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  • Jenn - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic.Trans Woman

    Get to know trans people, the real trans living day to day, what they believe, and how they feel. You will find that most older trans people believe what is happening to kids, and transgender ideology is hurtful. The media leaders you currently see do not represent most trans people. Reality Is Not Bigotry < Back Trans Woman Jenn Smith - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic. Jenn Smith is a 56 year-old transgender identified male. Born in Oliver, British Columbia. He has degrees in history and political science, and is a well-known transgender identified activist, writer and pubic speaker in British Columbia and Canada having led campaigns to get National Inquiries into and bring an end to the medical transitioning of youths. He has been writing and speaking on the dangers that transgender ideology poses to women and children, and more recently has focused his efforts on exposing SOGI 123 in schools and its assault on parental rights, freedom of religion, and freedom of conscience. He has been pushing for provincial and national inquiries into the mass medical transitioning of foster children and children with psychological and emotional problems. He has done countless public talks all across BC, staged rallies and protests, and presented to School Boards and the Supreme Court. The title of his most recent public talk is “Synanon, The Brainwashing “Game”, and Assault on Our Most Vulnerable Children: How transgender Ideology and Big Pharma is Assaulting Reality and Victimizing Our Most Vulnerable Children.” Website Facebook YouTube Contact Latest Work: Updated: Call for National Inquiry into Mass "Sex Reassignment" & Sterilization of Vulnerable Youths Immolating Parental Rights and Overruling Truth: How the Jailing of a BC Father Shows the Extremes of Transgender Ideology and the Failure of the Media. By Jenn Smith. (Title art by Jessy Renney). Abstract: There are important parallels between the 1963 case of the self-immolation of Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Đức and the recent case in British Columbia (2021) of a father who was forced against his will by the court and the state to facilitate the pharmaceutical “sex reassignment” of his teenage daughter. Both cases speak to the desperation of people whose rights were trampled by an invasive all-powerful state and who were ignored by an indifferent and corrupt establishment beholden media. A Strange and Distant Memory. “[Civil Disobedience] seeks to create such a crisis and establish such creative tension that a community that has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks to so dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored.” – Martin Luther King Jr. Read The Rest

  • TReVoices - Parents/Detrans

    TReVoices Is The Leading Org Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition World Wide! ​ Led by transman/lesbian Scott Newgent, our relentless SCREAMING to 'STOP Medically Transitioning Children' has been and continues to be heard everyday World - Wide! Make sure we can continue - We Need Your Help - Donate Today. Button Lift The Veil. Parents Get Busy & Learn Why 'Medical Transition Is Not Place For a child.' Sincerely, TReVoices & Everyone Else < Back BBC Staff Writer Original Article BBC News ​ Belgian helped to die after three sex change operations A transsexual has been helped to die by doctors in Belgium, after a series of failed sex-change operations. Nathan Verhelst, born a girl, asked for help to end his life on grounds of psychological suffering. He died in a Brussels hospital on Monday. Two doctors concluded the 44-year-old did not have temporary depression. His case received scant media coverage. Belgium legalised euthanasia in 2002. There were 52 cases of euthanasia on psychological grounds last year. A transsexual has been helped to die by doctors in Belgium, after a series of failed sex-change operations. Nathan Verhelst, born a girl, asked for help to end his life on grounds of psychological suffering. He died in a Brussels hospital on Monday. Two doctors concluded the 44-year-old did not have temporary depression. His case received scant media coverage. Belgium legalised euthanasia in 2002. There were 52 cases of euthanasia on psychological grounds last year. He had three operations to change sex between 2009 and 2012. "The first time I saw myself in the mirror I felt an aversion for my new body," he was quoted as saying. The hospital said there was an "extremely rigorous procedure" in place before any patient was put to death. "When we have a case which is... complicated, we ask ourselves more questions in order to be certain about the diagnosis," Dr Jean-Michel Thomas said. Uncontroversial The BBC's Matthew Price in Brussels says the number of people opting for euthanasia in Belgium has risen steadily since legalisation. Most candidates are over 60 years old and have cancer. Voluntary euthanasia for those over 18 is relatively uncontroversial in Belgium. Parliament is now considering expanding the law to under 18s as well. Patients must be capable of deciding for themselves. They must be conscious and have to give a "voluntary, considered and repeated" request to die. There were 1,432 recorded cases of euthanasia in Belgium in 2012; a 25% increase on the previous year's figure. They represented 2% of all deaths, the AFP news agency reported.

  • TReVoices - Parents/Detrans

    TReVoices Is The Leading Org Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition World Wide! ​ Led by transman/lesbian Scott Newgent, our relentless SCREAMING to 'STOP Medically Transitioning Children' has been and continues to be heard everyday World - Wide! Make sure we can continue - We Need Your Help - Donate Today. Button Lift The Veil. Parents Get Busy & Learn Why 'Medical Transition Is Not Place For a child.' Sincerely, TReVoices & Everyone Else < Back Rachel Original Article Detrans Voices Rachel is a 30-year-old woman living in the Pacific Northwest. She identified as transgender for 5 years and has been detransitioned for 3 years. Rachel works as a preschool teacher and enjoys film, videogames, and spending time with her pets, a parrot named Ziggy and a dog named Sputnik. Rachel A Story I Wish Wasn't Real I want to write this like a story, but it’s not. I lived it, I’m still living it. It was a choice I made and, now, I’m here. I came out (for the first time) as a lesbian in 2012. I was 22 and had already had a lot of reckless adventures. I had previously dated mostly men, but never felt right about it. Growing up, I experienced a lot of homophobia from my father and the church we were in. I repressed my sexual orientation for a long time, smothering the flame of my true nature in order to keep to the standards I was raised with. But, slowly, the cage I had built up slowly began to crumble. I tip-toed out of the closet and nervously started dating women exclusively. It never occurred to me that I’d still have to navigate males in my dating pool, until I met a young transwoman. Her profile said nothing about being trans, so I was more than surprised on our first date. In fact, I felt a bit deceived. It seemed like anyone other than women shouldn’t expect to be dating lesbians. I asked her a lot of questions, some of which were definitely inappropriate, but I thought it went well aside from the f that I didn’t feel attracted to her. The only exposure I’d had to the T part of LGBT was through the ever-glamorous Maury and Jerry Springer. I’d never met anyone like that in person. I quickly began to feel pressured by her to have sex. She insinuated that I couldn’t be a lesbian if I wasn’t attracted to transwomen and went as far as to tell me she’d self-harm if I didn’t sleep with her. I didn’t pick up on it at the time, but all the tell-tale signs of abusive behavior were there. Regardless, I wanted to be an empathic person, capable of understanding the journey of others. I dug deep by watching YouTube videos and getting into Reddit discussions. I started becoming interested in the stories of female-to-male transsexuals and reached out personally to some of them. The more I talked with them personally, the more I felt I could relate to them. In these personal exchanges, they revealed so much of what I found in my own story- young women from abusive homes, girls with eating disorders, women who walked throughout the world, looking to shrug the spotlight off for just a moment of peace and quiet. Since I was four, I can’t remember a time I wasn’t sexualized by an older man. First, I was molested by my father. He often made comments about how I was going to grow up to be a prostitute or how I deserved to be raped. I got a lot of these comments from other adult men in my life, too, from such a young age. I was raped for the first time when I was fourteen, and then raped by three other men at separate times. That shit sticks to you. I’d do anything for a family that didn’t shuck me like corn. My parents raised me in their own brand of Christianity with very rigid gender roles. I was homeschooled until the age of twelve, with very limited interactions with the world. All I knew was that I wasn’t like the girl my parents wanted me to be. By the time I was seventeen, my father found out I was dating a girl and kicked me out. For a long time, I felt homeless. It’s no wonder I was so easily lured in by the “chosen family” of the transgender community. Many transgender people find their place in the community through social media, particularly Tumblr. While I had individual communications through Reddit and emails, I didn’t get very involved in other modes of social media. Instead, I relied a lot on psychological and medical journals. For me, statistics and scientifically-framed information has always gone further to change my mind than personal stories. I fell into the belief that the brain is heavily influenced by sex, and that transsexuals have a diagnosable different-sexed brain pattern. I started testosterone three months after the first time I’d heard anything about transgender identity. I saw a therapist for a month before I was approved for a prescription. At the time, a person was supposed to live in the role of the desired sex for 6 months before receiving the letter that allocated approval of hormones for a consenting adult. My therapist, after a few sessions, decided we could lie about that. Any practitioner who is willing to lie about your health, saying it’s for your own benefit, is either misguided or blinded by another motivation. My therapist was connected to a primary care physician who was known to prescribe hormone therapy with a very quick turnaround. My first visit, I was so nervous. I wanted to make sure I knew all the right things to say. The goal was to get the testosterone and I was willing to fudge a bit in order to get what I was so convinced I needed. After starting cross-sex hormones, the changes came on fast. My voice dropped within weeks. It was crackling and unfinished. I started growing facial hair shortly after. My body fat changed from hourglass to pole, no thanks to the eating disorder that continued to aggravate my mind. My body started to change so quickly, I got whiplash. My mental health, which was pretty bad to start with, started to get worse. I had thought I’d get better. I thought I would begin to think clearly, be happy in my own body. I even thought I’d be more comfortable with men, as though I would be more comfortable with men if I could garner more respect as a gay man than as a woman. But everything started to get worse. I couldn’t recognize myself, on top of feeling like my skin was on fire and the piercing sting of the groping eyes of men hadn’t gone away. Learning that being female means oppression is innate, that is a hard lesson. Year after year, I kept up my expectations that things would get better. And, year after year, the anxiety and depression of starting something that would never be finished took hold. But, really, I could never escape the prison of an oppressed body. I couldn’t escape the violence and abuse I’d experienced, and the world didn’t see the new me as anything different. I got to bathe in the light of trans oppression, which I never really faced. The most I got was being intentionally misgendered and, boo-hoo, that didn’t really change my life for the worse. Sticks and stones, right? After years of hoping and waiting and nothing inside myself changing, I started to feel like something was wrong. The doctor never told me about health problems like increased risk of heart disease, stroke, or osteoporosis. Nevertheless, I believed my doctor when she told me that the worst to come was balding and body hair. Presently, there’s still not much information about the effects of taking cross-sex hormones and long-term health. Eventually, the health issues popped up like fucking daisies. I hurt all over, I was tired all the time, I got jaundice and urinated blood. I had a series of three trans ischemic attacks (otherwise called “mini strokes”), kidney infections, and liver failure. This was the first indicator to me that something was truly wrong. I was twenty-five, on a healthy diet and no other medications. After a consultation with my doctor, she proved unhelpful beyond telling me I should drink more water. I decided to lessen my testosterone dosage, though my doctor wouldn’t offer me an endocrinologist referral. I noticed a significant difference in my health, so I decided to stop hormones altogether. In 2019, the American Heart Association confirmed in an article that individuals on cross-sex hormones are at a higher risk of cardiovascular problems. Although there is still so much unknown regarding the health of females who take testosterone, I have no doubt in my mind that it negatively impacted my long-term health. The only prescription I was on- a high dose of depo testosterone. So, I decided to slow it down and eventually quit. I had no guidance from my therapist, who thought it was a bad idea. Or, from my primary care doctor, who refused my request for an endocrinologist and was not about to give me a detransition action plan. I had to figure it out on my own. So, I once again turned to research. I read stories on women whose names I won’t mention here for their own privacy, but they spoke words that I understood. These women had come into trans identity much like myself, with histories of pain, looking for family and truth. But they made a point that should have been obvious from the start- changing your body doesn’t change the damage you hold. I was scared that I was falling into the same trap of finding empathetic souls who understood me in a field of shallow lies. Still, I caught whatever bug they had and started to feel more secure as a woman. And, I became angry. Angry that I had been told that I needed to fix my body in order to be happy and treated right, not told that I was deserving of human kindness and that my body was my own to lay the boundaries for. I decided to detransition altogether. The feeling of being out of control of my body didn’t just go away, with either my trans identity or with my initial detransition. I had to wrangle that horse on my own, and I’m still working with it. I get asked so often “If you knew _____, would you do it again?” The answer is, yes. I would do it again. Because I would not know what my body or my mind or my spirit of endurance could handle if it hadn’t been for transitioning. It broke down my last resources to run away from the cruelty of how I’ve been treated for being female. It wore down the walls I built around my sexual orientation. It left me raw and without any other fast fixes, or insta-cures. I had to deal with my shit on my own. And that’s all I can say. Get therapy. Face what’s been done to you. It’s awful and it deserves the respect of being awful. You get to mourn. But you also get to be free. Follow on Twitter: @HabituallyFemme On YouTube: HabituallyFemme Email:

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back Daily Surge By Michael Brown - Quotes From Scott Newgent US Surge Summary: Some advocates of transgender “transitioning”, nonetheless, are coming forward and urging caution when it comes to recommending these procedures for children. What are their motives for this sudden, surprising outspokenness? Some are suspicious – but it’s still a dramatic development. by Michael L. Brown In a surprising editorial published in the Washington Post, two transgender activists and psychologists, Laura Edwards-Leeper and Erica Anderson, are now advocating for “gender-exploratory therapy” for trans-identified youth before rushing into puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and sex-change surgery. Shades of what we conservatives have been saying for years! Except that when we said it, we were vilified as bigoted transphobes who wanted to implement the barbaric and primitive practice of – get ready! – “conversion therapy.” But when pro-trans psychologists say, “Many of our health professionals are affirming kids too quickly in their trans identity,” they are now enlightened thinkers whose views should be embraced with respect. How ironic. To be absolutely clear, Edwards-Leeper and Anderson remain staunchly opposed to people like me (and you?). They write, “Together, across decades of doing this work, we’ve helped hundreds of people transition their genders. This is an era of ugly moral panic about bathrooms, woke indoctrination and identity politics in general. In response, we enthusiastically support the appropriate gender-affirming medical care for trans youth, and we are disgusted by the legislation trying to ban it.” So, we are still the really bad guys in their eyes. But what cannot be denied is that they are witnessing all too many horror stories of young people who have destroyed their lives, and as psychologists and activists, they cannot be silent any longer. They claim that the medical profession is at fault, as stated clearly in the title and sub-title of their editorial: “The mental health establishment is failing trans kids. Gender-exploratory therapy is a key step. Why aren’t therapists providing it?” The op-ed starts with the story of Patricia, who at 13 told her parents she was actually a boy. When her parents brought her to a therapist, rather than perform an in-depth assessment of Patricia’s mental and emotional health, on the very first meeting, “the therapist simply affirmed her new identity, a step that can lead to hormonal and eventually surgical treatments.” This is all too common, with absolutely heartbreaking and disastrous, long-term results. Thankfully, the parents brought Patricia to another therapist, “one who was more curious and less certain, one who listened closely. After a year of exploring who she was, Patricia no longer felt she was a boy. She decided to stop binding her breasts and wearing boys’ clothes.” Yet that is the very thing we have been advocating for years, urging parents and therapists and others to do their best to help the children find wholeness from the inside out.Unfortunately, “A flood of referrals to mental health providers and gender medical clinics, combined with a political climate that sees the treatment of each individual patient as a litmus test of social tolerance, is spurring many providers into sloppy, dangerous care. Often from a place of genuine concern, they are hastily dispensing medicine or recommending medical doctors prescribe it — without following the strict guidelines that govern this treatment. Canada, too, is following our lead: A study of 10 pediatric gender clinics there found that half do not require psychological assessment before initiating puberty blockers or hormones.” Again, I fully understand the radical differences between my worldview and the worldview of Edwards-Leeper and Anderson. And I do not minimize for a moment that, in the end, while our goals overlap, they also greatly differ. Specifically, if a boy transitioned to female and was happy and fulfilled, they would consider this a successful outcome. My heart would still break for the child, convinced that God had a better plan for him. That being said, the so-called “conversion therapy” for which we are vilified (focusing here on trans issues) is very similar to what the op-ed authors call for: in-depth, comprehensive, and patient exploring of why the child feels as he or she does to help them find internal wholeness. And if they can be spared a lifetime of hormones and surgeries, wonderful. The question that might be asked now is, “Why are these pro-trans activists suddenly speaking out?”Some readers will remember that in October, two other, prominent trans-activists, one of whom was Dr. Marci Bowers, who performed sex-change surgery on Jazz Jennings, are also saying, “We need to slow things down with the children!” (See here for my relevant article.) Why the sudden change of heart? Scott (Kellie) Newgent believes that she knows why. (For the record, I’m in regular contact with Newgent, who will literally give her last breath to fight for these trans-identified kids. She is not the least bit offended by me referring to her as “she,” even though she is a female-to-male transgender. I do not know that I have ever met anyone more devoted to this cause than Newgent.) According to Newgent, the reason that the medical industry has been so quick to transition kids is simple: they make a lot of money doing it, and they gain lifetime income in the form of hormone (and other drug) prescriptions) Being pro-trans in the medical industry can be quite lucrative. As for these activists now speaking out, Newgent does not believe that they suddenly grew a conscience. Rather, she is convinced some are coming clean now for one reason only: she exposed their moral and intellectual compromise while filming a forthcoming documentary with them.And what should we make of shocking news reports like this? “Children being treated for transgender issues at Sweden’s Karolinska University Hospital have allegedly suffered severe injuries as a result of hormone puberty blockers. “Doctors at Karolinska University Hospital have reportedly long been aware of the injuries suffered by children as a result of hormone treatments, however, the injuries were not . . . made public until this week.” Does this not sound criminal? No wonder Newgent tweeted, “We need a legal system that challenges Dr. [Marci] Bowers, who for ten years butchered gender-confused people without regard or held accountable of admittance in the experimental nature and only did so when she was outed.” Are these words too strong? Perhaps we should ask the mutilated, harmed-for-life, young adults what their opinions are. In a 2019 interview in the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Paul McHugh, the iconic professor of psychology at Johns Hopkins University, then 87-years-old, and an early opponent of sex-change surgery, was asked if he would be troubled to realize that he had been wrong in his position. He answered, “Either the plastic surgeons and the transgender psychiatrists are right and I’m wrong—and if that’s the case, they will have done a lot of good by opposing me, and I will have been a drag on the system—or the opposite. Suppose they’re wrong and I’m right? They will have mutilated thousands of children, and I will look good. Who do you think is sleeping better at night?” Yes, who, indeed, is sleeping better tonight? The views here are those of the author and not necessarily Daily Surge Originally posted here. Image: Adapted from: Omoeko Media – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Dr. Michael Brown( ) is the host of the nationally syndicated Line of Fire radio program. His latest book is Revival Or We Die: A Great Awakening Is Our Only Hope. Connect with him on Facebook, Twitter, or YouTube. Original Link

  • TReVoices - Parents/Detrans

    TReVoices Is The Leading Org Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition World Wide! ​ Led by transman/lesbian Scott Newgent, our relentless SCREAMING to 'STOP Medically Transitioning Children' has been and continues to be heard everyday World - Wide! Make sure we can continue - We Need Your Help - Donate Today. Button Lift The Veil. Parents Get Busy & Learn Why 'Medical Transition Is Not Place For a child.' Sincerely, TReVoices & Everyone Else < Back BERNARD LANE Original Article The Australian Bernard Lane edits pages across the newspaper, writes editorials and covers the global debate over youth gender clinics. His work has won prizes including Higher Education Journalist of the Year, the Elizabeth O'Neill Journalism Award and Law Council of Australia awards. He has qualifications in data journalism, Indonesian, psychology and Spanish. About a girl and the decision to detransition Let’s start with a caveat: I love passion. I do. And I have a deep, strong instinct to stick up for people whom I think are ignored or mistreated. I’m a typical bleeding-heart liberal. You know me: coexistence bumper sticker and a cloth grocery sack. I feel your pain, I do. So let me assure you, I love those incredibly self-assured, brash, righteous, young activists who are screaming for trans rights. I see you. I’ve been one of you, too, believe it or not. And occasionally, I still go out with my protest sign and my sensible sneakers to make some noise on behalf of those who are ignored or mistreated. That’s all okay – and it’s good, and it’s necessary. But today, I’d like you all to just take a deep breath and center some voices that are being silenced and ignored: the moms of the world. Because we moms might have a few things we’ve learned along the way, and you might save yourself a hoarse voice and some embarrassment by just stopping for a minute and listening. You might just shift your idea of who needs our protection right now. A few weeks ago, I published an open letter about my Weird Son and his sudden and very unlikely self-diagnoses of being transgender. To my surprise, it was blocked as “Hate Speech” by Medium. Apparently, acknowledging that someone is weird (by the way we all are) is just too too much for our society to hear. It was picked up by New Discourses (thanks James!) where it has had a good run. Among the many comments was the theme: “Her son is probably trans and she just can’t tell. She’s just oblivious. She’s probably just been ignoring the signs. She should just believe him. She’s a bad mom.” Beside the laughable idea that a stranger on the internet could adequately diagnose a teenager from afar by reading a description of him written by his mother, I was bothered by the dismissal of a mother’s observations and insights. As if what mothers observe, note, and infer is somehow not to be trusted or valued. There is a knee-jerk reaction out there against the moms of the world. Let’s just call this “misomatery,” a hatred of mothers. (My apologies to the Classics majors of the world.) It is time to stop dismissing mothers. Because these women are the experts on their children. And yes, no person can read the thoughts inside another person’s head, nor perfectly measure every emotion someone else feels, but moms are as close to that as it gets. The survival of our species has depended on moms being able to read their children accurately. Was that newborn’s cry hunger or a wet diaper? Is that strange cough and fever within the normal range, or should we blast off to the doctor? Are you really too sick to go to school? There is even a fancy term for this: “mother’s intuition.” But amazingly, within the context of transgender politics and medicine, these insights are dismissed. The broader culture’s wide-spread misomateric attitude tells teens: if your parents question your self-diagnosed gender dysphoria and are skeptical about your trans identity, they are transphobic and you should ignore them. Trans activists reject parental surveys as being inaccurate or irrelevant (unlike, say, parent reports of a child having depression or tics). Schools begin to socially transition kids without parents’ approval because they think they know these kids better than the parents do. And incredibly, within mothers, internalized misomatery begins to build. We start to doubt ourselves. Did we really miss evidence of our child’s true nature for years and years? Are we really those bad mothers who have been blind to years and years of our children’s deep distress? Let me tell you, that’s possible, but it’s just not probable. Too many of us are seeing the same thing. Over the past few months, I’ve joined a community of parents working to help support our trans-identified sons. We’re up to around seventy now, and we’ve coordinated to uncover research studies, track down experts, build surveys and gather data, share ideas and insights, and grapple with the possible ramifications of different treatment options. Here’s what we see: there is something else going on with this spike of transgender teen boys. These are kids who were “typical” boys in early childhood. They did not cross-dress, they did not demand nor even show much interest in the toys of the other sex. They were completely “normal” until their sudden announcement between ages 14-16. Well – not completely normal. 100% of the boys in our group are socially awkward. 64% have anxiety, 52% have depression, 40% have ADHD, and around 50% have Autism or Autism-like behaviors (our survey total is 67). Amazingly, over 85% of these kids are gifted (IQ above 130). Sadly, 20% of them have recently experienced a significant trauma such as the death or chronic illness of a parent or sibling. But generally, these are nerdy, awkward boys on the edges of their social circles. Some of them have no friends at all. Despite their announcements, these boys still strongly lean towards the “masculine”: we’ve got lots of video gamers, chess players, computer programmers, D&D, debate club and math club kids. Some of these boys might be gay, and a few say they’re straight, but mostly they’re just sexually inexperienced and/or late-bloomers. This is not your grandma’s transgenderism. This has nothing to do with Caitlyn Jenner. This is not Jazz Jennings. These are not boys with a strange sexual fetish. These are not porn addicts. These are boys who acknowledge they had never even questioned their gender until quite recently. Most of them have not changed their public behavior or requested female pronouns. These are lonely, isolated, and confused boys, trying to understand why they feel so different. They need our help and our sympathy – but they don’t need your “affirmation.” Because we should all agree that kids with mental health issues should have treatments that are safe and effective. And the “affirmation” model is a complete mess. There is no “brain scan” for being trans – there is no biological marker – this is just based on a “feeling.” Affirming doesn’t actually decrease suicide. Puberty-blocking hormones are being used off-label to treat gender-dysphoric children, and the latest study from Tavistock show they don’t actually improve mental health. Cross-sex hormones and surgeries permanently alter a child’s body, by stunting growth (always) and weakening bones (often), and by decreasing IQ (likely), increasing cardio risks (likely), and sterilizing and eliminating sexual function. And even then, they don’t always work. Just ask the over 17,000 desisters and detransitioners in their twenties on reddit! The old model of watchful waiting seemed to work, though. We know that most (60-85%) young children with gender dysphoria who were left alone came to terms with their birth sex by the time they were 18. We know that psychotherapy has a long history of helping people deal with their mental distress. And these kids are in distress. They’re lonely, they’re sad, and they are vulnerable. Most of them are struggling with underlying mental health issues. A fair number of them are “weird.” All of them are struggling with the growing pains of adolescence. Perhaps some of them will persist. But a fair chunk of them will not. But we do know that kids and teens do not have the emotional or cognitive capacity to make these choices themselves. Our teen boys can’t even remember to put the ice cream away – let alone floss their teeth or wear coats on cold days. Their brains are literally not capable of accurately assessing risks or predicting consequences. That’s why they have mothers (and fathers)! So here’s my idea: let’s start listening to mothers. Let’s center their voices. Let’s overthrow the misomateric idea that what mothers think and observe doesn’t matter. Let’s believe moms, and trust moms. So when a mom says “hey, my kid isn’t trans, he’s just weird, and he’s just fine” we say yes – we believe you. Because you are a mom. Now put down your “trans women are women” posters. Stop shouting TERF at me. Stop it with the blind affirmation. And get your drugs and surgery and pathology and cult-like messaging away from my vulnerable kid. Stop, and really listen. There are some voices that need to be heard – and they aren’t yours.

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back With Congressman Dan Crenshaw & trans Man Scott Newgent "Let's Talk About Transgenderism...Debate" Scott Newgent US Original Link

  • Camilla Jones

    < Back Camilla Jones Content Manager This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. Want to view and manage all your collections? Click on the Content Manager button in the Add panel on the left. Here, you can make changes to your content, add new fields, create dynamic pages and more. Your collection is already set up for you with fields and content. Add your own content or import it from a CSV file. Add fields for any type of content you want to display, such as rich text, images, and videos. Be sure to click Sync after making changes in a collection, so visitors can see your newest content on your live site. 123-456-7890

  • Blaire - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic.Trans Woman

    Get to know trans people, the real trans living day to day, what they believe, and how they feel. You will find that most older trans people believe what is happening to kids, and transgender ideology is hurtful. The media leaders you currently see do not represent most trans people. Reality Is Not Bigotry < Back Trans Woman Blaire White - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic. Blaire White is a well-known YouTube star, political commentator, and businesswoman. She is also a proud trans woman who is very vocal about her thoughts and opinions about various social issues. In 2015, she started her feminizing hormone therapy. The political commentator waited until she was 20 years old to disclose her true identity to her loved ones. Today, she is a transgender woman who strongly opposes beginning a gender transition journey before adulthood. White is addeemed controversial for supporting J.K. Rowling. The author tweeted a 'joke' that was seen as transphobic among trans and cis people alike. Blaire claimed she saw nothing wrong with Rowling’s thoughts and people were just being sensitive. She further stated that trans and cisgender women were not the same. Read More Twitter Youtube Podcast Most Recent Work: Exposing Jessica Yaniv: Trans Predator

  • Aaron - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic.Trans Man

    Get to know trans people, the real trans living day to day, what they believe, and how they feel. You will find that most older trans people believe what is happening to kids, and transgender ideology is hurtful. The media leaders you currently see do not represent most trans people. Reality Is Not Bigotry < Back Trans Man Aaron Kimberly - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic. Aaron has been a mental health clinician since 2008 after 15 yrs as a graphic designer. He lives in Canada, with a banjo on his knee. He medically transitioned in 2006. "I’ve had gender dysphoria (GD) for as long as I can remember. At least since age 3. I was raised female, but when I was 19, I was diagnosed with a rare intersex condition called an otovestibular disorder of sex development. I think my GD is related to that, though I have no way of knowing for sure. I tried to live with my GD as a young adult and identified as a lesbian, though it never felt right to me, and I wasn’t happy. I experimented with ways to express my masculinity. I changed my name to Aaron when I was 22." Aaron runs GDAC in Canada to bring awareness about the OTHER side of trans. You know the sane side. Website Twitter Email TReVoices Contributions: A Butch Lesbian Transitioned Into A Transman -"Gender Ideology Hurts More Than It Helps" Latest Work: Transparency Podcast With Guest 'Kathleen Stock'

  • Dr. Debbie - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic.Trans Woman

    Get to know trans people, the real trans living day to day, what they believe, and how they feel. You will find that most older trans people believe what is happening to kids, and transgender ideology is hurtful. The media leaders you currently see do not represent most trans people. Reality Is Not Bigotry < Back Trans Woman Dr. Debbie Hayton - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic. Physics teacher and trade unionist, originally from the north of England. Dr Hayton has written extensively about what it means to be trans and how trans people can be accommodated in society without compromising the rights of other vulnerable groups. Since 2016, she has been a vocal opponent of gender self-identification and supports laws that aim to protect women-only spaces based on anatomical sex rather than gender identity. She has spoken at meetings for Woman's Place UK, a "gender-critical" group. Hayton has written for The Times, The Economist, Quillette, The Spectator and UnHerd. She has also appeared on the BBC, Sky and GB News channels and was interviewed by the National Review. Website Twitter Debbie Transgender Awareness Training Additional Publications: Times, Spectator, Unherd, RT, Morning Star, Economist, Quillette Latest Work: Bristol Uni issues a guide with terms including 'catgender': Debbie Hayton and Dr Jane Hamlin react

  • Harley - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic.Trans Man

    Get to know trans people, the real trans living day to day, what they believe, and how they feel. You will find that most older trans people believe what is happening to kids, and transgender ideology is hurtful. The media leaders you currently see do not represent most trans people. Reality Is Not Bigotry < Back Trans Man Harley Stofiel - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic. TReVoices Posts: A Trans Man Explains the Yin/Yang Of Chinese Medicine & How It Play Havoc On A Biological Woman

Scott Newgent

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