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  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back OPPOSING OPINIONS AROUND PEDIATRIC MEDICAL TRANSITION AND GENDER IDEOLOGY By, Staff Writer UK NEWS This post will contain several examples of varying opinions about pediatric medical transition and gender activism. Trans Opposition to Pediatric Medical Transition and Gender Activism Not all trans people believe in pediatric medical transition as the medical side effects can be intense, and surgeries and hormones have risks. Scott Newgent, an FtM trans person, has circulated a petition, “Adult Transgender & Non-Transgender People Against Medically Transitioning Children opposing medical treatment on minors.” Scott has suffered serious damage due to phalloplasty surgery, a dangerous operation with high rates of complications: Well, we are the marginalized group, along with the support of Non-Transgender adults, and we are telling you that medically transitioning children is wrong. In remaining quiet, we have cut a safe corner out for ourselves to live peacefully, but with the massive influx of children transitioning, we can in good conscience, stay silent no longer. Together, arm in arm, we come together from the LGBT community, the straight community, the conservative community, the liberal community, the Christian community, the Jewish community, and many more to save Transgender identifying children. A trans person in Canada is calling for an Inquiry into the rising numbers of children being treated for gender dysphoria, many of whom are in the foster care system. We are adding an older article that highlights the reality that there are disagreements, even among trans people, as to how gender non-conforming people should exist in society. The article, “Pakistan's traditional third gender isn't happy with the trans movement,” is about the conflict between tradition “third gender” culture and modern trans activism: For centuries, South Asia has had its own Khawaja Sira or third gender culture. The community, identifying as neither male nor female, are believed by many to be "God’s chosen people," with special powers to bless and curse anyone they choose. The acceptance of Khawaja Sira people in Pakistan has been held up internationally as a symbol of tolerance, established long before Europe and America had even the slightest semblance of a transgender rights movement. But the acceptance of people defining their own gender in Pakistan is much more complicated. The term transgender refers to someone whose gender identify differs from their birth sex. This notion is yet to take root in Pakistan and the transgender rights movement is only beginning to assert itself formally. Now, some third gender people in Pakistan say the modern transgender identity is threatening their ancient third gender culture. A “third gender” traditionalist comments on an MtF who uses female pronouns and is currently a supermodel: Bindiya Rana is the grand matriarch of the third gender community in Karachi. She doesn’t prescribe to the transgender identity. She is a Khawaja Sira, so revered that she is a guru (teacher) to more than 50 chelahs or apprentices. This relationship has a parental element and is a cornerstone of Khawaja Sira culture. Each chelah pledges allegiance to their guru, as they did to their guru before them. These family trees provide acceptance, social support and financial backing. Most chelahs give a percentage of their income to their gurus. It’s a lifetime commitment that allows the establishment of families that often replaces biological lineage. But those who identify as transgender, like Choudary, don’t subscribe to the guru-chelah system. As a result, Rana and her chelahs view the transgender identity as alien and even immoral. “If you don’t have a guru, we don’t recognize you. These people who say they are transgender; that concept is just wrong," says one of Rana's chelahs. "They can never be women. They cannot give birth. Even if they change their bodies they can’t change who they are. We are not women. We are what Allah has made.” The Pakistani example highlights that there is more acceptance of trans than the concept of homosexuality in the Muslim world where homosexuality is punishable by death. Trans Identity as a form of Self-Harm GHQ is adding an older article from the New Statesmen, which discusses how female body hatred around gender dysphoria is being normalized despite the fact that doing things like breast binding is physically damaging: And yet, look again at that list of side effects: breathing difficulties, skeletal problems, fainting, inability to participate fully in exercise. The female adolescents wearing binders have reproduced all the problems of tight-lacing corsets, this time in the service of restrictive anti-femininity rather than restrictive femininity. So is issuing guidance to reduce the harms of binder-wearing in schools an act of care for transgender children, or an abdication of it? Is the role of adults in authority – whether parental, educational or medical – to validate everything that comes under the rubric of transition, regardless of long-term consequences, or could another approach be better? LGB Conflicts with Gender Politics Andrew Sullivan made a brief reference to gender identity politics in a discussion about the sweep by the conservative Tories in Britan in a recent election. We cover some similar opposing viewpoints that are a reaction to some of the cultural influences of postmodern queer theory. It is clearer and clearer to me that the wholesale adoption of critical race, gender, and queer theory on the left makes normal people wonder what on earth they’re talking about and which dictionary they are using. A paper called Disaffirming Gender: Somatic Incongruence as a Co-function of Ideological Congruity covers the conflicting interests that can exist between concepts of sexual orientation and gender identity: The activist conjunction of sexual orientation and gender identity is questioned by demonstrating how the concerns of the transgender movement run contrary to an agenda of liberation from gender ideology. The confused vocabulary of trans discourse articulated in the language of somatic incongruence (so-called gender dysphoria) is exposed, using an analysis of the concept of somatic incongruence and the various interventions through which bodies are apparently restored to ideological congruence constructed upon, inter alia, gender, race, and age. The paper rejects transgender medical treatment and surgery as nothing but the most brutal affirmation of gender stereotypes and, in conclusion, calls for a radical and total disaffirming of gender, analogous to the termination of racial classification and segregation. Below are several articles about the formation of the LGB Alliance in the UK. The organization was formed to advocate for LGB interests away from the demands of trans activism, which include transitioning young children and MtFs taking positions on girls’ sports teams. This article covers the views of a former member of Stonewall UK who supports the breakaway LGB organization: Fanshawe believes that the Stonewall of today is undermining the rights of lesbians and putting women and girls at risk by “unthinkingly” merging the rights of lesbians and gays with those of trans people through its ‘acceptance without exception’ dogma as it lobbies for transgender people to be able to legally self-identify as the gender they feel they are without having to provide evidence that they have lived in that gender for two years or by having gender dysphoria diagnosed. LGBAlliance is going so far as to challenge Stonewall UK backed initiatives: The LGB Alliance is of the view that Stonewall’s advice misrepresents the Equality Act, which recognizes sex as a protected characteristic. By replacing biological sex with gender identity, the LGB Alliance argues, Stonewall contravene legislation designed to uphold women’s rights. They describe this position as ‘Stonewall Law’ and fully intend to fight it. There are always accusations of bigotry in LGBT discourse when other groups wish to advocate without adding trans interests. This is from Quillette. Are gay people allowed to meet and organise in defense of their interests? A hard yes, you might have thought. But some apparently disagree. Witness the response to the London-based LGB Alliance, a newly created British group that asserts “the rights of lesbian, gay and bisexual people to define themselves as same-sex-attracted.” The group’s creation has sparked vitriol, not from the traditionalist Christians or social conservatives who might have opposed such groups in the 1980s or 1990s, but from the self-described progressive left. There is an article in the Spectator that covers trans activist approaches to promoting trans acceptance in women’s spaces like sports and prisons and pediatric medical transition. The information comes from a report from a British law firm: The report is called ‘Only adults? Good practices in legal gender recognition for youth’. Its purpose is to help trans groups in several countries bring about changes in the law to allow children to legally change their gender, without adult approval and without needing the approval of any authorities. ‘We hope this report will be a powerful tool for activists and NGOs working to advance the rights of trans youth across Europe and beyond,’ says the foreword. Below are some relevant quotes from the article about strategy: ‘While cultural and political factors play a key role in the approach to be taken, there are certain techniques that emerge as being effective in progressing trans rights in the “good practice” countries’… ‘In many of the NGO advocacy campaigns that we studied, there were clear benefits where NGOs managed to get ahead of the government and publish progressive legislative proposal before the government had time to develop their own. NGOs need to intervene early in the legislative process and ideally before it has even started. This will give them far greater ability to shape the government agenda and the ultimate proposal than if they intervene after the government has already started to develop its own proposals’… ‘In Ireland, Denmark and Norway, changes to the law on legal gender recognition were put through at the same time as other more popular reforms such as marriage equality legislation. This provided a veil of protection, particularly in Ireland, where marriage equality was strongly supported, but gender identity remained a more difficult issue to win public support for.’ ‘Another technique which has been used to great effect is the limitation of press coverage and exposure. In certain countries, like the UK, information on legal gender recognition reforms has been misinterpreted in the mainstream media, and opposition has arisen as a result. ….Against this background, many believe that public campaigning has been detrimental to progress, as much of the general public is not well informed about trans issues, and therefore misinterpretation can arise. In Ireland, activists have directly lobbied individual politicians and tried to keep press coverage to a minimum in order to avoid this issue.’ (Emphasis added). The Times of London posted another article about trans activist money in politics: A pharmaceutical firm that markets drugs used in gender-identity clinics to delay puberty has given £100,000 to the Liberal Democrats. Jo Swinson’s party has already upset feminists, who worry that the “extreme trans-ideological” policies in its manifesto will put vulnerable women at risk. Denying Trans People Emotional & Sexual Access is “Transphobia” There is an ongoing narrative that people should be emotionally and sexually available to trans people based on the trans person’s gender identity, or that person is a bigot or a transphobic. This is from a recent article in Slate: Stoya: I’m having difficulty putting myself in to the shoes of a person who is so off put by genital configuration. Rich: Look, I’m way more into dick. Maybe I need to work on that, but it feels OK to like what I like. I don’t fantasize about vulvas; I do dicks. It’s plausible that someone has a type formed by a bunch of factors that are specific and don’t make him a bad person. But it’s also not just possible but observable and prevalent to have “preferences” that dog-whistle bigotry. I think these things require a lot of self-interrogation. GHQ reviews the conflicts this is causing here and here. Comments from Jesse Singal: @jessesingal The Advocate also published an article arguing it’s transphobic not to date trans people as some trans people are trying to make this concept mainstream: The question that gets danced around, however, is: “Are all these numbers indicative of transphobia?” The answer, I believe, is clearly yes. The Spectator commented on the strained arguments in the Advocate article: Those who deny the existence of biological sex and insist a person can change sex through self-declaration have made a number of grave mistakes — some of which harm their own community. The promise of ‘passing’ — a term that refers to trans-identified people who are perceived to be the opposite sex, rather than simply a male attempting to dress ‘like a woman’ or vice versa — is in fact quite cruel. Most trans-identified people won’t ‘pass’ in public; but even if they manage to appear as the sex they wish to be on a day to day basis, all sorts of subtle cues betray them when it comes to attracting their desired partner. Trans Activism Trans activists have reacted angrily to a book promoting body positivity in children called My Body is Me! due to the fact it promotes body acceptance and was cosponsored by Transgendertrend, a group that questions the ethics of pediatric transition: My Body is Me is an upbeat, rhyming picture book, aimed for 3-6 year olds, written by Rachel Rooney and illustrated by Jessica Ahlberg in consultation with TransgenderTrend. It introduces children to the workings of the human body, and celebrates similarities and differences while challenging sex stereotypes. It also aims to promote a positive self-image and foster self-care skills. The text is inclusive for children with physical or sensory disabilities. In an example of extremist gender activism, Debbie Hayton (who is on the GHQ Board) is trans and is being targetting for not believing it is possible to change your biological sex: A transgender woman has been accused of transphobia for wearing a T-shirt saying she is really still a man. Debbie Hayton, 51, a physics teacher in the Midlands, who transitioned from male to female in 2012, is facing expulsion from the LGBT committee of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) for the slogan: “Trans women are men. Get over it!” Jake Pyne is an FtM activist who is part of This website was set up with almost the same name as a group of health professionals (GDworkinggroup) who advocate a more cautious approach in an apparent attempt to challenge them. The site members consist of the people at the forefront of trans activism and the affirmative model, such as Diane Ehrensaft and Johanna Olson-Kennedy. Jake Pyne is also allegedly responsible for spreading a false allegation against Dr. Ken Zucker in order to get him fired for his more conservative approach to medically transitioning minors. Below is a screencap of Pyne laughing at a joke about murdering a reporter, which is common behavior over the internet: Multiple trans voices take issue with pediatric medical transition and some of the more radical aspects of trans activism. Changing Laws and Policies to Allow Pediatric Medical Transition Without Parental Consent The below case is an example of the new normal. Parents will lose the ability to have their children wait until they are adults to alter their body medically. This case is in Europe, but the same activist push exists in all Western countries: By the parents' admission, they warned “Nea” that sex change is a complex and traumatising procedure, and that some of its effects are irreversible. They suggested waiting until the school year's end, going back to Finland, undergoing a thorough medical examination, and learning more about the consequences of getting a sex change. However, “Nea”, with the help of a representative from a local trans organisation, went to the police and reported her parents for opposing her gender reassignment procedures. The authorities in the unnamed EU country supported the underage girl. The Conservative think tank site Public Discourse reviews some conflicts of interest in allowing trans-identified students in girls bathrooms: The case against compelled affirmation policies needs to be more explicitly and vividly sexualized. The argument against these policies must be rooted in the civil liberties of objecting students and the right not be forced to be the object of another’s sexual gaze. Opening intimate facilities to anyone of the opposite sex imposes psycho-sexual trauma on countless non-consenting youths, and constitutes a form of sexual exploitation. The case: Consider the experience of some northern Illinois high-school girls, as one federal court recently described it. In Students and Parents for Privacy v. High School District 211, Judge Jorge Alonso wrote that several of them were “startled, shocked, embarrassed, and frightened by the presence of a male in the girls’ restroom,” most especially when “female student A” was “exposed to this male’s penis.” No wonder: he also found that these students “are at continual risk of encountering (and sometimes do encounter), without their consent, members of the opposite sex while disrobing, showering, urinating, defecating and while changing tampons and feminine napkins.” The naked guy was no streaker or everyday pervert. He was a student. The school did nothing to discipline him. In fact, the school authorities had sent him there under what they unapologetically called a “compelled affirmation” policy governing transgendered students’ access to intimate school facilities. Judge Alonso dismissed all complaints about the policy that were based on rights protected by the Constitution, including the free exercise of religion, students’ right of bodily privacy, and parents’ right to direct the education of their children. He did, however, permit statutory claims for sexual harassment and violation of the Illinois Religious Freedom Restoration Act to go forward, possibly to trial. The legal expert wants these cases to elicit sexually in the minds of the public: I think that the case against compelled affirmation policies needs to be more explicitly and vividly sexualized. By that I mean that the argument against these policies must be rooted in the civil liberties of objecting students, as they pertain to the morality of acts which cause sexual arousal; which instigate impure thoughts; and which threaten both the healthy psycho-sexual development of young people and—most importantly in our cultural moment—the right not to be forced to be the object of another’s sexual gaze—the occasion for the arousal of another person. This improvement synthesizes the prevailing privacy contentions (which, again, are sound so far as they go); extends them; and focuses the argument on something that even judges who have been mesmerized by transgender-affirming propaganda might find hard to sanction: opening intimate facilities to anyone of the opposite sex (that is, anyone bearing the sexually provocative body parts of the opposite sex) imposes psycho-sexual trauma on countless unconsenting youths, and constitutes a form of sexual exploitation. Most MtFs who transition at young ages are not sexually attracted to females. They are very effeminate homosexual males. However, most MtFs are autogynephilc males, are sexually attracted to women, and appear to be coming out at younger ages. The school system in these cases would be putting heterosexual males in with teenage girls in situations that involve nudity. Gender ideology, something some LGBT people strongly disagree with, is taught to children in schools in multiple countries in the world: For trans ideology to truly spread, it needs to become an inherent part of our core belief system. As natural as the sky being blue, and the earth being round, we must all have the truth of trans as a foundational element of our understanding about the world for it to thrive. Convincing adults is one thing, but to really make this wash, it’s children that need to taught the dogma of multiple gender identities and the ability of humans to swap their sex for its opposite. The purported goal behind teaching children that male and female are nothing more than feelings is compassion, empathy, and anti-bias. The work to bring children into the trans fold is pervasive and growing, and we’ve seen it in the US and Canada. In Sweden, the government is pouring money into an educational program for drag queens to read to children with disabilities. Meanwhile, in the UK, where trans advocates have a major head start, the BBC is airing educational programming to teach children that there are as many genders as stars in the sky. The article “Schools told all lessons for five-year-olds should include gay and trans themes” discusses the issue of when and how to teach children about gender identity and sexual orientation. South Carolina wants to ban underage medical treatment for trans-identified youth. There is a recorded video of a conservative father rebelling against gender ideology being taught to children in school. Miscellaneous Here is an account of a medical student who believes the sciences are embracing ideology over scientific facts regarding gender identity and biological sex. REFERENCES A Concerned Medical Student Speaks Out. (2019, December 2019). Retrieved from Azhar, M. (2017, July 29). Pakistan's traditional third gender isn't happy with the trans movement. PRI. Retrieved from Bradley, G. (2019, December 1). Compelled Sexual Affirmation in the School Bathroom. Public Discourse. Retrieved from Ditum, S. (2016, October 25). How society is failing transgender children. New Statesman. Retrieved from, S., Walsh, J. (2019, December 1). Schools told all lessons for five-year-olds should include gay and trans themes. Retrieved from Emmons, L. (2019, November 22). Teachers are indoctrinating our children in radical trans ideology. The Post Millenial. Retrieved from Hellen, N., Wheeler, C. (2019, December 8). Puberty-blocker drug firm donated cash to Lib Dems. The Times[London]. Retrieved from Hellen, N. (2019, December 22). Trans woman Debbie Hayton faces ban for transphobia. The Times[London]. Retrieved from Heuchan, C. (2019, November 7). LGB Alliance asks Human Rights Watchdog to Investigate ‘Stonewall Law.’ After Ellen. Retrieved from Jenn Smith Calls for Provincial&National Inquiries into mass gender transitioning of Vulnerable kids. (2019, October 19). Retrieved from Joyce, H. (2019, November 4). Meet the Gay Activists Who’ve Had Enough of Britain’s Ultra-Woke Homophobes. Quillette. Retrieved from Kiirkup, J. (2019, December 2). The document that reveals the remarkable tactics of trans lobbyists. The Spectator. Retrieved from Losing a Daughter, Not Gaining a Son: Finnish Parents Who Opposed Teen's Sex Change Lose Custody. (2019, December 12). Sputnik News. Retrieved from Murphy, M. (2019, December 19). Are you heterosexual? Or simply transphobic? The Spectator. Retrieved from North, A. (2019, November 25). South Carolina wants to ban lifesaving medical treatments for trans kids. Vox. Retrieved from Olver, T. (2019). Disaffirming Gender: Somatic Incongruence as a Co-function of Ideological Congruity. The Psychoanalytic Review 106(1),1-28. DOI: 10.1521/prev.2019.106.1.1 Phalloplasty gone wrong. (2019, September 4). Retrieved from Rhodes, M. (2019, November 4). Co-founder of Stonewall calls for calm. Holyrood. Retrieved from,cofounder-of-stonewall-calls-for-calm_14648.htm Rooney, R., Ahlberg, J. (2019). My Body is Me!. Published by Transgendertrend. Singal, J. (2017, February 7). How the Fight Over Transgender Kids Got a Leading Sex Researcher Fired. The Cut. Retrieved from Stoya, R. Juzwiak. (2019, November 7). “I Hope This Doesn’t Make Me a Terrible Person." Slate. Retrieved from Sullivan, A. (2019, December 13). Boris Johnson Is Showing Western Politicians How to Win. New York Magazine. Retrieved from Tannehill, B. (2019, December 14). Is Refusing to Date Trans People Transphobic? The Advocate. Retrieved from Original Link

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  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

    Are You A Trans Regretter #SCREAMLouder Help STOP Childhood Medical Transition - Follow us on Social Media Studies - Trends - Bills - Law Suits - Complications & More A trans regretter is someone who has undergone the process of medical transitioning but has since experienced deep regret. This feeling can range from complete remorse to just being a part of their overall journey. Unfortunately, society tends to only focus on stories of individuals who are either fully satisfied with their transition or filled with complete regret. However, the reality is that most people experience some level of regret after medical transitioning, yet this truth is often ignored by the mental health and medical industries. The untold stories of those who struggle with decision after transitioning are not being given a platform, leading to a limited and misleading perspective on this complex issue. Do you feel a deep pull to speak about your medical transition process? I can help! Speak at rallies, school meetings, podcasts, documentaries, legal hearings, and international events about this topic. It is currently believed that medical transition is a safe solution for all problems, but the truth is that many individuals suffer through this process. If you have personally experienced any level of regret after undergoing medical transitioning and want to share your story, I can help you do so with confidence and support. Speak at rallies at school meetings podcasts documentaries legal testimony speak internationally give speeches and much more Membership Questionnaire Trans Regretters is a division of #SCREAMINGlouder and TREVoices on a mission to amplify the voices of individuals who regret medical transition and are committed to warning others about its harms, its permanence and the fact that some scars don’t heal. ​ Your answers will be assessed, and you’ll receive an email with your approval to Trans Regretters if you are a good fit. ​ Upon approval, you'll gain access to the Trans Regretters subReddit , which we anticipate will grow quickly. ​ Please complete the questionnaire below. Thank you! Questionnaire

  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

    Trans Regretters Membership Quesionnaire Do you want to warn others about the harms and PERMANENCE of medical transition? * YES no Name Age Email Address Are you against the medical transitioning of children? * YES no How long has it been since you medically transitioned? Choose an option How long has it been since you have regretted your medical transition? Choose an option What is the main element(s) of your medical transition that you want to warn others about? Are you STUCK with permanent physical changes from you medical transition? * YES no Are you STUCK with permanent mental or emotional changes from you medical transition? * YES no There are varying levels of regret. To what degree would you say you regret your medical transition? (hover to see choices) not at all a little- some things mostly regret it, but it brought me to where I am today regret it all and would never do it again! As a member of Trans Regretters, in which ways would you be willing to WARN others about the harms and permanence of medical transition? * Write your personal story to be added to the website Appear on short videos for social media and the website Public speaking Participate in interviews, written or podcast format Testify at public hearings , in court General activism Join the Trans Regretters Sub-Reddit to help warn others Do you primarily see or refer to yourself as... * Trans Regretter Detransitioner Desister None of the above Do you understand why the term detransitioner doesn't necessarily fit for everyone? * YES no Do you feel STUCK in medical transition? * YES no Do you have any special skills that you'd like to use to help WARN others about the harms and PERMANENCE of medical transition? If som list them below. Are you currently involved in legal action against any entity, professional or individual who took part in your medical transition? * YES no Do you have any mental health concerns that would make it difficult to participate in actions on behalf of Trans Regretters? No need to disclose them specifically. * YES no Do you agree to our privacy and non-disclosure terms as listed below? * You're joining Trans Regretters as a volunteer and will not be financially compensated for your efforts. Any contributions you make to Trans Regretters as a member, including but not limitted to writing, video, audio, art, will be used to WARN others of the harms and PERMANENCE of medical transition. Trans Regretters administrators reserve the right to use any of these materials how we see fit. You will be removed from Trans Regretters and any program, project or forum we administrate for any of the following infractions: 1. public slander or negative promotion of Trans Regretters; 2. Promotion of medical transition; 3. if you are at any time not a good fit for Trans Regretters. When working on any project, promotion or materials for Trans Regretters, information and developments pertaining to said projects, promotion and materials is to be kept private and not shared publicly until the individual(s) leading the project, promotion or materials approve. I agree to the terms & conditions Trans Regretters is a non-profit organization and we rely on donations for the work we do. Are you willing to become a monthly donor at $10/month? * YES no Maybe later Submit Thank you for your submission!

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back Scott Newgent, un trans contra el lobby LGBTI: «Eres lo que eres biológicamente. Eso no cambia» Scott Newgent, a trans person against the LGBTI lobby: “You are what you are biologically. I don't change By Scott Newgent Spain “¡Has sido un héroe para mí durante tanto tiempo, Scott!”, le dijo J.K. Rowling el pasado 20 de julio en Twitter. A la creadora de Harry Potter, bestia negra del lobby LGBTI desde que se solidarizó con una mujer despedida de su trabajo por afirmar que el sexo es biología, ya no le importaba si ese tuit era pretexto para una nueva campaña de hostigamiento. Porque ese Scott admirado por Rowling es Scott Newgent, una mujer biológica de 47 años que hace seis decidió “cambiar de sexo”. Vive en Texas, tiene tres hijos adolescentes y su experiencia es todo un desmentido a la ideología de género y al activismo LGBTI. No solo por las consecuencias físicas que ha sufrido, que incluyen siete operaciones quirúrgicas y una docena de patologías; ni por las personales, como la ruptura de su relación de pareja y el alejamiento de sus hijos; ni por los que define como “múltiples periodos de dolor”; sino, sobre todo, por la conciencia de haber cometido el error de creer en los dogmas del transgenerismo. "Cansada de ser lesbiana" Pero, ¿cuál es su historia? ¿Por qué emprendió ese camino? ¿Qué esperaba de la 'transición'? Es lo que le plantea Madeleine Kearns en National Review, y la respuesta es compleja. Cuando tenía siete años, le dijo a su tío que como regalo de Navidad quería convertirse en un chico. “Vengo de una familia de gran preponderancia masculina que ha producido muchos deportistas. Desde muy corta edad vi cómo esa personalidad masculina dominante me causaba problemas… Empecé a creer que habría sido más fácil para mí haber nacido hombre, y a contemplar los conflictos en mi vida pensando que si se hubieran intercambiado los cromosomas en el vientre de mi madre, yo habría sido un hombre típico. Habría sido un deportista profesional, una estrella en la universidad. Lo habría sido todo. Y como no era nada de eso, me rebelaba”. Pasados los años, salió del armario como lesbiana, y tuvo una pareja con quien formalizó la relación en un juzgado. Era una mujer católica practicante que, según Scott, “no podía asumir la idea de que era lesbiana”, y le decía a ella que parecía un hombre: “Así que llegué a un punto en mi vida en el que estaba cansada de ser lesbiana. Reflexioné sobre toda mi infancia y empecé a pensar que tal vez ella [su pareja] tenía razón. Empecé a seguir la moda transgénero. Pensé que tal vez había algo mal en mí. Tal vez había nacido en el cuerpo equivocado”. "Eres lo que eres biológicamente" Pero hoy ve la realidad: “No puedes hacer una transición de género. Eres lo que eres biológicamente. Si me muero y me entierran y dentro de cien años desentierran mis huesos, dirán: ‘Aquí había una mujer’. Eso no cambia. Lo que sí puedes hacer es que una persona parezca distinta. Lo llamaría un híbrido: puedes coger una mujer, quitar el estrógeno y poner testosterona, que genera efectos totalmente diferentes. Pienso de forma distinta, tengo una apariencia distinta… pero también es distinto a ser un hombre. He creado algo único. Y lo que no entiendo de la comunidad trans es por qué no acepta esta realidad”. "Yo no nací 'en el cuerpo equivocado'", explicó en otra ocasión: "Nací mujer. Pero no me gustaba. Así que cambié mi apariencia, mediante cirugía plástica y hormonas, a un alto precio monetario, psicológico y físico. Pero mi sexo nunca cambió. Solo lo hizo mi apariencia". "No es intolerancia, es la realidad" Scott ha fundado TReVoices, un grupo de trans contrarios al activismo radical de género y que buscan mostrar a políticos y familias la realidad de la disforia de género: “Lo que está haciendo la sociedad actualmente es permitiendo que un pensamiento, un sentimiento, un engaño, marquen el paso a la legislación... Parecen creer en esa histeria de masas de que puedes cambiar de género y hacerlo tampoco es gran cosa y si no te gusta puedes ‘de-transicionar’, que es otra fantasía, porque se trata de una intervención médica gigantesca que no arregla nada. No arregla la salud mental. Ni arregla la ansiedad. Realmente la empeora”. Además, la “disforia de género” es muy desconocida, más allá de la autopercepción de quien la padece: “[Se está] está cediendo ante los activistas trans que dicen que las mujeres trans son mujeres. Pero no, no lo son. La realidad es que las mujeres trans son hombres que toman estrógenos. Lo cual es funcionalmente diferente. No es intolerancia, es la realidad”. Auto-diagnósticos inducidos por las redes sociales Scott juzga de modo aún más severo la posibilidad de ‘transición’ en niños, y de hecho fue protegerlos lo que le indujo a fundar TReVoices: “Trabajo con personas que lo han hecho. Conocí a un par de niños que se hicieron adultos y se suicidaron al darse cuenta de que solo entonces [después de la transición] estaban en el cuerpo equivocado… El transgenerismo, la transición médica… es cirugía plástica. Crea una ilusión”. El principal estudio a largo plazo que se ha realizado muestra que los índices más altos de pensamientos suicidas se dan entre siete y diez años después de la transición médica: “¿Por qué crees que es así? Porque en algún momento tienes que enfrentarte a la realidad”. Gráfica de mortalidad por todas las causas (incluye el suicidio) de personas sometidas a reasignación de sexo comparada con la población general. Fuente: Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden, 2011, estudio realizado sobre 324 personas transexuales nacidas en Suecia entre 1973 y 2003 y aprobado por el Instituto Karolinska de Estocolmo. "La supervivencia de personas transexuales empezaba a divergir de la población control a partir de los diez años del seguimiento", dicen los autores, quienes sostienen que "las personas con transexualismo tienen tras la reasignación de sexo riesgos considerablemente más elevados de mortalidad, comportamiento suicida y morbilidad psiquiátrica que la población general". Los adolescentes que experimentan estos problemas acuden a las redes sociales buscando orientación. Pero lo único permitido en ellas, como en el sistema educativo o sanitario, so pena de verse sometido a una campaña de denigración pública, es inducirles a la 'transición'. Esto condiciona a los padres: "Aunque admiro las buenas intenciones de los padres que quieren respaldar a sus hijos, me preocupa seriamente esa temeraria aceptación del auto-diagnóstico de un niño inducido por internet", escribía Scott hace unos meses en Quillette. Fue el caso de Keira Bell, quien finalmente ha conseguido en el Reino Unido una sentencia que obligará a que sea un juez quien autorice una “transición” de menores: “Allí un juez ha dicho: a ver, chicos, no vamos hablar de ‘yo siento, yo no siento’. Lo que vamos a hablar es de hechos”. Y los hechos son que “no tenemos una comprensión clara de lo que le sucede a la gente cuando pasan por una transición médica. Lo que sí tenemos documentada es la lista de problemas”. Y esto no tiene nada que ver con posiciones políticas ni religiosas, sostiene Scott. Un problema que hay que arreglar "dentro" Quien concluye afirmando que la disforia de género es ante todo un problema mental: "No hay forma de que una transición médica pueda ayudar a nadie con disforia de género. La disforia de género es un problema de dentro afuera. Tienes que arreglarlo por dentro. No lo puedes arreglar por fuera… Las personas trans son personas que no están a gusto con su apariencia exterior, así que toman hormonas sintéticas para crear la ilusión de ser del sexo opuesto. Eso no constituirá nunca un interruptor biológico. Eso es una ilusión. Decirlo no es incitar al odio: es la realidad. Yo lo he vivido. He hablado con cientos de personas que lo han vivido. Es una parte muy pequeña de las personas transgénero quienes están haciendo todo el ruido. Por desgracia, las personas que no quieren hacer ruido, no dan la cara: ni lo necesitan, ni quieren”. 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  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

    Question or comment about the show? Submit Thanks for submitting! May 31st Lisa Booth 'Fox News' Podcast Request Scott For A Speaking Event Email Scott's Agent Mail Question or comment about the show? Submit Thanks for submitting! June 2nd Live - 1 Year Look Back Matt Walsh, Jordon Peterson, Miriam Grossman & Scott Newgent June 24th ST. Louis MO 'Launch Rainbow Rebellion Time & Location ​ Jun 24, 10:30 AM St. Louis, St. Lou is, MO, USA ​ About the event ​ Gays Against Groomers Missouri is teaming up with Scott Newgent's Rainbow Rebellion for a counter protest against Saint Louis' Pride Fest to show that we will no longer allow the Alphabet Mob to push this agenda on children. We'll meet at 10:30 am (exact location TBD) and head over to stand our ground together. All are welcome to unite against the war on children! ***There is a zero tolerance policy for any form of violence.*** June 24th 10;30 Saint Louis, Missouri Launch 'Rainbow Rebellion' Matt Walsh, Jordon Peterson, Miriam Grossman & Scott Newgent RSVP - Today or Questions Here Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

    Do you have a gender confused child? Parental coach for parents who have gender confused children. ​ I can help; reach out today to schedule. Learn More WHAT DO Professionals HAVE TO SAY? Bio DR JOSEPH BURGO A LEADING PSYCHOLOGIST CHALLENGED WPATH WPATH HAS DISCREDITED ITSELF With the recent release of its Standards of Care, 8th Edition, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has undermined its standing as the preeminent authority on health care for gender-questioning youth. WPATH’s neglect of safeguarding issues for children, its adherence to ideological views unsupported by evidence, its exclusion of ethical concerns, and its mischaracterization of basic science all make its Standards a fundamentally unreliable guide. #SCREAMINGLouder MUST READ Award! I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle. There are more than 100 pediatric gender clinics across the U.S. I worked at one. What’s happening to children is morally and medically appalling. I am a 42-year-old St. Louis native, a queer woman, and politically to the left of Bernie Sanders. My worldview has deeply shaped my career. I have spent my professional life providing counseling to vulnerable populations: children in foster care, sexual minorities, the poor. Read more WPATH World Professional Association for Transgender Health WPATH is the baseline for transgender medicine I encourage you read it! Cliff Notes: WPATH has never held up in a court of law as a credible baseline for care in any court ANYWHERE in the world! Transgender Health Is 90% Experimental - Only Thing That Is Not Experimental? Top Surgery! ​ Latest Version WPATH is 95% Experimental Transgender health has never been studied! Transgender health is experimental and dangerous, and no one knows the long-term effects of childhood medical transition or what these kids' lives will look like in the future . WPATH World Professional Association For Transgender Heath Link WPATH is the supposed transgender health care guidelines for transgender medicine. Since its inception in 1979, WPATH has never held up in a court of law anywhere in the world as a valid standard for transgender care. Parents sue Florida school district over colluding with daughter to change her gender identity Grooming Gay & Trans Kids USA The Trevor Project: Undercover Mom UK - Tavistock Leader - Age, Play, Kink How Activist Teachers Recruit Kids Leaked Documents and Audio from the California Teachers Association Conference Reveal Efforts to Subvert Parents on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation New Slow Waking Gender Curriculum - NYC grooms children into gender Grooming Gay & Trans Kids USA The Trevor Project: Undercover Mom UK - Tavistock Leader - Age, Play, Kink How Activist Teachers Recruit Kids Leaked Documents and Audio from the California Teachers Association Conference Reveal Efforts to Subvert Parents on Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation New Slow Waking Gender Curriculum - NYC grooms children into gender Guidance to School Districts for Creating a Safe and Supportive School Environment For Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students JULY 2015 Are children being bullied into being trans? Schools are not fulfilling their duty of care to vulnerable children Your children can get hormones without your consent! School Personnel are not Qualified to Diagnose or Treat my Child for Gender Dysphoria - Especially Without my Consent or Knowledge Grooming & Indoctrination - teachers recruiting and grooming kids Team Member Name Job Title To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Team Member Name Job Title To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Team Member Name Job Title To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Say it on a T-shirt! Shocking Facts The baseline for transgender health: WPATH has never been held up in a court of law anywhere in the world as a standard for care. The science is NOT there, and the truth is that medical transition is: Experimental. Dangerous. Doesn't Cure Anything & Makes Mental Health Worse! These are facts! THE LIES! 'Better An Alive Daughter Than A Dead Son!' & Journal of Psychiatry Study Published Oct 2019 Boasting Remarkable Mental Health After A Child Is Medically Transitioned. The 2nd Truth? Journal of Psychiatry Study Published Oct 2019 Boasting Remarkable Mental Health After A Child Is Medically Transitioned was ​ RETRACTED by Yale Medicine one year later, yet if you search the internet or go to a gender clinic, they still recite this study as a source to convince parents to medically transition their children! The 1st Truth? The only long-term study on medically transitioned people followed 324 medically transitioned people from 1973-to 2003 and this study tells us that the highest point of suicidal Ideation is seven to ten years after the process is started. If your child is suicidal right now and you are medically transitioning children Hold Tight! ​ Suicidal Ideation gets worse. In the transgender community, we call it, ​ "The seven to ten-year suicide itch." Study Link Don’t treat all cases of gender dysphoria the same way Whatever it's called, "ROGD" describes a new type of teenage-onset gender dysphoria - August 9, 2021 Here is what we do know: The long-term use of synthetic hormone therapy shortens lives. Specifically, these medications are associated with an increased risk of heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, bone damage, liver and kidney failure, mental-health complications, and more. Almost a quarter of hormone-therapy patients on high-dose anabolic steroids (such as the testosterone taken by female-to-male transitioners) exhibit major mood-syndrome symptoms. Between three and 12 percent go on to develop symptoms of psychosis. Gender Dysphoria has an 82% success rate when it's treated with talk therapy. 82% come out the other end released from the grasp of GD with talk therapy. Guess what? In the US due to the TREVOR project and C6 in Canada? They are currently making another thing other than instant and immediate medical transition illegal. "What makes you feel like you are transgender?" LUPRON - X Drug - Puberty Blockers Gender Dangerious - The Cass Report-Report-independent review of gender care outcomes, dr hilary cass Finds Tavistock Gender clinical unsuitable and dangerous Drug used to halt puberty in children may cause lasting health problems Grooming & Indoctrination - teachers recruiting and grooming kids By puberty, the majority of child-onset GD sufferers cease to want to transition - 2018 New Slow Waking Gender Curriculum - NYC grooms children into gender Guidance to School Districts for Creating a Safe and Supportive School Environment For Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students JULY 2015 Your children can get hormones without your consent! Are children being bullied into being trans? Schools are not fulfilling their duty of care to vulnerable children Team Member Name Job Title To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Team Member Name Job Title To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Team Member Name Job Title To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More W arning Real Images of Real Children Watch If You Dare The Realities of Medically Transitioning Children ​ Press Play If You Dare To Know The Truth! C hildren have become a target for the NEW LGBTQ+ & Gay/Lesbians & Trans are are trying to warn parents to #SCREAMLouder 'Leave our children ALONE!' O rganizations like 'The Trevor Project' have gone from an LGBTQ+ youth organization funding raising 1 million dollars a year to over 67 million in 2022. see video below SHOCKING T he TREVOR Project focuses on educating your children and educators in the US. T o date this org has 22 thousands people employed and volunteered teach your children about sexuality and gender ideology whether you like it or NOT! on children within the RAINBOW! O ver two dozen children's hospitals in the United States are actively investing in advertising campaigns to promote a specific surgery to children. Parents Need To Get Involved & Tell The LGBTQ+ To Get AWAY From Kids! It's NOT BITGOTRY to protect kids! The New L G B T Q + ? IS A REQRUITING AGENCY! SCREAM lOUDER...... Is infiltrating school systems. Your child's gender-confused is everyone's business but their parents' business. Currently, around the world, gender-confused kids are being ripped from their parents to begin medical transition! ​ ​Every child convinced they are trans in childhood represents 1.3 million dollars to pharma within their lifetime. This number doesn't include surgeries or complications, and they are vast! ​Being trans is nothing to promote . Do we deserve respect for our choice to transition medically? Yes, but that respect doesn't include recruiting children to make us feel better about our own decision! Yes, medical transition is a decision; it's plastic surgery. ​ 12 Leading Complications-Medical Transing Kids-USA Estimate Of Money Generated-312 Million A Year! THE NEWLGBTQ+ Is A Dangerous Recruiting Agency & It's Not Bigotry To State The Truth. ​ Us the the LGBTQ? We have nothing to sell... We are a soft place to fall for adults... No Kids ... No Religion In Schools? ​ No LG BTQ! New LGBTQ+ ​ Get Away From Kids. 50 years ago, we within the LGBT Fought For Righteous Rights! The rights to work, love, and live without fear! We achieved these rights by helping society understand we were not a recruiting agency for children, just a soft place to fall for adults and adults only!

  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

    ADULT Better TM BIOGRAPHY Transman Scott Newgent ​ Activist, Public Speaker, Author, Writer, Transgender Health Specialist & Mother of Three Motivational Speaker, Transgender Health Educator, Writer, Blogger, Social Media Influencer & All Around Powerhouse With The Tools To Actually Change Hearts & Minds Short Bio Hi! I am Scott At a turning point in my life, I found myself ready to abandon trying to conform to society's expectations. It had never been something I excelled at nor desired, and now I was on the verge of embracing my uniqueness. But then, the transgender movement gained momentum with Caitlyn Jenner's public coming out and Jazz Jennings' rise to fame on reality TV. Suddenly, there was a glimmer of hope that maybe I could find acceptance too - as a confident and assertive lesbian woman trapped in the wrong body. ​ ​ The dream of fitting in was enticing and so I embarked on my own journey of medical transition. ​ After ten years, seven invasive surgeries, a persistent bacterial infection lasting 17 months, 15 hospital stays, an additional seven procedures, a heart attack induced by anxiety, severe pulmonary embolism and sepsis, a disabled arm, a botched surgery below the waist, and the loss of everything I had ever strived for - I lifted my gaze from the brink of mortality, PTSD, and much more. In that moment, I recognized the glaring misdirection within the medical community when it comes to transitioning children. This realization sparked a fiery mission within me to confront and expose any politician, doctor, or celebrity who perpetuates the falsehood that these transitions are life-saving. The truth is starkly different - medical transitions can have a devastating impact on one's life, not life saving but life taking! www Email: Long Bio Hi! I am Scott To sell an idea is an art. ​ To manipulate millions of people takes remarkable cunning and finesse. ​ A dangerous ideology is twisting children's minds, damaging their souls, and butchering their bodies with a risky and experimental medical process that does not cure what ails these children. Instead, it exacerbates mental illness and causes severe and irreversible health issues. Yet society cheers this on, leading over 300,000 children in the US alone to believe they need to medically "transition." As a result, pharmaceutical companies, "gender" surgeons, and others stand to gain over 500 billion dollars — and that's just for this round of kids. The medicalization of gender-confused children takes advantage of our collective concern for children's well-being and our culture's commitment to civil rights — specifically, what's now called "LGBTQ+" rights. ​ In a time of clickbait, an addiction to outrage, and the dissemination of misinformation on social media, the magic, "Would you rather have a trans son or a dead daughter?" has cast a spell on the country. The puzzle is, why? The process known as "medical transition" almost killed me. My struggle to survive, along with my background in sales, my relentless nature, and my personal experience of being manipulated by ideologically driven psychological professionals and unscrupulous doctors, has given me the ability to see all the pieces of the puzzle finally. I pull the pieces together in a raw, true story of survival against all odds —exposing the deliberate misinformation and back-room deals that continue to lead decent people to the naive belief that they are saving children when they are doing just the opposite. The why? My speech will answer the unanswerable to 99%. Why am I willing to speak out? To be targeted, harassed, and threatened by violent, dangerous, and immoral activists? To save other people's children — and to be here for mine. I am a fifty-year-old transman who began the medical transitioning process at forty-two. My initial investigation into the realities of medical transition was filled with what I call 'Glitter Bombs & Unicorn Farts." The process seemed simple and life-saving, making me fit; all the galaxies joined with nodding medical professionals everywhere I turned. I found it! The magical cure to why I never fit in anywhere. At forty-two, I was unable to resist the allure. But soon after I began the process, I learned the truth in a battle to save my life. The battle included a pulmonary embolism, stress-induced heart attack, sepsis surgery, failed arm reconstructive surgery, seventeen months of a recurring bacteria infection, over thirty rounds of antibiotics, one month of IV antibiotics, seven surgeries, dozens of ER visits, and hospitalizations, failed bottom surgery and reoccurring infections to this day that will someday not clear up with antibiotics due to overuse and could lead to my early death and over one million dollars in medical complications! What is the truth that I spoke of? ​ The process of medical transition is often perceived as experimental and hazardous, offering no real cure but rather influencing mental health. These are not mere opinions, they stand as facts irrespective of personal sentiments. It's vital to understand that medical transition primarily involves cosmetic surgery; while it might provide a sense of relief for some, the majority are left unaffected! Yet, advocating its life-saving capabilities results in a whopping 1.3 million dollars spent on synthetic hormones for every child led to believe they were born in the wrong body. My website serves as a reservoir of articles and studies from around the globe that are otherwise hard to locate online. It aims to equip you with essential information to dissect these facts and uncover the truth! I've devoted my existence to disseminating this truth amongst parents globally. My journey as an activist commenced nearly half a decade ago when I assisted in drafting the inaugural state bill prohibiting childhood medical transitioning in South Dakota - a bill that nine states have adopted this year. My first article discussing the adverse effects of medical transition was published in reputable platforms like Newsweek and Quilette. I traverse continents, delivering speeches and providing legal assistance at supreme courts in Australia and even at the Parliament in the UK; my contributions extend to documentaries such as Matt Walsh's 'What is a Woman' where I share my experiences openly on podcasts with an aim to safeguard your children. Few possess all the pieces required to comprehend this complex puzzle of truth but rest assured, I am one who does, dedicated wholeheartedly towards enlightening individuals like yourself. In pursuit of this mission, I've sacrificed my thriving career in business sales, forfeiting my home, car, and career - investing everything I ever earned into this cause while seldom receiving any payment for appearances. This initiative is solely funded through donations coupled with my burning passion as a mother myself. As a woman who has carried life within her and experienced reality firsthand, how could I not dedicate my life to this cause, striving to influence hearts and minds! www Email:

  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

    Privacy Policy P rotecting your private information is our priority. This Statement of Privacy applies to and TReVoices and governs data collection and usage. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, unless otherwise noted, all references to TReVoices include . The TReVoices website is a LGBT - Politics site. By using the TReVoices website, you consent to the data practices described in this statement. Collection of your Personal Information In order to better provide you with products and services offered on our Site, TReVoices may collect personally identifiable information, such as your: First and Last Name Mailing Address E-mail Address Phone Number If you purchase TReVoices's products and services, we collect billing and credit card information. This information is used to complete the purchase transaction. 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  • Eden - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic.Trans Woman

    Get to know trans people, the real trans living day to day, what they believe, and how they feel. You will find that most older trans people believe what is happening to kids, and transgender ideology is hurtful. The media leaders you currently see do not represent most trans people. Reality Is Not Bigotry < Back Trans Woman Eden Walker - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic. TReVoices Posts: The Hybrid Athlete - A Transwoman Athlete Breaks It Down, by Eden Walker

  • Fionne - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic.Trans Woman

    Get to know trans people, the real trans living day to day, what they believe, and how they feel. You will find that most older trans people believe what is happening to kids, and transgender ideology is hurtful. The media leaders you currently see do not represent most trans people. Reality Is Not Bigotry < Back Trans Woman Fionne Orlander - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic. Fionne Orlander is a British transwoman who finds themselves at odds with the trans ideology & activism that represents that supposedly represents them. (Fionne’s choice of pronouns.) Despite a more controversial stance, Fionne is a rare and charming breath of air on Twitter, and her common sense and politeness might be what earned her a public invitation to go for a drink with JK Rowling. We talked about realising they were trans, what it means to them, being an outlier in the trans community, surviving hostile social media, and why we are all standing in the ruins of gender. Find Fionne on Twitter: Fionne’s freethinking recommendation is an article by Miranda Yardley which imagines society without gender: Originally On: Laura Dodsworth Twitter <----You have to follow Fionne she's is funny as hell

  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

    Donations are used for travel, organizing events, website maintenance, security and much more... We are up against Goliath, with on souls on fire . . . Help STOP The Travesty Of Childhood Medical Transition We are fighting the most significant medical scandals in modern history, and your support can make a real difference. Your help can save children's lives. ​ The truth is that medical transition for gender-confused children is experimental, dangerous, and ineffective. It not only causes significant health issues but also worsens their mental well-being. These are undeniable facts that need to be brought to light. (See Facts & Study Page) ​ Unfortunately, mainstream media is censored, and society continues to believe that gender ideology is solely about human rights. The reality is that every child they convince to transition yields substantial financial profit, with synthetic hormones alone amounting to over 1.3 million dollars in a lifetime. This doesn't even account for the expenses of surgeries and potential complications, which are extensive. Disturbingly, puberty blockers prescribed to children generate eight times more profit and cause the most long-term damage. ​ We are in a battle for the lives of these children, and we are determined to make a difference. Our organization, Trans Regretters is #SCREAMINGLouder to STOP childhood medical transition, is dedicated to STOPPING, 100% stop for all children worldwide because all kids matter - Not creating change but rather saving lives. We share robust, factual information and real-life stories to break free from societal subtribes and echo chambers. ​ Now is a critical moment as innocent children continue to be subjected to unnecessary procedures. Our relentless pursuit aims to put an end to the suffering caused by childhood medical transition. Every contribution we receive brings us closer to saving a child's life. Every child deserves a safe and nurturing environment to grow and thrive. I know firsthand the love and devotion a parent feels towards their child, and this deep sense of care drives me to speak out and make a difference. I am confident that you share the same sentiments regarding your children. Our society cannot turn a blind eye to such injustice. If we fail to protect our children, we risk losing our way as a compassionate and responsible community. ​ Together, we can make a meaningful impact and ensure the safety of these vulnerable children. Your invaluable support and involvement can create a better tomorrow for them. By educating ourselves, raising awareness, and advocating for policy changes, we can create a society that prioritizes the protection and well-being of all children. ​ Please join me in this important cause. Let us unite in our efforts to safeguard the rights and dignity of these innocent lives. Together, we can ensure that they have the chance to grow up and fulfil their potential. ​ If you have any questions about how you can contribute or are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please get in touch with us at . ​ All my love and all my passion, I #SCREAMLouder 'STOP Transing Kids!' -Trans Regretter Scott Newgent $25 $50 $100 $250 $500 $Other paypal VENMO

  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

    A trans regretter is a person who has gone through the process of medical transition and experienced deep regret with their decision. This regret may manifest in varying degrees, from full remorse to just a part of the overall experience. Unfortunately, the stories that are currently prominent in society depict individuals who are either completely satisfied with their transition or filled with complete regret. However, the reality is that most people have some level of regret when it comes to medical transitioning, yet the mental health and medical industries often fail to acknowledge this truth. The untold stories of those who struggle with their decisions after transitioning are not being given a voice, creating a limited and misleading narrative surrounding this complex issue. Currently Booking Trans Regretters. Looking for Testimonials to Support Legislation Against the Harmful Effects of Childhood Medical Transition? Are You Advocating Against the Recruitment of Children by the New LGBTQ+ Movement? It's Time to Hear the Voices of Trans Regretters! C omprehending the rationale is essential to learning. what a disaster gender ideology is! We Change Hearts & Minds! Last name First name Email Company Phone Select a date Type of Event Choose an option Tell us about the event I want to subscribe to the newsletter. Request Trans Regretter . Faith, also known as Alex, was born a girl but faced constant struggles with her mental and physical health. She discovered the concept of "transgenderism" online and was prescribed hormones, including puberty blockers and testosterone, at the age of 16. However, doctors ignored her concerns and pushed forward with the surgery. At 21, she stopped taking testosterone, causing permanent changes in her voice and facial hair. COVID-19 caused a shortage of medical supplies, making it difficult to get replacement doses. At 21, she stopped taking testosterone altogether. The lack of oversight highlights the need for better regulations and safety measures for those seeking gender confirmation treatment. The issue should not be a complicated or controversial topic, but children should be allowed to be children and adults should have access to mental health support before considering any surgical interventions.

  • TReVoices - Parents/Detrans

    TReVoices Is The Leading Org Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition World Wide! ​ Led by transman/lesbian Scott Newgent, our relentless SCREAMING to 'STOP Medically Transitioning Children' has been and continues to be heard everyday World - Wide! Make sure we can continue - We Need Your Help - Donate Today. Button Lift The Veil. Parents Get Busy & Learn Why 'Medical Transition Is Not Place For a child.' Sincerely, TReVoices & Everyone Else < Back Halley Morgan Original Article An Army Of Moms ​ An Army of Moms; 5 Things I Learned from the Frontlines of the Transgender Resistance An Army of Moms: 5 Things I Learned from the Frontlines of the Transgender Resistance Halley Morgan A few months ago, I joined a small group of parents of transgender kids. It has grown from a half dozen or so to more than eighty members and is still growing. The group is well-educated, highly intelligent, successful and caring. Supporting each other, using our significant skills in the areas of research, teaching, the law and medicine, and consulting with experts from around the globe, we are now an army of trans-realists with an artillery of science. My son, 16, told me he was transgender two years ago, but it did not make sense to me based on everything I had seen in him from birth. Now, it makes complete sense to me. More on that later. When I joined the group, I was struggling to figure out if being transgender was like being gay — which would merit total acceptance — or being anorexic, which my daughter suffered from at his age. He was not happy with his body, and was extremely anxious — so I saw similarities between the two. You may find that comparison offensive. But keep reading, and then tell me I’m wrong. Here’s what I’ve learned: 1. Trans-Realists Are Not “Transphobes” When I joined, I worried the group would be religious right and faith based. If it were, I would have silently exited. My worries were completely unfounded. We have political views from the right to the left. Among us are Catholics, Protestants, Jews, a Buddhist, and atheists like me too. There are various points of view in the group (as there should be) but the focus of the group is on scientific evidence to debunk the theory that the affirmation of transgender youth is always merited and to fight against the medicalization of those under 25. The other focus is to support each other. This isn’t always easy: it’s mentally challenging and lonely when you are not accepting the status quo presented by the transgender activists. We are from all over the country, and a few from overseas: we now have members from Florida, Texas, Ohio, Massachusetts, Illinois, Oregon, California, Australia, Canada, Sweden, England and Wales and more. Among us are gay couples, straight couples, divorced moms and dads. We have Ivy League degrees and the money and resources to start getting our voices heard. While we do not agree about everything, we are bound together by the knowledge that something has gone terribly wrong in the treatment of transgender youth presenting with gender dysphoria. It should not matter but I’d be considered on the “left.” I donated to Planned Parenthood (until they started these treatments), and to the ACLU too. Never again. The horrific reality of the medicalization of the spiking number of transgender youth is something that is much easier swept under the rug by a society that puts she/her/hers on email signatures — as if pronouns make the person. That said, if you are transgender, I support you and your legal rights 100% and your equal (actually more) protection under the law. While you may see it differently, not supporting medicalization of youth does not mean I do not value and support transgender individuals. 2. The State of Transgender Care is Much Worse than I Thought Being part of the group exposed me to the horrific reality of the skyrocketing number of transgender youths. Our kids have attended both private and public secondary schools, which “affirm” different names and pronouns for our kids without our permission — and sometimes without our knowledge. And yet giving them a Tylenol requires our consent. We all heard the same story from our boys, none of whom showed any signs of being transgender before. I’ve always known it. If you don’t affirm me, I’ll be taken away from you. Or I’ll commit suicide. We are constantly told by health professionals justifying putting our kids on experimental treatments that our kids will kill themselves if they do not transition but “do this or I will kill myself” is abusive logic and is generally not TRUE. There is no robust, high quality evidence that medically transitioning improves life satisfaction long term. Some studies show many who do transition have poor outcomes and a high risk of suicide. The stability of a self-reported transgender identity or a gender identity that departs from the traditional male-female binary among non-clinic-based populations remains unknown and requires further study. When my son “came out” as transgender, I was pressured to put him on puberty blockers to “give him time to decide.” I am so grateful I said no. These puberty blockers (Lupron, Triptodur) are experimental, are prescribed off label, cost thousands of dollars per month and have significant side effects such as stunted growth, lower density bones, and weaker tooth enamel. I knew I was not going to help my son change his body based on feelings that could change, but I did not know how bad things were. At 18, things get worse: hormone therapy, removal of testicles, breast implants, and converting penises into neo-vaginas. And, of course, giving up the ability to father a biological child in the natural way, and never having orgasms. For several moms in the group, their sons went off to colleges at prestigious colleges and universities and ended up getting prescribed hormones from student health centers practically as soon as they arrived with no meaningful medical evaluation. Another parent’s son — who has cancer and who lost his mom to cancer — went off to college at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Despite being treated for cancer, the son’s self-diagnosis of gender dysphoria was met at the RIT student health center with, of course, immediate affirmation that he is indeed transgender and a referral to the University of Rochester Medical Center for hormone treatment. Luckily, his son’s oncologist stopped this, but the parent’s meetings with school medical professionals about this madness ended with the parent being admonished, saying he should fully support his son’s new gender identity. University administrators and the heads of their medical centers are completely complicit in the medicalization of their students. The safety and effectiveness of hormone treatment has not been demonstrated. Some hormonal dangers, e.g., to heart and fertility, are already known, but long term risks are unstudied. 3. Our Kids Are Amazingly Similar We’ve filled out charts of our boys. We found that many suffer from social anxiety and are unsure about their sexuality. Eighty-five percent of our sons are gifted, exceptionally gifted or profoundly gifted (IQ over 160). Fifteen percent have been diagnosed with autism and another 70% have one or more of the following: poor social skills, sensitivity issues and/or poor eye contact. None showed any gender confusion behavior prior to age 12. Many also have sensory overload issues and eating disorders (see above), as well. We have been talking to experts in the field of gender medicine from all over the world. One has told us that his male patients are generally autistic. These young people often see things in black and white. So, if they do not feel right as males, they must be females — paradoxical, given how they claim to reject gender stereotypes. It is circular thinking. When you ask them what being female means, few, if any, can answer. Many explode in anger. Cognitively they are very advanced, but may be relatively emotionally delayed. In puberty (some after growing a foot within a year) they feel bad about their bodies and go seeking answers on the internet and medicalization is presented as the solution to this issue. Social influence should not be dismissed when the spike in those presenting with gender dysphoria is so high. Our sons are white or mixed race, and socioeconomically privileged. It seems that, when you have that privilege, you have more time to ruminate about your gender. 4. Diagnoses are Crazy-Making All of our sons self-diagnosed themselves as having gender dysphoria. They did not show up to receive treatment for mental or physical distress and receive a diagnosis of “gender dysphoria.” Instead, with their self-diagnoses in hand, they show up to the offices of medical professionals. Within a session or two — bam — a “professional” is telling them they have gender dysphoria and depending on age, should start on puberty blockers or hormones. There is no examination of any underlying mental conditions or the distorted thinking that can come with them. Instead, gender dysphoria is given as a cause of the other illnesses rather than a result of them. Looking at the DSM-5 for Gender Dysphoria –many of us would have met the criteria for gender dysphoria during certain periods over the course of our lives. What doesn’t happen — and what, based on the experts I’ve listened to as part of the group should happen — is to deconstruct what they are thinking and feeling. Certainly they would not be there if they were not feeling distressed about their bodies and it is extremely important not to dismiss their feelings. We parents have found it virtually impossible to find any such care. In certain locales (including Australia) any questioning at all of the self-diagnosis of gender dysphoria is seen as conversion therapy. Gender identity is equated with sexual orientation. Transgender is seen as the new gay. But being gay does not involve a lifetime of medicalization. While being transgender is not widely considered an “illness”, gender dysphoria is; and insurance companies, including for those on Medicaid, pay for the expensive “gender-affirming” treatments. An established clinic in Chicago diagnoses “endocrine disorders” for perfectly healthy natal males (trans females) because they do not have estrogen levels like natal females. With that kind of thinking, they might as well be described as having chromosome disorders, too. My son can’t get medical treatment until he is 18 and he says he won’t after. You do not know the relief that gives me. So you may wonder why any of this still matters to me. Well, first, he may change his mind, and second I believe that initial diagnosis of “gender dysphoria” has harmed him in more ways than the therapist will ever know. He has told me that because the therapist said it, it is true and he should continue to use his female name and pronouns and dress, which all in themselves may leave him too embarrassed to desist later even if he wants to. More than that, I’m worried about the sons of my new friends and about all youth who may or may not find this was the right path for them. 5. People Do Regret Transitioning; Lawsuits are Coming We are told no one regrets transitioning. Not only is there no evidence to back that up, the number of detransitioners and desisters is in fact growing, demonstrating a need to re-evaluate the medicalization of transgender youth. I am trying to help two young men seek legal recourse against medical professionals who failed to provide warnings, failed to address other mental health issues, and failed to allow time for them to contemplate such life altering decisions. Instead, transgender activists stood by, telling them exactly what to say to get treatments and how to defeat anything which got in their way — including taking a reasonable amount of time to think about what they wanted. They were both prescribed hormones, had their testicles surgically removed and had breasts implanted in rapid succession. They soon realized that, while their other mental health issues remained, the diagnosis of gender dysphoria was wrong. Insurance paid for the breast implants (costing $20K), they had to pay to have them removed. There are various groups of lawyers from around the country who are readying cases. There is too much money being made from too many people, and we believe one of the only ways to stop this madness is through the law. And lawsuits mean damages. The evidence we’ve presented is dismissed categorically as “transphobic” — even by so-called specialists in the field. Where else would you find that language from “professionals”? So, no matter how many comments calling me a “transphobe” I get here, and no matter how quickly my article may be taken down — the Army of Trans-Realists is growing, and we are going to be heard.

  • TReVoices - Parents/Detrans

    TReVoices Is The Leading Org Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition World Wide! ​ Led by transman/lesbian Scott Newgent, our relentless SCREAMING to 'STOP Medically Transitioning Children' has been and continues to be heard everyday World - Wide! Make sure we can continue - We Need Your Help - Donate Today. Button Lift The Veil. Parents Get Busy & Learn Why 'Medical Transition Is Not Place For a child.' Sincerely, TReVoices & Everyone Else < Back Laura Dodsworth Original Article The Medium ​ The Detransitioners hen I told people I was going to create a photographic series about trans men who wanted to “detransition” and become women again, I was told to expect a backlash. Actually, I was told I would be crucified — look at what happened to JK Rowling recently. At the very least I’d better take a holiday from Twitter. One person told me I should not be focusing on detransitioners when trans people are still struggling for acceptance. But this would be to silence key voices when we should be having an inclusive and nuanced discussion about gender identity, especially at a time when the government is deciding how, or whether, it will reform the Gender Recognition Act 2004. I know trans people for whom social and medical transition has been the best outcome. For many people it can be a positive experience. I fully appreciate that. But it doesn’t work out for everyone, and it is not sustainable, or fair, to silence one community to serve another. The women in my project, who are from the UK and other European countries, have all encountered anger, disbelief and trolling online. Detransition — when someone ceases to identify as transgender and may take steps to reverse their social or medical transition — is a controversial concept. It adds to concerns that children and young people may begin the process of transitioning yet later regret it. In April, the government announced plans to ban under-18s from having gender reassignment surgery. Currently under-18s are allowed surgery only with parental consent. There has been a surge of children, particularly girls, identifying as trans in recent years. In England, 74% of children and young people referred to the Tavistock Gender Identity Clinic are girls. Why this increase among girls? The reason is not yet clear, but Penny Mordaunt, when she was minister for women and equalities, promised an inquiry. This is one reason why I felt drawn to document female detransitioners. I wanted to understand and depict their circular and painful gender journey. For me, the idea of having my breasts, ovaries and womb removed, and then wanting them back, creates a feeling so unnerving that I can’t occupy it for long — that’s why my artistic lens focused on women. I’m not shy of the taboo. I spent five years photographing and interviewing men and women about their breasts, penises and vulvas for my books Bare Reality, Manhood and Womanhood and the film 100 Vaginas. I’ve documented the realities of our bodies and interviewed my subjects extensively about the relationship between sex and gender. In 2018 the Government Equalities Office estimated there were anything from 200,000 to 500,000 trans people in the UK. It is not known how many of those have surgically transitioned. In 2014 there were 172 sex reassignment operations performed on the NHS — double the 83 of a decade earlier. The figures do not take private surgeries into account. There are no accurate figures for the number of people detransitioning. Most of the detransitioners I spoke to never went back to the doctor who performed their original transition, and to all intents and purposes may be considered a success story by their therapist or medical team. Charlie Evans, who set up the Detransition Advocacy Network in the UK, says she has been contacted by hundreds of detransitioners. I spoke to various people with experience in the field — doctors, therapists, nurses, endocrinologists — and while no one wanted to be quoted, off the record they predict this is merely the beginning. I fear that the detransitioned women I interviewed are canaries in the coalmine. Not only for detransitioners, but for womanhood. They all, in some combination, found being a woman too difficult, too dangerous or too disgusting. “I put the problem inside myself,” says one, “when actually it is with how the outside world sees women who don’t conform to feminine norms.” I fear that the detransitioned women I interviewed are canaries in the coalmine. Not only for detransitioners, but for womanhood. They all, in some combination, found being a woman too difficult, too dangerous or too disgusting. “I put the problem inside myself,” says one, “when actually it is with how the outside world sees women who don’t conform to feminine norms.” If you read the stories on the Detrans subreddit online forum, detransition has been a difficult experience for many. How should this be addressed? The women I spoke to said they were all accepted as trans fairly unquestioningly by therapists and doctors. Should the assessment be more thorough and investigative? Does the current “affirmative” treatment model allow the “wrong people” to transition — people for whom simply being a girl, a woman, a lesbian, could have been an acceptable and happy experience? Detransitioners have chosen the salamander as their mascot because of its ability to regenerate organs and limbs. It’s a positive symbol. Though women who fully surgically transitioned will never be able to regenerate or replace their missing organs, it’s not too much to hope that they can feel emotionally and psychologically complete. “I want to work on accepting my body exactly the way it is now,” Ellie, pictured on the cover of this magazine, told me. “This is what should have been encouraged from the beginning.” Sinead, 29*3CtYSKhO1mb1RrXLSl0fdg.jpeg People on Twitter have told me I’m not genuinely trans, that I’m transphobic, or that I am a sock account. There are people who refuse to accept there are a growing number of detransitioners. Some think that just our existence hurts trans people. On the other hand I have found it hard to hear some feminists refer to detransitioned women as mutilated, or say trans women are grotesque, because I have trans friends. I wanted to be a boy when I was younger. From 15 it intensified. I googled “I’m a woman but I wish I was a man” and through the power of the internet I found out about [gender] dysphoria and transition. I had an extreme envy of men and an extreme resentment of myself. I just thought men were better. In a way I had my own strange kind of sexism. A few painful and difficult things have happened to me that I think were behind me wanting to be a man and not be a woman. I know I was not in the wrong, but they are things I can’t talk about publicly. What I know now is that transitioning wasn’t the way to deal with those things. You go to the gender clinic and within a couple of months you’re on testosterone. The psychiatrist said I was trans. I thought if they prescribed me testosterone then I must be trans. Aside from general questions, no one explored if there were other issues or challenged me. I’ve tried to talk about background issues with therapists, but gender dysphoria was seen as the cause of my problems and not a symptom of them. Actually I think my gender issues came out of mental health issues, not the other way around. I felt better when I went out as “Sean”, especially when the testosterone kicked in and my fat redistributed and my voice got deeper. Men stopped looking at me. I thought transitioning was the best thing I had ever done. I was so happy. The fact is, though, I’ve never drunk as much as when I was Sean. I still hated that I was female. I was still depressed. I still had to drink myself blind to forget. Going to the pub as Sean wasn’t enough to counter that, and I had a breakdown. After that I knew I had to deal with the problems. I realised that I wasn’t trans, and I should never have gone down the medical route. When I first detransitioned it was hard to accept that I wasn’t a trans man or a “normal” woman either. These days I’m completely apathetic about the results of the testosterone and the mastectomy scars. I don’t like them, I don’t hate them. And that’s progress. But I still have those dark nights when I sit alone in a room and I think I’m ruined, disfigured and damaged, and I’m not even 30 yet. And then I get better nights when I think it could be worse. I could have got a phalloplasty. I don’t want to be insensitive to other detransitioned women who did get a phalloplasty, but I’m glad I didn’t get one. I don’t like shaving — I didn’t shave when I was Sean — but if I go to the shops now I shave my face and if I’m wearing a V-neck top I shave my chest. I always wear a hat so people can’t see my baldie bit. I’d like to work towards more confidence. Dating is off the table for me, at least for now. I feel like I would have to tell someone about my trans past and that I have been masculinised. I’m in group chats with other detransitioners. I know about 100 detransitioned women myself. But we all know others who aren’t active online or in group chats. The official numbers of detransitioners aren’t collected, they aren’t known at the moment. But I think we are the tip of the iceberg. There will be many of us to come. I wish the psychiatrist at the gender identity clinic [in the UK] had given me a better assessment. Part of me wants to go back to the clinic to look my psychiatrist in the face again, but I know that’s driven by anger. I don’t think they can help me, so there is no point in going back. I want detransitioners to know they are not alone and they can come forward and find other people to talk to. I hope when people see these stories and photographs, they will see that even though we have been changed by testosterone and surgery we are still strong and beautiful, just in a less stereotypical way. We are still women. Ellie, 21 I came out as lesbian to my family in Belgium when I was 15. They were OK with it and I felt quite comfortable dating girls. At some point, though, I started to question myself a lot. I couldn’t picture myself growing up to be a woman. I found a trans organisation in Europe offering psychological appointments, and so I went and told them what was going on in my head. I was surprised by their advice; they only told me about masculinising treatments and surgeries. I think it was a completely different answer to the one I was really looking for, so I came out very confused, but they had planted a seed. I started watching popular videos on YouTube about girls becoming good-looking boys. I began to think that my body would look better if I took testosterone. I set myself a goal of looking male. And that quickly went from being a goal to feeling like a need. By the time I was 16 I had strong [gender] dysphoria. I decided to tell my parents because at that age I couldn’t access treatment without them. To start with they were very supportive, but the next day it was a different story. They both said they accepted me the way I was, and I could present myself any way I wanted, but they would have concerns about my health if I took hormones. My mother told me she was worried I would regret it. I thought she was transphobic. My parents took me to see a psychologist, who told us that I was not trans, otherwise I would have known from the age of about three. He said I should wait till I was 18. I was upset that he discredited me in front of my parents. I convinced my parents to come with me to the trans organisation I had first been to. The doctor they referred us to was completely different. He said why wait till 18, when I would have better results if I started taking testosterone straight away? He said that the effects of taking testosterone were reversible and there was nothing to worry about, which shocked me because I knew this wasn’t always true. [Some of the effects from taking testosterone may not be reversible, depending on how long the hormone is taken.] But I knew this was what my parents needed to hear to agree, so I didn’t say anything. I didn’t foresee the emotional changes of testosterone. It felt like I became numb. I used to cry a lot as a way to relieve my emotions, but I cried only twice in four years on testosterone. I liked the physical changes. I am tall and have always had quite a masculine body, but once I started on testosterone people always read me as male. I started using the boys’ changing rooms at school and changed to the boys’ sports teams. My next goal became a mastectomy because it made me very uncomfortable to be a boy with breasts. I used to play basketball competitively and would train every day. That stopped as soon as I started on testosterone because it would have been considered doping. I hadn’t changed my gender, so officially I couldn’t play with boys either. When I moved to Germany to go to university nobody knew I was trans, people just assumed I was male. I was very quiet about that. And I started playing basketball again, in a male team. Everyone on the team thought I was a guy, but I felt completely out of place. Realising I didn’t really belong in male spaces is part of what drove me to detransition. Playing sport in a male team made it clear that I just don’t have the same socialisation as the men. Women are competitive, but not in the same way as men. It slowly stopped making sense being a guy. I started reading more about feminism and understanding things differently. It’s hard to grow up and not really see other masculine lesbian women. I had put the problem inside myself, when actually it is with how the outside world sees women who don’t conform to feminine norms. I just wanted to be human, neutral, myself. I felt as if the only way I could be myself was to look like a guy. Transition was not the ideal solution, but it did help me. Some detransitioned people want reversal surgery. I’ve realised that the way forward for me is to accept myself as I am now. I will always have an Adam’s apple, and my hands and wrists are probably broader than they would have been because I started on testosterone when I was still growing. I struggle most with my deep voice and my beard. I will always have a beard now. It’s hard that I don’t feel like I belong in female spaces any more. I don’t want to make women feel uncomfortable and be questioned. I use the men’s changing rooms, but I don’t feel comfortable in there either. It sucks. My transition was not necessary, but I don’t want to be regretful. I want to work on accepting my body exactly the way it is now. This is what should have been encouraged from the beginning. Nele, 23 A lot of detransitioners feel very alone in this, so my partner and I are lucky — we have so much in common and we have each other to talk to as we detransition together. Most of all, we love each other. We met when we both trans. At the same time she was reading up on radical feminism, she started to see being trans differently, and her research influenced me too. I realised that my transition was based in unhealthy reasons. I transitioned relatively late, when I was 19. I just didn’t feel like a woman. I had massive dysphoria about my body — I’ve struggled with an eating disorder since I was young — and I knew I was attracted to other women. My breasts started growing when I was nine years old. I had to wear bras, I wasn’t allowed to run around naked in the garden anymore, although my two brothers could. My hips grew, and I didn’t fit on the swing in the playground anymore. Men started looking at my breasts. I experienced a lot of catcalling and men tried to grab me on the streets. My breasts felt like sexy signs I was carrying in front of me that I couldn’t get rid of. To be honest, when I decided to come out as transgender I wasn’t completely sure about it, but I felt like it was what I needed at the time. I knew I couldn’t keep living the same way anymore — it was either stop eating and die, or transition. When I was 18 and moved to university, that was my opportunity. In Germany you are required to have therapy before you transition, and it did help me to feel better and stabilise my life. However, when I started hormones I felt incredibly depressed. I didn’t feel like I could tell anyone in case they said I wasn’t really trans — transition felt like my only solution and I was totally focussed on it as a goal. My parents were very supportive and used my pronouns and name. My detransition is affecting my mother more than I thought it would. I think maybe she’s asking herself why I thought I was trans in the first place and what she might have done wrong, or what influenced me. I considered transition quite carefully. I knew I might be left with a permanently deep voice, and I decided that was something I could live with, even if I changed my mind. I also knew that despite the mastectomy, if I stopped testosterone I would revert to having a female-shaped body because of my hips. My hairline has thinned, and it won’t grow back, but I still have lots of hair. My clitoris is a lot bigger and very visible. I don’t mind, because I think my vulva is one of my good features. It was before, and it still is now. But it can be uncomfortable in some clothes and if I play sport, because my clitoris protrudes beyond my labia. I have vaginal atrophy. I wasn’t warned this could happen. There is nothing on the testosterone packet or prescription that warned me about the gynaecological side effects. No one told me about the clitoris growth or vaginal atrophy. I get random pains, like stitches, in my vagina and vulva. Nothing helps. I am very optimistic though, I hope that now I am not taking testosterone my body will recover and heal and function the way it should again, but we don’t know. Transition gave me hope. The trans community was also really nice, I met like-minded people and didn’t feel alone. Since being public about detransitioning, some of my old friendships have changed. Some have turned their backs on me and won’t talk to me anymore. One told me I am literally on the same level as a Nazi. It’s very black and white thinking. I think should all be able to have different opinions. But I also have trans friends who have been supportive about me detransitioning. My goal was to look thinner, and mastectomy erased my anorexia. Of course I preferred myself without breasts. It also stopped me being seen as a sexual object. But I was treating symptoms, not the causes. I couldn’t change society, but I could change myself, and that’s what I did. It was a kind of short cut for me. Although my political opinions about being trans have changed, the fact is I don’t really regret my transition. I can’t say that having a mastectomy is easy, but it was easier dealing with the problems that come with having breasts. To be honest, I can’t stop being happy that I don’t have breasts. My body is simply me. I don’t see man or woman, I just see me. Lee, 62 I transitioned when I was 44. I thought I’d be a different person as a man, happier and more confident, but my life was still screwed up. I saw a counsellor for five years, which helped me understand why my life has been so complicated. I thought I wanted to be male. But how would I know what it’s like to be a male? I’ve never been one. I can’t be. I’m an approximation of a male on the outside, but really I’m a woman on testosterone who has had surgery. This is just my opinion, and other people can have their views, but I don’t think there is such a thing as being born in the wrong body. I think that the causes often begin in childhood. I see the cause of my transition as being my mother, grandmother and father. My brother was idolised by my mother and grandmother. He was the golden child who could do no wrong, their “little darling”. I was a “little heathen” and a “hussy”; I could do nothing right. My mother was always angry with me and very critical. I spent most of my childhood saying sorry and pleading with her. I hated my body from when I was a child. I thought I was fat. I hated the frilly dresses my mother would put me in. I wanted to wear the same clothes as my brother and have the same haircut as him, but she wouldn’t let me. My body felt like a prison when puberty started. I thought my periods were like a nightmare, it seemed so wrong to have blood coming out of my body. When I was 15 my father got in touch with us after many years. I was pleased to hear from him. He would take my brother and me out and he bought us things — a stereo, clothes — and gave us money. He seemed like the perfect father. He invited us to stay at his house and my mother didn’t want us to go, but wouldn’t say why not. Of course I went anyway. The first evening he raped me. He came in the next morning and he did it again. Afterwards I think I sat in the lavatory for about an hour. It’s like I didn’t know where I was. Later my mother told me how violent he had been. She told me about a time he’d hung me out of the window by my ankle when I was a toddler to scare her. I have a feeling I was sexually abused as a child before she left him. One morning when I was 44 I saw a female-to-male transgender person on television. I’d never seen one before. I thought: “That could be me.” It seemed like it might be the answer. I went to see a gender doctor privately in London. On the first appointment he said, “Let’s not waste any more time,” and injected me with testosterone. It was what I wanted, but I now think it was wrong — what I really needed was psychotherapy. I was screwed up. It was my head that needed help, not my body. I really liked the testosterone. It took a long time to get a beard and body hair, but I built up muscle very quickly. I hated my breasts and couldn’t wait to get rid of them. I know a lot of trans men bind, but I didn’t because you can’t exercise in the gym with a binder, they are very uncomfortable. So I had a mastectomy a couple of months after starting testosterone. Within a couple more years I had a hysterectomy and ovariectomy, prosthetic testicles put in and a metoidioplasty, which is supposed to make your clitoris look like a small penis. In reality mine wasn’t big enough, just quarter of an inch. I ended up having a vaginectomy. Then I had a phalloplasty. They took skin from my arms. The scars are still prominent. It’s a very serious and complicated procedure and I didn’t heal easily. I had to take antibiotics many times. I’ve had a lot of counselling, and I came to this huge realisation that I regretted transition. I wish I could go back to how I was before I saw the gender doctor. I thought I would detransition, but I’ve decided I can’t physically do it. My body can’t take it. I’m not sure I’d survive all the surgeries. I’d be battling my body for the rest of my life. I have to accept my body the way it is now. On the outside people see a little bloke. Inside I’m a traumatised little girl. But I’m more accepting of myself for the first time ever. I just wish I’d been helped to accept myself earlier. Amber, 21 It all happened very easily. I started testosterone when I was 17, I had a mastectomy at 18 and a hysterectomy, including removal of my ovaries, at 20. In my early teens I felt uncomfortable with having a female body. I didn’t like my breasts, hips or face. I didn’t fit in with other girls. When I was 14 I googled, ‘Why do I feel like a boy when I am a girl?’ I came across information about being transgender, and I thought that must be it. I started identifying as a man. It was a difficult time. I dropped out of school and was sent to a therapist. I told him I wanted to be a man. He mostly wanted to talk about why I left school and told me I needed to get out more. He wasn’t quick to accept the idea I was a trans man. But as he wasn’t getting anywhere with me I think he gave up and decided to help me transition. He referred me to an endocrinologist. I was excited when I started taking testosterone because I thought it would make me feel better. Unfortunately it didn’t. I was mentally unstable, but I don’t know if I would have been anyway, or if that was because of the hormones. I still didn’t like my body, so I went to a plastic surgeon and had a double mastectomy privately. There was no therapy before the mastectomy, I just did it. I had wanted to be flat so much, but I thought I looked terrible afterwards. I have huge scars and the nipples are in the wrong place. Despite being on testosterone, a couple of years later my periods started again. They weren’t painful but I thought that they were gross and I didn’t want to live with them. They felt like a burden. My endocrinologist recommended that I could get a hysterectomy to stop my periods. I was referred to a gynaecologist and within a couple of months I had surgery to remove my uterus and ovaries. I felt good about the hysterectomy because I wouldn’t have periods anymore, but at the same time something felt wrong, and I didn’t know why. Around July last year I realised I still felt uncomfortable with my body. I researched online again, and found other detransitioners. In the end, what finally helped me to accept my body and realise I am a woman, was understanding that there were other women who were like me; they’d had similar life experiences to me. The reason I dropped out of school, the reason I was so unhappy, was because when I was 11 I was sexually abused. Looking back, I think that’s when I started being really uncomfortable with my breasts. I also found porn at around the same age. It was mainly lesbian porn, which made me feel like being a lesbian was something that appeals to men and that women were just sex objects. At a time when I was coming to understand I was a lesbian, the porn made me think it was something deviant, a fetish. I realise now I became disconnected from my body. I identified as a man because I wanted people to see me as a person, not as a sexual object. I saw a man as a person and a woman as a sexual object. Perhaps if there were no sexism and homophobia in the world, no one would need to change their body? When I thought I was trans I don’t think anything could have changed my mind, but the therapy I had was useless. The therapist never brought up trauma, abuse, my sexuality, or anything. I didn’t bring it up either, but I wasn’t thinking about it, I just wanted to transition to feel better. Dropping out of school, the therapy, identifying as trans, none of it addressed my real problems. I’m OK with being a lesbian now, I guess. I have recently met other detransitioned women. It’s a relief to feel normal around them. I feel self-conscious around other people because of my chest. I feel ashamed of how my body is. I have lost the most female parts of my body. I think I look weird and feel like a sexless monster. I want revision surgery. I want to change where the nipples are or remove them. I also hate that I have to take artificial hormones forever, which of course has side effects and health risks. For me, transition was a kind of self harm. I was trying to destroy the person I was. Thomasin, 20 I was a trans man for 2½ years. When I think of growing up, everything was pink or blue. I played with Barbie and pink stuff because that’s what I was given. I probably would have played with my brother’s Hot Wheels toy cars if I’d felt there was a choice. Overnight, when I was 13, all the girls started wearing make-up. I tried to fit in, but I didn’t really want to. I felt like I had gone wrong compared with all the other girls. I knew I didn’t feel attracted to boys sexually and it was obvious I felt different to other girls. I went online and found the term “asexual” on Tumblr. At school we’d been taught about being gay, but I don’t remember the term lesbian ever coming up. I thought that if I didn’t fancy boys then I must be asexual. I recently found one of my first Tumblr posts, which went along the lines of: “I don’t like wearing dresses like other girls, I don’t want to put make-up on, could I be agender?” I applied how I felt about sexuality to gender: I don’t fancy boys so I must be asexual; I don’t feel like girls so I must be agender. I soon felt confused by agender and non-binary, and I thought it would be easier to say I was a boy and decided I was transgender. I joined some transgender groups on Facebook. Some older trans people started messaging with me, which, in hindsight, was pretty ropey. I had just turned 16 and one person I was talking to was a man who identified as a trans woman in his forties. I don’t think it was OK that he talked to a 16-year-old girl the way he did. If I’d tell him I had doubts about being trans, he’d say doubts are normal and I should ignore them. When I was 16 I decided to come out publicly as trans. I gave my parents a letter one morning on my way to school, basically saying you know me as your daughter but I am your son, Percey, and I need this to survive. Don’t get the wrong idea about them, but they went off the handle. My dad took it quite badly because he felt like he was losing his daughter. He asked why I thought I was a man. I think it’s interesting now that I couldn’t give him an answer. They did some research online and read that it was best to let me transition and support me. So they helped me to get referred to a gender identity clinic in the UK. Online there is a lot of advice about how to behave in your meeting at the gender identity clinic so you’ll get what you want. With a lot of pushing I got referred to an adult gender clinic because I wanted hormones and a mastectomy. However, by my second appointment I decided I didn’t want hormones at all. At the time I was saying I didn’t need hormones to be a man, but I think I was scared. I always had doubts about being a trans man. But either someone would say it’s normal to have doubts, or I would tell myself that. I still wanted a mastectomy — wanting not to have breasts never changed — but I went back to being non-binary. I also still wanted a hysterectomy. I have really bad cycles, on-the-floor-in-pain kind of stuff. I need time off every month. Honestly, I think the fact that I hate my periods is part of why I felt I was trans. I was told I could be waiting for months. I’m grateful now that I didn’t have the mastectomy, but at the time I was self-harming and felt terrible. I can’t explain why I changed my mind about being trans, but kind of overnight when I was 18 I realised I may want kids. I don’t know what to put it down to — except maybe age and maturity. I started seeing holes in me being trans. I started questioning everything again. Then some unexpected words came out of my mouth: “I need to accept womanhood.” It was so strange because I couldn’t say the word woman before — it used to make me feel ill, but it just changed. A lot of people have said to me I was never trans. Well, I was. I was seen by my GP, the gender identity clinic — people accepted it, I changed my passport, all my documentation. I feel better about my body as a woman than I used to. But I can’t turn around a lifetime of feelings in one year. I accept my breasts now. I used to only be able to shower or bath once a month when I was trans because I hated my body so much. I do it every day now and that’s an improvement! I’ve accepted that I like women. I get that there are people with serious gender dysphoria, but I think the biggest reason that women are transitioning is because they can’t accept they are lesbians. I got the “Valid” tattoo when I was non-binary to say I know myself best, I’m valid. I know other detransitioned women regret surgery choices and they have all my respect for everything they have gone through, but I’m glad the tattoo is the worst thing I came out of this with. I’d like to think it’s technically still applicable: I’ve accepted I am “valid” as a woman. The Detransitioners was originally published by The Sunday Times on 12th July 2020. Amber and Nele’s photographs and stories are published here for the first time. Edited 19th August 2020 to remove one photograph and story. Photographs and words by Laura Dodsworth

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back Trans activist: Serious concern over child reassignment surgery​ By, Scott Newgent Australia At a recent gathering, a daughter’s friend told us, “I’m probably trans because I don’t like female puberty.” “REDDIT SAYS I’M PROBABLY TRANS” This instantly got my attention, because I have known this child for years, and I never saw any indication of her being trans. I innocently asked her why she would say that. She replied, “I don’t like my boobs growing, and Reddit says I’m probably trans.” That night, I tracked down these Reddit exchanges, and my jaw dropped when I saw how many people and organisations were heavily pushing the possibility of her being trans. But perhaps I shouldn’t have been surprised, given the way such attitudes have gone mainstream. For kids Googling this subject, the overall effect is the equivalent of one big glitter bomb going off on their screen. Reddit and other online forums contain radical subcultures of ‘internet experts’ giving unwise advice and suggestive behaviour to young children who access the site. Such behaviour includes radical left and right wing ideologies, conspiracy groups as well as online grooming. In the case of the LGBT community there is often strong peer pressure for young children to modify their bodies including pushing the possibility of children being trans and encouraging them to undergo surgery. PHOTO: Reddit I write all this as a transman who transitioned five years ago and also a parent. Though I admire the good intentions of parents who seek to support their children, I have serious concerns about reckless acquiescence to a child’s Internet-mediated self-diagnosis. I HAVE SERIOUS CONCERNS ABOUT RECKLESS ACQUIESCENCE TO A CHILD’S INTERNET-MEDIATED SELF-DIAGNOSIS Many older transgender people share these concerns, too. In many cases, we are people who have been quietly going about our lives in society for years, anonymously sharing shops, offices, elevators, and footpaths with everyone else, without making a big deal of our identity or proselytising to others. We like it that way. That one comment by my daughter’s friend caused me to investigate the organisations that purport to advocate on behalf of the trans community. Innocent children who are still developing their identity are being groomed by ideologues to fashion themselves in harmful ways. In the case of the trans community this can mean children believing they need to undergo life-changing surgery under the suggestive influence of others I found that they typically push an approach based on quickly and enthusiastically affirming any indication of gender dysphoria. As someone who is trans myself, I know that this is the wrong approach. Yes, some children who say they are trans really will need to transition one day, because they have a lifelong condition. But parents who automatically assume that this is the case with their child aren’t necessarily following the child’s best interests. Transgenderism is a severe internal condition that causes you to want to become the opposite sex. Medical transition, such as the kind I went through, can enhance an illusion that helps some gender dysphoric individuals navigate the world with more comfort. It did for me, and it was the right path for me to choose. WE NOW HAVE THOUSANDS OF NAÏVE PARENTS WALKING THEIR CHILDREN INTO GENDER-TREATMENT CENTRES, OFTEN BASED ON INTERNET-PEDDLED NARRATIVES I wasn’t “born in the wrong body.” I was born female. But I didn’t like it. So I changed my appearance, at significant monetary, psychological, and physical cost. My sex never changed. Anyone going through this is in store for a brutal process. Yet we now have thousands of naïve parents walking their children into gender-treatment centres, often based on Internet-peddled narratives that present the transition experience through a gauzy rainbow lens. Many transition therapies are still in an experimental phase—as you will learn if you become sick during or after these treatments. MEDICAL EXPENSES EXCEEDED $900,000 During my own transition, I had seven surgeries. I also had a massive pulmonary embolism, a helicopter life-flight ride, an emergency ambulance ride, a stress-induced heart attack, sepsis, a 17-month recurring infection due to using the wrong skin during a (failed) phalloplasty, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, the loss of all my hair, (only partially successful) arm reconstructive surgery, permanent lung and heart damage, a cut bladder, insomnia-induced hallucinations—oh and frequent loss of consciousness due to pain from the hair on the inside of my urethra. All this led to a form of PTSD that made me a prisoner in my apartment for a year. Between me and my insurance company, medical expenses exceeded $900,000. Gender re-assignment surgery is a costly and dangerous procedure often costing hundreds of thousands of dollars and leaving patients with life-altering changes to their body that they may later regret: Pixabay During these 17 months of agony, I couldn’t get a urologist to help me. They didn’t feel comfortable taking me on as a patient—since the phalloplasty, like much of the transition process, is experimental. Whenever you question the maximalist activist line on trans affirmation, you are directed to The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (or WPATH) as a reference. But much of what you find there consists of vague phrases such as “up to doctor’s discretion.” Several lawyers suggested I had a slam-dunk medical-malpractice case—until they realised that trans health doesn’t really have a justiciable baseline. As a result, treatment often is subpar, as I have experienced first-hand. WE DON’T YET KNOW ITS LONG-TERM EFFECTS Lupron, the hormone blocker some doctors seem intent on giving to kids like Tylenol, isn’t even FDA-approved to treat children with gender dysphoria. (In 2001, the manufacturer pled guilty to fraudulent sales practices with regard to its marketing as a prostate-cancer drug and deemed a criminal enterprise by the USA Government.) “Children who claim to be trans are typically receiving such drugs at a pivotal time in the development of brains and bones. They’ve become a generation of guinea pigs, to answer such questions as: What will happen to a biological boy who takes sex hormones associated with the opposite sex (or vice versa), and grows up without the benefit of natural puberty?” writes Scott Newgent We don’t yet know its long-term effects off-label, despite the fact parents have been assured that its effects are safe and even reversible. Here is what we do know: the long-term use of synthetic hormone therapy shortens lives. Specifically, these medications are associated with an increased risk of heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, bone damage, liver and kidney failure, mental-health complications, and more. BETWEEN THREE AND 12 PER CENT GO ON TO DEVELOP SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHOSIS. Almost a quarter of hormone-therapy patients on high-dose anabolic steroids exhibit major mood-syndrome symptoms. Between three and 12 per cent go on to develop symptoms of psychosis. Photo of nonbinary 10 year old. Many children who are made to feel unsure about their identity are often pressured by adult forces against their natural inclinations. Children who claim to be trans are typically receiving such drugs at a pivotal time in the development of brains and bones. They’ve become a generation of guinea pigs, to answer such questions as: What will happen to a biological boy who takes sex hormones associated with the opposite sex (or vice versa), and grows up without the benefit of natural puberty? What happens to a male body on estrogen over the long term? No one knows. KIDS WHO ARE SUICIDAL BEFORE THEIR TRANSITION WILL LIKELY CONTINUE TO BE SUICIDAL, AND THE MOST INTENSE IDEATION OFTEN COMES YEARS AFTER TRANSITIONING In regard to the emotional effects of transition, many activists will refer you to a 2018 Pediatrics journal article entitled Transgender Adolescent Suicide Behaviour. But the study reported therein was based on just three years of data—collected between 2012 and 2015. What matters is the long term. And in this regard, the gold standard is a study of 324 medically transitioned adults, based on 30-year longitudinal data. The authors found that completing sex-reassignment surgery was associated with “considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity” as compared to the general population. Kids who are suicidal before their transition will likely continue to be suicidal, and the most intense ideation often comes years after transitioning. (Transgender folks themselves sometimes speak anecdotally of a seven-to-10-year trans suicide “itch” observed within the community.) Death from any cause as a function of time after sex reassignment among 324 transsexual persons in Sweden. Source: NCBI. None of this is information that radicalised trans activists seek to publicise. In 2019, they trumpeted an article entitled Reduction in Mental Health Treatment Utilisation Among Transgender Individuals After Gender-Affirming Surgeries, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, which purported to show the benefits of transition. When the same authors came back in August 2020 to admit that their data actually didn’t show any significant benefit from transition, few bothered to report the correction. I have observed that when any argument is raised against a policy of no-questions-asked affirmation, activists seek to pre-empt discussion of the actual data by instead summoning up the spectre of suicide—some version of “I would rather have a live daughter than a dead son.” Terrified parents are made to feel as if any expression of concern or skepticism is a gateway to the grave. It’s a passive aggressive form of emotional terrorism. MEDICAL TRANSITION IS FOR ADULTS From my own experience, and from countless conversations with my transgender friends, I can report that most of us regret at least some—though maybe not all—parts of our transition. Even for those who transition successfully, finding peace has stages and takes time. At first, everything is new and exciting. Then, as the years go on, reality sets in, and you have to face up to the reality of biological sex, not to mention the health issues. This is not a life of glitter bombs. The UK seems to be further ahead than North America in coming to understand that treatment decisions are happening too fast. The National Health Service (NHS) recently changed its stance on medically transitioning children, from presumed approval to a more cautious approach, even warning parents (accurately) that it is “not known whether hormone blockers affect the development of the teenage brain or children’s bones.” The NHS also notes that “most treatments offered at this stage are psychological rather than medical. This is because in many cases gender variant behaviour or feelings disappear as children reach puberty.” Perhaps the law suits are causing people to wake up. IT’S BETTER TO ERR ON THE SIDE ON DISCRETION, AND LEAVE LIFE-ALTERING DECISIONS TO ADULTS As someone who has experienced medical transition first-hand, I am convinced that it’s better to err on the side on discretion, and leave life-altering decisions to adults who have the benefit of a fully developed brain. The next time a child comes to me for advice on their gender dysphoria, here’s what I’d tell them: “There are people who need to medically transition to walk peacefully through their lives, and you, kiddo, might be that person. But, right now, you are a child, and your body is developing everything you need to be a healthy, happy, strong adult. When you grow up, you get to decide about your life.” Scott’s Advice for parents, are that they should err on the side of caution and refrain from being coerced by their children of peers into undertaking gender re-assignment as the consequences are vast and the effect to the developing child severe: For parents, I would say this: It is simply not your right or duty to decide to medically transition your child. Remove that burden from your mind. Medical transition is for adults. The negatives associated with medical transition are vast, and you won’t be the one who lives with the consequences. It will be your child. If your child tells you they will kill themselves if you do not allow them to medically transition (perhaps Original Link

  • Claudia - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic.Trans Woman

    Get to know trans people, the real trans living day to day, what they believe, and how they feel. You will find that most older trans people believe what is happening to kids, and transgender ideology is hurtful. The media leaders you currently see do not represent most trans people. Reality Is Not Bigotry < Back Trans Woman Claudia Mclean - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic. Follow Claudia on: Twitter I started out singing in Glasgow, then Europe, coming back to sing in London, even the Palladium. Activism followed. ‘03~’07 GMC Trial. Disabled but still here. Claudia is a beautiful Irish soul, a singer, full of grace and charm. Claudia was the first trans to come out publicly in a BBC News story; in 2007, she regretted the decision to transition medically. I can say with understanding that this was one hell of an accomplishment. It's terrifying coming out and stating, 'Yeah, that was stupid; I should have never transitioned." But Claudia did and paved the way for more trans to stand up and say the same thing. Claudia has become a mentor to me, and I try and honour her every day, letting her know that her strength didn't go unnoticed. Claudia is a twin to my experience medically transitioning; we both transitioned due to homophobia. Pushed by our partners, we both suffer from reoccurring bacterial infections due to our bottom surgeries and suffer daily living each day, knowing that the following infection might be the one that takes our life. It's a real fear and something people need to know. Claudia and I are not the anomalies; unfortunately, we are normality with trans who undergo bottom surgeries. Claudia is also unable to walk and wheelchair-bound due to bone deterioration and prolonged use of synthetic estrogen. Claudia is also unable to have sexual relations and has had to forgo this bonding experience due to a failed bottom surgery. I know right...Wait What? Prolonged use of estrogen on male bodies cause bone deterioration, and it's common and trans bottom surgery risks the ability to have sex and orgasm. Yes, it is, now you SCREAM! "I should never have had sex-change surgery," Claudia MacLean, a transsexual woman, told the audience at a recent debate organized by the BBC Radio 4 programme Hecklers and the Royal Society of Medicine in London. "As a result of the surgery, I am incapable of sex, and I have lived a life apart." TReVoices Contributions & Latest Work: A Transwoman Writes A Letter To Politicians About Transwomen In Sport s

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back Changer de genre, ce n'est pas une mince affaire Par, Trans Man Scott Newgent France Il y a quelque temps, une amie de ma fille me disait : « Je suis sans doute trans parce que je n'aime pas la puberté féminine. » Ce qui a tout de suite retenu mon attention. Je connais cette enfant depuis des années et elle n'a jamais manifesté le moindre signe de transidentité. Innocemment, je lui ai demandé ce qui lui faisait dire ça. Peut-être qu'il s'agissait d'une blague, après tout… Mais non. « Je n'aime pas mes seins qui poussent, m'a-t-elle répondu, et sur Reddit, on me dit que je suis probablement trans. » Un peu plus tard dans la soirée, j'allais retrouver ces échanges sur Reddit et les bras m'en sont tombés. Tant de gens et d'organisations s'obstinaient à la dire trans… Mais pourquoi en étais-je surpris, vu comment de telles idées sont aujourd'hui répandues ? Je pense, entre... Original Link

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