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  • Canada is NOT a free country! Trans Scott Newgent CENSORED!

    I am making light in this video, but this is serious. I have been censored in Canada! I cannot post on social media! If you are Candadian and you wonder how you have gotten to the place you have with gender ideology. Wonder no more! I am here in Canada for two more days. Please follow @ourdutycanada for speaking dates & times. Spread this video far and wide! Canada is NOT a free country! Tweet Video Please, I cannot! @NotScottNewgent Remember Canadians 'YOU ARE MAINSTREAM MEDIA!' What I saw yesterday at the rally? You just need to speak up so many people have your back and your prime minister is running SCARED! Tonight: 4072 Walker Road #5 Windsor, Ontario NBW 315 Tickets - Seating Sold OUT but Standing Available! Hear the 'WHY" SPEECH by transman Scott Newgent Support Scott's Work

  • Canada, 'Is This Mic On?'

    Find out more about the 'WHY' Speech watch video One Million March - September 20th Windsor, Ontario Canada People say I made them cry in Matt Walsh's DOC, "What is a Woman." Just wait until you here the: 'The WHY Speech'? -by Transman Scott Newgent Find out more about the march I've received over ten thousand emails, and most question stands out from all the others. What's that question? Why does my child believe they were born in the wrong body? "Hmmmm. is this mic on?" The premier of the 'Why Speech' on September 20th, Ontario, Canada 1 Million March Across The County! Find out more I was not paid for being in 'What is a Woman,' not for the state bills I helped write and present, not for assisting attorneys, not for talking to parents & not for speeches & NOT for this speech in Canada. Sometimes travel is paid for, and sometimes it is not. Trip: $2400 Donations Trip: $1050 Donate for the Canada Speech - Link Thank you -Scott Newgent. Recent Posts

  • Prediction by Trans-Gender Ideology will lead to WW civil wars in 18 months & ICELAND Politics OPED

    Prediction by Trans-Gender Ideology will lead to WW civil wars in 18 months. My opinions and mine alone -Trans Newgent Iceland is just one of the countries fighting the absurdity of 'gender ideology. The article below details the craziness of Iceland's political battle, but you can copy and paste it to the USA, Canada, UK, Germany, and Brazil....How about this: Blanket this article over 90 percent of countries worldwide, and you have a firm grasp on the medicalization of people and the push to medicalize an entire generation of gender-confused children worldwide! I often state that we are butchering an entire generation of children with an experimental medical process; dangerous does not cure anything, causes massive health damage, shortens lives and causes mental health to worsen! Did you get the gravity of that: Causes massive health issues. Cures nothing It makes mental health worse. We don't know the extent of the damage because it's 99% experimental. Again, it damages today, tomorrow, and we don't know the future because it's experimental and makes mental health worse! How else do I need to say this before people get it? ----These are facts that unfortunately have to come by (see facts and studies page) Why is always the word I run to when I don't understand behaviour or outcome, and the WHY is crucial to stopping this travesty and helping our society back on track to evolve into a better place? The progressing love bombs on the new LTGBTQ take us back...way back. There is no evolving here; we are regressing! Since the beginning, males have been policed, circled and monitored about women and children because history tells us that men are the principal proprietors against physical and sexual assault of women and children. We created safe places for women and children for this very reason. Yet, gender ideology tells us that a man can 'POOF' into a woman and bypass all the safety precautions we as a society built with the flip of a wrist and nail polish, a man POOFS into a woman. Should we be surprised by the assaults against women/children by transwomen? Should we be surprised that transmen like me are the biggest SCREAMERS to get transwomen away from women and children? No; transmen are women regardless of the illusion created by cross-sex hormones. My SCREAMING should help affirm the realities of men and women! I am acting like a mother because I am one! Society cheers ignorantly as children are being butchered, women's rights are being destroyed and 'Queer Theory" sexual fetishes are embraced as the sweet sip of a society evolving to a more loving, giving, accepting society...NO it's NOT! Do you want truth without the unicorn farts and glitter bombs? Do you want the raw truth that can only come from someone who has NO agenda, cannot be bought, paid for and has a subtribe of one? Just the fact without any filters? Here it goes: Truth One: This is a sexual fetish called Autogynephilia. A straight man who is turned on by being seen as a female sexual object! These are the majority of transwomen; the 2nd most considerable portion are gay men who want to belong (hurting no one), and the remainder are men who feel comfortable presenting as a woman; it helps them walk lighter in life, but they believe in biology, reality and hurt no one. Truth Two: Copy and paste the reason above transmen minus the Autogynephilia and replace that with the rejection as a society of dominant women, suppression and the fact that we have a hell of a long way to see women as equals to men! Truth Three: Normalize pedophilias and sexual fetishes to the point where what we see as a sexual assault today is an accepted practice tomorrow! PERIOD! - Normalizing child molesting and sexual assault! Sexuality should not be required as a social status; in fact, sexuality should not be the topic of conversation with anyone unless they are your intimate partner. Evaluating levels of human importance based on one's sexual behaviour is NOT societal progression... It PERVERSION! Over 50% of autistic adults claim to be bisexual! This alone should cause alarm. WHY? Bisexuality, I believe, is real yet rare. Claiming both sides of the fence seems to be a cry to belong & bisexuality increases these chances. Autistic people have awkward social mingling behaviours, claiming both sides give them double the opportunities to feel like they belong—my opinion for the enormous claim of bisexuality amongst autistic adults. Sexual fetish shaming is NOT hate or bigotry; it is necessary & needed to control normalizing types of sexual perversion that abuse & promote paedophilia as well as the degradation of women! Swing from the chandeliers covered in raspberry jam while yelling Tarzan, take me! You do, but go back to the fetish closet; no need to advertise because you become a recruiter of children whether you realize it or NOT! Last, 99.9% of the human race doesn't give a flying toad about what turns you on! Truth Four: Each child convinced they are transgender is guaranteed 1.3 Million to pharma, and each child on puberty blockers for the four years recommended generates $180,000 per child. I will not go into the complications; I can't because why? Because medical transitioning of children and adults is .....EXPERIMENTAL? Not studied. we have no idea what's going to happen to these kids! So the why of truth four? Follow me for a bit here: Texas Governor Greg Abbott? You know the state that banned childhood medical transition recently, and he's getting headlines and signing medical transing kids raw raw raw 'I'm Texas Gov Abbott STOPPING transing kids!" Greg Abbott is known as an extreme Christian against everything rainbow! Which is fine with me. Just don't be a hypocrite! Believe what you want; believe what you believe, and not duck and weave when it benefits you! 2015 - Abbott started taking millions from a gender clinic...MILLIONS to a total of now 3 million! 2017 - Texas became the WW hub for transing kids. Every year ABBOTT & team fought to get the bills to BAN childhood medical transition taken off the floor; not this year but last, they dared to take a $250,000 check from the gender pharmaceutical gender clinics four days before a bill would have passed to STOP transing kids and gave a 'UNITY' speech...Yup, the anti-gay politicians giving an address on unity while taking money from pharma to continue to butcher children.....3 months later, he declares, "Medical Transition Is Child Abuse." The following year, he is getting kudos for saving kids from medical transition.... Remember, this has been since 2015! Abbott's leadership has made Texas the worldwide hub for the medical transition of human beings! It's hard to keep up, but ABBOTT? Abbott is the fourth reason for circling politicians worldwide....Multiply Abbott to politicians worldwide. The fourth reason!? Politicians know how to play politics! I have been at this for five years, and I have been trying to warn people to no avail. What has been my warning? What have been predicting? Each year, people are starting to realize how uncrazy I am. When parents start to realize what they did to their children at the promotion of their government and medical professionals? When the rapes and sexual assaults that are not making the news make it to average people's dinner table conversation? When the suicides that have started, spill over into the carnage of childhood medical transition? When politicians like Abbott are NOT held accountable and society see it! A worldwide civil war is coming, a revolt for history books! The camel's back will become broken, and I predict a massive civil war will begin in less than 18 months! -Transman Scott Newgent Support Work by Iceland Journalist IRIS EL “In March 2022, Morgunblaðið published an article by the undersigned, The Ethical Trans Riddle (Siðræna transgátan), which criticized law no. 80/2019 on Gender autonomy (which is a misnomer; gender self-identification requires others to identify you as a member of the sex, you say you are). The law passed smoothly like a greased pig through Parliament (Alþingi), and Icelandic taxpayers now finance two state churches, as well as the privileges and perquisites that. l. 80/2019 grant to the Trans Church’s congregation the basis of their faith and feelings. A few days following the article’s publication, the Icelandic State Broadcasting Corporation’s (RÚV) morning news program broadcast an interview with a representative of Trans Iceland. program description: ‘Trans Iceland criticized... the media for repeatedly publishing articles that belittle minority groups under the pretext that the writers are voicing their opinions. We spoke with... [representatives] of the organization, but the courts have not yet put legislation regarding publication of such. articles to the test.’ RÚV's program description does not indicate that it occurred to the producers to talk to those who are accused of the despicable act of ‘belittling minorities.’ The sexual dimorphism of human beings is not an opinion but a fact. If T states that humans can change sex or that rain is dry, and I publicly state the facts that humans cannot change sex and that rain is wet, I am not 'insulting' T. T may very well dislike these facts and find them disrespectful, but I am not responsible for T's feelings (nor is it the state media's responsibility to smear the reputation of people T believes have hurt T’s feelings). Icelandic parents, whose children are in the clutches of the pseudo religious trans cult, say that in Iceland no discussion is allowed about "Trans" issues. They said they were grateful that an Icelander ‘finally grew a backbone’ to discuss Trans ideology publicly. If the media ‘repeatedly published articles’ on this controversial issue, as Trans Iceland representatives claim – and thus fulfilled their democratic and social duty – Icelandic parents would not have had to ask strangers abroad for help in raising awareness of this dangerous cult. The institutions of Icelandic society would do well to reflect on the desperation of these parents whom they have utterly failed. On the current Administration’s agenda of the is to tighten the criminal provisions of the General Criminal Code No. 19/1940 on defamation, which are based on the disgusting ideology of imprisoning people for their opinions. In the ‘proposal for a parliamentary resolution on an “action plan for queer people 2022-2025’ says: Amendments will be made to Article 233 of the General Criminal Code, No. 19/1940 ‘...hate speech based on gender characteristics will be made a criminal offense.’ This ‘amendment ensures that hate crimes [will lead] to increased penalties.’ Members of the government are proud of this abominable proposition: ‘Similar legal provisions are not found in criminal legislation elsewhere in the Nordic countries.’ Those who want ‘hate speech’ legislation have in common with dictators a hatred of speech. Such legislation is a favorite tool of tyrants, because they define the ‘hate. speech’ du jour. There is no objective definition of ‘hate speech.’ One person ‘hate speech’ is another person's love language (or a biological fact). No one should be surprised that free speech is not on the Left Greens’ list of priorities and goals. Freedom of speech in the Left Greens’ lexicon is the freedom of the state to imprison you if your speech is contrary to the views of the party.” The above is from an article I wrote almost a year and a half ago and sent to all & media in Iceland without success. No media outlet wanted to publish the article or explain why the article was deemed unfit for publication. Icelandic journalists do not seem very worried about the demise of free speech in their country. Perhaps the profession is relieved that doing the real job of a news reporter, which requires one to think critically and ask difficult and unpleasant questions, has become as good as illegal. By undermining the foundations of free speech, the Icelandic government and the media have jointly threatened the basis of democracy in the country. The part of the government’s 'action plan for 'Queer People'"(the Deluxe Citizens) which refers to the "increased penalties" for speech crimes is now part of the General Criminal Code no. 19/1940. "Icelanders are [still] illiterate when it comes to "any kind of propaganda and baseless building.” (Parliament Report on the Bank Collapse, VIII, p. 195) Íris Erlingsdótir is an Icelandic journalist and editorial assistant to Mr. Newgent.

  • Canada Sept 20th Winsor - Million March SCREAMING Louder W/Trans Scott Newgent 'STOP Transing Kids!'

    To SCREAM Louder, to make a difference to save gender-confused children faster, we rely on the support of generous donations from individuals and businesses like you and yours. We would be most grateful if you would consider a donation to cover travel and other expenses, enabling Transman Scott Newgent to speak at the Canadian Million March in Windsor, ON, on the 20th of September. Donation Link Order T-Shirts Today The journey will start on the 19th with a flight, travel expenses and hotel accommodation from the 19th to the 22nd. In addition to the Million March Speech, Scott will be giving speeches on the 20th, 21st and 22nd in the Winsor and Toronto, Canada areas and interviews with local media. Your support is critical to the attendance and speeches Scott will provide. Scott's speeches inject an urgency of attention and jolt energy, forcing mainstream media to pay attention. Scott ignites passion, causing people to pay attention. Please consider a donation to save gender-confused children faster! Scott is not receiving any monetary gifts for speaking or travel. Scott will attend solely on the donations received from this letter and this letter alone. Again, Scott needs to be paid a penny, and the travel cost is also NOT COVERED! If the donation amounts are insufficient to cover the expenses, the trip will be cancelled, and all donations will be returned! Please use this direct link for donations: Flight: $600 Hotel: $850 Bags, Parking, Taxis: $350 Food & Misc: $600 ---------------- $2400 Winsor, ON Donation Link

  • A inside look at Gender Ideology CRAZY! -accidental HERO of 'What is a woman' Trans Scott Newgent

    By, Transman Scott Newgent Suuport Scott's Work Link Here we go again! If insanity is doing the same thing, expecting different results, I rank at the highest scale of insanity, a doctorate perhaps. Yes? Yes! No, perhaps about it! Speak clearly, Kellie; I mean Scott <--- See perfect example, I am nuts! I should be giving lessons on how to be insane, capitalizing on the vast magnitude of my crazy. Five years now in four months. Let me say that again: five years in four months of peeling my chest wide open, not because I want to, but because of a promise I made and because as a professional communicator, an information transferencer (if that's not a word, I am coining it!) doing transference of information, helping people see the other side of a product, my whole life has left me fruitless, embarrassed really. Who uses talent restriction for monetary purposes? I do, until? Until what? Until I know better, then I do better! It is a cycle that I know well, yet each time, it sneaks up on me, and as crazy as I probably am, it's not the sole reason! While a considerable portion is from the world of crazy, the other part? The majority of the basis? Understanding what is coming for these kids, as I pilgrimage into the activism woods, I meet few sincere, a lot after a means to an end that ends smack dab on top of the head of the person faking sincerity. Or perhaps my devotion elevates to a level others cannot achieve due to a crazy thing called sanity? Perhaps! Who lives in the world of sanity? Because I sure as hell don't! Remember, I once thought I was born in the wrong body! But the truth is that MOST  people you follow, the leaders, don't care unless what they promote feeds them financially, emotionally, or spiritually, and I judge! Shame on me. Indeed, I need to be better. Do better! As I catch  my breath from my last infection, I realize I am like Britney Spears, "Oops, I did it again!" I learn a minuscule amount each time, but the response is always a duplicate, "I am outta here; done with activism." Anyone in their right mind would be, the way I do it! Activism, that is. One of the first  questions  from anyone who works with me   usually is something like this: "Wow, you are sincere; how do you work this hard without reward?" My response is always the same: I almost died from transgender " health care"! I made a deal to live for my children and fight for yours. No matter the want, I cannot give up activism; pulled in a million places and obliged to be in all of those places. Why? Is the reason "why you?" You believe me because you feel me. No one would do this like I do unless there was a payoff. Ah...HA! A payoff, my payoff, my children. Seeing my judgment of others while I believe I live at some higher morality plane, not admitting my yield is internal defiance of what I judge. I have a gain; it's not the expected payoff to which we see others fight in the open. Mothers usually fight in the darkness; the completely unselfish fight of a mother is not seen or heard. It's just DONE because that comes from carrying life – from being a mother! Others who have given life yet feel no different are a rare, disgusting reminder of the absurdity of what should NOT be. It is why we judge bad mothers harshly; it should not be. A bad mother, that is! SHOP NOW Take me with you at your next school meeting! I'll SCREAM for you! A mother is a fierce animal in the kingdom who does not take the warrior title or celebrate the honor of her victories. There is no time to celebrate because it's a constant battle; for a mother, protecting her young never ends! Endless for a mother! My young? I have three of my own, but mothering to a sea of children is exhausting! I will repeat it until the gravity of reality is known! I do NOT sign up with any subtribe: Femininsts...NO Conservatives......NO Evangelicals....NO Liberals.....NO To maintain activism, it's essential to claim a subtribe; I do not! This is why I struggle so; that and my craziness, the constant ebb and flow of infections, financial and spiritual survival are always at the tip! This last infection was a doozy for many reasons. The first physically? Each time, it's the same: I am shocked at the arrival, refusing to admit, "Here we go again!" Each time, the same: not having insurance and losing my job after my speech with Matt Walsh meant I have no health care. Still trying to figure that out: Doctors? I don't trust them, but at least I could see one to treat  infections before they develop into  requiring IV antibiotics. But each time, I rant in my head: "I AM NOT GETTING AN INFECTION!" Each time, I get punched right in the nose with, "Yes, you are whether you like it or not!" I curse a lot as I go round and round with myself, and I inevitably fail. The good news? The infections are getting further apart! The bad news? For some reason, I cannot emotionally rationalize around them. Why is this? My mind always goes to mush. I have no one to force me to see a doctor or anyone to trust, so I count on myself when I cannot be charged with myself! My distrust of all leaves me worse off, so where are the boundaries of sanity? Nowhere where I reside! The emotional side was an even bigger sock in the nose! My firstborn started college, and as all parents, I drove him and helped him move into his dorm. My son wanted what all kids wanted: for his parents to help. Right in the middle of my infection, relenting none, pushing through, and being there was not enough for my son, as it should be; I am his mother! "I need groceries!" Off we went, I said NO to nothing, how could I? He was asking for mayonnaise, boxed noodles, and shampoo! At the end of the trip, I kissed him, told him how proud I was, and cried the entire way home, knowing I now had .37 cents in my account! But, I had a project coming, one that would pay for my speeches, one I had be perfecting, relentlessly, pouring my heart into; I went to PR classes, told me and showed me how to handle media. The struggle was to become less financial, and purchasing mayonnaise for my son would not be a triumphant battle to survive! I screwed the pooch on this one! It fell through as my infection took over my body once again! I could tell you the story, but the reasoning lies within the realm of destiny, my insanity or the lack of sincerity of others? Probably a little from all, but the majority lies with me, no one else! Sincerity was there from others, but my beat-up, tattered five years in activism have made me a nonbeliever ofin others! My fault, my fault alone! I own this lost battle! Throwing my hands up once again, I start to look for a job to get my career back, not a flimsy job to maintain existence, but to live again, really live without the war-torn worries of purchasing mayonnaise! Ah, HA! I contacted an old colleague who offered me a position with a sign-on bonus five months ago, but I had to GIVE UP activism; I turned him down. The offer has been sitting on my mind like a perfect backup plan! Turns out the last go around with 'What is a woman?" The Elon Musk Twitter endorsement flipped the switch to my name and face? Known, too known now for business sales, and the offer was rescinded! I started to sift through local business sales jobs; I found one perfect for me and them. I began the entire process and was the leading candidate until the end! The Elon Musk endorsement that will/is saving children worldwide was too much to protect my children's financial future—ghosted at the end, once again! As I sat with my pity, my poor poor me, which is pitiful in itself, I tried to figure out what to do. Where do I go? Back to activism? Sure, I am great atd changing hearts and minds if you get me in front of people, but the dinner party chatter that sickens me is something I SUCK at! It's times like these and only these that I miss my ex-wife. Why? She is the master at the fake BS needed to prosper in activism, a perfect shield so many people have, but I'm too wounded to trust anyone, and to trust someone would be to trust someone I already trust, and they are nowhere around! What should I do? What I always do. Tell the truth without the lights and glamor; it cuts through the BS. I turned to you, asking you, "Why do you support me? Why do you or have you donated to me? Why do you believe I matter in the activism of STOP the butchering of an entire generation of children?" I asked a few people who had been there for me the entire time; their responses told me everything I needed to hear. See for yourself: You are fighting the good fight, Scott. Thank YOU! J Scott, I donate to you because you're honest. You're RAW. I donate to you because you've got skin in the game and you're not politically affiliated. Politicians and businesses are milking this country for all it's got with no regard for those they employ or govern. I'm sorry it's so hard and I wish I could give more. Thank you for what you've done and continue to do. I wish I knew the answers on how to end the madness. I do know your voice matters. Thank you, M Wow, Kellie/Scott, Here is my first thoughts as to why I give to support you. My answer is I give you a donation to support you as you fight against allowing children and teens to make forever life-altering decisions regarding their being able to have children, their physical health and their gender identities before they are adults. I'm a therapist and I have worked with hundreds of kids throughout my career, kids are very innocent and vulnerable. The psychological truth is "We all, adult, adolescent, and children, want to belong " Period, end of sentence. And in adolescence, our main goal in life is to belong with our peers. There was a researcher named Erik Erikson who studied psychological struggles of each life phase. For adolescence, the stage is called Identity vs Identity Confusion. This is very true in my experience of myself, my own kids, and all the kids I have worked with. When you are an adolescent, all you want is to fit in and belong to a group of peers. Adolescents do crazy things to fit in, from the comical to the dangerous- from dying their hair blue, to wearing crazy clothing to starving themselves to be thin enough to cutting themselves to fit into a group, and any myriad of strange antics in between. So, why do I give to you, because I care about the kids and instinctively think it is wrong to confuse them by offering what they most want - to belong- through harmful hormones and surgeries. I listen to stories about people like Chloe Cole and Daisy Chadra, and I think let the kids grow up and then they can make such life-altering decisions themselves as grown adults. This is a social experiment on children, we don't have longitudinal studies about the long term effects in America yet. It is my understanding that the Danish have the best longitudinal studies out there, and their studies indicate that most of the kids who go through a gender dysphoric phase, grow out of wanting to be the opposite sex and end up same-sex attracted. I believe it was through your website, that I saw studies that the Danish and Swedish have the longest research out there and they have banned hormones and surgeries for kids. This shows that those with the most data, are choosing to ban these procedures for kids and adolescents. When we look at child and adolescent brains, we see that they are not fully formed. They don't completely understand the long term effects of choices. This should be common sense. When you think back, when I think back, when any honest adult thinks back, to how they were thinking when they were 13, 14,15,16,17 years old. I think we would say, thank God, I wasn't allowed to make life -altering decisions. Thank God, because I would have made very immature, stupid and uninformed decisions. Actually, research shows your brain isn't fully formed until you are 25 years old. Also, as a mom, when I hear your story, it seems to me, that you have a mother's heart for her children and the children of the world. You want to protect children from horrible medical decisions of taking hormones and surgeries. You want to protect children from what happened to you. You have lived experience of what these hormones and surgeries do, because you have life-altering ongoing health issues from them. Also, I am a Christian, and I believe that protecting children is part of God's work, so I believe you are doing God's work. I see you as a very brave person, I give for the above reasons. I don't have much money, but yours is an important cause. Please note that when I leave comments in your blog, I leave them as a guest. As a mental health professional, I am afraid to be labelled transphobic. I work in California and my work is my livelyhood and supports my family. I think there are many professionals in health related fields that agree with you. We are trying to figure out how to manuver through the ever-changing waters of ethics in our professions. So, my thoughts and prayers are with you, as you fight against the allowing kids and teens to get hormones and surgeries. L KELLIE SCOTT ( CAPS CAUSE I CAN SEE BETTR, AND TYPE FASTER) SINCE THE FIRST TIME I GOT A SIGNAL POST OF YOUR 9 MIN. VIDEO, I WAS AS OUTRAGED AS I COULD BE. LAST DEC. I GOT KICKED OUT OF THE SCHOOL BOARD FOR SPEAKING OUT AGAINST THEIR SEL DEI ETC. AND THE TYRANNY OF ATTACKING A BOARD MEMBER WHO WAS AGAINST IT ALL. THIS WAS BY A GROUP OF 3 SUPPOSED CONSERVATIVE MEMBERS. BUT I HAD BEEN ACTIVE LAST TWO YEARS IN CITY COUNCIL, COMMISSIONERS, AND HEALTH BOARD, AND OUR LOCAL GROUPS. SUBJECTS: ELECTION INTEGRITY, FRAUD, COVID LIES, HOAS BIOWEAPON, AND THE WHOLE GROOMING INSIDIOUS TRANS/MARXIST SET UP. MY FAMILY HAS THOUGHT ME INTOLERANT, AND HATE CRIME, FOR STANDING UP AGAINST CRT, AND THE BASICALLY WHOLE BULLSHIT FEST SCHEISSE CAACA MIERDA GOWNO GAVNO HOVNO MERDE I AM A 73 YEAR OLD GRANNY GREAT GRANNY, AND I AM PISSED OFF. I JOINED THE GROUP FEC THAT JOE OLTMANN STARTED, MET TIG TIEGEN, FROM 13 HOURS AND UADF AND JOINED THEM TO LEARN SOME SELF DEFENSE, AND WHO KNEW I COULD AIM. LOL. ANYWAY, I SAW THE 2020 RIOTS, AND KNEW SHIT WAS FLYING WORLDWIDE. MY FAMILY SAID LAST WINTER, TO ME, SHOW US INFORMATION. OK I TOOK AN OLD SCHOOL, OLD LADY, INFORMAL DIVE. AS YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW FIRST HAND, MY BRAIN WAS EXPLODING. THERE WAS SO MUCH. MY FAMILY WAS MAD FOR MY FACEBOOK POSTS, MY RANTS, AND SO MUCH = BUT I HAVE SOME SKIN IN THIS GAME. A FAMILY MEMBER WHO WAS TRAUMATIZED, HARMED, HAS STEPPED INTO THIS ARENA. I HAD TO HAVE A FILE SEALED, AND PROTECT. MORE TO THIS. ANYWAY, AS I WAS CONNECTED TO THE LOCAL GOP, THE NOT ESTABLISHMENT, GRASS ROOTS ROGUES, AND THE OTHER GROUPS I BECAME A BIT MORE VOCAL. ANYWAY, I DECIDED TO MAKE AN INFORMATION NOTEBOOK FOR JOE OLTMANN WHO ALSO RUNS CONSERVATIVE DAILY, AND HAS BEEN POISONED, THREATENED WITH DEATH, DUE TO HIS RUNINS WITH MANY FOLKS. ANYWAY, I SENT A NOTEBOOK OF ABOUT 450 PAGES (YES RIGHT?) TO JOE AND THEN I PICKED OTHERS, LIKE KIM MONSON, TRENT LOOS, RANDALL LOCALLY IN CO. SP., (HE IS NOT ALWAYS WITH US GRASS ROOTS) MIKE LINDELL, BAZZAL BAZ (ASSOCIATION FOR THE RECOVERY OF CHILDREN) TIM BALLARD (GROUP OPERATION UNDERGROUND RAILROAD) HANDED ONE TO ERIN LEE AS SHE SPOKE AT A GOP LUNCHEON, AT WHICH HALF WERE CLUELESS, OR WOKE OR BOTH. SENT OR GAVE TO LEGISLATORS, OUR LOCAL GROUPS, DOING SOME UNDERCOVER WORK, SOME SCHOOL BOARD FOLKS, CITY COUNCIL GUY ON OUR SIDE, ETC. I HAND MADE THEM UNTIL I GOT A PAY CHECK, AND HAD 15 PRINTED ($200 FOR 5) THEN I WOULD COMPILE THEM, DEVIDE THEM, OH AND SOME LARGE CHURCH PASTORS, BRAVE IN DENVER, AND ROCK IN CASTLEROCK, AND OUR BLACK ROBE PASTOR AT FERVENT. ANYWAY, I SENT YOU AN EMAIL TO OFFER TO MAIL YOU ONE, FOR IN CASE, YOU COULD USE IT . THE BEGINNING HAS DATA ON BILLIONAIRS, THE NETWORK PROMOTING, FUNDING THIS MESS FOR TWO DECADES, AT LEASE, AND ALSO 1994 CASEL STARTED THE SEL CRAP. I HAVE GREAT GRAND BABIES, HALF PHILLIPINE, INUIT INDIAN GRANDKIDS, AND I WAS BORN IN GERMANY. HAVE FRIENDS WHO ARE GAY, STRAIGHT, ETC. I SIMPLY AM FIGHTING UNTIL I DIE FOR THE MUTILATION, DESTRUCTION OF CHILDREN BEFORE THEY ARE PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY OF AGE OF REASON, CONSENT, AND NOW WE ALL KNOW THIS IS A MUCH BIGGER PLAN TO DEPOPULATE (WHO WEF UN ETC) ANYWAY, I JUST STEPPED IN AND AM SHARING WITH GROUPS OR FOLKS WITH SOME SPHERES OF INFLUENCE. YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW WAY MORE THAN ME, BUT I DID NOT EVEN KNOW ABOUT YOU, WHEN I STARTED. SO SORRY, NOT MUCH IN IT ON YOU, BUT I AM EXPANDING GOT THE STUFF ON PITT, THE NO WAY OUT FILM I WATCHED, WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY, AND GOT GROSSMAN, SHRIER, BOOKS, ETC. SEND THEM TO OTHERS TOO, AND WELL, OLD LADY FRIED TODAY. BUT I AM KEEPIN ON. I SENT THE BOOK TO MY FAMILY, AND ONE OF THEM HAS THE HARMED KIDDO. ANYWAY, THEY ARE REACTING AS I THOUGHT, BUT WELL, I AM SO SO HOPING THEY WILL GAIN SOMETHING FROM THIS, DIG DEEPER, ETC. ANY WAY WE HAVE AND WILL KEEP FIGHTING THE SCHOOL BOARDS ALLOWING THIS AND MORE. I WISH I COULD HUG YOU AND MAKE THE PAIN GO AWAY, AND I REALLY ADMIRED YOUR VIDEO, AND ADMISSIONS. YOU GOT GUTS FOR SURE. LOOK I AM UNIMPORTANT, NOT WEALTHY, AS I WALKED AWAY FROM ALL, AND SOMEDAY I CAN EXPLAIN, NOT ANYTHING I DID, BUT RIGHTING A WRONG SOMEONE ELSE DID. ANYWAY, IMAGINE AT 73 STARTING OVER. LMAO 32 YEARS IN REAL ESTATE, COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL, CONSULTING, ETC. ALL REFERRALS. I DID A BUNCH OF FREEBEES FOR OURVETS, ETC. SHHHHHH NOT FOR PUBLIC VIEW. WAS ON YOUTUBE SINCE IT STARTED, TWITTER, AND FAKEBOOK, I HOPE MY VIEWS DONT INSULT YOU, I AM CONSERVATIVE, BUT NOT EXTREME RIGHTWING. WELL I DONT THINK SO. HAVE SOME HEAVY DUTY HEALTH PROBLEMS AND HENCE SELF DEF. AND CONCEILED BECAME PART OF MY MO. SORRY I RANT TOO MUCH, BUT WELL YOU ASKED. WEE WOO CRAZY GAMMY I DONT WANT TO IMPOSE, OR TAKE CONFICENCE FROM YOU, BUT I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO MAIL YOU THE NOTEBOOK, IT IS MINE, INFORMAL, AND WELL ALL I COULD THINK OF WHEN I STARTED TO BATTLE THE MESSES, AND EVEN OUR SCHOOL BOARD STUFF IS IN IT. MAYBE IT INSPIRES OTHER WELL OBVIOUSLY THERE ARE LOTS OF OTHERS COMING FORWARD. I WOULD LIKE TO SEND A BIT MORE, ONCE I GET MORE. I HAVE SPENT $1600 ON THE NOTEBOOKS. THE PRINTED ATTEMPTED TO PDF, ETC, BUT SCANNED TOO MANY PAGES IN CROOKED. ANYWAY, LET ME KNOW. MY CELL, IS 719 246 3885 MY NAME IS JEANY RUSH, AND THEY CALL ME GAMMY SPARKLES, AND WELL SINCE I COULD NOT TRAVEL TO DENVER, NO INTERSTATE FOR ME, UNLESS SOMEONE DRIVES MISS DAISY ( LIKE WHEN WE INFILTRATED A DRAG SHOW) IMAGINE ME LOL BUT YOU GET THE DRIFT. I DONT GET TO GO TO ALL THINGS, BUT I WROTE LOTS OF LETTERS TO THE PIT DENVER LEGISLATORS MARXIST CRAZIES ALLOWING 12 YEAR OLDS TO BE GROOMED WITHOUT PARENTAL PERMISSION. GRRRRRRR BY THE WAY, YOU CAN CALL ME ANYTIME YOU WANT, IF YOU GET BLUE. I GOT THAT WAY FROM BEING LEFT OUT ALOT BY FAMILY THAT I TOTALLY RAISED, AND ON MY OWN MOSTLY. WAS MARRIED TO A PAST CHRISTIAN LEADER, BOOKS WORLDWIDE, MYRON RUSH, BUT FULL OF SCHEISSE IN THE END. I CHOSE BADLY A FEW TIMES. BUT ENOUGH OF MY GARBAGE, YOU ARE A HERO TO ME, AND WELL I STOP NOW. AGAIN, HUGGS GAMMY HERE G Hi Scott, I'm the one honored to receive your email. Here's my answer to why I donate. In the summer of 2022, and after watching the TV show The Blacklist for years (7 seasons), I searched online for fellow viewers who wanted to solve the main mystery of the show, which was who the main character really was. It was revealed that our beloved master criminal wasn't really Raymond Reddington, so I devotedly tackled the challenge of figuring out his real identity before it was revealed. That challenge got me through many bad times, including the pandemic. I watched each of the 22 episodes of each season 4-5 times, trying to guess his identity, taking hundreds of notes and putting them on a wall first and then on a board accordion. The producers kept pushing the reveal to the next season, and then the next, and then the next... However, I found a website in which a fan explained that Raymond Reddington was in reality no other than the infamous Russian spy Katarina Rostova. In other words, that Raymond was a transman. I rejected that theory for multiple reasons. The storytelling seemed to contradict it (I had many notes to prove it), and I couldn't come to terms with the idea that my favorite male character of all time was really a woman. Biologically speaking, it was impossible for him to have such a successful sexual life without anyone saying anything, right? That's how I saw it. I was troubled, to say the least, because I had never been exposed to transgenderism, except for the news about Jenner, so I knew nothing. My social media experience was almost nonexistent, too. That's when I joined Reddit, looking for answers. Reddit's Blacklist fans were divided into two major camps, one of which defended that Raymond was Katarina. The theory was known as Redarina or Rederina. Fights and insults were constant among some users; others just expressed their opinions calmly. I gave my opinion several times, still hoping that the reveal was going to be somewhere in between. At some point I encountered someone who identified as a trans. Soon enough the replies coming from that user became violent, vicious, and I pushed back questioning their sincerity and their position. After reading their third reply or so my head shook briefly, which I attributed to a change in my blood pressure. Afraid of being at the brink of a stroke due to my anger, I panicked, so I decided to leave Reddit, the show, the podcasts, NBC and anything else related to The Blacklist. No TV show is worth it. Nonetheless, I remained troubled, angry and sad.* Sometime later, I started searching for inspirational videos to help me heal. I found a sweet and smart master buddhist, a few self-help YouTubers, science documentaries, etc. At some point I found Jordan Peterson, and through him, I found The Daily Wire and What Is a Woman. Your appearance in that documentary was what touched me the most. I cried heavy tears, not only because of what happened (is happening) to you, but because I saw that there is a trans world out there where people are suffering, people who have been deceived horribly and who are paying with their emotional and physical lives while the monsters get wildly rich. I decided I had to do something, but I didn't know what. I'm not known, I don't have a podcast, I'm not extroverted, but there had to be something I could do. I have spent many, many hours online trying to understand what's going on in the world. It's been a real quest and I've been very confused. I have exposed myself to painful truths that were hidden to me so I could toughen up a little. I joined Twitter carefully and, at some point, I saw your account. I believe that's the order of events. I have watched many transitioners tell their stories, confirming what you said in the documentary. I learned through Kathleen Stock that even LGBT's are vulnerable to the current ideologies. I see what our government is doing and where we are heading. And most importantly, I feel for the innocent children who can't defend themselves from the monsters, many of which are in their own homes. I donate because you speak up on their behalf, because no one can tell you that you don't know what you are talking about, that you don't know what it is like to transition only to feel your body tear into pieces. You do what I can't. I support you because you tell a truth I'm just starting to comprehend (maybe). They can try to silence you, but others are speaking up, so your story is not going unnoticed. I hope this answers the question and that it motivates you to continue. However, nobody is in the position to judge you if you are not receiving the support you need to keep screaming and you take a break or a leave. Your health is important too. Your children need you and they deserve to have their mom. I will email you again to tell you about the time I wore the Rainbow Rebellion t-shirt in a woke-friendly town in Maine... Blessings, L I give to encourage you and help in a small way your effort. I am also fighting the left starting with my program to make the world carbon negative while we still use oil and gas which defeats the left's irrational and destructive program. see ttp:// I have also started to take on a lot of issues as i gain support. I would love to do some content on the horrors of the mutilation agenda with graphic content and lots of talk about the high rate of suicide. God has a plan but sadly lets the Devil dominate the world and we are in a very dark place disobeying God and disrespecting him. I have included my publishers email of my book. They were a huge help in getting me published at a reasonable price. It is non an anomaly that the same folks that want babies killed up to birth and even after are in favor of sterilizing children and making them more likely to kill themselves. Cash is real tight for me right now which is why my donations were not larger and more often but I do appreciate your bravery and wish you success. I don't know how many on on your email list but am currently raising money to do more to fight evil. I have a good email marketing firm that I hooked up with in a meant to be way that could promote you more. Keep up the fight... I pray you continue and have support to make it easier. D Good afternoon Scott, I am pleased to hear from you again after some time. As for the reason I donated to you, the reason is both simple and complicated. Simple: Because I believe in what you say and your crusade. Complicated: Because I want to do anything and everything possible to protect people (especially children) as well from this gender madness. You could say I have suffered on a personal level the effects of gender ideology in my life. A childhood friend of mine (Rebecca) socially transitioned in 8th grade (This was in 2016-17-ish) to present as male in order to deny that she was indeed attracted to women. She had a crush on a classmate of ours and in so decided that if she were a man, she would be accepted. This led her to socially transition, distance herself from people who didn’t affirm her, cause her to have a bandwagon of people affirming her, and now take hormone blockers/testosterone to further her transition. Although we drifted apart by High School, I felt something was wrong in her pursuing this identity. Of course, I couldn’t say anything due to me being a social pariah at the time and the fear of being “transphobic”. I still pray that Rebecca can find her path to the truth. However, the worst scar gender ideology has given my life is of what happened to my online friend Jessica. She was one of the sweetest, honest, caring, bright, and intelligent young girls I’d ever known. Being a teenage girl, she suffered from feelings of anxiety, had ADHD, suffered bouts of depression, suffered feelings of isolation at school, and had body image issues that led her to have an eating disorder (Bulimia, if I remember). She had all these problems, problems that vulnerable girl confided in me with and I did my best to guide her and show her that she is an amazing person. Despite all my efforts, the promises that gender ideology offered her managed to seduce her and slowly she broke. She identified as Agender, put on “they/them” pronouns, wanted to be called “Sky” and not her “dead name”, and started spending more time with other kids who had similar backgrounds and problems. It was Rebecca all over again. I tried to pull her back from that cliff, especially after I found out more about the concept of “transgender” and saw it for the absolute dangerous farce it is. I read studies, read articles, journals, blogs, and accounts from hospitals about the procedures, culture, guidelines, everything on both aisles. I was already on the side of truth (“Transphobes”) from my own investigation, but after hearing about Abigail Shrier’s “Irreversible Damage”, seeing videos from Eric July, and eventually stumbling onto Matt Walsh and the documentary “What Is A Woman?”, I made up my mind. I tried my best to steer Jessica away from that identity, to help her truly love herself rather than hate it, to see that there is nothing wrong with being the young woman she is, that even though things are bad right now and she feels lost, it’s going to be okay. Unfortunately, I was just one man, one man on the far side of the world going up against a group of friends, family, and an addicting promise preying on that poor girl. I didn’t stand a chance. I wish I could have saved her, helped her see the dark path she was on, and helped her truly love and accept the life she has, but I failed. Gender Ideology is destroying the lives of struggling individuals, including vulnerable teenage girls like Jessica. After I lost her, I swore, I promised, that I would do everything in my power to stop another person, be it child or adult, from falling into its hands. I don’t give one single iota as to what the soulless advocates, medical quacks, or idiotic banshees with their “Trans Rights are Human Rights” mantra have to shout, I know where I stand. Few situations are black and white in life, but this is one of them. I empathize with those struggling with their gender confusion, I couldn’t imagine the despair and agony it brings. But to the people supporting the chemical castration, sexualization, and mutilation of people, especially children, have no shred of sympathy from me. This is why I support voices like yours, Matt Walsh, Chloe Cole etc. Because I have suffered and seen suffering from this movement, and I want to help end it. That is my answer. I hope you can scream louder and not let your voice be in vain. Kind Regards, A Hi Scott, I have a daughter who I am fighting for who is autistic. This is a Huge deal within the autistic community and what I call radical autistic advocates that’s are sadly promoting and accepting this . Just recently and author and advocate named Heidi Mavir from the UK, took her daughter to have a mastectomy. I purchased her book and in it she speaks about her Son. At that time I had no idea her son was really a daughter. As far as I’m concerned her book was falsified. I ripped it up and unfollowed her. There are LOTS like this within the actual community. My eyes are open. Feeling like a fish out of water is common amongst our autistic youth but this does not mean we should promote self hate and affirm our kids to change. Society does this enough with autistic kids. I’m seeing some desisting happening in my daughter but I am watching things closely. The internet was the evil being that created the questioning in my child in 2021 during the lockdown. She is now 14. I have time. After some bad text messages and awful internet conversations with disgusting individuals, caused us to contact the authorities. It was horrible. My husband and I got rid of All devices, internet and her phone has no web browser. She’s not even allowed to bring her school computer home. I can see every text on an app and approve every number. She is going to a youth church group every week as well. I do need to be careful with that but so far the youth leaders have been fantastic and they know her story and have taken her in just as she is! My daughters hair is growing, she is now wearing her earrings and she is wearing uniform skirts to school. I pray for her Daily! I was truly inspired by your story and feel you Not re-transitioning back to Kellie, is powerful because you can use your voice as you are. It’s incredible. Your knowledge and up to date statistics on the dangers of medications and medicalization are valuable. If things start to get serious with my daughter, I have already planned on showing her your interviews as well as the interviews of Chloe Cole and other de-transitioners. This is the most powerful way to reach our kids as they will not listen to us. I run a Free women’s support group for neurodivergent children in Southern Calif. we have not touched on this subject yet, but I plan to. It needs to be brought up because our autistic children are at risk for this ideology. I just need to collect the proper information and make sure it’s done right. It’s extremely difficult. I don’t want to mess this up. I have over 400 members and I’m sure I will lose a some but hey, Truth is Truth. I write quite a bit and one of my posts was about the Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle. We used to read these books about self love to our kids and now we are doing the opposite by promoting self hate and telling them they should change because they are not good enough as they are. Keep up your advocacy Please!! We Need your voice! You were put in these circumstances for a reason. I know you have and continue to go through hell, but I honestly feel it was meant to be and you are being used for Good! Bless you and all you do! J

  • A Project Fell Through, But We Still Have To Save Kids! -Transman Scott Newgent

    Recently, I had a project fall through that would have sustained me within activism and supported my family. The project fell through. This campaign was created to help keep me active 24/7, but $60 was raised. I want nothing more than to stay in this fight, but I cannot sustain the stress. I have to look outside of activism due to the constant stress emotionally, financially & spiritually. Please let me know if you have any ideas on how I can remain. If you want me to continue, consider donating or purchasing merchandise. People appreciate my voice, but I don't belong to a subtribe within activism. It makes me affective to change hearts and minds but ineffective from a PR standpoint and support. Appreciating my voice is quite different from promoting or supporting it. I have been forced to say NO to a couple of documentaries and popular podcasts due to the travel demands; the flights and hotels are paid for, but not the miscellaneous parking fees, taxis, food or bagging charges. These trips usually cost me about $250, which I can no longer afford. Campaign Below: Donate Campaign Created by: Kevin Tuttle Kevin Tuttle will receive the funds from this campaign. Monthly Goal: USD 5,000 Raised this month: USD 10 Total Raised: USD 60 Scott Newgent is the accidental star of Matt Walsh's "What is a Woman" documentary. His goal is to protect children from the dangerous trans ideology that is permeating our culture and destroying children's innocence in the process. As a trans man, Scott endured medical complications after medical complications due to transgender "healthcare." Scott has lost everything he'd ever worked for: his home, car, savings, career, spouse, medical insurance, and most importantly, his faith in himself and God. Through this campaign of love, this community can show Scott that God loves him and hasn't forsaken him even for a moment. In a battle to survive, Scott went from ER to ER, trying to solve the mystery of why his health was failing. He learned firsthand the truth about how dangerous medical transition is. He realized that if you get sick because of transgender health, you will be deserted by the medical field, who might also gaslight you. Scott's mission in life is to expose the dangerous lies that medical institutions, psychologists, and others are espousing that ultimately robs the innocence of children. But he needs funding to do so as he can no longer support his family without our help. Please prayerfully consider helping Scott so he can work full time doing interviews on podcasts and other media nationwide, as well as all over the world. His message is vital. Please consider a donation: Donate

  • Parents walk your child through puberty not around it. - Scott Newgent

    The power of a mother is insurmountable to a child. Parenting is a verb; it's something you do. A 14 yr old boy wakes his mother up in the middle of the night, "I can't sleep, Mom!" The mom escorts her child back to bed & asks, 'Why do you think you can't sleep? You've never had issues before!" "Mom, when I close my eyes, I can't shut my brain off. Images of what's coming, what I need to do won't stop; I think I might have ADHD!" Mom wipes the hair away from her son's head and says, "No, son, you are in the middle of childhood-adulthood & you are dealing with life with miraculous hormones that will someday make you a father. You are learning what it takes to survive, to care for people, protect, provide, and the innocence of childhood is wearing off. All this is normal but perfect with you, my child. Support The SCREAMING To STOP Childhood Medical Transition Close your eyes and tell your brain you know you have things to do, coming, to figure out & you will... TOMORROW when you are rested. Now, tell your brain I need rest to accomplish what you worry about. Let me rest & trust I will figure it out... TOMORROW! Now close your eyes, knowing you are growing AWESOME. No diagnosis is needed other than growing into a remarkable man! So proud of you!" The boy closes his eyes as his mother sits close, resting her hand on his shoulder, repeating, "You are doing so good, son; you're going to be an awesome husband, father, provider, leader, follower, and bring so much joy to so many!" Within minutes the boy falls asleep! Parent better! Talk your children through puberty, not around it. -Scott Newgent On Sale Now

  • Something is COMING...Almost There. Wanna Help STOP Transing Kids? - Transman Scott Newgent

    Donate Today Well Hello! Long time no talk. If you follow on Twitter, you can see some things change. My tweets are different, and my tone and my strength have transformed. So what is changing? For over four years, I have been SCREAMING alone in a dark, moldy basement to STOP transing kids! What got me here in this basement after losing everything? By the way, I do mean everything! At 42, I started medically transitioning and was told it would make me fit, that I was born in the wrong body at 42! Do you realize how embarrassing that is to say? The utter and total egg on my face, "Yup, I'm a complete nincompoop; please don't allow your children to be as stupid as I was because medical transition is experimental, dangerous and doesn't cure anything. It makes mental health worse!" Think about that. Could you do that? Mix into the recipe the fact that getting to that basement came after I had One pulmonary embolism One life flight helicopter ride Stress-induced heart attack Sepsis Cut Bladder Lost four teeth 26 rounds of antibiotics PIC IV antibiotics for over a month before work Passed out from pain three times Arm reconstructive surgery Lost my job House Wife Career Car repossessed Not able to take care of my children alone One ankle 'Not long to live tag.' Failed phalloplasty 17-month reoccurring infection Discovering trans health is experimental; forced to figure out what I was dying ALONE! & I can go on, but you don't have the time! I found myself without a car, in the moldy basement with the other parent to my kids being the only human being on the face of the earth that said, "You are not doing well, Kellie; I got you," then picked me up and put me under her house, with my kids above me, "Not doing well," but alive, with my kids! I was pissed and for good reason! Four years later and four weeks ago, I decided to start to LIVE again! I had an opportunity, and I have had many, but always projects, that helped others gain, losing the message needed to save children from being heard sifted out, leaving accomplishments for others but losing the information required to educate the realities of the medicalization of gender-confused children. I was never ok with that, and I am still not! Long Story Short? I NEVER sold out and have suffered for it! A Speaking Tour Is Coming! But it's not here YET! Late September! Announcing Soon! Until then, I still need help! Finally, I will get a small monetary payment for each speech I give. But today? Every podcast I give, every parent I write, every politician I help, every video I make, everywhere I travel? I am NOT paid. I have said NO to book deals that wanted me to tell my story their way, a way that would make money but NOT save kids! I have said NO to politicians because it's taking my voice away. Get paid! YOU BET! Help kids! NO WAY! When I travel? Sometimes it's paid, but not the cost to park my car, not the car ride to the airport, not the meals, not the $30 to check my bag or the last trip to DC where they lost my bag and the $130 I had to spend to buy supplies. I have always worked from home, a little job but enough to keep afloat while I fight. I was fired after speaking at a Matt Walsh Rally. I have been able to do this because of donations, and it's embarrassing, but it's the reality, and I know we are ALMOST there where people will hear us; you are a part of that! But not quite yet! Thank you for your donations! I am here doing this because of people like you who have donated! Thank you & we are: Almost there! -Scott Newgent Donate Today! Everything helps!

  • Thanks, Elon. “Grifters gonna grift.” Transgenderism The 6th Sign of Modern Medicine & The Lie

    When you are going viral it is like being caught in the middle of a violent tornado that sweeps up everything around you. You can’t control it. It’s nearly impossible to keep up with the tweets, the DMs, the quote tweets as they come in rapid-fire. Elon Musk had just done something extraordinary. He changed the course of the culture war forever by amplifying a documentary I was in where I broke down in tears (it was my first time I had mentally had the courage to leave the house in three years if we’re being honest) and the messages coming at me felt overwhelming and hard to keep up with and or even take in. But I definitely caught that one. Grifters gonna grift. Something surprising happened. I didn’t cry. I laughed. The absurdity of it all came completely crashing down. I was nearly in tears laughing at how far away from reality these people attacking me were. Did they think it was easy speaking out against a collusion of the most powerful, trillion-dollar industries that seek to silence anyone who dares challenge the cash cow of gender medicine in pumping out permanently medicalized patients like I now was? Ah yes, grifting. I have $427 to my name. I live in a basement, have sheets as room dividers at me ex's home. My “non-binary” manager who is married to a transman just fired me from a job because I speak out to prevent what happened to me from ever happening to children. Support My Work - Donate Today But I don’t care what anyone says about me anymore. There is an incredible peace that comes with facing death and with speaking out against a crowd of people who say that acknowledging the medical butchery you personally experienced is “hate speech.” You realize how little lies matter. Having “openness” to other people’s lies is what got me here in the first place. When you accept the first lie, something incredible happens. You give up a part of yourself. You lose a part of who you are. You start doubting everything. Common sense drifts away…like a hazy dream. You want to please the people who are feeding you the lies because the cognitive dissonance causes your brain to hurt. It opens a loop. You want the pain of the first lie to stop. And like an abuse victim who wants to heal from the first act of violence by returning to the abuser himself, you get more and more and more lost. I’m not lost anymore. And I have nothing to lose. Nothing. I will never let anyone intimidate me into giving up on my grasp of reality again. Never again. And what’s more, I have a vengeance now. I have a soul mission. I will never let what happened to me happen to another child. It’s not about preventing someone from pursuing the surgeries and sex mimicry that constitutes transgender medicine–I’m all for grown adults doing whatever they want–but there is nothing, no way in the manner of informed consent right now for people to make intelligent decisions about the mind-bending illusion and mirage of transgenderism. If I, a successful sales executive who understood intimately the methods of psychology that are used to sell something, could be sucked into this con, let me tell you something that everyone knows but is too terrified to say. The kids don’t stand a chance. Not against billions in predatory marketing. Not against society-wide ridicule. Not against mind control techniques that make MK Ultra look like a walk in the park. Not against emotional whiplash con man tactics where the truth is so controverted and distorted that you’re willing to do almost anything to just…make it stop. I have three kids. Carried life. I am a MAMA Bear X million. You don’t mess with kids. Call me a bigot. Call me–a trans man (for many victims of gender medicine you have to take hormones the rest of your life–either estrogen or testosterone–to have your now damaged body be able to even function)--a transphobe. Yes, yes. I’m a bigot against myself. Sure. That makes sense. And absolutely, call me a grifter. I don’t care if you call me Hitler at this point because lies hold no power. You see? The only thing that matters is reality. And facing ugly piss-filled, blood-stained, wrenching-pain death forced me–gifted me in a way–a reconciliation with reality that I will never, ever lose again. I became, through coming to peace with being not long for this world, like a detective, determined to figure out how in the hell so many in society could be pushing these surgeries which are enriching pharmaceutical corporations in a manner that mimics what have been termed the “webs of influence” that were pushed by the Sackler family in advertising “pain relief” to millions in order to increase corporate profits. Pain. It’s the fifth vital sign. That sign was added into doctor’s offices everywhere thanks to how easy it is to corrupt the medical establishment with inordinate amounts of power and money. Why? To make the Sackler's rich. In The Rise And Fall Of The Sacklers' Opioid Empire, An American Dream Turns Toxic The Genuis of The Fifth Sign Strategy You know what today’s fifth vital sign is that is being pushed by doctors everywhere including the ones that sold me on more than $1 million in surgeries and drugs that nearly took my life? Transgender. The Sixth Sign! Join Us RSVP Today

  • Wanna Hear What DOCS Have to Say About Transing Kids When PC Police Are Out of Room!

    Support The Rainbow Rebellion Donate Today By, Dr. Silenced I Wonder: "What Do Docs Really Think About Childhood Medical Transition? Dr. Silenced Fills Us In! An email I received from a physician. The physician is remaining anonymous, but has verified that this is a real physician. Hold Tight Dear Scott, I wish I could come out in public support of your work (Jane is my political pseudonym), but as a physician I feel that the issue of pediatric transgender care has become so political that I would face cancel culture and career annihilation should I speak out. I read the article you published in Newsweek and it very much enlightened my practice as a physician and I would like to thank you for bringing to light an issue that is historically unquestionable in medical circles. I also wanted to share my small part of the story as I hope it will encourage you in your work. First and foremost, as a former family medicine resident physician, I would like to apologize for the grave injustices you faced going through your gender transition process. It sickens me to know that even as an adult no one truly gave you INFORMED consent for your procedures and also required you to go back to the same physician who mistreated you for ongoing care. You are most correct that transgender hormonal and surgical therapy is experimental (for children and for adults) and your physician was oath-bound to ensure that you understood what consequences were already known, what were still theoretical, and what was still unknown. Your physician violated their Hippocratic Oath to "first do no harm" and I am so very sorry that you had to pay such high consequences for their actions. Secondly I wanted to share with you my physician experiences of the medical culture surrounding transgender care. I am a heterosexual female physician and while I do not pretend to know all the social issues surrounding LGBTQ+ care, I do not think that pediatric transgender hormonal delay and surgical therapy is appropriate for the very same reasons you outline in your article -- it's experimental, we don't know the long term consequences, it is unethical to experiment on a child who cannot fully consent to the procedure due to lack of understanding, and we have not sufficiently ruled out other psychological co-morbidities or even let the child's psyche fully develop before we present them with a absolute decision about their gender. I have interacted with the pediatric transgender clinic system only peripherally, but what I have found has largely been disturbing. Occasionally a transgender pediatric patient will be admitted to the hospital, usually due to a psychiatric crisis, and as their primary physician in the care team I feel it is my duty and my professional right to know everything about them as it pertains to their admission to the hospital. However, often as I search their chart, the only documentation I find for their transgender care is a sparse note from the endocrinologist. There are no psychological assessments, surgical planning notes, or any other detailed information on where the child is in the process of their transition despite the fact that the pediatric transgender clinic is a part of the same system as the hospital itself (i.e. they should share the same documentation system). Additionally, supposed transgender psychologists visit the patient while they are in the hospital, but I have yet to even see one of these elusive professionals on the floor nor see one of their inpatient care notes despite my nurses saying that they visited the patient. The secrecy surrounding these pediatric transgender clinics, even to other physicians who are supposed to be looking out for the best interest of the child, disturbs me to my core. If the pediatric transgender clinic thinks it is really doing what is best for the patient, why do they feel they have to hide information? SHOP Our Merchandise Additionally, before I approve ongoing transgender care to the patient, I want to know that the patient has had a full and un-biased psychiatric evaluation and ongoing assessment to rule-out comorbid psychologic conditions or alternative diagnoses. There are many things that can masquerade as gender dysphoria, my main concern being Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD is a condition that causes the patient to seek attention in increasingly extreme ways -- through increasingly elaborate suicide and self-harm schemes or through claiming gender dysphoria and seeking transgender care when they are not gender-dysphoric. Personality disorders cannot be diagnosed in children because the child's personality is still forming, but as a physician you develop a sixth sense for predicting which teens are likely to manifest BPD in adulthood. Since BPD cannot be diagnosed in childhood, but GD can, it poses a problem that a child can undergo hormonal and surgical therapy before their psyche is fully developed and can be properly evaluated. Psychiatric evaluations exploring other possible diagnoses are rarely documented and it is my belief that in the fervor around seeking gender-affirmation, such possible diagnoses are overlooked. In my residency program, I have faced consequences for standing up for what I (formerly) believed to be best for pediatric transgender patients. For example, I had a 17yo transgender patient on my outpatient panel who had completed both hormonal and surgical therapy by the time they became my patient. As they were a pediatric patient, I could not ethically support their transgender treatment plan and yet nothing could be done to change it as they had already completed therapy. I did not feel that I could sign prescriptions and consults or coordinate their care without ethical distress. Therefore, I felt the most ethical thing to do would be for my residency program to transfer the patient to someone who was supportive of the transgender treatment plan and could sign the necessary orders without ethical distress. I subsequently received severe backlash from one of my supervising physicians who was (or claimed to be) a transgender advocate. He stopped using my name, questioned all of my work, gave me bad evaluations, and told me that he didn't think I should be a physician. After reading your article, I wish I had made a different decision than to have my patient transferred, because I now realize that I essentially fed my transgender patient to a wolf who was going to continue a dialog of toxic affirmation rather than let the patient fully explore their identity in an unbiased way. So I want to thank you for changing my practice of medicine and making me a better doctor for the future. Also, I want you to know that there are many in medicine who share your same goal but without a voice to do so. There is a growing "elitist" group of physicians in medicine who pretend to understand LGBTQ+ issues and look down on those they think do not understand the LGBTQ+ community as they do. These "elitist allies" can often be identified by rainbow buttons on their lapel, an over-affirming attitude toward any gender issues, and a disgust for anyone who does not also wear a rainbow button. They often think bigotry is any sort of disagreement with them and they have a considerable amount of power in silencing dissent. While you likely have at least 50+% of the medical community who think the way you do about pediatric trans therapy, I fear that you will have a hard time getting statements from individual physicians due to their fear of job loss from this elitist faction (as you can see, I didn't use my real name either). Additionally, groups of physicians will want to preserve the reputation and influence of the organization they represent and in today's political climate ward off accusations of institutional bigotry. Cancel culture in medicine is not unique to transgender issues (notice the COVID-19 lab-leak theory is very quietly not gaining any traction), but it is those of you on the outside of medicine who are poised to make the biggest difference and unsilenced the true state of science around transgender care. I thank you so much for your bravery. I wish I had a magic bullet to make cancel culture go away, but do know that there are secret allies on the inside of medicine covertly working toward the same goal of protecting our gender questioning youth. I wish you all the best in the fight for truth and justice and hope that one day I too can break my relative silence. Dr. Silenced

  • Are you disgusted with what the NEW LGBTQ+ is doing to kids? Are You Straight? Wanna Help!

    Gays, Lesbians & Transgender Adults Leading a Counter-Pride Protest This Saturday - Saint Louis & We NEED Straight People TOO!....YOU! Everyone Welcome & Needed to 'Get The New LGBTQ+ AWAY from Kids!' Join us for a historical event - The Rainbow Rebellion is HERE! Time to TAKE BACK our Community! Special Guests & Speakers: Jaimee Michell, CEO Sasha Leigh HR / Executive Assistant - 'Lesbian' Chris Barrett Co-Director of Chapters 'Gay Man' Rocky Rodriguez Wisconsin Chapter Leader 'Gay Man' Micki Cutler - Tennessee Chapter Leader - 'Lesbian' Chelsea Colton - Member 'Lesbian' Taylor Conner - Member 'Transman' Scott Newgent - "Transman' This Saturday - 10:30am - Meet @ 10am 16th& Market in Downtown Saint Louise at the Memorial Plaza Corner Download Telegram - Email Handle To: & I will add you to the chain for updates on this event! Put our differences aside for one day, grab our hands, and let us lead you to save our children from being medically transitioned and sexualized and get the LGBTQ+ OUT of our school systems; we don't belong there! Are you frustrated and livid about the new LGBTQ+ targeting children but called a 'BIGOT' if you speak about your concerns. Do you need help with how to help? Let us help! Join Us This Saturday! Grab gays, lesbians and transgender hands leading the charge to take BACK our community, get the perverts, podophiles & money mongers away from kids. 99% of all appearances on podcasts, speeches, posts, and published articles are NOT paid. Donations Keep The SCREAMING Going & I will continue as long as I can stay afloat! Rainbow Rebellion This Saturday In Need Of Audio Equipment $600. Donate Directly To The Audio Rental Company - Email Today This Month 'Yearly Website Dues' Donations Totally $ 1867 Costs, Money Out $2345 Consider a Donation Today

  • Attention All Straights-We Need You! This Saturday 10:30AM Counter Pride Protest STL, MO

    Gays, Lesbians & Transgender Adults Leading a Counter-Pride Protest This Saturday - Saint Louis & We NEED Straight People TOO!....YOU! Everyone Welcome & Needed to 'Get The New LGBTQ+ AWAY from Kids!' Join us for a historical event - The Rainbow Rebellion is HERE! Time to TAKE BACK our Community! Special Guests & Speakers: Jaimee Michell, CEO Sasha Leigh HR / Executive Assistant - 'Lesbian' Chris Barrett Co-Director of Chapters 'Gay Man' Rocky Rodriguez Wisconsin Chapter Leader 'Gay Man' Micki Cutler - Tennessee Chapter Leader - 'Lesbian' Chelsea Colton - Member 'Lesbian' Taylor Conner - Member 'Transman' Scott Newgent - "Transman' This Saturday - 10:30am - Meet @ 10am 16th& Market in Downtown Saint Louise at the Memorial Plaza Corner Download Telegram - Email Handle To: & I will add you to the chain for updates on this event! Put our differences aside for one day, grab our hands, and let us lead you to save our children from being medically transitioned, sexualized and get the LGBTQ+ OUT of our school systems, we don't belong there! Put our differences aside for one day, grab our hands, and let us lead you to save our children from being medically transitioned and sexualized and get the LGBTQ+ OUT of our school systems; we don't belong there! Are you frustrated and livid about the new LGBTQ+ targeting children but called a 'BIGOT' if you speak about your concerns. Do you need help with how to help? Let us help! Join Us This Saturday! Grab gays, lesbians and transgender hands leading the charge to take BACK our community, get the perverts, podophiles & money mongers away from kids. 99% of all appearances on podcasts, speeches, posts, and published articles are NOT paid. Donations Keep The SCREAMING Going & I will continue as long as I can stay afloat! Rainbow Rebellion This Saturday In Need Of Audio Equipment $600. Donate Directly To The Audio Rental Company - Email Today This Month 'Yearly Website Dues' Donations Totally $ 1867 Costs, Money Out $2345 Donate Today The Story Behind Controversial Documentary 'What Is A Woman' Twitter owner Elon Musk said the company’s reported rejection on the streaming of Daily Wire’s documentary Read More   I Underwent Gender Transition Surgery: Here’s What The Media Doesn’t Tell You At 42, when the medical industry told me I could be born again, male, I believed them. Most Read Article Of The Month Read More “I Will Call You Kellie Because That is How God Sees You…Have You Talked to Jesus Lately?” I worked in sales the majority of my adult life. Killed it in sales. Ever seen that hilarious Jeremy Piven movie The Goods in 2009 back when comedy was still legal? He’s a legendary car salesman closer.......  Read More Thanks, Elon. “Grifters gonna grift.” Transgenderism The 6th Sign of Modern Medicine & The Lie When you are going viral it is like being caught in the middle of a violent tornado that sweeps up everything around you. You can’t control it. It’s nearly impossible to keep up with the tweets, the DMs, the quote tweets as they come in rapid-fire. Read More Judge blocks Arkansas ban on gender-transition care for transgender minors - Supreme Court Here We Come! LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A federal judge struck down Arkansas’ first-in-the-nation ban on gender-transition care for children as unconstitutional Tuesday...  Read More

  • Gender. LGBT Pushing Back Against the Dylan Mulvaney's of The WORLD What is woman Hero Continues.

    I'm excited to share that I have created a new group called the Rainbow Rebellion to fight against the medicalization of gender-confused children. For our upcoming Pride counter-protest in St Louis. More and more of us are DONE with this evil agenda being pushed on children in our name. Join us in the FIGHT to save our children! We welcome you to the launch of the 'Rainbow Rebellion' counter pride protests. These events are organize by gays, lesbians, bisexuals transgender adult's with all others to our right and left to support, everyone coming together to save our children from what the new LGBTQ+ has became, a recruiting agency. June 24th 10:30 Saint Louis Missouri Counter Pride Fest "LGBTQ+ Get away from kids, we don't belong there; we are a soft place to fall for adult's and adults ONLY!' Please attend - RSVP Here Get Involved One Person - Here Organizations? Want to Join - Here Email: Subject: Please Pick - ATTEND - INVOLVED - ORGANIZATION - SPONSORSHIP I am rarely paid for interviews, and my activism comes from my soul, but unfortunately, money is needed to fight this mess. Every dollar, whether $10 - $20 - $30 - $40, $100 or $1000, will have my total dedication, blood, sweat and tears on every dollar! I do this activism because I know that truth and have carried life! In 2015 the LGBTQ gained all the rights we fought so hard for; we WON! This is where we faltered! We won these rights with grace and perseverance & helping society understand; we were not a recruiting agency for children, just a soft place to fall for adults & adults only! The LGBTQ+ has now become a recruiting agency, and they MUST be STOPPED! In 2016 a massive partnership merged between LGBTQ+ organizations & organizations focused on medically transitioned children like Mermaids. These partnerships took LGBTQ+ from the brink of bankruptcy due to the lack of donations to soaring profits tipping the scale at 32% year-over-year fiscal recovery. My name is Scott Newgent. I am a lesbian, and I decided to become a transman. I am also the unintended HERO in Matt Walsh's documentary 'What is a Woman.' Despite altering my body surgically and with hormones to look like a man, I am a woman. Only women can bear children, and I was blessed to carry life and have three beautiful children. So I know quite a bit about kids and transgender treatments. The human rights want and desires of all, whether straight or gay, is the right to love another consenting adult and to be respected and protected under the laws of every country. These are moral rights, and we had many righteous gays and lesbians fighting for these rights. Your stance on homosexuality is of NO concern to me; it's ok to disagree. It's ok for adults to disagree on issues; disagreements are the platform at which a balance is achieved within society. Without checks and balances, we sit in vulnerable places where a generation of children can be butchered by transgender medicine, mind, body and soul while an ignorant society cheers...Not understanding the truth! If you go after my rights to live, love and work due to my sexuality, this is the ONLY time you will concern me. Disagreements and differences of opinion are healthy, and views do not make someone intrinsically evil if they don't agree with you or a saint if they do. We must rise and adult better! Stonewall (LGBTQ+) was founded in 1989 with these rights in the future view, not had, yet worth everything to us gays and lesbians, and the fight was righteous, and the warriors within this fight were righteous. In 2002 Adoption rights for same-sex couples - won! This was a righteous right! In 2003 Employment equality - won! This was a righteous right! 2013 Marriage Act - for gays & lesbians This was a righteous right! The rights of human dignity to love whom we love, to be recognized in the eyes of the law, protected with dignity within this great land in Britain, the USA & abroad…WON We WON….& This is where we faltered….This is where my community, the gays and lesbians, fell. You see, we won, and the righteous fighters, the righteous gays and lesbians fighting for the right to love whom we loved, to visit and be entitled to our partners in sickness, in life achievement & death. The dignity of protection within this great land and the laws…WON! We won for lesbians and gays like Janice Langbehn, a lesbian denied the right to visit her same-sex partner in the intensive care unit at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida. Her partner, Lisa Pond, suffered an aneurysm. At the hospital, nurses and doctors refused to let Langbehn or her children see Pond, and they did not provide them with any updates. Pond slipped into a coma while her life partner and their children cried to be at her bedside, denied, and outside the room, outside was the echoes of calling Pond's weeping family never heard by Pond. Pond died alone. These were the righteous fights….For Pond and all others to die with dignity, surrounded by the love of family, without question. Without question. The righteous fights were WON And so the beginning of a new activism business model, had by the STONEWALLS & LGBTQ+ of the world's & this is where our children were sold down the river, exchanged for the NEW activism business model, a successful new profitable model elevated and began to be maintained by skipping on the heads of odd fitting; children are most vulnerable, used….Our plight to protect future same-sex attracted children highlighted for a profitable business model of transgender medicine, included into the mix were all odd fitting children, the autistic, mentally gifted, mentally ill, abused, served on a platter to the donation gods as the new "righteous right" twisted with an evil filled ending to a righteous…bottom line. And STONEWALL/LGBTQ+…..lived on after moral, righteous rights were won. Medically transitioning children was the side step, the business strategy to evolve & continue an org, an activism fight that was won yet lived on, but not without strategic evil thought. In 2015 Stonewall filed for bankruptcy but never pointed to fruition. In 2015 the battle was won, the donations dried up, and a righteous organization lost funding, dwindling into the excellent night. One final curtain call and standing ovation lead to BANKRUPTCY, but before the last curtain call or bid into the Goodnight, a glimmer of hope & this glimmer of hope not only revised but injected radical success. STONEWALL went from bankruptcy, yet 12 months later, it reported a 32% year-over-year growth. A tagline of this success would have sparked an investigation for any government-funded organization in the US…whether the funding received was five government-funded dollars to 1 million. This staggering year over year would have sparked a question and started a USA investigation. What happened from 2015 to 2016 within STONEWALL? STONEWALL signed to promote Mermaids and the medicalization of children! MEAWW.COM / NEWS / HUMAN INTEREST Inside the Mermaids scandal: Celebs and money flow into trans charity despite horrifying allegations Regulator escalates investigation into trans charity Mermaids Activism is a business; being a business sales executive was lost to me as I entered activism five years ago. My plight was as a mother—a woman who had given birth, carried life, an obligation of righting a wrong. SIDE NOTE: In 2017, Trevor Project, an org focused on state bills to promote medically transitioningg children, faster, younger and include experimental and dangerious surgerues as well as infiltrate public school systems received $477,000 In 2022, 12 million My voice is breaking through average donations=500 dollars a month. What do you think I could do if I was supported? Trevor Project Fiscal Links To Verify Let me explain. I will start with the money. Each child who is transitioned is worth more than 1.5 million dollars at a minimum. It begins with the psychosocial intervention of social transition in which all the adults affirm the kids' delusion that the child can change sex. This is cruel. Because it is telling the child that everything - absolutely everything - is wrong with the child's body. They were born wrong. It moves to puberty blockers - the same drugs used to castrate sex offenders chemically. Drugs that have a long list of known severe long-term effects - such as permanent loss of bone density, brain development issues, risk of blindness, underdeveloped genitalia, and cardiovascular issues - to name a few and a whole host of unknown risks. There are over 10,000 complaints lodged against the manufacturer of the puberty blocker Lupron. It is funny how Kaiser reported on the harms of puberty blockers for precocious puberty but then promoted it for gender-confused children as if the known horrible side effects won't affect gender-confused kids. An 18-year-old died during a vaginoplasty because puberty blockers resulted in his penis being too small to flip inside out to make a cavity. A piece of his colon was needed for the surgery. The result was necro-titis. Males on puberty blockers at young ages and then cross-sex hormones - and about 95% continue on - will never experience an orgasm and be sterile. Another effect of estrogen on males is that it keeps their appearance looking young, with high voices, soft skin and tiny genitals. Remember what I said about paedophilia? Step 3 in the Mengele-style (Men - Ge- Lay - For Your information - a nazi doctor that performed horrible experiments on Jewish kids) treatments are cross-sex hormones. Estrogen and testosterone are being handed out like candy. With no-zero - studies, these drugs resolve gender dysphoria, alleviate companion mental health issues or prevent suicide. Suicide increases POST TRANSITION. Post-transition, transgender people are 19 times more likely to commit suicide. A National Institute of Health study published a couple of months ago showed that 2 of the 315 kids took their lives within one year of starting hormones - more than 50 times the national average. The best gender doctors purportedly treating these kids were screened for severe mental health issues and in affirming families. Donate $10 - $20 - $30 - $1000 - $10,000 everything helps. You see, Story Time Drag show, medically transitioning children was the head on which stepped to evolve & continue an organization that won! STONEWALL WON & selling children's health… Support Today Online sellers of these drugs are darlings of private investors. These groups are partnering with community kid's groups to peddle to kids. These drugs ultimately result in sterility - in as little as four months for males and within five years for women. But don't worry - these hormone sellers have partnered with fertility groups who - for a price - will try to get their sterile kids a baby later. They create the problem and then solve it as long as you can pay. Long-term cross-sex hormones cause heart issues, joint pain and increase cancer risks - hell, girls as young as 17 get fatal liver cancer from testosterone. Does this sound life-saving to you? Listen to the detransitioners - even when they stop the hormones, their physical body continues to atrophy and suffer from the effects of the drugs. They have pain that no doctor knows how to treat. Because this is a giant experiment on Kids. Kids who are developmentally unable to comprehend the risks or what they are giving up. Now for the surgeries. Vaginoplasty - I already talked about one of the risks to a healthy boy - death. Now let's get gross - shall we? Hair growing in the cavity, odor of bowels, sleeping with a wound expander inserted to prevent the hole from closing. Remember we are doing this to healthy bodies and minors in the name of authentic self. Males are having their gonads removed. WPATH and its President, Marci Bowers promotes eunuchs as a gender for children. It shouldn't be allowed for adults. It's insane. For the females, it's breast removal - let's not call it top surgery and make it sounds like a no-big-deal. It is - it is enormous. Besides the complications which occur In the majority of the surgeries, there are no takebacks. Once the breasts are gone, they are gone forever. So is the ability to breastfeed a child. The holy grail of surgeries, and the most expensive and least successful, is phalloplasty. Look at my arm - this is a deformity I show the world almost daily to get something that resembles a penis that is hidden in my pants. Some women carved up their thighs to get a facsimile of a penis that carries a substantial risk of severe complications and long-term effects. The surgeries are a growing market that is so lucrative that it is tracked so people can invest in it. In the US, surgeries were worth $1.9 Billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a compounded rate of 11.23% annually. This is better than most stock and bond returns. No wonder there are more than 400 pediatric gender centres in the US now when 10 years ago, there were just a handful. Again to interject the human rights angle again, Stonewall moved from being a gay rights group rewriting its history to becoming the UK's most prominent influencer in pushing children and young adults to reject their bodies, monetizing itself by rewarding corporations to deny biological reality. How Stonewall superglued the T to the LGB, erasing the LGB on the way. Stonewall was founded in 1989 for a very laudable purpose - to win equal treatment under the law regardless of who one loves. Many righteous gays and lesbians fought for these fundamental human rights. The gay and lesbian community's human rights were won. Instead of celebrating and going about our lives, which is what we wanted - we wanted to live freely, raise families, have lasting partnerships, and be able to nurse our partners. Instead of just living and disbanding all of the charities that reached the righteous goals, charities like Stonewall had grown so big that they needed to move the goalpost - they needed a new battle to wage. There was money at stake; the machine needed to be fed. The charities forgot the the golden rule that charities' ultimate goal is to go out of business because they achieved their objective. And so began a new activism business model based in queer theory - where everything that was accepted as normal must be turned upside down. This is when Stonewall and other activist groups targeted the gay community itself, like me - convincing me that I was not a lesbian but a man trapped in a woman's body - and more sinisterly, the LGBTQ groups turned to the children. Yes, these alleged human rights groups are here to take the children from loving parents, remove their innocence, rob them of their bodies, erase biology and trick gay and lesbians kids into transitioning. The righteous groups turned into predatory groups. With the gay rights goals having been met, the funding for Stonewall dried up. In 2015, it was facing bankruptcy. But Stonewall wanted to live on, so it pivoted and signed on to promote Mermaids. Mermaids is a charity that advocates for the gender transition of children. Mermaids is currently under investigation for child safeguarding failures. Susie Greene stepped down as CEO of 6 years, a woman who transitioned her son because her husband id not want a gay son - That's what Iran - the most homophobic country does. Stonewall sold out its gay and lesbian members. Instead of protecting gay and lesbian kids, its need to stay financed tarnishes its name. By the way, Greene contributed to the so-called standards of care for WPATH. This homophobic mother, who profited from kids, with no medical background had an actual say. WPATH despite its name, is just another Frankenstein Organization. Children are the new revenue stream. They are also being used as cover for depraved and fetish behavior. It goes like this - if they can normalize the transgenderism of children - they can claim being trans is natural, immutable and normal. It is none of these things. This new agenda will open access to children, sex positivity, and normalizing the sexualization of children. This is where Drag Show Story Time comes in. Men with garish makeup, scantily dressed, simulating sex moves in front of children. Having young children listen to books being read aloud designed to confuse children about their bodies, normalize sexual language, and desensitize them to adult behaviour is grooming. First, it was reading books to kids, but that was not queer enough so it moved to perform sexual drag shows for kids at libraries and schools, but that was not boundary-breaking enough - now it's let's teach the young boys and girls to spackle on makeup, wear barely-there clothing and dance for the US - the adults - for money. Yes, let's have them split their legs apart, shake their bottoms, and shimmy their chests, while we place money in their clothes. But that is not queer enough, let's remove all safeguards about sex with children - as the United Nations just stated in March. So long as the child consents, sex with them is fine. So, I ask you - is this transgender movement about human rights? No - It's about pedophilic's rights, fetish's rights and depravity. It's about robbing children of their innocence and profiting from their bodies. Every lesbian and gay man, parent and grandparent, woman and man should be standing up and saying no. Keep your hands of the children andvulnerable adults who are being used to feed the machine. NO ONE HASTHE RIGHT TO HARM A CHILD - NOT THE PARENTS, NOT THE DOCTORS, NOT THE TEACHERS, NOT THE GOVERNMENT. _____________________________________________________ UN STATEMEN - QUOTE "With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage. Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them. Pursuant to their evolving capacities and progressive autonomy, persons under 18 years of age should participate in decisions affecting them, with due regard to their age, maturity and best interests, and with specific attention to non-discrimination guarantees. CITATION - THE 8 MARCH PRINCIPLES FOR A HUMAN RIGHTS-BASED APPROACH TO CRIMINAL LAW PROSCRIBING CONDUCT

  • ID Sen Trakel 1-WIN/ID school Board 1-LOSS Trans Kids Debate SCREAMING Louder Begins

    by, Scott Newgent Support Scott's Work Donate Today Sen Chris Trakel started fiery, refusing to permit the sand to drop in the hourglass allotted time to speak about the transgender bathroom debate until the rules given before the video recording started were firmly addressed, and the leaders corrected. The rules for the night were not recorded, but Sen Trakel condensed the dissertation into a bite-size piece for all to understand. The leaders at this school board meeting had laid the gavel down, mandating that no one was to criticize any school officials; it would not be tolerated. After the airy virtuous self-grandiosity, the meeting commenced, and this was when Senator Trakel approached the podium. Watching Senator Trakel walk to the podium, I could sense his nerves, and of course, calling authorities within any society niche to the carpet takes nerves of steel. I was embarrassed and nervous for him but was rooting for him all the same. "Go Senator Trakel!" As a parent to three teenage children, as a lesbian, and as a fully transitioned transman, I comprehend on a level you cannot; you cannot understand without having undergone the entire process of medical transition. The journey of medical transition is a pilgrimage few have taken, but many who have are debilitated with PTSD; the enormous mental, physical and spiritual drain is beyond comprehension. What is marketed as a flip of the switch, in reality, is a long process of self-reflection, medical trauma from surgeries, learning to walk through life entirely differently, not comprehending that you learned how to be the sex you were born since you hit the floor attending a school you had no clue existed to which you were enrolled as soon as the light of the world hit your newborn face. The relearning is years of fumbles questioning 'did I do that right?' There are no answers, mentors, studies, or books to guide you, just joyful unicorns leaping through clouds and onto rainbows while farting with continuous giggling; it's so much fun, right? Shop Flying farting unicorns are lifesaving and don't tell me they are not you %^$% #$$^ BIGOT because medical transition will fix me, I will fit, and who am I or who is anyone to challenge the entire medical, mental health or social media industry? Remember, it all starts with not fitting in the first place. After all, medical transition is a lifesaving right? My life was to be someone who fits in, a carrot and 5-10 years later. Reread this paragraph; maybe you can connect why PTSD is rampant among transgender adults. As I watched Senator Trakel start to speak, I found my eyes fluttering; I was terrified I was waiting to witness a train wreck, not wanting to look but incapable of looking away. Why? Because Senator Trakel is not standing up for what he believes in with an army he's alone isolated, he is standing up to an entire generation of zombies, not holding themselves accountable for knowledge beyond what they see on TikTok, the echo chambers of social media, the new GOD and teacher of right and wrong with a potent badass cocktail or peer pressure, acceptance as well as being human, understanding, everything is at risk when you speak against what others think is about love, it's a steep hill and the reason why so few climb it, it's brutal and without reward. What we are allowing to happen to children is equivalent to declaring war on children. The transgender debate is not about civil rights; it's about an industry. The polarization we are now seeing due to social media has left a blind spot in society, creating mechanical chirping of whatever the social media gods tell them to say. Let's face it; social media has made a mush pot of noncritical thinkers turning the masses into parakeets regurgitating without engaging brain waves. SHOP "Transwomen are women!" <---No, they are not; they are males who take cross-sex hormones to create an illusion of the opposite sex for comfort. Some men transition because they are gay men believing this will help them fit; it doesn't work; other men have a sexual fetish called; Autogynephilia is defined as a male's propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female. It is the paraphilia that is theorized to underlie transvestism and some forms of male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism. Nutshell? The obsession with 'transwomen are real women' is a fascination to ensure that straight men maintain an erection and who are children to stand in their way? Or women for that matter. Is medical transition lifesaving or erection-maintaining protocol? Some men medically transition because they are autistic, mentally ill, mentally gifted, or abused, believing this is a cure but not. Then there are the men who medically transition, knowing it's plastic surgery; it's an illusion and a choice to create comfort. These men are the only ones who fair well long-term; the ones who planted in sanity and immune to unicorn farts. With all that said. Males do NOT belong in female bathrooms or women's safe spaces....pssst...... Reread Auto gynephilia. There is the motivation for 99.99% of 'Transwomen are real women!' Senator Trakel approaches the podium and begins in a broken voice, "Before my time starts, I want to address the rules you guys put forward; for instance, you said you can't criticize employees or anything like that"..... Trakel's voice cracks, and he misses his target trying to say, 'supreme court.' Still, his nerves got the best of him, and he misspoke 'supreme cruel,' he quickly recovered his equilibrium and proceeded to regurgitate a supreme court case I haven doubt had been weighty on his mind for days before this moment. Sen Trakel did his homework as we all should. The transing debate is modern history's most prominent medical, moral and societal scandal. If you want to get involved? Do the work, and Senator Trakel did just that. Bravo my friend Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! Senator Trakel summarized the 1983 supreme court case CONNICK, DISTRICT ATTORNEY IN AND FOR THE PARISH OF ORLEANS, LOUISIANA v. MYERS SUPREME COURT CASES 461 U.S. 138 (1983) Sheila Myers, an assistant district attorney in New Orleans, received a notice of transfer and objected to the transfer. Ms. Myers distributed a questionnaire to the office staff that, in part, raised the issue of whether their office was poorly run. The supreme court ruled in favor of Sheila, reiterating what Senator Trakel stated that government employees were not invisible to the words of critical judgment, say what you mean and mean what you say won in 1983. There are two other cases that the Senator could have mentioned that were identical in outcome of the 1983 supreme court case ruling. One earlier in 1968 and a more recent case in 2006, both have the teeth of the 1983 supreme court case and should be in your back pocket. Again, if you are in this debate? Hold yourself accountable to do their work as the senator did. Enjoy the rest of the exciting video and remember? Calm. Rational. Debate? It's Not Working. It's time to SCREAM Louder and hit the streets 60's style and I'll see you there. -Scott Newgent GIL GARCETTI, et al. v. RICHARD CEBALLOS SUPREME COURT CASES547 U.S. 410 (2006) PICKERING v. BOARD OF EDUCATION OF TOWNSHIP HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT 205, WILL COUNTYSUPREME COURT CASES391 U.S. 563 (19n

  • Nebraska - Started this post 3 weeks ago & much has changed SCREAMING Louder-UNCUT 2023 Tour

    Recently, I asked for help and allowed myself to accept it to help save gender-confused kids. Thank you all for the donations allowing me to take 60 days off work to concentrate 100% on what is for me a soul mission. Support UNCUT 2023 SCREAMING Louder Tour Senator Kathleen Kauth reached out to me a little over two weeks ago after I allowed myself to be listed as an expert witness to help politicians pass bills that would ban childhood medical transition. Even though I was involved in the first bill introduced four years ago, I have been reluctant to do so. Why? Well, I promised to NEVER say no to anyone who reaches out to me regarding childhood medical transition. I highlighted the reason why in my Newsweek article 'We Need Balance When It Comes To Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know.’ This commitment has made me a tattered soul while working full time, raising three kids, and still suffering recurrent infections from gender-affirming care. To date, I have responded to every email that I’ve received, asking for support, whether from a politician, a terrified parent, a distressed transgender person, or a detrans person. I do not allow myself to let anyone go unanswered or unnoticed. (If I missed anyone, it is not my intention. Please reach out again.) Last year was hard for me for many reasons. While I come across as strong, committed, and someone people can fall into knowing I will do everything I can to ensure you don't hit the ground, I have many weaknesses and flaws. I have too often allowed myself to hit the floor, not doing for myself what I require of others. Last year was filled with both beauty and terror, as I came to understand this fact. Even though I have had noteworthy success in business sales, if I try to use my strategic talents personally. I lose my gifts, void of helping myself when no one else benefits. I am a protector; perhaps it’s my maternal instinct, but I have always been the one who sticks up for others, for the underdog, and people who are in need of help. I have found my strength in safeguarding others. Sometimes, sticking up for others, means I get the tar beat out of me emotionally. I have no problem standing up to bullies who harm others. Yet doing the same for myself has been a corner I have been unable to see around. If I strategize personal success without tying it to what another wants? I lose the powerhouse trait of a triumphant strategist. Realizing others can trust me, yet I should never allow myself to do so, has been a shocking revelation. It has been almost eight months since the documentary "What is a woman" was released. During this time, I have been approached by many with opportunities for myself that I self-sabotaged. Pure success for myself is unknown, and while I jump at every chance to help others, I do not do the same when the concession is solely for me. My height of success in business sales was AFTER my children were born; every opportunity was taken because I believe my children deserve the world a victorious parent, and I constructed that person to guarantee my children know they are worth it. I was prosperous before I had children but after my children? My success was an astronomical, unchartered territory with numbers. The company I worked for, a national company with hundreds of thousands of employees, became concerned with my numbers, believing the numbers I was boarding with deals were not humanly possible and launched a three-month investigation. The investigation was unbeknownst to me. Every deal I had in the prior year was thoroughly investigated to ensure I wasn't cheating. I had several complaints filed against me by competing sales executives who were royally resentful that my numbers reflected an enormous increase in quota and were convinced I was cheating. After three months, I was told about the investigation. They were astounded that they didn't find one transgression and conceded that every inquiry into sales always turned up a punishable violation in some way. They found none in me, and my career entered an autoboom of speed, blasting past career barriers. But, as it always has been, my success was in protecting others. The conquests I spawned benefited me, but the catalyst was for my children; they were and still are everything to me! One of the gifts everyone wants, yet no one has, is understanding a person's motivation and knowing what drives them. The pure why of a decision by another is unknown, and quite often, not even the person making the decisions. Curiosity, to understand, is a human trait that can never be 100% fulfilled, but that doesn't stop us from trying. Next time you are on social media, count how many tweets you see about the author tearing down or lifting someone they have never met. Tons of posts by people convinced they know the motivation of others, the core level of virtue or evil within. Go further and read the replies. You will discover that the posts tearing someone down will have responses echoing the sediment, fueling others to add to it, a dog pile of bullies. Then look for the posts lifting people. The first thing you will notice is that there are few. Another discovery will be when you read the responses as they correct the author's interpretation of goodness for another, realigning them that they are wrong. The person they praised is a horrible human. Then watch as the dog pile commences. Finding goodness is something we must consciously realize and force ourselves to see beyond our knee-jerk reaction to negative. 2023 will be a changing year for me as I reflect on my reactions to the accomplishments of 2022. After the documentary “What is a Woman?” was released, I was bombarded with communications and opportunities. Looking back, I took all the opportunities that helped save others and turned from opportunities that tipped to my benefit. Helping others is a noble cause, but it turns into resentment when you help others without tending to yourself. If I couple in guilt that I felt with any benefit forced on me to help others, I realized I was creating a more enraged person than I already was. Life doesn't come without hurt and wounds; some have more trials and tribulations than others. But I firmly believe that wounded people are the most influential leaders. Empathy for others and understanding how, why and what causes hurt with is the most effective way to right wrongs. Inspiring leaders must encompass many things to help others reach their potential to drive change. My life has been filled with many wounds, battling a sequence of circumstances out of my power and a lack of guidance to comprehend. I have always known this. What is new to me is how fortunate I am to have lived the life I have. The wallowing of life or the embracing of life is a choice. While some circumstances are out of our control, how we react and interpret them is our own. You would discover sincerity if you were inside my head and heard my reflections and emotions about the medicalization of gender-confused kids. I believe most would be astonished to know how terrified I am for these kids, comprehending what drives most, what you encounter and the earthquake of emotions that come from altering everything you are to fit in. Then discovering that it made you conform less, that you were so desperate to be accepted and to have to deal with the actual reality that you didn't matter in the first place, used as a pawn to drive a bottom line. Knowing and processing that people not only abused you but had no consideration for a catastrophic journey. Some people benefit from medical transition, but the low numbers would astound people, and the butchery would make people physically ill if they knew 100% of the truth. When you come to the end of transition, you are faced with answering the ultimate question: Did it help? Do you fit? Are you accepted? Do you feel whole, and ultimately, was it worth it? When the answers are all negative, you are coerced to concentrate on the why. It is at this time that transgender people are the most suicidal, and it's the reason why the only long-term studies found that suicidal ideation is the highest 7-10 years after beginning medical transition, not before—forced to face the realities of why is brain breaking. Personal insight is a challenging labor, and when you are vandalized and depleted from being the world's punching bag, it can create a toxic mixture. But it can also be a glow of virtue if you do the drudgery. 2023 is about embracing the blessing of emotional and physical pain as an opportunity, accepting rearranging the pain and releasing it to the world as a therapeutic agent. The world is so convoluted, yet so simple. The essential component of an antidote for any poison starts with minuscule amounts of the poison's properties rearranged and ingested in tiny increments. To cure, recover and deflect poison, we must consume it once again, yet differently. This is also a metaphor for emotional recovery—all the components of healing circle to simplicity. Emotional healing is not complex; the simplicity of recovery starts with walking back to the misery yet taking an untried road, a new journey. This time, the ending is at a different location where healing is accomplished.

  • Trans Scott Newgent from the 'What is a woman" documentary was kicked out of a MO by gay senator

    Transman Scott Newgent from the 'What is a woman" documentary was kicked out of a Missouri courtroom by a gay senator during testimony for a bill to BAN childhood medical transition...Why? For telling the TRUTH & not letting the gay senator to use UNICORN FARTS as evidence!

  • Evangelicals, LGBT, feminists, right, left come together for a historical RALLY to STOP Transing Kid

    Donate to the 2023 UNCUT Tour - We are shaking things up! If you think my voice matter, if you think my voice makes a difference ensure that I can continue to use it - Donate Today Missouri Kids FIRST Rally - RSVP The Missouri Senate has an opportunity to pass a STRONG ban on puberty blockers, hormones & gender transition surgeries for children under 18, but they haven't. Learn More In fact, they've had the past 2-3 years to pass it. And still, they are stalling & negotiating with Washington University - the very source of the problem here in Missouri. Our goal with this rally and filibuster watch is to push them to prioritize our kids and pass STRONG legislation that will stand up in court when it's challenged. Event details below. RSVP here. We'll keep you updated with any last minute changes.

  • What Is A Woman? Documentary by Matt Walsh Watch Free On Twitter

    NOW WATCH FREE - 1 Year Anniversary - Buckle Up Butter Cup! Link Watch ,lĺRight now? You are mainstream stream media! People don't know the truth about the medicalization of children. If you have a child, love a child, I beg of you to watch this, then retweet, repost & SCREAM Louder. Without reservation. If someone calls you a transphobe, tell them that a transman begged me to retweet.

Scott Newgent

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