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  • The speech that marked the beginning of the end of childhood medical transition

    You are not transgender my child. You are different and different is OK, in fact it's a SUPERPOWER!

  • Virgin Airlines descends into madness. An airplane is a place for decorum and professionalism

    Íris Erlingsdóttir Lee When photos of the Canadian Oakville Trafalgar high school teacher went viral, many – myself included – expressed disgust at how little respect and care the school andparents have for the safety and comfort of children to allow an adult man to engage in an obvious sexual fetish in front of students. This is of course a natural extension of our tolerance – indeed, acceptance and celebration – of the dangerous cult of gender ideology. I thought, would people get on an airplane if the cockpit crew showed up with ginormous fake boobs strapped to their chests? Would you feel comfortable going under the knife if your surgeon walked in decked out like that? But surely as night follows day, along comes Virgin Airlines “celebrating the trans/gender cult and "individuality.” And I won’t be surprised when the Mayo or Boston Children’s Hellannounce celebrating the “individuality” of their surgical staff. Daily Wire show host Matt Walsh commented on the dangers of allowing the Trans cult of narcissism in places like passenger airplanes: ✓ “To be an adult in a civilized society means controlling your impulses and conforming yourself to certain standards of conduct. As you go about your day, you find yourself in all kinds of roles – as employee, as customer, as parent, as neighbor, as spouse. Some of these are situational, some endure and maintain throughout your entire life, but each role is accompanied by expectations and responsibilities. Things you are supposed to do and not do, say and not say, whether you like it or not. So you bring yourself into the role in a physical and literal sense, but there may be aspects of your personality, inclinations, preferences or predilections you have that are not appropriate and should not be expressed or engaged in given the role or the circumstance. Support TReVoices SCREAMING Louder Donate Today If you walk through life declaring that you are going to be yourself everywhere, all the time, meaning that you’ll simply do what you want, not respecting any standards or acknowledging any expectations, then everything in your life quickly breaks down, and you begin to fail in every role and thus in life itself. Shop Today Nowhere could this be more obvious than in the context of air travel. Because a metal tube 35,000 ft in the air hurtling along at 600 miles an hour isn’t the place for anyone to be their “true self” or express themselves individually. Nobody. I don’t want anyone on the plane doing that, given the stakes and consequences if things go wrong, and given that we are all stuck in close proximity to each other, and none of us can escape the situation. An airplane is a place for decorum and professionalism. I want very little personal expression from the person sitting next to me, even less do I want it from the pilot. None of us are on the plane so we can get to know the captain on an intimate and personal level. None of us are interested in his “true self.” We don’t want the pilot to express his true self. We w ant him to express the plane from point A to point B and that's it. We simply want to arrive at our destination; we want the flight crew to get us there as quickly and as safely as possible and with as little drama as possible. Flamboyant individualism has never kept a plane in the sky. Engineering and physics keep the plane in the sky along with the expertise and professionalism of the people in the cockpit.”

  • Older Trans "Young girls? LOVE your vagina; it won't kill you, but trans bottom surgery might!"

    Intro: by, Scott Newgent I had a woman reach out to me the other day about a transman she had started dating that told her she was scheduled to have bottom Surgery in a week. I sent her to my blog to read this article, which was somehow unpublished. So here is the republish! I wrote this over four years ago, and many things have changed. As I read this, it's fascinating to see my sentiments and thoughts transform. The ongoing issues and difficulties from this Surgery would change the tone. But I did not change it; I kept it the same. But the rewrite would be very different telling these young girls to LOVE their vagina; it won't kill you, but trans bottom Surgery might! In fact, that's the new title! "The Wild, Wild West of Surgery" 2019 Phalloplasty - Flagship Bottom FTM Surgery - Wild Wild West of Trans Surgeries by, Scott Newgent Deciding to get a Phalloplasty is a personal journey. The Surgery itself is a hot button in the transgender community, and I believe it will continue to be for quite some time. I'm not a doctor, just a patient, so these explanations, experiences, and opinions will be with my limited knowledge from a clinical perspective. Some incidents are mine, some I have read in medical malpractice cases, and others I listened to over coffee with friends. Excuse the vivid account, but I want to put the complexities and expectations into a realistic viewpoint; it would have benefited me when I started this journey. Let's start with a quick synopsis of the most popular FTM bottom surgeries and then finish with the, "Flagship," the Phalloplasty. Metoidioplasty: Release The Clitoris Like somehow, it's being held down by forces unknown to us; quite comical because medically, it just about covers how women have been treated since the beginning of time. Once the clitoris is released, the Surgeon wraps around the labia minora skin to create a little penis. A scrotoplasty can be designed to give an even more realistic atheistic, and a urethra lengthening can be added to give the patient the ability to pee while standing. Metoidioplasty was developed in the '70s and is a far less mysterious surgery than Phalloplasty. You get a realistic-looking little penis and can stand to pee. But, let's face it, penetration is most likely out of the question. With testosterone treatment, the trans man does grow a more extended and more enormous clitoris, but having one grow big enough to penetrate is a rumor that I have not been able to clear up. I have had a couple of FTM patients tell me they can penetrate, but I have always questioned that. Pros: Cheaper $5,000-$20,000 depending on what you choose to do, and if you add on a urethra lengthening and a scrotum, there is less downtime and fewer chances of complications. The Surgery is relatively short, 2-5 hours, depending on what doctor or website you read. Cons: Just one, penetration…NOPE. Centurion: The Centurion was invented and performed by Dr Peter Raphael in Dallas, Texas. I had my top Surgery and a couple of other things done by Dr Raphael. This guy is an artist. He has an impressive background; his father was a surgeon, and his mother a talented artist, and he twists that into one in Plastic Surgery. If you walk by his office, sometimes you can catch him sculpting implants, trying to figure out better ways to create the most realistic scrotum — great guy, sincere with helping people in the transgender community, careful and adept. Dr Raphel is a little more costly but worth the investment. This procedure can also add urethra lengthening, allowing the patient to pee and a scrotum. Pros: It's a Metoidioplasty on steroids, more prominent and more realistic. Cheaper than a Phalloplasty $8,000-$20,000 Cons: Again, sorry, guys, penetration is not an option. Ok, so now let us get to the "Flagship" of female-to-male bottom Surgery, the……drum roll, please. Phalloplasty. Researching this bad boy online will make you think you hit the jackpot. Realistic penis, penetration, and pee while standing an all-around winner-winner chicken dinner. But things are not always what they seem to be, especially with marketing experts and the capricious powers of the internet, creating smoke and mirrors. Phalloplasty: In the 1940s, Sir Harold Gilles was the first Surgeon to take skin from another part of the body to create a penis, but the first Surgeons to try and tackle this colossal Surgery didn't happen here in the USA until the 70s. With this Surgery, the Surgeon takes skin from two different sites on the body; one harvesting area is cut into more profound and full recovery to the skin's initial appearance is never regained. The Surgeon then creates a urethra lengthening procedure, takes the skin from the site where it is harvested, and moulds and stitches a penis. Once completed, the skin is re-attached and put back onto the body. Pros: Awwww, penetration, maybe? Cons: Wow. Well, first, the Surgery can take anywhere from 10-20 hours to complete process you can have anywhere from 2-22 operations, depending on complications, which are vast, numerous, and frequent. Since the skin cannot become erect, the actual penis is long and cumbersome. Recovery is brutal, not a "Hey boss; I need a couple of weeks off to have surgery." NOPE! This recovery is months, if not years, depending on the type of complications you have. This expensive Surgery costs $50,000 on the super-low end up to hundreds of thousands. If your insurance does cover this Surgery, make sure they will cover the additional operations to complete the Surgery and all the complications that may arise. Shop So, if you still want to get a Phalloplasty, the idea of penetration is just something you have to have. Sure, I get it, and that's why I did it too, as well as my ex-wife wanting the evasive "Penetration." I get it; the allurement is appealing, but the draw can change many things you need to be aware of in your life. This Surgery, guys, is no joke. But, when I first was looking into Phalloplasty, I obsessively searched the internet, and the plethora of information that popped up was like Disneyland for the FTM. Oh, my God, it's too good to be true. Cinderella married the FTM with a Huge Penis, and they lived happily ever after, enjoying penetration after penetration. As you open different sites, a handful of surgeons become the most relevant and look esteemed with awards, dual residencies, and success after success. If you dive deep into investigations, you can find fictitious accolades and awards that boast the potential Surgeon's competencies. If you base your decision to have a Phalloplasty on what is on the internet, you are making an ignorant decision with lots of moving parts. Imagine skipping down the yellow brick road like Dorthey from the Wizard of Oz. Do you recall who was behind the curtain? Do you? Now imagine deciding something as drastic as a Phalloplasty with a couple of clicks of a mouse. It's dangerous and downright insane. Be sure your Surgeon behind the curtain doesn't resemble the all-Powerful Oz from the wizard of Oz. If you research some of these doctors, you will find medical malpractice cases, but you must do your homework; more than merely checking doctors' state board licenses is required. Malpractice cases can be hidden by settling or leaving the state and starting a new one. If you investigate, you will find that the decision to get a Phalloplasty obliterated quite a few people's lives. The complication rate is enormous. Prior patients have been shattered physically and spiritually and left in financial ruin. Having a giant penis, you can use to penetrate with is not a fair trade for having to wear a colostomy bag for years or even the rest of your life, not in my estimation. Again, I'm not revealing anything about my experience; I read about this in a malpractice case. First, let us take the skin that needs to be removed to create the penis. You have three choices, the forearm, the thigh, and the upper back. To use the leg for harvesting, the patient needs to have a specific body-to-fat ratio for the procedure to work; this skin also must have a certain elasticity. Depending on the age and body fat of the patient, this might or might not be an option. The benefit to the thigh is that the harvesting sight on the leg can be covered; this part of your body will never look the same; you need to understand this. You will look like a burn victim; it's just where you will look like you got burned. The con is that it's not the best site for sensation, it's not the gravest, but you could or could not be able to orgasm. I'm not bullshitting you; this is your life. You need to understand this stuff. The second place for harvesting skin is from the upper back. Again, this area can be covered, but the sensation is less. You're, odds of orgasming go down even further. Who wants to go through all this pain, money, and suffering to have a penis that doesn't allow you to orgasm? The last area is the forearm, and the pros to this area are the sensation is great; the bad news is that your arm will never look or work the same. For some reason, this information is almost nonexistent when you search the internet. The Surgeons web sites quickly skim through this as if it's no big deal. You can google images, though, and these are realistic, look at these, don't ignore these, these pictures of what you will be putting your arm through. My Surgeon downplayed using the forearm site to the point I allowed myself to feel silly for being troubled about questioning whether or not I should use the forearm. As I look back, my Surgeon was the pivotal point in my decision to get the Phalloplasty. Sure, my wife wanted it, but if I knew what I know now, I would have never decided to have a Phalloplasty. My Surgeon had this arrogance and gave me such little time, it pushed me into the belief that I should believe him, and because of that, I did. It reminds me of a cult where the followers start to question things, but they look around, and everyone else is so obedient and faithful that they figure it's just them. Little do they know in the background the leader is shuffling people and rumors around, so they don't eventually meet up and figure out the leader is full of shit. The authenticity, for me, is that my arm will be handicapped for the rest of my life. It hurts to type on the computer, I can't play sports, and my hand remains swollen years after the Surgery, and it hurts all the time. Not the pulsing pain that ravages you, the "Damn, my hand hurts, and I have a hard time holding a fork to eat" type of pain. Pain that gives you a glimpse into what your body might feel like as a 100-year-old man, but just in your arm. It's depressing I can't lie. Another predicament is nerve damage; the Surgeon cuts so deep that nerve endings are exposed, and they may never close for the rest of your life. I must wear a brace because a scrape on my forearm skin sends me through the roof with shock. Another delicacy is that the skin I spoke about is not all that needs harvesting. Another area is used to gather more skin, usually the thigh, but it's less deep, so the scar is relatively unnoticeable. But talk about a road rash gone wild, hurts, hurts and hurts some more. The good news with this harvest sight is that the pain concedes in six weeks. Donor site information was leapt over and lessened by the Surgeon's and surgeons' websites when you have the consultations. I encourage you to google pictures of the parts of the body and how they harvest the skin. Look at those images with both eyes open. If you are speaking with a surgeon and they minimize skin harvesting, I would be worried because this is not a walk in the park and can leave you damaged in many ways if you make the wrong decision for yourself. Another predicament is nerve damage; the Surgeon cuts so deep that nerve endings are exposed, and they may never close for the rest of your life. I must wear a brace because a scrape on my forearm skin sends me through the roof with shock. Are you prepared for the daily and never-ending question you will get if you leave your arm exposed, "What happened to your arm question?" You can come up with your own response. But I like to say, "Oh, I used the skin to create a penis. It doesn't work right because I was born with a vagina. But my wife wanted me to be able to penetrate her and pee, standing up. She didn't want me to embarrass her if I was ever in a gym locker with any of her friends or family. One always has to look after their reputation. Don't you agree? Recovery from the harvest area on the forearm is years, and from my experience, you never get the full use of your arm again, so if you choose your arm to, be prepared to look like a burn victim and be ready to have a disabled forearm for life. So, you want to pee standing up? Who wouldn't? What a convenience to pee standing up; if I had the choice, I would pee standing up too. But think about this: going from a female urethra to a male urethra is tough. The urethra has to lengthen and run through the skin used to create a penis. Creating something in Surgery is much more complicated than cutting something off. When you make it, you create the opportunity for complications, and the Phalloplasty generates many different things at once in one Surgery. The Phalloplasty complication rate ranges between 39% - 95%. The complications vary depending on the desired penis and urethra length. My on-the-street poll for complication rates with Phalloplasty is 100%. 100% of the people I have talked to and read about have had complications. If you google surgeons with Phalloplasty in their wheelhouse, you will be pleasantly surprised by websites bolstering 100% success rates and limited explanations of complications and risks. Do not be fooled. My inquisition question would be to ask them, "at what cost?" If I told you, "Hey bud, ride your bike 10 miles to the next town, " the probability you will get hit by a car and maimed for life is between 39%-95%. Now, you may have up to a 95% chance of getting hit, but if you hang in there and endure having Surgery up to 22 times, we guarantee that 100% you will pee standing up. Are you ducking nuts, man? The most frequent complication of Phalloplasty urethra lengthening is Fistulas. Aw, fistulas, those little inconveniences, inconsiderate small holes that develop between where the vagina was and the new path up to the bottom of the penis. These tiny holes cause significant problems and pain; my God, the pain can be horrendous and cause severe infections and a detectable stench of urine that drains out of the holes throughout the day. Fistulas cause pain, swelling, incontinence, and the embarrassment of smelling like an infant or 100-year-old man that needs to have their diaper changed. The problem is the stench will be coming from you, and you will have to learn how to carry diapers so that you can change them several times a day. Take that as a confidence boost and an excellent intimacy motivator between you are your lovers. Sexual spontaneity will most likely be nonexistent. Good news, you might be able to pee standing up, but your fistula will dribble urine on the floor. Last fistulas have a high probability of not being successful in Surgery. If you do need additional operations, be prepared to continue the process several times to get the issue resolved. But, in the end, you may still have to remove the urethra lengthening and re-route it back to the same place you started. Peeing will again require that you sit down. Yup, that's right, peeing sitting down. I hope you can still reach orgasm because that would be a real bummer! Infection, hell yes! Imagine having your skin ripped and burned from your body and placed on tables where a doctor creates a male organ and re-attaches to your opened body carcass. The area where this exposed organ is being held together by stitches and gauze will be exposed to the outside elements for weeks and weeks. The wounds that need to heal are located inches from where you defecate. If you develop a fistula, urine will also meet the wound. Are you afraid of touching a bathroom doorknob? Hell, honey, hold your breath, be strong and if it gets to you to bad, break out the Xanax and don't think about it. Better yet, THINK ABOUT IT and the risks. For weeks you will have what is called a super pubic tube; this is a tube that comes out of the side of your body, travels inside you, and is inserted into the bladder to allow your Phalloplasty to heal. Some surgeons are ok with removing it after 4-6 weeks, and some won't remove it for months and months. It's uncomfortable but the least evasive part of the Surgery. Enjoy no middle-of-the-night bathroom breaks. Sepsis, ever heard of this medical delight? With the evasiveness of this Surgery, which is mildly covering the bases of the severity. I like to gauge the bench of a Phalloplasty as inhuman and grotesque. In any case, the odds of getting an infection are high. If you add a sepsis infection, it can knock a patient back light years in recovery. Sepsis feels like you went ten rounds with Mike Tyson in the day, and the spar ends with Bruce Lee jumping in the ring adding a roundhouse kick that catapults you back into the bed that is made up of steel nails. The least amount of movement feels like you are moving a house with your bare hands. Psychologically you feel defeated by having to change the channel on TV with a remote; it's bad guys. Sleeping is something you can forget about with irritable leg symptoms. You can look forward to the gaze of insomnia as it sets in, which leaves you feeling hopeless and lost. Surgeons? So, what's with the surgeons that get into this field? Let's think about that. What part of society do we represent to people other than our friends and family? What would that say to us if we thought about facts and not how we wished our culture was? As transgender people, we are often exposed to mockery, bigotry, loathing, and judgment and treated with the lowest form of virtue. How many times can you count when you have been out and overheard a joke about the transgender community, only to watch the wine glasses click together with hilarity and approval Until? Recently, we were the red-headed stepchild of the LGBT community. The last letter in the acronym of the least accepting society in the world. Even our kind, the LGBT community rejected us, derided us and only left a crack in the door for acceptance. It has only been since Jenner that we have been revered as even a species of the human race, and that was only 5 or 6 years ago. So, what surgeons go into this line of practice? Don't live in the fantasy Phalloplasty land. Let yourself be in denial about the kind of person you are married to, pick up the size 30 waist jeans and convincingly tell yourself these would fit you great. But not with Phalloplasty and not with the Surgeon you choose. The people in a part of society are considered less than is protected less. Why do you think serial killers with the longest careers target and kill indigents and prostitutes? Why? Because most people don't give a shit about them. I say most because there are good people in the world, but fewer than what you think. It's human nature to act like Puranas feasting on a wounded fish in the water. That is why racism will never leave our world; it will always be there. Face it guys we are low-hanging fruit to be mistreated; know that and understand you have to protect yourself because no one else will. That includes picking a competent Surgeon. You must ask yourself; Why would surgeons choose this type of Surgery to perform? A general Surgeon averages a $220,000 salary a year. A specialized Cardiologist almost doubles that at $512,000. A standard appendectomy in the USA costs $21,000. A Phalloplasty with a scrotum, urethra lengthening and pump averages $85,000-$200,000, and insurance covers it now. Think of the complicated revenues from Phalloplasty alone. It might even be worth it to skimp here or there in Surgery because who's going to care? It's just a transgender person, and the additional revenue could be a plus. You can figure out the reason why this field is selected. A surgeon that is not good at anything else can jump into this area of practice and make a fortune, be sought after, have articles written about them, and have a narcissistic personality fed like royalty. To perform this Surgery, you don't have to have any specialized education other than being a general surgeon. I can't find any medical guidelines or regulations or checks and balances. It's like the wild, wild west of Surgery. In my opinion and experience with going through this Surgery, I believe Phalloplasty surgery should be illegal until regulations and roads are in place to assure the surgeons administering the operations adhere to a strict set of guidelines. Since it is still legal, and there are incredible and genuine surgeons like Dr Marci Bowers <----(I would not send a sick squirl to Dr Bowers Now 2023) and Dr Peter Rapheal, (still trust Dr Rapheal 2023) you need to ask your possible surgeons questions. If your potential Surgeon is arrogant, doesn't allow you to see additional pictures of past patients, or denies a request to speak to a previous patient, move on to another that will. Ask questions like, "How many medical malpractice cases have you filed against you," not ones you have paid off, so they are not on your record. How many have been filed? Check the medical boards on your potential Surgeons license and review the superior courts where your doctor is practicing. Look up medical malpractice cases on the Surgeon you are working with; read them. Ask your potential Surgeon if they are creating the male organ themselves or if they pay another surgeon to do it. In business, subcontracting and the responsibility for issues that arise tend to be ping-ponged back and forth between the Surgeons. Who will be in the room during the operation, and who are the Doctors? Ask if a specialized arm Surgeon will be doing the work needed to harvest the skin. How much medical malpractice insurance do you have? Do you know that surgeons don't have to carry medical malpractice insurance? Crazy huh? In the end, if you do choose a Phalloplasty, be smart about it; you are worth it, at least I think you are. A person who endures the most life obstacles can offer society the most. Being different affords tremendous barriers, and you have a lot to show the world. You are worth a great surgeon; you are worth a great life; you are worth all your hopes and dreams. Unfortunately, most of our society will not feel the same way; it's just the facts. Protect yourself, love yourself, and count on yourself because, in the end, it's all you have. Scott Newgent Support My Work - Donate

  • Hit Forward If It Hits Your Soul! *Banned * Banned * Banned Again!

    I have been SCREAMING as a transman for four years to STOP medically transitioning children. Within that time, I have been banned on Twitter five times, had forty-two Facebook suspends, and YouTube Video Channel Bans...I can go on and on. Whenever I get banned, I lose all my followers and have to start a new one. Each time it gets harder and harder to gain followers, to get to people who need to know the truth about childhood medical transition. Thirty-two days after the documentary by Matt Walsh that I was interviewed in, 'What is a woman?' My Twitter blew up once again the fourth time, BANNED! No reason was given! This speech in LA was sliced into a TIK TOK video by a recent college graduate majoring in marketing. She started a TIK TIK with my name and posted videos. Instantly my name got warnings, silly stuff. A week before my speech in Nashville with Matt Walsh, my media manager had uploaded 30 seconds of this speech, and it had over two million views in six days and over twenty thousand followers in less than a week. After my speech in Nashville, the TIKTOK account clicked in thousands of followers a minute. .....32 minutes after my speech in Nashville? TIKTOK BANNED Support Scott's Work - Donate #ScottNewgent #TransScottNewgent #TransmanScottNewgent #KellieKing #Whatisawoman #SCREAMLouder #SCREAMLouderspeech #NashvilleScottNewgent #MattWalsh #Whatisawoman #transingkids #STOPTransingkids

  • Documentary halting ALL Med-Transing Kids in SW Translated/NOT available to US Parents SCREAM Louder

    This documentary has been banned in several countries, and the US has limited access. The video uploaded is the original with English translations. Download it and keep it. I do not doubt that I will be forced to take it down. I say as often as I can that "We are witnessing the biggest medical scandal in modern history", for a reason. I believe it! Big thank you to Iris El for translating and updating worldwide news regarding the medicalization of gender-confused kids for the profit of pharma. Recently I saw myself in a differential diagnosis project that an American medical student shared on Twitter: “A mother brings her 15 year old daughter to the doctor. She is worried that her daughter is not developing normally. The 'patient' plays football, dresses in traditional boy's clothes and refuses to wear dresses. The daughter's teacher says the girl wants to use male pronouns at school. Her periods are regular, and she is otherwise healthy. The physical examination is unremarkable. What is the next step in this patient's treatment?” The poor medical student chose "refer to a psychologist/psychiatrist." But that was "wrong." The "correct" answer was to "affirm" the girl and refer mother and daughter to various alphabet-mafia organizations. I was younger than this "patient," maybe 10 or 11 years old, when I wanted to be "George," because I was a big fan of Enid Blyton's Five Books, and I wanted to be like one of the protagonists. It never occurred to me or my parents that I was “queer” or gay. In my childhood neither schools nor parents believed that children's imaginations were reality, and my parents – if they even noticed my “George” period – did...nothing. Fortunately. Today I could have ended up like "Leo", the 15-year-old featured in the Swedish National Television documentary “Trans Kids” (Swedish National TV report: Transbarnen: Tvärvändningen – With English subtitles). The film begins with the frightful news that Leo's parents have received regarding their youngest child, who has been complaining of constant body pain for months and has difficulty standing and walking. Support TReVoices Work - Donate Today Leo was eleven years old when she told her parents she wanted to be a boy. They took her to the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, where they were informed that "the sooner Leo starts puberty suppressing drugs, the better," despite the fact that no reliable research supported the “medical treatments” that Leo [and many other children] would receive at Karolinska. The few studies available were, in fact, of “extremely low…poor quality.”* Leo has now been on puberty blockers for four years and her health is getting worse. “He was better for a while [after treatment began], but then his mental health deteriorated… He tried to take his own life several times...and he wasn't very old." Leo's family has received no information about the safety record or possible harm of anti-puberty drugs and hormones. "We couldn't understand why, we thought he would get better. Everyone said what brave parents we were...We thought we were doing the right thing." Leo complains of pain daily, and her parents take her to Karolinska. Leo is now 15 years old and has been on puberty blockers and hormones for four years. Leo has difficulty standing and moving and complains of pain in shoulders, back and hips. Examination and tests reveal that Leo has osteoporosis and spinal vertebral damage and fractures, caused by the puberty blockers and hormones that prevent normal metabolism and absorption of minerals necessary for healthy skeletal growth and strength. Leo is also much shorter than her peers and will not grow more.  Leo’s mother Natalie: A healthy skeleton has been destroyed by this medicine…"We trusted the doctors.” "We really don't know how long it's safe to give these drugs [puberty blockers and hormones] but two years is maybe defensible,” one of Karolinska experts is quoted in the film. Puberty blockers and hormones actually have "serious side effects", and on May 1, 2021, The Karolinska Hospital bans all such treatments in minor children and reports itself to the Swedish Health Authorities for an investigation of the serious injury that children have suffered at its Transgender Youth Clinic. SHOP Today SHOP Today - Shirts Starting @ $18 In February 2022, The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare announces that prescription of puberty blockers and other hormonal treatment to trans persons under the age of 18 will no longer be allowed in Sweden. The significance of undergoing "medical" treatments based on "very low…poor quality" data and research is rarely discussed with patients and families. The rating "very low quality" means that the “negative effects of the treatment are quite certain.” For example, anti-puberty drugs and hormone treatments cause infertility, osteoporosis, increased risk of heart disease and risk of brain damage. Breast and genital removal are, of course, permanent. Other health risks are uncertain, but "the results of studies on the consequences of these treatments are alarming."** 24 year old woman post sex transition surgery. Her breasts have been removed, and a “neophallus” has been sewed onto the supra-pubic area. r/Transgender_Surgeries Phalloplasty techniques: Forearm skin and flesh is harvested to construct a “neophallus” to be sewed on the patient’s suprapubic area. We, who oppose the Trans ideology are often asked why we bother – and dare – to fight this religion. The answer is obvious. We are the mothers and parents of the Trans generation that the Trans cult wants to poison, castrate, and mutilate. If we do not fight for our children, truth and reality, no one else will. Our children, however they want to "identify" themselves, are perfect. We don't give them TransHeroin, even if they say all the other kids get it. It doesn't matter if the drug dealers are ministers, members of Parliament, doctors, or Trans activists. And we don't much care if our children call us "transphobes”, haters and every bad name in the book. "That’s nice dear. Now go study." Scott Newgent One of my best friends, Scott Newgent, was 42 when he underwent sex reassignment surgery. He has been disabled ever since and has dedicated his life to fighting against youth sex transitions. Scott, who has three children, says "no" is one of the most important and under-utilized words in the parenting vocabulary. “You are not your child’s friend,” Scott says. “Your job is not to shield your kids from ‘feeling bad’. It is to protect your children from the consequences of their own worst impulses. And it’s a job at which we’re failing miserably.” Iris EL *[“Evidence for puberty blocking and cross-sex hormones is of ‘very low quality’ and ‘very low certainty’, which signals that the benefits of these interventions is highly unreliable. In contrast, several negative effects are quite certain.” NHS, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence, 2020”]. *“Reconsidering Informed Consent for Trans-Identified Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults” Stephen B. Levine, E. Abbruzzese & Julia W. Mason Pages 706-727 | Published online: 17 Mar 2022

  • Martin Luther King, Martina Navratilova & a Huge Unhealthy/Unathletic Loudmouth Man

    Today is an important day to celebrate and reflect, 'Martin Luther King Day.' The introspection of Martin Luther King, what he accomplished, believed in, and fought for, sits differently in my heart than ever in my 50 years. My mood is not my usual "SCREAM Louder,' but rather beaten down as I try to decipher why my emotions and contemplations are a cause for not wanting to celebrate anything today, but instead fighting the emotions needed to throw my hands up and say, "forget this." Of course, I won't. Stopping the medicalization of gender-confused children is not an option; there is no grey area, and I will fight until all children are safe. But the emotions caused me to turn inward on why they are not in line with the day as they should be. The impact Dr King had on activism and how we sit with differences today without a turn of the back or the slight of a fist, but rather to talk together for all to have an equal voice and power regardless of the message, a non-violent presentation of a message was a different message at the time. It took someone like Dr King to deliver it to help society understand the blind spot created by hate, violence and only listening to one side of any argument can render. "A Riot Is the Language of the Unheard." -Martin Luther King Social media has changed the way we communicate entirely. Suppose you analyze the changes in the last ten years. In that case, it starts to make sense why we are here right now, butchering children, why the ignorant of society cheers, not just cheers but visceral contempt for others who understand what the clueless are uneducated upon? A vision of Martina Navratilova, the best female tennis player to ever live, came to mind as I wrote that sentence. I imagined a portly unathletic, never picked up a tennis racket in his life, a sloth of a man arguing with Martina on how to dominate as a net player in tennis. Martina listening in complete shock as the man's passion and belief emanated from every word and inflexion, rendering her speechless. This man believed in his soul that he knew how to be a better net player than Martina, and a thought came to my mind as I focused in on this vision. "Where do you go from there, Martina? Where do you go from there?" I have been banned from all social media platforms over and over again. Each ban requires a start over, losing hundreds of thousands of followers and the golden cup of what MOST are after in today's new world of activism and social media. The golden crown of becoming monetized. Opinioned people are being paid to tell everyone what they think. Heaven on earth for opinioned people, right? We are adaptive animals, and if someone has an end goal of becoming monetized, they learn quickly to refrain from saying certain things that will lose their social media accounts and the followers that go with it. On the other side, they learn what to say that gains the followers they seek, tailoring thoughts and opinions for the all-mighty dollar and not the benefit of society. No longer is activism filled with righteous people with genuine hearts, speaking from the soul about things they believe in or would die for; a fire from within for activism is today a rarity. Without being aware, we have been driven to an entirely different way; we consume information, process thoughts and how we deliver opinions on the trials and tribulations of today's world. This new information exchange system has another golden ticket to making even more money by giving people who pay enough the power to cancel information or people they desire. We are in a dangerous place as a society, with media cancelling people and social media manipulating things so dangerously that it leaves gigantic blind spots, information deleted and needed information for people to understand what decisions they need to make for the well-being of their children. This alone should terrify you, all of us. We are butchering an entire generation of gender-confused children under the guise of love. If that's not a clue of a blind spot, I don't know what is. You cannot, on any level, have a conversation with something which understands the significance of medical transition and the carnage it is rendering and have any person with an IQ of 70 and above walk away still believing medically transition children is about love. I do not have any answers to my questions, and I am mortified that so many times in my life, I did not do the right things, the hard things opting for the easy way out. But not today, and with this message. Social media? Keep banning me, but I will not change what I am saying or how I am saying it because parents need to know the truth, and some things do NOT overshadow money or fame; some things rise above and for me, children do just that. -Scott/Kellie Newgent Support Scott's Work - Donate Keep SCREAMING

  • Four years, one month and fourteen days ago. That's not that long, right?

    In four years, I have received thousands of emails from concerned parents from every corner of the world. One thing that rings the clearest is that all our differences are thrown aside if we have a child in trouble. Social media has carved a vast invisible moat around segments of society telling us, "Don't talk to them; they are against you", and we do as we are told, keeping the lines, not ruffling any feathers. Feminists? You stay here with other feminists. Evangelicals? You stay there with all the other evangelicals. Liberals? You stay here with all the other liberals. Repeat and continue for all segments and communities worldwide. Think about the reality that today, on social media, you interacted with people worldwide; with a keystroke, your voice or the mouthpiece of another halfway around the world converged, linked instantly. What used to take months of travel is a millisecond; instant access has come rapidly. This transformation in our society has come so quickly and fiercely that it's left us incompetent in comprehending how existing within this merger has left us more disconnected than ever. The newfound linkage of social media has left us so severed that currently, right now? Right now, we need help deciphering what is true and what is false. The lens of social media has distorted reality. Mix in the ability to cancel voices against profit, against a business agenda, and viola; welcome to 2023. As a transman who has gone through a medical transition in its entirety, top to bottom and by all means, allow the picture to maneuver through your racing marbles, a mush pot of an over-indulged stimulated brain resulting in the incapability of strategic thought, a modern brain, the by-product of current times, compliments of social media. Because? Because the top to bottom explanation of the totality of medical transition and the road I have travelled is an archaic reality of truth. Sometimes old thought approaches are the sturdiest. With that stated, you would assume that any concerns or elations of rapture I share would be taken equally as a delivery of the truth, of the wisdom of experiences, right? You would be wrong with this assumption. Four years and one month ago, I charged onto the transgender activism stage, uneducated to all the nuances of politics, ignorant of every element of any strategic pearls needed to achieve success within the fishbowl of what social media has created. I never voted, never watched the news, and never bothered to understand what I jumped in with my whole body and soul. I was ignorant at a monumental level, uneducated with even the tiny bits of 'how to succeed for dummy's' that are delivered to society, ensuring the public doesn't choke on intricate thought tracks were never supplied to me because I didn't care. As one who suffers from what some people consider an aptitude but suffers from the ailment called 'tunnel vision', I could not and cannot to this day multitask with obsession. One obsession at a time, my friend, one obsession at a time is all I am capable of, and my addiction in adulthood has always been the next big business sale, the strategic forethought on landing the next major deal. The razor fixation I was blessed with has also been a curse to failure trying to achieve a 'balanced life' we all seem to chase. Symmetry, for me, is an unrecognizable sensation only afforded with a relentless pounding of an ignorant person unaware of their surroundings, and that has never been me. Shop - Support TReVoices For twenty-five years, I jumped from one sales accomplishment to another, never resting, never absorbing my achievements, being obligated to attend sales awards, receiving calls from vice presidents of major corporations instructing me that "Kellie, you will attend this year's awards ceremony, it's disrespectful, and you will be present this year." Pacing within my mind, obsessing about what strategic strategy would be victorious with whatever deal I was trying to close even as I attended President Obama's inauguration, irritated that I had to go. The first African American inauguration unmoved my unwavering mind. Even this monumental historical occasion had no bearing on me until the African American man who looked to be in his eighties in the chair to my right burst into tears as Barack Obama placed his hand on the bible. In what seemed to be slow motion, I realized this older man was releasing something profound, a life of struggle, released with victory; finally, a breath was taken, and it engulfed this man. Instantly, his sobbing was contagious; the pain of the success he had achieved climaxed on that day. The raw reality of this man who beamed with triumph, wore a $100,000 watch, a man you knew as soon as your eyes met? This man was strong, prosperous, and someone you could count upon. When this man's emotions of a life glutted with swimming upriver, the inequity of being different from all the people who tried to break him but were unsuccessful, a man you knew never wavered, was a pillar of solidity that started in the core of who he was. Only at these times did my mind rest when someone raw and honest needed me; it was only at these times I became present. On that day? Barack Obama was this man in his younger days; the resemblance was too much for this older man to my right to hold in; his body went limp, his shoulders rising and falling in rhythmic timing, mirroring his sobs and his desperate gasps of air as if he was reaching for oxygen with his moans, unable to hold his head up as his exhaustion from life, the battle for every achievement met a point of no return. I understood this, and without saying a word, I cupped this man's head in my arms and pulled him to my shoulder, comforting a man I had no doubt was exceptional. Never a word spoken but understanding that he needed me in the most valid human form, the human condition most recoil from, is a place of strange solace for me. These moments were the only times I have ever been able to be present. I think of this man often, and even a decade later, I wonder where his life has carried him; is he still alive? Wishing I had said something to him bonded beyond the material comfort I gave him. Few people can extract me away, forcing me to become present, but this man did it with a powerhouse of conviction so successfully that he rests within my mind today and constantly. So, what is behind all this examination and gooey observations wrapped in emotional reflection? Why the sediment? You will giggle; I know you will when you discover what flared this essay. Four years, one month, and fourteen days ago, I started SCREAMING to STOP childhood medical transition. Today I had a moment like the one the man had in my arms at President Obama's inauguration many years ago. Today, I sat back, wept and then laughed, unable to stop; the emotions, tears and laughter combined in a celebration erupted in one massive ball of unrecognizable emotion, leaving my daughter perplexed if I needed a hug, high five or wanted her to join in the insanity of my laughter mixed in with painful tears. We settled on laughter, although she didn't know why and it seems so stupid to admit, but today? Today I opened my email and..... Well, let's recap first: Kicked off twitter four times < Lost in total over 321,000 followers, but who's counting? Currently 3600 followers 314,000 lost Facebook banned 42 times. YouTube banned kicked off 3 times lost who knows how many followers TIKTOK Banned four times < Lost 63,000 followers. Countless shadow bans Listen, I don't have the energy to list all of it, way more than just what's above, death threats, videos making fun of me, calling me every name in the book, attacks by feminists, evangelicals, trans, liberals, conservatives, republican, democrat but never giving in knowing that the solution to all of this is joining hands together. Falling short so many times, allowing my enviousness of others with what I could not achieve and seeing others do, not honoring but hating, catching myself realigning, blaming others for their business acumen within activism and my ignorance and not understanding my failure has led to my success with reaching across the line as I have always said is critical to stopping this travesty—losing sight of the why just being an a&*hole from time to time, allowing my hurt-to-hurt others to forget and then remembering. But failing again and again, having to align five minutes after an epiphany, then losing sight again, again and again, that this is about saving gender-confused children, 'Not you, Kellie," embarrassed of the conversation needed to realign me. This has been a roller coaster and the hardest thing I have ever done. But today, I received an email from Facebook, I am officially monetized; last month, I made .26 cents. Yup, this entire essay because I made .26 cents, and I am so f&^%king proud of myself, as well as disgusted it took me this long to learn all of this, ignorance is not a good feeling. But through all I have remained steadfast with one thing always SCREAMING Louder 'STOP Transing Kids!' -Scott Newgent Email Support My Work - Donate

  • Dear Scott Newgent, How do I put the TRANS Genie Back in the Bottle? HELP ME!

    Below is an email and my response to a Mom. I get many of these and thought it would be a good idea to start a "Dear Scott." I hope it helps -Scott Support Scott's Work - Donate I hope this email finds you well. Hello Scott, I'm a married 53 old cis mom of three living in CT. I am a typical Gen X mom, juggling protecting my children and doing more than I should but praying they will grow up to flourish and be happy, healthy kind adults. About a year ago, I was a 'girl mom' and treasured every minute of it. My oldest she/her is 24 and just received a Master's in Criminal Justice with plans of a career in the FBI. My 2nd she/she is a Sophomore at Smith College in MA, majoring in Government, and plans to become a lawyer. My baby, oh my baby, is a Junior in high school and has always been my reserved observer. A sensitive introvert is what we used to call it. Sara was always shy but had friends and participated in life. She has always been my hip baby, always at my side, and my little buddy; our bond has always been special. Sara loved playing outside, coloring and playing DS with her sisters. Sara loved Polly Pockets and her kitchen set and would ONLY want to be pretty like a princess for Halloween. Sara loved drawing and anything artsy. We moved 20 minutes north in the summer before she began 4th grade. The girls were getting bigger, and we needed more room and a couple of bathrooms, as you can imagine. New friends were made in elementary school, and they moved to middle school together. Sara played soccer, basketball and ran XC in middle school. Sara started cheerleading in 6th grade, and in 7th & 8th grade, she achieved a spot on a competitive team. Sara would get upset because she had to cut her nails short for cheer and loved them long, dotted and groomed to perfection. The older sisters bit theirs, and Sara would heckle them because hers grew so nicely. It was looking as if middle school was going to be an experience for the memory book; things were looking up for her, for all of us. Middle school afforded Sara many choices for extracurricular activities, and Sara was soaking it all up, growing into a young lady, finding her way and flourishing. Sara even had a sleepover where she and her friends dressed in prom dresses worn by her older sisters in prior years. Sara started to show interest in wearing make-up and changed out her earrings regularly. March 23, 2020, at fifteen, was her last day of 8th grade; middle school ended early due to covid robbing so many children of the special times we were all afforded. Kids were sent home, and Sara was never to return to middle school, a time in her childhood when she was thriving. Shop TReVoices Being home all day was boring for Sara, as it was for most children. My oldest graduated with her bachelors in 2020, but there was no graduation ceremony; another monumental occasion, a coming of age, once again robbed. My oldest, Lisa, was forced to move back home after her internship was cancelled due to covid. My middle daughter Heidi graduated high school in 2020 and had no prom, senior sunset, senior picnic or field trip. These milestones in life were taken from so many children, leaving them lost, confused with their achievements, just floating, not knowing what was next. It was a stressful time for our family and others. Covid was something that forced all my children back to the nest, and inside I saw it as a true gift. All my babies were home. Regretfully, we all got on TikTok as a family, filling the days of boredom and releasing the doom of feeling like caged animals. TikTok created another special bond as we giggled, sending the best ones back and forth to each other, amused by dogs and cats and running ducks. We were impressed by people's creativity and talent in painting, dancing, make-up skills and home improvement. It was silly, fun and my kids learned all sorts of things, dances, anything they could think of, right there at their fingertips. In the fall of 2020, Sara started her freshman year of high school, still remote, but her high school began allowing sports to resume with masks and distance rules. I was elated and thought Sara would be, too, so you can only imagine how surprised I was when Sara quit cheerleading. I held onto hope; because she did not cease all activities; she lettered in varsity XC and Track. Sara requested that we take 6 inches off her lengthy hair, leaving it still below the shoulders but able to be pulled back into a ponytail for running. Sara was still dressing like a girl but was going through what she called a 'pastel goth' stage. Pastel goth looked beautiful on her, and I loved her look! On March 16, 2021, she turned 16 and got a birthday haircut. A very short pixie. Sara pulled it off; it fit her. The pixie complemented her tiny facial features. Sara cleaned her closet over the summer and got rid of all her skirts, dresses, tights and "pretty" things. Sara threw out a ton of jewelry and shoved all the girly heels and boots to the back of the closet. On one of our shopping days for school clothes, we found ourselves in the men's department. Yep, short hair, men's clothes. I'm not a fool; I knew what was coming. How did I know? I saw plenty of TikTok videos about gender ideology; harmless, I thought. 'My Sara being transgender?' It never crossed my mind Sara enjoyed being a girl. Sara had a friend, formerly Tina, now Tony, who was transitioning, but again, I bought into it as maybe it was something good for her friend to do, but my child? It never crossed my mind, never a warning. Then a second friend, Mary, had several name changes settling on Mark. We started to joke and laugh about all her besties turning into boys. Then another friend began transitioning; three of her best friends were all transgender? Heidi, Sara's older sister's middle child, went through something similar, and it was harmless; she cut her hair, loved Spider-man and wanted to be a dinosaur for Halloween. Heidi had a backpack from the boy's section and a superhero lunchbox. She was a tomboy, at least that's what we used to call it. It was endearing, and we were okay with it. There were no labels or forced conversations. She is now the most feminine cis woman I know and grew out of it in less than a year. It's not hard to guess what happened next. My Sara came out transgender. Scott, I wish I had found you sooner. Unfortunately, I found you too late. If I had found you before all of this, I would never have started using the new name had I known better. Sara recently got her license and HATES it's devastating to Sara to see her 'dead name.' She has a job and HATES the paycheck being in the deadname too. Recently Sara emailed the principal at school and now goes by Tobias, and he/him the school is complying. At home, it's been hard. I miss my little girl so much. I worry about the future. I fear someone will attack my child for existing—my sweet shy child who wouldn't hurt a flea. I feel like it's too late now. How do I put the genie back in the bottle? How do I turn it around? What can I do? Tobias wants hormones which we declined BUT we are running out of time. Her 18th birthday is right around the corner, and then we have one year to 18. I'm terrified. Sara is in therapy and has been for a year now. The first therapist told Sara privately how to access hormones, so I fired him and started with another therapist. This one challenges him rather than just affirming. My husband and I don't see it. Our child loves Taylor Swift and Hello Kitty and collects Miku statues. If you walk into the bedroom, it screams girl. I know "things" can't be gendered. But the idea that my child has 4 other friends who are trans is questionable. Statistically, it doesn't make sense. Five girls identified as boys in the same state, in the same school, in the exact grade, and in the same friend group. I've spent a year mourning my daughter. I, too, am in therapy. I wish I had found you sooner. I hope it's a phase. I love my child, and I would never turn her/him/them away. I'm just so scared of what lies ahead. I have a year to try and get my daughter back before sending her off to college. What should I do? Can you help me? How do I go back without alienating my child, so I have already affirmed the name and pronouns? Thank you, and I apologize if this was longer than necessary or contradictory in any way. I appreciate what you do and am grateful for sharing your life with us. Thank you again Nancy, Hi Nancy, You are one of the many moms I get emails from that all sound like the same story regurgitated with the same emotional energy, fright and feeling of being at a total loss. So first, let me tell you that you are not alone. How do you put the genie back in the bottle? That's a tuff one. You can't stop this with your own words; you have to make Sara find the words of concern for herself; the concern needs to come from Sara discovered by Sara. Yes, the first misstep was calling your child opposite gender pronouns; this misstep is done by most parents who believe it's harmless. But today, this little give-in is generating a factory of girls lining up to transition medically, believing that all the oddities they have will be fixed with a snap of the hormone bottles lid and the clash of the surgeon's scalpel hitting on the metal table, butchering children daily, just like your Sara. First, we must remember that our brains are like a computer; we only believe what we tell and feed it. The constant male's name solidifies that this phase will stick longer and cause more damage than it did for the millions of girls before your Sara that have gone through this phase that are now living as healthy women, appreciating who and what they are. But what's done is done. Let's move on. At this point, Nancy? You cannot talk Sara out of anything; you have lost that power; you gave it away as most parents do with the misinformation everywhere you look on the internet, silencing the truth. Strange time we are in. I suggest this, and every parent who has done this has succeeded in waking up their daughter. Remember I said Sara must find the words and discover the truth? Do this! Sit Sara down with you and your husband and tell the truth. The truth is that 'Sara, some people find comfort with medical transition (not very many, but it enhances some people's lives, but is not lifesaving), and you could be that one, but with that said, I have some reservations, me and your dad. "Sara, this is a substantial medical process, and I can't in good conscience be a cheerleader for something this drastic if all I hear are the beautiful things that will happen when you start medical transition. Please do your work first, be diligent. We will meet every Sunday for six months, and I want you to research one good and one bad thing about medical transition. Sara, if you cannot find anything negative, it signifies that maturity is not on your side; every decision has good and bad, and no decision is all good or all bad. The Ben Franklin of choices we have, my dear!" You are setting her up to find the negative, and it's out there, and once she sees it, the fairy tale will be less powerful, and she is finding the truth; you are telling her the bad will get you to know where. When you don't fit, and the medical industry tells you can? It's a powerful force that places huge blinders on. Remove Sara's enormous blinders by doing this because if you tell her anything negative? It will backfire. Let her tell you the negative and ask probing questions, lead her but do not take her there; you can't. Last? Bribe her to wait, a car, college, and keep the Sundays going as long as you can, but in the end, if Sara does this work and comes to the other side still wanting to transition medically? Tell her and mean it that if she does the work, you will sew the damn cheerleading outfits yourself for you and her dad and shoot glitter into the doctor's office at 18, 25; bribe as long as you can, keep the Sundays going. The worst thing you can do is tell her what she needs to discover. This is strategic parenting, and it works. Reach out any time, Scott

  • Dear Scott, Fighting the Trans Machine When You Have Gender Dysphoria. From a Dear Nancy!

    I received this email, and it struck me for many reasons. Still, my most prominent emotion was disgust at our medical/mental health industry. Nancy is not allowed to try and work out her gender dysphoria, just straight to transition. Nancy was more mentally capable of pushing back than I was at 42 as a ball-busting business sales executive. After you read this, I believe you will understand why I say: CALM. Rational. Debate. It is not working; we have to SCREAM Louder 60's style and take it to the streets for Nancy and all the Nuisance of the world; she deserves it, and so do the other Nancys of the world. This girl? At least she has enough of a base for the reality that she can fend off all the mental health and medical experts salivating to tick another trans box Support Scott's Work Dear Scott, My name is Nancy, but some know me as Roman (it's my double life)….A few years back, I was tortured by my gender dysphoria (it continues to this day) and had more than ever considered transitioning to appear as male. From the start, I saw many red flags that naturally left me asking more questions. Before I knew it, I started to see all the things you speak about. My story is long and complicated, as most of ours are…. Lately, it's made me angry. Angry because I was so suicidal (and at times still am) because I couldn't find any therapist willing to help me unpack this dysphoria. To ensure it was real or that there was a solution that I could feel safe with. Dont get me wrong, I wanted to transition, but I had a nagging feeling that it was so potentially irreversible in so many ways, and what if it wasn't the solution? They forced it down my throat so quickly that I felt an overwhelming pressure to transition. What if I were wrong? To this day, my dysphoria tells me that the idea of transition appears shiny on the outside. I have many trans friends who are miserable in many ways, and worse, they suffer deeply from depression. I haven't seen a significant change in them since they transitioned, which always stuck with me. Now I do have one trans man friend who it seems transitioning so far has worked for him, but then again, I hardly talk to him and see only what he posts every so often on Facebook. So I'm just assuming it worked for him. Anyway, I digress. My dysphoria was getting so bad that I've come very close to killing myself on multiple occasions and already suffered an attempt in my early 20's when I wound up in the intensive care unit from swallowing 40 Ativan and drinking a 40oz of Miller High Life. I'm lucky I called my mom before I passed out on the couch in my apartment. I can only suppose I called her to hear her voice one last time before, inevitably, my heart would stop, and I would take the last sleep. She knew something wasn't right when I nodded out of conscientious while on the phone with her. The phone dropped out of my hands, and I was out cold, lying on the couch downstairs in my apartment. The problem was that I was in Idaho then, and she was in California, helpless to help me. The cops ended up doing a welfare check, and my roommate, a CNA, had the intuition to check the pill bottle I had in my pants pocket and realized that the script I had just filled the day before was empty. I was rushed to the ER and woke up in the ICU to the sound of my father's voice asking the nurse if she knew when I might wake up, to which she replied that she was unsure. My point is I get angry sometimes when trans people say they want to die because society doesn't accept them, but that's just never been my truth, n fact, society is so focused on "helping" me (transition) that I find people tip-toeing around how they speak to me because of fear I will cancel them or call them a bigot. So, society accepts me; this problem is much more profound. And I can't find help with that. In California, they passed a law that therapists couldn't disagree with someone's self-identification, thus making every mental health professional too scared to lose their license to help me without forcing the only "cure" which they claim is transitioning. One therapist even told me that I'm perfect just the way I am, to which I replied, "if this is what it feels like to be perfect, then kill me now." How can I learn more about the dangers of transitioning? Or why these doctors and medical professionals are so aggressive in getting me to transition so quickly without discussing what I'm experiencing? I want to help, and I want to be helped. I've been so scared to share my experience for fear of being outcasted in the trans community and among all my "woke" friends…. How can I get involved? I've felt so very alone in this fight. And then I saw you, and I knew I wasn't alone. I'm sorry for writing to you and the entire book. I've never been able to express this much of my story fully and safely. You can call me by the name my parents gave me; my name is Nancy. I hope this message finds you well. Thank you for telling the truth and being brave enough to provide a voice for the part of the trans community that virtually has none. To put a face to the name, this is me; I'm 32 years old. Even now, I'm nervous about sending this letter. Here goes nothin <----To which I say Nancy, here goes EVERYTHING Sincerely, Nancy Nancy, sweet sweet Nancy? You look like an adorable woman who struggles Let me let you in on a secret. You are normal. Your raw account of.your life and experiences tells me you are a brilliant communicator articulating what most cannot verbally let alone with the written word. Call me anytime 469-410-4316 Question. May I post this on my blog.with making it 100% annomous? This letter? This letter is brilliant and could save people. Last, how can I help you? Scott, I appreciate how quickly you responded to me and the warmth in which you’ve shown in your response. I’m headed to work right now and would like to be able to write a more thorough response when I’m not rushed to get out the door. But to answer your question of if you can use this letter anonymously to post on your blog…. Yes! You have my utmost permission to do so. If I were stronger, maybe someday I’d even let you do it without anonymity. I’m not there yet, but I want to get there. Thank you for the contact number. I would love to talk to you sometime. Maybe I can try to give you a call on one of my upcoming days off work (Thursday/Friday)…. I’m not sure how you organize your days, so if there is a time that works best for you, let me know. I have more to say. And I will when my allotted time affords me the ability to do so. Thank you again. Is it possible that you could share the link to the blog post once you’ve decided to post it? I would really appreciate it. Talk soon Yes, to all and call anytime if you want to talk. Scott

  • Debate In Europe - Mental Retardation in The USA - Sounds about right!

    by Scott Newgent - Support My Work #SCREAMLouder #ScottNewgent #TReVoices In the UK, leaders are having a civilized, logical debate about gender ideology. As these debates continue, childhood gender clinics are closing swiftly across Europe. One of the debates was recently uploaded on Youtube, and it's worth a watch. The trans teen trend: a case of social contagion? Swedish childhood gender clinic documents show that girls on puberty blockers have side effects like osteoporosis, damage to spine, and the skeleton in general, because puberty blockers prevent the bones from absorbing the nutrition they need to grow and strengthen, leaving these girls hunched over like they are 100 at 15 without probably living past 30; is this the future for the US? (See blog entry for the translation to English version) Here in the USA? Full Speed ahead…..California becoming a legal refuge for any state that objects to stitching “penis roulades” on girls just below their belly buttons. While boys develop early-onset osteoporosis in their early 20s, cross-sex hormones also cause heart attacks. For Christ's sake, the leading gender surgeon transwoman Dr Marci Bowers admits that boys on puberty blockers will never experience an orgasm from these surgeries that are sold like candy to a toddler. Here in the USA? We have governors declaring childhood medical transition is child abuse. At the same time, they are taking envelopes with millions in donations from gender clinics, strategically pushing bills off that would ban what they say is child abuse but where they get millions of dollars from. It's absurd! ---> & yes, that is Texas Governor Greg Abbott! <------Lobbed to get the exact bill to make transing children a crime pushed off the floor 'We need to accept people speech." I say, "Balderdash!" Abbott, Patrick and Phelan Shut Down Child Protection Bills After Taking $2.47 Million from PACS Affiliated with Pediatric Gender Modification Clinics Try and keep up. I know your head is spinning! All studies that said it was beneficially retracted......The Heritage Report by Jay Greene corroborates what the international evidence is also saying --> which is that the evidence base shows the benefits of affirmative care DO NOT outweigh the risks. Retracted/Modified Studies I have miscalculated one thing with all this activism: the time it will take for people to get their heads out of their rectums! Every project I do, I think, "OK, this is it; this will stop childhood medical transition," only to have an egg thrown on my face. Because here in the USA, we are seeing a surge of detransitioner like this guy! Desperate for attention, he declares 'Detrans', and the media again jumps around for a mentally ill person. But let the floodgates open for donations and fame because that's what this dude needs, right? He is somehow overwhelmed with misery about children being medically transitioning...I don't buy it! This dude identified as Korean, too, I'm sorry, but this is someone who suddenly has a massive epiphany about transing children. OK, sure! 'Horsepucky!' The truth is that 'detrans' is the new activism cash cow. Claim 'detrans' start an org a viola. I have no doubt this dude will identify as whatever the next hot fame-making activism item is, whatever that may be. Oh, and he also threw in one for the evangelical team too. "I no longer identify as Korean or trans after finding god." Wink Wink Wink! When I started out in activism, this guy was heavy on the other side but claiming trans was the 'It" thing then. Now? Detrans. I do not lift myself up as a detrans because it's not effective to gain eyeballs from the people that need to know the truth, detrans are essential, yes, but it's an echo chamber; every liberal poo-poos it only hearing: "I used to be gay, but I found god!" BIGOT! Listen, I know I am not stellar in mental health. I was convinced I was born in the wrong body too, but I can call a spade a spade. Here in the USA? Our president. Combining the two things that ensure the longest time this craziness will continue. Comparing transgenderism to homosexuality using the same talk tracks used to gain homosexual rights – it's absurd. Never in my life did I think we would have such a sincere IDIOT in office. Biden denounces GOP states that limit child gender surgeries during same-sex marriage bill-signing ceremony | Fox News "For most of our nation's history, "we denied interracial couples and same-sex couples from these protections. We failed. We failed to treat them with equal dignity and respect. And now law requires interracial marriage. And same-sex marriage must be recognized as legal in every state in the nation," Biden said. "We need to challenge the hundreds of callous, cynical laws introduced in the states targeting transgender children, terrifying families and criminalizing doctors who give children the care they need," Biden said. Dumb and dumber. Sweden, the leading country for transgender health care and the only country to conduct any longer-term studies, declared that WPATH the so-called transgender baseline for care? Hogwash! Now refusing to use WPATH as a standard of care. Sweden, "child psychiatry will continue to be responsible for treating those under the age of 18 who experience gender incongruity and suffer from it. Care will now primarily consist of psychological support to help the youth live with the healthy body they were born with." Here in the USA? WPATH is a righteous god of solid fact-finding information here in the USA yet has never been held up in any court case in the world as sufficient. Here in the USA? Our president is proposed a new rule, Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)(Section 1557), lifting the little restrictions on childhood medical transition and opening the floodgates to trans kids younger faster, including surgeries like the ones above. Shop In other countries, laws are being enacted that are causing a wildfire, shutting down gender clinics with factual statements like this. "Extremely weak scientific foundation of the previous guidelines/knowledge support emerged, both the National Board of Health and Welfare and healthcare providers such as Karolinska Hospital have changed the guidelines point by point. The new knowledge support/guidelines will advise against surgery, puberty blockers and sex-opposite hormones before adulthood." Here in the USA? In San Francisco, they are giving away free money if you claim to be transgender, $1200 a month for those who identify as transgender, nonbinary, gender non-conforming or intersex, according to the program's website. In the state of Californian SB107 states, "Any child parent could take their child to California if their state refused childhood medical transition." Any states that make childhood medical transition illegal? Move to California. SB107. Any child parent could take their child to California if their state refused childhood medical transition. Any states that make childhood medical transition illove to California. Side note: Do you have a teenage son driving? Make sure you select non-binary on your auto insurance it will reduce your bill significantly. It's a feeling that can't be proven. Go for it and jump into the circus for some extra cash. I could go on and on and on and on and on and on.....These absurdities within this post are the cornerstone of why I say 'SCREAM Louder' because calm, rational debate is not working, my friends, not working! This is one of the reasons why I love 'Gays Against Groomers," they are doing it right, in your face, SCREAMING! Once you know the truth, I challenge you to hold yourself accountable, do something outside of the Twitter echo chamber, volunteer or donate to a cause you believe in but by all means, please do something! -Scott/Kellie Newgent SCREAM Louder Donate Support My Work - Currently working on Indiana, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Australia Supreme Court...too much to list

  • Activism to Save Kids From Medical Transition Is Not About Right & Left. It’s About Right & Wrong!

    Epoch Times - Original Article Link by, Scott Newgent Commentary Activism? Wow, what a carnival filled with clowns driven to climb to the top of the heap of social media for fame and fortune. Activism has always been a business—but before, social media activism was a much more level playing field. What about now? Currently, activism is filled with people whose sole purpose is to become rich and famous, monetize the cause, and do anything it takes for this free chain of revenue to roll in. All that needs to happen is to create a buzz with your message. The message? Does it really matter? No, it often does not. Driven people, intelligent and ruthless people, can claw their nails to a bloody pulp and reach fame and fortune without caring about the sermons they preach. Activism used to be about people and what was best for society. It didn’t always matter if you believed the activism you spoke of, but if one peeled away the top layer, you would see a glimpse of sincerity. Now? Not so much. Human beings are destructive, moldable, and impressionable. History has told us this for millions of years, yet somehow we believe that the current crop of the human race is more intelligent and sees through the muck. I guarantee in Germany, people thought they were evolved and intelligent enough to see through something as vile as what Hitler became—the same can be said about Mussolini and Stalin. All of these men were nominated for the Nobel Peace prize. Shocked? You shouldn’t be. When people understand the reality of the medical transitioning of children and the carnage it’s creating, they often ask me why and how it has happened. People are shocked—again, they shouldn’t be. Page through a history book sometime! My answer, though, still might shock you. But it’s quite simple. Activism, politics, media, and news, along with social media, have polarized, divided, and carved out huge moats around pockets of our society, creating an army mentality. Not to mention the gag rule on freedom of speech (and don’t tell me that’s not happening). I am a transman/lesbian who speaks out against the medicalization of children. I do this so well that every social media channel I have started has been banned at precisely when I reach the level of monetization. It happened again last week. I gave a speech in Nashville at Matt Walsh’s rally, and within sixty minutes of that speech, my newest attempt at social media, TikTok, was banned. I had the TikTok account for two weeks. Two weeks! In those two weeks, I had over two million views on a speech I gave in Southern California for the “Do No Harm” rally. Two million in eight days! I had thousands of followers, close to 20,000 and growing by the thousands per hour after the Nashville speech. Banned. Why? No reason given, but I can tell you why. I don’t play the left-right game. That’s lazy activism that has allowed nincompoops, who could care less about their message, to promote their mission: Rise to fame, no cost is too high. The left-right divide creates an army mentality within a part of society, so people feel threatened if people disagree with them. Support Scott & TReVoices - Donate Today Each army has a set of beliefs that must also be heard if the leaders want to rise to social media fame. It’s a brilliant business model, but it’s slothful and destructive activism. This divide is the single reason we are butchering an entire generation of gender-confused children, and Big Pharma loves it. In fact, it’s human nature to want to belong to something, and anything will do. Us humans? Not that complicated. We are easily led and find it hard to realign with a truth that goes against a part of society we desperately want to belong to. The reason why I gain so many followers so fast, and why I am silenced, is because I do care. I’ve done it. I know what’s coming for these kids, and I will work with anyone who wants to spread the message. Now, don’t think for a minute, when I am at conservative, religious rallies and listening to the speeches, I don’t sometimes feel like I’m hearing nails on a chalkboard, and I don’t want to grab the mic and scream, “You are the problem! This rhetoric creates a divide!” But I simply smile courteously, because I know that although I might not agree with all of what is said, I find more common ground than expected. I also see people who genuinely believe in what they are saying but amplify their voices with the laziness of left-right. Should we expect any less? Look at the latest social media celebrities. Polarized with left-right, it’s nauseous. “What does the left have to say about this?’ “The right promotes bigotry and hate!” This is the reason why social media is so scared of me, and they should be. I don’t do lazy activism. I don’t allow myself to be put in any box, because no part of society has it right: not the evangelicals, liberals, conservatives, atheists, gays, lesbians, transgender people, no one. My refusal to be circled and thrown into a certain part of society has made it almost impossible to gain traction. In four years, every social media site has banned my organization and me. TikTok was a test. I didn’t even post on TikTok myself. I had a college-educated volunteer media rep, who knew the guidelines and adhered to them, yet still, after my Tennessee speech? Banned, no reason given. My refusal to acquiesce is the secret sauce to open people’s minds, and when my secret sauce spreads, people are shocked with the reality of why we are butchering a generation of kids and how much money there is to be made. As long as society believes that “transing” kids are about human rights, if this fiction is kept intact, Big Pharma has squads of ignorant army soldiers spewing “Transwomen are real women.” Other lazy citizens jump on the bandwagon, just like people in Germany did with Hitler. Sure, people didn’t feel quite right about it, but they kept quiet. I do not. I also can convey a message, coupled with my experience with having gone through a medical transition, having my own kids at the age they are transitioning kids, and instantly I am the biggest threat to the medicalization of children. But, because I do not conform to the laziness of the left and right, I have no support. People appreciate my voice, but you have to go outside of your political army to support me. If evangelicals support me, they are supporting someone who believes same-sex attraction is not a choice for most. Yet I do think that same-sex attraction can be persuaded, and that’s wrong, and LGBTQ content belongs nowhere in school systems. Boom, I lose the gay and lesbian support. Liberals supporting me will be helping someone who believes that a woman who gets pregnant and is carrying life should act accordingly, whether the baby is inside or outside of her body. Boom, we lost the liberals and the feminists. I could go on and on, but you get my point. While I sat back watching all the speeches in Nashville at Matt Walsh’s rally (I admire Matt and I like him), I put up with the nails on the chalkboard, because what’s being done to children should supersede any political agenda. As adults, as parents, we should be better at being adults. We must “adult” better. So, as the speeches end and the carving of the moat is dug broader, the followers increase, and the zombie followers promote and donate—and what do I get? I get “appreciated” and then banned from all social media. To top it off, the day I got back from the rally, my boss where I worked, a “non-binary” person married to a transman? She fired me, made it known she saw me in the “What Is a Woman” documentary, and has been after me since. Again, people feel bad, but does anyone support me? You have to go against that army, which is problematic. Trust me, I know. I’ve been doing it for four years, and I refuse to give in because what is happening to kids is beyond wrong. So, what is the fastest way to stop the medicalization of children? For social media stars, step outside of what is most profitable for you, remove the walls of us vs. them, move aside, and promote people who can communicate the message in a way that most people can hear it. Supporting people like me, even if you get flack from your army. Because saying “I admire you” in a secret email is a pathetic excuse for “adulting better!” Medical transition of children is not about right and left. It’s about right and wrong. It’s time to scream louder by screaming differently. Because a bigot today within the activism of the medicalization of children is a hero tomorrow! Views expressed in this article are the opinions of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

  • Evangelical, right-wing, who doesn't back down from his beliefs, a trans/lesbian who feels the same

    Support Scott's Work - Link I did a podcast months ago with Eddy Bryce at 'Liberty Station,' and I was depleted! I had just finished the Anaheim 'Do no harm rally'. I had another infection caused by trans health, my bottom surgery (FYI....experimental, dangerous as all-trans health is, including cross-sex hormones, puberty blockers, all bottom surgery... exploratory). I was in a bad place, wasted emotionally and physically, and with most people when the deraining of all reservoirs collide, it's a place that becomes unbearable both spiritually, emotionally and physically. The day started with a church service at Eddy's place of worship. The sermon was about the virtues of submitting to the godly roles of 'Men' and 'Women.' Wowza, if I would have been in my twenties, I would have snatched the mic from the preacher, bitch slapped him and started giving my own kind of sermon. Drained from not feeling well, as well as age, allowed me to take in the message without agreeing 100%, but understanding the message, understanding that for some, that message was strengthening for them and some needed that message to be ok that day. Regardless of my opinion of the sermon, it resonated with many in the service. That day I was at a place where I could find joy for others who found comfort in a message I did not fully agree with. Almost two years ago, I wrote an article in Newsweek, "We Need Balance When It Comes to Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know | Opinion Link I ended the article with a plea: We now have the obligation to work together to slow trans medicalization of minors until they are adults and have the capacity to truly understand the lifelong consequences of transitioning. As a former lesbian and current trans man, I maintain this is not transphobic. It is actually sensitive and caring to recognize that not just one treatment or pathway is right for all kids. Therefore, I am currently building a bipartisan army to protect our children, hold the medical industry accountable and educate our president and the rest of society about the dangers of transgender extremism. We must throw our differences aside for a moment; I promise you, once children are safe, we can resume fighting. But until children are safe, nothing else matters. So, endocrinologists and pediatricians, moderate Democrats and moderate Republicans, radical feminists and evangelicals, lawyers and psychologists, parents and teachers: My hand is out. I will grab yours and turn down no one. Together, we can build a circle around our most precious resource: our children. Help me fulfil the promise I made on the night I almost gave up, to be here for my children—and now yours. Who's with me? The first person to reach out to me who didn't align with my beliefs most drastically was Michael Brown, an evangelical writer, preacher and motivational speaker for the way of life that has thumped me on the head with their bible my entire life. A way of life that reminded me that I never fit as a lesbian, as an alpha female. Micheal represented the community with the most significant share of the pie, explaining why I jumped at the idea when the therapist told me I was born in the wrong body. His email was quickly returned with my signature, "Fu$& You!" I mean, my plea in the Newsweek article was meant for EVERYONE but the Michaels of the world! I washed my hands of that a**hole who dared to reach out when I asked him to, and he got what he deserved. Or did he? Days went by, and my reply haunted me. I spent days watching the Twitter wars of the left/right, the war mentality that encourages social media stars to lift news organizations with the brilliant business model of: "You Are in Danger....I can save you; just come over here. We have a gang that can protect you from the evildoers!" This business model of left/right has been sold to our society so well that we refuse to talk to each other, we refuse to compromise, and we refuse to find any human side, compassion or value to the people with which we disagree. Social media has capitalized on the 'DANGERS' of people who disagree so much that now 'cancel culture' is so alive that we have an entire generation of gender-confused children who are being butchered, and society cheers. I called Michael back, and we have a great relationship, and something came within my grasp of understanding in the time we have been talking. As much as you think we don't need people who categorically disagree with our core beliefs? As much as we think we don't need these people? That's how much we actually NEED them. Why? Because balance only comes with one person on each side of the teeter-totter. If a classmate jumps off? We slam to the ground. Balance is only achieved when difference is present. The absence of differences leads us to a dangerous place, a place we are currently at. This podcast with Bryce is one of my favourites, and Bryce? What a fantastic man, and guess what? We disagree a lot, but I love him anyway for his soul, like how we allow ourselves to love our family members who don't agree with us on core issues. 2023 will be the year we STOP the medicalization of gender-confused kids...Or shall I say, it can be the year. For us to accomplish this? We need to grab hands to help society see the truth. One community cannot do it; we need all of us. Pretend the whole world is your family, because if we break it down, that's what we all are to each other, family! We need to start acting like it. In 2023, grab my hand and let SCREAM Louder save gender-confused children. Scott This episode is one you will not want to miss! We are glad to have our co-belligerent, Scott Newgent , on with our Host, Bryce Eddy. Scott is an activist and voice for those who are being manipulated into transitioning & against the evil and vile movement to sexualize and sterilize our children! To get a FREE info kit on diversifying and protecting your savings with precious metals in a TAX-SHELTERED account text LIBERTY to 989898. Use discount code LIBERTY @ to receive $30 off your purchase PLUS FREE Express Shipping. Visit or dial 805-372-0821 to learn more about value-based investing with Devoted Capital today! Go to or call 972-PATRIOT. Get FREE ACTIVATION with the offer code LIBERTY. BE A THREAT TO THE GREAT RESET! Join our community by Subscribing to us on: Liftable TV - Rumble - Brighteon - Podcast - Follow Scott Newgent's work -

  • Sweden terminates cooperation with the transmedical organization (WPATH)

    The Swedes have decided to go turn their backs on the "activist organization WPATH" (World Professional Association for Transgender Health) and have updated the knowledge support and guidelines upon which care for care of children with gender dysphoria is based. According to the Swedish medical journal Läkartidningen, the National Board of Health and Welfare will publish the new guidelines in their entirety before the end of the year, and the previous guidelines/knowledge support with their/its extremely weak scientific foundation will be terminated. Both the National Board of Health and Welfare and healthcare providers have changed the guidelines point by point. The new knowledge support/guidelines will advise against surgery, puberty blockers and sex-opposite hormones before adulthood. by Iris El "No irreversible medication or surgery will be offered to children under the age of 18," writes Mats Reimer, M.D. "In Swedish healthcare, child psychiatry will continue to be responsible for treating those under the age of 18 who experience gender incongruity and suffer from it. Care will now primarily consist of psychological support to help the youth live with the healthy body they were born with." Last October Eldur wrote a detailed, critical, and controversial article about the newly published WPATH guidelines, which abolished not only age criteria, but also because the began classifying so-called "eunuchs" as a gender identity. "The protection of children has been neglected, and ideology has been put above everything else," Deville wrote. "WPATH's guidelines are used indiscriminately by trans activists in Iceland in order to get their demands in the health system advanced." "It's a welcome Advent gift for my little heart — the middle-aged gay man who's still on good terms with the teenage boy I once was," says Eldur Deville, spokesperson for Samtökin 22 - Gay Interest Association. "There is still hope. Now that Sweden's health authorities have thrown the WPATH's guidelines into the trash, where they belong, Swedish parents can breathe a little easier, a little longer." Eldur adds.

  • Exposing TRANSGENDERISM - Ben Shapiro & Trans Scott Newgent Break Down Facts, Exposing The Lie

    Ben edited me a bit, but still good. The politician I was speaking about is Texas Govenor Greg Abbott! Handcuffs are coming! Good Stuff Post Everywhere, People Are Starting To Listen Support Scott To SCREAM Louder: Donate or pick up a SCREAM Louder T-Shirt

  • TReVoices/Gays Against Groomers United Front Standing With Lundtrum In Landmark Appeal - Monday

    TReVoices/Scott Newgent & Gays Against Groomer' Presidenr Jaimee Michell Creates A Untied Front To Stand With Robin Lunstrum As Landmark Appeal Case Resumes Monday in Little Rock, Arkansas. SCREAMING Louder....STOP Transing kids, are you nuts! Of every public person I have come in contact with, whose face is out there in the media? I have met many who are somewhat genuine, but I have met only one who puts the skin needed in the game to accomplish what’s needed to win. That person is Robin Luntrim  in Arkansas. Only one person I told when I got my new job that I would publically help if she needed it as I try to get my feet under me. Tonight I received that call. Robin needs help and support. Consider a donation for travel expenses - Donate Next week Robin faces the ACLU. Robin has been torn up and down with what a horrid bigot she is, and my God, she's not. We are a great team, the southern evangelical Christian and the feisty  trans/lesbian who says, "Fuck that, Robin," without flinching Robin replies, "Well, fudge that, Scott, we are in the contrary; we agree to disagree!" She makes me laugh, never steps outside of her beliefs; she is graceful and  genuine, puts her skin in the game, and she needs me. A timeline follows the history-making trial that starts begins again on November 28, in six days. I told Robin several weeks back that I would help her if she needed it; she says she does. I've asked my boss for the Monday off to be by her side as the historic case beings again on the 28th, a transman/ lesbian blocking the trans radicals' words of true hate to stand beside one of the most amazing people of our time. Trust me, you would feel the same if you knew her. Consider a donation for travel expenses - Donate First Bill Passed To Stop Childhood Medical Transition: Arkansas Save Adolescents From Experimentation Act by, Robin Lunstrum Republican • 87th District - 93rd General Assembly About Robin Logged February 2021 Save Adolescents From Experimentation Act by, Robin Lunstrum April 2021, Arkansas became the first state to pass the SAFE Act, shielding minors from puberty-blocking drugs, opposite-sex hormones, and gender reassignment surgeries. The ACLU and others filed a lawsuit against the SAFE Act summer 2021 before the law officially took effect. In July 2021, U.S. District Judge James Moody temporarily blocked the state from enforcing the law while the lawsuit progressed. Arkansas’ Attorney General has asked the Eighth Circuit to lift his order so that the state can start enforcing the law right away, but was denied. In August of 2022, a three-judge panel of the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Moody’s preliminary injunction. A three-judge panel of the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Moody’s preliminary injunction. U.S. District Court in Little Rock announced the lawsuit over Arkansas’ Save Adolescents From Experimentation (SAFE) Act went to trial the week of October 17, 2022. Nov 16th A federal appeals court said it won’t reconsider its ruling temporarily blocking Arkansas from enforcing its ban on gender-affirming care for children. Moody, an appointee of President Barack Obama, is now presiding over a two-part trial to determine the fate of the SAFE Act. The families of trans-identifying youth and doctors testified against it in the first week of the trials, which began Oct. 17. The second part of the trial is set to take place on November 28th 2022. A landmark trial over whether to strike down the ban began before the same judge last month and is set to resume Nov. 28. Save Adolescents from Experimentation Act Logged February 2021 - Robin Lunstrum

  • WPATH Challenged, New York Times Chimes in the Transing Kids Debate & More...'Cheering & Pondering'

    WPATH Standards of Care 8 – On September 15, WPATH heralded the document: "The Standards of Care 8 represents the most comprehensive set of guidelines ever produced to assist health care professionals around the world in support of transgender and gender diverse adults, adolescents, and children who are taking steps to live their lives authentically." The WPATH “The Standards of Care 8” is a toxic brew of ideology, quackery, and paganism, dressed up as medicine. Never have I come across such appalling examples of ideology infecting medicine: The “guidelines” are filled with ideological claptrap. Irreversible medication and surgeries are “gender-affirming health care”. Terms like “cisgender” and the factually inaccurate, obnoxious, and embarrassing “sex assigned at birth” are used. Clinics are told to implement “gender neutral toilets”. Any references to safeguarding of children have been removed, as are age limits for puberty blockers, hormones or surgery, as long as a child has reached ‘Tanner Stage 2’ (which can be as young as 9). There’s no requirement for a child to have taken hormones prior to surgery “if not desired [by the child, because according to these “standards” there is obviously no need for medical professionals” Double mastectomy, euphemized as “chest masculinization” or “top surgery” “can be “considered in minors.” Extremely concerning is that “chest masculinization surgery” (i.e. double mastectomy) “can be considered in minors”. WPATH states that “vaginoplasty” may be considered for under 18 year olds. Hormone treatment is recommended even though it can cause “infertility”. I am willing to bet that Mengele would have had the shame to keep writings such as this under lock and key. With the piety of a Chinese footbinder, WPATH suggests that physicians provide education to children on “chest binding” and “genital tucking” to provide “comfort” and “lower rates of misgendering”. This is even though the former can cause pain, infections and disfigurements, and the latter can cause decreased sperm concentration. Parents are alienated. Healthcare professionals are advised to “challenge” parents unsupportive of medical transition. They are recommended to prescribe hormone treatment for children without parental involvement, if such involvement would be “harmful or unnecessary”. These recipes for physical harm and medical malpractice suits are quackery that poses grave danger to public health. That the Centers for Disease Control parttakes in this torture of children is a scandal that the institution and the medical profession will never recover from. As a transman myself, I have been SCREAMING about the reality of WPATH, only to have my words fall on deaf ears until recently. Lately, more media outlets are waking up and finding the nerve to speak about this horrific truth, regardless of the unicorn fart stink and glitter bombs they will have to endure. Beyond WPATH: A Conversation with Dr. Joe Burgo Joseph Burgo & Zander Keig, LCSW Join FAIR in Medicine for our webinar Beyond WPATH: A Conversation With Dr. Joseph Burgo, hosted by Zander Keig Last Thursday, Nov. 17, 2022, a pivotal seminar was hosted by Zander Keig, WPATH Ethics Committee member and a WPATH Global Education Institute faculty member.. Dr Joseph Burgo, a physiotherapist and a world-renowned author who established, issued a declaration stating: Dr. Burgo's Declaration: WPATH Has Discredited Itself “With the recent release of its ‘Standards of Care, 8th Edition’, the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has undermined its standing as the preeminent authority on health care for gender-questioning youth. WPATH's neglect of safeguarding issues for children, its adherence to ideological views unsupported by evidence, its exclusion of ethical concerns, and its mischaracterization of basic science all make its Standards a fundamentally unreliable guide…” Read the rest of the declaration. The event was held last Thursday, and it was a powerhouse. Dr Burgo began with his shock and awe as he unwittingly opened up the new version of the WPATH Standards, expecting to find solid science-based evidence. I can tell you I felt the same when I read the WPATH Standards almost four years ago. I contacted eight attorneys in Texas for my transgender phalloplasty surgery medical malpractice case against Dr Curtis Crane, only to get the inevitable call of rejections: "Sorry, Scott, I was not aware that transgender health care is experimental without a baseline for care." My shock and awe at WPATH reality mirrored Dr Burgo’s. His opening comments hit me as only a personal understanding of reality can:: "I was astounded at reading the new version of WPATH, not believing that what I was ready for was from an accredited organization. I was stunned and appalled the entire time I read the new version of WPATH!" Dr Burgo stated. But the most shocking part of the event was when Burgo and Zeil spoke about the section on Eunuchs. WPATH takes what should be an appalling stand in 'Eunuchs' as a new gender identity, referring to a male whose testicles have been removed. WPATH, founded in 1979, has never held up as a substance analysis or baseline to compare merging any transgender procedures or recommendations of treatment of transgender health in any court, anywhere in the world. The success of Dr Burgo's declarations has resulted in thousands of signatures and significant media coverage. Detransitioner Abel Garcia, Gays Against Groomer's President Jaimee Michell, Detransitioner Chloe Cole, Gays Against Groomer's Treasure Sasha Leigh, Scott Newgent Transman Founder of TReVoices, Pamela Garfield-Jaeger, LCSW known as the 'Truthful Therapist' on Instagram Transgender Health Association' Discredited Itself' by Failing to Protect Children, Critics Claim Janice Hisle November 16, 2022 Updated: November 16, 2022 ‘Greed Being Sold As Love’ While WPATH and other groups assert that hormones and surgery improve quality of life for transgender people, Newgent knows of very few people who have remained content with their gender-transition decision many years later. Newgent, who underwent the procedures as an adult, has amassed $1.2 million in medical bills and has struggled with repeated infections and other complications. Newgent believes profit motives are fueling the medicalization of trans-identifying people, especially easily-influenced teens. Read More The most shocking part of the event was when Burgo and Zeil spoke about the section on Eunuchs. WPATH takes what should be an appalling stand in 'Eunuchs' as a new gender identity, referring to a male whose testicles have been removed. As a transgender man and someone who has studied this appalling turn in medicine, I see this newfound fascination WPATH has with Eunuch as a strategic promotion, a public-driven push to promote the newfound profitable craze sweeping across the US with an unenlightened society silent or applauding what they unfortunately are too ignorant to understand; 'Queer Surgery Centers." This newfound fascination with eunuchs is again not about love or acceptance but money! This newfound medical revenue channel is not satisfied with the transgender revenue; billions of dollars is not enough; they want more. What does a greedy dragon do? Create another revenue channel! The channel doesn't have to make sense; it just has to fit in with the LGBTQ community. Two years ago, my original Twitter was banned, because I was raising awareness about 'Queer Surgery Centers.' Most people believe I was banned from SCREAMING regarding transgender medicine, and I was, but that was accepted by Twitter, because the curve was changing, and they knew it; it's the reality of a craze; transgender opposition was taking a turn, can't stop a ball rolling down the hill, but you can prevent a ball from getting to the top faster. Wrong Kind Of Trans Banned By Twitter-A Must Read Appeal By Transman Scott Newgent - Twitter Ban by Scott Newgent Read 2020 The gruesome rise of nonbinary surgery Trans ideology treats the most grisly experimental procedures as life-affirming healthcare. by Jo Bartosch - November 16, 2022 Read "For instance, ‘nonbinary identities’, including identifying as a ‘eunuch’, are now officially recognised in the Standards of Care proposed by the international transgender body WPATH. WPATH guidelines have informed the advice and treatment pathways offered by health services across the world, including the NHS. Unlike boob jobs or brow lifts, gender-transition treatments to align a patient’s ‘gender identity’ with their physical appearance are often treated as necessary forms of healthcare. Although nonbinary surgeries are comparatively niche at present, they shelter under the same ideology – the idea that when bodies and identities are misaligned, this can be corrected through medical intervention." My surgeon, Dr Curtis Crane, is at the forefront of Eunuch medicine. Does that surprise you? It doesn't surprise me. Transgender medicine is now being outed, Dr Crane's Phalloplasty business has dwindled, and a new revenue stream has been found: ‘I can’t think of a time that a patient has come up with a surgical request that I haven’t been able to fulfil’, boasts Dr Curtis Crane in a YouTube video advertising his services. Crane is a leading US plastic surgeon who offers a full range of gender-reassignment surgeries. Notably, he also performs ‘nonbinary’ procedures on patients who don’t identify as either male or female. In doing so, he stands at the very frontier of trans ideology. While the public is being educated, gays and lesbians like 'Gays against Groomers" are coming to the table, joining the fight and being heard because of powerhouses like Jaime Michell, we have to dig deeper as the curve balls keep coming. Now what do we need to do from a strategic point of view? Get into more liberal media with the hype of the transgender crazy finally being highlighted and ever so carefully start to educate on the 'Eunuch' 'Queer Surgery' that has been sneaking up and about to BOOM....Trust me, it will be the same thing, people in awe at the ridiculousness of it. Still, your shock will not stop the new train from coming, but SCREAMING the right way will! They Paused Puberty, but Is There a Cost? Puberty blockers can ease transgender youths' anguish and buy time to weigh options. But concerns are growing about long-term physical effects and other consequences. By Megan Twohey and Christina Jewett Nov. 14, 2022 This groundbreaking project breaking into a liberal space, 'The New York Times' has been over seven months, including spreadsheets, articles, studies, the inevitable speech I give to anyone before I say yes to help, and the same one I gave to Christina Jewett. If you speak to anyone I help, they will tell you of a thirty-minute rant; I explain the catastrophe of the medicalization of children, the realities and what's to come from an intimate perspective. I also ask a single question at the end: 'If I help you, will you have the strength to tell the truth when you publish this project even if you know you will be attacked?' If they answer 'yes' I continue to help, if they waiver? I hang up, don't have time the niceties. Again, if truth be told, I'm struggling with the vanity of knowing the peeling of my chest? The sacrifices made will never be known, but this entire tragedy. It will, in a portion, be from me and others; yes, I know that. But my struggle is caring that I won't get credit. Who feels that way? This has been my struggle this week as I jump for joy, then revel in selfishness and instinctively aware I have another fight at the beginning of a battle people have no clue about......Yet, they will because what am I coming to understand? Although a selfish part of me cares about the credit I won't get, I have a why that no one truly knows. Someday I will reveal, but this is why? It won't let me quit, even if my selfish side shows its ugly head. I'm shackled and in perspective; thank God I am because it takes the selfless person and that doesn't exist. We all are selfish to a degree. At times I want to slap the holy hell out of me, and these shackles; force me to do what's right regardless of my feelings. In hindsight, maybe that is what was needed all along, an unselfishness person doesn't exist, these shackles force me to appear selfless, and I'm trying to learn to come to an understanding of that: I am not selfish, requiring others to be is not a good business model for life relationships ….Growing always sucks doesn't it! Scott Newgent SCREAM Louder

  • Our Trans Kids - Swedish Documentary Translated - Huge Must Read Post!

    Recently I saw myself in a differential diagnosis project that an American medical student shared on Twitter: “A mother brings her 15 year old daughter to the doctor. She is worried that her daughter is not developing normally. The 'patient' plays football, dresses in traditional boy's clothes and refuses to wear dresses. The daughter's teacher says the girl wants to use male pronouns at school. Her periods are regular, and she is otherwise healthy. The physical examination is unremarkable. What is the next step in this patient's treatment?” The poor medical student chose "refer to a psychologist/psychiatrist." But that was "wrong." The "correct" answer was to "affirm" the girl and refer mother and daughter to various alphabet-mafia organizations. I was younger than this "patient," maybe 10 or 11 years old, when I wanted to be "George," because I was a big fan of Enid Blyton's Five Books, and I wanted to be like one of the protagonists. It never occurred to me or my parents that I was “queer” or gay. In my childhood neither schools nor parents believed that children's imaginations were reality, and my parents – if they even noticed my “George” period – did...nothing. Fortunately. Today I could have ended up like "Leo", the 15-year-old featured in the Swedish National Television documentary “Trans Kids” (Swedish National TV report: Transbarnen: Tvärvändningen – With English subtitles). The film begins with the frightful news that Leo's parents have received regarding their youngest child, who has been complaining of constant body pain for months and has difficulty standing and walking. Leo was eleven years old when she told her parents she wanted to be a boy. They took her to the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, where they were informed that "the sooner Leo starts puberty suppressing drugs, the better," despite the fact that no reliable research supported the “medical treatments” that Leo [and many other children] would receive at Karolinska. The few studies available were, in fact, of “extremely low…poor quality.”* Leo has now been on puberty blockers for four years and her health is getting worse. “He was better for a while [after treatment began], but then his mental health deteriorated… He tried to take his own life several times...and he wasn't very old." Leo's family has received no information about the safety record or possible harm of anti-puberty drugs and hormones. "We couldn't understand why, we thought he would get better. Everyone said what brave parents we were...We thought we were doing the right thing." Leo complains of pain daily, and her parents take her to Karolinska. Leo is now 15 years old and has been on puberty blockers and hormones for four years. Leo has difficulty standing and moving and complains of pain in shoulders, back and hips. Examination and tests reveal that Leo has osteoporosis and spinal vertebral damage and fractures, caused by the puberty blockers and hormones that prevent normal metabolism and absorption of minerals necessary for healthy skeletal growth and strength. Leo is also much shorter than her peers and will not grow more. Leo’s mother Natalie: A healthy skeleton has been destroyed by this medicine…We trusted the doctors.” "We really don't know how long it's safe to give these drugs [puberty blockers and hormones] but two years is maybe defensible,” one of Karolinska experts is quoted in the film. Puberty blockers and hormones actually have "serious side effects", and on May 1, 2021, The Karolinska Hospital bans all such treatments in minor children and reports itself to the Swedish Health Authorities for an investigation of the serious injury that children have suffered at its Transgender Youth Clinic. In February 2022, The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare announces that prescription of puberty blockers and other hormonal treatment to trans persons under the age of 18 will no longer be allowed in Sweden. The significance of undergoing "medical" treatments based on "very low…poor quality" data and research is rarely discussed with patients and families. The rating "very low quality" means that the “negative effects of the treatment are quite certain.” For example, anti-puberty drugs and hormone treatments cause infertility, osteoporosis, increased risk of heart disease and risk of brain damage. Breast and genital removal are, of course, permanent. Other health risks are uncertain, but "the results of studies on the consequences of these treatments are alarming."** 24 year old woman post sex transition surgery. Her breasts have been removed, and a “neophallus” has been sewed onto the supra-pubic area. r/Transgender_Surgeries Phalloplasty techniques: Forearm skin and flesh is harvested to construct a “neophallus” to be sewed on the patient’s suprapubic area. We, who oppose the Trans ideology are often asked why we bother – and dare – to fight this religion. The answer is obvious. We are the mothers and parents of the Trans generation that the Trans cult wants to poison, castrate, and mutilate. If we do not fight for our children, truth and reality, no one else will. Our children, however they want to "identify" themselves, are perfect. We don't give them TransHeroin, even if they say all the other kids get it. It doesn't matter if the drug dealers are ministers, members of Parliament, doctors, or Trans activists. And we don't much care if our children call us "transphobes”, haters and every bad name in the book. "That’s nice dear. Now go study." Scott Newgent One of my best friends, Scott Newgent, was 42 when he underwent sex reassignment surgery. He has been disabled ever since and has dedicated his life to fighting against youth sex transitions. Scott, who has three children, says "no" is one of the most important and under-utilized words in the parenting vocabulary. “You are not your child’s friend,” Scott says. “Your job is not to shield your kids from ‘feeling bad’. It is to protect your children from the consequences of their own worst impulses. And it’s a job at which we’re failing miserably.” Íris Erlingsdóttir is an Icelandic journalist. She lives in Minnesota, USA. *[“Evidence for puberty blocking and cross-sex hormones is of ‘very low quality’ and ‘very low certainty’, which signals that the benefits of these interventions is highly unreliable. In contrast, several negative effects are quite certain.” NHS, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence, 2020”]. *“Reconsidering Informed Consent for Trans-Identified Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults” Stephen B. Levine, E. Abbruzzese & Julia W. Mason Pages 706-727 | Published online: 17 Mar 2022

Scott Newgent

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