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  • Scott Newgent France Speech-Trans vs Trans-Game-Set Match. 'Med-Transing Is No Place For A Child'

    2-07-2022 By, Scott Newgent Scott Newgent France Speech-Trans vs Trans-Game-Set Match. 'Med-Transing Is No Place For A Child' Grab My Hand Y'all - Now! Right Now! March is the month that EVERYTHING changes within the 'transing children debate" French below; English in the video version: J'ÉTAIS TELLEMENT EXCITÉ quand on m'a demandé de parler aux parents et aux enfants confus aujourd'hui ! J'ai immédiatement commencé à noter toutes les raisons pour lesquelles la transition médicale ne convient pas aux enfants, mais j'ai vite reposé mon stylo. J'ai réalisé que répéter des faits n'aide pas les gens à voir la vérité. Ce qui aide les gens à comprendre, c'est une histoire vraie criblée d'expériences réelles. J'ai eu une belle vie, un travail puissant avec tous les avantages habituels. Mais je ne suis pas ici pour partager avec vous une histoire de réussite. Je vais vous raconter l'histoire de ma vraie vie. Je vais vous raconter une histoire d'horreur. Je m'appelle Scott Newgent, et je suis un homme transgenre de 49 ans. En 2016, j'ai subi une transition médicale au cours de laquelle - j'ai enduré sept opérations chirurgicales ; j'ai souffert d'une crise cardiaque provoquée par le stress ; une embolie pulmonaire massive, 17 mois d'infection bactérienne récurrente ; une chirurgie de reconstruction du bras infructueuse, douze séries d'antibiotiques oraux et un mois d'antibiotiques IV, ont réussi à me sauver... ;. Pendant deux trajets en ambulance et un vol de sauvetage en hélicoptère, quand on m'a fait passer devant mes enfants, qui hurlaient aux ambulanciers, les suppliant, déchirant leurs chemises et les suppliant de ne pas me laisser mourir, me suppliant de ne pas les abandonner. Je n'avais pas assez de souffle pour reconnaître que je les entendais, pas assez de souffle pour leur dire : "Je ne vous quitterai JAMAIS, JAMAIS". Donate To Support The Work To STOP Childhood Medical Transition J'ai perdu ma femme, ma maison, ma voiture et tout ce pour quoi j'avais travaillé, rebondissant de salle d'urgence en salle d'urgence sans rencontrer un seul professionnel de la santé qui avait la moindre idée de la façon de me traiter, et encore moins de me guérir. Après avoir passé de longues nuits blanches, l'équipe médicale a fini par trouver par erreur 15 cm de poils à l'intérieur de mon urètre alors que la chirurgie dans cette zone avait été finalisée. J'étais dans une douleur si atroce que le sommeil ne venait que par tranches de deux heures, induites par quelques shots de vodka, qui remplissaient mon existence d'hallucinations et de fréquentes pertes de conscience. Je ne pouvais plus le tolérer. Mon corps refusait de supporter davantage de douleur, pour se réveiller inondé de mon urine et de mon sang. Maintenant, perdre sont les faits, mais voici une histoire : Vous connaissez le Dr Marci Bowers, le chirurgien transgenre de Jazz JJennings qui vient de révéler l'état lamentable de la santé des transgenres. Ce que tant de gens crient depuis des années . "La santé trans est expérimentale, ce n'est pas pour les enfants", et ainsi de suite ! Pensez-vous qu'elle éprouve de l'empathie ou de la conscience pour ce qu'elle fait depuis plus d'une décennie ? J'ai récemment enregistré un documentaire à New York sur les enfants en transition médicale. Eh bien, devinez qui a également été interviewé pour le même reportage. Vous l'avez deviné, le Dr Marci Bowers. Le Dr Bowers est une "innovatrice dans le domaine de la chirurgie de confirmation/affirmation de genre" qui travaille au San Mateo Surgery Center en Californie. Cette interview a eu lieu environ trois semaines avant la révélation du Dr Bowers : "Oui, la santé des trans est de mauvaise qualité et ce n'est pas pour les enfants". Lorsqu'on lui a demandé si les enfants en début de puberté devaient être mis sous bloqueurs, le Dr Bowers a répondu : "Je ne suis pas une fan." Lorsqu'on a demandé à Bowers si elle pensait toujours que les bloqueurs de puberté étaient une bonne idée, d'un point de vue chirurgical, elle a répondu : "C'est typique de la médecine. On zig, puis on zag, et je pense que nous avons peut-être zig un peu trop à gauche dans certains cas." Elle a ajouté : "Je pense qu'il y a eu de la naïveté de la part des endocrinologues pédiatriques qui étaient partisans du blocage précoce [de la puberté], pensant que cette magie peut se produire, que les chirurgiens peuvent faire n'importe quoi". On a demandé au Dr Bowers si elle pensait que le WPATH avait accueilli une grande variété de points de vue de médecins - y compris ceux qui s'inquiètent des risques, qui sont sceptiques à l'égard des bloqueurs de puberté, et peut-être même critiques à l'égard de certaines procédures chirurgicales ? "Il y a certainement des gens qui essaient d'exclure toute personne qui n'adhère pas absolument à la ligne du parti selon laquelle tout doit être affirmatif et qu'il n'y a pas de place pour la dissidence", a déclaré Mme Bowers. "Je pense que c'est une erreur". Car quelques jours plus tôt, le Dr Bowers enflammait les pets de licornes. "Les enfants vont se suicider ; nous devons affirmer immédiatement" - bombes à paillettes - "les bloqueurs de puberté sont sans danger", suivi par d'autres grenades à paillettes et des licornes galopant d'un nuage à l'autre. Mais tout d'un coup, "j'ai eu une révélation. Je suis pour le pardon, mais ce que vous ne savez pas, c'est que l'interview de New York York était explosive. Ça a changé ma vie, je le savais. Mais, ce que je ne savais pas, c'est que cela a également changé la vie des personnes présentes dans le studio. Peu après l'interview, j'ai reçu ce mot du producteur : "Scott, votre histoire, votre expérience et vos conseils ont tellement de force. Vous avez changé mon monde et ma perspective, et je continue à le partager avec ceux que je rencontre." Vous voyez, je suis très ouverte sur mon expérience de la transition parce que c'est la seule façon d'obtenir l'écoute des gens. On me dit que ma vulnérabilité me donne 10. Supposons que je dispose de 10 minutes de temps neutre pour parler du bon sens à quelqu'un sans être interrompu par des pets de licorne et des bombes à paillettes. Dans ce cas, personne ne part en croyant que la transition médicale des enfants est une bonne idée. Mais cette vulnérabilité, cette place que je dois occuper pour que les gens m'écoutent ? C'est dur pour moi, et je ne mentirai pas : cela me met dans tous mes états. Mais quelque chose d'autre s'est produit ce jour-là dans le studio. Je l'ai perdu. Vous voyez, je n'ai pas dit à beaucoup de gens qu'en trois ans, à cause de la vulnérabilité constante que je ressens, j'ai quitté ma maison moins de dix fois, et seulement en cas d'urgence ou pour aller faire un tour sur ma moto, pour laquelle mes enfants achètent de l'essence. Pourquoi ? L'argumentaire joyeux et léger de la "transition médicale" et sa réalité crue ne correspondent pas du tout. Les médecins et les partisans de la transition médicale ne vous préparent pas aux troubles de stress post-traumatique liés à la transition ; ils ne mentionnent même pas le syndrome de stress post-traumatique (SSPT) ni aucune des multiples épreuves telles que celles que j'ai vécues, car cela est considéré comme transphobe ! ("Ne laissez pas les faits pleuvoir sur notre pique-nique de transition médicale, ma chère !")Vous devez savoir que le nombre de patients qui souffrent de SSPT après une transition est inquiétant. Je parie que vous ne le saviez pas ! Mais c'est un fait dont vous devez être conscient. L'expérience dont j'ai parlé dans Newsweek - la promesse que j'ai faite à l'univers, à Dieu, à qui que ce soit - était réelle. C'est arrivé, et mes enfants sont liés à cette promesse. Je voulais être là pour mes enfants, et je savais que si je ne trouvais pas mon coeur, ma vie serait finie. Il y a toutes ces années, allongée sur le sol de ma salle de bain dans une douleur atroce, c'est là que j'ai trouvé mon cœur. Je ne peux refuser aucune demande qui sauvera des enfants de cette situation. Demandez à n'importe quel parent qui m'a déjà contacté pour aider quelqu'un en difficulté, et je serai là plus vite qu'un génie dans une bouteille transportée. "Vous avez sonné." Quand le coup de fil est arrivé concernant l'offre de venir à New York ? Mes enfants m'ont entendu en parler, et ils me connaissent ; ils sont au courant de ma promesse et connaissent ma personnalité. "Faites semblant jusqu'à ce que vous y arriviez, les enfants," "C'est génial. Tu as échoué, ça veut dire que tu es encore plus près de gagner si tu continues." Jusqu'à la transition médicale ? Tous ces dictons étaient ancrés en moi. Je les avais gagnés, j'étais un gagnant, je méritais ce titre. Ces dictons sont maintenant des rappels irritants de qui j'étais et de qui je me bats pour retrouver. Pour faire court, c'était la chose la plus difficile que j'aie jamais eu à faire dans ma vie, et je suis sérieux. J'ai même monté les escaliers de l'hôtel à New York en essayant d'éviter mes enfants, pour pouvoir appeler et annuler l'entretien. Ma fille était au 4ème étage dans l'escalier, sachant ce que je n'avais pas réalisé que j'allais faire. Les bras croisés, elle avait l'air d'avoir 48 ans, et j'en avais 14 ! Elle m'a pris la main et m'a sorti l'un de mes vieux dictons irritants ; elle ? Elle a roulé les yeux en disant : " Tu me dis toujours que l'anxiété, c'est être en vie, et te voilà ; félicitations, tu es en vie, papa. Maintenant, retourne-toi, tu peux le faire. Tu as fait une promesse. Qu'est-ce que ça va me dire si tu abandonnes ? "......" Aw..." J'ai agité les mains et répété la phrase infâme que je me répétais tout le temps, "C'est trop loin, j'ai compris, Gooia Gelf, je prenais juste mon manteau, je n'allais pas annuler, bon sang Julia," "Oh, alors maintenant tu as commencé à mentir à tes enfants, hein ?" On a rigolé, et elle a attendu avec moi l'uber cette fois, et je suis partie ! Ce jour-là, il y a eu bien plus qu'un nouveau déchirement de ma poitrine. C'était, comme je l'ai dit, la seule chose que je voulais fuir à tout prix, et la seule chose qui pouvait me faire aller jusqu'au bout était mes enfants. Mes enfants ont été mes parents pendant ces trois jours, me soulevant avec des phrases d'accroche, me tenant responsable avec amour. En tant que vendeur d'entreprise et présentateur toute ma vie, j'ai appris à infléchir ma voix, mon ton, ma passion, à mélanger invulnérabilité et logique pour en faire une balle molle à lancer pour aider les gens à comprendre mon message. Transmettre un sentiment est une forme d'art, et je l'ai étudié toute ma vie, en observant les visages qui changent avec chaque mot et chaque livraison, ce qui donne le succès ou l'échec. L'émotion n'est pas une zone grise ; c'est noir ou blanc. Avez-vous transmis ce que vous vouliez transmettre, les avez-vous fait ressentir, Kellie ? .... Avez-vous incité les gens à changer de position ? La chose la plus difficile à faire est de changer le point de vue des gens. La décision de choisir un produit, de passer d'un service à un autre exactement identique avec un logo différent est difficile, mais il n'est pas nécessaire de surmonter des décennies d'injustice sociale pour y parvenir. Changer de point de vue sur une question émotionnelle [qui est en réalité une propagande néo-religieuse, sectaire, illibérale, dangereuse pour notre démocratie, pour la santé de nos enfants, pour les femmes, et présentée à tort et à travers comme une question de droit civil] n'est pas facile. C'est un travail danger L'idéologie du genre est présentée comme une question de société liée au seul canal qui recueille 50 % des dons dans le monde. Le LGBTQ, c'est maintenant ? Le LGBTQ est considéré comme le cheval blanc en ce moment, il ne fait rien de mal. Mais la vérité finira par éclater. Les parents se réveillent lentement devant la folie avec laquelle les médias traitent le sujet, devant les auteurs du New York Times qui discutent des corsets mammaires et des dommages irréversibles causés au corps des jeunes femmes avec la pieuse droiture d'un corsaire chinois. Mais ce jour-là, mon cerveau s'est ralenti comme il le fait rarement, mes réactions se sont faites sans effort et mon interjection, la livraison vocale a été parfaite, chaque objection a été réduite à une tentative pathétique de surmonter quelque chose qui ne peut pas l'être. Chaque mot choisi était parfait, chaque lien émotionnel, parfait, le ton de la voix - tout était parfait, et je ne l'ai pas réalisé avant la fin. Alors que les caméras commençaient à s'éteindre, et que je savais que j'avais bien fait, que j'avais vendu l'émotion, que les gens avaient changé à jamais ce jour-là, je me suis mise à brailler. Mes mains couvraient mon visage en larmes, comme si je venais de prononcer un discours de la plus haute importance. Un discours auquel non seulement vous croyez, mais pour lequel vous êtes prêt à mourir. C'est ce que j'ai ressenti, et je n'ai pas réalisé à quel point c'était important pour moi. Les larmes qui coulaient sur mes joues n'étaient pas ce que je ressentais ; j'étais soulagé de savoir que j'avais réussi ce jour-là. Je n'avais pas réalisé que j'avais pris tout cela sur mes épaules, ces enfants, tous ces enfants, les parents, les nuits de consolation, la honte, l'embarras, le rôle que j'avais joué dans le désastre de l'idéologie trans. À ce moment-là, j'ai réalisé que je savais que je pouvais changer les gens, mais je ne savais pas si j'avais le 0phéâtre. Mais ce jour-là, je me suis prouvé à moi-même que j'avais bel et bien le cœur. Mes trois coeurs m'attendaient dans la chambre d'hôtel, incapable de quitter la pièce, sachant que je devais les voir tous les trois et je l'ai fait, les trois qui représentent tout pour moi de la même manière que vos enfants représentent tout pour vous. Alors que les caméras tournaient, je l'ai senti au fond de moi ; je savais que j'étais sur le point de perdre la tête. Je ne l'avais pas perdue depuis que tout cela était arrivé, avec très peu de larmes - ce qui ne me ressemble pas du tout. Avant tout cela, je pleurais en regardant les publicités Hallmark, mais ce jour-là, je l'ai senti remonter, et le lien que j'avais avec le fait de surmonter les objections ; la technique était sans effort, mais à la fin de l'interview, j'ai regardé la salle, et un sentiment de victoire m'a envahi. Chaque objection a été vaincue sans effort. Ce jour-là, je n'ai laissé à personne d'autre la possibilité de comprendre que ce que nous faisons aux enfants est très mauvais, et que chacun d'entre nous a l'obligation d'y remédier. Lorsque j'ai levé la tête, j'ai croisé tous les regards sur moi, et ils avaient tous l'air honteux, presque gênés de la nonchalance avec laquelle j'abordais la transition médicale des enfants. Prendre la solution de facilité et ne pas déranger le tout-puissant LGBTQ. Tout le monde dans la salle avait l'air honteux, gêné de ne pas être assez courageux pour les autres, pour les enfants. Ils savaient qu'ils étaient en train de flotter dans la vie à leur manière paresseuse et non engagée. Ils savaient que ne pas remuer le couteau dans la plaie était une erreur, et ils ont tous réalisé que c'était une erreur. Mais ils savaient que j'avais remué la marmite, rendant ainsi leurs eaux traîtresses. "Tu devrais avoir honte." J'ai pensé. Toujours en sanglots, j'ai regardé chaque personne, j'ai dit leur nom et j'ai pointé du doigt chacune d'entre elles, leur faisant honte de laisser la parodie de transition médicale se poursuivre parce qu'il était difficile de s'impliquer, "Brian, tu es journaliste, honte à toi de ne pas crier !" "Sara, es-tu une productrice ? Honte à toi, tu as un enfant, double honte à toi en tant que mère de ne pas CRIER". Chaque cri, chaque conversation ou chaque repli que vous avez émis dans le cadre du débat sur la transition médicale est un grain de sable, trop pour un petit nombre, mais rien pour une armée. J'implore chacun d'entre vous d'aller sur mon site et de voir pourquoi mon émotion et mon dévouement pour arrêter la médicalisation des enfants est une passion désespérée qui ne relâchera son emprise sur moi que lorsque chaque enfant dans le monde sera en sécurité, car pour l'instant, les enfants sont en grand danger et ne le sont pas. Allez sur le site, prenez les dix minutes nécessaires pour comprendre ce qui, selon cette dangereuse idéologie, passe pour de l'amour des enfants. La non-acceptation de leur corps parfait et sain. Après tout, nous parlons d'enfants. Une fois que vous aurez compris, une fois que vous aurez lu mon site ? Faites ce qu'il faut, CRIEZ pour mettre fin à la médicalisation des enfants et restez dans la ligne des "bigots" pour aujourd'hui, mais je vous assure que d'ici peu, cette ligne passera de la "ligne des bigots" à la "ligne des héros". ....La transition médicale n'est pas un endroit pour un enfant.

  • LONDON SPEECH I didn't get to give!

    A speech by transman Scott Newgent Donate To Work: My name is Scott Newgent. I am a lesbian and I decided to become a transman. Despite having altered my body surgically and with hormones to look like a man, I am a woman. Only women can bear children, and I was blessed to carry life and have three beautiful children. So I know quite a bit about kids and transgender treatments. I want to end the idea that medically transitioning children and drag shows are about human rights. They're not. It's about money. It's about sexualizing children. It's about paedophilia. It's about queer theory - breaking all boundaries of normalcy and child safeguarding. So how did we get right here, right now? Rainbow vs Rainbow? The human rights want and desires of all, whether straight or gay, is the right to love another consenting adult and to be respected and protected under the laws of every country. These are righteous rights, and we had many righteous gays and lesbians fighting for these rights. Stonewall was founded in 1989 with these rights in the future view, not had, yet worth everything to us gays and lesbians, and the fight was righteous, and the warriors within this fight were righteous. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 2002 Adoption rights for same-sex couples - won! This was a righteous right! In 2003 Employment equality - won! This was a righteous right! 2013 Marriage Act - for gays & lesbians This was a righteous right! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rights of human dignity to love whom we loved, to be recognized in the eyes of the law, protected with dignity within this great land in Britain & abroad…WON We WON….& This is where we faltered….This is where my community, the gays and lesbians, fell. You see, we won, and the righteous fighters, the righteous gays and lesbians fighting for the right to love whom we loved, to visit and be entitled to our partners in sickness, in life achievement & death. The dignity of protection within this great land and the laws…WON! We won for lesbians and gays like Janice Langbehn, a lesbian denied the right to visit her same-sex partner in the intensive care unit at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida. Her partner, Lisa Pond, suffered an aneurysm. At the hospital, nurses and doctors refused to let Langbehn or her children see Pond, and they did not provide them with any updates. Pond slipped into a coma while her life partner and their children cried to be at her bedside, denied, and outside the room, outside was the echoes of calling Pond's weeping family never heard by Pond. Pond died alone. These were the righteous fights….For Pond and all others to die with dignity, surrounded by the love of family, without question. Without question. The righteous fights were WON And so the beginning of a new activism business model, had by the STONEWALLS & LGBTQ+ of the world's & this is where our children were sold down the river, exchanged for the NEW activism business model, a successful new profitable model elevated and began to be maintained by skipping on the heads of odd fitting; children are most vulnerable, used….Our plight to protect future same-sex attracted children highlighted for a profitable business model of transgender medicine, included into the mix were all odd fitting children, the autistic, mentally gifted, mentally ill, abused, served on a platter to the donation gods as the new "righteous right" twisted with an evil filled ending to a righteous…bottom line. And STONEWALL…..lived on after moral, righteous rights were won. You see, in Story Time Drag show, medically transitioning children was the side step to evolve & continue an org, an activism fight that was won yet lived on, but not without strategic evil thought. In 2015 Stonewall filed for bankruptcy but never pointed to fruition. In 2015 the battle was won, the donations dried up, and a righteous organization lost funding, dwindling into the excellent night ….One final curtain call and standing ovation lead to BANKRUPTCY ….But before the last curtain call or bid into the Goodnight, a glimmer of hope & this glimmer of hope not only revised but injected radical success. STONEWALL from bankruptcy, yet 12 months later, reported a 32% year-over-year growth. A tagline of this success would have sparked an investigation for any government-funded organization in the US…whether the funding received was five government-funded dollars to 1 million. This staggering year over year would have sparked a question and jumped started a USA investigation. What happened from 2015 to 2016 within STONEWALL? STONEWALL signed to promote Mermaids and the medicalization of children! Activism is a business; being a business sales executive was lost to me as I entered activism five years ago. My plight was as a mother—a woman who had given birth, carried life, an obligation of righting a wrong. You see, Story Time Drag show, medically transitioning children was the head on which stepped to evolve & continue an organization that won! STONEWALL WON & selling children's health… Let me explain. I will start with the money. Each child who is transitioned is worth more than 1 million dollars at a minimum. It begins with the psychosocial intervention of social transition in which all the adults affirm the kids' delusion that the child can change sex. This is cruel. Because it is telling the child that everything - absolutely everything - is wrong with the child's body. They were born wrong. It moves to puberty blockers - the same drugs used to castrate sex offenders chemically. Drugs that have a long list of known severe long-term effects - such as permanent loss of bone density, brain development issues, risk of blindness, underdeveloped genitalia, and cardiovascular issues - to name a few and a whole host of unknown risks. There are over 10,000 complaints lodged against the manufacturer of the puberty blocker Lupron. It is funny how Kaiser reported on the harms of puberty blockers for precocious puberty but then promoted it for gender-confused children, as if the known horrible side effects won't affect gender-confused kids. An 18-year-old died during a vaginoplasty because puberty blockers resulted in his penis being too small to flip it inside out to make a cavity. A piece of his colon was needed for the surgery. The result was necro-titis. Males on puberty blockers at young ages and then cross-sex hormones - and about 95% continue on - will never experience an orgasm and be sterile. Another effect of estrogen on males is that it keeps their appearance looking young, with high voices, soft skin and tiny genitals. Remember what I said about paedophilia? Step 3 in the Mengele-style (Men - Ge- Lay - For Your information - a nazi doctor that performed horrible experiments on Jewish kids) treatments are cross-sex hormones. Estrogen and testosterone are being handed out like candy. With no - zero - studies that these drugs resolve gender dysphoria, alleviate companion mental health issues or prevent suicide. Suicide increases POST TRANSITION. Post-transition, transgender people are 19 times more likely to commit suicide. In a National Institute of Health study published a couple of months ago, 2 of the 315 kids took their lives within one year of starting hormones - more than 50 times the national average. The best gender doctors who were purportedly treating these kids were screened for severe mental health issues and in affirming families. Online sellers of these drugs are darlings of private investors. These groups are partnering with community kid's groups to peddle to kids. These drugs ultimately result in sterility - in as little as four months for males and within five years for women. But don't worry - these hormone sellers have partnered with fertility groups who - for a price - will try to get their sterile kids a baby later. They create the problem and then solve it as long as you can pay. Long-term cross-sex hormones cause heart issues, joint pain and increase cancer risks - hell, girls as young as 17 get fatal liver cancer from testosterone. Does this sound life-saving to you? Listen to the detransitioners - even when they stop the hormones, their physical body continues to atrophy and suffer from the effects of the drugs. They have pain that no doctor knows how to treat. Because this is a giant experiment on Kids. Kids who are developmentally unable to comprehend the risks or what they are giving up. Now for the surgeries. Vaginoplasty - I already talked about one of the risks to a healthy boy - death. Now let's get gross - shall we? Hair growing in the cavity, odor of bowels, sleeping with a wound expander inserted to prevent the hole from closing. Remember we are doing this to healthy bodies and minors in the name of authentic self. Males are having their gonads removed. WPATH and its President, Marci Bowers promotes eunuchs as a gender for children. It shouldn't be allowed for adults. It's insane. For the females, it's breast removal - let's not call it top surgery and make it sounds like a no-big-deal. It is - it is enormous. Besides the complications which occur In the majority of the surgeries, there are no takebacks. Once the breasts are gone, they are gone forever. So is the ability to breastfeed a child. The holy grail of surgeries, and the most expensive and least successful, is phalloplasty. Look at my arm - this is a deformity I show the world almost daily to get something that resembles a penis that is hidden in my pants. Some women carved up their thighs to get a facsimile of a penis that carries a substantial risk of severe complications and long-term effects. The surgeries are a growing market that is so lucrative that it is tracked so people can invest in it. In the US, surgeries were worth $1.9 Billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a compounded rate of 11.23% annually. This is better than most stock and bond returns. No wonder there are more than 400 pediatric gender centres in the US now when 10 years ago, there were just a handful. Again to interject the human rights angle again, Stonewall moved from being a gay rights group rewriting its history to becoming the UK's most prominent influencer in pushing children and young adults to reject their bodies, monetizing itself by rewarding corporations to deny biological reality. How Stonewall superglued the T to the LGB, erasing the LGB on the way. Stonewall was founded in 1989 for a very laudable purpose - to win equal treatment under the law regardless of who one loves. Many righteous gays and lesbians fought for these fundamental human rights. The gay and lesbian community's human rights were won. Instead of celebrating and going about our lives, which is what we wanted - we wanted to live freely, raise families, have lasting partnerships, and be able to nurse our partners. Instead of just living and disbanding all of the charities that reached the righteous goals, charities like Stonewall had grown so big that they needed to move the goalpost - they needed a new battle to wage. There was money at stake; the machine needed to be fed. The charities forgot the the golden rule that charities' ultimate goal is to go out of business because they achieved their objective. And so began a new activism business model based in queer theory - where everything that was accepted as normal must be turned upside down. This is when Stonewall and other activist groups targeted the gay community itself, like me - convincing me that I was not a lesbian but a man trapped in a woman's body - and more sinisterly, the LGBTQ groups turned to the children. Yes, these alleged human rights groups are here to take the children from loving parents, remove their innocence, rob them of their bodies, erase biology and trick gay and lesbians kids into transitioning. The righteous groups turned into predatory groups. With the gay rights goals having been met, the funding for Stonewall dried up. In 2015, it was facing bankruptcy. But Stonewall wanted to live on, so it pivoted and signed on to promote Mermaids. Mermaids is a charity that advocates for the gender transition of children. Mermaids is currently under investigation for child safeguarding failures. Susie Greene stepped down as CEO of 6 years, a woman who transitioned her son because her husband id not want a gay son - That's what Iran - the most homophobic country does. Stonewall sold out its gay and lesbian members. Instead of protecting gay and lesbian kids, its need to stay financed tarnishes its name. By the way, Greene contributed to the so-called standards of care for WPATH. This homophobic mother, who profited from kids, with no medical background had an actual say. WPATH despite its name, is just another Frankenstein Organization. Children are the new revenue stream. They are also being used as cover for depraved and fetish behavior. It goes like this - if they can normalize the transgenderism of children - they can claim being trans is natural, immutable and normal. It is none of these things. This new agenda will open access to children, sex positivity, and normalizing the sexualization of children. This is where Drag Show Story Time comes in. Men with garish makeup, scantily dressed, simulating sex moves in front of children. Having young children listen to books being read aloud designed to confuse children about their bodies, normalize sexual language, and desensitize them to adult behaviour is grooming. First, it was reading books to kids, but that was not queer enough so it moved to perform sexual drag shows for kids at libraries and schools, but that was not boundary-breaking enough - now it's let's teach the young boys and girls to spackle on makeup, wear barely-there clothing and dance for the US - the adults - for money. Yes, let's have them split their legs apart, shake their bottoms, and shimmy their chests, while we place money in their clothes. Donate TODAY But that is not queer enough, let's remove all safeguards about sex with children - as the United Nations just stated in March. So long as the child consents, sex with them is fine. So, I ask you - is this transgender movement about human rights? No - It's about pedophilic's rights, fetish's rights and depravity. It's about robbing children of their innocence and profiting from their bodies. Every lesbian and gay man, parent and grandparent, woman and man should be standing up and saying no. Keep your hands of the children and vulnerable adults who are being used to feed the machine. NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT TO HARM A CHILD - NOT THE PARENTS, NOT THE DOCTORS, NOT THE TEACHERS, NOT THE GOVERNMENT. _____________________________________________________ UN STATEMEN - QUOTE "With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage. Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them. Pursuant to their evolving capacities and progressive autonomy, persons under 18 years of age should participate in decisions affecting them, with due regard to their age, maturity and best interests, and with specific attention to non-discrimination guarantees. CITATION - THE 8 MARCH PRINCIPLES FOR A HUMAN RIGHTS-BASED APPROACH TO CRIMINAL LAW PROSCRIBING CONDUCT

  • Matt Walsh and Sloppy Joe Rogan & the winner with FACTS? Walsh....Rogan FAILED!

    Rogan's "fact" has gone "round the world while truth is pulling its boots on.” ÍRIS ERLINGSDÓTTIR NOV 10, 2023 I'm just going to throw this out there! ROGAN! Have Transman Scott Newgent on your show; Walsh was kind; Newgent would have eaten you alive! Not that anyone’s been waiting with bated breath for my promised Sloppy Joe Rogan post, but I still want to apologize for how late it is. [My recent R rotator cuff surgery recovery is just as nasty, brutish, and long as the surgeon promised.] Anyway, to recap, I’d been discussing with a close family member why I believed gender ideology was the greatest evil of our time: “I care about the truth, and this is all a lie.” I listed a few of the real-life effects on women of transforming preposterous ideas into policy and law – housing males with court-onset “gender dysphoria” in women’s prisons; disregarding basic safeguarding principles; destroying women and girls’ sports; depriving them of scholarships, financial opportunities, and awards – on the children and young people destroying their healthy bodies, and that brought the subject to puberty blockers. “Matt Walsh said on Joe Rogan that ‘millions’ of kids had been put on puberty blockers,” he said. ”That’s a lie. The number was not even 5,000! Walsh is a liar, a LIAR.” I knew 5,000 made no sense and promised I’d do my own research. Daily Wire show host and producer of the “What is a Woman?” documentary Matt Walsh was interviewed on Rogan’s podcast in November last year. As widely reported (a search of “Walsh & Rogan” shows pages listing rabid gender ideologues’ rejoicing quotes over how “Rogan proved Walsh a liar” (thus themselves proving that a “lie will go ‘round the world while truth is pulling its boots on”), “the pair sat down to have an in-depth discussion on gender and society. Walsh began the conversation by explaining the financial benefit healthcare providers could be getting by taking advantage of demands for gender affirming care. “…they have staked everything on this [including] their professional reputation… Not only is it the political incentive and the money, but if they admit that they’re wrong, they’re also admitting that they have horribly disfigured and abused thousands, maybe millions of kids,” he said. “How many people have had this done?” Rogan asked. [“This”, as in “gender affirming care,” which includes puberty blockers, hormones, and surgeries.] “… I don’t think we have exact numbers, but if we’re talking about the drugs, it’s…millions,” Walsh replied in reference to the medications used in the treatment of “gender dysphoria,” or “feelings cancer,” as the great Exulansic sometimes puts it. “I’m sure someone’s gonna fact check me on it, but my guess is that…we’re into the millions now at this point,” Walsh replied. “[Walsh] used the increase in mastectomy surgeries as his reasoning behind the number. “I read a report recently that there were over a thousand done between 2016 and 2019. And when you compare that to how many were done between…2008 and 2015, it is a massive increase. Over a thousand girls had double mastectomies — gender affirming double mastectomies in that timeframe,” Walsh explained. [A 2023 JAMA study found that “gender affirming surgery breast and chest procedures… occurred in almost 30,000 patients from 2016 to 2020.] As the conversation continued, the projection screen in front of Rogan and Walsh lit up and producer Jamie Vernon interjected with a fact check from a Reuters article. [The following is what Rogan’s producer got from the article:] “Over the last five years, there were at least 4,780 adolescents who started on puberty blockers and had a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis.” “That would be a big undercount,” Rogan said as he was reading the article aloud. “Less than a thousand people a year,” Vernon reiterated. “I would guess you know, hundreds of thousands at this — but I could be wrong,” Walsh corrected his earlier estimation. “A million sounds great,” Rogan laughed. “Media matters will have fun with that clip,” Walsh added. Walsh went on to blame the numbers themselves, saying that data on gender affirming care and other treatments are hard to find and trust [he is correct]. “Part of the problem though is that it’s very hard to get numbers on any of this stuff and — to know who are you gonna trust when they’re telling you the numbers…that’s one of the issues,” Walsh concluded. [Had Rogan and his producer read just a few paragraphs further, they’d have come across more information relevant – a big understatement, to paraphrase Rogan – to their discussion:] “At least 14,726 minors started hormone treatment with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2017 through 2021…However, these numbers only include children whose medical records specify a gender dysphoria diagnosis or whose treatment is covered by insurance. There are more than 100 specialized pediatric gender clinics across the U.S. “More than 300 clinics and medical offices in the U.S. … provide ‘hormonal interventions’ to minors,” and most of the nearly 600 Planned Parenthood centers dispense cross-sex hormones. In 2016, only 32 PP clinics provided “transgender care.” [emphases above are mine]. So, the correct number available to Rogan and his producer – in the story they themselves pulled up! – was almost 20,000 kids. Again, the number is limited – only pediatric patients (under 21) with a gender dysphoria diagnosis. No “kids” over 21, no privately paid prescriptions. The numbers almost certainly don’t include kids who receive prescriptions from Planned Parenthood (“one of the country’s largest prescribers of “gender-affirming” hormones. More than 35,000 patients received gender-affirming hormones from Planned Parenthood in 2021 alone, according to an NPR report”), and the Planned Parenthood numbers show that not only is it, as Walsh said, very hard to get reliable numbers on “gender affirming care,” it’s impossible. In PP’s annual report “transgender services” are listed under “Other Procedures” along with “WIC services…pediatric care…other adult preventive care, and high complexity visits, including infertility services.” In 2021, the number of “Other Procedures” was 15,902. In 2022, the number of “Other Procedures” was 256,550. The numbers make no sense. If more than 35,000 patients received hormones from PP in 2021, that should have been reflected in the number of “Other Procedures” in 2021. In any case, it would be interesting to know what specifically caused the more than 240,000 hike in “Other Procedures” at PP between 2021 and 2022. The only medical fad these days is “transgender medicine” (the oxymoronic nature of “trans/gender” ideology language must be a linguist’s nightmare). The 2023 JAMA study referred to above found that almost 50,000 “Gender Affirming Surgeries” (GAS) were performed from 2016 to 2020. What numbers on “gender affirming care” – puberty blockers, hormones, and GAS – were available a year ago is anyone’s guess, but Rogan should know better than to offer a random number from a file of Dr. Google as fact. The very least he could have done was have his staff read through it first. Rogan is usually a thoughtful, respectful conversationalist, but to say he dropped the ball here is an understatement. Serious, reality-based research and information** on “gender medicine” rarely makes the news – precisely because of those qualities – but a salacious soundbite, however erroneous, will if it fits the transtech-industrial mass media’s fictional trans narrative. So, have millions of kids have received “gender-affirming care”? Possibly. Hundreds of thousands, certainly. Thousands? Absolutely no way, and Rogan should correct that fact-free “big undercount” he offered to his 11 million listeners. In closing… Re the OB-GYN Services of Drs Transenstein & Frankenstein It’s insulting that the 2023 JAMA 2016–2020 study of these taxpayer- and health insurance premium-funded cosmetic psychosurgeries was done under the category “Obstetrics and Gynecology.” National Estimates of Gender-Affirming Surgery in the US “Results: A total of 48 ,019 patients who underwent Gender Affirming Surgery (GAS) procedures were identified…The most common procedures were breast and chest procedures, which occurred in 27,187 patients, followed by genital reconstruction in 16 ,872, and facial and cosmetic procedures 6,669.” “A total of 48, 019 patients who underwent GAS were identified (Table 1). 25 ,099 patients (52.3%) were aged 19 to 30 years 10 ,476 patients (21.8%) were aged 31 to 40 years 3,678 patients ( 7.7%) were aged 12 to 18 years [Reflect on this for a few moments: Doctors – society’s most highly educated individuals, who have been entrusted by the state with the power over people’s lives and health – are sterilizing and mutilating the healthy sexual organs of 12-year-olds.] “Almost 30,000 patients were under age 30. This study has limitations. First, there may be under-capture of both transgender individuals and GAS procedures…performed in other settings; thus, our estimates may under-represent the actual number of procedures performed each year in the US.” Your Dollar$ at Work “Private insurance coverage was most common in 29,064 patients (60.5%), while 12,127 (25.3%) were Medicaid recipients.” Flyoverland [Less InsaneLand] – TRAlifornia [InsanityLand] “Most patients (42,467 [88.4%]) were treated at urban, [sic] teaching hospitals, and there was a disproportionate number of patients in the West (22,037 [45.9%]) and Northeast (12 ,396 [25.8%]).” *“Inside Planned Parenthood’s Gender Factory” by Abigail Shrier is a recommended read for anyone, especially parents of teenagers. “Youth as young as 16 can receive hormone prescriptions…with parental consent; 15 and younger can get birth control ‘to stop periods’ without parental knowledge. Teens 18 and older who want to medically transition can typically do so without any barriers. Planned Parenthood states that ‘in most cases your clinician will be able to prescribe hormones the same day as your first visit’ and does not require a letter from a mental health doctor to start a patient’s transition.” “In order to receive gender-affirming hormone therapy services at Planned Parenthood you must be 18 or older and able to provide consent. Patients are not required to provide an approval letter from a therapist to start hormone therapy. Most people are able to get a hormone prescription at the end of their first visit with us.” **SEGM, 4thWaveNow, Exulansic, Reality’sLastStand, Helen Joyce, Gender-hacked

  • How Big Gender gaslit me, broke me, nearly killed me … and why I'll never be silent again

    First Meeting: Oh, Your Scott, Not Kellie? Ok, Come On In! A true story that will help parents understand why so many gay and lesbian children gravitate to becoming transgender. Not acknowledging the truth leads to a generation of gays and lesbians butchering bodies and minds that need not be fixed. Love and acceptance is a must, and only the prescription is required. Before I begin, I want to assert that this post is raw, real, and comes from a place of total honesty. We all have a voice inside our heads that helps us navigate through the world. Our internal voice can be denied if we are embarrassed and raised when it's correct, "I always knew I was right about, blank." We all know about this little voice, which is ours to hold tight inside within the confounds of our minds. I am sharing my inside voice with you not out of frailty but from a place of force. I cannot tell you indefinitely why kids are claiming to be transgender at a staggering rate, but I know a massive part has to do with the fact that we still do not accept gays and lesbians yet, and we need to. On the other side of this revelation lies what my community has done with the acceptance we have already garnered, throwing it to the wind and lacking the leadership to STOP the new LGBTQ+ from becoming a recruiting agency for children. We won the rights that we have with slow persistence, grace and explaining that we were not after children, just after the rights to live where we wanted, work where we wanted and love who we wanted, and have protection under the law. We WON and look at us now. We have become precisely what we promised we would never be; a recruiting agency for children infiltrating school systems worldwide. Yet, here I say we have not accepted homosexuality yet, and this is the most significant cause of the butchering of an entire generation of children, the "May I have a hamburger today and pay you next Tuesday for the year worth of free hamburgers you have already given." It is embarrassing to say these words, but I can assure you, in the gay/lesbian community, we are fighting back fiercely with organizations like mine and Gays Against Groomers! We will make it right! That said, I will share why I believe many children and adults want to change genders. My insight is not scientific, which comically mirrors the whole definition of what transgender is, right? You might be laughing. Still, as someone who has medically transitioned, my laughter is zilch regarding what we are doing to a generation of children. I can assure you nothing comical about what is currently occurring to children! A Transition Story, A True Story & Why I Believe So Many Children Are Claiming To Be Transgender! I don't believe Jesus Christ was the son of God, but that doesn't make me a version of their evil. I don't think children should be anywhere near surgery or hormones; I don't care how transgender they believe they are. I believe the LGBTQ+ community has back-handed the entire world into submission, standing by foaming at the mouth, waiting impatiently to pounce on anyone who challenges their views, delighted in doing so. But I understand the cause, the pain, and the generation after generation of misery that gays and lesbians have been put through. I believe people are born gay, but some are conditioned into same-sex attraction, and this is not right, and therapy is needed to correct it. I might have been manipulated to change my sex by a highly religious Catholic woman that could not accept her sexuality, but that doesn't mean that some people do find peace with medical transition (very few, and people would be stunned how few this number is) I have always been able to reach both sides; I was blessed with the ability to see both sides of the circumstances. But, I didn't comprehend that inside an organization, a belief, a person you hate is common ground and someone exquisite, frightened and with something invaluable to say. I only understood the earnestness of this once I transitioned. Lesbian Devil to Straight Man Saint They wanted to do an intervention on a woman that finally understood why she never felt the love she saw her friends experience. Until me, she went through the motions with her husband, despising her life and feeling apathetic, only to come alive with that first sip of wine. She laughed and giggled and seemed like the most festive person, but she was tragic once you knew her. Such a depressed person, a woman that looked like the sunshine of light, was the darkest human being I had ever met. I listened to her phone calls with her family spewing hate, imploring her to be cleansed and get rid of her demons, exploiting her with the thought of spending an eternity in hell for loving me. I can say that I loathed those people, Lynette's people, with every fibre of my being. I knew they comprehended the suffering they were causing her and didn't care. Convinced, they only wanted the flawlessly straight, elegant Catholic woman to return to a husband she didn't love, never loved; they didn't care that she was distressed; they didn't care that she couldn't breathe without me. They cared only about getting her back into a box that made them feel comfortable. I medically transitioned to take that all away for her, or I have always believed this was the only explanation. Reflection and time have revealed to me that Lynette? Lynette was a catalyst; sure, I would never have medically transitioned if we had never met, but the raw reasoning why? It would have simmered, never allowing me to find peace. This experience has brought me a peace I would never have achieved without all the misery. A new revelation, and I can tell my soul is healing. As bizarre as it may sound, I am appreciative of this adventure with all the anguish, pain and tears it resurrected! I never met Lynette's family as a woman; they had seen pictures but never shook Kellie's hand, the lesbian devil. No, no, I met them for the first time as Scott, the straight man saint, swerving Lynette from reciprocating her sinful past with the lesbian devil, Kellie. As you can imagine, the first handshake, the first eyes that met mine, her entire family comprised eight brothers and one sister, a 93-year-old mother, nieces, nephew and spouses, all in a tiny home in the middle of the scorching heat of little ole, Bryan, Texas. I have dedicated my life to STOP childhood medical transition, travelling from state to state, country to country, by the grace and kindness of donations. I do not get paid for interviews or my posts for me. This is a soul mission. Thank you for helping. -Scott - Donate Terrified, Lynette opened the door with me standing behind, scared of my voice, "is it deep enough yet? Will they know that I'm Kellie, and they all HATE me?" Over and over in my head were the conversations Lynette had while we lived in our apartment together years prior when she left her husband; the phone was relentless, one call after another reminding Lynette of her sinful life, where it would lead her and how she needed to run from me with all her power. Yet, when the calls ended? I was the one she flew to; I was the one she loved and could not let go of. Everything her childhood had guided her, all the hours in church, all the lessons, and warnings could not stop her from falling in love with me and me with her! At fifty, Lynette reminded me of a child, torn down to the nubs, unable to protect herself, she was being beaten down, and it was obvious to anyone looking. Unfortunately, I was the only one who was looking at Lynette. On the drive over to Bryan, I heard Lynette giggling, changing the stations, tormenting me with her 80's music, delighting in my cringing, and I played along, but inside? All I was pondering was meeting her family, the family I knew I would hate. How would I navigate our lives within the inlaws I loathed? I had no other option; hate was the only emotion my mind went to, nothing else, no other choice; I would hate them all! The hours of conversation I heard, over and over in my head, the torment and pain in Lynette's face, watching as she was pulled apart years prior by every family member waiting to meet me as a saint, savior to Lynette, saving her from the lesbian devil! Hate, I would hate them ALL! But something happened. It wasn't long before I fell in love with everyone in Lynette's family. The care, humor, the love they had for each other, the respect they had for me, the time they invested in each other, no one yelled, hit each other or talked ill of the other; they navigated life as a family, something I had never seen in my 42 years. It was beautiful. Lynette's mother was 93 and remained in her home as any good Italian Catholic family would. Every child had a designated time to be with their mother, spending the night, helping Mawma in and out of bed, making her meals, and doing it with her standards, or they were corrected instantly. She was stern and always did what was expected, someone you could count on, and I loved her. Her children grew weary of the constant re-aligning even though they were in their 50s, 60s, 70s; she would not have anyone out of line! "Now, pull that curtain in, Lynette; that is wrong. Do as I said!" When one sibling could not make their night to care for their mom, I always raised my hand; "I will watch Mawma." I think they all thought I was crazy. What I saw in their mother was a woman who did everything as she was told because it was what she believed was right; the stern overtone was not to demean her children; she did it because she loved them. Mawma gave her everything to her family, she loved her children, and I could see it in a way they could not because I came from a childhood filled with abuse. Mawma to me? She was everything I prayed for as a child; I got my wish, I was just in my 40s and no longer a child, but it still felt like a head nod from God, a gift. "Scott, what are you doing?" I'm getting on this side of the bed; tell me more about your husband, Mawma. "Oh, all right?" Mawma would continue “You love my daughter, don't you, Scott?" I reply "Yes, very much." "Do you talk with Lynette like this, care for her this way?" I replied, "Yes, I do!" What did I see in Mawma? She was a true mother, and I was blessed to know her. The day my daughter read on the internet, she died; I instantly wept, unable to stop, and my daughter as well. May you rest in peace, Mawma; we loved you! My far reach to see both sides became vastly wider with this experience. People I knew I would hate turned into love almost instantly. I loved each one of them, and I still do. I watched them with their children, and I learned about their lives and struggles and their belief system; I began to understand why they felt the way they did. The experiences they had mixed in with the blessing of being born normal became who they were. They couldn't comprehend what Lynette was feeling; how could they ?I loved them, and I still do, and I miss them, but I went from Lesbian Devil to Straight Man Saint to just something they laugh at while eating dinner, the weirdo transgender person. I remember the night like it just happened. I remember the air, the desperation. I wanted to save her from what she went through the years before when she was trying to break free from her former life's hold on her. I wanted to save her from her soon-to-be ex-husband's phone calls that lasted for hours and hours, pounding and pounding her with terror about how it would feel on her flesh when Satan burned her into a never-ending pit of fire. I wanted to save her from looking at me and being so in love but conflicted with the voices in her head. I never in my life experienced someone told over and over repeatedly that he was not loved like a wife should love a husband and that she loved another and wanted another. Still, he refused to let go, even though he knew it would cause her pain. Mark did not care. It was cruel. Some in her family thought of it as a devoted Catholic man, but from the inside looking out, it was self-indulgent and hurtful, he was breaking her down, and he knew it. He didn't care; he wanted her back; she filled a locality in his life that gave him pleasure. He refused to succumb, and he was prepared to do what it took, even if the cost was splitting her limb from limb. He would do what he had to do to get what he wanted, so the brutal device to pull her limbs off was strapped down and administered, and once the pulling began, it didn't take long for him to succeed. With the help of her family spewing words and creating an image of her flesh burning in a fiery pit of hell, it was useless; she could not resist. Lynette would start conversations with her husband on the phone, standing, shoulders back, and ready to take on the challenge. Within 15 minutes, her body would shrink into a ball in the corner of a room, and the self-sufficient woman echoed like a child browbeaten; it was awful to watch. The dynamic was as if I watched a child scolded by her Dad. Lynette didn't speak; she just listened, nodded, and agreed with submissive shrieks of recognition. Lynette couldn't even discuss it; she just winced and endured the storm until Mark felt his position made and opinion received as the only truth. It was a strange relationship with her ex-husband; it wasn't normal; it matched the movie "The Truman Show." All the streets were decorated, the clothes ironed, but something was missing, and Truman knew that just as Lynette did. Lynette had doubted her ex-husband's sexuality before they married but threw it aside. He fit; he fit all the things to look for in a man. They were not in love, and they had never been, and you don't desire what you never knew you had. So, the years went on, and Lynette recommenced to question his sexuality and found his characteristics off but never stirred because to discover someone on an intimate level, you must have the ability to be intimate. Affection was absent, always was with their marriage. Before I first left Lynette, before my transition, when I was still Kellie, something hit me like a ton of bricks. You see, I had endured the numerous conversations with Lynette, by her side, listening to Mark's phone calls and her family, and I felt as battered as she did. But our love was beyond what I had ever experienced. Most would have left much earlier, but neither one of us could part. This morning, Lynette leaned over and rested her head on my chest and glanced into my eyes. I noticed how calm and at peace she was, embracing me. Her eyes, her brown eyes, I have never understood how an uncomplicated color like brown could make eyes dance as she could with hers. As her breathing began to rhythm, in sleep is when it hit me. She can't do it These words traversed my eyes, and I shook out of bed. It was at that moment that I knew that I had to leave. I knew at that moment Lynette would not be able to live a genuine life with me; she didn't have it in her, and her husband and family were NEVER going to let her live in peace. Staying with her was not the right thing to do for her, me, or her husband, for that matter. I did my best and left the apartment. I tried to remain solid, but the texts from Lynette with pictures of hearts or her intoxicating body would lure me to her bed. As she was packing to go back to her husband, she was seducing me; while going to marriage classes at night, she was making love to me during the day. At this time, I lost it; I couldn't take the lies, the deceit; everything was too much. I have never understood how Lynette could lie to everyone, and it never got to her; for me, it was something that broke me. I packed my family and moved 1000 miles away. I wanted Lynette; Lynette wanted me, but I knew it was never going to happen, and I didn't want to put her through what I saw her husband doing. My intentions were good, but the reality was nothing how I wanted to act. It had been two years since we ended our affair, and she went back to her husband. I was a mess in those two years. I would go from crying from missing her to insanely pissed off that she went back because I told her to. I knew deep down that no matter how much she loved me, how much she needed me, how much she wanted me, she was never going to be able to be authentic. I didn't want to torture her the same way, but differently than her husband and family had. Authenticity has never been something Lynette has been able to accomplish. Finely crafted lies to keep the nicely furnished life she created was a full-time job for her, and she was obsessed, and I have never been one to live unauthentic. Back then, I was angry at Lynette for not breaking out of the box everyone had built for her. With new eyes, I understand she did what she was able to do and, it didn't matter how much she loved me; she didn't have to tools to live life with the white light of transparency. In the two years we were apart, I survived, not well, but I survived. Every two to three months, Lynette would contact me, profess her love, and tell me she was ready, and she was going to tell her husband and family she was a lesbian and she was coming to me. The next day she would disappear; it was one of, if not the most painful times in my life. It all made me feel crazy. I would send texts obsessively asking if she was ok, concerned that something might have happened to her. Then her number would change, and I'd get a call from her best friend telling me she was going back to her husband, and they had just left for some tropical vacation. When she would do that to me, it felt cruel, cold, and accustomed to expecting it. We were like children sneaking out of our house at night, and our parents would find us ground us from speaking to each other. I think back on this differently, and I understand how cold this was for Lynette to do. She couldn't handle being with me, but she didn't want to lose me. Lynette cruelty was in the highest form, and it was not the most significant reason our marriage didn't work. I was insanely angry with her, but I never expressed it; I swallowed it. Lynette led the dance, and both Mark and I followed; she was always the single factor to all this pain. This got so bad that I would tell her husband whenever Lynette reached out to me. Of course, he didn't believe me, but I have never lied to Mark. I have been the only one who has never lied to him. Some days I would open a bottle of wine to finish it and wake up the next morning horrified with emails I would write to her husband about how awful he was. They were disgusting; no one deserves the words I would say to him. People just don't need to know some things, even if they are the truth. I didn't understand what he was going through; I didn't allow myself to see what Lynette and I were putting him through. He was fighting his truth; our truth was blind to him, and he was to us. Funny how that works when you must swallow passion, anger, betrayal, love, hate, longing, and confusion to get smashed together in one bite. Somewhere in my heart, I knew what Lynette was doing was wrong. She wanted me but didn't want anyone to know and was so focused on what others thought of her; she ripped apart two people and one that she professed to be heaven-sent to her. Ya me, crazy, huh? After two years, she returned to me, finally left her husband, and I could tell something was different. This entire fiasco weighed heavily on us all, and her husband was pushed further than anyone should be, but we all were in different ways. He finally pushed back one night after too much to drink, and Lynette's face was where he lost it. He had never been physical with her before, but it was all too much. Her husband could tell she didn't want to be with him; she was there out of obligation, familiarity, to please her family, to fit in, to enjoy the more beautiful things money could buy. But not because she was in love with him. When Lynette went back to Mark, he tried with all he had to bring passion to their marriage. He read all the right books, made all the right reservations, attempted all the right positions in life emotionally and physically, but the passion was never there. That is the crazy thing about the passionate side of love; you can't will it. A couple either has it, or they do not. When she came back to me after that night, we both were exhausted. We just wanted to love each other, that's all. I had spent my whole life being judged as a lesbian, criticized, understanding that the first conversations with strangers that I wanted to get to know would eventually lead to the, "So, when did you know you were a lesbian." I was exhausted, Lynette was exhausted. Love can only take so much; love cannot conquer all; we are the proof. The night I decided to transition was a decision that was made soon into our reunion *** That night, I call it a night, because it was the night that changed everything, everything changed. I was watching TV, and I heard Lynette talking with her son. Her son was getting married, and they were pregnant and expecting Lynette's first grandchild. Everyone was so excited; I could see it on Lynette's face when she would talk to anyone about the baby. Suddenly, the laughter stopped, and silence began. I yelled up the stairs. "Lynette, is everything ok." No response, my face twinged with confusion, and I made my way to her. When I turned the corner to the bedroom, I saw her. Her face had lost all color and turned grey. I ran to her and grabbed her hands, and looked at her directly in the eyes, and she said, What if my son doesn't allow me to see my grandbaby if they find out I'm a lesbian? My heart sank. I could not allow that to happen. That was the night I decided to transition for her children for her family. I loved her that much. What I do know about this entire experience is that we were all at fault. I should have walked away eight to nine years ago and never let this start. Lynette should have faced her demons instead of emotionally ripping two people apart. Mark should have allowed Lynette to leave him in peace; she was not a possession that completed his perfectly decorated home. No one did the right thing, and I'm left with looking into the mirror every day, not knowing who's reflection I am looking at *** If I was to sit down with Mark and talk to him, I bet I would understand that he is left with scars that he didn't deserve as well. Very few people in this world are evil; I am not one, Mark is not one, and Lynette is not one. I am remorseful for many reasons; I did many things wrong, and they have eaten at me since the beginning. I could never express these to Lynette because it was always about her throughout the whole process. Saving her, ensuring her lies were kept, I agreed to things like marriage counseling and camps understanding her and Mark were attending so she could prove to him they were not in love and not meant for each other. I agreed to the dates she would go on with Mark when we were living together to prove that they were not good together. I had to sit in the apartment and wait for her to get back from these dates that Mark would plan to win her back. Mark didn't know it was all a ploy; it was cruel. This was awful to do someone, and I agreed to it, and it ate and ate at me and still does to this day. The lies and deception and the amount I had to swallow to be with her were too much. It's a strange feeling looking at someone you love and wanting to scream at the top of your lungs, "Why did you do this to us, me and Mark? WHY!" Things I remember haunt me. The time I told her to go back to Mark initially and calling her to see when I could pick my stuff up from the apartment, and she giggled, "When we get another place, I am going to put up the pictures; you put too many holes in the walls." I wish at the time I could have told her, "Lynette, that's cruel, do you know that? Do you know that you want to keep me with you just enough so that you don't lose me?" Telling me repeatedly that you know that God wants us together, and that's why you see so many hearts, and you send me those pictures. Do you know that's cruel? That's cruel to me, and that's cruel to Mark. Do you know it's insensitive to Mark going back to him to prove to him that you guys aren't good together? "Do you know that's cruel and wrong? It's offensive to tell me that you can't be in a relationship with a woman, but you can't be without me. Do you know these things, the cruelty?" Looking back, I can see that Mark and I were played like fiddle, both of us. The center point of the cruelty started with Lynette. The further I get away, the more remorse I feel and the tremendous sense of regret I have. The sorrow and guilt dial point the most to Mark. Mark had no idea what was happening, and Lynette was not strong enough to be honest, if she were just honest from the beginning with herself, she would have never married Mark. Mark was a backup plan and always has been for Lynette, and the cruelty of that alone is astronomical. Lynette wasted ten years of my life, and she wasted even more of Mark's life by not being honest. Mark will always be Lynette's back up plan; he has the finances and experience she desires, and as cruel as it is to say it; it's the truth. In all of this, I pray for Marks' happiness. However, it is that he finds it. Sure, he wasn't perfect, but he was blindsided, lied to, manipulated, and used. I hope Mark figures out who he is and what it takes for him to be happy, and I hope he finds it. If Mark were in front of me today, I would say one thing and one thing alone, "I am sorry." To Lynette: I forgive you; I hope you find whatever you need to be happy in this life, but please be honest; it's the only way anyone ever finds peace. You might be surprised by how people you love will react. Let your family and children know who you are because they deserve the real Lynette. You have to stop lying to people to create a false reality; in the end, it hurts people. In conclusion, I tell this story to help people understand that transgenderism has become reverse bigotry to gays and lesbians. We have pre-teens not understanding that same-sex attraction and transgenderism are not the same. We have straight parents that don't grasp that every homosexual person at some time in their lives wanted to be the opposite sex, to be the same, and just fit in. We are creating a Disney fairy tale ending for kids that does not exist. by, Scott Newgent Donate To Support Scott's Work

  • Why are we losing the battle to STOP childhood medically transitioned & what you can do about it?

    Find out more - Link Transman Scott Newgent made you cry in Matt Walsh’s groundbreaking documentary, “What is a Woman”, now he’s going to make you THINK. Come hear the world premiere of his powerful “Why Speech” Do you want to know why a generation of children believe they are born in the wrong body and need a medical treatment called 'Medical Transing' that is dangerous, experimental, causes massive health issues and worsens mental health? Hear the speech that will flip gender ideology on its ear and trigger a worldwide ban on childhood medical transition. -The WHY Speech -by Transman Scott Newgent 1 Million March Winsor, Ontario Canada See you are the streets SCREAMING Louder Donate to Scott's Travel - No payments for speeches or travel expenses are covered. All made possible with donations. Thank you for allowing me to continue to SCREAM Louder to STOP childhood medical transition! -Scott "I dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." -Dr. Martin Luther King Shut up! We have are own dreams about four little kids! by, Transman Scott Newgent Fighting to STOP childhood medical transition! Martin Luther King delivered a message that now seems simple, yet it was history-changing. The philosophy that each person has a core value they place on everything they believe in within their life & should be judged for what they stand for needs to be infiltrated into modern life. Martin Luther King was instrumental in changing how people thought about race, and we need a leader to do the exact thing with the subtribes we have formed within our society: shatter these subtribes of human existence. The left, the right, the Christian, the gays. What about the people? Take the same philosophy of character and evaluate it regardless of whether a person belongs to your subtribe! Every human deserves this respect, yet today, you are regarded repellent by whatever subtribe you don't belong and a saint by any subtribe to which you belong. This modern subtribal segregation has led us to a spot where we are butchering an entire generation of children with an experimental, dangerous medical process that causes massive health issues & makes mental health worse. We are destroying a generation of children, and not only are we letting it happen, but society is also ignorantly cheering! This is a fact, regardless of how you feel about medically transitioning kids! (See Proof) The Experimental procedure: The medicalization of gender-confused children, autistic kids, same-sex attracted kids, mentally gifted kids, mentally ill kids, and abused kids; let's call it what it is. The odd kids who would likely grow up to be the movers and shakers? These kids are told they can fit in, robbing them of what comes with being different; I call it a superpower, at least now I do. It took me fifty years to get there, but we are robbing these kids of learning to dig being different and all that comes with the magnificence of being different. Let's face it, normal people rarely accomplishes anything different in life; it's always the odd people who discover the new because they are different. Do a little homework; it won't take you long to realize that we are medically transitioning the weird away and me being an off-duck adult? I fell for it, hook, line, and sinker at forty two; your kids? They, my friend, don't have a chance. Study & Facts What Do These Kids Have In Common Yesterday I uploaded a lengthy thread on TWITTER about the inception of gender ideology and queer theory, stating facts. Immediately I started receiving abhorrence messages from feminists, queers, gays, and lesbians. It didn't take many emails to read before I recognized that they did not read the thread or take five minutes to scrutinize for themselves. Instantly, people from the subtribes of the people I outed as either podophiles, promoting pedophilia or wanting to soften the laws by allowing children to have sexually consented sex with adults at immature ages blasted me. Everyone I listed was intricate in the foundation of gender theory and queer theory. They were defending the father & mothers of 'Queer/Gender theory' and not taking a second to research anything. (All the proof is below) In essence, they were promoting pedophilia without comprehending what they were doing. These people were more concerned with the reputation of the subtribe they belonged to instead of having a formidable reality comprehended to be enlightened about a problem that children desperately need to be rescued from. Instead, they defend the virtue of the rotten people in our society who have damaged many, but because they belonged to esteemed subtribes, they were and are not seen for what they are. These people floated to God-like status, doing no wrong; evil is evil. "I don't care who you are and if you are OK with pedophilias. I don't like you, respect you and think you need to be extracted from access to all children worldwide; no ifs ands or buts about it! I don't care what subtribe you belong to." -Transman Scott Newgent Watch the video I also know that these people who wrote to me? 99% would agree with me and what I was saying if they removed their rose-colored glasses from their subtribes and approached the conversation to find the truth to protect and save children if they need saving. Nope, kids tossed to the wind and oblivion harangues on, leaving our children to pay our weighty emotional bill when they become adults. The significance of these subtribes peaked again today on a phone call with a podcaster from Europe. He started the conversation like most people: "I am not homophobic. I have four children, and two are gay; one is the pride organizer, and she knows medically transitioning children is wrong...." He continued asking me to peel my chest open as I have done hundreds of times to educate people on the reality and travesty of medical transition. I don't listen often; I usually shut people down and cut to the chase, rudely, at times shocking people. I think people think I am an emotional sap after seeing me in the interview 'What is a woman.' Imagine their surprise when I stop them midsentence, "I don't have time for all the adjectives, get to the point; bullet point or I am hanging up!" -Told you I'm different! I made a conscious effort to listen and wanted to learn what his daughter was doing with the knowledge, knowing transing kids is terrible and running pride in a significant city. Turns out, she keeps hush hush because the money is good! I shut down the conversation immediately and said, "You know what? I'll do your podcast, but only if your daughter is there. What a cowardly stance your daughter is taking as a leader in the gay/lesbian community and remaining mute. Your daughter either needs to be educated further or shamed, and I am willing to do both if needed on your show live!" I can assure you I wasn't surprised with his response, "Well, I don't think that is possible...." I interjected sharply, redirecting the conversation, "OK, it's a no from me. Have a good day. Sir, you have decided that swimming in quicksand is an excellent strategy to save gender-confused children when your daughter can save hundreds with her position today. Instead, you want me to open myself up to your viewers who agree with you and me because why? Because it's more accessible or beneficial for you. Who are we saving here? Sir, you can't even give your daughter the passion needed to fight for children she knows are being abused? Call me back when you're willing to put some skin in the game. We are butchering children, and you are NOT acting accordingly or adulting better; shame on you...CLICK!" I have said this for five years and will continue to say it and live it! Until we throw down our subtribe swords for battle, and we grab each other's hands and say, "We are all here, so you can't call us all BIGOTS; we got the gays, lesbians, the straights, the conservative, the liberal, Christians, Muslims, all the subtribes accounted for, so now we can talk about the facts. The facts tell us that medical transition is no place for a child!" I said this in 2020 National Review article I did years ago and I stand by this statement. Until this happens, we will NOT save children. The travesty of childhood medical transition will STOP, when the carnage flows over, it will be stopped. I am just trying to save more kids, faster! A Trans Campaigner Speaks Out against Biden’s Transgender Activism If or until this happens or Martin Luther King comes down from heaven to do a new version of I Have a Dream, "I have a dream that all people will one day live on earth where they will not be judged by anything other than the content of their character!' character." Right now? I'd bet on Martin Luther King floating down from heaven than the leaders of these subtribes giving up the status, money, money and fame that comes with the carnage they create by dividing and prospering! Below is proof of the pedophilia statements I made in the video and on the thread, as well as the original video and thread...I'm outta here for the day; I am irritated...No no, that's not accurate. The reality is my heart aches today because I know what's coming for these kids, and I spend most of my time begging the adults to 'ADULT Better!" -Transman Scott Newgent Support my work Original Link To TWEET Sept -10th 2023 If you are a parent? You MUST read this post! A teacher was fired for refusing to sing the 'Rainbow Land' song by Miley Cyrus to her 1st grade class. I made a post saying as a lesbian that med-transitioned to a transman, I 100% agreed with the teacher. I received comments saying that "The song isn't bad, just about unity & the 'RAINBOW.' Here is why it's BAD: Mathew, I understand how you would develop a logical comment like this. At first, I felt the same way. What's the big deal about singing the Miley Cyrus song called Rainbow Land with 1st graders? Why would this teacher refuse? Truthfully as a lesbian who medically transitioned to a transman, I would have NOT only refused, but I would also have called my local news station to protest. The LGBTQ+ has taken over guardianship of the Rainbow; it no longer symbolizes childhood innocence as it once did. But the NEW LGBTQ+ uses the rainbow to captivate children who, with childhood innocence, still believe in all the unicorns, fairies and glitter dust while sliding down the Rainbow of goodness into sexual fetishes & highlighting gender issues that were never there in the first place, just cattle on the farm to feed pharma and the activism of the flourishing LGBTQ+ organizations worldwide. That virtue is no longer there, my friend! Queer Theory examines the nature of sexuality- and gender-based normativity and how society defines and polices the concepts of heterosexuality, homosexuality, and gender and sexual identities. Queer Theory is about everything but straight sex. It broadened the scope to be more inclusive to attract more followers to the LGBTQ+ activism camp right at the time we won all of our rights as gays and lesbians, we had nothing else to fight for, and LGBT orgs were going bankrupt worldwide, so in came 'QUEER Theory' 'Gender Theory' with all of the pharmaceutical money, powerhouse and bought politicians worldwide to save the day! I may be a lesbian and have been engulfed in the unicorn farts of gender ideology, but I am a MOM first; I carried life, and we in the gay community better start finding our voices because hate is coming when society realizes the truth! The truth? We, the LGBTQ+, are now a recruiting agency, and WE need to be stopped. I am not an evangelical saying this; I am a lesbian/transman SCREAMING my head off to wake parents up! Significant Contributors to Queer Theory & Gender Theory - ALL Documented Pedophiles! Name a queer theorist & gender theorist who denounced pedophilia? That's right, none. Every parent of gender ideology and queer theory either PROMOTE pedophilia as normal or did not or does not condemn pedophilia and defines it as normal human sexuality! Every parent of gender ideology and queer Theory either PROMOTE pedophilia as normal or did not or does not condemn pedophilia and describes it as normal human sexuality! Do I need to say that again, or did you get it? EVERY father/mother of queer/gender theory was either a child molester, promoted pedophilia or did not or does NOT denounce it! <--- Let that sink in! John Money, the Father of Gender Theory, was a pedophile. Gayle Rubin significantly contributes to 'Queer Theory' and is a documented pedophile! Simone de Beauvoir Was a pedophilia supporter who laid the foundations of gender ideology. Queer Theory! QUEER is a giant ballroom of kink! The Rainbow is now affiliated with the LGBTQ+ Pick a KINK with QUEER THEORY that you think is appropriate for children? Pick one. What is ok for a child to dabble in with an adult? Because the innocence of singing about the RAINBOW is no longer callow; it's depraved and despicable, and now the RAINBOW is tarnished, and it needs to get away from kids! Kink and Fetish -S&M (also written as S/M) -Latex - Rope Play - Knife Play - BDSM - Dom/Dominant -Sub/Submissive - Switch - Scene - Safe Word - Leather - Bondage - Cock & Ball Torture - Fisting/fist fucking - Electrical Play - Puppy Play - Slave/Master - Piss Play - Candle Play - Flogging - Edging - Nipple Torture Which one of these fetish's is OK for children...Don't Worry, I'll wait....... Your comments prove my point. People have no clue what the new LGBTQ+ has become! Proof Simone de Beauvoir Was a pedophilia supporter who laid the foundations of gender ideology. Queer Theory! Feminist: Simone Lucie Ernestine Marie Bertrand de Beauvoir, a French existentialist philosopher, writer, social theorist, and feminist activist. Ms. Beauvoir was a paedophilia supporter who laid the foundations of gender ideology. Queer Theory! These are facts regardless of wants! Ms. Beauvoir published a series of petitions demanding the decriminalization of pedophilias, claiming that this would abolish the artificial and oppressive culturally constructed frontier separating children from adults and extend to children the right to dispose of one's body freely. Calls for legal child sex rebound on luminaries of May 68 Some causes championed in the Paris revolt are now seen as very troubling. Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir and the current French health and education ministers Bernard Kouchner and Jack Lang were among the signatories of petitions in the 1970s calling for paedophilia to be decriminalised, it emerged yesterday. Six months ago, the UN report advocated for decriminalizing sex with minors. The '8 March principles', as they are called, lay out a human rights-based approach to laws criminalizing conduct about sex, drug use, HIV, sexual and reproductive health, homelessness and poverty. As one can imagine, the UN backtracked and removed the initial 8 March Principles that concluded the rights based on sex, expressly that children can consent to sexual behavior's with children. Try it. Try and fight the principals? They are deleted from the site. But this deletion has resulted in the press stating that these pedophilias rights were not being sought after within this advocation, not only desired but favored by the UN. . John Money, the Father of Gender Theory, was a pedophile. Pedophile John Money Invented Modern Gender Theory Dr. John Money, Father Of Gender Theory, Was A … Gayle Rubin significantly contributes to 'Queer Theory' and is a documented pedophile! The Origin of Queer Theory: Gayle Rubin’s “Thinking Sex” PRIDE & Pedophilia - Queer Theory Founder: Gayle Rubin Gayle Rubin Is The First In This Series Exposing The Founders of The Gay Rights Movement - The Hard Evidence Included

  • An Evangelical Christian Podcaster & a Lesbian Who Medically Transitioned To A Transman. Not a Joke!

    I am feeling a bit down today! This podcast with Allie Beth Stucky, an extreme evangelical podcaster, came out yesterday, and some of the comments have hurt my heart. I could do as my sister always says, "Don't Read THEM; you know who you are!'" But sometimes they pop up, and my eyes catch them, and they harm. I am being told that it's my best podcast in the last five years, so it might be worth the watch and all the hateful emails I am receiving! I always find it bizarre that Christians, sometimes, not all, are the most hateful of all the subtribes, which is ironic, right? It's almost as if they have no clue who and what they believe, just that they claim to be Christian, and that means they can do precisely the opposite of what their religion says to do: judge and find the reason why they are allowed within their bible that lifts them higher than whoever is not Christian. I have recently started to listen to some of my podcasts, and I understand why people are drawn to them; I don't circle any subtribe of belief, just what is authentic to me without the disdain of having to stay within a subtribe to sustain a voice. I do it the hard way, and as I watch myself, I find myself saying repeatedly in my head, "I believe you!" I think others do, too! Anyways, good news! I am the face of the 1 Million March - Round Two Worldwide. What does that mean? I am the face, and the media go to and will lead the Toronto March, be accountable to the other hundreds of cities. It's a lot of work. I do not get paid, and now I am responsible for getting myself there and all the fees that go along with it. Please don't make me stress out about coming up with these funds. I need help! To date, $210 has been received for the march, which doesn't even get me to Canada. But I will have faith that everything will be figured out because you know what? We have to ADULT Better...Children are being butchered, and my hurt feelings don't matter, but these kids. They Matter to Me! Donate To the March - Here Round Two Promo!

  • First Surgery: "Sorry, We Cut Your Bladder; Here's A Tylenol!" by, Transman Scott Newgent

    First Surgery: "Sorry, We Cut Your Bladder; Here's A Tylenol!" How Big Gender gaslit me, broke me, nearly killed me … and why I'll never be silent again by, Scott Newgent My eyes felt heavy, but the bright white walls of the surgery clinic kept me alert as the IV drugs started to take the edge off. "You'll be fine," my fiancé said, but something inside me told me differently. Something inside me screamed at me to leap off the gurney as the nurse began to unlock my hospital bed to wheel me into the operating room. Lynette could see I was anxious and squeezed my hand harder. The gesture comforted me, but deep down, I felt troubled that she was so eager to see me wheeled into the surgery room. I wished I had more time to talk to her, but instead it was all a whirlwind. I wanted to tell Lynette my fears, but instead, I smiled at her, hoping any moment she would say, "Baby, I know you are doing this for me, and you don't have to, because I will love you anyway, just the way you are." Minutes seemed like hours as the terror grew inside me, until all at once it hit me and I tried to lift my body to protest and say, "Stop, this is wrong!" But it as too late. Neither Lynette nor I said anything. By the time I came to my senses, the drugs had taken over. The last thing I felt was the piercing cold of the metal operating table as the anesthesiologist said, "Count down from 100, sir." I attempted to muster enough strength to say, "Wait, I'm not a sir, this is wrong." But all I emitted was the inaudible flicker of my eyelids fighting to stay awake, while my mind raced. I wanted them to stop, then it all faded to black. It had only been two-and-a-half months since I started taking testosterone shots, but a transformation had already begun taking place. My usual self-assurance was slipping from me; it started almost instantly. My personality always admitted confidence, an air of arrogance touched by sincerity, and that confidence was sinking. I wondered why. The combination was unique and one of the critical components that made me an ultra-successful business sales executive. My confidence and cocky air made people look up when I spoke at a sales presentation; I commanded attention. It was my sincerity that made me different. This combination of sincere brashness is extremely rare, something very few sales professionals have. It's usually one or the other. I had earned the right to be cocky; I knew where I came from and what I overcame despite it. I allowed myself to fail in life without turning it inward; I treated every failure - and let's face it, I had a lot - as a learning opportunity, studying each misstep and tucking away each lesson as I moved forward. I never made excuses. I took the sting of blame and was a better salesperson for it. It was never someone else's fault; it was mine, and I made sure I did not make the same mistake again. The other half was honest and from the heart; I never faked sincerity. I felt it and wanted to do the right thing for people, customers, and businesses. I took the lessons from people in my life who used and exploited me, always remembering what that felt like and never wanting to do the same. My decline in confidence started almost immediately after my first injection of T, and it took several months to realize that I had stepped back in conversations. In sales meetings, I stopped raising my hand, inquiring about strategies, fighting for accounts; I wanted to get in and out without too much noise. What? That was not who I was, and it confused me. As I started to come to after my first surgery, I felt a pain I had never experienced; it was as if something had opened up my insides and rearranged them and given me a simple Tylenol for my trouble. I started to scream. Nurses came running, "I gave him enough morphine to kill an elephant; I cannot give him anymore." I heard the doctor and nurses speaking to my fiancé and they were contemplating taking me from the clinic to the hospital. When they'd opened me up in the operating room, they'd found a massive hernia attached to my bladder that made the hysterectomy and top surgery impossible to perform. On the spot, they decided my hernia needed removal first and to delay all other procedures until later. During the removal process, the surgeon nicked my bladder with his scalpel, cutting it open. I was never informed in detail what that meant, just told it was fixed and not to worry. I have researched since then and discovered I most likely had an inguinal hernia. An inguinal hernia is exceptionally rare and only occurs in 1-6% of all hernia removals. It is recommended that a specialist perform this surgery due its severity and possible complications. Since that surgery, I have battled with incontinence, and I am currently in need of another surgery to correct it, my eighth. Donate To The Rainbow Rebellion - STOP Transing Kids & Get The LGBTQ+ AWAY From Kids Interestingly, my plastic surgeon had hired a gynecologist to conduct my hysterectomy during my top surgery. I heard rumors that the gynecologist wanted to send me to the hospital due to the size and severity of the inguinal hernia discovered. However, to keep his referral rate from his clinic to the hospital low for insurance purposes, he kept me at the clinic to conduct the removal. Unfortunately, I have no confirmation of this rumor, but if true this is a big problem within transgender medicine that needs addressing. Currently, to dive into the lucrative business of transgender surgery, surgeons only need to have basic surgeons credentials, no specialized training. The 'top' transgender surgeries (mastectomies) are the least invasive. In contrast, bottom surgeries, including the phalloplasty, or building of a penis, are some of the most challenging operations to perform, ranked as high or higher than open-heart surgery or brain surgery. The level of skill needed to connect and rearrange urethras and veins, for instance, - requires the most skilled surgeons the medical industry has to offer. Yet currently, the surgeons who enter this field of transgender surgery need no specialized training. Surgeons can make a trip to the local 'OfficeMax' and have a sign made saying, "Transgender Surgeon," hang it on the door and poof! the transgender craze will supply them with a line of patients wrapping around their building begging for surgery. Instantly, they have insurance companies approving $50,000 procedures with profit margins mirroring brain surgery - no questions asked. These surgeons have the LGBTQ Force Shield to protect them and an army of activists to rationalize any lousy publicity as transphobia. These unqualified surgeons hide behind LGBTQ ideology to dodge medical malpractice cases because transgender surgery is considered experimental; without a set baseline to compare results, lawsuits are almost impossible. Top-rated surgeons in the world refuse to conduct transgender bottom surgeries, and not because of bigotry. They know the complications, and it's an elective surgery with a 67% complication rate. These are not life-saving surgeries, and due to this, brilliant surgeons stick to heart and brain surgery. Surgeons conducting appendectomies and other simple general surgeries can go from making $300,000 a year to millions almost instantly. My bladder was the least invasive complication, but others that followed do not just cause me just discomfort. These complications have re-written the date on my tombstone to a much earlier date of death than before I decided to transition medically. I have shortened my life with this decision, and I think about my future grandkids everyday, knowing I might not ever meet them. My choices, well, what can I say? I ache for them and in my head I’m constantly saying, “I’m sorry my babies and my future grandbabies, I’m so so sorry.” As I woke up from the anesthesia, I heard the whispers, "Scott, no no, it's ok, we could not conduct the top surgery, yes yes you still have your breasts, we had complications, but you are ok." I should have taken note that I needed no consoling about my breasts still being a part of me. A sign, perhaps? The reality was that even though I had dreamed, wanted, and understood how much easier my life would have been like if I’d been born male, I was not, and so throughout my life I dug deep to develop a fondness for who I was. I fought for everything emotional, and it took a long time to begin the process of accepting myself. I knew the context of my personality and sexuality would have made me the "ultra" boy my father wanted, the “King” in our family who would have had it all. I would have been the alpha male paraded and placed upon a pedestal decorated with footballs, motorcycles, money, attention, dirt, and everything else I loved. Hell, I would have never needed to walk onto a pedestal - I would have been born on one. Instead, who I was became accepted, not celebrated, and I was painfully aware of that. But I worked hard over the years and was finally starting to embrace my uniqueness. But not enough to resist the fantasy of what I was told medical transition could accomplish. The complications and hurdles were skimmed over, and my embrace of self acceptance was not established enough to fight the dream I had played in my mind constantly as a child. Frankly, I didn’t want it to; the idea of fitting into a puzzle that was always denied to me was something I was unable to resist. The dream of being born male became an obsessive daily occurrence in childhood, replacing what happened that day to what would have happened if I were born male. What would have become of my life in general, where would I have gone, what doors would have been opened? The high school quarterback? Probably. The classic man's man, with an aura of masculinity dripping from me? You bet—society's expectation of what males would be checked off effortlessly. I would have transformed into this without guidance; it's who I was and am; the problem was I was born female. Being born male would have made me unaware that my outstanding achievements, acceptance, and fitting in was pure luck and nothing to do with anything I earned or who I fought to become. Just: "Here you go, son, you fit!" On the other side of the coin, I knew relatively young that not belonging anywhere could have been fixed instantly with an interchange of a chromosome as I formed inside my mother. At forty-two, when the medical industry told me I could be born again, male, I believed them. No matter how hard I tried, I could not do internal feminine. I mastered looking feminine, but I was in-your-face from the beginning. Without having to endure and grow, my differences would have made one arrogant, misogynist man. Instead, I became someone who confused and piqued curiosity. "Who is this woman dressed to the nines, perfect hair, makeup, mastering the sway needed to walk in heels, understanding how to play the game, but something's not quite right?" I went through life having to explain myself or endure knowing that the first conversations I had with anyone would be about my sexuality and why an attractive women would ever want to be a lesbian. Why did I enjoy stereotypical male hobbies? Why did I challenge, face, never back down from, and dominate every man who came within my realm, and I never surrendered? Never! My needed explanations were not limited to straight males; I didn't fit in the LGBTQ world either, with my butch attitude but feminine look. The combination of who I was intrigued men, pissed off the LGBTQ community, and confused all others to no end. I was not what people considered a typical lesbian; I was flirty with men, strong, confident and never gave in to soften the blows intended to soothe a man’s ego. I didn't fit, never have, and the idea of fitting in became a fantasy that fed every step forward through my transition. I was tired of being different, I wanted to fit in and was ready to pay a high cost for it. Testosterone worked fast on me. Within two-and-a-half months, pronouns were changing, people at work started to stare, and I was painfully aware. For the first time, I doubted myself, held back. I wanted to talk to Lynette, but she wrapped herself up in what my transition did for us as a couple, which fixed everything on paper. But there was nothing on the internet, no books, no YouTube videos of the emotional side of transition. Just joyful transgender people magically transformed; Poof! It took years for me to realize that from the moment we are born, elders in our gender teach us a secret code known to only the gender to which you are born. What people don't realize without facing two genders is that these differences are riddled throughout the beginning of transitioning and not met with love and care from a redirecting kindergarten teacher. These gender mistakes are met with adults peering at you, an unmistakable look that frequently happens for the first couple of years into transition. I call it, 'The Look' and it usually follows with a stranger saying, "What's wrong with you, dude?" What do you say? "Aww sorry, it's my first time in a man's bathroom, I didn't mean to look at your penis when I walked in; it freaked me out, sorry." No, you leave these situations learning, but they raise anxiety, and the constant question starts turning within a trans person's brain that has not gone away with me yet: "Did they know I was trans? Did I do that, right?" f you think my voice matters, help me continue to use it. Purchase official RR merchandise or donate today This is evolution, not something we need to be ashamed of as a society, and I cast no judgment. Looking male has taught me many things that one cannot know unless they have experienced it. I now understood, on a deeper level, why we place stereotypes on genders, why people talk about the limited emotions and lack of deep reflection men have compared to women. I experienced the emotional levels change in me, my dwindling need to explain myself, every little detail of my actions, wanting, needing acknowledgement of knowing someone heard me in the way I intended. These changes bewildered me. Nothing had prepared me for this, and my consternation started chipping away at my pillar of strength. I was the woman who projected a backbone of determination, someone who would be there to catch people or things when they fell, fixing, figuring out, enduring, fighting for success; the ever-confident woman became absent from me. And so began a bowing of my head, a desire that no one noticed me as I gently backed away from the crowd, yearning the first time in my life for the shadow of invisibility. If you think my voice matters, help me continue to use it. Purchase official RR merchandise or donate today This was the first of seven surgeries, and each one brought on new complications. I was surprised with how quickly I was able to push this process along and the fact that I had only been on testosterone for a short period. It didn't seem to matter to the medical professionals; they were all too eager to push me along and swipe the credit card. It was days before I could sleep after my introductory surgery. The pain was something you see in movies about ancient times where a 16th-century medicine man hands the patient a wooden board to bite down on as they reset a bone. Everyone around me snickered and paid no attention, chalking it up to me being a crybaby. I wept alone through the pain as Lynette left to visit her family, undeterred by my cries a day after my surgery. I could barely walk, not able to sleep and only able to howl to relieve the agony. My sister could see that I needed help and unable to do it called on my niece, who came to stay with me in Dallas. Mariah was barely twenty, and I could tell it was difficult for her to see me in so much pain. Mariah was more than a niece to me; she lived three houses down during her early childhood in East Texas, and I became a replacement parent to her and her brother after their father left, never to return. I had fights with her over eating her green beans; I was there when she needed to talk about her boyfriends. I was the one she called months earlier to introduce me to her boyfriend and asked for guidance and strategy on how to introduce the man who would become her husband to our family. I was the one who talked to my sister about the amazing man who became family and broached the subject of his nationality as an African American. We lived in the south, and Mariah knew I would never judge, but was unsure about the rest of our family. I was the one she called first with the concern she never had to have, because my sister fell just as in love with Charles as the rest of us have. What once was my baby niece I used to chase around at Chuck E Cheese scolding her for doing flips into ball pits had grown into an almost six-foot beauty who inherited the "Newgent" curse of visual appeal but wore it like no one I have ever seen in our family. Mariah wore her beauty as an accessory to who she was; her beauty grew from the inside out, her outfit was the person she became. She came together to create a dynamic woman and one hell of a sought after hairstylist/makeup artist in Dallas. "Aunt Kellie, Grandma wants me to take you to Mineola to take care of you. I think it's a good idea," Mariah suggested in the familiar voice we all have between the ages for 17-22. It had a childish essence of lacking assurance but sprinkled with the confidence that comes with age. I agreed, and she supported me to the car, frequently stopping as I shrieked in pain. Mariah was right. As soon as I hobbled through the doors, my mom winced and could feel my pain and anxiety as only a mother can. "Mom, it hurts the pain pills aren't working." My mother picked up the bottle and said, "Kellie, this is Oxy, one of the most powerful pain relievers you can get outside of a hospital. When was the last time you took one?" I burst into a scream, wailing, "Mom, they aren't working, please, believe me, they are not working," I cried one big tear, a constant flow without breaking, just one river dripping off my face. I pleaded, "Please believe me, Mom." I released what I had been holding in, shielding from Mariah, who was more like my child to me than a niece, and I didn’t want to burden her. But seeing my mother allowed me to crumble. She ran out of the room and returned with something in her hand. She forced it into my mouth and tilted my head back, pouring water into my mouth, "Swallow this Kellie," I did, asking what it was. She told me it was Xanax, and it did the trick. Four days passed, and we developed a pattern. I woke, she brought in soup, gave me Xanax and Tylenol, and laid beside me until I fell asleep. She was miraculously there every time I awoke hours later to repeat the process until I could bear the pain. Why was my pain so intolerable? Two months before my surgery, my doctor had prescribed a non-habit forming/non-stimulant appetite suppressant called Contrave. This prescription did wonders to help the fierce appetite I had developed since starting testosterone. The increase in my appetite was not a meagre amount; it was significant. I went to my doctor and asked him about what I was experiencing, and he assured me it was not just typical but expected. He also said my sex drive would increase an alarming amount and to prepare for that too. I was not shocked by this revelation. In fact, I already had several secret conversations within my head about how many beautiful, exquisitely shaped breasts I saw in the clouds and wondered if they were always there and was I just noticing them or if something happened within nature that needed addressing? But before I picked up the phone to give this priceless information to weather experts, I realized the sexual images were appearing everywhere. I could sit still, close my eyes, open them, and instantly count off ten seductive parts of female anatomy I saw in the dirt, on signs I passed, tires on cars. A tire? I mean come on. The difference in my sexual appetite increased so much that one day something hit me. I had this whoosh of anxiety wash over me, forcing me to sit down. I became scared for my daughter, niece, sister, Lynette, mother, and every woman I loved, all women. I never understood until that moment how different male and female sex drives are. It made me want to grab my daughter and niece and lock them away. I knew, in my core, I was not someone who would ever assault a woman sexually. But I recognized that day how much more solicitude I needed to have for men. I learned that the line between doing what was right and losing control with sexual urges were significantly thinner than I ever imagined before I transitioned. I have looked at every man differently since that day. What I didn't understand is how powerful sexual urges are in men and how it's something you never want to test. That day and every day since has forever changed how I advise my daughter about her safety and any woman who asks my opinion. The prescription my doctor wrote to help with my increased appetite worked wonders, he was spot on, but what he failed to tell me was that Contrave is composed of a combination of pharmaceuticals, Naltrexone being the significant component. Naltrexone is a pure opioid antagonist, not a slight antagonist, a pure form, meaning opioids 100% of opioid’s pain-relieving properties -were blocked. A shot of heroin while taking Contrave would allow all the effects of the drug, minus pain relief. This was one of many ways medical professionals let me down. I had three complicated, invasive, and major surgeries with little more than the benefit of Tylenol. I endured all three surgeries within six months, and it opened the door to a lifelong nightmare of PTSD. Masking the terror became a full-time job and haunts me to this day. However, at the time, my surgeon and everyone around me had convinced me I just had a low pain tolerance. I allowed myself to abandon something I knew was not valid *** I knew what I was experiencing, what I was feeling and enduring, but I allowed myself to trust others about something happening to me and my body. I learned a valuable lesson, and I have filed it away, never to be repeated. What I learned from this experience is that human beings can be convinced of anything if rendered at the right time, the right way, and by the right people, and I am no exception. Don't believe me? Currently, society believes that a child confused about their gender and expressing suicidal ideation is a prime candidate for medical transition—proof enough. by, Transman Scott Newgent Email Scott

  • Concerns about the Transgender Trend Permeating College Education - A College Student Explains

    The transgender movement seems to be gaining momentum at an unprecedented rate, captivating the attention of individuals worldwide, including children. While I made an informed decision to undergo a medical transition, I always understood that it would never truly transform me into a biological male. Nevertheless, the allure of finally fitting in after a lifetime of feeling like an outsider was overwhelming. Recently, I received an email that encapsulates the prevailing narratives and assignments being disseminated within college courses. I was shocked to discover the lack of critical thinking and justification behind the content. It is disheartening to recognize that parents are financing an educational system that often fails to provide a comprehensive understanding of the complex issues at hand. Donate to the #MillionMarchRound3 'STOP Transing Kids!' The rampant commercialization and monetization of this phenomenon on social media platforms and within educational institutions have transformed it into a money-making venture for both sides. As someone in the middle, striving to bring awareness and truth without personal gain, encounters like this email leave me frustrated and concerned. The question remains: How do we put an end to this troubling trend? We need leaders who genuinely care about the well-being of our society, individuals who are willing to hold themselves and others accountable for promoting accurate and responsible education. I urge you to take a moment to read through the attached document, which encompasses the content of the email I received. I kindly request that you forward it to at least one person you know who has a child currently in college. By starting a conversation and raising awareness, we can collectively work towards a more informed and inclusive educational system. Thank you for your time and consideration. Together, we can make a difference. Warm regards, -Transman Scott Newgent Thank you, Julia, for sending me this information to share to the world. Julia is #SCREAMINGLouder If you have something to share to the world, email me here: Subject: Discontent with Course Content and Concerns about Gender Discussion in Education -Julia Sherk I hope this email finds you well. My name is Julia Sherk, and I am currently enrolled in the “Critical Perspective and Society” elective, as it was the only available option. As a mature student, my experiences have granted me a depth of understanding and a clearly defined perspective which I feel needs to be shared. Recently, I've found unsettling content within this course, primarily concerning the unit titled, "Thinking Critically About Gender." This unit introduced a myriad of articles, presentations, and video content that we were mandated to review in preparation for an upcoming quiz. Several articles postulated that women are being marginalized and losing employment opportunities to men. Elsewhere, the narrative flipped, praising the recognition of transgender women in the mainstream media, spinning a paradoxical narrative. It seems to me, this is implicitly implying that biological men are now stripping opportunities from biological women under the cloak of trans identity. Most disturbing was a PowerPoint presentation titled "Transgender Representation". This 'educational' presentation was nothing short of revolting, featuring images that were wholly inappropriate for an educational setting. I find it deeply troubling that my tuition money, earned during grueling 12-hour shifts throughout the four-month-long summer, is being used to fund such content, which I frankly perceive as an attempt at ideological brainwashing. One of the presentation images displayed a surgical scar on the leg of a trans man, the site from which flesh was taken to fabricate a phallus. Another image denigrated the sanctity of pregnant womanhood. These exploitative depictions seem designed to shock rather than educate. It is deeply disappointing to feel coerced into participating in a discourse that seems rooted in delusion, rather than truth. The lessons presented in this unit appear to target and demonize heterosexual men and women, propagating harmful ideologies under the guise of enlightenment. Also, it’s entirely unjust that students, including me, are penalized for choosing not to engage with such content that conflicts with our beliefs. Having spent my early years as a woman in the male-dominated construction industry, I am well-versed in the duality of identity. Even when I am attired in work boots and men's clothing, with my hair tied back, my femininity is not obscured or erased. I strongly believe in divergent expressions of identity and individuality. Young women should always feel secure in expressing masculine traits and interests while holding their femininity intact. However, modern media and academic institutions appear determined to deconstruct and redefine this perspective, suggesting an intrinsic fault that needs 'correcting' or 'transcending'. I look forward to your thoughts regarding my concerns. Best Regards, Julia All Class Material Below:

  • Kidnapped by a brutal captor that told me I could fit into society, but gender ideology lied to me

    Before Medical Transition -Transman Scott Newgent I was thirty-seven and full of vinegar, success, and cockiness that made people either curious or instantly hate me; there was no in-between with me. I mirrored the look Gillian Andersen embraced and perfected on the X-Files: businesswoman with a feminine flair. I was the epitome of what one would title a head tilter, a question mark, as I walked away. Raised within a family of beautiful women, I studied how they worked the sexiness they were gifted. Within my family, women were powerful in a passive-aggressive way, but nevertheless powerful. I was no different from an outward appearance. Still, inward, I encapsulated an insatiable desire to win in a man's world and in a man's way, nothing passive-aggressive about me. I was succeeding, crushing any man who tried to compete with me, and I was on fire. Donate Help Us STOP Childhood Medical Transition World Wide I never quite learned to allow males to win gracefully, to acquiesce to ensure a man's pride was left intact; grace was something I’d never learned. My career was in full bloom, selling advertising at a new company, and I had the Midas touch. If you challenged me, you were exploited in failure, and I lifted for all to see. I walked swiftly and with intent; I had no time for small talk. I had a mission, and that mission was to crush anyone who dared to throw their hat in the ring with me. It was my first day at a new company, and I had taken my seat in the most prominent chair I could find for the Monday morning meeting. I sat back, crossed my legs, and watched as others came through the door. It wasn't long before the meeting started, the ordinary cheerleading meeting within a sales organization, and I had tuned out, my mind trying to organize my week and align what my plan of attack was going to be. I paid no attention as an introduction for a senior manager ensued: "Lynette will now go over quarterly numbers and expectations." As I scribbled in my notebook, I heard a voice that instantly caught my ear. I looked up and lost myself, literally almost falling off my chair. Immediately I lost all composure and flushed in the face. My God, the woman who was speaking was something I had dreamed of my entire life. She encapsulated everything I ever could detail in what a beautiful woman would look like. It was as if God and I had lunch and He asked me to describe the most beautiful woman in the world. Here she was, right in front of me, and it took everything I had not to go to her at that moment. I guess my near-fall caught her by surprise as well. As soon as our eyes met, she suddenly couldn't find her words, and I became embarrassed for her. She was in her late forties, radiating success with her expensive attire, jewelry, and appearance. You don't acquire what she had by timid awkwardness within a room full of businessmen. She stumbled through her speech, looking at me the entire time, me staring at her, and it was obvious to all. Lynette did something to me no woman had ever done before, and that was to scare the shit out of me. I glanced at her hand and saw a diamond ring that had enough prominence to tell me the man she was married to was of significance. I knew at that moment Lynette was something to stay away from. I knew from that instant if we began to talk we would fall madly in love. My intuition has always played a part in my success in sales, and anyone I knew would have thought I was crazy to believe Lynette would fall madly in love with me. A married, Catholic, conservative, straight-laced, wealthy woman, come on, Kellie, are you dreaming? Was I? Or was my intuition as razor sharp as ever? Later in the day, the general manager walked Lynette around the building, to introduce herself to all the new salespeople who had started that day. The second I heard them in the hallway, I gathered my things, stuffed them into my bag, shrugged on my jacket, and began to walk out of the office, “Kellie, don't go, I want to introduce you to Lynette,” the GM said. I nodded as I ran past, “Yeah, nice to meet you, gotta run. I have an appointment.” I was a top salesperson wherever I went so I didn’t have to hold myself to the niceties other overage salespeople had to endure. The GM made excuses for me as I ran down the stairs, “She’s busy, yes she was top salesperson of the year at her other company, she’s going to rock things here.” For months I avoided Lynette. It could have been in a movie the way I strategized every time I came into the office, as comical as if written for a sitcom. “Kellie, Kellie,” I would hear, there would be Lynette, and my walk would suddenly turn into a jog of great desperation and need to exit wherever I was. “Sorry Lynette, I have an appointment,” any excuse and off I’d go. At home I would talk to my ex Melissa who I still resided with, our love affair had ended years prior but we remained best friends, and I would go into great detail. She thought I was nuts, especially when she came to my office one day and saw Lynette walking through the office. “Her? Kellie, come on, she’s as straight as they come.” I became so tense around Lynette that I decided I needed to find another job. I asked for and was granted an assignment out of town and out of the office for three months. My relief was not only emotional but physical, and I decided that three months was long enough to find another job and be done with what I could feel was coming. Odd, I know, for someone I had never had a conversation with other than running away. Me running away as she approached was the entirety of our relationship, but deep down I knew if we started to talk, something of significance was going to happen. And she was married, and it was wrong, wrong, wrong. While on my three-month assignment, I lined up a potential job with another company. I was in the late stages of negotiations when a new system took place within my company. Any recent sales that took advantage of discounts for heftier sales had to all be approved through Lynette. I happened to have three when I came back, and that meant I had to go to Lynette to get signatures of approval. My head fell into my hands at my desk as I stared at the three deals. I went home that night and talked to Melissa, who assured me that anything romantic with Lynette was a figment of my imagination and I should get some professional help, all in jest, but I thought maybe she was right. In my bed that night, I realized Lynette was physically for me the perfect woman, every aspect of her something that I would detail if I was physically designing a woman I would be attracted to. Her hair, eyes, skin, shape, voice, her sexy little hop when she walked, the scent of her perfume as she passed, her insanely sexy glares: everything was perfect. I fell asleep that night feeling like an idiot. This was all me; she was a straight, Catholic, married woman on whom I had a massive crush. I was simply a lesbian with a teenage-like crush, that's all, how embarrassing. The next morning I walked with confidence to her office with my three deals in my hands. I was so embarrassed that I had let my imagination make such a big deal out of nothing, and so I knocked on her door, my head held high. "Yes, come in." I opened the door, and our eyes met. She lit up with smiles and stood to welcome me "Wow, I finally get to speak to you, huh?" I nodded, placed the three deals on her desk, and started to explain why they qualified for the discounts, trying to focus solely on business. More than two hours passed with her office door closed, and when I left with approvals in hand, she followed me to the elevator. As I got into my car to drive home, I took a moment before I started the engine, and I reflected on the hours I had just spent with the woman who had been torturing my thoughts for months. The image and personality I saw within Lynette's office that day didn't match the Lynette people knew at work. I saw a child-like woman, blundering, trying to find her words. She had a longing when she looked my way and started a slight sway in her hips if I caught her eye standing across the office. One day I saw her bite her lip before the swaying began, and it was these moments that I didn't think I was crazy. These moments triggered an involuntary knee-jerk reaction of the infamous walk that turned into a jog. A saying in my mind followed every walk-jog as the jog took over, "Lord baby Jesus help me get me the fuck out of here; Oh God, sorry about the fuck, I promise no more fucks if you get me out of this." Days would pass, and I would once again talk myself into the idea all this was a foolish lesbian crush and embarrassment would ensue. These thoughts became cyclical. Sometimes as I walked through the office, I would start to chuckle for no reason. These were the moments I realized I was an idiot. However, after that afternoon in her office, I could not afford myself those lapses from reality to blow our connection off with a chuckle. Our interaction confirmed what I had known all along. Lynette was a dynamic senior manager with strong business acumen; she expressed her ideas with intent and confidence, but never emasculated men. She didn't need to. Lynette was no one to mess with, but she never lost her softness, her femininity; she had learned a hard lesson for women in business to understand. If you are a tough woman like I was, you’d better not falter because if and when you do, males wolves come out and they never leave their pack: males business executives stick together. Lynette learned how to manage projects and people and elevate her ideas by allowing others to feel like they were a part of everything she did, but she mastered not giving too much rope and also knew when to let go. If you crossed her, she got you, but you didn't think she was coming after you when she was, and you would have no clue when she was kicking your ass. The only thing you would be sure of was that you would be in front of the office building with a cardboard box holding all of your personal property inside with a big red sticker that said, "You Are Fired." While you stood there trying to figure out what had just happened, Lynette would pass and you would say, "Bye Lynette and thanks. I am going to miss you." Please don't mistake this as a bad thing or a character issue; this is a survival thing that women have to master. To this day, a woman cannot be in business the same way a man is. Every level a woman achieves means being twice as astute as every man who tried to get to that spot first. You can either accept that and succeed as Lynette did exceptionally well, or never rise into leadership. Women are still not given as much choice as one might think, and Lynette was never ruthless when ruthless was not warranted. She rose in a time when sexual harassment was like going to lunch; it happened every day to every woman. Lynette was ingenious and brilliant, and one of the cutest things about her is she had no clue just how incredible her skills were. She blamed her success on luck, another thing women are notorious for. Lynette was successful because of one thing and one thing alone: Lynette. That afternoon, I didn't fall in love with Lynette. I already had the first day I heard her voice and nearly fell off my chair when our eyes met and when she was unable to find her words for the speech she was giving. That day dozens watched two people experience what most believe cannot happen: love at first sight. But that afternoon alone in her office wasn't about sex or physical touch, nothing like that happened. What happened that day was two people finding each other, two people who felt like they found a home, where everything made sense. Lynette rose as I walked in, passing me as if she was leaving the room, but did not. Instead she pulled her door closed for privacy. "How was Wichita?" Lynette asked, and before I could elaborate in length, she took over jumping into her career, detailing how she became who she was with intimate detail. Two things happened then that were foreign to us both. The first was Lynette's candidness, revealing aspects of her life without much prodding, and this was not who Lynette ordinarily was. Lynette was what I call a closed, open person, very politically correct, had mastered engaging small talk yet revealed nothing. Lynette was the popular girl in school who everyone believed they knew intimately, the first one to be on guest lists and the last for people to attack. But it was an act, and I realized that afternoon no one knew who she really was: not her husband, not even herself. In talking to me, Lynette realized this, and subconsciously something told her I was the one who could help her find herself. The second foreign thing that happened is that I didn't talk, which if you knew me, well let's say you would have expected pigs to be flying outside the office window. I listened, reflected, and wanted to know more with as much intensity as I could tell she wanted to give. I was a, "sit down, shut up, here's the deal, this is why" type. But not on that day. I was reticent while encouraging her to release what was evident she was yearning to tell me. Although she was eleven years older and significantly higher in title, she didn't appear so that day or any other. Lynette always felt like a woman who when I walked into the room took in a big breath her shoulder rising and then lowering in a big sigh, as if almost saying, "Thank God you are here, Kellie, I need you." "So, I had to leave him. I loved him, but he wasn't working, and I needed to take care of our two boys, so I moved here from Texas as a sales manager. On the day we divorced and Brian went to court, we cried together, and the judge even asked if this was something we wanted to do. I knew I had to; I couldn't work as hard as I was without contribution. So I came here, driving through the snow over the weekend my director gave me to move. I packed up and found an apartment. It was hard, but I wanted a better life for my kids. I love all my friends here; I have great friends. I don't know what I would do without them. In school, I was tiny and had mousey brown hair. People think I’m Spanish or Mexican, but I’m actually full-blooded Sicilian, second generation. Do you know I paid for my braces at 16? Yeah, my parents were hard workers, but I have seven siblings, so we didn't have much money. It didn't take me long, and I had a house in Lee Summit. The realtor came on to me at closing time. It was so weird. I never dated much. It's rare when I'm attracted to a man. I like broad shoulders and oh, well you know, I didn't want to go through another divorce, so I had to have the whole package; not many men have that, you know. I got my first annulment through the Catholic Church; he didn't do his husbandly duties of supporting his family, which is very important. You cannot divorce. It's against God, so in God's eyes with my annulment, it was like I’d never been married." I watched her as she spoke, and I began to understand that Lynette had no idea what she was doing. She had never fallen in love before. Her childhood was a rigid structure filled with love, but very Catholic, and not just the Catholic family that goes to Mass. Lynette's parents were by-the-book strict old-school Roman Italian “Full-Blooded Sicilian” Catholics. She had all the classic telltale signs: a virgin until she married in her mid twenties; she spoke about her first husband with love but more as a business deal, checking off boxes of how he passed or didn't pass as a husband. Her current husband didn’t even make the conversation, and I found it interesting, realizing she had more feelings for her first husband than her current. Questions I posed about her current husband met with a swat of the hand and some excuse to jump over it. I realized this woman was passionate, intense, seductive, and had never felt what makes all of us crazy and wacko and what is something that we all yearn for: a true lover. She never had one in her 48 years of life. You know the kind of lover who doesn’t fit any boxes, makes no sense, and could possibly be the worst person on the planet to fall in love with and would flatten all your aspirations you thought you ever had, and yet you can’t stop it and it ends up being the best decision of your life. Yeah, that kind. She was acting like a woman falling off the cliff with no idea she was about to hit the ground and had no clue what that was going to mean. For both of us at that moment in time, everything aligned perfectly. We both felt a peace wash over us as if we handed in our card and said we get life. We don’t need to work at life as hard as we both have, it makes sense, we get it, God; it was honest and natural and something to this day makes me believe life is not only what we see, hear, and taste, but there is something else. At this one moment in time, I felt like I could breathe for the first time since I was born and it was not only her that never had the lover I described above, it was my first as well. It was after that afternoon passed that the glimpse into something magical became a memory I will never forget. The only difference we had that afternoon was I understood what was happening and Lynette had no clue. And yet ironically, in the end, I had no idea that I would end up changing the most. Lynette was the spark of the bomb that would explode my life to become what it is today. by Transman Scott Newgent Email: Donate to the fight to STOP Childhood Medical Transition.

  • A another child saved! An email at the exact moment I needed to receive it. Thank you Mama!

    I just wanted to take a moment to share something powerful that touched me deeply. Some messages bring tears to my eyes - tears that reflect an indescribable mixture of emotions. You see, it's hard to understand the weight that a child could carry if their circumstances were different, knowing not only that I can change it as well as the promised tied to it that surround my own children. You see, my own children don't understand my obsession to stop childhood medical transition. Hopefully someday they will understand it was all for them. Life has presented me with a complex puzzle, and at times, it has impacted my children's lives as well. But they don't realize the promise I made to God, a promise that is echoed in the words of a mother who recently reached out to me. It's a promise to fight for the well-being of children like hers and to make a difference in their lives. So, with every ounce of strength I possess, I am preparing myself to have a difficult conversation with my own son. I will need to apologize and explain why we can no longer support his participation in competitive volleyball due to the financial strain. It breaks my heart because I know he might interpret it as a lack of love or failure on my part. However, nothing could be further from the truth, at least the love part. The failure? That seems to be b embedding deep and deeper into my soul. I thank this mother for sharing this message with me. It arrived at just the right moment, giving me the encouragement I needed before this tough discussion. I know it will be emotionally challenging, but I am resolved to keep my promise and strive to save children like the one mentioned in the email. Please, with all my heart, I urge you to raise your voice alongside mine, collectively proclaiming, "Stop Transing Kids!" Let us make a difference together and ensure the well-being of our children. Staying strong, and letting the power of love and truth guide me. -Transman Scott Newgent Original Email Below: I just wanted to reach out and let you know that you saved my daughter! I saw your youtube videos and I follow you on Twitter and Facebook. I messaged you on Twitter a couple years ago and you responded so quickly and you gave me the strength to stand strong in not affirming her gender confusion. I fought the doctors and social workers during 5 psych hospital stays because they affirmed her and tried to put her with male patients, she attempted suicide twice and I powered through because of the things you taught me. We focused on healing the root cause of her discomfort- healing her internalized homophobia and the trauma from a sexual assault. Today it's been two years since her last hospital stay, she no longer self injures and she is thriving, happy in her female body and a proud lesbian! I know you work your ass off, juggling your family and TreVoices despite pushback from TRAs who treat you horribly. You are making a difference and saving lives! My family will forever be grateful for you!!

  • Want to help STOP childhood medical transition? Planning Meeting November 4th A 7pm EST - AUSTRALIA

    Dear friends and allies, I hope this post finds you well. I am reaching out to you today to discuss an urgent matter that needs our attention and collective action. For the past five years, I have been tirelessly advocating to put an end to the sexualization and indoctrination of children, as well as the medical transitioning of kids. The harm being done to our young ones is severe, and it is our duty to stand up and #SCREAMLouder for their protection. During my journey, I have come to realize that simply raising our voices within our own subtribes is not enough to bring about the necessary change. We must extend our reach beyond the echo chambers and engage with those who may not yet understand the urgency of this issue. It is only through genuine dialogue and education that we can bring about real transformation. It is disheartening to witness the perpetuation of misinformation and the misrepresentation of this cause. This battle has been strategically placed in the hands of the LGBTQ+ community, as a means to divert attention from the truth. Those responsible for exploiting children and promoting harmful practices have created a vast PR campaign to silence anyone who dares to question their agenda. They label us as bigots to protect themselves from scrutiny. But we will not be silenced. We will continue to shine a light on the truth and fight for the rights and well-being of our children. I ask you to reflect on this question: Will change be created if we only talk amongst ourselves? The answer is clear – we need to bridge the gaps and engage with diverse perspectives to effect real change. Creating a society driven by polarization only widens the divide and stifles progress. Let us seek common ground, foster understanding, and embrace the grey areas. This is where true balance and peace are found within communities. I understand the challenges we face as activists. I have been banned from numerous platforms, and my voice has been suppressed in an attempt to hinder our progress. But I will not waver in my commitment to this cause. I refuse to be confined to a single subtribe and will continue to work with individuals from all backgrounds and beliefs to highlight the urgency of this issue and protect our children. To make this event a success, donations are crucial. Currently, we have received less than $200 in contributions, and we need your support to ensure that children's lives are saved. With the cost of transportation alone amounting to thousands of dollars, every contribution counts. Your support can be provided in various ways: 1. Donate directly, every dollar makes a difference and is greatly appreciated. 2. Consider providing financial support by covering the cost of a plane ticket directly. Your generosity will enable someone to attend the event and amplify our collective voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. Let's unite for a noble cause and work towards saving children worldwide. Although Australia serves as the hub for this year's event, its impact will extend far beyond its borders. Together, we can shed light on the truth and protect children from the injustices they face. Please join us in our pursuit of justice by making a contribution and sharing this message with your network. Together, we can be the change that our children desperately need. Let's unite for a noble cause and work towards saving children worldwide. Although Australia serves as the hub for this year's event, its impact will extend far beyond its borders. Together, we can shed light on the truth and protect children from the injustices they face. Please join us in our pursuit of justice by making a contribution and sharing this message with your network. Together, we can be the change that our children desperately need. I am aware that my approach may make it difficult to find support within specific subtribes, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make in order to make a difference. I am not here for personal gain or recognition. My only aim is to fulfill a promise I made to myself and God that circles my own children – to stop this carnage and protect future generations. Today, I call upon each and every one of you to join me in this fight. We must unite, rise above the divisions, and amplify our voices together. Let us organize and plan for the upcoming Planning meeting for the 'It's Our Duty To #SCREAMLouder March on December 9th, 2023. This will be a crucial opportunity to raise awareness and demand immediate action for the protection of our children. I invite all to attend the Zoom Planning Meeting - November 4th A 7pm Eastern Standard Time: Please Email: Allow me to share an experience that deeply affected me and reinforced the urgency of our mission. Over a year ago, I had the opportunity to speak at a religious gathering where preceding speakers expressed discriminatory views towards homosexuality, blaming transgender children and highlighting concerns about LGBTQ+ individuals becoming recruiters. The words spoken deeply hurt me, and I even shed tears in private, contemplating leaving the event altogether. However, it was at that moment of pain that I reaffirmed my commitment to my children and our cause. Rather than demonize those who hold differing beliefs, I made a conscious decision to regard those who caused me emotional distress as family. Applying empathetic reasoning, I contemplated how I would address the situation if they were my own kin. Agreeing to disagree, I resolved to continue advocating for what I believe in while aiming to bridge gaps, foster understanding, and promote unity. I recognize that our upcoming call will involve individuals from various subtribes, representing diverse opinions on topics such as homosexuality, transgenderism, conservatism, religion, and liberalism. I want to stress the importance of recognizing and appreciating this diversity, as it will contribute to a rich and fruitful discussion. It is vital for everyone on this call to approach our conversation with respect, love, and an unwavering commitment to the safety of children. I firmly believe that we have the power to educate and inform those who need it the most. By presenting a united front, where every subtribe has a voice, we can challenge misconceptions, foster understanding, and effect meaningful change. I welcome anyone who shares our vision to join us on this planning meeting for the next march towards progress. However, I kindly ask that we adhere to a few guidelines: 1. Refrain from speaking negatively about any other organization. If you have concerns or issues that you believe need attention, please bring them to me or another designated individual, ensuring you also propose potential solutions. 2. Be open to working alongside people from different subtribes and temporarily set aside differences on other debates. Our primary focus is the safety of children, which takes precedence over all else. 3. Lastly, let's approach this collaboration with a sense of humor. Laughter can create a positive atmosphere and strengthen our bond, helping us navigate challenging discussions with grace and understanding. I genuinely believe that our collaboration will spark profound change, even shifting the media landscape in Australia as well as worldwide. By promoting respectful dialogue, we can neutralize the ammunition of bigotry and create an environment where truth can prevail. Together, we will amplify the awareness that medical transition is not suitable for children. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to our upcoming call and the potential for transformative conversations that lie ahead. Transman Scott Newgent #SCREAMLouder

  • You VOTED#MillionMarchRound3? I thought Canada was the worst country for transing kids, I was wrong!

    A bit about the history of the country that won the poll to be the next the poll to be the next hub from #MillionMarchRound3 Donate Today You voted. Australia it is! After research, I have realized that Australia is WORSE than Canada with gender ideology! In Australia, the government is physically removing gender-confused children from their homes and taking away custody of parents who push back against medically transitioning their children and medically transitioning children without either parent's consent, sending them to foster care. A bit about the history of the country that won the poll to be the next hub from #MillionMarchRound3 This Country's You voted Australia it is! After research, I have realized that Australia is WORSE than Canada with gender ideology! <---Looks like Ireland is next! In Australia, the government is physically removing gender-confused children from their homes and taking away custody of parents who push back against medically transitioning their children and medically transitioning children without either parent's consent, sending them to foster care. Follow me here....Medically transitioning children is: An experimental procedure <---Medical transition is experimental, all except breast augmentations and mastectomies! WPATH, the leading medical baseline for transgender care, has never held up in a court of law as any baseline for anything, rendering medical transition not only experimental. Future issues are unknown, as studies have never been done in the long-term. Link To Verify A dangerous procedure with massive health risks <---The known complications are: Bone density issues - 2019 Higher risk for blood clots - February 2021 Higher risk for heart disease - April 2019 Much reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure - November 16, 2017 Possible liver damage - November 18, 2016 Increases likelihood of sterility and infertility - June 2016 Not reversible - December 2020 Bias, not evidence, dominates WPATH "standards of care" - October 1, 2019 The Mayo Clinic's list of side effects - 2021 May cause brain to prematurely age - March 25, 2021 More high-qualities studies are needed, particularly for adolescent-onset GD/Endocrine Society and WPATH provide "practice guidelines" (not standards of care) - March 2021 & More . . . Diminished bone density, Cognitive impairment <---Brain impairment, Infertility, cholelithiasis, gallstones, coronary artery disease, including heart attacks, macroprolactinoma tumor of the pituitary gland, cerebrovascular disease, including strokes, hypertriglyceridemia, elevated level of triglycerides in the blood, breast cancer, and irreversible Infertility, erythrocytosis, increase in red blood cells, severe liver dysfunction, coronary artery disease, heart attacks, depression, hypertension, Infertility, increased risk of breast, cervical, uterine cancers Link To Verify Also in this link is the latest study that has been retracted, finding that two children committed suicide that was hidden from the study results as family and doctors were affirming them, and they were currently under medical care and being medically transitioned! It doesn't cure anything <---The seven studies saying that medically transitioning children helps mental health have all been 100% retracted with, "Opps we were wrong it doesn't help anything." or modified to, "Not enough time or participants to report mental health increase safely." Link to verify Makes mental health worse<---Only a long-term study that was done in --Sweden from 1973-2003 following 324 medically transitioned people found that mental health gets worse and the peak for transgender people to commit suicide is seven to ten years AFTER medical transition has been completed. What does medically transitioning children do? What's the benefit? Pharmaceutical companies, "gender" surgeons, and others stand to gain over 500 billion dollars — and that's just for this round of kids. The medicalization of gender-confused children takes advantage of our collective concern for children's well-being and our culture's commitment to civil rights — specifically, what I'll now call "LGBTQ+" rights. In a time of clickbait, an addiction to outrage, and the dissemination of misinformation on social media, the incantation, "Would you rather have a trans son or a dead daughter?" has cast a spell on the country of Australia and the world! Australia #MillionsMarchRound3 I will lead the Australian march #SCREAMLouder. will be responsible for my travel and all the costs of planning and organizing this march. If you believe in stopping medically transitioning children and removing sexualization from the school systems, please consider donating today! Donate

  • Today I ask 'Find the Love & Grab My Hand! - by Transman Scott Newgent

    It has come to my attention that I am a leader in the debate to STOP childhood medical transition, to STOP the new perverted LGBTQ+ from encircling our children for pure profit in this game or, shall I say, the business of activism, whether I or anyone else fancy's it or not! Live Stream 11am Link As a leader and a parent to my three incredible children, children my body produced as a mother, regardless of how testosterone has altered how I may appear, I think of my children today! Today, I approach this event as a leader, as an adult who has finally come to realize that activism? It's not going away in my life; you need a voice as mine as we need many different voices, yet mine is critical. I finally have embraced what I believe destiny has been trying to tell me for five years. Today, I accept the challenge, the role and what it means to many, grateful I have a voice that can penetrate this complex issue. Today is a day in which over 100 cities in the USA, Canada and fourteen countries unite to educate and STOP the butchering of childhood medical transition. Today is a day we save many children from the carnage that I and many have suffered; the dangers of gender ideology, including Kellie/Kenneth Anderson, another transman like myself damaged by the idea that there was something wrong with us as women, we didn't fit and needed to be altered to do so. I recommend you pay close attention to all the rainbow leaders across this extraordinary land of Canada, the USA and abroad. I implore that you listen to our voices with receptive hearts, understanding that you may clash with us on many other issues. Still, this topic is the butchering of gender-confused children for profit and perverted intentions, both financial and sexual. I pray that today you accept our hands and those of organizations like GaysAgainstGroomers, Log Cabin, Gay and lesbian conservatives and other organizations pleading with you to pay attention to us, not out of spike. Not to point and say, "SEE I WAS RIGHT!" But to understand that today, we have an opportunity. The opportunity is to save children with loving hearts and make no mistake, this is the fastest way to protect our child. Please accept my offer as it is intended: as a mother fighting for all children! That opportunity is to save kids or allow us to revert to childish behaviour, right fighting, degrading others or lift to understanding that: Some people do medically transition and find comfort in that, but not many, and it's not lifesaving; it's a choice; it's cosmetic, and these two issues, homosexuality and transgenderism, do not parallel each other. If we continue to combine homosexuality and transgenderims with the idea that medical transition is lifesaving. Well, it creates a new channel of profit that would boggle the minds of financial gurus, all who have ever lived. These profits are behind this push to transition children, and again, I pray today that I show this revelation with the great white light of prosperity and love with NO HATE in sight! Because whether transgender radicals' gender ideology theorists like it or NOT, the facts remain that medical transition is: Experimental. Dangerous. Does NOT Cure Anything. Causes Massive Health Issues & Ultimately, it makes mental health worse..... .... Yet, it makes a ton of revenue for many if you are convinced its lifesaving. These are the facts. Go to to gather the facts related to the factual statements I made above! We need each other today to unite, all with a universal need to protect children, evangelicals, gays, lesbians, transgender people, left, right, liberal, conservative and all parties together, grabbing hands. Do not allow HATE to enter your hearts today, and do not be tempted by the chatter of others; I pray that today you stay focused on peace, love and what all humans can unite regardless, and that's the love we have for our children! Show people the love you have; this love is what will save children. Grab my hand, -Transman Scott Newgent

  • LIVE STREAM 11am 10-21-2023 Toronto 'Queen's Park' Live Stream March to Follow!

    Link: Join Us Live Tomorrow SPEAKERS & then March with us 'LIVE' Via Video #SCREAMLouder. Watch all the other parents fighting to save their gender-confused children from being butchered! Hosted by Accidental HERO of Matt Walsh's 'What is a woman' Transman Scott Newgent Speakers Transman Kellie/Kenneth Anderson Detrans Alliance Canada, Maureen from Canadian Women's Sex-Based Rights, Libertarian Jacques Boudreau, Christian Leader Christina B Fernandez

  • It's time to 'Stand Up' against the evil agenda being pushed on kids in the name of LGBTQ+ rights

    It's time to 'Stand Up' against the evil agenda being pushed on children in the name of LGBTQ+ rights! It's time to SAY NO to the sexualization of kids. It's time to SAY NO to the indoctrination of kids. It's time to SAY NO to the mutilation of kids. Alert: My videos have been banned in Canada; it's safe to assume that I might NOT be allowed into the country. If that happens, we need a backup plan! Is anyone available or does anyone have access to have a giant video screen at the park? Any ideas? We need to be ready! We will be live streaming - Link Toronto Event: FREE T-Shirts - Permit Turned Down SUPRISE, oh well - FREE SHIRTS! Retweet Here - Currently, I am completely banned in Canada - You must retweet - I have a paid TWEET to get the word out! I have not been shut down on PAID ads ..........Must be relentless - Donate for Ads Here Saturday, October 21 – Canada is gearing up for ROUND 2! 1 Million March for Children Canada On Saturday October 21, 2023, Canadian Parents and concerned citizens will stand together, coast to coast in peaceful protests against Gender Ideology and the sexualization of our children in their schools and in our society. #MillionMarchRound2 #LeaveOurKidsAlone #StopTheWarOnChildren #SCREAMLouder #ScottNewgent Canadian parents, if you are concerned about inappropriate SOGI materials and secret keeping in schools, we urge you to join the peaceful protest hosted by SCREAM Louder on Saturday, October 21. Let your voices be heard, together we can make a difference! Stand up against the war on our children's innocence! E V E N T D E T A I L S Date: Saturday, October 21 Time: 11 am 'Queens Park' Toronto - March to follow FREE T-Shirts to the 1st Arrivers - Speakers Then March to Follow Hashtags #MillionMarchRound2 #StopTheWarOnChildren #SCREAMLouder #ScottNewgent Why This Protest Matters Children should be allowed to grow and learn in an environment that promotes their well-being and protects their innocence. We believe in parental rights and transparency within the education system. Take a stand for gender confused children together! Watch First March The biggest in Canadian History that no one knows about because Canadian media did not cover it! Join the Movement - Be Brave - SHOW UP! Your presence at the protest can create waves of change. Mobilize with other concerned parents to defend the rights of our children. Feel free and copy and paste and email your favorite journalist in Canada NOT doing their job! My name is Scott Newgent, the accidental star of Matt Walsh's 'What is a Woman' a transman. Gender medicine survivor. Lesbian. Mom and speaking out for kids; an active voice in the ever-growing battle against the medicalization of minors in the name of gender identity. I speak from experience and knowledge as a medically transitioned adult who learned first-hand that medical transitioning is dangerous, experimental, causes massive health issues and worsens mental health. I will be joining the million-plus Canadians peacefully protesting on Wednesday, September 20th, 2023, as we all stand up and say no to teaching gender theory as fact, secret-keeping from parents and to STOP childhood medical transition. Tweet Link Canada is the worst country in the world for sexualized materials available to children in schools and the experimental medicalization of gender-questioning children. I often have, as a transman, asked myself why Canada has turned into a blind, deaf and dumb-seeing dog with the trans craze. After my first visit, it's crystal clear why Canada has evolved into TRANADA! #MillionMarch 09-21-2023 in Windsor, Canada, was a historical day; my five years of activism to STOP childhood medical transition had never come close to seeing the unity, love and congregation of all communities, working together, putting differences aside to show concern about the absurdity of childhood medical transition. Over 5,000 people funnelled into the streets for a peaceful protest. Yet, the Canadian media did not cover this event at any level they should have. The following day after the rally, I was shocked when I could not post on my social media accounts. Click, send... delete - censored only to return to my social media posts after I crossed back into the United States. Is Canada the USSR, and no one knows? I spent several days in Canada, giving speeches. I was astounded by how many adults were coming to the meetings with wigs and costumes, afraid of being seen, fearful of future harassment and fearing they would lose their employment! Canada? WHAT! After this march, things lit up here in the USA, igniting the second march and launching a worldwide rally as Canada did the month prior, over 100 cities in the US, 14 different countries, and another nationwide protest in Canada. When they asked me to come back to Canada, I forgot my own country to return to yours. Why? Something is wrong in Canada, and if your citizens are too frightened to speak, I will do that for them! So, when I was offered to be the entire face of all the Round Two Marches in Canada, I quickly accepted and will be not only leading the Toronto March, but I am also the face of all of them! Are you willing to cover the truth this time, Canada? Because if you are ready to be brave, I will also be brave! Media Requests: & Sincerely, -Scott Newgent Are you willing to cover the truth, Canada? Here is a video of a press conference I did in Ohio that has yielded over 30 million views on all social media platforms and was deleted once. There is nothing transphobic in this message. I am a transgender person, and these are the realities and facts about childhood medical transition. Do you care enough for children to know the truth? Newsweek We Need Balance When It Comes To Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know | Opinion by Transman Scott Newgent Epoch Times Activism to Save Children From Medical Transition Is Not About Right and Left. It's About Right and Wrong by Transman Scott Newgent Tide May Be Turning In the Battle To Halt Gender-Transition Procedures on Minors, Crusaders Say Daily Wire I Was In ‘What Is A Woman’: It Was The Hardest Thing I Ever Did, But I’d Do It Again by Transman Scott Newgent I Underwent Gender Transition Surgery: Here’s What The Media Doesn’t Tell You by Transman Scott Newgent Quilette Forget What Gender Activists Tell You. Here’s What Medical Transition Looks Like by Transman Scott Newgent Bill C-6 Canadian Conversion Therapy Bill C-6 needs more nuance: Conversion therapy is wrong, but pushing kids to transition medically is Child Abuse by Transman Scott Newgent Catholic Weekly Trans activist: Serious concern over child re-assignment surgery by Transman Scott Newgent

  • I Suck @ It! But, I Do It Anyway! Help Needed #MillionMarchRound2 - Transman Scott Newgent

    #MillionMarchRound2 Updates - Help Needed If you knew me, you would know that I should not be in charge of organizing anything! I hate to manage; I'm not good at it, and the slight word DETAIL strangles me. I am a big-picture philosopher who should never be given the ropes to detail the big vision into fruition. But, I always say to ADULT Better...Do more, and I mean it. I tell my kids, "Kids, we do hard things anyway! Embrace what's hard because it's at the core of every success. Everything good, everything right and all morality start with 'HARD!' My daughter came home from school yesterday disgusted with a student who refused to give a speech in front of the class and had her parents get a note from her doctor excusing her from delivering the presentation in front of her peers due to anxiety. "I couldn't believe it; this teacher had to forfeit her lunch to hear this kid's presentation in an empty class. How selfish and weak this is. You do hard anyway. Oh my God!" My daughter said in total contempt! That teacher didn't know that my daughter is beyond frightened of public speaking; why, I don't know, she's a natural and a God-given communicator. But, this speech has taunted her, keeping her restless, unable to sleep and anxious. We spent days pulling apart the whys of the fright, Benjamin Franklin closing the outcomes of whether she quit or did HARD ANYWAY, and she did it. These are things we do and learn as we get through these initial phases of becoming who we are to become an adult. Everything we are is because of experiences of the box built around our personality, which starts and ends with childhood. Childhood is everything to everything; it's essential to who, what we are, what we do and what we become as adults. Getting through childhood trials means you get through it as adults. Giving up in childhood means you give up in adulthood. What that mother did for her daughter was NOT love; it was lazy parenting and the epitome of why we are in the "IDENTIFY" era of human beings. We allow our children to become weak, not because they are soft, but because we are soft, the parents. SHAME on this, MOM! In the middle of my career, I was asked to be a manager, to manage day-to-day salespeople. I thought, what the hell? Let's do this; I can motivate myself, and inspiring others should be a piece of cake! Boy, was I wrong? Within two months, I was called into HR about a complaint. I had no idea what to expect, HR? It has never been an issue; I went to work never got caught up in gossip, there was no time, and I was busy making sales. I entered the room, believing this would be a breeze. I left the office, relinquishing my manager status as the PR heads chuckled, delighted at my unusual reaction, as they put it, "VERY Kellie!" "Kellie, it has come to our attention that you told a salesperson in there one one-on-one that they," looking down as to ensure what he was about to say was correct, pushing his glasses back up to his face as if the closer the lenses were they would refocus on something he couldn't comprehend like I had done the undoable, the infrequent, the undone....What would he read? The truth! I have a knack for truth, and I missed out on the classes as a child where I was to be explained what inside thoughts were and what to do with them. Inside thoughts have never been my forte; brutal honesty with the beauty of nativity was my claim to fame! "Kellie, did you tell this salesperson that they....sucked as a salesperson and should think about a career that would entail less thinking and more fact-finding like being a biologist or..." Clearing his throat, "Some shit like that?" I threw my hands up, bewildered they would ask me this, and I said one word in response, "Yes!" I then had to listen to all I was not able to say to my salespeople, and I interrupted frequently for clarification, "Is there any point I can tell a salesperson they suck?" HR Head, "No Mam!" I continued, "What if there was a notable scale of suckiness, and once they passed the major sucker level of suck, can I tell them they suck then?" I looked around the room, shocked at the laughter, because I was dead serious; if people suck, they deserve to know, I thought! The meeting ended with me throwing my hands up and saying, "OK, I can't manage people. I'll go back into sales. If a leadership position comes available where people can take what needs to be taken to be successful, sign me up!" The meeting ended! Well, well, well, here I am planning the #MillionMarchRound2 In Toronto on the 21st of October, and it's me and one other person planning the event and I suck at it. God, help us all, but I am doing hard anyway! I also am trying to do hard, anyway....BETTER by asking for help! Need help with these things: Planning a BBQ at the event - Burgers, Hot Dogs & such Planning a kid's station Sound person Security LAST? Donations are essential and again, we have to do more than a tweet. Volunteer or Donate if you are unable to donate but require more of yourself. We are butchering a generation of gender confused children with a process that is: Experimental. Dangerous. Does not Cure Anything. Causes Massive Health Issues. &.....Makes Mental Health Worse. These are the facts. I bit more off than I can chew, but I refuse to fail, and we need help! Volunteer Donate

  • #MillionMarchRound2: Trudeau Censored Trans Scott Newgent - So Scott's Going Back Full Force!

    Million March Round 2: Canada and the World Have More to Say! On Wednesday, September 20th, 2023, concerned Canadians made history as we participated in the 1 Million March for Children, what’s being called the largest protest of its kind in the world to date. People from all walks of life came together to show that we are done with gender ideology and the sexualization and medicalization of our once great nation’s children. On that day, Canada came together, and the World heard us. Joining in the collective voice that day in Windsor, Ontario, was transman, lesbian and Mother Scott Newgent. Scott has been shouting about the dangers of medical transition from every rooftop for the past five years and is returning to Canada for Million March Round 2 to do more of the same. In true grassroots fashion, Gays Against Groomers and Mom Army are leading the charge with the Stop the War on Children Rally happening across America, throughout Canada and in other countries around the globe, including Germany and The UK on October 21st, with the Million March Round 2 putting forth a parallel and joint effort to have all voices heard. Many who united in peaceful protest in September will come together again this month, amplified by voices worldwide. Scott Newgent’s previous visit to Canada for round one was met with a rigorous search at the border, online censorship and a desire to come back and scream louder! Scott is working closely with Canadians from several non-profit and grassroots organizations this time to pull off a massive peaceful protest in Toronto, Ontario. This, too, has been met with significant setbacks, including the cancellation of the Million March Round 2 T-shirt design by a company that Scott has given business to for five years. Efforts to silence and censor those who fight to save children from the most significant medical scandal of our lifetime were, once again, unsuccessful. As the face of Stop the War on Children and Million March Round 2 Toronto, Scott Newgent will be the headline speaker in Queens Park on Saturday, October 21st. Melanie Bennet of the Resilience Podcast and Canadian Gender Wars Weekly will be introducing the line-up of knowledgeable and dedicated speakers who come from a wide range of backgrounds to focus on this critical issue including Kellie/Kenneth Anderson, female to male Transition Regretter, Jacques Boudreau, leader of the Libertarian Party of Canada, the passionate Maureen of Canadian Women's Sex-Based Rights (Cawsbar), and Christina Bairos Fernandes, a Christian leader in EMPOWR (Educating Minds, Parents of Waterloo Region), Wife, Mother and Healthcare professional. Through setbacks, pushback and much perseverance, we plan to make Stop the War on Children and Million March Round 2 a massive success in Canada and worldwide on Saturday, October 21st. These marches, protests and all the other SCREAMING Louder are because of donations from people like you. Scott is not paid to speak or organize; none of us do! We do it because we are parents. If you believe childhood medical transition is the most significant medical scandal in modern history, consider volunteering or donating so we can SCREAM for you! Learn Why Scott Does What He Does Watch what happened at the last Million March that ignited a fire felt worldwide! Written by, Anonymous Mom

  • Updates - #1MillionMarch Round 2 WW - Plea to Other Rainbow Adults & Tweets

    Read about Scott Newgent being censored & banned in Canada & why he's going to Toronto for round #2! Register Today Million March Canada - Round 2 Leaders within the movement to STOP childhood medical transition are planning Round 2 - #1MillionMarch - Widen reach Worldwide! @gaysagainstgroomers @ourduty @momsforliberty @OurDutyCanada & many others! Mark your calendars - October 21st I was banned & hassled in Canada, so it's only fitting to return & fight. I will be leading the Toronto March. Merchandise Available ​Please consider a donation. I am not paid to speak, and my events are successful because I attack them with all I have. Please help me continue to do so and consider a donation today. ​ Donate #SCREAMLouder The largest march in canadian history. It was incredible. See for yourself! A Plea to Fellow Rainbow Adults! Original Tweet Thread to my fellow rainbow adults. Gay, lesbian, and trans adults? We are heading to a time in history where we will suffer genuine hate beyond anything we have endured. Yet, a small window is still open to save us from the carnage that will come. When parents and society worldwide comprehend the truth about medically transitioning children, the rightful vengeance they seek will not only rip us back into archaic hate but surpass all we have already endured. We have no excuses; we let medically transitioning children become a financial Prospere for donations to LGBTQ+ organizations worldwide. We have no excuses; we let pedophiles, pharmaceutical corporations, and medical professionals go uninterrupted or oppugned. We are no better than the pedophiles who twist and eradicate children's innocence. Silence with the knowledge of these monsters and doing nothing equalizes us as horrid humans. We become kin without reasoning to justify us better than the disgusting pedophiles who rip innocence that will reverberate for these children until there is no destination other than until they no longer roam the earth, forever damaged and no unable to be within their bodies with love or respect and remaining forever damaged. Do NOT allow yourself to feel you are any better if silence is all you risk. So, by all means, continue to be offended by others who do not promote homosexuality. However, the truth is that homosexuality is NOTHING to encourage, nor should massive cannons of glitter erupt in celebration when someone comes out of the closet. Acceptance, love, and tolerance? Yes! Recruiting? No! How does recruiting and indoctrination of children make us any different than a cult? I beg adults within the rainbow to STAND UP today because tomorrow is coming, and tomorrow is what we deserve unless we emerge quickly as the catalyst to end this madness. We owe it to children to take it on the chin, biting our tongues, reaching out to everyone, and going through the uncomfortable when someone believes differently. I beg adults within the rainbow to STAND UP today because tomorrow is coming, and tomorrow is what we deserve unless we emerge quickly as the catalyst to end this madness. We owe it to children to take it on the chin, biting our tongues, reaching out to everyone, and going through the uncomfortable when someone believes differently. Recently, at the One Million March in Canada, I sat through several speakers who believed differently than I did about homosexuality. To think this feels good on one's soul or is easy to endure reveals a fool within you. I sit in this pain and have done so for nearly five years because it's what must be done to educate an ignorant society being spoon-fed lies about the realities of childhood medical transition. In doing so, it has been revealed that our perceived differences are not as vast as I once believed. But this revelation is terrible for the business of activism. Activism thrives on strict societal subscribes and blind obedience. This obedience reveals a lack of strength and character. It displays weakness. Grace must be lifted immediately because our window to redirect the coming hate is closing. by Scott Newgent

  • "The Shocking Truth About HOW Canada Transformed Into TRANADA"

    The Leading Nation Butchering Kids Welcome To TRANADA! by Transman Scott Newgent & The one million march - what really happened video! It didn't occur to me! Why didn't it hit me until now? Good question! I've been invited to speak in Canada several times in the almost five years I have spoken out about the travesty of childhood medical transition as a trans man. I always said NO! I always said no; why? Here is where I can get stuck in the political battle in activism public relations, because I always say what I feel without regard for the consequences—silly me. One of my favorite journalists always says to me, "Scott, you run into the fire without a second thought of self, career, or how it will affect you!" I have always found that odd, because children are everything. If we have a society where kids are sacrificed? We might as well pack up and go home. If we can't ADULT BETTER for kids? I don't get it. I don't. So, Canada to me? I had no patience and blew Canadians off as a: "LOST CAUSE!" I never wanted to help Canada, because I thought Canada was filled with pansies who constantly reply with "I'm sorry" to everything and couldn't take on a grasshopper with a jackhammer! Canadians, to me, were a joke. Cowards to take on the British in the American Civil War, spineless and earned the TRANADA they created. Look at the transing kids fiasco; the self-ID? Canada is the donkey of the world! Or so I believed! How wrong I was in Canada! But, my thoughts at the time? Why squander my attention? Why waste my time? Man, was I wrong about Canadians! Recently, I had a project fall through the cracks, and I should have known; five years of the same, but somehow, I believe people who say they want to JOIN forces to stop this travesty. Sooner or later, the Christian orgs get pushback from donors and copy and paste to feminist orgs, evangelicals and so on...conservatives, and every community because I don't coward. The financially beneficial projects are met with the "Our donors don't want to support a lesbian, a trans, a trans who refuses to identify as a detrans. Because of this, I struggle profusely. . . But this last project took the wind out of me, and I decided to stop activism and get my life back. Yeah RIGHT! Several weeks ago, I received a DM about the Canada One Million March to protest against the medicalization of gender-confused children. I went to the website, found out how many cities planned to march, and I was intrigued. What a brilliant idea. So, I decided to do a "Last curtain call!" I got in touch with the organizers and did what I always do… Full stream ahead, all in and SCREAMED to get people to Windsor, Ontario, Canada, for this city's march! I picked up the phone, made cold calls to news organizations, created a video, called journalists and sent hundreds of emails with press releases I made, released, posted on social media, and the response was dismal. I was not shocked! Then, the day of the Rally came. We pulled in with the family that hosted me, started setting up the tables, shirts came out, food crafts for kids, and I thought, "Wow, much ado about a pathetic turnout!" Then more cars came at 8:45...more cars! Wow, I thought this may be a couple hundred, and I was pleasantly surprised. 9:15 came, and I received an email about a post that a liberal radio show posted as they were talking about all the hate rallies, asking people to vote if they "Agreed/Disagreed with the Anti-LGBTQ+ hate and rhetoric. I retweeted Watch Close....64% of Canadians were against transing kids, sexual content and grooming kids. Did Canadians fight them? More cars....More cars The first speaker began; a Muslim religious man. He was passionate; I liked him. I did not agree with everything he said, but HECK, I consistently say to ADULT Better, and I do at these functions because we are butchering kids. I act accordingly through my discomfort! More cars...More cars Christian leader, a feminist, rainbow speakers... More cars...More cars People circled me, thanking me, telling me they came to see me and were appreciative. It was odd that people knew me, but they increasingly approached me similarly! I was shocked by what I heard from almost everyone. In Canada, I was one of the only voices to penetrate society. It seemed like I was “it” as far as a trans against medically transitioned children, which I found odd. Most trans adults are against medically transitioning children and are becoming more vocal! I also heard over and over how many were afraid of losing their jobs if they were seen at the Rally...AW HA! Weak Canadians, I was right! But then more cars came....More cars… Then it was my turn to speak; I was the last speaker and would lead people into the streets. As I was helped onto the stage, I saw a sea of children trying to see the enormous sea of people; it was incredible. People told them no, to which I corrected, "No, let them up; it's why we are here!" Surrounded by an ocean of children, speaking to what looked like a sardine can full of humans that went on and on. I began my speech, and there was NO hate. I didn't back away from the rainbow; I represented it, and people listened. I was told the protests stopped the banter and listened too, one even contemplating speaking after me; she was offered but turned it down. I say, the more the merrier, I wish she would have! As I finished, I saw more cars, more cars, more cars, more cars. The march started, and it was quite a distance, and the crowd was respectful but intense, actual fighters, and my admiration rose. As we finished the parade, we still had an enormous line of people eagerly waiting to begin the Rally. It was breathtaking! My ears filled with the chant, "Leave Our Kids Alone", resonating to the road and building, echoing in every direction. As we approached the protestors, it was apparent they were shocked—a mere group of fewer than one hundred anti-protestors. Our visual stance made them recoil and drop the usual threats and indignities they shout! I was blown away when it was reported that our cities had just had the biggest march in Canadian history! The poll the local radio station started rose from 68% of Canadians who were against the medicalization of children, sexual content in schools finished the day at 98%! My mind was racing, knowing that this was the beginning of the end. On September 20th, a Wednesday in Windsor, Ontario, the end of medially transitioning children began, and kids would be saved at record speed! I went to bed that night, taking a deep breath. It was over; finally, I could go back to my life! If able, please consider a donation! I am not paid to make these speeches, yet everyone wants me to continue to give them. If you believe I help, help us SCREAM Louder Donate I also went to bed that night wondering how Canada got so bad. I had heard rumors that the Canadian Prime Minister would not allow me into Canada because I was a “threat of violence.” Although, as an activist, I am one of the rare activists who has consistently defused physical violence. I was stopped at the border, my car, me and my bags searched. I protested when one border officer started trying to remove my door panel! I mumbled, "Go ahead, I'd love to write a post in Newsweek about how border patrol Anderson ripped a trans car apart at the border. It felt like they were trying to find something. They did not. I read the rules and removed everything from my car and person that would have caused me to be denied access to Canada! Still, I thought people were being paranoid! The day after the March, I didn't believe people were being paranoid. Imagine the biggest march in your country's history; imagine the love of tolerance for all coming together, all hands joining. You would believe it would be covered in the news. I have yet to receive one request from Canadian media. I thought that was odd, but surely the news would cover it. We scanned the “news” outlets: nothing. One of the house hosts stated that Trudeau, the Canadian Prime Minister, censors the media, and most of the information about their country comes from Americans. Odd, I thought! But indeed, that's not true! Then, I tried to post on social media...Click, send... erase....Click send....erased. I was banned from posting on social media! I raced downstairs and showed my house guest, we videoed it happening, and I said, "You do not live in a free country!" They UN-passionately stated they knew this and went back to drinking coffee! I was astounded and stopped them, insisting on hearing what I said! "You do not live in a free country! Your country is the worst, butchering the most children because NO one knows what's happening! This is like living in the old USSR, ladies! Why are you not pissed? Are you that desensitized about this? Has this become so normal that this doesn't shock you?" I rattled them, but their calm mindset helped me comprehend in detail why Canada is where they are and the world, for that matter! The following night, I had a dinner speech and again was blown away by the turnout; it was sold out! I stayed afterwards and talked with everyone. A woman with adorable Pippi Longstocking red hair and hat approached me from the audience and I said, "I love your look, so unique." She responded, "This is a disguise; many of us have wigs on because we don't want to be fired!" WHAT? I returned to the US the following day, and my Twitter BLEW up! Thousands of visitors are on my site every hour. OMG, I was beyond shadow-banned! I understand why Canada has become the scariest country in which I have ever spoken. TRANada! CANADA! But, as I process more – it's every country; surely Canada is the worst, and people need to flip out, but the truth is censored worldwide! The spitting of hate, bigotry floods news world wide, yet I am attacked constantly. The only hate we see, the true hate is from trans activists attacking people, yet no one knows! To point out a problem is easy. To come up with a solution is hard. What's the solution? Calm. Rational. Debate? Is not working. I say to SCREAM Louder, because I believe that needs to be done. I finished this post reassuring you that people feel the same as you; be afraid no more. Fill social media with the truth! People will have your back! The dyke is about to break <---No pun intended. OK, a little! SCREAM Louder! -Transman - Lesbian - But Always A Mother First! Scott/Kellie Newgent

Scott Newgent

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