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  • SWEDISH Doc Flattens The Transing Kids Debate - Too Bad US Can't Watch it in CA or US. Now you Can?

    Translated to English! I have been asked to repost this video. Here you go! This documentary has been banned in several countries, and the US has limited access. The video uploaded is the original with English translations. Download it and keep it. I do not doubt that I will be forced to take it down. I say as often as I can that "We are witnessing the biggest medical scandal in modern history", for a reason. I believe it!" Big thank you to Iris El for translating and updating worldwide news regarding the medicalization of gender-confused kids for the profit of pharma. Scott Newgent Íris Erlingsdóttir Nýlega sá ég sjálfa mig í verkefni sem bandarískur læknanemi sagðist hafa fengið til mismunagreiningar og deildi á Twitter: “Móðir kemur með 15 ára gamla dóttur sína til læknis. Hún hefur áhyggjur af því að dóttir hennar þroskist ekki eðlilega. ’Sjúklingurinn’ spilar fótbolta, klæðir sig í hefðbundin strákaföt og neitar að vera í kjólum. Að sögn kennara dótturinnar.....Translated below as well as the documentary! SCREAM Louder -Scott Newgent by, Íris Erlingsdóttir One of my best friends, Scott Newgent, was 42 when he underwent sex reassignment surgery. He has been disabled ever since and has dedicated his life to fighting against youth sex transitions. Scott, who has three children, says "no" is one of the most important and under-utilized words in the parenting vocabulary. “You are not your child’s friend,” Scott says. “Your job is not to shield your kids from ‘feeling bad’. It is to protect your children from the consequences of their own worst impulses. And it’s a job at which we’re failing miserably.” Recently I saw myself in a differential diagnosis project that an American medical student shared on Twitter: “A mother brings her 15 year old daughter to the doctor. She is worried that her daughter is not developing normally. The 'patient' plays football, dresses in traditional boy's clothes and refuses to wear dresses. The daughter's teacher says the girl wants to use male pronouns at school. Her periods are regular, and she is otherwise healthy. The physical examination is unremarkable. What is the next step in this patient's treatment?” The poor medical student chose "refer to a psychologist/psychiatrist." But that was "wrong." The "correct" answer was to "affirm" the girl and refer mother and daughter to various alphabet-mafia organizations. I was younger than this "patient," maybe 10 or 11 years old, when I wanted to be "George," because I was a big fan of Enid Blyton's Five Books, and I wanted to be like one of the protagonists. It never occurred to me or my parents that I was “queer” or gay. In my childhood neither schools nor parents believed that children's imaginations were reality, and my parents – if they even noticed my “George” period – did...nothing. Fortunately. Today I could have ended up like "Leo", the 15-year-old featured in the Swedish National Television documentary “Trans Kids” (Swedish National TV report: Transbarnen: Tvärvändningen – With English subtitles). The film begins with the frightful news that Leo's parents have received regarding their youngest child, who has been complaining of constant body pain for months and has difficulty standing and walking. Support TReVoices Work - Donate Today Leo was eleven years old when she told her parents she wanted to be a boy. They took her to the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, where they were informed that "the sooner Leo starts puberty suppressing drugs, the better," despite the fact that no reliable research supported the “medical treatments” that Leo [and many other children] would receive at Karolinska. The few studies available were, in fact, of “extremely low…poor quality.”* Leo has now been on puberty blockers for four years and her health is getting worse. “He was better for a while [after treatment began], but then his mental health deteriorated… He tried to take his own life several times...and he wasn't very old." Leo's family has received no information about the safety record or possible harm of anti-puberty drugs and hormones. "We couldn't understand why, we thought he would get better. Everyone said what brave parents we were...We thought we were doing the right thing." Leo complains of pain daily, and her parents take her to Karolinska. Leo is now 15 years old and has been on puberty blockers and hormones for four years. Leo has difficulty standing and moving and complains of pain in shoulders, back and hips. Examination and tests reveal that Leo has osteoporosis and spinal vertebral damage and fractures, caused by the puberty blockers and hormones that prevent normal metabolism and absorption of minerals necessary for healthy skeletal growth and strength. Leo is also much shorter than her peers and will not grow more. Leo’s mother Natalie: A healthy skeleton has been destroyed by this medicine…"We trusted the doctors.” "We really don't know how long it's safe to give these drugs [puberty blockers and hormones] but two years is maybe defensible,” one of Karolinska experts is quoted in the film. Puberty blockers and hormones actually have "serious side effects", and on May 1, 2021, The Karolinska Hospital bans all such treatments in minor children and reports itself to the Swedish Health Authorities for an investigation of the serious injury that children have suffered at its Transgender Youth Clinic. In February 2022, The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare announces that prescription of puberty blockers and other hormonal treatment to trans persons under the age of 18 will no longer be allowed in Sweden. The significance of undergoing "medical" treatments based on "very low…poor quality" data and research is rarely discussed with patients and families. The rating "very low quality" means that the “negative effects of the treatment are quite certain.” For example, anti-puberty drugs and hormone treatments cause infertility, osteoporosis, increased risk of heart disease and risk of brain damage. Breast and genital removal are, of course, permanent. Other health risks are uncertain, but "the results of studies on the consequences of these treatments are alarming."** 24 year old woman post sex transition surgery. Her breasts have been removed, and a “neophallus” has been sewed onto the supra-pubic area. r/Transgender_Surgeries Phalloplasty techniques: Forearm skin and flesh is harvested to construct a “neophallus” to be sewed on the patient’s suprapubic area. We, who oppose the Trans ideology are often asked why we bother – and dare – to fight this religion. The answer is obvious. We are the mothers and parents of the Trans generation that the Trans cult wants to poison, castrate, and mutilate. If we do not fight for our children, truth and reality, no one else will. Our children, however they want to "identify" themselves, are perfect. We don't give them TransHeroin, even if they say all the other kids get it. It doesn't matter if the drug dealers are ministers, members of Parliament, doctors, or Trans activists. And we don't much care if our children call us "transphobes”, haters and every bad name in the book. "That’s nice dear. Now go study." by, Iris EL *[“Evidence for puberty blocking and cross-sex hormones is of ‘very low quality’ and ‘very low certainty’, which signals that the benefits of these interventions is highly unreliable. In contrast, several negative effects are quite certain.” NHS, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence, 2020”]. *“Reconsidering Informed Consent for Trans-Identified Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults” Stephen B. Levine, E. Abbruzzese & Julia W. Mason Pages 706-727 | Published online: 17 Mar 2022 Íris Erlingsdóttir Nýlega sá ég sjálfa mig í verkefni sem bandarískur læknanemi sagðist hafa fengið til mismunagreiningar og deildi á Twitter: “Móðir kemur með 15 ára gamla dóttur sína til læknis. Hún hefur áhyggjur af því að dóttir hennar þroskist ekki eðlilega. ’Sjúklingurinn’ spilar fótbolta, klæðir sig í hefðbundin strákaföt og neitar að vera í kjólum. Að sögn kennara dótturinnar vill hún nota karlkyns fornöfn í skólanum. Blæðingar stúlkunnar eru reglulegar og hún er að öðru leyti heilbrigð. Líkamsskoðunin er eðlileg. Hvert er næsta skrefið í meðferð þessa sjúklings?” Vesalings læknaneminn valdi “vísa til sálfræðings/geðlæknis.” En það var “rangt.” “Rétta” svarið var að “staðfesta” stúlkuna og að vísa móður og dóttur á hin ýmsu stafrófssúpusamtök. Ég var yngri en þessi “sjúklingur,” kannski 10 eða 11 ára, þegar ég vildi vera “Georg,” því ég var mikill aðdáandi Fimm bókanna eftir Enid Blyton og ég vildi vera eins og Georg, ein af söguhetjunum. Það hvarflaði aldrei að mér eða foreldrum mínum að ég væri hinsegin eða “kynsegin” og í minni bernsku töldu hvorki skólar né foreldrar að ímyndanir barna væru veruleiki og foreldrar mínir gerðu…ekki neitt. Sem betur fer. Í dag hefði ég getað endað upp eins og “Leó” sem greint er frá í sænsku heimildarmyndinni Transkrakkar (sem ég skil ekki að RÚV skuli ekki vera búið að sýna). Myndin byrjar á “slæmum fréttum” sem foreldrar Leós hafa fengið varðandi Leó, yngsta barn þeirra. Leó er hættur að vaxa. Hann á erfitt með að standa og hefur stöðuga verki í öllum líkamanum. Leó var 11 ára þegar hún sagði foreldrum sínum að hún vildi vera strákur og þau fóru með hana á Karolinska Háskólasjúkrahúsið í Stokkhólmi. Þar var foreldrunum sagt að “því fyrr sem Leó byrjar á kynþroskabælandi lyfjum, því betra,” þrátt fyrir að engin rök eða rannsóknir séu að baki þessara meðferða sem Leó og fleiri ungmenni fengu á Karolinska. Það eru í raun “alvarlegar aukaverkanir” af kynþroskabælandi lyfjum og hormónum og 1. maí, 2021 bannaði Karolinska sjúkrahúsið allar meðferðir kynþroskabælanda lyfja og hormóna á börnum undir 15 ára aldri. Einn sérfræðinganna í heimildamyndinni segir að “við vitum í raun ekki hve lengi er óhætt að gefa kynþroskabælandi lyf…en tvö ár er kannski ‘verjandi’”.p Leó hefur verið á lyfjunum á fjögur ár og heilsa Leós síversnar. Fjölskylda Leós fær engar upplýsingar um skaðsemi þeirra. „Hann var betri í smátíma [eftir að hann hóf meðferð] en svo versnaði andleg heilsa hans…Hann reyndi nokkrum sinnum að svipta sig lífi ... og hann var ekki mjög gamall. Við gátum ekki skilið hvers vegna, við héldum að honum myndi batna [á hormónunum]. Allir sögðu hvað við værum hugrakkir foreldrar...Við héldum að við værum að gera rétt.” Leó er nú 15 ára og á erfitt með gang og að standa. Leó kvartar um stöðuga verki í öxlum, baki og mjöðmum. Það er vegna þess að lyfin sem Leó fékk á Karolinska koma í veg fyrir eðlileg efnaskipti og upptöku steinefna sem eru nauðsynleg fyrir heilbrigðan vöxt og styrk beinagrindarinnar. Leó er miklu lægri en jafnaldrar hans og mun ekki vaxa meir. Segulómun og röntgen myndir sýna ennfremur skaða í hryggjarliðum Leós og beinþynningu. “Heilbrigð beinagrind Leós hefur verið eyðilögð vegna þessa lyfs.” Natalie, móðir Leós. Sjaldan er rætt við sjúklinga og fjölskyldur um þýðingu þess að undirgangast “læknis”meðferðir byggðar á gögnum og rannsóknum sem eru af „mjög lágum gæðum“. Einkunnin “mjög lág gæði“ merkir að neikvæð áhrif meðferðarinnar eru nokkuð örugg. Til dæmis valda kynþroskabælandi lyfja- og hormónameðferðir ófrjósemi, beinþynningu, heilabólgu og aukinni hættu á hjartasjúkdómum. Aðgerðir til að fjarlægja brjóst og kynfæri eru að sjálfsögðu varanlegar. Óvissa er um aðrar heilsufarsáhættur, en “niðurstöður rannsókna um afleiðingar þessara meðferða eru skelfilegar.” 24 ára stúlka eftir “kynbreytiaðgerð. Brjóstiln hafa verið fjarlægð og “rúllutertu”gervilimur gerður úr handlegg stúlkunnar saumaður á kynbeinið. ” r/Transgender_Surgeries Svona lítur handleggurinn út eftir að holdið er fjarlægt til að búa til gervilim. Við andmælendur Transhugmyndafræðinnar, erum oft spurð hvernig við nennum – og þorum – að standa í þessari baráttu. Svarið er augljóst. Við erum mæður Transkynslóðarinnar sem TRAlíbanar vilja senda í (eitur)lyfjagjafir, ófrjósemisaðgerðir og limlestingar á læknastofur Transensteins, Frankensteins & Mengele. Við getum bara lagt upp laupana ef við ekki berjumst fyrir börnunum okkar, sannleikanum og raunveruleikanum. Börnin okkar, hvernig sem þau vilja “einkenna” sig, eru fullkomin. Við gefum börnunum okkar ekki TransHeróín, þó þau segi að allir hinir krakkarnir séu á því. Sama hvort dópsalarnir eru ráðherrar, þingmenn, læknar eða TRAlíbanar á Netinu.Og okkur er alveg sama þó börnin okkar kalli okkur “transfóba” og “hatara“ og öllum illum nöfnum. “Já, elskan. Farðu að læra.” Einn besti vinur minn, Scott Newgent (transman) sem undirgekkst kynbreytiaðgerð fyrir 5 árum og er örkumla síðan hefur varið lífi sínu í að berjast gegn kynbreytiaðgerðum á ungmennum. Scott, sem á þrjú börn, segir “nei” eitt mikilvægasta orð foreldraorðaforðans. “Við notum það allt of sjaldan,” segir Scott. 0 Scott Newgent (Kellie King) er heimsfrægur fyrir baráttu sína gegn kynbreytiaðgerðum á ungmennum. Ég á þrjú börn og barnabarn sem tók sín fyrstu skref fyrir fjórum mánuðum. Guð hjálpi þeim sem telur einhverju minna afkvæma trú um að þau geti aðeins verið “sín réttu sjálf” ef þau taka inn hormónadjöflasýrur og láta limlesta og afmynda sína fullkomnu líkama. Höfundur er fjölmiðlafræðingur

  • Still BANNED - THE TRUTH HURTS WE ARE LOSING BAD. Evangelicals you CANNOT lead to victory!

    For the past 5.5 years, I have been tirelessly working towards putting an end to this concerning trend through my platform. During these years, I have faced relentless attacks from various segments of society, yet I have remained steadfast in my mission, despite constant bans and abuse. However, it is disheartening to share that in less than six weeks, my account with a significant following of 60,000 individuals was abruptly banned without any fair assessment byTwitter. I have been off social media for the most part, handing over the keys to without support outside societal subtribes it's nearly impossible to survive. I did it for five years and this, this is where answers come it's how we save children. Unfortunately it goes against the activism business model. The people running transregretters are shocked with the level of censorship and banning I have endure for five years. It's beyond comprehension of a civilized society. My ultimate concern is that the focus of influential parties seems to lie more in building financial empires than in safeguarding the welfare of children. As a community, we cannot afford to let this battle be fought with divisive forces from both the left and the right, nor can we rely on the leadership of those driven by narrow religious beliefs. Support TransRegretters To truly win this battle and protect our children, we must form a united front that is committed to their well-being. Social media serves as the perfect melting pot for perpetuating the struggles of gender-confused children, subjecting them to a life of torment and pain. It is heartbreaking to think that each day these children do not feel valued enough for society to rally behind them. Despite there being 22 states with bans on childhood medical transitions, the enforcement of these bans has been practically nonexistent. Furthermore, in a recent study that claimed medical transition helps improve mental health, there has been no substantial and effective counter-response that debunks the flawed rationale behind this claim. We are LOSING.....BAD! The current leaders are not success at anything other than building financial empires. If we are to make a difference, it is imperative that politicians, such as Texas Governor Greg Abbott, are held accountable for their affiliations with gender clinics and their failure to prioritize the welfare of children over financial gain. We need to hold activisms like Riley Gaines accountable for real change not just the money she generates from donors. Buililding a huge financial empire on the heads of kids is not the kind of Leaders we need. We need leaders with heart, fire and passion that never waivers, even for money! We need leaders who change hearts and minds, not the ones that speak to only the people who already believe as they do! Currenr day activism the circle jerk thrives on ineffective educators. Sorry it's the truth. Our failure to address this issue head-on will not only perpetuate the debate surrounding childhood medical transitions but will also result in an alarming increase in tragic outcomes, such as suicides among transgender youth. I feel compelled to share a heartbreaking account from a 19-year-old transwoman who penned a suicide note to their parents, feeling overwhelmed by the irreversible consequences of their actions. As we contemplate the gravity of this situation, it is crucial that we ask ourselves a fundamental question: Do we truly want to put an end to childhood medical transition? If our answer is a resounding yes, then we must be prepared to take alternative action and seek better leaders who prioritize the welfare of children above all else. I have personally invested significant amounts of time and effort into raising awareness and fighting for change, but unfortunately, I am unable to continue due to financial constraints. Thus, I implore you to consider taking a stand and leveraging your influence to bring about the necessary change in society. You, yes you need to work towards a future where children are protected from irreversible decisions and given the support they need. I am writing today with a heavy heart, compelled to bring attention to an issue that demands urgent action. I will spare you the heart-wrenching details, but just imagine this: a 19-year-old writing a heart-wrenching final note to his parents, expressing his pain and desperation before taking his own life. He cried out, "Mom, Dad? I was just a kid, a gay boy. Why did you let me do this? Unable to experience sexual pleasure and unable to have children, I feel like a freak without any sense of self. And now, Mom? Now, I am going to end my life." Tragically, his desperate plea fell on deaf ears, and he carried out his irreversible decision. Sadly, this is not an isolated incident. More lives are at stake. We must confront this issue head-on and ask ourselves: Do we really want to continue supporting childhood medical transition? If your answer is a resounding yes, then I urge you to reconsider. It is time for us to make a change, to do things differently. Activists like Riley Gaines, who claim to promote progress, are inadvertently taking us backwards. We need stronger leaders who will champion a different approach, who understand the complexities surrounding this issue. I have personally experienced the struggles and hardship associated with it, living in poverty and feeling powerless to affect change. Yet, despite my own challenges, I am driven to awaken society to the immense impact we can have on the lives of so many vulnerable individuals. Let us come together, united in our commitment to save lives and prevent unnecessary suffering. By addressing this issue with compassion, understanding, and education, we can offer hope where there seems to be none. I implore you to support initiatives aimed at comprehensive approaches to gender and identity issues, respecting the unique needs and challenges faced by individuals in their journey. Let us strive to create an inclusive society where every person can thrive regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity. Please consider the gravity of this issue and join us in preventing further tragedies. Reach out to organizations and communities advocating for alternative paths that prioritize mental well-being and self-acceptance. Together, we can make a difference and save precious lives. Thank you for your time and consideration.

  • Welcome Prisha Mosley - TransRegretter - Powerful Speaking and a genuine voice

    Prisha Mosley speaks out publicly about the harm she has suffered through medical transion. She was young and very vulnerable when doctors and the trans community convinced her that medical transition was the solution to all of her problems. It wasn't! Now Prisha testifies across the country sharing the TRUTH about what happened to her, speaking candidly about the physical damage she still suffers from. Prisha shares her thoughts on her YouTube Channel (Prisha Mosley) and on X (@detransaqua) to WARN OTHERS through her first hand experience. Prisha has made a commitment to doing her part to stop child medical transition and the indoctrination of children and vulnerable adults. Prisha Mosely - TransRegretter - Speaking Engagments Available Email Today: Support Regretters Voices Donate Today

  • Trans Regretter Scott Newgent: Shattering Boundaries, Exposing Regrets, and Bursting Media Bubbles

    Read Scott's story in his own words - Link In the heated, divisive, and often controversial world of transgender discussion, few figures have proved as provocative or illuminating as trans man regretter Scott Newgent. As a lightning rod for change and a vehement crusader against the medical transition of children, Newgent has become inextricably ingrained in the cultural debate over what constitutes gender identity, particularly in his depiction in Matt Walsh's "What is a Woman?" Newgent has repeatedly pushed the boundaries, shattering traditional notions of the transgender experience and instigating wider conversation about the under-discussed yet intensely significant issue of regret following gender transition. In particular, Newgent's path-breaking mainstream presence was marked by a major op-ed published in Newsweek, making him the first public transgender person to detail major regret at such an influential platform. As a prolific writer, Newgent's articles have consistently found homes in reputable outlets such as Newsweek, The Daily Caller, Epoch Times, The Daily Wire, and The Dallas Morning News , Catholic Weekly. Beyond the written word, Newgent has crafted a powerful voice through popular podcasts. However, Newgent's contribution has not stopped at sharing personal experiences and insights. In an act of practical activism, Newgent played a pivotal role in crafting the inaugural state bill to constitutionally prohibit childhood medical transition, making significant strides in the battle to protect minors from medically assisted gender transition – a decision many lack the maturity or understanding to fully comprehend. This groundbreaking legislation set a course that has since been followed by numerous state governments, solidifying Newgent's catalytic role in driving legislative action toward a more cautious and reflective approach in handling childhood transitions Moreover, Newgent's ability to distill complex problems down to their emotional cores, an aptitude often associated with emotional intelligence (EI) genuises, makes him a formidable opponent. EI is the ability to recognize, use, understand, and manage emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges, and defuse conflict (5). By operating with emotional acuity, Newgent has effectively transformed how we perceive and interpret the transgender experience. Is there a school meeting, state bill, or any other platform that could benefit from listening to or providing testimony about the negative impact of medically transitioning children and the reasons behind it? Request Today - Please submit a request for a speaker who has experienced regret after transitioning. Our organization does not require any fees, and in some cases, we may be able to cover the travel expenses if we have received sufficient donations. Yet, in no small part due to Newgent’s unflinching honesty and refusal to pander, mainstream media organizations have often turned a reluctant, indifferent ear to his pleas. Despite Newgent's recently silencing an Ohio press conference – a moment that reached over 25 million views – mainstream media entities have consistently shunned his narrative. This enforced media blackout is indicative of a hypocritical selective mutism, betraying an underlying fear of narratives that disrupt the established status quo. On social media, Newgent has suffered egregious censorship, becoming one of the most silenced public figures on these platforms. Despite severely restricted digital visibility, Newgent's undeniable determination and palpable sense of mission continue to resonate with millions, drastically reshaping how society grapples with complex questions about transgender issues and childhood transitions. Scott Newgent is not merely a provocative figure, but a champion of truth, a catalyst for legislative action, and a thought leader in the transgender debate. Whether or not mainstream media acknowledges his work, his contributions offer a much-needed amplifier to silenced voices in the transgender community, urging society to be cautious, to listen, and most importantly, to question.

  • A Deeper Look into the Transition Journey: The Case of Kellie (Kenneth) Anderson’s Trans Regret!

    Kenneth/Kellie Anderson is available for speeches in school districts and for giving testimonies for governments worldwide. Read about Kenneth/Kellie's regrets regarding medical transition in their own words. - LINK Click Here A Deeper Look into the Transition Journey: The Case of Kenneth (Kellie) Anderson’s Trans Regret! In our modern society, the subject of gender identity and transitioning, through medical procedures, often arises. While some view this as an opportunity to finally embody their truth, others navigate away with remorse. This essay will explore the story of Kenneth (Kellie) Anderson, a Canadian transman, and his regret after undergoing a medical transition. Raised in a small Canadian town, Kellie Anderson was born a biological female. Kellie had always identified as male from a young age, often preferring to play with boys, getting into rough-and-tumble activities (Williams, R.J., 2006, Challenging the normative female stereotype and grappling with what is medically defined as 'gender dysphoria,' (Malek, H., 2013,, Kellie decided to transition to Kenneth as an adult. Emotionally invested in his new identity as Kenneth, he undertook hormonal treatment as well as surgical operations to modify his physical features in alignment with male attributes. Quotes from interviews with Kenneth reflect that the decision was spurred by issues including depression, suicidal tendencies, and societal pressures linked to transgender struggles (Transgender Mental Health, 2011, Donate However, post-transition, regret began to surface. Kenneth, who felt he could finally be 'at home in his body,' started experiencing more profound alienation. Contrary to what some studies suggest, that transitioning leads to improved mental health and overall quality of life (Nobili, A., Glazebrook, C., and Arcelus, J., 2018,, for Kenneth, this was not the case. Despite the affirmative medical procedures, he felt more dysphoric than ever before. Feeling disillusioned, Kenneth began to voice his regret publicly, sharing his dissatisfaction with the medical community's 'snap decision' to affirm his gender shift. He expressed this idea that the medical community hadn't considered alternative approaches to helping him navigate his gender dysphoria, such as therapy or mental health care (Spiegel, A., 2008, The primary source of his regret roots from his physical discomfort after surgical operations, coupled with the lingering emotional dysphoria. He argued that his transition was treated as a cure-all solution, overlooking potential underlying mental health issues. For Kenneth, this is indicative of a healthcare system failing to address the holistic needs of individuals living with gender dysphobia. Briefly returning to Kellie, Kenneth soon reverted back to his trans identity, hoping to find some form of solace (Detransitioning, In the face of regret, some may argue that allowing individuals to detransition minimizes the potential harm and disappointment linked to transitioning (Dhejne, C., 2011, Yet, the lack of solid medical resources dedicated to this end leaves such individuals helpless and overlooked. Kenneth (Kellie) Anderson's story provides crucial insight into the complexities of gender transitioning and highlights the dire importance of recognizing and addressing regret among the transgender community. A more comprehensive and individual-focused approach could perhaps mitigate situations similar to Anderson's, creating a more inclusive healthcare narrative. In conclusion, the tale of Kenneth (Kellie) Anderson serves as a reminder that the conversation around transition regret must be opened further. His experience emphasizes the importance of considering the potential pitfalls associated with transitioning and the lack of robust follow-up care. It is a call to action for health professionals and support groups to ensure their practices are more nuanced and promote the best outcomes for transgender individuals on this tricky journey. Trans Regetter Staff Writer

  • Breaking Barriers and Making History: The Incredible Journey of Claudia Mclean, UK's Transwoman Jazz Sensation & The ORIGINAL

    Follow Claudia on Twitter Read Claudia McLean, in her own words, dripping with regret over medical transition. Claudia goes in and out of the hospital with infections from bottom surgery, as Scott Newgent so bravely revealed in the documentary 'What is a Woman? ' Medical transition is experimental and dangerous; it doesn't cure anything, causes massive health issues, and makes mental health worse. Claudia is the first public trans regretter, exposing the reality of what most trangender feel, regret many years ago. Regret levels varies, some regret a little and some regret a lot. But regret is the only constant. We chose Claudia's story to be the first of many stories to come on our 'Real Stories of Trans Regret' blog because she was the first! Link below is an account of her regret, life and why she believed medical transition would cure all that ailed her. This blog post below details her success as a jazz singer in Europe. Link to Claudia's story in her own words. The Music, Transition, and Triumph of Claudia Mclean, a Transgender Jazz Singer from the UK Life, as it often reflects art, finds a profound example in the framework of Claudia Mclean’s transmutative journey mirrored through the undulating melodies of jazz. A UK-based transgender transwoman, Mclean’s experiences showcase survival, transcendence, and most prominently, her perpetual passion for jazz. Born in an age when queerness was cloaked, Claudia’s gripping tale begins in the unease of her adolescent gender dysphorphic struggles (S1: Belluck, P., 'Transgender Surgery Isn’t Just About Gender.' URL:**). From her early childhood in the moorlands of the UK, she bore the weight of the anomaly of interoceptive self in a discordantly gendered physicality. Beneath the consistent storm of this conflict though nestled the presence of Jazz. It was something primal that pulsed within her, paralleling the tympanic thrumming of her divergent self-identity (S2: 'The Neurophysiology of Jazz.' URL:**). The melody of her identity started aligning with jazz - deep, vulnerable, and intrinsically unique. Much like the syncopated rhythm of a jazz composition, Claudia's transition wasn't an unperturbed, straightforward process. Through hormone treatments, surgeries, and prolonged psychological consultations, Claudia shaped her exterior to resonate with the lady that was her psyche (S4: 'The Jazz of Physics.' URL:**). She channeled the resilience and adaptability fundamental to jazz to survive her journey, showcasing the capacity of her extraordinary spirit. Concomitantly, Claudia continued to hone her singing, her music becoming a breathing chronicle of her multifaceted journey. From her first underground performances in the UK to her eventual debut at the esteemed Ronnie Scott’s Jazz Club in London, Claudia's rise was inexorable (S5: 'The History of Jazz in the UK.' URL:**). She continued to woo audiences with her soulful music, embodying and transcending the essence of jazz itself, in a similar vein to her personal progression. Claudia Mclean offers a stirring narrative that bridges the echelons of gender, music, and personal courage. Her trajectory, from a distressed young individual grappling with dysphoria, to emerging as a resonantly beautiful transwoman and jazz singer, is a testament to life's transcendent vibrancy. In conclusion, Mclean's narrative neatly parallels the enduring mellifluous strains of jazz. The rhythms of turmoil, resolution, improvisation, and triumph manifest in both her transition and the universal language of jazz. Her tale underlines that the human spirit, like jazz, thrives in improvisation and adaptation - such is the power of Claudia Mclean, the jazz singer whose life beats to the music of extraordinary resilience and captivating melody. Sources: S1: Belluck, P. 'Transgender Surgery Isn’t Just About Gender.' URL:** S2: 'The Neurophysiology of Jazz.' URL:** S3: 'Transgender People’s Experiences of Gender Inequality in the UK.' URL:** S4: 'The Jazz of Physics.' URL:** S5: 'The History of Jazz in the UK.' URL:** S2: 'The Neurophysiology of Jazz.' URL:** S3: 'Transgender People’s Experiences of Gender Inequality in the UK.' URL:** S4: 'The Jazz of Physics.' URL:** S5: 'The History of Jazz in the UK.' URL:**

  • Exposing the Deceit On Both Side: Disingenuous Activists Within the Transing Kids Debate, Sabbatical, New Project

    After Vetoing Gender-Affirming Care Ban, Ohio Gov. Signs Even Harsher Executive Order The recent Ohio state bill to ban childhood medical transition has sparked controversy and outrage among many. It is clear that this bill is nothing more than a political maneuver, with the governor initially vetoing it, only to sign it later on with additional restrictions. This back-and-forth decision-making only highlights the fact that this bill is not based on genuine concern for gender confused children, but rather a ploy for political gain. It is disheartening to see politicians using vulnerable communities as pawns in their political games. It is a clear indication that they are willing to sacrifice the rights and well-being of individuals for their own agendas. These politicians are preying on the ignorance and biases of society, and it is time for us to see through their tactics and stand up for what is right. We cannot let them continue to manipulate and control our beliefs and values. It is time to demand to keep kids safe regardless of if it hurts anyone's feelings about their neurotic gender identify! Ohio's implementation of stricter regulations for treating transgender youth. Instead of offering prompt affirmation, they now insist on six months of compulsory counseling for gender dysphoria. But remember the current psychology treatment of gender dysphoria is to instantly affirm and in some states NOT affirming could lead to disciplinary action up to losing their license's to treat patients. The new 'HARSH ADDED RESTRICTIONS' are for children to have a mandatory six months of instant reoccurring and unwavering affirmation that they can belong to society and medical transition is a cure all! Way to go Governor! Whew, I feel better now! The potential detrimental consequences of puberty blockers far surpass any other complications and adding cross sex hormones after pretty much solidifies these kids will be transitioned 100%. Moreover, it seems rather convenient that once these individuals complete their pharmaceutical transition journey, they magically reach the age of 18, coinciding perfectly with the timeline that would have occurred naturally! NO WIN HERE PEOPLE! SMOKE AND MIRRORS! This is beyond ridiculous. Yet, activists like Riley Gaines and others proudly claim credit for these so-called victories. But let me tell you, these are not victories at all. They are nothing but a joke. Unfortunately, when you're part of the activist circle, you have to play along. But for me, this is not a game. We are essentially sacrificing the well-being of children. Activists and organizations have found a new "Cash Cow" in the LGBTQ+ community, pretending that hate is spreading and urging people to donate. But the truth is, most people couldn't care less about your kids... PERIOD! Putting an end to this travesty requires a blueprint that nobody seems willing to sacrifice. Sure, there may be some initial progress, but then it's back to activist segregation. These subtribes, individuals like Riley Gaines and Senator Weiners in California who advocate for child/adult relationships, are essentially the same person with different beliefs. You see to win this? To get this out into society to evaluate where they stand does not happen with this strategic new-found activism due to social media. To WIN means to lose. What I accomplished in 'What is a Woman' was to dismantle activism by sacrificing myself, exposing my vulnerabilities, and in doing so, ensuring that I don't fit into any activist mold. And isn't that the whole point? I couldn't care less about being an activist. We are harming an entire generation of children with a flawed process that leads to serious long-term health issues, offers no real cure, and worsens mental health. These are undeniable facts, and anyone who truly examines the truth behind medical transitioning from a neutral standpoint will not see it as a good idea. The problem is that none of these activists actually want to bring about change, and why would they? Their source of income would disappear. I have been fighting tirelessly in the realm of activism for 5.5 years, standing alone without compromising my beliefs, and it has been an arduous journey. However, I am fully aware that if I had just six months with half of the nonsensical support that Riley received from the evangelical community, which only serves as an echo chamber for self-congratulation, the illusion of making a difference would crumble. I would break through these barriers. Yet, despite a press conference that garnered 25 million views, the mainstream media has chosen to ignore it, and we must question why. The reason is simple: I have the power to change hearts and minds, but it takes a toll on me. So go ahead and celebrate this phony, meaningless victory, but understand that these individuals are desperately seeking fame and fortune by pretending to make sacrifices. They are not. They are merely convincing their own subtribes that they are breaking down barriers and effecting change, when in reality, they are doing nothing but perpetuating a cycle. requires the support and unity of a strong subtribe that is willing to spread the truth and fight against the hidden carnage caused by medically transitioning children. I understand that not everyone may agree with my perspective, but the reality is that when the media can no longer hide the consequences of these actions. It is time for us to come together and put an end to this harmful practice. I am aware that speaking out against the mainstream narrative may not be popular, but I am not concerned with what people think. The truth needs to be exposed, and it is only a matter of time before the tide turns. Get your appointment today - Will not be helping parents during my long Sabbatical Unfortunately, I foresee a future where love for the LGBTQ+ community takes a drastic turn. The permission slips granted to the evangelicals will allow them to spread hate, and I can't entirely blame them for it. The LGBTQ+ movement has become a recruiting team for children, and it is truly disheartening. Due to these circumstances, I have made the decision to take a long sabbatical. My website will be transformed into a platform that announces a new societal subtribe. The information, studies, and facts will be removed because without a subtribe, there can be no support. Some Scars Don't Heal! Donate Today This new project is not one that I will be leading, but rather mentoring. It is time for me to focus on getting my life back on track. Sacrifice, for me, has meant living below the poverty line, residing in a moldy basement, and driving a car held together by tape. It has been a challenging journey, far from the luxurious lifestyle of some activists who have made millions. Being an activist may have its perks, but for me, it has been about making a genuine difference. In less than two weeks, my website and social media will undergo a transformation to support this new endeavor. I will step back from the spotlight, no longer posting on social media, engaging with the media, or being the go-to person for those struggling with detransition, suicidal thoughts, or concerned parents. In order to truly desire change and transcend the current political chaos, genuine sacrifice is essential. There are two crucial steps to accomplish this. Firstly, we must replace the current activist leaders with individuals who genuinely believe in sacrificing for the cause. Secondly, it is incumbent upon each and every one of us, including you, the reader, to amplify our voices beyond the confines of Twitter, at school meetings, rallies, and everywhere else! However, I have recently come to the realization that this may never come to fruition. Too many individuals are profiting immensely from both sides, making true sacrifice a rare commodity. I will soon be making an official announcement. To all those who have supported me throughout the past 5.5 years, I sincerely apologize if I failed your children, but I tried so much harder than people will ever realize! I failed! Thank you for your support and know I am still here, just taking along break and stepping away from the spotlight leading from behind. #SCREAMLouder 'Stop Transing Kids.' Sincerely, Regretter Scott Newgent

  • Examining the Ohio State Bill BANNING Transing Kids? Are Children Truly Protected or is it Just an Activist Magnet?

    In the past three weeks, I have been fortunate enough to assist parents who are dealing with the challenges of having children going through gender confusion. One particular case involved a female-to-male individual who had started testosterone treatment without their parents' knowledge, causing a breakdown in communication between the father and his daughter. Since then, the courageous teenage daughter, who was eighteen and had the autonomy to make her own choices, has decided to stop taking testosterone. The guidance and support from her parents played a significant role in this decision, leading to her discontinuation of all synthetic hormone usage. Both the parents and the 18-year-old have come together and signed an agreement to pause any further medical transition for a period of nine months. This break will allow them to embark on an exploratory journey to fully understand the complexities associated with medical transition. It is crucial to acknowledge that this process is still in the experimental stage and can potentially result in severe health complications without offering any cure. Additionally, it has been observed that it may exacerbate existing mental health conditions. I have come to realize that achieving change in the childhood medical transition debate is an unattainable goal due to the prevailing activists on both ends and the overwhelming influx of donations towards LGBTQ+. Moreover, the evangelicals' gleaming smiles and impeccable appearance add to the complexity. The conservative side eagerly heralds their success with the resounding cry of 'Dinner Bell' donations: WE ARE SUCCEEDING when, in reality, NOTHING has changed! To be an activist, one requires a supportive subtribe, but the true challenge lies in remaining neutral while underscoring the profound impact on children. Please permit me to analyze yesterday's events and skillfully articulate my viewpoint. In the beginning, the governor of Ohio vetoed State Bill 68, which intended to halt all childhood medical transitions within the state. Subsequently, the bill entered into negotiations, leading to a purported compromise that banned surgery in minors while still allowing the usage of puberty blockers and synthetic cortex homes. “My child would have committed suicide.” Ohio governor explains his veto of the transgender care ban along with education, jobs for prisoners - Donate to the ACLU Today to Save Transgender Children" "Ohio House passes bill to ban trans youth from gender-affirming care, athletics - Donate to 'Turning Point' to SAVE Children from Childhood Medical Transition." Ohio House passes bill to ban trans youth from gender-affirming care, athletics Here is the analysis of WHY this compromise is a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT for children but a victorious success for both parties, disregarding the children they neglected while engaging in unnecessary actions against all the children they abandoned. They show NO CONCERN! They simply don't care! Witness the alarming lifelong complications caused by Puberty Blockers, which devastate bone health and hinder brain development. The repercussions are so severe that they impede the growth of complex thinking abilities, prompting discussions about surgical interventions to mitigate the damage occurring in the brain. Furthermore, the administration of cross-sex hormones results in sterilization, blood disorders, heart disease, pulmonary embolisms, and a drastic increase in the risk of diabetes. Puberty blockers mark the initial phase, which entails the most complexities, while cross-sex hormones and surgeries conclude the subsequent stages. Moreover, puberty blockers yield the most significant financial gains, as they generate substantial revenue from this drug that essentially guarantees over 90% progression towards cross-sex hormones, just as the transition to surgeries looms on the horizon... Astonishing. The activists fighting to BAN childhood medical transition get their 'WINNING' headlines to ring the 'Donation Dinner Bell' and the LGBTQ+ rings the "Bigotry, Hate & Suicide' ringing the 'Donation Dinner Bell' for them as well. If you have been observant of my behavior, it should be clear that a notable transformation has taken place. This alteration can be credited to the recent State of OHIO Bill, which issued a mandate to halt all childhood gender surgeries. Nevertheless, ascertaining the ultimate truth is difficult as neither side can sway opinions and attitudes. The era of reliable information, authentic enthusiasm, and fair competition has vanished. I was on the verge of succumbing to the 'CORRUPTION' path of activism, compromising my stance and turning a blind eye to the mistakes of fellow activists. After enduring a devastating six-year nightmare, losing everything I had worked for, and suffering from deteriorating health, I allowed myself to hope for a brighter future. However, I overlooked the most crucial aspect. I have never truly belonged, and it seems that I never will, as I choose not to participate in the same strategies as these people. They are only focused on their own interests, treating activism as a mere transaction. I do not adhere to their profit-driven approach, as I have faith in something more meaningful in life. The truth is, if children are not secure in our society, everything else becomes insignificant; in such a scenario, we must all abandon our pursuits, and that is exactly what I am considering; I must embark on a journey of self-discovery to find this solution. It was a miscalculation to believe I could find my place, especially when I witnessed the betrayal and backstabbing once I was no longer helpful, causing conflicts with evangelical donors. My words and ideas were stolen, and the enormity of pain that allows me to convey a message, the hours and hours of physical pain that injects my passion and ability to analyze information and present it persuasively, was taken away from me. The only thing I excelled at was snatched, and who cares, right? As a lesbian who underwent a medical transition, it's acceptable for Christians to mistreat me, exploit me, and treat me like garbage. Is that what we call justice? But remember, as you hear speeches, listen for my voice because the odds are. The words were stolen from my mind and regurgitated to render more donations and speaking fees of over $20,000. Remember, that was my pain. Remember, that was my children's suffering. Remember, it was this pain that will probably steal the opportunity for me to meet my grandkids. Remember, it's a pain I endured and relentlessly refused to consent to the activists that you believe care and hold themselves to a higher Christian morality when the truth is I act more Christian than 99% of the Christians out there. I will end with how I started with the victory of one child that matters to me! Speaking to this child has reiterated what a tangled web we weave and the utter disgust we should have for both sides because the truth is that? The child I helped off the destructive path of medical transition? She is me, and I must remember that I matter, too! My time will be focused here, and I'll leave the ass-kissing to the evangelical Christians and the disgusting current LGBTQ+ leaders. I will remain telling the truth! by Transman Regretter Scott Newgent Donate To Work Here References: [^1^]: Steensma, T. D., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (2011). Gender transitioning before puberty? Archives of Sexual Behavior, 40, 649–650. [^2^]: Vrouenraets, L., Fredriks, A., Hannema, S., Cohen-Kettenis, P., & de Vries, M. (2020). Early Medical Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Gender Dysphoria: An Empirical Ethical Study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 57(4), 367-373. [^3^]: Wiepjes, C. M., Nota, N. M., de Blok, C. J. M., Klaver, M., de Vries, A. L. C., Wensing-Kruger, S. A., ... & den Heijer, M. (2018). The Amsterdam Cohort of Gender Dysphoria Study (1972-2015): Trends in Prevalence, Treatment, and Regrets. The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15(4), 582-590. [^4^]: Sutcliffe, P. A., Dixon, S., Akehurst, R. L., Wilkinson, A., Shippam, A., White, S., … Round, J. (2017). Evaluation of surgical procedures for sex reassignment: a systematic review. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 64(3), e1-e25. [^5^]: Doherty, J., & Paterson, P. (2019). Organizational manipulation and moral disengagement: The creation of a climate for corruption in high-level English professional football clubs. Journal of Business Ethics, 159, 399–417. (2020, GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies. (Olson-Kennedy J, Warus J, Okonta V, Belzer M, Clark LF. (2018). "Medical Mistrust Among Transgender Adolescents: Implications for Child Abuse Pediatricians". Child Abuse & Neglect.

  • Riley where is the sacrifice? We are losing the transgender battle & someone needs to tell the truth! 2023 you/we failed!

    In this time of prevalent social activism, skepticism around its operation is on the rise. Ostensibly, activism pledges to bring about serious societal reform. Yet, a somewhat disturbing view insists that present day activists ensure no change occurs, thus amplifying their bargaining strength for heightened financial incentives. This raises questions about the efficacy of those who are campaigning for social justice, but seem more focused on personal financial gain (Strauss, 2014). My exposure to activism was entirely inadvertent and driven by one solitary and staunch motive: Ending childhood medical transition worldwide. This transformation is being pawned off onto impressionable children under the guise of transgenderism and I've had enough. I've watched this unfold, I've lived through it, and now I stand against it. The so-called "activism market" is a peculiar beast. Unlike conventional professions, the value of activism seems inversely proportional to its efficacy; those who fail to evoke change somehow find a way to financially flourish (Biddix, 2010). This counterintuitive dynamic can be attributed to two key factors. First, the longer a social issue persists, the longer activists can exploit the situation for monetary gain, as proponents manipulate the issue to ensure the struggle and associated income, endures (Boggs, 2011). Second, when change is glacial, activists lay claim to the enormity and complexity of the issue to validate the need for additional resources, including financial compensation (McCarthy & Zald, 1977). Take a look at Ethiopia, deemed the poster child for famine, the nation has been siphoning off donations for over 30 years with little change (Belachew & Jember, 2014). Similarly, stateside, groups like Black Lives Matter, with a crusade against racial prejudice, have witnessed a financial windfall yet have reached few milestones in terms of policy change (Brooks, 2016). The respected activist, Riley Gaines, is another participant in this shameful enterprise. Gaines may be recognized as a competitive swimmer who was pit against a transwoman, leading to missed opportunities and a life that spiraled out of control. Her quick ascent to fame and the launch of her nonprofit have established her as a formidable opponent. Her team extended an invitation to me over a year ago to join forces in this endeavor. I was told I would be handsomely compensated for my speeches, however, a month before the tour, they ghosted me leaving me with more questions than answers. Unlike Gaines, my activism is funded purely by donations. Last year, my campaign gathered $22,000 directly contributing to my living expenses and travels in efforts to raise awareness on this topic. The lack of communication from Gaines' team has left me in quite a tight financial spot and I am left to question her motives. I firmly believe we deserve better activists, ones driven by justice and reform rather than personal gain. Let's strive for more authenticity, more dedication and more genuine change in the world of social activism and hold these activists to the fire to inspire change because from the way I see it? No one wants changes that you currently follow. 545% Increase of LGBTQ Characters On TV With over 50% being transgender Riley talks about sacrifices. Open your books, and I guarantee her W2 for 2022is WELL over what a dentist would make & hitting the million mark, the career she walked away from, she's treated like a star, speeches are written for her, Charlie Kirk's people train her, she flies around the worlds hearing what a hero she is and...AND trans people hate her? Is that the sacrifice? Being wheeled away from the CRAZY people you hated anyway! Where's the sacrifice, Riley? Cause I don't see it! NOT A GAME WE ARE BUTCHERING KIDS! Quote the studies, Riley, analyze the data, show us your pain. Did you stumble upon an opportunity, aligning with 'Turning Point'? You possess the ideal looks and beliefs to champion Christianity and conservatism, a leader to be celebrated, facilitating cash flow, because let's be honest! The fact is that conservatives already agree with Riley, Christians already align with Riley. It's clear in 2023 that this kind of activism earns substantial revenue but changes nothing. Now, place Riley in a room full of liberals who instantly dismiss Riley, disregarding whatever she says. I said yes to Riley, as together, we alter the room dynamics; me and Riley, a medically transitioned lesbian, a non-Christian, and Riley... that would genuinely change hearts and minds. However, a nagging feeling tells me that resistance from her Christian base led us here. It's disheartening because if halting childhood medical transition is the aim, grant me 25% of the platform Riley has been given, and I assure you, although I may offend many, I would halt the irrationality of transitioning children medically. Therefore my question is, what is your actual desire...To safeguard children or to forge a potent tribe that alters NOTHING?" Nineteen State Bills Passed in 2023 - Only 2 are currently being enforced - Kind of still allowing puberty blockers But people will keep stealing from each other, treating people terrible to ensure a good public image, but for me? I don't CARE what people think, we are BUTCHERING a generation of children and sure make a living at it...Just don't suck at it and tell every one you are creating change. Riley is for Riley and that's the truth! I firmly believe we deserve better activists, ones driven by justice and reform rather than personal gain. Let's strive for more authenticity, more dedication, and more genuine change in the world of social activism. Open your books, Riley. Let's see how much sacrificing you have done. Show us the pain, because I can show you mine! I may piss people off with truth but one thing you can guarantee I have one motive - 'STOP Transing Kids!' Support My Work If You Agree We need to be told the truth as a society and the truth is that we are LOSING to fight to stop childhood medical transition Losing in the Entertainment Field 2016 Numbers of LGBTQ Characters On Prime Time 142 LGBTQ characters, regular and recurring. 2023 2016 Numbers of LGBTQ Characters On Prime Time 775 Current Numbers of LGBTQ Characters On Prime Time 545% Increase of LGBTQ Characters On TV With over 50% being transgender Losing in court & legal suits Nineteen State Bills Passed in 2023 - Only 2 are currently being enforced - Kind of still allowing puberty blockers Supreme Court lets gender dysphoria ruling stand in win for transgender rights The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday let stand a federal appeals court ruling that found people with gender dysphoria should be protected against discrimination under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). Supreme Court Lets Gender Dysphoria Ruling Stand in Win for Transgender Rights Transgender child speaks out ahead of Ohio trans care ban decision They have NOTHING to be scared of. Nineteen bills have been passed to BAN childhood medical transition, only two being enforced...KINDA they are allowing puberty blockers Watch AOC Defend Transgender Americans in Heated Congressional Hearing TEXAS GENDER-AFFIRMING CARE BAN TAKES EFFECT NA NA - Denied! Riley Gaines Vows to Fight the New 'War on Women' in 2024 Amid Backlash - Where is the win? Science YET the Conservative ACTIVISTs CHEER In Victory! Transgender UW-Madison Employees Win Insurance Coverage Fight Win health insurance coverage back USA Boxing's 2024 rule book states that any male who transitions to identify as a woman will be eligible to compete in a traditionally female category. Transwomen to compete with biological women - Guess what? Conservatives push back, again and again and again, but LOSE! 2023 Review: Transgender movement grew bolder amid backlash Trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney listed in Forbes’ '30 Under 30’ list NFL's first transgender cheerleader says 'I’m really changing the world' National Organization for Women says, 'Trans women are women' Transgender Miss Portugal and Miss Netherlands poised to compete for Miss Universe On Transgender Day of Visibility, White House announces moves to expand trans rights

  • You think we are winning the war to STOP childhood medical transition? THINK AGAIN. We are LOSING. . .BAD!

    by, Transregretters Donate Today As 2024 comes closer, so does STATE Bill Season I am writing to bring your attention to a pressing issue that demands our immediate action and collective efforts. It concerns the practice of childhood medical transition, specifically the medicalization of gender-confused children. In 2022, one state took a significant step forward by passing a law to ban childhood medical transition. Encouraged by this progress, we looked forward to continued positive developments in 2023. However, upon closer examination, we discovered that out of the nineteen states that have implemented bans, only two are actively taking measures to prevent the medicalization of gender-confused children. This situation is deeply concerning and raises serious questions about our current approach. We must acknowledge that what we have been doing thus far is failing to serve the best interests of these vulnerable children. Therefore, I implore you to consider adopting a different strategy in 2024, one that addresses the root causes and steers away from promoting social media stars as experts or serving political agendas. It is disheartening to witness politics dominating the conversation while the true welfare of these children remains neglected. We must prioritize their well-being over any personal or political motivations. In light of this, I urge you to support individuals or organizations that are genuinely committed to the cause and have the compassion and empathy required to make a meaningful difference in the lives of these children. The orgs we are up against It is crucial to recognize that the current situation demands immediate action. Out of the nineteen existing bans on childhood medical transition, only two states are actively enforcing them. This alarming statistic underscores the urgent need for widespread implementation and enforcement of these laws across the nation. I implore you to join me in making 2024 a year of genuine change and progress. Let us channel our efforts towards supporting initiatives that genuinely prioritize the welfare of gender-confused children. Together, we can make a significant impact and save countless lives. I sincerely hope that you will consider my plea and take the necessary steps to redirect your support and resources in 2024. By doing so, we can help create a society that fosters love, acceptance, and understanding for all individuals, especially children grappling with their gender identity. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your positive response and collaboration in this crucial undertaking. Yours sincerely, Transregretters Donate Today

  • Scott Newgent's Transition Regret - Unveiling the Untold Story! Read What The NYT Didn't want You To

    Dallas Morning News - EXCLUSIVE Several weeks ago, the prestigious New York Times invited submissions on the topic of regret. Intrigued, I eagerly seized the opportunity to delve into my personal journey of medical transitioning and the profound regret it has brought me. With utmost sincerity, I poured my heart and soul into crafting a piece that encapsulated the raw emotions and complexities surrounding this deeply personal experience. Little did I know that my words would prove to be too potent, too authentic for the esteemed pages of The New York Times. Filled with anticipation, I submitted my piece and patiently awaited its fate. To my surprise, the following week, the NYT unveiled their selection of regret-themed articles. While I commend them for their discerning eye, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. The chosen piece, in stark contrast to mine, trivialized the weighty decision of medical transitioning by drawing an absurd comparison to a mere choice of swimming competitively. New York Times Piece On Regret It is no wonder that my opinion piece has faced relentless criticism. It has been dragged through the mud, perhaps because it dared to expose the truth. Perhaps my words were too powerful, too real for the confines of The New York Times. But let me assure you, dear reader, that my regret is not something to be dismissed lightly. It is a profound and deeply personal struggle that deserves to be heard. So, while the NYT may have shied away from my unfiltered truth, I implore you to seek out my exclusive piece, where I lay bare the untold story of Scott Newgent's transition regret. Don't let the silence of the mainstream media deter you. Discover the unfiltered truth that the New York Times didn't want you to read. Scott Newgent's Transition Regret - Unveiling the Untold Story! Dallas Morning News Link "You're the transman Scott Newgent, from the ‘What Is a Woman’ documentary, right? Don’t we know each other?” I immediately look down to avoid eye contact. It's one thing to be remembered for a great success in life. It’s quite another to be recognized for the single most significant regret you have, one that never releases its grip, leading to a life mirroring the Biblical Job: unending physical and mental health trials as well as financial tribulations. And I say that as an agnostic. The woman refuses to leave my table at a coffee shop where I am desperately looking for a work-from-home job, as I’m now without the finances for a car. Her insistence forces me to look up and I recognize her. I have, indeed, met this woman and her husband and children — the type of meeting that only happens once but leaves a soul forever changed. Years prior, I had visited them in their home in an effort to sell them vinyl windows. Due to complications from gender-affirming medical transition, I was struggling with urinary infections that were nonstop for 17 months. I’d had a phalloplasty, otherwise known as “bottom surgery.” That’s the last, most drastic, and least successful type of gender-affirming surgery available, but the number of people undergoing it is skyrocketing. According to a study published this summer by JAMA Network Open, gender-affirming surgeries almost tripled between 2016 and 2019. Most of those were “top surgeries” — removal or changes to breasts — but 16,871 of them were genital surgeries, including hundreds of minors. For me, gender transition was and continues to be dangerous, causing massive and recurring health issues. It cured nothing. It gave me PTSD. My left arm, from which the skin was taken to create a faux phallus, has essentially left me disabled. My right arm — my good arm — recently was diagnosed with hairline fractures because I stopped taking testosterone a little while ago. I basically now have brittle bones decades too soon. I needed that job selling windows for the health insurance, which would cover a procedure out of state. My own state didn’t have a qualified surgeon willing to take on the complications from my surgery. So I fluttered from one ER to the next, weekend after weekend, working five days in between. I had to endure three months of ring-around-the-ER-posey. This game I was forced to play left me with lasting financial debt that I will never be able to repay — yet another regret. The insistent infections had taken their toll on my health, both physically and emotionally. A month prior, a doctor insisted I get a PICC line. This tube traveled up my arm and ended right at the entrance of my heart, remaining for over 30 days. Each day, I would wake up, go to the hospital and receive IV antibiotics before I headed off to sell windows in people's homes. Donate a SCREAM Today I distinctly recall the pain I had felt as an infection pulled on my bladder like daggers. I was giving my presentation, saying "Here is the latch that opens the windows," when the woman interrupted me: "Scott, sweetie, you have blood running down your legs.” The kindness and genuine concern I felt from this couple, despite being strangers at the time, created a sense of comfort I will never forget. Their rare empathy hit a nerve, and I could not stop the tears I knew were coming. Once they started to flow, they didn't stop. I could not catch my breath, hyperventilating into the embrace of this woman and her husband. It was in his strong grasp I lost the ability to stand, yet I stayed upright because he held me along with his wife as his mammoth arms encircled us both. It was this nurturing man who began to comfort me in a whisper, "Shhh, it's ok, Scott, it's gonna be ok, you're ok, let it out." He reminded me of my father, who’d passed away a decade prior. Even though we were the same age, I felt from him a fatherly love I clearly must have needed. I was so grateful. The woman in the coffee shop is still there, smiling at me, oblivious to the regrets that flash through my mind. "Oh my, Scott, how are you? We saw you in the documentary and were so thankful to see you alive; we have been worried about you for years. How are you now? Scott, what powerful testimony you have and are giving to so many." I look up at the expectant woman to give her my answer. “How am I? I’m still alive. And I live for my three kids.” When I was at my lowest, I thought about giving up entirely. But my kids’ faces came before and I made a promise: to live and to tell others about what happened to me. I’m far from perfect, as a person and as a parent. But I try. I try to help others so they don’t have the regrets that I have. My most major regret — having experimental bottom surgery — led to a cascade of others. About five years ago, I began a fight to stop childhood medical transition. I started by helping write the first bill that was heard in North Dakota and have not relented, becoming one of the leading worldwide voices to stop this experimental practice. Yes, a transman is leading the fight, and that in itself should give the medical community pause. The obligation has weighed heavily on my family. I have been let go from good-paying jobs because of my activism. I’m crippled with debt. I’m trans and I cannot detransition, even though I’d like to. The process has gone too far; there is no turning back. And so all I can do is try to be as resilient as Job, even though I understand no better. The couple smiles and wishes me well. I go back to looking at the want-ads with the free wifi from the coffee shop. I’m still an agnostic, but I’m also better off than Job. -by Transman Regretter Scott Newgent I Can HELP! Reach out TODAY!

  • Lupron/Puberty Blockers. past court cases & why the US Gov refers to them as a 'Criminal Enterprise'

    An Examination of Lupron Pharmaceuticals: Delinquity, Repercussions, and Ethical Consequences Help STOP Childhood Medical Transition. Consider a donation today: Lupron Pharmaceuticals, a renowned conglomerate in the pharmaceutical industry, has often been hailed as a panacea provider across varied medical concerns. However, in recent times, the company’s repute found itself immured within lawsuits and criminal charges. What hitherto appeared a magnanimous medical saviour soon manifested itself as an ethically warped enterprise. Let's embark on a journey to scrutinise Lupron Pharmaceuticals, their unethical exploits for profit, the consequent penalties imposed, and the overarching implications of such conduct on the pharmaceutical panorama. In 2020, Lupron Pharmaceuticals was indicted in the United States for multiple counts of criminal offences, specifically bribery and false advertising, leading to an astounding financial penalty of $874 million (US Justice, 2020)[1]. This egregious misconduct not only cast aspersions on the ethical foundations of the company but also was a stark revelation of lupine tendencies within a supposed healer. Brobdingnagian as it may appear, the fine imposed on Lupron Pharmaceuticals is reflective of the magnitude of corruption they actively participated in. The company was reported to have paid millions in kickbacks to doctors across America, essentially bribing them to prescribe their medication over their counterparts (US Justice, 2020)[1]. Furthermore, they were penalised for false advertising, which allowed them an unfair competitive edge, misleading patients into selecting their products under fraudulent pretensions (Federal Trade Commission, 2020)[2]. It is crucial to understand that such rampant bribing and corruption directly impact the sanctity of patient care. There exists an unspoken trust between the patient and the healthcare providers, expecting them to prioritise patients' welfare over monetary profits. However, when medical decisions are influenced by bribes, it shatters this faith, undermining the very essence of the healthcare system (Harvard Business Review, 2017)[3]. Lupron Pharmaceutical's false advertising tactics added fuel to the roaring fire of their unethical conduct. They capitalised on the vulnerability of patients, presenting misleading information in a bid to generate increased sales and market dominance. False advertising in healthcare is particularly nefarious as it not only misleads consumers but can also potentially cause health-related harm (Consumer Protection, 2002)[4]. Legal actions against Lupron Pharmaceuticals mark a significant standpoint in the battle against corruption and unethical practices in the pharmaceutical field. The hefty fine has signalled other corporations that engaging in similar misconduct will not be treated lightly and will bear severe punitive consequences (US Justice, 2020)[1]. Simultaneously, the Lupron case serves as a potent reminder for pharmaceutical companies of their ethical responsibilities. The mission to maintain an unabridged commitment to patient wellbeing must supersede profits and commercial gains (The Pharmaceutical Journal, 2014)[5]. Is there an antidote to such rampantly growing unethical behaviour? Regulation and stringent legal actions indeed act as potent deterrents. However, fostering a culture of ethical responsibility across all echelons of such corporations can play an instrumental role in preventing such misdemeanours. Ethical training and transparency ought to be the two strong pillars on which pharmaceutical companies should build their foundations. Pharmaceuticals incident underscores the corporate misdemeanours lurking in the pharmaceutical industry, it also offers a viable blueprint for both prevention and rectification. It is an earnest appeal to all entities across the healthcare spectrum to refocus on their ethical responsibilities and honour the trust vested in them by patients worldwide, ensuring their interests always take precedence over any corporate profit. References: [1] US Justice (2020). "Global Resolution of Criminal and Civil investigations". Available at: [2] Federal Trade Commission. (2020). "False Advertising and the FTC". Available at: [3] Harvard Business Review. (2017). "How Corruption Undermines the Healthcare System". Available at: [4] Consumer Protection. (2002). "Unfair and Deceptive Practice in Advertising". Available at: [5] The Pharmaceutical Journal. (2014). “Ethics in Pharmaceutical Issues”. Available at:

  • Transman 'HERO' from 'What is a Woman' Detransition? Time To Talk

    There are various levels to experiencing regret. Embracing that regret and acknowledging your actions also involve multiple layers! However, the only form of regret that is warmly embraced is when one declares their detransition and aligns themselves with the evangelicals and feminists. Regrettably, society remains unaware that the majority of these young adults who identify as DETRANS are still in search of acceptance while grappling with significant mental health challenges. They desperately grasp at any possible solution to alleviate the burden of depression, constantly swinging from one extreme to another. If the DETRANS are not receiving sufficient attention to suppress depression? They take it a step further by announcing they are a "Born Again," and the evangelicals respond with both financial support and the necessary attention to keep the depression at bay. However, the depression never truly disappears; in fact, this constant swinging exacerbates the situation for these young adults. Essentially, these individuals transitioned from a difficult situation to an even more challenging one, as trans activists hailed them as heroes and exploited their experiences to advance their agenda. Similarly, evangelicals and feminists do the exact opposite. The well-being of these young adults is not a priority; the primary focus is on winning the battle of activism. I have helped hundreds of parents navigate the complex world of "Mom/Dad I am really a man/woman" & I can help you too! Reach out today People must grasp the true nature of the leaders in the activism movement. Contrary to popular belief, their concern level differs from what they portray. Activism has become a lucrative business, with detrans being the latest cash cow. It reminds me of being in business sales, and all the salespeople are clawing at each other to unlock a $150,000 quarterly bonus. It's horrendous because we are dealing with wounded people already, lied to once, and then lied to again. Yet these activists are willing to go to any lengths to maintain their financial gains, even if it means scorning the well-being of others. Upholding moral values necessitates engaging in authentic discussions, where the flaws in their agenda are highlighted and opposing viewpoints are welcomed. However, it seems that allowing such debates is not something these activists are willing to do. Their primary motivation is monetary gain, and they have undeniably achieved success in that aspect. Some individuals manage to earn millions of dollars annually simply by speaking at events, all the while claiming to have selflessly given up their careers. But let's not forget the hefty price tag of $15,000 they charge for a thirty-minute speech. Moreover, when they find themselves in the company of those who have supported them and helped them financially, they treat them with disdain, ordering expensive bottles of champagne worth $150 and expressing disgust at having to share a meal with those who have uplifted their words. It's genuinely repulsive, and honestly, these individuals are the ones leading this agenda! It is clear that their intentions are anything but assisting children or safeguarding women's sports or rights. Be confident once the excitement dies down in approximately a decade and my book hits the shelves, the shocking truth will be unveiled, akin to the notorious saga of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. If you genuinely grasped the real essence of these advocates, you would be entirely repulsed by the type of people they are. Let me reiterate: To succeed in activism, one must prioritize effectiveness over empathy, disregarding the harm caused to others. It is crucial to avoid engaging in genuine debates and focus on maintaining a social media presence. Although this approach may benefit the sole activist, witnessing our humanity's sickening and disturbing aspects is disheartening, leading me to question my desire to distance myself from it entirely. It's wholly DISTURBED and reveals a dark aspect of society that is revolting to the extent where I'm compelled to ask, "Where can I find a hideout far away from civilization because there is no goodness left!" Regret encompasses various levels, but are only certain levels being acknowledged at present? The dichotomy of Black or White leads to success for a select few while causing devastation for those who conceal their anguish in silence. Speaking out about regret without adhering to the black/white narrative would subject these young adults to brutal attacks. Considering all the points mentioned, I recently engaged in a thought-provoking discussion with a feminist who raised concerns about my failure to mention DETRANS during my Tuesday night "Ask Scott" session. This particular session aims to assist parents in comprehending and effectively parenting amidst the chaos caused by gender ideology. The feminist I encountered questioned me, suggesting that I endorse transgenderism by continuing to use transman. I attempted to clarify my stance on why I don't exclude 'transman' and why I don't support detransitioners who are under 25 or those who detransitioned within three years after turning 25. Medical transition is an irreversible process; I can never revert back to my previous self, and advocating against it is equivalent to endorsing medical transition as a universal solution! Medical transition is an action; it involves cosmetic surgeries that do not provide a cure and can lead to significant health complications. Moreover, it is highly likely that it will exacerbate mental health issues. Promoting the idea that these young individuals, who have transformed their identities, can somehow become who they would have been is equally harmful in the opposite direction. Witness the undeniable truth that shatters the rhetoric employed by both feminists and evangelicals. It is truly astonishing to realize that these two seemingly opposing factions actually stand united. Although their objectives may vary, the battles they wage and the strategies they employ are remarkably similar. This revelation is nothing short of captivating! My sole objective revolves around rescuing these children and shifting the focus away from the internal dynamics of subtribes. Instead of seeking power and prestige within these subtribes, we should prioritize raising awareness among those outside and garnering their attention. The current situation resembles an echo chamber, where the same celebrity status continuously circulates among subtribes, achieving nothing substantial and leaving no lasting impact on anyone. The news stories highlighting these children who declare DETRANS may initially bring them glamour and importance, but unfortunately, society quickly forgets about them. From my personal experience, these children end up right back where they started, struggling with their mental well-being and unable to cope with life. Only a few overcome these challenges and succeed, which would surprise many. I know about these trials because I seem to be the only safe place for these young adults to fall, never judging! These young adults deserve the freedom to make their own choices regarding detransitioning, based on what brings them inner peace. It's important to acknowledge that synthetic hormones have long-lasting effects, and it's unfair to expect these individuals to spend their entire lives correcting pronouns just to fit someone else's agenda. Love and support should be about understanding and accepting each person's unique journey. It's crucial to remember that life is not always black and white, especially when it comes to the experiences of DETRANS. When the lights dim and their stories are shared, that's when the real work begins. It's at this point that individuals realize the confines of detransition or medical transition, and the fact that they have been relying on the exhilaration of hearing repeated and constant affirmations like, 'You are a HERO.' However, they come to understand that maintaining the HERO status may not be sustainable. For instance, a young woman who has taken testosterone for four years may continue to appear masculine unless she undergoes the painful process of reversing the changes, resorting to plastic surgery in a desperate attempt to achieve a more feminine appearance. On the other hand, what about the young woman who doesn't wish to undergo plastic surgery? They understand that remaining where they are, without taking synthetic hormones for the rest of their lives, means they will continue to look like a seventeen-year-old boy indefinitely. In such situations, where can they turn to for support and guidance? I have remained steadfast for over five years in my decision not to join the detrans train, even after ceasing testosterone for a long period. What if I were motivated by financial gain or fame? In that case, this would have been the path to pursue. However, I have chosen to stand my ground and stay true to my convictions. I am feeling completely overwhelmed by the recent fracture in my wrist and the issues with my bones. It feels like I am trapped in a whirlwind of uncertainty. I am torn between two choices: should I stop taking testosterone and risk having weak bones at the age of 51, or should I follow my doctor's advice and continue with testosterone, even though they themselves are unsure of what else to do? It is frustrating to think that my medical transition is portrayed as safe, effective, and a miraculous solution, while I experience the harsh realities of these falsehoods every day! Each step towards better health only serves as a reminder of the challenges of medical transition, while society is fed unrealistic expectations. It is imperative that we, as responsible adults, prioritize the well-being of these deceived youngsters over our own selfish desires to prove ourselves right or gain social recognition through exploiting their situation. Let us not turn a blind eye to the harsh reality that these young adults are merely pawns in a temporary game. They are continuously sacrificed for the benefit of a privileged few, solely for their financial gains. Is this truly the moral stance we should uphold? Imagine the allure of a fleeting moment of fame, where you proudly proclaim, "Behold, the miracle of Christ! He has saved this young adult!" But let's delve deeper into the reality behind this facade. In truth, these individuals are struggling to overcome their pain, and the one who claims to bring them salvation is merely paving the way for future suffering. By exploiting these young adults, they are pushing them further into a dark abyss of insignificance, making them mere pawns in the game of activism. This is the harsh reality that cannot be ignored. I do not oppose detransition, but I am concerned about the negative consequences it can have. It's important to remember that facts are impartial and do not consider our desires or emotions. While we may hope for detransitioners to have successful and fulfilling lives, the reality is that many of them face challenges. I have consistently shown my support for detransitioners and have actively worked towards promoting a deeper understanding of the permanence of medical transition. However, my involvement with Detrans is kept private because, for me, their well-being is more important than seeking attention, fame, or fortune. I endure significant hardships for this cause. I strive to be a safe haven for those in need, even though there are times when I am tempted to pursue personal gain. But what would that make me? I refuse to compromise my principles because I am not an ordinary activist who simply speaks within an echo chamber, achieving nothing and only benefiting myself! This is why I strive to go beyond these echo chambers and engage with individuals who may not share my perspectives. I am authentic in my intentions, and if you were to experience my life or be a part of it, you would comprehend the profound sincerity within me. I am indifferent to whom I converse with or if I offend anyone from a specific group or subculture. I genuinely do not care, and people can perceive that, which is why I am able to change hearts and minds. How? People believe in me and can sense my sincerity. I not only express rational truths, but I also convey these truths with a raw emotional intensity, making people truly understand the realities of these stances and ultimately winning their hearts and minds. Changing hearts and minds should be the primary focus of every endeavor, a mission deeply rooted in significance, an injustice that demands rectification and can only be achieved through selflessness; these ought to be the principles upheld by activists; unfortunately, they are seldom witnessed. Having expressed all these thoughts, the woman who confronted me appeared genuine and made me contemplate; she possessed an uncommon and authentic enthusiasm. The woman I encountered was sincerely overflowing with passion of her truth. Although she may have displayed some toughness, it is crucial to remember that nobody is perfect. Nonetheless, I could sense her genuine sincerity. Following an extensive introspective journey to ascertain what is genuinely righteousness, rather than merely convenient, I have ultimately arrived at a compromise that I trust will be satisfactory and that I pray can bring unity, allowing us to break barriers, shatter the limitations of echo chambers that ensure more children will be butchered because of the absurdity of gender ideology...Longer! As I was searching, a friend called me and convinced me that feminists and others wanted to embrace me and help within this activism as a team, and I like that too; I do. After all, I may look male, but I am a woman, and I need emotional support as well as financial support to continue. I cannot continue the way I am, ALONE! This has been a period of five years filled with introspection. What is the correct course of action? Not the simple, not the profitable, but the morally right thing to do? I have made a choice to refrain from using 'Detransitioner' and instead opt for 'Regretter,' yet keep transman with regrettor following all from now on. I will continue to identify as a transman to emphasize the significance of undergoing medical transition, which is a permanent change. It serves as a means to educate others that I can never revert to who I once was, and being a transman is not a cause for celebration but rather a personal journey of penance. I strongly advocate for acknowledging the undeniable truth and labeling 'regretter' after transman, in order to raise awareness that being a transman is not something to be celebrated, but rather a genuine experience that some individuals may regret. By doing so, we can encourage others to step forward and openly express their regrets within a society that often overlooks the complexities of this issue. It is crucial to create a safe and inclusive space where individuals can find solace and share their stories, ultimately fostering understanding and empathy. Together, we can educate others, adapt to new perspectives, and drive meaningful change that goes beyond superficial engagement such as mere clicks or likes. I have faced criticism for continueing to use "Scott," which happens to be a male name. However, what people fail to realize is that my family has affectionately referred to me as little Scott for most of my life. This name holds sentimental value as it was my father's name, and I share many similarities with him. Moreover, the name Scott Newgent has gained recognition within the activist community, making it unreasonable to abandon it after investing five years. Let's find a middle ground that satisfies everyone. With that said, feel free to use Kellie if you like. I am announcing that I am a Transman Regretter! by Transman Regretter Scott Newgent #SCREAMLouder

  • Evaluating the Role of Pope Francis in the Evolution of the Catholic Church & the NEW LGBTQ+

    Support Work Here: Donate by, Transman Regretter Not Scott Newgent For hundreds, if not thousands of years, the Catholic Church has been an undeniable pillar of moral and spiritual guidance for those who held its tenants dear. This beacon of faith has sailed its ship unscathed through the tumultuous seas of societal evolution, never once bending to the changing winds ( Except, of course, in the case of 'Divorce Excuse,' wherein it circumvented its rigid stance for granting a divorce on the grounds of a 'defective church contract', masking near scurrilous practices. Some would argue it is a manoeuvre motivated by the substantial financial gains such concessions brought (DeGirolami, 2020; I would have to agree with having been married to a devout evangelical Catholic. The Catholic Church, an institution with profound historical significance, holds onto various traditions and rules rooted deeply within its doctrine. However, these doctrines, particularly those concerning the prohibition of women from assuming the priesthood, have long been the epicentre of countless debates, with many viewing them as inherently misogynistic. Yet, the Catholic church stands firm. The evolution of the Catholic Church and Marriage is one of the few doctrine changes, and for some, this firm stance without a waiver is a draw. But recently? Pope Francis seems to believe he can throw thousands of years up in the air because of the pressure of the NEW LGBTQ+. Parallelly, living in a world gradually marching towards acceptance and equality, we see the LGBTQ+ community, an embodiment of sexual diversity, claiming its rightful place amidst society. The group has persistently thrived on its stance of celebrating individuality, mandating the mind, not biology, as the determinant of gender as advocated by its postulates (Spade, 2015; But, herein arises a problem. Just as one is entitled to religious freedom, with people freely cherishing the belief of an Old Man in the sky orchestrating the affairs of life, one should be equally entitled to exercise their beliefs related to sexuality. This is not a call for hostility but an appeal for the right to healthy disagreement (Boyle, 2019; Url: an both should live in peace with no need to taint the other. It's okay for subtribes to disagree. It's essential in a balanced society. The craziness of medically transitioning children is the result of ignorance and censorship. Without the censors, no human being ALIVE would be for medically transitioning children! Period.... MIC DROP! Yet it is uncanny how the Catholic Church and the LGBTQ+ community, concurrent yet contrasting ideologies, reveal an unspoken similarity when placed under a focused dissection. Both advocate individual belief systems, reliant on faith with copious fervour; both serve as foundations upon which individuals build their identities. Moreover, both mirror each other in the manner they wield their dissent-proof shields. Questioning or challenging either institution has, more often than not, resulted in dire consequences. Such dynamics reiterate that both the Catholic Church and LGBTQ+ are not simply systems grounded on verifiable facts but are ideologies spanning not just faith or orientation but culture, values and lifestyle. On one end, we have the church, a repository of age-old wisdom and traditional moral values, positing a Supreme Being as the explanation for life. On the other end stands the LGBTQ+ community, a beacon of change and acceptance, advocating the fluidity of gender based on the individual's psychological reality. The doctrines of the LGBTQ+ group seem as esoteric to the conventional thinker as the concept of changing genders seems to the LGBTQ+ community (Robinson, 2020; Url: Thus, the Catholic Church and the LGBTQ+ community, as much as they seem to be on opposite spectrums, ironically defend their constituents' identities by drawing an impregnable boundary around their assets, safeguarding them from the harsh climates of societal scorn and discrimination. Further, this implies their ideologies, despite their distinctive beliefs, are structured on equivalent pillars- faith, identity, conviction, protection, and survival. As an ideology, religion is social by nature, versatile in its interpretations and often entirely subjective in its application. Some ideologies are set in stone, while others are more malleable, allowing adaptations to flourish in line with prevailing societal norms. However, it is worth noting that the Catholic church has proven itself as the quintessential beacon of an unwavering set of beliefs and tenets (Taylor, B. (2018). “Catholicism: An unwavering set of beliefs”. The Observatory. [Online] Available at: Throughout its time-swept chronicles, the institution has refused to buckle under contemporary pressures, rigidly embodying the platonic discipline, thereby ensuring its tenets remain an exemplar of timeless and unaltered philosophies. But that train of thought has now encountered a significant stumbling block, none other than Pope Francis himself. Ever since Pope Francis took over as the spiritual leader of the Catholic church around a decade ago, the faith's hitherto untouchable modus operandi has been upended, shaking the very foundations of its business model that withstood the test of time (Delia Gallagher. (2013). “Francis, the Pope who is shaking up the Church”. CNN. [Online] Available at: It is alarming but true, that Pope Francis has embarked on a journey to bring about a paradigm shift within the Catholic Church, raising numerous contentious questions about the long-held beliefs of the institution. As a lesbian woman who medically transitioned, my belief in the sanctity of the church's core values makes me question these changes. It seems to me that the heart and soul of the foundation of the Catholic Church are being tampered with – the very principles that defined its resilient character through centuries are suddenly being reshaped to keep pace with the changing times. But is this truly a good thing? Yet, it is not the first time when the church faced an ideological conundrum. Consider, for instance, the stance the church holds regarding divorce. The Catholic church doesn't approve divorce, aligning itself with the literal teaching of Jesus in the gospel of Matthew where he categorically states "What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder" (Matthew 19:6). But interestingly, the church does provide an 'escape hatch' for relationships claimed as ‘soured church contract’, justifying nullity in religious terms (Kelly, J. (2020). “Divorce and the Catholic Church”. Ignatius Press. [Online] Available at: Pope Francis's gradual bending of beliefs towards the modern consensus has certainly unsettled many believers, both within and beyond the Catholic community (Pullella, P. (2020), “Pope Francis divides Catholic Church with liberal views”. Reuters. [Online] Available at: It felt that this very approach was what the church had avoided since its inception thousands of years ago, thus challenging the constancy of its doctrines. While the conventional Pope with a conservative philosophy would not question the age-old beliefs, Pope Francis has shown an unorthodox initiative in bringing about reforms, be it event-related, culture-centric or theology-influenced (Austen, I. (2020). "Francis, The People’s Pope and a Voice of Change". The New York Times. [Online] Available at: Despite disagreement from many quarters, this shift appears to increase inclusivity, aligning with liberal perspectives and embracing change. The question remains: Is this radical departure from tradition a curse or a blessing for the Catholic church? As the Pope continues to guide the church through tumultuous waters, only time will tell if his approach ends up corroding or reinforcing the edifice of the Catholic faith. As a lesbian who medically transitioned? I diagree with Pope Francis! Transman Regretter Not Scott Newgent

  • Puberty Blockers: What's really behind the push to medically transition children?

    The Financial Influences in Medical Transitions of Children: An Examination of Lupron's Role, its Lawsuits and the unintended Damage caused. Support Work Donate Today Not many voices within this debate, consider a donation today. by transman Scott Newgent A conspicuous trend in recent years has been the growing number of children affirming they are transgender. For many, this self-identification leads to hormonal treatments and other medical procedures intended to transition their bodies. However, the Heck et al. study (2014) underscores the severe health outcomes that may stem from early transitioning, such as psychological distress and suicide rates among transgender individuals' post-transition ("Mental Health and Suicide Risk," This narrative essay expounds on the monetary aspects driving this trend, the lawsuits raised against Lupron and the potential damage they may induce. Leuprorelin, marketed as Lupron, a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist, is commonly administered to children diagnosed with gender dysphoria to halt their natural puberty. While originally designed to treat prostate cancer and endometriosis, it has emerged as a linchpin in paediatric transgender healthcare (Dehesa, 2015)[1]. The financial influence in these medical transitions is significant. Owing to its patent, Lupron's high cost creates enormous profits, with a monthly dose for a child costing around £2800/$3500(Rodriguez, 2017)[2]. Given the sheer number of children undergoing such transitions, companies manufacture the drug, like AbbVie, are profiting immensely. The latest numbers from the Willams Institute have revealed a surprising statistic - over 300,000 children between the ages of 13-17 in the US alone identify as transgender and are seeking medical transition. This particular age group is usually prescribed puberty blockers, which are taken over a 3-year period of time. This is a crucial step for these young individuals to align their physical bodies with their gender identity. The total revenue at stake if the medical and mental health industry have their say the Finacial implications are mind blowing! The Total Revenue Amount at Stake Per Year: thirteen billion three hundred twenty million Suggested Medical Route 3 Yrs. at Stake: thirty-nine billion nine hundred sixty million These numbers reflect if every child who believes they are transgender was started on puberty blockers. We know that's not going to happen, but isn't that essentially the point? Feelings change, and children's feelings of who they are change at a rapid speed! If this was a consistent argument and we should medically transition all children who believe they are transgender, then these numbers would hold. Since they don't, the point is made. Being transgender is a must and not a choice for a child. It's cosmetic surgery. A plausible question emerges - are we potentially endangering children's wellbeing to line the pockets of pharmaceutical firms? Beyond profitability stands the human cost. A myriad of lawsuits has been filed against Lupron due to allegations of serious side effects (Mariani, 2017)[3]. In these proceedings, patients reported enduring brittle bones, faulty joints and cognitive impairment as a result of the drug's administration. Some families professed that their children, once lively and vigorous, were transformed into listless versions of their former selves (Ali, 2018)[4]. Lupron's adverse effects have thus become a source of multiple medical malpractice lawsuits. As profits sky-rocket, judicial contests seem to undermine the risks associated with the drug. And what of its damaging repercussions? There are alarming implications for children subjected to long-term use of puberty blockers. Studies suggest these children may suffer from skeletal health problems, infertility, impaired cognitive abilities, and even an increased risk of suicide (Kaltiala-Heino et al., 2018)[5]. Interrogation of these financial dimensions raises ethical and practical concerns about such medical transitioning for children. It calls for a thorough evaluation by healthcare professionals, legal legislators, as well as the society at large. Each child's best interest must dictate decisions made about their healthcare, not profit agendas of pharmaceutical companies. In the annals of corporate malfeasance, many have filled speech and literature, yet few resonate so profoundly as the notorious Lupron case of 2003 (US Department of Justice, 2003)[^1^]. This was a landmark instance in pharmaceutical legal history, moulding a paradigm shift in public health policy and corporate governance. It involved the sacrosanct domain of public health, challenging the very ethos behind medical practice - the Hippocratic Oath, 'primum non nocere,' first, do no harm. But Let's Not Forget Lupron's Medical Malpractice Case - 2003 US Fined 874 million and called a "Criminal Enterprise." Lupron, was the epicenter of a scandal that notably resulted in its manufacturers, TAP Pharmaceuticals, being levied with an unprecedented fine of $874 million (The Guardian, 2003)[^2^]. The US government further branded TAP Pharmaceuticals a 'criminal enterprise,' - a designation potent in its damning indictment (The Guardian, 2003)[^2^]. The scandal was catalysed by the unsettling revelation of Lupron’s overpricing and an illicit marketing scheme designed to exploit the US Medicare system (Kesselheim & Avorn, 2008)[^3^]. The venality of TAP Pharmaceuticals concocted a cesspool of malfeasance, inflating health care's cost and undermining its sanctity. To dissect this, we must delve into understanding the sordid modus operandi employed. TAP's marketing ploy involved incentivizing physicians illicitly to prescribe Lupron over cheaper, equally effective options. For every Lupron injection administered, physicians were reimbursed at a significantly higher rate by Medicare (Lichtenberg, 2005)[^4^]. This scheme, though lucrative for doctors and TAP alike, was at the expense of taxpayers and the ethical integrity of the healthcare system. The US government's response, penalizing TAP Pharmaceuticals with what was then the most massive criminal fine in the history of American healthcare, was indicative of the gravity of TAP's malpractices (US Department of Justice, 2003)[^1^]. The enormity of the fine was a determinant effort to deter other pharmaceutical corporations from mimicking TAP's malevolence. The Lupron malpractice case was an egregious violation of public trust and corporate responsibility engendering a legislative revival in distinct ways. Firstly, it foregrounded the dire need for systematic oversight, transparency, and reform in the pharmaceutical industry pricing strategy. The dire consequence was that it stirred a thorough legislative response, leading the US Congress to enact legislation aimed at preventing such unscrupulous pricing behavior (Kesselheim & Avorn, 2008)[^3^]. Finally, the Lupron case underscored the potent power of whistleblowing in uncovering corporate malpractices. The act of two intrepid salesmen - Douglas Durand and Dr. Joseph Gerstein - reporting TAP's malpractice to the authorities exemplified the paramount role informants often play in unveiling such impropriety (ABC News, 2001)[^5^]. What about 'The Social Contagion Effect' Yet, the most alarming proposition debates how this vast transgender identification expansion might derive from social contagion, a process where conformity and an empathetic urge collide (Littman, 2018, This suggests we are living in the grip of a societal craze, where transgender confession enjoys both encouragement and pervasive exposure, especially via online resources (Rauch, 2022, Report Reveals Sharp Rise in Transgender Young People in the U.S. Study estimates trans youth population has doubled in 5 years. Putting numbers on the rise in children seeking gender care What’s behind the rising profile of transgender kids? 3 essential reads Study estimates trans youth population has doubled in 5 years new estimates based on C.D.C. health surveys point to a stark generational shift in the growth of the transgender population of the United States from .06% of the population to a staggering 8.4% stated by the latest polls. in 2022, there were about 25.8 million children between the ages of 12- and 17-years old living in the United States. If the newest figure of 8.4% of children believe they are transgender and in need of medical transitioning the 300,000 children jump to nearly 2.3 million children. Shall we do the new numbers? Let's do it: 300,000 children who believe they are transgender would generate: Thirty-nine billion nine hundred sixty million - Revenue up for grabs New study/Number of children who believe they are transgender 2.5 million. children who believe they are transgender would generate: Three trillion three hundred thirty billion - Revenue up for grabs These are dollars dangling in front of all though pharmaceutical executive. Now tell me again that medically transitioning children is about human rights...I dare you! Contrarily, some posit that what observers note as contagion is a diaphanous development of confidence among children, prompted to come out and express their transgender feelings in a more accepting society (Aitken et al., 2022, 'Detransitioners' While social acceptance is paramount, it's important to contemplate the potential repercussions. The existence of 'detransitioners' - those who regret their decision to medically transition - adds a level of complexity to our understanding of early transitioning ("Transgender Kids," Preventing Unwanted Scenario An in-depth approach, incorporating not only the child's desk but also considering their cognitive development, mental health, and the influence of societal trends, should be adopted when dealing with transgender identification in children. The goal of healthcare, in this case, should be to prevent harmful or unnecessary medical interventions (Marchiano, 2022, Undoubtedly, the escalating numbers of children professing a transgender identity pose a unique challenge to society and healthcare providers. It is essential that this increase, paralleled with an understanding social contagion and accelerated by affirmation culture, is considered seriously. There must be a nuanced approach that respects and supports these children's self-proclaimed identities while cautiously acknowledging the potential life-altering outcomes of early medical transition. Support Work Donate Today Not many voices within this debate, consider a donation today. The financial aspects of medically transitioning children are layered and complex. Though Lupron seems to offer a lucrative avenue for certain companies, the benefits are outweighed by the complications ensuing from its use, both in legal and health terms. The health of our future generations should never be subjugated to the whims of financial prognoses. Sources: [1]Dehesa, R. (2015). Use of GnRH agonists in adolescents with gender dysphoria: a first update. International Journal of Transgender Health, 16 (1), 29-37. Retrieved from: [2]Rodriguez, A. (2017). Rising costs of transgender hormones threaten self-administration. The Guardian. Retrieved from: [3]Mariani, M. (2017). The controversy surrounding Lupron, a puberty-delaying drug for children. The Atlantic. Retrieved from: [4]Ali, A. (2018). Is there a Lupron disaster for children? Implications of the drug’s side effects. HealthImpactNews. Retrieved from: [5]Kaltiala-Heino, R. (2018). Two years of gender identity service for minors: overrepresentation of natal girls with severe problems in adolescent development. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 12. Retrieved from:

  • Phallo: A Critical Analysis of Trans Bottom Surgery & its Complication Rates **Trigger Warning**

    by Transman Scott Newgent Voices within this debate are few, ensure they remain. Consider a donation. Phalloplasty, colloquially known as transman bottom surgery, represents an integral part of the transgender surgical transition. This unique surgical procedure involves creating an artificial penis, commonly nicknamed 'pseudo-penis,' using skin usually retrieved from the patient's arm. While some online platforms issue sparse advisories regarding phalloplasty, overarching medical literature and online deliberation seldom present a genuinely realistic depiction of this surgical procedure. Narrowing down specifically on complication rates, it becomes evident that empirical data reflects these are shockingly high, reaching an alarming 67% ("Phalloplasty: Risks and Complications," 2021) [1]. This essay delves into exploring the phalloplasty procedure, the corresponding complication rates, and the lack of comprehensive information available on public platforms. The advent of phalloplasty demonstrates an intricate fusion of medical and surgical advancements. Commonly procured from the forearm, the skin graft constitutes the foundational building block for constructing a functional penis. Loree et al. (2020)[2], in their medical journal, shed light on the intricate nature of the procedure, in which a successful implementation can redefine the patient's quality of life. However, juxtaposing the life-changing attributes of phalloplasty with its inherent risks paints a contrasting picture. The surgical procedure encompasses the entirety of the patient's body, wherein a divergence from expected parameters may usher in unexpected complications. Higher complication rates have been observed stemming from the multifaceted nature of the surgical procedure — ranging from healing difficulties to infections and functional limitations — evidence gathered from the University of Michigan Health System[3] paints a grim picture. A study conducted by Nikolavsky et al. (2015) [4], suggests that among the gamut of complications that may occur, urinary stricture and fistula development rank among the most common. Further corroborating the data by Nikolavsky et al., Masson-Lecomte et al. (2013)[5] in their study 'Long-term complications following phalloplasty in trans men,' provides a distressing figure: over two-thirds of patients might encounter some form of surgical complication. A striking discrepancy remains prevalent in the garb of online public discourse surrounding phalloplasty – the inadequate transparency and detailed awareness among potential recipients of the procedure. Whilst preserving the optimism related to a successful phalloplasty operation, it is crucial to temper this with the reality of possible complications. This dual approach is vital to avoid pearl-clutching shocks and equip candidates with pragmatic expectations. In conclusion, the high complication rate presents a considerable concern that must be acknowledged, conferred, and acted upon, both within the medical field and society at large. The veil of incomplete information should be lifted and supplanted with an honest, comprehensive discourse, adequately preparing individuals for the potentially life-altering decisions they may need to take. I will leave you with a more 'Scott' ending! The phalloplasty should be illegal and hiding the complications behind the idea that the phalloplasty is about love and tolerance is revolting. References: 1. Phalloplasty: Risks and Complications (2021). The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. 2. Loree, J. Mark et al. (2020). Phalloplasty surgery in the male. Current Opinion in Urology. 3. University of Michigan Health System. (2021). Phalloplasty Complications. 4. Nikolavsky, D. et al. (2015). Management of complications after phalloplasty. Therapeutic Advances in Urology. 5. Masson-Lecomte, Alexander, et al. (2013). Long-term complications following phalloplasty in trans men. European Urology Supplements.

  • "Why do you still present, male?' Good Question. Allow me to answer:

    By Transman Scott Newgent I recently had someone ask why I still present as a male on Twitter. Now, I have received this inquiry many times in an attacking state so so so many, and it hurts deeply! It does. Most of the time, I scan over because if people knew the truth? The faultfinders? If they are not sociopaths, they would feel awful! Yet I have found that when you respond to attackers, even in agreement? They still attack, don't listen, and it's like a shark-feeding frenzy! The computer screen has made us a level below awful form! It's heartbreaking, at least for me, because I am genuinely trying to save children! Am I perfect? No. But am I open to learning and growing? Yes. I wish I saw this more in others, and it makes me want to clam up at times and revert to F You's...But I started activism that way, and it doesn't work! So I adjusted for more people to hear my message. But a question came in recently that felt kind. The question came in the form of a tweet that seemed sincere, so I answered as I always do. RAW. REAL. TRUTHFUL. even if it hurts because our children deserve us to ADULT Better. Original Tweet Here Accidental Star of Matt Walsh's 'What is a woman' answers with raw, forthcoming frankness. "Why do you still present, male?' Good Question. Allow me to answer: I am not offended by questions or statements of disagreement if they are not done in malice. This was not done in wrath so I will answer. I am not representing myself anyway. I wear what I want; if you think it's masculine, that's on you. I took testosterone for a prolonged duration, and synthetic cross-hormones are potent and permanent. You can't say that 'medical transitioning is permanent' and expect people to 'PROOF' look like their biological gender. I have forever altered my genetic chemistry. What 'Watch What Is a Woman' Streaming Free In my interview with M att Walsh's in 'What is a woman?' I had not taken testosterone for nearly two years, not a drop. That is DETRANS, but I never declared detrans because I was beginning to see the distress of the push for these young people who altered their bodies to return in a monumental shift representing absolute femininity as detrans females and the contrary with the males. I noticed and still do a tremendous backlash of more pain these young people are going through to discover they didn't fit, never will fit and making them believe they can with overtly feminine or masculine appearance to receive praise is just as damaging in reverse. We need to love people at the place they are at! What I said in the post that you are commenting on outlines what I am trying to communicate with glaring red lights and partly to blame for why we are in this chaos, gender ideology. People are not black and white, yet this definite view makes people feel good; they know what to anticipate. People are not black/white we are all a myriad of distinctions. Yet, on the other hand, stereotypical male and female roles have continued because they represent the majority, not all...Ah...HA! Voices are limited within this debate. Help ensure we continue to fight and stop childhood medical transition. Donate Today In the majority, 70% of males and females fit into the stereotypical roles; what happens to the 30%? The 30% have been since the beginning of time, yet survival was at the forefront, shoving anxieties to the back. This analysis on gender is proof we have TOO MUCH time on our hands. But since we do, and it's here, let's discuss it and become better! What happens to the 30% My question to you? What would make you feel comfortable? How should I present to you? I know I am a woman. I know I will never look like one, and putting a ribbon in my hair to soothe your anxiety makes me feel bad. So where is the line, the love and kindness for both? The truth. I will never fit ANYWHERE, and I am ok with that. Why are you not? SCREAM Louder -Scott Newgent

  • Unchartered Territory; Risks of Medical Transition in Adolescents

    by, Transman Scott Newgent The complexity and ambiguity surrounding medical transitioning in children and adolescents automatically incur grave considerations on how much we truly understand about the long-term consequences. This isn't a matter of personal beliefs or attitudes towards transgender individuals but rather serves as a cry for an intricate study regarding the possible long-term health consequences of engaging in hormone therapy during adolescence. This subject inversely emphasizes the importance of developing a comprehensive understanding of the matter to ensure an unnecessary risk isn't posed to young individuals who are grappling with gender incongruity. Business Insider's article indicates that today, there's a rising number of young transgender individuals seeking hormone treatments to transform physical characteristics to align with their gender identity (Business Insider, 2019) [1]. However, the premise framed is that much of the effects of treatment are uncertain given the lack of comprehensive long-term studies. One particular influence we must scrutinise is the effect of hormone replacement therapy on a biological boy or girl without experiencing natural puberty. To this date, there is no substantial literature that sketches a clear picture of what these effects might entail (Wallien, M. & Cohen-Kettenis, P. 2008) [2]. We currently know that medically transitioning children can lend to numerous health challenges. These include decreased life expectancy, premature death from heart attacks and pulmonary embolisms, bone and possible liver damage, and increased mental-health complications (Cantor, 2015) [3]. Donate to the fight to STOP childhood medical transition Today. Furthermore, an increase in mood syndrome symptoms and a 12% higher likelihood of developing symptoms of psychosis than the non-trans population have also been reported (Marshall, E., Claes, L., Bouman, W.P. 2016) [4]. The levels of hormone blockers used for the treatment could also stunt brain development. As severely unsettling as this sounds, it is even more alarming that the number of reported complications has increased to 26. These negative impacts go beyond physical health, with individuals medically transitioned hampering their lifetime sexual pleasure and enjoyment to some extent. More concerning is the continued susceptibility to mental health issues, with suicide rates in post-medical transition individuals reported significantly higher than the general population (Cantor, 2015) [3]. This raises the inevitable question; if medical transition doesn't offer a substantial improvement in mental health outcomes, should it be considered a first-line treatment in pediatric patients? Given the velocity at which gender dysphoria and medical transition are evolving, it is imperative that we invest time and resources into comprehensive research. The limited knowledge we possess highlights a strong need to comprehend this complex issue completely. Only through a profound understanding can we develop interventions that holistically support transgender adolescents. It will also help in deciding whether medical intervention should be an option. The silence about the ambiguity should not be mistaken for the absence of the problems. In the end, the discourse should not be about the gender issue itself but about finding an optimal means to support this vulnerable group in our society. Decreased life expectancy, Premature death from heart attacks, Premature death from pulmonary embolisms, Bone damage, Possible liver damage, Increased mental-health complications, Increases chances of mood-syndrome symptoms, Increased suicide rates than the non-trans population, 12% higher chance than no trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis, Brain development stunted during hormone blockers Reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure, Probably does not even improve mental health outcomes References [1] Business Insider. 2019. Demand for transgender medical care is exploding. [2] Wallien M.S, Cohen-Kettenis P.T. 2008. Psychosexual outcome of gender-dysphoric children. [3] Cantor, J. 2015. Do Trans- Kids Stay Trans- When They Grow Up? [4] Marshall, E., Claes, L., Bouman, W.P. et al. Non-suicidal self-injury and suicidality in trans people: A systematic review of the literature.

  • The Effects of Contrasting Sex Hormones and the Homosexual vs Transgender Debate

    To begin, it is essential to recognize that homosexuality refers to a person's romantic or sexual attraction to individuals of the same gender. It is about an individual's innate orientation, not to be confused with gender identity. On the other hand, transgenderism refers to an individual whose gender identity differs from the sex assigned to them at birth. Gender identity is based on a want regardless of reality or truth. At least that what it has become! The threads of discourse on homosexuality and transgenderism weave a tangled tapestry, fraught with scientific uncertainties, societal conundrums, and existential queries (1. Murphy, T.F. "Our understandings of gender and health are evolving". The Conversation. 8 Jun. 2019. Indeed, what does happen when a male body undergoes protracted exposure to estrogen? Furthermore, how do detransitioners grapple with their previous decisions? LGBT+ initiatives seldom yield precise answers, partially due to a scarcity of comprehensive research (2. Jao, N. “Lack of Knowledge About Transgender Health an ‘Epidemic,’ Study Says,” Scientific American, 24 Sep. 2019, Sex Hormones and Adolescence: The human adolescent process typically involves the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics guided by endogenous hormones. When a biological boy partakes in feminizing hormones and vice versa, distinctive physical transitions may be observed. The initial alterations are usually reversing—breast growth in males and increased body and facial hair in females. However, some effects such as fertility impairment could potentially be irrevocable (3. Hembree, Wanda C, et al. "Endocrine Treatment of Gender-Dysphoric/Gender-Incongruent Persons: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline." The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, vol. 102, no. 11, 2017, Therefore, the withholding of natural puberty presents a murky, uncharted domain that raises serious physiological and psychological concerns. The Detransition Conundrum: Recent inquiries into the psychological repercussions of detransition–the process of reverting one’s gender to align with their biological sex–have unveiled mixed findings. Some experience a cathartic release while others are teetering on the brink of regret and distress, compounding a glaring lack of accurate detransitioner statistics (4. Vrouenraets, L. J. J. J., Fredriks, A. M., Hannema, S. E., Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., & de Vries, M. C. (2020). Early Medical Treatment of Children and Adolescents With Gender Dysphoria: An Empirical Ethical Study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 67(3), Born Vs Made - Homosexuality Vs Transgenderism: Historically, homosexuality has been regarded as an innate characteristic, comparable to skin color or IQ, due to its genetic underpinnings. Numerous studies, such as the one conducted by Sanders et al. (2015), have provided evidence of the genetic linkage and have reinforced the notion that sexual orientation is inherent and unchangeable. It is crucial that we acknowledge and respect this understanding, treating homosexuality as a natural aspect of human diversity. On the other hand, transgenderism is a choice, as it involves the administration of hormonal treatments and surgeries. However, this perspective fails to consider the underlying psychological and biological factors that drive individuals towards gender transition. The dynamics of sex hormone intervention during the formative stages of development and the psychological effects on detransitioners remain poorly understood. Consequently, it is imperative that we approach this topic with an open mind and commitment to thorough investigation. Our society should not be defined by a myopic perception that oversimplifies the complexities of gender identity. While homosexuality is commonly seen as immutable, like physical attributes, we must recognize that the journey towards transgenderism is not merely a matter of personal choice. It encompasses a multitude of influences, including biological, psychological, and social factors. In light of this realization, I implore you to support robust scientific inquiry into the complexities surrounding both homosexuality and transgenderism. It is by expanding our understanding that we can break barriers and move toward a society that embraces diversity and upholds the dignity and rights of all. Through research, we can dispel myths, challenge stereotypes, and pave the way for a more inclusive future. The discussions around homosexuality and transgenderism demand our attention, empathy, and a commitment to scientific discovery. By acknowledging the genetic underpinnings of homosexuality and embracing the nuanced understanding of gender transition, we can foster an environment that celebrates diversity and supports the well-being of all individuals. Donate to help STOP childhood medical transition: Donate a SCREAM Today References: 1. Murphy, T.F. (2019, June 8). Our understandings of gender and health are evolving. The Conversation. 2. Jao, N. (2019, Sept 24). Lack of Knowledge About Transgender Health an ‘Epidemic,’ Study Says. Scientific American. 3. Hembree, W.C., et al (2017). Endocrine Treatment of Gender-Dysphoric/ Gender-Incongruent Persons: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 102, 3869-3903. 4. Vrouenraets, L. J., Fredriks, M. A., Hannema, A. E., Cohen-Kettenis, M. P., & de Vries, A. C. (2020). Early Medical Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria: An Empirical Ethical Study. Journal of Adolescent Health, 67, 549-556. 5.Sanders, A.R., et al (2015). Genome-wide scan demonstrates significant linkage for male sexual orientation. Psychological Medicine, 45(7), 1379-1387.

Scott Newgent

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