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  • Podcasts, Unicorn Farts & Transition Memoir. "Rocking The Foundation of Transgenderism."

    Unicorn Fart: When someone says something that is not true but wishes it was and demands that you play along with the delusion as if you are obligated to soothe someone's fantasy while throwing kids under the bus...AKA Unicorn Fart. Beware of unicorn farts, they are silent but deadly! Donate I have been writing a memoir. The problem is that publishing houses are unwilling to publish an authentic, raw, unpretentious, heart-wrenching account of why I medically transitioned and why it has led me to become a fierce activist fighting to STOP childhood medical transition. What to do? Throw my hands up and quit? Or ask for help? Or quit? People deserve the truth regardless of who it offends. If you feel the same, help publish a memoir that will tilt the foundation of gender ideology! This memoir will clarify in agonizing detail what led me to transition medically and guaranteed to shock people out of the current comatose state where internal fires have been squashed and replaced with robotic monotone talk tracks of "Left/Right" and "Woke/Unwoke." Our brains checked out, unable to think critically, substituting people's fire for talk tracks that have made a handful of social media stars billionaires while tying the balance of our society and brains into tense knots we can no longer untie, unable to recognize simple truths of biology. Or understanding biology yet brow whipped to remain muted, to challenge nothing for dread of being dubbed a BIGOT! SNAP out of it, people, and feel, ponder and think for yourself! Once again, I am a trailblazer, standing alone. But I can't stand alone on this one. I cannot do this alone. I need you, people, and I hate needing others! Not my comfort zone, but saving kids is worth it all. Don't you agree? I am willing to go all in, as I always do. If this weighs on your soul, please donate! Every dollar helps, and they add up. I will keep everyone up-to-date on the changes and where we are with a donation thermometer on all my social media! Every person that enters adulthood does so with a carved-out sense of self, an invisible stamp placed on every person that combines all the physical, emotional and spiritual experiences from our childhood. Everything fantastic and everything wretched can be retro backdated to childhood. All our behaviors are tied to DNA and what we experience or learn in childhood. Childhood is pivotal to all! Childhood is the most consequential element in why we do, do not do, prosper or wither into a ball too scared to fight. $625 Raised So Far Donate Everything goes back to childhood. Childhood is sacred, and internally, our feral side understands this; it's why we gravitate to save a child in a crisis before an adult; our emotions take over our brains when we hear a baby cry; the baby doesn't have to be ours, just the sheer agony of listening to a baby cry is like chalk screeching on a chalkboard, makes us explode into action. Guarding children is innate to being a human being. We understand this either blatantly or sub-conscience, but our spirit knows that the foundation is being laid for every child. As adults, it's our responsibility to ensure we do everything we can for every child entering our sphere; it's a human obligation! The silencing of information concerning the medicalization of gender-confused children is a deliberate endeavor to mute the agony of these children being targeted by pharma as cash cows. Silence, blended in with billions of dollars, a comatose society has led us to a place where we are butchering an entire generation of children with a process called medical transition. A process that is 95% experimental; all seven studies that said it was beneficial to have been retracted; the only long-term studies tell us they will reach the heightened state of suicidal ideation seven to ten years after they complete medical transition and will suffer from lifelong medical and mental health complications! & ......... society cheers! What I will guarantee to you is that any donation that comes in to publish my memoir will be respected and tunneled to save these children. It's my obligation as an adult and now yours to do something! Do whatever you can but do something to soothe the invisible crying baby that now sits out of your subconscious, and you can envision in your conscience what just popped into your mind as you read that last paragraph. That baby! Do something for that child, a child you have never met but could change everything for them without them knowing you existed. Care because caring is needed now more than ever! Explode from your seat as if the baby crying was your own; this is how a society should act. Protect children's innocence and help them graduate into adulthood knowing they were worth...Well, they were worth everything! Love more, remain quiet less, SCREAM Louder, push back more, ask questions, demand answers and by all means, when someone feeds you a 'Unicorn Fart", not saying anything, remaining silent when you know something is wrong, saying nothing and leaving a grey cloud above your head knowing if you speak up, you will be called a bigot so thus you remain mute...Yeah, at those times? Please STOP doing that and SCREAM because children deserve us too adult better! Unicorns are NOT real people...SNAP, SNAP and wake up! Thank you Transman Scott Newgent Shop TReVolces Record views on the GBNews Video Sometimes the truth is needed regardless of who it offends! It has been a good analogy in the UK.! "We are medically transitioning children because of money and to ensure straight men with sexual fetishes don't lose erections!" Follow Scott on Twitter @NotScottNewgent

  • Dear Scott, Am I crazy to think my son is just gay? & 8 months 'What is a woman,' MO UPDATE

    Dear Scott, Am I crazy to think my son is just gay? A Mom. You ready for truth? Have a question for SCOTT? Email today: Subscribe to TReVoices SCREAMING Louder YouTube Channel! Trying again, maybe they won't ban me again. Positive thoughts! Subscribe Eight months since 'What is a woman" was released. Here is more of the full story: I bet it would surprise you that I have never watched the documentary "What is a woman," even though the clips you are watching are my life, experiences and emotions, I have yet been able to bring myself to watch it. Sometimes as humans, we become numb to life, watching movies and documentaries with one eye on the screen and one eye on our phone mixed in with little feet interrupting our time with, "Can you make me a sandwich?" Sometimes those little feet aren't little anymore, and they are 6'2 huge feet that need attention just as they did when they started growing inside you but now, they are on the cusp of manhood! So, we get up, make the sandwich, lay the plate down for our child, caress their cheek, saying, "You good son?" With a nod of yes, we try and make it back to our chairs to finish the movie that has been interrupted 20 times. These constant distractions force us to lose how powerful something can be. It becomes diluted and placed on the shelf of emotions with millions of other emotions without much effect on us or life. This interview with Matt Walsh was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I tried to get out of it about 30 times, offering other transgender people who were willing and wanted to be in the film. Me? I had a problem that I didn't share with the producers or anyone other than my immediate family. You see that day in New York? I was housebound for three years, leaving a handful of times; I even had my groceries delivered and a job I could do at home. My medical complications would SHOCK you if I wrote them out, and you probably wouldn't believe it, and it's perhaps the reason my DW had so many attorneys checking everything I said...It's pretty unbelievable. But the trauma of the complications, the enormity of medical transition without difficulties, is an enormous undertaking. A dirty little secret is that a high percentage of people that medically transition deal with PTSD. But I promised not to say NO to anything that would save children, a personal pack I made, and my children are tied to the pack. So, what did you see on that day? You saw a mother fighting for her children. I took all three of them with me on that trip. After three years of being unable to go to the store, I packed up all three of my kids and we headed to New York in a rented car, not having driven in three years. The pack won out because the producers of the documentary were dead set on me, and I couldn't say no. Watch this with the entire story of understanding how hard it was and couple that with the "WHY." The why? What are we doing to children is wrong, the most significant medical scandal in modern history and this documentary? It forced me out of my house, and I am improving daily. I am starting to get my old self back, giving speeches and feisty with grit from the zest of life. For this, I am thankful. But please, don't do anything with the emotions you feel with this. Hold yourself accountable to SCREAM too.... However, you can, please, do something to STOP the medicalization of gender-confused children. Few things are black and white, and most decisions have a grey area for compromise, but the medicalization of gender-confused children is one of the rare times that there is NO grey in this, only black and white. SCREAM Louder, constantly and without reservation: STOP TRANSING KIDS! ...Join me and SCREAM LOUDER! -Scott Newgent Support UNCUT Tour & SCREAMING Here: Donate UPDATE: Missouri is filler bustering; but should know something tomorrow.....

  • UK-Trip-What it means to the FUTURE for fighting to save gender-confused kids! Health Update!

    Recently, I went into activism 100% but have to scale back, unable to support my travel and survival needs to SCREAM Louder; I need to put some activism down. I don't want to. It's the LAST thing I want. I want to fight. I wish I was sponsored; I would travel from city to city, speaking to whoever would listen. I understand my voice is required. But the emotional, physical and spiritual toll of caring for my family while stressing about survival is too much. I acknowledge that everything I touch turns into new eyeballs and ears to what is happening, just like in the UK. This video has received record numbers at GBNews. "What is a woman" was not a one-off; everything I do, I do with 100% heart, commitment and one goal. To save kids from this gender ideology garbage! No other purpose, none, but to protect kids from a life like mine with complications, yet unable to achieve what I have, a family and a life because I transitioned at 42. These kids? They have no idea what is coming, no one does, and that's the crisis. I don't belong to a sub-tribal unit; I refuse to be corralled by any community. This is what makes me effective. But it's a constant scrabble and war, and I am usually alone. I do not receive much support because I refuse to be housed in a sub-tribal unit within this new activism structure, which I call 'cult activism'. I remain in this territory as a trailblazer because it's the speediest way to save these kids. The easiest? no, No, NO...If I wanted easy, I would slap on a 'Detrans' badge and circle dance with the nearest evangelical or feminist org, and viola...SUPPORTED. Listen, for some, that is the right thing to do, and it's the best way for some to get the message out. But, for me, it's selling out these kids. My way is hard, but my way is the most effective with my message. The UK trip was a toll, and little did I know I was developing a massive infection. It's strange; I never see them coming; somehow, life becomes completely overwhelming, and all the signs are there, yet I don't notice them. All I sense is overpowered and pulled in a million different directions but lacking the vitality and grit to accomplish the tasks. It's devastating, and each time feels the same, almost as if I am stuck inside a paper bag that I cannot claw out of. It's horrid, and I do the same thing, recoiling to realize, "Hey, genius, you have an infection!" These infections are life suckers, literally. But so is life, and I just finished the last round of IV antibiotics and am feeling better, getting my head screwed back on straight! Few people have the guts to do what I am doing and have all the puzzle pieces and the background to evoke enough emotion in people to shock them awake. Saying this has been a weighty burden would be a light version of the truth. The accountability hangs on my heart, never to release because I know what's coming for these kids. People think they know, but few have all the angles. I am among the few with the components and the carnal scream only a mother carries. Each time I speak in public, if you are around me, you would see someone who takes all this seriously; I meditate, beg, cry and plead with whoever is above to give me the words I need to rescue these kids. I beg and plead to deliver what I must convey to anyone watching and hearing to comprehend, find their fight and make them SCREAM. This is beyond profound what is happening to kids. "Hey Scott, let's go get a drink; try this restaurant", is met with a odd look. I can't comprehend on my travels how anyone can site see when we are butchering kids under the guise of love. Yes, I am intense and thank God I am! We are, after all, experiencing the most significant medical scandal in modern history, and I believe we should act accordingly. By no means should this be used as a political game. Many other areas to tease into becoming a known person in social media stardom, but this is not one. The medicalization of children is not a game, career choice or political maneuver; we are butchering an entire generation of children, and again, and again I will say, people need to act accordingly. The weighty shoulder pads of knowing how many cannot comprehend is daunting, but what is the choice? Give up? Mothers don't give up. All of you mothers out there? I hear you daily, the emails, calls, tears, I hear all, I read all, I ingest all! Although I can no longer reply to all, I read, listen, and take in every word sent to me! I will continue until the ONE infection hits that I cannot fight back from. I will fight until then. Please forgive me for recoiling. That happens each time I get another infection and it will probably happen again; it's been years now; you would think, as a perspective person, I would have figured it out!...WOW, much easier to analyze the crazy of another, right? So, as I sat recovering for that last week, I have been thinking about the best way to get the BIGGEST SCREAM out, and how I can coney to more, faster and I am going to listen. Finally! Ok, so here is the crowdfund raiser for my memoir! I acquiesce I am not going to get a publisher; it doesn't matter how good the biography is; it's taboo right now...You know, the whole trailblazer thing! Donate Today Donate Today If anyone wants to sponsor, anonymously or not, please reach out! Anyway, to save these kids faster, I am ALL IN! The average cost to self-publish is between $15,000-$60,000 Crowd Fund - Transman Scott Newgent Memoir The current trend of mainstream media and publishing houses worldwide is to avoid the truth. Unfortunately, the facts would save a generation of children from being butchered by the medical and pharmaceutical industry. I am almost done with my memoir, but I have yet to find a publisher brave enough to take it on as is! The truth is raw, frank and required to uncover the travesty of slaughtering a generation of gender-confused children. To help save these kids? You have to make people feel first. I believe I have the memoir to wake up a generation of parents to protect these kids. I have the memoir, the story, the life and the strength to tell the tale parents need to hear. You may think you know my account, but you haven't heard 10% of it, and it's required earth-shattering truth to save these kids. I do, I do, I have a substantial wake-up key! My type of activism does not align with any sub-tribal community. To align would be instant support; the negative is that my voice would be restricted to SCREAM the truth. I travel, give speeches and most of the time, the cost lies with me and donations. I can no longer shoulder this. If you feel like my voice matters, please allow me to continue to use it and let's find a faster way to save these kids! I will give you my heart, the embarrassment of the truth that will help save these kids. As much as I hate to admit it, I need your help! Please consider a donation today! -Scott Newgent Transman

  • Finally Happened! A Child Dies (Killed) 1 Media Outlet Publishes - London Events - Events SCREAMING!

    Also, GBNews Debate Sunday - Ireland Speech coming. I will post an article in leading media in the UK and three other news media events soon! A tornado is coming to the UK! FYI, this is almost 100% funded by donations! I will receive $250 for a speech, and that's it! If my voice matters and wants me to continue, please donate! I am straight to the point about everything! Donate I have turned down 'Let Women Speak' requests...I am sorry, I work with everyone but KJK; she talked about my children, which is a line; I am sorry, but she is the only HARD no for me. FYI...Feminists are always welcome; everyone is welcome, just not KJK. She owes me an apology! PERIOD! Trans teen died from vaginoplasty complications during landmark Dutch study used to justify child sex changes Major complications began within just 24 hours of the surgery. Link New Podcasts I'll keep going have support: Donate Newsletter content below - Lots of Stuff Below - Link To The PURTY one here Link Not playing here marketing works. I have these at cost $11.50 Only have day left to order for London Rally 29th 10am Shop April 29th Turning Point & TReVoices Merge Forces in London Find out more Find Out More Parliament? I have been working with politicians for five years to ban childhood medical transition. The first quarter of the year for the last five years has been hell for my family and me. Raising three teenagers, having a full-time job and being at the beck and call of politicians is a tremendous weight. Not to mention that I have NEVER said NO to any parent that has ever reached out to me for help, NEVER! Oh, I almost forgot, still fighting reoccurring infections that knock me flat both physically and emotionally; not feeling well is all the time is soul-sucking!.... Lord, I forgot about helping journalists research and network...I don't doubt that people would be shocked by my effort to save these kids! It would astonish you, I guarantee. If you dig into this debate, you will see talk tracks I have created and coached politicians on, how to spin this debate out of the idea that this is about human rights, more importantly, not gay rights! I get emails saying, "I saw so and so, and they said this." It's an honor to aid with something so sinister happening to kids for the sake of a dollar. I feel fortunate. Also, it's mind-boggling how my whole career has equipped me to do what I am now doing. Puberty Blockers Are Not Reversible Link Facts About Childhood Medical Transition ------------------------------------------------------------------- Decreased life expectancy - Link Premature death from heart attacks - Link Sudden death from pulmonary embolisms - Link Bone damage - Link Possible liver damage - Link Brain development stunted during hormone blockers - Link 12 complications of transing kids More than doubles - New Study Debunked Link When 2023 clicked over, I was in a place of weariness, and the thought of doing all of this work, being pulled in millions of directions again, was too much, so I had a decision: Do I NOT help to exhaustion again or ask for help to sustain my family while I help with these bills? I have received aid focusing on these bills; and took a 60-day sabbatical from work: Thank you! Now? I am a Tasmanian devil twirling up skirts everywhere I go. In prior years I was running at 25% to maximum speed. Right now, I am on 100% 24/7, and let s say lots of dresses are being twirled up. Thank you for your belief in me; this has been hard. Working on these bills does not warrant a paycheck; sometimes travel is a pain, and sometimes it's not, but I believe in what I am doing 1000%. Take a look at what running on a hundred per cent yields! Until 2023, only one bill has ever passed banning childhood medical transition: ARKANSAS, run by the powerhouse politician Robin Lunstrum. Robin is one of three politicians that I truly admire. I'll let you guess on the other two ;) Before 2023, there was one bill. Now? Eleven bills, eleven states have passed bills to BAN childhood medical transition! I have 9 days left on my sabbatical from work and 6 more state bills and people wanting me to help all over the world. I will do so 100% as long as I am able to. If you feel my voice is crucial, matters and yields more at100%, help me continue to do so and consider a donation today! Future of Child Transgender Surgeries to Be Decided in Pivotal Trial! 39 states take sides in challenge of Arkansas ban on transgender treatments of minors.  LinkDocumentary halting ALL Med-Transing Kids Translated US Parents Link 11 - State Bills Passed Banning Childhood Medical Transition --------------- ------------------------------------------------------ Last Year: Zero The Year Before: One Arkansas SB 199 Passed into Law Georgia SB 140 Passed into Law Idaho HB 71 Passed into Law Indiana SB 480 Passed into Law Iowa SF 538 Passed into Law Kentucky SB 150 Passed into Law Mississippi HB 1733 Passed into Law South Dakota HB 1080 Passed into Law Tennessee SB 1 Passed into Law Utah SB 16 Passed into Law West Virginia HB 2007 Click on the blue bill numbers for direct links to the exact bill. How Activist Teachers Recruit Kids - Link Interested in volunteering with a state bill? Please Email: In Subject: State Bill Volunteer Arizona SB 1702 Advancing Florida SB 254 Advancing Hawaii HB 891 Advancing Kansas HB 2263 Advancing Louisiana HB 463 Advancing Montana SB 99 Advancing Nebraska LB 574 Advancing New Hampshire HB 417 Advancing North Dakota HB 1254 Advancing Ohio HB 68 Advancing North Dakota HB 2177 Advancing Oregon SB 452 Advancing Pennsylvania HB 138 Advancing South Carolina S. 627 Advancing Texas HB 4754 Advancing West Virginia HB 3097 Advancing State Bills Defeated! Virginia, Wyoming & New Hampshire Three states have enacted bills to become sanctuary states. This will become a monumental legal war for circumstances like a divorced family, one against transition, one for...Flee to the refuge state, and viola, INSTANT medicalization of gender-confused children! California - Minnesota & Now New Hampshire Minnesota will soon become “sanctuary state” for people fleeing trans healthcare bans “Families who have fled are already here, and many more are planning to come,” the state's only out trans lawmaker said. Link California Becomes First Sanctuary State for Transgender Youth Seeking Medical Care Democratic lawmakers across the country have committed to passing state refuge legislation similar to a bill proposed Link Ban on gender-affirming care comes before N.H. lawmakers today. Health providers warn of 'catastrophic' impact on youth Link 'Ask Scott' 1st Edition - 'Scott, is my son just gay?" 2nd Edition - "Scott, who am I? What am I? I am so lost after medical transition, please help me?" School Personnel are not Qualified to Diagnose/treat my Child for GD Especially Without my Consent or Knowledge- But they are-link The second edition is a MUST READ for any parents agreeing with their child to medical appease. READ THIS Parenting is a verb; you must fight to save your child. If not, read this. This blog post is heart breaking! Do you have a question for Scott about transgenderism or the transing children debate? It's hard to find anyone who comprehends the studies from emotional, physical and biochemistry viewpoints, has experienced the validity of medical transition, and is a parent on the other side of transition. 'Ask Scott' Do you have 30 minutes? Would like to understand the emotional toll these young adults face that were medically transitioned as children, how alone they are, and how NOT ok they are. Read this, but you need to know that once you read this? You cannot unread; you cannot unknow, and you will be obligated to STOP the biggest medical scandal in modern history. Read  Ask Scott! A fifty-year-old transman with three teenagers and the realities of what medical transition does and does not do. Very little truth in the medicalization of children's arena. Here you will hear the truth. Have a question for SCOTT? Email today: #ASKSCOTT #TReVoices #ScottNewgent #SCREAMLouder Read The BIGGEST IMPACT Who knew? 5 million View Without the mainstream Media! Retweet Speech  Yet, in mainstream media? Crickets? Accept this broadcast journalist who made fun of me on Twitter and had the audacity to tag me. Is this what we have become? Does the mean girl stage last into women's 50s? Brittany Bailey - Bio A mean girl. Is this, ok? I have reached out to her channel without receiving any communication, not a "Hi" or "Sorry this happened!"  Bio Epoch Times Article "Tide May Be Turning For Minors, Crusaders Say" -------- This article was picked to be published in the Epoch Insight Print Magazine by Janice Hisle STOP Transing Gay & Lesbian YouthLink TReVoices YouTube SCREAMING . . . . . . . . Louder Subscribe Unfortunately, there is not much truthful information concerning childhood medical transition. I have devoted my life to S TOPPING this most significant medical scandal in modern history. Subscribe and be the KNOW about transing issues! Transgenderism is plastic surgery- Doesn't Cure Anything Tide May Be Turning in Battle to Halt Gender-Transition Procedures on Minors, Crusaders Say Focus shifts to proposed law in Missouri amid investigations of whistleblower's claims! Scott Newgent is finally sensing a shift in the war against medical gender-transitioning of children in America. About 4 1/2 years ago, Newgent became one of the nation’s first transsexuals to voice strong opposition to gender-changing surgeries and drugs for minors. Newgent, a 50-year-old mother of three, nearly died after a 2017 gender-reassignment surgery. Link Transgenderism is plastic surgery- Doesn't Cure Anything Missouri WOW! - Passed & Signed Into Law This One Hits My Right In The Heart Heart Swelling Missouri hits me right in the heart. I have been working with Missouri for over two years un successfully. I shoot from the heart and with radical truth, so here it is, Senator Moon - I love him, and I had told him and his team many times, "Moon, I don't think you could do any better at Fu&$in% up this bill if you got a PhD from Oxford! in "How NOT to pass bills to BAN horrid procedures on children!" <--Did I say I love Moon? I do, a from-the-heart guy, genuine. With the 'Whistle Blower' at the St Louis Gender Clinic, they thought they had it in the bag. They did not, and I told them so and it's why I pushed to get kicked out of the courtroom when I challenged 'Mr. Gay Senator' because I knew the tactics here would not render a passing bill. So, I thought, I'll give it a go; let's see if I can get into mainstream media by challenging 'Mr. Gay Senator' <----Senator Razor. Senator Razor seems to rely on the fact that he is homosexual and does nothing above and beyond; when he is backed into a corner, he cries, "I'm a gay man!" Before I gave testimony, what you don't see in this video is Senator Razor, AKA 'Mr. Gay Senator' ripping Senator Moon to pieces about not understanding how Senator Razor would have been six feet under if homosexuality was not accepted, how these kids know who they are. Osteoporosis and Bone Health in Transgender DEEP Dive - Link I am double-quoted on the rainbow. You don't see me crying out loud every two seconds; I'm a biological woman attracted to women...Woe is me! It's not fair... "Tito, could you give me a tissue?" GET A GRIP, PEOPLE! 7 Studies That said transing kids was a miracle cure-All 7 have been retracted & or modified; LinkTReVoices YouTube SCREAMING . . . . . . . . Louder It's About Money HoneY! - See For Yourself LinkSomehow children knew they were born in the wrong body...It was thick, my friends thick, but what got to me? It was how Senator Razor would not even let Senator Moon talk and treated him with no dignity or respect...YET SCREAMING for all the grace and dignity in the world for him, 'Mr. Gay Senator' , is hypocritical and that is WORST human condition and should always be nipped. So I let Senator Razor, AKA 'Mr. Gay Senator' have it right back! The following day I said to Senator Moon's team, "When this bill goes south, and it will....reach out," and they did. We put together a rally that included the ENTIRE rainbow of people, all people, gay, straight, trans, religious, conservative, liberal, and people who were high fiving after the speeches. The following day I said to Senator Moon's team, "When this bill goes south, and it will....reach out," and they did. We put together a rally that included the ENTIRE rainbow of people, all people, gay, straight, trans, religious, conservative, liberal, and people who were high fiving after the speeches. I want you to imagine the most evangelical woman in your mind, passionate, faith-filled, genuine heart, loving, trying to do the right thing, mom that has never been around gays/trans in her life. Now imagine this woman, with an open heart putting together a rally with me, trans/lesbian, gays against groomers; it was hilarious, but wow, what a woman to take that on, right? And...Boy, did she! One afternoon I didn't know an answer to something Jodi asked, and I said, "Let's call Mario from gays against groomers, Jodi; he's great wears stiletto heels into school board meetings yelling at people to get the LGBTQ out of schools!" Jodi cleared her throat, "Oh, Ok, let's call Mario!" Ring Ring Lupron (Puberty Blockers) Depot falls into category X Link If this drug is used during pregnancy, or if you become pregnant while taking the drug, be aware of the potential risk to the unborn child. Mario answers, but we can hardly hear him because people were yelling in the background, "Hey, Scott, what's up?" Mario asks. I proceed to say, "Mario, where are you, are you at a protest of some kind?" Now remember, we have Jodi on the line, the evangelical who has never genuinely spoken to a gay person, just filled with all the stereotypes of who we are. I kid you NOT, Mario says, "Oh, I am at a protest against planned parenthood, trying to STOP abortion with my religious straight buddies!" I asked the question, and Mario answered and hung up. "Well, now, Jodi, never thought you would call a gay man at a protest with other evangelicals trying to STOP abortion, right?" Regardless of your belief in abortion, try and look at the complex situation, the many stereotypes of people shattered in one three-way call. The point I want you to take is who you think people are and who they are, more often than not, are the same. We must invest time in relationships and go beyond our beliefs. Jodi did that and made no mistakes if this rally went terribly wrong. It would look bad for one person and one person alone, JODI! But she did it anyway! True hero! Jodi Grace Blog The truth is that we are medically transitioning children for money Period! Drop the mic nothing more to be said or argued...To STOP this? We have to be united, and I have been saying this for five years, and to watch this unfold was moving. So much so that when they announced my name to speak, I took the stage in tears, thanking the gays, lesbians and trans there who said before me, declaring that I wasn't alone anymore! As if in a movie, ANTIFA came out of nowhere to rush the stage while I was crying and thanking the rainbow for coming forward to fight and do what's right for kids. The New LGBTQ+ Grooming your kids? You Betcha - see for yourself - link I noticed Antifa and, for some reason, decided to thank them for coming, welcomed them and asked others to do the same. I stated something about our country being founded on freedom of speech and ask ed if their leader wanted to speak, we would make time between the senators. "Fall out" was heard on the walkie-talkies, and ANTIFA left for the rest of the day Something happened on that day in Missouri. If you had followed me that day, you would have heard me take Jodi aside halfway through the rally, sayings: "This isn't working; I don't believe the politicians, I hear them saying all the right things, but I don't feel it; this isn't going to pass." I fluffed it off on the fact that these politicians were fake, but the reality was that as much as they wanted to believe what they were saying, there was something missing. They didn't 100% bel ieve what they were saying. Riding the idea that medically transitioning children on gay and lesbian rights is a long and hard battle already won. The countless heartbreak stories about homosexuality and not being accepted are still f resh in everyone's brain. Even though these politicians wanted to believe what they were saying about the medicalization of gender-confused kids, they didn't believe what they were saying 100%. How can you convince anyone of anything that you don't believe 100% yourself! Missouri Chapter Leader - Gays Against Groomers Chris Barrett Bio & Contact Once the gays/lesbians and trans spoke? After they watched a gay man Chris Barrett give a speech, watching him quiver, how frightened he was, but he did it, and every word he spoke at the podium strengthened him, almost as if we saw a significant speaker evolving right before us. A transman follows, a transwoman after, and another homosexual, all imploring these politicians to save these kids that "No one is born trans, you create it," one after another, these politicians learned we gained nothing but mockery to be there, be there because we knew transing kids was wrong! We were doing what was right to do the honorable thing, and it was felt! After this Rally? The Missouri politicians developed a relentless determination, and you can notice it if you follow the news; these politicians in Missouri were injected with what all politicians need...The facts without the uneasiness of any part of it being wrong. Because let's face it, "Better an Alive daughter than a dead son" is a powerhouse assertion, and no human being on the face of the earth wants to be responsible for this. On that day? These Missouri politicians gained a determination that only comes from noting you are right 100%, and this is what is needed for all leaders worldwide to feel. I have so many stories like this, and I will get to them, but let's move on to other exciting things coming. I will not discuss what states I am still working on and when; due to the violence, I have been instructed it's best not to announce when and where the rest of the states are conducting hearings. But understand the battle is immense, and the donations people are giving to this time? I am giving 100% 24/7 .... I have never worked harder in my life! I am honored that people believe in me at a time when I thought so little of myself. ....Thank you for your belief in me! Latest Blogs - Speeches - Bills & What These Kids Are Really Like Entering Adulthood! UPDATE on Transgender Violence - Tour USA/UK & Guest Post by Journalist Iris El Link  5 million views-Mainstream Media= 1 Made Fun of Me-Why Behind the Video-Violence-Death Threats Link  Ok. Enough is Enough. People Are Now Being Killed! Link  Evangelicals, LGBT, feminists, right, left come together for a historical RALLY to STOP Transing Kid. Link 2023 UNCUT Tour We are up against pharma, billions and billions of dollars & a society that believes transing kids is bout human rights. Love and tolerance! Donate Today Nebraska - Started this post 3 weeks ago & much has changed SCREAMING Louder-UNCUT 2023 Tour Watch  A Baptist Minister & A Transman/Lesbian. Who's The Bigot! Both! .....OHIO.... On the road again Watch Violence - World Wide & The Mainstream Media Is Not Covering IT! Shock move after anti-trans activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull attacked during her own women’s rallying anti-transgender campaigner has been attacked at one of her rallies, saying she thought her children ‘would lose their mother.’ Link Nashville school shooter fired 152 rounds during the attack, which was planned ‘over a period of months,’ police ladykilling six, three children aged nine & three adults. Link Transgender’ man brutally murders Portland taxi driver on Easter Sunday A video of the incident reportedly shows 30-year-old Moses Lopez getting into a cab with ‘a tiara and women’s clothing’ before stabbing his cab driver to death. Link <---This was not covered in mainstream media until a twitter influencer found it! WATCH: Left-Wing Protesters Storm TN Capitol, Insurrection Reaches the Legislative Chamber Link Transsexual activist accused of butchering a Portland taxi driver on Easter Sunday A 30-year-old male transsexual has been charged with fatally stabbing a taxi driver in Portland on Easter Sunday. The Orego nian reported that the victim was a longtime driver with Radio Cab. Link ‘Billboard Chris’ assaulted in Vancouver by angry trans activists; police officer says he was ‘inciting violence’ with his speech The investigating officer for the incident claimed that Chris had "incited violence" by screaming at activists, and that the assault was a "mutual fight." Link Conservative Matt Walsh cancels college talk after ‘threats’ amid Nashville shooting Link I was assaulted by a transgender mob and this is what I plan to do next As a former All-American swimmer, I know women’s sports are under threat from the transgender mob Link Transgender teacher is removed from school after threatening to 'shoot some students' days after seeing social media posts discussing her sexual orientation: Police remove three firearms and ammunition from her home Transgender Teacher Fired After Allegedly Threatening to Shoot Students Link Yet the reality is that in the last five weeks? Nine incidents of transgender people attacking and killing people, and Twitter influencers must find, i nvestigate and report these attacks that the mainstream media either ignores entirely or modify articles and remove 'Transgender Identity' but only if it looks terrible on trans. Counter Culture airs on Wednesdays from 10 am to 1 pm. This is a show that takes a look at Critical Social Justice, colloquially known as ‘woke' ideology and how it applies to an everyday context. Hosted By Maree Buscke Australia Transman Scott Newgent on Propaganda & Protecting Our Children Watch  Woman who ‘transitioned’ at 42 calls transgenderism an ‘epidemic’ targeting vulnerable children Jonathan was one of the first people I spoke to that comprehended the emotional toll it takes for trans people to come forward & admit what they did; they were wrong & don't permit kids to be as ridiculous as them. Jonathan was the first to acknowledge that. I applaud that compassion. WatchWatch  Woman who ‘transitioned’ at 42 calls transgenderism an ‘epidemic’ targeting vulnerable children Jonathan was one of the first people I spoke to that comprehended the emotional toll it takes for trans people to come forward & admit what they did; they were wrong & don't permit kids to be as ridiculous as them. Jonathan was the first to acknowledge that. I applaud that compassion. Watch

  • Top Secrets Concerning the Transing Kids' Controversies-Updates-State Bills-London -Violence

    STATE to STATE Bill to Bill UNCUT TOUR Update Wow, what a roller coaster since 2023 clicked over! Some fantastic things with some scary stuff! 2023 started like the four prior years, with my phone lines flooded from politicians and orgs in the USA who needed help passing bills to ban all childhood medical transition. But this year, it was different; I could hear it in the voices; things had changed! A sense of righteousness was present that had been absent, not the righteousness of inflated ego but rather a sense that they were righting a wrong, no longer purely political. it had seeped to right verse wrong and not the political kind, the righteous kind <---again with that word, why? Because righteous is the right word. In prior years I had taken on these calls and bills while working a full-time job, three teenagers and activism. I realized I could not do it any longer. I took a sabbatical from work, believing that enough donations would allow my 100% focus without worrying about feeding my family. I'm glad I did. Take a look at the progress. Until 2023, only one bill has ever passed banning childhood medical transition: ARKANSAS, run by the powerhouse politician Robin Lunstrum. Robin is one of three politicians that I truly admire. I'll let you guess on the other two ;) Before 2023, there was one bill. Now? Eleven bills, eleven states have passed bills to BAN childhood medical transition! Future of Child Transgender Surgeries to Be Decided in Pivitol Trial 39 states take sides in challenge of Arkansas ban on transgender treatments of minors. Link State Bills Passed Banning Childhood Medical Transition: State Bills Still Working: State Bills Defeated: Let's take a look and see what has been done on the 100% 24/7 sabbatical to work solely on stopping the medicalization of gender confused kiddos! The UNCUT Tour is 95% Driven by Donations - I have been able to say yes to states that do not have travel budgets and others that do have these budgets or a % covered. But make no mistake; NO one is being paid to do this, or at least NOT that I am aware of. People would be astonished at how much of this is driven by people investing their own time and finances. TReVoices Is a Single-Note Organization Devoted 100% to STOPPING Childhood Medical Transition World-Wide. All Donations Will Go to This Single Mission, With Passion & Dedication That Is Rarely Seen! Why? Because transing kids is wrong on every level and from every angle, and there is no grey area to be had. It's black and white, wrong! SCREAM Louder-Scott Newgent Donate Today Ohio conference with representative Gary Click. Gary, a Baptist minister, was one of the first politicians to bring a bill to ban childhood medical transition. I watched from afar several years ago as the Ohio media dragged this man over the coals for being a BIGOT! It was terrible, awful! This year Gary reached out to me to introduce the bill a second time to soften the blow that he was a horrid human. These attacks hurt people. How this mean-girl reality is ok for adults is beyond me, it truly boggles my mind. Or course, I said yes, and this video is the result! Entirely unplanned, but I had HAD it listening to these reporters bash him! This video taken at an Ohio press conference and has received over 5 million views on all social media platforms. The messages are always the same, "OMG, I had no idea about medically transitioning children?" The BIGGEST IMPACT - Who knew? 5 million View Without the Mainstream Media! Retweet Yet, in mainstream media? Crickets? Accept this broadcast journalist who made fun of me on Twitter and had the audacity to tag me. Is this what we have become? Does the mean girl stage last into women's 50s? Brittany Bailey - Bio A mean girl. Is this, ok? I have reached out to her channel without receiving any communication, not a "Hi" or "Sorry this happened!" NOTHING! As I was writing this, I was sent the second media outlet speaking about this video calling me a PORNSTAR! Can't make this up! This Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. is going to be terrible for Ohio’s trans youth and their allies There will be a rare confluence of two anti-trans bills being heard at the very same time. Here’s what you need to know.BY KEN SCHNECK (HE/HIM), EDITOR ● ANALYSIS ● APRIL 16, 2023 - Link "What to epect: First hearings of bills usually consist solely of testimony from the sponsor, in this case: Representative Click. Thus they typically are relatively short hearings. That said, when he introduced a similar bill in 2022, Click brought with him a former porn star who said the c-word on the floor of the Columbus Statehouse. So there was that" RECOGNITION TIME The 2023 UNCUT Tour Made It in The Epoch INSIGHT Magazine Tide May Be Turning in Battle to Halt Gender-Transition Procedures on Minors, Crusaders Say by Janice Hisle Focus shifts to proposed law in Missouri amid investigations of whistleblower's claims Link cont... The reality is that mainstream media is not covering the truth. The fact is that YOU, the person who is reading this. You are the new mainstream media; your network is whatever social media platform you use. Be brave and retweet this video; it opens people's eyes and any social media friends you lose for telling the truth? Is it worth it to save one child? What if that one child you were holding was your own? RETWEET modern mainstream media warriors. Hit to RETWEET button. Missouri hits me right in the heart. I have been working with Missouri for over two years unsuccessfully. I shoot from the heart and with radical truth, so here it is, Senator Moon - I love him, and I had told him and his team many times, "Moon, I don't think you could do any better at Fu&$in% up this bill if you got a PhD from Oxford! in "How NOT to pass bills to BAN horrid procedures on children!" <--Did I say I love Moon? I do, a from-the-heart guy, genuine. With the 'Whistle Blower' at the St Louis Gender Clinic, they thought they had it in the bag. They did not, and I told them so and it's why I pushed to get kicked out of the courtroom when I challenged 'Mr. Gay Senator' because I knew the tactics here would not render a passing bill. So, I thought, I'll give it a go; let's see if I can get into mainstream media by challenging Mr. Gay <----Senator Razor. Senator Razor seems to rely on the fact that he is homosexual and does nothing above and beyond; when he is backed into a corner, he cries, "I'm a gay man!" This tactic doesn't work with me because I'm homosexual too and trans, so I am double quoted on the rainbow and older! Anywhoo....I got kicked out of testimony, successful with one goal, I suppose. Before I gave testimony, what you don't see in this video is Senator Razor, AKA Mr Gay ripping Senator Moon to pieces about not understanding how Senator Razor would have been six feet under if homosexuality was not accepted, how these kids know who they are. Somehow children knew they were born in the wrong body...It was thick, my friends thick, but what got to me? It was how Senator Razor would not even let Senator Moon talk and treated him with no dignity or respect...YET SCREAMING for all the grace and dignity in the world for him, Mr. Gay Senator, is hypocritical and that is WORST human condition and should always be nipped. ...So I let Senator Razor, AKA Mr. Gay Senator have it right back! The following day I said to Senator Moon's team, "When this bill goes south, and it will....reach out," and they did. We put together a rally that included the ENTIRE rainbow of people, all people, gay, straight, trans, religious, conservative, liberal, and people who were high fiving after the speeches. I want you to imagine the most evangelical woman in your mind, passionate, faith-filled, genuine heart, loving, trying to do the right thing, mom that has never been around gays/trans in her life. Now imagine this woman, with an open heart putting together a rally with me, trans/lesbian, gays against groomers; it was hilarious, but wow, what a woman to take that on, right? And...Boy, did she! One afternoon I didn't know an answer to something Jodi asked, and I said, "Let's call Mario from gays against groomers, Jodi; he's great wears stiletto heels into school board meetings yelling at people to get the LGBTQ out of schools!" Jodi cleared her throat, "Oh, Ok, let's call Mario!" Ring Ring! Mario answers, but we can hardly hear him because people were yelling in the background, "Hey, Scott, what's up?" Mario asks. I proceed to say, "Mario, where are you, are you at a protest of some kind?" Now remember, we have Jodi on the line, the evangelical who has never genuinely spoken to a gay person, just filled with all the stereotypes of who we are. I kid you NOT, Mario says, "Oh, I am at a protest against planned parenthood, trying to STOP abortion with my religious straight buddies!" I asked the question, and Mario answered and hung up. "Well, now, Jodi, never thought you would call a gay man at a protest with other evangelicals trying to STOP abortion, right?" Regardless of your belief in abortion, try and look at the complex situation, the many stereotypes of people shattered in one three-way call. The point I want you to take is who you think people are and who they are, more often than not, are the same. We must invest time in relationships and go beyond our beliefs. Jodi did that and made no mistakes if this rally went terribly wrong. It would look bad for one person and one person alone, JODI! But she did it anyway! True hero! Jodi Grace Blog The truth is that we are medically transitioning children for money Period! Drop the mic nothing more to be said or argued...To STOP this? We have to be united, and I have been saying this for five years, and to watch this unfold was moving. So much so that when they announced my name to speak, I took the stage in tears, thanking the gays, lesbians and trans there who said before me, declaring that I wasn't alone anymore! As if in a movie, ANTIFA came out of nowhere to rush the stage while I was crying and thanking the rainbow for coming forward to fight and do what's right for kids. I noticed Antifa and, for some reason, decided to thank them for coming, welcomed them and asked others to do the same. I stated something about our country being founded on freedom of speech and asked if their leader wanted to speak, we would make time between the senators. "Fall out" was heard on the walkie-talkies, and ANTIFA left for the rest of the day! Something happened on that day in Missouri. If you had followed me that day, you would have heard me take Jodi aside halfway through the rally, sayings: "This isn't working; I don't believe the politicians, I hear them saying all the right things, but I don't feel it; this isn't going to pass." I fluffed it off on the fact that these politicians were fake, but the reality was that as much as they wanted to believe what they were saying, there was something missing. They didn't 100% believe what they were saying. Riding the idea that medically transitioning children on gay and lesbian rights is a long and hard battle already won. The countless heartbreak stories about homosexuality and not being accepted are still fresh in everyone's brain. Even though these politicians wanted to believe what they were saying about the medicalization of gender-confused kids, they didn't believe what they were saying 100%. How can you convince anyone of anything that you don't believe 100% yourself! Chris Barrett Bio & Contact Once the gays/lesbians and trans spoke? After they watched a gay man Chris Barrett give a speech, watching him quiver, how frightened he was, but he did it, and every word he spoke at the podium strengthened him, almost as if we saw a significant speaker evolving right before us. A transman follows, a transwoman after, and another homosexual, all imploring these politicians to save these kids that "No one is born trans, you create it," one after another, these politicians learned we gained nothing but mockery to be there, be there because we knew transing kids was wrong! We were doing what was right to do the honorable thing, and it was felt! After this Rally? The Missouri politicians developed a relentless determination, and you can notice it if you follow the news; these politicians in Missouri were injected with what all politicians need...The facts without the uneasiness of any part of it being wrong. Because let's face it, "Better an Alive daughter than a dead son" is a powerhouse assertion, and no human being on the face of the earth wants to be responsible for this. On that day? These Missouri politicians gained a determination that only comes from noting you are right 100%, and this is what is needed for all leaders worldwide to feel. I have so many stories like this, and I will get to them, but let's move on to other exciting things coming. I will not discuss what states I am still working on and when; due to the violence, I have been instructed it's best not to announce when and where the rest of the states are conducting hearings. But understand the battle is immense, and the donations people are giving to this time? I am giving 100% 24/7 .... I have never worked harder in my life! I am honored that people believe in me at a time when I thought so little of myself. ....Thank you for your belief in me! UPDATE on Transgender Violence - Tour USA/UK & Guest Post by Journalist Iris El Link 5 million views-Mainstream Media= 1 Made Fun of Me-Why Behind the Video-Violence-Death Threats Link Ok. Enough is Enough. People Are Now Being Killed! Link Evangelicals, LGBT, feminists, right, left come together for a historical RALLY to STOP Transing Kid Link Nebraska - Started this post 3 weeks ago & much has changed SCREAMING Louder-UNCUT 2023 Tour Link A Baptist Minister & A Transman/Lesbian. Who's The Bigot! Both! .....OHIO.... On the road again Link Second Edition of 'ASK SCOTT' Do you have 30 minutes? Would like to understand the emotional toll these young adults face that were medically transitioned as children, how alone they are, and how NOT ok they are. Read this, but you need to know that once you read this? You cannot unread; you cannot unknow, and you will be obligated to STOP the biggest medical scandal in modern history. -Trans Scott Newgent Read Post Watch 1st Edition of 'Ask Scott' Scott, Is My Son Just Gay? Read Post UK London UNCUT Tour - Inspired by GBNews appearance on NANA AKUA April 29th Turning Point & TReVoices Merge Forces in London Find out more - Link I was planning on speaking parliament but was quickly removed due to "The King's Coronation!" I will speak to MPs but not in an official engagement with international news present. <--- Which is a shame because I guarantee if international media was there? I would ensure my speech would make the news and light it up! ...Listen, I will say YES to anything that will help educate people to save these kids faster, ANYTHING! This trip is solely due to donations except for $250, I found a cheap flight, staying in someone's home, and we are doing this cheaply...Here is the thing. I will be there from the 26th to the 1st. Your time UK; email: I am working with GBNews and will be unavailable on the 30th; other than that? Light up my schedule so I can SCREAM Louder... Limited time to get T-Shirts These Shirts have been taken down to cost - Marketing works and we must market to get people to understand what is happening! Shop Today - Limited Time - ON SALE at Cost - Marketing Works! Podcasts - What's Out & What's Coming It’s time for a REALITY CHECK. Transgender Aggression, Violence! Recently trans radicals have been attacking many people worldwide, and again, most don't know WHY? Mainstream media is not covering it. The Nashville shooter, unfortunately, is not the only trans radical causing riots, killing and attacking people! Shock move after anti-trans activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull attacked during her own women’s rally An anti-transgender campaigner has been attacked at one of her rallies, saying she thought her children ‘would lose their mother.’ Link Nashville school shooter fired 152 rounds during the attack, which was planned ‘over a period of months,’ police say Killing six, three children aged nine & three adults. Link Transgender’ man brutally murders Portland taxi driver on Easter Sunday A video of the incident reportedly shows 30-year-old Moses Lopez getting into a cab with ‘a tiara and women’s clothing’ before stabbing his cab driver to death. Link <---This was not covered in mainstream media until a twitter influencer found it! WATCH: Left-Wing Protesters Storm TN Capitol, Insurrection Reaches the Legislative Chamber Link Transsexual activist accused of butchering a Portland taxi driver on Easter Sunday A 30-year-old male transsexual has been charged with fatally stabbing a taxi driver in Portland on Easter Sunday. The Oregonian reported that the victim was a longtime driver with Radio Cab. Link ‘Billboard Chris’ assaulted in Vancouver by angry trans activists; police officer says he was ‘inciting violence’ with his speech The investigating officer for the incident claimed that Chris had "incited violence" by screaming at activists, and that the assault was a "mutual fight." Link Conservative Matt Walsh cancels college talk after ‘threats’ amid Nashville shooting Link I was assaulted by a transgender mob and this is what I plan to do next As a former All-American swimmer, I know women’s sports are under threat from the transgender mob Link Transgender teacher is removed from school after threatening to 'shoot some students' days after seeing social media posts discussing her sexual orientation: Police remove three firearms and ammunition from her home Transgender Teacher Fired After Allegedly Threatening to Shoot Students Link But if you google transgender violence what will come up is this website that speaks about attacks in 2021 & 2022 against transgender people! Yet the reality is that in the last five weeks? Nine incidents of transgender people attacking and killing people, and Twitter influencers must find, investigate and report these attacks that the mainstream media either ignores entirely or modify articles and remove 'Transgender Identity' but only if it looks terrible on trans. Yes, I am transgender and a homosexual, but I am a MOTHER first and always! It's not right; it doesn't matter how you look at it. Hold the media accountable to tell the truth! The rally above that I wrote about in Missouri where evangelicals, gays, lesbians, conservatives, and liberals came together to speak about why they are against childhood medical transition. This was the headline, so it's no wonder society has no clue what's happening. I believe this is criminal! Link The headline should have read: Evangelicals, gays, lesbians, trans, conservatives, liberals and many other people from different societies holding a rally to explain why they are against childhood medical transition. Feel free to contact the journalist at the Saint Louis Post Dispatch. I've emailed and called but have yet to hear back. Email So, when Maree Buscke from Reality Check In Australia wanted to do a podcast together, I said - A B S O L U T L E Y! Check this out, apparently it was lit on fire in Australia & New Zealand It’s time for the narratives, agendas, and conflicts of interest to be challenged! It’s time for the bullies, cowards, and name-callers to be exposed. It’s time for accountability. It’s time to hear the other side of the story.. It’s time for sound minds, rational thought, and reasonable debate. It’s time for a REALITY CHECK. And so we’re super excited to welcome you to Reality Check Radio. Reality Check Radio is your brand new online radio station where we WILL cover the issues the establishment won't, and we WILL challenge the voices the mainstream media don't. And we believe you’ll be able to discern fact from fiction for yourself when given the full story. RCR is the antidote to the last two years of craziness. Jonathan was one of the first people I spoke to that comprehended the emotional toll it takes for trans people to come forward & admit what they did; they were wrong & don't permit kids to be as ridiculous as them. Jonathan was the first to acknowledge that. I applaud that compassion. Good podcast worth a listen Donate to Scott's Voice: Donate JONATHON VAN MAREN A columnist, author, speaker, podcaster, and activist. Jonathon’s writings have been translated into more than six languages and published in the National Post, National Review, First Things, The Federalist, The American Conservative, The Stream, the Jewish Independent, the Hamilton Spectator, Reformed Perspective Magazine, LifeSiteNews, and LifeNews, among others. He is a contributing editor to The European Conservative. .....Coming Soon Entering the ring with professional wrestler and podcaster 'Goldy's Closet' The Story Box Podcast About Story Box Podcast Stories are incredibly powerful. As humans, we are surrounded by them every day. Stories are part of who we are, they inspire us to become better. Stories challenge us to do more. Stories motivate those who are feeling low and needing a boost to keep going. Stories are a powerful resource of education, whereby we can learn and grow from them. We all have a story to share and every story matters. The Story Box exists to unbox stories of people from all walks of life and experiences to help anyone listening or watching to realize their worth and reach their greatest potential in life. "Be persistent to remain consistent" - Jay Fantom Jay's Bio -Transman Scott Newgent

  • Scott, who am I? Or a better question is "What am I?" I am lost, will you please help me!

    Ask transman Scott Newgent! A young adult transman reaches out to me who medically transitioned as a child and enters adulthood with a question many of us trans have but often keep to ourselves. Why? Because we believe that we are probably the only one that struggles with the fundamental question of "Who am I after the medical transition?" Or a more accurate question would be: "Where do I belong?" Allow me to bring you into a struggle so many transgender people have with no answers out there to be found. Two days ago, I received several voice messages from a young adult transman, a total of 56 minutes of talk time. I pressed the play button on the first message, and it began, "Scott, I know you probably won't listen to these, but I'm lost, and I don't know where to turn. Will you please help me?" As I pressed the last voice message, I heard an echoing of a battle I had been dealing with, as if a parrot was in my ear, regurgitating my thoughts into words from another's mouth. What he was asking me was something I had been asking myself for nearly two years, and somehow his question raised in a third party aided me with something I have been grappling with! This transman was started on puberty blockers at age 11 and then progressed to cross-sex hormones, advancing to the top surgery, then bottom and to 100% medically transitioned. He recently left his teenage years to wander into adulthood and is beginning his twenties. The last voice recording stunned me; this is the recording typed out precisely as it can be heard in the recording. I asked to use this and decided only to use typed words to hide this child's adult identity—still a child to me. I chose to hide his identity because he is fragile, and of course, he is who wouldn't be? "Scott, my problem is that I am not a natural man,`11` that I am neither a natural man, nor a natural woman...I was a natural woman, but I destroyed myself.... OK sorry...I cannot, I, sorry, I'm really bad at getting to the point. So, the only thing I wanted to know from you is how you cope with this, what's you do, what pronouns you use, do you want to be called she or uuu or do you want to be called, and umm him, he and ummm (long pause) yeah, ummm. I think that, umm that, I think I had another question, but I already forgot it...I arr yeah umm I ar umm. The other question is, is that do you believe that nobody is really born in the wrong body? So don't you believe that it's possible that someone has a male brain?" Recording ends My response: My precious new young friend, I listened to them all. First, the emotions you are having are had by many trans and normal. Congrats, you passed normal with flying colors! Whoop! The best advice I can give you is to consider yourself a soul and embrace what you have done & how you feel. The answers will come. But you are correct; you are not 100% male, you are a biological female, and because of the testosterone, you have altered your body, and you will never be the healthy woman you could have been, which is a hard pill to swallow! You are NO mutant, you were a child, and your parents did the best with the information they were given. You cannot expect your parents to see around all the corners of childhood medical transition if they are not there to be had. The truth about transition is hidden carefully, and public relations dance around the unknown facts because the medical transition is 95% experimental. has a program called Beyond De-Trans. This organization has developed a program to help deal with your feelings. No books or advice abound; it's a solitary struggle until this program, created. Please reach out to them; I trust them to allow you to navigate where you need to go to be OK because you being OK is the most crucial thing! To answer your inquiry about male and female brains, my apologies, but I believe this is all hogwash, and I'd gamble on it! The problem is that feelings are not quantifiable; facts, feelings and cemented truths don't go together. Feelings are fleeting, they change from one minute to another, yet why they change is not understood, it is an enigma. Because of this, the sentiment that people are born with a faulty brain cannot be proven or denied. The definition of an unproven belief based on ideas is just that an ideology, unable to be confirmed and destructive, in the wrong hand, causes massive chaos if deviant intent is to be had. A human being can be convinced of anything if delivered consistently and strategically. Just look at history, and my point is made. The facts are we have two sexes, males and females. Who males are and who females are having been defined into a tiny box that most people don't solely fit 100%. Some fit better than others, but these rigid ideas of what women are, and men are again unprovable! The truth is males and females come all different ways, and therein lies what the problem is within today's popular ideology and hot topic, transgenderism. Transgenderism takes us back in time; there is no progress or enlightenment within transgenderism. Transgenderism, or the idea of 'being born in the wrong body,' is old fashion, stereotypical, chauvinistic, and demeaning to women and men! The idea that men don't feel deeply, have no style, are not able to nurture young, care deeply or be able to put a fabulous outfit together is ridiculous and NOT true. Some men do all these things, and some men don't. Some men who do these things are attracted to the same sex attracted, and some are not! Again, boxes. The only truth is that men come all different ways! I decided to pull apart male stereotypes because we seem tormented by the embodiment of who and what a woman is supposed to be. But pull this apart from what binds around the idea of a man, and it casts a light bulb. We are female-chauvinistic, with men at the same level as women! Men are not just burly beings meant to open jars, open beer bottles, scratch balls and grunt and point when they want something. Men are diverse, different and come in all different extraordinary ways. You see, transgenderism doesn't extend the box of understanding; it limits, and boxes are not meant for a human being, only cereal! Being transgender is a choice, no different than any other plastic surgery; it doesn't cure anything; for some, it might help them walk lighter in life, but wrapping the idea that it heals people that do not fit in is NOT progress. It's the opposite. What we end up with is confused young adults like yourself that didn't fit into the stereotypical box or much less than others, and instead of grabbing your 11-year-old hand and saying, "You are an incredible little girl, your grit, desire to lead, aggression, strength, longing to be heard are all things that make a girl turn into a mighty woman that society needs. But right now, at 11? All these extraordinary traits are disguised as being different. But what you don't know, and I do, my feisty daughter, is that your differences are superpowers...Let me show you what that means and how to use them, sister!" I do not doubt that they would have done differently if your parents had been told what I just conveyed to you. But what is done is done, and now you have a precious life filled with marvels, a future and decisions that will lead you down roads of adventures, falling in love, and building your family; however, that looks. All the dreams you dreamed of being are still there for you; you have to commit to them and make them happen. Remember, you are a robust and aggressive woman. So, what, you look like a man who cares. Grab your dreams with the same strength that made you and others believe you were male! Use your gifts regardless of what your shell looks like. You have so many things waiting for you, but if you obsess about a box that fits no one, well, well? Isn't that the exact definition of wasting precious time? I am fifty and I could swear yesterday I was 20! Leap for life, my young new friend. What pronouns people use are none of your or my business. People will use what they see and hear, and you do not have the self-importance to correct people from what has taken thousands of years to ingrain into our sub-conscience for survival. Instantly, when we hear someone speak or see someone, pronouns are selected for us, the work is done, no need to labor over a chore already completed. Who are you to go against thousands of years of evolution? It's self-righteous, a waste of time, something you can't control and quite frankly, should not allow anyone to burden you with, "What pronouns do you want to be called," are always answered the same way by me, "Use whatever brings you comfort. I decided to transition medically, and my choice should not have to burden you. Use whatever pronouns you like." PS. You touched me with these recordings, such emotion felt and given to me to care for is quite a gift of trust. Thank you for allowing me into who you are and your struggles. This is true strength, and believing I could help you is a great honor. I hope I have helped. Thank you for trusting me! Here is my number 469 XXX-XXXX. Reach out anytime! -Scott/Kellie These recordings made me weep at the end because I have been struggling with who I am, what I am, and what I have done has been weighing on my mind every night before I go to sleep. As I change clothes for bed, I pass the mirror and say inside my head, "Who are you, and what have you done?" My dirty little constant rant to myself before bed was outed by this precious young person and inspired this. I hope it makes sense! My rainbow is the human rainbow. by, Scott Newgent I learned from a young age to see past differences in beliefs, sexuality, social and economic status. Empathy has always been an important instrument in my emotional toolbox. This tool comes with positives and negatives. When you feel intensely, the teeter-totter of life is a rollercoaster, and I have found that I have closed myself off from many opportunities, hiding to survive. Sensing the feelings of others tips the teeter-totter to ache inside people more often than ecstasy. Feeling that in others is potent, and for me? It makes me feel indebted to help improve it! Knowing something is an obligation; hiding from people helps lessen my burden. Still, the ticktock of the grandfather clock of time as your only companion leads to a lonely yet unobligated life. As I recover from the carnage of medical transition, both physically and emotionally, it has been a rocky road! Staring in a mirror, not recognizing whom I see, the name change, the pronoun change, the expectations of understanding the secret code each gender has been drilled to know since the day they were born is an awkward trial and error leading to confusing glances from people who don't understand why I don't know what is expected of me as a man. They see a man, and I should act accordingly, yet I wasn't conditioned to do so. I am still a woman who took synthetic hormones and will have to play dress-up for the rest of my life, a character in a play that others believe is reality. The entire process has forced me to look beyond the physical person of who I am. Who I see in the mirror is a stranger, except for glimpses of seeing and recognizing my parents, but the physical appearance? Somehow, I am aware of the family I belong to, because I look like 'my people' I just have never met this relative, a stranger but bonded with DNA. I no longer recognize myself in the mirror, but inside, I do. Inside is the same person, and recovering from this brutal process has forced me to look at myself from the inside out. I didn't want to do that, but I had no choice, forced into the work, yielding perspicuity at a tremendous emotional cost. To be OK, I have to look where I recognize myself, and the recognition is now only from the inside. Charismatic sales executives, athletic, and a high achiever in every realm have also been my coping mechanisms. I knew this on some level, but I now understand in great detail the survival necessity of this truth. Others rarely claim these high marks in one area of life. Yet, my need for survival had to achieve multiple levels to keep the room filled with buoyant emotions ensuring my intuitive nature wasn't overshadowed by the ache of others. I always thought until now that this was who I was, all these achievements were me. The truth is that these achievements toned down the ache of others, my achievements tuned out an obligation that was too heavy to bear. The relationships I developed with anyone I let close inevitably led to something I heard from every person I ever loved; a view most never see: "Wow, you're a loner, internal and pensive; I never guessed that before I got to know you!" But this intuition, empathy, whatever it's called, has also been a gift. Most feelings are not one-sided; what aids also rescinds, but the ability to analyze the process objectively, examine and untwist the pieces, get to why someone has a particular belief, line in the sand, so to say, giving an understanding of how and why that person got to that particular belief in the first place? Knowing how and why, is key to understanding anything. The intensity someone feels about religion, homosexuality, politics, parenting, or anything has a journey that is usually only known by another person harboring the opinion. Empathetic people can seem more profound than the service, and when you understand how someone got their beliefs, it softens the blow if the view is different from yours. If we look past our infantile differences, the world turns from a scary place to one of grace with boundless potential for human growth and enlightenment. Words of wisdom came to me once when my ears were susceptible to mentors, a whispered moment as I sat at a lesbian dinner party at the tender age of 20. The giver of wisdom, who I think of often, was a 70-year-old lesbian. I had just made an impassioned speech about hating straight people, how every lesbian and gay man should band together to create a superior community where straight and bisexual people could live without the unique gifts and talents homosexual people have given to society since the beginning of time without recognition and with the oppression that had never lifted and never would. The old dyke turned her head towards me and snapped her fingers crisply and with authority, piquing my curiosity instantly. I leaned in, eager to hear what I thought would be a song of praise, but this is what I heard instead: "Kellie, if I stayed within lines of safety because I wanted complete acceptance of who I am before I allowed people to know me, I would have never had a single conversation with any human on the face of the earth. I am a 70-year-old African American, Jewish, Republican, bull-dyke lesbian who listens to country music. If you stay within the lines, you believe are safe because of not wanting to be challenged by the differences of others, your challenge will become learning how to not wither away and die because, let's face it, you wouldn't be invited to dinner parties like this and you would have no one to talk to because you're an asshole, a passionately cute asshole, but one, nevertheless. Simmer on that a bit and shut up. You learn by listening, and it doesn't make you look like an idiot as much as you do now." When my son was two and a half, he knew how to get my attention. At that time, I was at the dead center of my career as a business account executive, leading the USA with record numbers for Verizon wireless. I was fierce. But my mind was always obsessed with the next presentation, the next business meeting, the next chess moves to further my career. My baby son knew if he wanted my attention, he had to be different. One day when I was running out the door, he ran up to me and said, "Stop Ma, stop right now, right NOW STOP, SIT down, there." My two-year-old son demanded commands with such strength and presence that I did just that; I stopped. A feat in itself; grown men with VP titles and master's degrees in business could not slow me down from an insult, correction or being pointed at with why we didn't get a deal, the stupidity of one was not held back. But my two and half year old commanded so much that I not only stopped but listened when he said, "Sit down, couch, there," In his toddler language, he directed me to where he wanted me so he could deliver his important message. It was a big deal; I could feel it, something he pondered before he sprung it on me. To my surprise, I listened and sat on the couch. He crawled onto my lap, straddled me, and cradled each little hand on one side of my face. Then he leaned in and pressed his nose to mine, so close that I heard his breath, felt the air leaving his lungs, and the excitement and anticipation he had with what he wanted to tell me. He was so close to me that I noticed the speck in his left eye, a yellow sparkle that was out of place as my left eye was and my fathers before me. He's my son, in almost every way, a little mini-me of awesomeness and a personality people flock to <---Not me, lol. What can I say? He's awesome! I could be biased, but I'm not he's brilliant beyond words and amazes me with his mind and how he processes thoughts! "Don't listen to them, just to me, just me, not them, k Ma, me not them, just me?" He had my total attention, he knew he had to slow me down to get the proper attention he was after, or he would get the inevitable, "Yeah, OK sugar, sure sugar, lunch, candy, you bet, just go ask your nanny." His face couldn't hold in the excitement; he knew he had the attention he was after and blurted out, "Ma, waterslide, 'member? You said waterslide; it's not there outside, I need waterslide, please, K Ma?" The week prior I had been running through a store, and he'd spotted a huge, blow-up water slide for parties, and I said I would buy it in between my calls and texts. Well, later had come for him, and he was determined to let me know. I immediately called in, got the day off of work, picked him up, and before night fell, he was having a ball on his vast, commercial $800 waterslide in our backyard. To this day in my family, if you have something important to discuss, you say, "don't listen to them, just me," and immediately no matter what I am doing is dropped and I plug in. That's what we need to do. We have to grab society's face and say, "give me a minute, just listen to us for a minute, don't listen to them, just us," with the same heartstrings that a child holds within his mother's heart. The most effective way to do this is for the message to come from family, a familiar place that is and has been a soft place to fall. My son got my attention because of the way he did it but most importantly because of who he was to me. I believe this approach would work to stop the dangerous trans radical craze that we are currently experiencing. Don't get me wrong; the LGBTQ community is family to me. I was a lesbian for twenty-five years, and I have been a transman for five years. I am a familiar, I am family. I am a parent to three adolescents, an age when children are professing their transgenderism in record numbers. If it's done in the right way, with the right people, with hearts in the correct place, we could save children who don't even know they need to be saved. We need courageous people to say what needs to be said, be guided in the most appropriate and best way to say it, and to take criticism to ensure what is written is done in the most powerful manner possible. We need to be willing to work within a team to save kids because make no mistake; as a transman, I am telling you that these kids need to be saved a million times more than you already believe. Let's march hand in hand to the forefront, representing children, to keep children safe and criminalize any medical professionals who medically transition a child. Speak in unison saying. "Here's a transgender person. Here's a gay person. Here's the evangelical person. Here's the Republican person. Here's a Democrat. We have everybody covered. OK. So, you can't call us a bigot. Cause we got the whole circle around. We're all here. Now let's talk about facts. Medical Transitioning Is No Place for a Child & here is why!" by, Scott Newgent

  • UPDATE on Transgender Violence - Tour USA/UK & Guest Post by Journalist Iris El

    Post By Iris to follow....... Most are aware the transgender debate has become violent. At the last Rally I spoke at, Antifa charged the stage, and I believe my warm welcome, thanking them for attending and asking their leader if they wanted to speak, might have defused a situation that could have gone badly, quickly! Others have not been so fortunate, like Posie Parker in New Zealand, Billboard Chris in Canada, and some threats have been beyond frightening, that the FBI has been called in, and high-profile people like Matt Walsh have been forced to cancel events. To terrorize a family because of one's beliefs goes against our country's entire foundation. Top it off with the fact that Matt's family have become personal friends of mine; you can guess I am not only livid but mortified at the trans community to which I am forced to belong! The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh Postpones Speaking Event Due to Threats Against his Family Differences of opinion do not categorize people as saints or intrinsically evil; it just means that "we do not agree," and that's OK. That is healthy. When you silence any side of society, you create an imbalance, and we are living in that imbalance right now! Michael Brown, a high-profile evangelical activist, has become a good friend of mine. Early into our friendship, I commented that we needed each other. Michael didn't quite comprehend when I said, "Michael, we need you to speak for the gay community, not just at it, but rather to hold us unaccountable. Your beliefs and vigilant eye, making people think of the consequences of homosexuality gone wild, align us with doing what's right. Just as our voices within the homosexual community hold your community accountable for not going off the deep end with HELL, FIRE & DAMNATION, we counterbalance each other." The proof is plain to see where we are now as a society. The free rain the LGBTQ+ has been provided, the instant head nodding agreeing with whatever the ACLU or LGBTQ+ says, has led us to a time where we are massacring children with a medical process that will not only make their health degenerate but as well makes a monumental decline in mental health. But, no one hears the facts because of the silencing of sectors of society that social media has allowed. It is harmful and dangerous, and it's how and why we have veered off into a ditch with keeping children safe. We are not keeping children safe, not by a long shot! My USA UNCUT is still progressing as planned, nothing has been cancelled, nor will I cancel anything. I made a promise almost five years ago, and my children are wrapped in the promise, and I will not quit, I will not be bullied and I will not turn away, regardless of what comes of it. This cause is not just something I merely believe in; it's something that I understand from one side to the other, as only one can who has all the puzzle pieces. I will not be bullied or silenced. I believe in what I am doing; it's why people say I am passionate. What people see as passion is something we are rarely afforded as human beings with feelings that ebb and flow. A steady, consistent belief in something is rare, and it only comes when it comes from within, and it does with me! The only thing that has changed is that I am not listing the bills I am working on and the days they are scheduled for testimony. But I have six more states on the UNCUT Tour & close to three weeks remaining! I have one Rally scheduled in London on the 29th with the org Turning Point! We do NOT have all the funds required for travel; we are halfway there. I am not calling off the Rally, but I need donations to help get me there. With the violence, there is also a need for added security! This event is half funded by Turning point and half supported my I have some media with GBNews, but I still need to cover the expenses. I wish I was paid to SCREAM Louder, but I am not! Plane Ticket: $1200 Hotel: $1000 Food, Taxi, Misc. $700 ------------------- $2900 Donate UK Rally Donate USA UNCUT If you want to see me speak in London on the 29th, please consider donating. Tickets will not be sold at the Rally, and all our welcome to attend. If anyone has a place I can stay, that would be helpful. "Who will save the children, Scott will" by Íris Erlingsdóttiir Lee, journalist “Why do you care about this trans stuff?” my few remaining friends asked me when I sent them link to TT Exulansic’s video of the monstrous violence from transactivists around the world, from Tennessee USA, Auckland, New Zealand, London UK, to Vancouver, Canada, to Seattle, Washington, USA just in the last week. “Are you living under a rock?” I asked before I remember that they are consumers of activist propaganda that passes for news, garbage produced by a media who have managed to grant a mass murderer victim–martyr status; who’ve condemned – not the mindless, vicious violence and murder of six people, including three children but – Audrey Hale’s the posthumous misgendering. Who cares about the victims and their families? Eh? Victims who, what? God forbid we hurt the hallowed trans feelings of the mob beating and murdering citizens by using the wrong pronouns. We knew this was coming. It’s been in the air. Just in the last week: ● A raging Tran terrorist mob battered a number of women at British women’s rights activist Kellie-Jay Keen’s #LetWomenSpeak rally in Auckland, New Zealand. ● Swimmer Riley Gaines was Gaines was assaulted and barricaded in a classroom following her speech at San Francisco State University on why women’s sports must be for women only. She was punched and hit while the crowd screamed threats and insults for hours. ● Smirking women cops watched an out-of-control mob batter Billboard Chris in Vancouver, Canada. ● A 19 year old Colorado bloke – “Transgender Woman, 19, Arrested over Plot to Shoot up THREE Schools and Churches, Commit Murder in the First Degree” – Yeah? It was one of those penised women. ● Hysterical hooligans drove Jonathan Choe out of Volunteer Park in Seattle, Washington. ● And just this morning: ANDY NGO REPORTS: Trans person arrested over brutal murder of Portland cab driver The suspect in the Easter Sunday stabbing murder of a Portland cab driver is a trans person with a history of threatening behavior. Editor's note April 10, 2023: The report has been updated with new information. The Post Millennial can exclusively report that the suspect in the Easter Sunday stabbing murder of a Portland cab driver is a trans person with a history of threatening behavior. Moses Jacob Lopez, who presents as a woman and appears to have addresses in both Portland and Coos Bay, Ore., has been charged with second-degree murder and unlawful use of a weapon. The deceased victim, who has not been named, was identified by Radio City Cab as one of its veteran drivers. Lopez allegedly stabbed him to death during a taxi ride. Read More The “subculture that has grown up around trans identities too often excuses, legitimizes, and even glorifies violence,” Eliza Mondegren writes on Unherd. “That includes violence directed at the self — where self-harm and suicide demonstrate sincerity and commitment to trans identity in the face of adversity — and violence directed outward at perceived enemies. This goes hand-in-hand with a toxic dynamic called phobia indoctrination: the attempt to instil irrational fears in members of a high-control group in order to manipulate them.” I’m all out of patience, all out of tolerance with the transactivist community, and so should you. The insanity and violence of gender ideology must stop, and it’s time to start saying so. Like Joshua Slocum points out on his podcast Disaffected, “if we don’t, we’ll not be able to, because we’ll be six feet under.” We’ve reached a cultural turning point. The warning signs are everywhere: grimacing skulls promising “DEATH BEFORE DETRANSITION”, knives, baseball bats wrapped in barbed wire, assault rifles painted in the pastel tones of the trans flag, torrents of rape and death threats, the not-so-subtle threat that “EVERY DAY IS TRANS DAY OF VENGEANCE.” Surely Scott will cancel all travel plans, I thought to myself. Who would walk up on stage to try and talk sense into a screaming crowd of insane terrorists? The answer is, Scott would. “I promised. I promised I’d fight for the safety of gender confused kids. There is nothing more important than the health and lives of our kids.” I know trying to talk Scott out of the speaking tour – to the UK and to several US states – is futile, so instead I’ve been doing the math. This time Scott must cover not only airfare and travel expenses, but – as you can see if you view the video of the above events – security. To ensure Scott’s safety, a team of linemen-sized guys will be needed! I’m asking you to please consider a donation. Every dollar counts, any amount helps. I want to help my friend make this tour possible, but more importantly, I want Scott to return home safe and sound! Donate to Scott's UNCUT Tour Íris Erlingsdóttiir Lee, journalist

  • 5 million views-Mainstream Media= 1 Made Fun Of Me-Why Behind The Video-Violence-Death Threats

    Before I begin with an important post? Updates - See Home Page For All State Successes - Many! Yes, London Rally on the 29th will be detailed soon More dates In The US - Careful Due To Violence, BUT I HAVE NOT AND WILL NOT CANCEL ANY DATES! I am trying to get some security $$ for events as I have had death threats, but it won't stop me; these kids need to matter more! Thank you for the donations that have allowed me to focus 24/7 on saving kids. I have two more weeks in my tour and was about to cut it short due to financial difficulties, but I received a donation that allowed me to hold on for the last two weeks and the London Date. I am beyond slammed, and I know I have many to get back too; please be patient. I will get to you. I will focus 24/7 on saving kids as long as I can care for my kids too. Speaking event sometimes pays for travel, most often than not, not at 100%. I have received $500 for a media spot, and that's it. This is all love! If my voice matters, please ensure I can continue using it! For five years, I have been fighting to stop childhood medical transition and the entire time, I have stayed firm that "to STOP the medicalization of gender-confused kids", we have to come together. When anyone looks at transing kids in a neutral place, no one walks away believing medically transitioning children is about love, no one! But the trick is bringing people to that neutral space. The boulder in the middle of the road is enormous, and all hands are needed to lift the weight. The problem is that activism is a business, and specific segments of society want all the credit. If different subsections of specific communities grab hands, their added followers and likes are distributed in more places diluting credit and, ultimately, diluting money. Thus, a tight grasp is taken on whichever topic is the topic of concern for that time in history! Yet, how we consume information has changed and thrown a wretch in a bicycle tire travelling thirty-five miles an hour downhill, resulting in an "ass over tea kettle situation" as my grandad used to say! Recently I posted a video of a media conference in Ohio launching a bill to BAN childhood medical transition. It has gone beyond viral, with over six million views totaling all media platforms. PLEASE RETWEET - It seems to get the needed point across! If anyone calls you transphobic tell them, you are supporting a transwoman to tell the TRUTH! A little back history to this media event. Two years prior, representative Gary Click brought this same bill that banned childhood medical transition in the state. The Ohio media attacked him viciously for being a bigot, focused on the fact that he is a Baptist minister and ran him through the mud; it was hard on him. House Bill 113 Bill to Run 26th - I will be there before heading to London For a Speech - Please Support Bill - Write Testimony Here Read Gary's Bio Here & Thank Mr Click for His Unwavering Strength Gary and I have had conversations about homosexuality, and if anyone cared to ask him, you would hear him speak of concerns for these future children who will grow up to same sex attracted adults. Gary believes they are immaculate the way they are. The media would know that if they discussed it with him, asked and then listened to a response. Yesterday I received this comment on one of my YouTube videos: Tim Stratton 1 day ago "Can someone help me understand why the Daily Wire isn't supporting you? It seems like they should have an entire channel on their website featuring you and your efforts, but here you are with videos taken on an iPhone. You are the voice this world needs, and it's being stifled from every direction." My response: My heart is a million per cent sincere, and my only goal has been to STOP the carnage of childhood medical transition. Tim, today I also received another message. When someone reaches out to me passionately about something I have written or a speech I have given, I always ask why? Why were you so affected? The same day I received this message on YouTube, I received this in my inbox, a response to my standard question: "Why or how did I touch you so deeply?" The response: "Because you're RIGHT ON. I just had a Passover dinner, and you were the topic of conversation. If I told you who it was with, you would pass out. Perhaps you don't know anything about me, but you have struck a NERVE amongst the mouth-liberal people on the planet. I am very grateful to be your conduit. You are like that scene in Pulp Fiction where Uma Thurman overdoses. You are the shot to the heart." This message summed up my entire goal in one short visual and powerful statement, and then I was the one who was deeply impacted. A message that summed up my fundamental goal since I began this journey. My leap into activism was not because of anything I wanted, needed or searched for. As I have been healing more and more from the devastation emotionally and physically of medical transition, I have been chomping at the bit, with my only desire to get back into business sales, exhausted of being poor, something I never experienced with my sales conquests. But I made a commitment that is circled my children, and I will NEVER quit my children. Read in detail what my WHY is! Newsweek We Need Balance When It Comes To Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know | Opinion Daily Wire I Was In ‘What Is A Woman’: It Was The Hardest Thing I Ever Did, But I’d Do It Again Daily Wire I Underwent Gender Transition Surgery: Here’s What The Media Doesn’t Tell You What I have realized and have been begging people to do has begun, and the effect is throwing another further detailed premonition I have been saying for five years as well. When this starts to go haywire, be careful because violence will follow. Why? We are all needed to stop this mess, transing kids. I encourage everyone to understand what has been done is NOT working. This war, like the separation of right/left, is great for social media stars' success but terrible for society. People ask me why Daily Wire and Matt Walsh haven't promoted me with a channel or mass media. The truth is that all of Daily Wire has been good to me offered me things I have turned down, Matt Walsh's wife is a personal friend and one hell of a lady, and Matt has always been good to me too. The reason I have not had the results you suggested has nothing to do with Matt Walsh or Daily Wire but instead with me! If I intended to become a social media star or media darling, I would have done so; I am quite aware how to make a successful; marketing run at this, but although the payday would be significant to my bank account, it would be counter resulting in my goal to save a generation of gender-confused children being butchered under the guise of love. Remember, I made a promise, and my children are at the center of that. I am not a martyr; I am a mother, and as most mothers know, most often than not, those two things are identical, just different words to clarify the truth of all mothers or what SHOULD be with all mothers. The way we stop, the only way to STOP the devastation of the butchering of gender-confused kids, unfortunately, shatters the successful business model for current social media darlings of left/right. The "you're in danger, I can save you, shut off all contact with THEM & JUST listen to me?" Are a CULT mentality & blinds people to the truth? Both sides do it, hold yourself accountable and DO not allow yourself to say, "Yup the left" or "Yup the right" It's BOTH sides! Be better, and hold yourself accountable to hard truths because our children deserve us to start adulting better! This is the BIGGEST reason we are in this mess. How we consume media has raised and nurtured a new enemy perceived as a hero. Mark my word; the current media darlings will go down in history as the villains; I believe this 100%. Dr Phil is my hero for many reasons, but the main reason is that he has not allowed himself to fall into this trap while staying true to his beliefs; he demeans no one. Dr Phil's brilliant and keen to learn and hear others; he has a powerful personality, but he always listens. If you watch closely, Dr Phil usually has to calm his wife down to be more understanding. But at a glance, people seem to believe it's the opposite. Dr Phil embraces other people's opinions with dignity and breaks them apart brilliantly for all to understand. Sure, he's conservative, but he's not a CULT leader! Watch some of these videos or your favorite social media stars or news anchors with a new eye. You will notice the arrogance and disgusting display of cocky righteousness, making fun of people and saying, "These people are idiots, don't be an idiot too, follow me or forever have a LOSER sign on your forehead!" It's disgusting, and it's happening on both sides people.....Both sides! The Ohio media conferences video with over 5 million views for not investigating and jumping to BIGOT? How many journalists reach out to me? Zero, well, one if you count this news anchor. For Christ's sake, a news anchor made fun of me on Twitter and dared to cc me! This is the world we live in. I have emailed an executive ever at her station, and NOT one has reached out to me with an explanation or apology! Feel Free to Contact the News Station - They Have Ignored Me The current business model makes a few disgustingly wealthy while hanging our children out to dry. Now envision all the little people under these big people who want a piece of the pie too; how do they become successful? Does success come with supporting and lifting others, or is the clawing disgrace of success more critical than the issues? Why do I get new eyeballs to look at this mess? It is because I don't allow anyone to own me. Being a media darling would instantly influx my donations, lift me out of living in a basement with sheets as a wall, and eliminate all the financial hardship. Still, throwing these odd-fitting kids under the bus would not be an option for me! So sheets as room dividers are OK because it's working, and people are starting to listen! I will keep SCREAMING my way because it's the most effective to getting the new eyeballs need to STOP this madness! Now for the second reason for this post: Recent Violence, Word of Warning! The media has lifted only one side of the transgender debate, led by a mob with a dangerous 'victim' mentality!' When you couple a person with a victim mentality, sprinkle in the media praise of 'so brave' and the ease to shut people down who question the mission with one word, "BIGOT," you have the actual definition of a radical trans. You also have a recipe that can go violent quickly. The recent attacks from radical trans should not surprise you, and in fact, you need to understand with clarity that this will get worse before it gets better. Victimhood Is Tearing Us Apart Here’s what the evidence says about the impact of feeling like a victim. I want you to imagine a three-year-old that gets candy every time they go to Walmart. Every run to Walmart results in the unquestioned and ease of handoff from, "I want candy," to the knee-jerk reaction of the mom handing the candy unwrapped to the toddler with a pat on the head, "Do you want more sugar, sugar?" Now, couple that image with mentally ill adults who suffers from one of the most dangerous personality disorders, sociopathic/narcissist, and a couple in a sexual fetish called autogynephilia, society and news at the beck and call saying yes to EVERYTHING....Then all of a sudden, a pushback begins, and questions rise to the top. What happens to that toddler in Walmart? Now place that on trans radicals. No the truth is trans radicals KILL In the last 11 months there have been 14 shooters, 4 of the shooters identified as transgender resulting in 28% of shooters here in the US trans identified! Keep in mind that transgender identified people represent .06% of society <----This should WAKE you up. Recently a trans identified person killed 6 people in Nashville, three of people killed were 9 years old! The motive is being uncovered as "You kill our kids (meaning trans identified youth) We will kill yours (referring to kids from Christian homes) Nashville school shooter who killed 6 planned attack for months, police say Investigators looking into the shooting at an elementary school report that Audrey Hale fired 152 rounds during the attack and studied actions of other mass shooters. These people are unstable, and heck, I thought I was born in the wrong body; I'm a couple of sandwiches short myself; I get it. But never question Gender Dysphoria as a mental illness, don't kid yourself anyone that believes they were born in the wrong body needs mental health, not massive doses of cross sex hormones. With that said if an adult wants to undertake plastic surgery, is level headed with reality and knows it doesn't cure anything? Have it, but pay for it yourself The victims are rising to victimize and gaslight who the actual victims are, and we know the media will not cover the truth. The Vulnerable, Fragile, Victim Narcissist. "The irony of a narcissist saying." Why do you have to make things so difficult." Be careful at rallies and require your leaders to put the safety of the people who want to listen to them first. A true leader defuses emotional bombs that have started to erupt. The days of activists pushing a little violence here or there for video clicks and followers is in it's self a sign of a sociopath. Please require leaders to put the safety of others first! List of recent violence to follow, if you want to see the carnage in detail watch this video! As Newgent commenced his speech at the Missouri capital, Antifa instantly charged the stage as if they were waiting for this moment. Newgent opened his speech with tears thanking the organization Gays Against Groomers for being there and speaking the truth. "I've been doing this for five years, and it's fantastic to see the rainbow here, too, fighting for these kids!" As Antifa met bodyguards hallway to the podium, Newgent turned his engagement to the lingering threat of violence and did something that not only stunned Antifa, it made them do an about-face. What did Newent do? Newgent welcomed Antifa, "And we also have Antifa here, welcome, we are all welcome, we all have beliefs that need to be heard, thank you for coming. Would your leader like to speak today as well?" In a deep, demanding voice, the room, scared into silence, heard something no one expected! "FALL OUT." The Antifa turned and exited the rally for the rest of the event. This event at the Missouri Capital did something that has never been done. All communities came together, resulting in a dying bill to ban childhood medical transition to stiff; uncompromising will inject into the politicians promoting the bill. The AG of Missouri issued Missouri Issues' Emergency Regulation' to Curb Gender Transition Procedures for Minors. Violence in the USA & abroad Anti-trans activist Posie Parker leaves New Zealand after chaotic protests Tess McClure in Auckland and Charlotte Graham-McLay in Wellington Sun 26 Mar 2023 13.58 EDT First published on Sat 25 Mar 2023 06.54 EDT Gender-critical activist was booed and heckled in Auckland and cancelled event in Wellington. Read More Conservative activist attacked during trans rights rally in Canada: video By Katherine Donlevy April 1, 2023 9:20pm Updated A conservative protestor was assaulted multiple times on camera as he tried to talk to attendees of a Trans Day of Visibility rally in Vancouver, Canada while wearing a sign with anti-trans messages Friday. Read More Nashville shooter Audrey Hale had a ‘child-like obsession with staying a child,’ college classmate says CNN — Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old former Covenant School student who killed six people at the school Monday, carefully planned the attack, according to officials. Hale’s parents, who lived with the shooter, said Hale was under a doctor’s care for an “emotional disorder,” Nashville Police Chief John Drake said at a news conference Tuesday. Read More By Christina Zdanowicz, CNN Updated 4:54 PM EDT, Thu March 30, 2023 Audrey Hale, a 28-year-old former Covenant School student who killed six people at the school Monday, carefully planned the attack, according to officials. Read More Conservative Pundit Cancels College Speech after Nashville Shooting, Citing Threats to Family The conservative political and cultural commentator Matt Walsh, known for his focus on transgender issues, said Wednesday he canceled a planned speech due to threats against his family. Read More

  • FINALLY, We did it! We Are Being HEARD - 'STOP Transing Kids!' Keep it going! RETWEET Needed PLEASE!

    I uploaded a live press conference yesterday on Twitter, which has gone viral. The press conference was in Ohio, where the local rep Gary Click has been run through the mud as a 'BIGOT' for fighting to STOP childhood medical transition. 'Let Them Grow' Bill. I'm so sorry I don't have time to write in detail; I am heading to Florida for this event and more media. I had to stop mid-thought. I didn't have time. Please grab whichever platform you use and tweet, post and SCREAM Louder! Getting the left media FINALLY reaching out. Don't let it die...Could you keep it going? Thank you for the help I have received this week to allow me to keep SCREAMING Louder.... TWITTER Post 'Retweet' Link If you think my voice matter, help me use it and support today! Donate Next Week Missouri & Florida

  • A little help needed!

    This message will not be covered with flowers and sprinkled with sugar. For several days, I have received threatening emails from trans radicals. I have shared some of the mild ones below. It's evident that we are making progress, and it's no surprise that trans radicals are ratcheting things up. These psychopathic adults react like toddlers in the store when you refuse to buy them a piece of candy you'd occasionally bought on previous trips. They test your will, throwing bigger and louder tantrums until they get what they want, testing your resolve. Someone will win, and we all know who will win here! In the meantime? Please be careful! Next week I will travel to Florida to give a speech for 'Florida Fathers for Freedom.' Although some of my travelling expenses are paid, flight, room, and other expenses are not, as well as the time I still need to include from work. Regardless of donations, I will focus 24/7 for the next 30 day s and figure out how to do so because I have committed to others. But if you think my voice matters, please help me to use it while keeping the lights on and my kids fed! Remember, I am not within a community; I stand alone, which makes me effective. Still, being alone means, I don't have the support of the various social, political, or religious groups with stakes in this war." I will be working 24/7 for the next 30 days, and if you want me to continue, please support me. We have new merchandise, and it all looks great, but currently, I get about one or two shirts a month at a $4 profit. You would be shocked if you knew how much sacrifice this takes. But I will not give up; it's a promise I made, and I will keep it with a smile. If you try to call me, you won't get through. I have a $200 phone bill for which I need funds to pay. I'm not kidding; you would be shocked by the sacrifice this takes. Thank you in advance for your belief. -Scott Newgent SHOP

  • A Baptist Minister & A Transman/Lesbian. Who's The Bigot! Both! .....OHIO.... On the road again

    Come along and see what transpires as I journey from state to state, bill to bill, fighting to educate our legislators about the realities of medical transition and why we must STOP transing children. SCREAMING Louder 2023 Tour 'Uncut' OHIO Press Conference Donate Today My name is Scott Newgent, and I am a 50-year-old transgender man and a parent of three children. I medically transitioned at 42, and because of it, I suffered many life-threatening complications. As I researched and studied thousands of reports and papers to save my life, I first learned that medical transition is dangerous, experimental and doesn't cure anything. But the medical industry has, with the magnanimity and piety of a Chinese footbinder, convinced society that transition is a civil rights struggle, that sexually mutilating and castrating our children is a noble fight for human rights that just happens to unlock an enormous revenue stream into the pockets of what used to be the world's most revered profession. As I found the key to saving my life, I stumbled upon alarming facts about the medical subspecialty called "transgender medicine," and from then on, I devoted my life to protecting gender-confused children and making this area of medicine safe. I have been fighting to STOP childhood medical transition for over four years. In 2021, I published the first article here in the US detailing the travesty of medically transitioning children. OPINION We Need Balance When It Comes To Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know | Opinion SCOTT NEWGENT ON 2/9/21 AT 7:30 AM EST Since these bills I have made it my mission to educate legislators and the public about the grotesque reality of medical transition. My involvement began with the first bill introduced to ban childhood medical transition. It is now referred to as 'Let them grow." Each year I wear myself out offering my help to as many dedicated senators as possible, trying to pass these essential bills to save our children's lives. This year I am taking a 60-day sabbatical to devote as much time as possible to the cause. I believe everything will turn out okay because These bills deserve everyone's 100% attention. What could be more important than the health and lives of our children? Shop Today - Support SCREAMING Louder Please consider a donation; everything helps. Yes, I usually get travel expenses covered, but only sometimes 100%. The rest I had to come from my (sometimes) meagre funds (and I have college tuition x 3 in my future!) Yes, I occasionally receive a gift for a speaking engagement, but only a little. Many are shocked: "What's in this for you; they're not your children?" What kind of a person would I know what I know and shrug my shoulders ?"Eh, they're not my kids." No, they're not my children. They're our children. They are our future. I hope you find our future worth saving and investing in. My friend, editor, and coffee addict asks herself when deciding whether or not to give money to causes such as this one. If the cause is worth more than a grande mocha. The decision is easy. A recent whistleblower who worked at a gender clinic stated that it is worse than the experimental-No follow-up, no clue what is happening or what will happen to these kiddos in the future.(don't understand
 Read More Many European countries have been shutting down gender clinics 100% due to children suffering from more severe instances of mental illness and significant complications. Yet here in the United states? The media I am not covering the truth, and society believes transition kids are safe and "gender transition" is a cure-all! Medical transition is 95% experimental, except for "top surgeries" (double mastectomies). Children who are being medically transitioned due to mental illness/suicidal ideation do see an improvement initially, but things change as the years go on. The process continues; the highest point of suicidal ideation is 7-10 years after these children begin to transition medically. Children on puberty blockers have serious, sometimes life-threatening, side effects as they enter adulthood. You heard me right. These kids? The infamous, "Better an alive daughter than a dead son?" Hogwash. Suicide Truth: When discussing the emotional effects of transition, many activists will refer you to a 2018 Pediatrics Journal article entitled "Transgender Adolescent Suicide Behavior", which refers to a study based on only three years of data collected between 2012 and 2015. Three years! What matters is the long term. The "gold standard" is a study of 324 medically transitioned adults based on 30-year longitudinal data. The authors found that completing sex-reassignment surgery was associated with "considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity" than the general population. Kids who are suicidal before their transition likely continue to be suicidal, and the most intense ideation often comes years after transitioning. Read more on suicide: Facts or Myths Retracted Studies ( It's experimental, ALL of it! "Standards of Care" by World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which the Swedish Medical Journal calls an 'activist organization – are the supposed transgender health care guidelines in transgender medicine. Since its inception in 1979, WPATH "guidelines" have never been held up in a court of law anywhere in the world as a reasonable standard for transgender care. An increasing number of leading health professionals are challenging this organization's credibility. Dr Joseph Burgo, a leading psychologist, challenged WPATH: "As mental health professionals, public health scientists, allied organizations and individuals, we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and psychological health impact of the current 'Standards of Care' released by WPATH. We hold that WPATH has discredited itself." If you have any questions, refer to the above: WPATH's "standards" has never been held up in a courtroom anywhere in the world as a baseline for care. All seven studies claimed to be a cure-all for these kids. All seven have been retracted with "Oooops, our bad, transing kids don't help diddly squat" or "Insufficient time or subjects to render an analysis. The Heritage Report by Jay Greene corroborates what the international evidence is also saying --> which is that the evidence base shows the benefits of affirmative care DO NOT outweigh the risks. ​ 1) Based on Swedish data: Branstrom major correction was issued in 2020 (which was not publicized, although the original study published in 2019 which was erroneous was widely trumpeted): the results demonstrated NO advantage of surgery in relation to subsequent mood or anxiety disorder-related health care visits or prescriptions or hospitalizations following suicide attempts in that comparison. Swedish study data Link Read the rest of the modified/retracted studies: Retracted Studies ( The majority of children being medically transitioned usually have commonalities, such – as 43 per cent of boys who medically transition would grow up to be healthy gay men embracing their bodies without health-debilitating medical intervention, and 67% of girls? Lesbian. 67% of Future Lesbian Adults...& more below: (Scott, I've read studies on this and the numbers are MUCH higher, 80, 90%) Commonalities: 7% Asperger's Gifted 49.5% Mentally Gifted 63.3% Mental Illness 7.59%ADHD Gender Variance 24% Autistic Gender Diverse Read more on commonalities: What Do These Kids Have In Common ( Puberty Blockers & Documented Risks Twenty-Six Risk Listed - Studies, Verbiage & Facts To Follow: Diminished bone density Cognitive impairment <---Brain impairment Infertility cholelithiasis The link below also shows a recent study that was retracted and found two children who were medically transitioning committed suicide - Not jesting; this is grave, people! (I think they called it "adverse effects") Read the rest: Study-Puberty Blockers 26 Risks 0 Benefit-Europe 'Were Out Transing Kids' - USA Full Speed Ahead! ( Thanks for the ear..Remember SCREAM Louder. See you out on the road! -Scott Newgent

  • Shame on you! Senator Razor. Shame on you!" Newgent says while being escorted out.

    Daily Wire Reporter, "Transman @NotScottNewgent, who had arguably the most powerful interview in "What Is A Woman" gets kicked out of Missouri hearing on transing kids today after running over the allotted 2min time limit. "Shame on you! Shame on you! Shame on you!" Newgent says while being escorted out. Keep Tweet Going Epoch Times Exclusive Tide May Be Turning In the Battle To Halt Gender-Transition Procedures on Minors, Crusaders Say Start SCREAMING Louder People Are Starting To Listen. I have a huge headache but hope in my heart. Keep SCREAMING! -Scott Newgent Support Here If Able:

  • Historic Week Had - Historic Week Coming in The Transing Children Debate - Pack A BAG-Road Trip

    by Scott Newgent I do not have much time to write; I need to prepare for a journey that begins tomorrow. A journey that will take me from one state to another, giving testimony and helping strategize. Currently, I will be working with 17 states to BAN childhood medical transition. I have taken off 45 days from my real job, having faith that enough donations will come in to support my travels and my family as I give 100% to STOPPING the childhood medical transition of children. Quite a few states will be announcing bills this week, and it's going to be hectic. Next week starts with Missouri, and Kansas and ends with Indiana. The following week will be announced when these bills have hit the floor. If you are able, please consider a donation. I will do this as long as I possibly can. The opposition is terrified of me and for good reason. I am using the gifts I was given to no longer make money is strategic sales, but rather save gender confused children. MUST READ Articles of The Week! I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle. Missouri AG Investigates Allegations That Hundreds of Children Were Harmed at Transgender Clinic ( Maine Mom Demands Investigation after School Counselor Secretly Gives Daughter a ‘Chest Binder’ ( This week I, along with many in the fight to stop childhood medical transition, came together powerfully, in a way we have not a scene but highly effective. Mario Presents from 'gays against groomers' hammered home the reality that the majority of the homosexual community is against the medicalization of children. Lucas, a new detranster to the scene, had me in tears, and Cat Cattinsion nailed her speech so much that I had to fight from jumping out of my seat and picking her up, twirling her around in delight. I have been striving for the energy we had for over four years. We had everyone from every community, not just the conservative republicans; we had all! Super religious people spoke about being against homosexuality, and Mario and I nodded in appreciation for these brave souls to speak up; we accepted the difference and embraced their stance on transing kids knowing that saving children should come first. We were driven around by a couple that had been married for over 50 years and never spoken in depth with any homosexuals, and they were as gracious as we were in return. Mario and I prayed when requested, bowing our heads while the couple asked us questions to understand in places they had not previously. It was a community coming together to save children. Get Your SCREAM Louder Hat While our side was giving testimony, you could hear the chanting outside by hundreds of protesters SCREAMING about how we were bigots, yet the only tolerance on that day came from our side. The irony ran thick. We began the day passing out hundreds of flyers about the realities of medical transition along with pictures as evidence of children being medically transitioned. Let's say we PISSED off the other side as every door they opened, every desk they sat down at, and every bathroom they entered had these glossy brochures distributed by a gay man, a lesbian/transman against the medicalization of children. No one could walk more than 30 feet without running into our flyers and flyers from 'Our Duty' given to us by Erin Friday. The journey ended with hearing about the South Dakota bill being passed and the breaking point I had, unable to contain the tears of joy. -Scott Newgent

  • 3...2....1.....Rage Warning -By Transman Scott Newgent

    The more parents I talk with and gender-confused kids I speak to; the more wood is thrown on the fire. As the fire increases, rage tags along like an unwanted younger sibling. It's no use pretending it's not there; more reasonable to turn to the nuances and ask what it desires and requires because in not doing so, my journey will be hazed with redirections because of the laziness that comes with ignoring a truth. 2023 started with a declaration of dealing with this rage that has built a home within my heart. This home, though, has now become familiar. It's a toxic home and evicting a coping mechanism that has transformed into something soothing is difficult. Extremely difficult. You see, most people only talk to their gender-confused kid, and that's it! Maybe a friend they find online in a parental group, but the list is relatively short. For me, these conversations are daily. Support TReVoices - Shop or Donate Today If you were a fixture in my life, you would hear me frequently say that strategic sales is a daunting, exhausting career. While this career choice might not be physically demanding, it's beyond enfeebling mentally. Each exchange throughout the day when you are in sales is listening to words, watching for emotional ticks within someone's body, voice inflexions and other cues you must process while listening to someone speak. All of this has to be done instantly, and when you have done it long enough, it's almost as if you have a rolodex in your mind, flipping to the appropriate cards of emotion, cards of facts, and how to inject both of these with whoever is in front of you. Every human has a personality type; when you separate that style from social and economic ties, clues around that person, and other things, you can rolodex just about every kind of person and how to sell to anyone. Once a card is selected, you play the card and watch the sale fall into your lap. It's fascinating, or at least it is to me. As draining as strategic sales is, it does not hold a candle to the daily calls with parents of gender-confused children. I realized recently that I am creating a rolodex within my mind of how to help parents sell their children the truth about medical transition. Medical transition is cosmetic, doesn't fix anything, and yes, we deserve respect, but nothing about it is lifesaving. Most of the trans I know have massive regret. When you are sold a lie and instead dealt with lifelong medical complications, it tends to click in the huge regret category. A couple of weeks ago, I spoke to a mom in the UK; this mom was coming unglued and reminded me of a rabid bear circling her cub as thousands of hunters approached her offspring, knowing that death was coming soon to both. It was all I could do to get her to breathe and calm down, and it was a strategic emotional sale, to say the least. But I was victorious, and even though these exchanges are depleting, I've gotten into emotional shape, I suppose you could say. But it's what came after the calm appeared. Out of nowhere, a door slammed into the room where this mother and I were speaking on the phone. What took me half an hour to calm down erupted into chaos at turbo speed, back to the hysteria of tears and howls. The daughter defined the tears, the terror, and the exchange as hate. "I hate you. You are the worst hateful person in the world, Mother!" I was on the other side of the phone, and all I could think about was how their accents made them sound so proper while they were telling each other to pound sand. I decided to shock both of them and raised my voice high enough to stop the screaming. When silence commenced, I began to scold the mother. I did this on purpose because it was evident that even though this child did not make logical sense, she felt attacked, and she was. Not because what the mother was saying was wrong but because the mom was right. The delivery was wrong, making her child feel like she was on an island and had no one; it was a war, and when you create a war, you create a war mentality, and all sanity is lost! Somehow, I got the mom out of the room, and I had this child on the other end, never speaking to her before. All I knew was she was in pain, a lot of pain. I talked to this child for over two and a half hours, and it was almost as if I knew exactly what to say, how to say it and when. It was like a slow-motion strategic 24-month sale that happened instantly. Most of the children I speak to I have a positive effect. Quite a few have colossal light bulbs, and viola, not trans anymore, but this was different. This was the Olympics of conversations, enlightening, and what I believe was saving this child from something that will make everything worse in the long run. The conversation ended, and it could not have been a better outcome for this family; it was something extraordinary to participate in. When I said my goodbyes, I beamed with success, "Thank God," I thought, another one saved. As I lowered the phone and took a deep breath, I started to wail, tears streaming down my face; the tears weren't enough, and as ashamed as I admit it, I flipped out and tore my room to pieces, almost breaking everything in it. Thank God again that I was alone because it would have been a bad memory for my children. Once exhaustion set in, I leaned against my wall, and as my legs gave out, I found myself in a corner in a fetal position, looking at what I had just done. It scared me, this rage inside. The rolodex of this child? I knew this child, what to say, how to say it because I was this 16-year-old, just a 50-year-old version. Everything she told me was what I would have said to a 50-year-old version of myself at 16. The problem was that I never had me, and the pain from it made me realize how lost I was then and continue to be. But as I help more and more people, it chips away at lessons I need to learn myself. It's not easy, man; it is not! If you have been in this debate, you see some incredible powerhouses of truth, but they usually have a six-month window because all of this is the hardest, most complex strategic sales and if you fail? You fail children, and who's ok with that? I am sure not! One more saved, more introspective healing awarded to me! Now, if you think it's easy to admit this. You are wrong, I do it to inspire you that showing weakness is only for the strong! SCREAM Louder -Scott Newgent

  • Not Saying 'No' because of funds & missing work. No more! I am pivoting into the "Yes Transman!"

    I am tired of saying 'No' because of funds and missing work. No more! I am pivoting into the "Yes, Transman!" I hate asking for donations, but I am not a superwoman; I need help to save these kids. Donate Today Senator Kathleen Kauth called me this morning and said she needed help with her House Bill LB574. I said, "Yes", and decided I would have faith that the money would come. As I type this, I get another email from the Kansas Senator within minutes. Right now, I am helping thirteen states working to Ban Childhood Medical Transition from the sidelines. I weave in my time between my full-time job, my children, TReVoices, and it's halfway! I don't do it halfway, so I told my boss this morning that I am taking 60 days off, concentrating 100% on these bills. I am convinced that my family will be ok, and the truth will prevail! My new boss is fantastic and said, "You need to do this, Scott; your job will be here when you get back in 60 days!" I called Mario from 'gays against groomers, and here we come (if we can get the funding)...If you have not seen Mario speak? You need to! Incredible speaker. Gays Against Groomers More on Mario Link The rainbow is fighting the rainbow, FINALLY! I have been SCREAMING about this for four years, but I am waiting no longer. Here we come...The RAINBOW stands with conservative, republican Christians, Liberals, straight, all communities TOGETHER as one to save all of our children from PHARMA! Mario Presents & Trans Scott Newgent 'What is a woman' Live Feb 8th Nebraska House Bill LB574. Nebraska is in for a surprise filled with truth as we sift through the unicorn farts to the fact that the truth is that "Medical Transition Is Not For Children!' Mario & Scott are Roaming the Nebraska Capital Halls, stopping every senator as they enter the building ...Powerful stuff Could you help us get there? Help us get a 'Gays Against Groomers Truck' to join the party. RAINBOW FIGHTS THE RAINBOW

  • Study-Puberty Blockers 26 Risks 0 Benefit-Europe 'Were Out Transing Kids' - USA Full Speed Ahead!

    I opened up this study to dissect it and tally the pros and cons. I got to the second page and said, "these two pages are worth an entire post. Parents? USA & Canadian Parents? What's the tipping point at which you will flip some desks? It's obvious that Calm. Rational. Debate. It is not working! Time to hit the street's 60's style! Support Work - Donate Today Puberty Blockers & Documented Risks Twenty Six Risk Listed - Studies, Verbiage & Facts To Follow: Diminished bone density Cognitive impairment <---Brain impairment Infertility cholelithiasis gallstones coronary artery disease including heart attacks macroprolactinoma tumor of the pituitary gland cerebrovascular disease including strokes hypertriglyceridemia elevated level of triglycerides in the blood breast cancer and irreversible infertility erythrocytosis increase in red blood cells severe liver dysfunction coronary artery disease heart attacks depression hypertension infertility increased risk of breast cervical uterine cancers Puberty Blockers & Documented Benefits: ZERO There is no reliable evidence to support the conclusion that these treatments result in long-term improvement. One of the greatest pieces of misinformation associated with these treatments are the unfounded claims that minors in distress who are not able to access drugs and surgeries are at imminent risk of suicide and that drugs and surgeries are needed to reduce that risk.36 Indeed, the lead authorof one of the studies stated that the article overstated her research and that she “cannot claim that [her] research would have shown that gender affirming hormonal treatment reduces suicidality.” A. Risks The known harms and risks of these treatments are significant. As an initial matter, the use of puberty blockers for this purpose has not been approved by the FDA, meaning that the prescription of puberty blockers as part of this treatment is entirely off label.22 Any claims about the safety and efficacy of puberty blockers are instead based on their use for precocious puberty, which is a different condition where—in contrast to these treatments—normal puberty is allowed to resume once the minor reaches an appropriate age.23 And the suspected side effects of puberty blockers include diminished bone density, cognitive impairment, and greater risk of infertility.24 In addition, puberty blockers may have permanent negative effects on adult sexual function.25 Moreover, the full effect of puberty blockers on brain development and cognition are unknown.26 Studies to fact check are below: 22. Chad Terhune, et al, As More Transgender Children Seek Medical Care, Families Confront Many Unknowns, Reuters (Oct. 6, 2022), available at (“Puberty blockers and sex hormones do not have U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for children’s gender care.”). 23. See Annelou L.C. de Vries & Peggy T. Cohen-Kettenis, Clinical Management of Gender Dysphoria in Children and Adoles cents: The Dutch Approach, Journal of Homosexuality (Mar. 28, 2012), available at 24. See, e.g., Silvia Ciancia, et al., Impact of Gender-Affirming Treatment on Bone Health in Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth, Endocrine Connections (Sept. 28, 2022), available at (“Results consistently indicate a negative impact of long-term puberty suppression on bone mineral density, especially at the lumbar spine, which is only partially restored after sex steroid administration.”); Philip J. Cheng, et al., Fertility Concerns of the Transgender Patient, Translational Andrology and Urology (June 2019), available at (“Suppression of puberty with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist analogs (GnRHa) in the pediat ric transgender patient can pause the maturation of germ cells, and thus, affect fertility potential.”); see also Michael Biggs, Revisiting the Effect of GnRH Analogue Treatment on Bone Mineral Density in Young Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria, Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism (Apr. 26, 2021), available at; Michael Biggs, The Dutch Protocol for Juvenile Transsexuals: Origins and Evidence, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy (Sept. 19, 2022), available at‌‌Access=true. 25. See David Larson, Duke Health Emerges as Southern Hub for Youth Gender Transition, The Carolina Journal (Aug. 31, 2022), available at (Former WPATH President Marci Bowers “seemed to acknowledge these challenges, saying that ‘really about zero’ biological males who block puberty at the typical Tanner 2 Stage of puberty (around 11 years old) will go on to ever achieve an orgasm[.]”). 26. Diane Chen, et al., Consensus Parameter: Research Methodologies to Evaluate Neurodevelopmental Effects of Pubertal Sup pression in Transgender Youth, Transgender Health (Dec. 11, 2020), available at gh.2020.0006. 6 The risks associated with the use of cross-sex hormones for this purpose are similarly serious. For males, the use of cross-sex hormones is associated with numerous health risks, such as thromboembolic disease, including blood clots; cholelithiasis, including gallstones; coronary artery disease, including heart attacks; macroprolactinoma, which is a tumor of the pituitary gland;cerebrovascular disease, including strokes; hypertriglyceridemia, which is an elevated level of triglycerides in the blood; breast cancer; and irreversible infertility.27 For females, the use of cross-sex hormones is associated with risks of erythrocytosis, which is an increase in red blood cells; severe liver dysfunction; coronary artery disease, including heart attacks; depression; hypertension; infertility; and increased risk of breast, cervical, and uterine cancers.28 And when preceded by the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones may need to be used for the rest of the individual’s life because the organs responsible for hormone production—which regulate many aspects of physical and psychological health and function and not just sexual health and function—were never given a chance to fully develop. The surgeries associated with this treatment also come with significant risks. Although the risks, complications, and long-term concerns are not entirely known, they may include fistulas, chronic infection, the need for a colostomy, atrophy, and complete loss of sensation (sexual or otherwise).29 As just one example of the potentially fatal risks associated with these procedures, when a young male undergoes puberty suppression—which stunts the growth of his sexual organs and thus reduces the amount of tissue available for subsequent surgeries—a vaginoplasty may require the borrowing of issue from the colon to create a “neovagina.”30 The creation of a second surgical site is associated with a far higher risk of infection and additional complications, including death.31 In addition, the risks of treatments later in the process, such as surgeries, cannot be fully separated from the risks of earlier treatment, such as puberty blockers. The reason the risks for these separate treatments cannot be separated is due to what is known as an “iatrogenic” effect, which means that a particular treatment may Studies to fact check are below: 27. See WPATH Standards of Care 8, supra n.4, at S254. 28. Id. 29. Wouter B. van der Sluis, et al., Clinical Characteristics and Management of Neovaginal Fistulas After Vaginoplasty in Transgender Women, Obstetrics and Gynecology (June 2016), available at; Jing J. Zhao, Surgical Site Infections in Genital Reconstruction Surgery for Gender Reassignment, Detroit: 1984–2008, Surgical Infections (Apr. 2014), available at; Mang L. Chen, et al., Overview of Surgical Techniques in Gender-Affirming Surgery, Translational Andrology and Urology (June 2019), available at pmc/articles/PMC6626317/; Valentin Maurer, et al., Penile Flap Inversion Vaginoplasty in Transgender Women: Contemporary Morbidity and Learning-Curve Analysis from a High-Volume Reconstructive Center, Frontiers in Surgery (Feb. 23, 2022), available at; Valeria P. Bustos, et al., Regret After Gender-Affirmation Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prevalence, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open (Mar. 19, 2021), available at 30. Vera L. Negenborn, et al., Lethal Necrotizing Cellulitis Caused by ESBL-Producing E. Coli After Laparoscopic Intestinal Vaginoplas ty, Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (Feb. 2017), available at 31. See id.; see also Biggs, The Dutch Protocol, supra n.24 (discussing a patient who died because a vaginoplasty was attempted with part of his intestine, which became infected). B. Benefits There is no reliable evidence to support the conclusion that these treatments result in long-term improvement. Although some studies have shown short-term benefits, especially in terms of reducing feelings of dysphoria, they do not control for the confounding effects of psychotherapy or a placebo effect, so these studies are unable to establish that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are superior alternatives to psychotherapy. Thus, proponents of these treatments greatly exaggerate their benefits. One of the greatest pieces of misinformation associated with these treatments are the unfounded claims that minors in distress who are not able to access drugs and surgeries are at imminent risk of suicide and that drugs and surgeries are needed to reduce that risk.36 The purported evidence supporting this assertion is grossly overstated at best and outright misleading at worst. For example, a popular article by one of the most vocal proponents of gender-affirming care cited six studies related to suicidality and gender-affirming care.37 But these studies are riddled with methodological weaknesses that foreclose the claim that “the evidence shows” transitioning treatments cause a reduction in the risk of suicide.38 Indeed, the lead author of one of the studies stated that the article overstated her research and that she “cannot claim that [her] research would have shown that gender affirming hormonal treatment reduces suicidality.”39 Instead, for individuals who have undergone inpatient gender reassignment procedures, the suicide rates, psychiatric morbidities, and mortality rates remain markedly elevated above the background population.40 In the U.K., where patients were subject to a two-year waiting period, the U.K.’s major gender clinic reported four deaths by suicide out of 15,000 patients.41 To be clear, every suicide is tragic. But there is no reliable evidence to suggest that transitioning treatments are the way to prevent one. And there is even reason to wonder whether these treatments may actually contribute to suicidal behavior.42 Moreover, although these treatments have been associated with self-reported, short term improvement in a minor’s mental health, there is a strong possibility that this improvement is the result of a placebo effect.43 Specifically, the mere fact that an adolescent receives these treatments may lead to a self-reported improvement in his or her psychological outlook—even if the physical effects caused by the treatments are not themselves the cause of that improvement. And given the serious and long term risks associated with these treatments, they cannot be ethically or medically justified on the basis of a placebo effect that leads to self-reported, short-term Indeed, other countries have already acknowledged that the benefits of these treatments do not outweigh the risks. Health authorities in Sweden, Finland, and the U.K. have conducted systematic reviews of evidence and, having found that the evidence of benefits is too uncertain to outweigh the risks, have decided to place severe restrictions on medical transition procedures.46Finland’s public-health body has called hormonal interventions “experimental” medicine.47 Studies to fact check are below: 32. See Leor Sapir, The School-to-Clinic Pipelin, City Journal (Autumn 2022), available at transistions-school-to-clinic-pipeline. 33. Biggs, The Dutch Protocol, supra n.24. 34. Leor Sapir, A Cause, Not A Cure, City Journal (May 10, 2022), available at on-gender-affirming-therapy 35. See NHS England, supra n.5, at 11–12. 36. See, e.g., Jack Turban, The Evidence for Trans Youth Gender-Affirming Medical Care, Psychology Today (Jan. 24, 2022), available at cal-care; see also Turban, supra n.9. WHITE PAPER: THE JUSTICE FOR ADOLESCENT AND CHILD TRANSITIONERS ACT (THE JUST FACTS ACT) Prepared by: COOPER & KIRK, PLLC David H. Thompson, Brian W. Barnes, John D. Ramer 1 I. INTRODUCTION The United States has seen a recent and dramatic increase in the number of children and adolescents who report serious distress resulting from an inconsistency between their sex and their perception of their gender or sex. According to advocates of so called “gender affirming” care, when physicians and healthcare professionals are confronted with patients suffering from this distress, those medical professionals must affirm the child’s perception and take steps to modify the patients’ bodies to conform to that perception. By changing the body to match the perception, the argument goes, the inconsistency will be eliminated or reduced, and the patient’s distress will decrease. But there is no reliable scientific evidence that these treatments actually have this effect—as health officials in numerous countries, including England, Finland, and Sweden, have found. Meanwhile, these treatments carry dangerous and lifelong consequences, such as infertility, total loss of adult sexual function, and even death in some instances. Despite the lack of evidence to warrant the use of these treatments on children and adolescents—who are among the most vulnerable individuals in our society—advocates of “gender affirming care” continue to push for these treatments and attempt to stifle all dissent to the “affirming” model. In the face of the failure of medical organizations to properly safeguard children from these baseless and dangerous treatments, it is the duty of the Legislature to step in and protect the children and adolescents of this State. To that end, this draft legislation contains the necessary provisions to offer that protection and to provide justice for those children and adolescents who have already been harmed by these treatments. 2 II. BACKGROUND In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of minors in the United States who report some form of inconsistency between their sex and their perception of their gender or sex. This discordance may sometimes cause serious distress, leading to a diagnosed condition of gender dysphoria.1 Available data indicate that diagnoses of gender dysphoria in minors ages 6 to 17 rose by about 20% annually between 2017 and 2020, and by 80% between 2020 and 2021, for a total of 121,882 new diagnoses during this five-year period.2 Indeed, this is likely a conservative estimate because it is based solely on insurance claims.3 In the United States, advocates and practitioners of so-called “gender affirming care” for minors (individuals under the age of 18) suggest that, when faced with situations of gender discordance or dysphoria, pediatricians, mental health professionals, endocrinologists, and other healthcare professionals should give precedence to the minor’s perception instead of the minor’s actual sex when attempting to resolve an inconsistency between the two.4 If the minor’s body and the minor’s perception are inconsistent, the thinking goes, any treatment to address the inconsistency should affect the body and not the perception. The course of this treatment typically involves several sequential steps. First, it commonly begins with adults or peers encouraging the minor to “socially transition.”5 This term encompasses a range of acts other than pharmaceutical or surgical interventions that are undertaken to help the minor present as a member of the opposite sex or something other than the minor’s sex. “Socially transitioning” could therefore include changing the minor’s preferred pronouns, wearing clothes generally 1. Am. Psychiatric Ass’n, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 451–52 (5th ed. 2013). 2. Robin Respaut & Chad Terhune, Putting Numbers on the Rise in Children Seeking Gender Care, Reuters (Oct. 6, 2022), available at 3. See id. 4. See, e.g., Eli Coleman, et al., Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8, 23 International Journal of Transgender Health S1, S50 (2022), available at 44 (“WPATH Standards of Care 8”) (arguing that healthcare professionals “working with adolescents should promote supportive environments that simultaneously respect an adolescent’s affirmed gender identity and also allows the adolescent to openly explore gender needs, including social, medical, and physical gender-affirming interventions”); Jason Rafferty, et al., Policy State ment, Am. Academy of Pediatrics, Ensuring Comprehensive Care and Support for Transgender and Gender-Diverse Children and Adolescents, Pediatrics (Oct. 2018), available at (advocating for a “gender-affirmative care model” that “is oriented toward understanding and appreciating the youth’s gender experience”). 5. See, e.g., WPATH Standards of Care 8, supra n.4, at S75–76; Diane Ehrensaft, et al., Prepubertal Social Gender Transitions: What We Know; What We Can Learn—A View from a Gender Affirmative Lens, 19 International Journal of Transgenderism 251 (Mar. 9, 2018), available at‌‌scroll=top&needAccess=true (ex plaining that “social transitioning” is “often, although not always, the first action a transgender person takes to align with their internal sense of themselves as a gendered person”); see also NHS England, Interim Service Specification for Specialist Gender Dysphoria Servs. for Children and Young People 11-12 (Oct. 20, 2022) (noting that social transitioning “should not be viewed as a neutral act” but rather “as an ‘active intervention’ because it may have significant effects on the child or young person in terms of their psychological functioning”). 3 associated with members of the opposite sex, or using specific clothing or devices for the purpose of concealing a minor’s secondary sex characteristics.6 An example of this last category is the use of so-called “chest binders,” which females wear to conceal or reduce visibility of their breasts.7 The next phase of the treatment occurs when puberty begins or is approaching. At this point, medical professionals often administer long-acting GnRH agonists—also known as “puberty blockers”—to delay the natural onset or progression of puberty.8 This phase of treatment is sold as an opportunity for the minor to “pause” the natural occurrence of puberty so the minor will have more time to discern his or her “true gender identity.”9 Many proponents of this treatment have publicly asserted that the administration of puberty blockers is “fully reversible.”10 After puberty blockers are administered (or even sometimes without them), the next phase involves the administration of “cross-sex” hormonal treatments.11 The goal of using these cross-sex hormones is to induce the development of secondary sex characteristics commonly associated with the opposite sex.12 For example, a male might take estrogen to develop breasts, or a female might take testosterone to develop more body hair and greater muscle mass. Finally, the treatment process generally concludes with surgical procedures to create an appearance similar to that of the opposite sex, or at least different from the individual’s actual sex.13 Although these surgeries remain relatively uncommon for minors, evidence shows that they have increased in recent years.14 These procedures may include “top surgery,” a euphemism for surgery such as a bilateral mastectomy, which entirely removes a female’s breasts.15 They may also include “bottom surgery,” a euphemism for surgical procedures that include the removal of a minor’s healthy reproductive organs, such as a penectomy, which is a removal of a male’s penis.16 6. WPATH Standards of Care 8, supra n.4, at S54, S76. 7. Id. at S54 (“Chest binding involves compression of the breast tissue to create a flatter appearance of the chest.”); Eugene Kim, et al., Oxygen Desaturation in a Transgender Man: Initial Concerns and Recommendations Regarding the Practice of Chest Binding: A Case Report, 16 Journal of Medical Case Reports 333 (Sept. 4, 2022), available at articles/10.1186/s13256-022-03527-z. 8. WPATH Standards of Care 8, supra n.4, at S45–48, S59–66. 9. See, e.g., Jack Turban, Texas Officials Are Spreading Blatant Falsehoods About Medical Care for Transgender Kids, Wash. Post (Mar. 1, 2022), available at‌‌opinions/2022/03/01/texas-ken-paxton-greg-abbott-misinforma tion-transgender-medical-care/. 10. Id. (“We start with fully reversible interventions (temporary puberty blockers)”). 11. See, e.g., WPATH Standards of Care 8, supra n.4, at S46–48, S64–66. 12. UK National Institute for Health Care and Excellence, Evidence Review: Gender-Affirming Hormones for Children and Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria 3 (Oct. 2020), available for download at 13. See WPATH Standards of Care 8, supra n.4, at S48, S64–66. 14. See, e.g., Annie Tang, et al., Gender-Affirming Mastectomy Trends and Surgical Outcomes in Adolescents, Annals of Plastic Surgery (May 2022), available at my_Trends_and_Surgical.4.aspx. 15. WPATH Standards of Care 8, supra n.4, at S128. 16. See Mang L. Chen, et al., Overview of Surgical Techniques in Gender-Affirming Genital Surgery, Translational Andrology and Urology (June 2019), available at 4 After removing body parts associated with the individual’s sex, the procedures then generally involve the creation of artificial body parts to approximate the appearance of the opposite sex.17 For males, for example, this could involve a “vaginoplasty,” which is the construction of a vagina-like structure, typically through something called a penile inversion procedure.18 For females, it could involve a “scrotoplasty,” which is the construction of a penis-like and scrotum-like structure.19 In addition to these procedures, surgery may also include non-genital procedures. For example, males may seek so-called “facial feminization” surgery or other aesthetic procedures.20 And females may seek similar aesthetic procedures like pectoral implants.21 In sum, the goal of this treatment process is to alter the minor’s body or appearance to conform them to the minor’s perception. The treatments become increasingly invasive at each step. And the result is a dramatic change in the minor’s social and physical appearance. 17. Id. 18. WPATH Standards of Care 8, supra n.4, at S258. 19. Id. 20. Id. at S130, S258. 21. Id. 5 III. THE PROBLEMS WITH THE CURRENT APPROACH There is no reliable scientific or medical evidence that justifies the use of these treatments on children and adolescents for this purpose. In other words, there is simply no basis for concluding that these treatments lead to a benefit that outweighs the known or suspected harms and risks associated with them. Moreover, there is strong reason to doubt that minors and their parents are adequately informed of the risks and lack of benefits before these treatments are administered and inflict irreversible harm. A. Risks The known harms and risks of these treatments are significant. As an initial matter, the use of puberty blockers for this purpose has not been approved by the FDA, meaning that the prescription of puberty blockers as part of this treatment is entirely off label.22 Any claims about the safety and efficacy of puberty blockers are instead based on their use for precocious puberty, which is a different condition where—in contrast to these treatments—normal puberty is allowed to resume once the minor reaches an appropriate age.23 And the suspected side effects of puberty blockers include diminished bone density, cognitive impairment, and greater risk of infertility.24 In addition, puberty blockers may have permanent negative effects on adult sexual function.25 Moreover, the full effect of puberty blockers on brain development and cognition are unknown.26 22. Chad Terhune, et al, As More Transgender Children Seek Medical Care, Families Confront Many Unknowns, Reuters (Oct. 6, 2022), available at (“Puberty blockers and sex hormones do not have U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for children’s gender care.”). 23. See Annelou L.C. de Vries & Peggy T. Cohen-Kettenis, Clinical Management of Gender Dysphoria in Children and Adoles cents: The Dutch Approach, Journal of Homosexuality (Mar. 28, 2012), available at bs/10.1080/00918369.2012.653300 24. See, e.g., Silvia Ciancia, et al., Impact of Gender-Affirming Treatment on Bone Health in Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth, Endocrine Connections (Sept. 28, 2022), available at (“Results consistently indicate a negative impact of long-term puberty suppression on bone mineral density, especially at the lumbar spine, which is only partially restored after sex steroid administration.”); Philip J. Cheng, et al., Fertility Concerns of the Transgender Patient, Translational Andrology and Urology (June 2019), available at view/26091/24253 (“Suppression of puberty with gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist analogs (GnRHa) in the pediat ric transgender patient can pause the maturation of germ cells, and thus, affect fertility potential.”); see also Michael Biggs, Revisiting the Effect of GnRH Analogue Treatment on Bone Mineral Density in Young Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria, Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism (Apr. 26, 2021), available at; Michael Biggs, The Dutch Protocol for Juvenile Transsexuals: Origins and Evidence, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy (Sept. 19, 2022), available at‌‌Access=true. 25. See David Larson, Duke Health Emerges as Southern Hub for Youth Gender Transition, The Carolina Journal (Aug. 31, 2022), available at (Former WPATH President Marci Bowers “seemed to acknowledge these challenges, saying that ‘really about zero’ biological males who block puberty at the typical Tanner 2 Stage of puberty (around 11 years old) will go on to ever achieve an orgasm[.]”). 26. Diane Chen, et al., Consensus Parameter: Research Methodologies to Evaluate Neurodevelopmental Effects of Pubertal Sup pression in Transgender Youth, Transgender Health (Dec. 11, 2020), available at gh.2020.0006. 6 The risks associated with the use of cross-sex hormones for this purpose are similarly serious. For males, the use of cross-sex hormones is associated with numerous health risks, such as thromboembolic disease, including blood clots; cholelithiasis, including gallstones; coronary artery disease, including heart attacks; macroprolactinoma, which is a tumor of the pituitary gland; cerebrovascular disease, including strokes; hypertriglyceridemia, which is an elevated level of triglycerides in the blood; breast cancer; and irreversible infertility.27 For females, the use of cross-sex hormones is associated with risks of erythrocytosis, which is an increase in red blood cells; severe liver dysfunction; coronary artery disease, including heart attacks; depression; hypertension; infertility; and increased risk of breast, cervical, and uterine cancers.28 And when preceded by the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones may need to be used for the rest of the individual’s life because the organs responsible for hormone production—which regulate many aspects of physical and psychological health and function and not just sexual health and function—were never given a chance to fully develop. The surgeries associated with this treatment also come with significant risks. Although the risks, complications, and long-term concerns are not entirely known, they may include fistulas, chronic infection, the need for a colostomy, atrophy, and complete loss of sensation (sexual or otherwise).29 As just one example of the potentially fatal risks associated with these procedures, when a young male undergoes puberty suppression—which stunts the growth of his sexual organs and thus reduces the amount of tissue available for subsequent surgeries—a vaginoplasty may require the borrowing of issue from the colon to create a “neovagina.”30 The creation of a second surgical site is associated with a far higher risk of infection and additional complications, including death.31 In addition, the risks of treatments later in the process, such as surgeries, cannot be fully separated from the risks of earlier treatment, such as puberty blockers. The reason the risks for these separate treatments cannot be separated is due to what is known as an “iatrogenic” effect, which means that a particular treatment may 27. See WPATH Standards of Care 8, supra n.4, at S254. 28. Id. 29. Wouter B. van der Sluis, et al., Clinical Characteristics and Management of Neovaginal Fistulas After Vaginoplasty in Transgender Women, Obstetrics and Gynecology (June 2016), available at; Jing J. Zhao, Surgical Site Infections in Genital Reconstruction Surgery for Gender Reassignment, Detroit: 1984–2008, Surgical Infections (Apr. 2014), available at; Mang L. Chen, et al., Overview of Surgical Techniques in Gender-Affirming Surgery, Translational Andrology and Urology (June 2019), available at pmc/articles/PMC6626317/; Valentin Maurer, et al., Penile Flap Inversion Vaginoplasty in Transgender Women: Contemporary Morbidity and Learning-Curve Analysis from a High-Volume Reconstructive Center, Frontiers in Surgery (Feb. 23, 2022), available at; Valeria P. Bustos, et al., Regret After Gender-Affirmation Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Prevalence, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open (Mar. 19, 2021), available at 30. Vera L. Negenborn, et al., Lethal Necrotizing Cellulitis Caused by ESBL-Producing E. Coli After Laparoscopic Intestinal Vaginoplas ty, Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology (Feb. 2017), available at /pii/S1083318816301747 31. See id.; see also Biggs, The Dutch Protocol, supra n.24 (discussing a patient who died because a vaginoplasty was attempted with part of his intestine, which became infected). 7 actually create or worsen the condition it is attempting to treat.32 In this context, advocates of “gender affirming care” say that puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones are necessary to treat an inconsistency between the minor’s sex and perception. But delaying a child’s natural puberty while his or her peers continue on to develop the characteristics that come from puberty may actually contribute to any existing confusion or discordance related to the child’s sex.33 This iatrogenic effect potentially extends even to social transitioning, where adults “affirming” a minor’s perceived gender may inadvertently make it more likely that the minor will continue on to medical interventions such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery.34 It is for this reason that the United Kingdom’s National Health Service has recognized that social transition is not a “neutral act” but rather an “active intervention” that can alter the course of a child’s development.35 Thus, even social transitioning implicates the risks associated with puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery. B. Benefits There is no reliable evidence to support the conclusion that these treatments result in long-term improvement. Although some studies have shown short-term benefits, especially in terms of reducing feelings of dysphoria, they do not control for the confounding effects of psychotherapy or a placebo effect, so these studies are unable to establish that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones are superior alternatives to psychotherapy. Thus, proponents of these treatments greatly exaggerate their benefits. One of the greatest pieces of misinformation associated with these treatments are the unfounded claims that minors in distress who are not able to access drugs and surgeries are at imminent risk of suicide and that drugs and surgeries are needed to reduce that risk.36 The purported evidence supporting this assertion is grossly overstated at best and outright misleading at worst. For example, a popular article by one of the most vocal proponents of gender-affirming care cited six studies related to suicidality 32. See Leor Sapir, The School-to-Clinic Pipeline, City Journal (Autumn 2022), available at transistions-school-to-clinic-pipeline. 33. Biggs, The Dutch Protocol, supra n.24. 34. Leor Sapir, A Cause, Not A Cure, City Journal (May 10, 2022), available at on-gender-affirming-therapy 35. See NHS England, supra n.5, at 11–12. 36. See, e.g., Jack Turban, The Evidence for Trans Youth Gender-Affirming Medical Care, Psychology Today (Jan. 24, 2022), available at cal-care; see also Turban, supra n.9. 8 and gender-affirming care.37 But these studies are riddled with methodological weaknesses that foreclose the claim that “the evidence shows” transitioning treatments cause a reduction in the risk of suicide.38 Indeed, the lead author of one of the studies stated that the article overstated her research and that she “cannot claim that [her] research would have shown that gender affirming hormonal treatment reduces suicidality.”39 Instead, for individuals who have undergone inpatient gender reassignment procedures, the suicide rates, psychiatric morbidities, and mortality rates remain markedly elevated above the background population.40 In the U.K., where patients were subject to a two-year waiting period, the U.K.’s major gender clinic reported four deaths by suicide out of 15,000 patients.41 To be clear, every suicide is tragic. But there is no reliable evidence to suggest that transitioning treatments are the way to prevent one. And there is even reason to wonder whether these treatments may actually contribute to suicidal behavior.42 Moreover, although these treatments have been associated with self-reported, short term improvement in a minor’s mental health, there is a strong possibility that this improvement is the result of a placebo effect.43 Specifically, the mere fact that an adolescent receives these treatments may lead to a self-reported improvement in his or her psychological outlook—even if the physical effects caused by the treatments are not themselves the cause of that improvement. And given the serious and long term risks associated with these treatments, they cannot be ethically or medically justified on the basis of a placebo effect that leads to self-reported, short-term 37. See Turban, supra n.36 (citing L.R. Allen, et al., Well-Being and Suicidality Among Transgender Youth After Gender-Affirming Hormones, Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology (2019), available at; R. Kaltiala, et al., Adolescent Development and Psychosocial Functioning After Starting Cross-Sex Hormones for Gender Dysphoria, Nordic Journal of Psychiatry (Apr. 2020), available at; J.L. Turban, et al., Puber tal Suppression for Transgender Youth and Risk of Suicidal Ideation, Pediatrics (Feb. 2020), available at https://www.ncbi.nlm.; A.E. Green, et al., Association of Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy with Depression, Thoughts of Suicide, and Attempted Suicide Among Transgender and Nonbinary Youth, Journal of Adolescent Health (Apr. 2022), available at; J.L. Turban, et al., Access to Gender-Affirming Hormones During Adolescence and Mental Health Outcomes Among Transgender Adults, PLoS One (Jan. 2022), available at; D.M. Tordoff, et al., Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary Youths Receiving Gen der-Affirming Care, JAMA Network Open (Feb. 2022), available at ticle/2789423. 38. Leor Sapir, The Distortions in Jack Turban’s Psychology Today Article on ‘Gender Affirming Care,’ Reality’s Last Stand (Oct. 7, 2022), available at 39. Id. 40. Stephen B. Levine, et al., Reconsidering Informed Consent for Trans-Identified Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy (Mar. 17, 2022), available at; Ce cilia Dhejne, et al., Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden, PLOS One (Feb. 22, 2011), available at mandiner&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=mandiner_202101; Wiepjes CM, et al., Trends in Suicide Death Risk in Trans gender People: Results from the Amsterdam Cohort of Gender Dysphoia Study (1972-2017), Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica (Feb. 16, 2020), available at (finding that suicides occur at a similar rate at all stages of transition, from pretreatment assessment to post-transition follow-up). 41. See Michael Biggs, Suicide by Clinic-Referred Transgender Adolescents in the United Kingdom, Archives of Sexual Behavior (2022), available at 42. See NHS England, Board of Directors: The Tavistock and Portman 53 (June 23, 2015) (noting a statistically significant increase in self-harm after a year of puberty suppression), available at 2015-06.pdf. 43. Alison Clayton, Gender-Affirming Treatment of Gender Dysphoria in Youth: A Perfect Storm Environment for the Placebo Effect— The Implications for Research and Clinical Practice, Archives of Sexual Behavior (Nov. 14, 2022), available at https://link.spring 9 improvement.44 Relatedly, the unsupported assertions regarding increased risk of depression, anxiety, or suicide if these treatments are denied possibly creates a nocebo effect—meaning the effect leads to deleterious results rather than beneficial ones (thus the opposite of a placebo effect). An excessive focus on an exaggerated or unsupported risk of suicide could result in a negative self-fulfilling prophecy that actually increases suicidality and suicide risk.45 Indeed, other countries have already acknowledged that the benefits of these treatments do not outweigh the risks. Health authorities in Sweden, Finland, and the U.K. have conducted systematic reviews of evidence and, having found that the evidence of benefits is too uncertain to outweigh the risks, have decided to place severe restrictions on medical transition procedures.46 Finland’s public-health body has called hormonal interventions “experimental” medicine.47 And just recently, Sweden’s public-health body has made clear “that the risks of puberty suppressing treatment with GnRH-analogues and gender-affirming hormonal treatment currently outweigh the possible benefits because of “the continued lack of reliable scientific evidence concerning the efficacy and the safety of both treatments, the new knowledge that detransition occurs among young adults, and the uncertainty that follows from the yet unexplained increase in the number of care seekers, an increase particularly large among adolescents registered as females at birth.”48 Nevertheless, organizations like the World Professional Health Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), continue to push for these treatments as the standard for all minors.49 Organizations like WPATH do so for ideological rather than scientific or medical reasons, and they actively stifle dissent in the medical community.50 44. Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine, Gender-Affirming Treatment of Gender Dysphoria in Youth: Are the Results Compro mised by the Placebo Effect? (Dec. 7, 2022), available at (“From the methods perspective, the placebo effect puts gender medicine studies at a high risk of bias due to both confounding (the antic ipation of improvement affects the results, but its effect cannot be separate from the effect of the treatment) and measurement error (if a study participant expects a positive outcome, they will be more likely to make a positive judgment about the outcome, which will bias their self-reported outcome).”). 45. Clayton, supra n.43 (“However, an excessive focus on an exaggerate suicide risk narrative by clinicians and the media may create a damaging nocebo effect (e.g., a ‘self-fulfilling prophecy’ effect) whereby suicidality in these vulnerable youths may be further exacerbated.”). 46. See UK National Institute for Health Care and Excellence, supra n.12; UK National Institute for Health Care and Excellence, Evidence Review: Gonadotrophin Releasing Hormone Analogues for Children and Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria (Oct. 2020), available for download at; The Cass Review, Interim Report (Feb. 2022), available for download at; Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen), Care of Children and Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria (2022), available at https://www.; The Council for Choices in Health Care in Finland, Summary: Medical Treatment Methods for Dysphoria Associated with Variations in Gender Identity in Minors—Recommendation (June 16, 2020), available at minors_en+(1).pdf/fa2054c5-8c35-8492-59d6-b3de1c00de49/Summary_minors_en+(1).pdf?t=1631773838474. 47. See The Council for Choices in Health Care in Finland, Recommendation of the Council for Choices in Health Care in Finland (PALKO/COHERE Finland) (2020), available at cial%20Translation.pdf. 48. Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen), Summary: Care of Children and Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria (Dec. 16, 2022), available at log/kunskapsstod/2022-3-7799.pdf (English translation of executive summary). 49. See, e.g., WPATH Standards of Care 8, supra n.4. 50. For example, the former President of USPATH (the U.S. affiliate of WPATH) stated that she resigned in part because she could “not abide the tactics of muzzling leaders in the USPATH/WPATH”—tactics that were endorsed by some within the organization after she had expressed concern during an interview about the potential for regret among adolescents who transition due to the lack of safeguards under the existing regime of “gender affirming care.” See Lisa Selin Davis, A Trans Pioneer Explains Her Resignation from the U.S. Professional Association for Transgender Health, Quillette (Jan. 6, 2022), available at https://quillette. com/2022/01/06/a-transgender-pioneer-explains-why-she-stepped-down-from-uspath-and-wpath/. 10 The combination of overstated benefits (particularly in the context of preventing suicide), understated risks, and denial of meaningful alternatives (such as psychotherapy) cannot ground an informed consent process. Parents are often faced with the grotesque slogan that they can have “a dead daughter or a live son” (or vice versa).51 They hear this not just from activists in the media but from the very medical professionals with whom they interact and the professional associations in which their providers hold membership. Despite the fact that there is no reliable evidence suggesting that these treatments actually reduce the risk of suicide,52 it is unsurprising that parents confronted with this false choice would err on the side of purported “life-saving treatment.” Similarly, many of the long-term risks, such as a loss of fertility or adult sexual function, may not be risks that children and adolescents can adequately comprehend53—especially when medical institutions downplay those risks. Given this lack of informed consent, it is unsurprising—though no less tragic—to see the rise of individuals known as “detransitioners.”54 These are people who came to regret the harm caused by undergoing physiological interventions to alter their appearance and bodily functions to align with their perceived sex or perceived gender.55 Because the current “gender affirming” model is still relatively new, there are no studies on rates of regret and detransition among the cohort that received treatment under this model, but claims about regret being “extremely rare” are based either on studies of adults who transitioned as adults or of minors who were transitioned under highly restrictive and controlled conditions. C. The Flawed “Dutch Protocol” Proponents of the safety and efficacy of these treatments often try to defend them by referencing a study published by a group of Dutch clinicians. This Dutch study was among the earliest examples of attempts to document the use of puberty blockers as a treatment for children suffering from gender dysphoria.56 According to the 51. See Kenneth J. Zucker, Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria: Reflections on Some Contemporary Clinical and Research Issues, Ar chives of Sexual Behavior (July 18, 2019), available at 52. Levine, supra n.40, at n.47 (“The ‘transition or suicide’ narrative falsely implies that transition will prevent suicides” but even though, “in the short term, gender-affirmative interventions can lead to improvements in some measures of suicidality, neither hormones nor surgeries have been shown to reduce suicidality in the long-term.” (citations omitted)). 53. Antony Latham, Puberty Blockers for Children: Can They Consent?, The New Bioethics (June 27, 2022), available at https://ww (“The brain is biologically and socially immature in childhood and unlikely to understand the long-term consequences of treatment.”). 54. Lisa Littman, Individuals Treated for Gender Dysphoria with Medical and/or Surgical Transition Who Subsequently Detran sitioned: A Survey of 100 Detransitioners, Archives of Sexual Behavior (Nov. 2021), available at https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/34665380/; Elie Vandenbussche, Detransition-Related Needs and Support: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey, Journal of Homosexuality (Apr. 30, 2021), available at 55. Littman, supra n. 54; Vandenbussche, supra n.54. 56. See Annelou de Vries, et al., Puberty Suppression in Adolescents with Gender Identity Disorder: A Prospective Follow-Up Study, Journal of Sex Medicine (Aug. 8, 2011), available at; Annelou de Vries, et al., Young Adult Psychological Outcome After Puberty Suppression and Gender Reassignment, Pediatrics (Oct. 2014), available at https:// 11 publications describing the study, some subjects of the study who underwent puberty blockade and ultimately surgery reported a resolution of their gender dysphoria 1.5 years after the surgery.57 Advocates point to the results of this study as the foundation for the “gender affirming care” of today. Reliance on the Dutch study to justify gender affirming care is misplaced for numerous reasons. Take first the substance of the study itself, which has been strongly criticized for their biased methodology and unimpressive results.58 For example, the Dutch team used a flawed scale for the purpose of measuring dysphoria, which largely renders the study’s observed “improvement” meaningless.59 Moreover, the results excluded one patient who died during a vaginoplasty, and the study failed to mention that the patient’s death was the consequence of puberty suppression— which prevented the patient’s penis from growing large enough to facilitate a vaginoplasty, so physicians were forced to use tissue from the patient’s intestine.60 The intestine became infected, which ultimately led to the patient’s death.61 Second, the only improvement suggested by the study resulted from a follow-up just 18 months after the surgery. This short amount of time is manifestly inadequate for determining the ultimate long-term efficacy and safety of these treatments. Indeed, one of the Dutch researchers who co-authored one of the articles reporting the study admitted that “a truly proper follow-up needs to span a minimum period of 20 years.”62 As of December 2022, the Dutch researchers have yet to publish any long term outcomes. Third, the structure of the study meant that it could not reliably distinguish between the effects of the medical interventions and the effects of psychotherapy.63 The Dutch study required that subjects demonstrate a stable state of mind before receiving puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones and then continuously receive mental therapy throughout the process.64 Thus, there is no reliable way of knowing how much any reported improvement was attributable to the hormones as opposed to the therapy. Simply put, the Dutch research does not show that hormones are a superior treatment to psychotherapy. 57. Levine, et al., supra n.40. 58. Biggs, The Dutch Protocol, supra n.24. 59. Id. 60. Id. 61. Id. 62. Id.; see also Leor Sapir, ‘Trust the Experts’ Is Not Enough: U.S. Medical Groups Get the Science Wrong on Pediatric ‘Gender Affirm ing’ Care, Manhattan Institute 5 (Winter 2022), available for download at spond-to-medical-authorities-claiming-gender-affirming-care-is-safe. 63. Sapir, supra n.62, at 5. 64. Id. 12 Finally, the eligibility criteria for individuals to participate in the Dutch study effectively eliminated any significance of their findings.65 To be eligible for puberty blockers under the study, subjects had to also satisfy the heightened eligibility criteria for cross-sex hormones, thus effectively guaranteeing that any case casting doubt on the safety or efficacy of puberty blockers was excluded at the outset.66 All these problems likely explain why no study has ever successfully replicated the results of the Dutch study.67 Next, even taking the Dutch study at face value, the children and adolescents seeking these treatments today are far different from those who participated in the Dutch study. For example, to be eligible for the study, subjects had to fulfill five criteria: (1) they suffered from early-onset gender dysphoria, (2) the condition persisted or intensified into adolescence, (3) they were psychologically and emotionally stable with no comorbid psychiatric diagnoses, (4) they had parental approval, and (5) informed consent was obtained as a continuous process, often over the course of months.68 In contrast to the prototypical subject for the Dutch protocol, the data today shows a very different set of patients. The majority of minors seeking treatment now are adolescent girls with no prior history of dysphoria and very high rates of mental health comorbidities.69 Moreover, proponents of these treatments often argue that parental approval should not be a requirement for receiving hormones.70 Under the affirmative model, what appears to drive treatment decisions is gender identity, not gender dysphoria. Given these changes, the Dutch researchers themselves have acknowledged that their research may not apply to the current environment.71 Thus, the Dutch study has little to tell us about the use of these treatments for the vast majority of children and adolescents who receive them today. 65. Levine, et al., supra n.40 (“It is important to realize that the Dutch sample as carefully selected, which introduced a source of bias, and also challenges the study’s applicability. From the 196 adolescents initially referred, 111 were considered eligible to start puberty blockers, and of this group, only the 70 most mature and mentally stable who proceeded to cross-sex hormones were included in the study.”). 66. Id. 67. Id. (“A recent attempt to replicate the results of the first Dutch study found no demonstrable psychological benefit from puberty blockade, but did find that the treatment adversely affected bone development. The final Dutch study has never been attempted to be replicated with or without a control group.” (citations omitted)). 68. Sapir, supra n.62, at 5–6. 69. Sapir, supra n.62, at 6. 70. Id. 71. See More Research Is Urgently Needed into Transgender Care for Young People: ‘Where Does the Large Increase of Children Come from?, Voorzij (Feb. 27, 2021), available at for-young-people-where-does-the-large-increase-of-children-come-from/ (Translation of Dutch article where Dr. Thomas Steensma said other countries were “blindly adopting [their] research”) (cited by Leor Sapir, The Distortions in Jack Turban’s Psychology Today Article on ‘Gender Affirming Care,’ Reality’s Last Stand (Oct. 7, 2022), available at https://www.realityslaststand. com/p/the-distortions-in-jack-turbans-psychology. 13 Finally, even if the Dutch protocol were to provide the proper standard of care, the Dutch protocol is not what is happening on the ground in the United States. For example, the Dutch protocol acknowledges that gender dysphoria in children is very likely to desist by adolescence or early adulthood, meaning the dysphoria will resolve on its own without medical intervention.72 But the treatment model today, as clarified by the American Academy of Pediatrics, assumes that gender identity can be known from a very early age and, once declared, must be affirmed by adults.73 In other words, proponents effectively claim that gender identity is innate and fixed—which is contrary to what the Dutch researchers stated.74 Another significant departure of today’s treatment from the Dutch protocol relates to mental health. The Dutch protocol studied only minors who had no serious co occurring mental health problems.75 But today, most referrals to pediatric gender clinics have high rates of mental health problems, such as anxiety, depression, ADHD, and autism.76 The independent study in the U.K. found that up to one third of patients referred to the U.K.’s Gender Identity Development Service have autism or other neuroatypical conditions.77 By contrast, some American medical professionals advocating the affirmative model have gone so far as to suggest, without citing any evidence, that medical transition can serve as a “treatment” for autism.78 A legitimate implementation of the Dutch protocol (setting aside the study’s numerous flaws) would require addressing these mental health issues through alternative means, 72. Leor Sapir, Affirming Deception, City Journal (Dec. 6, 2022), available at edges-europes-restrictions-on-gender-affirming-care (noting that the Dutch model “acknowledges that gender dysphoria in children is very likely to desist by adolescence or early adulthood, in many cases resolving into homosexuality”). 73. See, e.g., Rafferty, supra n.4 (stating that “children who are prepubertal” and assert a gender identity different from their sex “know their gender as clearly and as consistently as their developmentally equivalent peers who identify as cisgender”). 74. See, e.g., Cohen-Kettenis, et al., The Treatment of Adolescent Transsexuals: Changing Insights, Journal of Sex Medicine (Aug. 2008), available at (noting that the pathological basis for gender identity is “poorly under stood” and “its diagnosis relies totally on psychological methods”). 75. See Henriette A. Delemarre-van de Wall & Peggy T. Cohen-Kettenis, Clinical Management of Gender Identity Disorder in Adoles cents: A Protocl on Psychological and Paediatric Endocrinology Aspects, European Journal of Endocrinology (Nov. 2006), available at; Annelou L.C. de Vries, et al., Clinical Management of Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents, International Journal of Transgenderism (Oct. 17, 2008), available at https://www.tandfon; de Vries, et al., supra n.23. 76. The Cass Review, supra n.46, at 30 (“In addition, approximately one third of children and young people referred to IDS have autism or other types of neurodiversity.”); Tracy A. Becerra-Culqui, et al., Mental Health of Transgender and Gender Noncon forming Youth Compared with Their Peers, Pediatrics (May 2018), available at PMC5914494/; Nastasja M. de Graaf & Polly Carmichael, Reflections on Emerging Trends in Clinical Work with Gender Di verse Children and Adolescents, Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry (Nov. 28, 2018), available at doi/10.1177/1359104518812924; Emily Thrower, et al., Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Amongst Individuals with Gender Dysphoria: A Systematic Review, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (Nov. 15, 2019), available at; Alexis Clyde, et al., Autism Spectrum Disorder and Anxiety Among Transgender Youth: Use of the Social Communication Questionnaire (SCQ), Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (Nov. 24, 2022), available at; Aimilia Kallitsounaki, et al., Links Between Autistic Traits, Feelings of Gender Dysphoria, and Mentalising Ability: Replication and Exten sion of Previous Findings from the General Population, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (Aug. 1, 2020), available at; Lucy McPhate, et al., Gender Variance in Children and Adolescents with Neurodevelopmental and Psychiatric Condition from Australia, Archives of Sexual Behavior (Apr. 2021), available at; Douglas H. Russell, et al., Prevalence of Mental Health Problems in Transgender Children Aged 9 to 10 Years in the US, 2018, JAMA Network (July 22, 2022), available at networkopen/fullarticle/2794486; Anna I.R. van der Miesen, et al., Autistic Symptoms in Children and Adolescents with Gender Dysphoria, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (May 2018), available at 77. The Cass Review, supra n.46, at 30. 78. See, e.g., Diane Ehrensaft, The Gender Creative Child: Pathways for Nurturing and Supporting Children who Live Outside Gender Boxes 103 (2016). 14 such as psychotherapy, before turning to transitioning medication and surgery as a last resort. In sum, the benefits of these treatments are unproven while the risks are numerous and grave. These facts alone counsel against prescribing these treatments to children and adolescents. Moreover, the main study held up by proponents of these treatments contains many flaws that foreclose any ability to rely on its conclusions, is not even applicable to the typical patient receiving these treatments today, and used controls that are not followed in the real world. And modern studies suffer from the same methodological problems79—which explains why the countries that have conducted systematic reviews (like Finland, Sweden, and the U.K.) have found the evidentiary support for these treatments too low to justify them. Children and adolescents must be protected from the unscientific and dangerous treatments taking place today. 79. See, e.g., Jesse Singal, “Science Vs” Cited Seven Studies To Argue There’s No Controversy About Giving Puberty Blockers and Hor mones to Trans Youth. Let’s Read Them., Singal-Minded (June 10, 2022), available at vs-cited-seven-studies-to. 15 IV. THE LEGISLATIVE SOLUTION Given the unfortunate reality of medical organizations endorsing unsupported claims and refusing to submit those claims to open and honest scientific debate,80 the Legislature must intervene to protect the children and adolescents of this State. To that end, this draft legislation prohibits the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery to treat an inconsistency between a minor’s sex and the minor’s perceived gender or perceived sex; requires school transparency on these issues; prohibits schools from aiding in the transitioning process; limits funding or reimbursement from both public and private sources for these types of treatments; and creates private causes of action for damages for minors who are subjected to this treatment that either violates the legislation or causes harm in the future. Only a complete prohibition on the use of these treatments will fully protect children and adolescents. This conclusion follows from the dearth of high quality, long term outcome studies on the causal relationship between hormonal interventions and mental health, and from the fact that, even if such studies existed, it would be impossible to determine with certainty that a particular child or adolescent with gender discordance will persist in that perception. In other words, even if legislation made an exception for “true transgender” minors, it is impossible for clinicians, especially under present conditions, to reliably conclude that a specific minor falls within that category. Identity consolidation is a result of going through the tumultuous years of adolescence. And the cost of misidentifying a minor—that is, prescribing these treatments for a minor whose gender discordance would have resolved on its own—is catastrophic. Thus, only a complete prohibition can fully protect children and adolescents. Separately, legislation must address the role of schools in the recent rise of minors with gender discordance. There are strong indications that social media and peer pressure have played a substantial part in the dramatic increase of minors who self-identify as having some form of gender discordance.81 And there is a risk that even non-intrusive interventions at school—like socially transitioning—can have an 80. See, e.g., Abigail Shrier, A Pediatric Association Stifles Debate on Gender Dysphoria, Wall St. J. (Aug. 9, 2021), available at https://; Julia Mason & Leor Sapir, The American Academy of Pediatrics’ Dubious Transgender Science, Wall St. J. (Aug. 17, 2022), available at https://‌‌science-jack-turban-research-social-con tagion-gender-dysphoria-puberty-blockers-uk-11660732791. 81. Littman, supra n.54. 16 iatrogenic effect that makes a student’s gender discordance worse, thus increasing the likelihood that the student will go on to seek medicalized intervention like puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones.82 The combination of the role that social pressures and iatrogenesis play has led some to acknowledge a “school-to clinic pipeline” for these treatments.83 Thus, any solution to this problem must regulate schools. This legislation mandates transparency, imposes reporting requirements, and limits the outer bounds of what schools may do with students who have gender discordance. First, the legislation requires school districts to publish an annual written policy that details how schools will respond when they learn that a student’s perception of the student’s gender or perception of the student’s sex is inconsistent with the student’s sex.84 The school districts must distribute this policy to all parents and hold a meeting specifically dedicated to receiving public comment about the policy.85 Second, the legislation requires certain actions within that published policy. Specifically, schools must notify a student’s parents within three business days of learning the student has some form of gender discordance.86 In addition, given the suspected iatrogenic effect of social transitioning and the necessity of parental involvement, the school may not discuss social transitioning, medication, or surgery as possible treatments for an inconsistency between the student’s perception and the student’s sex.87 Relatedly, the school may not aid in social transitioning by using pronouns that are inconsistent with the student’s sex.88 The legislation thus ensures that teachers and school officials—authority figures in any student’s life—are not fueling the social pressure that can lead to adoption of iatrogenic actions and thus ultimately push students toward puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones. Apart from specific prohibitions, the legislation also limits the financial ability and incentives to provide these treatments to minors. First, it generally prohibits the use of state funds and state facilities for the purpose of providing or subsidizing these treatments.89 Second, it ensures that money paid for these treatments is not tax deductible.90 Third, the legislation offers private causes of action for damages resulting from knowing violations of the legislation and from harm caused by these treatments.91 For example, the legislation creates strict liability for any harm that 82. Sapir, supra n.32. 83. Id. 84. Draft Legislation § 3(a) (“Draft Leg.”). 85. Draft Leg. §§ 3(c), 3(d). 86. Draft Leg. § 3(b)(1). 87. Draft Leg. § 3(b)(2). 88. Draft Leg. § 3(b)(3). 89. Draft Leg. § 4. 90. Draft Leg. § 4(c). 91. Draft Leg. §§ 3(f), 5(d)(2), 6(d)(2), 7(b). 17 results from these treatments within the next 25 years and permits a suit within 25 years of turning 18 years old or within 4 years of discovering the harm and the causal relationship—whichever date is later.92 This timing is critical because it is possible that a detransitioner or an individual who comes to regret being subjected to these treatments may not fully appreciate the harm caused by the treatment for several decades.93 The legislation also prohibits professional liability insurance for healthcare professionals or physicians to cover damages for harm caused by these treatments,94 and it mandates at least a one-year ban of practice for a healthcare professional or physician who knowingly violates the legislation’s provisions.95 The legislation is drafted to ensure that its provisions are enforceable to the maximum extent possible. To that end, the legislation contains numerous detailed severability clauses.96 To be clear, the legislation’s prohibition of providing puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgery is constitutional and thus enforceable. But in the event that a court reaches a contrary erroneous conclusion, and while any appeal is pending, the legislation’s severability clauses ensure that children and adolescents are still being protected to the maximum extent permissible. In sum, the legislation takes the view that something is better than nothing in the event a court reaches an erroneous conclusion that some of the legislation’s provisions are unenforceable. Finally, the legislation acknowledges the difficulty for minors who are currently taking puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. The legislation addresses this difficulty in two ways. First, it delays the effective date of the legislation by six months to permit the tapering of puberty blockers.97 Second, it creates a grandfather clause for minors who were already prescribed cross-sex hormones before the enactment of this legislation.98 Through these provisions, the legislation seeks a balance between preventing the serious harm caused by these treatments and protecting children who have unfortunately already been subjected to them. 92. Draft Leg. § 7(b). 93. Because “gender affirming care” is such a recent phenomenon, there are no studies on rates of regret among adolescents who transitioned under the current protocol. It is reasonable to assume that regret may sink in for many of these individuals when they realize they may never be able to have children. 94. Draft Leg. § 8. 95. Draft Leg. §§ 5(d)(1), 6(d)(1). 96. Draft Leg. §§ 3(g), 4(i), 5(e), 6(e), 9. 97. Draft Leg. § 10(a). 98. Draft Leg. § 10(b). 18 V. CONCLUSION This Legislature must protect children and adolescents from these dangerous and baseless treatments. This draft legislation takes a broad and in-depth approach to achieve the greatest results and minimize the potential for risk of legal challenges attempting to enjoin enforcement of the Act. The hope is that this legislation will protect children and adolescents from future harm and provide justice to those who have already been subjected to these treatments.

  • State Of MO HOUSE Calls Emergency Session/HB 463-STOP TRANSING KIDS - Less Than 24 hours-Need Help!

    by, Scott Newgent Support TReVoices & Scott's Work Donate Here The state of Missouri House Committee on HB 463 called an emergency session to hear all testimony on the HB 463 Bill 'Missouri Save Adolescents From Experimental Act' yesterday late in the afternoon instructing senator Moon to have everyone ready to give testimony as of 8 am today. The state of Missouri House Committee gave Senator Moon less than 24 hours to rile everyone together to speak in person. I wrote my testimony; see below. But we have 24 hours from five pm today to submit more testimony. I have created templates with studies linked to facts. Copy, paste and submit here: Paste Testimony Here - Link My testimony and then templates to follow. Four clicks, people, just for clicks to save kids! Jump over my testimony to the templates. Click here to submit to the state of Missouri. Anyone can, anywhere in the world - four clicks to save kids. Do you have four clicks in you? Today I am charged with writing a testimony for the Missouri State Bill, written testimony. I was scheduled to attend in person, but the house committee called an emergency session yesterday for all testimony to be heard today—NO ZOOM CALLS ALLOWED. As a transman myself, a woman who has carried life, I want to record how disappointed I am with Missouri. To cast a decision like you have, not allowing for actual testimony, is an impulsive, bedraggled and amateurish decision when children are involved. Let's hope you read this testimonial with 100% more care and regard than you have shown until now. Because what are you voting on today? What is happening to gender-confused children is the most significant medical scandal in modern history. Every fact I state will have resources to validate and back up. I ask that you demand the same from the other side because you will be SHOCKED when you receive unicorn farts and glitter bombs in return when asking for facts. The ending question is, when this goes down in history will YOU be the dunce or the hero? What we are allowing to happen to children is equivalent to declaring war on children. The transgender debate is not about civil rights; it's about an industry. The polarization we are now seeing due to social media has left a blind spot in society, creating mechanical chirping of whatever the social media gods tell them to say. Let's face it; social media has made a mush pot of noncritical thinkers turning the masses into parakeets regurgitating without engaging brain waves. You cannot look into the transing children debate with an IQ of 70 and above and come away believing transing kids is a good idea! So let's begin! Scott Newgent, a 50-year-old transgender man and trans-parent living in Texas, is the founder of TReVoices, a group of trans educators who oppose radical gender activism and seek to educate politicians and families about the reality of gender dysphoria. He tweets at @TReVoices. Don't Confuse Homosexuality With Transgenderism When I was in my early 20s, I dated an older lesbian named Bee. Bee was the life of the party; she was the person everyone wanted to be around. As fun-loving as she was, everyone who knew her realized that her parents and childhood should never be brought up. I tried in the year we were dating, but I never got far until one day as we drove home from a Christmas party. Bee had a little too much to drink and started screaming about how the house had soft porn everywhere. I tried to calm her down, but each attempt only made her scream louder. After an hour, I decided to go home; I left her in the bedroom as I gathered my things. When I returned to say goodbye, she was in a ball in the corner, wailing with cries that sent a chill up my spine. She told me a story that is seared into my conscience, something I think about at least every week of my life. Support TReVoices - Shop Today In Bee's early teens, her mother found a love note from a girl in her backpack. Her parents were evangelical Christians and were not going to have a lesbian as a daughter, so they shipped her off to a mental institution that would show her images of soft porn. Every time a woman appeared naked, she received such an intense shock that a mouth guard was placed in her mouth to ensure she didn't bite her tongue in half. She remained in this facility for over a year, until her 15th birthday. The treatment didn't work; she was 44 and still dating women. But the experience left her broken. Conversion therapy for homosexuality is wrong, doesn't work, and breaks a human's soul. The studies tell us there is no benefit, just a detriment. We think this barbaric therapy is no longer around, but that's not true; my ex-wife attended one not long ago, and it didn't take. Being gay is something you are; it cannot be changed through psychological or medical treatment. It can also not be induced by medical treatment. Did you understand what I just said? You cannot medically turn a human being homosexual; there is no drug out there that can make a homosexual straight or turn a straight person homosexual. No drugs can be taken or injected to make us homosexual or make us straight. No corporations benefit financially from people claiming to be homosexual or straight. No one benefits economically. Because of that, the playing field can't be tainted by greed, and acceptance can't be falsely avowed for the sake of a dollar. Support TReVoices & Scott's Work Donate Here However, that's not the case with transgenderism. Seven years ago, I began to transition to a transman, and within that timeframe, my insurance and I have been billed just under USD 1 million. Transing kids is not about human or homosexual rights; it's about an industry! Having gender dysphoria is not a choice, but being transgender is a feeling, a desire, a want and a choice you make. Gender dysphoria, regardless of what is said or the reverse judgment, is a mental illness akin to anorexia. Amazingly, we now have medical technology that allows biological women to create an illusion of looking like males through testosterone therapy and surgery. But at a high cost: the process is brutal on the mind, body, and soul. Being transgender is now a want, a feeling that you can turn into reality. It can be created through medical intervention, but the treatments are NOT reversible and have significant risks; many people with gender dysphoria believe hormones are reversible, but they are not. Many parents put their kids on puberty blockers, thinking they are reversible, but not. During my own transition, I had seven surgeries to change my appearance to male. As side effects, I also had a massive pulmonary embolism, a helicopter life-flight ride, an emergency ambulance ride, a stress-induced heart attack, sepsis, a 17-month recurring infection due to using the wrong skin during a (failed) phalloplasty, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, the loss of all my hair, (only partially successful) arm reconstructive surgery, permanent lung and heart damage, a cut bladder, insomnia-induced hallucinations—oh and frequent loss of consciousness due to pain from the hair on the inside of my urethra. All this led to a form of PTSD that made me a prisoner in my apartment for a year. Medical transition has significant risks and long-term effects that have yet to be adequately studied. We know that the long-term use of synthetic hormone therapy shortens lives. Specifically, these medications are associated with an increased risk of heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, bone damage, liver and kidney failure, mental-health complications, and more. Almost a quarter of hormone-therapy patients on high-dose anabolic steroids (such as the testosterone taken by female-to-male transitioners) exhibit significant mood-syndrome symptoms. Between three and 12 percent go on to develop symptoms of psychosis. Children who claim to be trans typically receive such drugs at a pivotal time in developing brains and bones. They've become a generation of guinea pigs. The only long-term study on transgenderism was done in Sweden in 1973; it followed 324 medically transitioned adults for 30 years and tells us that medical transition reduces suicidal ideation for a short time, like the 2019 study "Reduction in Mental Health Treatment Utilization Among Transgender Individuals After Gender-Affirming Surgeries." But then it returns each year, gaining traction until it is often higher after the medical transition than before. This 2019 study had the authors come back in 2020 admitting that even their data of the surge in significant benefit from medical transition was false, but the media didn't publicize the update. The problem is that most studies published nowadays are short-term. They all say that suicidal ideation is reduced, and that is true – at the start. What these too-short studies don't tell you is what I, as a transman with many adult trans friends, will: Later in life, doubt and suicidal thoughts creep back in. As a trans person, you have to deal with what you have done to your body, learn how to move within this world differently, and face the reality of biology. It is not all glitter bombs and rainbow lollipops. It's extremely hard. We do know that medically transitioning children comes with these 12 complications. (click for verification) Decreased life expectancy Premature death from heart attacks Premature death from pulmonary embolisms Bone damage Possible liver damage Increased mental-health complications Increases chances of mood-syndrome symptoms Increased suicide rates than the non-trans population 12% higher chance than no trans population to develop symptoms of psychosis Brain development stunted during hormone blockers Reduced chance for lifelong sexual pleasure Probably does not even improve mental health outcomes We do know that all seven studies touting the excellent miracle cure of medically transitioning children have been retracted or modified to "Doesn't help" or "Not enough time or subjects to declare a judgement." Yet these are the studies used in Missouri gender clinics today, and I would bet my last dollars trans rights activists have given you one of these, and it is currently sitting on your desk. What if you knew that study was no longer valid? Would that concern you? I sure hope it will. Links to studies and retractions: Retracted Studies ( Medically transitioning children clinics are being shut down hand over fist in Europe. Here is a documentary that was translated to English. This documentary shows how girls' spines are not fusing properly; males are getting early onset osteoporosis. Kalowinski, the biggest children's hospital in Europe and the most prominent hub for transing kids, was completely shut down due to complications. Now? Texas is the new hub, and let's look at why! Documentary halting ALL Med-Transing Kids in SW Translated/NOT available to US Parents SCREAM Louder ( - Link Children's Transgender Clinic Experiences High Growth - Link When Genecis opened in 2015, they treated about two dozen patients. Today, they treat 400 transgender children and teens <-----This figure has gone up since 2019 Cost for 24 kids on puberty blockers for a year: $1.248 MILLION Cost for 400 kids on puberty blockers for a year: 21 MILLION THAT'S A LOT OF LOVE TO GO AROUND RIGHT? Who supplies puberty blockers: Lupron - Sued a deemed a criminal enterprise in 2003 for false advertising and bribery. This is the pharmaceutical company that says it's safe. The truth is that they have not run tests, it's not FDA-approved, and they have the money. In 2003 they paid 874 million to the US government without batting an eye! Hormone Blocker Shocker: Drug Costs 8 Times More When Used For Kids In 2015 - Governor Greg Abbott and his team received 2.5 million from this gender clinic, linking to the new hub WW in Texas. The declaration of 'child abuse' from Abbott? Did nothing! ABBOTT, PATRICK, PHELAN GRAB $2.5 MILLION FROM CHILD GENITAL Mutilators - Link Abbott, Patrick and Phelan Shut Down Child Protection Bills After Taking $2.47 Million from PACS Affiliated with Pediatric Gender Modification Clinics -Link Conversion therapy is wrong but pushing kids to transition medically is worse. Challenging children and adolescents to understand why they want to transition medically and how they can grapple with their gender dysphoria is healthy. Homosexuality can be decided, then redecided, and then decided again. I don't truly believe that, but claiming to be a lesbian at 14 and then marrying a man at 25 does not have any lasting repercussions. Medical transition does. Medical transition for gender identity is different than homosexuality; we have to look at them separately. Homosexuality is an attraction to the same sex. Transgenderism is wanting to be the opposite sex. One is something you are, and the other is something you want, and this is a significant difference. One can never be denied while the other can be created. If you allow yourself to bunch them into one giant glitter bomb, you will not see the forest for the trees. Questioning a child about why they feel like the opposite sex, and why they want to transition medically is not bigotry. It's called good parenting. We seem to have lost the meaning of the word parenting; it's a verb for a reason. It's something you must actively do. Having children speak to their parents and a professional who understands all sides of the issue of desiring to medically alter their bodies is mature. Lord knows, it's not the easy thing to do. The easy thing to do in Missouri right now is to succumb to the glitter bombs and resist having to challenge a group that has become disproportionately politically influential. But we have to ask the hard questions, regardless of the feelings we hurt. Gender dysphoria is a feeling of disconnection from one's biological sex; it's a mental illness that can and has been shown to improve with therapy but helping these kids shut down a new billion-dollar yearly industry. Transgenderism is acting on this feeling by undergoing a medical transition, and this, my friends, no matter how much you don't want it to be, is a choice akin to plastic surgery. I know that is bothersome to hear, but reality is not transphobia. Reality is healthy; delusions are not. We owe it to Missouri children to really think about and study medical transition, fully understanding what they are getting into. Allow these kiddos to ease their gender dysphoria with the least invasive actions possible first. No matter how much our toddlers want to eat Jolly Ranchers all day every day, we do not allow that because we know the consequences while the toddlers do not. Time to step up to the parenting plate, Missouri. I know it's scary, but we are talking about your children. As a transman, I am often asked why I care so much about what happens to kids who are being pushed to transition medically, and I wish I could say it's for all selfless reasons, but it's not. You see, most transgender people like myself are in the closet without a need to come out, and we live our lives without knowing what is happening within transgender politics. I just got deathly ill from my transition, forcing me to see what was happening. One afternoon I read the Swedish study and learned about a transwoman who shot herself in the head at nineteen, leaving a note saying that she could not have children; she had realized that she was a gay man who no longer wanted to live with her broken body. I wailed the same way Bee did that night she told me about her conversion therapy. I felt a burden land on my shoulders that has given me a recurring nightmare. The nightmare starts with a transman in his 20s dialing his parents through sobs: "Mom, I can't have kids, I wear diapers, no one wants to date me, and my choices for a life partner are slashed by 90%. The doctor just told me I have early-onset osteoporosis, and I will be dependent on drugs for the rest of my life. Mom, I was a lesbian and a kid; why did you let me do this to my body? I am now trapped in the wrong body." The child's mother tries to comfort her daughter through the phone but hears a boom as the 357 magnum sends a bullet through her child's brain. Have you ever heard a mother screaming, knowing her child just died? I hear it every night as I jump out of bed; the sound will NEVER leave me. What's the alternative to my dream? A loving home with a caring therapeutic process that challenges and protects children, nurturing them to either: transition as an adult with a fully developed brain (after the age of 25) and full and complete knowledge of the process and side effects; grow up and out of wanting to be the opposite sex and embrace themselves as either gay or gender-nonconforming or possibly autistic. 'For decades, follow-up studies of transgender kids have shown that a substantial majority – anywhere from 65 to 94 percent – eventually ceased to identify as transgender.' You are being hornswoggled if you believe that medical transition is something a child should decide or be allowed to endure. That is why I urge Missouri politicians to remove make medically transitioning children illegal statewide! Question: What side of history do you want to be on? The Hitler side of "OMG, how did that happen, and how did you support" or "I did the right thing when the right thing meant I would be attacked?" BIBLIOGRAPHY (in order of reference) At The End Of The Post Templates Pick one of pick all there. Below will help you scream with ready-made templates. Pick one, pull up senators' emails, paste and send it! BOOM. These templates are full of studies, facts and analogies that our team here at TReVoices put together for you. Template -Overview Style Template - Designed For A Medical Professional Template - For Parents With A Gender-Confused Child Template - For Transgender people against transing kids Here is a sight for U.S. senator emails, but they can be used for any politicians worldwide and should be used, encouraged to use: U.S. Senators See below to copy template's. Stocked with studies, facts while winding in powerful analogies. The famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, who lived through the nightmarish destruction and horror of both World Wars, wrote that "psychic epidemics" which he famously termed "mass psychoses" were the main threat facing humanity. "The gods have become a disease," Jung wrote, and produce "...curious specimens for the doctor's consulting room, or disorders the brains of politicians and journalists who unwittingly let loose psychic epidemics on the world." We are living through a grave psychic epidemic manifesting as youth believing that they are the opposite sex, demanding to take drastic measures to change their bodies, and society allowing them to do so–to destroy their healthy bodies–and deluding itself that this travesty is about human rights and loving acceptance. The medicalization–the butchering–of children's bodies must stop! Yes, we trans deserve to be treated with dignity and respect but not at the cost of others. We must coexist respectfully and peacefully with all of our differences. According to Jung the spontaneous manifestation of an "archetype within collective life is indicative of a critical time during which there is a serious risk of a destructive psychic epidemic
 Catastrophe can be avoided only if the effect
can be intercepted and assimilated by a sufficiently large majority of individuals." Only if we join together and SCREAM will humanity come to understand that medically transitioning gender-confused children is not about evolving into love for other humans! It's about a disease that has been a part of the human condition since the beginning of time: Greed! Greed and love of money! Your voice could be the one to make that "large majority of individuals" needed to prevent catastrophe sufficient, the one that tips the scales. We must STOP this greatest health and ethical scandal that is happening while the world says not a word: the medical experiments and commodification of an entire generation of gender-confused children! I ask
 No, I beg each of you to put aside whatever political or philosophical differences you may have, and please, please, copy one of these email templates and SCREAM with us. SCREAM so loud we'll shake the walls of the Missouri State Capitol! SCREAM so loud it will reverberate to the local news stations! SCREAM so loud that other states will hear the SCREAMING; then SCREAM louder still and let the winds carry our SCREAM across the ocean to the loughs of Ireland, to Stella OMalley! Let our SCREAM be carried even louder, over the white cliffs of Dover, and its echo will sing to Keira Bell that her sacrifice was seen, heard, and forever changed the world! Together we must SCREAM to avoid the catastrophe that is threatening to destroy our children and families – to ruin civilization as we know it! SCREAM! It's now or NEVER! Scott Newgent Submit Testimony Today Tell your legislators that you want them to pass HOUSE BILL 463–Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act to protect minors from harmful physiological gender transition procedures. Tell them that they must keep our kids safe from a dangerous cult that is out to destroy their lives. We wrote the letters for you. All you have to do is go _____________ if you are a medical professional. If you have a child who identifies as transgender, go __________. If you simply are a concerned, responsible citizen who cares about reality, children, women's rights and everyone's rights to free speech, go ___________. Red, please email, white if you have more time and green to thank the braze Senators who are with us. If you have more time, please CC one of the Missouri News Stations below. Doesn't matter what part of the world you are from, join is SCREAMING. Copy email addresses, pick the template that feels comfortable for you and drop your sand speck. Template -Overview Style Template - Designed For A Medical Professional Template - For Parents With A Gender Confused Child Template - For Trans Gender People 1 - Overview Template - Generic Everyone Can Use January 24, 2022 I am urging you to support H.B. 2649, the Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which would protect minor children from harmful physiological gender transition procedures. Introduced by Missouri State Rep. Suzie Pollock, SAFE is designed to prevent minors from being subjected to life-altering procedures with nightmarish side effects and devastating consequences before they even reach the age of consent. It would "make illegal the practice of giving children cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, or any kind of surgery that alter their young bodies for life." The evidence underlying pediatric gender transition is of "very low quality and certainty, and no reliable studies exist showing their benefits. Several negative effects are certain however: Puberty blockers followed by cross-sex hormones lead 100% to infertility and sterility. Surgeries to remove breasts or sex organs are irreversible. The emerging evidence regarding side effects (sepsis, infections, necrosis, incontinence) and (sometimes lethal) health risks–e.g, to bone, cardiovascular health and cancer risks–is alarming. Over 90% of gender dysphoric children work their way out of the condition if they receive love and support from their parents, family, and environment and are allowed to go through puberty, probably the single most effective treatment for youth gender dysphoria. "When populations en masse can be made to believe that biological sex isn't real, we've become untethered from reality and become agents of chaos." Colin Wright, Evolutionary Biologist "Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." Voltaire Please, vote "yes" and pass this important measure to ensure the safety of our children. Sincerely, SIGN YOUR NAME Print your name 2 - Medical Professional Template My name is (first and last name) and I am a (medical professional) I am urging you to support H.B. 463, the Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which would protect minors from harmful physiological gender transition procedures. Introduced by Missouri State Rep. Suzie Pollock, SAFE is designed to prevent minors from being subjected to life-altering procedures before they even reach the age of consent. It would "make illegal the practice of giving children cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, or any kind of surgery that alter their young bodies for life." The evidence underlying the practice of pediatric gender transition is of "very low quality and certainty," according to the most comprehensive review to date, commissioned by the U.K. National Health System (NHS). This designation signals that the body of evidence asserting the benefits of these interventions is highly unreliable. In contrast, several negative effects are certain: Puberty blockers followed by cross-sex hormones lead 100% to infertility and sterility. Surgeries to remove breasts or sex organs are irreversible. The emerging evidence regarding side effects (sepsis, infections, necrosis, incontinence) and (sometimes lethal) health risks–e.g, to bone, cardiovascular health and cancer risks–is alarming. Over 90% of gender dysphoric children work their way out of the condition if they receive love and support from their parents, family, and environment. "Gender-affirmative" interventions and "support", however, are the equivalent of telling anorexic patients and their families that the best therapy available for anorexia is starvation. SAFE includes several key provisions: prohibits puberty-blocking drugs, cross-sex hormones, and gender reassignment surgeries for minors. defines crucial terms like "sex" and "gender" prohibits the public funding, insurance coverage, and referral of such procedures includes exceptions for those diagnosed with a physiological "intersex" disorder to receive medically necessary treatments includes a professional penalty for noncompliance creates a cause of action for an individual harmed by a violation to receive damages. The time for politeness on this issue has passed. Medical professionals must stand up for the empirical reality of biological sex. When authoritative scientific institutions ignore or deny empirical fact in the name of social accommodation, it is an egregious betrayal to the scientific community they represent. It undermines public trust in science, and it is dangerously harmful to those most vulnerable. Please, vote "yes" and pass this important measure to ensure the safety of our children. Sincerely, SIGN YOUR NAME Print your name 3 - Parents Of A Gender Confused Child Template My name is (first and last name) and I am the parent of a transgender identifying child. I am urging you to support H.B. 463, the Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which would protect minors from harmful physiological gender transition procedures. Introduced by Missouri State Rep. Suzie Pollock, SAFE is designed to prevent minors from being subjected to life-altering procedures before they even reach the age of consent. It would "make illegal the practice of giving children cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, or any kind of surgery that alter their young bodies for life." I am terrified that the future of "Leo" is the one awaiting my child. Leo has terrible pain and has trouble standing for longer than a few minutes. He walks like a geriatric patient because he has osteoporosis (his spinal vertebrae are deformed). He is experiencing symptoms of early menopause. When Leo was 11, her parents consented for her to receive puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, which she was on for four years. Leo, who is now 15, is much, much shorter than her peers, because the hormones prevented her skeleton from mineralizing–side effects well known to every medical school graduate. She will never grow more. She will never have children. She will never regain the 100% perfectly good physical health she had before doctors, licensed by the state to do no harm, put her on hormones and puberty blockers. Leo's story was featured in the National Swedish Television documentary, Trans Children, which revealed other children had presented with serious side effects–e.g., liver and bone/skeletal damage–as a result of hormone treatments. Following its broadcast last year, Sweden banned the use of "gender affirmative" treatments for children. Please, please, vote "yes" and pass this important measure to ensure the safety of our children. Sincerely, SIGN YOUR NAME Print your name 4 - A Trans Gender Template HOUSE BILL 463–Missouri Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act to protect minors from harmful physiological gender transition procedures My name is (your first and last name) and I am a transgender identifying person who resides in your district. (State why you support or oppose the bill or other issue here. Choose up to three of the strongest points that support your position and state them clearly.) (Include a personal story. Tell your representative why the issue is important to you and how it affects you, your family member and your community.) (Tell your representative how you want her or him to vote on this issue and ask for a response. Be sure to include your name and address on both your letter and envelope.) Sincerely, SIGN YOUR NAME Print your name BIBLIOGRAPHY (in order of reference):, "Catholic Parish Hosts Conversion Therapy Group Accused of Abuse," September 29, 2019, "Dr. Crane charged my insurance company and me for a quarter of a million dollars for my phalloplasty & close to one million of medical transition in entirety.", "The NHS has quietly changed its trans guidance to reflect reality," June 4, 2020, "Systematic Review of the Long-Term Effects of Transgender Hormone Therapy on Bone Markers and Bone Mineral Density and Their Potential Effects in Implant Therapy," June 2019, "Traits of autism spectrum disorder in school-aged children with gender dysphoria: A comparison to clinical controls., "Correction: Transgender Surgery Provides No Mental Health Benefit," September 13, 2020, "Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden," February 22, 2011, "Reduction in Mental Health Treatment Utilization Among Transgender Individuals After Gender-Affirming Surgeries: A Total Population Study," October 4, 2019, “Correction to BrĂ€nström and Pachankis,” August 1, 2020, "Do transkids stay trans- when they grow up?," January 11, 2016, "Traits of autism spectrum disorder in school-aged children with gender dysphoria: A comparison to clinical controls.," 2019, "The Controversial Research on 'Desistance' in Transgender Youth," May 23, 2018 Abbott, Patrick and Phelan Shut Down Child Protection Bills After Taking $2.47 Million from PACS Affiliated with Pediatric Gender Modification Clinics | Katy Christian Magazine TAP to pay $875 million in Lupron case - Pharmaceutical industry news ( Children's Transgender Clinic Experiences High Growth – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth ( (5) Facebook Nationally recognized program for hormone-related conditions Pediatric Endocrinology ( Long-Term Follow-Up of Individuals Undergoing Sex-Reassignment Surgery: Somatic Morbidity and Cause of Death - PMC ( Transgender men and women may have higher heart attack risk | American Heart Association Transgender patients and the role of the coagulation clinician - Connors - 2019 - Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis - Wiley Online Library Systematic Review of the Long-Term Effects of Transgender Hormone Therapy on Bone Markers and Bone Mineral Density and Their Potential Effects in Implant Therapy - PMC ( Does Hormone Therapy Make Transgender People Metabolize Alcohol Differently? | VinePair Puberty Blockers and Suicidality in Adolescents Suffering from Gender Dysphoria | SpringerLink Correction: Transgender Surgery Provides No Mental Health Benefit - Public Discourse ( Transgender individuals at greater risk of mental health problems < Yale School of Medicine Lupron, used to halt puberty in children, may cause lasting health problems ( Full article: Sexual Experiences in Transgender People: The Role of Desire for Gender-Confirming Interventions, Psychological Well-Being, and Body Satisfaction ( Correction: Transgender Surgery Provides No Mental Health Benefit - Public Discourse (

  • TReVoices Founder Is The Front Headline On Fox News. "Shame On Them For Pushing This On Kids!"

    Shame on them for pushing this on kids: Founder of Trevoices Where puberty blockers were readily available, suicide Rates went up: Researcher

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