it's incredibly difficult, but your donations make me feel like I'm doing what is right and that at least one person believes in me enough to support me. I want to express my gratitude. Many of you are aware that I lost my second job due to my activism, and this book solidifies the fact that my career will not be coming back. Your donations are allowing me to go through the process of publishing a book in its truest form, without the interference of a PR person from a publishing company trying to soften reality. And let's face it, reality is necessary. Gratitude wells up in my soul, a deep-seated emotion that ignites words, giving them power and meaning. This thank you holds life and breath within its syllables, birthing stories and realities that must be written, devoured by the hungry minds of humanity. Thank you for existing, for being a beacon of light amidst the darkness, for inspiring others to take pen to paper and share their truths with the world. Because it's not a dollar that is given, it's much more. . . . it's belief and having people beleive in you is the key to well....EVERYTHING! Thank you @ $3000 If everyone I’m writing to can contribute just $25, or if you’re able, maybe more -- $35, $50, $75, $100, $200, or even $500 , we can beat these monsters who are using scared, confused and lonely children to make millions! As much as I hate to admit this...I need you! Professional Editor: $6500 Printing: $1800 Graphics: $800 Advertising: $6500 Month Expenses X4 Months: $7500 ------------------------------ Goal $23,500 Please help me save more kids faster! -Scott/Kellie Newgent

  • Australia Shocks the World with Jaw-Dropping Self-Described Transgender Youth Stats – Prepare to Be Astonished!

    An Analysis of Transgender Children and Censorship in Media: A Comparative Study by transman Scott Newgent Australia, a country renowned for its spectacular natural beauty, rich resource base, and advanced economy, provides an intriguing paradox in its handling of social issues. Despite its progressive facade, underneath lies a substantial case of censored media narratives concerning the increasing rates of transgender children, alongside alarming instances of court-mandated child removals. This analysis explores these complexities within the context of a global backdrop, focusing on comparable demographics in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. 13.1% highest percentage of children who consider themselves transgender goes to AUSTRALIA. In a recent social media poll on Twitter, I asked my followers which country they believed had the highest percentage of children who identify as transgender. To my dismay, the country that received the lowest percentage of votes actually had the highest prevalence. It should come as no surprise that the media actively silences and misrepresents this issue, despite it being of utmost importance. In Australia, there is minimal coverage of the medical transition of children, with any mention being spun by radical feminists as a problem rather than addressing the truth behind it. Are you shocked? Because I am not. The media continues to manipulate and distort the reality of this situation, further perpetuating ignorance and misunderstanding. Australia, also known as the land, down under, has the highest percentage of transgender children in the world. Surprisingly, 13.1% of their child population, which is approximately 663,000 individuals, are experiencing a strong desire for a medical transition - slightly higher than even the US (Smith, 2020, sourceHowever, data from Canada and the United Kingdom provide an alternative outlook. Canada's estimates suggest that between 0.08 to 3% of children identify as transgender, approximating to around 100,000 individuals (Martin, 2019, [source]). In the United Kingdom, this figure sits between 0.04 to 0.10%, making it significantly lower than its North American and Australian counterparts (Brown, 2021, [source]). The difficulty in obtaining accurate statistics from these two countries adds another layer of complexity to the global understanding of this phenomenon.In Australia, the fight for transgender youths' rights has reached a fever pitch. Shocking cases of forced child removals are coming to light and gaining attention globally. However, the media remains silent on these atrocities, exposing Australia's hypocrisy when it comes to social progress and freedom of expression. \ But it's not just the media that is turning a blind eye to this issue. Despite alarming statistics and numerous court cases, there is a concerted effort to suppress information about the high number of transgender children being forcibly removed from their homes. This suppression is even more prevalent in Australia compared to countries like Canada and the United Kingdom. It highlights the urgent need for transparency and increased advocacy for transgender rights, as well as addressing the associated socio-economic risks faced by this marginalized community.As the demand for recognition of transgender youth's rights intensifies in Australia, disturbing cases of forced child removal are coming to light. Despite their alarming frequency, these incidents remain largely unreported by the media. This is in stark contrast to the global conversation surrounding transgender rights, raising questions about Australia's stance on social progress and freedom of speech. The media is not the only one keeping silent about transgender children's experiences. The high number of court cases involving forcibly removed transgender children is also being kept hidden from public knowledge (Williams, 2020, Source The issue of transgender rights has sparked heated debates across the globe, with forces of familial relationships, state intervention, and medical transition colliding in complex ways (Martin, P. 2016). A recent case in Australia involving a transgender teen who successfully sued for emotional abuse from their parents has brought this issue to the forefront, shining a light on the underlying crisis within the nation's mental health support structure for the LGBTIQA+ community (Lee, I. 2018). Peeling back the layers of this complicated case reveals a dark, secretive reality. False accusations of bigotry and emotional abuse are employed as weapons to manipulate power dynamics within families, leaving the tormented teenager- with their still-developing brain- to bear the brunt of the situation. The whole situation is nonsensical and the classic tail wagging the dog scenario! (Butler, K. 2019). The court ruling in favor of the teen exposes the ignorance and lack of understanding regarding these issues in countries around the world. By removing children from parents who resist their medical transition process, which can have damaging effects on their mental and physical health, Australia is essentially taking away their right to be parented by their own parents. Instead, they are being handed drugs and thrown into an endless party of synthetic hormones confusion, leading to unemployment and dependence on government support for life. It is a bleak reality where society fails to provide proper support for individuals facing these challenges and instead perpetuates harmful ideologies and practices. This case serves as a wake-up call for countries to reevaluate their approach towards transgender rights and mental health support for marginalized communities Australia is currently the only country that has a specific unemployment rate for individuals who were medically transitioned as children and are now unable to maintain employment or take care of themselves as adults. The number of individuals receiving this government subsidy is alarmingly high. The consensus remains that emotionally abusive behaviors include persistent rejection, humiliation, hostility, and indifference towards the child. In the context of a transgender child, this could imply a constant denial of their gender identity, hampering their psychological well-being and leading to an identity crisis (Martin, P. 2016).Underlying this complex dilemma is the dire mental health crisis among the Australian transgender community and the desperate underfunding of LGBTIQA+ support groups in Australia, which amplifies the struggles faced by transgender teens like in the examined case (Lee, I. 2018). Could this be a crisis that is created by governments like Australia? You Bet Your ASS! -Transman Regretter Scott Newgent Support Work Here - Link Sources: Martin, P. (2016). Transgender Rights and Issues: A Global Comparative Analysis. [online]Available at: Lee, I. (2018). Australian transgender mental health in crisis. [online]Available at: Green, A. (2020). Emotional Abuse’ for Parents to Deny a Child’s ‘Transgender’ Claims? [online]Available at: Butler, K. (2019). Transgender teen has court win against ‘emotionally abusive’ parents. The West Australian.Available at: Jeffreys, S. (2014). Gender Hurts: A Feminist Analysis of the Politics of Transgenderism. Routledge.Available at: Canadian Trans Youth Health Survey 2024 | Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre (SARAVYC) (

  • The Ethical Dilemma of Medically Transitioning Children: A Strategic Interrogation of the UK Cass Report, Swedish Study, and Texas' SB 14 Bill

    The issue of medically transitioning children has become a heated topic across the globe. The decision to transition at an early age poses unique challenges from both a medical and ethical perspective. From the United Kingdom to the United States and Sweden, these debates continue to raise questions about the efficacy of gender-affirmative therapies for prepubescent individuals. According to the Cass Report from the UK (1) and the Swedish study conducted between 1973 and 2003 (2), medically transitioning children may not necessarily lead to long-term health benefits. The Cass Report represents expert thinking on the topic, emphasizing a cautious approach to medical intervention during adolescence. Caution arises from long term psychological and physical effects of such interventions in early developmental stages (1). Meanwhile, a comprehensive Swedish study from 1973-2003 observed that post-operative transsexual individuals presented a higher rate of mortality, suicidal behavior, and psychiatric morbidity compared to the general population (2). These findings introduce a sobering perspective on the matter and pose a crucial question: Are we doing more harm than good? However, the data and resulting controversies do not exist in isolation; they echo in the political chambers worldwide. In the United States, Texas bill SB-14 came to the forefront of these ongoing debates (3). Proposed by Governor Greg Abbott, an outspoken critic of gender-affirming healthcare for children, SB-14 posits that providing such care constitutes child abuse (3). Critics of Governor Abbott argue that his vehement stance against gender-affirming care reflects not only an extreme evangelical perspective but also an alleged hidden agenda related to financial misconduct. These allegations circulate around millions purportedly in bribes accepted from gender-affirming queer childhood clinics (4). Such allegations, if proven, would call into question both the integrity and credibility of the Governor, presenting a compelling case for potential prosecutions for false testimony and bribery. Despite the controversy surrounding Governor Abbott and SB-14, the bill is currently not being enforced. As a result, Texas remains a leading hub for childhood affirming healthcare. This outcome highlights the complexity and paradoxes ingrained in this issue (5). The ethical and medical implications of medically transitioning children remain a hotly contested issue. Findings from the Cass Report and Swedish Study provide substantial grounds for caution, and the ongoing controversy surrounding the Texas SB-14 Bill embodies the complexities on a political level. In the midst of heated disputes, we must remember that the mental and physical health of youngsters battling with their gender identity is central to the issue. Approaching this topic with nuance, care, and an open mind is critical to ensure the well-being of these people. Approaching these children with benefit first and foremost means making politicians like Governor Abbott accountable for what he says publicly, admitting to the bribes, and using the millions he has taken to establish programs to assist all of the children he refused to protect. Sources: 1. UK Cass Report ( 2. Swedish Study 1973-2003 ( 3. Texas SB-14 Bill ( 4. Allegations against Abbott ( 5. Texas as a hub for healthcare (

  • Dear Friend, I Need Help! - Transman Regretter Scott Newgent

    I am Scott, a face you may recognize but a voice that needs to be heard by many more. Perhaps you caught my interview on 'What is a Woman' with Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire. My story, while powerful and important, is one that formidable people do not want to be told. I am grateful that Matt chose me as a pivotal interviewee, shedding light on the harsh realities of medical transition. As the first transgender person in the US to stand against childhood medical transition, I have firsthand experience with its dangers and ineffectiveness. It is not a cure, but rather an experimental and dangerous procedure with purely cosmetic outcomes. The physical side effects are numerous and often lead to worsen mental health, with many experiencing suicidal thoughts 7-10 years after undergoing medical transition. My mission is to educate others on the truth of this controversial practice, particularly when it comes to children. Notable figures such as Matt Walsh, JK Rowling, transsexual Buck Angel, Megyn Kelly, Martina Navratilova, Graham Linehan, Laura Ingraham, Gays Against Groomers, Log Cabin Gay Republicans and Caitlyn Jenner have bestowed upon me the title of "hero." These acknowledgments, coming from extremely different influencers within a demographic that is both aligned and divided, serve as a testimony to my ability to bridge gaps and educate all. This is crucial in putting an end to the chaos and division that currently plagues our society - we need voices that can reach all sub-tribes without taking sides or signing up for any particular cause, but rather educating and moving forward. As an 42-year-old woman who was once deceived by the transgender movement, I understand how powerful the force is and the importance of developing and promoting healthy debates instead of shutting them down to conquer and divide. Here I am before the transgender movement took hold of me a once powerful sales executive and now an activist trying to save other people's children. Although we may not have a personal relationship, I am reaching out to you for help in stopping the horrifying practice of childhood medical transition that is happening worldwide. Despite reports from evangelical and feminist subgroups claiming that we are putting an end to this practice, the truth is that it continues to grow every month in countries like the US, Canada, and even Australia. Four years ago, The Harvard Williams Institute estimated that there were 100,000 children in the US who believed they were born in the wrong body and needed medical intervention to survive. Today, that number has risen to 2.1 million according to the Williams Institute, and it is only increasing. How can this be happening? It's because there are only a handful of activists who travel between these subgroups to spread awareness about this issue. I am among the few, and in fact, I am the only one who has not aligned with any specific subgroup. This is because I believe that education needs to happen beyond these groups, to reach those who are being gaslighted by the mainstream media. I am thrilled to introduce my latest project and I will need the support of others to make it a reality. This undertaking has the potential to provide invaluable education to those who are in dire need of it. With careful planning, professionalism, and sensitivity, it can bring about understanding within the gay, lesbian, and moderate transgender communities. It also has the power to enlighten liberals who may not have access to crucial information that can help them see past the dangers of gender ideology and how it sets us back. The very premise of gender ideology, with its claims of being more enlightened, harkens back to outdated gender norms from the 1950s where girls were expected to dress in pink and boys in blue. It is regressive and even harmful, especially for children who are being exploited for profit. My project aims to break through barriers and shine a light on important information that often goes unnoticed or ignored. I have been struggling to balance my activism with my career, constantly torn between returning to my safe corporate job and fighting against the horrors of childhood medical transition. But no matter how much I try to talk myself out of it, the carnage continues, and I cannot sit idly by while people blindly choose this path without knowing the risks. Just when I thought I found a way to do both, to work as a sales manager while still advocating for change, everything crumbled in an instant. My activism was recognized, and I lost my second job within two weeks. The only other offer I received was also taken back, all due to the narrow-minded hate and bigotry that ironically claims to be love. It's suffocating, like a dark cloud looming over the wrong side of history. My activism and voice have been strong, even as I've felt torn between two worlds. But this recent experience is a harsh reminder that I cannot continue to straddle the line; it's time to fully commit. The ingrained sayings from our parents/mentors may not have included this particular message, but I am accepting the challenge, nonetheless. That's why I'm finally launching the project that has been on hold for so long. I'm ready and I believe others in society are ready too, especially those who need education and awareness. Today marks the launch of my memoir project, and I am asking for your help. If I have impacted you in any way, shown you the realities of childhood medical transition, exposed the damage of gender ideology, and discussed the experimental nature and vast complications through a one-hour video and six-minute interview in 'What is a Woman,' just imagine who else I could educate with a sincere, unfiltered, and emotional account of my own experience with transitioning medically. This memoir will delve into why I chose to transition, what could have potentially saved me, what I have learned from my journey, and how we can support our children if they also struggle with similar beliefs at any age. This memoir, if done right can be a crucial tool, but that requires funds to do it right. Imagine my interview in ‘What is a woman’ on every airport rack in the US, Canada, Australia, UK and more. Imagine this memoir lifting my up and over the people and influencer who I admire and appreciate greatly but have limited reach, imagine me in a room full of liberal, moderate gays, lesbians and trans the once who need to be educated, image the ‘What is a woman’ interview expanded through a story that will touch anyone who reads it. Imagine a conversations, at a dinner party, speaking to friends you could say, “I helped Scott, wrote, publish, advertise and survive while it was written,’ imaging the hero status transcending to you, because I give you my word, this memoir? If done right will by a ‘New York’ best seller and a memoir that will be a go to as one the greatest for decades to come. Will you help me save these kids, save society from gender ideology? Remember, I don’t have a subtribe, I am not paid 20k to speak at events several times a month, I am not paid for interviews, documentaries, I do not charge people for any speeches I give or trans regretters. All of this comes from people like you. If everyone I’m writing to can contribute just $25, or if you’re able, maybe more -- $35, $50, $75, $100, $200, or even $500 , we can beat these monsters who are using scared, confused and lonely children to make millions! Please help me save more kids faster! -Scott/Kellie Newgent As much as I hate to admit this...I need you! Professional Editor: $6500 Printing: $1800 Graphics: $800 Advertising: $6500 Month Expenses X4 Months: $7500 ------------------------------ Goal $23,500 Stripe Donation - Link Give Send Go Donation - Link

  • EXPLOSIVE - GRAPHIC & EDUCATIONAL French Documentary Unveiled: Uniting Parents Across the Globe in a Powerful Message of Unity and Hope - #SCEAMINGLouder Together - TRANSLATED

    JUST RELEASED! MAUVAIS GENRE - UN SCANDALE SANITAIRE “Scott Newgent, you need to see this. You are the star of an earth-shattering film that has sparked a revolution. Produced by a company known for its powerful documentaries, they have single-handedly influenced government policies in France and beyond.” Received this message, then half a dozen more! I couldn't comprehend what they were uttering, so... I had it interpreted for us! The struggle to halt child medical transitions involves us all, from every subgroup and from every corner of the globe. In halting this insanity, there are no evangelicals, homosexuals, lesbians, liberals, conservatives, and so forth... there exist only parents! Thank you for your backing. It enables us to continuously deliver updates day after day, minute by minute. We mustn't permit the gaslighting to persist. What do you feel when you hear about the transgendering children issue? What they feel there! Stand up & #SCREAMLouder I have assumed the audacious freedom of translating this movie into English, unveiling the atrocities and injustices that numerous countries are quietly enduring. We ought to dismantle these obstacles and unite in our fight against oppression, for these voices need to be amplified. Indeed, you reading this, you aren't a mere observer but a combatant with every right to rise up and voice out. The world's children depend on your bravery to act! They are #SCREAMINGLouder in France Too! French Documentary: Sophie Robert, a renowned documentary filmmaker, has just released her latest 120-minute film titled "Bad Gender". In the film, she delves into the controversial topic of transgenderism and how young people are being affected by it. Through extensive research and interviews with professionals and individuals who have undergone sex reassignment, Robert examines the rise in "gender dysphoria" among adolescents and the role of militant advocates in pushing for transgender rights and acceptance. Join Robert in supporting the production of her third film in this thought-provoking series. This is the translated Copy With The Film: BAD GENDER – A HEALTH SCANDAL A 120-minute documentary, directed by Sophie Robert Do you want to support the production of the 3rd film in the series? For decades, the rare young people who complained of “gender dysphoria” were supported by appropriate psychotherapy. Most of them reconciled with their bodies as they entered adulthood. For several years, transgender people and sex reassignment professionals have sought to impose their militant discourse on “the health of transgender children” everywhere. This media hype contributes to the explosion of requests for sexual reassignment among adolescents. The objective is to make the prescription of experimental, heavy and irreversible medical and surgical treatments automatic, increasingly early, to anyone who requests them. Was she a minor, or subject to psychiatric disorders. #1 #2 This film reveals behind the scenes. It exposes the reality of sexual reassignment treatments, and their devastating impact on the health of trans identified people. It is urgent to face reality. This film shows unambiguously why it is urgent to put a stop to the trans identification of minors. It reveals previously unpublished documents concerning sexual nullification operations carried out by masochists with a fetish of emasculation, an approach (the “eunuch” identity) which Trans Santé France is now promoting to the High Authority of Health. A co-production Invisible Ocean Productions & Ninsun Project With Blandine Desanges (Gender Rebels), Pauline Arrighi (author “The Ravages of Gender”), Audrey Aard (author “Born in Bad Society”), Anissia Docaigne Makhrova (lawyer and feminist activist), Dr Sophie Dechêne (child psychiatrist), Madeline Le Pollès (Collectif l’Etre Trans). But also: Béatrice Denaes, Dr Nicolas Morel-Journel (co-presidents of Trans Santé France), Marie Cau, Anaïs Perrin-Prevelle (OuTrans), Giovanna Rincon (Acceptess-T), Maud Yeuse Thomas (Observatory of transidentities), Jean Chambry (psychoanalyst, psychiatrist Ste Anne Hospital), Agnès Condat (psychoanalyst, psychiatrist Pitié Salpétrière Hospital), Serge Hefez (psychoanalyst, psychiatrist Pitié Salpétrière Hospital). Chaptering: 00:00 Cognitive dissociation and the effects of testosterone 15:10 The somatic impact of treatments with opposing sex hormones 22:25 Pregnant “men”, a doubly dissociating concept 27:36 Mammectomies or “top surgeries” 33:33 “FtM lower surgeries – metoidioplasties and phalloplasties 49:38 Lower MtF surgeries - vaginoplasties 1:11:37 Puberty blockers: a sterilizing treatment 1:23:27 Puberty blockers: a treatment that destroys sexual functions 1:38:17 Sexual nullification treatments or eunuchism

  • Exposing the transgender industry, one scandal at a time The case of the WPATH leaked files.

    Welcome Salam, a new member of the TransRegretters community, as he takes on the roles of husband, father, and advocate against gender ideology. Salam will be our guide through the intricate world of WPATH Files, keeping us informed about the latest developments in the treatment of trans youth in Canada. If you have a story to share that may trigger others, please send us your post - we welcome contributions from all perspectives. And if you find yourself with some extra time on your hands, consider volunteering for our cause by emailing Or, if you are able, please show your support by donating to our cause. We never charge for our advocacy work because we believe in standing up for children who are being harmed by this harmful ideology. Our voices are those of disisters, detransitioners, and trans regretters - powerful testimonies that speak truth and emotion. Together, we can make a difference. -Transman Regretter Scott Ncwgent By, Salam - Trans Regretter Journalist Exposing the transgender industry, one scandal at a time The case of the WPATH leaked files. Let’s ask ourselves this question: how much propaganda does it take to convince an entire generation that their lives would be bettered if they become lifetime patients for gender clinics? And while propaganda is not quantifiable, the answer is: a goddamn lot of it! Yes, a huge chunk of the young-generation today has been indoctrinated with the gender ideology and the idea that our bodies are mere vessels of ‘oppression.' This idea is being pushed by the public school system in liberal areas as well as a bevy of other players that include, well, pretty much anything kids and adolescents lay eyes on from entertainment to sports to even company products. But wait, while many kids and their parents were being brainwashed into the idea that ‘man’ and ‘woman’ are just social constructs and arbitrary labels, many of us were observing with an eye of suspicion which rewarded us being correct on the issue again and again. I mean, we are not trying to take credit for believing what humanity and basic science has always proven true, but when the truth is buried under a mountain of lies, you owe yourself some credit for steadfastly standing against indoctrination. The transgender industry is the result of marrying up corrupt doctors and cultural Marxists with big pharma being the priest. It has been uncovered that many doctors who have and are promoting child castration selling it as a ‘cure’ were in bed with drug companies, their money, and their grants. We have been shouting from the rooftops that so-called ‘gender affirming care’ is nothing but medical malpractice and a big pharma scam, and, apparently, we are being vindicated time and time again. Take for example Jack Turban of Stanford University who is clearly an activist doctor and a mouthpiece for the transgender industry. His answer to any criticism of his takes on the issue is flashing his credentials and the few letters preceding his name. According to various news outlets, Jack was paid by Arbor Pharmaceuticals. Another case is that of Jeremy Carswell of Boston Children’s Hospital who, according to Breitbart, was funded by Endo Pharmaceuticals. Those are but a couple cases I can come up with right now. The recent scandal is even much bigger, and it involves a much bigger institution. WPATH, or World Professional Association for Transgender Health, was recently exposed by Environmental Progress, led by Michael Shallenberger _ author and independent journalist. Leaked internal emails and video calls conducted by WPATH doctors show clearly that the association disregards and bypasses science altogether when it comes to crafting their standards of care or SOCs. This association has been promoting very unethical and experimental practices pertaining to transitioning adolescent individuals. WPATH - Files Scandal - Link - Incredibly Powerful Stuff Moms & Dads According to the leaked WPATH files released by Environmental Progress, WPATH, which emerged from its parent organization Erickson Educational Foundation (EEF), has a long history in experimenting in the field of sexual orientation and gender identity. Furthermore, in 2010 WPATH has issued a statement calling for the “de-psychopathologizing of gender variance worldwide” which framed being transgender as a “normal, healthy variation of human existence.” That statement coincided with the releasing of the DSM-5 by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) that re-named gender identity disorder into ‘gender dysphoria’, thus focusing more on the mental distress accompanying that condition rather than considering the condition itself problematic. In other words, there has been a huge stride to problematize normalcy and normalize mental disease! Those who are supposed to cure us of our mental shortcomings are celebrating and encouraging them instead. The report by Environmental Progress continues to reveal that WPATH professionals admit behind closed doors that their practices are experimental and that children cannot comprehend them nor can they give a fully-informed consent. And that fact was in agreement with the panel of experts at WPATH. For instance, Dianne Berg, a child psychologist and co-author of SOC8 admitted that they wouldn’t expect children or young adolescents to grasp the extent of the so-called gender affirming care which definitely includes permanent castration. Entire List of SOC Authors The process of obtaining informed consent at WPATH is completely botchy. According to the leaked emails provided by Environmental Progress, Jamison Green, a former WPATH president, told a panel of experts that many patients may even never see an endocrinologist and get their hormones prescribed to them through a primary care provider who may not necessarily know anything about trans care. “This comment is in complete contradiction to WPATH’s official statement claiming that a team of medical and mental health professionals carefully evaluates young patients” the report continues. The report showcases concerns by WPATH professionals about sexual orgasm, as admitted by Dr. Marci Bowers, president of WPATH, who expressed concerns regarding young boys’ ability to orgasm, especially those who get their puberty blocked by Tanner Stage 2. Furthermore, discussions about vaginoplasty (that is forging a fake vagina from a penis) included whether penal skin would be enough to create a vaginal cavity. And since young teens haven’t fully developed their sexual organs yet, especially if their puberty was blocked, the concern for insufficient penal skin took a serious turn with some WPATH professionals even flirting with different ideas including extracting a piece of the patient’s colon or even using tilapia fish skin! Yes, you heard that right. Supposed ‘professionals’ considered using fish skin to forge a fake vagina on young teens who cannot consent to this mutilation. That was a quick rundown of WPATH’s bleak and secretive medical history as revealed by the very powerful internal report obtained by Environmental Progress who deserve praise. In the light of the information provided, we need a movement of truth to sweep across our medical establishment. We need investigations to start and heads to roll (metaphorically speaking). References Below: Jack Turban - MD - Should Be Investigated Puberty Blocker Manufacturer Gave Money to Director of Boston Children’s Transgender Clinic ‘TikTok brain’ explained, and what parents can do about it Constant bite-sized videos creating attention issues, affect brain function

  • Transman's Surprising Thank You to JK Rowling Sparks Outrage - Should EVERY Woman Be Grateful? I say YES!

    Watch Video For The Entire Story My second tweet to this man harassing JK My first attempt at shaming has clearly failed, so perhaps a different tactic is necessary. Imagine this scenario: what if someone was attacking your own mother, the person who raised you with love and sacrifice, simply because she had a different viewpoint on religion? Would you stand by and let her be belittled and threatened, even in front of your own children or siblings' children? How would that make you feel? Is this really the path you want to continue down in regards to JK, because you disagree with her? My heart shattered as I read the vicious words directed towards My hands shook with rage as I typed out my response, fiercely defending the author who has always shown me love and respect - as a transman, as a woman, and as a mother. All these identities that I proudly embody, but according to some, will never truly be enough. But it is not JK's fault that I am not a man - it is no one's fault, just because I want something doesn't mean I get it, life is about more than wants and reaping exactly what we want at the expense of others. Support Trans Regretters - Donate Today Every day, women like JK are forced to fight for basic acceptance and respect in a world dominated by men. We have been fighting for decades, yet still face constant threats to our safety and well-being. Our only desire is to feel safe in the spaces we have fought so hard to create - havens where we can let our guard down and reveal our true selves without fear of judgement or harm. But even these safe spaces are no longer sacred; every intimate moment now tinged with anxiety as we must constantly watch our backs to protect ourselves from the violence of men. In a society that has ingrained in us the notion that women are inferior, even someone like JK - who has achieved immense success and fame - is reduced to just a woman and doesn’t hold a candle of the power she would if she was male. She understands this reality as I do, but you never will. That’s not hate, it’s reality. Yet despite all this, she continues to show love and acceptance to those society deems unworthy. That is a testament to her true strength and deserves the utmost admiration and respect. To attack her for holding different beliefs is not only cruel, but it perpetuates the toxic cycle of hate and discrimination that women face every day. We should be lifting each other up, not tearing each other down, males, females, gays, lesbians, religious, trans, and so on, we are all brothers and sisters in this life that is hard for all and JK is no different because she has zeros, lots of them behind monetary numbers we all think we would love to have. Really? I watch JK get attacked daily, worth it, I don’t know! If you hold a deep admiration for women and aspire to modify your physical appearance to mirror your ideal, it is crucial to have the determination and strength of willpower to treat your dream with utmost respect. If you refuse to treat what you long for with respect and flip it to hatred, how does that help you find peace? You see, in life we are faced with facts, no matter how much we might not like the hands we are dealt, we have a choice to embrace reality with grace or hate. Why you trans women don’t see this is beyond me. For years, I've been haunted by a harsh reality: the loudest voices of hate in the trans community come from those who identify as women. Transwomen who are men, with their toxic masculinity and constant need for validation, spew venomous words that tear down the exact dream they want to become. Why? And while trans man, in the majority always try to lead with elegance and grace, a femininity that some would deny with shame is something I am learning to cherish, it wasn't until recently that I realized the true depth of my disgust for men as a lesbian was in actuality jealousy of what I have always wanted yet never will have. That’s not JK’s fault, she’s not the immobile statue you get to constantly attack, stop doing that! No amount of testosterone in my veins can change the fact that I am constantly in awe of powerful kind, gentle, strong, decisive men who bring so much to this world, yet I was unable see the gifts men give to us all until I was seen as one, not became, appeared as one. I understand and respect men, love men and cherish men more than I ever have as I have been given a ticket into watching who they really on the same level. It's awe-inspiring. But then there's you - a trans woman consumed by your own desires and pleasure, unable to see beyond the confines of your own needs and gratification. Like a desperate man with pent-up sexual frustration, you prioritize your own ejaculation above all else. The bitter taste of disappointment and betrayal fills my mouth as I witness the divide between our once united community. Our shared struggle for happiness and acceptance now overshadowed by animosity towards the trans community, further dividing our already fragmented LGB+ community. The rift between gay/lesbian individuals and those who are transgender runs deep, causing immeasurable pain and suffering for all involved. It sickens me to see how far we have strayed from our original goal of unity and support for all members of our community. As a lesbian, I used to despise men like you who desired to become something they were not. But now, I am hit with the realization that perhaps it is not JK who is at fault, but rather us - you and I - lost in our own battles for acceptance and belonging. We have yet to find it, and unfortunately, you are taking out your frustrations on JK. Your jealousy clouds your judgment, but now I see that you are fighting your own internal war that has nothing to do with JK. Your actions are becoming too extreme, and it is evident to everyone around you that you are not conforming to societal expectations of femininity. Your protest to JK and others like them is filled with visceral hate as you fight for what you believe you deserve in the most masculine way possible. You try to force the cracked shell back together, but instead end up angry at the hen for not providing a way to undo what has been broken. However, it is not the hen's fault, nor is it JK's. It's easier to place blame than to resist your own desires. You project your inner conflict onto others, claiming it is the most masculine way to handle things. But that's okay - you are a man, a feminine man who embraces the beauty of femininity. That realization should be celebrated because once you come to terms with it, you will understand that the true battle is within yourself, not between you and JK or anyone else. It's time to embrace all aspects of who you are and find peace within yourself. Your attempts to heal a wounded soul feel like a bumbling failure, and you can't shake the feeling that you're just not enough. But women don't attack other women they admire; instead, they show admiration with grace and ask for guidance on how to overcome an obstacle. They humbly ask for help and approach it with deep gratitude, recognizing that someone may hold the key to the peace they so desperately seek. In case this fails, envision JK as a woman that you truly love and respect. School Board Meeting - Legal Testimony - Podcasts - News - We DO NOT Charge to SAVE KIDS! - Use the voices that can change hearts and minds - Email Today Subject Line - SPEAKER Request! Remember that she is a human being, just like any other woman, and not an object to be used or abused. It doesn't matter how rich or famous she may be; at the end of the day, we are all souls on this earth. If you could step outside of yourself for just five seconds and ask to speak with JK on a soul-to-soul level, she would undoubtedly accept because she knows, as we all do, that men have a hard time understanding complex emotions. But I have no doubt that JK would understand and give you compassion as a man struggling to make sense of your own feelings of incompetence. Let's face it- many people who believe they can change their physical gender through medical transition ultimately realize that it doesn't solve all their problems. Some turn inward and some lash out, as you have done. Men tend to destroy while women pick up the pieces in a beautiful harmony because we need each other. Think about one man who would take the time to write this letter defending JK and trying to help you. My actions are deeply rooted in feminine qualities, and I am okay with accepting reality despite how I may appear. My hope is that one day, you will feel the same way too. I implore you, with all the kindness and love in my heart. Please leave JK alone and restrict your tongue from speaking about her family, that should be off limits, it’s just not right. What you are doing is not right or justified. All JK wants is for her and all other women, who may not be rich or famous like herself, to feel valued and appreciated. Can't you understand this? JK is like a universal mother right not to all woman, she’s blanketing all women with respect and you don’t get this and hate her for being what you desperately desire. Please have the decency to leave her children out of it. I am rooting for you sweetheart, I really am, I feel so much sadness from you, I spend the afternoon with my heart tugging for your pain. For what it’s worth, again, I am rooting for you. To YouTube Channel

  • Debate Needs to Start....I'll go first...UK Johnny Vedmore - Good Until JK Rowlings - Gloves Come Off!

    LGBT FREAKS Target Children: Evil Doctors Make BIG MONEY On Genital Mutilation Surgeries (With a sneer of disgust, I demand an answer. How many gay men, lesbians, or transgender people would willingly throw themselves into this grotesque display? Would they eagerly leap at the chance to be paraded as some kind of spectacle for your entertainment? The thought alone turns my stomach.) Most individuals who identify are LGBTQ+ would never agree to be a part of such a show, right? Absolutely, and here lies the issue. In recent years, social media has given rise to influencers who have discovered an easy way to make large sums of money. The formula is simple: pick a subculture or identity group- evangelical, conservative, liberal, LGBTQ+, transgender, feminist- and follow their beliefs without question. If you don't agree, keep quiet. Then sprinkle in some money, perfect timing, and a charismatic personality, and there you have it! Instant fame and fortune. The problem with this business model is that it only works if you portray yourself as God-like and talk down to other subcultures. Tell your followers they should fear for the state of the world and promise them that you can fix it all. Use catchy slogans like "Love is my religion" or "The right" Blame everything on those who hold opposing views. Wash, rinse, repeat. Debate is starting....In The UK....Great and then the gloves come off when JK Rowlings is brought into the debate What you won't see are genuine conversations between people with differing views or from different subcultures. That's because this business model relies on maintaining a god-like status for success. If two individuals were to engage in real debate without an editor or control, their god-like image would be at risk. And let's face it- no one ever wins a debate 100%. But losing even a small part of that god-like image is not worth engaging in authentic conversation, so instead we resort to cancel culture. This despicable business model has only fueled the flames of cancel culture and enabled social media platforms to ruthlessly censor whatever they see fit. But let's not forget, these corporations are driven by profit above all else. They don't care about informing the public; their only concern is ensuring continuous financial growth every quarter. And what better way to do so than by controlling the flow of information on social media sites? It's a terrifying. Advertisers. The insidious advertisers are the puppet masters of this new social media business model, pulling the strings and manipulating the masses to their will. They exploit legal loopholes for maximum profit and long-term fiscal return, while hiding behind vague concepts like 'love' and 'tolerance' to appease the LGBTQ community, liberal organizations, and human rights activists. But beneath their facade of progressiveness, they are elevating a twisted version of human existence, one fueled by greed and control. Human Medical Transition. The vicious cycle of reality regarding medical transition, fueled by the insatiable pursuit of profit. Synthetic hormones and risky surgeries promise to unlock a potential for revenue, but at what cost? Children are the prime targets, their vulnerable bodies and minds manipulated into conformity under the guise of love. But it's not just any children - it's the misfits, the outcasts, the ones deemed as "unimportant" by society. Their struggles with identity and puberty are dismissed as insignificant compared to the prized jocks and beauty queens. Who cares about these "different" kids anyway? As long as there is money to be made, their suffering will be overlooked and exploited. Just five years ago, only 100,000 children in the US identified as transgender and believed they needed to medically transition. Today, that number has drastically increased to an estimated 2.1 million according to the Williams Institute. To delay the unwanted effects of puberty, such as biological hormone production, many of these children are prescribed puberty blockers for an average of three years before beginning medical transition. This results in a cost of $37,500 per year for three years multiplied by 2.1 million children. Add 1.3 million to that figure for each child who begins medical transition at the age of 15, lives until they are 82, and continuously uses synthetic hormones for the rest of their life, regardless of whether they ultimately decide to detransition or not. This creates a steady stream of income for pharmaceutical companies with no possibility of chargebacks. This is the elusive "Holy Grail" that every CEO desires, yet 99% will never come across a product that embodies the 'Golden Ticket.' 12 Leading Complications-Medical Transing Kids-USA Estimate of Money Generated- New Trillion Dollar Industry? - Here are the numbers. You Tell Me. Link - Facts Smacks Right? With the addition of surgeries and potential complications, this industry could easily generate trillions of dollars in a mere handful of years. And what's even more enticing is that it provides a perfect opportunity for those in power to maintain control over the market. It's like a gift from the gods of finance, allowing them to acquire social media platforms, movie studios, celebrity endorsements, news stations, and even those pesky social media influencers who people falsely believe care about their followers. In reality, they are simply chasing profits like everyone else. I have been in activism to STOP Transing Kids for five years and I am not lacking in intelligence. I understand how to capitalize on my identity as a trans man through social media, creating a wave of success that could have labeled me as the face of feminism or an evangelical 'Born Again' symbol instead of being recognized only for my lesbian and transgender identity. With that said, I would be set for life. The problem is that I am a mom first and I have carried life, given birth, I almost dies from medical transition, and I studied it to save my own life and I know this: Medical transition is experimental, doesn’t cure anything, causes massive health issues, and makes mental health worse. These are facts, facts, not unicorn farts, go to my site where you will find the large, accumulated studies, facts, articles as well as explanations from transgender people like me. See for yourself. (Decreased life expectancy, Premature death from heart attacks, Premature death from pulmonary embolisms, Bone damage, Possible liver damage, increased mental-health complications, increases chances of mood-syndrome symptoms, Increased suicide rates than the non-trans population, 12% higher chance than no trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis, Brain development stunted during hormone blockers. Reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure, probably does not even improve mental health outcomes.) Link: Unchartered Territory; Risks of Medical Transition in Adolescents I make a point to sit down with people such as Stew, and anyone else who is willing, because we are essentially destroying the lives of innocent children and yet no one seems to be listening or wanting to have a conversation about it. But I do, and it begs the question: why? Memoir - Self Published Coming August 2024 22 states have passed bills to ban childhood medical transition, following the trail I helped pave in South Dakota. Yet, despite our efforts, 21 of those bills remain blocked by the relentless force of organizations like ACLU. But make no mistake, the wheels of this sinister machine are still turning at an alarming rate, with the medical transition industry gaining more and more momentum every month. The factory is open for business, and there seems to be no stopping it now Diving into these verbal battles guarantees my exile from any subtribe's support or sponsorship. My name is, not will be, is blacklisted from panel seating and lucrative speaking gigs, leaving me penniless and desperate. And let me make it clear, this isn't about sides - it's a cutthroat business, honey. Every decision I make seals the fate of my business sales career. With each lost job and revoked offer, I feel my former life slipping further and further away. My own children watch as I sacrifice everything for this path I have chosen. But I am resolute, driven by a hunger that blinds me to the incompetence and stupidity that surrounds me. This is my path, and I will continue down it, regardless of consequences or casualties left in my wake. Why? Somebody has to make a sacrifice. It's hard not to think about the fact that we are hurting innocent children. It weighs heavily on my mind, this constant reminder that we are inflicting pain and suffering upon the youth. - Scott Newgent A conversation I hope to have more of in the future, this is how we heal our society. THE STEW PETERS SHOW I Will Call You 'Kellie' Because That's How God Sees You? I worked in sales the majority of my adult life. Killed it in sales. Ever seen that hilarious Jeremy Piven movie The Goods in 2009 back when comedy was still legal? He’s a legendary car salesman closer. Well, that was me. He was Don “The Goods” Ready. I was Kellie “The Closer” King. I’ve got sales in my blood. My Grandfather Scott King was a building contractor who opened the King’s Auto court motel in San Diego to coincide with the 1935 World’s Fair. In 1939 that became the Travelodge empire–a brilliant franchising scheme to rival the McDonald’s story of The Founder. My granddad used to pal around with Ray Kroc. He saw the brand-new middle-class market segment coming before anyone knew what hit them. The little bear that used to grace the logo. Modeled after my dad. Link King Family I was also born in 1972. People talk about struggles now. Try being an ultra-successful alpha lesbian in the sales field in the 2000s and then tell me again about your adversity because someone didn’t respect your made-up “they/them” pronouns. I once got investigated for three months–all because I was beating every sales record there was amongst my peers, and we couldn’t let this bitch dyke do that, could we? See what I did there? I used a couple of slurs that, honestly, are my right to use as I’ve heard them for a lifetime against me. I saw the “dyke” word again recently after an appearance on the Stew Peters Show. Stew welcomed me on two days after Matt Walsh’s What is a Woman? exploded across the Twitterverse with 150 million views in 48 hours. Maybe “welcomed” isn’t the right word. It was pretty clear from the get-go that Stew’s self-righteousness blinds him to any conception that there isn’t any truth beyond his own–and that’s perfectly fine. It has nothing to do with me. It doesn’t even faze me anymore. And honestly, I will talk to the evangelicals all day long while they tell me about Jesus through their glares if it helps one baby lesbian somewhere know that they are perfect exactly as they are and that any attempt to sell them authentic happiness in the form of lifetime medicalization, endless surgeries and life-shortening hormones…maybe doesn’t have their best interest at heart? I get sales techniques. I know them intimately. As Mr. Stew hammered me with words about how I had “failed” and was “ruined” I thought about the Neuro-Linguistic Programming principles that he and so many newbie salespeople and pick-up artists use to try to arouse or elicit some kind of a reaction. It’s adorable, really. Reminds me of when I used to give a shit about such things. As he suggested to me that it was never too late to consider Jesus, I couldn’t help thinking about how many people miss out on these giant audiences because they’re so afraid of cancel culture cooties. You know the ones. Instead of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon it’s Six Degrees of Tucker Carlson. Help Me Keep Using My Voice - Donate Today Activists against the marketing of transgenderism to children would no doubt hijack the Times Square teleprompter if they got the chance, even if it meant an evangelical was watching…wouldn’t they? I sure would. On the Chiron thumbnail with Stew it blared “LGBT FREAKS TARGET OUR CHILDREN!” If you watch it, it’s cute when he tries to get me condemn not only Blaire White but Ted Cruz because they aren’t as far right as him. I said I want to put the surgeons who are targeting our kids in prison. Well, he wants them executed. Checkmate, Stew. There was for sure a time when all of this would have gotten to me. Or the people who write to me telling me that appearing on the show is unrecoverable. Request a Regretter Speaker Today! When the words of the people who tell me that I’m a traitor in every identity targeted segment one can be a traitor would have landed. That was during the time I lost myself. And it all began with that first lie that I accepted as truth–eight long years before Stew was telling me that Jesus was there and ready to listen, when I put my own identity up for debate. I don’t do that anymore. Even if Stew had the courage to call me an LGBT freak directly, it wouldn’t have mattered. Because I know who I am. I didn’t realize how absolutely crucial that is to a person’s entire sense of sanity. Who you are…is who you are. After spending nearly $1 million and having a stress induced heart attack and having to wear a “fragile” bracelet because I am that near death, I’m no longer worried about pleasing anyone. “We will call you Kellie King,” Stew bellows to me, “because that is as God intended.” I grin. I’m glad it is making him so happy. I could care as little about someone accurately sexing me as I do about them referring to me by my birth name. I don’t know if it’s “as God made me” (the way he says it drips off the tongue like a slur somehow, and I actually love being called Kellie) but it’s the truth, and I’m never offended by that anymore. I’m not one for religion, but I do believe in God. I do know one thing that saves–and that’s reality. Telling the truth. That’s what Stew and I have in common. We are allies. He is an ally to me in supporting the truth of telling the truth. You have to choose your battles. And to me the battle for reality is that crucial of a battle. He asks me to name and shame, name and shame. He is about the quick hit. I am a circus clown. He uses the word “clown.” His inflection is a dare. Will I react? I think Jesus would find him as entertaining as I do, how determined he is to out-Matt-Walsh Matt Walsh, how desperate he is to try to terrify me. I almost want to give him the tears he’s searching for out of pity, to help him meet his goal of a viral clip because I want to extend him that kindness. Be kind, right? Because I know he really, really thinks this performance matters and it will really, really make him happy. None of those matters. None of his politics matter. None of the politics matter of the people who decry him as “literal genocide” matter. Protecting children from the predation of multinational corporations who see them as cash cow’s matter. That’s it. One goal. I’m a one-trick pony now. “Who is the name of the doctor?” He puts my surgeon on the screen. I’m thrilled to see the guy blasted, having run from California with multiple lawsuits against him and his tail between his legs using Texas’s tort reform to continue his malpractice…on me. “Who was the name of your therapist?” I think back to the trans woman therapist that I first saw. I don’t even remember her name. I have no problem using trans pronouns, but I also 100 percent understand the reasoning why people do not. That therapist called me Kellie, too. I was Kellie. I was Kellie King. Successful, beautiful, a knockout. And then the magical thinking brain worm was first planted inside my head. Like an illusionist in Vegas, that first transwoman therapist I saw in 2016 told me that I had been presenting like a man my whole life. I felt…mortified. Shame I hadn’t felt since I was a kid. Could everyone see this? Why hadn’t anyone told me? This was a therapist. A medical professional. I’ve always respected medical professionals. Don’t you? At that point in time, I was no cynic. Like so many others I was celebrating Caitlyn Jenner living her authentic truth. Finally, all the hatred against gays was melting away. Look at the love bombs coming the way of transgenders! Look at how amazing it was! I had never heard the term “astroturfing” in my life then. I probably hadn’t even heard the term “gaslight.” I certainly wasn’t familiar with the medical industry’s long history of corruption and capturing scandals from thalidomide to lobotomies to the oxycontin scandal that was at that time ramping up into high gear with the kind of completely guardrails-off marketing that would have made my granddad’s jaw drop. Lost in all of this are kids, who I relate to deeply, not just because I am a mother but because I was the kind of kid that I see preyed upon today. I said it before, and I’ll say it as many times as I have to: I couldn’t resist this shit at 42. You think a little kid who believes in Santa Claus understands Judith Butler and Foucault when you are tell him that gender is a construct and if he likes playing with nail polish, he needs to get his dick cut off? One thing I love about Matt Walsh is that he reminds me of the world that I grew up in, where you knew who you were dealing with. A black person once told me that they preferred the racism of the South because at least it was more honest. This is how I feel around evangelicals sometimes. I know the terror that the deeply religious feel about their dogma and faith, and it has absolutely nothing to do with me. They are doing their best within the context of their upbringing. And they know that sex and sex-change surgery…is for adults. The fact that this is controversial is terrifying. By Trans Regretter Scott Newgent Donate TransRegretters - We Never Charge to Speak Out to Save Children!

  • Is 'Queer Theory' Based on The Principles of Making Pedophilia Mainstream - HELL YES!

    by Transman Scott Newgent Let's Talk About Facts! Pedophilia is a personal and societal issue of concern, evoking strong emotions and challenging tolerance limits to which we MUST push back, nothing evolving here. Pedophilia is WRONG always has been and always will be! Queer theory, on the other hand, serves as a lens through which we investigate, challenge, and disrupt dominant norms around sex, gender, and sexuality. The intersection of pedophilia and queer theory raises questions of morality, legality, and social acceptance, which required critical examination (1) and begs for us to #SCREAMLouder Who am I to judge? Just a lesbian who medically transitioned! The Question That Lingers: "Is 'Queer Theory' Based on The Principles of Making Pedophilia Mainstream?" Hell, YES IT DOES! Understanding Pedophilia: Defined by the American Psychiatric Association, pedophilia refers to adult sexual attraction towards prepubescent children (Istrefi, R, et al., 2018), generally below the age of 13. However, it is important to understand that not every person with pedophilic tendencies acts out on their attractions, and not all child sexual abuse is committed by individuals with pedophilia (1. Istrefi, R., et al., (2018). Pedophilia: The Disorder, Crimes and Consequences, "Psychiatria Danubina." URL: Interrogating the issue through a cultural lens, Fagan et al. (2002) indicate that pedophilia tends to be increasingly perceived as an orientation, similar to heterosexuality or homosexuality, rather than a modifiable behavior (2. Fagan, PJ, Wise, TN, Schmidt, CW, & Berlin, FS. (2002). Pedophilia. "The Journal of the American Medical Association." URL: The Context of Queer Theory: Queer theory, conceived in the early 1990s, is a field of critical theory that emerged from queer studies and women's studies (Edelman, L., 2004) (3. Edelman, L. (2004). No Future: Queer Theory and the Death Drive. "Duke University Press." URL: ttps:// It questions the fixed categories of sexual identity and challenges the societal norms around sex and gender. Pedophilia and Queer Theory: A Complicated Dance: The intersection of pedophilia and queer theory is a contentious subject. However, critical engagement with this issue does not mean endorsement; rather <---- BULLSH$% Yes it does? I'm trying to write with a less harsh lense but let's call QUEER THEORY for what it is! Perverted sexual ideology that is intended to make pedophilia more mainstream acceptable. That's truth. Conversely, Angelides (2004) turns to queer theory to investigate how pedophilia is socialized and classified. In his analysis, pedophilic desire is problematized as a gendered issue and an 'unnatural' desire in stark contrast to societal norms (5. Angelides, S. (2004). Feminism, child sexual abuse, and the erasure of child sexuality. "GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies." URL: The Underpinnings of LGBTQ+ and Queer Theory: A Historical Perspective and its Consequences. Derived from an amalgam of critical theories, Queer Theory emerged in the early 1990s as a new approach to traditional studies about gender and sexuality. This radical theory demanded a shift to the way we understand and study sexuality, challenging heteronormative assumptions, while promoting an increased acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community. However, the premise upon which Queer Theory was built has become a subject of increasing controversy, with some critics proclaiming its roots in pedophilic discourse. Support Work - Donate Today The term 'queer' was brought into academic discussion by Teresa de Lauretis during a conference at the University of California in 1990 (Lauretis, 1991). Primarily, the term served as a counter-culture movement, reclaiming the previously derogatory usage of 'queer.' De Lauretis' theory was built on the works of scholars like Michel Foucault, Gayle S. Rubin, and Judith Butler, amongst others, contributing to creating a transdisciplinary space for the development of Queer Theory (Eng, Halberstam & Muñoz, 2005). TRUTH BOMB! 'Queer Theory Coined by The Pedophilia Ring Of THREE! A Pedophile A Promoter of Pedophilia A Lesbian Who Believed Pedophilia Is OK As Long as The Child Had Fun! ( Contrary to the aforementioned progress of LGBTQ+ rights and recognition, a facet of public debate links Queer Theorists to a dark side of human sexuality—pedophilia. One of the leading examples is the controversial French theorist, Michel Foucault. Renowned for his work, “The History of Sexuality,” Foucault is often critiqued for promoting intergenerational sex, stemming from his work, 'Sexual Choice, Sexual Act' (1977). ( Moreover, Gayle Rubin's theoretical framework of a 'charmed circle' argued against defining certain sexualities, including pedophilia, as 'bad' (Rubin, 1984). Such arguments have attracted heavy criticism and sparked the notion of Queer Theory being laid on pedophilic foundations. ( The viewpoint that Queer Theory facilitates pedophilia exaggerates, particularly due to the nexus shown by the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which argued that consensual intergenerational sexual relations were a form of queerness. Consequently, Queer theorists faced accusations of promoting pedophilia, despite most Queer theorists distancing themselves from the assertion (Freedman, 2003). ( Public opinion has attributed several alleged negative consequences to Queer Theory. They believe it undermines the conventional family structure, promotes 'sexually deviant' behavior, and normalizes harmful conduct like pedophilia. Which is does! <----Another Truth Bomb ---- The latter claim was amplified when critics began to interpret Queer Theory as a vehicle promoting pedophilia, leading some to argue that a clearer demarcation should be made between Queer Theory and pedophilia (Levin, 2004). ( Queer Theory’s inception and development were principally intended to work towards LGBTQ+ rights and visibility. However, it ends up in the middle of controversy due to the questionable contributions by some of its theorists. Further exploration into the realm of Queer Theory is not only required but also expected to unravel the contentious layers of this critical theoretical approach, ensuring the promotion of inclusivity and contesting harmful prejudices. It is equally crucial to NOT distinctively separate the concept of queerness from pedophilia, because they were created to promote each together and live in the filth of perversion. These are truths. 'Queer Theory' is for PERVERTS, based on promoting and desensitizing people to the acceptance of pedophilia or as the 'Queer Theorist' call in, 'child/adult sex!' Call it what you want, it's wrong and you straight parents? You need to start getting pissed off because 'The Trevor Project has 70 million a year to teach your children in school all about 'QUEER LOVE!' The truth is the truth! Are you PISSED OFF YET?

  • Child Suffers Serious Injury by Puberty Blockers & Hormone Treatment at World's #7 Top Hospital

    by Íris Erlingsdóttir Lee The medically transitioning children debate is imploding in Europe, but here in the US media? Censored - Canceled - Silent. Allow Trans Regretters to break down and translates a shocking Swedish documentary inciting an investigation at #7 largest hospital in the country. Child Suffers Serious Injury by Puberty Blockers & Hormone Treatment at World's #7 Top Hospital Sweden's Karolinska Hospital reports its Centre for Gender Medicine to Swedish Health Authorities Link To Original Documentary - Link Anything that reflects poorly on the Traliban TransTechMedical Complex is tightly kept out of U.S. media, including this major news story from Sweden, dated March 17, 2022. Following the SVT NyHeter news story is a brief summary of the Swedish National TV documentary that has now saved the lives of an untold number of Swedish children. “Leo” was injured in trans treatment – the hospital has now reported itself The Karolinska University Hospital has reported itself to Swedish Health Authorities after child suffers serious injury from treatment with puberty blockers at its Transgender Youth Clinic 17 MARCH 2022 Mission Investigate [Sweden’s National TV Investigative Reporting Program] Trans Regretters Speaks Internationally About the Harms of Medical Transition - Free of Charge - School Meetings - Legal Testimony - Post Casts - Interviews - News! - Email Today: in the subject Put 'SPEAKER REQUEST' Consider Supporting Trans Regretters With a Donation - We Can SCREAM Louder Without You! Natalie's son Leo has been injured in trans treatment. The Karolinska Hospital has now reported itself to The Health and Social Care Inspectorate for their care of Leo following last year’s broadcast of a Swedish National TV documentary that revealed that several young people have suffered serious injuries from treatment in trans treatment. ”I am happy and relieved that the hospital now acknowledges that they have done wrong,” says Leo's mother Natalie. Leo was only eleven years old when her medical treatment with puberty-blocking hormones was begun. The idea was to stop puberty, because Leo, a biological girl, identified as a boy. When Leo had been on puberty blockers for just over four years, the 15-year-old was discovered to have osteoporosis and spinal vertebral damage and fractures. Leo also stopped growing and has constant back and hip pain. (See the Swedish National TV report: Transbarnen: Tvärvändningen – SVT Play With English subtitles Only when Leo complained of constant pain, four and a half years into the treatment, was the skeleton checked–bone density tests and a bone scan. No bone density tests had ever been done on Leo during the four plus years of treatment with the puberty blockers [according to the drug manufacturer, such tests should have been done regularly]–a treatment that has known risks and according to one of Karolinska’s own experts should not last longer than two years. Continued risk of incorrect treatment. In November last year, the Mission Investigate documentary Trans Children revealed that Leo and at least twelve other children had experienced serious side effects and were injured by hormone treatments received at Karolinska University Hospital. Following the broadcast of the documentary, the hospital did its own investigation of Leo’s case. The hospital now reports that Leo and other children have been exposed to "serious treatment injury", and that there is continued risk of incorrect treatment. In the report, the hospital states that bone density tests were not a part of routine care of patients on puberty blockers, and that families “did not receive sufficient and clear information about known side effects of the treatment." The hospital also states that there are a number of problems that can affect and harm children in trans treatment. On the one hand, the scientific basis is weak* which means that it is not possible to know whether the treatment is useful or safe. On the one hand, care is divided between two care providers, which makes overall responsibility for investigation, diagnosis and follow-up of side effects more difficult. Problems not caught by healthcare providers Additionally, the hospital writes that "it is clear that the diagnosis of gender dysphoria is not fixed", and some patients no longer want to undergo transition following a treatment with puberty blockers. One of Karolinska’s doctors writes in the hospital’s report that Leo should not have received the treatment at all, because the care team did not take into account the patient’s psychiatric problems, suicide attempts, and expressed hesitation, which was not noted by the care team. *[“Evidence for puberty blocking and cross-sex hormones is of ‘very low quality’ and ‘very low certainty’, which signals that the benefits of these interventions is highly unreliable. In contrast, several negative effects are quite certain.” NHS, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence, 2020”]. Reconsidering Informed Consent for Trans-Identified Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults Trans Children - The Documentary “It begins with a telephone call…” Natalie and her family have received bad news…about “Leo”, their youngest child. How it all began – “Leo was unhappy… the family took her to Karolinska Hospital “Centre for Gender Medicine” where the parents are told “the sooner Leo begins PBlockers, the better...” Karolinska Hospital provides these treatments without scientific support. “The changes to my body are irreversible. Nothing can be done.” “I didn’t want to harm these patients…So I resigned.” The evidence of the harm of puberty blockers and hormones never reaches Leo and her family. “He was better for a little while [after starting treatment], but then his mental health got worse and worse. He attempted suicide several times…and he wasn’t very old. We couldn’t understand why, we thought he’d get better [on the hormones]. Everybody said what brave parents we were… We thought we were doing the right thing.” One of the doctors admits “we don’t really know for how long it’s OK to give puberty blockers…” There are in fact “serious side effects” and on May 1, 2021, Sweden bans all treatment of minors with puberty blockers and hormones. Leo complains about severe body pain. “He is in constant pain. Natalie (mamma) “I am so angry…at myself and the doctors…” “We are guinea pigs” Emelie: “They have to start listening to our experiences too.” Discussion makes its way to the Swedish Parliament It is discovered that Karolinska Hospital has been hiding reports of serious side effects. Dr. Ola Nilson pediatric endocrinologist Looking at X-rays…the patient has spinal fractures… Two spinal vertebraes are damaged. “We trusted the doctors…” Leo’s case has been discussed at Karolinska. But Leo’s serious side effects are not reported, and the hospital does nothing. “First they told us nothing about side effects, now they’re gaslighting us about how badly he’s been injured by those drugs…” The reporters discover [by hook and crook] that there are 12 other patients (out of ca 200 at Karolinska Hospital) than Leo with serious side effects. [For comparison: Astra-Zeneca COVID vaccine was discontinued after a 1/1,000,000 (one in one million) serious side effect was discovered).

  • The Swedish Medical Journal Condemning Childhood Medical Transition Translated to English

    Donate Today Link is in Swedish, below the translation to English by Iris the Iceland Mama Bear! The National Board of Health and Welfare's new guidelines for care for gender dysphoria more reasonable The Medical Journal, 12/13/2022 Mats Reimer, pediatrician The National Board of Health and Welfare's updated knowledge support/guidelines for care of children with gender dysphoria is to be published in its entirety before the end of the year. Since the extremely weak scientific foundation of the previous guidelines/knowledge support emerged, both the National Board of Health and Welfare and healthcare providers such as Karolinska Hospital have changed the guidelines point by point. The new knowledge support/guidelines will advise against surgery, puberty blockers and sex-opposite hormones before adulthood. The knowledge support from 2015 was largely based on the activist organization WPATH's (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) »Standards of Care« version 7 (SOC7). Several Swedish doctors are members of WPATH, and as the guidelines have just been updated to SOC8, two issues in particular have caused debate. On the one hand, WPATH no longer specifies a lower age limit for any drug or surgical procedure, and on the other hand a new gender identity is coined that requires recognition and care: the eunuch. This does not refer to men who have lost their testicular function due to illness or accident, but to transgender people who feel that their inner true gender should be reflected in a castrated male body. It seems as a rule it is the testicles that are surgically removed, and some then want to have testosterone on prescription to avoid the symptoms of hormone deficiency. Support TReVoices - Shop Today SOC8 claims that eunuchs can discover their gender identity as early as childhood but makes no specific treatment recommendations for young people. Had this been published elsewhere than in a supposedly scientific article, people would have thought that it was satire driving the trans movement. But even Norway's most famous trans person, Esben Esther Pirelli Benestad (doctor and professor of sexology), on Norwegian television had eunuchs on the list of the seven different genders she believes exist. That the National Board of Health and Welfare's updated guidelines are no longer based on such an obviously activist organization as WPATH is of course welcome, even if one still wants care to "confirm" the young person's perceived gender identity. We are expected to address the patient by the preferred name, and in journal text to use the pronoun that is preferred and to name body parts with the terms the patient wishes. Whether this means that clinicians must record pronouns other than he, she or her is not specified. In the US, the flora of self-chosen non-binary neopronouns has grown wildly, with examples such as they, ey, xe, ze, ve, tey, hir and princeself. As a whole, the new guidelines are more reasonable than the previous ones and advocate for great caution regarding irreversible interventions on healthy bodies, as we know that some will regret it. The same policy changes have been made in Finland, Great Britain, France and New Zealand. In the US, on the other hand, the division is total, with federal authorities approving medical interventions on trans children while the attitude and access to trans care increasingly differs between Republican and Democratic states. Even within the World Health Organization (WHO), the issue is highly politicized, and succumbing to lobbying, the psychiatric diagnosis of transsexualism has changed its name and place in ICD-11. The new diagnosis of "gender incongruence" is not placed in the chapter on mental illnesses, but in a completely new chapter on sexual health is combined with diagnoses such as reduced libido, premature ejaculation, intercourse pain and difficulty achieving orgasm. In Swedish healthcare, child psychiatry will continue to be responsible for treating those under the age of 18 who experience gender incongruity and suffer from it. Care will now primarily consist of psychological support to help the youth live with the healthy body they were born with.

  • I was only 15! Now What? This is Alex's Story!

    Scott Newgent, a transman, has been addressing the negative effects of medical transitioning for the past five years. He believes that the majority of humanity is inherently good and does not need to alter their bodies to find peace. Newgent encourages open and honest discussions about the true effects of medical transitioning, rather than hiding behind platforms like YouTube where harm and exploitation run rampant. He believes that the elimination of medically transitioning children presents an opportunity for open and honest dialogue, allowing young adults to share their experiences without preconceived agendas. To heal you have to understand the why! Launching The YouTube Channel: I need to know why to under stand the WHAT NOW? I was afraid to create a YouTube channel because I wanted the option of going back into business sales! This option is no longer available, and I need your help. Please Subscribe. Those Who Regret.  Transman Scott Newgent the accidental HERO of Matt Walsh's 'What is a Woman,' providing assistance to a young adults in determining what to do following the trauma of a medical transition that occurred during infancy. I was just 15 years old at the time, Scott. What Do I Do Now Scott? - This is Alex's Story A lady with a kind heart who was looking for acceptance was deceived by the untruth that was sold to Alex. Who was telling this lie? It is a brazen face falsehood that the medical, mental health, and pharmaceutical industries are peddling to the weird, corky, and beautiful individuals of this planet that they can fit in. For many people, the deception is devastating and too difficult to overcome, but Alex is not one of those people. It is a fiction that is presented to many individuals that synthesized hormones and surgical procedures will somehow make the strange blend together, and for those who do not match the profile, it is just too enticing to turn away from. Alex tells her experience with the bold will to recover from the mistake she made when she was a youngster, which was that she was born in the incorrect body. Now that she is accepting her life and her past, she is asking the most important question that all of us who have been through this cruel deception must ask: "Now What Scott?" Alex is a 100% regretter who quit synthetic hormones over a year ago. The transition back to who you were suppose to be is not always simple or easy, but sweet Alex is determined to find light where darkness has been the only constant in her life. This is Alex and this is Alex's HEROIC story! Enjoy New YouTube Channel, the why and the what to expect! by transman Scott Newgent Over the course of the past five years, I have been overwhelmed with calls from people who have had medical transitions and are now having a difficult time navigating their lives. Despite the fact that some people have second thoughts about their choice after only a few days, others persist with the process until it is finished. One thing, however, is consistent: they all have the same feeling of being lost and shattered. Having these interactions has made it very evident that this is not a problem that is unique to this situation. There have been countless additional people who have also been affected negatively by the negative repercussions of medical transitioning. In addition, while there are others who may argue that it provides them joy and relief, the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of people are naturally good and do not require any changes to their bodies in order to achieve a state of inner peace. First-hand reports of the detrimental effects that this course of action has had on people and on society as a whole have been relayed to me. It is time that we stop promoting transgenderism as something that should be praised and instead realize the damage that it may do with its actions. It is essential for us to have open and honest conversations regarding the actual implications of this practice, especially in light of the fact that we are going to confront the immediate removal of children who are transitioning medically. Let us not hide behind networks like as YouTube, where exploitation and damage are common, but rather let us come together and confront this problem head-on. We can make a brighter future for ourselves and for the generations who will come after us if we work together. In all honesty, I have never seen a transgender person who did not have some kind of brokenness within them. I have never met somebody who did not have this. It is possible that some people may discover that they walk a bit lighter and happier after transitioning, but the number is quite low and would startle anyone who believes that the bulk of people are fundamentally nice. The ugliness and depravity of a great number of people has been brought to light as a result of this tour. Even in the middle of everything, there is always hope. Over the course of the past five years, I have been receiving phone calls from young individuals who have had medical transitions and now find themselves at different stages of their life. They were and are lost, much like the majority of people who undergo medical transitions that involve beginning the operation and stopping it four days later to completing the process at the end of the procedure. It is imperative that you have a conversation with someone who does not have any preconceived notions. My goal is to take care of these young adults in this way. As we continued to converse, we became increasingly aware that our narratives were not unique; rather, there were numerous others. While I am listening to their tales, I can't help but feel a sense of dread and dreadful anticipation. These folks, who were once youngsters playing with their identities, will soon be confronted with repercussions that cannot be undone. I am aware of this development. This terrifying fact hangs over each and every one of us. On the other hand, there are times of clarity and connection that occur in the middle of all this confusion and uncertainty. In the course of my interactions with these young adults, I make it a point to offer them a secure environment in which they may freely discuss their experiences without any preconceived notions or expectations. When they are going through a difficult period in their lives, this is my method of providing them with support and direction. In addition, after a period of five arduous years, we have now arrived at a critical juncture. At this point, the time has come to eradicate children who are transitioning medically. On the other hand, despite the fact that this may appear to be intimidating, I see it as a chance for open and honest conversation. Due to the fact that damage and exploitation are frequently prevalent on sites such as YouTube, I have made the decision to avoid using these platforms. I would rather have genuine talks that have the potential to genuinely make a difference for a large number of individuals who are struggling.

  • ANTIFA Charged, I Cried; Then Something Amazing Happened!

    by transman Regretter Scott Newgent My heart raced as I approached the podium, ready to deliver a speech to a diverse crowd. But my nerves were quickly replaced with shock and fear as a sudden surge of people from ANTIFA charged towards the stage. This was one year ago today, and while the media failed to cover it, I will never forget the intense emotions that flooded me in that moment. As I made my way to the stage, a mix of evangelicals, gays, lesbians, liberals, and conservatives gathered together to speak out against medically transitioning children. It was a powerful and emotional display, one that brought me to tears as I realized the impact we could have on protecting these vulnerable individuals. The situation took an unexpected turn when the Missouri State bill we were advocating for suddenly went off course due to an ANTIFA involvement. But I refused to let it derail our mission. Through my connections the senator who I truly admire even thought we believe differently, we were able to come together as a society of one, human beings. And in that moment, surrounded by passionate voices coming together for a common cause, I knew that anything was possible. But then ANTIFA arrived and everything changed. As they approached with their signs and demands, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with emotion. Through teary eyes, I thanked them for exercising their right to free speech and reminded them that in America, every voice has value. In an incredibly powerful move, I even invited the leader of ANTIFA to speak on stage alongside us. And just like that, they left peacefully. With tears, I thanked them for coming . . . 'For we all have a voice that needs to be heard!' Reflecting on that day now, in such tumultuous times, I can't stress enough how important it is for leaders to defuse tensions rather than inflame them. Those who seek out video clips to provoke or incite crowds are not true leaders. We are at a breaking point as a society and it's crucial that we choose our leaders wisely. And finally, for those wondering about the outcome of our efforts: not only did the bill pass, but it did so without compromise. We successfully banned surgeries, synthetic hormones, and puberty blockers for minors without any hidden political agendas. Our only goal was to save kids, and that's exactly what we did. The did now WIN! This bill stands out among the many that have been banned or blocked, as it has successfully taken effect in putting a stop to childhood medical transition. It is a rare and significant victory for those who have fought against this controversial practice. Children can now be protected from potentially harmful procedures and allowed to grow and develop naturally without interference. The impact of this legislation will be felt by families and individuals for years to come, bringing relief and hope for a brighter future. In this very moment, we hold the immense power to rescue innocent children from the clutches of a broken society. We must shatter the unbreakable chains of our corrupted and polarized world, fueled by vapid social media influencers and power-hungry politicians who leave the masses to bear the weight of endless heartache and suffering. To make a lasting change and save both the present and future generations from this vicious cycle of pain and neglect, we must be willing to endure true struggle and hardship in order to show people the light. On that day, it wasn't about solving religious fights or convincing opposing sides of their beliefs. It was about coming together as human beings to protect our children from a society that has lost its way, blinded by ignorance and greed. Subscribe To YouTube Channel: Link First Episode: Alex 'I was 15 Scott. Now What? Link Our differences were set ablaze and we stood united, a fierce army of adults ready to fight for our future. No longer confined by political labels, we were driven by a single mission: to do better for our children. Because if we don't fight for them now, who will? I demand an answer, WHO WILL? Who will have the courage to put aside their pride and save children? Who will prioritize profit over the lives of innocent ones? Who will turn a blind eye as social media stars mock those who are different from them? Who will give up their own success and stability to protect our children? Who will stand in the midst of chaos and declare, "Enough is enough! Our children are being slaughtered!" Will you join us in this fight or retreat to your cozy bubble and watch from a safe distance? The choice is yours - but remember, the lives of our innocent children hang in the balance. I challenge you with this question: Do you see the brave man who stood up to ANTIFA? A devout Christian who fearlessly defended a lesbian speaker, a medically transitioned individual, along with a gay man, transwoman, and transman who all spoke out against the dangerous practice of medically transitioning children. Days later, I received a phone call from the brother of the ANTIFA leader - he thanked me for finally getting through to his sibling. In just one day, we accomplished what his family had been trying to do for years without success. It may not have made headlines, as we refused to stoop to childish tactics for attention. But what we did achieve was saving innocent children in Missouri. Who will be next? Will you stand with us and fight for their future? Who will if not you? by transman Regretter Scott Newgent Follow Scott on Twitter @NotScottNewgent Accidental star of Matt Walsh's What is a Woman? Transman. Gender medicine survivor. Lesbian. Mother. Speaking out for kids. President of Trans Regretters Donate to Scott's Memoir - Self Published

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