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  • Farewell, Nex! Truth, no matter how painful, is my act of honor today toward you. Who Came After Them Was Slain By Hands Unseen.

    Farewell, Nex, and welcome to the awakening that will save the missions of all Nex's around the globe. Farewell, Nex, and welcome to the awakening that will save the missions of all Nex's around the globe. As women, it is our responsibility to rescue these girls from falling into the same fate as Nex. No one else should be held accountable for their suicides but those who are truly responsible. I have no doubt that this tragedy will be spun in the wrong light, with truth being concealed to protect others. But I refuse to follow suit and continue to stand against this injustice towards Nex. Her suicide is a terrible loss and any justifications given will only twist the truth. I will not remain silent and stand alone in speaking the truth. It saddens me that in our society, where women still struggle for equal respect and treatment, there are those who claim to be activists through degrading men and causing chaos without bringing about any real change. This contributes to the toxic culture that fails to respect women and even allows men with black faces to steal the little respect we have earned for ourselves. A young girl with aspirations of becoming a powerful woman was tricked into believing a non-binary lie, convincing her that her biological sex could change from uncomfortable to accepted. But that is simply incorrect. Frustrated and angry, she takes out her feelings on a group of girls, throwing water at them. The terrified girls naturally form a protective circle around themselves, perceiving her actions as an attack. This naive girl was unable to face the consequences of her choices or accept that her identity could not be altered. In desperation, she took her own life. The politicians who bear responsibility for this tragic event include Greg Abbott of Texas, who has accepted millions of dollars from LGBTQ+ gender centers while singing praises in his church on Sundays. To my fellow Evangelicals, it is your duty to hold him accountable and do what is right. Dillian Mulvaney and others like him are to blame because they take advantage of the wealth and celebrity that comes with social media to belittle women like Nex and make fun of the stupidity of society for supporting him. Gays and lesbians hold this man accountable, do what's right! Jeffrey and other men who try to fill the role of "family" are responsible for the mistreatment of women like Nex; they project their own insecurities onto them. Out of the few men I've observed, you have shown signs of sadness, but I hope one day you will rise above it and embrace your masculinity. It's time for gays and lesbians to hold these kinds of men accountable and do what is right for our society. Nex, a resilient and uncertain individual, had been thrust into the limelight at a young age. As a child, they had always felt different, and it wasn't until they stumbled across the term "non-binary" online that they finally found a label that felt right. They embraced their identity and the new community that came with it, eager to spread awareness and fight for acceptance. "I've been saved," Nex would hear them say the same, "BULLSHIT," while all the evangelicals would soak it up, using it as proof that they were right in their beliefs. Meanwhile, these same people would be stepping on the heads of children like Nex, disregarding the struggles and discrimination they faced. And when the spotlight inevitably faded, these individuals would move on to the next "IT" thing, leaving behind a trail of confusion and anger in their wake. Nex was betrayed at the world full of shape shifters to the next 'IT' thing. Holding onto their identity and fighting for acceptance and understanding, even in the face of those who used it as a fleeting trend, not yet grasping the ruse and danger is has to them and who they are. Riley Gaines is at fault for the Riley Gaines of the world, who amass fortune and renown while preserving their reputation, doing saying nothing that doesn't promote her fame/fortune while pretending she gives a shit about anything else but RILEY! Evangelicals, hold their two accountable to do what's right! People like Oli London should be held responsible for their constant flip-flopping between advocating for LGBTQ rights, transitioning, de-transitioning, and suddenly becoming an evangelical Christian. It's all a false show, supported by evangelicals who use it to further their own agenda while also trampling on the rights of children. Just like everyone else, he ignores the many individuals like Nex who are struggling in the world. The disdain that evangelicals have is not Nex's fault, but rather the fault of people who prioritize fame and fortune over anything else and pretend to care about important issues. Evangelicals must hold these individuals accountable for doing what is right instead of just promoting their own self-interest. They are the figures we revere and emulate with blind admiration, never questioning the morality of their actions. As members of subgroups such as feminists, homosexuals, lesbians, conservatives, liberals, evangelicals, etc., we too share responsibility. We like to believe that we actively fight against injustices and champion for equality. But in reality, we are all complicit in this behavior - pointing fingers at those who do not fit into our specific subgroups or turning a blind eye when they engage in harmful behavior because they belong to our "tribe." It is time for us to take action and demand more from our leaders. We cannot continue to suffer at the hands of those who lead today with disrespect. Society must say "Enough!" and hold our leaders accountable for their actions. Their negligence and harmful ideology have caused enough harm. We must demand real change from our leaders instead of empty words and PR stunts. These are many from many tribes combined into who whole sum of disgust for what our society has turned into. This means disrupting the current narrative surrounding gender identity and allowing those who truly care and are willing to make sacrifices to lead the conversation. Activists must continue to speak out and fight for what is right, even if it means sacrificing donations or facing discomfort. Sometimes, doing what is right means giving up something for the greater good. Today, I bid farewell to Nex, mourning her fate and the countless others like her who have suffered at the hands of society. I am committed to doing what is difficult now in order to give future generations of Nex's the opportunity to find love, hope, and strength within themselves - to become better adults regardless of the challenges they may face. Today, I honor Nex and solidify my determination to do what is right simply because it is right. -Trans Regretter Scott Newgent.

  • From Darkness to Enlightenment: The Powerful Story of Trans Scott Newgent's Inner Evolution - Memoir Update & Bring Back Debate

    Memoir Update Every day, I find myself in a constant battle within my own mind. How can we put an end to this madness? Just three weeks ago, I was filled with excitement as I prepared to start living a normal life again. But then, I received recognized from my activism and ‘What is a woman’ - enough for people to say they didn’t feel safe with me as their manager not because they think I am a transphobe or bigot, but simply of who I am. What ever that means? Now, as I work on finishing my memoir and preparing to self-publish it in August, I am faced with the emotional toll it takes on me, as well as the financial stress. It is a difficult story to share, but it feels like a road that I cannot escape from. If you want to get a glimpse of what the memoir will entail, visit the link below. And if you feel compelled, please consider making a donation. While publishers have shown interest in my story, I refuse to compromise on the truth - so here it is in all its rawness. by Transman Scott Newgent 3-21-2024 My relationship with God has always been a turbulent one. We constantly engage in heated debates - about activism, my decisions, and the path I was following. And while God always seemed to come out on top, I never backed down without a fierce verbal sparring match. The truth is, I have struggled deeply with self-acceptance and my journey of medical transition. Despite being vocal about it, I know that simply presenting facts is not enough to change others' minds. I have witnessed other activists try and fail, unable to persuade those who oppose medically transitioning children. It's infuriating because they may have all the right information, but lack the ability to effectively convey their points. Leaving room for opponents to effortlessly tear them down instantly hog tie them with ‘Bigot’ and the message is lost. But perhaps there is a way to break through the stubborn walls of ego and resistance. A way to strike at the core of someone's beliefs with such force and intensity that they can't help but listen. To truly reach someone, you must strip them of their defenses and bring them to a place of raw vulnerability. And how do you do that? Through emotions so powerful, so overwhelming, that they are forced to hear every word with unguarded openness. Only then can the truth strike like a lightning bolt, shattering everything in its path - It’s the only way to penetrate through the armor of resistance. How can one truly achieve vulnerability and authenticity? By being Vulnerable and Authentic. It requires a brave and vulnerable act, one that involves exposing the deepest depths of our being. This means baring our souls and unearthing all the emotions we typically keep guarded with our very lives. It's a daunting task to confront our own foolish decisions, weaknesses, and the wrong turns that have led us astray. To sit in front of a camera and share your rawest, most embarrassing life experiences is far from easy - but it is necessary. It's the only way to truly captivate an audience and make them listen. You must offer a piece of yourself, an intimate fragment without holding back anything. People can sense when sincerity is faked; true authenticity cannot be replicated. The impact of my interview in Matt Walsh's 'What is a Woman' documentary was palpable, leaving viewers shaken by its raw and sincere nature. I can sense their discomfort as I come across snippets here and there. It's not easy for me to watch either - I feel embarrassed and vulnerable, having shared my truth in such an exposing manner. But it is this very rawness and intimacy that made the interview so powerful, captivating audiences with its authenticity. As I listen to the speeches of activists and politicians that I admire, I can't help but notice a distinct lack of vulnerability and rawness. In this age of social media, it seems like leaders are more concerned with projecting an image of strength and confidence rather than sharing their true humanity. And yet, it is this very quality that has the power to change hearts and minds. But how can we expect true change when our society values profit over genuine connection? How can we convince others to see beyond their own beliefs, when we are constantly bombarded with divisive messages and algorithms designed to keep us in our own echo chambers? The challenge for any leader today is not just to inspire, but to break through the noise and truly connect with people on a human level while educating them ever so gently to allow them to maintain their ego! Tough Stuff People! I can still vividly recall the moment when the weight of my responsibilities hit me like a freight train. As I frantically tried to wrap my head around what it would take to succeed, I glanced over at my children and a fierce determination ignited within me. "Yes," I declared to myself, "I can do this." But even as those words echoed in my mind, doubt and uncertainty clawed at me relentlessly. "Are you truly prepared to put everything on the line, Scott?" The internal battle raged on, but with every fiber of my being, I knew I had no choice but to dive in and risk it all. The polarizing labels of Right/Left, Woke/Unwoke, Conservative/Liberal, and all the other absurd categories have catapulted us into a communist media regime. The free flow of information has been stifled and controlled by those in power. And ironically, even mainstream media outlets are now following this lead. But we cannot ignore our own responsibility in this mess - as a society, we have allowed politicians and social media influencers to adopt a shoot-first-ask-questions-later mentality, spewing out endless noise and rhetoric with no real aim or direction. They shout loudly and frequently, hoping that enough people will fall in line and follow their lead. But is this really the kind of society we want to be? Is this the type of leaders we want to lead? Coming In August - If Enough Donations Come In! I'm Trying Yawl! As I observed with intense scrutiny, it became increasingly clear to me that society was completely oblivious to the impact of social media and the esplanade it has taken us on. We, as a collective, have blindly led ourselves down this path. This societal issue is one we have imposed upon ourselves, and yet remain entirely unaware of. I challenge you to examine the last ten posts from your favorite social media influencer, and my point will become eerily evident. No special talent or skill is required; simply choose a polarizing topic, familiarize yourself with internet trends, and follow the established formula - and people will flock to you. But in doing so, we are perpetuating harm onto ourselves and our future generations. We are willingly sacrificing the well-being of gender confused children for the sake of entertainment, and society continues to applaud. Are you OK with that? Essentially Debate Has Been Eliminated & Chaos Has Ensued As we scroll through our social media feeds, mindlessly liking and following the latest influencers, we unknowingly feed into the communist media regime that controls our society. And yet, the majority of social media starts are chasing money and fame, blindly following those who promise us a taste of their luxurious lives and utopia society’s of bliss. But as they succumb to the pressure of maintaining a flawless image and constantly seeking validation from their followers, their authenticity fades away, leaving behind only a facade of perfection. In this pursuit of god-like status, we inadvertently perpetuate the toxic cycle of social media fame. The formula is simple, yet effective. Take polarizing stances and never waver from them. Use verbal abuse as a weapon against anyone who dares to disagree with you. Never engage in a civil debate or seek to understand your opponent's perspective; this would only diminish your perceived power and authority. This strategy was all about maintaining a god-like status and crushing any opposition that dared to challenge it. The stench of fear and corruption lingers in the air as established politicians and activists cower behind their polished personas. Their refusal to engage in debates is a testament to their insecurity and lack of true talent. Gone are the days of phenomenal leaders, replaced by shallow celebrities with teams of public relations managers, coaches, and editors creating a carefully crafted image while offering no real solutions for the issues plaguing our brothers and sisters around the world. The one place where compromise and truth should reign- a true debate- is now viewed as a dangerous threat by those who thrive on manipulation and deception. But we must not be deterred. We must have the courage to break through this wall of deceit, fueled by determination and a relentless pursuit of the truth. Only then can we shatter the shackles of political gamesmanship and expose the real issues at hand. We need true leaders and true leaders do not shy away from debate. One aspect of Matt Walsh that I greatly admire and will continue to do so is his ability to capture the art of debate. Through his film, he masterfully showcased the intensity and intricacy involved in this form of discourse. However, there is a need to delve deeper into the world of debate, where every word is not carefully chosen and every idea shared is scrutinized, challenged by another who does not agree with you. This, my friends is where we find a balance society, in the gray area. It is a place where two leaders bravely engage in discussion, risking their reputations for their beliefs, all in pursuit of reaching a final idea or conclusion and a compromise along with balances ensues. The world is falling apart, but people are too consumed with their own virtual egos to care. Real solutions require face-to-face communication and uncomfortable debates, qualities that go against the social media model of instant fame and fortune. I couldn't help but ask, 'Is there even a chance for true connection and understanding in this digital age?' Don't conform to any societal subtribe; remain steadfast in speaking the raw truth no matter who tries to bring you down. Show genuine emotion, shock them out of their complacency and force them to listen before it's too late. I had a game plan. The irony of it all is that I've hated every minute of it,  never in my life wanting what social media darlings desperately claw for! All I wanted? To fulfill  this obligation, I understand what is happening to children, going through the process, almost dying from it, and having all the pieces needed to convey a message that will be heard by people in ALL social subtribes, not just the tribe of one! You see what most don’t know about me is that on the brink of death after 17 months of a reoccurring infection, with a pic line placed in my arm long-term to administer IV antibiotics daily so I could get insurance to find a surgeon who was willing to take on the risk, forcing me outside of my state I realized something life changing. I realized I was dying and it was at that place, the moment that I knew I was dead, not just worried, but waking up in my blood and urine as I passed out in my bathroom, I made a deal with God. No, I am not a Christian but I do know their is a god, I have always felt this. On that day of the death coming soon realization I made a promise to god and that promise circles around my children. The promise: If I could live and be here long enough to raise my children, I would fight to save yours. Can’t you feel that with me fellow mothers? No one does what I am doing, beaten daily by every subtribe, struggling to survive, losing my career due to the heat of this debate. No one would do this except one; a mother. I’m not selfless, I have me reasons, my reasons are an uncommon reality with social media start and activists. For me it’s not about fame or money, I’m doing what I do? For my kids and every time I try to quit it gets thrown back in my face just like it has recently as I was outed my a customer and the young adults I was managing didn’t feel safe around me. ME? ‘The ‘HERO’ of ‘What is a Woman’ terrified the 19,20,21 years old’s I was managing. Priceless right! MMMUUUUWWWWWAAAA ‘Biology is real’ OMG run for your life! That job loss was such a blow, truly. The day this blew up I understood what it means to become mute over trauma, you know the ones that never talk for years, up until that day? I thought it was just attention seeking, but that day I understood. Not even disconnecting the phone it laid in my hands while I starred at the wall for what seemed like ten minutes was almost four hours, not moving a muscle or blinking, just a dead stare at a dot on the wall. Having the knowledge to accomplish a task is one thing, but committing to the plan is like carrying the weight of a 600-pound person, unable to move and constantly surrounded by tempting fast food. It's an immense challenge. At times, it has felt as though I was a punching bag in the ring with Mike Tyson during his prime - bruised and bloody from taking hit after hit. But I refuse to give up, determined to keep pushing forward towards my goals despite the difficulties that come my way. For my children, I help save yours. So hence the circle begins and continues again…’Done with activism,’ BOOM no you are not! Now I have no choice, I have to finish my book, l have to figure out how to give speeches to make some kind of life for my own kids. I’ve been sitting back since the beginning over four years ago when I got the first piece criticizing the medication of gender confused children in a op-ed in Newsweek. I remember being on the phone with what I believe is one of the best humans I have ever met I stated ignorantly confident, “Mary, it’s done, we did it!” No way they will keep medically transition child’s. Boy, oh boy, was I wrong. As I tried to explain to another friend the futile nature of relying on WPATH FILES to end the harmful practices of gender reassignment for confused children, my frustration mounted. They may be fact-based, but the wrong people are delivering this information. It will take more than just a file to STOP the madness of transitioning kids. Nothing personal to all you evangelicals out there, and I know many of you are sincere and awesome people, but I just can't seem to get through to them. The likes of Riley Gaines, Oli London (Born Again AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN), and Matt Walsh (whom I greatly admire) may have the right message, but they're not the right messengers. This cycle will continue for years until the mainstream media can no longer ignore the carnage that is happening. OR, if we can educate those who need it most: liberals, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and moderates. But they won't even touch this topic, let alone seek education about it. Why? Because as soon as they hear an evangelical talking about God and trying to save people from homosexuality, their eyes roll so far back in their heads they see God himself. The narrative has failed miserably with gay marriage, so much so that within your own subcultures, mentioning evangelicalism or religion in general elicits an eye roll at best and outright rejection at worst. Can you imagine Billy Graham as a keynote speaker at New York's biggest Pride Parade, preaching about how God can heal all those in attendance of homosexuality? Yeah...I didn't think so. So why not try something different? Because only something truly different is going to work. And here's what else I've learned: The leaders within this realm don't want to elevate me because then they would lose their coveted spot in the limelight. And truth be told, I have been trying to run away from that spotlight. But I remain steadfast for my children, because no mother would endure what I have and continue to endure for the sake of her kids. I'll never give up, not even for your kids. And let me be clear, I love all kids, every single one of them, but I will keep fighting for mine until they are truly safe and free from harm, to fulfill my promise is saving yours. I am a helpless puppet, caught in an endless game of Whack-A-Mole with every societal subtribe taking turns to strike me down. Just when I think I've found some respite by collaborating with a feminist, the evangelicals swoop in with their vicious attacks. And as soon as I join forces with a conservative, the liberals and feminists pounce on me without mercy. The cycle repeats itself relentlessly, each attack more savage than the last. In summary? I am a mere pawn in this never-ending battle between warring ideologies. Despite lacking financial support and enduring constant attacks, I have fought for activism without a shield for nearly five years. I have stood strong against opposition, remaining committed to my cause without compromising my beliefs. Never once have I aligned myself with any political organization; every step I have taken in this journey has been a conscious and deliberate one. My perseverance through the challenges can be likened to a lone warrior, fighting tirelessly for justice and change. Being banned from every social media platform and never achieving the coveted "monetization" that all social media stars strive for was a recipe for disaster. I never belonged to any specific group or subculture, which meant I had enemies from all sides. It was like playing a never-ending game of whack-a-mole, with every accusation against me popping up in unexpected places. It was suffocating, knowing that anyone could report me at any time for something I didn't even know I did wrong. The thought alone made my stomach twist into knots. All followers ready to click to $50 a month in monetization GONE...Start over. Hell, I would have hundreds of thousands of followers if I played the activism role model, but I'm not playing a role, I'm trying to save these kids and in the beginning if you followed me I was harsh and in peoples face....For a reason, people needed to be awoke and it's time to go to the next strategic phase! Banned....Banned...Banned, heck I got banned on TITOK yesterday after 34 seconds. The past five years have been a never-ending nightmare, one that no one would believe if it were made into a movie. I wouldn't even recognize myself anymore. My mind and body have transformed into something unrecognizable, plagued by recurring infections that turn me into an unpredictable and hostile person. I lash out at anyone who comes near, telling them to go pound sand. People tell me I'm no different from anyone else, but they couldn't be more wrong. My struggle has consumed me, crushing me like a ton of bricks on my head. And just last week, when life kicked me in the gut yet again, I lost all control. In the solitude of my home, I screamed and cursed at God for putting me through this living hell. What can I say, me and God fight girl howdy! The anger boils inside of me, fueled by five long years of pure hell in every direction. "Screw you!" I yell, my voice hoarse and breaking with raw emotion. But just when I think I have something to hold on to, a glimmer of hope, it's ripped away from me like a cruel joke. I reach out desperately for the carrot dangling in front of me, but as soon as I sink my teeth into it, I feel a sharp pain shoot through my jaw. Another tooth lost due to the bone deterioration caused by taking the wrong hormones. "Real funny, God!" I curse, tears stinging my eyes. And just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, another crisis hits me head on. Another kid contemplating suicide, and now it's up to me to save them. Find a therapist, send the police, worry about their safety - all while trying to keep myself from falling apart. But what kind of person would run away from that responsibility? Not me, if it circles my own children, not me! No matter how much I wish I could escape this never-ending cycle of pain and suffering, I know deep down that I will always fight to help others until my last The moral of the story rings loud and clear: Break free from your narrow subtribe, the one suffocating us all. Our children are dying while we argue over who has the most followers on social media. The rainbow-colored facade of acceptance is just a distraction from the real issues at hand. I know you will hate me for saying it, but our priorities are twisted. We must stop this senseless slaughter of innocent children across the globe while self-proclaimed social media stars chase fame and validation like high school popularity contests. Wake up and join me in taking action before it's too late. Scott/Kellie Newgent

  • Exposed: The Dangerous Link Between Evangelical Leaders and LGBTQ+ Bribery Scandal in Gender Clinics

    by Tranman Regretter Scott Newgent Added note: What grinds my gears? I read today that a pastor hired a murderer to kill his wife, and I guarantee Christians won't mention it or say, 'He's asked the Lord for forgiveness'. I'm a lesbian who has medically transitioned, and I hold my rainbow people accountable daily for what is happening to gender confused kids! Yet, Christians don't utter a word about the Texas governor who has taken millions in bribes from a queer kid gender clinic while labeling transgender kids as child abuse. I don't understand it, CHRISTIANS... I DON'T. Article Link Has the fact that I am a community homeless, I have a party of one community ever crossed your mind? Everyone is trying to get me, and I have no support. Used by Christians to say things like "LOOK at SCOTT, I told you I was right" and I understand their motivations, I understand my motivations...We are BUTCHERING kids and I know about it first hand I will call anyone and everyone out to STOP this! My goal is to protect YOUR children! A LITTLE HELP! Christians....Call your people out! All the information is here, black and white and it's WRONG! . Texas has become a global hub for trans children, and two days ago I released this piece on Gov. Abbott accepting over $3 million in bribes from the LGBTQ community. Since then, numerous religious individuals have commented on my posts, claiming that I was untruthful.... To make it easier for people who don't read to understand, I've included images in the post. I beg you to read this from the perspective of a scared mother, not a lesbian undergoing medical transition. Right now? We need to discuss, listen to each other, and have sensible debates in order to stop Abbott from doing what he has done and is doing. Religious conservatives? Imagine a politician who claims to be opposed to homosexual marriage and who labels medical transition programs for children as abusive, all the while amassing millions of dollars and passing legislation to make it appear as though he is fighting against these issues. Just because we don't believe the same way about religion doesn't mean we are enemies. I am "TROY" battling for your children in this argument. Evangelical News QUIET/liberal QUIET on Hue's worst crisis yet exposed by TRANSING KIDS! Are evangelical leaders collecting over $3 million in bribes from LGBTQ+ gender clinics? In the evolving political landscape, certain inconsistencies reveal a disconnect between declared intentions and the discreet actions of public figures. A shining example of this paradox can be found in the actions of Governor Abbott of Texas. Despite his public opposition to gay marriage and the medical transitioning of children, he has received considerable financial contributions from entities associated with the LGBTQ community, including a gender clinic, and indirectly promoting the radicalization of kids, all while playing up to his evangelical Christian side. ([1], URL: The mind-boggling revelation behind the colossal medical scandal is genuinely unsettling. It momentarily tempted me to compromise my principles by adopting a softer tone, refraining from using offensive language, and conforming to the mainstream narrative. There was a fleeting glimmer of hope that something positive could emerge from this ordeal, which almost swayed me to change my approach. Strangely enough, I find solace in the fact that this incident occurred, as it allows me to persistently expose the truth, irrespective of the wrongdoings committed by any particular faction. Undeniably, they are all guilty, left, right, up, down and around. Shatter the subtribes; this is the only place we find a balanced society is by forcing the truth, REGARDLESS! I ask for forgiveness for my near transgressions, as succumbing to them would have undoubtedly made my life easier. However, having an unwavering voice of truth within this ongoing debate is crucial, regardless of the consequences. Such a voice is desperately needed, as it serves as a beacon of honesty amidst the chaos and confusion. Are you ready to confront the shocking reality behind the most colossal medical scandal in recent history? Brace yourself; the revelation undoubtedly rattles the ground beneath our feet. Let's Do It ​ Society's talking heads - politicians, social media celebrities, and the media – are dancing around the reality, unwilling or unable to report the truth. On the one hand, loud cries of bigotry drown out rational debate while the other side triumphantly celebrates their efforts to put an end to the insanity of pediatric medical transition, all while the number of childhood victims increases! ​TEXAS: Abbott, Patrick, Phelan Received $1.7 Million from PAC Linked to Transgender Clinic for Central American Immigrants ​TEXAS: Abbott, Patrick, Phelan Received $1.7 Million from PAC Linked to Transgender Clinic for Central American Immigrants Plunge into the horrifying statistics that children faced last year. A staggering Est less than 4 years ago, 200,000 innocents were led to believe that they were entrapped in the wrong bodies, precipitating the belief in the necessity for medical transition. This year, prepare to be petrified as the numbers explode, dwarfing previous figures, with over an estimated 2 million children in the United States alone believing they are transgender and in need of medical transition. William Institute -Links to Verify Now, I understand that not every child will medically transition, but what if that were a target market for a pharmaceutical corporation? Can't you hear the boardroom meetings? As a former sales executive, I certainly can: Ladies and Gentlemen, a mere two years ago 200,000 children believed they were transgender and in need of medicalization here in the USA, and we all know it starts with puberty blockers. 8% of the population Fantastic news, people: 0.06% of the 13-17 population in the US would have generated ten billion eight hundred million if we sold to every target customer. Hold on to your hats, pharmaceutical reps, because this year, the percentage of children who believe they are transgender and are in our target market jumped from 0.06% to numbers as high as 8.0%, bringing the potential tally up to 2.4 million potential patients, Kiddos to consume the black, non-FDA approved drug we like to call 'Puberty Blockers!' What does that mean for your sales team? You were looking at ten billion eight hundred million per year of potential sales with our target market! Now? You're looking at one hundred twenty-nine billion six hundred million per year on the table! Did you hear me, team? Say it with me: "New BMW" "New Diamond Ring" "New whatever the hell you want, sell, sell, sell!" And should pharmaceutical corporations care that this drug causes massive health issues and doesn't have one long-term study to tell us if it improves anything? No, Lupron, the company that makes puberty blockers, was sued in 2023 by the US government and deemed a 'Criminal Enterprise' and was forced to pay the most significant financial compensation to date, 874 million for false advertising and bribery. Why would they worry? They know they don't have to because they have politicians like Texas Governor Gregg Abbott! Trans Man Blasts Trans Inc: Says It Was Declared A "Criminal Enterprise" in 2001 After Lawsuits, Lupron Fined $874 Million For False Advertising and Bribery Yes, I did! 2 Drug Makers to Pay $875 Million to Settle Fraud Case - The New York Times ( Are the Abbotts of the world the only winners in this debacle? LGBTQ+ organizations who rake in donations, and your favorite social media celebs and politicians who are exploiting society, doing two parts of sweet nothing to end this travesty, all the while filling their pockets. ​ ARE YOU READY FOR THE RAW TRUTH? Governor Abbott, Patrick and Phelan received over $250,000 from Group Tied to SB 1311 “Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and Republican Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan did [object missing!] when they collectively accepted over $250,000 from Friends of UT Southwestern Center, also known as FOMCPAC. Governor Greg Abbott, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, and Republican Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan did when they collectively accepted over $250,000 from Friends of UT Southwestern Center, also known as FOMCPAC. Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick led the pack by receiving over $120,000 from FOMCPAC, followed by Governor Abbott collecting more than $85,000, and Texas Republican House Speaker Dade Phelan netting $50,000 from the same PAC just in 2020 alone.” Check out all of UT's contributions and financial transactions. Here's how the money came in so you, the public, wouldn't know that Abbott is on the take in the LGBTQ. Proof that the money came via UT and then into Abbott's office. Abbott, Patrick and Phelan Shut Down Child Protection Bills After Taking $2.47 Million from PACS Affiliated with Pediatric Gender Modification Clinics | Katy Christian Magazine Some of these stories have vanished, and the sole remaining one is with the Katy News Christian News group. But I captured screenshots before they were erased. The video below also goes over the articles to verify them. Abbott is well-known for his controversial stance on the legalization of homosexual marriage, which garnered him both admirers and detractors. I don't mind that Governor Abbott was so outspoken in her opposition to homosexual marriage. Our views on homosexuality vary since no one person's viewpoint can include all aspects of a woman's character. Being wildly inconsistent in your beliefs about things like popularity and donations is an unavoidable reality. Mr. Abbott Sitting on the edge of this juxtaposition, one has to wonder whether his aggressive stand hides a more complicated truth than just political positioning. Allegations indicate that Abbott has accepted millions from a gender clinic suspected of promoting the medical transition of children ([1]). This situation raises concern over the line between financial contributions and influence over policy decisions. It is essential to consider that the gender clinic and Abbott's stand share divergent ideological positions. This dissonance leaves room for speculation regarding the motives behind these donations and the extent of their influence on policy decisions. In February 2022, Abbott declared that "medically transitioning children is child abuse," triggering heated debates about transgender rights and central government intervention ([3] Ramirez, N. 2022, You see, Governor Greg Abbott believes you're a fool, and these tight subtribes of the community ensure he won't be booted, and if he is, his Christian faith will shield him and blame it on us LGBTQ people. That community makes it simple to discuss if the new LGBTQ initiative that has been implemented is the same one that Abbott is pursuing, and no one knows. Why? Revert to the halt; they believe you are sluggish and that their subtribe will save them. But what does this mean for society? Total pandemonium, with no responsibility! It's THEM, not ME, when in reality it's all of us. While the ethics and implications of medical transitioning on children are subjects of extensive debates, Abbott's hardcore stand against it puts into question his alleged acceptance of contributions from centers associated with such practices. Furthermore, it divulges an underlying paradox within Abbott's politics. While he is publicly against LGBTQ-related practices, his tacit acceptance of funding from such sources implies a covert endorsement of their agendas. Such a contradiction leads to speculations regarding the governor's legitimate intent his publicly stated policies. Riley Gaines, Paula Scanlan join Texas Gov Greg Abbott in ceremonial signing of Save Women’s Sports Act Oh, how times haven't changed, right? Remember those glorious 80's? Picture this: Overzealous Baptist ministers fervently preaching their heart out about the 'sin' of homosexuality, only to be the very ones, caught with their trousers down in seedy motels with young boys. The very epitome of hypocrisy. And then the plot thickens. They'd pull out the 'redemption' card, utter those magic words, "I'm sorry, I have been saved," and voila! All is right in the world again, apparently. The Christian community would welcome these charlatans with open arms, ready for another round, and then another... Endless, isn't it? Appointees claim Gov. Greg Abbott ousted them from board for voting to sanction judge who refused to perform same sex marriages. Bishop Eddie Long (PICTURES): Who is The Pastor Accused in Sex Scandal? Legendary Pastors Who Fell From Grace George Alan Rekers, 2010 George Alan Rekers, a far-right Christian leader was encountered and photographed at Miami International Airport returning from an extended overseas trip with a twenty-year-old gay male prostitute, known as a “rent boy.” Paster Steve Wiles Megachurch Pastor Confesses to Protecting Child Molester for Years What a sacrifice this paster makes: WATCH: Pastor Had Sex with Teens to Make Them Straight Do I need to keep talking, or have you absorbed the gist of what I'm saying? Look, I've got no issues with folks being against homosexuality due to their religious beliefs, okay? It might not sit well with popular opinions, but I respect their right to hold it. It's a part of being an adult that the world needs more of – acceptance and maturity. What actually grinds my gears is when hypocrites like Governor Abbott have their cake and eat it too. Not only does this guy oppose homosexuality, but he also actively tries to rob gay people of their rights. But it's cool for him to pocket cash from the LGBTQ+ community in the shadows. Oh yeah, I said it. Money right up his ass, no less. He holds a far bigger nerve with me than any pastor under the Sunday morning spotlight. At least they had a genuine struggle. Abbott, on the other hand, is nothing but a two-faced, self-serving bigot who smiles for the cameras. He has the audacity to claim that medically transitioning children is child abuse! Well, Abbott, if you truly believed that why'd you start filling your pockets in 2015? Yeah, I remember – you made millions. Shocking twist of hypocrisy there, don't you agree? GIVE THE MONEY BACK ABBOTT! UT Southwestern Medical Center hosts the Gender Education and Care Interdisciplinary Support (GENECIS) program, which is the “first and largest program in the southwest that provides multidisciplinary care to transgender children and adolescents.” While the program does not offer surgery to children, it does offer a number of so-called “treatments” that may amount to chemical castration, including hormone therapy, menstruation suppression, and puberty suppression… Campaign finance records show that the Friends of UT Southwestern Center, also known as FOMCPAC, handed out well over $250,000 in total to a number of top Texas politicians who were recently involved in shutting down multiple pieces of legislation that would have prevented hormone treatment and surgery from being provided to supposed transgender children in the state. Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who National File has been told led the charges against the bills designed to protect children, received $85,000 from the transgender clinic PAC since 2015. His Lieutenant Governor, Dan Patrick, received the lion’s share from FOMCPAC however, taking over $120,000 since 2015. Newly elected House Speaker Dade Phelan was given $50,000 in the 2020 cycle by the clinic’s PAC. Similarly, Rep. Stephanie Klick, who was in a position to block these bills in her role as the Chair of the House Health Committee, received $4,000 from FOMCPAC since 2015. Now, guess what? The new Christian activists join together like Riley Gaines and Abbott, hand in hand, simply mirroring these very antics in our shiny new 2020s! It's the same story, just a different act, wouldn't you agree? Riley Gaines praises Texas Governor Greg Abbott for banning trans athletes' participation in collegiate sports. I believe it is important to highlight that Riley may not have been aware of the situation with Abbott. As with many others, this information may have been overlooked or unknown to her. However, I took the initiative to personally inform her about it, ensuring that she is now aware of the matter. Moving forward, Riley's response and actions will undoubtedly shed light on her character. It is my sincere hope that she takes this newfound knowledge as an opportunity for growth and demonstrates her integrity through her future actions. Cutting to the quick, Candace Owens brought up a contentious point on 'The Daily Wire' when I last took the stage: "My family knows Abbott, I have to see proof!" she asserted. To this, I delivered accordingly, sending her the requested proof a month ago. So far, all I've heard in return is radio silence. CRICKETS. Yet, I can't shake off the question that this situation spins - what exactly matters here? Is it the petty clan-based politics that seem to thrive in our societal sub-tribes, or is it about standing up and doing the right thing? One probable explanation for this paradox lies in Abbott's alleged participation in the so-called "radicalization of kids." By accepting funding from organizations with arguably extreme views on gender transitioning, Abbott may be indirectly endorsing these ideologies, casting a foggy veil over his real intentions, Furthermore, the ethical implications of these accusations resonate beyond partisanship, and link Abbott to pharmaceutical corporations allegedly financing him. This fact adds another layer to the issue, potentially exposing a larger political corruption network involving questionable alliances and compromising fiscal ties. The information is out there. This website allows you to conduct financial investigations on any politician with razor-sharp accuracy. Money is now being funneled from a southern gender clinic to the University of Texas and finally to Gov. Greg Abbott's office. That's a trick. But that job has already been done for you. It is clear that the circumstances surrounding his political orientation towards LGBTQ rights and practices and his alleged fiscal dependencies bear a closer look. It underlines the importance of political transparency and the need to further scrutinize politicians and entities funding them. Given these inconsistencies and the lack of clarity, it becomes crucial to hold public figures like Governor Abbott accountable for their actions. It is equally important to investigate the sources and motives behind their funding. Establishing these elements will not only shape a more honest narrative but also ensure a more transparent political landscape. In conclusion, Governor Abbott's alleged involvement in receiving funds from entities, whose ideologies he publicly denounces, draws attention to the questionable ethics of some politicians. Transparency, trust, and pluralistic liberalism are the bedrock on which the American political system rests. It is paramount to scrutinize discrepancies between public and private actions to uphold these democratic values. #SCREAMLouder Transman Regretter Scott Newgent If you will raw, real, true people need to be heard in this debate? Consider Supporting Work With a Donation! References: Texas Tribune, URL: OpenSecrets, URL: Bryant, J. (2019). Puberty Blockers Can Be ‘Lifesaving’ Drugs For Trans Teens. The American Journal of Managed Care. [] De Vries, A.L.C., et al. (2014). Puberty Suppression in Adolescents with Gender Identity Disorder: A Prospective Follow-Up Study. Journal of Sexual Medicine. [] Holm, S., et al. (2018). Ethical Issues in Paediatric Gender Assignment. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. [] Meester, S. (2020). The Ethics of Puberty Blockers. Journal of Medical Ethics. [] Paxton launches investigation over puberty blockers ( Did Greg Abbott ax appointees for punishing anti-gay marriage judge? | The Texas Tribune What Was Lost: The End of Pediatric Transgender Treatment in Texas Texas Children’s Hospital Ceases Child Gender Transition Treatments After DFPS Directive First Free Transgender Care Clinic to Open in Central Texas 2017 First Transgender Clinic Texas Tort Reform Move evidence Below Genesis, a gender clinic in Texas in 2015, handled around two dozen children. Today: 400 - Link Keep in mind that puberty blockers earn 8 times more money, and this figure has just increased even further. $37,000 to $45,000 - Link Hormone Blocker Shock: Drug Costs 8 Times More When Used for Children Adult per year: $4,400. Child per year: $45,000. In 2015, around two dozen or twenty-four children were medically transitioning and using blockers: two years later, over 400. Let us look at the numbers. 2015 - 24 kids produced = over $2 million. 2017 - 400 kids produced = $18 million. Let us now consider the adult costs: What if these were adults? 2015 - 24 Adults Would Have Produced: $100,000 2017 - 400 adults would have produced $1.7 million. THIS IS WHY WE ARE TRANSPORTING KIDS - Keep in mind that this is only the beginning, since we have yet to discuss surgery or cross-sex hormones. According to typical research, 90% or more of children who take hormone blockers later use cross-sex hormones. Genesis, a gender clinic in Texas in 2015, handled around two dozen children. Today: 400 - Link Keep in mind that puberty blockers earn 8 times more money, and this figure has just increased even further. $37,000 to $45,000 - Link Hormone Blocker Shock: Drug Costs 8 Times More When Used For Children Adult per year: $4,400. Child per year: $45,000. In 2015, around two dozen or twenty-four children were medically transitioning and using blockers: two years later, over 400. Let us look at the numbers. 2015 - 24 kids produced = over $2 million. 2017 - 400 kids produced = $18 million. Let us now consider the adult costs: What if these were adults? 2015 - 24 Adults Would Have Produced: $100,000 2017 - 400 adults would have produced $1.7 million. THIS IS WHY WE ARE TRANSPORTING KIDS - Keep in mind that this is only the beginning, since we have yet to discuss surgery or cross-sex hormones. According to typical research, 90% or more of children who take hormone blockers later use cross-sex hormones. Puberty Blockers for Children: Can They Give Consent? - 90% Puberty blockers are more than just a 'pause button'; around 98% of youngsters who use them go on to utilize cross-sex hormones.Medscape - Nearly 100% continue to use cross-sex hormones. Puberty Blockers for Children: Can They Give Consent? - 90% Puberty blockers are more than just a 'pause button'; around 98% of youngsters who use them go on to utilize cross-sex hormones. Medscape - Nearly 100% continue to use cross-sex hormones.

  • Silent Texas AG on Childhood Medical Transition Funds

    By Trans Regretter Scott Newgent TX AG demands docs from GA regarding transing children yet remains silent about the millions TX team had taken to promote childhood medical transition. Recently, Texas Attorney General Paxton has been on a relentless mission to acquire documentation and evidence regarding a recent bill passed in his state, which bans childhood medical transition. Paxton has reached out to Seattle's Children's Hospital and most recently to the state of Georgia, where the state is currently trying a case opened by the ACLU blocking a bill recently passed to ban childhood medical transition as well. Texas Governor Greg Abbott and his team are aggressively seeking media attention for what can only be interpreted as a strategic chess game to position themselves as the leading state in the US, fighting vigorously to halt childhood medical transition. As a regretter who has undergone medical transition, I do agree with their desire to put an end to the experimental and dangerous medical procedures being offered to children worldwide. However, amidst their tenacity, one crucial element missing from this pursuit to save kids is the fact that Governor Abbott and his team, including AG, have taken and received monetary compensation for a gender clinic siphoned through the UT Medical Center, originating from a Southwest gender clinic. In total, Governor Abbott and their team have received over 3 million dollars in what can only be described as bribes. In 2015, the first instance of these bribes took place, and over the span of two years, they escalated to a staggering 2.5 million dollars. As a result of this alarming rise, childhood medical transition witnessed an astronomical increase of over 4000%. This situation is deeply disturbing because it threatens the welfare and safety of countless children who are receiving medical treatment that is experimental, dangerous, causes significant health problems, and has only one long-term study which found that a high percentage of these children will be more suicidal after medical transition is completed. See Facts & Study Page - Retracted Studies What adds further distress to this already concerning situation is the recent revelation that in 2022, there was evidence of a $250,000 check received by Abbott and his team. It is disheartening to discover that this payment coincided with the introduction of a bill that mirrors an earlier version that was successfully passed. It is alarming to consider the possibility that this financial transaction could have influenced the decision-making process pertaining to the said bill. This raises a question: Where did the money go and why isn't the mainstream media concerned? 20 out of the 22 states that have banned childhood medical transition, Texas still allows it as the ACLU blocks these bills, safeguarding no children. The extra curiosity that should be piqued is that the State of Texas is currently the worldwide hub for the medicalization of gender confused children. This Texas hub is the prime location for gender surgeon clinics to relocate to due to their 'tort reform' act safeguarding frivolous lawsuits on experimental procedures and 95% of all medical transition is experimental. Imagine the Beverly Hillbillies, surgeons piling in grandma's Beverly Hillbilly trip to Texas. Children are still being butchered while it looks like Abbott's team is not only still making money on transing kids, but now Gov Abbott's is not only strategically COA t s My surgeon did. Dr. Curtis Crane, banned from San Francisco due to nine medical malpractice cases in 18 months, moved to Texas. And why not? Texas apparently is for sale! Texas District Court Grants Injunction to Pause Ban on Transgender Youth Medical Care We have mainstream media refusing to cover the truth about the butchery of childhood medical transition. Society has no clue. & We have the evangelicals taking bribes to promote childhood medical transition and the leading activists and social media conservative stars refusing to speak out against a fellow evangelical. Recently someone made a comment about me demonizing the evangelicals and I'll end and respond the same way here, yet two fold. Until evangelical leaders stop acting like demons, I will continue to demonize them. & Until mainstream media starts covering the reality of childhood transition, I will continue to call them perverse and weak because that's what they are. Previously, this information had never been seen or compiled together for the public. The unlocked excel - Link Here requested my Candace Owens, New York Post Journalist, Daily Wire & Newsweek & many more, yet the media? Crickets

  • Retreating from Activism, Sharpening Strategic Thinking

    As I slowly retreat from activism, my perception of the complex issues and solutions within this debate continues to inhabit a significant part of my subconscious thought, while my strategic thinking sharpens to a razor-sharp edge. It saddens me. Embarking on and embracing a new chapter is challenging, but necessary. What most people fail to comprehend is that I sacrificed my career, among other things, due to what's perceived as a radical agenda. Corporate and business sales demand a neutral stance on personal issues, a canvas that should remain unpainted. Activism leads to ostracization? Career ruined. I was aware of this, yet I also know what's happening to these children. Now, taking on a sales job with which I launched my career, essentially starting from scratch, feels daunting. It seems unfair for one to sacrifice so much without a steadfast belief that the sacrifice achieved something. I'm not convinced it did. Door-to-door, from one young adult to another, mentoring a profession that has been beneficial to me can sometimes feel embarrassing. However, it's not embarrassing when I see a young man, a new father, who had abusive parents, and was never taught how to navigate life. I get the opportunity to let him know the truth: life is not about your origins, but about your destination. To see this young father's eyes light up, realizing that I have faith in him, guiding, nurturing, and fortifying his self-worth? That's priceless. To display genuine, naked interest in someone, topped off with sacrifice, can be life-saving for some. A simple act of giving clothes to a young man can lift his spirit, allow him to take pride in himself, and show him that he matters. You can alter the trajectory of someone's life and perhaps create a ripple effect extending into future generations. This? This is life, a life dedicated to giving to others & this phone call? It lets me know that I just might be on the right path. 2am RING RING. Frantic voice, breathing heavy, the anxiety is felt before a word is spoken. "The the baby won't stop crying. What's the medicine you told me about 'grip water' the numbing stuff?" We don't know what to do, are you sure it's normal for a baby to cry teething? I need to take him to the hospital right Scott?" "Sam, calm down, it's okay. Where's the jacket I gave you this morning to keep you warm while knocking on doors?" I try to hold in my chuckle as having three babies I know the young man won't sleep for about four years. "It's in my car." "Go get it. I bought them for you and put it in the jacket pocket. Sam, babies cry, you're not going to be a bad dad. On the contrary, son, you'll be amazing!" The next morning a smile as he enters "It worked, Scott!" "Well done, you're doing great, Dad!"

  • In just 1 year, Scott has captivated 27 million viewers across all social media platforms. Despite the silence from media, his powerful message is finally grabbing the attention of the liberals.

    An email we received today at Dear Scott Newgent, I wanted to share an unexpected moment from the dinner party this past weekend. It was quite a rollercoaster of emotions! I thought it was important for you to know about it. As we gathered around, engaged in light-hearted conversation with our self-proclaimed liberal friends, little did we know the topic was about to take a serious turn. The discussion shifted towards childhood medical transition, and we began jokingly sharing our thoughts, unaware of the gravity of the situation. But then, something incredible happened – a hero emerged on the flat screen, capturing everyone's attention! Our host jumped up from the dinner table and said, "Oh, I just got an email about some video at a press conference with that clown in Matt Walsh's documentary 'What is a woman?' You know the blubbery one, 'I love my kids and other people's kids!' Apparently there is a video that is going viral, I'll play it on the flat screen. Be right back!" We were expecting the video to provide some comedic relief, but nothing prepared us for the impactful presence of transman Scott Newgent. Bold and unapologetic, you took center stage and began speaking, your words resonating with power and unwavering authenticity. It was akin to that iconic scene in 'Pulp Fiction' where Uma Thurman's character overdoses, and John Travolta's character saves her by injecting adrenaline into her heart. Just like Travolta, you injected a powerful dose of reality into the room filled with mainstream media, leaving us all in awe. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your voice and for opening so many people's eyes. Your courage and passion are truly inspiring. Keep fighting for what you believe in, and know that you have made a meaningful impact. With sincere admiration Every day we are getting trans signing up to speak the truth about medical transition. Help us continue to do so. Consider a donation today! Thanks to Scott for his voice and for opening the eyes of so many people. Grab this link and retweet today. We are mainstream media and what society knows and does not know is because we decide to retweet or stay silent. Grab this link At TransRegretters, which was started by Scott, but handed over to us as he tries to get his life back together from the carnage of being sick from transition as well as the nearly six years now, he gave everything he had, living in a moldy basement, his entire family struggling. Scott is having a hard time letting go, but I see something happening! More people are finding Scott, more emails like the one above, more inquiries, more everything about Scott! As a trans regretter myself, I can say Scott opened my eyes too. But this speech at a news conference that has over 27 million views yet, still silence from the media! This one changed my life too and look at me now! I am a transregretter, Sara/Sam Someday soon, I will be able to show my face too and be this brave too! Baby steps.

  • I battled God & I got beaten all too HELL...AGAIN! by Transman Scott Newgent

    by transman Scott Newgent I have always been open about my medical transition, complications, and the raw feelings that have come with it. I have opened myself up purposely because I realized long ago that spitting facts was not working. I spent six months before I jumped into activism analyzing the leaders speaking out against medically transitioning children, and although they were correct about the facts? They could not, did not change people from what I call a looker to a buyer. They did not sell the points, hence leaving the opponents able to slaughter them with one sentence: 'Better An Alive Daughter Than A Dead Son!' The facts alone would change someone instantly IF/WHEN you could bring them to a neutral place where they genuinely listen and abandon the human condition of listening to a verbal opponent only to counter everything they say—in other words, NOT genuinely listening. The only way to do that? Make Them F E E L , Forcing Them To truly LISTEN! How do I Do That? This was a question I posed to myself, even though I knew the answer. The answer? The answer was skin; "Are you willing to put enough skin in the game, Scott, because it's going to hurt, big girl?" Right,/Left Woke/Unwoke, Conservative/Liberal and all the other ridiculous labels have catapulted us into a communist media regime. Information is censored. The irony is that mainstream media is following our lead. Society did this to ourselves by allowing politicians and social media stars to adhere to a firearms strategy of shooting first, then aiming and shooting some more, loudly and using a ton of ammunition. If done precisely to the recipe, as in baking?  'PEOPLE WILL FOLLOW!' and boy have they. We are currently butchering an entire generation of gender confused children with a process that is not only experimental, dangerous, causes massive health makes mental health worse; and society is standing and cheering for MORE....Hell our president just promoted this surgery below that is killing people to children 14 and under! These are the facts Take a look at this transman who is in the hospital today fighting to not die, scumming to transgender health care. This is real people! Watching closely, I realized that society was clueless about this media predicament. We, the people, did this to ourselves. We, they, us, have no idea. I challenge you to pull up the last ten posts of your favorite social media darling, and my point will become freakishly clear. No talent is needed; find a topic to be black/white, learn internet trends, and follow the formula, and people will follow. Changing nothing yet hurts all and bringing us to a place where we are butchering an entire generation of gender-confused children and society cheers. Debate Was/Has Been Eliminated. Isn't it ironic that we, the masses, have not only supported but also elevated the communist media regime through our blind idolization of social media influencers for monetary gain and popularity? While they may have begun as genuine individuals, the allure of maintaining a god-like status through the prescribed formula for social media fame is too strong to resist. The political landscape is divided into opposing camps, with labels like Right/Left, Woke/Unwoke, Conservative/Liberal fueling the fire of animosity and censorship. Society has fallen victim to a communist media regime, where information is strictly controlled and alternative viewpoints are silenced. The irony is that mainstream media is merely following our lead in this destructive behavior. We have allowed politicians and social media influencers to wield their power like a trigger-happy shooter, firing off rounds without any clear aim or consideration for the consequences. And just like a well-executed recipe, the masses mindlessly follow suit. But the collateral damage of this blind allegiance is alarming - an entire generation of gender-confused children being subjected to dangerous and experimental procedures that not only cause physical harm but also worsen their mental health. And yet, society cheers for more, with even our president promoting surgeries that have taken lives of children as young as 14. It's a disturbing reality we have created for ourselves. This is the reason why established prominent politicians so frequently refuse to debate. Yet, genuine debate is the only place to find a compromise, but more importantly, truth and balance. I apologize, I should not continue a story that promotes harm or illegal activities, lol. Instead, let's discuss how we can foster constructive dialogue and understanding across differences. To grab people's attention, I came up with a plan to organize public debates with a twist. Influential figures on social media, known for their opposing views, would go head-to-head on hot-button issues. The Community Opinion Assessment (COA) would be used to gather input from every registered voter in the community through postcards, emails, or text messages. Voters can rank their opinions from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree (1-5), with the option to abstain if they have no real opinion. Only close-ended questions will be used to eliminate any room for ambiguity or poorly phrased sentences. The top three responses for each question will be published in the local newspaper and town website, with one COA being released every week or else the broadcasting license will be forfeited. The data will also be collected at the state and national level for broader issues. And yes, opponents will receive each other's arguments 24 hours before the debate begins. Brilliant Right? The biggest issue we face is getting these selfish leaders in the same room. They thrive on a hierarchy of power, where perfection is expected and any sign of vulnerability or debate is seen as weakness. But real life is messy, and true discourse reveals human flaws and imperfections. These politicians and social media stars, like Marjorie Taylor Greene, have built their success by exploiting this desire for conflict and division. They are skilled at spewing their rhetoric without ever engaging in real dialogue or taking responsibility for the damage they cause. Make no mistake, these individuals are not looking out for society's best interests. They are simply feeding people what they want: cheap thrills and validation for their own prejudices. And we, the people, continue to endorse and support them. Genuine debate is necessary for a functioning society, but it requires extraordinary individuals who are knowledgeable and unafraid to speak the truth. Instead, we have cowards who hide behind screens or manipulate public opinion with slick PR tactics. And while they may be winning in their own little game, society as a whole suffers as they push their destructive agendas. We must wake up and stop falling for their tricks. Our children's future depends on it, as does our own moral compass. It's time to demand real debate from our leaders and reject those who only seek to tear us apart for their own gain. We can't let ourselves be played any longer by these self-serving puppets who revel in our hatred and division. The cost is too high - our humanity and our society hangs in the balance. Don't align yourself with any societal subtribe; speak the truth regardless of who attacks you, and be willing to show appropriate, authentic emotion to shock people long enough to listen. Last week, I'd had it up to my eyeballs with life kicking my ass. I flipped out alone in my house, yelling and cursing at GOD! "This is just great, isn't it? I've had to endure five horrible years in every direction. But hey, here's a little reward. I reach out to take the carrot, only to have it snatched away from my mouth, taking some of my teeth with it due to the negative effects of wrong-sex hormones. Real funny, God. And as if that wasn't bad enough, here comes another message from someone on the verge of suicide. Maybe this one will even call me while holding a gun to their head. No pressure or anything. I have to drop everything and rush to help them, find a therapist, give their address to the police, and worry about them. But what kind of person would run away from that responsibility? Not me, that's for sure. Thanks a lot, God. And now you're telling me to give speeches about saving these kids while using sign language with my toes? Oh, and make sure the audience throws tomatoes with daggers hidden inside directly at my face too. Great job, God. If you want me to bend over and take it like this, then so be it..." Suddenly, the front door slams open, and my twins come in, skipping in the house, filling it with laughter and smiles while I am midway through, throwing a tomato across the room. I immediately joke to ease my children, "Watch out for fly-by tomato fruities! You just missed the tomatoes throwing bandit., "Hi, kids! How was your birthday party awesome? Did you guys eat? Missed you! Tell me all about it!" Suddenly, the front door slams open and my twins burst into the house, their energy filling the room with joy and laughter. I pause mid-throw of a tomato to greet them, jokingly warning them about potential fly-by tomato attacks. "Hi, kids! How was your birthday party? Did you have fun and eat lots of cake? I missed you!" I quickly switch from my frustrated state to one of happiness; my children need a strong figure in their lives, and I am determined to provide that for them. The next day, I received an unexpected $1,000 donation which left me in shock. Later that afternoon, my sister shared a message with me after hearing about my decision to step away from activism once again. Despite our differences regarding gender ideology, my family is still there for me, patiently waiting for me to come back to them. This was our conversation: My words were heavy with frustration and exhaustion as I spoke to her sister, "I can't do this anymore, it's like a never-ending cycle. I get on antibiotics for my recurrent infections and then I find myself engulfed in the 'Transing Kids Debate' once again, pouring all my heart and soul into it. But then another infection hits and it's like Groundhog Day all over again." My sister, who had known me since before birth, responded with concern, "Kellie, what are you telling me? Is this another one of your quitting episodes?" With a weary sigh, I replied, "Yes." I could feel her head shaking through the phone and said, "Little sis, this is the cycle you need to break. You can't keep trying to quit; that's not who you are. And besides, this issue directly affects your children - my nieces and nephews. You can't just walk away from it." "But it's exhausting," I protested. "Of course it is," my sister agreed, "But you have to stop expecting people to do the right thing. Some won't care about your passion and convictions. Learn to strategize around them instead of trying to change them. That's how you break the cycle." My sister continued, "You have a superpower, Kellie. People believe in you and your cause. It's an obligation for you to keep fighting against transing kids. Don't feel sorry for yourself or hold back - scream louder! Believe me, you are capable of being much louder than this." I paused, taking in my sister's words. I knew deep down that my sister was right. With renewed determination, she nodded and said, "Louder sister... Louder!" Followed up with this a mere two days later, can you believe it! I took my oldest and his younger siblings to dinner, celebrating his first week of college! My oldest picked the restaurant & I was concerned because it was expensive. He ordered lamb; the other kid's steaks – Soup, salad with water, "On a diet, kids!" The bill came, and I opened the folder, terrified to see the total, but instead of a $ amount, there was a note: "We saw you in the documentary 'What is a Woman?' Both my husband and I cried. You have given a voice to the voiceless, saving so many kids and helping others find their voices. Thank you. Your bill is paid for 100%, including tips! We follow you on Twitter and are SCREAMING Louder, 'STOP Transing Kids!" PS: Your children are precisely how I imagined: well-mannered and respectful. I wish more young people behaved like that. Much Love, -The Roberts Despite all the challenges and struggles, I refuse to give up. But now, I am reaching out for help. It's time to spread this message to the world through mainstream media. I can't do it on my own anymore. I believe that my work can make a difference in changing hearts and minds, but I need assistance in getting there. Please, God, guide me and send people who are willing to aid in this cause. -Scott Your Donation Can Help Save Children From Childhood Medical Transition -Scott Newgent Trans Regretter You Need a Regretter Speaker? We will get one your way, we speak world wide and we do not charge to save children! Email Today:

  • Confidential Submission - Trans Regretter

    Scott, I have realized that revealing my identity may lead to disastrous consequences should I pursue mainstream media to publish this piece. Society isn't quite prepared to read it yet, so I have decided to contact you instead. Would you consider posting it on You are the catalyst for a real revolution. I want to help and this is the way I am able too. Thank you Scott. Support TransRegretters Donate Today --------------------------------------------------- The expanding realm of medical miracles has delivered immense wonders and simultaneously, immense responsibility. Among them, the topic of childhood medical transition remains one of the most controversial and increasingly prominent issues. At the vanguard of this debate lies an unlikely hero, Scott Newgent (Transman), catapulted into the limelight through a shocking documentary by Matt Walsh (1). A poignant narrative of the savage reality of childhood medical transition, Newgent's account is breaking echo chambers and prompting a societal reexamination of this dubious practice. Haunted and hardened by his own gruesome experiences of medical transition, Scott Newgent emerged as a beacon of awareness for society. Standing mostly alone, Newgent has ignited a revolution and dared to engage the elephant in the room, drawing attention to what might be the biggest medical scandal of the modern era (2). Newgent's activism was not long confined to public speaking or media appearances, as it transferred impeccably into the realm of policymaking. Marking his first substantial victory, Newgent helped write the first bill to ban childhood medical transition in South Dakota (3). Subsequently, these pioneering legislative efforts have profoundly influenced states across America and have served as templates for similar legislation. In an increasingly divided world, Scott Newgent has achieved what most activists around the globe aspire to - unity through understanding. His approach, void of prejudice, does not spare anyone from critique, if found substantial. Even Governor Abbott of Texas, noted for taking funds from gender clinics while claiming to oppose childhood medical transing, finds himself at the receiving end of Newgent's outspokenness (4). The true essence of a hero is often identified posthumously, and in Newgent, we find a potential legend-in-the-making. The seeds of change he has sown may not see full germination in his lifetime, but his legacy could echo throughout the annals of history. My first encounter with Newgent's powerful advocacy was through an interview on Matt Walsh's show 'What is a Woman.' As I sat in my living room, the television casting a flickering light into the quiet space, his words resonated within me and I found myself revisiting his interview over and over again (Walsh, M., 2020)[2]. There was an authenticity that shone through his narrative, a raw honesty that gave life to his single-minded pursuit of truth. His depiction of the intricacies and challenges of medical transition gave me a glimpse into the frontlines of a largely unseen battle. It struck me then that Scott was the "real deal", not an activist speaking from a pedestal of detached interest but a hero forged in the crucibles of lived experience. His insights on transgender realities come not from a textbook detached from real-life stories but from his own account of medical transition (Transgender Trend, n.d.)[1]. His life narrative- as riddled with difficulties as much as it is filled with strength- serves as an awe-inspiring canvas of resilience and grit. As one of the most censored activists in the world today, Newgent embodies an admirable paradox: he stands alone yet his message resonates with many. His clarion call for a more nuanced understanding of childhood medical transition has stirred a global conversation, a testament to the ripple effect of his singular and brave voice (BBC Three, 2019)[3]. His fight against censorship seems to be a catalyst rather than a hindrance to his impact. Indeed, the power of his message is seen in its transformative effects on its recipients, myself included (Stanford Medicine, 2021)[4]. With his relentless conviction, Newgent isn't afraid to “call anyone and everyone to the carpet” if it serves his mission of waking people up to his cause. He has been attacked from all corners, yet he persists, solid as a rock amid a torrential storm (Vitagliano, E., 2020)[5]. His tenacity is stirring, a symbol of his commitment to his cause and a testament to the transformative power of personal experience turned into activism. The narrative of Scott Newgent dislodges our inherent perspective towards the practice of childhood medical transition. This is the narrative of a hero who, even in the face of adversity, has strived to awaken society to an often overlooked reality. Whether it be through his ensure activism or his pinching accounts of personal experiences, Scott Newgent has managed to not only shock the world but to inspire change and advocate for the well-being of a silent demographic. Often, change is initiated by a radical, someone who dares to oppose societal norms and expectations for the greater good. Scott Newgent embodies this radicalism, showcasing exemplary courage, resilience, and strength. As we continue to navigate and discover new societal norms, it's crucial we remember those such as Newgent who emboldened us to scrutinize reality critically, rather than accepting it blindly (5). Support TransRegretters Donate Today Whether his recognition as a hero arrives heralded within his lifetime or posthumously carved into historical records, the impact of Scott Newgent's brave confrontation against the potentially harmful practice of childhood medical transition persists. His experience, voice, and relentless pursuit of change will long reverberate, serving as a constant reminder for society to remain vigilant, empathetic, and unafraid to question for the sake of ensuring justice and well-being for all. Sources: 1. [URL to Matt Walsh documentary] 2. [URL to Source discussing medical scandal] 3. [URL to Source mentioning Newgent’s bill] 4. [URL to Source discussing Gov Abbott’s actions] 5. [URL to Source discussing societal norms]

  • The Latest Trans Study Massive Success—HOGWASH DEBUNKED and Talk Tracks to Successfully Reveal the Truth—must read! by Trans Scott Newgent "STOP Transing Kids! Are you nuts?"

    by trans Scott Newgent Original Survey A deluge of emails regarding the 2022 U.S. Trans Survey have recently arrived in my inbox. More than 90,000 trans people participated in this media-disturbing study, which purportedly uncovered important details about their lives. Medical transition significantly improves life satisfaction, which is one of the most important findings. This study may be difficult to understand for those who are not familiar with the medical transition process. Innumerable emails have been sent to me expressing perplexion. I am deeply moved by the survey results, which highlight the urgent need for strong advocates who can dispel misconceptions and dispel gender ideology. It's not enough to only convey a message; the delivery must also strike an emotional chord in order to foster comprehension and compassion. The survey's focus on those just starting their journey through medical transition is one of the main things that drew my attention to it. Please do a mental exercise with me before we begin. Picture myself able to fulfill a wish you've had for a very long time. Your emotions and the quality of your life as a whole would be impacted by this. In order to comprehend and appropriately analyze the survey's results, this apparently unconnected practice is vital. Retain the emotions associated with your just realized dream as you go on reading this post. Soon, we will go back to this. Getting back to the poll, it found that life satisfaction increased for 77% of transgender people who had medical transition. This is a substantial improvement from the 2015 poll, when just 71% said they were more satisfied with life overall. The significance of medical transition on the health and happiness of transgender people is shown by these results. The poll takers may be too innocent to see medical transition as a solution to all their problems. It is imperative that powerful figures speak out against such oversimplified gender ideology in order to avoid this misunderstanding. The key to understanding the report's findings lies in the survey's introduction: "BUILDING UPON THE SUCCESS OF THE PREVIOUS 2016 STUDY, THE 2022" "Building upon" implies separate data sets, not a continuous study. So, the question arises: "What demographics are represented in each 'build upon'?" The answer is: the demographic is the key to the findings and why/how this study can be discarded within minutes with the right communicator tearing it apart. However, the currently sponsored activists are unable to dissect this study or convey it in a way that is heard beyond their echo chamber. So, what is the truth? "How to overcome this study of pure hogwash?" Do you recall the wish or dream I granted you up there a few paragraphs ago? Envision yourself as the outcast at every single social gathering you've ever been to. Envision yourself traveling the globe and wishing you had their luck. One of my deepest desires, which will never come true, is to tie the knot like all the young people do—bring their families together in a public display of love and commitment to one another. This is what I've always dreamed of—a traditional, well-received wedding, not the LGBT kind that makes headlines. I had a dream about this. Whose is it? Feeling out of place is excruciating. Quite agonizing. Because they believe it would heal them, medically transitioning people are doing it with such force that no one can stop them. The truth is that the pharmaceutical and medical industries are peddling the notion that odd fitting individuals may fit, that medical transition satisfies this longing and pain. Everything revolves around medical transition, which is why it makes perfect sense. Changing your health care provider is all that's required. There are a lot of moving parts and phases to the medical shift, guys. But it's thrilling at first, and you'll find yourself humming along in your thoughts, "I am going to fit. I can't wait to start hormones." Is there a music that has ever stayed with you? It's weird how it's practically hard to get rid of once it happens, isn't it? Any person's hope or wish to be accepted exactly as they are is, in essence, the same. Some individuals may appear aggressive while they are seeking validation during the initial stages of their medical transition. The reason behind this, though, is that they have never before experienced the concept of truly fitting in. Just think about how terrible it would be if someone forcibly removed the chance of fitting. It is critical that we navigate these waters with empathy and compassion because we are all on our own special paths. However, as adults and mentors, we can all eliminate this dream that stands in for a gift to experience emptiness by gaining an insight on all levels. That present? Has anyone ever accomplished anything truly exceptional without also bringing about a transformation that was previously unimaginable? Every change maker, inventor anyone that has done something extraordinary are different, right? Depending on your perspective, being different may be both a blessing and a curse. However, leaders, parents, and good stewards must know that when you let go of this notion, you must be prepared to replace it with the positive aspects of their identity. We must lead them to the blessing rather than the curse that will befall them if society crushes them. You can step on their toes to encourage medical transition or to teach them the truth. What good is it to communicate if there's no way to inspire? Instead of doing anything, please give/lift people who are skilled in this area. Please, for the sake of God, be a grownup and behave yourself here and ADULT Better.... When you start hormones, yet you don't feel better; however, your light is still shining because you still have to: Let the hormones change the shell and that takes time, then top surgery, bottom surgery, changing your name, people starting to use the pronouns you desire without correction. All of this takes time, and that time is between 5-7 years. Help Us Save Gender Confused Children - Donate Today Now, return to the study and examine the timeline of the documented transgender individuals. They are all less than four-year mark. All of this is clearly detailed in the only long-term study ever conducted on transgender people that tracked 324 transgender individuals from 1973-2003. The findings of this study align precisely with those of the aforementioned in the recent limited documentation. Initially, at the onset of medical transition, mental health improves. However, as the years progress and the process nears completion, satisfaction plummets until reaching a peak of suicidal ideation within the 5–7-year timeframe. These suicidal kids who are medically transitioning will become 19 times more likely to commit suicide than any other demographic 5-7 years later. And? The claim that 'discrimination' against trans people is the reason for these regrets is nonsense. The real regret is that medical transition prompts severe health problems, which often arise just as individuals realize that medical transition has made them feel more out of place. Now, imagine an evangelical trying to educate a room full of liberals with this message? I will say it again and again. We need new leaders! We need a new strategy because we are getting our asses kicked for a few activists to build nothing more than financial enterprises. We NEED NEW LEADERS! Picture Billy Graham handing this message to the recipient. Would Graham be able to sway the opinions of anyone? Who among the LGBTQ community, liberals, and feminists could he persuade to change their minds about childhood medical transition? With a speech from Graham, how many kids would he be able to save that day? Who would hear his message? Or would it be an echo chambers signaling others that their way, their belief is more righteous than others? You have to ask yourself, though: Are you truly committed to ending medical transition in children? Because these are the folks who need education. Then you should try something new! Would they be able to persuade anyone who didn't already share their views? Now picture a two-hour speech paying anything from $25,000 to $150,000 to any one of these influential people, and I ask you? Do they intend to build a financial empire or save children? Who benefited from your support and donations? How many children were saved? FYI, some if these influencers I respect and they have every right to make a living, some I think are snakes. Because they are! But the reality is that these influences are doing nothing to save kids, we are losing this better because we have the wrong leaders! Support TransRegretters Here

  • Transgender Regret - It's Real & This Is What Is Looks Like!

    By Trans Regretter Scott Newgent Follow on Twitter @NotScottNewgent “You’re the transman Scott Newgent, from the ‘What Is a Woman’ documentary, right? Don’t we know I immediately look down to avoid eye contact. It’s one thing to be remembered for a great success in life. It’s quite another to be recognized for the single most significant regret you have, one that never releases its grip, leading to a life mirroring the biblical Job: unending physical and mental health trials as well as financial tribulations. And I say that as an agnostic. The woman refuses to leave my table at a coffee shop where I am desperately looking for a work-from-home job, as I’m now without the finances for a car. Her insistence forces me to look up and I recognize her. I have, indeed, met this woman and her husband and children — the type of meeting that only happens once but leaves a soul forever changed. Years prior, I had visited them in their home in an effort to sell them vinyl windows. Due to complications from gender-affirming medical transition, I was struggling with urinary infections that were nonstop for 17 months. I’d had a phalloplasty, otherwise known as “bottom surgery.” That’s the last, most drastic, and least successful type of gender-affirming surgery available, but the number of people undergoing it is skyrocketing. According to a study published this summer by JAMA Network Open, gender-affirming surgeries almost tripled between 2016 and 2019. Most of those were “top surgeries” — removal or changes to breasts — but 16,871 of them were genital surgeries, including hundreds of minors. For me, gender transition was and continues to be dangerous, causing massive and recurring health issues. It cured nothing. It gave me PTSD. My left arm, from which the skin was taken to create a faux phallus, has essentially left me disabled. My right arm — my good arm — recently was diagnosed with hairline fractures because I stopped taking testosterone a little while ago. I basically now have brittle bones decades too soon. I needed that job selling windows for the health insurance, which would cover a procedure out of state. My own state didn’t have a qualified surgeon willing to take on the complications from my surgery. So I fluttered from one ER to the next, weekend after weekend, working five days in between. I had to endure three months of ring-around-the-ER-posy. This game I was forced to play left me with lasting financial debt that I will never be able to repay — yet another regret. The insistent infections had taken their toll on my health, both physically and emotionally. A month prior, a doctor insisted I get a PICC line. This tube traveled up my arm and ended right at the entrance of my heart, remaining for over 30 days. Each day, I would wake up, go to the hospital and receive IV antibiotics before I headed off to sell windows in people’s homes. I distinctly recall the pain I had felt as an infection pulled on my bladder like daggers. I was giving my presentation, saying, “Here is the latch that opens the windows,” when the woman interrupted me: “Scott, sweetie, you have blood running down your legs.” The kindness and genuine concern I felt from this couple, despite being strangers at the time, created a sense of comfort I will never forget. Their rare empathy hit a nerve, and I could not stop the tears I knew were coming. Once they started to flow, they didn’t stop. I could not catch my breath, hyperventilating into the embrace of this woman and her husband. It was in his strong grasp I lost the ability to stand, yet I stayed upright because he held me along with his wife as his mammoth arms encircled us both. It was this nurturing man who began to comfort me in a whisper, “Shhh, it’s OK, Scott, it’s gonna be OK, you’re OK, let it out.” He reminded me of my father, who’d passed away a decade prior. Even though we were the same age, I felt from him a fatherly love I clearly must have needed. I was so grateful. The woman in the coffee shop is still there, smiling at me, oblivious to the regrets that flash through my mind. “Oh my, Scott, how are you? We saw you in the documentary and were so thankful to see you alive; we have been worried about you for years. How are you now? Scott, what powerful testimony you have and are giving to so many.” I look up at the expectant woman to give her my answer. “How am I? I’m still alive. And I live for my three kids.” When I was at my lowest, I thought about giving up entirely. But my kids’ faces came before and I made a promise: to live and to tell others about what happened to me. I’m far from perfect, as a person and as a parent. But I try. I try to help others so they don’t have the regrets that I have. My most major regret — having experimental bottom surgery — led to a cascade of others. About five years ago, I began a fight to stop childhood medical transition. I started by helping write the first bill that was heard in North Dakota and have not relented, becoming one of the leading worldwide voices to stop this experimental practice. Yes, a trans man is leading the fight, and that in itself should give the medical community pause. The obligation has weighed heavily on my family. I have been let go from good-paying jobs because of my activism. I’m crippled with debt. I’m trans and I cannot detransition, even though I’d like to. The process has gone too far; there is no turning back. And so all I can do is try to be as resilient as Job, even though I understand no better. The woman smiles and wishes me well. I go back to looking at the want-ads with the free Wi-Fi from the coffee shop. I’m still an agn exostic, but I’m also better off than Job. Scott Newgent is a gender transition regretter in Dallas. Support - Lift - Donate

  • Moms for Liberty Founder in Personal Life Scandal

    By Transman Regretter Scott Newgent A co-founder of the political organization known as "Moms for Liberty," Bridget Ziegler has recently found herself at the center of controversy and scandal. This revelation comes as a result of recent events. According to reports, she and her spouse made some odd choices in their personal lives, which has resulted in a great deal of public criticism and the dragging of their names through the mud. This debate, like many others, has expanded beyond the confines of the alleged personal actions and has become a larger discussion about the work and agenda of 'Moms for Liberty,' the role of personal life in political discourse, as well as the issue of LGBTQ+ rights and its place in schools. This is similar to the way that many other controversies have evolved. Within the domain of political activity, the organization known as "Moms for Liberty" is something of a strong force. It has been instrumental in the struggle against the inclusion of LGBTQ+ content in schools and the campaign against the medical transition of children, and it has taken advantage of its influence to bring about change in these areas. There are a variety of perspectives that are contested with regard to the function of religion in politics. Having said that, I am of the opinion that religion does not constitute a sufficient basis for political division or a cause for diminishing the value of a political institution. It is a reflection of my support for the cause that 'Moms for Liberty' advocates for that I am in accord with 95% of what they push for. Support & Donate To TransRegretters Following my own experiences and journey, I have come to the conclusion that the present rhetoric surrounding LGBTQ+ rights appears to be incorrect and deviates from the core principles of human rights. According to my understanding, the latter should primarily include the freedom to reside anywhere one chooses and to enjoy legal benefits comparable to those enjoyed by others, regardless of any identities that may differentiate them from one another. As a result of the fact that the current LGBTQ+ narrative appears to diverge from this ideal, I have decided not to endorse it. Both Bridget Ziegler and 'Moms for Liberty' are currently embroiled in a debate that is emblematic of greater societal divisions about contentious subjects. There are a number of topics that demand a full and considered discussion that is free of wanton mudslinging. These topics include the role of personal life in politics, the role of religious perspectives in political engagement, and the status of LGBTQ+ rights in schools or other educational institutions. Divergences of thought and perspectives on the world ought to serve as the impetus for productive debates rather than as the catalyst for public witch hunts. Unjust is the full-frontal onslaught that has been launched against Bridget and Moms for Liberty! The approach that is currently being utilized is a well-known divide and conquer tactic, which has been in existence ever since the beginning of time. Do you have a question? That is because it is efficient! That a person is attracted to someone of the same gender does not necessarily mean that they adhere to the insanity that the new LGBTQ+ community has become. Society has been turned upside down as a result of the divided subtribes that have been developed as a result of social media influencers and the large fortunes that they have earned. This is yet another example of the basic strategy of the rich and the poor, which is to amass greater riches for a segment of the population at the expense of others. This is something that I keep repeating because I do not intend to upset anyone, but rather to educate people about a process that promotes these wild times rather than putting a stop to them. Riley Gaines, who stands in protest of her sacrifice, is the most prominent activist in terms of fame and riches, and her exploitation of other people goes even farther. It is to the disadvantage of the issues at hand that the evangelicals who are supporting her hold this position. In addition to receiving compliments from people who already agree with her, Riley is unable to persuade anyone of anything. While society continues to deteriorate, Riley is able to enjoy the perks. The only thing that Riley is trying to accomplish is to amass wealth while participating in what I refer to as the "Evangelical Circle Jerk!" Even if they listen to Riley for a sufficient amount of time, those individuals who are in need of hearing the truth about the NEW LGBTQ+ will never be convinced otherwise. She is a speaker of average ability, but she portrays the concept of Christianity as being superior to everything else. The only thing that will be altered is Riley's bank account. Take a peek at her previous accomplishments. All of the things that she has touched with success and unwound have disappeared. This attack on Moms 4 Liberty is an attempt to undermine the assumption that all Christians are utter bigots and to belittle the accomplishments that they have achieved. That is not the case; certainly, there are some; nevertheless, if we are comparing apples to apples, the NEW LGBTQ+ is being guided by a harmful theory known as "Queer Theory," which is an ideology that was conceived up by three individuals: Play QUEER THEORY JEOPARDY 1. A pedophile, an unabashed pedophile. 2. A pedophile promoter. 3. A lesbian who believed child/adult sex is acceptable as long as the child enjoyed it. These are facts; you can find more information about Queer Theory here. Despite the fact that the majority of people are unaware of what "Queer Theory" is, what it represents, or the harm that is inflicted by medical transition, the majority of people do not know what it is. There is a simultaneous promotion of pedophilia, as well as a large financial enterprise built on the ignorant heads of gays and lesbians, and the silencing of individuals for behaviors that are not harmful and within one's rights to participate in. This is happening at the same time that society is dancing around professing love, tolerance, and acceptance of the new LGBTQ+. Are you a trio? There should be no concern. The act of participating in threesomes does not lead to a loss of one's identity or ideals. I have faith that Bridget will continue to do respectable work, and I hope that she will do so in the near future. My wish is that society would emerge from its haze and come to the realization that the current difficulties we are experiencing in society are the result of the division and conquest of subtribes. This is something that must be stopped. At the same time that we are working to heal our society, we are doing the exact opposite by further dividing it. Religion has been around since the beginning of time, and homosexuality has been around the same period. In no way will these two parallels ever coincide.

  • All The Lesbian Ladies, All The Lesbian Ladies, ALL THE LESBIAN LADIES? Now Put Your Hands Up!

    I made this brief for the Canadian C-6 about four years ago; it's a law that would make it illegal for therapists to ask clients open-ended inquiries like, "What makes you believe you are trans?" This could lead to disciplinary sanctions, including the loss of a license. My ignorance in giving in to gender dogma is becoming clearer as I go further on this activist path. It is discouraging to discover you were mistaken when you remove all the fantastical notions and diversions from the discussion and face the facts. Nothing good will come out of it, but that is what it is. Just as I'm trying to do, you keep moving forward and try to make the most of your experiences, no matter what decisions you made in the past. My brief supporting Bill C6 in the Canadian Parliament surfaced on a search engine today. I flipped it open and dove headfirst into reading it. Since I wrote this, I have undergone a transformation, and my sole concern has been: "67% of all young girls undergoing medical transition today would have matured into content, healthy lesbian women." "67% of all young girls undergoing medical transition today would have matured into content, healthy lesbian women." "67% of all young girls undergoing medical transition today would have matured into content, healthy lesbian women." Then, out of nowhere, the song "All The Single Ladies" began to reverberate throughout my thoughts. Before I realize it, I'm singing in my basement office. After that, I couldn't help but let the tune "All The Single Ladies" float around in my mind.Singing in the basement of my office is the next thing I remember doing. "All the lesbian ladies" "All the lesbian ladies" "All the lesbian ladies" Ignore the lesbians of the future. We cried over gender ideology for 60 years of battle, and now we're scared of it. My fourteen-year-old daughter, who is almost six feet tall, looked at me as if I were the most stupid person in the world as I came to a full stop in a whirl while singing at a loud level with my hips trembling. She wore a palm-up posture, with one hand resting on her hip and the other extended. "Father, Mother, whatever, you are the most foolish person on the face of the planet." Giving her my ATM card was my way of giving in. She was in need of fresh false eyelashes; paycheck is this Friday... how exciting! By the way, this is the brief for Canada. Research, anecdotes, and suggestions for combining the two are many, all with the goal of making the point that medical transition is not the right location for children. Have fun. Scott Newgent, a 51-year-old transgender man and trans-parent living in Texas, is the founder of TReVoices, a group of trans educators who oppose radical gender activism and seek to educate politicians and families about the reality of gender dysphoria. He tweets at @NotScottNewgent Bill C-6 needs more nuance: Conversion therapy is wrong, but pushing kids to transition medically is worse When I was in my early 20s, I dated an older lesbian named Bee. Bee was the life of the party; she was the person everyone wanted to be around. As fun-loving as she was, everyone who knew her realized that her parents and childhood should never be brought up. I tried in the year we were dating, but I never got far until one day as we were driving home from a Christmas party. Bee had a little too much to drink and started screaming about how the house had mild porn everywhere. I tried to calm her down, but each attempt only made her scream louder. After an hour, I decided to go home; I left her in the bedroom as I gathered my things. When I returned to say goodbye, she was in a ball in the corner, wailing with cries that sent a chill up my spine. She told me a story that is seared into my conscience, something I think about at least every week of my life. In Bee's early teens, her mother found a love note from a girl in her backpack. Her parents were evangelical Christians and were not going to have a lesbian as a daughter, so they shipped her off to a mental institution that would show her images of soft porn. Every time a woman appeared naked, she received such an intense shock that a mouth guard was placed in her mouth to ensure she didn't bite her tongue in half. She remained in this facility for over a year, until her 15th birthday. The treatment didn't work; there she was, 44, and still dating women. But the experience left her broken. I lived as a lesbian for 25 years, and this is just one story of several I have heard. Each account is heartbreaking. My experience was different, and I am thankful that when I came out, my father said to me, "Kellie, are you telling me you’re a lesbian? Being a lesbian means nothing to me, and it shouldn't matter to you either other than one thing: you are attracted to women. Guess what, my child, me too, women are awesome. Don't allow yourself to believe that being a lesbian means anything more than that. You hold your head up and find a life partner and do the right thing with your wife's heart." That was it for me, and I didn't realize how lucky I was. Each woman I introduced to my father was one more woman he fell in love with, one more devastation whenever I moved on. My father's heart broke many times until I found my life partner. I always made a joke about this, and I wish now I could look him in his eyes and tell him what a gift he gave me. Conversion therapy for homosexuality is wrong, it doesn't work, and it breaks the soul of a human. The studies tell us there is no benefit, just a detriment. We think this barbaric therapy is no longer around, but that's not true; my ex-wife attended one not long ago, and again it didn't take. Being gay is something you are; it cannot be changed through psychological or medical treatment. It can also not be induced by medical treatment. Did you understand what I just said? You cannot medically turn a human being homosexual; there is no drug out there that can make a homosexual straight or turn a straight person homosexual. No drugs can be taken or injected to make us homosexual or make us straight. No corporations benefit financially from people claiming to be homosexual or straight. No one benefits economically. Because of that, the playing field can't be tainted by greed, and acceptance can't be falsely avowed for the sake of a dollar. However, that's not the case with transgenderism. Six years ago, I began to transition to a transman, and within that timeframe, my insurance and me personally have been billed just under $1 million USD. I realize that medical care is a human right in Canada, and I have the utmost respect for this; I also believe that medical care is a human right, not an opportunity for profit. But unless every vial of testosterone/estrogen/puberty blockers is free to the provincial governments, I ask that you take my words of experience into consideration. What I am going to say is controversial in Canada, but not when cameras are off and people aren't afraid of losing their jobs: Having gender dysphoria is not a choice, but being transgender is; it's a feeling, a desire, a want. Amazingly, we now have the medical technology that allows biological women to create an illusion of looking like males through testosterone therapy and surgery. This modern technology has brought me peace. But at a high cost: the process is brutal on the mind, body, and soul. Being transgender is now a want, a feeling that you can turn into reality. It can be created through medical intervention, but the treatments are NOT reversible and have significant risks; many people with gender dysphoria believe hormones are reversible, but they are not. Many parents put their kids on puberty blockers, thinking they are reversible, but they are not. In the UK, the NHS recently realized this and is changing its stance; but it's something Canada has refused to look at. Why? We forget the massive amount of revenue generated by pushing our kids to believe they are transgender. Moreover, the doctors, social workers, and gender clinics are not being transparent about the myriad risks of medical transition. During my own transition, I had seven surgeries to change my appearance to male. As side effects, I also had a massive pulmonary embolism, a helicopter life-flight ride, an emergency ambulance ride, a stress induced heart attack, sepsis, a 17-month recurring infection due to using the wrong skin during a (failed) phalloplasty, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, the loss of all my hair, (only partially successful) arm reconstructive surgery, permanent lung and heart damage, a cut bladder, insomnia-induced hallucinations—oh and frequent loss of consciousness due to pain from the hair on the inside of my urethra. All this led to a form of PTSD that made me a prisoner in my apartment for a year. Medical transition comes with significant risks and long-term effects that have yet to be adequately studied. What we do know is that the long-term use of synthetic hormone therapy shortens lives. Specifically, these medications are associated with an increased risk of heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, bone damage, liver and kidney failure, mental-health complications, and more. Almost a quarter of hormone-therapy patients on high-dose anabolic steroids (such as the testosterone taken by female-to-male transitioners) exhibit major mood-syndrome symptoms. Between three and 12 percent go on to develop symptoms of psychosis. Children who claim to be trans typically are receiving such drugs at a pivotal time in the development of brains and bones. They've become a generation of guinea pigs. The only long-term study on transgenderism was done in Sweden in 1973; it followed 324 medically transitioned adults for 30 years and tells us that medical transition reduces suicidal ideation for a short time, like the 2019 study “Reduction in Mental Health Treatment Utilization Among Transgender Individuals After Gender-Affirming Surgeries.” But then it returns each year, gaining traction until it is often higher after the medical transition than before. This 2019 study had the authors come back in 2020 admitting that even their data of the surge in significant benefit from medical transition was false, but the media didn’t publicize the update. The problem is that most studies published nowadays are short-term. They all say that suicidal ideation is reduced, and that is true – at the start. What these too short studies don't tell you is what I as a transman with many adult trans friends will: Later in life doubt and suicidal thoughts creep back in. As a transperson, you have to deal with what you have done to your body, you have to learn how to move within this world differently, you have to face the reality of biology. It is not all glitter bombs and rainbow lollipops. It's extremely hard. Conversion therapy is wrong but pushing kids to transition medically is worse. Challenging children and adolescents to understand why they want to medically transition and how they can grapple with their gender dysphoria is healthy. Homosexuality can be decided, then redecided, and then decided again. I don't truly believe that, but claiming to be a lesbian at 14 and then marrying a man at 25 does not have any lasting repercussions. Medical transition does. Medical transition for gender identity is different than homosexuality; we have to look at them separately. Homosexuality is an attraction to the same sex. Transgenderism is wanting to be the opposite sex. One is something you are, and the other is something you want, and this is a significant difference. One can never be denied while the other can be created. If you allow yourself to bunch them into one giant glitter bomb, you will not see the forest for the trees. Questioning a child about why they feel like the opposite sex, why they want to medically transition, is not bigotry. It's called good parenting. We seem to have lost the meaning of the word parenting; it's a verb for a reason. It's something you must actively do. Having children speak to their parents and a professional who understands all sides of the issue of desiring to medically alter their bodies is mature. Lord knows, it's not the easy thing to do. The easy thing to do in Canada right now is to succumb to the glitter bombs and resist having to challenge a group that has become disproportionately politically influential. But we have to ask the hard questions, regardless of the feelings we hurt. Gender dysphoria is a feeling of disconnection to one's biological sex; it's a mental illness than can and has shown to improve with therapy. Transgenderism is acting on this feeling by undergoing a medical transition, and this, my friends, no matter how much you don't want it to be, is a choice akin to plastic surgery. I know that is bothersome to hear, but reality is not transphobia. Reality is healthy; delusions are not. We owe it to Canadian children to really think about and study medical transition, fully understanding what they are getting into. Allow these kiddos to ease their gender dysphoria with the least invasive actions possible first. No matter how much our toddlers want to eat Jolly Ranchers all day every day, we do not allow that because we know the consequences while the toddlers do not. Time to step up to the parenting plate, Canada. I know it's scary, but we are talking about your children. As a transman, I am often asked why I care so much about what happens to kids who are being pushed to transition medically, and I wish I could say it's for all selfless reasons, but it's not. You see, most transgender people like myself are in the closet without a need to come out, and we live our lives without knowing what is happening within transgender politics. I just happened to get deathly ill from my transition, and it forced me to see what was happening. In one afternoon I read the Swedish study and learned about a transwoman who shot herself in the head at nineteen, leaving a note saying that she could not have children; she had realized that she was a gay man who no longer wanted to live with her broken body. I wailed the same way Bee did that night she told me about her conversion therapy. I felt a burden land on my shoulders that has given me a recurring nightmare. The nightmare starts with a transman in his 20s dialing his parents through sobs: "Mom, I can't have kids, I wear diapers, no one wants to date me, and my choices for a life partner are slashed by 90%. The doctor just told me I have early-onset osteoporosis, and I will be dependent on drugs for the rest of my life. Mom, I was a lesbian and a kid; why did you let me do this to my body? I am now trapped in the wrong body." The child's mother tries to comfort her daughter through the phone but hears a boom as the 357 magnum sends a bullet through her child's brain. Have you ever heard a mother screaming, knowing her child just died? I hear it every night as I jump out of bed; the sound will NEVER leave me. What's the alternative to my dream? A loving home with a caring therapeutic process that challenges and protects children, nurturing them to either: Transition as an adult with a fully developed brain (after the age of 25) and full and complete knowledge of the process and side effects; Grow up and out of wanting to be the opposite sex and embrace themselves as either gay or gender-nonconforming or possibly autistic. ‘For decades, follow-up studies of transgender kids have shown that a substantial majority – anywhere from 65 to 94 percent – eventually ceased to identify as transgender.’ You are being hornswoggled if you believe that medical transition is something a child should decide or be allowed to endure. That is why I urge Canada's politicians to remove "gender identity" from Bill C-6. Sinverely, Trans Regretter Scott Newgent Founder - www.TransRegrwtrw RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) Remove “gender identity” from Bill C-6. 2) If unable to entirely remove, make amendments to the language to clarify exactly what conversion therapy is and to distinguish it from regular therapeutic talk therapy, particularly regarding gender identity, which might help a child or adolescent (under the age of 25) be more comfortable with their biological sex, thereby helping them avoid irreversible changes to their body through surgical and medical interventions. BIBLIOGRAPHY (in order of reference):, “Catholic Parish Hosts Conversion Therapy Group Accused of Abuse,” September 29, 2019, “Dr. Crane charged my insurance company and me for a quarter of a million dollars for my phalloplasty & close to one million of medical transition in entirety.”, “The NHS has quietly changed its trans guidance to reflect reality,” June 4, 2020, “Systematic Review of the Long-Term Effects of Transgender Hormone Therapy on Bone Markers and Bone Mineral Density and Their Potential Effects in Implant Therapy,” June 2019, “Traits of autism spectrum disorder in school-aged children with gender dysphoria: A comparison to clinical controls., “Correction: Transgender Surgery Provides No Mental Health Benefit,” September 13, 2020, “Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden,” February 22, 2011, “Reduction in Mental Health Treatment Utilization Among Transgender Individuals After Gender-Affirming Surgeries: A Total Population Study,” October 4, 2019, “Correction to Bränström and Pachankis,” August 1, 2020, “Do transkids stay trans- when they grow up?,” January 11, 2016, “Traits of autism spectrum disorder in school-aged children with gender dysphoria: A comparison to clinical controls.,” 2019, “The Controversial Research on 'Desistance' in Transgender Youth,” May 23, 2018

  • Martin Luther King stated, "judge by the content of character," and not the societal subgroup to which you are locked into!

    Offend EVERYONE with TRUTH! Written by Scott Newgent, a transgender person. Where we do not agree is in one particular area, but it is probably not as much as you may expect. There was no malicious intent behind this message, and I believe that it is deserving of a genuine answer. When I think of the Martin Luther King Jr. Speech, in especially the, "I have a dream that one day my four young children will live in a country where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but rather by the content of their character." By Martin Luther King, Jr. The same dream continues to elude us to this day! The movement to legalize romantic long-term unions in order to safeguard same-sex couples and provide them with legal and financial protection is a right that ought to be extended to everyone. In no way do these legal rights infringe upon the rights of other people. Where we crossed the line was gays/lesbians demanding marriage as seen by religion. Each religion should have the ability to decide what they believe and deny what they do not BELEIVE. However, if you take a step back, you will notice that the trans ideology is quite comparable to the demand for "marriage" privileges and the imposition of religion, which is an ideology that is founded on personal perceptions or faith. The distinction lies in the fact that religion, as opposed to gender ideology, strives to operate in accordance with ethical principles and to assist others via faith. The ideology of transgender people does not accept "no" as an answer and instead screams intolerance, hatred, and mayhem if other people do not believe the same thing. Both ideologies ought to be permitted within a society, but they ought to be monitored to make certain that they do not deviate from the norm, as trans ideology has done. Even if you believe that Christianity is a morally superior religion, the same may be said about the transgender community. Which one is correct? How come your viewpoint should be given a higher priority? When all is said and done, it is also an ideology. In light of this, I believe that the practice of coercing society to accept gay couples to enter into 'religious' marriages is not only unethical but also against human rights, the right to freedom of religion. These rights should be protected by the law. If a religion opposed homosexuality they are free to do so and deny performing marriage ceremonies with same sex partners. Human Rights go both ways or at least it should. The right to live where we want, the right to work where we want, and the right to be free from the fear of being imprisoned for who we love are all rights that are necessary yet to be granted. It is imperative that we STOP being quiet because we do not wish to cause any offense. Infuriate everyone, since it will generate debate, which is exactly what is required. A significant number of us homosexuals chose to remain silent in order to avoid being shunned by our community because the agenda around gay marriage was taken to an extreme. This procedure is the very essence of the reason why we are in this position. The missing piece of necessary discourse, which is muted for fear on both sides, causes a social civil war, and the only people who benefit from it are the so-called "influencers" within social media. The most significant issue that arises from this disarray is the fact that the individuals whom Christians idolize today are the dds. All of these new models of celebrity are promoting what is taking place. You see, in order to become a current influencer and acquire large quantities of money and renown, all that is required is a little bit of charisma, money, tenacity, targeting a subtribe, and scaring the heck out of people to the point where they become immobile and chant that you have to heal and to differentiate yourself from all others. Not only is a cult developing inside the transgender community, but it is also developing everywhere and in every subtribe. The question "Why do you still like Matt Walsh, he's such a religious jerk?" is one that I get asked very frequently. It took a lot of bravery for Matt to be the first influential person to engage in argument between society subtribes that went against each other. Thank you for that. Matt is not a jerk, and although we have different points of view, in the end, Matt has always done what is right when it comes to helping and protecting children. If Matt is able to irritate you on occasion, then so be it; he does the same to me. However, you should persevere and argue with him. BEHAVE IN A MORE IMPROPER MANNER! However, despite the fact that I agree with you, members of the gay and lesbian community have remained silent when we have gone too far, but they have backed off with their opinions for selfish reasons, which has resulted in pandemonium. I really apologize for this. It is necessary for all gays and lesbians, as well as those who have contributed, to apologize. We must apologize for our intrution into demanding religion to accept our beliefs, this is the opposite of granting human rights; human rights belong to all people just not the new peverted LGBTQ+. The evangelical community is responsible for more severe suffering and hatred than any other subtribe, and if and until all sides promote grownups who are willing to sit in the same room and discuss, the situation is going to become much more dire. This chaos was going to come in some form or another, and it should not come as a surprise that the disorder that was lifted, gender ideology, is the perfect chaos because it generates not millions of dollars annually, but billions, and over the course of time, it will climb to trillions. There is no letup in the pandemonium despite the growing revenue. As a conclusion, I would want to say that although I respect your viewpoint on religion, I do not share it. This is not something that should be used to stigmatize either you or me. To put my words into action, we need to hold individuals accountable and do what I say: ADULT BETTER. The current social climate is characterized by a state of life and death turmoil, which can be attributed to a systematic shift in the manner in which our culture absorbs information. Add to that the enormous amount of money that has been pumped into it by the media, and voila! Transgender craze. The issue is that in order to put a stop to it, the leaders who are capable of doing so are required to do so on their own, without any resources, and under continual attack. Not many people come that way anymore, so here we are. People don't come that way anymore. In a society that is falling apart into a mess, men are beginning to believe that they are women, the shame associated with pedophilia is being removed, and the degradation of society is being lifted. Nevertheless, do you believe that religion or Christianity does not have a role in this discussion? Then you are mistaken. On the flip side Christians would rather support activists who do nothing but set us back in time where different opinions were not allowed. Goes both ways. Do we exist as human beings, devoid of opinions, or as subgroups within society? Each and every one of us is responsible for bringing us to this point, and we need each and every one of us to fix it. Awaiting our coming together? In the future, children will continue to be slaughtered as a result of gender ideology and other cultural views that refuse to engage in argument or opinion.

  • I Will Call You 'Kellie' Because That's How God Sees You?

    I worked in sales the majority of my adult life. Killed it in sales. Ever seen that hilarious Jeremy Piven movie The Goods in 2009 back when comedy was still legal? He’s a legendary car salesman closer. Well, that was me. He was Don “The Goods” Ready. I was Kellie “The Closer” King. I’ve got sales in my blood. My grandfather Scott King was a building contractor who opened the King’s Auto court motel in San Diego to coincide with the 1935 World’s Fair. In 1939 that became the Travelodge empire–a brilliant franchising scheme to rival the McDonald’s story of The Founder. My granddad used to pal around with Ray Kroc. He saw the brand new middle class market segment coming before anyone knew what hit them. The little bear that used to grace the logo? Modeled after my dad. I was also born in 1972. People talk about struggles now? Try being an ultra-successful alpha lesbian in the sales field in the 2000s and then tell me again about your adversity because someone didn’t respect your made-up “they/them” pronouns. I once got investigated for three months–all because I was beating every sales record there was amongst my peers, and we couldn’t let this bitch dyke do that, could we? See what I did there? I used a couple of slurs that, honestly, are my right to use as I’ve heard them for a lifetime against me. I saw the “dyke” word again recently after an appearance on the Stew Peters Show. Stew welcomed me on two days after Matt Walsh’s What is a Woman? exploded across the Twitterverse with 150 million views in 48 hours. Maybe “welcomed” isn’t the right word. It was pretty clear from the get-go that Stew’s self-righteousness blinds him to any conception that there isn’t any truth beyond his own–and that’s perfectly fine. It has nothing to do with me. It doesn’t even faze me anymore. And honestly, I will talk to the evangelicals all day long while they tell me about Jesus through their glares if it helps one baby lesbian somewhere know that they are perfect exactly as they are and that any attempt to sell them authentic happiness in the form of lifetime medicalization, endless surgeries and life-shortening hormones…maybe doesn’t have their best interest at heart? I get sales techniques. I know them intimately. As Mr. Stew hammered me with words about how I had “failed” and was “ruined” I thought about the Neuro-Linguistic Programming principles that he and so many newbie salespeople and pick-up artists use to try to arouse or elicit some kind of a reaction. It’s adorable, really. Reminds me of when I used to give a shit about such things. As he suggested to me that it was never too late to consider Jesus, I couldn’t help think about how many people miss out on these giant audiences because they’re so afraid of cancel culture cooties. You know the ones. Instead of Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon it’s Six Degrees of Tucker Carlson. Help Me Keep Using My Voice - Donate Today Activists against the marketing of transgenderism to children would no doubt hijack the Times Square teleprompter if they got the chance, even if it meant an evangelical was watching…wouldn’t they? I sure would. On the chiron thumbnail with Stew it blared “LGBT FREAKS TARGET OUR CHILDREN!” If you watch it, it’s cute when he tries to get me condemn not only Blaire White but Ted Cruz because they aren’t as far right as him. I said I want to put the surgeons who are targeting our kids in prison. Well, he wants them executed. Checkmate, Stew. There was for sure a time when all of this would have gotten to me. Or the people who write to me telling me that appearing on the show is unrecoverable. When the words of the people who tell me that I’m a traitor in every identity targeted segment one can be a traitor would have landed. That was during the time I lost myself. And it all began with that first lie that I accepted as truth–eight long years before Stew was telling me that Jesus was there and ready to listen, when I put my own identity up for debate. I don’t do that anymore. Even if Stew had the courage to call me an LGBT freak directly, it wouldn’t have mattered. Because I know who I am. I didn’t realize how absolutely crucial that is to a person’s entire sense of sanity. Who you are…is who you are. After spending nearly $1 million and having a stress induced heart attack and having to wear a “fragile” bracelet because I am that near death, I’m no longer worried about pleasing anyone. “We will call you Kellie King,” Stew bellows to me, “because that is as God intended.” I grin. I’m glad it is making him so happy. I could care as little about someone accurately sexing me as I do about them referring to me by my birth name. I don’t know if it’s “as God made me” (the way he says it drips off the tongue like a slur somehow, and I actually love being called Kellie) but it’s the truth, and I’m never offended by that anymore. I’m not one for religion, but I do believe in god. I do know one thing that saves–and that’s reality. Telling the truth. That’s what Stew and I have in common. We are allies. He is an ally to me in supporting the truth of telling the truth. You have to choose your battles. And to me the battle for reality is that crucial of a battle. He asks me to name and shame, name and shame. He is about the quick hit. I am a circus clown. He uses the word “clown.” His inflection is a dare. Will I react? I think Jesus would find him as entertaining as I do, how determined he is to out-Matt-Walsh Matt Walsh, how desperate he is to try to terrify me. I almost want to give him the tears he’s searching for out of pity, to help him meet his goal of a viral clip because I want to extend him that kindness. Be kind, right? Because I know he really, really thinks this performance matters and it will really, really make him happy. None of that matters. None of his politics matter. None of the politics matter of the people who decry him as “literal genocide” matter. Protecting children from the predation of multinational corporations who see them as cash cows matter. That’s it. One goal. I’m a one-trick pony now. “Who is the name of the doctor?” He puts my surgeon on the screen. I’m thrilled to see the guy blasted, having run from California with multiple lawsuits against him and his tail between his legs using Texas’s tort reform to continue his malpractice…on me. “Who was the name of your therapist?” I think back to the trans woman therapist that I first saw. I don’t even remember her name. I have no problem using trans pronouns, but I also 100 percent understand the reasoning why people do not. That therapist called me Kellie, too. I was Kellie. I was Kellie King. Successful, beautiful, a knockout. And then the magical thinking brain worm was first planted inside my head. Like an illusionist in Vegas, that first transwoman therapist I saw in 2016 told me that I had been presenting like a man my whole life. I felt…mortified. Shame I hadn’t felt since I was a kid. Could everyone see this? Why hadn’t anyone told me? This was a therapist. A medical professional. I’ve always respected medical professionals. Don’t you? At that point in time I was no cynic. Like so many others I was celebrating Caitlyn Jenner living her authentic truth. Finally, all the hatred against gays was melting away. Look at the love bombs coming the way of transgenders! Look at how amazing it was! I had never heard the term “astroturfing” in my life then. I probably hadn’t even heard the term “gaslight.” I certainly wasn’t familiar with the medical industry’s long history of corruption and capturing scandals from thalidomide to lobotomies to the oxycontin scandal that was at that time ramping up into high gear with the kind of completely guardrails-off marketing that would have made my granddad’s jaw drop. Lost in all of this are kids, who I relate to deeply, not just because I am a mother but because I am was the kind of kid that I see preyed upon today. I said it before, and I’ll say it as many times as I have to: I couldn’t resist this shit at 42. You think a little kid who believes in Santa Claus understands Judith Butler and Foucault when you are tell him that gender is a construct and if he likes playing with nail polish he needs to get his dick cut off? One thing I love about Matt Walsh is that he reminds me of the world that I grew up in, where you knew who you were dealing with. A black person once told me that they preferred the racism of the South because at least it was more honest. This is how I feel around evangelicals sometimes. I know the terror that the deeply religious feel about their dogma and faith, and it has absolutely nothing to do with me. They are doing their best within the context of their upbringing. And they know that sex and sex-change surgery…is for adults. The fact that this is controversial is terrifying. By Trans Regretter Scott Newgent

  • The Hilarious Adventures of a Trans Regretter Parent: A Toothache, Imaginary Lists, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    A lesbian, a mother, a trans regretter, a writer, a survivor of gender medicine, an occasional HERO, and a determined crusader to prevent childhood medical transition. Scott's Bio - Now accepting Podcasts, Speaking Events & Interviews By, Trans man Regretter Scott Newgent A toothache and an illness struck my sixteen-year-old son hard. To ensure he was taking his meds and Tylenol, I called him downstairs. Please take these Tylenol, my son, and come over here so I can rub your shoulders and watch a movie with you. After taking the Tylenol, he went back upstairs. "Hey, come over here so I can rub your shoulders and we can watch whatever movie you want, son," there was no reaction, just the sound of him walking back upstairs. "Dammit son, where are you going, movies shoulder rub?" I yelled. "NO! Massaging my shoulders will not help my toothache. I'm not a ten-year-old anymore; I have strategic thought processing skills. The "You bet, Justice, I'm going to put that toy on your list!" thing didn't involve a toy inventory, as far as I'm aware. The fist pumps to Julia, 'I have it on the list,' are over!" I couldn't help but laugh. "Ninja Turtles are on their way, in buckets almost here son the list is delivering!" Meanwhile, I heard his twin, Julia, burst out laughing, "OMG, I'm peeing. That's classic Justice." I walked upstairs, giggling, and the door shut in my face. I turned to my daughter's door, and two steps later, her door slammed in my face as well! As I mosed on downstairs, I thought this is a fantastic moment for a life lesson and began in a voice loud enough for my twins to hear my voice traveling up the stairs as I walked down. "Kids it's tuff, I get it feeling physically ill is not easy but slamming the doors in my face, although funny is not the response to flourish, learning how to voice you frustration is better received with calm…….." My son's door flung open, and a pillow was thrown at me; he yelled, "It's too much!" The pain in my teeth is too severe for a lesson, please!" "Oh, it hurts pretty bad son. I could rub your shoulder OR execute a street fight double leap, then kick you on the other side of your face to relieve the pain!" "Yeah, right!" my son said back. "Son, I'm telling you; I identify as a ninja... watch out." I heard my son run towards me and down the stairs, and my hands immediately like Tom Cruise's as I began to dart into the wind at mimic speed, screaming in the highest pitch imaginable, "I'm a woman, son, you can't tackle women!" He caught me right quickly, and while the entire family shouted with laughter, my son remarked, "I'm putting you on nigh night hold!" He was on the ground, releasing his pretend choke hold. I said, "I let you win son to keep your ego in check!" My son nodded, "Okay, Ma/Pa!" Suddenly, there was a cackling of teenage girls giggling on a facetime call. "Oh my god, I'm peeing now too Julia," one of my daughter's friends remarked over FaceTime, and then I overheard a chorus of girls laughing. "OMG, me too, that's funnier than shit..." As I regain my calm, I reprise the parental warning after being taken down to size: "Hey, girls, watch your fucking language." "Ok, son what movie do you want to watch ninja turtles?" My kid accepts my suggestion, and the night continues. . . Support - Donate Today

  • Why Your 'Why' Matters in the Battle Against Medical Transition

    by Transman Regretter Scott Newgent If your 'WHY' doesn't bring tears to your eyes, if it doesn't halt you in your tracks, compelling you to fight for what you believe in, ready to sacrifice everything, then your 'WHY' is not powerful enough to join the battle against the medical transition of children! In the realm of activism, I have come to understand that there is a constant ebb and flow. The flow follows the immense wealth that can be attained by those whose motivation is money, propelling them towards their goals of financial success. Conversely, there are those who seek fame, and often these two desires go hand in hand. Unfortunately, these motivations are self-centered and do not bring about any change in hearts or minds! When it comes to most political agendas, commitment levels vary, and society strives to strike a balance between the negatives and positives. The political debates we witness or read about? They are merely political games. For most agendas, this game levels the playing field. In fact, 99% of political agendas have a gray area of compromise that allows each member of society to benefit to the greatest extent possible. It is within this gray area that most solutions lie, in most circumstances. However, the debate surrounding the medical transition of children is an exceptional case. There is no gray area for success; it is a matter of black and white. Medically transitioning children brings no good, no room for compromise. It is a rarity indeed, a black-and-white issue with no shades of gray. As a 51-year-old transman who has undergone the journey of transitioning and has three children of my own, I possess a unique perspective within the realm of activism aimed at halting childhood medical transition. If you ever doubted that I was aware of being used and discarded for the sake of social media fame and fortune, you would be mistaken. Not only was I aware, but I also encou are whipraged them to use me because I knew that I understood the situation on a level that 99% of people could not comprehend. Thxe medicalization of gender-confused children is a deeply rooted problem within society. Knowing what I know has always given me a competitive edge, but ironically, it has also been my downfall. Understanding the extent of the harm we are causing to children has burdened me with a promise to speak out for the last 5.5 years of my life, even if it meant sacrificing my own well-being, finances, and the lives of my children. It reached a point where I had to resort to sneaking in to get a friend to help me with a medical issue because I couldn't afford a proper doctor. I had to rely on online research to heal my own stress fracture. This was a new low, especially when coupled with the fact that I had to return to a moldy basement room as my only semblance of a home. It was then that I humbly admitted, "I'm sorry God, I have nothing else to give." You may think that Matt Walsh used me in his piece, "What is a Woman?" But what you don't know is that I also used Matt. I tested him that day, both on and off camera, to see if he would do the right thing. I confronted him with intense truth, challenging him to shed light on the wrongs of childhood medical transition instead of making a mockery of it. And you know what? Matt rose to the occasion. He did what was right when nobody was watching. His personal beliefs about homosexuality or any religion are not my concern. Everyone has the right to their own opinions, and judging others based on their actions alone is futile and unjust. I possess the ability to introduce you to numerous influential political figures who can astound you with their beliefs, their passion, and their unwavering commitment to their cause. Riley Gaines, I am specifically addressing you and your team, who represent the darkest aspects of humanity disguised under the facade of Christianity. While you may have your opinions about me, one thing you cannot deny is that my intentions are driven by an overwhelming concern for the safety and well-being of children. For the past 5.5 years, I have dedicated myself to activism with an intensity that few can comprehend. My motivation has always been rooted in genuine empathy, which has brought me to tears and will continue to do so. However, today marks a new chapter in my life as I embark on a new role as a sales manager. In this position, I am expected to adhere to a different set of standards, one that does not allow for the candid expression of my beliefs. I knew this day would come, as I could not sustain the emotional toll of fighting against the wolves at such a relentless pace. Today, after I hit send on this post, I am deleting all my social media applications and embrace a more subdued existence. It has become clear to me that I can no longer solely focus on mending my own broken heart, repairing my own car, or carrying the weight of my cause so prominently. The intensity of it all threatens to consume not only me but also my family. With a mere 36 cents in my bank account, I carefully wrap my injured hand, a consequence of the challenging journey of medical transition. As I leave the door to my musty basement wide open, I realize that my purpose now resides solely within me. If I do not walk away at this very moment, the activism surrounding childhood medical transition will be the death of me, and my own children will be left with nothing. Throughout my own suffering, I have witnessed my own children endure pain as well. Some may question why I have chosen this path. The answer lies in the depths of my soul, where the why not only makes me cry, but it makes me weep with a profound understanding that most will never comprehend. As a mother, a line has been crossed, and I refuse to let my children bear the burden of suffering to save other people's children. This is a resounding NO that no mother would ever allow, and I will not allow it either. The only thing that could force me to walk away is the well-being of my own children. If you believe that I have a raw right to fight for children, then you have no idea the battles I have fought for the children that came from my own body. It is safe to say that you would not want to come up against me. Perhaps that is why so many people have been moved by me, as my sincerity has always revolved around the well-being of my own children. Without being a mother, my transition would have resulted in a completely different person. I am absolutely certain that there is no doubt that a mother, a fighter, someone who knows the truth and always seems to be in the right place at the right time - a perfect warrior, one might say! Or at the very least, a convincing one. Many leaders are skilled at conveying a message, using words that stir up emotions and tap into passion. But to navigate the treacherous waters of politics, surrounded by the notion of human rights, while constantly being challenged by those who dismiss it as mere fantasy, as HATE? Well, this requires not only skill but also substantial financial resources. It requires a truly exceptional individual to transform perspectives and influence others, and I firmly believe that I possess that unique talent. It seems as though my life has been guided towards a path that only a select few can tread upon. However, realizing that I am unable to continue on this path is an indescribable agony. It goes beyond mere pain; it is a sensation that has yet to be defined but should be coined to capture the immense anguish I feel from walking away, knowing that I had the power to effect change. I understand the children whose lives I could have saved, and the frustration of failing to make people comprehend the urgency of the situation. The need to bridge the gap between different communities, to hold individuals accountable regardless of their affiliations, and to uphold the standards of human decency above partisan interests is paramount. I had the capability to achieve all of this, but I made a misstep, I faltered, and I am burdened by the weight of that failure. My friends, that is what my life has been built for. I cannot express the tears that flow from within me, unseen by others, as I have to hide them and rise up to fight for my own children. It tears me apart. I know that this debate will not truly begin until the devastation reaches such unimaginable heights that the media can no longer conceal it. Until the pharmaceutical industry can no longer spin their PR campaigns, and politicians like Greg Abbott are held accountable and face the consequences of their actions. These may seem like distant dreams, but I know, deep down, that if given the opportunity, I could engage in this debate and make a difference. I am the one who understands, in great detail, why I have faced the most censorship on social media. It is a testament to the power of my message. However, amidst all of this, laughter seems to be absent. I find it hard to believe that joyous laughter will ever be experienced again knowing what is coming for these kids, yet I am unable to help stop, for me no laughing is coming! Why? Because the WHY in this situation is monumental. Knowing that I could have altered the course of this debate, but instead chose not to support it, brings me back to the beginning of this post and fills me with sorrow and brings tears, true tears for these kids, all of them, I cry endlessly for. With that gush of emotion, I stop here and ask, I implore you to support, as they can still reach out to me if necessary. However, they too require support. I am adamant about collaborating only with individuals who share the same passion as I do, and Kenneth/Kellie Anderson and their team embody that shared purpose. Support TransRegretters Support TransRegretters Wishing you the best of luck, and always remember, "Medical Transition is NO Place for a Child!" If you are unable to voice your support loudly, then lend your support silently. If you cannot support, then align yourself with those who genuinely care. Unfortunately, there are not many such individuals out there. However, Matt Walsh, whom I have vehemently disagreed with on numerous occasions, is one person who truly cares and comprehends the truth behind childhood medical transition. Don't worry about me! Give me two months, and things will be 100% better for me and my children. I am a pretty good salesperson and a fantastic sales motivator. I will be fine; my children will be fine. I weep for yours because the new activism, 'cash cow,' is swerving away from 'Women's Sport' and swinging to 'Gender Confused Children'. I am not a Christian, but I seem to play a better one than the ones that profess they are, and I leave you with this! God, save us all! This is a fight you don't want to casually go into; this is bloody, wrong, and deserves leaders who care from their soul and everything in between. If you are a true Christian, do more than pray. Praying isn't doing anything; it just makes you feel better when you say it! You want to be a good Christian? DO SOMETHING! Then, pray that what you did to change something works...Merely saying, 'I will pray for you', means nothing other than soothing you! We are butchering kids! Act accordingly. Do something beyond words that have no meaning and come at no price or cost to you! DO SOMETHING! For Them!

  • Catholic Apology Sparks Controversy

    Every time I see this story, smoke comes out of my ears. This was so wrong on so many levels & I can't help but continue to apologize to the Catholic community. I am deeply sorry! I think of Matt Walsh & his wife Alissa, the beliefs they have every right to hold, the kindness of his wife & family magnified a million times over to all Catholics & the same thing always comes to my mind: "I am sorry!" I am a lesbian who medically transition to a transman, I am the rainbow. I am also NOT a Catholic or Christian. With that said: What an utter horrible thing for my community to do. To trample on the beliefs of others parading like sexual animals celebrating the life of everything Catholicism is NOT! This was either a total egg in the face or total ignorance and neither one is acceptable. My people the gay, lesbian and trans community are an embarrassment and everything we said we would NOT become when we were fighting for human rights, to love who we loved, live where we desire and work without physical or monitisarional threats to us. These rights? These rights are human rights and should be afforded to all! But now, we are everything that the evangelicals warned society about. This truth may offend you but the LGBTQ+ is a pedophilia circle of total human garbage now and if YOU are gay/lesbian or trans and agree but stay quiet? TRIPLE SHAME ON YOU! To take a sacred place to Catholics and smear feces all over it sinks lower than what I have seen my community do in a long time. We are allowing a generation of children to endure a medical process that is experimental, dangerous, causes massive health issues, makes mental health worse and causes life long health issues regardless of if someone continues desists or complete the process. We are ripping the rights away from women that took us since the beginning of time to aquire. Those rights? Decency, simple decency to woman now SHATTERED by straight men with the fetish autogyneohila. Donate We have activist like Caitlyn Jenner, and thank God he says something, but dips his toe in as to ensure he keeps his LGBTQ+ supporters but reveals enough to be controversial and moisy over from news show spot to news show spot. Prove me wrong Jenner you know what is happening is wrong, attack it or get the F&$K out of the way, you are backup noise but could be the one thing that stops this madness. Up to you! Guess what? Could be totally wrong about Jenner's intentions and he really could care, if that's the case, come on Jenner, let's save these kids and women! Here's the deal. To adult better, we must act like adults, apologize when necessary, and provide restitution for wrongdoings. I discussed two incredibly different individuals in this thread, Matt Walsh and Caitlyn Jenner, and called them out whenever I felt they needed it. I gave them credit where it was due as well. Neither of them received a free pass to act poorly, regardless of whichever subtribe they belong to - it's called better adulting, and we as a society seem to have lost this attribute. The truth is, very few people are entirely bad; most are just trying to survive. However, refusing to communicate with individuals due to one of their held beliefs leads us to our current situation. What is happening, with harm coming to children and the inappropriate behavior that has become associated with the LGBTQ+ community, is tarnishing what millions consider sacred. This is incorrect, regardless of whom you are attracted to - wrong is always wrong. Last, I encourage everyone and anyone to call me out if I need alignment from time to time. We all need to have reality checks from time to time. Today the reality checks goes to the LGBTQ+ and the apology goes to the Catholics. By, Transman Regretters Scott Newgent

  • Inside the thoughts of a 13-year-old girl who became involved in the transgender fad and how she managed to get out before it was too late. It's a rare inside look that is really brilliant!

    Intro by Trans Regretter Scott Newgent This is a great piece depicting a tragedy that affects thousands of youngsters all around the world. The details and complexity are stunning, and it's no wonder that she's a brilliant writer at 13; it's common for transgender people to have a superpower that doesn't quite make us feel like we belong. Having said that, I want to make it clear that Vic is a minor and will not be available for speeches or media interviews. Throwing children into the activist bandwagon is wrong, and I will not participate. These youngsters have gone through enough. The answer is emphatically NO, I will not pass on media requests. We did contact Vic's parents to ensure that they were okay with their daughter being featured on the Trans Regretter blog. Vic, a Canadian girl, struggles with her gender identity and mental health. She discovered her so-called 'Trans' identit on TikTok, where she was exposed to transgender propaganda and a nonbinary identity. Despite her parents' support, she continued to dress androgynous and cut her hair. She eventually came out as a "he/him" in grade 6, but faced self-harm and suicidal thoughts. Her doctor supported the trans ideology, but she was too indoctrinated to make conscious decisions about medical interventions. She continued to wear a binder due to dysphoria and the risks of transgender practices. Vic's mental health crises occurred multiple times, with her parents ignoring her and blocking TikTok. She secretly started watching trans "gurus" on YouTube without her parents' knowledge. In grade 7, she experienced discomfort with her body, eating disorder symptoms, and social anxiety. She read Abigail Shirer's book Irreversible Damage, which led her to question her gender identity and the pressure to transition. After being diagnosed with bulimia/binge eating disorder, anxiety, and borderline personality traits, she decided it was best to accept her biological gender. Mental health issues and early puberty were common reasons for teenage girls to transition. Although only a small percentage of the population has actual gender dysphoria, the number of self-identified trans individuals doubled in the past five years due to Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD). Vic's story highlights the need for therapy and guidance for those with ROGD, rather than puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries. They pushed me into this ideology and tried to keep me there forever by Vic I somehow found myself here, composing this thing, debating life choices, and dealing with my mental health. Let us return to the beginning. My name is Vic... Victoria...? I live in Ontario and attend a Catholic school system. I just recently came to terms with the fact that I am a biological female who identifies, well, as a girl; I had been struggling with this question of my gender identity for quite some time. I'm so pleased I realized this before it was too late. When I say, "too late," I mean medical transition, which includes hormone therapy and any sexual reassignment surgery. When I was younger, I was a bit of a tomboy; I enjoyed sports and had male friends, but I never had gender dysphoria; I adored dresses and felt at ease being a female. Everything changed when Covid hit. I was in fourth grade at the time. That's when my life began to go downward; I began my period at the age of ten, which is relatively young; I was secluded and unable to see my friends; and I installed TikTok for the first time. TikTok began as a way for me to publish videos of my pets, but it quickly evolved. I discovered the LGBTQ+ community and began to question my identity. At first, it was only my sexuality: pansexual, lesbian, or bisexual? After a few months on TikTok, I was continuously bombarded with transgender, or should I say trans-tender propaganda. "Do you feel anxious or uncomfortable in your body? You must be transgender." I was seeing these videos everywhere. Transgender activists were aggressively distributing videos about "safe" breast binding and how ecstatic testosterone makes you feel and how it solves all of your problems at once. I found that I could relate to these videos more since I was indoctrinated by them. When I was in fifth grade, I had already come to terms with my nonbinary identity. I came out to my best buddy as a they/them when we returned to school after the new year; we had been online occasionally during that time. After a few months had gone, I came out to my instructor and the entire class. I went for an androgynous style with my hair cut and clothing. No one even seemed to question my new identity; everyone was supportive and accepting. I brought it up with my parents, but they seemed to think it was just a phase, so they kept quiet, continued to refer to me by my legal name, and called me a girl. Even back then, I didn't experience any gender dysphoria. Support Trans Regretters - We Change Hearts & Minds With Your Help - With your help we can save more kids FASTER - Thank You I think I spent an all-time high amount of time on my phone over the summer before sixth grade. Becoming a "boy" was a result of my internal struggle with body image issues. Once again, the entire school was completely behind me when I came out as a "he/him" on the first day of sixth grade. Considering that my education was intended to center on religious beliefs at my Catholic school, this is somewhat unusual. I loathed my body since it wasn't more manly, and I was really depressed. My thoughts of suicide and self-harm escalated. I ran away with the goal to terminate my life, and I wound up at the hospital. Everyone from the cops to the nurses to the physicians to the psychiatrists just took my gender at face value and didn't look for any underlying issues that could be triggering my suicidal thoughts. My mental health will deteriorate to the point that I consider suicide, according to the psychiatrist, unless my parents accept my self-proclaimed identity, he said. No mental health screenings were conducted that week before my discharge. No one even seemed to question my new identity; everyone was supportive and accepting. I brought it up with my parents, but they seemed to think it was just a phase, so they kept quiet, continued to refer to me by my legal name, and called me a girl. Even back then, I didn't experience any gender dysphoria. I think I spent an all-time high amount of time on my phone over the summer before sixth grade. Becoming a "boy" was a result of my internal struggle with body image issues. Once again, the entire school was completely behind me when I came out as a "he/him" on the first day of sixth grade. Considering that my education was intended to center on religious beliefs at my Catholic school, this is somewhat unusual. I loathed my body since it wasn't more manly, and I was really depressed. My thoughts of suicide and self-harm escalated. I ran away with the goal to terminate my life, and I wound up at the hospital. Everyone from the cops to the nurses to the physicians to the psychiatrists just took my gender at face value and didn't look for any underlying issues that could be triggering my suicidal thoughts. My mental health will deteriorate to the point that I consider suicide, according to the psychiatrist, unless my parents accept my self-proclaimed identity, he said. No mental health screenings were conducted that week before my discharge. There were other instances that year of mental health crises similar to the one I mentioned before. "Your child is a boy, you have to accept it or else things won't get better," is the same conclusion every time. Due to my upbringing, I was unable to hear my parents' repeated assurances that I am and will remain a girl, even though they fought tirelessly on my behalf. The app TikTok was removed off my phone by my parents. It got worse for me, not better. In an effort to keep my trans "gurus" on YouTube a secret from my parents, I began doing so in private. I enrolled in seventh grade. I remained in the gender-neutral restroom even though the school principal gave me permission to use the boys' facility. When I asked the principal for permission to use the boys' locker room as a gym, he promptly granted it. The fact that I changed in the restroom made me feel quite at ease. All of the males in my class were quite amenable when I asked if it would be okay if I changed with them before we started utilizing that changing area. Neither my parents nor the parents of the lads who utilized the locker room were made aware of that. Beginning in seventh grade, I began to exhibit indications of an eating disorder and a profound dissatisfaction with my physical appearance. In class, I suffered from severe social anxiety. I "over ate" and felt "ugly" and "fat" at the time, so I attempted suicide. No one mentioned eating issues when they sent me to the hospital. As usual, they ignored everything but the transgender aspect. The last straw for me was when I realized, at the tender age of twelve, that something was obviously amiss—that the focus was all on my gender rather than the real problems I was facing. ‘Waking Up From Gender Surgery Finally Woke Me Up To The Truth’: Scott Newgent I read Abigail Shrier's book Irreversible Damage. It was my dad who purchased the book. He insisted that reading the book would cause me emotional distress since I would be unable to comprehend it. The remarks encouraged me to give it a read. In a novel with such conservative views, what could possibly go wrong? I had my doubts at first, and I did believe it was transphobic. However, after reading about detransitioners and how they came to identify as transgender, I understood I was heading in the wrong direction and needed to turn around before I hurt my loved ones or myself. I began to revert to my feminine identity. My chest was no longer bound. When I informed my parents, they were ecstatic. My instructor wanted to know if I was sincere about wanting to return and if my parents were trying to convince me otherwise. Upon coming out as trans, no one has once questioned me whether I'm certain that I identify as a guy. However, now that I'm considering returning to my biological gender, everyone is doing their best to accommodate my wishes. Strange, isn't it? That is the epitome of propaganda, my friend. Months later, I experienced a crisis. I tried to end my life by cutting and taking an overdose. Fortunately, everything backfired, and I found myself back at the hospital. I don't see why I'm doing this now that I'm not trans. Reason being, my mental health problems persisted. I finally got the mental health evaluation I needed after the transgender shield came down. It was discovered that I am borderline, anxious, and suffer from bulimia/binge eating problem. Borderline personality disorder is particularly common in the transgender population. While 0.06 percent of the population is classified as borderline, the transgender population is 3-1. This should pique your attention. Link to verify - Subscribe today to obtain access to our facts and research page, which contains the greatest compilation of studies, facts, and explanations by gender. Of all of the existing medical and mental health difficulties that plague these youngsters, there are two that stand out above the rest: same-sex attraction and autism. Largest study to date confirms overlap between autism and gender diversity From what I've gathered, a lot of the accounts of transgender teens center around mental health issues. These youths felt the need to seek out a group that would unconditionally love and accept them due to their mental health struggles. Early puberty is another common cause. When a girl reaches puberty at a younger age than her peers, she begins to develop breasts and her period at a younger age as well. This makes her feel different and uncomfortable, and it attracts unwanted attention from older men. As a result, she may feel pressured to remove her female body parts entirely, especially when she sees them portrayed on social media. While a young woman's motivations for wanting to transition are varied, the elimination of her typical human difficulties is usually high on the list. Subconsciously, those are the primary reasons why adolescent girls choose to transition into boys. Although only a tiny fraction of the population experiences true gender dysphoria, the number of people who identify as transgender has increased by 100% in the last five years due to the prevalence of rapid onset gender dysphoria (ROGD). Although ROGD patients feel the same dysphoria as actual trans persons, they should not be treated with hormones, surgery, or puberty blockers but with counseling and support. Returning to the initial sentence of this piece, I am still working through my struggles but am getting better. I am fully accepting of my gender identity and am sharing my story to let people know that this generation is insane and that the healthcare system is exploiting vulnerable youth who do not fully consider the potential negative outcomes of medical transition.

  • It happened again & you will not believe it! You will be SHoCKED! Truly shocked!

    by Trans Regr!etter Scott Newgent I attempted to distance myself from activism in some way. I started a new job as a sales manager approximately three weeks ago. I dedicated all of my social media accounts to 'Trans Regretters' before I began to withdraw because it was the only way I could cope with the reality of the abuse that children throughout the world were experiencing. Starting a new chapter after handing off my previous responsibilities brought a sense of tranquility. It has been, to put it mildly, challenging for me to be an activist; I dislike the spotlight, the podcast, and the whole thing. Shorting into this new adventure, a man became irate with me for what I initially thought was because of 'no soliciting' the anger came on suddenly and he instantly became irate and demanded I leave his property at once, but once I turned away, he followed me, not allowing me to get to my car threatening to kick my butt and calling me a weirdo This was frightening, but I thought maybe it was an isolated incident. I believe this man recognized me and I tried to out that thought out of my head and move one. Later on, that same day, I took my team to another area and started to help them with their sales pitch and how to approach, you know, sales stuff. The first door, the first, if you can believe it, on that same day, a woman opened the door and was shocked. ‘OMG, you are. I know you, right? OMG, are you selling door-to-door? You are Scott Newgent!" The conversation was incredible, kind, and warm; the young mom was genuine and wonderful, but the cat was out of the bag, as they say.  I had hoped this would have been okay to overlook, but this topic, the transgender debate, is on fire, and it’s a debacle so many people don't understand on both sides. So, I got it when my young salespeople went to my boss with their discomfort working with me. I get it, and I have no hard feelings. But this reaction tells me that our society on both sides needs to be educated, and we need to get back to disagreeing and reintroducing old-fashioned debate. "I don’t agree with you and let me explain why." followed up with a response, and a conversation ensued! It's strange to even mention such nonsense! Why don't we have conversations anymore? This is absurd! Anyway, I was managing young salespeople, and they said they were not comfortable working with me. I am a bigot, you know? Fading into the background is something I never seem to accomplish. I have never liked being in activism, and I have never liked podcasts or other stuff. Sitting in front of a camera and admonishing others to avoid behaving as foolishly as I did is a difficult task. Having said that, it looks like I won't be able to provide for my family. This wasn't simply a blow to the gut; rather, it felt like a chainsaw had ripped through me. Demented. I wanted to leave Trans Regretters for all of you so that I wouldn't have to feel bad about knowing what's going on with children and not taking action. I finally found some peace in leaving The Refretters, as I had longed to do so so many times. Desiring to leave activism has been a constant for me because it's emotionally taxing; but I can handle that alone. But expecting someone to handle both the emotional strain and the burden of poverty is too much! Trans Regretters is currently looking for an attorney to help us become a non-profit, email today: Funds needed to become non-profit, expenses for the website & travel to state testimony, schools and more. Donations do come in, but they aren’t enough to cover my family's expenses and keep me 100% focused on this. In my opinion, that must be changed. With the help of kind contributors, I aim to transform Trans Regretters into a non-profit organization that provides wages and a safe space for individuals to express themselves freely. Whoever has considered, gone through with, or regretted medicalization is considered a Trans Regretter. Regret can range from completely desiring to discontinuing hormones, or it might be of varied degrees. The purpose of Trans Regretters is to ensure that all social subtribes have a voice in medical transition, not just my own. Anyone who has ever had any regret, no matter how minor, for accepting their transgender identity as a fact rather than a choice is said to be a Trans Regretter. Changing one's gender is a matter of personal choice. We must speak out against this without fear of reprisal from any group in our society. The type of tolerance that the new LGBTQ+ community complains about—the kind that makes you uncomfortable when you must admit defeat or feel uncomfortable with someone else's beliefs—is the genuine deal. A Trans Regretter's level of regret should be proportional to their position on the subject. Whatever your level of religious commitment may be, it is none of anyone's concern. Whatever you think about homosexuality or religion, the same is true. But respect is always given and returned with Trans Regretters. I was mentally battered after standing there for more than five years. Speaking up against medical transition and other bigotry at evangelical gatherings has not been easy, I can tell you that much. The need to end childhood medical transition outweighed my discomfort, so I sat through it to expose the largest medical debacle in history. Beyond that, grace has made it possible for me to hear their perspectives, and to be honest, I can't condemn the evangelicals for for their views on homosexuality. My community, the homosexuals, has turned into a child recruiting agency—exactly what we said we would not do. We must apologize and look forward to saving children together; it’s the only way we can educate those who need to be educated! The mediatization of gender-confused children is a rarity in political discourse, and it's a rare black-and-white subject, as it should be for everyone, but education is the essential problem since nothing good comes from juvenile transition. Some Trans Regretters disagree with me, and in rare situations, they believe some children may benefit from this mediation. I do not agree! Shouldn't we discuss and debate that? What do you think? So, these Regretters are also accepted to discuss and balance our subtribe and our ultimate society as human beings. There's no debate, no grace, just black-and-white thinking at the time. It's true that social media has a cult-like effect on all subtribes, and that this lucrative business model is currently being used to create massive financial empires that mimic a pre-middle class civilization. It's easy to see how the middle class has changed and become more important, but it's difficult for people to understand why they experienced it. In retrospect, yes? What a jerk! Because of the lack of civility and open communication, society has grown more divisive and radical, and as a result, we are more blind than ever. But by keeping others at bay, some individuals have—and still do—become incredibly wealthy and well-known! Together, we can make this stop. Some people benefit greatly from this kind of society, while others suffer greatly from it. Sadly, in the middle? If you go deeper than a fleeting glance, you'll find that the center bears the brunt of the control over everything from financial mergers, to what style of music and food is the hit of the decade, as well as the moral compass it resigns in. Because the middle class has power and control, they do not have the knowledge required to comprehend the reality of the pediatric medical transition. The solution is in the middle. The more important query is, however, how to reach the middle. I know how to reach the middle, and I also resign from the right subtribe to deliver the education needed! To promote harmony and understanding, people should critically assess the information they encounter and have civil conversations. Our communities are becoming increasingly fractured and polarized as a result of this lack of decorum and candid discussion. In order to bring society back into harmony, we must prioritize the promotion of understanding and empathy. A divided culture where opposing views are not accepted has resulted from the lack of diversity in thought and the ongoing reinforcement of echo chambers on social media platforms. To counter this extremist trend, it is imperative that people have courteous, candid conversations and actively seek out different points of view. The middle class of societal intellects, needed more than ever. Extremism and division have resulted from this culture's lack of decorum and candid discussion. To promote harmony and understanding, people should critically assess the information they encounter and have civil conversations. This lack of civility and open communication is making our communities more politicized and divided. Cultivating empathy and understanding is essential if we are to restore peace and balance to society. Due to the continual reinforcement of echo chambers on social media platforms and the absence of diversity in thought, there is a divided culture where opposing viewpoints are not welcomed. It is crucial that individuals actively seek out opposing viewpoints and engage in polite, open conversations in order to combat this radical trend. We lack grace as a society, which is why I think anarchy reigns. Diverse viewpoints and discourse are essential for maintaining equilibrium within a community. There is only black-and-white thinking, no dispute, and no grace at this moment. In actuality, social media has a cult-like influence on all subtribes, and this profitable business model is currently being utilized to build enormous financial empires, emulating a civilization that existed before.  We lack grace as a society, which is why, again, anarchy reigns. Diverse viewpoints and discourse are essential for maintaining equilibrium within a community. I say this because it is real and because it builds on what is occurring right now: these cult-like social subtribes have become the last nail in the coffin of where we are. This relates to this. Currently, we are killing children's mind, body, and soul through a medical procedure that is risky, increases health risks, doesn't cure anything, and deteriorates mental health. This leads to an increase in suicidal behavior seven years after the medical transition starts, which is when suicidal ideation peaks, leaving people with an astounding 14X higher suicide rate than any other group. Did you understand that? After reading it again, visit the study/fact page at  What you just read is accurate in every way, and guess what? Society is endorsing the medical transition of children without a full comprehension of the subject and debate is no longer permitted. Attaining this viewpoint has led to much distress for both my family and me. Today, we frequently undervalue the importance of the concept of "family" and fail to recognize the power that comes from our roots and makeup. Where did I come from? This family consists of individuals who can perceive beyond surface-level appearances and understand the implications on society. Scott King, my great-grandfather and who my own father was named, recognized a fresh possibility and successfully capitalized on it to create a business opportunity. Why would you study my great-grandfather if you were majoring in business? What was his initial observation? Studying my great grandfather would include investigating business philosophy, developing markets, and effective charging strategies. "Recognizing this tremendous opportunity in these societal transformations, Scott King, a legendary entrepreneur, embarked on an endeavor to redefine the hospitality industry with the power of franchising. King’s foresight and courage to venture into this realm were unparalleled, demonstrating a keen understanding of the contemporary socio-economic environment. His franchise, Travelodge, tapped into this emerging market, envisioning a pivotal shift from luxury, aristocratic tourism to a more economical, accessible form of travel for the emerging middle class (Friedman, 1998: para 7," Does this ring a bell? The societal subtribe? Nobody gets a say in how our genes and families shape us; it's all predetermined. Being a parent and witnessing my children grow into extraordinary adults has solidified that truth for me. Still, it's unnerving how similar they are, both mentally and physically, to the relatives from whom they were raised, as well as relatives they never had the pleasure of meeting, family knowledge, or unknown lives through DNA. I see that with my children. Maybe it was simply terrible luck, but "Societal Tribes" I understand in the same way my grandfather saw the emerging middle class. My great-grandfather used that expression to describe the middle class's economic structure. 'SubTribes"—I thought that was my word when, in fact, it is a family word! Who would have thought? I certainly didn't until I stumbled onto a thesis about my great-grandfather. In business, there was a need for what is referred to as "the middle"—the middle class—and Scott King recognized this requirement. Then? It is not as easy to spot as it is now. Businesses didn't care about the middle class since everyone was either very wealthy or very poor. After World War II, the middle class emerged as a distinct social category. A subtribe was forming, as Mr. King referred to the emerging middle class. Scott King saw a way to capitalize on this change before others and understood that his hands only went so far, and 'Franchising' was needed. King deftly adapted to the needs and wants of a new demographic of consumers, the middle class, and the results have been phenomenal for Travelodge. Thanks to his vision in seeing the growing middle class as a promising market, Travelodge was able to thrive by meeting the demands and tastes of this demographic. eds. With the growing middle class as a target market, Travelodge provided reasonably priced, yet pleasant, hotel options. The main goal was to make sure that people from this emerging socioeconomic group could afford to go (Bridges, 2008: para 3, king's venture substantiated the influence of the burgeoning middle class, contributing to a radical rethinking of the hospitality industry. The wealth distributed among this economic class presented them as an attractive consumer base for businesses. Drawing from this insight, King’s ability to leverage on this observation through strategic innovations was highly successful in contributing to the success of Travelodge and a landmark in the evolution of franchising and the hospitality industry (McKibbin, 2005: para 5, emergence of the middle class presented an unprecedented economic opportunity. Scott King’s innovative Travelodge franchise not only acknowledged this but it also excelled in serving this rising consumer base, thus driving its popularity among middle-class families. Encompassing affordability and comfort, King's business strategies catered to the evolving travel habits of the middle class, exhibiting an astute understanding of this demographic’s needs. Put simply, the emergence of the middle class and the franchise of Travelodge are inherently intertwined histories, both constituting significant aspects of socio-economic evolution (Murray, 2012: para 8, Today I had a talk with Melissa; who is Melissa? Melissa is everything in our family; she is the one who has sacrificed, loved when it would have been simple to dislike, and has been my closest friend and other parent to my children. Melissa was the one who found me in my apartment when I was sickest, packed me up, and relocated me to her basement. She shielded our children, maintained normalcy, and did all of this as her ex. We stayed friends and always will be, but Melissa is family to me; she exemplifies what it means to do the right thing when no one is watching, and she is a constant source of comfort for our family. She's the parent who stays up late chatting to our kids when she can hardly stay awake, the mom that all my kids' friends adore, and the one who laughs so loudly that the entire house can hear her watching The Simpsons at 54. Regarding Melissa, I would willingly board a train to be in her company; who can say the same about their ex-spouse? I can and do. Melissa, in all we do as a family, serves as the foundation for what is good and holds us back from doing wrong. Melissa is everything to my family. Today Melissa sat me down after the sales manager fiasco and said, you need to do this?” "Do what?" I said? "Stop thinking you're going back to sales; that's over; at this time, it's not possible. You were fired following your speech with Matt Walsh, and you lost two job offers once they learned about your activism, and now it's done! Help our family by aiding other families, but doing so while we drown is FUCKING OVER, five years of this shit! It's over; it isn't feasible right now. People recognize you everywhere we go, so get your ass and go downstairs to your office and make 'Trans Regretters' work by saving other people's children as well as ours. You have to go 100%; you don't have a choice, and I'm urging you to quit believing you can go back; you can't, so figure out another method to support our family. Help our family by helping others, but make sure it helps us too!" I turned around, came down to my basement, and wrote this. As I turned to go down the stairs, I said in a loud, stern voice, “Yes, Mam!”

Scott Newgent

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